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CANADIAN ADVENTIST EVANGELISM PROJECT CANADA REACHING PEOPLE Itosid6 terspem December 11, 1993 Glob I D. Douglas Devnich 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. a 11;671 Oshawa Civic Centre HE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST 141 Thornton Rd. S., Oshawa, Ontario TCHURCH in Canada is getting serious about (One block south of King Street.) Bring your lunch to eat in the Civic Centre. Global Mission. Since 1990, the World Church has been emphasizing the opportunities which are now opening up around the world for advancing the spread of the Advent Message. On December 11, 1993, Canadian church members (cid:9) (cid:9) Robert Folkenberg Alfred McClure John Carter will be provided with an (cid:9) (cid:9) President, President, Pastor/Evangelist unusual and special (cid:9) (cid:9) General Conference North American Division Texas privilege of hearing up-to- the-minute reports from the leaders of the Church. You are invited to come to Oshawa to meet the President of the General Conference and the President of the North American Division, and to enter into the excitement of seeing the work of God (cid:9) (cid:9) moving forward with great Douglas Devnich Rick Bacchus Wintley Phipps (cid:9) (cid:9) rapidity. President, (cid:9) President, (cid:9) Soloist, SDA Church in Canada Ont. Conference Washington, D.C. Also, your heart will thrill as you listen to Wintley This day-long Sabbath celebration will feature up-to-the minute Phipps, the dynamic reports on the Church's worldwide outreach, with special Canadian singer in concert. Global Mission is Big in emphasis on how Project Evangelism — Canada Reaching the Church! Come, join us People will be a major Global Mission activity for the Seventh- in Oshawa on December 11 day Adventist Church in Canada, during 1994 and beyond. to catch the joy of supporting this Big work in For more information on this program, call (905) 433-0011. the world for Jesus Christ. EVERYONE IS INVITED 2 MESSENGER/NOVEMBER 1993 Cover photo—Beauty of God's Creation, Lake Isaac, British Columbia, by Grant Misseghei Order Your Marye recently won four gold medals at the world Disabled CRS Calendar Water Ski Championships in France and broke two world Now! records in wake crossings and jumps. Marye Goodrich-McKenney was Is the work of Christian Record Volume 62, No. 11, November 1993, Oshawa, ON born legally blind with a Services/National Camps for the degenerative condition which is Blind an evangelistic outreach? June Polishulc/Editor presently in remission. She has Definitely yes! Marye became a Allan Colleran/Art Director been attending our National Seventh-day Adventist because of Robin Carby/Associate Art Director Camps for the Blind for over 20 our services. years. She has a B.A. in Fine and Again, this year, Marye has said CONFERENCE EDITORS Applied Arts with a concentration "thank you" to Christian Record Bryan Lee/Alberta (cid:9) David Crook/Newfoundland in illustration. After earning that Services, by giving us her 1994 (cid:9) Ron Watts/British Columbia Jim Jeffery/Ontario degree, her vision deteriorated to calendar. You can obtain this uni- (cid:9) the point that she changed her que work of art by sending your Lester Carney/Manitoba-Saskatchewan Georges Hermans/Quebec course of study and in 1987 earned donation of $25.00 or more to: Robert Lehmann/Maritime an MA in Counselling Psychology. Christian Record Services, 1300 This Issue Drawing is her hobby as well as King St. E., Ste. 119, Oshawa, ON waterskiing, canoeing, hiking, L1H 8N9 or by contacting the camping and Christian fellowship. district representative in your area. President's Perspective D. Douglas Devnich (cid:9) 2 Elementary/Secondary Christian Education Janice Saliba (cid:9) 4-8 Chan Shun Science Centre (cid:9) 9 Super Charge for the Light Brigade Sean Carney (cid:9) 10 ADRA Canada: Following God's Call in Tanzania 12 Linda Sormin (cid:9) The very attractive CRS calendar. Health-Wise: Why Vaccination? Raymond 0. West, M.D. 15 It Is Written Schedule PROGRAMS FOR DECEMBER PLUS (cid:9) (cid:9) December 5 More Than a Hostage Mark Finley December 12 Animals On Parade(cid:9) Henry Feyerabend Canadian Union College (cid:9) 14 (cid:9) December 19 Man Alive Henry Feyerabend Kingsway College (cid:9) 15 (cid:9) December 26 A Family Christmas Mark Finley God's Healing Touch Evidenced at Burlington Women's Retreat (cid:9) 16 Voice of Prophecy Schedule Conference News (cid:9) 17-21 Milestones, Births, Weddings, Obituaries, Ads (cid:9) 22-27 SUNDAY Unleash the Power of Prayer (cid:9) Hart Research Center (cid:9) 28 December 5 A Secret of Happiness (cid:9) December 12 Light for a Dark World (cid:9) December 19 The Christmas Yet to Come (cid:9) December 26 The Way of Love MONDAY-FRIDAY The Canadian Adventist MESSENGER is the official organ of the Seventh-day December 6-10 Sex: The Myth and the Magic Adventist Church in Canada. Issued monthly, annual subscription price in December 13-17 All Nature Sings Canada $5.00. Out of union $10.00. Printed by Maracle Press Limited, Second December 20-24 Angels Unlimited class mail regisration number 0912. Address all enquiries to 1148 King Street December 27-31 Israel in Prophecy East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8.(cid:9) ISSN 0702-5084 MESSENGER/NOVEMBER 1993 3 A picture story of elementary/secondan And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. —Isaiah 54:13 aderny teachers--Calgary, Alberta. Winds chio°° Graduates at Chinook Winds Adventist Acadet LL us of C.U.C. on the camp wilding The Parkview Academy Parkview Adventist Academy teaching staff —College Heights, Alberta. :hristian education across Canada Six Kingszvay grads have completed K-12 together. They are also Ontario Scholars. Sandra Thomas, their kingergarten teacher, poses with them. Left to right: Derek Turner, Suzanne Kemperle, Debbie Davis, Kim FrJod, Lisa A partial group of the Kingsway faculty and staff. O'Connor. Absent is Alicia Curbelo. Faculty pose with 1993 graduates of St. John's Adventist Academy— St. John's, Newfoundland. Grade 12 graduates at Crawl( Adventist Academy. Crawford Adventist Academy staff—Willowdale, and faculty Ontario. "Christian Education gives me all I need for life: a good education, great friends and a growing relationship with God. Christian Education doesn't cost—it pays." —Julie Phare, British Columbia Sandy Lake Academy teaching staffBedford, N.S. Pastor Alan Atkinson directs the Sandy Lake Academy Band. gym. Cariboo front of the students in 11 and 12 the grade :e of Grades 1 and 2 students at Cariboo Adventist Academy—Williams Lake, B.C. The teaching staff at Okanagan Academy—Kelowna, B.C. Each Thursday at Academy(cid:9) 6:00 a.m. the Okanagan Marantha Pstruodfrecnt.t s make bread for their 1993 graduates, Fraser Valley Adventist Academy—Aldergrove, B.C. _ (cid:9) _ A Cel ebration of Exce hence Zapara Award Winners while at the same time giving Lake Academy, Bedford, them high quality academic Nova Scotia, for four and one- training. In Alberta, she has half years. As a dedicated made a significant contribu- elementary teacher, she has tion to education among contributed significantly to the Native children and is spiritual and academic presently teaching at College development of the students Heights Adventist Junior entrusted to her care. Academy. Maureen is committed to ex- Peter Bayer cellence in teaching, and is Kingsway College 1992-93 thorough and meticulous in her tasks. She will be com- Kingsway is proud to an- pleting a masters degree in nounce that Peter Bayer, a education this summer. Kingsway teacher for seven years, is a winner of the Enid Myers coveted Zapara Award. Bayer graduated from An- drews in 1980 with a BSc in high marks, both from both biology, and now teaches her students and her teacher biology, chemistry, science peers. Above all else, Enid is and photography. deeply committed to her God Kingsway appreciates Mr. and to her church. Her Bayer's positive and on the teaching ministry at Crawford move attitude, his rapport gives daily evidence of the with the students and his con- Ardyn Kay value of Christian education. tributions to the school as Manitoba-Saskatchewan yearbook sponsor for seven Conference 1992-93 years, and as the sponsor for Maureen Westhaver Outdoor club. The Zapara Award for Ex- Maritime Conference cellence in Teaching was 1992-93 presented to Ardyn Kay of Maureen Westhaver Regina at Camp Meeting. Ar- Mrs. Maureen Westhaver dyn is a graduate of CUC and has been an integral compo- will be starting his fifth year of nent of the academic and teaching the Grades 4-6 classes social programme of Sandy at Curtis-Horne Junior Academy in Regina this fall. Masters Degrees in Education Ardyn is dedicated to his pro- fession, and an asset to any team. His quiet Christian ways are an example to students and fellow teachers alike. Enid Myers Ontario Conference 1992-93 Carolyn Halyrevich Alberta Conference Enid Myers has taught High 1992-93 School English at Crawford Carolyn Halyrevich was the Adventist Academy in Toronto Alberta recipient of the 1993 for the past 15 years. Enid Zapara Award and she is tru- holds a B.A. from Andrews ly worthy of this honour. Mrs. University and a B.Ed. from Halyrevich has given over 30 the University of Toronto. Peter Mackey, second from left, Gloris Shaw, centre and Curtis Cher- years to Christian education, Enid's commitment to nipeski, second from right, finished their Masters Degrees in Education through La Sierra University on the C.U.C. campus. They are accom- gently leading young minds to challenging her students in- panied by Dr. Wallace Minder, left and Dr. Gene Gaskey, both of La accept Jesus as their Saviour tellectually, have earned her Sierra University. Congratulations to the graduates. 8 MESSENGER/NOVEMBER 1993 CHAN SRN --3.3 MILLION --3.0 MILLION This month's commitments - $54,000 SCIENCE CENTRE --2.6 MILLION FINANCIAL UPDATE Still needed - $646,000 --2.0 MILLION --1.0 MILLION — 0 MILLION "Watson, it's slow but still moving up." Data Update continued ... FACT 8 The elevator shaft is complete. Picture taken on October 13, 1993 FACT 9 The steel is being erected. FACT 10 Winter is coming. FACT 11 Only $646,000 needed NOW to avoid delay. Please send your contribution today! FACT 12 Delay will cost everyone more money. CANADIAN UNION COLLEGE CONCLUSION: Our youth are counting on the doors of the new Science Box 430, Collge Heights Centre to be opened in September '94. Let's not disappoint them. Alberta TOC OZO Pacific Press Will organization will merge the three fewer geographic limitations, sales Bookmobile credit programs and save the leadership can now be assigned Coordinate Three- Fall Schedule Seventh-day Adventist Church based on market demographics, Union Home about $350,000 each year. The rather than along conference or Ottawa—second and last weekend move also reduces necessary union lines. This will result in Health Education of the month. November 13, financial support from local and more evenly distributed leader- 14, 27, 28 December 11, 12. Service union conferences. ship capabilities. *hours: Saturday 6:00-9:30 pm "Pacific Press has three priorities Working in cooperation with the Sunday 10:00-2:00 pm Pacific Press Publishing Associa- in establishing this new service," PPPA management team, the pro- Heritage Green—second and last tion of Boise, Idaho will assume explains Robert E. Kyte, president ject is being coordinated by Paul Tuesday of the month. management of organized of Pacific Press. "Our first priority Cordray, HHES Sales Director; November 9, 30 December 14. literature evangelist work in the is to further the mission of the Melvin Lyon, HHES Marketing *hours: Tuesday 1:00-6:00 pm North Pacific and Mid-America Seventh-day Adventist Church. Services Director, and Donald Up- Brantford—last Tuesday of the Union Conferences, as well as the We want to promote greater seed son, HHES Financial Manager. month. November 30. Seventh-day Adventist Church in sowing through increased Currently there are 159 literature *hours: Tuesday 7:30-8:30 pm Canada, as of January 1, 1994. This distribution of our literature. evangelists serving in the Cana- Cornwall—last Sunday of the new responsibility is a direct result "Second, we want to encourage dian, North Pacific and Mid- month. November 28. of actions recently voted by those financial viability of literature America Unions. *hours: Sunday 4:30-6:00 pm three union executive committees. evangelists in these three unions. Kitchener—last Wednesday of the The action will not be effective Finally, our plan is to promote in the Rocky Mountain Con- financial viability for the entire God has ordained the canvas- month. November 24. ference, or in the Central States publishing program in our ter- sing work as a means of present- *hours: Wednesday 5:00-9:00 pm Conference. These two con- ritory." ing before the people the light The bookmobile ministry is ex- ferences in the Mid-American Because the move now ties pro- contained in our books. . . . This panding in Ontario. The Union Conference have voted to duction and distribution together is the very work the Lord would Bookmobile is available for any conduct their own programs in- under the same organizational have His people do at this time. special events or visits this fall. If dependent of Pacific Press' umbrella, Kyte sees the new —Colporteur Evangelist you would like the bookmobile to visit your area or have any ques- management. organization resulting in more ef- tions please contact Roland at Entitled Pacific Press Home fective product development. In 1-800-263-3791. Health Education Service, the new addition, because Pacific Press has MESSENGER/NOVEMBER 1993 9 Toronto ASI Convention Highlights Super • Close to 1,300 ASI members and guests attended the Adventist Laymen's Services and Industries (ASI) Annual Convention August 25-28, 1993 in Toronto. Charge • 500 rooms were occupied at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel where the meetings were held. • Total meals served at the three days of convention for the were 5,840 meals. • Total number of exhibitors: 109 booths. • Responding to the needs of twelve different projects, attendees at the Saturday evening banquet gave $1.2 Light million U.S. dollars in cheques and pledges. This record-breaking figure represents a more than fourfold increase over last year's offering of $260,000. Brigade I asked Sean Carney, an ASI member, who was present at the Convention to share with us his impression of the Convention. The next ASI Annual Convention is in Dallas, Texas on August 6-14, 1994. Sean Carney Plan to be there. Light Brigade Claude Sabot Christ has given simple marching Executive Secretary orders. First He tells us, "Ye are the ASI Canada light of the world," then He com- mands, "let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:14, 16. Let your light shine...allow it to happen. Remember always; you are a member of the Lord's light brigade. Battery Chargers In chapter five and verse six of Galatians, the apostle Paul introduces a concept to revolutionize our outreach; he speaks of "faith which worketh by love." The Greek word translated as "worketh" intrigues me. It is "energeo", a word which in- dicates energizing, charging, giving power. Faith charges our spiritual batteries, and the avenue through which this is accomplished is the unconditional love (agape) of Christ. Second Corinthians 5:14 tells us that the love of Christ compels us. It is our motivating power. Large group assembed for Sabbath services at the Harbour Castle Hotel in Toronto. When we partake of the love of 10 MESSENGER/NOVEMBER 1993

Alfred McClure. John Carter. President, Henry Feyerabend. December 19 Man Alive we were amazed at the pink flush that was on the face of.
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