Like Adam or Like Us? The Mystery of the Incarnation Roy Adams Editor Part I NN TYPICAL Eastern 5:2). He was "the mighty This is the central doctrine style, Nicodemus began God, the everlasting of the Christian Faith. his nocturnal interview Father" (Isa. 9:6). and the Without it, the whole canon with Jesus in a mouthful of astonishing claim of the of Scripture becomes a compliments: "Rabbi, we New Testament is that He meaningless document, a know that thou art a teacher did indeed enter the womb non-sense. come from God, for no man of a human mother, a part Yet many Christians can do these miracles...." of His own creation, across the centuries have Jesus gently brushed aside developed for nine months had difficulty accepting the the flatteries, and went as a regular embryo, and idea of the incarnation. directly to the point: then emerged a helpless, Some, like the Gnostics, "Except a man be born screaming baby in a could not bring themselves again, he cannot see the Bethlehem stable. to accept the real humanity kingdom of God." (John Absolutely mind boggling! of Christ. Others, like the 3:1-3). Said Ellen G. White: Ebionites (an early group of Attempting to avoid the "When we want a deep Chrisians of Jewish spiritual thrust of Jesus' problem to study, let us fix orientation) could not accept remark, Nicodemus posed a our minds on the most the real divinity of the conundrum: "How can a marvelous thing that ever Saviour. man be born when he is took place in earth or The initial debate and old: can he enter the second heaven—the incarnation of controversy which ensued time into his mother's the Son of God." (SDA from these conflicting views womb, and be born?" (vs. Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, of Christ were intense and 4). Impossible! p. 904). bitter, and lasted three That question is important The English word centuries—to the Council of for the subject before us, for "incarnation" comes from Nicea in 325 A.D. Delegates it brings into sharp focus, two latin words: in to that Council, representing albeit indirectly and (meaning "in") and caro all of Christendom, finally inadvertently, the miracle (meaning "flesh"). Thus came to an agreement on and mystery of the "incarnation" means the question of the divinity Incarnation. Nicodemus literally "in flesh" or, in and humanity of the probably did not realize at reference to Christ, "the Saviour: the time that he was seated becoming flesh." The "We believe in one God, in the presence of One who dearest affirmation of this the Father almighty . . . and was Himself a living doctrine is that found in in one Lord Jesus specimen of an infinitely John 1:14: "And the Word Christ. . . only begotten, that more complex phenomenon. became flesh, and dwelt is, from the substance of the Jesus was the One whom among us, and we beheld Father, God from Micah described when he His glory, glory as of the God. . .begotten not made, wrote: "... whose goings only begotten of the Father, of one substance with the forth have been from of old, full of grace and truth." Father, through Whom all from everlasting." (Micah (NASB) things came into (cid:9) 2(cid:9) MESSENGER/APRIL 1988 Cover photo--Meadow Flowers", Banff National Park, Alberta, by Dale Trefz An Important Subscription Reminder The Canadian Adventist Messenger is the official publica- tion of the Seventh-day Adven- tist Church in Canada. It is issued monthly. It is free (one per family) to those holding membership in a Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. being. ..Who because of us separation; the difference of Otherwise, the annual subscrip- men and because of our natures having been in no tion price in Canada is $5.00, salvation came down and wise taken away by reason outside Canada $10.00. became incarnate, becoming of the union, but rather the man, suffered and rose again properties of each being If you hold membership in an on the third day, ascended preserved, and (both SDA Church in Canada, but do to the heavens, and will concurring into one not have the Messenger come to judge the living and Person... not parted or delivered to your home, either the dead.. ." divided into two persons..., to you or another member of (John N. Davidson Kelly, but one and the same Son Early Christian Creeds, and Only-begotten, the your family, please send your pp. 215-216.) divine Logos, the Lord Jesus name, address, and postal code, But if Christ was both Christ..." (Cited in J.L. either to your local conference, God and man, How then Gonzalez, A History of or directly to the Messenger of- were divinity and humanity Christian Thought, I, pp. 390, combined in His person? 391. Emphasis supplied.) fice at 1148 King Street East, How did they relate? Was Notice the extreme caution Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 1118. You He a schizophrenic? Was He of the language pressed into should receive your first copy in one person or was He two the service of this great about six weeks. Remember, persons? It was an issue of mystery. Observe the care immense theological taken to plug every one copy per family unit. If you complexity, and occupied loophole, and thread a way do not now hold membership in the attention of theologians through the theological an SDA Church in Canada, and philosophers for many pitfalls that have bedeviled please enclose the appropriate decades, until "settled" at many through the centuries. subscription fee. the council of Chalcedon in It was a ringing testimony 451 AD: to reverent and careful To ensure there is no break in // ... we all with one scholarship. delivery when you move from voice teach .. . that our And in that shining credo one address to another, send us Lord Jesus Christ is one and are the sentiments upon your new address, including the same God, the same which many to this day perfect in Godhead, the have made shipwreck: "in your postal code, as well as your same perfect in manhood, all things like unto us, sin old Messenger address label. truly God and truly man, only excepted." What does Please help us cut cost and . . . in all things like unto this mean? If He did in fact serve you better by informing us us, sin only excepted... become a human being, if your household is receiving One and the same Christ, how was He able to by-pass Son, Lord, Only begotten, the universal infection of more than one copy of the made known in two natures sin? Was He really like us? Messenger, and by reporting ad- (which exist) without Or was He like Adam? This dress changes promptly. confusion, without change, is the issue for our next without division, without segment. (To be continued) MESSENGER/APRIL 1988 3 Darryl was in the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario. We know that many families and chur- ches had special prayers on his behalf. The knowledge of your prayers was a constant source of strength for our family during that trying time. We know that you were all pray- ing that the Lord's will be done. In Darryl's case, the Lord's answer was that he should sleep for a while un- til Jesus comes. Darryl longed for the New Earth where he would not have More on that Christmas woman albeit misguided. She is the health problems that he ex- Editorial seeking the Lord's will by looking for perienced here. We are so thankful things to do or not to do, instead of for God's promises of an eternity Why did you ever publish that searching for what she ought to be where there will be neither suffering Christmas letter in the Feb. and become through Christ. nor sorrow. These promises sustain Messenger? Didn't you know it In retaliation for all the years the us as we face the days ahead. would make me so mad? Such letters canker worm devoured in my We thank each of you who have as that caused me to cancel the childhood, I put a Christmas tree in continued to pray for us as well as Review years back. I've never got every one of the ten rooms in my for the numerous cards, flowers and around to subscribing even though house. The grandkids come home remembrances that we have the new editors have done much and we have steady celebrations un- received. better. til Jan. 2. The high point is loading Ron and Polly Hosking It's a puzzle why I wasn't into the back of Grampa's pick-up translated 50 years ago as I was a and going 20 miles to town to see the perfect SDA child in spirit and in Nativity pageant performed by the A Response to Wally Cyrus truth. Certainly never celebrated any Lutheran Church. It is held outdoors of those dreadful pagan institutions with real sheep and cows, and llamas I wish to question my Brother like Christmas or Easter. Because we (instead of camels) and wise men Wallace C. Cyrus of the CAAA (in attended a worldly public school riding on three beautifully matched reference to his letter, Messenger, (taught by a beautiful Christian black horses, and the star, angels, March 1988.) I am thankful that he Presbyterian) we felt obligated to music! recognizes the pressing need for sing our best at the school concert. Down the street a few blocks, at equality and fairness within our But never would we think of hum- the SDA church—tell Ida—the Rem- church, and reform in the organiza- ming "Silent Night" at home—no nant gathers on Sabbath, Dec. 25, tional structure. siree, not in December! and opens the divine service by sing- Do I however sense a lobby for What a shock to attend CUC and ing "0 Worship The Lord" or "Ho- equal or prefential treatment for hear the choir singing all those ly, Holy, Holy". Then they hear a Black Caribbean Seventh-day beautiful carols at Christmas. And to goodly message on the Mark of the Adventists only (ie. S.D.A.'s of Car- see a real, live Christmas tree in the Beast or Stewardship. ribbean descent or cultural root)? girls' parlour. Could it be Babylon? In His mercy God saw fit that we So I would ask him, does he favour I felt like it was heaven! (never trust should have a new pastor—young, a proportional representation for all your feelings.) convert (not like 4th generation Adventists in Canada according to Later on, I learned to use the brains Adventists like me), and who isn't all racial or cultural origin? And can he God dealt out to me and think for that acquainted with Ida's traditions. rigidly define cultural and racial myself. I came to understand why, Things are looking up. We don't distinctions? For instance is there just although I was a perfect(?) and pious need all those texts Ida supplied as Black and White within our Cana- child, my soul was dry and empty. much as we need love—the love that dian church? What about Filipinos I was "caught up in the clouds"— came as a Babe in a manger and Continued on page 23 but once over the windmill by the about whom we sing and rejoice— barn, I'd come crashing down to the every pagan December 25. The Messenger welcomes reader's comments. Let- ters to the Editor should not exceed 275 words, and wicked earth, because of a Sincerely should carry the writer's name, address, and remembered evil thought I hadn't telephone number. All letters are subject to editing Hazel Thomsen, Alberta confessed and overcome. in the interest of space and literary requirements. However, every effort will be made to leave the It's so good to be old. All that Appreciation Expressed author's message and meaning unchanged. Views behind me. I don't know Ida expressed in the column do not necessarily repre- Houde's age. (See "Feedback", We wish to express our thanks and sent those of the Messenger staff or of the Seventh- day Adventist Church in Canada. Editor reserves the Messenger, Feb. 88) I hope she's appreciation to all of our friends right to reject any letter, without explanation. Please quite young . . . There's a chance for across Canada for your prayers and send letters directly to: The Editor, Canadian Adven- her then. She must be a wonderful concern during the time our son tist Messenger, 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, On- tario, L1H 11.18. 4(cid:9) MESSENGER APRIL 1988 CANADIAN ADVENTIST From The President's Diary Vol. 57, No. 4, April 1988, Oshawa, ON Roy Adams/Editor June Polishuk/Associate Editor June Ulett-Culmore/Secretary Allan Colleran/Art Director CONFERENCE EDITORS Beth Reimche/Alberta M. Tetz/British Columbia D.M. Maclvor/Man.-Sask. P.A. Parks/Maritime D. Crook/Newfoundland J. Fox/Ontario C. Sabot/Quebec This Issue 2/Editorial: Like Adam or Like Us? Part I (cid:9) by Roy Adams Keynoting Education 4/Feedback: Readers' Comments 5/President's Diary: Keynoting Education (cid:9) by J.W. Wilson ANADA HAS BEEN on the defensive, educationally, for too 8/Up front: From across Canada many years. We shall work and pray in such a way as to leave the days of retreat as only a lingering memory. 11/Three Angels: Family The 1987 year-end Union Executive Committee has authorized an Baptism (cid:9) by Rodney Dale Educational Task Force to study in depth the Canadian educational 12/Helping Those of needs. The Task Force Steering committee will table its report at the March 28 and 29 Union Committee meeting at Canadian Union the Third World: College with recommendations for immediate action. ADRA Canada . . by John Howard It is a God-given opportunity to act decisively and firmly to ad- 17/Healthlines: vance the cause of Christian education in Canada. We simply can- Fat and Breast not afford any further paralysis. The Educational Task Force is man- Cancer . . .by J.A. Scharffenberg dated to develop for our Canadian youth a fulfilling legacy of spiritual growth and quality education. It is an enriching opportunity for us to open the educational doors PLUS so that each pupil may reach as far and as high as his or her talents (cid:9) will permit. The values of hard work, of the family, of religion, can Special Tributes 7 (cid:9) stabilize the trauma presently attacking so many Adventist homes. Signs, Canada—Toll F(cid:9)ree 14 We must challenge any barrier that will demean any child's op- Broadcasters Seminar (cid:9) 14 Sandy Lake Academy 15 portunity for academic and spiritual success. We must commit to quality education. As needed as funds may be, they do not take the Kingsway H(cid:9) eritage Alumni Weekend 16 place of the basics—discipline and hard work. (cid:9) Conference News 18-22 We need innovative approaches which will develop a stronger cur- (cid:9) Obituaries 24 (cid:9) riculum, challenge teachers to defeat mediocrity, and develop Weddings, Notices, Ads 24-25 (cid:9) students who will achieve academically and spiritually in fulfilling Conference/Legal Directory 26 the mission of the church. Excelling teachers and students deserve Institutions/Health and Retirement inspiring recognition for work well done and for those who go Homes/Adventist Book Centres 26 beyond the call of duty. Dependency is the ignition trouble which thwarts so many from achieving their real potential. The younger generation will become The Canadian Adventist MESSENGER is the official organ of the our guiding lights and future leaders. So the ladder of success will Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. Issued monthly, annual subscription price in Canada $5.00. Out of union $10.00. Printed by Maracle Press Limited, Second class mail registration number Continued next page . . . 0912. Address all enquiries to 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario LIH 1H8. (cid:9) ISSN 0702-5084 (cid:9) MESSENGER/MARCH 1988 5 be anchored in family values and be facilitating resource personnel 7. SDA Life-An Integral Part of the quality family life. from Washington and Minneapolis. Curriculum If not now-when? Dr. Fred Stephen, Director of the 8. Innovative Ways to Deliver the If not us-who? NAD K-12 Board will be our Classroom The recommendations of the facilitator and Dr. Merton P. Strom- 9. Teacher Enhancement- Educational Task Force of the Union men, Executive Director of the Commitment, Recruitment, Executive Committee have Center for Youth and Family Training developed from four sources: Ministries of Augsburg College, Min- 10. Teacher Recognition and 1. The North-American-Division- neapolis, and his associate, Shelly Accountability authorized Seltzer Daley Report. Andres will be the resource people 11. Pre-school Education 2. The Canadian Adventist Educa- to guide us. 12. Challenging the Gifted tional Assessment Form. We expect that the May Executive 3. The work of the Task Force Steer- Committee should be the beginning Finance ing Committee. of the bench mark advance of educa- 1. Raising "New and Old" Money 4. Combined workshops of the NAD tion here in Canada for many years 2. Triple "E" Concept K-12 and Board of Higher to come. 3. Endowment Pay-roll Deduction Education. Now please note the agenda mat- 4. Review Funding Formulas The concerns which have ters which have been identified by 5. Educating Children of New developed from these four sources the four sources as named above: Adventists have emerged into four basic areas of 6. Labour Intensive Independent concern: The Mission of Christian Education Industries 1. The mission of Christian Education. 1. Refocus the Statement of Mission 7. Scholarships 2. The academics of education. 2. Nourishing the SDA Culture and 8. Deposit Accounts for Future 3. The financing of education. Heritage Education 4. The relationship with the con- 3. Marketing Christian Education 9. Challenge of Metro Schools stituency. 4. The School-"A Caring Centre for Anticipating the acceptance by the Estranged Youth" Constituency Union Committee of the Task Force 5. Pluralism-Unity in Diversity Report at the end of March, it is then 1. Demographic Data Base 6. Needs of Minorities and Single proposed that two full days of the 2. Pastoral Expectations Parents Union Committee in May will be 3. Town Hall Listening Post 7. The Link Between the Classroom directed toward the brainstorming of 4. The "Circuit Rider" and Salvation the agenda which is listed below. 5. What Standards and How to The Union Committee will be sup- Academics Uphold plemented by about twenty addi- 1. Adventist Education Available to 6. Transmission of Moral Value to tional well qualified people from All Youth Lifestyle across Canada to speak on the areas 2. Define Quality Education 7. Strengthening our Canadian of education. 3. Canadian Curriculum Heritage Out of the group discussions at the Development 8. Christian Education and the time of the May Union Committee, 4. How do our students do on Adventist Home actions will begin to flow with the CTBS? 9. Strengthening Administration- final work of the Task Force to be 5. Governance-Board Composi- Conference and School completed by the year-end meeting tion and Structure 10. Placement Registry in November. 6. Projected Canadian Worker 11. Utilizing Volunteers Joining Executive Committee will Needs Membership crowded churches where the still provide adequate facilities children never actually step in- for primitive villages. But the side the church on Sabbath," cities need more representative Explosion Australian missionary May permanent structures. Porter reports. "The children Membership explosion in the meet for Sabbath School under emerging island nations is THIS QUARTER world Sab- a tree. How alarmingly easy it is severely straining church bath Schools will focus on for them to drift away!" This finances in South Pacific Divi- South 1Pacific Division, par- quarter's thirteenth Sabbath sion. Church buildings are ab- ticularly Papau New Guinea. In Special project involves solutely(cid:9) necessary(cid:9) for that union alone 100,000 building childrens' Sabbath establishing a firmly rooted children have no place to meet School rooms and churches membership, and help this Thir- for their own Sabbath School. throughout Papau New Guinea. teenth Sabbath is crucial in the "I have seen many badly over- Woven bamboo churches construction of churches. 6 MESSENGER/APRIL 1988 Kingsway College students and are in the National Archives in Ot- staff mourn the death of Mr. tawa. One photo taken in the North- Clarence Biesenthal who passed west Territories and forwarded to away February 21, 1988. Mr. Biesen- Mr. Diefenbaker, because of a thal retired from the Kingsway Col- perceived likeness between the lege staff in the spring of 1987. mountain in the photo and the Prime Voted as Honorary Alumnus of Minister, resulted in a personal let- 1987, Mr. Biesenthal began work at ter being returned to Mr. Biesenthal Oshawa Missionary College in 1956. which he kept framed on his office For 31 years he served the students wall. who attended this school as teacher, Married to Kathleen Jeffery in counsellor and friend. Known for his 1946, the Biesenthals have two quiet words of wisdom, "Mr. B." as children. Fred, married to Ibi Igracki, he was better known, held several has a son Daniel who is 10 months positions on the staff through the old. And Clareleen, married to David years. Ivany, has a son Jason who is cur- He began his service working in rently enrolled in grade 9 at the Maintenance Department where Kingsway College. Clareleen has he used his skills as an electrician to been the Accountant at Kingsway help with, among many other Mr. C. Biesenthal since 1985. things, the installation of the As Elder Lawton Lowe stated dur- 1922 - 1988 underground electrical system. He ing the funeral service held on was also responsible, along with Mr. February 14, 1988, Mr. Biesenthal Earl Dunhill, for the construction of will be remembered in many ways. the Vocational Arts Building. We will remember the buildings that In 1962 he went back to school to stand as a result of his effort and obtain a diploma from Ontario direction; the lights and heat that we Teachers College. From 1963 to 1987 A man of many interests, Mr. take for granted; but most of all we Mr. B taught Vocational Education, Biesenthal was involved in a variety will remember him for his sense of Math, Science and Driver's Educa- of physical pursuits where he was humour, his words of wisdom, his tion. But he taught his students more brought up in Port Arthur, Ontario integrity and honesty, his dedication than just theoretical knowledge; he (now Thunder Bay). Rugby, to our young people; showing Jesus taught values and principles that athletics, canoeing, and fishing were in the way that he lived. would be incorporated into lives that just some of the things that drew his We at Kingsway greatly miss Mr. were dedicated to service. And by attention during his younger days. Biesenthal, but we hold the hope of his example, he modelled a life of An excellent photographer, some of being with him soon in the New service. his photos of World War H aircraft, Earth. Ruth Wilson Rick was born May Quoted here is part of the poem 20, 1889 in Fulton, Missouri, to Mr. which was given as a tribute at the & Mrs. Albert Workes. She fell funeral service: asleep in Jesus on December 10, 1987 "Then back to Canada their in Portland, Oregon, at the age of 98 homeland so dear years. They built churches and schools She attended Alberta Industrial both far and near, Academy (now Canadian Union Col- And hundreds of faithful rejoice in lege). On February 3, 1913 she was that land married to Peter A. Rick in Bombay, Because of the wonderful work of India. Peter Rick became the first of their hands. a long line of overseas missionaries to go out from Canadian Union Col- As a hard working team, they retired lege when he went to India as a self- at last supporting literature evangelist in Mrs. Ruth Rick And enjoyed their loved ones— 1911. Ruth joined him the next year, time passed so fast. 1889-1987 in Bombay, to begin a life-long ser- Side by side both Peter and Ruth vice together in the gospel ministry. Are awaiting God's call. What a Ruth was predeceased by her hus- wonderful truth! band Peter. She leaves to mourn, children, and one great-great-grand- one brother, Dines Workes of child. We pledge to greet them at our Dear Clarkbrook, B.C., their son and Funeral services were conducted Saviour's feet, daughter-in-law Irene and Robert by her son-in-law, Elder Robert And oh what rejoicing when we all Mehling of Centralia, Missouri, 5 Mehling. Interment was in Oak Har- shall meet!" grandchildren, 10 great grand- bor, Washington. by Irene Mehling MESSENGER/APRIL 1988 7 Prayer Requested Martin Nelson is 18 years old. Martin Nelson is an accomplished pianist and has conducted the Toronto East Youth Choir for the past three years. Martin Nelson has cancer. In November, 1986 Martin had his left leg amputated just above the knee. His foot was removed at the L. to R.: Terry Shaw, Randy Breaux, and Hal ankle, then re-attached to his thigh, Burton. All three are refinery workers with backwards, so that his heel became Mobile Oil, Beaumont, Texas. his knee. This procedure is relative- ly new in Canada and Martin is the or take out a burial and life insurance ninth male and also the youngest policy immediately. He quit April 3, 1970. one to undergo this operation. Hal Burton smoked till he was 13, then When the foot is re-attached to the pitched the fatal weed. leg in this manner, it makes Randy Breaux drove across a maneuverability with an artificial dangerously flooded bridge in pouring leg much easier. The operation was rain one night 10 years ago. Safe on the a success! other side, he breathed a sigh of relief. The victory was short-lived He got to his house only to discover that however, as in the spring of 1987 he was out of cigarettes.The only store cancer was discovered again, this open was on the other side of that time in Martin's lungs. Martin has flooded bridge. But the compulsion to courageously decided that he would smoke was so strong, that he headed out not undergo further surgery or into the pouring rain, and across that chemotherapy. In February, 1988 flooded bridge. Martin's health began to weaken On the way back reality hit him: If the considerably. urge to smoke would lead him to risk his Martin needs our prayers now; and life in this way, it was nothing short of the members of Toronto East, slavery. That night he kicked the habit. Kingston Road, Berea, Scar- Roy Adams borough, Ephesus, Harvey and Perth churches ask you to join them in continuous prayer for Martin, a Member Honoured brave young man who loves God and serves Him well. Brother Jake Lebedoff, member of the Certified Professional Saskatoon Central Church, was Else Christian, Kingston Road Secretary presented with the Canada Volunteer Seventh-day Adventist Church Award Certificate at a Special Fellowship Last January, Kim Perrin, an ad- lunch on Sabbath, October 17. have made an outstanding voluntary ministrative secretary with the Seventh- Brother Lebedoff (right) was honoured contribution in improving the health and day Adventist Church in Canada, for his participation in the Five Day Stop well-being of their fellow citizens. received the Certified Professional Smoking Plan for the past 15 years in The gentleman on the (left is Lou Secretary (CPS) rating. Saskatoon and surrounding districts. Williams who received the same award The objective of the CPS program is to The award was presented by Justice three years ago. Both these men work upgrade the secretarial profession by en- Minister Ray Hnatyshyn (centre). closely together on 5 day plans and other couraging secretaries to raise their own The award recognizes Canadians who health related programs. standard of professionalism. Congratulations, Kim! The Tobacco Story of Three Blue Collars in Dixie Recently, I was having breakfast in a Texas restaurant. Three blue collar workers entered. "Shall we sit in smok- ing or non-smoking?" one asked. In a split second, they all agreed—non- smoking. I was curious. I walked over to their table. They told me their story: Terry Shaw had been smoking three packs a day. His doctor showed him an x-ray of his lungs, with the warning: quit 8 MESSENGER/APRIL 1988 Economist and after much thought and prayer both Bruce and Denise decided to move back to Newfoundland. Before they had left Newfoundland to work with the R.C.M.P., Bruce was interested in the S.D.A. Church in St. John's. (His mother was baptized in 1977). In fact he studied the Bible with Pastor D.C. Uffindell. However, he lost contact with the church when he moved away. Upon arriving in Newfoundland in August '87 Bruce and Denise and their two daughters, Allison and Sarah, began at- tending the Conception Bay South S.D.A. Church and soon they began studying the Bible with Pastor Barry Crawford Adventist Academy at Bussey. A date was set for their baptism KIWANIS Music Festival on December 5. However, that date was not to be a baptism, but rather a baby dedication for the Hillier's. In late "A choir needs to be able to reach out Not to be overlooked in the Kiwanis November Denise gave birth to a baby and grab the audience by the heart. The Festival this year was the work of the girl—Susan Lynn. And on December 5, choir from Crawford really did that to me grade 4 class who entered the "Elemen- Susan Lynn was dedicated to the Lord today," said Peter Allen, the Kiwanis tary Choir-Unison Class and took first by Pastor Bussey. Finally on February 6 Choral Adjudicator in his remarks to the place in that category. They were under both Bruce and Denise were baptized at choirs in the class "A" SATB competi- the direction of Mrs. Edite Obradovic, the Conception Bay South Church by tion. The senior Choir, under the direc- who also conducted the grade 5 recorder Pastor Dave Crook. The baptismal service tion of Mr. Leonard Hild, was then choir and placed third in that class. was followed by a fellowship meal. awarded first place with a mark of 87%. Several young students took part in Members of the Conception Bay South Crawford's choir competed with seven solo classes in piano and did very well. Church are overjoyed to welcome this other schools for the victory. The follow- One student in grade six, Darius Kim, lovely family into their membership. ing day, the choir went on to take second entered the Trumpet solo for ages 12 and place in the "open class" competition to under and placed first in that event. the surprise and delight of each member. Crawford Academy is proud of its stu- Successful Efforts "After winning last year, to win again dent's achievements at the Kiwanis in the "A" class competition is a sign of Music Festival this year. Mr. Hild and Rosalie Llewellyn and Roxanne stability in the music program at Mrs. Obradovic are to be congratulated, Odaiyar have proven to be very suc- Crawford" said Mr. Hild. "I am very with their students, for their hard work. cessful in their door-to-door Ingathering proud of the efforts of the students and This demonstrates again that Adventist program. Their combined efforts brought of the school spirit this generated." Education is worth the investment. $3,000 into the 1987 Westminster Church, Grade 4 Elementary Choir Grade 5 Recorder Choir A Former R.C.M.P. Officer and his Family Join The Conception Bay South S.D.A. Church Bruce and Denise Fillier, both natives of Mount Pearl, Newfoundland were sta- tioned last year in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia where Bruce was an officer with the R.C.M.P. Although Bruce enjoyed working as a Police Officer he decided that he would like a change in career. An opening became available to work with British Columbia ingathering campaign. the Newfoundland Government as an They praise God with joyful hearts for Proud parents of Susan Lynn Fillier, her the part they could have in the Lord's mother, Denise and her father, Bruce. work. MESSENGER/APRIL 1988 9 11(cid:9) !MIMI(cid:9) 111111(cid:9) 11111111111(cid:9) 1 "THANK YOU" Fellow Canadian Adventists THE 1987 INGATHERING CAMPAIGN is now history, and because of you the Seventh- The Word From Texas: Sitting with other attendees at center tab Myrna Tetz, Director of Communication, B. day Adventist Church in Canada Get the Message Out! Conference (2nd from right), and James F was able to report one of the Director of Communications, Ontario Union Communication Directors and Conference, (next to her). most successful programs ever Union Paper editors met in council in conducted. Harlingen, Texas, February 9-16. North America. After the conversion of the Delegates spent by far the largest seg- Attending the meeting also were co funds into U.S. dollars five Con- ment of time discussing ways and means munication leaders from the No to more effectively utilize an increasingly American Division and sever ferences, Alberta, British Col- sophisticated media to market the conferences. umbia, Manitoba-Saskatche- Adventist church and its message in Roy A wan, Quebec and the Maritimes show a gain over the previous year. Newfoundland is in a class Annual Secretaries' Council by itself with a per capita achievement of 35.94 U.S., Meets in Orlando leading the entire North American Division. Ontario's per capita figures are 16.67 The annual council of Union, North American Division (NAD) and U.S.—a grand accomplishment. General Conference (GC) Secretaries met in Orlando, Florida, March 1-3. Altogether we raised $14.72 There were about 40 in attendance. U.S.—the largest number of The purpose of these annual meetings is to discuss plans and policies affecting all our churches and workers in North America. U.S. dollars ever raised in Morning devotionals by G. Ralph Thompson, secretary of the General Canada in one Ingathering Cam- Conference centered around the healing of the cripple in Acts 3, and em- paign. Many wonderful con- phasized the need for power and sharing in our life and ministry. tacts have been made and thousands of pieces of literature George Ramsey speaking to the group about Electronic mail. Front row, L. to R., distributed. It happens every Herb Larsen, Secretary of Lake Union Conference, Doug Devnich and Roy Adams, Secretary and Associate Secretary, respectively, of the SDA Church in Canada. year. Some soul is going to discover the Adventist message because you went Ingathering. Thank you sincerely and God bless you always. Rick Bacchus, Director Church Ministries Department SDA Church in Canada 10 MESSENGER/APRIL 1988