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mm* zm% : Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hil http://www.archive.org/details/campelluniversit19992002 Campbell University Bulletin Undergraduate Studies 1999-2002 Volume LXXVI No. 4 Campbell University Bulletin (USPS 073-320) is published seven times a year January, February, March, September, October, November and Decemberby Campbell University, NC Buies Creek, 27506. Periodicals postage is paid at Buies NC Creek, 27506. Postmaster: Send address changes to Campbell University Bulletin, P.O. Box 250, Buies Creek, NC 27506. 11 Welcome to Campbell University Campbell University (1999/2002) Introduction Welcome to Campbell University 111 Introduction Welcome to Campbell! ThiscataloghasbeenpreparedtointroduceyoutoCampbell University. Through it, you will learn of the talented and friendly student body, high-quality faculty, excellentacademicprograms, beautifulcampus andfacilities, andmanyfriendswho supportthemissionofCampbellandcontributetothefulfillmentofitspurpose.Asyou readaboutCampbell,wewantyoutogainaperspectiveofwhatitwouldbeliketolive and study at one of the finest universities in the eastern United States. Selecting a quality universityshouldincludecertain criteria: Aschoolwheretheindividualcounts: CampbellUniversityisafriendlycampus where small classes encourage closerrelationships among students andfaculty. The individualstudentisveryimportanttofellowstudents,faculty,andtheadministrative staff. Meaningfulprograms:Withatraditionofacademicexcellence,Campbellreadily introduces new programs which reflect changes in the professional and vocational developments ofournation andworld. Intramural and intercollegiate athletics com- binewith academics to make Campbell an exciting place to study andplay. A pleasant social and cultural environment: Campbell is a coeducational, church-relateduniversitylocatedincentralNorthCarolina.Studentsareenrolledfrom all counties, with most states along the Atlantic Seaboardrepresented in the student body.Studentsfrommorethanforty-fiveforeigncountriesregularlyattendCampbell. The distribution ofmale and female students is almost equal. The climate in Buies Creekis mild withthe opportunity foroutdoorsports throughoutthe year. Introduction Campbell University (1999/2002) iv Statements of Compliance Statements ofCompliance Campbell University reaffirms its standingpolicy ofnondiscrimination, in employmentandinallofitsprogramsandactivities,withrespecttoage,race, gender, religion, culturaland national origin, and handicap. Federal law expressly recognizes exemptions when claimedby religious institutions. Family Education Rights andPrivacyActof1974 Under the provisions ofthis law, students in post-secondary education have the right to inspect and review their school records, as defined by law. Other than for "DirectoryInformation,"CampbellUniversitywillreleaseinformationonlywiththe student'swrittenconsentandwilluse"DirectoryInformation"inthebestinterestsof the student. RehabilitationActof1973 In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Campbell University does notdiscriminate onthebasis of handicap in admissionoraccessto, ortreatmentoremploymentin,itsprogramsandactivities. Inquiriesmaybedirected to Dr. James Ellerbe, PostOffice Box 97, Buies Creek, North Carolina27506. Americans with DisabilitiesActof1990and1991 CampbellUniversitycompliesfullywiththeprovisionsofthislaw. Inquiriesmay be directed to Dr. James Ellerbe, Post Office Box 97, Buies Creek, North Carolina 27506. Title IX Campbell University is committed to a policy ofequal opportunity for men and women,andassuch,doesnotdiscriminateonthebasisofgenderinadmissionsnorin the administration of educational programs, policies, and activities except in those instances which are exemptunder Section 86.12 ofthe guidelines based on conflict withthereligioustenetsoftheBaptistStateConventionofNorthCarolina. Inquiries may be directed to Dr. Jerry M. Wallace, Post Office Box 578, Buies Creek, North Carolina27506. Academic Facilities AcademicfacilitiesatCampbellUniversityaredesignatedprimarilyforuseinthe education of Campbell University students; other uses, although quite worthy in themselves,andofbenefittothecommunity,willnotbeallowedtointerferewiththat primary function. Campbell University (1999/2002) Introduction Application of this Bulletin The Application ofThisBulletin To Campbell University Students: AllstudentsonallcampuseswhomatriculateafterAugust 1, 1999willbegoverned by the provisions ofthis (i.e., 1999-2002) Bulletin; normally, students will graduate undertheprovisionsoftheBulletininforceatthetimeoftheirinitialregistrationand advisement so long as the student is continuously enrolled in a Campbell program. (Usually, this document is revised and reprinted on atwo-yearcycle.) Astudentreadmittedafteraninterruptionofmorethantwoyearsinhis/hercourse ofstudyattheUniversity may, atthediscretionofthe appropriateacademic dean, be required to fulfill the graduation requirements in the Bulletin in effect at the time of readmission. The Universityreserves the righttochange any of itsregulations, charges, rules, andcourseswithoutnoticeandtomakesuchchangesapplicablethenceforth,notonly to new students, but also to students already registered. AllundergraduatestudentsatCampbellUniversityaresubjecttotheprovisionsof thestudenthonorcode.Allstudentsareresponsibleforbeingcompletelyfamiliarwith the provisions thereof; ignorance ofthose regulations does not constitute a defense against achargeofviolationofthe honorcode. Introduction Campbell University (1999/2002) vi Frequently Asked Questions Finding the Answers to Important Questions 1. HowdoIapplyforadmission to Campbell? A step-by-step guidetothe applicationprocess is describedonpage55. You may apply on-line atwww.campbell.edu or You maycall the admissions office at 1-800-334-4111. 2. I'm atransferstudent. Whatcourses willCampbellaccept? While Campbell evaluates each transcript individually, you will wanttoread the guidelines fortransferstudents onpage 56. Formore specific informations, call the admissions office at 1-800-334-4111. 3. 1havesomeAPandCLEPcredits. Does Campbellacceptthose? CampbelldoesacceptAPandCLEPcredits—withcertainrestrictions. Pleasesee pages 41-42. 4. I'm interestedin aparticularmajororfieldofstudy. How can Ifindoutwhat Campbelloffers in thatarea? Campbell offers a wide range of majors. Each major is listed alphabetically, beginning on page 93. This list includes the requirements for each major and the classes offeredin that subjectarea. 5. I'm inthe U.S.ArmyandwanttoattendoneofCampbell'sextendedcampuses. HowdoIapply? Please read pages 40, 42, 55-59, 89 for a description of special opportunities Campbell offers active duty personnel. You should contact Campbell's Veterans' Affairs Officeat 1-800-334-4111 as soonaspossible. Ifyou areenlisted,butwould liketopursue acommission, you shouldconsider Campbell'sROTCprogram. The programis describedonpages 245-246. 6. I'm a military dependent. CouldItake classes atone ofCampbell's campuses locatedon amilitarybase? Yes. Pleasereadpages40 and 89 formoreinformation.. 7. /tooksomecollegecoursesatanotherschool, metmyspouseatthatschool,got married, raisedtwo children, andnow workoutsidethehome. Iwanttofinish my degree, butIwouldn'tbethetypical18or19year-oldcollegestudent. CouldItake afewcoursesatnight? Yes,many"non-traditional" studentsattendCampbell. Hundredshavecompleted their degrees and entered new career fields. Please read pages 37-43, 89 for more information. Campbell University (1999/2002) Introduction Frequently Asked Questions vii 8. Whataretherequirementsforan undergraduatedegreeatCampbell? TheGeneralCollegeCurriculumisacarefullyselectedgroupof coursesrequired forall undergraduate degrees. The GCCis describedbeginning on page 28. 9. Howdo Iknow which English (history, math, religion, science, etc.) courses I shouldtake? The General College Curriculum describes the specific courses required for all undergraduate degrees. The GCC is described beginning on page 28. Ifyour under- graduatedegreeprograms(B.A.,B.S.,B.S.W.,andB.B.A.)requiresaparticularGCC course,thatrequirementisnotedintheGCCordescribedintherequirementsforyour major. 10. Whatis C.E.P.? How manysemesters ofC.E.P. doIneedformydegree? Campbell'sCulturalEnrichmentProgramisdesignedtostimulatespiritualgrowth and commitment, to offer quality programs to enhance the cultural and educational atmosphere of the campus, and to facilitate communication within the University. Most undergraduates are required to complete one, two, three, or four semesters of C.E.P. The specific requirements are listed on page 30. 11. Whatcoursesarerequiredformymajorand/orminor? Beginning on page 93, you will find a listof"Academic Programs andCourses." Thislistshouldreferyouto oneormorepagesdescribingthecoursesrequiredforyour major. In addition, several departments publish very detailed curriculum guides. Please see the chairman ofyourmajordepartment forfurtherinformation. 12. Whatis asemester(credit) hour? This term is used to describe the amount ofacademic creditassignedto acourse. Whilemanyclasseshaveavalueofthreeacademiccredits, somespecializedcourses (labs, activitycourses, internships, publications, etc..) rangefromone-halfsemester hourto six-semesterhours. Please see page 38 formore information. 13. How manysemester(credit) hours shouldItake each semester? Thenumberofsemester(credit)hoursyoutakeinaparticularsemesterdependson many factors, including the difficulty ofthe courses, work schedule, previous aca- demic performance, practice schedule, labs, etc... Youracademic adviser shouldbe able to offeryou guidance inthis area. Full-time resident students receiving financial aid must carry a minimum of 12 semesterhours during the fall and spring semesters. Studentswhoplantoenrollinmorethan18.5semesterhoursmusthavetheapproval oftheirfacultyadviserandtheappropriatedean. Campbellcharges anadditionalfee foreach semesterhourbeyond 18.5. Introduction Campbell University (1999/2002) . viii Frequently Asked Questions Formoreinformation, please see "NormalClassLoad" and"Overloads" onpage 39. 14. Whattypeofgradingsystemdoes Campbelluse? Campbellusesa"lettergrade"scaleinwhichthenumericalequivalentofeachletter grade is determinedby the instructor. The University does notrecognize variations within a letter grade, such as "A-" or "B+". Please see page 49 for additional information. 75. HowdoIcalculatemygradepointaverage? Itisn'tdifficulttocalculateyourgradepointaverage(GPA). Formoreinformation, please seepage49. 16. Whatarethe "Dean'sList"andthe "President'sList?" These are "honors lists" signifyingexceptional academic performanceduringthe previous semester. Therequirements arefoundonpage 51 17. Whathonorsocietiesdoes Campbellsponsor? TheUniversity sponsors anumberofnationalhonorsocieties. Some, suchasPhi KappaPhi, recognize scholarshipinallacademicfields. Others, suchas SigmaTau Delta, honor scholarship in a particular discipline, in this case, English. For more information, please seepages 45-46. 18. IfI repeat a course and earn a higher grade, will my grade point average improve? Inmostcases, yes. PleasereadCampbell'spolicy onrepeatedcoursesbeginning onpage 49. 19. 1havesomequestionsaboutmy classschedule. Whom shouldIask? Youracademicadvisershouldbeabletoanswermostofyourquestions,orreferyou to someone who can. If you need additional information, you may contact your departmentchairman and/orthe University Registrar. 20. HowdoIfindanacademicadviser? TheUniversitywillassignyouafacultyadviserwhowillhelpyouwithdecisions regardingcourses,programsofstudy, graduationrequirements,etc... Theroleofthe academic adviserisexplainedonpage 38. Ifyouhavenotbeenassignedanadviser, pleaseseeyourdepartmentchairmanortheUniversityRegistraras soonaspossible. 21. Whatisadepartmentchairman? Whatdoesheorshedo? Thedepartmentchairmanisresponsibleforallaspectsofanacademicdepartment's operation. This includesfaculty, staff, facilities,course schedules, advisement,plan- ning, recruitment, retention, placement, etc... Campbell University (1999/2002) Introduction

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