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Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Journal Canadien des Sciences Halieutiques et Aquatiques 2001: Vol 58 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Journal Canadien des Sciences Halieutiques et Aquatiques 2001: Vol 58 Table of Contents

Canadian Journal of Journal canadien des Fisheries and sciences halieutiques Aquatic Sciences et aquatiques Contents Sommaire Volume 58, 2001 Volume 58, 2001 January / janvier THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCE HALIEUTIQUES ET AQUATIQUES ~100 ANS Editorial / Editorial Daniel Boisclair Fish habitat modeling: from conceptual frame INVITED PERSPECTIVES AND ARTICLE / PERSPECTIVES INVITEES oe Jon T. Schnute and Laura J. Richards Use and abuse of fisher D.W. Schindler The cumulative effects of climate warmi: millennium Steven E. Campana and Simon R. Thorrold Otoliths, inc: populations? Carl Walters and James F. Kitchell Cultivation/depensati theory of tishing Daniel Pauly, Ma. Lourdes Palomares, Rainer Froese, Pascualita Sa-a, Michael Vakily, David Preikshot, and Scott Wallace Fishing down Canadian aquatic food webs Michael L. Pace Prediction and the aquatic sciences J.E. Carscadden, K.T. Frank, and W.C. Leggett forage species Anna Metaxas Behaviour in flow: perspectives on the distribution and dispersion of Ray Hilborn, Jean-Jacques Maguire, Ana M. Parma, and Andrew A. Rosenberg gement: can they increase the probability of successes in fishery manageme Jeffrey A. Hutchings Conservation biology of marine fishe erceptions and ca Michael T. Arts, Robert G. Ackman, and Bruce J. Holub diet and human health and evolution Glen S. Jamieson and Colin Levings Marine protected management Donald A. Jackson, Pedro R. Peres-Neto, and Julian D. Olden What controls who is where freshwater fish communities the roles of biotic, abiotic, and spatial factors K.F. Drinkwater and G.C. Harding Effects of the Hudson Stra ARTICLES / ARTICLES Togwell A. Jackson Variations in the isotope composition of mercury in a freshw sediment sequence John P. Volpe, Bradley R. Anholt, and Barry W. Glickman Competition an teelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): relevance to invasion potential in British Ci E. Gargett, M. Li, and R. Brown Testing mechanistic explanations of obser marine fisheries PERSPECTIVE / PERSPECTIVE Alexander B. Bochdansky and William C. Leggett Winberg revisited: convergence of routine metabolism in larval and juvenile fish February / février ARTICLES / ARTICLES Kenneth H. Nicholls and Claudiu Tudorancea Application of fuzzy cluster analysis to Lake Simcoe crustacean Zoopii community Structure C.A. Pilditch, J. Grant, and K.R. Bryan Seston supply to sea scallops (Placopecte in suspended culture Richard McGarvey and Michael Pennington Designing and evaluating length frequency surveys for trap fisher! application to the southern rock lobster Mary C. Fabrizio, Robert M. Dorazio, and Stephen T. Schram Dynamics of individual lake trout (Sa/lvelinus namaycush) Renzo Perissinotto, Patrick Mayzaud, Jean-Philippe Labat, and Suzanne Razouls in the region of the Subtropical Convergence and the Agulhas Front Philip Roni and Thomas P. Quinn Density and size of juvenile salmonids in response to placement of large western Oregon and Washington streams Collins N. Kamunde, Martin Grosell, John N. A. Lott, and Chris M. Wood Copper metabolism a rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during chronic sublethal dietary copper exposure Jon K.T. Brodziak, William J. Overholtz, and Paul J. Rago Does spawning stock affect recruitment of New England ground fish? Craig A. Tinus and Gordon H. Reeves _Redside shiner (Richardsonius balteatus) shoals provide a behay for subordinate juvenile steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) T.R. Sommer, M.L. Nobriga, W.C. Harrell, W. Batham, and W.J. Kimmerer Floodplain 1r earing of juvemie chinook salmon evidence of enhanced growth and survival Genevieve Briand, Scott C. Matulich, and Ron C. Mittelhammer A catch per unit effort — soak time model for the Bristol Bay red king crab fishery, 1991-1997 Pamela S.D. MacRae and Donald A. Jackson The influence of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu ) predation and habitat complexity on the structure of littoral zone fish assemblages Robert A. Klumb, Michael A. Bozek, and Richard V. Frie Validation of three back-calculation models by using multiple oxytetracycline marks formed in the otoliths and scales of bluegill x green sunfish hybrids Michael J. Bradford and Paul S. Higgins Habitat-, season-, and size-specific variation in diel activity patterns of juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Katriona Shea and Mare Mangel Detection of population trends in threatened coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch John A. Sweka and Kyle J. Hartman Effects of turbidity on prey consumption and growth in brook trout and implications for bioenergetics modeling Mare Trudel, Alain Tremblay, Roger Schetagne, and Joseph B. Rasmussen Why are dwart fish so small An analysis of polymorphism in lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) Eric B. Taylor, Zoé A. Redenbach, Allan B. Costello, Susan J. Pollard, and Charlie J. Pacas Nested analysis of genetic diversity in northwestern North American char Dolly Varden (Sa/velinus malma) and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) E.E. Prepas, B. Pinel-Alloul, D. Planas, G. Méthot, S. Paquet, and S. Reedyk Forest harvest impacts on water quality and aquatic biota on the Boreal Plain: introduction to the TROLS lake program March / mars ARTICLES / ARTICLES Brad W. Tay)l or, Ang£u s R. McIntosh, and Barbara L. Peckarsky ‘ Sampl|i ng : Stream invertebrates using electroshocking techniques: implications for basic and applied research G.R. Guensch, T.B. Hardy, and R.C. Addley Examining feeding strategies and position choice of drift-feeding salmonids using an individual-based, mechanistic foraging model Olivier Maury, Didier Gascuel, Francis Marsac, Alain Fonteneau, and Anne-Laure De Rosa_ Hierarchical interpretation of nonlinear relationships linking yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) distribution to the environment in the Atlantic Ocean James G. March, Jonathan P. Benstead, Catherine M. Pringle, and Mark W. Ruebel Linking shrimp assemblages with rates of detrital processing along an elevational gradient in a tropical stream Kathleen Laird, Brian Cumming, and Rick Nordin lakes from the west coast of Vancot Island. Brit Kathleen Laird and Brian Cumming ntral interior of British Columb Olof Regnell, Tommy Hammar, Anders Helgée, and Bo Troedsson methy! mercury in sediment and iter { H Stephen J. Lozano, Jill V. Scharold, and Thomas F. Nalepa Ontario Maia Tsurumi and Verena Tunnicliffe Juan de Fuca Ridge. northeast Pacific Sushil S. Dixit, W. (Bill) Keller, Aruna S. Dixit, and John P. Smol D issessments of past | B penetration in Canad S Richard A. Hinrichsen The models Noel G. Cadigan and Ransom A. Myers pont 1K Paul R. Armsworth Ray Hilborn Calculation of Jordan S. Rosenfeld and Shelly Boss | drbenee netitti s i in pr ools| a' nd rirfitf fle Micheal S. Allen and Leandro E. Miranda ristics and environment David J. Soucek, Travis S. Schmidt, and Donald S. Cherry | une drainage and nutrient input ow-order Kerri P. Finlay, Hélene Cyr, and Brian J. Shuter Spati multibasin lake David M. Janz, Mark E. McMaster, Lynn P. Weber, Kelly R. Munkit trick, and Glen Van Der Kraak R size. follicle cell apoptosis, and HSP70 expression in fish expose bl ed pt ll eff PERSPECTIVE / PERSPECTIVE Marti J. Anderson Permutation tests for univariat April / avril RAPID COMMUNICATION / COMMUNICATION RAPID M.R.J. Sheehy Implications of protracted recruitm« GLOBEC CANADA: RESPONSE OF MARINE ECOSYSTEMS TO ENVIRONMENTA ECOSYSTEMES MARINS ET LA VARIABILITE DE LENVIRONNEMENT D.L. Mackas and B. deYoung GLOBEC Canada 1996-2000 my Stéphane Plourde, Pierre Joly, Jeffrey A. Runge, Bruno Zakardjian, and Julian J. Dodson finmarchicus in the lower St. Lawrence Estuary: the imprint of lan A. McLaren, Erica Head, and D.D. Sameoto Life cycle Scotian Shelt S.E. Allen, C. Vindeirinho, R.E. Thomson, M.G.G. Foreman, and D.L. Mackas P|! marine canyon during an upwelling event D.L. Mackas, Richard E. Thomson, and Moira Galbraith wes in continental margin, 1985-1999, and their covariation with oceanographi S.P. Haigh, K.L. Denman, and W.W. Hsieh Simulation of the planktonix an isopycnic model of the North Pacific Youyu Lu, Keith R. Thompson, and Daniel G. Wright Tidal! currents and mixu the incremental approach to data assimilation C.L. Smith, A.E. Hill, M.G.G. Foreman, and M.A. Pena Horizontal transport of marine organisms resulting from interactions between diel vertical migration and tidal currents off the west coast of Vancouver Island D. Sameoto Decadal changes in phytoplankton color index and selected calanoid copepods in continuou plankton recorder data from the Scotian Shelf ARTICLES / ARTICLES lan J. Morgan and Neil B. Metcalfe The influence of energetic requirements on the preferred temperature of overwintering I O juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) Richard A. Hinrichsen High variability in spawner-recruit data hampers learning D.L. Palka and P.S. Hammond = Accounting for responsive movement in line transect estimates of abundance Jérgen I. Johnsson, Johan Héjesjé, and Ian A. Fleming Behavioural and heart rate responses to predation risk in domesticated Atlantic salmon Mark N. Maunder A general framework for integrating the standardization of catch per unit Of effort into stock assess models B.A. Berejikian, E.P. Tezak, L. Park, E. LaHood, S.L. Schroder, and E. Beall ale competition I and breedin captively reared and wild coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) PERSPECTIVES / PERSPECTIVES lan R. Bradbury and Paul V.R. Snelgrove Contrasting larval transport in demersal fish and benthic behaviour and advective processes in determining spatial pattern S.P. Rice, M.T. Greenwood, and C.B. Joyce Tributaries, sediment sources, and the longitudinal organisation invertebrate fauna along river systems May / mai RAPID COMMUNICATION / COMMUNICATION RAPIDE Philip W. Hedrick Invasion of transgenes from salmon or other genetically modified organisms into natural populations ARTICLES / ARTICLES Emma M.C. Hatfield, Roger T. Hanlon, John W. Forsythe, and Eric P.M. Grist Laboratory for juvenile squid Loligo pealeii (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) L. Boegman, M.R. Loewen, P.F. Hamblin, and D.A. Culver Application of a two-dimensional hydrodynamic to Lake Erie James L. Lake, Richard A. McKinney, Frank A. Osterman, Richard J. Pruell, John Kiddon, Stephan A. Ryba, Alan D. Libby Stable nitrogen isotopes as indicators of anthropogenic activities in small freshwater systems William F. Kenney, Claire L. Schelske, and Andrew D. Chapman Changes in polyphosphate sedimentation excessive phosphorus enrichment in a hypereutrophic lake Karl C. Bowles, Simon C. Apte, William A. Maher, Matthew Kawei, and Ross Smith Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of mercury in Lake Murray, Papua New Guinea 888 Yvonne C,. Allen and Charles W. Ramcharan = Dreissena distribution in commercial nvasions to identify limiting factors 898 Tien-Shui Tsou and Jeremy S. Collie Estimating predation mortality in the Georges Bank fish community 908 Stephen E. MacAvoy, Stephen A. Macko, and Greg C. Garman __ Isotopic turnover in aquatic predators: quantifying the exploitation of migratory prey 923 John M. Dettmers, Steve Gutreuter, David H. Wahl, and Daniel A. Soluk Patterns in abundance of fishes in main channels of the upper Mississippi River system 933 W. Nicholas Beer and James J. Anderson Effect of spawning day and temperature on salmon emergence: interpretations of a growth model for Methow River chinook 943 U. Borgmann, W.P. Norwood, T.B. Reynoldson, and F. Rosa Identifying cause in sediment assessments: bioavailability and the Sediment Quality Triad 950 C.J. Cutts, C.E. Adams, and A. Campbell Siability of physiological and behavioural determinants of performance in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) Michael G. Frisk, Thomas J. Miller, and Michael J. Fogarty branch fishes: a comparative life history stud Christopher Lage, Maureen Purcell, Michael Fogarty, and Irv Kornfield M (Melanogrammus aeelefinus) stocks in the northwest Atlantic O ES: BIVALVE AQUACULTURE IN Aad Smaal, Marnix van Stralen, and Egbertha Schuiling teract f 99] Jon Grant and Cedric Bacher A numerical mode! of flow n ficatio 1003 A. Gangnery, C. Bacher, and D. Buestel (Mediterranee, France) with a population dynamics mod 1012 Jeanie Stenton-Dozey, Trevor Probyn, and Alistair Busby macrofauna, in situ oxygen uptake, and nuts t fl lanha B \ 1021 PERSPECTIVE / PERSPECTIVE Alexander B. Bochdansky and Don Deibel redetining the linear mode June / juin E.L.R. Kenchington, J. Prena, K.D. Gilkinson, D.C. Gordon, Jr.. K. Maclsaac, C. Bourbonnais, P.J. Schwinghamer, r.W. Rowell, D.L. McKeown, and W.P. Vass_ Effects of ter ' \ n the Grand Bank f Newfoundland 1043 rhomas C. Pratt and Michael G. Fox the demersal stag 1058 Ernest L. Brannon, Keya C.M. Collins, Lawrence L. Moulton, and Keith R. Parker incubating pink salmon eggs Prince William Sour 1070 G. Wayne Minshall, Todd V. Royer, and Christopher T. Robinson first 10 years following disturbance by tl O88 ¥ ifires 1077 Daniel J. Isaak and Wayne A. Hubert =P patially explicit px analyse 1089 D.J. McKenzie, E. Cataldi, P. Romano, S.F. Owen, E.W. Taylor, and P. Bronzi the growth, respiratory metabolism, and swimn pert f f-tl | 1104 D.J. McKenzie, E. Cataldi, P. Romano, E.W. Taylor, S. Cataudella, and P. Bronzi tolerance of salinity challenge by young-of-the Ad f i Ernest R. Keeley and James W.A. Grant Pr A.J. Harwood, N.B. Metcalfe, J.D. Armstrong, and S.W. Griffiths en Atlantic salmon (Salm Anna Rindorf and Peter Lewy Analyse Alida Bundy Fishing on ecosystems: the interp f fist predat N Matthew S. Kendall, Donna L. Wolcott, Thomas G. Wolcott, and Anson H. Hines blue crabs, Calli f pie 1 a fished population: dep D.G. Chen and J.R. Irvine data S.P. Good, J.J. Dodson, M.G. Meekan, and D.A.J. Ryan salar) try C.E. Petrosky, H.A. Schaller, and P. Budy — Productivit Snake River chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshi tscha 1196 Henry A. Vanderpioeg, James R. Liebig, Wayne W. Carmichael, Megan A. Agy, Thomas H. Johengen, Gary L. Fahnenstiel, and Thomas F. Nalepa = Z>«bra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) selective filtration promoted toxic M blooms in Sagin Bay (Lake Huron) and Lake Erie Ernest H. Joynt III and Alexander P. Wolfe Paleoenvironmental inference models from sediment diatom assemblages in Baffin Island lakes (Nunavut, Canada) and reconstruction of summer water temperature M. Scott Baker, Jr., Charles A. Wilson, and Daniel L. VanGent Testing assumptions of otolith radiometri long-lived fishes from the northern Gulf of Mexico Nathanael C. Overman and Donna L. Parrish Stable isotope composition of walle specific differences in 6'°C July / juillet RAPID COMMUNICATION /C OMMUNICATION RAPIDE Thomas G. Horvath, Richard L. Whitman, and Laurel L. Last Establishment of tw« Harpacticoida) in the nearshore sands of Lake Michigan ARTICLES / ARTICLES Edward J. Gregr and Andrew W. Trites Predictions of critical habitat for five whale species in t waters oastal British Columbia E.E. Prepas, D. Planas, J.J. Gibson, D.H. Vitt, T.D. Prowse, W.P. Dinsmore, L.A. Halsey, P.M. McEachern, S. Paquet, G.J. Scrimgeour, W.M. Tonn, C.A. Paszkowski, and K. Wolfstein Landscape variable nfluencing nutric phytoplankton communities in Boreal Plain lakes of northern Alberta: a comparison « uD tana | dominated catchments Michael F. Sigler and Chris R. Lunsford Effects of individual quotas on Alaska sablefish fishery Melissa M. Gray and Stephen C. Weeks Niche breadth in clonal and sexual variation model Florian Malard, Alain Mangin, Urs Uehlinger, and J.V. Ward Thermal heterog plain Sherrylynn Rowe Movement and harvesting mortality of American lobsters (H no-take reserves in Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland N.R. Urban and A.E. Monte Sulfur burial in and loss from the sediments of Littl m Wisconsin D.E. Hay, P.B. McCarter, and K.S. Daniel Tagging of Pacific herring Clupea pa from 1936-1992 on homing, geographic fidelity, and straying Beatrix E. Beisner Herbivory in variable environments: an experimental test of t phytoplankton community structure leij. a Seppé, Anssi Laurila, Nina Peuhkuri, Jorma Piironen, and Nicola Lower arly familiarity has fitness conseque Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) juveniles John T. Anderson and George A. Rose Offshore spawning and year-class strength of northern cod moratorium, 1994-1996 r.B. Reynoldson, D.M. Rosenberg, and V.H. Resh Comparison of models predicting invertebrate assembla; monitoring in the Fraser River catchment, British Columbia Pamela F. Reece, Trefor B. Reynoldson, John S. Richardson, and David M. Rosenberg — Implications of biomonitoring with predictive models in the Fraser River catchment, British Columbia Ben K. Greenfield, Thomas R. Hrabik, Chris J. Harvey, and Stephen R. Carpenter Predicting mercury perch: use of water chemistry, trophic ecology, and spatial traits Nasseer Idrisi, Edward L. Mills, Lars G. Rudstam, and Donald J. Stewart Impact of zebra mussels (Dreiss on the pelagic lower trophic levels of Oneida Lake, New York Judith S. Weis, Jennifer Samson, Tong Zhou, Joan Skurnick, and Peddrick Weis Prey capture ability of mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) as a behavioral biomarker for contaminants in estuarine systems Rishi Sharma and Ray Hilborn Empirical relationships between watershed characteristics and coho salmon (Oncorhync! smolt abundance in 14 western Washington streams Ransom A. Myers, Brian R. MacKenzie, Keith G. Bowen, and Nicholas J. Barrowman What is the carrying capacity for fish in the ocean? A meta-analysis of population dynamics of North Atlantic cod Christopher J. Heyer, Thomas J. Miller, Fred P. Binkowski, Elaine M. Caldarone, and James A. Rice Maternal effects as a recruitment mechanism in Lake Michigan yellow perch (Perca flavescens) August / aoat ARTICLES / ARTICLES Jennifer L. Bowen and Ivan Valiela The loads and eutrophication of Waquoit Bay Brian J. Pyper, Franz J. Mueter, Randall M. Peterman, David J. Blackbourn, and Chris C. Wood survival rates of Northeast Pacific pink salmon (O Friedrich W. Késter, Christian Méllmann, Stefan Neuenfeldt, Michael A. St. John, Maris Plikshs, and Riidiger Voss Developing Baltic cod recruitment models. |. Resolving spatial and temport al d ‘ ! \ { sp} a t tock herring, and sprat Friedrich W. Késter, Hans-Harald Hinrichsen, Michael A. St. John, Dietrich Schnack, Brian R. MacKenzie. Jonna Tomkiewicz. and Maris Plikshs Developing Baltic cod recruitment mod Il. Incory i t variability and species interaction J.P. Kritzer, C.R. Davies, and B.D. Mapstone Charact on the precision of demographic parameter estimat Shelton J. Harley and Ransom A. Myers — Hierarchi Jill B.K. Leonard and Stephen D. McCormick M Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar C. Claret, A.J. Boulton, M.-J. Dole-Olivier, and P. Marmonier matter pathways in floodplain habitats Vanessa L. Lougheed, Barb Crosbie, and Patricia Chow-Fraser 62 marshes across the Great Lakes basin: latitude ind usc nd iter « lit tlect 1603 Caihong Fu, Robert Mohn, and L. Paul Fanning Why t! recovered 1613 Edward R. Siler, J. Bruce Wallace, and S.L. Eggert Long-te: t { rt 1624 Robert J. Steedman, Robert S. Kushneriuk, and Robert L. France line loget round small boreal forest 1638 Zhenming Su, Milo D. Adkison, and Benjamin W. Van Alen escapement and escapement timing 1648 Milo D. Adkison and Zhenming Su versus separate maximum likelihood esti on « ch yea { loo3 Zhongyan Weng, Nandita Mookerji, and Asit Mazumder strophic flood 1672 J.A.E. van Oostenbrugge, W.L.T. van Densen, and M..A.M. Machiels Ris} certain coastal fishery for pelagic fish. Moluccas, Indon« 1683 A.S. Ek and T. Korsman A paleolimnologic sessment of the effects of | luc posit ‘ 1692 ERRATUM / ERRATUM W. Nicholas Beer and James J. Anderson’ E: interpretations Of a growth model for Methow September / septembre RAPID COMMUNICATION / COMMUNICATION RAPIDE Kenneth T. Frank and Nancy L. Shackell Area-dependent | ARTICLES / ARTICLES S. Ballance, P.J. Phillips, C.R. McCrohan, J.J Powell, R. Jugdaohsingh, and K.N. White — Influ the behaviour of aluminum and its bioavailability to the snail Lyn Robert J. Latour, John M. Hoenig, John E. Olney, and Kenneth H. Pollock D1 application to Atlantic striped bass (Morone saxatilis) Marianne E. Meding and Leland J. Jackson Biological implicatior Marie-Noéle Croteau, Landis Hare, and André Tessier Differences in Cd hbiomonitor Chaoborus Florian Mermillod-Blondin, Magali Gérino, Valérie Degrange, Robert Lensi, Jean-Luc Chassé, Michael Rard, and Michel Creuzé des Chatelliers Testing the functional redundancy of Li ( d 7 Ol | I hyporheic sediments: an experimental study in microcosm Shelton J. Harley, Ransom A. Myers, and Alistair Dunn Is catch-pet Stephen C. Schroeter, Daniel C. Reed, David J. Kushner, James A. Estes, and David S. Ono evaluating the dive fishery for the warty sea cucumber (Parast NUS Pal é ( if Yong Cao, David P. Larsen, and Robert M. Hughes based approach Jason E. Tanner Influence of harvest Kentaro Morita and Takashi Matsuishi Benjamin H. Letcher and Tim L. Kin oa application to Connecticut River Atlantic David B. Donald, Rolf D. Vinebrooke, R. Stewart Anderson, Jim Syrgiannis, and Mark D. Graham R«¢ zooplanktor issemblages in mountain lake irom u etl I of introduced por James H. Petersen and James F. Kitchell Cli implications for predators of juveni ! D.J. McGlashan, J.M. Hughes, and S.E. Bunn W nifer (Pseudomugilidac I rwrtnert Aust Michael M. Hansen, Einar E. Nielsen, Dorte Bekkevold, and Karen-Lise D. Mensberg impact assessment brown trout (Sa/i rut estimated in incompiete Daseli lat Peter T. Stevick, Per J. Palsboll, Tim D. Smith, Mark V. Bravington, and Philip S. Hammond — E: natural markings: rates, sources, al ettect m capture—recapture estimates of abunda PERSPECTIVES / PERSPECTIVES M.K. McAllister, E.K. Pikitch, and E.A. Babcock rate of increase in Larry D. Jacobson, Jose A.A. De Oliveira, Manuel Barange, Miguel A. Cisneros-Mata, Roberto Félix-Uraga, John R. Hunter, Jin Yeong Kim, Yasunobu Matsuura, Miguel Niquen, Carmela Porteiro, Brian Rothschild, Ramiro P. Sanchez, Rodolfo Serra, Andres Uriarte, and Tokio Wada Surplus p tio! t anchovy fisheries 1891 October / octobre RAPID COMMUNICATION / COMMUNICATION RAPIDtE John A. Downing, Susan B. Watson, and Edward McCauley ARTICLES / ARTICLES Outi Heikinheimo = Effect of predation on the low-density dynamics of vendace nificance the fu lal response 1909 José Luiz Attayde and Lars-Anders Hansson — Fish-mediated nutrient recycling and the trophic casca 1924 A.P. Farrell, P.E. Gallaugher, J. Fraser, D. Pike, P. Bowering, A.K.M. Hadwin, W. Parkhouse. and R. Routledge recovery of the physiological status of coho salmon on board a commercial gillnet vesselb y means of a newly designed revival box 1932 Thomas H. Kahler, Philip Roni, and Thomas P. Quinn Summer movement and small western Washington streams 1947 W. John O’Brien, Michael Barfield, and Karen Sigler The functional response of drift al prey density, water velocity, and location efficiency 1957 C. Ballan-Dufrangais, A.Y. Jeantet, A. Geffard, J.C. Amiard, and C. Amiard-Triquet Cellular and tissular distribution copper in an intrasedimentary bivalve, the Baltic clam Macoma balthica, originating from a clean or a metal-rich site 1964 Ora E. Johannsson, Mike F. Leggett, Lars G. Rudstam, Mark R. Servos, M. Ali Mohammadian, Gideon Gal, Ron M. Dermott, and Ray H. Hesslein§ Diet of Mysis relicta in Lake Ontario revealed by sti isotope and gut content analysis John R. Skalski, James Lady, Richard Townsend, Albert E. Giorgi, John R. Stevenson. Charles M. Peven. and Robert D. McDonald — Estimating in-river sur 1987 Philippe Brodeur, Pierre Magnan, and Michel Legault —R: ( fost i COMIN « vol pdiomanip 1Y9R W. Keller, S.S. Dixit, and J. Heneberry ( 2011 Alistair J. Hobday and George W. Boehlert size of coho salmon (0) 2021 John Hagen and Eric B. Taylor 5 elinus matin nd pul 2037 M. Mingelbier, F. Lecomte, and J.J. Dodson Osmerus mor in the middle tuar { St. | ( 2048 Elise Marie Watkins, David W. Schindler, Michael A. Turner, and David Findlay pilith netado1st nd nutrient and TT 2059 PERSPEC James L. Anthony and John A. Downing NX eth \r 2071 Bjérn Bjérnsson 2091 John G. Williams — Trip rt J.C. Guay, D. Boisclair, M. Leclerc, M. Lapointe, and P. Legendre { Williams On November / novembre ARTICLE . Gao, S.H. Joner, and G.G. Bargmann = S! ( ea pi in Puget Sour D.G. Johns, M. Edwards, and S.D. Batten \I Atsushi Maruyama, Yoshihiro Yamada, Bosco Rusuwa, and Masahide Yuma _ (¢ muscle tissue of a migrator oby. Ri limothy E. Essington, James F. Kitchell, and Car! J. Walters consumption rates of Tish D.G. Chen Stéphane Gauthier and George A. Rose D Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Howard P. Gross, Phaedra Budy, and Chris Luecke on the phytoplankton and pery Jeremy S. Collie and Henrik Gislason B Steven W. Effler, Carol M. Matthews (Brooks), and David A. Matthews mMorevanic tripton Gordon R. Haas and J.D. McPhail The post-Wi a multivariate morphometric approach for cor P. Pepin, J.F. Dower, and H.P. Benoit The rok study of growth in larval fish Al Shaw and John S. Richardson Direct and indir and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) growth and survi Richard S. Stemberger, David P. Larsen, and Thomas M. Kincaid Sensitir Allison K. DeLong, Jeremy S. Collie, Carol J. Meise, and J. Christopher Powell winter flounder. Ps¢ udoplieuronectes americanus with a length-based mod Risto Vainéla, Jouni K. Vainio, and Jukka U. Palo Phylogeography of “glacial Amphipoda) from boreal lakes and the Caspian and White seas Heather L. Haas, E. Conrad Lamon III, Kenneth A. Rose, and Richard F. Shaw Environmental and biological factor associated with the stage-specific abundance of brown shrimp (Penaeus aztecus) in Louisiana: applying a new combina tion of { Statistical techniques to long-term monitoring data Brian E. Margolis, Mark S. Castro, and Richard L. Raesly The impact of beaver impoundments two Appalachian streams E. Rivot, E. Prévost, and E. Parent How robust are Bayesian |p osterior inferences based on a Ricker model with measurement errors and prior assumptions about parameters? Fredrik Nordwall, Ingemar Naslund, and Erik Degerman _ Intercohort competition effects of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Swedish streams DISCUSSION / DISCUSSION Holger Hintelmann, Peter Dillon, R. Douglas Evans, John W.M. Rudd, and R.A. (Drew) Bodaly the isotope composition of mercury in a freshwater sediment sequence and food web 2309 Togwell A. Jackson Repl|y : Variations in the isotop|e compoIs ition of mercury in a 2312 ERRATUM / ERRATUM Philip W. Hedrick Erratum: Invasion of transgenes from salmon or other genetically modified December / décembre RAPID COMMUNICATIONS / COMMUNICATIONS RAPIDES Anthony P. Farrell, Patricia E. Gallaugher, and Richard Routledge Rapid recover commercial capture by troll fishing D. Robichaud and G.A. Rose Multiyear homing of Atlantic cod to a spawning ground ARTICLES / ARTICLES M. Bernal, D.L. Borchers, L. Valdés, A. Lago de Lanzés. and S.T. Buckland A new with daily spawning synchronicity Norman D. Yan, Agnes Blukacz, W. Gary Sprules, Paul K. Kindy, David Hackett, Robert E. Girard, and Bev J. Clark Changes in zooplankton and the phenology of the spiny water flea, Bythotrephes, following its invasion of Harp Lake Ontarn Canada Deborah R. Hart Individual-based ; yield-pIe r-recruit analysis, with an apPpI lication magellanicus David B. Arscott, Klement Tockner, and J.V. Ward Thermal heterogeneity along a braid northeastern Italy) Lance A. Vrieze and Peter W. Sorensen Laboratory assessment of the role of a larval pheromone and natural spawning stream localization by migratory sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) J.H. Webb, R.J. Fryer, J.B. Taggart, C.E. Thompson, and A.F. Youngson Dispersion of Atlantic salmon from competing families as revealed by DNA profiling David J. Soucek, Donald S. Cherry, and Carl E. Zipper Aluminum-dominated acute toxicity to the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia in neutral waters downstream of an acid mine drainage discharge Claude Belzile, Warwick F. Vincent, John A.E. Gibson, and Patrick Van Hove Bio-optical i characteristics of the SNOW and water column of a perennially ice-covered lake in the High Arctic Richard B. Deriso, David R. Marmorek, and lan J. Parnell Retrospective patterns of differential mortality an gqj common year-effects experienced by spring and summer chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) of the Columbia River ‘alvin N. Peters and David R. 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