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Can One Hear the Shape of a Drum? Author(s): Mark Kac Reviewed work(s): Source: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 73, No. 4, Part 2: Papers in Analysis (Apr., 1966), pp. 1-23 Published by: Mathematical Association of America Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2313748 . Accessed: 15/03/2012 22:10 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Mathematical Association of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The American Mathematical Monthly. http://www.jstor.org CAN ONE HEAR THE SHAPE OF A DRUM? MARK KAC, The RockefellerU niversity,N ew York To George Eugene Uhlenbeck on the occasion of his sixty-fiftbhi rthday "La Physique ne nous donne pas seulement l'occasion de resoudre des problemes . .. elle nous fait presentirl a solution." H. POINCARE. Before I explain the title and introducet he theme of the lecture I should like to state that my presentationw ill be more in the nature of a leisurelye xcursion than of an organized tour. It will not be my purpose to reach a specifiedd es- tination at a scheduled time. Rather I should like to allow myselfo n many occasions the luxury of stopping and looking around. So much efforti s being spent on streamliningm athematics and in renderingi t more efficientt, hat a solitary transgressiona gainst the trend could perhaps be forgiven. r Q FIG. 1 1. And now to the theme and the title. It has been known forw ell over a centuryt hat if a membrane 2, held fixed along its boundary F (see Fig. 1), is set in motioni ts displacement( in the direc- tion perpendiculart o its original plane) F(x,y ; t)-F (p; t) obeys the wave equation aF = c2 72F, at2 where c is a certain constant depending on the physical propertieso f the mem- brane and on the tension under which the membranei s held. I shall choose units to make C2== 2 2 PAPERS IN ANALYSIS Of special interest (both to the mathematician and to the musician) are solutions of the form F(p-; t) =: U(p)eiwl, for,b eing harmonici n time,t hey representt he putret ones the membranei s capa- ble of producing.T hese special solutions are also known as normal modes. To find the normal modes we substitute U(-)eiwti nto the wave equation and see that U must satisfyt he equation 2 V2U+co2U=O with the boundary condition U=O on the boundary F of Q, correspondingt o the membraneb eing held fixeda long its boundary. The meaning of "U =0 on F" should be made clear; for sufficientlysm ooth boundaries it simplym eans that U(p)->O as p approaches a point of F (fromt he inside). To show that a membranei s capable of producinga discrete spectrum of pure tones i.e. that there is a discrete sequence of c's W<_?2 ?Co3_? * for which nontrivials olutions of V2U + (2U =0 , U = 0 on , exist, was one of the great problems of 19th century mathematical physics. Poincare struggledw ith it and so did many others. The solution was finallya chieved in the early years of our centuryb y the use of the theoryo f integrale quations. We now know and I shall ask you to believe me ify ou do not, that forr egions Q bounded by a smooth curve F there is a sequence of numbers X1_X2_ * * - called eigenvalues such that to each therec orrespondsa function4 '(-), called an eigenfunctions, uch that 0 21 72V, + Xn4n- and 41'(-)->O as p->a point of F. It is customaryt o normalize the 4t's so that J / (p)-dp= 1. Note that I use dp to denote the element of integration( in Cartesian co- ordinates,e .g., dp-dxdy). 2. The focal point of my exposition is the followingp roblem: Let ?2 and ?2 be two plane regionsb ounded by curves F, and F2 respectively, and consider the eigenvalue problems: V2U + XU 0 in Q 22V + AV =0 in Q2 with with U= on F, V= on F2. Assume that fore ach n the eigenvalue N,,f or? 1 is equal to the ei-genvalueA P1 CAN ONE HEAR THE SHAPE OF A DRUM? 3 for 02. Question: Are the regions i1 and 02 congruenti n the sense of Euclidean geometry? I firsth eard the problem posed this way some ten years ago fromP rofessor Bochner. Much more recently,w hen I mentionedi t to ProfessorB ers, he said, almost at once: "You mean, if you had perfectp itch could you findt he shape of a drum.'" You can now see that the "drum" of my title is more like a tambourine (which really is a membrane) and that stripped of picturesque language the problem is whetherw e can determineQ if we know all the eigenvalues of the eigenvalue problem V2U+XU=0 in Q, U =0 o0n F. 3. Before I go any furtherl et me say that as far as I know the problem is still unsolved. Personally, I believe that one cannot "hear" the shape of a tam- bourine but I may well be wrong and I am not prepared to bet large sums either way. What I propose to do is to see how much about the shape can be inferred fromt he knowledge of all the eigenvalues, and to impress upon you the multi- tude of connectionsb etween our problema nd various parts of mathematicsa nd physics. It should perhaps be stated at this point that throughoutt he paper only asymptoticp ropertieso f large eigenvalues will be used. This may represent,o f course, a serious loss of informationa nd it may perhaps be argued that precise knowledgeo f all the eigenvalues may be sufficientto determinet he shape of the membrane. It should also be pointed out, howTevert,h at quite recentlyJ ohn Milnor constructedt wo noncongruents ixteen dimensional tori whose Laplace- Betrami operators have exactly the same eigenvalues (see his one page note "Eigenvalues of the Laplace operator on certain mlanifolds"P roc. Nat. Acad. Sc., 51(1964) 542). 4. The firstp ertinentr esult is that one can "hear" the area of Q. This is an old result with a fascinatingh istoryw hich I shall now relate briefly. At the end of October 1910 the great Dutch physicist H. A. Lorentz was invited to G6ttingent o deliver the Wolfskehll ectures. Wolfskehl,b y the way, endowed a prize for proving, or disproving,F ermat's last theorem and stipu- lated that in case the prize is not awarded the proceeds fromt he principal be used to invite eminents cientistst o lecture at Gottingen. Lorentz gave five lecturesu nder the overall title "Alte und neue Fragen der Physik"-Old and new problemso f physics-and at the end of the fourthl ecture he spoke as follows (in freet ranslationf romt he original Germ-Ian)": In conclu- sion there is a mathematical probleimwi hich perhaps will arouse the interesto f mathematiciansw ho are present. It originatesi n the radiation theoryo f Jeans. "In an enclosure with a perfectlyr eflectings urface there can forms tanding 4 PAPERS IN ANALYSIS electromagneticw AAavaensa logous to tones of aino rgan pipe; we shall confineo ur attention to very high overtones. Jeans asks for the energy in the frequency intervald v. To this end he calculates the numlbero f overtonesw hich lie between the frequenciesv and v+dy and multipliest his numberb y the energyw hich be- longs to the frequenlcyv ,a nd whicha ccordingt o a theoremo f statistical mllechan- ics is the samnef or all frequencies. "It is here that therea rises the mathematicalp roblemt o prove that the num- ber of sufficientlyh igh overtonesw hich lies between v and v+dv is independent of the shape of the enclosurea nd is simiiplpyr oportionalt o its volumlleF. or many simnplseh apes for wAhiccha lculations canl be carried out, this theoremhl as been verifiedi n a Leiden dissertation.T here is no doubt that it holds in general even for multiplyc onnected regions.S inilar theoremnfso r other vibratings tructures like inembranes,a ir inasses, etc. should also hold." If one expresses this conjecture of Lorentz in terms of our imembrane,i t enmergeisn the form: V (X) < 27 r Here N(X) is the number of eigenvalues less than X, | I the area of Q and means that N0 (X) |Q| a X 27r X There is an apocryphalr eportt hat Hilbert predictedt hat the theoremw ould not be proved in his life time. Well, he was w-rongb y many, many years. For less than two years later HermiianW eyl, who was present at the Lorentz' lec- ture and whose interest was aroused by the problem, proved the theorem in question, i.e. that as X >oc x. N1(X) Weyl used in a masterly way the theory of integral equations, which his teacher Hilbert developed only a fewy,-e ars before,a nd his proofw as a crown ing achievement of this beautiful theory. I\lany subsequent developnmentisn the theoryo f differentiaaln d integrale quations (especially the wNorokf Coturanta nd his school) can be traced directlyt o Weyl's memoiro n the conjectureo f Lorentz. 5. Let me now consider brieflya differentp hysical problem which too is closelyr elated to the problenmof the distributiono f eigenvalues of the Laplacian. It can be taken as a basic postulate of classical statistical mechanics that if a systemo f 1l particles confinedt o a volume Q is in equilibriumw Titha thermo- stat of temperatureT the probabilityo f findings pecifiedp articlesa t ri,,r 2, rm (tn lel nd r - rMf( wvithinv olume elementsd r1,d r2,. , drAzli) s CAN ONE HEAR THE SHAPE OF A DRUM? 5 L .. ... exp [- kTVd(rrly ** rml)0 dr-, dr,- * J. exp V(rl ... rm) dr, ... drm where V(r-1, ,rll) is the interactionpi otential of the particles and k=R/N with R the "gas constant" and N the Avogadro number. For identical particles each of mass m obeying the so called Boltzmainii statistics the correspondinga ssumiptioni n quantum statistical mechanicss eems much more complicated. One starts with the Schr6dingere quation Q 2 V - V(ri, ..., r_>) Eq 2- , whereh is the Planck constant) 2m 27 with the boundary condition limn4( ri. , 1) =0, whenever at least one rk approaches the boundary of Q. (This boundary condition has the effecto f con- fining the particles to Q.) Let E1 < E2 ? E3 < be the eigenvalues and 4'114,, . thec orrespondinngo rmalizedei genfunctionTsh. en theb asic postu- late is that the probabilityo f findings pecifiedp articlesa t ri, r2, , ur( within dr1* **, d-rm)i s j e E,/kT A2(-r+- l * ri)9drl . . . dr31 s=l Z e-EsIkT s=1 There are actually no known particles obeying the Boltzmann statistics. But don't let this worry you for our purposes this regrettable fact is immilaterial. Now, let us specialize our discussion to the case of an ideal gas w7hich,b y definitionm, eans that V( r-, , r 1) _O. Classically, the probability of findings pecified particles at r1, , r7 is clearly dr1 dr3 where I Q | is now the volume of Q. Quantum mechanically the answer is not nearly so explicit. The Schr6dinger equation for an ideal gas is ft2 2m 9 - and the equation is obviously separable. If I now consider the three-dimensional (rather than the 3MH-dimenlsional) eigenvalue problem 6 PAPERS IN ANALYSIS 2V2A(r) = - r V(r) -> 0 as r the boundary of 9, it is clear that the Es as well as the , r) are easily expressiblei n termiis of the X's and corresponding4 1(r)'s. The formulaf or the probabilityo f findings pecifiedp articles at -ri, rm turns out to be exp [-m-- T]'fl(rk) k=H1 ~ LL r 0_ _ _ _ _ _ _A _ n_ t_ - dr i, E exp --- ] Now, as 1->0 (or as T-*> occ) the quantum mechanical result should go over into the classical one and this immllediatellye ads to the conjecture that as LmkT_ Ee An(F) i ?1=1 n=1 If instead of a realistic three-dimnensioncaol ntainer Q I consider a two- dimensional one, the result would still be the same X -e_n 2e2-Xr,)- 0 n=1 n=1 except that now I Q| is the area of Q rather than the volume. Clearly the result is expected to hold only for r in the interioro f Q. If we believe Weyl's result that (in the two-dimensionalc ase) I IV (X) /_ -I 1%), 2er it followsi mmediatelyb y an Abelian theoremt hat 1 0 1 __Ee-X nT - T O,-- 0 and hence that 1 r2 -XT E-e XX2 nr) -Ie dX. n=1 27rT 2ro Setting A (X) = x <x 4'(r), wNcvaen record the last result as CAN ONE HEAR THE SHAPE OF A DRUM? 7 de-XrA (X) e-Xrd X, r -> 0. Since A (X) is nondecreasingw e can apply the Hardy-Littlewood-Karamata Tauberian theorema nd conclude what everyonew ould be temptedt o conclude, namely that 2- N A (X)= + (r)2 , -->o, fo r every r in the interioro f Q. Though this asymptotic formula is thus nearly "obvious" on "physical grounds,"i t was not until 1934 that Carleman succeeded in supplyinga rigorous proof. In concluding this section it may be worthwhilet o say a word about the "strategy" of our approach. We are primarilyi nterested,o f course, in asymptotic propertieso f X,,f or large n. This can be approached by the device of studyingt he Dirichlet series 00 E e-Xnt n=1 for small t. This in turn is most convenientlya pproached throught he series 00 {D00 Ze CXt,(P) = fe-tdA(x) n1=1 and thus we are led to the Abelian-Tauberian interplayd escribed above. 6. It would seem that the physical intuition ought not only provide the mathematicianw ith interestinga nd challengingc onjectures,b ut also show him the way toward a proof and toward possible generalizations. The contexto f the theoryo f black body radiation or that of quantum statis- tical mechanics,h owever,i s too far removed frome lementaryi ntuitiona nd too full of daring and complex physical extrapolations to be of much use even in seeking the kind of understandingt hat makes a mathematician comfortable, let alone in pointingt oward a rigorousp roof. Fortunately, in a much more elementary context the problem of the dis- tributiono f eigenvalues of the Laplacian becomes quite tractable. Proofse merge as natural extensionso f physical intuitiona nd interestingg eneralizationsc ome withinr each. 7. The physical context in question is that of diffusi on theory,a nother branch of nineteenthc enturym athematical physics. Imagine "stuff,"i nitiallyc oncentrateda t p( (xo, yo)), diffusingt hrougha plane region Q bounded by F. Imagine furthermorteh at the stuffg ets absorbed ( "eaten") at the boundary. 8 PAPERS IN ANALYSIS The concentrationP Q(p| r; t) of matter at r-((x, y)) at time t obeys the differentiael quation of diffusion aPe 1 (a) - =t 2 the boundary condition (b) PQ(p I r; t) - 0 as r approachesa boundaryp oint, and the initial condition (c) PQ(P |rt; ) -*(r-p) as t ->0; here (-r-p) is the Dirac "delta function,"w ith "value" ooi f -r= p and 0 if r p'. The boundary condition (b) expressest he fact that the boundary is absorb- ing and the initial condition (c) the fact that initially all the "stuff"w as con- centrated at ip. I have again chosen units so as to make the diffusionc onstant equal to 2. As is well knownt he concentrationP Q(P I -; t) can be expressedi n termso f the eigenvalues Xz, and normalized eigenfunctions4 ,(r-) of the problem '72v +X4/=0 in Q, 0 on P. In fact, PQ(p Ir ; t)= En-], 6-fl'4' (p)Abl(r). NOw,f ors mall t, it appearsi ntuitivelycl ear that particleso f the diffusing stuffw illn oth ave had enought imet o have feltt hei nfluencoef t heb oundaryQ . As particlesb egint o diffusteh eym ay not be aware,s o to speak,o f the disaster that awaits themw hent heyr eacht he boundary. We may thuse xpectt hati n somea pproximatsee nse PQ(p I r; t) - Po(p I r; t), as t O , whereP o(p1r ; t) stills atisfiets he same diffusioenq uation P (a') VPO and the same initialc ondition (c') Po(p ;t) = P-p), t0, but is otherwisue nrestricted. Actuallyt herei s a slighta dditionalr estrictiown ithoutw hicht he solution is not unique (a remarkablfe actd iscovereds omey earsa go by D. V. Widder). The restrictioins thatP o > 0 (or moreg enerallyth atP o be boundedf romb elow). A similarr estrictionfo rP Q is not neededs ince ford iffusionin a bounded regioni t followsa utomatically. CAN ONE HEAR THE SHAPE OF A DRUM? 9 An explicit formulaf orP o is, of course, well known. It is Po(pIr ; t) exp - - ] where ||- denotes the Euclidean distance between p and r. I can now state a little morep reciselyt he principleo f "not feelingt he bound- ary" explained a momenta go. The statementi s that as t >0 1 F 00 r ~P~2 PPnQp( |r ; t) = 1 -A()nr -,1e exp- 2- 1.o( npr ; t), n=1 2w1t 1 21- where - stands here for "is approximatelye qual to." This is a bit vague but let it go at that for the moment. If we can trust this formulae ven forp = r we get 00 x'-Ant 2 11 e-e n(r) 27rt n=l and if we display still more optimismw e can integratet he above and, making use of the normalizationc ondition 2 a(nr -) d-r'=: 1, obtain Q. I:e-Xnt, 1=1 27 rt We recognizei mmediatelyt he formulasd iscussed a while back in connection with the quantum-statistical-mechanicalt reatment of the ideal gas. If we apply the Hardy-Littlewood-Karamata theorem,a lluded to before, we obtain as corollaryt he theoremso f Carleman and Weyl. To do this, however,w e must be allowed to interpret as meaning "asynmp- totic to." 8. Now, a little mathematical soul-searching.A ren't we as far froma rigor- ous treatnmenats we were before? True, diffusioni s more familiar than black body radiation or quantum statistics. But familiarityg ives comfort,a t best, and comfortm ay still be (and ofteni s) miles away fromt he rigord emanded by mathematics. Let us see then what we can do about tighteningt he loose talk. First let me dispose of a few minori tems which may cause you worry. When I writei / = 0 on F or P(p I r; t)-O as r approaches a boundary point of Q there is always a question of interpretation.

There is an apocryphal report that Hilbert predicted that the theorem would not be proved in his life enormous overestimate. Very mild additional
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