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Preview Canadian Adventist Messenger for 1990 - Vol. 59 - No. 06

Vol. 59, No. 6, June 1990, Oshawa, ON June Polishuk/Editor June Ulett-Culmore/Associate Editor Allan Colleran/Art Director Robin Carby/Associate Art Director EDITORIAL COMMITTEE D. Devnich, Chairman, A. Colleran, B. Lee, D. Lawson, F. Maitland, T. Morgan, J. Polishuk, J. Ulett-Culmore CONFERENCE EDITORS Donald King/Alberta Ken Wiebe/British Columbia Mark Johnson/Manitoba-Saskatchewan Robert Schafer/Maritime David Crook/Newfoundland Bryan Lee/Ontario Gosnell Yorke/Quebec - Student Literature Evangelists This Issue An Education-Publishing Cooperative Program 3/People's Perspective Sandy Lake Academy is nestled on a cove on the outskirts of Bedford, Nova Scotia. It is one 5/One Blood, All Nations of the most beautifully situated academies in North America. Surely God lead our brethren in (cid:9) Orville Parchment securing this property which now is very valuable. The students at SLA do not have many opportunities to earn money. When the publishing 6I up Front: From Across Canada brethren presented the He Taught Love program to the school, there was a high degree of interest. He Taught Love is a program where our young people in our schools take a magabook (not a 9/Health-Wise: On Allergies and magazine and not a book) and present it to the people for their interest. Many purchase it. He Antigens—Part 1 (cid:9) Raymond 0. West, M.D. Taught Love is a magabook containing 12 chapters from the book Christ's Object Lessons. Ellen 12/Quebec Camp Meeting White said that our schools would benefit spiritually and financially if they would encourage the students to sell this book to the public. 15IWitnessing with Signs The publishers at the Review and Herald took this to heart and prepared this beautiful publication using pictures from the Genesis project. They have also prepared five other volumes in this series of the Times for the students to sell—two volumes for children, one on health, one with selections from Bible 21/Want A Vibrant, Bountiful Readings and a beautifully designed cook book which the SLA students found sells like hot cakes. Soul-Winning VBS? Elder Robert Schafer, president of the Maritime Conference, spearheaded the organizing of this special project. The area pastors, teachers, publishing leaders and laymen participated in (cid:9) Jim and Denise Walton the project along with the students from SLA. We began Sabbath morning May 26th with key people conducting the morning worship ser- PLUS (cid:9) vices in the area. Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. we gathered in the gym at SLA for inspiration Focus On 2 (cid:9) and instruction. We had lunch and at 1:30 p.m. we fanned out to various points in the com- ADRA Update 8 (cid:9) munity. Most of the cars came back with success, some didn't. On Monday afternoon at 3:30 KC Korner 9 Victoria Church Celebrates p.m. students and drivers were again ready for another effort. 100th Birthday(cid:9) 10 When I left SLA Monday evening, May 28th, the students and staff were excited. Most of the Operating on a Shoestring— students had a good day. Some were even eager to go again in the evening which they did. Ilchuk Broadcasts to the The preliminary reports look good. We have found that where human effort is applied, divine Vast Ukraine(cid:9) 13 power is available, and God does not fail to do His part. The obstacle of inertia had been over- CUC(cid:9) 14 come and the motion begun had provided the process to do the impossible. Conference News(cid:9) 16-23 Many schools could provide an ongoing industry for the elementary and secondary schools Milestones, Births, Weddings to raise money for special projects and provide money for students to pay some of their expenses. Obituaries, Notices, Ads(cid:9) 24-27 If your school has an interest in this program please contact your conference leadership or the Parkview Adventist Academy(cid:9) 28 Home Health Service of Canada in Oshawa, telephone 576-6631. The Canadian Adventist MESSENGER is the official organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. Issued monthly, annual —George Dronen, subscription price in Canada $5.00. Out of union $10.00. Printed by Marack Press Limited, Second class mail registration number Publishing Director 0912. Address all enquiries to 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8. ISSN 0702-5084 2(cid:9) MESSENGER/JUNE 1990 Cover Photo—"Fireweed and Butterfly," Grande Cache, Alberta, by Arlene Sawadsky One B lood, All N ations Orville Parchment Secretary of the Church in Canada I N RECENT YEARS the Seventh- Detroit is 63% Black day Adventist Church has taken neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor San Francisco is 33% Asian positive steps towards greater free. All are brought nigh by His Washington D.C. is 70% Black equity in areas of wages, multi- precious blood. COL p. 386. Miami is 66% Hispanic culturalism and equal opportunity for Informed by this philosophy, New York — 30% are foreign born service. and recognizing the multi-racial, In this type of multicultural society, It is important to note that the official multi-cultural, multi-ethnic com- it is necessary for the church to be sen- position of the Seventh-day Adventist position of the Canadian popula- sitive to the need for workers who can Church is that all persons should be tion, the mission of the Human look beyond their own cultural given full and equal opportunity Relations Department is to foster heritage to that of another. We need within the church to develop the a spirit of acceptance, unity, and workers who are not limited by their knowledge and skills needed in the brotherhood in all aspects of the own cultural background, but who are building up of the church. All services life and work of the Seventh-day willing to adapt and be flexible in order and positions of leadership on all levels Adventist Church and its institu- to facilitate the unity of our of church activity should be open on tions throughout the Canadian multicultural mix. the basis of qualifications without field. The department aims to pro- As I travel throughout this great regard to race. pagate a sense of dignity, self- country of Canada, it is exciting to see Consistent with this position, the worth, and self-esteem amongst the cosmopolitan make up of the chur- Seventh-day Adventist Church in all groups within the church, ches. I feel that this is a positive Canada, through its executive commit- thereby bearing witness to the witness to the world that people, tee, has adopted a philosophy and power of the gospel to break though different in race and culture, mission statement relative to Human down every man-made barrier, can worship together as a family. As Relations. It is as follows: and link believers together into a the Psalmist states: Behold how good The rationale for human relations bond of fellowship and love. and how pleasant it is for brethren to derives essentially from Scripture. As we look at North America, we see dwell together in unity. (Ps. 133:1) Here we learn that God "made of that church growth is not as rapid as Elder W. S. Banfield, former Direc- one blood all nations of men," it is in some other areas of the world. tor of the General Conference Office of that He is "no respecter of per- In 1982 about 16.5% of the members Human Relations, once said: "One of sons," and that "in every nation as compared to the world church, lived our greatest assets as a church is the he that feareth him, and worketh in North America. Today this figure diversity of the ethnic and cultural righteousness, is accepted with has dropped to 12.3%. origin of our membership." him." Acts 17:26; 10:34, 35. Over the past decade there has been We also draw support and en- a significant increase in immigration to If an Asian girl's stomach is empty, couragement from the writings of North America resulting in members Does she not hunger? Ellen G. White. In a classic from different countries of the world If an Indian boy is cut, familiar statement, she expressed joining our North American Does he not bleed? the following sentiment: membership. If Black Africans are victimized by "No distinction on account of Here in Canada there are over 750 Apartheid, nationality, race, or caste, is workers representing over 30 different Do they not suffer? recognized by God. He is the countries of the world. The fastest And, if we lose a loved one from our Master of all mankind. All men growing groups of members are the family, are of one family by creation, and Quebecois, West Indians, Asians and Do we not sorrow? all are one through redemption. Hispanics. Similarly, in the United Truly, aren't we more similar than Christ came to demolish every States, the groups that are growing the different? wall of partition, to throw open fastest in membership are the Blacks, We are brothers and sisters in the every compartment of the temple, Hispanics and Asians which compares family of man. that every soul may have free ac- with the population mix of the larger cess to God... In Christ there is cities: —Author unknown MESSENGER/JUNE 1990 5 Toronto. The members in the Winnipeg area won't want to miss this special occasion. The first reason has to do with FAITH FOR TODAY in Canada. Faith For Today produces a television program called "CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE", which is broadcast weekly on Tuesday from coast to coast in Canada on the Vi- sion TV cable network. It is an excellent program to reach the unchurched. But because it is relatively new in Canada, the financial support to maintain the pro- gram is still small. Therefore, on September 15 every Seventh-day Adventist home in Canada Faith Loonies will be supplied with a small bank in which to save one dollar coins September 15, 1990 is an important (LOONIES) to help support the ministry Gift To Russia date for two very important reasons. Let of Christian Lifestyle Magazine. You can me tell you second reason first. The staff look forward to receiving your bank, and For several years Elder and Mrs. at FAITH FOR TODAY are coming live plan to be a systematic supporter of William Polishuk have been receiving re- to Winnipeg to conduct a Christian Christian Lifestyle Magazine. quests from people in the Soviet Union Lifestyle Magazine Rally. Two others Gerry Karst who want Seventh-day Adventist have already been held in Vancouver and Director of Communications literature. Recently, the Toronto Ukrainian Church made a donation of $100,000 to pay the cost of printing thousands of books in the Russian language to provide Adventist literature in the Soviet Union. Currently Elder Harold Otis of the General Conference, who is responsible for special projects in the Soviet Union, is negotiating the printing of several books such as The Ministry of Healing, and Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing for use in Russia. A very special word of thanks to the Toronto Ukrainian Church. In the picture above, Elder and Mrs. Polishuk hold the many letters they have received as they announced the special donation to Dr. Devnich. Dates: July 27-29 Opening Meeting Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: the main Camp Hope Lodge, in the gym section Faith For Today's "Loonie Banks" to support Christian Lifestyle Magazine will hold up to $50.00. Signing Presenters Will Be: Serge Gariepy—teacher of the Deaf (formerly from Montreal) Thompson Kay—Director of Deaf Ser- S.D.A. Church in Orville D. Parchment Robert O.A. Samms Marilyn Pazitka(cid:9) Robert Schafer vices at the Christian Record in Lincoln, Canada Claude Sabot (cid:9) David B. Thomas N.B. Janice Saliba General Conference This Camp Meeting is a Cooperative Delegates Effort By: • Christian Record Deaf Services • The Alberta Conference Personal E. Rick Bacchus Carol Domke Canadian Camp Meeting Ministries Dept. Melvin J. Boutilier Reo E. Ganson • B.C. Conference For The Deaf James Bruce Graham Glover • Canadian Deaf Ministries Isaac Cadogan Karen Halminen Lester Carney Karen Hutton For More Information Contact: Donald Corkum Ralph R. Janes The Canadian Camp Meeting for the Canadian Deaf Ministries Kenneth Crawford Gerry D. Karst Box 283, Deaf will again be held in British Colum- David S. Crook Brian Leavitt Two Hills, AB TOB 4K0 bia at the B.C. Conference Campground Gary B. DeBoer Wayne Martin Phone: (403) 657-2900 (voice or TTY) on the first weekend of the regular B.C. D. Douglas Devnich Donald Morgan Melvin Djkowich Carl Okimi Camp Meeting. • Alberta Blake, Coordinator 6 MESSENGER/JUNE 1990 took a business course and later spent Violetta Home Float to Represent some time in France perfecting her Celebrates 100 Years! French studies. Miss Home retired in Seventh-day Adventist 1955 after many years as an educator. In Church in "Roses" honour of her commitment to education, A distinctive birthday party was held the Adventist Curtis-Horne Junior Parade at Sunnyside Nursing Home in Saska- Academy in Regina bears her name. toon on April 22 to celebrate the one hun- Pastor Ken Crawford, of the Alberta Pathfinders and teens from the dredth birthday of Miss Violetta Ethel Conference emceed the program. Brian Canadian Union are raising funds to Home. Friends from the Saskatoon and Bell, a nephew, told of the family history place roses on the float that will represent Regina churches and over twenty nieces and Herb Wecker gave a sketch of Miss the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the and nephews from far and near attended Home's involvement with the Regina Tournament of Roses parade in this very special occasion. church. Music was provided by the Pasadena, California, on January 1, 1991. Miss Home was born and raised near Radomsky sisters, Clifford Holm and Freewill gifts are underwriting the rest of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Norman Matiko who baptized Miss the float costs. where she began her teaching career. In Home. Approximately 400 million viewers 1916 she came to Saskatoon, receiving The many cards, gifts and people in at- from around the world will see the her Bachelor of Arts degree from the tendance made it a very special day for "Roses" parade. Television, radio, and University of Saskatchewan. She also Miss Home. newspapers from 80 countries and territories will provide coverage. Parade coordinators say that about one million people attend the parade and that another 130,000 people visit the floats on display following the parade. "This float will generate a tremendous amount of public awareness," states J. Lynn Martell, Church Ministries Director for the North American Division. "The name recognition for the church will open doors for other outreach programs." The float will feature Hummel-like figures of several cultures playing in a garden. To further develop the international flavour of the float, flowers and plants will be used from every country in which the Seventh-day Miss Violetta Horne surveys her 100th Birthday cake, accompanied by her friends and rela- Adventist Church has a presence. In tions who joined her in the celebrations. addition, nine children representing racial and cultural balance will ride on the float. The float will include 50,000 roses and 5 tons of flowers and plant materials Battle Creek Tours and will measure 18 feet wide by 25 feet high and 55 feet long. After being on a waiting list for years, Planned During General the church was selected as a sponsor for one of the 60 floats in the "Roses" Conference Session parade. The NAD Church Ministries Department is coordinating the "Witness Through Roses" campaign to raise the An opportunity is being given to those used by his brother, W.K. Kellogg, for funds necessary to make this project a attending the General Conference manufacturing corn flakes; the graves of success. Contributions may be given to Session in Indianapolis this summer to several Adventist pioneers including your local Pathfinder Club, Conference, explore their Adventist roots. Day-long Uriah Smith, John Byington, Goodloe or send to "Roses", P.O. Box 10550, Heritage Tours to Battle Creek, Michigan, Harper Bell, Dr. J.H. Kellogg, James Silver Spring, MD 20914. are being conducted by Adventist Edson White, James and Ellen White, Historic Properties in cooperation with plus others; as well as a number of other the Ellen G. White Estate. Among the sites. historic sites that will be seen are James Those interested in obtaining and Ellen White's home where the first additional information about the tours edition of the Great Controversy was should send a self-addressed envelope written in 1858; the church located where to: Battle Creek Tours; Adventist Historic the General Conference was organized in Properties, Inc.; Post Office Box 494; 1863; the former Battle Creek Sanitarium Loma Linda, California 92354. building built by Dr. J.H. Kellogg after Tour tickets will also be for sale at the the 1902 fire (The noon meal on the tour Adventist Historic Properties display in will be eaten in its ornate dining room); the Ellen G. White Estate booth at the the original Sanitas Health Food factory General Conference Session. building erected by Dr. Kellogg but later MESSENGER/JUNE 1990 7 ADRA UPDATE Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in Canada A Three Part ADRA Special On— OUR GLOBAL CHALLENGES Part 1 Why We Are Heating Up This year we enter the final ten of medicine and foods have originated. tropical rain forests with pasture the 20th Century. Very rapidly this Plant gene banks will be needed to since termites favour grasslands. current 100-year period will be left as meet the requirement of their Nitrous oxide is more potent than a testament for our successors. The genetically valuable parents. carbon dioxide and probably is as dif- historians will then evaluate such It is already too late to stop global ficult to control as methane. It is matters as the conclusion of three warming. Since 1950 the principal entering the atmosphere faster than centuries of colonialism, astounding gases responsible for the build up of it is being removed and is found in advances in science and technology, heat have been accumulating. Like coal-fired chimneys and automobile and savage wars well beyond the glass of a greenhouse the gases engines. humanitarian limits. admit sunlight but prevent the heat The fluorocarbon gases are used as While time remains it is for us, in from escaping. These gases are car- refrigerants and insulators, as beads this final decade, to reverse the bon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide in plastic foam, as propellants in shameful record of the other nine. and the fluorocarbons. aerosal sprays, and computer chip May our commitment to Christian The severity of warming is in solvents. They are extremely effec- justice, decency, and equity be the dispute by the scientists. What is not tive heat trapping agents and per capstone of the 20th century. in dispute is the effect of the four molecule are 20,000 times more effec- No one nation, continent or basic gases. While carbon dioxide tive than carbon dioxide. hemisphere can successfully grapple and deforestation represent half of Ozone layer control is a global with our global challenges. We must the greenhouse effect, the other challenge. Reduction of the create world-wide linkages and net- three make up the other half. Much fluorocarbons by half in 1990 is the works to develop innovative ways to is known about carbon dioxide but agreed objective of 30 nations. China enhance national autonomy. To this far less about methane. and India, with up to half the end the Third World has become an Methane is said to have 25 times world's population, did not sign this immense laboratory in search of the heat trapping properties of car- agreement in Montreal in 1987. global solutions. bon dixoide and is increasing world- ADRA, Canada is an integral part "Global warming" and the wide at an amazingly rapid rate. It of the global network of those "greenhouse effect" are vocabulary escapes from leaky pipelines, cattle, organizations meeting the challenges words of recent vintage. Doing garbage dumps, landfills, disused of the '90s. The information in this nothing to inhibit the warming may coal mines, irrigated rice fields, three part series is drawn, in large very well increase the melting polar swamps, bogs—any place where degree, from the International ice caps, and could see the oceans bacteria break down organic matters Development Research Centre in rise up to 10 feet. Overrun lowland in the absence of oxygen. Ottawa. or island countries could create na- Only in 1982 did researchers tions of "boat people". We could discover that termites convert most have "endangered nations"! of their woody food into carbon diox- ?&43 Warming weather could bring ex- ide and methane. Termites are found panded agriculture to Northern on two-thirds of the world's land Jim W. Wilson Canada and Russia. The shock of area and eat one-third of its vegeta- ADRA Development Education climatic change could deeply affect tion. The termite population will the Third World where most easily grow as farmers replace 8 MESSENGER/JUNE 1990 jkleadi-kke e by Raymond 0. West, M.D. On Allergies and Antigens Part 1 OUTREACH MEXICO Twenty-one Kingsway College students and nine accompanying adults returned recently from a mission Y outreach to Villa Juarez in the Sonoran Desert in Mexico. Here they helped build OUR PHYSICIAN'S case files hold to poison oak. A moment of crushed leaf an addition to an orphanage and many interesting stories of people with on the skin of the forearm, left him with developed garden beds to help the in- allergies. three weeks of rash and itching! stitution to become somewhat self sup- For example, there's the young girl The above are examples of allergies porting. We were fortunate to have the Canadian Air force transport some of the who almost refused to many the man she with symptoms and outcomes varying needed materials free of charge to the loved because she believed herself to be from nuisance to near death. building site. The students organized a allergic to him. Actually, her allergy was We haven't even mentioned "hay Vacation Bible School in the local town to his sweater. Well, for only at certain fever" and asthma. and thoroughly enjoyed their two weeks times was she allergic to his sweater. And food allergies. working with and for people who really appreciated what they were doing. The Those times were only after he had worn For the most part, we can blame students were impressed with the fact it while on a hunting trip—forays into allergies on histamine. Histamine is like that so many people were happy with so Mother Nature's realm where he picked an arrow shot straight to the heart of the little compared to what we have in North up (or rather his sweater picked up) "target organs"—organs like the lungs America. This project was sponsored by pollens to which his lady-love was (asthma), and the skin (giant hives), and REACH Canada and Kingsway College, and plans are being made for continued allergic. the membranes lining the nose (hay future projects in Mexico. Indeed, the Obviously, it takes a detective's think- fever). students and adults are learning the true ing to discover a connection between What makes histamine? meaning of "Service Not Fame"—the milady's hay fever and my true-love's This column, and the next, and the school motto. pollen-impregnated sweater. next could hardly list all of the things that Bible Study For some months now a Bi- Sometimes the connection is never make us produce histamine: our pets, ble study group of up to 70 students have made. That, indeed, is unfortunate, our perfumes, foods, medicines, insects, been meeting in the basement of Pastor because estimates have it that 35 million smoke, the new-mown lawn, even exer- Dunfield's home. The students have Americans have allergies to one or more cise, and emotional excess. Carpets, rugs, been drinking in the truths of the Bible allergic-causing molecules. pillows, and blankets. Dead leaves, in- and enthusiastically participating. Who said young people are no longer in- A 65-year-old native American was not secticides, hobbies, and certainly terested in spiritual things? aware that he was allergic to penicillin. cigarettes. Neither was I, 'till his wife came running Obviously, there are many varieties of This fall Attend Kingsway College. We back from the parking lot to my office matter (molecules) that can cause have so much to offer! screaming, "My husband is dying in the allergies. These we call antigens. And III Grades 9 to 12 plus Ontario Academic Credits. car." The penicillin my nurse had in- several organs can react to antigens, to • Spiritual and social activities. jected a few minutes before was taking produce illnesses that we call allergies. • Exercise and sports program. effect. After a life-giving shot of A few people are so allergic to lowly III Outreach activities. adrenalin, his breathing became easier, aspirin that a little aspirin powder drop- • Full accreditation by the Ontario and his blood pressure rose, his heart ped on the tongue can lead to sudden Department of Education. slowed, and the pink returned to his death, without prompt treatment, of Phone or write: ashen cheeks. In a few short minutes he course. Oliver Lofton-Brook had recovered from an acute allergic reac- In our next installment of Health-Wise, P.O. Box 605 tion to penicillin. Life-saving penicillin we'll discuss briefly the ways of diagnosis Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7M6 can be a killer. and the means of treatment. And we'll (416) 433-1144 An 80-year-old man hurried into the have some good news. hospital emergency department with massive hives and a super case of itching. His allergenic-offense,—he had just eaten a dish of fresh strawberries. This column is available for your local newspaper. And it happened to your Health-Wise *A community service of the Seventh-day Adven- columnist who believed himself immune tist Church. °1989 General Conference of S.D.A. MESSENGER/JUNE 1990 9 Victoria Church Celebrates 100th Birthday O N MAY 12, 1990 form of a camp meeting— "Which Day?", and "The 25, a goodly number came two eras of time not a circus! Sabbath". to the tent for Sabbath seemed to merge The foundation had been By June the city was astir. School and Bible Study. in Victoria, British well laid. For three years The "Colonist" stated, This had the makings of a Columbia. Smartly dressed Victoria residents received "The Seventh-day Adventists new church, for in gentlemen in swallowtail subscriptions of "Signs of will hold their first tent December of the same year coats and lovely ladies with the Times". In 1887 the meeting on Friday evening, the "Victoria Times" chided hooped skirts, descended North Pacific Tract Society when sermons will be the city's larger churches from sleek automobiles to established a branch office delivered by Mr. H.W. Reid with these words: "While worship in a modern church in the province's capital. of Portland, and Mr. H.A. the larger denominations in building. They had come to Then, as though paving the Baxtor of Tacoma". The tent this city are rivalling each celebrate the church's 100th way, letters to the Editor filled with over 200 people. other in the beauty and birthday, and rekindle the appeared in the January The carefully laid plans greatness of the temples hope of Christ's return that 1889 issue of the "Daily paid rich dividends. Only 18 they are erecting, it will be spurred the city's Advent Times", with captions like, days after the opening of of interest to know that less pioneers. "The Sunday Law", meetings, on Sabbath, June prominent ones have not It was June 6, 1889. The been idle. The Seventh-day Pastor Les Anderson greeting Anne Mersereau, 102 years old, the atmosphere throbbed with Adventists who taught the congregation's oldest member. excitement as 25,000 Victoria doctrines of their sect in a residents watched with canvas tent at the corner of anticipation the erection of Douglas and Herald Streets the large tent on the corner during the summer, have of Douglas and Herald secured a lot and are about Streets. Needless to say, to erect a church at Spring lovers of the circus were Ridge. And thus we see disappointed when that when the gold and informed that the dross of this world is entertainment within the moving in a lively manner, canvas walls would take the the church militant is much Eight Pastor Couples who served Victoria's congregation were present at the 100th Anniversary on May 12, 1990. Left to right: Malcolm and Arvida Fischer; Hugh and Margrett Campbell; John and Catherine Boyd; Arthur and Dorothy Spenst; Harold and Mary Reimche; Charles and Virginia Cooper; Lynn and Sharlet Baerg; Les and Mary Lane Anderson (currently serving). benefited thereby, and we hearts of 260 Victorians. are enabled to contemplate Today, seven blocks from the vanity of riches in big the Parliament Buildings, churches." stands, not a gospel tent, Sometime before July 1890 but a Seventh-day Adventist the first Seventh-day church, a perpetual witness Adventist church in British to 300,000 residents that Columbia was born, Jesus is coming soon. heralding the soon return of May 12, 1990 was a day of Jesus. celebration; a day to relive Today, 100 years later, the faith of Reid and Baxtor; Victoria is still the capital of a day to praise God for British Columbia. Now, as Christian progress; and a then, entertainment seekers day to rejoice that the Great still abound. And the faith Homecoming is 100 years that burned in the Advent closer! pioneers still rages in the Left to right: Stan and Dolly Jewkes (members since 1925) with brother and sister-in-law John and Donna Jewkes. An Important Subscription Reminder The Canadian Adventist Messenger is the official publication of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. It is issued monthly. It is free (one per family) to those holding membership in a Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. Otherwise, the annual subscription price in Canada is $5.00, outside Canada $10.00. If you hold membership in an SDA Church in Canada, but do not have the Messenger delivered to your home, either to you or another member of your family, please send your name, address, and postal code, either to your local conference, or directly to the Messenger office at 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Lill 1H8. You should receive your first copy in about six weeks. Remember, one copy per family unit. If you do not now hold membership in an SDA Church in Canada, please enclose the appropriate subscription fee. To ensure there is no break in delivery when you move from one address to another, send us your new address, including your postal code, as well as your old Messenger address label.. Please help us cut cost and serve you better by informing us if your household is receiving more than one copy of the Messenger, and by reporting address changes promptly. Colour Transparencies Sought for Messenger Covers Scenes in Canada, nature slides and pictures typical of the four seasons in 35mm, 21/2 sq., 4 x 5 etc format, are requested for use as colour Messenger covers. If you have such a selection that are clear and sharp, send them to the Messenger office. If we choose to use yours, we will give a credit line to the photographer and Messenger pays $50.00 for a one-time use for each transparency purchased and will return your slides to you. Slides should be labelled as to location. Mail your transparencies to: Messenger, 1148 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8 MESSENGER/JUNE 1990 11 QUEBEC CAMP MEETING New Quebec Camp Site Sainte-Clothilde-de-Horton (35 kms East of Drummondville, P.Q.) French & English July 20-28 Spanish July 25-28 "Forward in Faith!" "En avant par la foi!" R. Samms MAIN SPEAKERS: J. Espinosa—Director Multilingual Program, General Conference —Spanish Speaker J. Graz—Youth & Communication Director, Euro-Africa Division —Morning & Evening French Speaker J. Valeray—Youth Pastor & Speaker, Martinique Conference —Special Daily Youth Program. P. Langley—Christian Education Director, North Eastern Conference —English Speaker, First weekend. R. Kennedy—Multicultural Ministries S.D.A. Church in Canada. —English Speaker, Second weekend. OTHER FEATURED SPEAKERS: L. Torres—Secretary, Greater New York Conference —Spanish Speaker N. Prosper—Church Ministries Department, Greater New York Conference —French Speaker, Morning Devotion D. E Robles—President, South-Luzon J. Graz N. Prosper G. Hermans Conference, Philippines G. Dronen—Publishing Director, S.D.A Church in Canada E. Johnson—Ottawa Church Pastor, Ontario Conference SEMINARS G. DeBoer—Treasurer, S.D.A. Church in —Lay Preaching George Hermans Speaker "Il Est Escrit" Canada —Stress & Nutrition Andree Dupuis Community Service Worker R. Samms—President, Quebec —Children Sabbath School Judy St-Germain Pastor's Wife Conference —Church Organization Edwin Richards Pastor, Quebec Conference —Opening and Closing Addresses —Lay Leadership Daniel Rebsomen Director, Church Ministries 12 MESSENGER/JUNE 1990

The preliminary reports look good. The Canadian Adventist MESSENGER is the official organ of the .. milady's hay fever and my true-love's .. eyes. No more a meek and uncertain witness, I was too excited by the Lord's.
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