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Preview Cambridge Vocabulary for FCE. Answer Key, Scripts, Wordlists

l,llnir r 3.1 r x 2 . / 3 x 4 . / 5 X 1.1 4 MeaAI is highin fat,s atts, ugaar ndc atorieasn dl owi n 2 suggestion3 decision 4 mistake 5 changes vitaminasn df ibre. 6 speech 7 effort 8 arrangements9 phonec all MeaIBis h ighin vitaminsp,r oteiann df rbrea ndL owin s a[t, fata nds ugar. 5 2 A 3 B 4 E 5 C 1.2 Gf ruit Bs alt G vegetobleBs sugarG e xerciseB s lress Examp ractice Gs olqd B smokingB chocoloteB alcohol G woter Useo f EnglishP art1 Bj unkf ood Gf ish Gc uttingo utf at B puttingo nw eight 1a 2make3 for 4enough5 jt 6into Gj oininga gym Gg oingo n a diet Gg ettinge noughsl eep 7 any 8 what 9 when(ever1) 0 as 11 at 12 do 1.3 Useo f EnglishP art4 Thet hingsth es portsmamne ntionasr ei ni taticas bove. 1 cuttingd owno n 2 madea helpfuslu ggestion 3 abougt oingo na t.4 2 F 3 T 4 1 5 T 6 T 7 I 8 F 9 T 1 0 F WritingP art2 Modela nswer 1.6 DeaAr nnie 2 cutd owno n 3 puttingo n 4 cuto ut Wetle, veryonsee emtso haves omethintgo saya bout 5 gete nough 6 joining 7 goingfo r heattahn df itnesast t hem omenEt.v ertyi meI turno nt he 2,1 televisioonro pena newspaptehre re'sso methinagb ouitt ! 2 D 3 G 4 E 5 A 6 B 7 C 8 F Youa skedw hatI dot o bef rta ndh ealthyW. ettI, thinkm y famityh asa lwaysh ada healthdy iet.W ej usth avea [ight 2.2 breal<fassotm, ec erealanfdru it.T henfo rI unchI havea 2 stitches3 antihistamines sandwicohr a salada,n dt henw ee ata bigm eaiIn t he 4 prescription5 p[aster6 vaccinations eveningW. eu suallyh avec hickeno rf isha ndv egetabtes 7 thermometer8 scales 9 stretcher againS. ometimewse h avep astao,r i nt hes ummewr e havep erhapas s teakfr omt heb arbecuoer,a hamburger. 2.3 Wee atf ruita gainfo rd esserotr a yoghurta,t thougaht t he PersonProbLem Wherteh ey Treotment weel<enmdy m otheor ftenm al<esso mer ealtyn icec al<es. Asy ouk nowI, don'td o a loto f sportb, ecausIe d on'tr eally nnt haln tikei t, butI thinkI 'mq uitef it becausIe h aven'gt ota car, 1 Soret hroat( red Locats urgery (Prescription andI walka ndc yclee verywherAen. dI dol iked ancingso, with spots) (doctor) for)o ntibiotics ona Saturdanyi ghIt goo uta ndd anceti llt hee arLhyo urs. 2 Hit hist humb Cosualty X-roy It'se nougIh t hink!! with o hammer departnent Bon doge Hopeth at'sth ei nformatioyno un eed. 3 Fello ver A ond E* Lefta rn in Love someonaen d ploster Susan brokeh iso rn Physiotheropy *Accident andE mergencayn, othenr amef ort heC asualtDy ept. 101 Answerk ey !t i*f:*:,' 3.3 1nt heA rctic( thep ersonis tatkinga boutG reen[and). 1.2 4 2 forests 3 streams 4 slopes 5 flowers 2 wind 3 sun 4 rain 5 sun 6 snow/ice 7 rain 6 orchards7 paths 8 valteys 8 snow/ice 9 wind 10 rain 11 snow/ice I Thed escriptiomna tchePs icturAe . PictureB i s of the ll snow/rce I Braziliarna inforest. 6 1.3 stormy cloudy windy rainy dusty sunny foggy clea-r muddy gent[-e steep narrow- wide icy witd- cultivated high- tow winding- straight Examp ractice r.4 ReadinPga rt2 Modela nswer 1 F 2 8 3 C 4 A 5 E Thereis a thickf oreswt itha narroww, indingp atht hrough it. Someo fthet reesa rev eryt alIa ndi t is quited ark. I' it* 2.t 1 streamc;a nalf;l ood 1.2 2 forestw; ood;r ainforestti;m ber 1 Yes 2 Yes 3 YesI, playt hef lute( andp iano) 3 mountainh;i ll;c tiffc; ave 4 No,n ever 5 Yesf,r equently6 Aso ftena sI can 4 sea;o cean[;a kew; aterfa[[ 5 banl<ssh; oresb;e achc;o ast 2.1 6 soi[m; ud;s and;dust rock3 pop2 classica4l worldm usic1 2.2 2.2 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 B 7 C 2 harmonies3 atbum 4 composer5 band 6 tracks 7 covevr ersion 8 distinctivset yle 3.1 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 A 8 B 9 oldf avourites1 0 fans 11 lyrics 12 catchytu nes 9 A 1 0 A 1 1 8 t 2 A 2.4 3.2 2 fans 3 band 4 otdf avourites5 lyrics 6 duets 7 distinctivset yle8 covevr ersion PictureA Summerasr em ilda ndw et.I n wintert het emperature 3 dropsto below0 oCa ndt hea reais oftenc uto ffb ecause 1 rock'n'r o[[ 2 jazz 3 countrya ndw estern 4 fotk of snowT. heh eavys nowfai[n[ wintera ttractssk iersa nd touristsI.t canr ainh eaviliyn Julya ndA ugusdt uringth e 4 monsooann ds kiesa reo ftenc loudyin them ountains, 2 group 3 concert 4 charts 5 ce[[o 6 composer whetheirt is summeor rw inter. 7 euitar 8 ooera g oiano Thec ircledw ordi s:o rchestra Picture B It is alwaysh ota ndh umida nd,a si t is neart heE quator, 5.1 thereis [ittled ifferencine temperaturbee tweetnh e 1 croak 2 whistle 3 creak 4 hiss 5 roar 6 hum warmesat ndt hec oolesmt onthsR. ainfa [[sn earlye very 7 sptash 8 grunt t howl 10 crash ]"1b arl< daya ndt hereis nod rys easonIn. ther ainforestth, e 12 bang morningo f almoset veryd ayb eginsw itha clearb lues ky butb ym ida fternootnh erea res uddenh ardd ownpours 5.2 andt hunderstormarse c ommonT.h et emperaturaet n ight 2 E 3 G 4 1 5 J 6 A 7 B 8 C 9 D 1 0 F is 20oC-25obCu td uringth ed ayi t risesto above3 0oC. 702 Answerk ey 2.112.2 5.3 2 hum 3 whistting 4 bang 5 creaking omozed onnoyed depressed frightened pleosed woffied 6 hissed 7 grunted 8 crash t howl surprised cr055 fed up scared 0nxtous ostonishedfurious miserabIe qfrdid deliohted concerned Examp ractice terrified Useo f EnglishP art 2 1in 2had 3to 4so 5anY 6uP Twith 3.2 B were 9 no 10 as 11 mY 12 at 1 thatt heyp honed 2 to have 3 of goingo n 4 with 5 about 6 to reatise Writing Paft 1: email 3.3 Mode[A nswer Studento'sw na nswers. HiS am, Yeso, f courseI' ttg ivey out hei nfoy oun eedI'' m reatty 4 tookinfgo rwardto thef estivat. SIRO/VG;very extremelY reollY terriblY so 0aunrd bw aen'vdpe gl oatya sb r eluae[s[syg, o remaestt r iandgiet-iro snhaes[',osA m meve erircyma no'dern' tEsS quite fairly a bit SIRO/VG: Weu suattsyt artw iths omer ealty[i vetyn umbertso get everybodgyo inga ndt henM ariad oess omer eatlyc ool NoteQ: uites ometimehsa sa differenst,t rongemr eanlng whenu sedw ith words[ ikei mpossiblIet' canm ean son8s. We'dt iket o ptayo nt hef irstn ighti f possibteW' ea lways 'completelyT':h ec rossworwdo sq uitei mpossible' getn ervouss,o t hat'tmt eant essw aitingW! ec ani ust 5 arrivea nds tartp tayinsgt raighat wayT' hea udiencies 2 sad 3 haPPY4 sad 5 haPPY6 haPPY usualley nthusiastaictt hes tarto f a festivatIo 0,s ot he atmosphereg'rse atth en. 6.t ButI definitetdyo n'tw antt o campb ecausIe g ett erribte 2 disappointing3 surprised4 excited hayf evera ndI hatei nsectsIs. t herea youthh osteot r 5 worried 6 terrifYing7 retaxing anythingn earbyS?o methinfga irlyc heapp tease! 6.2 Loolf<o rwardto seeingY ou LoveA nneke [135w ords] Adiectiveesn dingin -edd escribae f eeling' Adjectiveesn dingin -ingd escribwe hatc ausetdh ef eeting' 6.3 Noun fear omqzement emborrassnent 1.1 Verb frighten amaze embarross 1 A coachfr omt hen ationatle amt o choosteh et hreeb est Adiective frightening om0ztng embarrasstng ptayers.2 Heb rokeh is[ eg. 3 Hisb rother' frightened amazed embarrassed 1.2 Noun pleasure 0nnoy0nce excitement positivec:o nfidenet,x citedp,r oudr,e laxed Verb pleose onnoy exctte negativea:s hamedd,i sappointeedm, barrassegdu'i tty' Adjective pleosed onnoying exciting jealousu,p set pleosing annoyed excited 1.3 Noun depression onger pride 1 excitedc,o nfidenptr, oud 2 disappointeudp,s eti'e alous Adjective depressing ongry proud r.4 depressed ashamede,m barrassegdu,i ltY Noun anxtety mlsery jeolousy Adjective 0nxlous miserable jeolous 103 Answekr ey Examp ractice 3.2 Listening prehistory- prehistoric archaeolog-y archaeotogist, 1 C 2 B archaeologicaelv idence- evident civilise- civilisatiocni,v ilian invade- invasionin, vader' Useo f EnglishP art3 reside- residencree,s ident inhabit- inhabitant 1 unexpected2 variety 3 disappointed descend- descentd,e scendantb elieve- betiefb, eliever' 4 championshi5p congratulation6s p ersonal survive- survivas[,u rvivor 7 annoyance8 really 9 embarrassing1 0 apologise discovery- discover abotition- abotish cause- cause invention- invent colonisation- colonise Writing Part 2 introduction- i ntrodu ce Modela nswers Jal<owba sa bsolutefluy riousw henh es aww hatw asg oing 4.1 ono utsideh isw indowT. herew eret wom enw itha huge 2 last 3 takes 4 wento nf or 5 spent machinaen dt heyw erec uttingd ownt rees'.| akobli vedo n thef ourthf looro f a btocko f flatsw hichl ookedo uto vera 4.2 Modela nswers lovelyp arkW. henh er ealisewd hatt hem enw ered oing, 1 It takes(m e)t woh oursto flyf romS painto London. her ano uto f hisf lata nds houteda tt hemT. heyd idn'tt ake 2 In myc ountrys,u mme[ra stsa bout4 months. anyn oticea ndj ustc arriedo nw itht heirw ork.S oJ akob 3 SeverayIe arsh avep assesdi nceI leftp rimarys choo[. rushedo vert o oneo ft het reesw hichw ass ti[[t heres, at 4 i'ves pen3t 0 minutesst udyingE ngtistho day. downin f ronto fi t andp uth isa rmsr oundit .H ew ass o 5 It takesm e2 0 minutetso waIkf romh omet o co[[ege. angryh ed ecidedh ew ouLsdt ayt herea Ldt ay.H ew asn't 6 The[ ongesftr [mI 'vee vers eenw asG lodioto]rt. wento n scaredo f them ena ndt heirm achinbee caushee k newt hey fort hreeh ours. wouldn'htu rth im.W hens omeo therp eoplcea meb y,h e 5 calledto themt o dot hes amew itht heo thert reesI.n the endt hem enh adt 0 goa way,.J akofbe ttv eryp roudth ath e'd 1 A ont ime= to beo unctual B in time= earlye nough managetdo saveth er esto fthet reesb uth el <newth em en 2 A havea loto ft imef or= havea Loto f patiencwe ithh er. wou[dc omeb acla<g ain [179w ords] B haven ot imef or= haven op atiencwe ithh er. 3 A timef lew= timew entq uickty I.,u,oit { B kittt ime= deliberatewtva steti me 6 1 2 E 3 D 4 B 5 F 6 A 2 F 3 E 4 A 5 B 6 G 7 H 8 D Examp ractice 2.2 Useo f EnglisPha r1t 2 cavep aintings/wa3t 2t ,000y earasg O 1 A 2 8 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 D 7 A 8 B 9 D 4 inp rehistotriimc es 5 China/France 1 0 A 1 1 C 1 2 B 2.3 Itriting Part 2 TheG reaPt yramiodf Ghiza ltlodela nswer Aboutf oura nda haLtfh ousanyde arsa Bo. STOI{EHENG: nEo t iust a stonec ircle. 3.1 Stonehengise a giantc ircteo f stoneisn Somerseint Englandit.' sa bsoIuteflays cinatinagn di t wasb uilta bout 2 records 3 population4 figures 5,000y earsa goi,n prehistorticim esL. otso f people 5 inhabitants6 tribes 7 ancesiors8 huntinp cometo seei t froma tlo vert hew ortda ndt herea res titI I settled 1O nrodrrrc1 1 tooLs 12 betiefs ceremoniethse reo n MidsummerD'sa y. 13 stories L4 invaded it wasb uilta t a timew hent herew eren om odernto otsa nd machinesso, p eop[ew ondehr owi t wasb uilt,b ecausteh e stoneb locksa reh ugeA. rchaeoIogitshtsin l<th att hes tone camefr omW alesa,n dt hatp eop[eu sedr aftst o moveit by to4 Answerk ey watera, ndl ogst o ro[[i t acros[sa ndb ecausweh eelsh adn't B beenin ventetdh en! Cometo Sicilya nde xperiencteh e brightc otoursb, eautiful Noo nek nowsw hyS tonehengiset hereS. omep eople landscapeasn dt astyf ooo. thinki t wasu sedf or religiousc eremohieos,t herst hat Visitt hec ityo f Cataniwa hichis a combinatioonf 17th it'sa gianta stronomicaclIo ckt hats howst hem ovement centuray rchitecturbeu, svn ightlifaen dt raditions. ofthes un,m oona nds tarsT. hes uns hineso no neo fthe Relaxo nt hen iceb eachewsa tchedo verb yt hev otcano, mosti mportanstt oneso n MidsummerD'sa yT. hatc an'tb e MountE tna. coincidenccea,n i t? Lastb ut notl easte, nioyt heg oodf lavourso f productss uch I wentt heree arlyo nem orningla sts ummewr heni t wasv ery aso liv-eps,is tachinou ts,h oneyv,e getableasn dd riedf ruit. mistyI.t 'sv eryb eautifuaIn dh asa fantastiac tmosphere. 2.3 [t77 words] Advert A Advert B TestT wo ftlnit numbersin brocketssh owt heu nit whereth ev ocabulory Calours: omazing bright Landscapes:stunning beoutiful testedc anb ef ound.) 1 D( Uni4t ) 11A (Uni1t ) 21 B( Uni3t ) Food: delicioush, ealthy tosty 2 C( Uni2t ) 12 D( Uni2t ) 22 A( Uni5t ) Architecture:spectacu l or , 17thc enturY 17thc entury 3 A (Uni4t ) 13 B( Uni3t ) 23 C( Uni5t ) Nightlife: lively busy Ir odtuons: musical 4 C( Uni3t ) 14 B( Uni2t ) 24 D( Uni1t ) Volcono: Eur ope'sb ig gesat c tive 5 D( Uni4t ) 15 B( Uni1t ) 25 B( Uni5t ) Beoch: fine,g oldens, andy ntce 6 D( Uni5t ) 16 A (Uni3t ) 26 A (Uni4t ) Flavours: wonderful good 7 C( Uni1t ) 17 B( Uni5t ) 27 A (Uni3t ) Products: top-quality 8 B( Uni2t ) 18 B( Uni4t ) 28 D( Uni2t ) 9 D( Uni1t ) 19 A (Uni1t ) 29 A( Uni2t ) AdverAt makesy ouw antt o visitS icityb ecausiet useslo ts 10 B( Uni4t ) 20 C( Uni3t ) 30 B( Uni5t ) of adjectiveTsh. ea djectiveins B aren otv erys trongo r convni cin g. kw 3.1 Yous houldti ck:e xtraordinafrayn, tasticm, agica[, t remarkabluen, ique 1 B 2 E 3 D 4 C 5 A agreeablen,i cea ndp leasanat ren'tv erys trongT' heo ther As logacna nb es pokeonr w ritten. adjectiveasr em uchs tronger. 3.2 2.1 An islandw iths omethinfogr e veryonise t heb ests logan- lonly 2/ 3on[Y 4,/ Theries n othinagb outth ef uturein t hea dverts 4.1 2.2 2 C 3 A 4 8 5 C 6 A 7 B 8 A 9 C A 1 0 8 1 1 A Comteo S icitayn de xperienictsea mazincgo lours, 5 stunninlagn dscapaensd d eticiouhse, atthfyo od' Visitth ec ityo fQ atanwiah ichis a perfeccto mbinatioofn 2 homep age 3 l<eyword4 bestsellers spectacu1la7rt hc enturayr chitectulrivee, lyn ightlifaen d 5 secure 6 sign 7 password8 basket 9 ctick 10 online 11 enter L2 suPPort musicaltraditions. Relaoxn f rneg, otdensa, ndbv eachewsa tcheodv erb y 6.1 Europeb'sig gesatc tivveo lcanMo,o unEt tna. 2 phone 3 visit 4 Phone 5 visit Lasbt utn ot[ easet,n ioyth ew onderffula[ vouorsft op- quatitpyr oducstsu cha so tivesp,i stachniou tsh, oney, 6.2 vegetablaensd d riedfr uit. 2 out 3 off 4 awaY 5 over 105 Answer key ' 7.t thei nternett,a kep hotosI.n additiont,h eya ree ssential 1 F 2 E 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 B in an emergencays t heyc anb e useda lmosta nywherfeo r instancoen a motorwaoyr a mountain. 7.2 In conclusiomn,o bilep honehs avem adeo ur[ ives 2 get 3 ring 4 cut 5 pick 6 call/ring muche asiesr oI thinkt herea rem orea dvantagtehsa n Examp ractice disadvantagteos h avingo ne.[ 174w ords] t Them aina dvantagoef computeriss thati t'se asvt o frndo ut informatio[ni keh owt o travesI omewhereT.h ism eansth at t peopled on'tn eedt o looki n bool<osr newspaperHs.o wever, therei s sb,metimetoso muchi nformatioanv aitabteA.l so, Constructio-n e lectrician whenw e readf actsw, e don'ta lwaysk noww hati s true. Customesre rvice- ca[[c entrem anager A furthedr isadvantaigse th atp eopteth rowt heir Emergencsye rvice-s firefightepr,o liceo fficer computerasw ava ftera fewv earsT. hisr esultsin a lot Heatth- opticianp,s ychotogist of wasteT. herea rea numbero f advantagefos r chitdren HoteIa ndc atering- chef,k itchena ssistant sucha sb einga blet o playg amesI.n additiont,h evm ake Informatiotne chnolog-y softwaree ngineer learningm oref un.B utt hisl eadsto childrens pendingto o Lega-[ solicitor mucht imeo n thec omputer. Leisurea nds port- lifeguard It is easietro stavi n touchw ith fiiendsb v emaiIa nd Scientifi-c [aba ssistant anothear dvantagiset hatv ouc ans endp hotosB. utp eople 2.1 sende mailsra thetrh ant alkt o eacho therI. sometimes A receptionisBt cleanerC nurserays sistant thinkp eoplere lyo nc omputertso om ucha ndi f a computer goesw rongf,o r instancein a hospitati,t mightb e 2.2 dangerous. 2 Apermanen3t C possibtepromo4ti oBns hiftwork In conctusioIn t,h inkc omputerism proveo urt ivesin lots 5 Ag oodc ommunicatsiokinlt s 6 Bo vertirne of waysa ndt hea dvantageasre m oreim portantth ant he disadvnat ages. 2.3 1 a salary 2 wages 3 a rateo f pay 2.2 to explainso methinCg 2.4 to givea n oppositeo pinionB 2 application3 catering4 quatifications to introduceth en exta rgumenDt 5 retiabte6 training7 enthusiasti8c ambitious to givee xampleAs 3.1 3 Modela nswer A effrcienwt,e tt-organisseedt,f -motivataebdt,e to work Them aina dvantagoef mobilep honeiss t hati t'se asyto withoustu pervisiogno,o dc ommunicatsikointl s geti n touchw ithp eopteso y ouc ant e[[s omeonyeo u're B reliablfele, xibleh,o nesht,a rd-working goingt o be lateo r changew heret o meet.H owevetrh, is C enthusiasdtiycn, amiccr,e ative meansth atp eoptec ana lsoc ontacyto uw heny oud on't 3.2 wantt hemt o or wheni t's notc onvenienTt.h isl eadsto Speak1ei rs a hairdresser. peoplen everb einga btet o retaxA. lso,a lot of people Speake2r i sa carpenter. forgett o turnt heirp honeso ffi n thec inemaf,o r example, andt hat'sv erya nnoying. 4 A furtherd isadvantagise t hatt heya rev erye asyt o stea[. -+ Phonoer e maiflo ra na pplicatifoonr m- + Fititn Thisr esultisn ani ncreasien crimeb ecauseev eryone thea pplicatifoonr m- + EmaoiIr p ostth ea pplication wantsth e[ atesot hone. form+ Havea ni nterview-+ Receivae io b Anothear dvantagiset haty ouc anu set hemt o doo ther offer+ Acceptht ei obo ffer thingsa partf romp honep eoples,u cha sp tayg amesu,s e 106 Answekr ey 5.1 1.3 t x 2 . / 3 x 4 x 5 , / 6 . / 7 X 8 , / Toby'ms umh asg ota roundfa ce5. he'sg otl ongw avyh air whichw asd arkb uti t'sg oingg reyn ow.S he'sg ota small 5.2 turned-unpo sel,a rFeg reene yesa ndq uitef uttt ips. Speal<1e sr aysh er esigneadn dS peal<7e sr ayss heg aveu p herj ob. Toby[ ool<tsik eh ism um.T hey'vbeo thg ota roundfa ce. Speal<3e sr aysh ew asm ader edundant. Theirh airi ss imitabr utT oby'iss darkear ndc urlierT. oby's noseis j ustt ikeh ism um'sb uth eh asd arke yesT. heyh ave 5.3 thes ameti psT. hey'rvee rya like. 2 work 3 job 4 career5 worl< 6 worl< 7 iob 8 work 9 work 10 career t.4lt.5 otherp ossiblew ordsi n itolics 5.4 face:r oundt,h in,p ointed 1 job 2 career3 work hair:s traighct,u rlyw, avyd, arl<b,[ ondb, rownf,a ir,I ong, shorI,r ed/ginger ReadingP aft3 eyes:p aleb lue,[ argeg, reenb, rown 1 B 2 8 3 A 4 C 5 C 6 A 7 C 8 A 9 B 1 0 B 2.1 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 C 8 C Writing Part 2 Samptaen swer 3.1 DearM rP itt generou-s m ean gentle- aggressiveh ard-workin- gla zy I sawy oura dvertisemeinnt t hel ocaIn ewspapelars tw eek modes-t big-headedp olite- rude self-confrde-n st hy andI would[ iket o apptyfo rt hej obi n yourc omputer 3.2 shopA. t presenIt'm w orkingin a sportss hopw hereI 2 generous3 rude 4 lazy 5 funny 6 aggressive enjoyh etpingp eopteto findw hatt heyw ant.I havea lso worl<eads a waiterin hotelsa ndr estauranstso I amu sed 4.1 to dealingw ithp eopte. 2 nosey 3 moody 4 bad-tempered5 dishonest Myh obbyis playingco mputegra mesI. h avem oret han 200 gamesa ndI readc omputemr agazinesso i l<nowat I 5.1 the[ atesdt evelopments. tm- un- tn- dis- ,r- I havec ompletesde veracIo mputecro urseasn dd oa [[t he orderinign myp resenjot b.I ama t presendto inga training nnlifp populor considerotehonest retevdnt pottent kind c0nvententsotisfiedresponsible coursien accounting. possibleimoginotiveexpensive I haveg oodc ommunicatisoln< illsi .a mr eliablaen dh appy sociable to bef lexib[ief I amr equiretdo worke xtrah ours. I [oolf<o rwardto hearinfgr omy ou. im-i s addedto somea djectivebse ginninwgi thp - Your ss in cere[y ir-i sa ddedto somea dj ectivebse ginninwgi thr - GhanLge e 5.2 2 careless3 cotourless4 powerfu[ 5 painful l.'l[n'if',n., 6 harmtess7 graceful Examp ractice t.t ReadingP art1 A is Sama ndB i s Toby. 1 C 2 A 3 D t.2 Useo f EnglishP art4 Sam'sd adh asa thinp ointedfa cea ndf recl<teHse. 'sg ot 1 takeas ftehr er straighbt rownh airb uth e'sg oingb atdH. e'sg otp aleb lue J ic sn imaoin:iivp eyesa nda [ongs traighnt oseH. ed oesn'wt earg lasses. 3 don'tl ookl ike to7 Answer key DO judo yoga aerobics athletics gymnastics martiaaI rts t.t 3.2 FAST run dash rush stride sorint 1 F Gotifs p tayewdi thc tubos na course. SIOW watl< stroll creep crawl wander 2 F Youp iays quaswh itha racket. 3 F Youp layh ockeoyn a pitchu singa sticl<. t.2 4 F Youg os l<atinagta rinka, ndt akey ourb ladewsi th ana thletes prinrt und ash a tourists tro[w[ alkw ander you. a babyc rawl trafficc reepc rawrl un 5 T a burglacr reepc rawl someonlea tef or wsrk run 6 T dashru shs orinst tride 7 F Basebaistp l tayewdi tha bat. 8 T 1.3 2 ran/dashed/sprinte3d W atking 4 sprinted 3.3 5 striding 6 wandered/strolled/walked ER runners katerj oggerw alkers wimmer 7 dashed/rushed/ran/nspterdi climbers kateboardeskr ier diver snorke[[er footbal[er NBs ailor 2.2 -PLAYERv otteyba[s[ quash rugby badminton 2 D 3 F 4 8 5 E 6 A football( tabtete) nnis baseba[h[ ockey 2.3 IRREGULAcRy ctist gymnasta thtete 1 runt hemd own (tor uno vesr omeonoers omething NBT heries n ow ordin Engtisfohr s omeonweh od oesiu do, meantso hita ndd riveo verIt d roppemdy h ati nt her ood yogao ra erobics ando carr ano veri t.) 4.t 2 runu pa gainst( tor unt hrougmh eantso sayo rp ractise 1 yoga 2 squash3 hockey thed etaitso f somethinBg:e forteh em eetinIg r ant hrough whatI wasg oingt os ay.) 5.1 3 runa cross (see1 f orr uno ver) 1b eat/win2 beat/won3 won/beating 4 runt hrough( tor uno uto fm eannso tt o havea nym ore: 4 winibeating5 beat/win I'ver uno uto fs ugo-r I'll goa ndb uys ome.) 5 runo uto f (see1 a nd2 f orm eaninogfv erbs) 5.2 6 runninagr ound (see1 f orr und own) 2 D 3 B 4 C 5 A 2.4 ltlodeal nswers IDIOM MEANII{G 1 .,.I thinkit 'su nkind. WIl{ to wins omeone to convincseo meonoef 2 ...t ryt o solveit asq uicklays I can. round something 3 ...s topfo ra chat. BEAT if youc an'tb eat if youc an'tb ea ss uccessful 4 ...d on'tu nderstatnhde f irstt ime. them,jo int hem ass omeoneel set,h end o 5 ...t ryt o frxm yc omputer. thes amea st heyd o 6 ...m ys istevri sitsw ithh erc hitdren. sheb eatm et o it shed idi t beforeI coutd to beatt her ush to dos omethinbge fore 3.1 everyoneel se GO running skating cycting jogging walking swimming ctimbing skateboardings kiing diving Examp ractice snorkettings ailing snowboardingh iking surfing Useo f EngtishP art4 TIP:T hesea lIe ndi n ing 1 to runt hrough2 beamt et o 3 rani ntoa [ot 4 runsin S usie's PIAY votteybatts quash rugby badmlnton footbalt tablet ennis baseballi ceh ockey hockey TIP:T hesea rea tlp layedw ith a batl( apartf romi ce hockeay ndb adminton) 108 Answekr ey Writing Part 2 weddindga vw i[tb eginw itht heg rooma rrivintgh ereo n Mode[a nswer a horse(.3 )T hec eremonsyta rtsw itht hec oupleb owing DearM ichaet, to eacho thera ndt ot hep riestY. ouw illh aveto bep atient Thanl<fosr y our[ etterI.' mw ritingto tetIy ous omething ast herea ren oc hairs(!4 )T heb ridea ndg roomw illb oth aboust poritn myc ountryI .t hinkf ootbaitst p robabltyh e wearc o[ourfutr[,a ditionatclothaensda [[m yr elativewsi [[ mostp opulasrp ortin Englandb,u tt ennisg, olfa ndc ricket probab[wve art raditioncalIo thetso ob utt heo therg uests area tto ooutaars w ett. justd resss martlvD. on'td ressto oi nformaltovr wearb lack. Peoplelo vef ootbatbl ecausteh eyc anp layi t asw e[[a s Aftert hew edding(! ) we'[[g ot o a restaurantot havea watchit , andm osts choolasn dc ollegehsa vefo otball traditionalul nch(.6 )Y ouc ang ivet hec ouplea nyl <inodf teamsS. omeb oyss penda lLth eirt imeo uto fs choopl laying presenbt utw e usua[[gyi vem oneyI.f youw antt o tal<ep hotos footbattto o.T heyd reama boutb ecominsgt arsa nde arning oft hec oupley,o uc anb uty ous houldng'to t ooc tose. lotso f money[i l<We ayneR oonedyo es. DearS atya I tikep tayintge nnisa, ndI playn earlya lly earI.t 'sa bit I'ms op teaseydo u'rec omingto mys ister'ws edding(1 )i n coldi n winterb, utI toveit . It l<eepmse f it andI meet ourv i[[ageS.h e'sg ettingm arriedo nt hes amed aya sm y friendsW. eo fteng oo utt 0 eatt ogetheorr roundto parents'silvwere ddinga nniversa-r yth ey'veb eenm arried someoneh'so usea fterw e'vep layedI. a ctualtpyr efedr oing for2 5y ears(.2 )5 o firsto f aLel verybodgyo esto theT own sportsto watchintgh em,b uti f therea reb igm atcheosn ,I HalIf ora civilc eremonayn d( 3)t henw e'llg ot o thev itlaFe likew atchintgh emw ithm yf riendsI. w atcht ennisc, ricket, churcwh hereth eb ridea ndg roomw iI exchanggeo td footballr,u gby- anythingre alty. ringsi.n thec hurchth eb ride'sfa mitys ito no nes idea nd I hopet hatt e[[sy ouw haty oun eedt o l<nowG.o odIu ck theg room'osn t heo ther(.4 )M ys isteirs g oingto wear witht hep roject! a [ongw hited ressa ndt heg roomw i[[w eara suit.M ost Beswt ishes peopled ressfo rmattavn ds omew omenw earh ats0. n the Tim wayo uto ft hec hurche veryonteh rowsr iceo rf lowerp eta[s [168w ords] overt hec ouplefo rg oodl uckT. henw e'tIg ot o the( 5) receptiownh ichw i[[b ei n a hoteIn earbyT.h ere'btte l ots J:ttnitlltO:;,,, to eata ndd rinka nda cal<weh ichis c utb yt heb ridea nd groom(.6 )I fyouw antt o bringa presenmt, ostp eopteb uy somethinfogr t hec oupten'se wh ome. t.t 2 cotteagues3 step-sisters4 a marriedc ouple 3.1 5 sisters-in-[aw6 flatmates7 ctassmates 1 A 2 C 3 A 4 B 8 neighbours9 nephew 10 penfriends 3.2 1.2 2 spol<en3 get 4 mal<e5 totd 6 fett 7 got Thep eoplien 1 ,3,4,5a nd9 arer elated. 8 get 9 lost 10 enjoy 11 l<eep 12 mal<e 13 had 2.1 3.3 1,r eception2 rings 3 cake 4 anniversary close best otd good 5 guests 6 (acrossp)r iest 6 (downp) hotos 7 suit 4.1 8 invitation 9 present LO (acrossd)r ess 10 (downd) ay 11 ceremony geti n touch geto nw ellt ogether gett o l<nowso meone 4.2 2.2. 1 X 2 iseettins? eot 4X A isi n Koreaa,n dB i si n France. J Ov 2.3 5 2 meet 3 couples 4 traditional5 made DeaBr itt, 6 become7 eet B neichhorrIr in 10 hest i'mg tady oug ott hei nvitatiotno myb rotherw'se ddinagn d I bv! you'rea b[eto comeI.t wittb ea traditionatweddainngd( 1) 11 each 12 on 13 out 14 to wi[[t al<pel acein t heg ardeonf t heb ride'fsa mi[y(.2 )T he 1(}9 Affiht Flnfmctice !.4 Part 2 Busd river fare destination single-deckerd oubte- Iodel answer decker DearK im Undergrouneds calator platform train raiI seat I'm goingt o tell youa bouta bigf amilyp artyw e hadf or my slidingd oors unclea, unta ndc ousinws how ereo n holidayh ereT. hey Trainc ommute rush-hour platform carriage seat livei n Canadan ows ow e don'ts eet hemv eryo ften.I n fact, fare seasonti cket I'd ontym etm yc ousinso nceb eforea t a weddingw hen Taxir ank fare tip driver meter ca0 I wasv erys ma[[W. ed ecidetdo havea partyf ort hem 2.t andi nvitet hew holef amityT. herew erea bout6 5 people altogethearn dw eh adt hep artyo utsidein theg ardenW. e 1 [uggage/suitcas2e accommodation/hotet putl ightsin thet reesa ndw e hada liveb ands op eople 3 weather/storm4 equipment/camera5 money/coin couldd anceW. ei nvitedm y unclea, unta ndc ousinfso ra 6 travet/journey7 information/guidebook meaIb utt heyd idn'tk nowt herew asa partyW. et o[dt hem 8 transport/car to putt heirb estc lotheso n becauseev eryonwe antedto 2.2. dresss martlyW. em adea traditionaml eaIa st heyl ive Countabhloet el storm camerac ar suitcase abroadn ow.W hent heya rrivedth eyc ouldn'bt elieveit . journey guidebookc oin Therew asl otso ffood for everyonea nda big cakew ith Uncormtahletravelw eather equipment information icing.T hep artyt astedn ebrlya ll night. transport money accommodationIu ggage Hopet o hearf romy ous oon. LoveA lexande[r1 75w ords] 3.2 M a n1 B 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 A 6 B ListeningP art 3 W o m a1nC 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 A 1 F 2 A 3 E 4 D 5 B 3.3 Modela nswers TestT wo 1 I thinki t'sb ettetro booka hotidawy et[i n advance Unitn umberisn bracketrse fert o theu nitw hereth e becausteh eny ouc anl ookf orwardto it. vocabularcya nb ef ound. 2 I'd alwaysp refert o traveIin dependentblye causteh en 1 B( Uni7t ) 11A (Uni8t ) 21 C( Unit6 ) youc ans eew haty ouw antw heny ouw ant. 2 A (Uni9t ) 12A (Uni6t ) 22 A (Unit8 ) 3 I'd rathers tayi n a five-stahr oteIb ecausIe l ovec omfort! 3 D( Uni7t ) 13 D( Uni7t ) 23 C( Unit6 ) 4 B( Uni6t ) 14 B( Uni1t 0) 24 D( Unit1 0) 4 5 B( Uni8t ) 15 D( Uni8t ) 25 C( Unit1 0) 2 journey 3 joulney 4 trip 5 travel 6 trip 6 A (Uni9t ) 16 C( Uni6t ) 26 A (Unit8 ) 7 travel 8 journey 7 D( Uni9t ) 17 B( Unit1 0) 27 D( Unit6 ) 8 A (Uni7t ) 18 A (Unit9 ) 28 B (Unit9 ) 5.1 9 D( Unit1 0) 19 B( Unit8 ) 29 A (Unit7 ) 2 C 3 A 4 D ro B(Unit7) 20 C(Unitlo) 30 C (Unit9 ) 5.2 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 D Ere Examp ractice Useo f EnglisPh art4 t.t 1 did/madteh ej ourney 2 checkin 3 conveyor4 pass 5 departure 2 ona shortt riot o 6 control 7 security 8 board 9 gate 10 crew 3 to seta boutf ixing 11 seat 12 bett 13 refreshments14 headset 4 to book( some/anya)c commodation 1.3 1 train 2 bus 3 underground4 taxi 110

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