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Cambridge C1 Advanced 4 Student's Book with Answers (CAE Practice Tests) PDF

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Preview Cambridge C1 Advanced 4 Student's Book with Answers (CAE Practice Tests)

Contents Introduction 4 Speakainno gv:e rvfioecrwa ndidates 6 Tes1t ReadainndUgs oef E nglish 8 Writing 22 Listening 24 Test2R eadainndUgs oef E nglish 30 Writing 44 Listening 46 Te3s t ReadainndUg s oe fE nglish 52 Writing 66 Listening 68 Test4R eadainndUg s oef E nglish 74 Writing 88 Listening 90 Tes1t Speaking 95 Test2S peaking 98 Test3S peaking 101 Test4S peaking 104 SampWlrei tainnsgw ers 107 Answkeery asn da udioscripts 115 Sampalnes wsehre ets 159 Acknowledgements 163 Visumaalt erfioatrlh sSe p eaktiensgt 165 Introduction Prepfaortreh eex awmi tphr acttiecsfetr so Cma mbridge Insiydoeuf 'ilnfldo uaru theenxtaimci npaatpieofrnrs oC ma mbriAdsgsee ssEmnegnlti sh. Theayr teh pee rfewcatyt op rac-tEiXsAeC TlLiYtk here e eaxla m. Whya rteh euyn ique? Alolu aru thepnrtaicctt eiscgteots h rotuhgseha mdee sipgrno caesst shC e1 A dvanecxeadm . Wec heecvke sriyn pgalroetf o uprr actteiscwteis tr hes atlu deunntdesex ra cmo ndittiomo ankse, surweeg ivyeo tuh meo satu theenxtpiecr ipeonscsei ble. Studecnaptnrs a ctthiestseee s otnts h eoiwrno rw itthhh ee lopfa t eacthofe arm iltihaermisseel ves witthhe ex afmo rmuantd,e rstthsaecn odr siynsgta enmpd r acetxiastmee chnique. CambriEdnggel ish CEFRL evel UKN ational Qualifications Qualifications C2P roficiency C2 3 C1A dvanced C1 2 82F irst 82 1 81P reliminary 81 Ent3r y A2K ey A2 Ent2r y Furthienrf ormation Thien formcaotnitoaniin tn hepidrs a cbtoiocikesd e sigtnobe ead n o vervoifte hwee x amF.o r af udlels criopfat loilfto hnae b oveex amisn,c luidnifnogr maabtoituoatnst ky ptees,s tfioncgu s anpdr eparpalteiasosenete, h ree lehvaanndtb owohkiscc ahbn e o btaifnreotdmh C ea mbridge AssessEmnegnltwi esbhs aittc:ea mbridgeenglish.org. 4 Introduction Thes trucotfCu 1rA ed vancaenod v:e rview ThCea mbriEdnggelQ iusahl ifiCc1Aa dtviaonnecsxe adm incaotnisooinfsf tosup ra pers: ReadianngdU seo fE ngli1hs ohu:3r 0m inutes Candidnaetetedosb ea blteou nderstteaxfntrdso p mu blicsautciahosf n isc atnindoo nn -fiction bookjso,u rnnaelwss,p aapnemdra sg azines. Writ1ih nogu:3r 0m inutes Candidhaatvteeoss h otwh atth ecya pnr odtuwcdoei ffpeireecnoetfws r itaic nogm:p ulsory essianPy a r1t,a nodn fer oamc hoiocfte h rteaes iknPs a rt2 . Liste4n0im nign:u taepsp roximately Candidnaetetedoss hotwh ecya unn derstthamene da nionfagr angsep ookfme ant erial, incluldeicntgur raedbsir,oo adcsapsetesc,ah netdsa lks. Speaki1n5mg i:n ut(eo2sr1 m inutfeogsrr ouopf3s ) CandidtaatkteehsS e p eaktienwsgit t ahn otchaenrd iodria nat eg rooftu hpr aenead,r tee sted ont heaibri tloit taykp ea ritnd iffteyrpeoenfist n terawcitttihhoe enx :a miwniettrhh,o e t her candiadnabdty et hemselves. Overlaelnlg th Numbeorft asks/partNsu mbeorfi tems ReadianngdU se 1h ouarn 3d0 m inutes 8 56 ofE nglish Writing 1h ouarn 3d0 m inutes 2 2 Listening Appr4o0xm .i ns 4 30 - Speaking 15m ins 4 3h ouarns5d 5 m ins Total approx. Grading Alcla ndidraetceeasiS vtea teomfeR nets uClatnsd.i dwahtoespsee rforrmaanngcbeees t ween CEFLRe veBl2as n Cd2 ( CambrEindgglSeic sah::;l ceo roef1s 6 0-2a1l0sr)oe ceaic veer tificate. • Candidwahtoae csh iGervaedA e ( CambrEindgglSeic sahsl ceo roef2s 0 0-2r1e0c)et ihvee CertiifnAi dcvaatneEc negdl sitsahtt ihntaght edye monstarbaitaletiLd te yvC e2l. • Candidwahtoae csh iGervaedB eo rC (CambrEindgglSeic sahsl ceo roef1s 8 0-1i9nt9 h)e ir exarme citehvCeee rtiifnAi dcvaatneEc negdl aitLs ehv Ce1l. • Candidwahtoespsee rforimbsae nlcLoeew v Ce1lb, u fta lwlistL heivnBe 2l( Cambridge EnglSicsahsl ceo roef1s 6 0-1r7e9c)e,aiC vaem briEdnggelc iesrthi fsitcaiatgtt" he ta hte y demonstarbaitaletiLd te yvB e2l. Fofru rther ionngf roardmaianntrdgie osnug lott ost ,hC ea mbriAdsgsee ssEmnegnltwi esbhs ite (see 4pf aodgree t ails). 5 Speakainon vge:r fvoicrea wn didates Yotua ktehS ep eaktienwsgit t ahn otchaenrd i(dpaotsest iwbcola yn didraetfeestr)ohr, ee rdae s youpra rtTnheerar.re te w eox aminOenrews i.sl ple taoky oaun yd oupra rtannetdr h oet hweirl l bel isteBnoitenhxg a.m iwniealrwlsa rmda rks. Part1 (2m inutes) Theex amiansekyrso aun ydo upra rtqnueers taiboonyusot u rsealnvtdeh sem,no veosn twoi der questaiboonyusot u lri ffoeer:x ampyloeul,re isaucrtei vsittuidetisre,asa v,ne ddla irloyu tYionue . areex pecttore eds ptoont dhe ex aminqeure'ssta inoldn iss ttowe hna yto upra rthnaetsro s ay. Part2 (m4i nutes) Int hpiasr yto,au r gei vtehnoe p porttuotn aioltnkyy o uorw nf oorn mei nuTtheee.x amignievre s yoaus eotft hrpeiec taunrdea qs uestTihoeen x.a miwniealrsl yk o ut ot alabko tuwt oo ft he pictiunrr eessp otnots heqe u estfioaorbn o ountme i nuItiteis .m porttola instct aerne ftuotl hley examinienrs'tsr uTchteei xoanmsi.tn heearns kyso upra rtanq eure staiboonyu otu pri ctaunrde s youpra rtrneesrp obnrdise fly. Youpra rtwnietlrhl e bneg ivaenno tsheeotrfp icttuorl eosoa ktY .o upra rttnaelarkb so tuhte se pictfuororen sme i nuTtheit.si mtehe ex amiansekyrso auq uestaibooynuo tu pra rtnepri'cst ures anydo rue spbornide fly. Part3 (4m inutes) Int hpiasr otft htee syto,au n dy oupra rtanreaers ketdot atlokg etThheeer x.a mipnlearca e s questainodsn o mtee pxrto mpotnts h tea bbleet weyeonuT .h espreo mpptrso vtihdbeea sfiosr thfei drisstc ussion. Afttehrid si scustshieeox na,m iwnieglril v yeo ua notthaesrwk h eryeo ua raes ketdom akae deciosnito hnte o pic. Part4 (5m inutes) Thee xamiansekrys o ua ndy oupra rtsnoemrfe u rtqhueers taiboonutsth t eo piycosuh ave discuisnPs aer3dt. Y omua yb ea skteodr esptoont dhe ex aminqeure'ssto inoy nousor w no,ri n discuswsiityoho nup ra rtner. 6 Tes1t Te1s t READIANNGD U SEO FE NGLI(S1hH o u1r5m inutes) Part1 Foqru est1i- o8n,rs e atdht ee bxetl aonwdd e ciwdhei acnhs w(eABr,, C o rD )b esftie tascg ha p. Theirsae n e xampaltte hb ee gin(n0i)n.g Maryko uarn sweornts h see paraantsew sehre et. Example: 0 A mainlBy considerCa vbilryt uaDl sluyb stantially 8 C• 0 Canoediisstc ouvnekrnso wwant erfall Wel iivnea na gei nw hic(h0. ). ....t .hee.n tpilraen heatsb eedno cumenatnedmd a pped. Explosreeertmsob e( 1.). .w.i.l.d.e.rt noee xspsl soort eh,de i scoovfue nrmya ppweadt erfalls inad evelcoopuendit asrr ya r(e2. ). .i.n.d.e.e.d . AdaSmh oawlatscs a noeailnogtn hgAe g aRiinv iennr o rthCearnnaw dhae hni bso a(t3. ). ... ... twelmveet riensts ow irwlhiinwtgae t beerl oDwe.s ptiht(ee4 . ). .d.a.m.a.tg.oe h ibso aAtd,a m wast hritlohl aevdte u mbldeodwa nn u nknowwant erNfoawwl ilt.fh i nanbcaicaklfi rnogtm h e RoyCaaln adGieaong rapShoiccia(elRt CyG hSe)i ,sp lanntiorn egv tihsfeiat li lnos r dteopr l ot andm easutrhee Hmi.ds a twai blelu setdo( 5.). .m.a.p.os.f .t hriesm oatreeu apt od atIet.s remoteinsre esfsl eicntt hefeda ctth aitht a asp opula(t6.i).o .no. f.f .e.w.te hra onn ep erson pe5r0 s quakriel omeItitrs (e 7.s).. . b.y.t .h.Re.C GSa ndA damS hoahlitmss tehlaAftd am's discomvaeynr oybt e o ft h(e8 .). .o.f.w .h.ap.ta setx plofroeurnbsdu i,tst h owtsh atth erset'isl l mucthob ed iscovered. 8 ReadainndUg s oef E nglish 1 A falslhionorgft B missoiunotgn C cuttdionwgon n D runnoiunotgf 2 A episode B undertakiCn ogc currencDe instance 3 A plunged B tore C dashed D flung 4 A sizeable B widespreaCd e xtensiveD ample 5 A bring B put C take D mark 6 A capacity B density C consistenDc yf requency 7 A disclosedB granted C declared D acknowledged 8 A bulk B volume C magnitudeD expanse 9 Tes1t Par2t Foqru est9i o1-n6rs,e atdht ee bxetl aonwtd h ionftk h weo rwdh ibcehs ftie tasc gha pU.s oe nly onew oridne acgha pT.h eirasen e xampaltte hb ee gin(n0i)n.g Wriytoeua rn sweIrNCs A PITLAELT TEoRnSt hsee paraantsew sehre et. 0 IT1I I \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I Example: 1 S Thea ttracotfiF oenrw rhiese ls Whedni ydo lua ssetae F erwrhiese Slo?m eticmaelsol besde rvwahteieotlnhs e,y b'erceo ming fixtiunor uecrsi tyscIastpe eesmt.sh aatn cyi tthya wta nttsoe nsu(r0.e). ...a..t. tractions are ons hotwot hweo rmluds hta vaeb eautdiefsuilglFnyee rdwr hiese( l9..). .t.h.e.ws.he.e ealrse usuailnltye ntdobe etd e mposrtarruyc tmuorroeefs t,te hnan no tth eeyn d( 10.).. .s..t .a.yfionrg an umboefrr easonnolste, a bsetc autsheeb ye cosmoeh ighly (t1h1.o).u .gb.hy.tr . e.s.i dents anvdi sitors. Sow hyd oc itwiaenstt h emT?h ervee'rs(y 1 2.) . d.o u.bt th. a t.th e.cy r .e aat neo vfeolc us, butth earrese e veortahlre era soTnhsem.ya yb eu se(d1 3.). .s.y.m.b.o.ol frs e surgoern ce am odecronm pletmoet nhtue s uhails toric attractionasl sctoho euarpainesdrt s visit. They're quictkobe uri tlhdam no sott hmearj loarn dmaFriknsa.l lyt,h sesu ececitenhsges y ('1v4.e). ... ... inm anpyl acceist,mi aeyfs e (e1l5 .). .s.e.n.so.fe.c ompetaintdbi eod nr iv(e1n6. ).. ..b..u.i ld biggaenrbd e tvteerrs ions. 1a 1 10 ➔ p.1 1s

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