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Camputer-simulated deformation af meandering river patterns Beek, Stuart Murray, Ph.D. PDF

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Preview Camputer-simulated deformation af meandering river patterns Beek, Stuart Murray, Ph.D.

Camputer-simulated deformation af meandering river patterns Beek, Stuart Murray, Ph.D. University r:Á MinDe80~~ 1988 This is an authorized facsimile, made from the microfilm master copy of thc original dissertation or masters thesis published by UM!. The bibliographic information for this thesis is contained in UMI's Dissertation Abstracts tiatabase, the only central source for accessing almost every doctor al dissertation accepted in North America since 1861. UMI Dissertation • • Information Service University Microfilms International A Bell & Howell Information Company 300 N. Zeeb Road. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48106 800-521-0600 OR 313/761-4700 Printed in 1990 by xerographic process on acid-free paper 3058 Order Numbe:r 88Z3S18 Cornputer-simulated deÎormatioD oi meandering river pattt!rns Beek, Stuart Murray, Ph.D. University cL Minlleaota., 1988 Copyright @1989 by B«i. Stu.art MlllTay. All righta ~ed. U·M·I 300 N.Zeeb Rd. AM AItor.~ 48lC6 Th'"FOR~L-\TION TO USERS Ths most advanced technology has been used to photo graph and reproduce this manuscript from the microfilm master. U'Ml films the original ten directly from the copy submitted. Thus, some dissertation copies are in typewriter face, while others may he from a computer printer. In the unlikely event that' the author did not send UMl a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these wiIl he noted. Also, ifunauthorized copyrighted material had to he removed, a note wiIl indicate the deletion. Oversize materials (e.g., maps, drawings, charts) are re produced by sectioning the original, beginning at the upper left-hand corner and continuing from left to Light in equal sectioris with small overlaps. Each oversiza page is available as one exposure on a standard 35 mm slide or as a 17"x 23" black and white photographic print for an additional charge. Photographs included in the original manuscript have been reproduced xerographically in this copy. 35 mm slides or 6"x 9"black and white photographic prints are available for any photographs or illustrations appearing in this copy for an adclitional charge. Contact UMI directly to order. Accessing (heWor1d'sIntormation since 1938 300Notth Zeeo Roaó.Ann Aroor, MI481~ 1346USA PLEASE NOTE: In all cases this material has been filmed in the best possible way from tnaavailaoie cocv. Problems encountered with t1"Iisdocument have beenidentified here with acheck maM< _../_ .--L 1. Glossy photographs or pages .. 2. Colored illustrations. paper or print _ 3. Photographs with da.-X background __L 4. Illustrations are ooor copy _ _-- 5. Pages with black marks. not origina! copy S. Print shows through as there is text on both sioes of oage _ 7. lndistinct. broken or small print on severaJoaçes ,/ a Print exceeds margin requirements _ 9. Itghttybound copy with print 10$1in spine _ 10. Computer printout pages with indistinet print _ 11. Page{s) lacking when materialreceived,and not available from school or autncr. 12. ?age(s) seem to be missing in numbering only astext follows. 13. Two pages numbered • Text follows. 14. Curling and wrinkled pages _ 15. D~..ation contains pages with print at aslant. ftlmed as received _ --------------------------------- 1S. ether U·MI COHPUTER-SIMULAïED OEFORHATION or MEANOERING RIVER PATTERNS A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE G?~OUATE SCHOOL OF THE UHIVERSITY OF MINHESOTA Sy Stuart Murray Beek IH PARTlAL FULFILLMEHT OF THE REQUIREMEHTS FOR !HE OEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY June, 1988 Stuart Murray Beek All RightS ~eserved CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION..... . •• •••••••••. . . . . . . . . •.••••••••••• l 2. DESCRrPTrON OF P~YSICAL PROCESSES.................. 27 2.1 Flow Fiel d. .. . .•. .•. •. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ••••••••• Z7 2.2 Channel Oeforrnation........................... 39 3. THEORY ~............••..•.•.• 4-Z 3.1 Ge~eral Solution............... ........•..•... ~Z 3.2 Sine·Generated Meander Patterns.. ....••....... 87 3.3 Linear Stability Analysis...... ......•........ 91 3.4 Dimensional Considerations .......'.........••.. 94 3.S Proposed Oeformation Model.................... 98 4. NUMERrCAL HETHOOS .....•.................•.....•...• 106 4.1 Coordinate Transformation ............•.•.••.•• 106 4.2 Depth-Averaqed Velocities ...........•.•....••. 114 4.3 Cha.nnelOeformation 131 5. RESULTS OF NUMERICAL EXPERrMEHTS .......•••...•...•• 134 5.1 [ledTopography.................... ..••••.•.••. 134- 5.2 Oepth·Averaged lJelocity Field........•........ 147 5.3 Channel Deformation. 16~ 6. CONCLUSIONS .......•..•••...............•.•••••••••• 196 7. RCFERENCES ........•................-.......••..•__•.. 198 . i . LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1. Klaralven River, Sweden.................. 4 Figure 1.2. Development of a meandering channe1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ~ Figure 1.3. Typical f~ow patterns in a meandering channe1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . •. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Figur~ 1.4. Sine-generated meander pattern........... 10 Figure 1.5. Hickin's bank erosion model.............. 12 Figure 1.6. Ikeda-Parker-Sawai bank erosion mode1. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • . • . • • . • . •• • •• • . . . . . 13 Figure 1.7. Genesee River near Mount Morr;s Dam, New '(ark,1938-1954.................... IS F~gure 1.8. Deveiopment of a neek cutoff............. 17 Figure 1.9. Reid's self-stabilization model.......... 18 Figure 1.10. Initial conditions....................... 19 Figure 1.11. Example of self-stabilization 21 Figure 1.12. Example of neek cutoff development....... 22 Figure 1.13. Three different types of behavior........ 23 Figure 1.14. Tendeney of the Ikeda-Parker-Sawai mode 1. . . . . . • • . . . . . . • . . . • . . • • . . . . • • • • . . • • • 24 Figcre 2.1. Superelevation........................... 28 Figure 2.2. Seeondary flow and bed topography........ 30 Figure 2.3. Secondary flow and bed topography in a large amplitude meander pattern.......... 32 Figure 2.4. Secondary flow and bed topography in a sma11 amplitude meander pattern.......... 33 Figure 2.S. Forces aeting on a sediment particle 3S - ii - Figure 2.6. Depth-averaged velocity pattern in a large amplitude meander pattern_......... 37 Figure 2.7. Depth-averaged velocity pattern in a small amplitude meander pattern.......... 38 Figure Z.S. Rohrer's bank erosion mC)ce1..•.~..•...... 40 0............ Figure 3.1. Coordinate system........••. 43 ~ Figure 1.2. Near-bed veTocity vector................. 47 Figure l.3. Transverse bed slope, Zimmerman and Kennedy (1978) ..........•••• ~............ 51 Figure 3.~. Pembina River cross sections.•.........~. 52 Figure 3.5. Transverse bed sloge parameter........... 54 Figure 3.6. Transverse bed slope 55 Figure 3.7. Cross sectional shape....••.............. 57 Figure 3.8. Proposed cross sectional shape.... 59 Figure 3.9. Transverse bed slope lag................. 63 Figure 3.11. Dimensionless wavelength.. ••. 97 Figure 3.12. Half-width to depth ratiQ................ 99 Figure 3.13. Wavelength to half-width ratio....••••••• 100 Figure 3.14. Cnannel deformation phase lag.••••••••••• lal Figure 3.15. The transverse bed slope parameter .•••••. 104 Figure 3.16. Sediment transportatian exponent••••••••• 105 Figure 4.1. Determinatien of 8...............•.•••... 107 s ~.... Figure 4.2. Determinatien of III Figure 4.3. Curvilinear coordinates .••••.••••••.•.••• 113 Figure 4.4. Control volume for th~ S:.direction momentum equation ........•.••••.•.••••.•. 117 Figure 4.5. Control volume for the ~.directjon momentum equation .......••••.••••...•.... 118 - fii -

Beek, Stuart Murray, Ph.D. seem to be missing in numbering only astext follows. 13. Numbers DACW49-83-C-0025 and OACV49-84-R-Q021.
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