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I l =ttl |+e tt. ,[ u,,,r, =,r,, r ! + (' ., /, .u, :, , t:. .l -u,,t, = lr \inr r c , /.'",,a,= co\r-( ,., /'".,,r,:rn sec,,, t.,n! r( =tn rrLn(l;r+ 1,i) +c , r,, : \in,/ r (' ./.."., ,. 1""'"= rrr c\cr-cot! -(' u. ,.,,,t, = rn scc, , (' :tn ranlrr +C 1 - ,,--,r.i 'r ,r r ,,. .u-',,r, =,.or r,-tn' t-, ,:+r' l" r f '../..^ .r,,=a.o. , .r-rrr' '" /*. ",,=,(. , , , ,,.-,.f 1 ,. ./ '"r',,r,=rtanLrr ln r'l+ rrr + c l- , RATIONAL FUNCTIONS CONTAINING POWERS OF a + bu lN THE DENOMINATOR I ottllu+h/ll+C II udu - I I u I Ii. -lhu Jta.b":' ht Lz,r I bu a bur ( l. Jt --"u:u td,u- oI tl i'"+4" -)oLa- bu' a no bu I) c III ut.dt+ub ut aI ln a+uhu +a t unu t f a l I du t h u+bul JI ta+bu)- --l-t1-t'nltd+rth1du -c JI ,2-=-, a ttu, ln , tt- -- l --_-+ I Jt r,",t ,l^u *-rl'I" T a:o u )'1 t" ")1( 6',7. JII 'tl/1 d) th \\.. -- ala I tu) I aI ln a - bu t' RATTONAL FUNCTTONS CONTATNTNG a2 + u2 tN THE DENOMTNATOR (a > 0) t/llu f nu I u nl 68. jI ar'ij =-ula' n -+C 70. JI u' a' 2u u+.11 C I du 1 u+al f hu-, -l+ 6r). JI _a-= _ut' n ta u-a)l+c -1. ,tI -o: -ltn4 lu- h2- ln. tu ) J ran --c INTEGRALS oF r a2 + u2, '. a2-u2,r u2 - a2 AND THEIR RECIPRoCALS {a > o) ':. Il haJ)i o a,, - lJt +a -"7tn', - '/,' t o-' , 7; --..\ . lr\'dr-, , a,dtt- u,, 1t,-'; a, -.ri,^u-Ju -ol-. 7(t. -r ll -r,-Ea) ;a, :," -, -!.i" 1+c 7"7. POWERS OF U MULTIPLYING OR DIVIDING ' A2 - U2 OR ITS RECIPROCAL iB l,|G-,,td,:irt,, ",nF ,,,+f;,;"'1+c 8r. II _u-z du ,. ,/,'t ,,1 - o-i),in --. *, J \la'-u - I -7 ^ : "e- -."1" * 9- 82. JIt u\_/ad_r'- _u_' l-_ I - o+ J,tl u1lli. x0. Ir .G-a, '5 1' -C tI: : Ju rF -;l I .luua J Jal u2 u2 -+C POWERS OF U MULTIPLYING OR DIVIDING , + A2 OR TITIN RECIPROCALS '2 u. I urlF + a ttu : !s1 ; n2f t2 ',5 : s5. I u\,lF -z d,, !a, o,)'t. + c ,1,t $,,./ _t,"1,ffi_. .)2. J uJu) -.' 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J/c oi ridr- n-|t .o''- , Iror" uou j"""","'.,*f J zo. |""*,a,: 1,""",0, $. I sec" uau: *".." ',."',* fi | *" ',a, r. la',a":*,,"' ', l'''',a, n. : -)-csc,-2acor,+ fi | *",,a, 1."'y-,a, PRODUCTS OF TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS I \intm I ht, \$(n ht| t co'(n n) co\Ifl - n),/ .r8. JI sinzasrnza/a 2(n I n) r 2(n "-)TC 40. J 2n.nt )pn-n1 t \ntn t nt aco'" r" 39. .lI co"nu,o'nudu= tl-n + n) j ltm - n) t( 41. J[ "n-"*:,a,--]""-' ._n 'n-. n.t/,,"- !ucos ud, _ srn'l rco."- , | t, [.;n-,,o: ,au n+D n+n I PRODUCTS OF TRIGONOMETRIC AND EXPONENTIAL FUNCTIONS 42. .I1I e" .|nhu Iu - A,'p-+a rD,'1" tinbu hco'bu| C n. .Il a' co,un at - a.-c+lD.,',a.o'bL,-a'tnbut c POWERS OF u MULTIPLYING OR DIVIDING EASIC FUNCTIONS 44. I usinudu : sinu ucosu i C 51. I ue'au = e'ru tt+c .t $. 1,""",d,=cos,,+xsin,, +c .lt u" "" o" : ,'"' , .t[n" " ,"tn, 46. I u2 s)n, d, :2,sin,' + (2 a') cos t + c 53. J[ ,n't,-na'I-n a 1na JIu" o,o, , 47. 1,'1,.s,,t,: 2!cosll + (x2 - 2)sin' +c 5,1. JI e,'d, '.t- rn-t.'t u. t " I tl,I '-e" dd $r. | ,,:"i,,d,:-u'cosu+n I u' lcosudu 55. II a'd,u' - ,, -attt) "''--,l-n-at JI a d n $. .[ u'cosudu:u'sin,-,.f ,'-1 s;nuau 56. , . :lnLln4 +c [,'n,a,:ffi,r*,,*,',*. so. POLYNOMIALS MULTIPLYING BASIC FUNCTIONS 57. Inot"""a,=)*V'- \t, r,t"'" +)t'ro"" .. lsisns artemate: +-+-.. ] 58. lnAl"in.ra, = -!p@)cosau+ \p'(u)s;nau+\p"(u)cosau- lsigns altemate in pairs after first term: + + - - + + - - . .l 5g_ ln{,t"o".,a,: )no,"^., * }, aw"., }o'rr"^., . [sisns a]temate in pairs: ++--++--..1 ,C','rERS 0F ! l,4LlLT PL','l!'lc CR DlviDli'lG . n + bl 0ll ITI il:CIPqCCAL 1 ,t+ht ./t ++a ln (lr -n Jd+fu+\,d ) atl)u +{ rr \r Llr '.: :: I . I iic 2,.-! -r.- 0R --'S eEC PROCAL 1 l. '/;-: 'r"-',,.', ( )+c i.#;: ;-+'" (+) !'-nr.,',, i t-. . " j-: tt -- ' ./ ",r / rl 'l a' lar rl ':l li:'] rri:!er.rnJ TRIGO NO fulETRIC iDENTiTIES SIG .I iDEI]T]T ES aoil Hr= aoid a\a .i= Clai lci --r=\ae 4 SU PPtEI,]E I]T iDEiiT.T ES aLrI r "r= Jrlr/ -l J,r:1 - = rJn , lJnl]-Ian,i I rirr ( Irn i Ian.? trn ; l.inr-,r: 1-unaunri ;AI :.ANGLE FORIT]iJLAS :'rr lc = l..rsr d l .r*la:1 :\in o Onlcn(ns A New Honrzorv SrxrH Eonotl HowRno Aruron Drexel University JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. New York Chichester Brisbane Toronto Singapore Mathematics Editor: Barbara Holland Associate Editor: Sharon Smith Freelance Production Manager: Jeanine Furino Production and Text Design: HRS Electronic Text l\4anagement Copy Editor: Lilian Brady Photo Editor: Hilary Newman Electronic lllustration: Techsetters, lnc. Typesetting: Techsetters, lnc. 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Marhemaica is a register€d Fademark of Wolfram Research,Inc. tsBN 0 471 15306 0 Printed in the United States ofAmerica r0 I I 7 6 5 4 3 H urvo.a Anton obtained his B.A. trom Lehigh University, his M.A. from the Aeour Univelsity of Illinois, and his Ph.D. from the Polytechnic University of Brooklyn, Hownno Aruror,t all in mathematics. In the early 1960s he workecl for Burroughs Corporation and Avco Corporation at Cape Canaveral, Florida, where he was involved with missile tracking problcms for the manned space program. In 1968 he joined the Mathematics Department at Drexel University, where hc taught full time until 1983. Since that time he has been an adjunct professor at Drexel and has devoted the majority oi his time to textbook writing and acriviries for mathematica] asso- ciations. Dr. Anton was President of the Epentl Seclion of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), served on the board of Governors of that organi- zation, and guided the creation of thc Student Chapters of the MAA. He has pub- lished numerous research papers in Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory, and Topology, as well as pedagogical papers on applications of mathematics. He is best known lbr his textbooks in mathematics, which are among the most wide- ly used in the world. There are currentJy more than ninety versions of his books, including translations into Spanish, Arabic, PortugLLese, Italian, Indonesian. French, Japanese, Chinese. Hebrew, and German. Dr. Anton has an avid interest in computer technology as it relates to mathematical education rnd publishing. He has devcloped pedagogical software fbr teaching calculus and linear algebra as well as various sofiware programs for the publishing industry that automate the production ol'fbur color mathenatical text and art. For relaxation he enjoys trav- eling and photography. To My Wife Pat My Children Brian, David, and Lauren ln Memory of My Mother Shirley Stephen Girard (1750-1831)-Benefactor Albert Herr-Esteemed Colleague and Contributor Wh"n I U"gon writing the first edition of this calculus text almost 25 years ago, the task, though daunting, was straightiorward in that the content and organization of a standard calculus course was nearly universal-the chalienge for me at that time was to present the material in a livelier style and with greater cla.rity rhan my predecessors. Since this calculus text is still among the most widely used in the world, I take comfort that the goals I set for myself as a young w ter and mathematician have been achieved. Howevel, times are changing, and the era of a standard and unive$al calculus course seems destined lbr the repository of slide rules and three-cent stamps. We are witnessing a lot of experimentation with the con- tent, organization, and goals of calculus-sonre of which has been successful and some of which has not. Thus, my challenge in writing the sixth edition has been to create a text that has all of the strengths of (he earlier editions, yet incorporates those new ideas that are clearly important and have withstood the objective scrutiny of skilled and thoughtful teachers. In preparing for this edition, I sought advice fiom outstanding teachers at a wide variety of institutions. Needless to say, I received a diversity of opinioDs-some leviewers advised against any major changes, arguing that the book was already clearly written and wo|king well in the classroom, while others felt that major changes were required to ircorporate technology and rnake the book more contemporary. I listened carelully, and the lively discussions that followed hclped me formulate my pbilosophy for the new edition. Many of the specific changes are itemized in the pretace, but here are some of the general goals: . Add graphing calculator and CAS materials to the text in a way that will allow students who have rhose roois ro use them but that will not prevent tbe text from being used by those students who do not have access to that technology. . Place more emphasis on mathematical modeling and appiications. . Incorporate new examples and exercises that will be neaningf'ul to today's students and will more accurately convey the role of caiculus in the real world. . Widen the variety of exercises to focus ntore on conceptual understandilrg through coniecture, multi- step anaiysis, expository writing. and what-if anaiysis. In addition, I wanted to provide some optional innovative materials that would capture the student's interest and plovide the kind of prob!em-solving experience that he or she might find in a research or industrial set- ting. This gave birth to atr exciting set of modules that we have called Erp lding tlrc C.tlculus Hori?.o . These ruodules appear at the ends of selected chapters and each has an optional Internet component that we hope will grcw dynamically over time with input from teachers and students. In developing this edition I have stood firm on two principles lhat were adhered to in earlier editions: . The text material is prcsented at a n'lathematical level that is suitable for students who will embark on careers in engineering and science. . lt remains a primary goal of the text to teach the student clear, logical. mathematical thinking. Informal discussions play an imponant notivational role in the exposition and are used extensively, but cventually I want the studert to be able to read and understand the language of mathematjcs. Although tbis edition has many changes and new features, they have been implemented in aJleible way that will accommodate a wide vadety of teaching philosophies. Thus, I am confidcnt that professors who have had positive experiences with earlier editions will be comfortable with this revision, and I am hopeful that those prcfesson who are looking for a contemporary text with an established history ol success in the classroom will be pleased with the innovations in this new edition. Sincerely, t-, l"*t- r''^+"''' Howard Anton