11W hat This is the title of the chapter in Prophets by F.R. Stephan(cid:9) eiSt & Kings based upon the ,. A experience of Elijah as recorded thou ll (cid:9) in I Kings 19:9-18. You know the story well. Elijah had fled from Jezebel and found safety in a cave on • Mount Horeb. After 40 days of travel Elijah was tired, hungry, alone and very discouraged. At the entrance to the cave, God met His prophet. He inquired of the prophet's needs and He also wanted to make plain to Elijah His divine purpose. Calling Elijah out of the cave an angel told Elijah to stand before the Lord God and listen. — a great strong wind blew so that it moved the rocks of the mountains. This was followed by an earthquake that shook the very foundation of the mountain, followed by a consuming fire and then a still small voice. Elijah heard that voice, wrapped his face in his mantle, and bowed before God. God was now to teach Elijah that it Putting second things first will not was not always the work that makes produce that which should be fore- the greatest demonstration — that is Not by most, most prominent, that for which most successful in accomplishing his we should seek. Could it be possible purpose. Elijah's spirit was softened eloquence or that we today might be looking for the and subdued, he now understood mighty rushing wind, the impressive that a quiet trust, a firm reliance on logic are men's earthquake or the searing fire and God would ever find for him a miss the still small voice, is it present help in time of need, and his hearts reached, possible? In education jargon today discouragement was lifted. the world has come to the place In that chapter in Prophets & but by the where we no longer show and tell, but Kings, on p. 169, we read that "It is not we want play and brag. It is difficult always the most learned presentation sweet influences for us to live under these conditions. of God's truth that convicts the soul. Now we all agree, that goals, Not by eloquence or logic are men's of the Holy slogans, programs, plans such as hearts reached, but by the sweet corporate management by objectives influences of the Holy Spirit ... It is Spirit . . . and even a bureaucratic structure — the still small voice of the Spirit of all may be necessary, but there is a God that has the power to change the real danger involved as we become heart." more acquainted with and tamper in There may be a very real lesson in probably lose his job, lose his health, these areas. It's a danger that these this for us today in the recounting of and even his ability to enjoy alcohol things might substitute for the seeking this experience of Elijah. It may be any longer; he loses all. of the Holy Spirit and the hearing of even more than a lesson, it might be You cannot experience a growing the still small voice. It is the Holy what C.S. Lewis calls a universal law. faith if you consider first the out- Spirit that has the power to produce "You cannot get second things by comes or the results of an experience. even greater works than we might putting them first." The man who Faith is obedience to God. This is first, ever imagine if we would but stop and makes alcohol his chief god or prime the result is secondary. While faith is listen. concern to achieve happiness and followed by good works, good works I also believe that it is all too satisfaction in life will eventually do not necessarily produce faith. possible today to de-christianize the 2(cid:9) MESSENGER/FEBRUARY 1987 What about our children, our homes and our families. I am convinced that the great war we have to fear is not a nuclear war, but it's the war that Satan is raging within our homes, resulting in the destruction of our families. I by (cid:9) church. The work of Elijah was not me it was suggested that an emphasis first. Car one of compromise with the world, should be placed upon the home, the In the Phi Delta Kappan recently n bi but reform. I'm assuming that when family, and Adventist education. Now the former Commissioner of Education, o y R these topics of the life of Elijah were this is a very difficult assignment in Mr. Harold Howe II, has an article b o selected for these devotionals, some- many respects because there are entitled "The Prospect for Children in to Ph one felt that there was a need for such some things that should be said that the United States." Notice what he reform. We need to consider what we are not always the easiest to say. In says. "Efforts to provide children with are doing here, what must be done if fact, they are painful to say and that's healthy, rewarding lives are declining we are to finish the work of God. because in many instances our church even as the needs for such are Elijah's work was not one of con- is suffering much like the world is growing. The self-interest of adults is forming or compromise. Jesus himself suffering. Look at the family, the taking centre stage and the interests did not say go into the world and tell home of today. Biblical history tells us of children are being shoved into the the world that it's quite all right. The that the family was first, then came the wings." He says "Major changes in gospel is different. It is in opposition school, followed by the church. You the structure of the American family to the world. The real message is cannot look at the school and the and the work habits of women have repent, be changed, be different. church first, that is second. It's the combined to create new demands for When this assignment was made to family. You cannot put second things Continued on page 5 MESSENGER/FEBRUARY 1987 3 CANADIAN ADVENTIST eSSE11Q EY From The President's Diary VoL 56, No. 2, February 1987, Oshawa, ON G.E. Maxson/Editor June Polishuk/Associate Editor Allan Colleran/Art Director CONFERENCE EDITORS L. Larsen/Alberta M. Tetz/British Columbia D.M. Maclvor/Man.-Sask. P.A. Parks/Maritime D. Crook/Newfoundland D. Melashenko/Ontario C. Sabot/Quebec Official Organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada: President, J.W. Wilson; Secretary G.E. Maxson; Treasurer, G.B. DeBoer; Vice-President, LG. Lowe; Associate Secretary, R. Adams; Under Treasurer, R.L Coolen; Departmental Directors: Education, J.D.V. Fitch; Associate Education, J. Saliba; Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, D.D. Devnich; Literature Ministries, P.R. Cordray; Church Ministries, E.R. Bacchus: Service Directors: Assistant Treasurer, Revolving Fund and Trust, F.L. Bell; Assistant Treasurer, Computer Services, R. Sullivan; Assistant Treasurer, HHSC, W. Ruba: Consultant to Health Care Institutions, A.G. Rodgers. Once Upon a Time . . . Issued monthly, annual subscription price in Canada 55.00. Out of Union $10.00. Conference Directory THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH IN CANADA — J.W. Wilson, President; G.E. Maxson, Secretary; G. DeBoer, Treasurer; 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8 (416) 433-0011. ALBERTA CONFERENCE — H.S. Larsen, President; W. Olson, Secretary-Treasurer; Box 5007, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6A1. (403) 342-5044. HE PHILOSOPHER PLATO WAS PENSIVELY STROLLING BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE — C. Sorenson, President; E. Tetz, Secretary-Treasurer, Box 1000, Abbotsford, British along a beautiful sandy oceanside beach. Rippling brooks, Columbia V2S 4P5. (604) 853-5451. Trunning streams, undulating ocean tides, all lead to careful MANITOBA/SASKATCHEWAN CONFERENCE — D.M. Maclvor, President; M.D. Suiter, Secretary-Treasurer; 1004 Victoria Ave. reflection. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0Z8. (306) 244-9700. A young man, also walking the beach, quietly approached Plato, no MARITIME CONFERENCE - P.A. Parks, President; M. Weststrate Secretary-Treasurer; 121 Salisbury Rd., Moncton, N.B. E1E 1A6. doubt sensing the opportunity of a lifetime and querried, "How can I (506) 857-8722. ONTARIO CONFERENCE — 0. Parchment, President; L accomplish in life what I so much wish to do?" Carney, Secretary; G. Gray, Treasurer; Box 520, Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7M1. (416) 571-1022. Quickly Plato responded, "Come with me and I will answer your QUEBEC S.D.A. CHURCH ASSOCIATION — C. Sabot, President; question." LM. Abel, Secretary; Y. Colas, Treasurer; 940 Ch. Chambly, Longueuil, Quebec J4H 3M3. (514) 651-4240. With that they, hand in hand, waded into the ocean waters. From NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR MISSION OF SEVENTH- DAY ADVENTISTS — D. Crook, President; B. Christenson, ankles to knees, to waist, to shoulders and then to the upraised chin of Secretary-Treasurer; 106 Freshwater Road, St. John's, Newfoundland the youth, they finally stopped in the water. AIC 2N8. (709) 576-4051. As they stood there, Plato took him by the nape of the neck and Legal Directory For the information of members and friends who wish to plunged him under the water till he bubbled profusely. Finally the remember the Church and its institutions in preparing wills and philosopher raised him from his unceremonious dunking. legacies. ALBERTA CONFERENCE CORPORATION of the Seventh-day "What did you think of while you were under the water?" Adventist Church - Box 5007, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6A1. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA CORPORATION of the Seventh-day "All I wanted was air — do you hear — I wanted air!" Adventist Church - P.O. Box 1000, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 4P5. "When you are as interested about what you wish to do in the future MANITOBA CONFERENCE CORPORATION of the Seventh- day Adventist Church - 1004 Victoria Avenue, Saskatoon, as you were in getting your lungs filled with air, nothing will ever stop Saskatchewan, S7N OZ8. MARITIME CONFERENCE CORPORATION of the Seventh-day you!" Adventist Church, Inc. - 121 Salisbury Rd., Moncton, N.B. E1E 1A6. That was excellent counsel. Do we each need a prod of some type to ONTARIO CONFERENCE CORPORATION of the Seventh-day Adventist Church - P.O. Box 520, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7M1. help us focus on what life is all about? SASKATCHEWAN CONFERENCE CORPORATION of the Seventh-day Adventist Church - 1004 Victoria Avenue, Saskatoon, No matter where we are in life, we all need to take inventory, Saskatchewan S7N OZB. redefine our objectives, determine what our mission is and how our SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH IN CANADA - 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8. present sense of direction helps to "finish the work." SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH in Newfoundland and Labrador - 106 Freshwater Road, St. John's, NOd. A1C 2N8. It is never too late to realign, evaluate, or change direction. Keeping SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - Quebec Conference, our focus heavenward will result in renewal, revival and reformation. or Eglise Adventiste du Septieme Jour - Federation du Quebec - 940 Ch. Chambly, Longueuil, Quebec J4H 3M3. Yes, it is February, but just in case we missed out in January for a Printed by Maracle Press Limited. Second class mail new beginning, it isn't too late to respond in February. registration number 0912. Address all enquiries to 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8. As a matter of fact, let's do it on a daily basis.(cid:9) 0 ISSN 0702-5084 (cid:9) 4(cid:9) MESSENGER/FEBRUARY 1987 Cover Photo — "Winter Dawn'; Euchimko Lake, British Columbia, by T Corbett public services for children and youth, the world and the mother's presence and at the same time the political should be its greatest attraction." leverage on their behalf is declining One of the signs What has happened? You will note ... The United States is the wealthiest that I haven't even mentioned latch- nation in the world, but it is rapidly that a society is key children or abused children. We becoming a nation whose political had a tragedy here in this city not long will to provide for its children the beginning to ago, when a 14-year old girl threw necessities for physical, intellectual, herself in front of a train and died emotional and moral growth is lose its vitality because she was being abused in the weakening . . . Where is our sense of home. A real tragedy. balance?" he asks. "Do Americans still is that children Edward Hallowell, M.D., who is an care for children, especially poor instructor at Harvard Medical School, children, or are we willing to sacrifice cease to be has written in the journal Independent them to the political imbalance School, Fall 1986, an article on "How between the young and the old that central in the Can Teachers Cope?" While this now exists in the United States." deals primarily with education, he What about our children, our lives of people. also reflects upon the home — the homes and our families. I am con- conflict between parents and teachers, vinced that the great war we have to how to serve children, how to educate fear is not a nuclear war, but it's the children, and how to nurture children. war that Satan is raging within our Speaking of so many parents today he homes, resulting in the destruction of was only 11% of our homes, and in says "they're too wrapped up in our families. 1985 it is 7%, an astonishing change. themselves and their careers to be In an article from LISA Today, ... Of our 80 million households, bothered. They see kids as narcissistic attention is drawn to the present crisis almost 20 million consist of people extensions of themselves, not as of caring for children. A study was living alone. The census tells us that growing individuals. Some parents completed and released just recently 59% of the children born in 1983 will only see children as being around to indicating that "the number of children live with only one parent before they reflect well or poorly of themselves." in need is increasing" in this nation. reach the age of 18. Of every 100 Now, if you were a teacher you would "The birth rate for unmarried girls children born today, 12 will be born know exactly what I'm talking about. between 15 and 19 doubled between out of wedlock, 40 will be born to No one is implying that mothers 1955 and 1983. Among whites it parents who will divorce before the should not work or that the society we tripled. Babies born.to teens are more child is 18, 5 will be born to parents find ourselves in is not a difficult likely to be underweight and die who will separate, 2 will be born to society. It is a society fraught with within a year." If they do survive they parents of whom one will die before problems. This man goes on to say oftentimes present monumental the child reaches 18, and 41 will reach that "some of these parents who are problems in their education down the 18 'normally.' " In this shocking so apparently devoted to their careers line. "The divorce rate tripled between statistic the situation is most striking do it just so they can make things as 1960 and 1980 and divorce now with very young mothers, ages 13 and good as possible for their children." affects about one million children a 14. "Indeed, every day in America, 40 They want to give their children all year through emotional stress and teen-age girls give birth to their third that they can give them, but they don't financial problems. The percentage of child." give themselves. "When a teacher is working mothers has tripled between These statistics are going to have a worrying more about a child than a 1947 and 1984, and that means more tremendous impact and are having a parent is, then something is out of children are left without caretakers tremendous impact upon our church. whack," this man says, "and the more and sometimes with inappropriate, What are we going to do about it? Are teamwork that can be promoted the abusing caretakers." we just going to stand here and say it's better" for all concerned. There needs I found a fascinating study that bad and tell people they're bad and to be a much closer working relation- came to my desk recently written by lay a guilt trip on them by saying it ship between parent and teacher, Harold L Hodgkinson of Washington, shouldn't be this way? Can we go on home and school. It is absolutely D.C. It is a briefing on demographics living as though we never knew that it necessary. But this frightful condition of education in this country. It is was happening? Or are we going to in our country, in a nation such as we entitled, "All One System." He was recognize these problems and attempt have, is shameful and truly it should addressing problems in education to resolve them and give these not exist. and he had a section on family status. individuals the help that they need I can imagine that when Elijah Notice what he says. Family status: and an opportunity to know Jesus heard the voice of God at the front of "Major changes have taken place in Christ and find salvation? Did not that cave he was greatly relieved. In the way we live together. In 1955, Jesus Himself say "suffer little children, fact, I believe that he was overjoyed 60% of the households in the United come unto me"? It was Ellen White that it was not the voice of Jezebel. He States consisted of a working father, a who said our children are our first was happy to hear the voice of housewife mother and two or more responsibility, and in Adventist Home, God. school-age children." Now that was in p. 21, "The home should be to What do you like to hear? Music is 1955, 60%. "In 1980, that family unit children the most attractive place in marvelous. I like to hear the wind in MESSENGER/FEBRUARY 1987 5 the tops of evergreen trees. I like to families on the other, and we've got to iencing declining enrollments and hear water rushing over rocks. Our reorder things so that the human problems. Let me just remind you that generation seems to have lost the values can again get some recognition. in Counsels to Parents and Teachers and desire for much of this. So many seem . One of the signs that a society is in volume 6 of the Testimonies the to like the sounds of the marketplace beginning to lose its vitality is that word is very clear. Churches should or the enticements of the world. But, children cease to be central in the have schools. Children should be as I was thinking about this, I thought lives of people. If you want to turn a taught by God-fearing teachers. there is one sound that I really do society around, it's around children Instruction in religious lines is cherish probably as much as anything that you have the hope of doing it." essential. The church has a special else in the world, and you know what Our church is vibrant with children work to do and in volume 6, p. 196, that is? The infectious, bubbling laugh and youth and we must save them. "The work that lies nearest to our of a child. When I pick up the phone Our church must grow with what church members is to become inter- and on the other end one of my God has given us, our greatest heritage. ested in our youth. . ." The question grandkids says "hi Papa", and chuckles, We cannot afford to lose our children. is asked, "Oh, where are the mothers I think there's nothing like it. Nothing Now, something else that appears and fathers of Israel today?" Samuel like it. You know what I'm talking to be a bit difficult for folks today is founded two of the schools of the about. A laughing, happy child secure Adventist education. We are exper- prophets. The record tells us that they in the atmosphere of a Christian home where angels love to dwell. The Canadian Family These are some of the sounds we're losing. But you say it's not always possible. is inTrouble! Yes, I know it's not always possible. I'm all too well aware of that. You see, my mother died when I was five years of age. I'll never forget that cold The Canadian family is in trouble! Marriages are hurting, even Seventh- February morning as I pressed my day Adventist marriages! face against the glass and saw them Current family trends and statistics clearly show that marriage and family put her into an ambulance. I didn't problems are on the increase. know she was never coming home • 40% of Canadian marriages end in divorce. again, but she didn't. I know what it's • The average years of marriage has dropped from 14.9 in 1969 to 10.7 in like with five brothers and sisters to 1984. struggle through a depression time • The number of couples living together as common-law partners has more trying to find happiness and fulfillment than doubled in the past 15 years. in a home, and I shall never forget, I'll • Single parent families have increased from 8.4% in 1961 to 11.3% in 1981 always remember and be thankful to and yet the birth rate has dropped from 26.1 per 1,000 population in 1961 to my father who held the family 15 per 1,000 population in 1984. together. I'll never forget one particular Statistics offer cold information. But who can measure the heartaches, the morning — we were Christian Reform broken feelings, the loneliness and despair? How can one explain the loss of people at that time and not Seventh- peace and joy, the warmth and togetherness, the feelings and relationships day Adventists — when one of our that once were there but now are gone? friends came over to the house and The question which arises from all this is "What can be done to change the we kids were asked to leave the room. course of seeming disaster that many marriages are headed for? What can I was standing in another room, and I Seventh-day Adventist Christians do, first in strengthening their marriage overheard the DeGroot family say, and family bonds, and secondly, to bring about healing to the many who are look, we would like to have Fred, we'll already hurting?" take him, and I froze with terror. I It is very important to understand that the family has always been and still thought my father might give me is the basic unit of society. The family unit was established before the Sabbath. away because times were difficult. The family unit was in place before there was a community, or before there However, he said no and he held the was a church. "Whatever the time in history, and whatever the challenges family together. We didn't have a they face, families remain the foundation of society. If we lose sight of family mom in the home but he held the as our richest national resource then our society is weakened." (The Vanier family together. You cannot put Institute of the Family) second things first and by that I mean One of the reasons for family breakdown is not knowing how to properly we cannot put wealth or possessions, communicate. Communication is not only an exchange of words, thoughts, not even our education, not even ideas, and information. It is feeling the hurt. It is listening to the inner position, we cannot put that first. The thoughts. It is showing appreciation. It is understanding and caring. It is that home is first. touch of the hand, the embrace, the caress. Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner, who Too often the only communication that a family experiences is in the form teaches at Cornell University, says of information, expressing needs, and giving instruction. Computers can do "The battle today is not between the same. True communication is more than this. children and parents, the battle is Jesus communicated with people in His day, in a way that built up hope between society on one side and and encouragement. When He rebuked the Pharisees, He did so "with tears 6 MESSENGER/FEBRUARY 1987 fell into decay after approximately A work similar to that which was these. From the wordly secular point 100 years and it was Elijah who was conducted with the ancient schools of of view divine wisdom is foolish. commissioned to bring reform to the prophets is to be done by God's From the divine point of view the those schools. He not only brought people today before the coming of the world's wisdom is foolish. The reform, but he opened a couple of great and dreadful day of the Lord. Adventist method of teaching is other schools and still other schools Eduction reform is just as much a part bibliocentric. God is the authority. were fostered by Elisha. of this church as health reform, The Holy Scriptures are the means of Now, I would like to have you note Sabbath reform, and other essential appreciating right from wrong, distin- something. Elijah was the agent used features that we might identify. guishing truth from untruth, the by God to reestablish the schools. He The apostle Paul reminds his important from the unimportant. did not start out, or set out, to fellow Christians that the worldly When Elisha went into Gilgal, and establish an alternative program, concept of intellectual greatness must visited the school of the prophets, another system, with options available be firmly rejected by the true follower they had a problem with wild gourds to everyone. He worked with God's of Christ in 1 Corinthians 1:17-19. in the food. They were facing a severe schools, the existing schools, and he The Lord has a different set of problem. As I read through the brought the necessary reform. intellectual values and the child of Commentary and in Harding's book That is the challenge for us today. God upon conversion must adopt on the life of Elisha, I was somehow convinced that the problem was not a physical problem, but that it was a famine for the word of God. That was by Don Melashenko the real problem. Director Family Life and Stewardship, The study of the scriptures takes Ontario Conference precedence over all other studies. The Bible is not only a separate study in itself, but it permeates all lines of in His voice." What an example for us to follow! intellectual pursuit — that is the goal We are counselled to "be kind in speech and gentle in action, giving up and objective of Adventist education. your own wishes. Watch well your words, for they have a powerful influence We must put first things first and the for good or ill. Allow no sharpness to come into your voice. Bring into your second shall be added unto us. If we united life the fragrance of Christlikeness." AH 107 have problems as a system, if we have Some helpful suggestions in family communication: problems as a family or as individuals, 1. Avoid correcting your spouse. I would suggest that we stop looking 2. Words don't mean — people mean. for a scapegoat. Let's look at ourselves. 3. Learn each other's interests. Make the necessary confessions and 4. Ask advice from your spouse and your children. reforms. The counsel of Ellen White 5. Communicate with God individually and collectively. might be very appropriate here when 6. Express feelings kindly. she says we should talk less and pray 7. Avoid nagging. more. Good counsel — talk less and 8. Don't be opinionated. pray more. Let us ask ourselves the 9. Watch the tone of your voice. question, What are we doing here? 10. Speak so as to build up self-worth in each other. Well, the answer is very comforting. A great challenge faces the Adventist church today in reaching the millions Jeremiah 31:16 & 17 — "Refrain thy who have not heard about the gospel. God has ordained that the home should voice from weeping, thine eyes from be an evangelistic centre. "One well-ordered, well disciplined family tells tears, for thy work shall be rewarded, more in behalf of Christianity than all the sermons that can be preached." saith the Lord, and they shall come AH32. Oh that each of our homes would speak for Christ in such a manner! again from the land of the enemy, and "By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by there is hope in thine end, saith the knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches." Lord, that the children shall come Proverbs 24:3-4. again to thine own border." "For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and And in Fundamentals of Christian understanding." Proverbs 2:6. Education, p. 290, "Our institutions of The Lord alone can give us the skills needed to bring about family unity, learning may swing to worldly con- and to restore love. Apart from His leading, we will accomplish nothing. This formity, step-by-step they may advance means that we need to study God's blueprint for marriage and home — to to the world, but they are prisoners of learn how to love, cherish, and honour each family member. And the time to hope and God will correct them and start is now! bring them back to the right position Perhaps the person who needs to change is you — not your spouse or your of distinction from the world." children, or the circumstances. With wisdom, understanding, and knowledge Thank God for Adventist education you can experience a whole new frame of mind, and establish a new loving and what it can do. We have only to relationship. remember that the successful ministry Charlie Shedd, in his book Letters to Karen said it right. "Marriage ... is not of Elijah was not due to any inherited so much finding the right person as it is being the right person." By God's qualities that he possessed as a man, grace and love may we each be that right person. Continued on page 20 MESSENGER/FEBRUARY 1987 7 1 111 (cid:9) 1IILIMAJ11111 111111.11111111111111111111.11W11111M, 11(cid:9)(cid:9)111 1111 (cid:9)11111N1111(cid:9) 11111111 11111(cid:9) 11111 11111IIIIII (cid:9) 1 -1*lar4 Photo at Right: Ribbon Cutting — East Park Lodge, Inc. Left to Right: Reg Wyatt, The Honourable Wilson Parasiuk, Donald Maclvor, The Honourable Felix Holtmann, Charles Toop, Jim Wilson, Mervin Kempert. Photos Below: Special speaker Jim Wilson, President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada and Charles Toop, Administrator of East Park Lodge, Inc. Official Opening East Park Lodge attendance and the gathering was themselves and the waiting list of by Charles L. Toop ably coordinated by Donald Maclvor, over 200 attests to the need for such Administrator President of the Manitoba-Saskat- accommodations in the Transcona chewan Conference of Seventh-day community. A unique feature of this Adventists and Chairman of the complex is the medical emergency Boards of Park Manor Personal Care call system which is connected to the Home and East Park Lodge, Inc. He Park Manor Personal Care Home introduced, in order, special speakers nursing station. The suites are con- Jim Wilson, President of the Seventh- sidered very spacious and included in day Adventist Church in Canada, a basic subsidized rent are heat, light, Felix Holtmann, Member of Parliament water, carpets, fridge and stove, for Selkirk-Interlake on behalf of the curtains and laundry facilities on each Honourable Stewart McInnes, Minister floor. As well, there are lounges on all responsible for Canada Mortgage and floors. In addition to medical emer- Housing Corporation, the Honourable gency services provided, those tenants Wilson Parasiuk, Minister of Energy who so desire may purchase their and Mines and Minister responsible meals in Park Manor's dining room. for Manitoba Hydro and M.L.A. for The Park Manor Personal Care Transcona on behalf of the Honourable Home kitchen was almost doubled in Maureen Hemphill, Minister of floor space with the addition of dry Housing for Manitoba and the storage space, walk-in coolers and Honourable Larry Desjardins, Minister freezer and new equipment. The of Health for Manitoba, and Reg dining room was also doubled in size Wyatt, the City Councillor for the which has enabled many more of the Transcona Ward. Home's residents to fellowship together After the speeches two ribbon during meals. This has proven to be cutting ceremonies took place, one very beneficial to these people. As S for East Park Lodge and one for the well, the additional kitchen space has UNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, Park Manor kitchen/dining room enabled Park Manor to participate in 1986, marked the long- addition. the Meals on Wheels program, a awaited official opening of This was followed by a light lunch valuable community outreach. East Park Lodge, Inc., a sixty-suite and tours of the facility provided by All told, these projects have signifi- seniors' housing complex located in the tenants of East Park Lodge and cantly enriched the lives of countless the community of Transcona in staff of Park Manor Personal Care seniors in the city of Winnipeg. Many Winnipeg. The additions to the Park Home. thanks to all who have made this a Manor Personal Care Home kitchen East Park Lodge, with a total capital reality. May the efforts of East Park and dining room were also officially cost of $3,473,906, is sponsored by Lodge and Park Manor Personal Care opened at this time. the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It Home always glorify and honour the More than 300 guests were in is designed for seniors able to care for God whom we serve. 8(cid:9) MESSENGER/FEBRUARY 1987 OW 41 0 I.W . (cid:9) 6 19.1 Have a Heart that p " ASTORS, ELDERS, TEACHERS, PARENTS, TRUSTEES, CHURCH MEMBERS — we are all responsible for the heritage of the Lord." Youth need to be understood, appreciated and loved. They Nancy Killman need to know that we will always love them, no matter what they do. Never, never give up. Someone has aptly said, "Have a heart that never hardens and a touch that never hurts." Discouragement of children and youth need the healing love of those who care deeply. The following family's story will illustrate. Kingsway The lightning, thunder and driving rain awakened and College frightened the little girl who was sleeping upstairs. She shivered Box 605(cid:9) Kym King and quaked, could stand it no longer, and ran downstairs to Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7M6 mother for comfort and courage. (416) 433-1144 "It's all right, darling. Don't be afraid. You can go back to your room because God is near and He'll watch over you." Witnessing any baptism is exciting. It is even more exciting when we see "Yes, mommy, I know God is near, but I'm scared, and when young people giving their lives to there's thunder and lightning, I want someone near that's got God. On January 17, three precious skin on 'em!" Kingsway College students were baptized in the College Park Church. Now, that's you pastor, parent, teacher, trustee, elder and It was the second baptism of K.C. church member. God has put us here with "skin on us" to guide students this school year. with firm, loving hands. Dean Ryan who baptized the three students harked back to the We may dry the tears, may allay the fears, may provide a big time when the great preacher Dwight smile, or occasionally a pat on the back — hard enough, long L Moody pointed out the significance enough, and low enough — to be effective. of baptizing youth. When young A reminiscent father asked his married daughter this people surrender their lives to God they have a complete lifespan in disturbing question. "What would you have done differently if which to follow and serve Him. you had been raising me?" Even the frigid waters of the "Daddy, why did you stop hugging me when I was a baptismal pool were no deterrent to the practice of baptism by immersion teen?" our outward way of declaring our Have a heart that never hardens and a touch that never hurts! Continued on page 13 MESSENGER/FEBRUARY 1987 9 In the minds of some Canadians, the outcome of the recent Sunday law crisis has weakened their faith in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. by Douglas Devnich S INCE THE PROCLAMATION of the Constitution Act on April 17, 1982, a series of legal cases consistently evoked liberal judgments from Canada's Courts in the matter of freedom of conscience and religion. At the ceremonies proclaiming Canada's new Constitution, then Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau promised Canadians that the Charter will forever protect minorities from the "tyranny of the majority". Over the years the hopes and dreams of individual Canadian religious freedomists and of minority groups soared when politicians promoted their platforms as paralleling the Charter. On June 2, 1984, the aspiring became a haunting echo as the conduct. A free society is one Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney said Supreme Court of Canada catapulted which aims at equality with in an address to a Multicultural Canadian society into an uncertain respect to the enjoyment of Conference "Multicultural diversity nightmare in which the religious fundamental freedoms.. . . Freedom (inclusive of religious culture [ed.] ) is freedom of Canadians may be violated can primarily be characterized by the an absolutely indispensible part of by majoritarianism. It was on that day absence of coercion or constraint. . . . our national identity, to reject it is to that the Supreme Court, following a Coercion includes not only such reject the essence of our society. year of deliberation on the matter, blatant forms of compulsion as direct Unity does not depend on uniformity. declared that the Ontario Sunday law commands to act or refrain from It depends on shared experiences, was written for a secular purpose, but acting on pain of sanction, coercion shared values, mutual respect and that it does significantly abridge the includes indirect forms of control mutual goals." freedom of religion of Seventh-day which determine or limit alternative In October 1985, a report of the Adventists and devout Jews. Yet, in courses of conduct available to others." Parliamentary Committee on Equality our free and democratic society, the The Chief Justice continued, "What Rights urged Parliament and the Court wrote, such a limitation of may appear good and true to a Provincial Legislatures that any legis- freedom is reasonably justified. majoritarian religious group, or to the lation which relates to business and Strange Conundrum? Read on! state acting at their behest, may not, employment should "ensure that In 1985 the Supreme Court of for religious reasons, be imposed those who observe a Sabbath other Canada rendered Canada's national upon citizens who take a contrary than Sunday are not treated any Sunday law (Lord's Day Act, 1907) as view. The Charter safeguards religious differently from those who observe unconstitutional. Chief Justice Brian minorities from the threat of 'the Sunday as their day of rest." Dickson wrote: "A truly free society is tyranny of the majority'." Alas! On December 18, 1986 the one which can accommodate a wide Then, as it were, to make it utopian words of secured religious variety of beliefs, diversity of tastes abundantly clear that the Lord's Day freedom for Canadian minorities and pursuits, customs and codes of Continued on page 12 10 MESSENGER/FEBRUARY 1987