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Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language. Coursebook PDF

146 Pages·2016·29.24 MB·English
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Preview Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language. Coursebook

cnc a asa Second Language — Second € ~ Peter Lucent tedorsed by University of Cambridge International Examinations Lblyure et neers Unit 3: Focus on writing skills Exant Tretcises 6 ana 7 Paces etl concent ox wing on army ete: wich may ne recaheutn eerie 0. Exer'ss Fo th WGCEE Rect nd Wang pape 70 Wings: sean ory] tooo ee ee Srammarical slru"turas ama vocabruky » Faregraphing, pumctien ara spoiling ore | Sl: os ote mie etl os etn Heated, coe Thy 2 PUL the folowing weds into fe gro=pe, Lm loca I Theiw #7 me ng oF wrong aunts, lash sandwich vegetable pic simp falafel anne ager not dog rice mmseoke Hlow eal you sease on viet cut i each exo? 2 Dew ull ast ec> win why next Waa yw favevnte ph nea be weal a uewspa2ee artic allat Yee ves way to “eevene” Te te se mile might he abou? Aythe aes ee: ‘ha! do ov. no ies about Uae words psa" and pen > ie, Su wi Your 121 he ee alo 2 MeDu ahs mas 25% "sh: hatan fa tae? weaken, The: are-243 Metumehls testers in ely © Me veneta sols czas mam 9 2p Mice comtalus me than 60 eal ney 5 Seam he ext and tek prayers. Beni 4 Me ls al Bug Hingis pod o's Ca fi. et tnd mina cocker se | Steuer 51 | tod Decne 2 estean"r brdenilycnned ur zens ant ecm, Theks bh ending 9 deteat ‘rh he anranncemme Lia toe ino ones ce coat ‘eile i Walp. 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Nowrread the sant moxe carcully ar tind the ensvess 10 he follow Suestiens. Fox do ret msed 19 sete anything 7. 2 By ve ane do dievoasid's cad Burger King Lope =o “erease thelr > Where dus MeDeaalls plan to 9poe ns resaurasi? = Why i ts surpnarge 4 What sell ater a eect otSe expansion 6: Mcbenali's md Borger Ky? How suecestal has Pasa a been? 2 Whar s Spizzico? 5 Horr lors dossi. aie to serve and Dig Mac? Fr Howe does tasoe'N sesribe the feo in es: foe! restaurants? Conapae yr dees we th your paemer’s Ween yew have agrees. wai amet ¢aerrers ie each question “uit. Focus'o © writing and vocabulary Sted Ac Bind -hese was ata pages 2nean? Use the context and you" di thmary fr help 4 breached ipe-agcapl: 1} What do yo thus they © decads (Ly @ orlesay © immutable 23 stalled (2) # stoves 13) 2% palate (4) Sada: Br Find these Words end rhrases in i271 cle What eo ‘ean? Use dhe con.ex: and 70.1 dictiov ay “or help. a launches ipezagzaph 3} D puisly anguish (31 © ullish i think they 4 cutting ede © epiing) boners (a) ‘th you parinex, seas the mz=in 0: the wads and phrases in Bees & ‘Sie sare yor: uade-sanl orem partners pone and pores as ll Yu oe 10 Wit. yonrpamner,eboase Use each of gen dicles nae sor psec fom the 1 js Tve scussed, pets setence in ord t shaw ils wring Writing: informal letter 17 Weatis yous opinion aeut las. ‘008 reseuran’s akg aves om tai Fescmrante? Wat sre tic edvamiay-s at disadvantages of als ps ot "SUFST? Ie might help you comceauale em “oe 3sta-cants that You ‘atow. Gung and comple.e ube teble isting the advanteyes an {lisa ‘fest Food asd alma eta rants, | Ascscop ursracnane Disahvaniges webs thy TRADUJUWS RESTAURANT emtages __Disadvanmages i] EXAM T1P_| Ie Dei Gor Beret Tithe IGCSE Reale g iin aps von dey Ie i infequlleter ts e Staal mero. 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Us your agin ae rich as pseibe, remarbe you wet mis eye Isle to he tenon is ne de a0 fll 41 Gaara ve fully ante te ques ater of YE Look a: Laster wi en hy a sudeme responce to the question is Exercise 4. ete ace socne prolems wil i War ate the? Wren your patty, Iient ty fa the langusge eroes aod (che pres wil: he inert ‘ou sinal inf e-em Do et erie he lees rt lea war a Vaasa apszartas be ag Fos ayo oe (Gh tte ae nn $e ae ete icine os lists ae etd wren 1 anemia se elms Shussalia se thes ret2a wee ES ‘realy ey: he =r LL Yh ms ol are ati ites ver eal nates ae i age seat Gaina slirve phe Por me becara | wiliem 12) - = ec asc tstasatieas praeaine wand 2 ees pe ca ah andes prams snd prthe ue nal= Westesea xsi at iesdne samen Re re nag alas © = Ce a eeityer ssueceeaes ‘prea ataet Grats on ne en 2B 2 an 1S Werte yous oma enswer tothe eesuetyie queer in Exenese Lek cae to “zngwor thee es" on pronety znd do inal any relevant int-rme or Chev yur york sf 'y Zon anguage emery, gd sa Lay amy eA. {you “ave mua. Pie tuanse Your weting wath your pes-3e= Check Sour ormner’s ettr. Wil s: ould yeu li for Unita Fens sn vniting skis fa © speaking: expressing opinions & @ Further practice ! EXAM T|P_ laine Ines ceam matin ora 6 ved 9 cake ‘eed pater a ue mks tor Tnguase (5+ Since va and esclpesa: of sa, Ease wees se sn xearey 16 Look al this shert eonvaration. Te usdecined phsses express apintons ‘Anns: sory bee thx st fn etrant ore co hay. Try snare ana gees with gat. a7 seu weap ore bese reahse how uray fs foes Amz nso coment! eam wagine poop ging tho ap Tey, Sat 0 swe aout st With your partnes, mei alist uf other par3es whieh yom ould use to 508 ya upon ay belo ee | Leaves age wh Syst | eeeeccera 4 fier in ths unit yom mad a it of she eae ges ant asadvantages of fst flood ond snliumal resturants. Now magis Unat #54 heve to dsauss those advantages ar isadvanizges vb: wear weecter. Whats your spin-eu? Ui, soate al the phrcies fron: Exercise “ and yuan iss 22m FxerCie U2 apm foe yr dscussinn 16 Reid iv text Wate wits’ and arse: ques ions he Fellow a Whe. is dhe ermmen-ed arcoume of water te be Bruns ily? ing to the text, iste any ng weg ws ia tap © Give two suggeues health eset of dishing wir © How many it wacr mee ent slandards ms Frere “nines © WLICL Bteneh mingra cers reetsnmended fos ase sith Faby tod? 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Pikes tow ‘cracks. Tay ean only ly ay e fave maak cmd, thee contained Deals Sane cues Lyin peop, is. Groas of up peal, Tas, dean regs where cold, cutitious totec axe seach te 209 seven aUiiocd Se erfomhens tlie dabcasesed The te sbiedkalsh SM fissile sine tourards ce Tos anal posta Teeaviuarens eld ter fom the eps the Abita Sex eat tos oe ad we Tosntde ect blox, —boadcers end ety remove Teil itsontious he te shell usins aa aislow he Mish = or: amine up fox. 8 oxida seatches Tage cats and il ene Wicca aene SEER moe ar Se ee oe ; tle. may here 085 a9 fr incnasso" Me romtiad xc ace filet ct abuore ‘tates wade esomely were TTT ean ate granu gtr ates 24 Keath ake Sh Coa ade ie econ ho 9 hy sie babe hs oat 4 da mer reste dias yh? her ww: pleces of eq "pment so chs aalame divers alwys use? 1b West es:za pave ul ezeipaners do seme divers use? 26 Parl | Unit 4: Focus on listening skills bxam Part 1 Ins unt we wl concentrate cn ths seis you neea for Pat of ESE stenng acper You ea 0 sow that you cana varary efforms, anu seein CIA @ istening and speaking 23 ntarmenion presen | temic ¥en of mans can yoa an your peter think 9 Masel ETHODS OF T eee 5 ‘There are en iinet meted trarsrort——[gif andser inthe yworcbox. How man cae yon find? Sec thay sie same es the ons y.su Cub ol Buerese 17'The ownage the bw ete wien Aonnctalty, yenieally ane. agenally iuisie = = Which tadhsd 0° trangpan do you think is the best far gulmy om hoiday? Why? Thuesit Aepecd 92 the ryp2 0! swlivay? Discnee wt para Make a st ofthe e@vanteses autd ésadvanrages tor sy othe methexis ot METIIOD. —apyaNTaaes ae e109 aban ard ahora ou li 9 Lxereces 3 and 4, dl you consierthe cost ef cech aiechia? Wis OL. ariney, ak dhs metho#s 7-10, ei 1 ling Uke mos. expensive ane he kara. War fees da you seed to think about @hen deeding on “re sot ‘ofeach metho? ‘You ace going wo .bte to fone pon talking 2b thei experiests of ilf-ren rmeshoos uf tansy. She Bs: Creve Yo HFen, answer ese quests 4 Vebich mothosk of sranspert ae being talked abou? Which o° the veapls erjoyed! “temselve? © Which speaser Goes vot meio: tae name of a wountry or sor? ‘Tae methads of canspart are =ot actsaly mention: by thes, eube:s. wha ues icelsed you to icew ify vat eve? Con 2%? Vocabulary [xey e817 Listen ef spaestons Inco eae speaker. Ac yo iste = er the cllewing Spacier 5 Were exacuy id une peak walt or the tain? 3B Ulse cany poopie wert wi the sneaker? > Mow Sid the Leni leo before 8 302 3 What uate the speaker ead hs “amly Mecome aan? 1 Wat aid she speaer toot 8.00? Wha: nstase Lut Jue speeker mase?

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