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Founding Editor an C er G. Mathe mmunology J immunotherapy Other Biological Response Modifications Volume 35 1992 Editors in Chief R. W. Baldwin E. Mihich Editorial Board F. Balkwill London K. Hellstrém Seattle, WA R. Rees Sheffield J. Bennett Albany, NY K. Hoffken Essen R. A. Reisfeld La Jolla, CA N. Bloksma Utrecht A. Houghton New York, NY H. F. Sewell Nottingham H. Blythman Basel H. Kirchner Heidelberg K. Sikora London R. Bolhuis Rotterdam E. Kleinerman Houston, TX Z. Steplewski Philadelphia, PA V.S. Byers Nottingham W. Knapp Vienna G. Stevenson Southampton T. Carey Ann Arbor, MI H. Kobayashi Sapporo J. Talmadge Omaha, NE M. Cheever Seattle, WA M. Mastrangelo Philadelphia, PA E. Tsubura Osaka M. Colnaghi Milan J. McVie London A. Uchida Kyoto S. Dray Chicago, IL M. Mitchell Los Angeles, CA F. Vanky Stockholm S. Eccles Sutton, Surrey M. Moore London E. Vitetta Dallas, TX M. J. Ehrke Buffalo, NY R. J. North Saranac Lake, NY B. Vose Cheshire M. Fopp St. Gallen G. Parmiani Milan E. Grimm Houston, TX M. Price Nottingham Springer International Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy Other Biological Response Modifications This journal was founded in 1976. Founding editor: G. Mathé Editors: R. W. Baldwin, E. Mihich Published by Springer International Copyright Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere; that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities at the institute where the work has been carried out; that, if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher; and that the manuscript will not be published elsewhere in any language without the consent of the copyright holders. All articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article (e. g., as offprints), as well as all translation rights. No material published in this journal may be reproduced photographically or stored on microfilm, in electronic data bases, video disks, etc., without first obtaining written permission from the publisher. The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, etc., in this publication, even if not specifically identified, does not imply that these names are not protected by the relevant laws and regulations. While the advice and information in this journal is believed to be true and accurate at the date of its going to press, neither the authors, the editors, nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. Special regulations for photocopies in the USA: Photocopies may be made for personal or inhouse use beyond the limitations stipulated under Section 107 or 108 of U. S. Copyright Law, provided a fee is paid. This fee is US $ 0.20 per page per copy, plus a basic fee of US $ 2.00 per article. All fees should be paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, USA, stating the ISSN 0340-7004, the volume, and the first and last page numbers of each article copied. The copyright owner’s consent does not include copying for general distribution, promotion, new works, or resale. In these cases, specific written permission must first be obtained from the publisher. Printed in Germany by E. Kieser GmbH Graphischer Betrieb, D-8902 Neusaf3 bei Augsburg © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1992 Contents of volume 35 phoma and its in vivo variants is modulated by changes in IL-2 expression; potential No.1 (pp 1- 74) published April 1992 therapeutic implications 347 No. 2 (pp 75-150) published May 1992 Chang CC — Zhai Y-F No. 3 (pp 151-224) published July 1992 Chao K-C —> Lee C-YG No. 4 (pp 225-296) published August 1992 Chao T-Y — Yang KD No. 5 (pp 297 —364) published September 1992 Chen KW > Lee C-YG No. 6 (pp 365 —430) published October 1992 Cheng S-N > Yang KD Chong AS-F, Staren ED, Scuderi P: Mono- clonal antibodies anti-CD3, anti-TCRoB and anti-CD2 act synergistically with tumor Abbondanza A — Battelli MG Bateman WJ > Morris AG cells to stimulate lymphokine-activated Abe H, Tani T, Shibata J, Kodama M: Induc- Battelli MG, Abbondanza A, Tazzari PL, killer cells and tumor-infiltrating lympho- tion of antitumor activities in spleen cells Bolognesi A, Lemoli RM, Stirpe F: T lym- cytes to secrete interferon y 335 from mice and rats activated with lipopoly- phocyte killing by a xanthine-oxidase-con- Clavo AC > Yang FE saccharide immobilized on beads 39 taining immunotoxin 421 Collavo D > Zanovello P Abe R —> Arinaga S Baum RP = Fischer P ‘ Collinson AR > Rasmussen RA Abu-hadid MM — Chakravarty PK Baxevanis CN — Papanastasiou M Colombo N = Apiranthitou-Drogari M Ackerstein A > Morecki S Bear HD —> Inge TH Coogan M — Young MRI Adachi M —> Inoue H Belldegrun A > Koo AS Counts SL — Rasmussen RA Adachi Y — Sasaoki T Berki T, Németh P: Photo-immunotargeting Crum CP — Barber SR Adler R > Hurwitz E with haematoporphyrin conjugates activated Curley J > Ballou B Aggarwal BB — Ioannides CG by a low-power He-Ne laser 69 Ahmed T —> Mittelman A Bernasconi S — Apiranthitou-Drogari M Daculsi R > Vaillier D Akaza H > Kawai K Bethke KP > Inge TH Darley RL > Morris AG Akiyoshi T > Arinaga S Bigler RD — Hubbell HR Delprino L > Brusa P Akiyoshi T > Inoue H Blumenthal RD > Boerman OC Derbyshire EJ, Stahel RA, Wawrzynczak EJ: Allavena P >Apiranthitou-Drogari M Bochner B > Koo AS Cytotoxic properties of a ricin A chain im- Aninipot RL > Boerman OC Boeckmann W — Fischer P munotoxin recognising the cluster-5A an- Announcement: 1993 Keystone Symposia Boerman OC, Sharkey RM, Wong GY, tigen associated with human small-cell lung Meetings 364 Blumenthal RD, Aninipot RL, Goldenberg cancer 417 Antognetti G > Reilly EB DM: Influence of antibody protein dose on Dopfer R > Handgretinger R Apiranthitou-Drogari M, Paganin C, Bernas- therapeutic efficacy of radioiodinated anti- Dosio F > Brusa P coni S, Losa G, Maneo A, Colombo N, bodies in nude mice bearing GW-39 human Dueck M — Schlag P Mantovani A, Allavena P: In search of spe- tumor 127 cific cytotoxic T lymphocytes infiltrating or Bolognesi A — Battelli MG Egawa K — Tanino T accompanying human ovarian carcino- Bright RK — Mernaugh RL Eremin O > Park KGM ma 289 Bronte V — Zanovello P Esselman WJ —> Zhai Y-F Arii S — Sasaoki T Brown RS — Yang FE Estabrook A > Leon JA Arinaga S > Inoue H Brusa P, Dosio F, Pietribiasi F, Delprino L, Arinaga S, Karimine N, Takamuku K, Feraiorni P, Mariani M, Bussolati G, Cattel Feraiorni P > Brusa P Nanbara S, Inoue H, Abe R, Watanabe D, L: Antitumour activity of a sterically Finch M — Hand PH Matsuoka H, Ueo H, Akiyoshi T: Correla- blocked ricin immunotoxin on a human Fischer P, Baum RP, Tauber M, Boeckmann tion of eosinophilia with clinical response in colorectal adenocarcinoma grafted subcu- W, Weier S, Scherberich JE: Immunoscinti- patients with advanced carcinoma treated taneously in nude mice 373 graphic localization of renal tumours in an with low-dose recombinant interleukin-2 Burkett BA — Barber SR extracorporeal perfusion model with a mon- and mitomycinC 246 Bussolati G > Brusa P oclonal antibody against y-glutamyltrans- Arlin Z > Mittelman A Byers V, Levin AS, Ozanoff D, Baldwin RW: ferase 283 Armstrong C > Koo AS Reply to the comment on the interpretation Fisher PB — Leon JA Ashby JA — Park KGM of lymphocyte phenotyping 221 Fisk B — Ioannides CG Azuma E — Komada Y Frank JL > Inge TH Calvo B — Hand PH Franks CR — Park KGM Baader P > Handgretinger R Carter CRD, Hancock BW, Rees RC: The Freedman RS — Ioannides CG Bagash J — Young MRI augmentation of lymphokine-activated Frédin J-E — Ragnhammar P Baldwin RW — Byers V killer activity following pulsing of human Fuji H > Chakravarty PK Ballou B, Jaffe R, Persiani S, Shen W-C, peripheral blood mononuclear cells with Fujiwara H — Zou J-P Langone JJ, Sands H, Reilandu JM, recombinant human interleukin-2 264 Fujiwara M > Tomita Y Curley J, Hakala TR: Tissue localization of Carter WA — Hubbell HR Fukushima H — Misaki T methotrexate-monoclonal-IgM immunocon- Cattel L — Brusa P Funaki N —> Sasaoki T jugates: anti-SSEA-1 and MOPC 104E in Cerundolo V — Zanovello P mouse teratocarcinomas and normal tis- Chai J-G, Bando T, Kobashi S, Oka M, Na- Gansow O — Hand PH sues 251 gasawa H, Nakai S, Maeda K-I, Himeno K, Garmestani K — Hand PH Bando T > Chai J-G Sato M, Ohkubo S: An extract of seeds Gazit Z, Weiss DW, Shouval D, Yechezkeli Barber SR, Werdel J, Symbula M, Williams J, from Aeginetia indica L., a parasitic plant, M, Schirrmacher V, Notter M, Walter J, Burkett BA, Taylor PT, Roche JK, Crum induces potent antigen-specific antitumor Kedar E: Chemo-adoptive immunotherapy CP: Seroreactivity to HPV-16 proteins in immunity in Meth A-bearing BALB/c of nude mice implanted with human colorec- women with early cervical neoplasia 33 mice 181 tal carcinoma and melanoma cell lines 135 Basse P, Herberman RB, Hokland M, Chakravarty PK, Fuji H, Abu-hadid MM, Hsu Gerneth T > Schlag P Goldfarb RH: Reply to the Letter to the edi- S-C, Sood AK: Tumorigenicity of interleu- Gibson GD — Hubbell HR tors by A. Maghazachi 428 kin-2 (IL-2)-cDNA-transfected L1210 lym- Golan DE > Green LC IV Goldenberg DM — Boerman OC factor & on cultured ovarian tumor-asso- Kummer G —> Moritz T Goldfarb RH —> Basse P ciated lymphocytes 83 Kusama T > Kumazawa E Gonen B, Kahana O, Witz IP: In vivo Itai S — Sasaoki T tumorigenicity and in vitro sensitivity to Itoh K > Salmeron MA Laatikainen A, Schultz-Suhonen L, Manty- tumor-necrosis-factor © mediated killing of jarvi R: Effect of interferon y on the sensitiv- c-Ha-ras-transformed cells 388 Jackson GA — Yang FE ity of bovine-papilloma-virus (BPV 1)-trans- Green LC, Waldman RH, Golan DE: Com- Jaffe R > Ballou B formed cell lines to cell-mediated cytotoxic- ment on the interpretation of lymphocyte Jiang H — Leon JA ity 205 phenotyping 218 Jiao H, Shen W, Ohe Y, Miura K, Tamura T, Lambert JM — Rasmussen RA Gualde N — Vaillier D Saijo N: A new 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2- Lanford RE — Mernaugh RL Gutierrez MC > Leon JA yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) Langone JJ > Ballou B assay for testing macrophage cytotoxicity to Lee C-S — Yang KD Hakala TR > Ballou B L1210 and its drug-resistant cell lines in Lee C-YG, Chen KW, Sheu FS, Tsang A, Hamaoka T — Zou J-P vitro 412 Chao K-C, Ng H-T: Studies of a tumor-as- Hanada M — Komada Y sociated antigen, COX-1, recognized by a HHaanndc ocPkH , BCWa lv—o> BC,a rMtierl enCiRc D D, Yokota T, KKaarhiamnian eO N — — GoAnreinn agBa S monoclonal antibody 19 Lemoli RM - Battelli MG Finch M, Snoy P, Garmestani K, Gan- Karimine N — Inoue H sow O, Schlom J, Kashmiri SVS: Compara- Kasagi K — Misaki T LeoAn, WJaA,x mGautni erSr,e zF isMhCe,r PJBi:a nMg oHd,u lEasttiaobnr oookf tive biological properties of a recombinant Kashmiri SVS > Hand PH chimeric anti-carcinoma mAb and a recom- Kawabata TT — Inge TH cthaer cainntiogmean icce lplhs ebnyot myopdei fioefr hsu moafn p robtreeianst binant aglycosylated variant 165 Kawai K, Sasaki T, Saijo-Kurita K, Akaza H, kinase C activity and recombinant human Handgretinger R, Baader P, Dopfer R, Klinge- Koiso K, Ohno T: Additive effects of anti- interferons 315 biel T, Reuland P, Treuner J, Reisfeld RA, tumor drugs and lymphokine-activated Niethammer D: A phase I study of neuro- killer cell cytotoxic activity in tumor cell kil- Leshem B — Kedar E blastoma with the anti-ganglioside GD2 an- \ing determined by lactate-dehydrogenase- Levin AS, — Byers V tibody 14.G2a 199 release assay 225 LLoisebar iGc h > W Ap—i raSncthhliatgo uP- Drogari M Hayes PD - Park KGM Kedar E> Gazit Z Herberman RB — Basse P Kedar E, Rutkowski Y, Leshem B: Chemo- Herfarth C - Schlag P Immunotherapy of murine solid tumors: en- Maeda K-I > Chai J-G Heys SD — Park KGM hanced therapeutic effects by interleukin-2 Maghazachi AA: Confusion about the tissue Hidaka A + Misaki T combined with interferon & and the role of distribution of lymphokine-activated killer Higashituji H — Sasaoki T specific T cells 63 (LAK) cells 426 Himeno K — Chai J-G Kempeni J — Moritz T Manasterski M — Schlag P Hjelm A-L — Ragnhammar P Kennedy RC — Mernaugh RL Mandruzzato S§ — Zanovello P Hohenberger P — Schlag P Kikuchi A, Holan V, Minowada J: Effects of Maneo A —> Apiranthitou-Drogari M Hokland M => Basse P tumor necrosis factor a, interferon a, and Mantovani A > Apiranthitou-Drogari M Holan V — Kikuchi A inteferon y on non-lymphoid leukemia cell Mantyjarvi R — Laatikainen A Holland JF > Kikuchi T lines: growth inhibition, differentiation in- Mariani M -> Brusa P Hoover SK — Inge TH duction and drug sensitivity modula- Masucci G — Ragnhammar P Hosokawa M — Micallef M tion 257 Matsuoka H - Arinaga S Hsu S-C — Chakravarty PK Kikuchi T, Ohnuma T, Holland JF, Spitler Meeting announcements 224 Hubbell HR, Vargas HE, Tsujimoto KL, LE: Penetration of anti-melanoma im- Mellstedt H — Ragnhammar P Gibson GD, Pequignot EC, Bigler RD, munotoxin into multicellular tumor Mernaugh RL, Shearer MH, Bright RK, Carter WA, Strayer DR: Antitumor effects spheroids and cell killeffects 302 Lanford RE, Kennedy RC: Idiotype net- of interleukin-2 and mismatched double- Klein E > Vanky F work components are involved in the stranded RNA, individually and in combina- Klingebiel T + Handgretinger R murine immune response to simian virus 40 tion, against a human malignant melanoma Kloke O > Moritz T large tumor antigen 113 xenograft 151 Kobashi S — Chai J-G Micallef M, Hosokawa M, Togashi Y, Hurwitz E, Adler R, Shouval D, Takahashi H, Kobayashi H — Micallef M Kobayashi H: Rat macrophage activation Wands JR, Sela M: Kobayashi H — Tomita Y after treatment with the bleomycin group of Kodama M > Abe H antitumour antibiotics in vivo 106 Immunotargeting of daunomycin to localized Koiso K — Kawai K Milenic D — Hand PH and metastatic human colon adenocarci- Komada Y, Zhang SL, Zhou Y-W, Hanada Minowada J > Kikuchi A noma in athymic mice 186 M, Shibata T, Azuma E, Sakurai M: Cellu- Misaki T, Watanabe Y, lida Y, Hidaka A, lida Y — Misaki T lar immunosuppression in children with Kasagi K, Fukushima H, Konishi J: Recruit- Ikegame K — Zou J-P acute lymphoblastic leukemia: effect of con- ment of T lymphocytes and induction of Inge TH, Hoover SK, Frank JL, Kawabata solidation chemotherapy 271 tumor necrosis factor in thyroid cancer by a TT, Bethke KP, Bear HD: Enhancement of Kondoh Y — Ogoshi K local immunotherapy 92 cytotoxic T lymphocyte growth from Konishi J — Misaki T Mitomi T — Ogoshi K spleens of P8)5-tumor-bearing host mice Koo AS, Armstrong C, Bochner B, Mittelman A, Urban R, Wong G, Ahmed T, with mafosfamide 119 Shimabukuro T, Tso C-L, deKernion JB, Arlin Z: Phase I trial of ImuVert (natural Inoue H — Arinaga $ Be))degrun A: Interlevkin-6 and rena) ce)) membrane vesicles associated with ribo- Inoue H, Adachi M, Karimine N, Arinaga S, cancer: production, regulation, and growth somes) in patients with advanced Ueo H, Korenaga D, Akiyoshi T: {mmuno- effects 97 cancer 331 histochemical analysis of lymphocyte sub- Koral KF — Yang FE Miura K —> Jiao H sets infiltrating gastric carcinoma after mito- Korenaga D {Inoue H Monden K — Sasaoki T mycin C administration 297 Kumazawa E, Tohgo A, Soga T, Kusama T, Morecki S, Revel-Vilk S, Nabet C, Pick M, loannides CG, Fisk B, Tomasovic B, Pandita Osada Y: Significant antitumor effect of a Ackerstein A, Nagler A, Naparstek E, R, Aggarwal BB, Freedman RS: Induction synthetic lipid A analogue, DT-5461, on Shahar MB, Slavin S: Immunological evalu- of interleukin-2 receptor by tumor necrosis murine syngeneic tumor models =3 07 ation of patients with hematologica) malig- nancies receiving ambulatory cytokine-me- on the in vivo growth of transplantable Shen W —> Jiao H chabed immunotherapy with recombinant murine tumours (34: 265-271) 223 Shen W-C > Ballou B human interferon-o2a and interleukin-2 401 Sheu FS — Lee C-YG Morita T > Salmeron MA Ragnhammar P, Masucci G, Frédin J-E, Shibata J - Abe H Moritz T, Kloke O, Nagel-Hiemke M, Kum- Hjelm A-L, Mellstedt H: Cytotoxic func- Shibata T — Komada Y mer G, Wandl UB, Opalka B, Plappert B, tions of blood mononuclear cells in patients Shimabukuro T — Koo AS Kempeni J, Seeber S, Niederle N: Tumor with colorectal carcinoma treated with mAb Shimizu J —> Zou J-P necrosis factor a modifies resistance to in- {7-1A and granulocyte/macrophage-colony- Shouval D > Gazit Z terferon © in vivo: first clinical data 342 stimulating factor 158 Shouval D > Hurwitz E Morris AG, Darley RL, Bateman WJ: The Rasmussen RA, Counts SL, Lambert JM, Col- Slavin S — Morecki S loss of class I] MHC antigen expression by linson AR: Blocked ricin-conjugated T cell Snoy P > Hand PH ras-transformed murine fibroblasts pas- immunotoxins: effect of anti-CD6-blocked Soga T — Kumazawa E saged as tumours correlates with increased ricin on normal T cell function 355 Sood AK > Chakravarty PK tumorigenicity but is not mediated by Rees RC — Carter CRD Spitler LE — Kikuchi T Tcells 46 Reilandu JM > Ballou B Stahel RA — Derbyshire EJ Morton H — Quinn KA Reilly EB, Antognetti G: GD3-reactive anti- Staren ED — Chong AS-F Murray JB — Park KGM bodies can inhibit the lysis of autologous Stirpe F > Battelli MG tumor cells by tumor-infiltrating lympho- Stone RM — Yang KD Nabet C — Morecki S cytes 59 Strayer DR > Hubbell HR Nagasawa H -—> Chai J-G Reisfeld RA — Handgretinger R Symbula M —> Barber SR Nagel-Hiemke M — Moritz T Reuland P > Handgretinger R Nagler A — Morecki S Revel-Vilk S — Morecki S Nakai S > Chai J-G Roche JK — Barber SR Tajima T — Ogoshi K Takahashi H > Hurwitz E Nakanishi-Ito C + Tanino T Rosato A — Zanovello P Nanbara S — Arinaga S Rutkowski Y — Kedar E Takamuku K — Arinaga S Takiuchi H - Zou J-P Naparstek E > Morecki S Ryoyama K: Effector molecules from anti- Németh P — Berki T tumor macrophages induced with OK-432 Tamura T — Jiao H Tani T > Abe H Ng H-T > Lee C-YG and cyclophosphamide 7 Niederle N — Moritz T Tanino T, Seo N, Okazaki T, Nakanishi-Ito C, Sekimata M, Egawa K: Detection of allo- Niethammer D > Handgretinger R Nishiyama T — Tomita Y Saijo N — Jiao H geneic Qa/TL and Ly specificities on Saijo-Kurita K + Kawai K murine tumor cells with IgD in tumor-re- Notter M > Gazit Z Sakurai M — Komada Y gressor serum 230 Salmeron MA, Morita T, Seki H, Platsoucas Tauber M — Fischer P Oakley CS — Zhai Y-F CD, Itoh K: Lymphokine production by Taylor PT — Barber SR Ogoshi K, Kondoh Y, Tajima T, Mitomi T: human melanoma tumor-infiltrating lym- Tazzari PL — Battelli MG Glycosidically bound sialic acid levels as a phocytes 211 Tobe T > Sasaoki T predictive marker of postoperative adjuvant Sands H — Ballou B Togashi Y — Micallef M therapy in gastric cancer 175 Sasaki T + Kawai K Tohgo A > Kumazawa E Ohe Y — Jiao H Sasaoki T, Arii S, Monden K, Itai S, Adachi Tomasovic B — Ioannides CG Ohkubo $ — Chai J-G Y, Funaki N, Higashituji H, Tobe T: En- Tomita Y, Watanabe H, Kobayashi H, Ohno T —> Kawai K hancement of rat hepatic macrophages by Nishiyama T, Tsuji S, Fujiwara M, Sato S: Ohnuma T — Kikuchi T treatment with interleukin-2 and streptococ- Interferon y but not tumor necrosis factor 0 Oka M > Chai J-G cal preparation OK432, with reference to an- decreases susceptibility of human renal cell Okazaki T — Tanino T titumor activity, soluble factor production cancer cell lines to lymphokine-activated Opalka B > Moritz T and laexpression 75 killer cells 381 Osada Y — Kumazawa E Sato M —> Chai J-G Treuner J — Handgretinger R Ozanoft D > Byers V Sato S — Tomita Y Tsang A > Lee C-YG Scherberich JE — Fischer P Tso C-L — Koo AS Paganin C > Apiranthitou-Drogari M Schirrmacher V > Gazit Z Tsuji § > Tomita Y Pandita R — Ioannides CG Schirrmacher V — Schlag P Tsujimoto KL — Hubbell HR Papamichail M — Papanastasiou M Schlag P, Manasterski M, Gerneth T, Hohen- Papanastasiou M, Baxevanis CN, Papamichail berger P, Dueck M, Herfarth C, Liebrich W, Ueo H — Arinaga S M: Promotion of murine antitumour activity Schirrmacher V: Active specific immu- Ueo H — Inoue H by prothymosin © treatment: I. Induction of notherapy with Newcastle-disease-virus- Urban R — Mittelman A tumoricidal peritoneal cells producing high modified autologous tumor cells following levels of tumour necrosis factor a 145 resection of liver metastases in colorectal Park KGM, Heys SD, Murray JB, Hayes PD, cancer. First evaluation of clinical response Vaillier D, Daculsi R, Gualde N: Effects of lipopolysaccharide on interleukin-2-induced Ashby JA, Franks CR, Eremin O: Recombi- of a phase [I-trial 325 cytotoxic activity of murine splenocyte nant interleukin-2 treatment in patients with Schlom J — Hand PH Cultures: role of prostaglandin E) and inter- metastatic colorectal cancer: effect on natu- Schultz-Suhonen L —> Laatikainen A ral cytotoxicity 53 Scuderi P — Chong AS-F ferons 395 Peguignot EC > Hubbell HR Seeber S — Moritz T Vanky F, Wang P, Klein E: The polysac- charide K (PSK) potentiates in vitro activa- Persiani S > Ballou B Seki H —> Salmeron MA Pick M > Morecki S Sekimata M > Tanino T tion of the cytotoxic function in human blood lymphocytes by autologous tumour Pietribiasi F >Brusa P Sela M > Hurwitz E cells 193 Plappert B — Moritz T Seo N — Tanino T Vargas HE > Hubbe)) HR Platsoucas CD — Salmeron MA Shahar MB —> Morecki S Shaio M-F > Yang KD Quinn KA, Morton H: Effect of monoclonal Sharkey RM — Boerman OC Wahl RL — Yang FE antibodies to early pregnancy factor (EPF) Shearer MH — Mernaugh RL Waldman RH —> Green LC Vi Walter J — Gazit Z Yang FE, Brown RS, Kora) KF, Clavo AC, Zanove))o P, Rosato A, Bronte V, Mandruz- Wandl UB — Moritz T Jackson GA, Wahl RL: Quantitative auto- zato S, Cerundolo V, Collavo D: Anti- Wands JR > Hurwiz E radiographic evaluation of the influence of {wmour efficacy of lymphokine-activated Wang P > Vanky F protein dose on monoclonal antibody distri- killer cells loaded with ricin against experi- Watanabe 0 Arinaga S bution ia human ovarian adenocarcinoma mentally induced lung metastases 27 Watanabe H — Tomita Y xenografts 365 Zhai Y-F, Esselman WJ, Oakley CS, Chang Watanabe Y — Misaki T Yang KD, Stone RM, Lee C-S, Chao T-Y, CC, Welsch CW: Growth of MCF-7 human Wawrzynczak EJ - Derbyshire EJ Cheng S-N, Shaio M-F: Effect of picibanil breast carcinoma in severe combined im- Waxman S — Leon JA (OK432) on neutrophil-mediated antitumor munodeficient mice: growth suppression by Weier § > Fischer P activity: implication of monocyte-derived recombinant interleukin-2 treatment and Weiss DW —> Gazit Z neutrophil-activating factors 277 role of lymphokine-activated killer Welsch CW — Zhai Y-F Yechezkeli M — Gazit Z cells 237 Werdel J — Barber SR Yokota T — Hand PH Zhang SL — Komada Y Williams J - Barber SR Young ME— Young MRI Zhou Y-W — Komada Y Witz IP — Gonen B Young MRI, Wright MA, Coogan M, Young Zou J-P, Shimizu J, Ikegame K, Takiuchi H, Wong G — Mittelman A ME, Bagash J: Tumor-derived cytokines Fujiwara H, Hamaoka T: Tumor-im- Wong GY > Boerman OC induce bone marrow suppressor cells that munotherapy with the use of tumor-antigen- Wright MA — Young MRI mediate immunosuppression through pulsed antigen-presenting cells 1 transforming growth factorB 14 deKernion JB > Koo AS mediated immunotherapy with recombinant human interferon-0.2a and interleukin-2 401

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