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Cancer Biology PDF

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CANCER BIOLOGY This page intentionally left blank CANCER BIOLOGY FOURTH EDITION Raymond W. Ruddon, M.D., Ph.D. University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, Michigan 1 2007 1 OxfordUniversityPress,Inc.,publishesworksthatfurther OxfordUniversity’sobjectiveofexcellence inresearch,scholarship,andeducation. Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown DaresSalaam HongKong Karachi KualaLumpur Madrid Melbourne MexicoCity Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto Withofficesin Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy JapanPoland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Copyright#2007byOxfordUniversityPress,Inc. PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPress,Inc. 198MadisonAvenue,NewYork,NewYork10016 www.oup.com OxfordisaregisteredtrademarkofOxfordUniversityPress Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans, electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise, withoutthepriorpermissionofOxfordUniversityPress. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Ruddon,RaymondW.,1936– Cancerbiology/RaymondW.Ruddon.—4thed. p.;cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN-13:978-0-19-517543-1(cloth) ISBN-13:978-0-19-517544-8(pbk.) 1. Cancer. 2. Carcinogenesis. 3. Molecularbiology. I. Title.— [DNLM:1.CellTransformation,Neoplastic. 2. Neoplasms Etiology. QZ202R914C2007] RC261.R852007 616.99'4071—dc22 2006010326 987654321 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica onacid-freepaper I dedicate thisbookto myspouse,LynneRuddon, who has been my best friend and the love of my life for over 45 years. Her continual and unflagging patience and support have made possible whatever success I have experienced in my professional career. This page intentionally left blank Preface There have been a significant number of ad- other multifaceted chronic diseases, an interac- vances in the field of cancer research since the tionisrequiredamongresearchersinmanyfields, first edition of Cancer Biology, which was pub- includingmolecularbiologists,chemists,compu- lishedin1981.Theseincludeadvancesindefin- tational scientists, biomedical engineers, epide- ingthegeneticandphenotypicchangesincancer miologists,andhealthservicesresearchers,aswell cells, the genetic susceptibility to cancer, mole- asdedicatedphysicians,nurses,andotherhealth cular imaging to detect smaller and smaller tu- careprofessionals. mors,theregulationofgeneexpression,andthe I would like to thank the many investigators ‘‘-omics’’techniquesofgenomics,proteomics,and whohaveallowedmetousedatafromtheirown metabolomics,amongothers.Yet,thegoalsofthe researchtoillustratekeypointsinthetext.Iwould fourtheditionofCancerBiologyremainthesame also like to thank the numerous colleagues who asthoseoftheearliereditions,namelytoprovide have read the earlier editions and used them in a historical perspective on key developments in theirteaching.Theircommentshavebeenhelp- cancerresearchaswellasthekeyadvancesofsci- ful in revising the text. I am especially gratified entific knowledge that will lead to a greatly in- bythefeedbackfromsomeindividualswhohave creased ability to prevent, diagnose, and treat saidthatCancerBiologywastheirfirstexposure cancer.Unfortunately,manyaspectsoftheexciting tothefieldofcancerresearchandthatreadingit breakthroughsinourknowledgeofbasiccancer inspiredthemtoseekacareerinthefield. biology have yet to be translated into standard I want to thank Denise Gonzalez for pre- care for patients. This will require an expanded paration of some of the early chapters of the abilityofbasicscientistsandclinicalresearchers book. I amgreatlyindebted toPauletteThomas to learn to speak each other’s language and to for her diligent and patient work on the pre- collaborateonbringingbasicresearchfindingsto parationoftheillustrationsandonothertechnical thebedside.Agoalforthisbook,whichmayseem componentsofthebook.Iamespeciallyindebted overlyambitious ifnot abitpompous,istopro- toKathyChristopherforhercarefulpreparation vide part of the lingua franca for these groups andpreliminaryeditingofthetext.Withouther, ofexperimentaliststobettercommunicate.Now the book could not have been completed. I also more than ever it has become clear that to want to thank the editors and production staff achieve real breakthroughs in improving much at Oxford University Press who made the book needed diagnosis and treatment of cancer and happen. This page intentionally left blank Contents 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF InteractionofChemicalCarcinogens HUMAN CANCER withOncogenesandTumor 3 SuppressorGenes 27 WhatEveryoneWantstoKnow Carcinogen-InducedEpigenetic aboutCancer 3 Changes 27 Patients 3 TumorInitiation,Promotion, PhysiciansandHealthCare andProgression 27 Professionals 3 Mechanismsoftumorinitiation 31 CancerResearchers 3 Endogenouscarcinogenesis 33 WhatisCancer? 4 Mechanismsoftumorpromotionand DefinitionofCancer 4 progression 34 DescriptionofCancer 4 Centraldogmaof WhatSignificantEventsHave tumorprogression 35 HappenedinCancerResearchin Mechanismsoftumor-promoting theLast20Years? 5 agents 36 BasicFactsaboutCancer 7 ExperimentalModelsfortheStudy HallmarksofMalignantDiseases 9 ofCarcinogenesis 38 ClassificationofHumanCancers 12 ValidityofTestsforCarcinogenicity 40 MacroscopicandMicroscopic IrradiationCarcinogenesis 43 FeaturesofNeoplasms 13 IonizingRadiation 44 GradeandStageofNeoplasms 14 UltravioletRadiation 45 HistologicGradeofMalignancy 14 OxygenFreeRadicals,Aging, TumorStaging 14 andCancer 45 GeneticSusceptibilityandCancer 47 2. CAUSES OF CANCER 17 MultipleMutationsinCancer 47 TheTheoryof‘‘Hits’’ 17 DNARepairMechanisms 48 ChemicalCarcinogenesis 19 ViralCarcinogenesis 51 HistoricalPerspectives 19 HistoricalPerspectives 51 MetabolicActivationofChemical RoleofVirusesintheCausation Carcinogens 21 ofHumanCancer 53 Donorsofsimplealkylgroups 21 AssociationofEpstein-Barrvirus CytochromeP-450–mediatedactivation 21 andhumancancers 54 2-acetylaminofluorene 22 Hepatitisvirusandhepatocellular Otheraromaticamines 23 carcinoma 54 Polycyclicaromatichydrocarbons 24 Papillomavirusesandcervicalcancer 55 DNAAdductFormation 26 HTLV-1andadultT-cellleukemia 55

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