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FHWA NJ 2001-021 Effects of Synthetic Air Entraining Agents on Compressive Strength of Portland Cement Concrete – Mechanism of Interaction and Remediation Strategy FINAL REPORT July 1999 Submitted by Dr. Farhad Ansari * Allyn Luke ** Professor Research Engineer Zhijin Zhang * Dr. Ali Maher *** Doctoral Candidate Professor and Chairman *Dept of Civil & Materials Engineering ** Dept of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Illinois at Chicago New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) Chicago, Illinois 60607-7023 Newark, NJ, 07102 *** Center for Advanced Infrastr ucture & Transportation (CAIT) Civil & Environme ntal Engineering Rutgers, The State University Piscataway, NJ 08854-8014 NJDOT Research Project Manager Mr. Nicholas Vitillo In cooperation with New Jersey Department of Transportation Division of Research and Technology and U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Disclaimer Statement "The contents of this report reflect the views of the author(s) who is (are) responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the New Jersey Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation." The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors, who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the information presented herein. This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation, University Transportation Centers Program, in the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for the contents or use thereof. TECHNICAL REPORT STANDARD TITLE PAGE 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No. FHWA 2001 – 021 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date Effects of Synthetic Air Entraining Agents on compressive Strength July 1999 of Portland Cement Concrete – Mechanism of Interaction and 6. Performing Organization Code Remediation Strategy CAIT/Rutgers/NJIT 7. Autho r ( s ) Dr. Farhad Ansari, Zhijin Zhang, Allan Luke, 8. Performing Organization Report No. FHWA 2001 - 021 and Dr. Ali Maher 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. New Jersey Department of Transportation CN 600 11. Contract or Grant No. Trenton, NJ 08625 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Final Report Federal Highway Administration 08/19/1997 - 12/31/1999 U.S. Department of Transportation 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington,D.C. 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstract This document reports the results of a comprehensive study pertaining to the determination of causes and mechanisms resulting in a reduction of strength in concrete mixtures containing Synthetic air entraining admixtures. The study involved experimentation with concrete mixtures containing both the Synthetic and Vinsol resin admixtures. Tests involved determination of air content for fresh concrete and air bubble characteristics including size and distribution for hardened concrete. Compressive strength of concrete samples were determined at ages 7, 14, 28 & 56 days. Petrographic analysis of the hardened samples revealed that the Vinsol resin admixture produces more of the smaller bubbles desirable for protection against frost. However, Synthetic admixtures induce more of the larger air bubbles with the cement paste. This explains the much lower compressive strength associated with Synthetic air concretes. It is believed that the larger air bubbles are produced due to the inability of the Synthetic air entraining agents to lower the surface tension in the mixture. This will allow the smaller air bubbles to coalesce into larger ones. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were made that follow up research should involve determination of surface tension in such mixtures. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement synthetic air, resin admixtures, strength reduction, concrete 19. Security Classif (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 32 Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-69) Acknowledgements The authors wish to express their appreciation to the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the allotment of funds making this research possible. Special thanks are extended to Mr. Nicholas Vitillo of NJDOT for his support and extending the opportunity to participate in such a significant and extensive research program. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Summary…...................................................................................................……… 1 Statement of the Problem....................................................................................…. 2 Research Objectives……………….........................................................…………... 2 Background……............................................................................................……… 2 Frost resistance of Concrete by Air Entrainment ................................................... 3 Air Entraining Admixtures…… ..................................................................………… 3 Methods for the Determination of Air Content in Concrete...............................…… 4 I-Gravimetric Method…….............................………....................................……..… 4 Volumetric Method...........................................................................................……. 5 Pressure Method………………………….................................................………….. 5 Linear Traverse Method………………………………………………………...………. 5 Point Count Method.....................................…………………………………………... 6 High Pressure Method....................................................…………………………….. 6 Investigative Procedures.................................………………………………………... 6 Mix Design Requirements and Criteria………………………………………………… 9 Experimental Results……………………………………………………………………. 13 Rationale …………………………………………………………………………………. 14 Conclusions…………………….................................................……………………... 15 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Automated Linear Traverse System 10 Figure 2. Sliced Concrete for Automated image Analysis System 11 Figure 3. Output for Image Processing System 12 Figure 4. Comparison of compressive strengths for Synthetic(A0120) and Vinsol(R0120) resin concretes(at 1.0 oz) 16 Figure 5. Comparison of compressive strengths for Synthetic(A0708) and Vinsol(R0707) resin concretes(at 1.5 oz) 17 Figure 6. Comparison of compressive strengths for Synthetic(A0428) and Vinsol(R0427) resin concretes(at 2.0 oz) 18 Figure 7. Bubble size distribution in the control sample 19 Figure 8. Comparison of bubble size distribution for samples containing 1.0 oz of air entraining admixture 20 Figure 9. Comparison of bubble size distribution for samples containing 2.0 oz of air entraining admixture 21 Figure 10. Air bubble size distribution at the same air content 24 Figure 11. Comparison of air and bubble size and distribution within the Same area of paste 26 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Experimental Program 8 Table 2. Mix Design 9 Table 3. Comparison of air bubble distribution in Synthetic and Vinsol Resin mixtures at 1.0 oz 22 Table 4. Comparison of air bubble distribution in Synthetic and Vinsol Resin mixtures at 2.0 oz 23 Table 5. Comparison of air bubble size distribution in Synthetic and Vinsol Resin mixtures at the same air content 25 S TEGSCCVNTIEII NT FSNFEE RFSIOGHNIEEAATOARRNPTYMNSOEC H TFGONERTS DN A TLENTTEREMOREPCCNO CM–SINAHCFEOM N OYNIGOTEI CTTDAAANRRIAETDTSENMIER YRAMMUS sihT tnemucod stroper eht stluser fo a evisneherpmoc yduts gniniatrep ot eht noitanimreted fo sesuac dna smsinahcem gnitluser ni a noitcuder fo htgnerts nietercnoc serutxim gniniatnoc citehtnyS ria gniniartne .serutximda ehT yduts devlovni noitatnemirepxe htiw etercnoc serutxim gniniatnoc htob eht citehtnyS dna losniVniser .serutximda stseT dev lnoovintianimreted fo ria tnetnoc rof hserf etercnoc dna riaelbbub scitsiretcarahc gnidulcni ezis dna noitubirtsid rof denedrah .etercnoc evisserpmoC hs teeglt npefemroractsnsoc den it maesrreeegt wae,d7 ,4 1c,i8 h2dpnaar g6.o5srytaedP sisylana fo eht denedrah selpmas delaever taht eht losniV niser erutximda secudorperom fo eht rellams selbbub elbarised rof noitcetorp tsniaga .tsorf ,revewoH citehtnyS serutximda ecudni erom fo eht regral ria selbbub nihtiw eht tnemec .etsap sihTsnialpxe eht hcum rewol evisserpmoc shtgnerts detaicossa htiw citehtnyS ria .setercnoc tIsi deveileb taht eht regral ria selbbub era decudorp eud ot eht ytilibani fo eht citehtnySria gniniartne stnega ot rewol eht ecafrus noisnet ni eht .erutxim sihT lliw wolla ehtrellams ria selbbub ot ecselaoc otni regral .seno desaB no eht stluser fo siht ,yduts snoitadnemmocer erew edam taht wollof pu hcraeser dluohs evlovni noitanimretedfo neocias .fnnsrei euthrscuutsxim 1 S TEGSCCVNTIEII NT FSNFEE RFSIOGHNIEEAATOARRNPTYMNSOEC H TFGONERTS DN A TLENTTEREMOREPCCNO CM–SINAHCFEOM N OYNIGOTEI CTTDAAANRRIAETDTSENMIER 1. TNE MFEOTM AEETLHSBTORP riA deniartne etercnoc sesirpmoc eht klub fo eht suoititnemec lairetam deyolpmeni eht noitcurtsnoc fo yaw h.geirhutcurtsarfni sediseB gnivorp mwiaht-ez e,eyrtfilibarudria tnemniartne sesaercni eht ytilibakrow fo ,etercnoc dna erofereht swolla rof a noitcuderni water to cement ratio ( c/w ). 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BACKGROUND lluF noisneherpmoc fo eht hcraeser hcaorppa nekatrednu gnirud sihtnoitagitsevni 2 seriuqer a feirb noitpircsed sa ot eht smsinahcem fo ria ,tnemniartne dna ehtgnitset serudecorp rof noitanimreted fo ria tnetnoc dna ria elbbub scitsiretcarahc ni.etercnoc de hs s inin hilo sTpisi mtihfoctoce. cstearhotper etcsnoartFsi sf eoeRtercno Cybt nreimAniartnE riA elbbub gnicaps ni eht redro fo 1.0 ot 2.0 mm nihtiw yreve tniop nieht denedrah tnemec si eht tsom tnatropmi rotcaf rof noitcetorp fo etercnoc tsniagaegamad yb .tsorf nI rehto ,sdrow ti si ton eht latot ,ria tub eht diov gnicaps hcihwsedivorp noitcetorp tsniaga .tsorf yB gnidda llams stnuoma fo ria gniniartne stnega ,.g.e(50.0 % yb thgiew fo )tnemec ti si elbissop ot etaroprocni 50.0 ot 1 mm .selbbub roF anevig emulov fo ria eht eerged fo noitcetorp tsniaga tsorf noitca lliw yrav gnidneped noeht elbbub ,ezis rebmun fo ,selbbub dna elbbub .gnicaps ,eroferehT emulov fo deniartneria si ton a tneiciffus erusaem rof noitcetorp fo etercnoc tsniaga tsorf ,noitca tub ti sieht .s en ro leuire ott ro syr extefeo ttfristhpfinocmeitroloniruacoscpucaqe riA selbbub era deniatnoc nihtiw eht tnemec etsap noitrop fo eht .etercnoc ehT tnemec etsap tnetnoc fo a etercnoc si yllareneg detaler ot eht mumixam etagergga.ezis setercnoC desopmoc fo regral etagergga sezis niatnoc ssel tnemec etsap nahtetercnoc edam fo rellams .setagergga ,eroferehT setercnoc htiw erom tnemec etsap ,.e.i(rellams etagergga )sezis eriuqer erom ria selbbub rof noitcetorp tsniaga tsorf .egamad roF ,ecnatsni setercnoc gniniatnoc 3 hcni mumixam ezis etagergga eriuqer %5.7 riarednu 8 ereves erusopxe snoitidnoc saerehw rof 1 hcni etagergga ezis ria tnetnoc fo %6si tneiciffus rof noitcetorp tsniaga tsorf .egamad etagerggA gnidarg osla stcefa ehtemulov fdoenia r.trniea n I,laren eeght emulov fdoeniar trniea sdiesaerc eydb na ssecxe foyrev enif dnas .selcitrap noitiddA fo larenim serutximda hcus sa ylf ,hsa ro eht esu foyrev ylenif dnuorg stnemec esaerced ria tnetnoc ni a ralimis yaw sa ni yrev enif.setagergga ,eromrehtru Ferom ria si deniartne otni a ev iesteehroccn oncaht a yrev tew ro a yrevffits one. se rgunt ixrniiimAadrAtnE r ig Ansienriu atnrxitianmtedraep ot eht ssalc ev i ftlocaac-iemce ahnfcwrounsksa .stnatcafrus stnatcafruS tsisnoc fo niahc-gnol selucelom eno dne fo hcihw sicilihpordyh 3 )gnitcartta-retaw( dna eht rehto cilihpordyh .)gnilleper-retaw( ehT cilihpordyh dne sniatnoc eno dna ro erom ralop spuorg elbisnopser rof cinoi snoitca nehw debrosda taeht ,retaw-ria dna retaw-tnemec .secafretni tA eht retaw-ria ecafretni eht ralop spuorgera oriented towards the retaw esahp gnirewol eht ecafrus ,noisnet gnitomorp elbbub noitamrof dna gniretnuoc rof eht ycnednet fo desrepsid selbbub ot .ecselaoc tAeht retaw-tnemec ecafretni erehw evitcerid secrof tsixe ni eht tnemec ,ecafrus ehtralop spuorg emoceb dnuob ot eht tnemec htiw eht ralop-non spuorg detneiro sdrawot,retaw gnikam eht tnemec ecafrus cibohpordyh os taht ria nac ecalpsid retaw dna niamer dehcatta ot eht tnemec sa .selbbub riA gniniartne serutximda yllareneg tsisnoc fo stlasfo m ud,,eosslodnow.ii rscsdttae nenrcape igetrmeeohtstendys nsodio t hraftono ef i tMemrnhrieeteAt ttnneeoirDCcnoC A rebmun fo seuqinhcet era elbaliava rof ehtnoitanimreted fo ria tnetnoc nihserf :gn i ew .rd o eeoudlshtleldta cno o tenefhssidterehamTh Measureto Methods t nreitAfnooC etercnoC cirtemivarG erus shegriPH Method esre vraareTniL tnioPtnuoC Method Method Method cirtemuloV erusserP Method Method cirtemivadroGh-tIeM ehT ria tnetnoc fo hserf etercnoc nac eb detaluclac morf sti derusaem tinuthgiew 4

Synthetic air-entraining admixtures was creation of larger air bubbles (voids) by interface, when special directive forces exist on the solid surface.
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