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Cambarus (Jugicambarus) Tuckasegee, A New Species Of Crayfish (Decapoda PDF

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Preview Cambarus (Jugicambarus) Tuckasegee, A New Species Of Crayfish (Decapoda

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 115(2):371-38L 2002. Cambarus (Jugicambarus) tuckasegee, a new species of crayfish (Decapoda: Cambaridae) from the Little Tennessee River basin. North Carolina John E. Cooper and Katharine A. Schofield (JEC) North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, Research Lab, 4301 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607, U.S.A., e-mail: [email protected] (KAS) Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, U.S.A; present address: Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, U.S.A., e-mail: [email protected]. — Abstract. Cambarus (Jugicambarus) tuckasegee is a new species ofstream- dwelling crayfish that appears to be endemic to part of the Tuckasegee River subdrainage of the Little Tennessee River basin in the Blue Ridge province of North Carolina, where currently it is known from Soco Creek, Raven Fork, and the Oconaluftee River. It seems to share strong affinities only with Cam- barus (J.) distans, which occurs in Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, and osten- sibly in northwestern Georgia. It is readily distinguishable from this and all other members of the subgenus Jugicambarus by a combination of characters that includes: a short central projection with a deep subapical notch, and a long, caudoproximally directed mesial process, both on the gonopod of the form I male; a very inflated palm and notably short, stout fingers, all lacking tufts of long, stiff setae; a broad, densely punctate areola; a rostrum with very thickened, sometimes cephalically produced margins; and five to seven tuber- cles or spines on the ventral surface of the carpus. Four members of the subgenus Jugicam- species that is limited in North Carolina to barus of the crayfish genus Cambarus are several fairly close sites in the extreme known to occur in North Carolina (Cooper western Hiwassee River basin. A fifth & Braswell 1995, Cooper et al. 1998). North Carolina member ofthe subgenus, an Cambarus {Jugicambarus) asperimanus undescribed and apparently endemic stream Faxon, 1914, is a common inhabitant of species, was recently discovered in Soco probably all streams in the Blue Ridge, ex- Creek, a tributary ofthe Oconaluftee River, eluding those in the Hiwassee River basin, which is a major northeastern branch ofthe and of upland streams in the western Pied- Tuckasegee River in the Little Tennessee mont Plateau; Cambarus {Jugicambarus) River basin. Its description follows. carolinus (Erichson, 1846), is a primary Abbreviations used in the text are as fol- burrower with a spotty distribution in wet- lows: BYUC, Brigham Young University lands of the Little Tennessee and Hiwassee (M. L. Bean Museum) collection, Provo, River basins; Cambarus {Jugicambarus) UT; GMNH, University of Georgia Muse- dubius Faxon, 1884, is another primary um of Natural History, Athens; INHS, lUi- burrower, known from quite a few bogs and nois Natural History Survey, Champaign; j, similar habitats in the northern Blue Ridge juvenile; NC, North Carolina State high- and western Piedmont; and Cambarus {Jug- way; NCSM, North Carolina State Museum icambarus) nodosus Bouchard & Hobbs, of Natural Sciences, Raleigh; PCL, postor- 1976, is a hypogean or hypotelminorheic bital carapace length; R, river; SR, state 372 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON secondary (county) road; TCL, total cara- large, semierect tubercles, subtended dor- pace length; US, United States highway; sally by row of 2-4 (rarely more) smaller USGS, United States Geological Survey; tubercles, plus other minute tubercles dor- USNM, National Museum of Natural His- solateral to them. Lateral eminence ofartic- tory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, ular ridge of chela, both dorsally and ven- D.C.; and UTM, Universal Transverse Mer- trally, with multiple, corneous distal tuber- cator coordinates. cles. Fingers short, stout, slightly gaping if at all, without tufts of setae at opposable Cambarus {Jugicambarus) tuckasegee, bases; dorsal surfaces of both fingers with new species strong longitudinal ridges; dactyl length Fig. 1, Table 1 L4-L7 (Jc = 1.5, n = 32) times length of — mesial margin of palm, finger with few (if Diagnosis. Body and eyes pigmented, any) weak tubercles on mesial surface. eye large {x adult diam 2.1 mm). Rostrum Palm and fingers of chela devoid of long, with thickened margins, moderately to erect bristles. Carpus with weak dorsome- strongly convergent, occasionally subpar- sial tubercles; ventral surface with pair of allel, from base to base of acumen, which distal tubercles or spines, and multiple tu- not delimited by tubercles or spines; mar- bercles or spines proximomesial to them. gins abruptly thinning, sometimes slightly Dorsal surface of merus with at least 2 produced at base of acumen, then broadly strong subdistal tubercles or spines, and concave and more strongly converging to row of produced tubercles along dorsal dorsally directed apical tubercle; acumen ridge. comprising 34.6-46.6% (jc = 39.4%, n = Hook on ischium of third pereiopod of 36) of rostrum length, latter comprising males, that of form I male large, tapered, 17.6-24.4% (x = 21.7%, n = 36) of TCL. laterally compressed, overreaching basiois- Areola 3.0-4.8 (x = 3.8, n = 48) times as chial articulation by most of length and op- long as broad, constituting 31.7-37.5% (x posed by weak tubercle on basis; coxa of = 34.2%, n = 51) ofTCL and 41.4-45.1% fourth pereiopod of male with moderately (x = 43.1%, n = 62) of PCL, and usually strong, vertically disposed caudomesial with 5 or 6 punctations across narrowest boss. part. Thoracic section of carapace dorsally In situ gonopods (first pleopods) ofform and dorsolaterally punctate, laterally with I male (based on holotypic male; Fig. IG) small granules. Cervical spines reduced to symmetrical, with small, slightly separated small, rounded tubercles; cervical groove proximomesial apophyses; central projec- shallow. Suborbital angle obtuse to sub- tion directed caudally, curving slightly me- acute, with rounded or acute tubercle; bran- sially; mesial process basally bulbous, ta- chiostegal spine reduced to blunt tubercle. pering and curving caudolaterally to sub- Postorbital ridge with rounded cephalic acute, caudally directed tip; in lateral aspect margin bearing small tubercle. Antennal (Fig. IC) shaft straight; central projection scale 2.1-2.7 (jc = 2.3, n = 30) times as short, not tapered, curved over 90° to plane long as broad, widest distal to midlength; of shaft, with proximally directed subapical lateral margin thickened and terminating in notch; mesial process very long, inflated at stout, distolaterally directed spine; mesial base, directed caudoproximally. tapered and (lamellar) margin subparallel to lateral mar- attenuate toward caudal end. tip acute; in gin or slightly rounded. mesial aspect (Fig. IB), shaft with moder- Palm of chela very inflated, 1.4-1.6 (.v = ately long setae at about midlength. Total 1.5, 11 = 33) times as wide as deep, 1.2-1.5 length of gonopod 25.9% of TCL (28.6% {x = 1.4, n = 33) times wider than length of PCL). of mesial margin; latter with row of 7-9 Annulus ventralis (based on allotypic fe- VOLUME 115, NUMBER 2 373 Fig. 1. Cambarus {Jugicambarus) tuckasegee, new species (all from holotypic male, form I, except E, F, frommorphotypic male, form II; H, fromparatopotypic male, form I; J, fromallotypic female). A, lateralaspect ofcarapace; B, E, mesial aspect ofleft gonopod (first pleopod); C, F H, lateral aspectofleftgonopod; D, dorsal aspect of carapace; G, caudal aspect of in situ gonopods; I, epistome; J, annulus ventralis and postannular sclerite; K, antennal scale; L, dorsal aspect ofdistal podomeres ofright cheliped (tips offingers missing). Scale lines equal 2 mm. male; Fig. IJ) slightly asymmetrical, basi- length of transverse tongue; sinistral ridge cally subrhomboidal in outline, ca. 1.9 proceeding caudosinistrally, becoming times as wide as long; cephalic margin poorly defined upper arm of reverse C- domelike, attached to sternum, but annulus shaped caudosinistral wall; transverse capable of slight hingelike motion; ce- tongue short, curved, plunging into deep- phalic half not depressed, with deep, fairly est part offossa beneath sinistral wall; cau- broad median trough flanked each side by dal half of annulus thick, caudal margin of strong ridge; dextral ridge proceeding cau- caudosinistral wall slightly rounded; cau- dally, then downcurving and disappearing dodextral wall not quite as thick, oblique; at margin of transverse fossa near mid- lateral corners of annulus subangular; si- 374 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — Table 1. Measurements (mm) oftypes of Cambarus (Jugicambarus) tuckasegee, new species. Holotypic Allotypic Morphotypic male,formI female male,form II Carapace Total length 37.5 30.9 36.7 Postorbital length 31.8 25.7 30.5 Width 19.8 15.9 19.6 Depth 13.8 8.8 12.0 Length rostrum 6.6 6.0 7.0 Length acumen 2.6 2.3 2.5 Length areola 14.0 11.1 13.5 Width areola 4.1 3.3 3.4 Antennal scale Length 6.4 5.4 6.1 Width 2.6 2.3 2.6 Abdomen Length 40.5 34.8 38.2 Width 17.6 14.5 16.7 Cheliped Length lateral margin chela 30.4* 21.9 25.9 Length mesial margin palm 10.6 8.1 9.3 Width palm 15.3 11.4 12.6 Depth palm 9.6 7.5 8.2 Length dactyl 17.0* 11.7 14.2 Gonopod length 9.1 N/A 8.5 * Estimated; tips offingers damaged. nu.s reverse S-shape, dissecting caudal acumen comprising 39.4% of rostrum margin at midline. — length, latter constituting 17.6% of TCL; Description ofholotypic male, form I. floor (dorsal surface) of rostrum broad, Body and eyes pigmented, eye 2.3 mm di- plane, cephalic three-fourths glabrous, cau- ameter. Cephalothorax (Fig. lA, D) subcy- dal fourth punctate; usual row of setiferous lindrical, moderately depressed dorsoven- punctations along inner edge of dorsal trally (thoracic section 1.4 times wider than ridge; subrostral ridge narrowly visible in deep). Areola 3.4 times longer than wide, dorsal aspect to base of acumen. constituting 37.3% of TCL (44.0% of Postorbital ridge fairly short, straight, PCL), very punctate, 7 punctations across dorsolaterally grooved, caudally swollen; narrowest part; width of areola constituting cephalic margin with vestigial tubercle. 20.7% ofgreatest carapace width; branchio- Suborbital angle obtuse, bearing small, cardiac grooves very weak. Rostrum with blunt tubercle; branchiostegal spine reduced very thickened margins moderately con- to tubercle. Thoracic section of carapace verging to base of acumen, where abruptly dorsally and dorsolaterally with minute and terminating, slightly produced, rounded, large punctations, laterally with rounded with cleft between dorsal and subrostral granules; cephalic section 1.7 times longer ridges; margins of acumen narrow, broadly than areola, constituting 62.7% ofTCL, lat- concave and more strongly converging to erally with small to moderate tubercles and blunt, dorsally directed apical tubercle row of small tubercles along ventral margin reaching nearly to distal margin of penul- of cephalic section of cervical groove; gas- timate podomere of antennular peduncle; tric region mostly glabrous. Cervical spine VOLUME 115, NUMBER 2 375 region on right with 4 small to moderate with 1 prominent tubercle cephalic to pair tubercles (5 on left). of caudal tubercles each side; zygoma Antennal peduncle with acute distolateral strongly arched, cephalolateral margins tubercle on basis, small rounded ventral tu- flanked by usual pits. bercle on ischium; tip ofantennal flagellum Third maxilliped with tip of endopodite reaching caudal margin of fifth abdominal reaching distal margin of antennal pedun- tergite when flagellum adpressed; antennu- cle; exopodite very hirsute, tip reaching lar peduncle with small median spine at midlength of merus of endopodite; longi- midlength of ventral surface of basal po- tudinal ridge of ventrolateral margin of is- domere. Antennal scale (Fig. IK) 2.5 times chium with row of punctations bearing as long as wide, widest distal to midlength; short setae along inner edge; ventrolateral lateral margin thickened and terminating in half of ischium quite punctate, distolateral strong, distolaterally directed spine, tip of corner slightly produced, acute; ventrome- which reaching nearly to distal margin of sial half of ischium and ventral surface of ultimate podomere of antennular peduncle; basis with long, stiffbristles; mesial margin lamella approximately 1.2 times as wide as of ischium with row of 29 denticles. Right thickened lateral portion, distal margin mandible with incisor ridge bearing 8 den- gently declivous, raiesial margin subparallel ticles. to lateral margin for most of length. Total chela length 81.1% of TCL; palm Abdomen slightly longer and narrower (Fig. IL) very inflated, 1.4 times widerthan than carapace; pleura slightly rounded on long, 1.6 times wider than deep; mesial ventral and caudal margins. Proximal po- margin of right palm bearing row of 9 domere of uropod with very small caudo- strong tubercles, proximal pair fused at ba- lateral spine on lateral lobe, slightly larger ses; mesial row subtended dorsally by row spine on mesial lobe; mesial ramus of uro- of 5 smaller tubercles, 1 other tubercle dor- pod with small caudolateral spine, and solateral to row; dorsal surface of palm strong median ridge ending caudally in densely punctate, distolateral portion weak- small, subterminal spine; lateral ramus with ly costate for short distance, lacking im- median ridge on cephalic section, margin of pression, with aggregation of deep puncta- transverse flexure on right ramus bearing tions; articular ridge very strong, proximal row of 12 fixed spines and 1 large, articu- margin well defined by deep groove; distal lated sublateral spine. Telson with 2 spines margin of lateral eminence with 3 corneous in right caudolateral corner ofcephalic sec- tubercles; lateral surface of palm thick, tion, mesialmost articulated, left corner rounded, with median row of large punc- with single fixed spine (articulated spine tations, distalmost several of which with congenitally absent); transverse flexure of basal tubercles; ventral surface of palm telson strong, dorsal surface of caudal por- very punctate; articular ridge strong, lateral tion very setiferous, caudal margin gently eminence with prominent subconical sub- curved. distal tubercle and 3 distal tubercles; 2 tu- Epistome (Fig. II) with subseptagonal bercles proximal to ridge. Fingers of chela cephalic lobe, cephalomedian margin of ofcheliped very slightly gaping in proximal which interrupted at base of short projec- half, opposable bases with sparse setae. tion; lateral corners thickened, elevated Fixed finger (Fig. IL) dorsolaterally cos- (ventrally), with tuberclelike ventrolateral tate, inner margin of costation scalloped by angle; floor (ventral surface) of lobe slight- deep punctations; proximolateral base of ly convex, very punctate; central depression finger with slight impression; submedian ofbody broad, with shallow cephalomedian ridge strong, elevated, flanked each side by fovea; lamellae broad, with some shallow punctate groove, flanked mesially by sec- punctations, lateral corners subtruncate. ond ridge; tip of finger damaged; lateral 376 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON surface of finger with row of large puncta- size, and 1 vestigial distal tubercle; ventro- tions; ventral surface with low, rounded mesial ridge with 9 conical tubercles, and 1 ridge, flanked laterally by row of puncta- large, subacute distal tubercle; ventral sur- tions, mesially by punctate groove; proxi- face of ischium with 4 subacute tubercles. molateral base offinger lacking depression; Hook on ischium ofthird pereiopod sim- opposable surface with subconical tubercle ple, tapered, oblique, overreaching basiois- (tip abraded) ventral to denticles near mid- chial articulation by most of length, op- length of finger, and 3 tubercles on proxi- posed by weak, setiferous tubercle on basis. mal half dorsal to denticles, proximalmost Coxa of fourth pereiopod with moderate tubercle very small, third from base mas- caudomesial boss, in plane of margin of sive; denticles strong, long, in dense mat of coxa. 3—6 rows from tip of finger to subconical Gonopods as described in "Diag—nosis." tubercle, then in 2 or 3 rows from there to Description ofallotypicfemale. Except base of finger and continuing onto articular for secondary sexual characters, differing ridge. Dactyl of chela (Fig. IL) thick, tip from holotypic male as follows: Areola damaged; finger 1.6 times as long as mesial constituting 35.9% of TCL (43.2% of margin of palm; dorsal surface of dactyl PCL), with 6 punctations across narrowest with strong submedian ridge flanked each part. Acumen comprising 38.3% ofrostrum side by punctate groove, flanked mesially length, latter constituting 19.4% of TCL. by second ridge; mesial surface of finger Suborbital angle subacute, with acute tu- with pair of very weak basal tubercles, re- bercle. Cephalic section of carapace 1.8 mainder punctate; ventral surface with low, times longer than areola and constituting rounded ridge, flanked mesially by short, 64.1% of TCL; cervical spine area with 2 shallow punctate groove, laterally by row or 3 very weak tubercles. Antennal scale oflarge punctations; opposable surface with 2.3 times as long as wide, lamella approx- row of 4 strong tubercles on proximal half imately 1.3 times as wide as thickened lat- of finger, fourth from base largest and lo- eral portion. Telson with 2 spines each cau- cated ventral to denticles; latter prominent, dolateral corner of cephalic section. Epi- in mat of 2-5 rows on distal half of finger, stome with subcircular cephalic lobe bear- 2 rows on proximal half. ing small cephalomedian projection. Carpus ofcheliped (Fig. IL) 1.3 times as Total chela length 70.9% of TCL; palm long as wide, 1.2 times length of mesial 1.5 times wider than deep; mesial margin margin ofpalm; dorsal surface with oblique of right palm bearing row of 8 strong tu- sulcus, lateral to which surface punctate, bercles (9 on left), proximal 3 of which mesial to which with 5 moderate dorsome- fused at bases; mesial row subtended dor- sial tubercles; mesial surface ofcarpus with sally by row of 4 smaller tubercles (3 on short, slightly curved, acute subdistal spine left); lateral eminence of dorsal articular and 1 proximal tubercle; ventral surface ridge with 4 distal tubercles bearing cor- with stout, subconical distolateral (articular) neous tips; ventral lateral eminence with 2 tubercle, smaller distomedian tubercle with distal tubercles (3 on left); 2 tubercles prox- corneous tip, 1 large subconical tubercle imal to ridge (1 on left). Fingers of chela proximomesial to latter, and row of 3 other without gape. Fixed finger with opposable tubercles near base of subdistal spine of surface bearing acute subconical tubercle mesial surface. Merus ofcheliped 1.5 times ventral to denticles at midlength, and 4 tu- longer than greatest depth, length 40.8% of bercles on proximal fourth dorsal to denti- TCL; dorsal surface with 3 rounded subdis- cles. Latter very strong, in 2 or 3 rows from tal tubercles and row of produced tubercles tip to subconical tubercle, 1 or 2 rows from along dorsomedian ridge; ventrolateral there to base. Dactyl of chela 1.4 times as ridge with 4 subacute tubercles of varying long as mesial margin of palm; mesial sur- VOLUME NUMBER 115, 2 377 face of finger with 1 proximal tubercle; op- ing mesial row; lateral eminence of ventral posable surface with strong denticles in 2 articular ridge with moderate subdistal tu- or 3 rows on distal half, 1 or 2 rows on bercle and 3 distal tubercles; I tubercle proximal half. Carpus of cheliped 1.2 times proximal to ridge. Opposable surface of as long as wide; dorsal surface with several fixed finger with row of 4 tubercles proxi- strong dorsomesial tubercles. Merus ofche- mal to subcorneal tubercle; denticles in 2 or liped 1.6 times longer than greatest depth, 3 (rarely 4) rows on distal half of finger. length 40.5% of TCL; dorsal surface with Dactyl of chela 1.5 times as long as mesial 3 strong and 2 weak subdistal tubercles; margin ofpalm, lacking tubercles on mesial ventrolateral ridge with 4 tubercles, plus surface; opposable surface with row of 5 very weak distal tubercle, and 2 weak tu- strong tubercles on proximal half; denticles bercles between distal termini of both ven- as on fixed finger. Carpus of cheliped with tral ridges; ventromesial ridge with 10 tu- several weak dorsomesial tubercles. Merus bercles (9 on left) and 1 moderate distal tu- of cheliped 1.6 times longer than greatest bercle. depth, length 39.2% ofTCL; dorsal surface Annulus ventralis as described in "Di- with 5 subdistal tubercles and row of weak agnosis." In addition, first pleopods strong, tubercles along dorsal ridge; ventrolateral tips with clusters oflong setae, some small- ridge with 6 small to moderate tubercles er setae along margins; postannular sclerite and 1 very weak distal tubercle; ventro- subalate in outline, ventral surface domed, mesial ridge with 10 moderate tubercles (9 with some punctations. on left) and 1 strong distal tubercle. —Description of morphotypic male, form Hook on ischium of third pereiopod II. Differing from holotypic male in fol- strong, tip overreaching basioischial artic- lowing respects: Areola 4.0 times longer ulation, not opposed by tubercle on basis. than wide, constituting 36.8% of TCL In situ gonopods with small, widely sepa- (44.3% of PCL), with 7 punctations across rated proximomesial apophyses; proximo- narrowest part; width of areola constituting 17.3% of greatest carapace width. Acumen lateral area subtruncate, set off from rest of shaft by groove; in lateral aspect (Fig. IF), comprising 35.7% of rostrum length, latter shaft with strong juvenile suture; central constituting 19.1% of TCL. Suborbital an- projection short, directed caudally at about gle subacute, with tubercle; branchiostegal 90°; mesial process stout, strongly tapered, spine reduced to vestigial tubercle. Cephal- ic section ofcarapace constituting 63.2% of attenuated and very acute, directed caudo- TCL. Cervical spine region with 2-4 small proximally and extending caudally farther tubercles. Antennal scale 2.3 times as long than central pro—jection. as wide, lamella 1.3-1.4 times as wide as Color notes. Living specimens exhibit thickened lateral portion; distal margin sub- rather constant thoracic carapace pattern of transverse half of width before curving. dark saddle, incomplete across caudomedi- Caudomesial spine on right mesial ramus of an margin, superimposed on tan, grayish- uropod bifurcate. Telson with 2 spines each green, or mottled background. Lateral areas caudolateral corner of cephalic section. Ep- dark, with pale granules and streaks. Ce- istome with basically subcordiform cephal- phalic section of carapace also with saddle- ic lobe. Ischium of third maxilliped with like pattern, paler and more complete along distolateral corner produced as corneous dorsomedian cervical groove; all lateral tu- spine. bercles pale. Floor (dorsal surface) of ros- Total chela length 70.6% of TCL; palm trum with uneven, dark median streak. Cer- 1.5 times wider than deep; mesial margin vical spine area with white blotch, and larg- of right palm bearing staggered row of 9 er white patch extending along ventral mar- tubercles, and 4 tubercles dorsally subtend- gin of carapace as far as cephalic end of 378 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON cervical groove. Antennal flagellae tan, County, Soco Creek off US 19 at US 441 banded with paler interstices. Bus, SE of Cherokee (Swain Coun- Dorsal surfaces of chelae pale gray- ty)(Whittier USGS 7.5' quadrangle, UTM green; tips of both fingers orange, bleeding Zone 17, coordinates 290790E, 3927400N—). onto more proximal areas of fingers; lateral Range and specimens examined. margin ofentire propodus yellowish, fading Known only from the Oconaluftee River, to pale gray on ventral surface ofpalm, me- Soco Creek, and Raven Fork, within the sial fifth of which dark; tubercles on mesial Tuckasegee River subdrainage of the Little margin ofpalm greenish-gray; ventral artic- Tennessee River basin. North Carolina, ular ridge of palm orangeish-pink. Pereio- where the following collections have been pods tan with light mottling, proximomesial made (75 specimens; all collected by KS surfaces very pale; all tubercles on carpus and associates, and all in NCSM collecti—on and merus of cheliped light in color. All unless otherwise indicated): Jackson Co. ventral structures cephalic to zygoma blu- (1) Soco Creek off US 19 at US 441Bus ish-gray, zygoma white. (type locality): 1 9 (5323); 1 S II (5324); Dark color of carapace extending onto 1 c? I, 1 c? n, 5 j cJ, 1 9 (5440); 18 Oct cephalicmost tergite of abdomen as dorso- 1997; 1 c? n, 1 j cJ, 1 9, 1 j 9 (5475); 10 lateral blotch on each side; succeedingterga j 6 (5476); 13 subaduh and j 9 (GMNH with smaller, diagonal dash of same color 6194); 20 Apr 1999; 1 3 I (5322); 1 j c?, producing narrow, zigzag dorsolateral stripe 3 9, 2 j 9 (BYUC 00-31); 12 Nov 1999. on each side of abdomen; caudal margins (2) Soco Creek, ca. 2 to 3 river km down- of all terga with narrow, transverse amber stream from type locality (UTM 289600E, band. Each pleuron with darktan, V-shaped 3926600N): 1 ^ II, 8 j c? (GMNH 6195); mwahrikcihngsurfataceabdoaurtk tmaind-wdietphthli,ghtvemnottrtallingt.o 819999,. 6Swjai9n C(5o4.74—)(;3)1Oc9ona(l5u4f7t7e);e R19atASpRr Tail fan pale with dark mottling, ridges and 1359: 1 S II (2999); 26 Jul 1989, coll. D. flexures dark. Penrose, R Winborne. (4) Oconaluftee R Another variation basically mottled dark green, with same superimposed saddlelike near Birdtown: 2 <? II, 1 j c?, 2 9 (5170); 22 Jul 1999, coll. N. Guthrie, D. R. Lenat, pattern as described above. Lateral margins and ventral surfaces of propodus rosy pink, L. Eaton. (5) Raven Fork (Oconaluftee R) at Big Cove Rd, Great Smoky Mountains except mesial area dark. Cephalic margins of terga blue; cephalicmost tergite with National Park: 1 9 (INHS 8642); 21 Sep darker green transverse band across cephal- 2000, coll. M. J. Wetzel, M. A. Morgan, B. Nichols. odorsal surface. — — Disposition of types. The holotypic Variations. Variations other than those male, form I, allotypic female, and morpho- denoted in the "Diagnosis" include the fol- typic male, form II, are in the NCSM crus- lowing. In ventral outline the shape of the tacean collection (NCSM 5322, 5323, 5324, cephalic lobe of the epistome is quite var- respectively), as are paratopotypes consist- iable, ranging from semicircular to subsep- ing of 1 c? I, 1 c? II, 1 9, 5 j c? (5440), 1 tagonal. In most specimens, however, the c? II, 1 j cJ, 1 ?, 1 j 9 (5475), 10 j 6 shape is subcordiform, and a very small ce- (5476), and paratypes consisting of 2 (^ II, phalomedian projection may be present. Al- 1 j c?, 2 ? (5170), 8 9, 6 j ? (5474), and though 65 of 72 specimens have a single 1 9 (5477). Other specimens are at GMNH: fixed spine and a single articulated spine in 13 subadult and 9 (GMNH 6194, para- each caudolateral corner of the cephalic j topotypes), and 1 (? II, 8j c? (GMNH 6195, section ofthe telson, a few have two spines paratypes). — in one corner, three in the other. One spec- Type locality. North Carolina, Jackson imen has a single fixed spine in each corner. VOLUME 115, NUMBER 2 379 with both articulated spines congenitally bercles or spines on the ventrolateral ridge absent. ofthe merus ranges from two to seven, and The carpus of the cheliped usually has they vary in development from moderate from four to six strong or moderate dor- tubercles to strong spines. The ventromesial somesial tubercles, but in occasional spec- ridge of the merus is adorned with eight to imens these tubercles are fewer and weaker. ten small to moderately strong tubercles, The mesial surface ofthe carpus almost al- plus a usually strong distal spine. ways has a single proximal tubercle or The cephalic margin of the postorbital spine in addition to the usual large subdistal ridge always bears a tubercle or spine. In spine, but some specimens have from two adults this structure varies in development to five proximal tubercles or spines, and a from a vestigial to an acute tubercle, but in number have a prominent spine or acute tu- juveniles it is a strong spine. The same is bercle at or near the proximoventral base of true of the branchiostegal spine, which is the large subdistal spine. The ventral sur- either minute or obsolete in adults, but may face ofthe carpus almost always bears from be strong injuveniles. Most specimenshave five to seven spines or tubercles. two or three weak cervical tubercles, but Most specimens either lack tubercles on occasional individuals may have none, or as the mesial surface of the dactyl of the che- many as four or five. The deepest part of liped, or have one to three weak tubercles the fossa of the annulus ventralis is dextral on the proximal third or half of the finger. in 38 females, sinist—ral in 7 others. Some specimens, however, have four to six Size and growth. The largest specimen weak or moderate tubercles in this area. is a form I male with a TCL of 49.3 mm mm Nearly all specimens have a total of four (41.0 PCL); the largest female mea- tubercles on the opposable surface of the sures 39.7 mm TCL (33.5 mm PCL). The fixed finger of the chela, and these are lo- latter specimen (NCSM 5477), kept alive cated on the proximal half or less of the since its capture on 19 April 1999, molted finger; some specimens, however, haveonly on 23 July 1999 and 19 January 2000. Be- three such tubercles, and a single specimen tween the 23 July 1999 molt and the time has five. The proximalmost of these tuber- measurements of the live animal and the cles is always very small, and the fourth last exuvium were made (16 June 2000), from the base is usually very large, but in the animal increased 4.3 mm in TCL (4.0 mm mm 12 specimens the third tubercle from the PCL) and 3.8 in total chela length. base is the largest. The proximal halfofthe It was found moribund in the process of opposable surface of the dactyl almost al- ecdysis on 30 August—2000. ways bears four tubercles, and the fourth Life history notes. No ovigerous fe- from the base is large, subconical, and sit- males or those with attached young have uated ventral to the denticles. Occasional been collected. One ofthe two form I males specimens will have three or five tubercles was collected on 18 October, the other on on this surface, and in several ofthem it is 12 November. — the third tubercle fromthe base thatis large, Crayfish associates. No other crayfish subconical, and situated ventral to the den- species have yet been found with C. (7.) ticles. The number of subdistal ornaments tuckasegee. The crayfish fauna of the area, on the dorsal surface of the merus ranges however, includes C. (J.) asperimanus and from one or two to as many as five or six, Cambarus (Cambarus) bartonii (Fabricius, and their nature varies from small, rounded 1798). — tubercles to strong, acute spines. The dorsal Affinities. There are obvious similari- ridge ofthe merus almost always has a row ties in non-trivial characters between C. (J.) of produced tubercles, but these are absent tuckasegee and Cambarus (Jugicambarus) in a few juveniles. The total number of tu- distans Rhoades, 1944 (s.s.), which occurs 380 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON in the Kentucky, Cumberland, and Tennes- and the tuberculate condition of the lateral see River basins of Kentucky, Tennessee, surfaces of its carapace. Thus, whatever its and Alabama, and ostensibly in northwest- identity, the Georgiaformis not conspecific ern Georgia. The most prominent similarity with C. (J.) tuckasegee, although the two is seen in the central projection ofthe form may be closely related, sharing a few more I male gonopod, which in both species is similarities than either appears to sharewith short and has a strong subapical notch. The C. (J.) distans (s.s.). Unfortunately, no mesial process of form I male C. (J.) dis- study of intraspecific variation in C. (J.) tans (s.s.), however, is considerably shorter distans has ever been made (see Hobbs, than that of C. (J.) tuckasegee, and is di- 1981:64), and no morphological or meristic rected caudally at nearly 90° rather than data on material reported as this species strongly inclined caudoproximally at over from Sand Mountain, Alabama (Bouchard 135°. The two species also differ in the na- 1976:593), have been published. C ture ofthe rostrum, which in {J.) distans Cambarus {Jugicambarus) crinipes Bou- (s.s.) has convergent as opposed to subpar- chard, 1973, which occurs in the Cumber- allel margins and has a shorteracumen. An- land River basin of Tennessee and part of other major disparity lies in the very dif- Kentucky, was considered by Bouchard ferent chela of C. (J.) distans (s.s.), with its (1973) to be related to C. (J.) distans. In C. more depressed palm and its longer fingers. (J.) crinipes, the fingers of the chela are A Jugicambarus population found in longer than those of C. (J.) tuckasegee, the Murphy Hollow Creek on Sand Mountain chelae are very setiferous, the central pro- in northwestern Georgia was assigned by jection of the form I male gonopod is ta- Hobbs (1981:200-204) to C. (J.) distans. pered and lacks a strong subapical notch, This followed Bouchard's (1976:593) re- and the species possesses a small but ob- port of the species in streams on the same vious cervical spine. mountain in Alabama. However, Hobbs The new species bears some superficial (1981:202) said that the assignment of the resemblance to another stream-dwelling Georgia specimens (eight adults, nine ju- species of the subgenus, Cambarus (Jugi- veniles) was "tentative," and "the possi- cambarus) parvoculus Hobbs and Shoup, bility exists that a separate taxon should be 1947. This species, however, has anarrower proposed to receive them." He indicated a areola (length 5.7-9.7 times width, versus number of ways in which this material dif- 3.0-4.8), with only 2-4 punctations across fered from C. (J.) distans (s.s.), as described the narrowest part as opposed to 5-7 in C. by Rhoades (1944). The members of this (7.) tuckasegee; a shorter rostrum (length Georgia population resemble C. (J.) tucka- ca. 16-17% of TCL, versus ca. 18-25%); a segee in the general configuration of the longer central projection on the gonopod of rostrum and in the long, caudoproximally the form I male; a very different, subovate, oriented mesial process of the form I male asymmetrical annulus ventralis, in which gonopod, as well as in the similarcolorpat- the walls ofthe caudal halfare very inflated tern. The similarities, however, end there and rounded; far fewer tubercles or spines since the Georgia specimens differradically on the carpus; and a different, usually con- from C. (J.) tuckasegee in other important colorous pattern. — respects. These include the greater length Ecological notes. All Soco Creek spec- and degree of curvature of the central pro- imens were collected in relatively high gra- jection of the form I male gonopod in the dient, fast-flowing streams dominated by Georgia animal; its narrower and less punc- boulder/cobble substrate. Stream width was tate areola; its far less inflated palm and its generally 10 to 14 m. Canopy cover at the considerably longer, less robust fingers; the two collection sites on this creek was var- different shape and nature of its annulus; iable: riparian vegetation was predominant-

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