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FORMUlAS FOR DERIVATIVES FORMUlAS FOR INTEGRALS D"c "" 0 fudv=w,- fCdu 2 D,,(u + 11)= DJtu + D"v 2 fu~du= _'_'I'''1 +c'n#= - I n+! 3 D .. (uv) = II D"II + II D"u ('4) _II II -II II 3 fldu =lnlul+c • D - - Dx Dx " v '" II v2 • f e"du=e"+C 5 D. /(g(X)) ~ J'(g(.,))g'(x) • 5 Sa~ du= -'-a"+C D" II' = nu"- I Ox II In a • 7 D" e" "" e" D~ II f Sin udu = -cos u + C • f D"o" = a"ln (l D"u 7 cos II du = sin u + C V • I D.ln lul~ - D.u • f . u secl udu = tan u + C I • Jese I. D. 'o .. lul ~ -u,n-a D.u l udu = -COl u + C f 11 D" sin II = cos II Ox II I. sec II tan u du = sec u + C 12 DJ/cos u = -sinuD"u 11 f CSC liCOludu = -cscu+C 1I.3 Dlt tan II = sec1 110" II f 12 Ian II till = - In Ic os II I + C D"cotu= - csc1u D"u J 13 cot u du = In Is in u I + C 15 D" sec II = sec II tan II D" II f I. 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SWOKOWSKI Marquette University Australia' Canada· Mexico· Singapore· Spain· United Kingdom· United States ----------------- ------- Spon,oring EdItor: Dllmi (;cggis Production Supervi,or: Ui,,' KwsC/" :Vlanufacturin)! CUllrdll1~lt(lr: ,\1(//011 .-\, {(!de Pmduction: {lj!lInd el II/., /!(!(!/:lIIu/:en C(lmpo,itilln: Smilie fnll'rt/lIllIJll(/i PIC, {Id Technical ;\rt\\'(lr": SCientijic filllsimiors InterIor De:;ign: UI.II' KllilCr (\1\er De:;ign' l'irt/(!n Bon C(1\ cr Printer: f'h(!l'lIie Coior Corl'ormi()l1 Tnt Printcr!Blnder: R. R, f)olllleiinlWiiluui Chapter openin)! ~Irtllork appear' ('uurte,\ ui C~I\:;ldy Curti:; and Thoma, F Banchol'!, Depdrtment of \LitirL'IlJatic:;, BrolIn L'nl\er'Ity, COPYRICHT :D I ()() I, I 9~~, I ()f(, hy Broo"'/( 'ok A dl\i:;ioll ofTholmoll Learning The Thom:;on Learning IllgO I, a tr~ldL'm,lrk u:;eLi herein umiel licen:;e, For IIl!!rl' illjOrllWlioll IIhollllilis or IIII\' olilcr H/'()o/:sICo/e {)Wi/llds, COlli(/( I. 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All right:; re:;ern:d, \10 p~lrt llf thl:; II(lr" Il1dV he reproduced, tramcrihed or med In ~lIly form (lr 11\ ~\l1\ mL'dn'-'gral'illc, ek'ctronic, or Il1l'chanlca!. illL'ludlng ph()t()c()pying, recording, tapin)!, Weh LihtrrhutlolL or InrOlllL(ti()n ,tor,(C'L' ~l!ld/llr ret riel al ,,:;(ellb--wltlwut tire prior II rrtll'n permi:;:;ion of the puhli :;lrer, For {)(')'II/{,I,lioll II! lise //IlIlerillljio//l Ihil \\(Jrk, ('(!I/Iwlll.l In Weh: www,thol11sonright:;,c(ll11 fa,,: -1\()()-7,,()-22I ,~ phone: 1-i\()()-7"O-221-1 Prrnted in the [Inited States or :\Il1cnca I09C:76'i,+':'1 Lihrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Puhlication Data SWO"o\\:;"I, Earl William, Caiculu,/Llrl \\, SIIOJ,;O\\SJ,;I-'i,h cd, I', erli, Include, index, ISB\I tJ-'i.'4-92-192-1 I, Cllculm. 2 C;ellIl1etn, Anal\ tic L S\\()kow:;J,;i, Earl William, Cliculu., \11th anaivtlc ~e()Il1etry II. Title, Q.-\"O"S)-I 1l)()1 l)()--I II Xn 'i1'i.IS-dl'20 L Dedicated to the memory of my mother and father, Sophia and John Swokowski CONTENTS PREFACE xv FOR THE STUDENT xx iii CHAPTER 1 PRECALCULUS REVIEW 1.1 Algebra 2 1.2 Functions 1 4 1.3 Trigonometry 26 CHAPTER 2 LIMITS OF FUNCTIONS 39 2.1 Introduction to Limits 40 2.2 Definition of Limit 5 1 2.3 Techniques for Finding Limits 58 2.4 Limits Involving Infinity 68 2.5 Continuous Functions 77 2.6 Review Exercises 88 vii i CONTENTS CHAPTER 3 THE DERIVATIVE 89 3.1 Tangent Lines and Rates of Change 90 3.2 Definition of Derivative 98 3.3 Techniques of Differentiation 109 3.4 Derivatives of the Trigonometric Functions 1 1 8 3.5 Increments and Differentials 127 3.6 The Chain Rule 137 3.7 Implicit Differentiation 146 3.8 Related Rates 152 3.9 Review Exercises 162 -CH-A-PTER 4 APPLICATIONS OF THE DERIV-A-TIV-E 165 4.1 Extrema of Functions 166 4.2 The Mean Value Theorem 177 4.3 The First Derivative Test 183 4.4 Concavity and the Second Derivative Test 191 4.5 Summary of Graphical Methods 199 4.6 Optimization Problems 207 4.7 Rectilinear Motion and Other Applications 220 4.8 Newton's Method 232 4.9 Review Exercises 236 CHAPTER 5 INTEGRALS 239 5.1 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals 240 5.2 Change of Variables in Indefinite Integrals 250 5.3 Summation Notation and Area 257 5.4 The Definite Integral 266 5.5 Properties of the Definite Integral 275 5.6 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 282 5.7 Numerical Integration 292 5.8 Review Exercises 300

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