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Preview Call to the Bar programme, 23 January 2015

SPECIAL CONVOCATION JANUARY 2015 The conferring of an honorary degree and the call to the Bar of the candidates CoNSEIL EXTRAORDINAIRE JANVIER 2015 La remise d'un grade honorifique et l'assermentation des candidates et des candidats CONTENTS • ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, January 23, 2015 9:30 a.m ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto (Ontario) Vendredi 23 janvier 2015 9 h30 MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER LE MESSAGE DU TRESORIERE a Today, we celebrate your admission to the legal Nous celebrons aujourd'hui votre acces la profession profession. Your call to the Ontario Bar reflects academic juridique. Yotre assermentation comme avocat en achievement, your ability to meet challenges along Ontario reflete VOS realisations universitaires, votre a the way and no doubt the support given to you by family, capacite relever des defis clans votre parcours et sans friends and the community. We also celebrate our doute, le soutien de vos families, de vos amis et de la profession, its role, and what your role will be in our communaute. Nous celebrons egalement notre profes society. sion, son role et ce que votre role sera clans notre societe. Our profession is becoming increasingly diverse Notre profession se diversifie de plus en plus et through greater and significant participation of women, beneficie d'une plus grande participation des femmes and members of the Francophone, racialized and et de membres des communautes francophones, Aboriginal communities. racialisees et autochtones. Our democracy is founded on the Rule of Law Notre democratie est fondee sur la primaute du maintained through an independent judiciary and an droit, defendue par une magistrature independante et independent Bar. une profession autonome. You are now a major actor in this enterprise. You Yous etes maintenant des protagonistes majeurs have important obligations and responsibilities to your de cette entreprise. Yous avez des obligations et des clients with a high standard of integrity, professionalism responsabilites importantes envers vos clients et vos and competence, to further the administration of justice clientes dont vous devez vous acquitter selon des and access to justice. Addressing access to justice is one normes elevees d'integrite, de professionnalisme et de of the most important challenges we face. competence afin de servir l'administration de la justice a a I urge you to rely on what contributed to your et l'acces la justice. L'acces la justice est un de nos • success that we celebrate today-your education and defis !es plus importants. skills, your ability to innovate and engage with others Je vous conseille vivement de tirer parti de ce qui a a - to assist those who for many reasons cannot access contribue votre succes, que nous celebrons aujourd'hui a legal services or the legal system. Your engagement - VOtre education et VOS competences, VOtre capacite a in this issue - perhaps through pro bono work, or innover et vous engager aupres des autres - afin d'aider finding innovative ways of providing assistance through celles et ceux qui, pour diverses raisons, ne peuvent technology, through participating in legal or community obtenir de services juridiques ni acceder au systeme de organizations - is essential to ensuring that Ontarians justice. Votre engagement clans cette problematique - continue to live under the Rule of Law. peut-etre en faisant du travail benevole ou en trouvant While assisting others, you will also, I am sure, des fac;:ons innovatrices d'offrir de !'assistance par la a experience enormous satisfaction and personal growth. technologie, en participant des organisations juridiques On behalf of the Law Society, we wish you a full ou communautaires - est crucial pour assurer que tous and rewarding career. We want you to succeed. We need !es Ontariens et Ontariennes continuent de vivre selon you to succeed. You are the future of the legal profession, la regle de droit. and you will make the difference in the years ahead Je suis certaine qu'aicler !es autres vous procurera when people reflect on their experiences in accessing une enorme satisfaction et un epanouissement the justice system. personnel. Au nom du Barreau, nous vous souhaitons des carrieres pleines et gratifiantes. Nous voulons que vous reussissiez ... nous avons besoin que vous reussissiez. Vous representez l'avenir de la profession juridique et votre experience comptera beaucoup clans les prochaines Janet E. Minor annees pour permettre aux justiciables d'avoir acces au Treasurer systeme de justice. La tresoriere, • Janet E. Minor CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU The call to the Bar takes place in two separate procedures. L'admission au barreau se deroule en deux temps. En First, the Benchers of The Law Society of Upper Canada, premier lieu, la tresoriere, qui est chef du Barreau, ouvre who are responsible for the governance of the legal profes un conseil extraordinaire sur l'estrade des conseillers du sion in Ontario, are called to order on the stage in a Special Barreau du Haut-Canada, qui sont responsables de Convocation by the Treasurer, who is the head of the Law !'administration de la profession juridique en Ontario. Society. The candidates will be presented by members Des membres du Conseil presentent !es candidates et a of Convocation to the Treasurer who will confer on them candidats la tresoriere qui leur remet le diplome d'avocat the degree of Barrister-at-Law and call them to the Bar of plaideur ou d'avocate-plaideuse et !es rec;oit au barreau de Ontario. Convocation will then adjourn and a Special Sitting !'Ontario. La seance du Conseil est alors levee et le greffier of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court convoque une session extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de of Justice will be convened by the Court Registrar. The Chief !'Ontario et de la Cour superieure de justice. Le juge en chef Justice of Ontario, or designate, will preside over the de !'Ontario, OU la personne designee, preside al a prestation administering of the Oath of Allegiance, and the Oath to du serment d'allegeance et du serment par !es nouveaux the newly called members of the Bar. The Court will membres rec;us au barreau. La seance de la Cour est alors then adjourn. The graduates now are called to the Bar as levee. Les candidates et !es candidats sont maintenant barristers and solicitors, and are authorized to practise avocats-plaideurs ou avocates-plaideuses et procureurs ou law in the Province of Ontario. procureures, et sont autorises ae xercer le droit clans la province de !'Ontario. • BENCHERS OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA MEMBRES DU CONSEIL DU BARREAU DU HAUT-CANADA Treasurer/Tresoriere Jeffrey Lem Ex-Officio Benchers/ George D. Hunter Janet E. Minor Michael M. Lerner Membres d'office Vern Krishna, Marian Lippa The Hon. Madeleine Meilleur, C.M., Q.C., LSM Elected Benchers/ M. Virginia MacLean, MPP Gavin MacKenzie Membres elus Q.C., LSM Bob Aaron Ronald D. Manes Raj Anand, LSM William C. McDowell The Hon. Robert P. Armstrong, The Hon. R. Roy McMurtry, Constance Backhouse, Susan T. McGrath Q.C. O.C., O.Ont., Q.C., LSM C.M., O.Ont., LSM Malcolm M. Mercer Larry Barrack W. A. Derry Millar, LSM Jack Braithwaite Barbara J. Murchie Christopher Bentley Daniel J. Murphy, Q.C. Christopher D. Bredt Julian Porter, Q.C. Michael J. Bryant Ross W. Murray, Q.C. Robert J. Burd Judith M. Potter The Hon. W. Dan Chilcott, Alar. W. Pope, Q.C. John E. Callaghan Nicholas John Pustina, Q.C. Q.C., LSM The Hon. Allan Rock, P.C., Q.C. John A. Campion Susan Richer Paul Copeland, C.M., LSM Heather Joy Ross Cathy Corsetti Linda R. Rothstein, LSM E. Susan Elliott, LSM Clayton Ruby, C.M. Mary Louise Dickson, Mark Sandler Abraham Feinstein, Q.C., LSM Arthur R. A. Scace, C.M., Q.C. O.Ont., Q.C. James A. Scarfone The Hon. Lee K. Ferrier, Q.C. Norman W. Sterling, Q.C. Adriana Doyle Paul B. Schabas Neil Finkelstein Harvey T. Strosberg, Q.C., LSM Ross F. Earnshaw Alan G. Silverstein, C.S. Patrick Garret Furlong, Gerald A. Swaye, Q.C., C.S. Lawrence Alexander Eustace Joseph J. Sullivan, C.S. Q.C., LSM J. James Wardlaw, Q.C., LSM Robert F. Evans, Q.C. Beth Symes, C.M., LSM Gary Lloyd Gottlieb, Q.C. Bradley H. Wright Julian N. Falconer Peter C. Wardle The Hon. John D. Ground, Q.C. Roger D. Yachetti, Q.C. Peter Festeryga Howard G. Hampton David S. Young Avvy Yao-Yao Go, O.Ont. Appointed Benchers/ Charles A. Barnick, Q.C., LSM Alan D. Gold Membres nommes Howard Goldblatt Marion Boyd Michelle Haigh Seymour Epstein, P.Eng. • Jennifer A. Halajian Jack Rabinovitch, Susan M. Hare O.C., O.Ont. Carol Hartman Jan Richardson Honorary Benchers/Membres honoraires Jacqueline A. Horvat Gerald Sheff His Royal Highness Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales Brian Lawrie Baljit Sikand Thomas G. Conway (Emeritus) Janet Leiper, C.S. Catherine Strosberg Laurie H. Pawlitza, LL.D. (Emeritus) OATHS SERMENTS OATH OF ALLEGIANCE SERMENT D'ALLEGEANCE I swear or affirm that I will be faithful and bear true Je jure ou affirme solennellement et sincerement que je allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, serai fidele et porterai allegeance aS a Majeste la Reine Her heirs and successors according to law. . Elizabeth Deux, as es heritiers et successeurs, conforme a ment la loi. OATH I accept the honour and privilege, duty and responsibility SERMENT of practising law as a barrister and solicitor in the Province J'accepte l'honneur, le privilege, !es devoirs et !es of Ontario. I shall protect and defend the rights and interests responsabilites lies al 'exercice du droit en qualite d'avocat of such persons as may employ me. I shall conduct all plaidant et de procureur clans la Province de !'Ontario. cases faithfully and to the best of my ability. I shall neglect Je protegerai et defendrai !es droits et !es interets des no one's interest and shall faithfully serve and diligently personnes qui m'embauchent. Je conduirai toutes !es represent the best interests of my client. I shall not refuse instances avec fidelite et au mieux de ma competence. causes of complaint reasonably founded, nor shall I promote Je ne negligerai !es interets de personne, j'assurerai suits upon frivolous pretences. I shall not pervert the law un service fidele et representerai avec diligence l'interet to favour or prejudice any one, but in all things I shall veritable de mes clients. Je ne refuserai pas !es plaintes dont conduct myself honestly and with integrity and civility. !es fondements sont raisonnables, ni n'intenterai aucune I shall seek to ensure access to justice and access to legal cause frivole. Je ne detournerai pas la loi pour favoriser ou services. I shall seek to improve the administration of defavoriser qui que ce soit, mais en toutes choses, j'agirai justice. I shall champion the rule of law and safeguard the avec honnetete, integrite et politesse. Je chercherai aa ssurer a rights and freedoms of all persons. I shall strictly observe l'acces la justice et aux services juridiques. Je chercherai • a and uphold the ethical standards that govern my profession. ameliorer !'administration de la justice. Je mettrai de a All this I do swear or affirm to observe and perform to the !'avant la primaute du droit et veillerai respecter !es droits best of my knowledge and ability. et libertes de tous. Je me soumettrai strictement aux normes de deontologie qui regissent ma profession. Je jure OU affirme solennellement que je traiterai toutes ces questions au mieux de ma connaissance et de ma competence. TORONTO PROGRAMME PROGRAMME PROCESSION ENTREE SOLENNELLE The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers L'assistance se !eve lorsque la tresoriere et !es membres enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer, Janet E. Minor, du conseil entrent clans !'auditorium. La tresoriere, will open Convocation. Janet E. Minor, ouvre le Conseil. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE GRADE HONORIFIQUE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, La tresoriere confere le grade de docteur en droit, a honoris causa, upon honoris causa, The Honourable Karen M. Weiler L'honourable Karen M. Weiler ADDRESS ALLOCUTION The Honourable Karen M. Weiler L'honourable Karen M. Weiler prononce une allocution will address Convocation. devant le Conseil. • ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, January 23, 2015 9:30 a.m ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto (Ontario) Vendredi 23 janvier 2015 9 h 30 TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU The candidates for call to the Bar will be presented to the Les membres du Conseil presentent a la tresoriere les a Treasurer by members of Convocation. candidates et candidats !'admission au barreau. Jameel Ibn Khalid Abdul Scott Martin Buchanan Blessing Nnagud Gana Vahideh Khalili Baasit Hilary Gwyneth Richardson Vikas Gautam Fasiha Halim Khan Ruslana Abrishami Burn Dudley Markus Wilhelm Gehring Michael Kholodenko Fareeda Ramat Adam Keri Christine Burton Matthew Gabriel Gianotti Benita Ann King Uzodinma Stanley Despina Nectaria Cadieux Dango Gogo Caroline Gertrude Klinkhoff Aghaegbuna Graham Alan Caithness Kimberly Nadine Gordon Joseph Matthew Kositsky Aida Aghajan Jessica Card ill Madeleine Ellen Gorman Rukhsana Kousar Anoshan Presantha Ahangama Nicole Jennifer Cardin Theresa Jean Gosbee Robert Stanley Kraska Merenjige Simerjot Singh Chahal Sarah Greenhalgh Joanna Kristina Kyriazis Nicholas Fouad Ajram Aubrey Dawn Charette Manjinder Singh Grewal Lavinia Lahrese Latham Barbara Alexander Alexandra Dawn Ciobotaru Rupinder Pal Ka Grewal Daniel Richard Lawlor Amir Hatem Mahdy Ali Chelsey Jennifer Cook Sharnveer Kaur Grewal Barbara Ruth Leiterman Arif Alibhai Chantal Maryse Cormier Rachel Catherine Harmsworth Jalana Diamond Lewis Darra Prashant Alleear Stephane Alex Maxime Cote Thomas Menees Hart IV Yan Liu AhmadAmmar Sasha Kiran Cragg-Gore Christopher Stefan Carr Kenneth George Lobo Daniel Anisfeld Amanda Friis Dam Hendry Kristi Fe Mari Lu Harsimrat Kaur Aujla Esme Davies Nicholas George Hersh Mark Anthony Luz Julian Mohammed Awwad Peter Edward Henry Dawson Jamie Logan Elizabeth Vikas Madaan Rasaq Jimoh Ayanlola Aman Dhillon Hitchon Parneet Malhi Abdelouahab Azzouzi Jessica Anne Diab Timothy Ho Sharmila Kaur Manak Haider Bahadur Timothy Alan Duffy Eli Benjamin Hoffman Parush Mann II Kenneth Rodrigues Bandeira Jitewa Edu Andriy Michael Holuk Pramothidan Mitranandan Cecilia Adlin Abena Barnes Alan Ashley John Senai Adulis Iman Dilshad Mohamed Sarah Jane Beckerman Faeorin-Cruich Melody Izadi Jordi Emanuel Montblanch Jagdish Singh Bedi Ali Farahmand Borojeni Molly Emilia Esbenshade Tamara May Moore Carlynne Sarah Bell Hamid Farooq Joe ck Charles Christian Francis Sarah Berger Richardson Laura Anne Faryna Sumeena Kaur Jolly Morey Clifford John Blundell Evonne Emma Finnegan Derek Henricus Georgios Dmitry Morozov Clifford Shawn Blundell Alexandra Forsyth-Sells Petrus Ketelaars Jacob Moses Ira Murad Christopher Ryan Bodnar James Emilio Gambin Mira Khalid Anneli Maret Must TORONTO Pedram Najafi Ranjit Kaur Rai Kanwardip Singh Sukhija Cornelia Oi-Yin Yeung Tuyetnhi Nguyen Jordan Samuel Reiner Yuen Kei Tai Nazareth Yirgalem Heidi Nicole Njegovan Juan Pablo Rincon Castro Elaine Tan Albert Hyun Yoon Nathaniel Theodore Oelsner Robert Luther Ritter Sweta Tejpal Caroline Patricia Youdan Olatunde Michae Okedara Rebecca Elizabeth Rosenstock Natasha Fay Thoren Ali Zaidi Kingsley Uwakhonye Okosun John Paul Stefan Ruddy Adrian Mark Thorogood Megen Louise Zelinka Jarrod Allen Olson Rexinder Singh Sangha Chetan Tiwari David Adam Ziegler Helena Catherine Nancy Lawrence Andrew Schwartz Ashleigh Lauranne Tomlinson Stephanie Megan Zucker O'Malley Charles George Serapio Stephen John Toope Roxanne Stephane Ouellette Jeffrey Richard Seymour Cindy Nhi Tran Samipkumar Chandulal Oza Supriya Sharma David Yago Munish Pabby Anna Kathleen Sheedy Sameena Velshi Benito Francis Palomino Elisabeth Amy Sheppard Gian Paolo Vescio Nishant Patel Maya Shukairy Markandu Saravanamuttu Shraya Patel Thomas Mark Sieber Vigneswaran Maximilian William McLeod Tarun Preet Singh Roshni Bhushan Vora Paterson Nevdeap Singh Khangura Nooruddin Waliani Trevor Hallman Pearse Sarika Singodia Matthew Gordon Ward Laurianne Penn Peter Harold Smiley Sam Tait Warriner Christopher John Perez Jill Simpson Snelgrove Ahmed Sohaib Waseem Aruna Renae Persaud Mark Walter Marinoff Snider Melanie Anne Williams Timothy Andrew Phillips Joshua Ryan Stark Carissa Michelle Wong Elizabeth Rosaldo Quinto Yi Fei Wu • CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN LA SEANCE DU CONSEIL EST LEVEE Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario Session extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de /'Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice et de la Cour superieure de justice The Honourable George R. Strathy, Chief Justice of Ontario, will L'honorable George R. Strathy, juge en chef de !'Ontario, presidera preside over a Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario une seance extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario et and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the de la Cour superieure de justice pour faire preter serment aux candidates and admit them as solicitors. candidates et aux candidats et !es admettre au Barreau en qualite de procureurs. THE COURT WILL RISE LA SEANCE DE LA COUR EST LEVEE

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