vol. 168, no. 3 the american naturalist september 2006 (cid:1) Can Neutral Theory Predict the Responses of Amazonian Tree Communities to Forest Fragmentation?* Benjamin Gilbert,1,† William F. Laurance,2,3,‡ Egbert Giles Leigh Jr.,2,§ and Henrique E. M. Nascimento3,k 1.DepartmentofBotany,UniversityofBritishColumbia, Keywords:edgeeffects,extinction,forestdynamics,habitatfragmen- Vancouver,BritishColumbia,Canada; tation,rainforest,treecommunities. 2.SmithsonianTropicalResearchInstitute,Apartado0843-03092, Balboa,RepublicofPanama; 3.BiologicalDynamicsofForestFragmentsProject,National Treesprovidethearchitecturalbasisforforestecosystems, InstituteforAmazonianResearch(INPA),C.P.478,Manaus, generate most of their primary productivity, and provide Amazonas69011-970,Brazil the foundation for much of their biodiversity. In Ama- zonian forests, tree diversity can exceed 280 species (≥10 SubmittedNovember12,2005;AcceptedApril26,2006; cm diameter at breast height [dbh]) per hectare (Gentry ElectronicallypublishedAugust7,2006 1988; Oliveira and Mori 1999), among the highestvalues Onlineenhancements:appendixes,figures,tables. seen anywhere on earth. Unfortunately,Amazonianforestsarebeingclearedand fragmentedatanalarming—andaccelerating—rate(Laur- ance et al. 2001a, 2004). To learn how habitat fragmen- tation affects forest ecosystems, the Biological Dynamics abstract: We use Hubbell’s neutral theoryto predicttheimpact of Forest Fragments Project (BDFFP) was established in ofhabitatfragmentationonAmazoniantreecommunities.Forforest 1979 near Manaus, Brazil, in forest as diverse as any in fragments isolatedforabouttwodecades,wegenerateneutralpre- dictionsforlocalspeciesextinction,changesinspeciescomposition Amazonia(Lovejoyetal.1983,1986;Lauranceetal.2002). withinfragments,andincreasesintheprobabilitythatanytwotrees To study tree communities, permanent 1-ha plots were withinafragmentareconspecific.Wetestedthesepredictionsusing established between 1980 and 1990 in areas soon to be- fragment and intact forest data from the Biological Dynamics of come fragments and in nearby intact forest. These plots ForestFragmentsProjectincentralAmazonia.Tosimulatecomplete have been regularly censused since. They show that frag- demographic isolation, we excluded immigrants—species absent mentation has a large impact on the mortality, recruit- fromafragmentorintactforestplotintheinitialcensusbutpresent ment,biomass,andcommunitycompositionofrainforest initslastcensus—fromourtests.Theneutraltheorycorrectlypre- trees(e.g.,Lauranceetal.1997,1998a,1998b,2000,2001b, dictedtherateofspeciesextinctionfromdifferentplotsasafunction 2006; D’Angelo et al. 2004; Nascimento and Laurance of the diversity and mortality rate of trees in each plot. However, the rate of change in species composition was much faster than 2004; Nascimento et al. 2006). predictedinfragments,indicatingthatdifferenttreespeciesrespond Here, we use Hubbell’s (2001) neutral theory of forest differentlytoenvironmentalchanges.Thisviolatesthekeyassump- dynamicsanddiversityasanullhypothesisforpredicting tionofneutraltheory.Whenimmigrantswereincludedinourcal- theimpactoffragmentationondiverseAmazonianforest. culations, they increased the disparity between predicted and ob- Neutral theory uses simplifying assumptions to develop served changes in fragments. Overall, neutral theory accurately precise, far-reaching predictions that bring a wealth of predictedthepaceoflocalextinctionsinfragmentsbutconsistently seemingly unrelated phenomena within the scope of a underestimatedchangesinspeciescomposition. commontheoreticalframework.Itisconstructedinstrict parallel with the neutral theory of population genetics * Thefirstthreeauthorscontributedequallytothiswork. (Leigh et al. 2004a), which is based on the assumption † E-mail:[email protected]. that the alleles in a population are selectively equivalent ‡ Correspondingauthor;e-mail:[email protected]. (Kimura 1983). By assuming that all mature trees, re- § E-mail:[email protected]. gardlessoftheirspecies,arecompetitiveequivalents,Hub- k E-mail:[email protected]. bell’s theory makes plausible predictions about species- Am.Nat.2006.Vol.168,pp.304–317.(cid:1)2006byTheUniversityofChicago. area curves (Durrett and Levin 1996), the relative 0003-0147/2006/16803-41429$15.00.Allrightsreserved. abundanceoftreespeciesonplotsofdifferentsizes(Bram- Neutral Theory and Forest Fragmentation 305 son et al. 1996; Hubbell 2001), and the rate of species composition are being assessed in the BDFFP study area, turnover in space (Chave and Leigh 2002; Condit et al. usinganetworkof1-hapermanentplotsinwhichalltrees 2002). Hubbell (2001) emphasizes the potentialrelevance (≥10 cm dbh) are being monitored. Our study is based of neutral theory for predicting community responses to ondatafrom30plots,17ofwhicharearrayedacrossnine habitat fragmentation, but to date there have been very forest fragments (four of 1 ha, three of 10 ha, two of 100 few empirical tests of such predictions (e.g., Leigh et al. ha),withtheremaining13inintactforest(table1).These 1993). plots, a subset of a larger plot network, were selected to In this study, we use Hubbell’s (2001) neutral theory representdifferentdistancesfromtheforestedgeforeach to generate predictions about the impact of forest frag- fragment and to minimize pseudoreplication. Multiple mentation on the species diversity, species composition, plotswithinasinglefragmentwerecombinedforanalyses. andrateoflocalextinctionsofmature(≥10cmdbh)trees. All plots were first censused between 1980 and 1990, Wederivethesepredictionsusingtheapproachembodied then recensused three to five times, with the most recent inMoran’s(1958,1962)neutralmodelofgeneticdriftand recensuscompletedinJune1999.Duringtheinitialcensus, comparethemwithobservationsfromexperimentalforest treesineachplotweremarkedwithnumberedaluminum fragmentsandintactforest(control)plotsincentralAma- tags and mapped. During recensuses, all new trees (≥10 zonia.Althoughwefocusonhowwellneutraltheorypre- cm dbh) were mapped and marked, and all dead and dicts the initial effects of fragmentation, some of our re- damaged trees were recorded. On average, 95.4% of all sultsbearontheapplicabilityofneutraltheorytotropical trees in each plot were identified to species or morpho- forest ecology as a whole. specieslevel,usingsterileorfertilematerialcollectedfrom eachtree.Voucherspecimensforeachtreearemaintained Study Area and Methods in the BDFFP Plant Collection, Manaus, Brazil. At the BDFFP,individual1-haplotsaverageover250treespecies This BDFFP study area spans about 1,000 km2 and is lo- cated 80 km north of Manaus, Brazil (2(cid:2)30(cid:1)S, 60(cid:2)W), at (table 1), anda 9-ha squarehad702speciesamong5,271 identified trees. 50–100 m elevation. The topography consists of flat or undulating plateaus interspersed by many steeply eroded gullies. Rain forests in the area are not seasonally inun- dated. Annual rainfall varies from 1,900 to 3,500 mm, Table 1: Numbers of identified trees (≥10 cm dbh) during the averaging 2,600 mm. There is a pronounced dry season firstandlastcensuses(N andN),thenumberofspeciesamong from June to October (Laurance 2001), with the driest 1 2 them(S andS),theintervalbetweenthefirstandlastcensuses quarter of the year averaging 346 mm of rain. The forest 1 2 (T) in months, and the annual mortality rate (m) for a repre- canopy is 30–37 m tall, with emergents to 55 m. The sentative subset of forest fragments and intact forest plots in dominant soils in the study area are xanthic ferralsols, central Amazonia whichareheavilyweathered,acidic,andverypoorinnu- Plot N S N S T m trients such as P, Ca, and K (Chauvel et al. 1987). Rates 1 1 2 2 1-ha fragment1104.1 580 276 556 269 209 1.0844 of natural tree mortality in these nutrient-starved forests 1-ha fragment2107.1 694 284 739 285 183 2.6623 arelowrelativetomostforestselsewhereintheNeotropics, 1-ha fragment2108.1 646 253 768 266 183 3.8313 averaging about 1.2%/year (Laurance 2001). 1-ha fragment3114.1 587 251 586 258 181 3.0557 The study area is surrounded by large expanses (1200 1 ha in 10-hafrag- km) of continuous forest to the west, north, and east. In ment 1202.3 558 243 519 231 208 1.9664 the early 1980s, a series of forest fragments were isolated 3 ha in 10-hafrag- (bydistancesof70–1,000m)fromthesurroundingforest ment 2206a 1,997 494 2,099 507 183 2.3650 byclearingtheinterveningvegetationtoestablishpastures 4 ha in 100-hafrag- in three large (∼5,000 ha) cattle ranches. Fragmentswere ment 3304a 2,647 550 2,571 556 170 1.3377 Intact forest ha 1101.1 548 254 515 246 218 1.1792 fenced to prevent encroachment by cattle. Reservesrang- Intact forest ha 1105.1 617 245 614 251 204 1.2328 ing from 1 to 1,000 ha in area were delineated in nearby Intact forest ha 1109.1 556 231 511 224 204 1.6179 continuous forest to serve as experimentalcontrols.Parts Intact forest ha 1201.3 616 224 535 208 215 1.6864 of the three ranches were later abandoned; Cecropia- Intact forest ha 1301.4 583 267 566 265 164 .6846 dominatedregrowthprevailsinareasthatwereclearedbut Intact forest ha 3402.7 550 258 569 271 156 .6063 not burned, and Vismia-dominated regrowth prevails in Note:SeeappendixDintheonlineeditionoftheAmericanNaturalistfor pastures that were repeatedly burned (Mesquita et al. thecompletedataset. 2001). a Numbersoftreesandspeciesforeachfragmentarepooledfromoneto Long-term changes in tree community dynamics and fourplots,treatingthedataasasinglelargeplot. 306 The American Naturalist Generating Neutral Theory Predictions species cannot change by more than one individual per for Forest Fragments time step. This model assumes that each mature tree will be pollinated, no matter how isolated it may be. In ad- The fundamental premise of Hubbell’s neutral theory of dition, in testing the theory, we count a tree as being forestdynamicsanddiversityisthattheprospectsofdeath mature when it attains 10 cm dbh—which in reality can or reproduction for a tree are never influenced by the take several decades after its seed germinates—even speciestowhichitoritsneighborsbelong.Theformalism thoughthetheoryassumesthatthistreematuresinstantly used to derive predictions is that of the neutral theoryof when its predecessor dies. allelefrequencychangeatamultialleliclocusinahaploid All neutral predictions derived below were confirmed population. This formalism employs four specific as- withsimulationsusingtheinitialcensusesfromtheBDFFP sumptions. First, all mature trees are fundamentally the fragment and control plots. All simulations were run same; that is, each mature tree has identical prospects of 10,000 times at three timeintervalsthatencompassedthe dying or reproducing. Second, the overall density of ma- time elapsed (in tree generations) between the first and turetreesinanycommunityisconstant.Therefore,ifone last censuses of these plots. When converted to tree gen- speciesincreases,atleastoneothermustdecrease(azero- erations (by dividing the total number of tree deaths by sum game). To be specific, if atreedies,itisimmediately theinitialnumberoftreesineachplot),theelapsednum- replaced by the instantly maturing offspring of a living ber of tree generations in our plots ranged from 0.15 to treeinthecommunity.Third,theenvironmentisuniform 0.58. To ensure that our predictions were accurate over (or, at the least, temporal or spatial variation in environ- this range of values, we ran separatesimulationsfor0.33, mental conditions does not favor some species over 0.5, and 1.0 tree generations. others). Fourth, each new tree has the same tiny proba- bility v of being a new species. Neutral Prediction 1: Extinction Rates Althoughtheseassumptionsareunrealistic(e.g.,Harms etal.2000,2001;Hubbelletal.2001;ClarkandMcLachlan To calculate the rate of extinction of tree species from a 2003;GilbertandLechowicz2004;Willsetal.2006),neu- fragment, first consider the probabilitythataspeciesrep- tral theory provides a valuable null hypothesis by which resented in an isolated fragment by one mature tree at to test for effects of differences among species (Leigh et time 0 is extinct by time t. If t is small enough that the al. 2004a, 2004b). Here, we derive testable predictions of number of mature trees of this species at time t is likely rates of local extinction, the decline of tree diversity, to be a small proportion of the total number of mature andthechangeinspeciescompositioninrecentlyisolated treesinthefragment,wemayusethemethodofbranching forest fragments. We use the neutral theory to probe processes(Harris1963)tocalculatetheprobabilitythatit whether environmental conditions in fragments favor isextinctbytimet.Thismethodassumesthattreesofthis sometreespeciesoverothersoralteraspectsofthewhole species die and reproduce independently of each other. community. Letatreealiveattimethaveprobabilitydtofdyingby We model the neutral theory of tree diversity using time t(cid:1)dt and probability dt of bearing one instantly Moran’s (1958) neutral model of genetic drift for a mul- maturing young by this time, where time is measured in tiallelic locus in a haploid population in which each new tree generations. We use the method of generating func- mutationgivesrisetoanentirelynewallele(Ewens2004). tions (see app. A in the online edition of the American IntheMoranmodel,eachhaploidindividualhasonegene Naturalist) to calculate the probability E(t)thataspecies 1 at this locus, so we equate genes with individual trees, represented in the fragment by one mature tree at time0 alleles with species, and new mutations with new tree is extinct by time t. We find thatE (t)pt/(1(cid:1)t). As the 1 species. deathandreproductionofdifferenttreesareindependent Weapplythismodeltoanisolatedforestfragmentwith events, the probability E(t) that a species represented in j Ntrees.Weassumethatthefragmentissmallenoughthat thefragmentbyjmaturetreesattime0isextinctbytime we can ignore dispersal limitation so that any tree in the t is E(t)ptj/(1(cid:1)t)j. j fragment is equally likely to be the parent of a new tree If we know how many species are represented in the (Hubbell 2001). Let successive time steps be separatedby fragmentbyjmaturetreesapieceforallj(thedistribution 1/Nofatreegeneration,whereatreegenerationisdefined ofmaturetreesoverspecies)andtheprobabilityE(t)that j as the time required for N trees to die in this fragment. a species with j mature trees in the fragment at time 0 is At each time step, let a tree be chosen at random to die, extinctfromitbytimet,wecancalculatethetotalnumber and let another (which could be the same tree) be inde- of species dying out from the fragment within t treegen- pendently chosen to be the seed parent of the dead tree’s erations. If there are S(j) species with j trees apiece atthe replacement. Thus, the number of trees in a particular initial census (time 0), and if eachof these specieshasan Neutral Theory and Forest Fragmentation 307 independent probability E(t) of dying out by time t, we Table 2: Fisher’s a, x p N/(N (cid:1) a), and the predicted and j 1 1 may calculate confidence intervals (CIs) for the number observednumbersoftreespeciesrepresentedbyone(S[1]),two of these species dying out by time t if we remember that (S[2]), and three (S[3]) trees ≥10 cm dbh apiece, in four 1-ha fragmentsand a single1-haplot in a 10-ha fragment the probability p(j) that N(j) of these species die out by time t is given by the binomial distribution Plota 1104.1 2107.1 2108.1 3114.1 1202.3 Area (ha) 1 1 1 1 10 { } S(j)! p(j)p [E(t)]N(j)[1(cid:2)E(t)]S(j)(cid:2)N(j). a 210 180 155 169 169 N(j)![S(j)(cid:2)N(j)]! j j x .7365 .7951 .8085 .7781 .7671 S(1) pre 155 143 125 132 130 S(1) obs 159 162 135 156 133 In 1-ha tropical forest plots of Abraham et al. (1996) S(2) pre 57 57 51 51 50 and Leigh (1999), and in 1-ha plots of the BDFFP, the S(2) obs 58 50 57 47 44 distributionoftrees≥10cmdbhoverspeciesapproximates S(3) pre 28 30 27 27 26 a log series, especially for species with few trees (table2). S(3) obs 23 27 27 21 24 In the log series, the number S(j) of species with j trees Note:Thesuffixes“pre”and“obs”indicatethenumberpredictedbythe apiece is axj/j, where a is Fisher’s a (Fisher et al. 1943). logseriesandthenumberobserved. Thedynamicsinaplotofspecieswithfewtreesthere,like a PredictedvaluesofS(1),S(2),andS(3)are,respectively,ax,ax2/2,and the dynamics of very rare alleles (Fisher 1930; Gillespie ax3/3,thevaluesexpectedfromthelogseries.N isthenumberoftrees≥10 1 1991), is dominated by chance. The log series applies to cmdbhrecordedintheinitialcensus. (cid:1) rare species in a plot because migration into the plot of (cid:3) xjpj 1 species previously absent, and dispersal outside the plot a paln ofyoungoftreesinit,crudelyapproximatetheroleplayed jp1 j 1(cid:2)px bymutationingeneticsmodelsandbyspeciationinHub- N(cid:1)a bell’s (2001) metapopulation (E. G. Leigh, unpublished paln . (1) N(1(cid:2)p)(cid:1)a manuscript). Approximate log series in these small plots neither imply nor deny the wider validity of the neutral This formula applies to small plots and fragments in our theory. studyareabecauset!0.5andS(j)E(t)≈0forj13,while If S(j)paxj/j, the total number S of species on the the log series applies for j≤3. j plot or fragment is To summarize, neutral theory predicts that the rate at whichtreespecieswillbecomelocallyextinctinafragment ( ) (the number of species lost per generation) increasesina ax2 ax3 1 Spax(cid:1) (cid:1) (cid:1) … paln . predictablewaywiththemortalityrateoftrees.Inaneutral 2 3 1(cid:2)x world, species are lost only via random death and re- cruitment. According to the neutral theory, no species is Moreover, if S(j)paxj/j, the number N(j) of trees in inherently favored by fragmentation, so abundantspecies species with j trees apiece is jS(j)paxj, and the frag- usually disappear far less quickly than rare ones. ment’s total number N of trees is Neutral Prediction 2: Changes in Species Composition ax Npax(cid:1)ax2(cid:1)ax3(cid:1) … p . Consideraspeciesrepresentedattime0byjmaturetrees 1(cid:2)x in an isolated fragment that has N(0) mature treesatthis time,wherejKN(0).Withprobabilityj/N(0),oneofthese Therefore, xpN/(N(cid:1)a), and Spaln[(N(cid:1)a)/a]. treesdiesatthenexttimestep,and,withequalprobability, InafragmentwithNmaturetreesattime0,theneutral onewillproduceasingle,instantlymaturingyoungatthis theory predicts that if tKN, then E(t), the probability time.AsthereareN(0)timestepspertreegeneration,the j that a species represented in the fragment by j trees at species undergoes an average of 2j instances of death or time 0 dies out from that fragment by time t, is pj,where reproduction per tree generation, an average of 2jt in t ppE (t)pt/(1(cid:1)t).Ifthedistributionoftreesoverspe- tree generations. Each instance has an equal probability 1 cies follows the log series, then the total number E(t) of of being a birth or a death, nearly independently of all tree species lost by the fragment within t treegenerations theotherinstances(ifthereisaconstantnumberofmature is S(1)E (t)(cid:1)S(2)E (t)(cid:1)S(3)E (t)(cid:1) …. If S(j)paxj/j, treesinthefragment,thereisaslightnegativecorrelation 1 2 3 then E(t) is among these instances in whether a birth occurs). Just as 308 The American Naturalist themeansquaredifferencebetweenthenumbersofheads meansquarepopulationchangeinaspecieswithonetree and tails in 2jt tosses of a fair coin is 2jt, so the mean at time 0 increases by 2/N per time step. If the fates of square change ina fragmentduringtimetinthenumber different trees are independent, the mean square popu- of trees of a species represented by j trees at time 0 is 2jt. lation in a species with j trees at time 0 increases by 2j/N The expected value of the sum of the meansquaredpop- per time step, and S increases by 2 per time step. Thus, ulation changes of all tree species in the fragment during according to neutral theory, species composition changes time t is thus 2N(0)t. progressively because nothing stabilizes it (Pandolfi1996; To determine confidence limitsaboutthesumSofthe Clark and McLachlan 2003). mean square changes in the populations in the fragment, we begin by calculating the variance in this quantity. If Neutral Prediction 3: Decay of Diversity we assume that each tree in the fragment at time t has a probability dt of dying by timet(cid:1)dt and an equalprob- Inaforestfragmenttoosmallforspeciationtoberelevant abilityofproducingasingle,instantlymaturingyoungby overafewtreegenerations,newspeciesneverappear,but thattime,independentlyofalltheothers,thenthevariance chance fluctuations in population size cause species to inthesquareofthechangeinthenumberoftreesduring disappear, so diversity declines. How fast is this decline? timetinaspecieswithjtreesattime0,thefourthmoment To find out, set speciation rate vp0. Let diversity be about the mean change minus the square of the variance measured by the quantity H(t), the probability that two (Feller1971,p.48),is2jt(cid:1)8j2t2(cid:1)24jt3 (app.A).Ifspe- trees sampled atrandomwithreplacementfromthefrag- ciesnhasj treesattime0,thenthevarianceinSshould ment at time t are of different species. Then H(t)p1(cid:2) n be nearly the sum of the corresponding quantityforeach F(t),whereF(t),therelativedominance(Leighetal.1993) species, or in the fragment at time t, is the probabilitythattwotrees (cid:1) sampled at random with replacement from the fragment S are of the same species. The quantity H(t) is Simpson’s 2N(0)(t(cid:1)12t3)(cid:1)8t2 j2 n index of diversity (Simpson 1949), which is commonly np1 usedinecology.Lettheproportionoftreesinthisfragment p2N(0)(t(cid:1)12t3)(cid:1)8[tN(0)]2F(0), (2) at time t that belong to species i be x(t). Then (cid:1) i whereSisthenumberofspeciesinthefragmentandF(0) F(t)p x2(t). (5) is the relative dominance in the fragment at the initial ip1 i census (eq. [5]). SimulatingpopulationchangesusingtheMoranmodel The expected change in the relative dominance during shows that S is distributed according to a lognormal(see one time step is the expected value of F(t(cid:1)1/N)(cid:2)F(t), app. B in the online edition of the American Naturalist) where N is the total number of trees on the fragment.By with mean Sp1.97N(0)t and variance definition, a time step includes one death and one re- cruitment. We therefore calculate the expected change in j2p1.97N(0)t(cid:1)1.97[2N(0)t]2F(0). (3) relative dominance caused by a single such death and re- placement. If we assume that a newly dead tree is likely ThemeanMandvarianceS2ofln(S)arerelatedtoM(S) to be replaced by any other tree on the fragment, that is, and j2 by the equations if dispersal limitation can be ignored on a fragment this small, we find (see app. C in the online edition of the ( S2) American Naturalist) that M(S)pexp M(cid:1) , 2 ( ) ( ) 1 1 j2pexp(2M(cid:1)S2)(expS2(cid:2)1) F t(cid:1) (cid:2)F(t)pH(t)(cid:2)Ht(cid:1) N N (Moran 1968, p. 317). Thus, ln(S) has a 95% chance of 2H(t) falling within the limits M(cid:3)2S, which is equivalent to p . (6) N2 exp(cid:2)2(cid:2)ln[1(cid:1)(j/m)2] exp2(cid:2)ln[1(cid:1)(j/m)2] Thisassumptionofpanmicticdispersalisacceptedbyneu- (cid:2)1(cid:1)j2/m2 !S! (cid:2)1(cid:1)j2/m2 . (4) traltheorists:Hubbell(2001,p.86)assumesthatifanewly dead tree on a 50-ha plot is not replaced bythe youngof In sum, if a tree has probability 1/N of dying and an a tree outside the plot, then every tree in the plot has an equal probability of reproducing at each time step, the equal chance of providing the young that replaces it. Neutral Theory and Forest Fragmentation 309 Theprobabilitythatanytwotreesinthesamefragment means that our neutral predictions should overestimate areconspecificincreasesovertimebecauseifonedies,the changes in fragments and intact forest plots. probability is 1/N that it will be replaced by the youngof Neutral theory measures time in tree generations, im- the other tree. Therefore, after Ns time steps (s tree gen- plying that the rate of change in a fragment is paced by erations), the mortality rate of its trees. To test our neutral predic- tions,weequatedthenumberoftreegenerationsbetween ( ) the first and last censuses of a plot or fragment to the Ns Ht(cid:1) pH(t(cid:1)s) numberofyearsbetweenthesecensuses,multipliedbythe N average annual mortality rate of its trees. ( )Ns Ourtestsassessthesignificanceofdeviationsfromneu- 2 pH(t)1(cid:2) (7) tral expectation for individual fragments or control plots N2 inintactforest.Foreachofourthreepredictions,wealso pooledobservationsfromallfragmentstotestwhether,as ( ) ≈H(t)exp(cid:2)2s. agroup,fragments(orcontrolplots)deviatefromneutral N predictions. Because the distributions of the variates we generatedwerenotnormal,weusednonparametricMann- The mean change M(s) in F from time 0 to generation s Whitney U-tests to evaluate the significance of these de- is roughly 2[1(cid:2)F(0)]s/N if sKN. The variance V(1/N) viations.Findingsforselectedfragmentsandcontrolplots in the change of F over one time step, whichis themean arediscussedbelow,withcompleteresultsforallsitespro- square change in F minus the square of the meanchange videdinappendixDintheonlineeditionoftheAmerican during one time step, is (app. C) Naturalist (tables D1–D5). (cid:1) 8( ip1xi3(cid:2)F2)(cid:1)4F(1(cid:2)F). (8) Local Extinctions N2 N4 First, we compare the proportions of species represented Ifs!1,thevarianceV(s)inthechangeofFoverNstime in a fragment or intact forest plot by one, two, and three trees (≥10 cm dbh) that die out by the final census with steps (s tree generations) is Ns times the variance from a theneutralpredictionthataspeciesrepresentedbyktrees single time step. Simulations show that the change DF(s) at time 0 has probability E (t)ppk of becoming extinct in F over Ns time steps is close to normally distributed k fromittgenerationslater;pistheprobabilitythataspecies (app. B), so that the change in F has 95% probability of falling within the limits DF(s)(cid:3)2[V(s)]1/2. represented by a single tree at time 0 is extinct at time t, where ppt/(1(cid:1)t). If E(t) consistently exceeds its pre- To summarize, in a neutral world, tree diversity in an k dictedvaluefork11,butnotforkp1,wemayconclude isolated fragment declines because the distribution of that the fates of conspecific trees in a fragment or intact stems among species becomes less even with the passage forest site are correlated, contrary to the assumptions of oftime,leavingmoreandmorespecieswithnorepresen- neutral theory. We thentesttheneutraltheoryprediction tatives at all. thatthetotalnumberofextinctionsonaplotorfragment with N trees (eq. [1]) is Testing Predictions of Neutral Theory [ N(cid:1)a ] Wetestedthesethreepredictionsarisingfromneutralthe- aln . ory using our data for forest fragments and intact forest N(1(cid:2)p)(cid:1)a plots in central Amazonia. Because our predictions were generatedbyassumingthatthefragmentsarefullyisolated, we tested predictions 2 and 3 after excluding immigrant Changes in Species Composition species (defined as those present in the final but not the initialcensusofasite)fromourdata.Wecannot,however, For our second test, we calculate S for each fragment or j excludeimmigrantsofspeciesalreadypresentontheplot. intact forest plot j by summing the squared changes in Anexchangeofmigrants,especiallyofcommonerspecies, numbers of trees (≥10 cm dbh)betweenthefirstandlast between a plot and its surroundings should stabilize spe- censuses for each of its species,excludingimmigrantsab- cies composition, just as it stabilizes genetic composition sent from the first census, and compare this calculatedS j intheneutraltheoryofpopulationgenetics(Wright1931). withthepredictedvalue1.97N(t),whereN(0)isthenum- j j Our inability to exclude immigrants of common species ber of trees in the fragment or plot j at the initialcensus. 310 The American Naturalist WetestforthesignificanceofthedeviationofS fromthe predictedinsevenof13controlplotsandinthreeofnine j predictedvaluebyaskingwhetherS fallsoutsidethecon- fragments—significantlylowerthanexpectedinonefrag- j fidence limits given by equation (4). ment, and never significantly higher than expected (table D2).Similarly,amongdoubletons,therewasonlyonesig- nificant deviation from the predicted number of extinc- Changes in Tree Diversity tions: one control plot lost too many. Forourlasttest,weconsidertherelationshipbetweenthe Mortality rates differed markedly among the various relative dominance F of each forest fragment or control plots and fragments, and extinction rate varied with tree plot j in its first and final censuses. Equation (7) implies mortality rate in remarkable accord with neutral theory thatF(t)p1(cid:2)H(t)is1(cid:2)H(0)exp((cid:2)2t/N),whichmay predictions (fig. 3A; tableD2),suggestingthatweapplied j j j j also be expressed as 1(cid:2)[1(cid:2)F(0)]exp((cid:2)2t/N), where N the neutral theory correctly and appropriately. j j j is the number of trees (≥10 cm dbh) in the fragment at Predictions of extinctions from different control plots the first census, and t is the number of tree generations andfragments,basedonalog-seriesapproximation,were between the first and last censuses. In each fragment, we usually somewhat less accurate (table D3). Predictions compare the observed with the predicted values of F(t) were exact (within rounding error) for one fragmentand j for the last census. Equation (8) predicts that when tp three control plots, but they were underestimated for six Ns, the standard deviation in the value of H(t)p of the remaining eight fragments and nine of the 10 re- j H(Ns) is very nearly maining control plots. j (cid:2) [ (cid:1) ] Changes in Species Composition (cid:2)V(t)p Ns 8( kp1xj3k(cid:2)F2)(cid:1)4F(1(cid:2)F) , When immigrants were excluded, the observedchangein N2 N4 species composition was within a factor of two of the neutral theory prediction in 12 of 13 controlplotsandin where x is the proportion of trees in fragment j at time jk sixofninefragments(tableD4).Changewasusuallyfaster 0 that belong to species k, and F pF(0). We assess the j j on plots with higher mortality, as neutral theory predicts significance of the divergence of the observed from the (fig. 3B). predicted value of F(t) by asking whether thisdivergence j Therewas,however,aclearcontrastbetweenfragments exceeds 2[V(t)]1/2. Here again, we calculated this change and control plots. Change was slower than predicted in excluding species that were present in the last census but 10 of 13 controlplots(perhapsfromthestabilizinginflu- not in the first census. enceofthegainandlossofmigrantsofspeciesalreadyin the plot), whereas it was faster than predictedinsevenof ninefragments,andsignificantlysoinfive.Theprevalence Results ofsuchrapidchangesevenwithoutimmigrants(tableD4) Tree mortality rates were much higher in fragments than suggests that fragmentation favors a species composition control plots (tp4.20, dfp10, P!.001), causing large that is different from that in intact forest, implying that differencesinneutralpredictionsforfragmentsrelativeto differenttreespeciesresponddifferentlytoenvironmental control plots (fig. 1; app. D). New immigrants (species change. presentatthelastcensusbutabsentfromthefirst)arrived The rate of change in species composition varied far at a significantly faster rate in fragments than in control more among control plots than predicted by neutral the- plots (Fp35.31, dfp1,19, P!.0001; fig. 2A), which ory:thischangewassignificantlyslowerthanpredictedin caused much larger changes in fragments than in control six control plots, and significantly faster in two. The sig- plots (fig. 2B; app. D). The elevated immigration rate in nificance of this result is enhanced if the exchangeofmi- fragments was largely the result of many pioneer species grantsofcommonerspeciesstabilizesspeciescomposition. colonizing the fragments (table 3). When immigrants were included, the rate of changein species composition in control plots never deviated from the neutral prediction by more than a factor of two, but Local Extinctions it changed over six times faster than predictedinthreeof Neutral theory accurately predicted the number of local ninefragmentsandovertwicethatpredictedinthreeoth- extinctions of species initially represented by one (single- ers. Although the neutral theory prediction is not mean- ton)ortwo(doubleton)trees≥10cmdbhincontrolplots ingful if immigrants are included, this contrast is useful. or the censused portions of fragments. The number of Immigration accelerated changes in species composition singletons dying out by the final census was lower than farmoreinfragmentsthancontrolplots(fig.2B),inflating Figure1:Effectofmortalityratesonneutralpredictions.Eachpointrepresentsafragment(filledcircles)orcontrolplot(opencircles),andtheline is1:1,whichisexpectedifthereisnodifferencebetweenmeasures.A,Time(tpmortalityrate#time betweenfirstandlastcensusdates)used inneutralpredictionscalculatedwithaveragemortalityratesfromundisturbedforestandwiththemortalityrateofthefragmentorcontrolplot. B,Neutralpredictionsforthetotalnumberoflocalextinctions.Predictionswerecalculatedusingaveragemortalityratesandmortalityratesfrom individualfragmentsorcontrolplots. 312 The American Naturalist Figure 2: Effect of immigrationonfragments(filledcircles)andcontrolplots(opencircles).A,Numberofimmigrantsasafunctionoftime(t). Fragmentsandcontrolplotshavesignificantlydifferentslopes(P!.0001).B,Effectofimmigrantsonthechangeinspeciescomposition(S).When immigrantsareincluded,Sincreasesonaverageby23incontrolplotsandby3,333onfragments. change 20-fold in a 10-ha fragment (no. 3209; table D4), prediction in any fragment, whereas diversity declined partly as a result of immigration of many pioneers (table more than predicted in 10 of 13 control plots, and sig- D3). nificantly so in two (table D5). Neutral theory predicts that,byincreasingthedistancetoneighboringforest,iso- Decay of Diversity lating a fragment reduces immigration to it, leading to a Whenimmigrantswereexcludedfromthelastcensus,the decline in its diversity. Nonetheless, when we included declineindiversitydidnotdiffersignificantlyfromneutral immigrants in our calculations, we found that diversity Neutral Theory and Forest Fragmentation 313 Table 3: Pioneer species that invaded or increased in ratesandthepaceofchangeinspeciescomposition.When three 1-hafragments weusedtheactualmortalityrateforeachfragment(rather Fragmentand tree thanthetypicalrateinintactforest)togenerateourneutral mortality(%/year) predictions,wefoundthatthetheoryaccuratelypredicted 2107.1 2108.1 3114.1 the numbers of rare species (singletons and doubletons) Species (2.66) (3.83) (3.06) that disappeared in the initial 1–2 decades afterfragmen- Guatteriaolivacea tation (fig. 3; table D2). The theory also predicted, albeit (Annonaceae) 0 r 13 0 r 1 less accurately, the total numberoflocalextinctionsfrom Cecropiasciadophylla each fragment or control plot, given its Fisher’s a, total (Moraceae) 0 r 1 0 r 39 0 r 29 number of trees, mortality rate, and time since theinitial Pouroumaguianense census (table D3). Thus, when modified to incorporate (Moraceae) 1 r 10 actual mortality rates, neutral theory was reasonably ef- Pouroumatomentosum fective in predicting the pace of species loss. (Moraceae) 1 r 11 2 r 7 In contrast, species composition often changed signif- Pouroumavelutina icantlymorerapidlyinforestfragmentsthanpredictedby (Moraceae) 0 r 6 neutral theory (fig. 3; table D4), even when predictions Crotonlanjourensis (Euphorb) 1 r 24 were based on the actual, elevatedmortalityratesinfrag- Mabea angularis ments. Habitat fragmentation alters the ecology of Ama- (Euphorbiaceae) 1 r 10 0 r 15 zonianforestsinmanyways,especiallyviaincreasedlight, Inga heterophylla desiccationstress,canopydisturbance,andbioticchanges (Leguminosae) 0 r 8 1 r 12 associated with the abrupt, artificial boundaries of forest Inga paraense 3 r 12 fragments (Laurance et al. 2002). Different tree species Inga pezizifera 0 r 2 0 r 10 varygreatlyintheircapacitytotoleratesuchchanges(e.g., Belluciadichotoma 1 r 20 0 r 1 Metzger 2000; Wright et al. 2003), and the net result is Miconiaburchellii 0 r 13 0 r 27 0 r 1 rapid shifts in tree community composition, with light- Note:Arrowsindicatethechangeindensity(no./ha)ofeach loving pioneers often increasing dramatically at the ex- speciesbetweenthefirst(prefragmentation)andfinalcensuses. pense of old-growth tree species (Laurance et al. 1998a, 2006).Hence,afundamentaltenetofneutraltheory—that increased in four of our nine fragments (table D5). If speciesareequivalentecologically—isclearlyviolated,and immigrants are included, diversity should increase in the efficacy of the theory for predicting compositional about half of the control plots; in fact, diversity declined changes in fragments appears limited. in 10 of the 13 control plots and significantly so in one. A second way that our study area departed from the conditionshypothesizedbyHubbell(2001)forfragmented systemsisthat,despitebeingphysicallyisolatedfromother Discussion primary forest, our fragments were probably not entirely In a neutral world such as that envisioned by Hubbell isolated functionally. Seed dispersers and pollinators of (2001), species richness in isolated communities should some rain forest trees, such as certain birds, bats, and gradually erode over time, with rare species disappearing insects,cantraversethematrixofcattlepasturesandyoung via random demographic processes, much as rare alleles regrowth that surrounds our fragments (Gascon et al. are lost stochastically in isolated populations via genetic 1999; Laurance et al. 2002) and may thereby move prop- drift.Theexpectedrateofspecieslossinahabitatfragment agules and pollen among sites. A subset of tropical tree is a function of the population sizes of its constituent species may be dispersed among fragments by wind (cf. species and their mortality rate, which is assumed to be Baclesetal.2006).Forestfragmentsalsoprobablyreceived constantamongspeciesandinallplaces.Overtime,most a substantial seed rain from pioneer and generalist trees forest fragments should become increasingly dominated thatoftenproliferateinthesurroundingmatrix(Laurance bythespeciesthatwereoriginallymostabundant(Hubbell etal.2006;Nascimentoetal.2006).Thenetresultisthat, 2001). for a portion of all tree species, populations infragments In applying neutral theory to fragmented tree com- are not fully isolated demographically or genetically (Al- munities in Amazonia, we encountered two obvious de- drich and Hamrick 1998; Dick et al. 2003; Bacles et al. parturesfromtheidealizedconditionspostulatedbyHub- 2006). bell. First, tree mortality rates are not constant but are When we excluded species that had immigrated into sharplyelevatedinfragments(Lauranceetal.1997,1998b, our plots, species composition in control plots usually 2000).Thisacceleratedmortalityincreasedlocalextinction changedmoreslowlythanpredictedbyneutraltheoryand