The InternationalArcade Musuem: CailleCatalog 311 1 Cbe Cbe CAILLE BROIDERS CAILLE BROIDERS COMPANY COMPANY I m OURD oMwAnlCo aUwdIweNd. fa SfrrcoamMd :e Om Ou s eYuOmU. c Ro SUCCESS OURMACUINfS MOOYOURSUCCESS w h tt p :// The InternationalArcade Musuem: CailleCatalog 311 PRICE LIST No. 311--Money Machines PAGE PRICE 6 Bell Gum Vender , " , $ 85.00 Bell Gum Vender on Royal PedestaL........................... 94.00 Bell Gum Vender on Special Cabinet Pe(lestal..................... 97.00 7 Operators Bell 60.00 8 Liberty Bell 60.00 II Silver Cup 75.00 10 Check Boy ............................................ 60.00 11 Big Star Six 60.00 12 Tiger.................. 5c Play 40.00 10c, 25c or 50c Play..................... 45.00 13 Tiger Special.......... 5c Play 45.00 10c, 25c or SOc Play..................... 50.00 14 Tiger Special with Gum Arrangement-5c Play............... ... 45.00 16 :New Way Gum Attachment..................................... 40.00 Gum, per M packages......................................... 8.50 NOTICE! 18 Ben Hur.............. 5c Play 60.00 25c Play 70.00 19 Centaur............. 5c Play 180.00 This book is full of opportunities. 25c Play 195.00 SOc Play 210.00 You have opened it up with expecta 20 Eclipse....... ..... 5c Play 145.00 tions and we know its careful perusal 25c Play 160.00 SOc Play 175.00 will prove beneficial to you and result 21 BigSix. .......... 5c Play 135.00 in netting you a mce fortune in the 25c Play ...•......................... 150.00 SOc Play 165.00 future, if you will only follow a few of 22 Big'SixSpecial......... 5c Play •.............................. 150.00 25c Play 165.00 the suggestions outlined. 50c Play 180.00 Any further information that you 24 LoneStar.............. 5c Play 150.00 25c Play 165.00 may desire relative to the great money 50c Play 180.00 25 "45"................... 5c Play 135.00 getters to be found in this extensive 25c Play 150.00 line, we will cheerfully furnish upon SOc Play 165.00 26 Detroit................ 5c Play .......•........................ 125.00 receipt of request. 25c Play 140.00 SOc Play 155.00 27 Puck.................. 5'c Play 120.00 25c Play 135.00 50c Play 150.00 28 Owl........ ... 5c Play Only 75.00 29 Black Cat 5c Play 180.00 25c Play 195.00 SOc Play 210.00 30 BullFrog. . . 5c Play 166.00 m 25c Play 180.00 D o w nlowawd we d. a frrcoamd :e m u s e u m . c o 31 TTYwrainpinkleeMteCMaCCCcoaaoahubbuciniihnnnntieteeenesrttreSSSseSqttttyyyeyuqllllieeeepu.pi.p..e.pd225e5505dwcccciwPPtPPhilllltaaaahMyyyyuMsuicsiBc oBxo-xE-xEtxratr.a.............................. 347796505000......000000000000 h tt p :// 32 SCienng'tlaeurMTacwhiinnes equipped5cwainthd M25ucsicPlBaoyx..-.E..x..t.r.a.............................. 33705..0000 25c and 50c Play............... 405.00 33 EclipseTwin 5c and 25c Play........................ 300.00 25c and 500 Play........................ 335.00 34 CentaurLoneStarTwin. 5c and 25c Play 350.00 25c and SOc Play....................... 380.00 36 BilrSixEclipseTwin... 5c and 25c Play........................ 295.00 250 and SOc Play........................ 330.00 The InternationalArcade Musuem: CailleCatalog 311 The Caille Brothers PAGE PRIOE 38 LoneStar"45"Twin , 5c and 25c Play . 300.00 25c and 50c Play . 335.0J 37 DetroitTwin , 5c and 25c Play . 270.00 Cotnpany 25c and 50c Play . 305.00 38 Mixed Triplet . 528.00 311 Eclipse Triplet . 480.00 40 PeerlessRoulette 5c Play ........................•....... 350.00 25c Play . 400.00 42 New Check Player & Separator with 250 Checks . 30.00 INCORPORATED 43 Check Feeder with 1000 Checks- 5c size . 30.00 25c size ...........•........... 35.00 44 "No Gambling" Sign . 3.00 45 CoinRegister Nickel size . 20.00 LARGEST PLANT IN Quarter size . 25.00 47 Quintette . 55.00 THE WORLD MAKING 48 Kylo . 35.00 49 Draw Poker . . 35.00 50 Royal Jumbo . 26.50 COIN-CONTROLLED 51 JumooSuccess Full Length or Counter Style . 20.00 52 Success Full Length or Counter Style . 17.00 53 Base Ball . . 45.00 MACHINES M G~~ . . 24.00 55 Jockey Counter Style . 22.00 Full Length Cabinet . 30.00 56 Wasp . 10.00 57 Puritan . . 21.00 58 Banker . . 11.00 Banker With Swivel Base.... . . 12.00 59 Good Luck . 10.00 Good Luck With Swivel Base . 11.50 Good Luck Special . . 12.50 60 Winner Dice . . 10.00 61 Little Dream . . 10.00 Gum, per 1,000 Pieces, Net . 1.75 62 Pedestals Style No.!. .. 9.00 Style No.2 . 4.75 Style No.3... . . 12.00 Style No.4.... . . 6.25 63 MO'ney Changers: No. I-Multi Tube U. S. Penny Changer, Plain . 6.50 No. I-Multi Tube U. S. Penny Changer, with Cash Box. 13.00 No.2-Multi Tube U. S. Nickel Changer, Plain . 8.00 No.2-Multi Tube U. S. Nickel Changer, with Cash Box. 15.00 No.3-Single Tube U. S. Penny Changer . 2.00 No.4-Single Tube U. S. Nickel Changer . 2.50 No. 5-U. S. Quarter Changer, Single Tube . 6.00 No.6-Canadian Penny Changer, Single Tube . 6.00 Catalog 311 ALL ABOVE PRICES ARE F. O. B. DETROIT. THDEo wCnAlCoISoaLeweidnLwpeaEd.gCae fsorrBc6no6atmRardno:Oed lm6lT7eudrHesgMeEarudRaimncgS.hcteiornCmmesa.sMPANY Second anGdENAERmAsLteOrFdFaICmE Avenues w h tt p :// Detroit, Michigan FACTORY 1300-1340 Second Ave. and 12 rue de la Chaussee-d' Antin 12 Paris, France Detroit, Michigan, U.S. A. The InternationalArcade Musuem: CailleCatalog 311 Caille's Guarantee Bond Backs Up Every Machine That Bears Our Name. Caille's Trade Stimulators Check-Paying Trade Machines Used the World Over. As trade Stimulators and Lid-Lifters there is nothing to compare with the extensive line of Counter-Style Automatic Check Machines. Even where there is objection to the straight money machines, these trade devices are being run with good results, and not interfered with whatever. As all of these Check-Paying machines are made very liberal, they prove a great form of amusement, and the means of bringing customers into the places where used. Players never get sour on them or over their luck, for they only lose small amounts at a time. Reduced fac-simile of our Guarantee Bond which These machines appeal to the known spirit of speculation, so accompanies each Caille Machine. strong in every man. They interest and gratify that element in him at small cost to himself, and they give him a fair show and Our reputation of Twenty Years' standing for making the "a good run for his money" against slight odds. best goods, and for courteous and honest treatment of our cus tomers is worthy of your most serious consideration. The merchant who is anxious to increase his business can do so by means of these machines. They are made expressly for the purpose of stimulating trade in a manner equally satisfying to merchant and customer. Leaders the World Over The machines listed herein will increase the business of any merchant and are particularly adapted to liquor dealers, druggists, Caille Machines have a distinguishing style, and any MA cigar stores, billiard rooms, etc. Experience Ilas demonstrated CHINE BEARING OUR TRADE MARK needs no further that they will positively increase trade 50 to 100 per cent. if a recommendation as to its high grade and durability. Our cab square deal is given. inets are made of the best quarter-sawed Michigan oak, which An investigation would surely prove profitable and interesting makes the finest furniture in the world. Metal trimmillgs, fin to you. 'vVe have ample evidence to offer and can refer you to ished by our secret process, in Burnished Gold, Nickel and numerous customers who know by pleasant experience that Caille Antique Copper. m OURAODlulGroU0i1wm1A1m'nRelmAnoaNscaeThwdifEnaweceEisd.lia BtafireOrrcseoNaemDbndua:ieb lIltSmeouBunsEsttHoeheIumNme"DeC.tAcEslIoAlLcCcLeHEss.fuSlYlySaTllEcMom" Trade Stimulators do stimulate trade. cpaentitiboenh,rtaetnapds:o/no/auwbrlypriscoelsd.will be found the lowest at which goods 4 The InternationalArcade Musuem: CailleCatalog 311 Caille's Bell Gum Vender Caille's Operators Bell Gum Vending and Trade Machine in Fact and Appearance. WITH GUM SIGN. PAYS OUT GUM AND TRADE CHECKS Delivers a 5c package of good gum for every nickel played. providing player will turn the knob on the left and pull out the gum. When gum is not taken by player it remains in machine and will not clog or block it. Does not pay gum when checks The works of this machine are exactly the same as our Liberty are played. Bell, but the reward card and reels show different fruits in their Mechanism, with the exception of the Vending device at top, actual colors, and it calls for a 5c package of gum for every is our regular Liberty or Operata;· Bell works, most simple and nickel played. perfect in construction, so that very little experience is necessary This often proves a great inducement for new players to start to understand it thoroughly and regulate any part when desired. in, for they feel they get their money's worth win or not. Besides This machine is the result of long and caremful study on tile this, it makes the machine allowable in most every part of the fcmpehaarerectanhttioDnifeto.ospeewxtrhpaenetiolrriroeslniafcwtedeh'sdrweowld.m.oag erfhrckrochouaaatnnmddict:hes ke,nmowcwouhuosneevtrheyuar.yvmerI.emmcqpuaooidrseesmibceloeninttooofpbtehereaattdiniofgr gwiseontreelOdrram.vleerdpcuoabmlisece.sl1itnhge mwaocrhstinpererjauthdiecresthaagnaiansgtamchbalnincge dmeavcihceinebsy atnhde kindNoonthetthttepha:m/t/ aOcccouupniteesrbsutytlelitmtleacshpinacee, tohne tohnelycoounneteorfatnhde the Neloetgicaenthocwarvtihnegscotion tmopa,kerewitarmdocstardattarnadctifvineishancdomfabsicnienawtiinthg therefore requires no large room or pedestal in case of crowded machine to behold. You know what this means as a money-getter quarters. and great player. DIMENSIONS: Height25in. Width13in. Depth12ill. Weight90Ibs. DrMENSIONS: Height221n. Width13in. Depth12in. Weight791bs. Telegraph or Cable Code-GUM. Telegraph N Cable Code-OPERATOR. 6 7 The InternationalArcade Musuem: CailleCatalog 311 Caille's Liberty Bell Caille's Silver Cup The Only Real Automatic Pays Rewards Automatically. Double-Dial Machine This is a combination trade check or money machine that is replacing every other style of coin-operating machine. As a money machine it will compare with any large floor machine; when arranged to payout checks only is allowed every Plays with money and checks, and pays rewards in checks where. Also has a special gum sign if necessity requires it. only, or can be changed in a moment to a straight money Five can play at once or one player can play the five slots. Re wards are from ten cents to two dollars. machine. The coin top is perfection itself. Impossible to get a penny through or clog it in any way. The main works are so arranged On reels are card spots, and when they stop on a winning that it is impossible to empty the payout by manipulation, even combination, as shown by reward card above it, automatically though some one should maliciously drop in badly deformed coins that would block it up. This is taken care of by a special locking pays out the amount called for in checks or money as the machine device that automatically goes on the minute the machine becomes obstebrtuascLienttiiaDkobfenolo.era.wlaIlnnndoltthohtiheasewrdwwChaeyiadg.ilahy lfeoerrsuctogaaomcrodlead:essa s,smsonufuoretswdhieonorugfkmambamu.ntcaschothihpmieneebntehtseatrtsmisiatsstetrrcoioannlgs arcbcenlaeolrayegvuaTgetsoideehftddueha.lencardch.noedlcfoIikntritissidehsripeeadamlarsbaaisintanoonslroduuitsserrolenyswelewoarscr,rudke~reteidc.mpaprrlodueMc.netaecisntlsoadmlntebhinccienktaieserelce.lltyooigTsdgmhiiifnahsfkge.aernewdcnasiottohimnmfroetohlmsiyest aacnmdeduorahfbtlpteep,r:fa/en/cdwtiomn.ostItsimisplefooinl-pervoeorfy, wcaayn.notTbhee coopienrattoepdiswtihthe smtreiaknisngasanadbaigttrpaclatyivegemttealc'hine to behold. You know what this Although the machine ha~ been on the market but a short penny and it is impossible to clog or block it in any way. time. it has proven its place in the field and we have already increased our capacity in that department in order to keep up DIMENSIONS: Height23in. Width13in. Depth12in. Weight79Ib~. with orders. Telegraph or Cable Code-LIBERTY. D1MENSIONS: Width12in. Height19in. Weight721bs. Telegraph Or Cable Code-CUP. 8 9 The InternationalArcade Musuem: CailleCatalog 311 Caille's Check Boy Caille's Big Star Six Plays with Nickels or Checks. A Decided Novelty. This is strictly a check paying machine, called a merchandisc device and allowed to run everywhere. Magazine holds 1000 five cent size trade checks that can be Pays five for one on every color. Is similar to the check boy played back in the machine if desired. Can be filled without in appearance and general construction, but the only fj for 1 check removing from case. Whenopen it is sufficiently liberal to induce machine ever made. a very big play yet is positive of returning the operator a nice Where crowds gather it is proving a great money getter, and percentage of the gross intake. Is equipped with a little percent is as popular with players as wi~h proprietors. . age lever just inside the back door that can be moved over a triAe Reel has thirty-six spaces, whIch makes them appear Wide and and in that way just double the profits. m easy to guess. itssnwpcgreoecwAiWataphsDlopugpraemlokranaobnswrdcacenesanpsccrulsereaole.wtlnwiamnitwcsTghdokehuaweeonnela-ud.dtpbeta hlodcfaiarvagrttceen'oohdnablmcybamduecst:kelpe irtodweamdlemliioslslooufhrvriegos.nedindvetcequabcusyyomeaomrsu.tbaiemcnirandeopnedlyhtiodeolelaomdakoasoikencrenaisipintetlsg.aacsttettwhrreaiibkstchey, mTmhohaaleccdhhIPinitlBnnhaeeieylgsoie,ricrssaStahlittixintotse,ielenevsiartesianrotwdpentrdhioreaaevrnspeidrnoaigfcttthhttiaeehicsryiaefslilnaaymierseacescooavuhlubebwijnrnseyattecewiy,ttrsuihfoteofensrritegy.fuiltoteroriinsagotnuhlidorebnegrclsrahaeoleramgcetekenfoasupmvcagohoyhrenl!lmte1teyoge, tive Raneedhltitnhptae:sr/e/s5t0ingsp.aces. as follows: 17 red and 17 black pay to geLtikteheoubrescteolefbiratedtChec.k B.oy It I.S fool-proof 1.11 every way. and paying mechanism is automatically lock.ed the mC?ment any 2 for 1, 9 green pay 5 fOl' 1. 4 white pay 10 for 1, 2 yellow pay attempt is made to tamper with it, and remall1S so untt! the next 20 for 1. and 1 blue pays 40 for 1. play. DIMENS:IONS: Width14in. Height18y'in. Depth15y'in. Weight60lbs. S:IZE and WE:IGHT-Same as CheckBoy. Telegraph nr Cable Code-BOY. Telegraph or Cable Code-STAR. 10 11 The InternationalArcade Musuem: CailleCatalog 311 Caille's Special Tiger Caille's Tiger NICKEL, DIME, QUARTER OR HALF DOLLAR PLAY. NICKEL, DIME, QUARTER OR HALF DOLLAR PLAY FORTUNE TELLING TRADE MACHINE A SLIGHT IMPROVEMENT OVER OUR FAMOUS TIGER. Paying Its Own Rewards Automatically. Fortune Telling Automatic Reward Paying Trade Machine. ~lIr1tI~(on.-rl~llln0.'"llrl F'RErrC1t;Ans ...("~. ~ J,. (.,." •• ,.., .'(·to" • ,( Note: The "Special" Tiger is the same as the "Tiger" except Allowed to Operate where all other Machines are Prohibited. for the following points: It combines the following special features: (1) It has a lat-ge opening covered by curved plate glass A Fortune Teller with a chance to win a prize; a Carel ~rachil1e somewhat Ollt showing three spaces of the wheeL of the ordinary; a Check Paying machine which pays Ollt its OWI1 rewards. (2) It is equipped with an automatic plugging system similar ""hen a coin is dropped in a slot, and the lever pressed down, the wheel to our large machines_ When the lower colors are played the high revolves. \Vhen the wheel stops, the hand sho\Y~ through the glass covereu ones will show up, but when a high color is played it plugs itself opening, in upper left hand corner. If it corresponds with the cards shown under automatically. The wheel can be made to run open entirely by the slot played, the check is automatically thrown out for the amount indicated. simply moving a lever in the back of the case. A great advantage. From one to five people can play, but only one can win. There are five coin slots, designated by four card spots and a tiger's head. Otherwise the machines are identicaL The card Teel is divided into twenty·five spaces-each space showing a complete The "Tigers" have proved to be great money makers and fortune and a card spot, or tiger's head. m tlwocekniTTNtnyhghiDneececioaccgphdaawseibracsimn.kwneohtplinFcaodihoywss-uaomerpwundAaattcykirlwsereuryetabswldi.nsyttoega meipofmcrmafriypgcheomoaonasrfletismsdvt.isdaeboll:,ffeec:i v\iogie\tmnfVoaerhhsnsueu.hseenpaaldsastkTrdeeeaweadnsonoududcpthmhaaeeyRctcathek.rrtewaswtccscaokatorisnpdvcadseaiy.gniadsdtreesesn.riqogubcnOii,pgmnpaaeeransdcd.Thwiiangileetlh.rppsaear!ytfss faawweluehwatrtihacueoHyhrresnaiptonagiatdeniyssvdasoelmalhoostaeuhwslteaeybdavet.ldrleeearncwydopeirnbeanermtmsieantdicgtohtsmefindiesnetatatotliorsnarfcudaacneasteci,wccoohnwheu.eicntrkhetTs,rohreufihgsbautbshfleiaevrbreeff-ceewoanerrattd.yucnlmamesa-astcceehhdlilininnbeegys. are Whehaivhlieltytthpnei:c/k"/eTli-gpelart"edi.s i:n\ftoenudnetedd foonr uresveolavsinagcboausne,terwimthacrhuibnbe,eritfeneet.vertheless The Special Tiger makes a very handsome floor machine when mounted on the Caille Royal pedestaL makes a handsome machine for the floor when mounted on our Royal Pedestal. Flags instead of card spots on reel, if desired. Flags instead of card spots on reel if desired. DIMENSIONS: Width14in. Depth12in. Height13in. Weight50lb•. DIMENSIONS: Width14in. Depth12in. Height13in. Weight50lbs. Telegraph Or Cable Code-TIGER. Telegraph or Cable Code--TIGRESS. ]2 13 The InternationalArcade Musuem: CailleCatalog 311 Caille's Special Tiger With Tremendous Opportunities tn Gum Arrangement Automatic Money Paying NICKEL OR DIME PLAY ALLOWED EVERYWHERE. Machines o the man who is on the alert and "up to snuff," T as the expression goes, this branch of the slot ma chine business olIers unequaled money making opportunities. The field is practically unlimited and those uninformed as to the facts are aston- ished when they learn of the many places where these "amusement" machines can be placed and are being operated. It must be admitted that in most large cities sueh machines have been placed under the ban in order to shield some other "game," while "Bucket Shops," Boards of Trade and other "Gold Brick" schemes are permitted to flourish. All the time getting the worst of it, these machines are nevertheless being sold in large numbers and are made in more elaborate styles and better constructed than ever before. In every state in the Union and in every country on the globe you will find the Caille Automatic Money Paying Machines more or less in use. The field is a large one and any live man can find locations for from two to ten machines or more in almost • PACKAGE OF GUM AND YOUR FORTUNE TOLD any locality. It is simply UD to the "push" and "get-there" quali ties of the individual operator. FOR ONE NICKEL No Blanks-Gum Every Play Opportunities abound. If the authorities do not wish to have YOUR MO EY'S WORTH EVERY TIME tit them within the city limits, perhaps it will be different in the ~ 40C;nTrade ZOe;nTrade suburbs. In some places machines are used only during the even ing or on Saturday evenings and on Sundays or holidays. They ~ lacinTrade SOC;nTrade • laconTrade never fail to make good. m CFiD?vmeopCwlieennsltwowPiaathwcdktweahged.ea LforarfcwoaGmadunm:ed miwsiutPhesreefveuecrtmyly.pLclDaeoeygt.raoli.t, Mich. aqthtuoreornsTntelhyt"eothshbmaeessaelblnee"orsatmt"odouwefsnnesasm"llea.nontrd"In"vdBielsulvuacicgckheeesstpaalSrareehceocsnpoosnt"thceemtdooe"ldpesohsbtiweyedeldl.reabadneidhnigncdoonptsehere Ti.gePraayhnstdtopSu:pt/e/Cri~awlaTrdigsera.utomatically in metal checks same as the Probably there are no better locations than Clubs, Road Checks read la, la, 20, 40 and 80 instead of 10 10 25 50 and Houses, Health Resorts and Summer Resorts. Steamboats are $1, thus paying for all gum given away. '" also most profitable locations. That the opportunities are many The ideal machine for trade use and a wonderful profit earner. is evidenced by our thousands of successful customers and the For description of machine read page 43. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT. large number of new ones gained daily. 14 15 The InternationalArcade Musuem: CailleCatalog 311 Caille's New Way BIG GUM VENDING MONEY MACHINE. I Package of Gum Caille's New Way With Every Play I LEGALIZES BIG MACHINES AND IS A SURE WINNER. Caille has invented a Gum Vending Device to attach to our MACHINES THAT CAN BE OPERATED ANYWHERE. famous Eclipse Slot Machine that is allowed to be operated in many localities. It is just as legal as many of the schemes resort ed to by the leading merchants of every city in the country to secure trade. Eclipse Gum Machine delivers a 5-cent package of gum for each coin played, and if the player is lucky he will receive a cash prize, according to the slot played-that's all. Identically the same as the merchant who gives away trading stamps to his customers, or the tea store giving a "set of dishes" with a pound of tea. Just as legal as trade or card machine. Eclipse GUIr.. Device has been the means of many of our cus tomers operating machines, and practically one whole state is now open to Eclipse Gum Machines. Device is very simple, and consists of a series of six chutes to hold gum-each chute having a cut-off device which lets out one package of gum for each nickel played. There is nothing to get out of order or cause the least trouble. Gum is regular 5-cent package. and we sell it for $7.50 net per 1,000 packages, or 5,000 pieces. Many players do not take the gum, so the average cost of gum per play will not exceed one-half cent. m If you are all operator, or interested in such a machine, you D o w nlo awd we d. a frrcoamd :e m u s e u m . c o sBhuosuyGl.detosrdtheer mthoenceoymqpuliectkelyE.clipse Gum Machine at once and Get w h tt p :// Pays out Automatically Packages of Gum for Every Coin Played. To be had only with the "Puck," "Detroit," "Eclipse," "Lone Star," "Forty-five," and "Big Six" machines. 16 17