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Preview Canadian Journal of Zoology 2000: Vol 78 Table of Contents

Canadian Journal of Revue canadienne Zoology de zoologie Contents Sommaire Volume 78, 2000 Volume 78, 2000 January / janvier REVIEW / SYNTHESE Jeffrey F. Kelly Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the study of avian and mammalian trophic ecology ARTICLES Mark D. Hovorka and Raleigh J. Robertson Food stress, nestling growth, and fluctuating asymmetry R.D. Hayes and A.S. Harestad Demography of a recovering wolf population in the Yukon R.D. Hayes, A.M. Baer, U. Wotschikowsky, and A.S. Harestad Kill rate by wolves on moose in the Yukon R.D. Hayes and A.S. Harestad Wolf functional response and regulation of moose in the Yukon Tapio Eeva, Simo Veistola, and Esa Lehikoinen Timing of breeding in subarctic passerines in relation to food availability John A. Shivik, William G. Wright, and Larry Clark Seasonal variability in brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) response to lures Susan Lingle Seasonal variation in coyote feeding behaviour and mortality of white-tailed deer and mule deer Jason D. Baker and Mary J. Donohue Ontogeny of swimming and diving in northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) pups J.B. Williams Descriptions of two loxosomatids (Entoprocta), with emphasis on a relationship between symbiont attachment structures and host cuticle M.V. Abrahams and T.C. Pratt Hormonal manipulations of growth rate and its influence on predator avoidance — foraging trade-offs Jonathan H. Plissner and Susan M. Haig Status of a broadly distributed endangered species: results and implications of the second International Piping Plover Census David A. Gray and William H. Cade Senescence in field crickets (Orthoptera; Gryllidae): examining the effects of sex and a sex-biased parasitoid Daniel Sol, David M. Santos, and Mariano Cuadrado Age-related feeding site selection in urban pigeons (Columba livia): experimental evidence of the competition hypothesis Kyran E. Kunkel and Daniel H. Pletscher Habitat factors affecting vulnerability of moose to predation by wolves in southeastern British Columbia NOTE C. Reed Rossell, Jr., Christine D. Hamilton, Louise M. Weber, and Stephen W. Kress Chick provisioning by common terns in the southern Gulf of Maine, U.S.A. February / février ARTICLES David E. Hallac and J. Ellen Marsden Differences in tolerance to and recovery from zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) fouling by Elliptio complanata and Lampsilis radiata O. Guillaume Role of chemical communication and behavioural interactions among conspecifics in the choice of shelters by the cave-dwelling salamander Proteus anguinus (Caudata, Proteidae) Niels A. Andersen, Ute Mesch, David J. Lovell, and Stewart C. Nicol The effects of sex, season, and hibernation on haematology and blood viscosity of free-ranging echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus) Marianne K@gie Life cycle and seasonal dynamics of Cucullanus cirratus O.F. Miller, 1777 (Nematoda, Ascaridida, Seuratoidea, Cucullanidae) in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. cD Can. J. Zool. Vol. 78, 2000 Luca Luiselli and Francesco M. Angelici Ecological relationships in two Afrotropical cobra species (Naja melanoleuca and Naja nigricollis) 191 R.W. Palmer and D.A. Craig An ecological classification of primary labral fans of filter-feeding black fly (Diptera: Simuliidae) larvae Carl Savignac, André Desrochers, and Jean Huot Habitat use by Pileated Woodpeckers at two spatial scales in eastern Canada Roy D. Nagle, Owen M. Kinney, Justin D. Congdon, and Christopher W. Beck Winter survivorship of hatchling painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in Michigan D.A.S. Rosen and A.W. Trites Digestive efficiency and dry-matter digestibility in Steller sea lions fed herring, pollock, squid, and salmon Robert J. Akester and André L. Martel Shell shape, dysodont tooth morphology, and hinge-ligament thickness in the bay mussel Mytilus trossulus correlate with wave exposure J.A. Sinclair and R.L. Lochmiller The winter immunoenhancement hypothesis: associations among immunity, density, and survival in prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) populations José Martin and Pilar Lopez Fleeing to unsafe refuges: effects of conspicuousness and refuge safety on the escape decisions of the lizard Psammodromus algirus Paul D. Johnson and Kenneth M. Brown’ The importance of microhabitat factors and habitat stability to the threatened Louisiana pearl shell, Margaritifera hembeli (Conrad) Martha J. Hiscock and Joseph A. Brown Kin discrimination in juvenile brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and the effect of odour concentration on kin preferences Thomas P. Sullivan and Walt Klenner Response of northwestern chipmunks (Tamias amoenus) to variable habitat structure in young lodgepole pine forest Karen D. McCoy and Thomas D. Nudds_ An examination of the manipulation hypothesis to explain prevalence of Parelaphostrongylus tenuis in gastropod intermediate host populations 294 Joachim Kiinkele Does primiparity affect the efficiency of converting energy to offspring production in the guinea-pig? 300 Pierre Laurent, Michael P. Wilkie, Claudine Chevalier, and Chris M. Wood The effect of highly alkaline water (pH 9.5) on the morphology and morphometry of chloride cells and pavement cells in the gills of the freshwater rainbow trout: relationship to ionic transport and ammonia excretion Frank A.M. Tuyttens The closed-subpopulation method and estimation of population size from mark-—recapture and ancillary data NOTE Michel Gendron and Robert G. Clark Factors affecting brood abandonment in gadwalls (Anas strepera) March / mars ARTICLES Cindy L. Hull Comparative diving behaviour and segregation of the marine habitat by breeding Royal Penguins, Eudyptes schlegeli, and eastern Rockhopper Penguins, Eudyptes chrysocome filholi, at Macquarie Island Hong N. Hua, Aliya U. Zaidi, and Barbara S. Zielinski Neuronal nitric oxide synthase-like immunoreactivity in olfactory epithelium throughout the life cycle of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L. Johan Aberg, Jon E. Swenson, and Henrik Andrén The dynamics of hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia L.) occurrence in habitat fragments Erin Bayne and Keith Hobson _ Relative use of contiguous and fragmented boreal forest by red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) Serge Lariviére and Francois Messier Habitat selection and use of edges by striped skunks in the Canadian prairies Kerry Beggs, Jeanne Young, Arthur Georges, and Peter West Ageing the eggs and embryos of the pig-nosed turtle, Carettochelys insculpta (Chelonia: Carettochelydidae), from northern Australia Lixing Sun, Dietland Miiller-Schwarze, and Bruce A. Schulte Dispersal pattern and effective population size of the beaver M. Dumond and M.-A. Villard Demography and body condition of coyotes (Canis latrans) in eastern New Brunswick Nathalie Jaquet, Stephen Dawson, and Elisabeth Slooten Seasonal distribution and diving behaviour of male sperm whales off Kaikoura: foraging implications Contents / Sommaire Brent R. Patterson, Lawrence K. Benjamin, and Francois Messier Winter nutritional condition of eastern coyotes in relation to prey density Giuliano Matessi, Andrea Pilastro, and Guglielmo Marin Variation in quantitative properties of song among European populations of reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) with respect to bill morphology Martin N. DiLauro, Wayne S. Kaboord, and Rosemary A. Walsh Sperm-cell ultrastructure of North American sturgeons. III. The lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, 1817) T.E. Reimchen Some ecological and evolutionary aspects of bear—salmon interactions in coastal British Columbia Ann M. Kitchen, Eric M. Gese, and Edward R. Schauster Long-term spatial stability of coyote (Canis latrans) home ranges in southeastern Colorado Gregor Kélsch The ultrastructure of glands and the production and function of the secretion in the adhesive capture apparatus of Stenus species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) Christophe Guinet, Mary-Anne Lea, and Simon D. Goldsworthy Mass change in Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) pups in relation to maternal characteristics at the Kerguélen Islands F. Barbanera, F. Erra, and N. Ricci The effects of heating on the behaviour of Oxytricha bifaria (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) NOTES Sherrylynn Rowe, Ian L. Jones, John W. Chardine, Richard D. Elliot, and Brian G. Veitch Recent changes in the winter diet of murres (Uria spp.) in coastal Newfoundland waters Denis Chabot and Garry B. Stenson Implantation date, growth rate, and allometric relationships in foetal Northwest Atlantic harp seals (Phoca groenlandica) DISCUSSION Francois Messier and Damien O. Joly Comment: Regulation of moose populations by wolf predation L.L. Eberhardt Reply: Predator—prey ratio dependence and regulation of moose populations April / avril ARTICLES I. Zuri and C.M. Bull The use of visual cues for spatial orientation in the sleepy lizard (Tiliqgua rugosa) Wesley M. Hochachka, Kathy Martin, Frank Doyle, and Charles J. Krebs Monitoring vertebrate populations using observational data Luis M. Gémez-Laplaza and Elfed Morgan The effect of time spent in isolation on the response to novel nonsocial stimulation in the angelfish Pterophyllum scalare J.P. Carney and T.A. Dick Helminth communities of yellow perch (Perca flavescens (Mitchill)): determinants of pattern Sandrine Louis et Michel Le Berre Ajustement des distances de fuite 4 |>homme chez Marmota marmota Robert Poulin and William J. Hamilton Egg size variation as a function of environmental variability in parasitic trematodes Irit Gazit and Joseph Terkel Reproductive behavior of the blind mole-rat (Spalax ehrenbergi) in a seminatural burrow system Anne H. Hubbs, John S. Millar, and John P. Wiebe Effect of brief exposure to a potential predator on cortisol concentrations in female Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) Thomas H. Carefoot, Jonathan Wright, Steven C. Pennings, Andreas Ziegler, Martin Zimmer, Roger F. Uglow, Angela 8. Danford, and Jean Paul Danko Hemolymph homeostasis in relation to diel feeding activity and microclimate in the prototypal land isopod Ligia pallasii Brian L. Bingham, Jennifer Burr, and Herb Wounded Head Causes and consequences of arm damage in the sea star Leptasterias hexactis Dean G. McCurdy, Mark R. Forbes, and J. Sherman Boates Male amphipods increase their mating effort before behavioural manipulation by trematodes William M.R. Scully, M.B. Fenton, and A.S.M. Saleuddin A histological examination of the holding sacs and glandular scent organs of some bat species (Emballonuridae, Hipposideridae, Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae, and Molossidae) F. Huettmann and A.W. Diamond Seabird migration in the Canadian northwest Atlantic Ocean: moulting locations and movement patterns of immature birds ea Can. J. Zool. Vol. 78, 2000 S.J. Rehorek, B.T. Firth, and M.N Hutchinson Can an orbital gland function in the vomeronasal sense? A study of the pygopodid Harderian gland Péter Pongracz and Vilmos Altbacker Ontogeny of the responses of European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) to aerial and ground predators A.R. Davis and H.P. Prabhuswamy _ Influence of cell type and mandibular dentition on the ability of captive honey bee workers and drones (Apis cerana indica Fabr. and Apis mellifera L.) to uncap brood cells: biological implications for parasitic mites (Varroa spp.) Michael Voss_ Effects of methylparaben on the development and chemosensitivity of the blow fly Protophormia terraenovae Rob.-Desv. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) NOTE B.J. Hatchwell, M.J. Wood, M. Anwar, and C.M. Perrins The prevalence and ecology of the haematozoan parasites of European blackbirds, Turdus merula May / mai ARTICLES Raivo Mand, Vallo Tilgar, and Agu Leivits Reproductive response of Great Tits, Parus major, in a naturally base-poor forest habitat to calcium supplementation Jennifer L. Specker, J. Geoffrey Eales, Masatomo Tagawa, and William A. Tyler, III Parr—smolt transformation in Atlantic salmon: thyroid hormone deiodination in liver and brain and endocrine correlates of change in rheotactic behavior Shannon D. Martin, David A. Gray, and William H. Cade Fine-scale temperature effects on cricket calling song Steven H. Ferguson Predator size and distance to edge: is bigger better? Donald M. Schell, Victoria J. Rowntree, and Carl J. Pfeiffer Stable-isotope and electron-microscopic evidence that cyamids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) feed on whale skin Albrecht I. Schulte-Hostedde and John S. Millar Measuring sexual size dimorphism in the yellow-pine chipmunk (TJamias amoenus) Peter Eklév and Charlotta Halvarsson The trade-off between foraging activity and predation risk for Rana temporaria in different food environments Darroch M. Whitaker, Allan L. Carroll, and William A. Montevecchi Elevated numbers of flying insects and insectivorous birds in riparian buffer strips Catherine J. Duvall and D. Dudley Williams Ontogenic changes in prey consumption by the stonefly Paragnetina media in relation to temporal variation in prey nutrient content André Dumont, Michel Créte, Jean-Pierre Ouellet, Jean Huot, and Jean Lamoureux Population dynamics of northern white- tailed deer during mild winters: evidence of regulation by food competition Marc Bosch, Jordi Torres, and Jordi Figuerola A helminth community in breeding Yellow-legged Gulls (Larus cachinnans): pattern of association and its effect on host fitness J. Ellen Marsden and David M. Lansky Substrate selection by settling zebra mussels, Dreissena polymorpha, relative to material, texture, orientation, and sunlight Paul D.N. Hebert and Christopher C. Wilson Diversity of the genus Daphniopsis in the saline waters of Australia Amy A. Yackel Adams, Susan K. Skagen, and Richard L. Knight Functions of perch relocations in a communal night roost of wintering bald eagles Daniel Fortin and Gilles Gauthier The effect of postural adjustment on the thermal environment of greater snow goose goslings Laetitia De Jong-Moreau, Michel Brunet, Jean-Paul Casanova, and Jacques Mazza Comparative structure and ultrastructure of the midgut and hepatopancreas of five species of Mysidacea (Crustacea): functional implications Donald R. Johnson, Bradley J. Swanson, and Judith L. Eger Cyclic dynamics of eastern Canadian ermine populations Francesc Mezquita, Antonio Sanz-Brau, and Guy Wansard Habitat preferences and population dynamics of Ostracoda in a helocrene spring system Contents / Sommaire James D. Roth and Keith A. Hobson Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic fractionation between diet and tissue of captive red fox: implications for dietary reconstruction Ann M. Kitchen, Eric M. Gese, and Edward R. Schauster Changes in coyote activity patterns due to reduced exposure to human persecution Isabelle A. Bisson and Bridget J.M. Stutchbury Nesting success and nest-site selection by a neotropical migrant in a fragmented landscape Renee Davis-Born and Jerry O. Wolff Age- and sex-specific responses of the gray-tailed vole, Microtus canicaudus, to connected and unconnected habitat patches S.J. Nichols and D. Garling Food-web dynamics and trophic-level interactions in a multispecies community of freshwater unionids NOTES Kevin Teather and Shannon Cronin The response of yellow warblers to brown-headed cowbird models in Prince Edward Island Martin Lagué and Stéphan G. Reebs Food-anticipatory activity of groups of golden shiners during both day and night L.D. Rea, D.A.S. Rosen, and A.W. Trites Metabolic response to fasting in 6-week-old Steller sea lion pups (Eumetopias jubatus) June / juin ARTICLES Ramadan M. Abuhteba, James M. Walker, and James E. Cordes Genetic homogeneity based on skin histocompatibility and the evolution and systematics of parthenogenetic Cnemidophorus laredoensis (Sauria: Teiidae) Peeter Horak, Indrek Ots, Lea Tegelmann, and Anders Pape Moller Health impact of phytohaemagglutinin-induced immune challenge on great tit (Parus major) nestlings Marianne K. Litvaitis, Jeffrey W. Bates, W. Duane Hope, and Tom Moens_ Inferring a classification of the Adenophorea (Nematoda) from nucleotide sequences of the D3 expansion segment (26/28S rDNA) Robert M. Dawley, Amy M. Yeakel, Keith A. Beaulieu, and Kristen L. Phiel Histocompatibility analysis of clonal diversity in unisexual hybrids of the killifishes Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus diaphanus Frank Rosell, Geir Johansen, and Howard Parker Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) behavioral response to simulated territorial intruders C.E. Crocker, R.A. Feldman, G.R. Ultsch, and D.C. Jackson Overwintering behavior and physiology of eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta picta) in Rhode Island K.D. Linthorne and D. Burton Effect of osmolarity on in vitro responses of winter flounder (Pleuronectes americanus) melanophores S.C. Amstrup, G.M. Durner, I. Stirling, N.J. Lunn, and F. Messier Movements and distribution of polar bears in the Beaufort Sea T.S. Risch and F.C. Rohwer Effects of parental quality and egg size on growth and survival of herring gull chicks Gregory T. Ruggerone, Renn Hanson, and Donald E. Rogers Selective predation by brown bears (Ursus arctos) foraging on spawning sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Gregory H. Golet, David B. Irons, and Daniel P. Costa Energy costs of chick rearing in Black-legged Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) Peter V. Lindeman Resource use of five sympatric turtle species: effects of competition, phylogeny, and morphology John Erb, Nils Chr. Stenseth, and Mark S. Boyce Geographic variation in population cycles of Canadian muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) : Rick M. Rideout and Margaret P.M. Burton The reproductive cycle of male Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) from Placentia Bay, Newfoundland Wafa Aboul Hosn, Pierre Dutilleul, and Daniel Boisclair Handling and stocking-density effects on growth rhythms of brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis Malcolm Pratt Frisbie, Jon P. Costanzo, and Richard E. Lee, Jr. Physiological and ecological aspects of low-temperature tolerance in embryos of the wood frog, Rana sylvatica C-6 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 78, 2000 Benjamin N. Sacks and Karen M. Blejwas__ Effects of canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) on body condition and activity of free-ranging coyotes (Canis latrans) Ricardo Rodriguez-Estrella Breeding success, nest-site characteristics, and diet of Swainson’s hawk (Buteo swainsoni) in a stable population in northern México Claudie Doums and Paul Schmid-Hempel Immunocompetence in workers of a social insect, Bombus terrestris L., in relation to foraging activity and parasitic infection Dalton de Souza Amorim A new phylogeny and phylogenetic classification for the Canthyloscelidae (Diptera: Psychodomorpha) Takaomi Arai, Daniel Limbong, and Katsumi Tsukamoto Validation of otolith daily increments in the tropical eel Anguilla celebesensis Douglas C. Woodhams, Jon P. Costanzo, Jonathan D. Kelty, and Richard E. Lee, Jr. Cold hardiness in two helminth parasites of the freeze-tolerant wood frog, Rana sylvatica Gerald T. Ankley, Joseph E. Tietge, Gary W. Holcombe, David L. DeFoe, Stephen A. Diamond, Kathleen M. Jensen, and Sigmund J. Degitz Effects of laboratory ultraviolet radiation and natural sunlight on survival and development of Rana pipiens NOTE Damien O. Joly and Francois Messier A numerical response of wolves to bison abundance in Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada July / juillet ARTICLES José Martin and Pilar Lépez Social status of male Iberian rock lizards (Lacerta monticola) influences their activity patterns during the mating season Andrew N. Iwaniuk, Sergio M. Pellis, and Ian Q. Whishaw The relative importance of body size, phylogeny, locomotion, and diet in the evolution of forelimb dexterity in fissiped carnivores (Carnivora) Jéréme Théau et Jean Ferron Influence des conditions climatiques sur le comportement du Liévre d’ Amérique (Lepus americanus) en semi-liberté Dean G. McCurdy, J. Sherman Boates, and Mark R. Forbes Spatial distribution of the intertidal snail //yanassa obsoleta in relation to parasitism by two species of trematodes Matthew J. Brady, Thomas S. Risch, and F. Stephen Dobson = Availability of nest sites does not limit population size of southern flying squirrels C.J. Kyle, C.S. Davis, and C. Strobeck Microsatellite analysis of North American pine marten (Martes americana) populations from the Yukon and Northwest Territories Jamie K. Reaser Demographic analysis of the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris): case study in spatiotemporal variation Bruce R. Mate, Gregory K. Krutzikowsky, and Martha H. Winsor Satellite-monitored movements of radio-ta gged bowhead whales in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas during the late-summer feeding season and fall migration Gregory K. Krutzikowsky and Bruce R. Mate Dive and surfacing characteristics of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas Claudia Palestrini, Antonio Rolando, and Paola Laiolo Allometric relationships and character evolution in Onthophagus taurus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Dennis L. Murray A geographic analysis of snowshoe hare population demography Karen D. Stone and Joseph A. Cook Phylogeography of black bears (Ursus americanus) of the Pacific Northwest S. Gowans, M.L. Dalebout, S.K. Hooker, and H. Whitehead Reliability of photographic and molecular techniques for sexing northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) Rebecca J. Eisen Variation in life-history traits of Plasmodium mexicanum, a malaria parasite infecting western fence lizards: a longitudinal study Heather M. Ferguson Larval colonisation and recruitment in the Pacific giant salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) in British Columbia David A.S. Rosen and Andrew W. Trites Pollock and the decline of Steller sea lions: testing the junk-food hypothesis Contents / Sommaire Sara Ostlund Nilsson and Goran E. Nilsson Free choice by female sticklebacks: lack of preference for male dominance traits Miriam H. Richards Evidence for geographic variation in colony social organization in an obligately social sweat bee, Lasioglossum malachurum Kirby (Hymenoptera; Halictidae) lan J. Stenhouse and William A. Montevecchi Habitat utilization and breeding success in Leach’s Storm-Petrel: the importance of sociality Olivier Duriez, Henri Weimerskirch, and Hervé Fritz Regulation of chick provisioning in the thin-billed prion: an interannual comparison and manipulation of parents NOTE S.J. Rehorek, W.J. Hillenius, W. Quan, and M. Halpern Passage of Harderian gland secretions to the vomeronasal organ of Thamnophis sirtalis (Serpentes: Colubridae) S.K. Moloo and R.H. Gooding Long-term study on the susceptibility to Trypanosoma congolense infections and genetics of colonized Glossina pallidipes from allopatric populations in Kenya A.J. Cabanac Blood volume in hooded seals: implications for diving capacity August / aoat ARTICLES A. Krishna and S. Abhilasha _ Proliferative activity of follicles and serum steroid concentration in Scotophilus heathi (vespertilionid bat) during periods of delayed ovulation Andrea E. Byrom, Tim J. Karels, Charles J. Krebs, and Rudy Boonstra Experimental manipulation of predation and food supply of arctic ground squirrels in the boreal forest Nathalie Saint-Jacques, Harold H. Harvey, and Donald A. Jackson Selective foraging in the white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) Keith A. Hobson, Bruce N. McLellan, and John G. Woods Using stable carbon (8'°C) and nitrogen (8'°N) isotopes to infer trophic relationships among black and grizzly bears in the upper Columbia River basin, British Columbia Joanna Gliwicz and Beata Glowacka Differential responses of Clethrionomys species to forest disturbance in Europe and North America Theunis Piersma, Anita Koolhaas, Anne Dekinga, and Eberhard Gwinner’ Red blood cell and white blood cell counts in sandpipers (Philomachus pugnax, Calidris canutus): effects of captivity, season, nutritional status, and frequent bleedings Serge Morand and Robert Poulin Nematode parasite species richness and the evolution of spleen size in birds Sara M. Hiebert, Erin K. Fulkerson, Kirstin T. Lindermayer, and Sarah D. McClure Effect of temperature on preference for dietary unsaturated fatty acids in the Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus) Jakub Borkowski Influence of the density of a sika deer population on activity, habitat use, and group size William E. Cooper, Jr. Chemosensory discrimination of plant and animal foods by the omnivorous iguanian lizard Pogona vitticeps M. Ben-David, T.M. Williams, and O.A. Ormseth Effects of oiling on exercise physiology and diving behavior of river otters: a captive study Richard Shine, David O’Connor, and Robert T. Mason Female mimicry in garter snakes: behavioural tactics of “she-males” and the males that court them P.R. Wiles, J. Cameron, J.M. Behnke, I.R. Hartley, F.S. Gilbert, and P.K. McGregor Season and ambient air temperature influence the distribution of mites (Proctophyllodes stylifer) across the wings of blue tits (Parus caeruleus) Bjorn A. Krafft, Christian Lydersen, Kit M. Kovacs, Ian Gjertz, and Tore Haug Diving behaviour of lactating bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) in the Svalbard area Manfred Hoefs_ The thermoregulatory potential of Ovis horn cores F. Hervant, J. Mathieu, and J.P. Durand Metabolism and circadian rhythms of the European blind cave salamander Proteus anguinus and a facultative cave dweller, the Pyrenean newt (Euproctus asper) Kirby G. Smith, E. Janet Ficht, David Hobson, Troy C. Sorensen, and David Hervieux Winter distribution of woodland caribou in relation to clear-cut logging in west-central Alberta S. Bruce Archibald and Rolf W. Mathewes_ Early Eocene insects from Quilchena, British Columbia, and their paleoclimatic implications C-8 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 78, 2000 Alfredo Salvador and José P. Veiga Does testosterone or coloration affect growth rates of adult males of the lizard Psammodromus algirus? Christopher L. Evans and Peter H. Adler Microsculpture and phylogenetic significance of the spermatheca of black flies (Diptera: Simultidae) John A. Virgl and Francois Messier Assessment of source-sink theory for predicting demographic rates among habitats that exhibit temporal changes in quality Thomas S. Hoffmeister Marking decisions and host discrimination in a parasitoid attacking concealed hosts Rachel Collin Phylogeny of the Crepidula plana (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) cryptic species complex in North America September / septembre ARTICLES A.M. Abdraba and A.S.M. Saleuddin Localization and immunological characterization of insulin-like peptide(s) in the land snail Otala lactea (Mollusca: Pulmonata) A.M. Abdraba and A.S.M. Saleuddin Protein synthesis in vitro by mantle tissue of the land snail Otala lactea: possible insulin- like peptide function T.M. Lomond and M.H. Colbo Variations in lake-outlet Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera communities amongst regions of eastern Newfoundland, Canada G.S. McIntyre and R.H. Gooding Egg size, contents, and quality: maternal-age and -size effects on house fly eggs Kim G. Poole, Douglas C. Heard, and Garth Mowat Habitat use by woodland caribou near Takla Lake in central British Columbia Christopher K. Williams, R. Scott Lutz, Roger D. Applegate, and Donald H. Rusch Habitat use and survival of northern bob- white (Colinus virginianus) in cropland and rangeland ecosystems during the hunting season D. Grémillet, S. Storch, and G. Peters Determining food requirements in marine top predators: a comparison of three independent techniques in Great Cormorants, Phalacrocorax carbo carbo Shelley A. Adamo and Kelly L. Shoemaker Effects of parasitism on the octopamine content of the central nervous system of Manduca sexta: a possible mechanism underlying host behavioural change Melanie Massaro, John W. Chardine, Ian L. Jones, and Gregory J. Robertson Delayed capelin (Mallotus villosus) availability influences predatory behaviour of large gulls on black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), causing a reduction in kittiwake breeding success Michel Simoneau, John M. Casselman, and Réjean Fortin Determining the effect of negative allometry (length/height relationship) on variation in otolith shape in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), using Fourier-series analysis Helen M. Armstrong and Antony Robertson Energetics of free-ranging large herbivores: when should costs affect foraging behaviour? B. Krystufek, A. Davison, and H.I. Griffiths Evolutionary biogeography of water shrews (Neomys spp.) in the western Palaearctic Region G.O. Mackie and R.C. Wyeth Conduction and coordination in deganglionated ascidians K.D. Rode and C.T. Robbins Why bears consume mixed diets during fruit abundance Alicia Mathis and Frank Vincent Differential use of visual and chemical cues in predator recognition and threat-sensitive predator- avoidance responses by larval newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) Laura E. Vega, Patricio J. Bellagamba, and Lee A. Fitzgerald Long-term effects of anthropogenic habitat disturbance on a lizard assemblage inhabiting coastal dunes in Argentina M. Sjoberg and John P. Ball Grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, habitat selection around haulout sites in the Baltic Sea: bathymetry or central-place foraging? M.A.A. van der Meij and R.G. Bout Seed selection in the Java Sparrow (Padda oryzivora): preference and mechanical constraint NOTES Clint D. Kelly, Jean-Guy J. Godin, and Ghada Abdallah Geographical variation in the male intromittent organ of the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata) Emilio Civantos Home-range ecology, aggressive behaviour, and survival in juvenile lizards, Psammodromus algirus S. Peake, R.S. McKinley, and D.A. Scruton Swimming performance of walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) Contents / Sommaire October / octobre ARTICLES Connie J. Wilbert, Steven W. Buskirk, and Kenneth G. Gerow Effects of weather and snow on habitat selection by American martens (Martes americana) Mark A. Beekey, Ronald H. Karlson, and Alyse R. Greenberg Parental care in Sphaerium striatinum Lamarck: evidence for retention of competent offspring Carlos D. Camp and Jeremy L. Marshall The role of thermal environment in determining the life history of a terrestrial salamander Carlos D. Camp, Jeremy L. Marshall, and Richard M. Austin, Jr. The evolution of adult body size in black-bellied salamanders (Desmognathus quadramaculatus complex) Lowell L. Getz, Laura E. Simms, and Betty McGuire Nestling survival and population cycles in the prairie vole, Microtus ochrogaster Marcelo Bordignon and Emygdio L.A. Monteiro-Filho Behaviour and daily activity of the squirrel Sciurus ingrami in a secondary araucaria forest in southern Brazil Jason Pither and Philip D. Taylor Directional and fluctuating asymmetry in the black-winged damselfly Calopteryx maculata (Beauvois) (Odonata: Calopterygidae) Kermit Ritland, Linda A. Dupuis, Fred L. Bunnell, Wesley L.Y. Hung, and John E. Carlson Phylogeography of the tailed frog (Ascaphus truei) in British Columbia Craig A. Soupir, Michael L. Brown, and Larry W. Kallemeyn Trophic ecology of largemouth bass and northern pike in allopatric and sympatric assemblages in northern boreal lakes Helmut Baminger, Rolf Locher, and Bruno Baur Incidence of dart shooting, sperm delivery, and sperm storage in natural populations of the simultaneously hermaphroditic land snail Arianta arbustorum Peter B. Banks and Chris R. Dickman Effects of winter food supplementation on reproduction, body mass, and numbers of small mammals in montane Australia Claude Morneau and Serge Payette Long-term fluctuations of a caribou population revealed by tree-ring data M.D. McGurk Comparison of fecundity—length—latitude relationships between nonanadromous (kokanee) and anadromous sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) F. Stephen Dobson, Catherine Jacquot, and Claude Baudoin An experimental test of kin association in the house mouse H. Hansen, C.A. Smedshaug, and G.A. Sonerud Preroosting behaviour of hooded crows (Corvus corone cornix) Tonje Stubsjgen, Bernt-Erik Szther, Erling Johan Solberg, Morten Heim, and Christer Moe Rolandsen Moose (Alces alces) survival in three populations in northern Norway P. Sound and M. Veith Weather effects on intrahabitat movements of the western green lizard, Lacerta bilineata (Daudin, 1802), at its northern distribution range border: a radio-tracking study Rick M. Rideout and Margaret P.M. Burton Peculiarities in ovarian structure leading to multiple-year delays in oogenesis and possible senescence in Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L. Mark P. Miller, Larry E. Stevens, Joseph D. Busch, Jeff A. Sorensen, and Paul Keim Amplified fragment length polymorphism and mitochondrial sequence data detect genetic differentiation and relationships in endangered southwestern U.S.A. ambersnails (Oxyloma spp.) Pilar Martinez, Vera Bettencourt, Angel Guerra, and Natalie A. Moltschaniwskyj How temperature influences muscle and cuttlebone growth in juvenile cuttlefish (Sepia elliptica) (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) under conditions of food stress Wendy Simms and Peter S. Ross Developmental changes in circulatory vitamin A (retinol) and its transport proteins in free- ranging harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) pups NOTE M. Alex Smith Problems utilizing an enzyme sensitive site assay for photorepair of exogenous DNA with cell-free extracts made from amphibian embryos November / novembre REVIEW / SYNTHESE Damhnait McHugh Molecular phylogeny of the Annelida C-10 Can. J. Zool. Vol. 78, ARTICLES Martin Predavec and Charles J. Krebs Microhabitat utilisation, home ranges, and movement patterns of the collared lemming (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) in the central Canadian Arctic 1885 Petri Nummi, Kjell Sjoberg, Hannu Poysé, and Johan Elmberg Individual foraging behaviour indicates resource limitation: an experiment with mallard ducklings 1891 C. Laine Cotton and Katherine L. Parker Winter activity patterns of northern flying squirrels in sub-boreal forests 1896 Guy Sainte-Marie, Bernard Sainte-Marie, and Jean-Marie Sévigny Ejaculate-storage patterns and the site of fertilization in female snow crabs (Chionoecetes opilio; Brachyura, Majidae) 1902 Steven C. Pennings, Thomas H. Carefoot, Martin Zimmer, Jean Paul Danko, and Andreas Ziegler Feeding preferences of supralittoral isopods and amphipods 1918 Louis Lesage, Michel Créte, Jean Huot, A. Dumont, and Jean-Pierre Ouellet Seasonal home range size and philopatry in two northern white-tailed deer populations 1930 Lisa A. Hoopes, André M. Landry, Jr., and Erich K. Stabenau Physiological effects of capturing Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, Lepidochelys kempii, in entanglement nets 1941 Brett K. Sandercock, David B. Lank, Richard B. Lanctot, Bart Kempenaers, and Fred Cooke Ecological correlates of mate fidelity in two Arctic-breeding sandpipers 1948 L.F. Lowry, V.N. Burkanoy, K.J. Frost, M.A. Simpkins, R. Davis, D.P. DeMaster, R. Suydam, and A. Springer Habitat use and habitat selection by spotted seals (Phoca largha) in the Bering Sea 1959 William D. Boyett, Mark J. Endries, and Gregory H. Adler Colonization—extinction dynamics of opossums on small islands in Panama 1972 Youri Semenov, Raymond Ramousse et Michel Le Berre Effet de la lumiére et de la température sur le rythme d’ activité de la marmotte alpine (Marmota marmota Linné, 1758) en milieu naturel 1980 F. Lefebvre, M. Limousin, and Y. Caubet Sexual dimorphism in the antennae of terrestrial isopods: a result of male contests or scramble competition? 1987 Anick Abourachid — Bipedal locomotion in birds: the importance of functional parameters in terrestrial adaptation in Anatidae 1994 L.W. Andersen and E.W. Born Indications of two genetically different subpopulations of Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in west and northwest Greenland 1999 M.C., Drever, L.K. Blight, K.A. Hobson, and D.F. Bertram Predation on seabird eggs by Keen’s mice (Peromyscus keeni): using stable isotopes to decipher the diet of a terrestrial omnivore on a remote offshore island 2010 Kirsti Tiihonen, Sylvia Y.M. Yao, Mikko Nikinmaa, and James D. Young Na*-dependent transport of pyruvate in erythrocytes of the Pacific hagfish (Eptatretus stouti) 2019 Damien Tran, Alain Boudou, and Jean-Charles Massabuau Mechanism for maintaining oxygen consumption under varying oxygenation levels in the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea 2027 Rémy Vandame, Marc-E. Colin, Serge Morand, and Gabriel Otero-Colina Levels of compatibility in a new host—parasite association: Apis mellifera/Varroa jacobsoni 2037 Martin A. Schlaepfer and Jeremy N. McNeil Are virgin male lepidopterans more successful in mate acquisition than previously mated individuals? A study of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) NOTES Fiona F. Hunter, Steven G. Burgin, and Allan Woodhouse Shattering the folklore: black flies do not pollinate sweet lowbush blueberry 2051 S.J. Coulson and T. Birkemoe Long-term cold tolerance in Arctic invertebrates: recovery after 4 years at below —20°C 2055 December / décembre BIODIVERSITY SERIES / SERIES DE BIODIVERSITE FOREWORD / AVANT-PROPOS Douglas W. Morris Science and the conservation of biodiversity REVIEW / SYNTHESE Richard S. Ostfeld and Felicia Keesing The function of biodiversity in the ecology of vector-borne zoonotic diseases

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