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LEGAL COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Thursday, May 31, 2018 at 4:00PM City Hall Conference Room 425 N. Richardson, Roswell, NM 88201 Chair: Judy Stubbs, Ward 3 Vice Chair: Barry Foster, Ward 5 Members: George Peterson, Ward 4 Savino Sanchez, Ward 4 Staff Liason: Aaron Holloman CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of the minutes from the Legal Committee meeting on April 30, 2018. (page 3) REGULAR ITEMS 1. To recommend to full Council that the following RIAC agreements to existing leases be placed on the Consent agenda for approval: (page 6) (A) NM DOT - Consider approval to authorize New Mexico Department of Transportation Training Academy, a New Mexico State Agency, to renew their current lease agreement on Building No. 42 with a parking area and an adjacent area of land, Building No. 735 with the fenced parking lot west of the building and an adjacent area of land, and two (2) un-improved areas of land totaling sixty (60) acres. (page 9) (B) Veterinarians Outlet of NM, Inc. - Consider approval to authorize Veterinarians Outlet of NM, Inc., a New Mexico Corporation, to renew their current lease agreement on a portion of Building No. 112A. (page 14) (C) Walker Aviation Museum Fdn. - Consider approval to authorize Walker Aviation Museum Foundation, renew their current lease agreement on an office area in Building No. 1 located inside the front entrance to the Terminal. (page 16) (D) Partain - Consider approval to authorize David L. Partain, an individual, to renew his current lease agreement on “T” Hangar, No. 120, Space 1. (page 18) 2. Resolution 18-32 - Consider approval of Resolution 18-32, authorizing the Mayor to accept funding assistance from the Federal Aviation Administration on behalf of the City of Roswell. (page 20) 3. Resolution 18-33 - Consider approval of Resolution 18-33, authorizing the City Manager to apply for, accept and execute Grant Agreements for funding assistance from the State of New Mexico Aviation Division on behalf of the City of Roswell for project development at the Roswell International Air Center. (page 22) 4. Award of RFP 18-008 - Consider recommendation approval of Award Recommendation for RFP- 18-008 Fleet Management and Maintenance Service and authorization for city manager to enter into contract negotiations with First Vehicle Services to be placed on the consent agenda. (page 24) 5. Reject Award of RFP 18-014 - Consider recommending adoption of Evaluation Committee’s determination to reject proposals and to terminate RFP-18-014 Fire Apparatus Preventive Maintenance and Repair Services with revisions to post a 2nd time. (page 27) 6. Reissue RFP 18-014 - Consider recommending approval of the revised RFP-18-014 (2nd Posting) Fire Preventive Maintenance & Repair Services to be approved for reissuance including the amended scope of services. (page 29) 7. Award ITB 18-004 - Consider approval of Award Recommendation for ITB-18-004 Building Demolitions and authorization for city manager to enter into contract negotiations with six contractors for a Multi Contractor/Multi Source ITB. (page 72) 8. Prop. Ord. 18-04 - Consider recommending authorizing advertisement for a public hearing of proposed Ordinance 18-04 amending Sec. 2-96 of the Roswell City Code pertaining to definitions and applicability of ordinance governing boards and commissions. (page 80) CHAIR COMMENTS, REPORTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ADJOURN Notice of this meeting has been given to the public in compliance with Sections 10-15-1 through 10-15-4 NMSA 1978 and Resolution 17-49. NOTICE OF POTENTIAL QUORUM – A quorum of the City Council may or may not attend, but there will not be debate by the City Council. The Council, acting as attendees to an informational presentation, will not be discussing public business and no action will be taken. If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the hearing or meeting, please contact Human Resources at 575-624-6700 at least one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents including the agenda and minutes can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact the City Clerk at 575-624-6700 if a summary or other type of accessible format is needed. Printed and posted: Friday, May 25, 2018 Regular Meeting of the Legal Committee Held in the Conference Room at City Hall April 30, 2018 Notice of this meeting was given to the public in compliance with Section 10-15-1 through 10-15-4 NMSA and Resolution 17-49. ROLL CALL The meeting convened at 4:00 p.m. with Chair Stubbs presiding and Councilors Foster, Sanchez present. Councilor Peterson was absent. Staff present: Scott Stark, Sharon Coll, Aaron Hollman, Mike Mathews, Joe Neeb, Bill Morris, Ana Nieto, Lupita Everett, Juanita Jennings and Parker Patterson. Guests present: Larry Connolly, Alison Penn, Juan Miranda and Gabriella D’ Silva. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilor Sanchez moved to approve the April 30, 2018, Legal Committee meeting agenda. Councilor Foster was the second. A voice vote was 3-0, and the motion passed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilor Sanchez moved to approve the March 22, 2018 replacing February with March under “Approval of Agenda”. Councilor Foster was the second. A voice vote was 3-0, and the motion passed. REGULAR ITEMS 1. RIAC agreements- (A)American Aggregate, LLC - Mr. Stark stated that American Aggregate, LLC, leases the area of land for the purpose of operating a concrete batch plant. New rent amount is $520 monthly; $6,240 annually. Rent adjustment is 2.56%. American Aggregate, LLC, has been a customer since May 1995. Councilor Foster moved to send to full Council on consent agenda recommending approval of American Aggregate, LLC to renew their lease agreement subject to all terms and conditions of the lease. Councilor Sanchez was the second. A voice vote was 4-0, and the motion passed. (B)Rohrbacher - Mr. Stark stated that Mr. Rohrbacher leases an area of land and container for the purpose of storage of display fireworks. New rent amount is $125 monthly; $1,500 annually. Rent adjustment is 3.31%. Michael Joseph Rohrbacher has been customer since June 2009. Councilor Sanchez moved to send to full Council on consent agenda recommending approval of Rohrbacher to renew his lease agreement on an area of land and a container subject to all terms and conditions of the lease. Councilor Foster was the second. A voice vote was 3-0, 5/31/18 Legal Committee --3-- City of Roswell and the motion passed. (C) Day - Mr. Stark stated that Mr. Day is requesting to lease hangar building for the purpose of aircraft storage and maintenance. 1,002 square feet. Rent amount is $182 monthly; $2,184 annually. Councilor Foster moved to send to full Council on consent agenda recommending approval of Day to enter into a new lease agreement on “T” Hangar Building No. 120, Space 5 subject to all terms and conditions of the lease. Councilor Sanchez was the second. A voice vote was 3-0, and the motion passed. (D) Miranda - Mr. Stark stated Mr. Miranda is requesting to lease an area of land for the purpose of operating a mobile food service business. Rent amount is $150 monthly; $1,800 annually. Councilor Foster moved to send to full Council on consent agenda recommending approval to authorize Miranda to enter into a new lease agreement subject to all terms and conditions of the lease. Councilor Sanchez was the second. A voice vote was 3-0, and the motion passed. 2. 2. Resolution 18-27 Airport Advisory Commission - Councilor Stubbs discussed that proposed Resolution 18-27 would establish an Airport Advisory Commission to would make recommendations to the City Council and staff concerning the development and improvement of the RIAC. Councilor Foster moved to recommend to full City Council Resolution 18-27. Councilor Stubbs was second. A voice vote was 2-1, and the motion passed with Councilor Sanchez voting no. 3. Resolution 18-28 amending Resolution 2366 to expand the items placed on consent agenda for council meetings - Mr. Holloman stated that the consent agenda was first created via Resolution 2366, and then expanded by Resolution 14-19, passed on July 12, 2014. Proposed Resolution 18-28 would further expand the list, to include extensions of existing leases, permission to advertise ordinances, approval for RFP scopes of work, and waivers of fees under the signature events policy. Mr. Holloman stated the previous consent agenda resolutions required two members of the governing body to remove an item from the consent agenda. The new resolution matches the Governing Body Rules of Order which only requires one councilor to remove items off the consent agenda. Councilor Foster moved to recommend to full City Council Resolution 18-28 striking Section (1)(G) “(G) Approval to advertise for a public hearing of proposed ordinances” and adding “ with no material changes in terms beyond regular price or rent increases” to the end of Section (1)(F). Councilor Stubbs was second. A voice vote was 2-1, and the motion passed with Councilor Sanchez voting no. 4. RFP 18-011 - Advertising & Marketing Services – Consider recommendation of approval to full council of RFP-18-011, to seek proposals for the Advertising & Marketing Agency - Ms. Jennings stated the Scope of Work for RFP 18-011 was passed Thursday, December 28th to allow staff to seek proposals for the Advertising & Marketing Agency as the current contract will reach the term limit for any given contract under the state statue § 13-1-150. Councilor Sanchez moved to send to full 5/31/18 Legal Committee --4-- City of Roswell City Council on consent agenda the recommendation to award RFP 18-011 Advertising & Marketing Services to Cubic, Inc. Councilor Foster was the second. A voice vote was 3-0, and the motion passed. NON-ACTION ITEMS 5. Discuss the merits of conducting third party evaluation of City financial policies and procedures - Councilor Sanchez discussed that the comprehensive review of the financial policies and procedures by a third party agency, separate and in addition to the State required yearly audits, may provide some benefit to the City by assisting staff to identify ways to improve procedures throughout the City to create and ensure an environment of efficiency. Councilor Sanchez discussed that it has the potential to be beneficial, such a review would also pose a not insignificant expense and may impede workflow and efficiency during the review. 6. Discuss and provide guidance on the necessity of conducting an annual performance evaluation of the City Manager, per the terms of the City Manager’s Employment Agreement - Legal Committee discussed the necessity of conducting an annual performance evaluation of the City Manager, per the terms of the City Manager’s Employment Agreement. The City Manager has been employed with the City for one year as of April. 7. Review potential partial condemnation of adjacent private properties in order to straighten 8th St. at the intersection of Sycamore St. - Mr. Morris stated that 8th Street intersects at different points with Sycamore Avenue on either side. The East side intersection is slightly south of the West side intersection. Mr. Morris discussed the City staff have proposed straightening the intersection by moving 8th St. on the East side to curve north in order to meet Sycamore at the same place on both sides. Mr. Morris stated that in order to do so, 8th St. would need to cut through two properties located on the North side of the current location of 8th St. immediately to the East of Sycamore. New Mexico statutes permit taking for the contemplated purpose, but requires the City to follow certain procedures, including compensating the property owner. CHAIR COMMENTS, REPORTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS None PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Larry Connolly discussed his concern on what constituted a “material change” under the proposed Resolution 18-28. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm. 5/31/18 Legal Committee --5-- City of Roswell AGENDA ITEM NO. 1– ABSTRACT LEGAL COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, May 25, 2018 at 4:00PM City Hall Conference Room 425 N. Richardson, Roswell, NM 88201 RIAC LEASES: (A) NM DOT Training Academy (B) Veterinarians Outlet of NM, Inc. (C) Walker Aviation Museum Fdn. (D) David L. Partain ACTION REQUESTED: (A) Consider approval to authorize New Mexico Department of Transportation Training Academy, a New Mexico State Agency, to renew their current lease agreement on Building No. 42 with a parking area and an adjacent area of land, Building No. 735 with the fenced parking lot west of the building and an adjacent area of land, and two (2) un-improved areas of land totaling sixty (60) acres. (B) Consider approval to authorize Veterinarians Outlet of NM, Inc., a New Mexico Corporation, to renew their current lease agreement on a portion of Building No. 112A. (C) Consider approval to authorize Walker Aviation Museum Foundation, renew their current lease agreement on an office area in Building No. 1 located inside the front entrance to the Terminal. (D) Consider approval to authorize David L. Partain, an individual, to renew his current lease agreement on “T” Hangar, No. 120, Space 1. BACKGROUND: (A) New Mexico Department of Transportation Training Academy, leases the buildings and area of land for the purpose of operating a training academy for heavy road equipment.11, 915, 12,011, and 2,613,600 square feet respectively. New rent amount $11,253 paid quarterly; $45,012 annually. Rent adjustment is 2.98%, 6.92%, and 2.85% respectively. New Mexico Department of Transportation Training Academy has been a customer since June 1982. 5/31/18 Legal Committee --6-- City of Roswell (B) Veterinarians Outlet of NM, Inc., leases a portion of the building for the purpose of soaps, sanitizers, and detergents associated with the dairy industry. 9,753 square feet. New rent amount is $1,567 monthly; $18,804 annually. Rent adjustment is 2.53%. Veterinarians Outlet of NM, Inc., has been a customer since June 2006. (C) Walker Aviation Museum Foundation leases the office space for the purpose of operating a museum associated with the former Walker Air Force Base. 930 square feet. New rent amount is $154 monthly; $1,848 annually. Rent adjustment is 2.67%. Walker Aviation Museum Foundation has been a customer since July 2010. (D) David L. Partain leases the building for the purpose of aircraft storage and maintenance. 1,175 square feet. New rent amount is $188 monthly; $2,256 annually. Rent adjustment is 2.17%. David L. Partain has been a customer since July 2002. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION: (A) New Mexico Department of Transportation Training Academy, new rent amount is $11,253 paid quarterly; $45,012 annually. Rent adjustment is 2.98%, 6.92%, and 2.85% respectively. Term: July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2023. (B) Veterinarians Outlet of NM, Inc., new rent amount is $1,567 monthly; $18,804 annually. Rent adjustment is 2.53%. Term: July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. (C) Walker Aviation Museum Foundation, new rent amount is $154 monthly; $1,848 annually. Rent adjustment is 2.67%. Term: July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. (D) David L. Partain, new rent amount is $188 monthly; $2,256 annually. Rent adjustment is 2.17%. Term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. LEGAL REVIEW: The City Attorney has reviewed the leases. BOARD and/or The Legal Committee is scheduled to meet on Thursday, May COMMITTEE ACTION: 31, 2018. STAFF (A) Consider approval of a five year lease with New Mexico RECOMMENDATION: Department of Transportation Training Academy of 5/31/18 Legal Committee --7-- City of Roswell Building No. 42 consisting of 11,915 ft2 along with adjacent land, Building No. 735 consisting of 12,011 ft2 together with parking and adjacent land, and two unimproved areas of land totaling 60 acres at the RIAC, for $45,012.00 payable in 4 quarterly installments of $11,253, to be placed on the consent agenda subject to all other terms and conditions of the lease. (B) Consider approval of a one year lease with Veterinarians Outlet of NM, Inc. of a portion of Building No. 112A consisting of 9,753 ft2 at the RIAC, for $18,804 payable in 12 monthly installments of $1,567, to be placed on the consent agenda subject to all other terms and conditions of the lease. (C) Consider approval of a one year lease with Walker Aviation Museum Foundation of office area in Building 1 consisting of 930 ft2 at the RIAC, for $1,848 payable in 12 monthly installments of $154, to be placed on the consent agenda subject to all other terms and conditions of the lease. (D) Consider approval of a one year lease with David L. Partain of “T” Hangar No. 120 space 1 consisting of 1,175 ft2 at the RIAC, for $2,256 payable in 12 monthly installments of $188, to be placed on the consent agenda subject to all other terms and conditions of the lease 5/31/18 Legal Committee --8-- City of Roswell THIS LEASE executed in Roswell, New Mexico on this 14th day of June, 2018 by and between the CITY OF ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter designated “Landlord”, and NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TRAINING ACADEMY, a New Mexico State Agency, hereinafter designated as “Tenant”. WHEREAS Landlord has agreed to lease to Tenant the real property described below, together with the improvements thereon, in Chaves County New Mexico, and Tenant has agreed to lease said real property and improvements from Landlord; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. GRANTING CLAUSE AND PREMISES. For the term, at the rent and otherwise upon the terms, provisions and conditions contained herein, Landlord hereby lets and leases unto Tenant the surface only to the following real property, together with all improvements located thereon: Building No. 42 consisting of 11,915 square feet, more or less, together with a parking area and an adjacent area of land, located at the Roswell International Air Center, identified on a plat attached hereto and made a part hereof, identified and listed as Exhibit "A", and Building No. 735 consisting of 12,011 square feet, more or less, together with the fenced parking lot immediately west of the building and an adjacent area of land, 37,821 ± square feet, located at the Roswell International Air Center, identified on a plat attached hereto and made a part hereof, identified and listed as Exhibit "B", and Two un-improved areas of land totaling sixty (60) acres, more or less, located at the Roswell International Air Center, identified on a plat attached hereto and made a part hereof, identified and listed as Exhibits "C" & “D” (Premises). 2. TERM. The Lease term is for five (5) years, commencing on July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2023 unless sooner terminated by provision hereof. 3. RENT. Tenant agrees to pay to Landlord as rent the sum of Forty Five Thousand, Twelve Dollars and No Cents ($45,012.00) payable in 4 quarterly payments of $11,253.00 the first year of the lease term. Thereafter rent shall increase annually by CPI-Urban, all cities average, or by 3% whichever is greater. Rent and other fees are due on the first day of each quarter (July, October, January, April). If Tenant fails to pay all rent and other fees due for any month by the tenth calendar day of the month that said rent and fees are due, Tenant shall pay to Landlord an additional 2% finance charge, as a penalty, each month until the full amount of that month’s rent is paid. This penalty shall be immediately payable without limiting Landlord in the exercise of any other right or remedy to which it may be entitled by reason of Tenant’s failure to pay rent when due. All rent shall be paid to Landlord without abatement, reduction or set off of any kind except as herein specifically provided. 4. SECURITY DEPOSIT. None. 5. CONDITION OF PREMISES. Tenant has inspected Premises and accepts the Premises in its present condition “as is”. Tenant acknowledges that any requirements for accessibility and/or public accommodation(s) are Tenant’s responsibility. Tenant agrees that the Premises is in good repair and condition except as noted herein. Tenant agrees that, at the expiration of the term hereof, it shall yield up and deliver the Premises to Landlord in as good repair and condition, broom clean, as when received, except for loss resulting from ordinary use and wear. 6. MAINTENANCE. a. Tenant shall maintain the Premises in a safe and clean condition, in good order and repair. Tenant further agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to maintain the Premises, including improvements, in a clean and policed condition at all times and to keep trees, shrubbery, and grass irrigated, trimmed and attractively maintained. 5/31/18 Legal Committee --9-- City of Roswell EXHIBIT “A” City of Roswell, New Mexico Roswell International Air Center SKETCH - Lease tract Building 42. Leasee: NMDOT Highway Dept. EXHIBIT “A” 5/31/18 Legal Committee --10-- City of Roswell

Human Resources at 575-624-6700 at least one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents .. Any refund of the security.
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