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Canadian Home Economics Journal. Revue Canadienne d'Economie Familiale 1994: Vol 44 Index PDF

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Preview Canadian Home Economics Journal. Revue Canadienne d'Economie Familiale 1994: Vol 44 Index

Index to Volume 44 Winter 1994 to Fall 1994 ARTICLES/LES ARTICLES Vaines, Eleanore. Ecology as a Unifying Summer/Eté, 105-110. Theme for Home Economics/Human * Toward an Ideal of the Person Edu- Authors/Auteurs Ecology. Spring/Printemps, 59-62. cated in Home Economics: An Invita- tion to Dialogue. Thomas, Jane, and Azevedo, Helena Selma. The Family * Young, Wanda. The Family in Ha- Smith, Gale. Winter/Hiver, 20-25. in Brazil. Summer/Eté, 111- 114. waiian Culture: Lessons from Nature. Summer/Eté, 105-110. Ukrainian Embroidery in the Twenti- * Berry, Ruth E. Guidelinefso r Setting eth Century: Expressing a National Minimum Standards for the Practice of Home Economics. Spring/Printemps, Titles/Titres Self-Concept. Lemiski, Shawna. Spring/Printemps, 63-66. 67-69. Alberta Women’s Institutes —Yester- day and Today. McNaughton, Marie. * Berry, RuthE. Lignes directives pour Fall/Automne, 162-166. * Author retains copyright établir des normes de base relatives a la pratique de l’économie familiale. A Primer onthe Micro-Economic Para- Spring/Printemps, 70-73. digm: The Traditional Approach to RESEARCH SECTION Consumer Policy. McGregor, Sue L. SECTION DES RESEARCHES * Caton, Susan G. Turnbull. Fashion T. Winter/Hiver, 32-37. Marches On—A Canadian Snapshot of the Second World War. Fall/Automne, A Response to Ideology and Family Authors/Auteurs 167-169. Change. Smith, Mary Gale. Fall/ Campbell, Marian L., Diamant, Ruth, Collard, Agathe Gagné. Découvrir le Automne, 155-158. Grunau, Margaret, and Halliday, Judy. plaisir d’enseigner: par les voies Découvrir le plaisir d’enseigner: par Conducting Dietary Surveys in Abo- d’accés vers l’excellence. Fall/ les voies d’accés vers l’excellence. riginal Communities: Methodological Automne, 159-161. Collard, Agathe Gagné. Fall/Automne, Considerations. Summer/Eté, 118-122. 159-161. Kieren, Dianne K. Enriching the Inter- Diamant, Ruth. (See Campbell, Marian L.) nal Family Environment: Striving for Ecology as a Unifying Theme for Home Fast, Janet E. and Skrypnek, Berna J. Family Health under Conditions of Economics/Human Ecology. Vaines, Canadian Women’s Labor Force Adversity. Winter/Hiver, 11-17. Eleanore. Spring/Printemps, 59-62. Behavior: A Forty Year Review. Fall/ Lemiski, Shawna. Ukrainian Embroi- Enriching the Internal Family Envi- Automne, 171-177. dery in the Twentieth Century: Ex- ronment: Striving for Family Health Grunau, Margaret. (See Campbell, pressing a National Self-Concept. under Conditions of Adversity. Kieren, Marian L.) Spring/Printemps, 63-66. Dianne K. Winter/Hiver, 11-17. Halliday, Judy. (See Campbell, Marian L.) McGregor, Sue L. T. A Primer on the * Fashion Marches On—A Canadian Micro-Economic Paradigm: The Tra- Snapshot of the Second World War. Kotsiopulos, Antigone. (See Shim, ditional Approach to Consumer Policy. Caton, Susan G. Turnbull. Fall/ Soyeon). Winter/Hiver, 32- 37. Automne, 167-169. Shim, Soyeon, Sparks, Diane C., and McNaughton, Marie. Alberta Wom- * Guidelines for Setting Minimum Kotsiopulos, Antigone. Men’s Satis- en’s Institutes - Yesterday and Today. Standards for the Practice of Home faction with the Fit and Availability of Fall/Automne, 162-166. Economics. Berry, Ruth E. Spring/ Ready-to-Wear Clothing. Winter/ Printemps, 67-69. Hiver, 26-31. * Onyango, Adelheid. The Cost of Eco- nomic Development — Africa. Sum- * Idéologie et changements dans laf amille. Skrypnek, Berna J. (See Fast, Janet E.) mer/Eté, 115-117. Schneider, Rita Rae. Winter/Hiver, 8-10. Sparks, Diane C. (See Shim, Soyeon). * Schneider, Rita Rae. Idéologie et * Ideology and Family Change. Wein, Eleanor E. The Traditional Food changements dans la famille. Winter/ Schneider, Rita Rae. Winter/Hiver, 5-7. Supply of Native Canadians. Spring/ Hiver, 8-10. * Lignes directives pour établir des Printemps, 74-77. * Schneider, Rita Rae. Ideology and normes de base relatives a la pratique Titles/Titres Family Change. Winter/Hiver, 5-7. de l’économie familiale. Berry, Ruth E. Spring/Printemps, 70-73. Canadian Women’s Labor Force * Smith, Gale. (See Thomas, Jane) Behavior: A Forty Year Review. * The Cost ofE conomic Development— Smith, Mary Gale. A Response to Ide- Fast, Janet E. and Skrypnek, Berna J. Africa. Onyango, Adelheid. Summer/ ology and Family Change. Fall/ Fall/Automne, 171-177. Eté, 115-117. Automne, 155-158. Conducting Dietary Surveys in Abo- The Family in Brazil. Azevedo, Helen * Thomas, Jane, and Smith, Gale. To- riginal Communities: Methodological ward an Ideal of the Person Educated Selma. Summer/Eté, 111-114. Considerations. Campbell, Marian L., in Home Economics: An Invitation to * The Family in Hawaiian Culture: Diamant, Ruth, Grunau, Margaret, and Dialogue. Winter/Hiver, 20-25. Lessons from Nature. Young, Wanda. Halliday, Judy. Summer/Eté, 118-122. Canadian Home Economics Journal * 44 (4) Fall 1994 199 Men’s Satisfaction with the Fit and Kuan, Si Wing Jessie. (See Vincent, Plan Stratégique de l’ACEF 1991- Availability of Ready-to-Wear Cloth- Donna) 1995. Summer/Eté, 128-131. ing. Shim, Soyeon, Sparks, Diane C., McGregor, Sue L. T. Influencing and and Kotsiopulos, Antigone. Winter/ Repertoire des recherches dans les Shaping Policy from a Hestian Per- universités canadiennes. Spring/ Hiver, 26-31. spective. Home Economists Speak Out. Printemps, 100. The Traditional Food Supply of Native Spring/Printemps, 78-80. Canadians. Wein, Eleanor, E. Spring/ Repertoire des recherches dans les McGregor, Sue L. T. Home Econo- Printemps, 74-77. universités canadiennes -Supplement. mists as Policy Analysts: A Legitimate Summer/Eté, 152. Professional Role. Home Economists DEPARTMENTS in Public Policy. Fall/Automne, 179- Scholarships for Graduate Study. Fall/ LES RUBRIQUES 182. Automne, 178. Fromthe Editors. Winter/Hiver,3-4.Spring/ Simcoe, Pat. Profile of a Home Econo- Strategic Orientations for CHEA In- Printemps, 57. Fall/Automne, 153. mist as a Regional Resource Devel- ternational Development Programs oper in Northern Manitoba. On the 1993-1995. Summer/Eté, 126-128. Home Economists in Public Policy. Fall/Automne, 179-185. Job. Spring/Printemps, 87. Strategic PlanCHEA 1991-1995. Sum- Sokalski, Henryk J. The International mer/Eté, 123-126. Home Economists Speak Out, Spring/ Year of the Family 1994. IFHE...In Printemps, 78-80. Summer/Eté, 137- 140. Fall/Automne, 186-188. Focus. Winter/Hiver, 52-55. ABSTRACTS OF CURRENT Sokalski, Henryk J. L’Année LITERATURE / RESUMES IFHE...In Focus. Winter/Hiver, 52-55. D'ARTICLES D'ACTUALITE internationale de la famille 1994. Re- Spring/Printemps, 81-83. Summer/Eté, 135-136. gards sur la FIEF. Winter/Hiver, 52- D0: Authors/Auteurs Message de la présidente. Summer/ Eté, 104. Stephen, Scotti. Relevance in High Family/Consumer Studies/La School Home Economics Programs. Famille/Consommation et gestion Mot de rédactrices. Winter/Hiver, 3-4. Home Economists Speak Out. Fall/ Spring/Printemps, 58. Fall/Automne, Automne, 186-188. Atkinson, A. M. Rural and urban fami- 154. lies’ use of child care. Summer/Eté, 143. Vincent, Donna, Kuan, Si Wing Jessie, New Developments. Winter/Hiver, 45- and Caton, S. G. Turnbull. What Do Beckman, C. (See Conone, R.) 49. Spring/Printemps, 92-95. Summer/ You Say When You Are Asked About Brandt, J. A. (See McFadden, J. R.) Eté, 145-148. Fall/Automne, 191-194. the New Microfibres? Spring/ Brock, G. W. Ethical guidelines for the Nouveaux développements. Winter/ Printemps, 84-86. practice of family life education. Hiver, 45-49. Spring/Printemps, 92- Wiley, Mary. Profile of a Home Econo- Winter/Hiver, 43. 95. Summer/Eté, 145-148. Fall/ mist as a Public Information Coordina- Automne, 191-194. tor. On the Job. Winter/Hiver, 50-51. Conone, R., Speigel, M., Beckman, C., and Miller, A. Balancing work and fam- On the Job. Winter/Hiver, 50-51. Winslow, Katherine. Revisiting Ques- ily: A cooperative extension service Spring/Printemps, 87. tions of Change in Clothing Studies: evaluation. Spring/Printemps, 89-90. President’s Message. Summer/Eté, Opportunities at the University of New Coulson, L. A. Labor market partici- 103. Brunswick. Home Economists Speak Out. Summer/Eté, 137-140. pation and earnings by female mem- Regards sur la FIEF. Winter/Hiver, bers of the baby boom generation. Fall/ 52-55. Summer/Eté, 132-134. CHEA AFFAIRS Automne, 190. LES AFFAIRES D'ACEF Deighton, J., Henderson, C. M., and Authors/Auteurs Neslin, S. A. The effects of advertising Arcus, Margaret and Kieren, Dianne 1993-94 Undergraduate Enrolment on brand switching and repeat pur- K. Canadian Home Economics Ob- Data. Spring/Printemps, 101. chasing. Summer/Eté, 142-143. servance of IYF. IFHE...In Focus. Sum- 1994 CHEA Award Winners. Fall/ Duxbury, L. (See Higgens, H.) mer/Eté, 135-136. Automne, 166. Erickson, R. Reconceptualizing family Caton, S. G. Turnbull. (See Vincent, Bourses d’Etudes Superieures. Fall/ work: The effect of emotion work on Donna) Automne, 198. perceptions of marital quality. Spring/ Kieren, Dianne K. La Conférence de Code de déontologie. Spring/ Printemps, 89. Malte: le Forum mondial des ONG en Printemps, 73. Ha, W. and Weber, M. J. Residential vue du lancement de l’Année Code of Ethics. Spring/Printemps, 86. quality and satisfaction: Toward de- internationale de la famille. Regards veloping residential quality indexes. sur la FIEF. Summer/Eté, 132-134. Graduate Research in Canadian Uni- Summer/Eté, 142. versities. Spring/Printemps, 100. Kieren, Dianne K. (See Arcus, Hansen-Gandy, S. and Pestle, R. Ad- Margaret) Graduate Research in Canadian Univer- dressing elder isolation: Intervention sities-Supplement. Summer/Eté, 152. Kieren, Dianne K. The Malta Confer- strategies. Spring/Printemps, 90. ence: The World NGO Forum to Orientations Stratégiques du pro- Henderson, A. Abused women’s per- Launch the International Year of the grammes de Développement ceptions of their children’s experi- Family. IFHE...In Focus. Spring/ Internationale de 1’A CEF 1993-1998. ences. Spring/Printemps, 89. Printemps, 81-83. Fall/Automne, 183-185. 200 Revue canadienne d’économie familiale * 44 (4) Automne 1994 Henderson, C. M. (See Deighton, J.) Hurwitz, M. Can a standard test be Evers, F. T. (See Gatchell, S.) developed for measuring the strength of Higgens, H., Duxbury, L., and Lee, C. Falciglia, G. A. and Norton, P. A. Evi- disperse dyes? Spring/Printemps, 88. Impact of life-cycle stage and gender on dence for a genetic influence on pref- the ability to balance work and family Jackson, H.O.andO’Neal, G.S. Dress erence for some foods. Summer/Eté, relationships. Fall/Automne, 190. and appearance responses to percep- 143. tions of aging. Fall/Automne, 190. Ipson, J. (See Peritt, M. R.) Fallowfield, J. L. and Williams, C. Lee, C. (See Higgens, H.) Johnson, K. K. P., Crutsinger, C., and Carbohydrate intake and recovery from Workman, J. E. Can professional prolonged exercise. Winter/Hiver, 41. Logan, J. R. and Spitze, G. Informal women look too masculine? The case support and the use off ormal services of the necktie. Summer/Eté, 141. FMaerdanueglhl--AKbuecrznmaatrhsyk,i , M.)M . T. (See by older Americans. Summer/Eté, 142. Kwon, Y. The influence of appropri- Gatchell, S., Woolcott, D. M., and Martin, J. (See Peritt, M. R.) ateness of dress and gender on the self- Evers, F. T. Job satisfaction of Cana- McCune, S. L. (See Peritt, M. R.) perception of occupational attributes. dian public health nutritionists. Sum- Summer/Eté, 141. McFadden, J. R., Brandt, J. A., and mer/Eté, 143. Tripple, P. A. Housing for disabled per- Laughlin, J. (See Newburn, K.) Ghana VAST Study Team. Vitamin A sons: To what extent will today’s homes Lennon, S. J., and Fairhurst, A. E. supplementation in northern Ghana: accommodate persons with physical limi- Categorization of the quality concept. Effects on clinic attendances, hospital tations ?W inter/Hiver, 43-44. Summer/Eté, 141. admissions, and child mortality. Win- Miller, A. (See Conone, R.) Mathur, M. (See Saligram, A.) ter/Hiver, 41. Neslin, S. A. (See Deighton, J.) Newburn, K.,and Laughlin, J. Comparison Hale-Tomasik, H. (See Hedley, M. R.) Peritt, M. R., Ipson, J., Martin, J., and ofafter-lreasiduuens dofe cyrpeirmnethgri n Hedley, M. R., Hale-Tomasik, H., and McCune, S. L. Older women’s concept andcyfluthrininfabrics: Am eta- analytical Woolcott, D. M. Nutritional quality of of home: Psychological dimensions. approach. Fall/Automne, 189. foods served in contracted second level Winter/Hiver, 42-43. O’Neal, G. S. (See Jackson, H. O.) lodging homes. Fall/Automne, 189. Pestle, R. (See Hansen-Gandy, S.) Saligram, A., Shukla, S., and Mathur, Jansen, G. R. (See Johnston, J. M.) Speigel, M. (See Conone, R.) M. Dyeing of polyester fibres using Johnston, J.M., Jansen, G.R., Anderson, ultrasound. Winter/Hiver, 40. J., and Kendall, P. Comparison of group Spitze, G. (See Logan, J. R.) diet instruction to a self-directed educa- Shukla, S. (See Saligram, A.) Tripple, P. A. (See McFadden, J. R.) tional program for cholesterol reduc- Tubman, J. G. Family risk factors, Simonson, M. (See Frey, D.) tion. Fall/Automne, 189. parental alcohol use, and problem Workman, J. Extent and nature of Kendall, P. (See Johnston, J. M.) behaviors among school-age children. sexual harassment in the fashion retail Lavery, M. and Loewy, J. Identifying Winter/Hiver, 43. workplace. Winter/Hiver, 40-41. predictive variables for long-term Weber, M. J. (See Ha, W.) Workman, J. E. (See Anderton, B. A.; weight change after participation ina Johnson, K. K. P.) weight loss program. Spring/ Clothing and Textiles Printemps, 91. Foods and Nutrition Textiles et habillement Alimentation et nutrition Locke, K., Noseworth, R., and Davies, Anderton, B. A. and Workman, J. E. A. Management of diabetes mellitus in Allard-Dansereau, C. (See Bernard- Effects of two nonpersonal informa- Nova Scotia MicMac communities. tion sources on student buyers evalua- Bonnin, A. C.) Spring/Printemps, 91. tion of apparel merchandise. Summer/ Anderson, J. (See Johnston, J. M.) Loewy, J. (See Lavery, M.) Eté, 141-142. Bernard-Bonnin, A. C., Pelletier, H., Lupton, J. R., Morin, J. L., and Bickle, M. (See Huddlestone, P.) Turgeon, J. P., Allard- Dansereau, C., Robinson, M. C. Barley bran flakes Petit, M., Chabot, G., and Masson, P. Crutsinger, C. (See Johnson, K. K. P.) accelerates gastrointestinal transit Carciogenic feeding habits and fluo- time. Winter/Hiver, 42. Fairhurst, A. E. (See Lennon, S. J.) ride supplementation during infancy and early childhood. Summer/Eté, 144. MacLean, H. (See Chapman, G.) Frey, D. and Simonson, M. Assess- ment of cognitive style to examine stu- Chabot, G. (See Bernard-Bonnin, A. C.) Masson P. (See Bernard-Bronnin, A. C.) dents’ uses of hypermedia within his- Chapman, G. and MacLean, H. “Junk McComber, D. R. (See Thielen, T. F.) toric costume. Spring/Printemps, 88- 89. food” and “healthy food”: Meanings Medaugh-Abernathy, M. and Farnell- off ood in adolescent women’s culture. Kuczmarski, M. T. Food intake and Ford, I. (See Huddlestone, P.) Winter/Hiver, 42. food-related attitudes of older women: Horstmann, G. The green dyer. Win- Cox, D. F. (See Thielen, T. F.) Implications for nutrition education. ter/Hiver, 40. Summer/Eté, 144. Davies, A. (See Locke, K.) Huddlestone, P., Ford, I., and Bickle, Morin, J. L. (See Lupton, J. R.) DeWolfe, J. and Shannon, B. Factors M. Demographics and lifestyle char- affecting fat consumption of university Nagl, H. (See Skipper, A.) acteristics as predictors of fashion opinion leadership among mature con- students: Testing a model to predict Norton, P. A. (See Falciglia, G. A.) eating behavior change. Spring/ sumers. Spring/Printemps, 88. Printemps, 91. Noseworth, R. (See Locke, K.) Canadian Home Economics Journal ¢ 44 (4) Fall 1994 Pelletier, H. (See Bernard-Bonnin, A. C.) Burt, Sandra, Code, Lorraine, and Reviewed by Jennifer L. Wing. Spring/ Dorney, Lindsay, (eds.). Changing Printemps, 97. Petit, M. (See Bernard-Bonnin, A. C.) Patterns—Women in Canada. Re- Pupo, Norene. (See Duffy, Ann) Robinson, M. C. (See Lupton, J. R.) viewed by Anne Tanner. Spring/ Rotman, N. (See Skipper, A.) Printemps, 97. Seabrook, Jeremy. The Myth of the Market. Reviewed by Mary Peterson Sargent, R. (See Trexler, M.) Code, Lorraine. (See Burt, Sandra) Elias. Fall/Automne, 196. Shannon, B. (See DeWolfe, J.) Dorney, Lindsay. (See Burt, Sandra) Stein, Amy. (See Holson, Joan) Skipper, A., Young, M., Rotman, N., Draper, James A. (See Barer-Stein, Teitel, Marvin. Rainforest in Your Kitchen: and Nagl, H. Physician implementa- Thelma) The Hidden Connection Between Extinc- tion of dieticians’ recommendations: Dryden, Janet. (See Baker, Maureen) tion and Your Supermarket. Reviewed by A study of the effectiveness of dieti- Jennifer Taylor. Summer/Eté, 149. Duffy, Ann and Pupo, Norene. Part- cians. Summer/Eté, 143-144. time Paradox: Connecting Gender, The Staff of EthicScan Canada. (See Thielen, T. F., McComber, D. R., and Work, and Family. Reviewed by Holson, Joan) Cox, D. F. Effect of alternative sweet- Margaret Prouse. Summer/Eté, 151. Williams, Sue Rodwell and eners on egg-thickened mixture. Win- Fischer, David W. and Bessette, Alan Worthington-Roberts, Bonnie. Nutri- ter/Hiver, 41. E. Edible Wild Mushrooms of North tion Throughout the Life Cycle. Re- Trexler, M. and Sargent, R. Assessment America: A Field-to-Kitchen Guide. viewed by Rita Arsenault. Winter/ of nutrition risk knowledge and its rela- Reviewed by Lynda Clark Lowry. Hiver, 38. tionship to the dietary practices of ado- Spring/Printemps, 97. lescents. Spring/Printemps, 90-91. Worthington-Roberts, Bonnie. (See Gittins, Diana. The Family in Ques- Williams, Sue Rodwell) Turgeon, J. P. (See Bernard-Bonnin, A.C.) tion. (2nd ed.). Reviewed by Margaret Zelinski, Ernie J. The Joy of Not Work- Williams, C. (See Fallowfield, J. L.) Prouse. Winter/Hiver, 38. ing. Reviewed by Glenda Everett. Win- Woolcott, D. M. (See Gatchell, S.; Gore, Al. Earth in the Balance: Ecol- ter/Hiver, 38-39. Hedley, M. R.) ogy and the Human Spirit. Reviewed by Gale Smith. Spring/Printemps, 98. OTHER Young, M. (See Skipper, A.) Green, Kelly. (See Holson, Joan) Annonce—Les thémes de 1’ Année BOOK REVIEWS Hatch, Kathryn. Textile Service. Re- internationale de la famille. Winter/ COMPTES RENDUS viewed by Sheri McBride. Fall/ Hiver, 37. Spring/Printemps, 102. Baker, Maureen and Dryden, Janet. Automne, 195. Announcement—International Year of Families in Canadian Society: An Intro- Holson, Joan, Green, Kelly, Nitken, the Family Themes. Winter/Hiver, 25. duction. (2nd ed.) Reviewed by Laura David, Stein, Amy, and the Staff of Spring/Printemps, 102. Tryssenaar. Fall/Automne, 195-196. EthicScan Canada. The Ethical Shop- Information for Authors. Fall/ Baker, Maureen, (ed.). Families: pPerro’dsu cGtus.i de Retov iCeawneadd iabny SuApnenrem arSkulezt. Automne, 170. Changing Trends in Canada. (2nd ed.) Spring/Printemps, 96. Call for Papers 1994-95. Summer/Eté, Reviewed by Jennifer L. Wing. Fall/ 144. Automne, 199. Kimball, Gayle, (ed.). Everything You Demande d’a rticles 1994-95. Summer/ Barer-Stein, Thelma and Draper, James Need to Know to Succeed After Coll- Eté, 144. A.,(eds.). The Craft of Teaching Adults. lege. Reviewed by Kathryn McLarty. (2nd ed.) Reviewed by Debbie Summer/Eté, 150. Information a l'intention des MacLellan. Summer/Eté, 151. Kowtaulk, Helen. Discovering Food. collaborateurs. Fall/Automne, 170. (3rded.). Reviewed by Heather Walker. Rate Card. Winter/Hiver, 56. Bella, Leslie. The Christmas Impera- tive. Reviewed by Debbie MacLellan. Summer/Eté, 150. Readers’ Survey. Spring/Printemps, Winter/Hiver, 39. Lord, William Berry. Freaks of Fash- Berger, Arthur Asa. Improving Writ- ion: The Corset & the Crinoline. (1861, Research Editorial Panel 1993-94. ing Skills: Memos, Letters, Reports reprinted 1992). Reviewed by Sheri Winter/Hiver, 31. and Proposals. Vol.9 of Survival Skills McBride. Summer/Eté, 149-150. for Scholars. Reviewed by Lise Y. Nett, Emily M. Canadian Families: MacLean. Fall/Automne, 196-197. Past and Present. (2nd ed.). Reviewed Bessette, Alan E. (See Fischer, David W.) by J. Estelle Reddin. Winter/Hiver, 39. Boudreau, Marielle Cormier. Médecine Nitken, David. (See Holson, Joan) traditionelle en Acadie. Compte-rendu Omickinski, Linda. You Count, Calo- soumis par Colette Landry-Martin. ries Don’t: The HUGS Plan for Better Fall/Automne, 197. Health. Reviewed by Margie Kays. Bradbury, Bettina, (ed.). Canadian Winter/Hiver, 38. Family History: Selected Readings. Pence, Alan R. (See Peters, Donald R.) Reviewed by Laura Tryssenaar. Spring/ Printemps, 96. Peters, Donald R. and Pence, Alan R., (eds.). Family Day Care: Current Re- search for Informed Public Policy. Revue canadienne d’économie familiale * 44 (4) Automne 1994 ~- A : * = ‘ Poet . 7 a

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