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Calcium Rubidium Nitrate: Mode-Coupling β Scaling without Factorization M. Goldammer1∗, C. Losert1∗, J. Wuttke1‡, W. Petry1, F. Terki2, H. Schober1,3, P. Lunkenheimer4 1 Physik-Department E13, Technische Universit¨at Mu¨nchen, 85747 Garching, Germany 2 Laboratoire de Science des Mat´eriaux Vitreux, Universit´e Montpellier II, 34095 Montpellier Cedex, France 3 Institut Laue-Langevin, 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France 4 Experimentalphysik V, Universit¨at Augsburg, 86135 Augsburg, Germany (submitted to Phys. Rev.E: February 1, 2008) 1 0 Thefastdynamicsofviscouscalciumrubidiumnitrateisinvestigatedbydepolarizedlightscatter- 0 ing,neutronscatteringanddielectricloss. Fastβrelaxationevolvesasincalciumpotassiumnitrate. 2 The dynamicsusceptibilities can be described bytheasymptotic scaling law of mode-coupling the- n ory with a shape parameter λ= 0.79; the temperature dependence of the amplitudes extrapolates a to Tc ≃ 378 K. However, the frequencies of the minima of the three different spectroscopies never J coincide, in conflict with thefactorization prediction, indicating that the trueasymptotic regime is 9 unreachable. 2 ] t f o I. INTRODUCTION B. Fast Dynamics and β Relaxation s . t a A. Motivation m To explain the focus of the present study, let us antic- ipate some experimental data. Figure 1 shows the dy- - d Using three different spectroscopies, we have investi- namic susceptibility of CRN as measuredby depolarized n light scattering. The temperature-independent band on gated the fast dynamics of glass-forming calcium rubid- o the high-frequency side is attributed to the microscopic ium nitrate. The work is motivated by unexpected dif- c dynamics: Vibration, rotation, librations. Above 3 THz [ ferencesbetweenthehigh-frequencydielectriclossofcal- the susceptibilities coincide for all temperatures, as ex- ciumrubidiumnitrateandthatofitshomologuecalcium 1 pected for purely harmonic excitations. At lower fre- potassium nitrate [1]. v quencies, on the other hand, the dynamics is clearly an- 9 The mixed salt calcium potassium nitrate (composi- 2 tion [Ca(NO3)2]0.4[KNO3]0.6, abbreviation CKN) is one harmonic. In the low-frequency, high-temperature limit 4 thecurvesbendovertowardsamaximumwhichitselfre- of the best studied glass formers. In particular it was 1 mains outside the experimental frequency window. This among the first materials for which the relevance of 0 maximumisduetostructuralαrelaxation. Itisstrongly 1 mode-couplingtheory(MCT)[2]wasdemonstrated[3–8]. temperaturedependent;itsevolutiontowardslowertem- 0 In the cross-over region between microscopic dynamics / and α relaxation, neutron [5] and light [6] scattering ex- peratures and lower frequencies can be studied by many t a periments could be described by the asymptotic scaling other, slower spectroscopic techniques. m functionoffastβ relaxation. Inthisregimeanydynamic Inthefollowingweconcentrateontheintermediatefre- - susceptibility is expected to converge towards the same quencyrangearoundthesusceptibilityminimum. Inthis d asymptote,whichis determinedby asingleparameterλ. regime,called fast β relaxation, one finds nontrivialcon- n o For CKN, a value λ=0.81 was found [6]. tributionstothedynamicsusceptibility,whichcannotbe c Although the theory allows any λ between 0.5 and explained by a simple superposition of α relaxation and : microscopicexcitations. Theexistenceofthisregimehas v 1.0, experiments on many other liquids and on col- i loids, as well as simulations and numeric solutions of confirmed a key result of mode-coupling theory. X MCT for model systems yield almost always values be- More specifically: for temperatures little above a crit- ar tween 0.7 and 0.8. The major exception from this ical temperature, T & Tc, and for frequencies around has been reported for calcium rubidium nitrate (com- the susceptibility minimum, ν ∼νσ, any susceptibility is position [Ca(NO3)2]0.4[RbNO3]0.6, abbreviation CRN): predicted to converge towards the same asymptote Broad-band dielectric measurements suggested λ = 0.91 [1]. This is unexpected because of the close similarity χ′′(ν)≃χσ gλ(ν/νσ). (1) between CRN and CKN [9,10], and it is interesting also because for λ → 1 one expects logarithmic corrections This prediction is often described as a factorization: to the scaling laws of MCT [11]. In order to investigate Forinstance,wave-numberdependentneutronscattering thisanomalyinmoredetail,wehaveperformedlightand dataχ′′(q,ν) factorizeintoanamplitude,whichdepends neutronscatteringexperimentsandreanalyzeddielectric only on q, and a spectral distribution, which depends data. only on the frequency ν. The amplitudes 1 χ ∝|σ|1/2 (2) nearback-scattering(173◦)geometrywithcrossedpolar- σ izers(HV)wasusedtominimizescatteringfromacoustic and the characteristic frequency of β relaxation modes. Stray light was negligible compared to the dark ν ∝|σ|1/2a (3) counts of the avalanche photodiodes. The dark count σ rate of about 2.5 sec−1 was in turn more than 10 times arepredictedtodependforallspectroscopiesinthesame weaker than the weakest scattering signals; nevertheless way on the reduced temperature we subtracted it from all measured spectra. Forthe high-frequencyregimefrom100GHzto5THz T −T c σ = . (4) we used a Jobin-Yvon U1000 double monochromator. T c Theentranceandexitslitsweresetto50µmandtheslits The two wings of the susceptibility minimum are de- betweenthetwomonochromatorsto100µm,resultingin scribed by power laws afullwidth athalfmaximumof10GHz andastraylight suppression of better than 10−5 at 100 GHz. To main- ν˜−b for ν˜≪1, g (ν˜)∝ (5) tain this resolution over hours, days, and months the λ (cid:26)ν˜a for ν˜≫1. temperature of the instrument has to be stabilized care- The fractal exponents a and b depend on the parameter fully (±0.05 K); therefore the monochromator is placed λ which alone determines the full shape [12] of g (ν˜). in an insulating box (<0.5 W/(m2·K)) and thermalized λ The predictions (1)–(3) have been confirmed over a byforcedconvection: Theairtemperatureinsidethebox wide temperature range for the model liquid CKN. In is regulated by an electrical heater placed in front of a the present study we shall analyze how far the same de- fan, acting against large water-cooled copper sheets. scription applies also to the fast dynamics of CRN. For the low frequency regime from 0.7 to 180 GHz we usedaSandercock-Fabry-Perotsix–passtandeminterfer- ometer,whichwemodifiedinseveraldetailsasdescribed II. EXPERIMENTS AND RAW DATA in Ref. [15], in order to allow for stable operation and TREATMENT high contrast. The instrument was used in series with an interference filter of either 150 or 1000 GHz band- A. Samples width that suppresses higher-order transmission leaks of the tandem interferometer [16–18] below 3% or better. The mixture of calcium nitrate and rubidium nitrate, The filters are placed in a specially insulated housing [Ca(NO3)2]0.4[RbNO3]0.6, was prepared as in Ref. [1]. with active temperature stabilization. To account for For the light-scattering measurements the sample ma- any drift, the instrument function is redetermined peri- terial was transferred under helium atmosphere into a odically by automatic white-light scans. glass cuvette, which was sealed, and mounted in a cry- In the present study we used three different free spec- ofurnace that can reach temperatures up to 470 K. For tral ranges (188, 50, and 16.7 GHz), corresponding to theneutron-scatteringmeasurementattheInstitutLaue- mirror spacings of 0.8, 3, and 9 mm. Measured spectra Langevin(ILL)the materialwasfilledinto analuminum were divided by the white-light transmission. Then they container[13,14]sothatthesampleformsahollowcylin- were converted from intensity to susceptibility der of thickness 1 mm, outer radius 29 mm, and height 50 mm; the aluminum itself was 0.1 mm thick. The cell χ′ls′(ν)=I(ν)/n(ν) (6) was mounted in an ILL cryo loop; a thermocouple in di- rect contact with the sample was used to determine the with the Bose factor n(ν) = [exp(hν/kBT)−1]−1; this temperature. representation is more sensitive to experimental prob- The samples showed little tendency to crystallize, ex- lems. Whenever Stokes and anti-Stokes data did not fall ceptwhenkeptforseveralhoursbetween400and410K. onto each other the measurement was repeated. Finally The glass state can be reached easily by supercooling scans taken at different spectral ranges were joined after with moderate speed (.5 K/min). The glass transition adjusting the intensity scales by a least-square match of temperatureT =333K[10]ofCRNisexactlythe same the overlapping data points. Additional scans at other g as of CKN. The melting point of crystalline CRN has mirrorspacingsconfirmedthe accuracyof the composite not been measured, but we suppose that it is similar to broad-band susceptibilities. T ≃438 K of CKN. The overall intensity scale was taken from an unper- m turbed temperature cycle on the interferometer with a free spectral range of 188 GHz, to which all other mea- B. Depolarized light scattering surementswerematched. Theaccuracyofthisprocedure was confirmed in the THz range, where harmonic vibra- Lightscatteringwasmeasuredonasix-passtandemin- tions are expected to yield a temperature-independent terferometer and a two-pass grating monochromator. A susceptibility: In fact our χ′′(ν) coincide within 4%. ls 2 The temperature independence of χ′′(ν) in the vibra- a = 0.29. Within MCT this exponent corresponds to a ls tional range was used to set the intensities of the 400 shape parameter λ = 0.78. This has to be compared to and 410 K spectra which had to be measured separately thedielectricmeasurements[1]whereasimilarpower-law because of the tendency to crystallization. behaviorhasbeenobservedovermorethanthreedecades with a = 0.2 for 361 K, leading to the exceptional value λ=0.91. C. Neutron scattering Lookingfor the power-lawasymptotes (5)is obviously notthebestwayoftestingtheapplicabilityofMCT.The Figure 4a shows the static structure factor S(q), mea- scaling prediction (1) is expected to hold best in the in- suredbyneutrondiffractionataboutroomtemperature, termediate regime around ν ∼ ν . Therefore we use the σ ofCRN(arapidmeasurementonG41attheLLB)andof full scaling function χ g (ν/ν ) to fit the experimental σ λ σ CKN (from the detailed study [19]). Except for the am- data around the minimum. Figure 2 shows such fits for plitude, no adjustments have been made. Over most of two temperatures and with three different values of λ. the q range, the S(q) of both materials agree exception- From this comparison we obtain λ =0.79 with an accu- allywell;thedeviationsbelow1.2˚A−1 aremostprobably racy better than ±0.01. Figure 1 contains fits with fixed due to multiple scattering and other artifacts which are λ=0.79 for all temperatures. expected to affect mostly the low-q region. Thus we can From these fits we extract the amplitude χ and the σ detect no difference between the structures of CRN and characteristic frequency ν as functions of temperature. σ CKN,althoughthecationdiametersofRb+ (2.94˚A)and For constant λ, the parameters χ and ν are propor- σ σ K+ (2.66 ˚A) differ substantially. tionalto the heightandthe positionofthe susceptibility Inelasticneutronscatteringwasmeasuredonthetime- minimum. In order to test the predictions (2) and (3), of-flight spectrometer IN 5 at the ILL. This is a multi- Figure 3 shows them as χ2 and ν2a. Linear fits to the σ σ chopper instrument which allows for free choice of the lowest five points confirm the predictions (2),(3) over an incident neutron wavelength λ . With increasing λ , the interval of 50 K and extrapolate consistently to a value i i widthoftheinstrumentalresolutionimprovesasλ−3,on for T between about 365 K and 370 K. i c the expense ofdecreasingflux anddecreasingwavenum- bers. Asacompromise,wechooseλ =8.0˚A. Thisyields i aresolution(FWHM)of8GHz. Depending ontempera- B. Neutron scattering results ture,wecuttheinelasticdataattypically20GHz,where the signal-to-noise ratio is of the order of 103. Compared to depolarized light scattering, neutron Our choice of λ restricts the wave number range for scattering features as an additional coordinate the wave i elastic scattering to q . 1.3 ˚A−1. Thus we do not reach number q. This allows for a direct test of the factor- the maximum of the structure factor at 1.9 ˚A−1. There- ization property (1): In the asymptotic regime of fast β fore we get rather low scattering intensities; fortunately, relaxation the susceptibility χ′′ (q,ν). Such a factoriza- ns the static structure factor maximum is also inaccessible tion is also expected for one-phonon scattering from a for almost all multiple-scattering events [20]. Figure 4b harmonic system. shows the dynamic window of our measurement in the As described elsewhere [15,21] the h are determined q q,ν plane. The accessible q(ν,2ϑ) are shown for every from a least-square match of neighboring q cuts. Fig- second detector angle 2ϑ. The gaps in the plot are due ure 5 shows the rescaled χ′n′s(q,ν)/hq; the inset shows to struts inside the flight chamber of the instrument. the h . As in other casesthe h do not go with q2 which q q The measured S(ν,2ϑ) are interpolated to constant q. can be explained by an almost q-independent multiple- Only wavenumbersbetween0.5and1.3˚A−1 areusedin scattering background [22]. theanalysis. AsalaststeptheS(q,ν)areconvertedinto Thefactorizationholdsaroundtheβ minimumaswell a susceptibility χ′′(ν)=S(q,ν)/n(ν). asforthevibrationalband;onlyforthehighesttempera- q turetheq-dependentαpeakcomesintotheexperimental window. This allows us to collapse all q cuts into an av- III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS erage susceptibility χ′′ (ν)=hχ′′(q,ν)/h i (7) A. Light-scattering results ns q q withmuchimprovedstatistics. ResultsareshowninFig- The light scattering data have already been presented ure 6. inSect.IB(Fig.1). Wenowconcentrateontheinterme- Fitswiththemode-couplingasymptoteχ g (ν/ν )al- σ λ σ diate regime of fast β relaxation. At low temperatures low for any value of λ between 0.7 and 0.8, but defi- the high-frequency wing of the susceptibility minimum nitely not for λ = 0.91. Therefore we impose the light- follows a power law χ′′(ν) ∝ νa. At 367 K this power scattering result λ = 0.79. For most temperatures, the ls law extends over two decades from 10 to 1000 GHz with fits describethe susceptibilities overone decadeormore. 3 Towards low frequencies, the fit range is restricted by IV. COMPARISON OF THE THREE the instrumental resolution, except for the highest tem- SPECTROSCOPIES peratureswhereαrelaxationisresolved(Fig.5). Onthe high-frequency side, the fit range extends up to about For each of the three spectroscopic techniques em- 200 GHz. At higher frequencies neutron-scattering data ployed in this study, we found a fast β relaxation. For rise above the fit, whereas light-scattering data fell be- each of the three data sets, we verified the asymptotic low the theoretical curves. This gives an upper limit for validity of the scaling function (1), and we found the the frequency range of the asymptotic regime of fast β temperature-dependentparametersatleastinpartialac- relaxation. cord with the power laws (2) and (3). Arectifiedplotoftheβ-relaxationparametersisshown The next questionis whether the fits to the individual in Figure 7. The amplitude χ followsthe powerlaw (2) data sets are consistent with each other. From the fac- σ over 140 K, a much wider temperature interval than in torization property of fast β relaxation we expect that light scattering. The straight line fitted to χ2 extrapo- all susceptibilities converge towards the same frequency σ latestoT ≃380K.Ontheotherhand,thefrequencyν and temperature dependence. Anticipating this predic- c σ does not obey (3). At high temperatures, the ν2a seem tion, we have already imposed one value λ=0.79 to the σ to lie on a line which extrapolates to an unphysical T analysis of all three data sets. Our fits confirm that all c far below T . For lower temperatures, the data possibly data can indeed be described by the same scaling func- g bend over towards the true asymptote which however is tion χ g (ν/ν ). σ λ σ not reached in our experiment. At this point we should Additionally we expect a consistent temperature de- note that the ν aremuch moresensitive to noise and to pendence of all amplitude χ and frequencies ν . A for- σ σ σ remnants of the instrumental resolution than the χ . tiori,power-lawfitstotheseparametersmustextrapolate σ towardauniquevalueofT . InSect.IIIlinearfitstothe c χ2 gave σ C. Reanalyzing dielectric data T from method range c ≃367 K light scattering 378–412K Dielectric loss has been measured in CRN over more ≃378 K neutron scattering 392–530K than11decadesinfrequency,from1mHzto380GHz[1]. ≃377 K dielectric loss 381–420K Here we concentrate on the fast β relaxation. The most The spread of these T ’s is definitely larger than the un- c remarkable feature of this regime is the extremely slow certaintyoftheexperimentaltemperaturescale. Inorder increase of ǫ′′(ν) on the high-frequency side of the mini- toreachaconsistentinterpretationofthethreedatasets, mum. Forthreedecadesinfrequency(40 MHz−40 GHz) wereplotinFigure10allMCTparametersonacommon ǫ′′(ν) follows a power law with an exponent a = 0.2. temperature scale. The amplitudes are scaled by an ar- As anticipated above, this implies λ = 0.91. Using this bitrary factor. In this representation all χ2 above about value, the dielectric data could be fitted with the scaling σ 390 K appear compatible with a common power law (2). function ǫ g (ν/ν ) over a wide range, extending from σ λ σ This suggests a reinterpretation of the light-scattering aboutthe minimumuptothe highestmeasuredfrequen- data. Shifting the fit range to higher temperatures we cies. find indeed Aswehaveseenabove,λ=0.91isnotcompatiblewith T from method range the lightandneutronscatteringresults. Furthermorewe c ≃379 K light scattering 389–470K have seen that the asymptotic regime does not extend above some 100 GHz. Therefore we now reanalyze the asshownbythedashedlineinFigure3. Thustheampli- dielectric data with an imposed value λ = 0.79, concen- tudes χ can be given a consistent MCT interpretation σ tratingonlowerfrequencies. Theresultingfitsareshown with a common T ≃378±2 K. c inFigure8. Asexpected,the fits donotmatchthe high- The same is not true for the frequencies ν . In light σ frequency wings (the data fall below the fit function, as scatteringwehadfoundaconsistentasymptotictemper- inlightscattering);ontheotherhand,thefits nowcover ature dependence of ν and χ . This accord is however σ σ much of the ν <νσ wing. lostaftershiftingthefitrangetohighertemperatures: A The two fit parameters are shown in Figure 9. The ǫ2σ freefittotheνσ doesnothelptoobtainaTcabove370K. suggest Tc ≃ 377 K. Within their experimental uncer- In neutron scattering the νσ do not reach the power-law tainty, the νσ2a seem compatible with such an extrapola- regime at all. Only in dielectric loss the νσ are possibly tion; their determination suffers however from the hith- compatible with T ≃378 K. c erto unavoidable frequency gaps in the dielectric broad- Furthermore,within the asymptotic regime the ν are σ band measurements. expected to agree in absolute value. The comparison in Figure10showsthatthisisnotthecaseforanytempera- ture. This violationof the MCT factorization prediction 4 is also confirmed by the direct comparison of measured In this situation, it would be worthwhile to remeasure susceptibilitiesinFigure11: Thepositionsoftheminima the dynamic susceptibility of CKN at selected temper- differ by up to a factor 10. While each data set for itself atures above T by light and neutron scattering. Such c seemedto be ingoodaccordwith the scalingpredictions measurementswouldallowtodeterminemorepreciseval- of MCT it now turns out that most if not all data are ues of λ and T , to cross-check the β relaxation para- c outside the true asymptotic regime. meters obtained by different spectroscopies, and then to compare in more detail the overall behavior of CKN to that of CRN. V. COMPARISON WITH OTHER GLASS Onthebasisoftheavailabledatawecanconcludethat FORMERS as soon as we restrict our analysis to frequencies below about 100 GHz there is no significant difference in the fast dynamics of CKN and CRN. The uncertainty in the A. CRN and CKN determinationofλ,especiallyforCKN,ispresentlymuch largerthananydifferencebetweenCKNandCRN.Since We undertook this work with the intention of com- bothmaterialshavethesamecalorimetricglasstransition paring CRN to the well-studied model liquid CKN. In temperature, it is not unreasonable to compare also the planning and performing the scattering experiments we T ’s on absolute scale; the value 378 K for CRN agrees c took full advantage of the experience gained in previous perfectly wellwiththe bestavailableestimatesforCKN. investigations, and we intentionally concentrated on the temperature and frequency window of fast β relaxation. Thereforeit is notsurprisingthat by now our CRN data aremoreaccurateandmorecompletethanwhathasbeen B. CRN and Organic Glass Formers published many years ago on CKN. CKNwasthematerialinwhichCumminsandcowork- Similar studies of fast β relaxation have already been ersfirstdiscoveredtheself-similarityofdepolarizedlight- undertaken in a number of organic glass formers. Light scatteringspectra[23]. Subsequentbroad-bandmeasure- and neutron scattering around the susceptibility mini- ments were successfully described by the scaling laws of mum have been compared in glycerol [28], salol [29], MCT, leading to λ=0.81±0.05 andT =378±5 K [6]. c toluene [30], and trimethylheptane [31]. In propylene Later the light-scattering susceptibilities were also fitted carbonate[15]the scatteringexperiments havealsobeen across T with extended MCT [7]. Unfortunately, these c compared to dielectric and time-dependent optical mea- studies, as any other at that time, had been undertaken surements. with an unsufficient band pass in the tandem interfer- ometer [16–18]. Higher-order leaks cause distortions of Most of these studies show the same trend as the the spectral line shapes which are most harmful at low present CRN data: Individual data sets seem in good temperatures. AboveT , allqualitativeobservationswill accordwith the scaling predictions of MCT, but the po- c remainvalid, but as we haveshownin the case ofpropy- sitions of the susceptibility minima do notcoincide. The lene carbonate [15] the parameter λ might change by as majorexceptionisprovidedbyglycerolwherethefactor- much as 0.06. ization property seems to hold although the individual CKN was also the material in which neutron scatter- data sets do not reach the MCT asymptote [28]. ing experiments by Mezei and coworkers first showed In CRN and in toluene, the susceptibility minimum the relevance of MCT. Elastic scans gave the first evi- lies atlowerfrequenciesforlightscatteringthanforneu- dence for the onset of fast β relaxation on approaching tron scattering, whereas in salol, trimethylheptane and T , estimated at about 368 K [4]. Later Mezei empha- propylene carbonate the opposite is observed. On this c sized the uncertainty of this determination [24]. Com- basis it is presently impossible to give any microscopic bined back-scattering and time-of-flight measurements explanation [31]. revealed the cross-over between the asymptotic power We do understand why fast β relaxation appears in laws S(q,ν) ∝ ν−1−b and ν−1+a [5]; a free fit of a gave the dielectric loss data only within a rather small tem- λ ≃ 0.80 whereas a consistent set of a and b suggested perature range (up to about 40 K above T , whereas c λ ≃ 0.89. More recent neutron scattering experiments neutron scattering data show a β minimum up to at concentratedonαrelaxation[25],onthestaticstructure least T + 150 K): As explained at length for the case c factor [19,26], and on the microscopic dynamics above of propylene-carbonate [15] this is an immediate conse- 100GHz [20,26,27];astate-of-the-artdeterminationofλ quence of the scaling behavior of α relaxation. Since the and Tc for CKN is presently missing. αpeak(relativetothesusceptibilityinthephononrange) In contrast, dielectric loss in CKN has been measured is much stronger in dielectric loss than in the scattering recently[1]andwiththesameaccuracyasinCRN.MCT experiments, it covers the β minimum at relatively low fits to the CKN data gave λ≃0.76 and T ≃375 K. temperatures. c 5 VI. CONCLUSION Forschung und Technologie through Verbundprojekte 03pe4tum9 and 03lo5au28 and through contract no. 13n6917,bytheDeutscheForschungsgemeinschaftunder With each material we investigate it becomes clearer grant no. Lo264/8–1. that fast β relaxationis a constitutive property of glass- forming liquids. If we want to understand the macro- scopic behaviorof viscous liquids, we will haveto under- stand the full evolution of fast dynamics from phonons towards α relaxation, passing inevitably through the β relaxation regime. Studies of simple models [32] suggest that the mode- ∗ Present Address: Institut fu¨r Klinische Radiologie, coupling ansatz is in principle capable of providing an Klinikum Großhadern, Universit¨at Mu¨nchen, 81377 almost quantitatively correct description of fast dynam- Mu¨nchen, Germany. ics. Inthelastyearsconsiderableprogresshasbeenmade ∗ Present Address: Siemens AG, ZT MS 3, Otto-Hahn- inextendingMCTtomolecularsystems[33–35]. AMCT Ring 6, 81739 M”unchen,Germany. of CKN or CRN seems not out of reach. However, until ‡ Corresponding author. http://www.e13.physik.tu-muenchen.de/Wuttke. such a theory is developed we can compare experimen- [1] P. Lunkenheimer, A. Pimenov and A. Loidl, Phys. Rev. tal results only to asymptotic scaling laws or to numeric Lett. 78, 2995 (1997). solutions of schematic mode-coupling models. [2] W.G¨otze,inLiquids, Freezing and the Glass Transition, The present study shows once more that asymptotic edited by J. P. Hansen, D. Levesqueand D. Zinn-Justin fits are potentially misleading. They provide a valuable (Les Houches, session LI), North Holland: Amsterdam parameterization of β relaxation and they help to un- (1991). cover the universal behavior of different materials; but [3] F.Mezei,W.KnaakandB.Farago,Phys.Rev.Lett.58, even good accord with the scaling predictions (1) – (3) 571 (1987). does not guarantee that the true asymptotic regime is [4] F. Mezei, W. Knaak and B. 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TheBril- louin peaks havebeen removed from thedata before fitting. light scattering 4 χν’’ ()ls 444457970 KKK 2aGHz)] 0.25 (σ 2 0.2 432 K ν[ s) 421 K 0.15 unit 411 K b. ar 400 K 0 0.1 2 ( σ 389 K χ 0.05 378 K 9 2 0.1 =0. 367 K 0 a 375 400 425 450 475 T (K) 1 10 100 1000 ν (GHz) FIG. 3. Characteristic frequency ((cid:4)) and amplitude ((cid:3)) of the susceptibility minimum, extracted from the fits with λ = 0.79. The rectified plot of ν2a and χ2 vs. T allows to σ σ FIG. 1. Susceptibilities of CRN as measured by light check the MCT predictions (2) and (3). When the analysis scattering between 367 K (bottom) and 470 K (top). The is restricted to T <420 K, linear fits(solid lines) give a con- small peaks at about 7 and 15 GHz are due to residual sistent Tc between 365 and 370 K. Alternatively, a fit to χ2σ TA and LA Brillouin scattering. For ν & 3 THz all data for all but the two lowest temperatures yields Tc ≃ 379 K fall together, as expected for harmonic vibrations. In the (dashed line). low-frequency, high-temperature limit the curves bend to- wardstheα-relaxationpeak. Theintermediateregimeoffast β relaxationcanbedescribedbytheasymptoticscalingfunc- twioitnhoaf cmoomdme-ocnousphlainpgetphaeroarmy.etTerheλs=olid0.7c9u.rvTesheshdoowttfiedtsl(in1e) 6 -15A -13A (a) shows a power-law fit to the lowest temperature from 10 to s) 0. 1. nit 1000 GHz. The resulting exponent of a = 0.29 corresponds u to λ=0.78. b. 4 ar q) ( S(2 1 CRN CKN 4 3 2 K 0 λ = 0.7 7 0 χν’’ ()ls λ = 0.81 Hz)0.5 11.5° 125° (b) 389 K λ = 0.7 7 ν (T 0.2 λ = 0.81 1 1.5 1 10 100 1000 ν (GHz) 0 1 2 3 q (A-1) 8 FIG.4. (a)StaticstructurefactorS(q)ofCRN(solidline, 1 measured on G41 at the Laboratoire L´eon Brillouin) and of CRN (dotted line, scanned from Ref. [19]), both obtained by neutron diffraction at about room temperature. (b) Dy- namic window of our inelastic scattering experiment on the time-of-flightspectrometerIN5foranincidentneutronwave- lengthλi=8.0˚A. Thesolidcurvesshowq(ν)foreverysecond ν) detector. The scattering law S(q,ν) is obtained by interpo- (s n lating the constant-angle data to constant-q sections. The χ’’ 530 K 505 K verticaldashed-dottedlines indicatethelimits of theq range 473 K used in thedata analysis. 454 K 432 K 413 K 392 K 1.5 0.2 10 100 1000 1 ν (GHz) hq 0.5 1 00 0.4 0.8 1.2 530 K q (A-1) q h ν) / q, χ’’( 413 K 00..78AA--11 0.9A-1 1.0A-1 FIG. 6. Susceptibility χ′n′s(ν) = hχ′′(q,ν)/hqi averaged 354 K 1.1A-1 over q between 0.5 and 1.3 ˚A−1 (excluding the q-dependent 1.2A-1 α relaxation in the low-frequency, high-temperature limit). 1.3A-1 0.1 SolidlinesarefitstotheMCTasymptotewithfixedλ=0.79. 10 100 1000 ν (GHz) 10 neutron scattering 2az)]7.5 H G 5 ν[ (σ 0.2 s) 2.5 nit u b. ar 0 0.12 (σ χ 0 350 400 450 500 T (K) FIG.5. Susceptibilitiesmeasuredwithneutronscattering. Accordingtothefactorizationpropertyofmode-couplingthe- orythedynamicsinthefastβregimecanbedescribedbyfre- quency-dependentpart and a q-dependentfactor. Using this property the susceptibilities for different q can be collapsed onto a single curve by multiplying with a temperature inde- pendent factor hq. At 530 K the q-dependent α peak moves into the experimental window. Apart from the α relaxation FIG. 7. A rectified plot of the β-relaxation parameters all curves can be added to improve the data quality for fits determined by neutron scattering does not extrapolate to a to the frequency dependent part. The inset shows hq as a consistentvalueforTc. Whileχ2σ suggestanextrapolationto function of q. Tc ≃380 K,the νσ2a do not reach the asymptote(3). 9 4 8 light neutron a 6 dielectric 2 z)] H 12 G4 εν’’() 1 401 K ν[ (σ 2 8 ε2nits), σ u a=0.2 333789313 KKK 0 lnigehuttron 4 χ2 (arb. σ 361 K dielectric 0.3 0 0.1 1 10 100 360 400 440 480 ν (GHz) T (K) FIG.10. All rectifications combined in one figure. While theamplitudesχ2σ extrapolatetoaconsistentTc ≃378Kfor all methods, theposition νσ differconsiderably. FIG.8. Dielectriclossbetween361K(bottom)and401K (top). Solidlinesshowthemode-couplingasymptotewithan 4 imposedparameterλ=0.79. Thesefitsworkwellaroundthe susceptibilityminimum,buttheydonotmatchtheexception- ν) uashlsleoydwssimn6tahtlhleesplooorpwigeeirno-falaltwhpeuabhslyiigcmhaptfitoroentqeu[1ec]n.ocrryeswpionngd.inTghetodoλtt=ed0li.n91e χνχνε’’ (), ’’ (), ’’ (lsns 1 dielectrince 3ut9r3oli ngKsh t 33982 9 KK (a) dielectric loss 0.4 a 4 2 ν[ (GHz)]σ 02 246ε2 (arb. units)σ χνχνεν’’ (), ’’ (), ’’ ()lsns 1 lliigghhtt 443221 n KKeutrodniesl e4c3t2ri cK 420 K (b) 0.5 0 1 10 100 1000 350 375 400 425 ν (GHz) T (K) FIG. 11. A direct comparison of the three methods on arbitrary susceptibility scale: (a) all three spectroscopies at about 390 K; (b) a pairwise comparison of neutron and light scatteringat432K,andofdielectriclossandlightscattering FIG. 9. As in Figs. 3 and 7, this plot shows frequency at420K.Theminimumpositionsaregrosslydifferentevenif and amplitude of fast β relaxation, extracted from fits with eachcurveforitselfseemeddescribablebythemode-coupling λ=0.79 and rectified according to theMCT predictions. asymptote. 10

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