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Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Nanomaterials Volume 2015, Article ID 341848, 12 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/341848 Research Article Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles: Effect of Various Process Parameters on Reaction Yield, Encapsulation Efficiency, and Particle Size SerapDerman BioengineeringDepartment,ChemicalandMetallurgicalEngineeringFaculty,YildizTechnicalUniversity, Esenler,34220Istanbul,Turkey CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoSerapDerman;[email protected] Received22July2015;Accepted13September2015 AcademicEditor:IlariaArmentano Copyright©2015SerapDerman.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,which permitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. CAPEloadedPLGAnanoparticleswerepreparedusingtheoilinwater(o/w)singleemulsionsolventevaporationmethods.Five differentprocessingparametersincludinginitialCAPEamount,initialPLGAamount,PVAconcentrationinaqueousphase,PVA volume,andsolventtypewerescreenedsystematicallytoimproveencapsulationofhydrophobicCAPEmolecule,simultaneously minimizeparticlesize,andraisethereactionyield.Obtainedresultsshowedthattheencapsulationefficiencyofthenanoparticles significantly increased with the increase of the initial CAPE amount (𝑝 < 0.05) and particle size (𝑝 < 0.05). Furthermore, theparticlesizeissignificantlyinfluencedbyinitialpolymeramount(𝑝 < 0.05)andsurfactantconcentration(𝑝 < 0.05).By the optimization of process parameters, the nanoparticles produced 70±6% reaction yield, 89±3% encapsulation efficiency, −34.4±2.5mVzetapotential,and163±2nmparticlesizewithlowpolydispersityindex0.119±0.002.Theparticlesizeandsurface morphologyofoptimizednanoparticleswerestudiedandanalysesshowedthatthenanoparticleshaveuniformsizedistribution, smoothsurface,andsphericalshape.LyophilizednanoparticleswithdifferentCAPEandPLGAconcentrationinformulationwere examinedforinvitroreleaseatphysiologicalpH.Interestingly,theoptimizednanoparticlesshowedahigh(83.08%)andsustained CAPErelease(lastingfor16days)comparedtononoptimizednanoparticle. 1.Introduction humanB-lymphoma[15],prostatecancerPC-3[16],myeloid leukemia U-937 [17], and colon cancer HT-29, 26-L5 [18] Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), a flavonoid-like com- cells. pound (Figure1), is one of the most active components of On the other hand, CAPE can be hydrolyzed in plasma honeybeepropolis[1].Numerousbiologicalandpharmaco- enzymesbyanesterase[19]andthishydrolysisleadstorapid logicaleffectsofCAPEhavebeenreported,suchasantiviral clearanceandshorthalf-lifeandresultsinpoorbioavailability [2], antioxidant [3], antiallergic [4], anticarcinogenic [5], and poor biological performances [20, 21]. Wang et al. anti-inflammatory [6], antimicrobial [7], immunomodula- reportedthatthehalf-lifeof5𝜇g/mLCAPEat37∘Cwas0.35 tory[8],andanticancer[9,10]activities.CAPEhasnopoten- hours [22]. Additionally, poorly water soluble character of tially harmful effects on normal cells [11] but also has been CAPElimitsitsinvivoandinvitroefficacy[1]. showntoinhibitthegrowthofdifferenttypesoftransformed Intherecentyears,manystrategieshavebeendeveloped cells[12].Duetotheinhibitingpotentialofthetranscription toimprovebioavailabilityandwatersolubilityofhydrophobic factor nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-𝜅B), CAPE has strong drugs including drug carrier systems such as antibodies, antitumoractivityincancercells[9,10].Miscellaneousstudy liposomes, or nanoparticles [23]. Several disease related hasshowedtheNF-𝜅Binhibitingpotentialindifferentcancer drugs/bioactive molecules are successfully encapsulated to cell lines, including breast cancer MCF-7 [13], malignant improve solubility, bioavailability, and bioactivity [23, 24]. peripheralnervesheathtumors,astrocytomaGRT-MG[14], Among the biocompatible and biodegradable polymeric 2 JournalofNanomaterials further purification. Ultra-pure water was obtained from O MilliporeMilliQGradientsystem. The in vitro release measurements were carried out at HO ∘ O 37 CinphosphatebuffersolutionatpH=7.4andpH5.2. 2.2. Nanoparticle Preparation Method. The CAPE loaded HO PLGAnanoparticleswerepreparedbymodifiedoilinwater Figure1:Chemicalstructureofcaffeicacidphenethylester(CAPE). (o/w) single emulsion solvent evaporation according to method described by Song et al. [28] with minor modifi- cations. The organic phases consisted of PLGA and CAPE which were dissolved into DCM and ethanol, respectively. nanoparticlesPLGA(poly-d,l-lactide-co-glycolide)isoneof Briefly, known amount of CAPE and PLGA (Table1) was the most commonly and successfully used biodegradable mixedandstirredtoensurethatallmaterialsweredissolved. nanosystemsforencapsulationofvarioustherapeuticagents Thisorganicsolutionwasemulsifiedwiththe4mLaqueous becauseofitshighbiodegradability,biocompatibility,andlow solutionofPVA(3%w/v)bysonication(outputpower70W, toxicity[23],andalsofinaldegradationproducts(lacticacid power of 80%, and 2 minutes) using a microtip probe son- andglycolicacid)arecompletelysafebecausetheyarefinally icator (Bandelin Sonopuls, Germany) over an ice bath. The eliminatedascarbondioxideandwater[25]. o/w single emulsions were stirred overnight on a magnetic PLGA based polymeric nanoparticles are studied to stirreratroomtemperatureforevaporationoforganicphase. enhancethebiologicalactivity,watersolubility,andbioavail- The resulting particles were collected by centrifugation at abilityofvariousdrugandnaturalproductsbecauseoftheir 9.000xrpm for 40min (Hettich-Universal 32 R), washed small particle size and large surface area [10]. For instance, three times with ultra-pure water to remove excess PVA, Singh et al. showed that tea polyphenol loaded PLGA and then lyophilized. The free nanoparticles were prepared nanoparticlesprovide30-foldhigherpreventionontheDNA withsimilarmethodwithoutusingCAPEandalllyophilized damage than free tee polyphenols [26]. Chaowanachan et nanoparticleswerestoredat−80∘Cuntilused. al. synthesized efavirenz loaded PLGA nanoparticles and In this study, the effect of various process parameters researchershowedthattheHIVinhibitoryeffectofnanopar- on reaction yield (RY), encapsulation efficiency (EE), the ticleshoweduptoa50-foldreductioninthe50%inhibitory meanparticlesize(𝑍-Ave),polydispersityindex(PDI),and concentration(IC50)comparedtofreedrug[27]. zeta potential were investigated, including the initial CAPE Despite the above positive features of nanoparticle sys- amount,initialPLGAamount,PVAconcentrationinaqueous tem, there is only one study in the literature concern- phase,PVAvolume(aqueous-to-organicphasevolumeratio) ing encapsulation of CAPE into polymeric nanoparticle. andsolventtype(acetone/DCM+ethanol)volumeratio. Hyo-YoungandcolleaguesencapsulatedCAPEintopoly(𝜀- caprolactone)/poly(ethylene glycol) block copolymer and 2.3.CharacterizationofPolymericNanoparticles they showed that CAPE incorporated nanoparticles have superiorantimetastaticefficiencyagainstpulmonarymetas- 2.3.1.ReactionYield(RY). Thenanoparticlepreparationtech- tasismodel.However,tothebestofourknowledge,thereare nique with a high reaction yield would reduce chemicals nostudiesintheliteratureaboutencapsulationofCAPEto loss and product cost. The reaction yield was calculated PLGAbasednanoparticularsystem. gravimetricallyusingtheformulagivenbelow[29]: Thusthefirstpurposeofthepresentstudywastoexamine the initial CAPE amount, initial PLGA amount, stabilizer RY (%)= Amount of nanoparticle produced ×100. (1) concentrationinaqueousphase,oil/aqueousphaseratio,and Amount of initial polymer+CAPE solventtypeforoptimizingthenanoparticleformulationin respect to reaction yield, encapsulation efficiency, particle 2.3.2.EncapsulationEfficiency(EE). TheencapsulatedCAPE size,polydispersityindex(PDI),andzetapotential.Tosyn- intheNPswasdetectedintriplicatedindirectquantification thesizethePLGAnanoparticlesinoptimumformulationfor methods by using UV-Vis Spectroscopy at 323nm. EE was the first time by oil in water (o/w) single emulsion solvent determined by analyzing the supernatant obtained from evaporation method and detailed characterize improved the ultracentrifugation of each nanoparticle formulation. drugencapsulatednanoparticlesweretheotheraimsofthe CAPE concentration in the supernatant was determined by existingstudy. comparing the concentration to a previously constructed standard calibration curve. The concentration of loading CAPEinnanoparticleswascalculatedfromthetotalamount 2.MaterialsandMethods ofCAPEandtheamountofCAPEthatwasnotencapsulated. The CAPE encapsulation efficiency (EE) was calculated 2.1. Materials. PLGA (lactide:glycolide = 50:50; inherent viscosity 0.45–0.60dL/g, Mw ∼ 38–54kDa P50/50), poly- usingtheformulasgivenbelow: vinyl alcohol, CAPE, acetone, and ethanol were purchased Amount of CAPE encapsulated in NPs EE (%)= from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, USA); dichloromethane Initial CAPE added (2) (DCM)wasobtainedfromRideldeHaen.Allthechemicals ×100. and solvents were of analytical grade and used without JournalofNanomaterials 3 Table1:VariousprocessparametersofCAPEloadedNPs. CAPEandPLGAamount PVA Solventtype Nanoparticle Aseton DCM Et-OH number CAPE(mg) PLGA(mg) (%) mL (mL) (mL) (mL) NP1 10 100 3 4 — 1.5 0.5 NP2 20 100 3 4 — 1.5 0.5 NP3 30 100 3 4 — 1.5 0.5 NP4 40 100 3 4 — 1.5 0.5 NP5 50 100 3 4 — 1.5 0.5 NP6 20 100 0.1 4 — 1.5 0.5 NP7 20 100 0.5 4 — 1.5 0.5 NP8 20 100 1 4 — 1.5 0.5 NP9 20 100 2 4 — 1.5 0.5 NP10 20 100 3 6 — 1.5 0.5 NP11 20 100 3 8 — 1.5 0.5 NP12 20 100 3 10 — 1.5 0.5 NP13 20 100 3 20 — 1.5 0.5 NP14 20 100 3 4 0.5 1 0.5 NP15 20 100 3 4 0.75 0.75 0.5 NP16 20 100 3 4 1 0.5 0.5 NP17 20 100 3 4 1.5 — 0.5 NP18 20 200 3 4 — 1.5 0.5 NP19 20 300 3 4 — 1.5 0.5 NP20 20 400 3 4 — 1.5 0.5 OptimizedNP 50 100 2 4 — 1.5 0.5 A standard calibration curve of the absorbance as a previouslydescribedbyHalayqaandDoman´ska[31].Adrop functionofCAPEconcentrationwasstudiedat323nm.All of nanoparticles suspensions was placed on a black carbon experimentswereperformedintriplicate. tapewithadoubleside.Afterdryingthesampleswerecoated withgoldlayerundervacuumandanalyzedwithSEM(Zeiss 2.3.3. Mean Particle Size (Z-Ave), Zeta Potential, and Poly- EVOLS10,Germany)at5kV. dispersity Index (PDI). Dynamic light scattering technique wasusedfordeterminingofthe𝑍-average(𝑍-Ave)andPDI 2.3.5.FourierTransformsInfrared(FT-IR)Spectrometry. IR- valuesofnanoparticlesusingaZetasizer(ZetasizerNanoZS, Prestige21FTIRspectrophotometer(Shimadzu,Japan)was Malvern,UK)instrumentequippedwith4.0mVHe-Nelaser usedforchemicalanalysesofthefunctionalgroupspresentin (633nm) [30]. Measurements were carried out in triplicate, nanoparticles[32].MeasurementswerecarriedoutforPLGA, at 25 ± 0.1∘C with using 0.8872cP of viscosity and 1.330 of CAPE, and NPs in universal attenuation total reflectance refractive index for the solutions. The number of runs and (ATR)mode.TheFT-IRspectrawereobtainedwith16scans −1 rundurationswerechoseautomatically. persamplerangingfrom4000to750cm andaresolution Zetapotential(𝜁)valueofnanoparticleswasdetermined of4cm−1. by electrophoreticlight scattering (ELS) technique and car- ried out in the folded capillary cell at 25 ± 0.1∘C [30]. 2.3.6. In Vitro CAPE Release. The in vitro CAPE release The measurements were performed in triplicate, with the fromnanoparticleswasstudiedusingamodifieddissolution followingparameters:viscosity,0.8872cP;dielectricconstant, method[33]inphosphatebuffersolutionsatpH7.4.ThepH 79;𝑓(𝑘𝑎),1.50(Smoluchowski).Themeasurementdurations valuewasselectedtosimulatethephysiologicalpH(7.4)[34]. andvoltageselectionsweresettoautomaticmode. In a typical release experiment, 5mg of the CAPE loaded All samples were prepared by diluting with phosphate PLGA nanoparticles was suspended in 10mL of PBS with buffer saline (PBS), filtered with a 0.20𝜇m RC-membrane 0.01%sodiumazideandthesuspensionwasincubatedat37∘C filter(Sartorius)beforemeasurement. in a shaking incubator (60rpm) at pH 7.4. At selected time intervals(1hour,2hours,3hoursand1,2,3,4,7,11,13,and 2.3.4.ScanningElectronMicroscopy(SEM). Thesurfacemor- 16 days), the release medium was centrifuged at 9000rpm, phology and shape of the CAPE loaded nanoparticles were 20min, the supernatant was collected, and the pellet was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as resuspendedwith10mLfreshPBS.TheCAPEconcentration 4 JournalofNanomaterials Table2:Effectofprocessparametersonthereactionyield,encapsulationefficiency,meanparticlesize,PDI,andzetapotential. Encapsulation Particlenumber Reactionyield(%) Size(nm) PDI Zetapotential(mV) efficiency(%) NP1 39±7 60±3 218±9 0.077±0.005 −22.4±0.7 NP2 40±6 76±4 208±8 0.065±0.006 −18.7±0.3 NP3 48±7 86±5 214±8 0.101±0.008 −18.1±1.0 NP4 49±6 89±2 207±10 0.055±0.005 −19.2±1.3 NP5 53±5 92±5 214±9 0.079±0.003 −17.7±1.6 NP6 74±7 91±5 469±15 0.461±0.038 −16.3±1.8 NP7 80±8 91±3 324±10 0.113±0.007 −20.2±3.1 NP8 64±6 86±3 246±12 0.119±0.005 −19.6±0.7 NP9 63±9 83±5 243±13 0.138±0.010 −15.8±1.9 NP10 68±8 84±7 260±7 0.139±0.006 −14.0±2.9 NP11 70±7 85±6 284±9 0.177±0.005 −15.6±1.8 NP12 68±6 84±3 271±7 0.150±0.009 −14.2±1.8 NP13 64±8 80±5 248±8 0.164±0.008 −12.7±1.3 NP14 15±4 65±4 180±7 0.087±0.005 −18.7±2.0 NP15 7±4 66±2 158±9 0.057±0.002 −16.6±1.8 NP16 12±6 64±4 158±10 0.103±0.008 −16.2±2.0 NP17 15±7 83±4 187±6 0.143±0.014 −16.3±2.6 NP18 83±6 84±6 215±5 0.128±0.018 −17.5±1.6 NP19 86±7 81±4 404±9 0.403±0.042 −21.4±2.5 NP20 92±5 85±5 437±9 0.499±0.066 −19.4±2.0 OptimizedNP 70±6 89±3 163±2 0.119±0.002 −34.4±2.5 inthesupernatantwasdeterminedwithUV-VisSpectroscopy Particularly, initial PLGA and CAPE amount had strongly at 323nm by comparing the concentration to a previously and significantly positive effects on reaction yield while constructedstandardcalibrationcurve. acetone/DCM+ethanolconcentrationreducedthereaction yield. 2.4. Statistical Analysis. All experiments were repeated at Figure2(a)showsthattheyieldrosefrom39±7%to53± least three times. Data were expressed as mean ± standard 5%withtheincreaseintheinitialCAPEamountfrom10mg deviation.SPSS15.0softwarewasusedforstatisticalanalyses to50mg. [35].NonparametricanalysiswithMann-Whitney𝑈testwas Additionally, it is clearly seen in Figure2(b) that initial carriedoutforcomparisonoftheresults.𝑝valueslessthan PLGAamounthadagreatereffectonthereactionyieldwhen 0.05(𝑝<0.05)wereconsideredsignificant. theothersystemparameterssetataconstantvalue.Asshown inTable2thereactionyieldincreasedfrom40±6%to92±5 with the increase in initial PLGA amount from 100mg to 3.Results 400mg, indicating that the higher the PLGA amount used In this study, the o/w single emulsion solvent evaporation in the formulation, the greater the yield. Our results are method was used for fabrication of CAPE loaded PLGA in agreement with the recent observations of Hussein et al. nanoparticles.Theeffectoffiveprocessparametersonreac- [29] who found that the reaction yield increased twofold tionyield(RY),encapsulationefficiency(EE),meanparticle (from40%to80%)withariseinPLGAconcentrationsfrom size (𝑍-Ave), polydispersity index (PDI), and zeta potential 2.5mg/mLto10mg/mL.TheincreaseinthePLGAamount were investigated. The basic characteristics of the CAPE givesrisetotheviscosityofsolutions,causingtheformation loadedPLGAnanoparticleswerepresentedinTable2. oflargeranddenserparticles,whichwillafterwardincrease thereactionyield[29,36,37]. 3.1. Effect of Process Parameters on Reaction Yield. High TheeffectofPVAvolumeonthereactionyieldwasshown efficiency nanoparticle preparation methods considerably in Figure2(c). The reaction yield first increased up to 68 ± prevent material loss, improve particle production, and 8 (for 6mL of PVA), then reached a plateau, and slowly decrease manufacturing cost [29]. In this study, all the decreasedwithanincreaseinPVAvolume. formulatedbatchesgavewideyieldsthatrangedbetween7± Figure2(d) shows the effect of PVA concentration in 4%and92±5%.Obtainedresultsindicatedthatthereaction the aqueous phase on the reaction yield. As depicted from yield responses strongly depend on process parameters. the figure, at low PVA concentration (<1w/v) the increase JournalofNanomaterials 5 100 100 100 100 80 80 %) 80 80 %) %) ncy ( %) ncy ( Reaction yield ( 4600 4600 psulation efficie Reaction yield ( 4600 4600 psulation efficie 20 20 nca 20 20 nca E E 0 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 100 200 300 400 Initial CAPE amount (mg) Initial PLGA amount (mg) (a) (b) 100 100 100 100 80 80 %) 80 80 %) Reaction yield (%) 462000 246000 ncapsulation efficiency ( Reaction yield (%) 462000 246000 ncapsulation efficiency ( E E 0 0 0 0 4 6 8 10 20 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 PVA volume (mL) PVA concentration w/v (%) (c) (d) 100 100 80 80 %) %) ncy ( eld ( 60 60 fficie yi e n n Reactio 40 40 psulatio 20 20 ca n E 0 0 0.0 0.333 0.6 1.0 3.0 Acetone/DCM + Et-OH (e) Figure2:Effectofvariousprocessparametersonreactionyield(line)andencapsulationefficiency(column),includingtheinitialCAPE amount(a),initialPLGAamount(b),PVAvolume(c),PVAconcentrationinaqueousphase(d),andsolventtype(e)(𝑛=3). in the yield was confined to 80 ± 8% and then system- yieldof7±4%atanacetone:DCM:ethanolratioof3:3:2 atically decreased with increase in the PVA concentration (for2mL);thenaweakincrease(15±7)wasobservedinthe (𝑝<0.05). absenceofDCMandtheratioofacetone:ethanolof3:1. Finally,theeffectofsolventtypeonthereactionyieldwas Hence, it can be thought that the reaction yield had a showninFigure2(e).Itcanbeclearlyseenthatthereaction positive relationship with the initial CAPE amount, initial yieldissignificantlyaffectedfromthesolventtype(𝑝<0.05). PLGAamount,andPVAvolumeandanegativerelationship Theincreaseintheacetoneratioinsolventmixtureledtoa with PVA concentration and the presence of acetone in decreasethereactionyield.Thereactionachievedaminimum solventmixture. 6 JournalofNanomaterials 3.2. Effect of Process Parameters on Encapsulation Efficiency. PVAvolume.Actually,encapsulationefficiencyisindirectly TheresultsoftheeffectofinitialCAPEandPLGAamount, affectedbyaqueousphasevolumeduetotheinfluenceofPVA PVAvolumeandconcentration,andsolventtypeonencapsu- volumeonparticlesize,whichdirectlyaffectsencapsulation lationefficiencyarelistedinTable2andillustratedinFigures efficiency. 2(a)∼2(e)respectively. Figure2(d) shows the effect of PVA concentration on WhenaconstantinitialamountofPLGA(100mg),PVA encapsulationefficiencyofCAPE.PVAformulatednanopar- volume (4mL), PVA concentration (3%w/v), and solvent ticlesreachedmaximumencapsulationatlow(0,1%w/v)sta- type (only DCM and ethanol) was maintained, the amount bilizerconcentration.Encapsulationefficiencylevelreached ofCAPEvariedfrom10to50mg(Figure2(a)).Theincrease as high as 91 ± 5% and was seen at lowest PVA con- in the initial CAPE amount in organic phase resulted in a centration. When the concentration of stabilizer increased, significant increase in entrapment efficiency of CAPE (𝑝 < a linear and small reduction in overall CAPE encapsula- 0.05), which was in accordance with the results reported tion was seen (Table2). Obtained results are in agreement [28,31].InthefirstplacetheEEremarkablyincreased(from with literature [28, 34, 43, 44]. Cooper and Harirforoosh 60 ± 3% to 86 ± 5%) and then reached a plateau when the synthesized diclofenac encapsulated PLGA nanoparticles amountofCAPEwasbetween30and50mg. with polyvinylalcohol and didodecyldimethylammonium Itwasreportedthatthedrugpartitioncoefficientininter- bromide(DMAB)asastabilizer.Thesegroupobservedthat nalandexternalphasessignificantlyaffectstheencapsulation encapsulation of diclofenac decreases with increase in the efficiency of particles using an o/w method [38, 39]. Boury concentrationofeachofthetwostabilizers[44]. et al. showed that the drug polymer interaction contributes Theeffectofthesolventtype(acetonetoDCM+ethanol to increasing encapsulation efficiency [40]. Panyam et al. volume ratio is in the range of 0 to 3.0) on encapsulation discussed the importance of drug miscibility in polymer efficiency of CAPE was shown in Figure2(e). It was seen for hydrophobic flutamide and reported that higher drug in Figure2(e) and Table2 that encapsulation efficiency is polymermiscibilityleadstoahigherdrugencapsulation[41]. significantly decreased by addition of acetone to organic Similar results established by Budhian et al. indicated that solventmixtureandreachedaplateauwiththeriseofacetone the increase in the polymer drug interaction also increases volumeratio(from0.333to1.0)andthenincreaseforacetone thedrugcontentofparticlesasaresultofhighencapsulation to DCM + ethanol volume ratio was equal to 3.0. This efficiency[24]. occurredpossiblybecauseofthechangeofAcetone/DCM+ It was observed in our results that with the increase ethanol volume ratio affecting the dispersion of CAPE in in initial CAPE amount, the concentration of CAPE in the organic phase. Encapsulation efficiency reached maximum organic phase increased and more drug molecules could foracetone/DCM+ethanolvolumeratiobeing3.0;however interact with the polymer molecules. This results in the in this condition the significant reduction in reaction yield increaseinencapsulationefficiencyofCAPE. (15±7%)wasobserved. Figure2(b) shows the effect of initial PLGA amount on the encapsulation efficiency of CAPE. It is clearly seen that 3.3.EffectofProcessParametersonParticleSizeandPolydis- theencapsulationefficiencyofCAPEincreasedsignificantly persity Index. In this study the effects of initial CAPE and (𝑝 < 0.05) with increase in the PLGA concentration in PLGA amount, PVA concentration, PVA volume (aqueous- organicphase.TheriseintheinitialPLGAamountleadsto to-organic phase volume ratio), and solvent type on mean an increase of organic phase viscosity, which causes more particlesizeofnanoparticleswereinvestigated.Theparticle diffusionalresistancetodrugmoleculesfromorganicphase sizevaluesforallbatchesshowawidevariationinresponse totheaqueousphase[42].Additionally,increaseintheinitial thatrangedfromaminimumof158±9nmtoamaximum PLGA amount resulted in a rise in the particle size. As of 469 ± 15nm. Obtained results openly indicate that the shownintheliterature,largerparticlesprovidehigherdrug mean particle size is strongly related on selected process encapsulationefficiency[24,28,31,43].Moreover,duetothe parameters. increaseofparticlesizethelengthofdiffusionalpathwayof TheeffectofinitialCAPEamountonnanoparticlessize drugsfromorganicphasetoaqueousphaseincreasesandas was shown in Figure3(a). Initial CAPE amount in organic aresultofthisincreasethedruglossalsodecreases.Thereby, phase had no significant effect on the mean particle size reducingthedruglossthroughdiffusionprovidesincreased whichwassimilartomanyearlierstudieswithhydrophobic encapsulationefficiency[42].Obtainedresultsinaccordance molecules[24,28]. withtheresultsreportedbyHalayqaandDoman´skaandthe Figure3(b) shows that the mean particle size of CAPE authorsshowthatincreaseinthepolymeramountfrom0.8% loaded PLGA nanoparticlesincreasedsignificantlywith the to1.6%increasestheencapsulationefficiency46.6%to71.6% increase of initial PLGA concentration. It can be observed for perphenazine and 44.8% to 61.6% for chlorpromazine that increase of the PLGA amount from 100mg to 400mg hydrochloride[31]. increases the mean particle size from 208 ± 8nm to 437 ± Theeffectoftheaqueousphasevolumeontheencapsu- 9nm.Thesameresultswerealsopreviouslyreportedbyother lationefficiencyofCAPEisshowninFigure2(c).Theencap- researcher[28,31,45–48].Thiscouldexplainthatincreaseof sulation efficiency of CAPE firstly increased with increase thePLGAamountinorganicphaseleadstoriseofsolution of PVA volume and then reached a plateau that ranged viscosity and decrease of net shear stress. As a result of from 76 ± 4% to 85 ± 6%. It was clearly seen from results reducing shear stress larger particles are formed. Addition- that encapsulation efficiency is not significantly affected by ally,increaseintheviscositycouldpreventquickdispersion JournalofNanomaterials 7 250 500 0.5 0.5 200 400 0.4 m) m) 0.4 n150 n 300 article size (100 00..23 PDI article size ( 200 00..23 PDI P P 50 0.1 100 0.1 0 0.0 0 0.0 10 20 30 40 50 0 100 200 300 400 Initial CAPE amount (mg) Initial PLGA amount (mg) (a) (b) 350 0.5 500 0.5 300 0.4 400 0.4 250 m) m) n 0.3 n 300 0.3 e ( 200 e ( cle siz 150 0.2 PDI cle siz 200 0.2 PDI arti 100 arti P P 0.1 100 0.1 50 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 6 8 10 20 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 PVA volume (mL) PVA concentration w/v (%) (c) (d) 250 0.5 200 0.4 m) n 150 0.3 e ( cle siz 100 0.2 PDI arti P 50 0.1 0 0.0 0.0 0.333 0.6 1.0 3.0 Acetone/DCM + Et-OH (e) Figure3:Effectofvariousprocessparametersonparticlesize(column)andPDI(line),includingtheinitialCAPEamount(a),initialPLGA amount(b),PVAvolume(c),PVAconcentrationinaqueousphase(d),andsolventtype(e)(𝑛=3). of polymer solution into the aqueous PVA phase, resulting the mean particle size [28]. Furthermore, the increased the in bigger droplets which formed larger nanoparticles after totalsystemvolumewouldreducethenetshearstressbecause evaporationofoilphase. of a constant energy source causing to formation of larger Figure3(c)showsthatthemeanparticlesizedependence particles[28,47]. toPVAvolume(aqueous-to-organicphasevolumeratio)in In this study PVA was applied as emulsifier in the aqueousphaseforCAPEloadednanoparticles.Itcanbeseen aqueousphase(w)tosimplifythepreparationofo/wsingle in the figure that the mean particle size was first increased emulsion.Figure3(d)showstheeffectofPVAconcentration andthendecreasedwithincreaseinthePVAvolume.Increase inaqueousphaseonthemeanparticlessize.DifferentPVA in PVA volume causes an increase in the PVA amount, concentrations are selected while keeping the other system resulting in interfacial tension reduction thence decreasing parameters constant and PVA was studied between 0.1% 8 JournalofNanomaterials and 3.0%(w/v) concentrations. It can be observed that the Also, PVA concentration generally exhibited a negative mean particle size first decreased significantly (𝑝 < 0.05) influence on PDI (Figure3(d)). It was observed in our withincreaseofPVAconcentrationupto1%(w/v)andthen results that the polydispersity index decreased when PVA graduallydecreasedfrom246±12to208±8nm(3%w/v). concentrationincreasesfrom0.1%to3%. ThiscanexplainthatPVAplayremarkableroleinreducing Figure3(e)showstheeffectofsolventtypeonPDIvalue theinterfacialtensionandinthiswaydispersetheemulsion ofCAPEloadednanoparticles.Itwasseeninthefigurethat nanodropletsandpreventthemfromagglomeration[31,49]. PDI is affected from additionof acetone in solvent mixture ItwasreportedthatincreaseinthePVAconcentrationmay especially in the lack of DCM. In the absence of acetone lead to the decrease of particle size due to tight surface (DCMtoethanolratioof3:1)thePDIvalueofnanoparticles that was formed from PVA macromolecular chains in high was obtained 0.065 ± 0.006, addition of acetone increased surfactant concentrations [31, 43, 45, 50, 51]. Otherwise the PDI up to 0.103 ± 0.008, and this value reached maximum viscosityofthesystemincreaseswiththeincreaseofthePVA (0.143±0.014)foracetonetoDCM+ethanolratioequalto concentration;thisleadstodecreaseofnetsharestresswhich 3.0. resultsinformationoflargermolecules[24].Conversely,in our results the decreases in the mean particles size reached 3.4. Effect of Process Parameters on Zeta Potential. Zeta a plateau after the concentration of PVA is between 1 and potential is another important physicochemical parameter 3%w/v. The same results observed Budhian and colleagues in nanoparticles that influences stability of nanoparticle studywhichshowthatthesizeofHaloperidolloadedPLGA suspension. Extremely negative or positive zeta potential nanoparticles first decreases (up to 1%w/v), then reached a causes high repulsive forces and prevents agglomeration of plateau(upto5%w/v),andgraduallyincreases(highercon- nanoparticles[55].Undertheseconditionslong-termstabil- centrationthan5%w/v)byincreasingofPVAconcentration ityofthenanoparticlescanbeanticipated[55].Itcanbeseen forsonicationmethods[24].Accordingtoourresultsitcanbe in Table2 that the zeta potential values of all nanoparticles concludethatincreaseinthePVAconcentrationmorethan werenegativeandrangedbetween−12.7±1.3mVand−22.4± 3%(w/v)mayresultinanincreaseofthemeanparticlesize 0.7mV. This expected negativity was based on presence of ofnanoparticles. ionized carboxyl groups [51] and PVA [55] on the surface The solvent type also has a remarkable effect on the ofthenanoparticles.Also,highernegativezetapotentialcan mean particle size. Figure3(e) shows the significant (𝑝 < enhancethedispersionofthenanoparticlesinphysiological 0.05)reductionofmeanparticlesizewithacetone-to-DCM+ systemsandwater[54]. ethanol ratio. Addition of water-miscible organic solvent leadstosignificantdecreaseofinterfacialtensionbecauseof 3.5. Optimization of CAPE Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles. rapiddispersionofacetoneintotheexternalaqueousphase, Obtained results show that CAPE was successfully encap- therebydecreasingtheparticlesizewhichwasconsistentwith sulated into the PLGA nanoparticles. On the other hand, literatures[28,43,52]. according to our criteria for lower particle size and higher ThePDIisanimportantpropertyofparticlesandrefersto entrapment efficiency, we prepared CAPE loaded PLGA broadnessofameanparticlesizedistributionfordispersion nanoparticles as follows: 50mg of CAPE and 100mg of ofnanoparticle[53].Therefore,effectofprocessparameters PLGA were dissolved into 0.5mL of ethanol and 1.5mL of on PDI values of nanoparticles was examined in this study. DCM,respectively.Themixedorganicphasewasemulsified ThepositiveandnegativeeffectofprocessparametersonPDI with 6mL of aqueous PVA solution (2%w/v) by sonication ofnanoparticlescanbeseeninTable2andFigures3(a)∼3(e) (output power 70W, power of 80%, and 2 minutes) using a respectively. microtipprobesonicatorinicebath.Theemulsionwasstirred Generally, PDI < 0.3 is considered a requested value overnight for evaporation of organic phase. The resulting foranacceptablenarrowrangeofnanoparticlesize[54].In particleswerecollectedandlyophilized. the first place particles prepared by increasing amounts of CAPE (10mg to 50mg) were narrowly distributed and had 3.6. Detailed Characterization of Optimized Nanoparticles. the lowest PDI values (varied between 0.055 ± 0.005 and Forthedetailedcharacterizationofoptimizednanoparticles 0.101±0.008)(Figure3(a)). firstly, we determined reaction yield, encapsulation effi- ObtainedresultsshowedthatthePLGAconcentrationis ciency,andloadingcapacity.Lyophilizednanoparticleswere themostimportantfactoraffectingthePDIofnanoparticles. weighed and yield of the process was calculated to be 70 ± ThePDIvaluesvariedbetween0.065±0.006and0.499±0.066 6%.Thecorrespondingencapsulationefficiencyandloading for100mgto400mgPLGAamount,respectively.Fromthe capacityofoptimizednanoparticleswerecalculated89±3and resultsitcanbeseenthatalmostmonodispersenanoparticles 42±4,respectively. were produced for 100mg polymer amount and the mean particlesizedistributionwasbroadenedwithincreaseofthe 3.6.1. DLS and ELS Analysis. Dynamic and electrophoretic initialPLGAamount(Figure3(b)). lightscatteringtechniqueswereusedforparticlesizeandzeta FromFigure3(c)andTable2,itcanbeclearlyseenthat potentialmeasurementofnanoparticles.Figure4depictsthe all of PVA volume was sufficient for reducing PDI below formation of nearly monodisperse CAPE nanoparticle with 0.3.InthisgroupPDIvalueofparticlesfirstincreasedfrom themeanparticlesizebeing163±2nm(PDI=0.119±0.002). 0.065 ± 0.006 to 0.177 ± 0.005 (for 8mL of PVA) and then ThezetapotentialofCAPEloadednanoparticleswasequalto slowlydecreasedbyincreaseintheaqueousphasevolume. −34.4±2.5(Figure4). JournalofNanomaterials 9 ×104 30 18 Size distribution by intensity 16 14 20 12 %) nts Intensity ( 1680 Total cou 10 4 2 0 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 −60 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 Particle size (nm) Apperent zeta potential (mV) (a) (b) Figure4:Particlesize(a)andzetapotential(b)distributionofoptimizednanoparticle. (a) 2993 2989 (b) 1751 %) 1165 1087 e ( 3320 nc 3471 2993 2989 a mitt (c) 175116001273 ns 1165 1087 a Tr 3050-2840 1𝜇m 3471 3320 1681 Figure 5: Scanning electron microscopy image of optimized nanoparticles. 1600 1273 1172 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 −1 Wavenumbers (cm ) 3.6.2. SEM Analysis. The surface morphology of the opti- Figure6:FTIRspectrumofPLGA(a),optimizednanoparticle(b), mized nanoparticle was determined by SEM. As shown in andfreeCAPE(c). Figure5, smooth and spherical shape nanoparticles with uniform distribution were obtained. SEM results are also in agreement with DLS results that the particles optimized nanoparticles have a uniform size distribution and low C–O stretching, respectively. However, in the FTIR spectra polydispersityindex. of CAPE loaded nanoparticles, the major peaks of CAPE −1 −1 −1 at 3471cm , 3320cm , and 1600cm were significantly 3.6.3.FTIRAnalysis. Figure6showsFTIRspectraofPLGA decreasedandthepresenceofthesecharacteristicpeaksisa (a), optimized nanoparticle (b), and pure CAPE (c). In the confirmationofCAPEencapsulationonPLGAnanoparticles FTIR spectrum of PLGA and nanoparticles the bands at successfully. −1 −1 2993cm and2989cm wereC–HstretchofCH2andC–H stretchof–C–H–,respectively. 3.6.4.ReleaseStudy. Figure7illustratesinvitroreleasepro- −1 A band at 1751cm was assigned to the stretching filesofCAPEfromnanoparticlespreparedatdifferentprocess vibrationofC=Oofesterbond(strongandnarrow)and1165– parameters.Thenanoparticlesshowedatypicalthree-phase −1 1087cm was attributed to C–O stretching, which belongs releasepatterninpH7.4. to the characteristic peaks of PLGA molecule [56]. It can Forallthenanoparticlespreparedwithdifferentprocess be seen from the FT-IR spectrum of free CAPE that the parameters, an initial burst release, caused by diffusion of −1 −1 bandsobtainedat3471cm and3320cm wereassignedto drug, continuing for 24h of incubation was observed. On −1 –OHstretching.Thestrongandnarrowpeaksat1681cm , theotherhand,asseeninFigure7dependingontheprocess −1 −1 1600cm ,and1172cm werealsoattributedC=O,C=C,and parameters, the percentage of burst release varies between 10 JournalofNanomaterials 100 forlow-watersolublecompounds.Thesmallparticlesizeand controlled release properties of nanoparticles can improve the water solubility, bioavailability, biocompatibility, and 80 absorptionofthedeliveredbioactivemolecules. %) ase ( 60 esteThrlouasd,eindtPhLisGsAtundya,nfoopratrhteicfilersstwtiemreescuacffceeiscsfauclildypphroendeutcheydl e el by a single emulsion solvent evaporation method. Addi- e r v tionally, the influences of different process parameters on ati 40 ul 60 reaction yield, particle size, encapsulation efficiency, poly- Cum 20 mulative release (%)5432100000 dswyiessrpteeemrdsaeitttyiecraminllyidneiexnd,v.eaPsntadirgtaizcteeutdalaarplnyod,tetonhpteitaiimlnioatiflalpnrCaonAcoePpsEsarptaiancrdlaemsPLwetGeerrAes Cu 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 amount, PVA concentration, and solvent type were found 0 Time (h) tohaveplayedoverpoweringroleinencapsulationefficiency 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 andparticlesize. Time (h) The final optimal value for the initial CAPE and PLGA Optm. NP amount,PVAvolume,andconcentrationweredeterminedat NP 2 50mg,100mg,6mL,and2%w/v,respectively.Aparticlesize NP 20 equal to 163 ± 2nm with low polydispersity index 0.119 ± Figure7:InvitroreleaseprofileofCAPEinpH7.4phosphatebuffer 0.002,−34.4±2.5mVzetapotential,andpercentageencap- fromCAPEloadedPLGAnanoparticlescorrespondingtodifferent sulationof89±3%wasachievedundertheoptimalcondition polymer/drugratios. employed.Interestingly,theoptimizednanoparticlesshowed a high (83.08%) and sustained CAPE release (lasting for 16 days)comparedtononoptimizednanoparticle. In conclusion, high encapsulation efficiency with small 32.59% and 66.72%. In the second phase of release, caused size and sustained release make CAPE loaded nanoparti- bydrugdiffusionandpolymerchaincleavage,approximately cles a suitable candidate for the further development of constantandlowlevelofCAPEreleaseratewasobserved.In nanomedicine.Additionallystudiesarecurrentlyinprogress thelaststepofCAPErelease,continuousreleasealmostclose to test the antimicrobial activity of CAPE loaded PLGA to linear was observed over 7–16 days and reached 42.65%, nanoparticleagainstdifferentGrampositiveandGramneg- 46.26%, and 83.08% for NP 2, NP 20, and optimized NP, ativebacteria. respectively,attheendof16thday. InFigure7itwasclearlyseenthatwhenthepolymer/drug ConflictofInterests ratiodecreasedtheburstreleaseofCAPEincreases.Usually initialburstreleaseoccurredduetothefastdiffusionofdrug The author declares that there is no conflict of interests absorbedonthesurfaceorlocalizednearsurfaceofparticles regardingthepublicationofthispaper. [57].Inthelowpolymer/drugratio,PLGAwasnotenoughto encapsulatethedrug;thusmostofthedrugwasadsorbedon orlocalizednearthesurfaceofnanoparticles,whichresulted Acknowledgment inhigherburstrelease[57].Theminimumburstreleasewas observed for NP 20 (polymer/drug ratio equal to 0.05) and ThisresearchhasbeensupportedbyYildizTechnicalUniver- thehighestwasoptimizedNP(polymer/drugratioequalto sity Scientific Research Projects Coordination Department, 0.5).Inaccordancewiththeseresultstheinitialburstrelease Projectno.2014-07-04-GEP02. ofNP2(drug/polymerratioequalto0.2)higherthanNP20 andlowerthanoptimizedNPwasobtained. References [1] H.-Y.Lee,Y.-I.Jeong,E.J.Kimetal.,“Preparationofcaffeicacid 4.Conclusion phenethylester-incorporatednanoparticlesandtheirbiological activity,”JournalofPharmaceuticalSciences,vol.104,no.1,pp. CAPEhasnumerousbiologicalandpharmacologicaleffects, 144–154,2015. such as antiviral, antioxidant, and anticancer activities. [2] M. R. Fesen, Y. Pommier, F. Leteurtre, S. Hiroguchi, J. 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