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Preview Canadian Journal of Physics. Journal Canadien de Physique 2002: Vol 80 Table of Contents

Canadian Journal Revue canadienne of Physics de physiaue Contents Sommaire Volume 80, 2002 Volume 80, 2002 January / janvier A. Patino and H. Rago = Tutorial/Article didactique On the constant of motion of dissipative systems A. [liadis and K. Siakavara Design and performance of a microstrip reflectarray on a uniaxial sub- strate Zishan H. Khan, M. Zulfeqaur, Arvind Kumar, and M. Husain Electrical conductivity and thermo-electric power of a-Segy In, and Seg _,GesoIn, thin films Osama M. Abo-Seida_ Electromagnetic fields of thin circular loop antenna of arbitrary radius A. Gashi, G. Rasche, and W.S. Woolcock The effect of vacuum polarization on muon—proton scat- tering at small energies and angles Alexei M. Frolov, Vedene H. Smith Jr., and Garry T. Smith Deuterides of light elements: low- temperature thermonuclear burn-up and applications to thermonuclear fusion problems A.A. Vasilyev, H. Tawara, P. Richard, and U.I. Safronova Observation and analysis (synthesis) of X-ray spectrum originated from electron capture of low-energy, highly charged Xe” (q = 26-43) ions in single collisions with Ar atom Instructions to authors Recommandations aux auteurs February / février A.R. Penner’ The physics of putting Mark Burgess, M.E. Carrington, and Gabor Kunstatter Covariant approach to equilibration in effective field theories Z. Abou-Moussa Compound multiplicity in the collisions of 4.1 A GeV/c ~“Ne nuclei with nuclear emulsion N.N. Abd-Allah Nonstatistical fluctuations of target fragments emitted in high-energy nucleus—nucleus collisions Shi-Hai Dong The SU(2) realization for the Morse potential and its coherent states Mark R.A. Shegelski and Roman Holenstein Rapidly rotating sliding cylinders: Trajectories with S d < & « large lateral displacements Alexander I. Pegarkov Nonlinear excitation and ionization of diatomic molecules by short laser pulses. Model of two active electrons in the field of a frozen core Shuai Wu, Ru-Juan Zhan, and Ji Chen Research note/Note de recherche Polarization dependence of optical harmonic generation from solid targets at high intensities: Role of Faraday rotation F.P. Temme = Erratum: Role of democratic SU2 x S,, dual-group carrier space and group structure in the superboson quantum-Liouville physics of identical spin ensembles: Maximal S,, tensor product reduction, via symbolic algebraic combinatorics Contents / Sommaire March / mars Carl Krauthauser and Robert Nyden Hill Basis-set methods for the Dirac equation U.D. Jentschura, H. Gies, S.R. Valluri, D.R. Lamm, and E.J. Weniger QED effective action re- visited N. Dammak, A. Kallel, Z. Fakhfakh, and D. Tréheux Dependence on crystallographic orientation of trapping properties in a polished MgO single crystal Richard L. Liboff Solar neutrinos A. Zehe, A. Ramirez, and J. Vazquez Dimorphism and perturbed growth kinetics of cadmium sul- fide thin films in a chemical working solution April / avril Donal Murtagh, Urban Frisk, Frank Merino, Martin Ridal, Andreas Jonsson, Jacek Stegman, Georg Witt, Patrick Eriksson, Carlos Jiménez, Gerard Megie, Jeréme de la Noé, Philippe Ricaud, Philippe Baron, Juan Ramon Pardo, Alain Hauchcorne, Edward J. Llewellyn, Douglas A. Degenstein, Richard L. Gattinger, Nicholas D. Lloyd, Wayne F.J. Evans, lan C. McDade, Craig S. Haley, Chris Sioris, Christian von Savigny, Brian H. Solheim, John C. McConnell, Kimberly Strong, E. Harvey Richardson, Gilbert W. Leppelmeier, Erkki Kyréla, Harri Auvinen, and Liisa Oikarinen Review/Synthése An overview of the Odin atmospheric mission P. Eriksson, F. Merino, D. Murtagh, P. Baron, P. Ricaud, and J. de la Noé Studies for the Odin sub-millimetre radiometer: I. Radiative transfer and instrument simulation Ph. Baron, Ph. Ricaud, J. de la Noé, J.E.P. Eriksson, F. Merino, M. Ridal, and D.P. Murtagh Studies for the Odin sub-millimetre radiometer. II. Retrieval methodology ’. Merino, D.P. Murtagh, M. Ridal, P. Eriksson, P. Baron, P. Ricaud, and J.dela Noé Studies for the Odin sub-millimetre radiometer: III. Performance simulations C.A. McLinden, J.C. McConnell, E. Griffioen, and C.T. McElroy A_ vector radiative-transfer model for the Odin/OSIRIS project Ian C. McDade, Kimberly Strong, Craig S. Haley, Jacek Stegman, Donal P. Murtagh, and E.J. Llewellyn A method for recovering stratospheric minor species densities from the Odin/OSIRIS scattered-sunlight measurements K. Strong, B.M. Joseph, R. Dosanjh, I.C. McDade, C.A. McLinden, J.C. McConnell, J. Stegman, D.P. Murtagh, and E.J. Llewellyn Retrieval of vertical concentration profiles from OSIRIS UV-visible limb spectra Craig S. Haley and Ian C. McDade Procedures for recovering mesospheric and stratospheric tem- peratures from OSIRIS scattered-sunlight measurements J.R. Pardo, M. Ridal, D. Murtagh, and J. Cernicharo Microwave temperature and pressure mea- surements with the Odin satellite: I. Observational method M. Ridal, D.P. Murtagh, F. Merino, J.R. Pardo, and L. Pagani Microwave temperature and pres- sure measurements with the Odin satellite: II. Retrieval method C.A. McLinden, J.C. McConnell, K. Strong, I.C. McDade, R.L. Gattinger, R. King, B. Solheim, E.J. Llewellyn, and W.J.F. Evans The impact of the OSIRIS grating efficiency on radiance and trace-gas retrievals C.E. Sioris, W.F.J. Evans, R.L. Gattinger, 1.C. McDade, D.A. Degenstein, and E.J. Llewellyn Ground-based Ring-effect measurements with the OSIRIS development mode! I.K. Khabibrakhmanov, D.A. Degenstein, and E.J. Llewellyn Mesospheric ozone: Determination from orbit with the OSIRIS instrument on Odin Forward/Avant propos Can. J. Phys. Vol. 80, 2002 May / mai M. Schlesinger, L.F. McAven, and Y. Yao Numerical investigations into static and quasistatic prob- lems of two-dimensional dry elastic frictional contact Fu-Hu Liu Production of negatively charged particles in nucleus—nucleus collisions at 200A GeV Fu-Hu Liu Formulation of particle pseudo-rapidity (rapidity) distribution in high-energy pp collision and e*e” annihilation Pirooz Mohazzabi and Brad M. Shefchik The optimal length of a rifle barrel N. Raja Sekhar, S.V.S. Ramana Reddy, and A.S. Nageswara Rao Gamma-ray transmission tech- nique for quality control of coal seams R.C. Riverst, M.R. Izawa, S.D. Rosner, T.J. Scholl, G. Wu, and R.A. Holt Laser spectroscopic measurements of hyperfine structure in Pr II N.M. Avram, Gh. E. Draganescu, and C.N. Avram Anharmonic coherent states and E Jahn-Teller coupling Osama M. Abo-Seida Vertical polarization for transient plane waves obliquely incident on a conduc- tive half-space A.L. Aboul-Hassan and H.A. Attia Hydromagnetic flow of a dusty fluid in a rectangular channel with Hall current and heat transfer T. Harko and M.K. Mak Iterative solutions for relativistic dissipative cosmologies O. El-Shazly, T. Ramadan, M. El-Hawary, N. El-Anany, H.A. Motaweh, and E.F. El-Wahidy Low-temperature electrical conductivity of ternary chalcogenide glasses in the system Se—S Bingfeng Ding and Jurij W. Darewych Variational formulation of relativistic four-body systems in quantum field theory: scalar quadronium Editorial / Editorial June / juin William P. Joyce, Philip H. Butler, and Hughan J. Ross The Racah—Wigner category Ulrich D. Jentschura and Peter J. Mohr Nonresonant effects in one- and two-photon transitions Massimo Blasone and Petr Jizba Quantum mechanics of the damped harmonic oscillator K. Raouadi, R. Renoud, B. Askri, B. Yangui et Z. Fakhfakh Contribution a l'étude des effets de charge sur l'émission X des matériaux isolants non meétallisés Ar. Koufogiannidis and K. Siakavara Coupled microstrip filters on multilayered dielectric media R. Srivastava, R.P. McEachran, and A.D. Stauffer Electron excitation of the Group IV elements Mohamed I.A. Othman and Nasser H. Sweilam Electrohydrodynamic instability in a horizontal viscoelastic fluid layer in the presence of internal heat generation J.J. Diao, F.S. Qiu, G.D. Chen, C. Xi, and Y.Song Note Photoluminescence properties study of the Au/Au,S nanoshell July / juillet T.J. Scholl, R.A. Holt, D. Masterman, R.C. Rivest, S.D. Rosner, and A. Sharikova Measure- ment of radiative lifetimes in Pr I] and Nd II H. Vahedi Tafreshi, G. Benedek, P. Zamankhan, and P.J. Sarkomaa_ Diffusive behavior and structural characterization of a hard-sphere fluid through a narrow channel with roughened walls Contents / Sommaire M. Ben Amar et A. Ben Arab Application de la méthode photonique a la détermination des paramétres physiques d’une cellule solaire monocristalline H.C. Chandola, H.C. Pandey, and Hemwati Nandan Topology of QCD vacuum and color con- finement R.F. Holub and P.K. Smrz_ Localization of a bound particle outside the potential well S.V. Kuzmin and D.G.C. McKeon Stueckelberg mechanism for antisymmetric tensor fields Y.P. Varshni_ Excited states of two-dimensional excitons in quantum wells A. Bhattacharya, S.N. Banerjee, B. Chakrabarti, and S. Banerjee In search of the enhanced value of the CP-violating ratio €’/e Usha Kulshreshtha and D.S. Kulshreshtha The front-form Hamiltonian and BRST formulations of the Jackiw—Rajaraman chiral Schwinger model August / aoat M.B. Yucel and N. Unal § Tutorial/Article Didactique First-quantized electron and photon model of QED and radiative processes H. Tawara, P. Richard, U.I. Safronova, A.A. Vasilyev, and M. Stockli M X-ray emission from low-energy, highly charged Ta?’* (gq = 45-49) ions colliding with neutral atoms due to singly and doubly excited states formed through single-electron capture F.A.B. Coutinho, D. Kiang, Y. Nogami, and Lauro Tomio Dirac’s hole theory versus quantum field theory C.D. Palmer and M.E. Carrington A general expression for symmetry factors of Feynman dia- grams John R. de Bruyn, J.K.C. Lewis, M.R. Morrow, S.P. Norris, N.H. Rich, J.P. Whitehead, and M.D. Whitmore Expanding the role of computers in physics education: a computer-based first-year course on computational physics and data analysis J. Tschischgale, D. Klépfel, P. Beiersdorfer, G.V. Brown, E. Forster, H. Schulte-Schrepping, and S.B. Utter Absolute wavelength measurement of the Lyman-o transition of hydrogen-like silicon Nuri Unal Parametric-time coherent states for Morse potential Fu-Hu Liu Particle production in central Pb—Pb collisions at high energy Gokhan Cinar and Alinur Biiyiikaksoy — Diffraction by a set of three parallel impedance half-planes with the one amidst located in the opposite direction M. Modarres, H.R. Moshfegh, and H. Mariji Lowest order constrained variational and local den- sity approximation approach to the hot alpha particle Adnan Kiicikénder Chemical effects on L X-ray intensity ratios of U and Th A. Raymond Penner The run of a golf ball September / septembre P.A. Deutchman Identical nuclei in coherent pion production at intermediate energies M.H. Dehghani and M. Shojania — Travelling-wave-type and stationary soliton solutions of the Brans- Dicke equation Asiri Nanayakkara and Vidarshana Bandara Asymptotic behavior of the eigenenergies of anhar- 2N monic oscillators V(x) = x°" + bx Sh.T. Zhang, Ji Chen, and LiShu-min The intensity dependence of the free—free transition in a bichromatic laser field C-5 Can. J. Phys. Vol. 80, 2002 A.-K. Hamid and M. Hamid Electromagnetic scattering by a dielectric sphere partially buried in an infinte plane M.E. Carrington, R. Kobes, G. Kunstatter, D. Pickering, and E. Vaz Equilibration in an_inter- acting field theory Samira T. Bishay and Ghada M. Sami Time-domain study of transient fields for a thin circular loop antenna 995 Mark Denny Curling rock dynamics: Towards a realistic model 1005 Ahmed Lotfy Aboul-Hassan and Hazem Ali Attia Unsteady hydromagnetic flow of a viscoelastic fluid with temperature-dependent viscosity 1015 M. Korek, A.R. Allouche, and S.N. Abdul Al Potential curves and rovibrational energies for elec- tronic states of the molecular ion KCs* 1025 J.L. Boldo, B.M. Pimentel, and J.L. Tomazelli Remarks on infrared dynamics in QED, 1037 Henry P. Stapp The basis problem in many-worlds theories 1043 Serafin Fraga, J.M. Garcia de la Vega, and E.S. Fraga The Schrédinger-Riccati equation. The ground-state energy of Be | 1053 B. Tomberli, C.J. Benmore, J. Neuefeind, and P.A. Egelstaff Isotopic quantum effects in the structure of liquid ethanol 1059 F.P. Temme On spin irreps of (1 < /; < 3) 12-fold uniform NMR spin systems as S, , invariant-based dual tensorial sets: Roles in spin physics for SU(3 < m) x S, D..D S, weight sets and their n Eoair sdiate '_partimtei onal frequency catalogues 1069 M.-P. Gagné-Portelance and D.G.C. McKeon A supersymmetric model in three dimensions with two scalar fields 1085 Johan Hansson Note A simple explanation of the nonappearance of physical gluons and quarks 1093 October / octobre M.R. Eskandari, S.N. Hoseini-Motlagh, and B. Rezaie Studies on muonic dynamics of liquid D-T-H in dtu muonic-molecule resonance formation and its comparison with a D-T system 1099 Péter Kalman and Tamas Biikki Quantized form of electron—nucleus interaction in laser fields 1115 S. Sulcs and B.C. Gilbert Eddy currents in the Stern—Gerlach experiment R.F. Favreau Transfer of the self energy into field energy of density E-/8x during assembly of a lo- calized charge distribution from infinity Ali J. Chamkha_ — Laminar hydromagnetic natural convection flow along a heated vertical surface in a stratified environment with internal heat absorption Magdy A. Ezzat, Angail A. Samaan, and Alaa Abd-El Bary State space formulation for bound- ary-layer magneto-hydrodynamic free convection flow with one relaxation time A.T. Oza _ Spectroscopic theory for organic and organometallic conductors Magdy A. Ezzat, Angail A. Samaan, and Alaa Abd-EI Bary = Erratum: State space formulation for boundary-layer magneto-hydrodynamic free convection flow with one relaxation time November / novembre L.N. Labzowsky, D.A. Solovyev, G. Plunien, and G. Soff =N onresonant corrections for the hydro- gen atom G.W.F. Drake Progress in helium fine-structure calculations and the fine-structure constant Ulrich D. Jentschura, Christoph H. Keitel, and Krzysztof Pachucki Two-loop QED bound-state calculations and squared decay rates Contents / Sommaire M. Fischer, N. Kolachevsky, S.G. Karshenboim, and T.W. Hansch Optical measurement of the 2S hyperfine interval in atomic hydrogen J.L. Verdi, T. Beier, S. Djekic, H. Haffner, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, T. Valenzuela, and G. Werth Measurement of the g, factor of a bound electron in hydrogen-like oxygen ™~" T. Beier, S. Djekic, H. Haffner, N. Hermanspahn, H.-J. Kluge, W. Quint, S. Stahl, T. Valenzuela, J. Verdi, and G. Werth A new value for the mass of the electron from an experiment on the g factor in '*C>* and '®07* V.A. Yerokhin, P. Indelicato, and V.M. Shabaev One-loop self-energy correction to the bound- electron g factor V.G. Pal’chikov, I.Yu. Skobelev, and A.Ya. Faenov — Testing of QED theory on the Rydberg series for the He-like multicharged ions A.V. Volotka, V.M. Shabaev, G. Plunien, G. Soff, and V.A. Yerokhin Hyperfine quenching of the 2°P9, 2 states in He-like ions V.E. Markushin Cascade problems in precision physics with muonic and hadronic hydrogen P. Crivelli Search for an exotic three-body decay of orthopositronium o-Ps > y + X, + X> Masami Chiba, Jun Nakagawa, Hiromasa Tsugawa, Ryosuke Ogata, and Takuro Nishimura A detector with high detection efficiency in 4- and 5-photon-positronium annihilations S.I. Eidelman, S.G. Karshenboim, and V.A. Shelyuto Hadronic effects in leptonic systems: muonium hyperfine structure and anomalous magnetic moment of muon S.G. Karshenboim and V.G. Ivanov The g factor in a light two-body atomic system: a determina- tion of fundamental constants to test QED V. Antropov, A. Ivanov, Yu. Korotaev, T. Mamedov, I. Meshkov, I. Seleznev, A. Sidorin, A. Smirnov, E. Syresin, G. Trubnikov, and S. Yakovenko Development of the new method of positronium generation. Abilities and future trends Yu.S. Domnin, G.A. Elkin, A.V. Novoselov, L.N. Kopylov, V.N. Baryshev, and V.G. Pal’chikov VNIIFTRI cesium fountain S. Rainville, J.K. Thompson, and D.E. Pritchard Single-ion mass spectrometry at 100 ppt and be- yond J.L. Friar The structure of light nuclei and its effect on precise atomic measurements M. Tomaselli, Th. Kuhl, W. Nortershauser, G. Ewald, R. Sanchez, S. Fritzsche, and S.G. Karshenboim Systematic model calculations of the hyperfine structure in light and heavy ions S.I. Redin, R.M. Carey, E. Efstathiadis, M.F. Hare, X. Huang, F. Krinen, A. Lam, J.P. Miller, J. Paley, Q. Peng, O. Rind, B.L. Roberts, L.R. Sulak, A. Trofimov, G.W. Bennett, H.N. Brown, G. Bunce, G.T. Danby, R. Larsen, Y.Y. Lee, W. Meng, J. Mi, W.M. Morse, D. Nikas, C. Ozben, R. Prigl, Y.K. Semertzidis, D. Warburton, V.P. Druzhinin, G.V. Fedotovich, D. Grigoriev, B.I. Khazin, I.B. Logashenko, N.M. Ryskulov, Yu.M. Shatunoy, E.P. Solodov, Yu.F. Orlov, D. Winn, A. Grossmann, K. Jungmann, G. zu Putlitz, P. von Walter, P.T. Debevec, W. Deninger, F. Gray, D.W. Hertzog, C.J.G. Onderwater, C. Polly, S. Sedykh, M. Sossong, D. Urner, A. Yamamoto, B. Bousquet, P. Cushman, L. Duong, S. Giron, J. Kindem, I. Kronkvist, R. McNabb, T. Qian, P. Shagin, C. Timmermans, D. Zimmerman, M. Iwasaki, M. Kawamura, M. Deile, H. Deng, S.K. Dhawan, F.J.M. Farley, M. Grosse-Perdekamp, V.W. Hughes, D. Kawall, J. Pretz, E.P. Sichtermann, A. Steinmetz Recent results and current status of the muon g — 2 experiment at BNL R.N. Faustov and A.P. Martynenko Gyromagnetic factors of bound particles with arbitrary spin in quantum electrodynamics Svetlana Kotochigova, Peter J. Mohr, and Barry N. Taylor Precise energies of highly excited hy- drogen and deuterium Can. J. Phys. Vol. 80, 2002 V.D. Ovsiannikov and E.V. Tchaplyguine The Paschen—Back effect in helium spectra revisited V.D. Ovsiannikov and V.V. Chernushkin The diamagnetic effect on the intensity of helium radia- tion lines V.D. Ovsiannikov and V.G. Pal’chikov Precise theory of the Stark effect on hydrogen- and helium-like atoms Victor Yakhontov _ Relativistic linear response wave function of the lowest ns, states in hydrogen-like atoms. New analytic results Victor Yakhontov and Martin Jungen Nonvariational and nonadiabatic calculations on the hydro- gen molecular ion and its LL isotopes Foreword / Avant propos December / décembre R.I. Thompson, T.J. Harmon, and M.G. Ball = Tutorial/Article didactique The rotating-saddle trap: a mechanical analogy to RF-electric-quadrupole ion trapping? M. Weel and A. Kumarakrishnan = Tutorial/Article didactique Laser-frequency stabilization using a lock-in amplifier Mare Joyeux and Dominique Sugny Tutorial/Article didactique Canonical perturbation theory for highly excited dynamics E. Trabert Review/Synthése Precise atomic lifetime measurements with stored ion beams and ion traps S.B. Utter, P. Beiersdorfer, and E. Trabert Electron-beam ion-trap spectra of tungsten in the EUV A. Hirose and M. Eila Integral-equation analysis of the kinetic-ballooning modes in tokamaks Izumi Murakami, Ulyana I. Safronova, and Takako Kato _Dielectronic recombination-rate coeffi- cients to excited states of Be-like oxygen and dielectronic satellite lines H. Hur, T.Y. Huang, Z. Zhao, P. Karunanayaka, and T.F. Tuan A theoretical model analysis of the sudden narrow temperature-layer formation observed in the ALOHA-93 Campaign Mailin Liang, Bing Yuan, and Kaisheng Zhong’ The exact evolution of the time-dependent driven damped harmonic oscillator with time-dependent mass and frequency S. Dhamija, M. Kaur, and S. Dahiya Analysis of pion—nucleus interactions in the framework of a multistring model H. Tawara and P. Richard Ar K X-ray production in slow, highly charged Ar?* (gq = 8-18) + Ar collisions A.M. Saad_ Effect of cobalt 60 and | MeV electron irradiation on silicon photodiodes/solar cells A.M. Saad High quantum efficiency of UV-enhanced silicon photodiodes Emad M. Aboeldahab and Mahmoud S. El Gendy Radiation effect on MHD free-convective flow of a gas past a semi-infinite vertical plate with variable thermophysical properties for high-temperature differences T.J. Scholl, R.A. Holt, D. Masterman, R.C. Rivest, S.D. Rosner, and A. Sharikova Measure- ment of radiative lifetimes in Sm II Usha Kulshreshtha The light-front Hamiltonian and BRST formulations of a two-dimensional Abelian—Higgs model Usha Kulshreshtha Hamiltonian and BRST formulations of a gauge-invariant chiral Schwinger model with the Faddeevian regularization K.A. Helmy, H.F. Idriss, and S.E. Kassem MHD free convection flow of a micropolar fluid past a vertical porous plate Contents / Sommaire J.C. Chimal-Eguia, O. Chavoya-Aceves, and F. Angulo-Brown Some further analogies between the Bak—Sneppen model for biological evolution and the spring-block earthquake model J.R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, P. Beiersdorfer, K. Widmann, and V. Decaux Visible spectrum of highly charged ions: The forbidden optical lines of Kr, Xe, and Ba ions in the Ar I to Kr I isoelectronic sequence Author Index / Index des auteurs Subject Classificaton / Classification thématique Contents / Sommaire

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