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1980 TABLE OF CONTENTS DUPONT, BRUCE FOURTH OF JULY BELANGER, PETER COSGROVES MOLINARIS MONAHAN, BOB CORALLOS, PAUL & INGRID TRIAS LYNSKEY, MEYER GOP CONVENTION MCGINN, EUNICE GREATER HARTFORD OPEN ST. VALENTINE'S DAY GRIFFIN, PAUL PARMELEE, ROBERT TRASKA,BARBARA GRAY, BARRY LOGAN, FRANK KURMASKIE, MIKE COOPER, JOE MORIARTYS THYNE, JOHN FLORIDA TRAINING CAMP FERRARO, ED PIVIN, ROLLAND L1SS,HENRY WINDSOR LOCKS ENTHUSIASM REALE, ED FLORIDA, ALABAMA TRIP PEROTTI, FRANK BICKFORDS PARRY, DAVE VOZZOLO, LESTER SAVOIE, LARRY OKLAHOMA MUSICAL ELECTION OF 1980 KA TZBACK, ED AGLI,CHARLIE FIFTH YEAR ANNIVERSARY REAL WINDSOR LOCKS STORY DELFAVEROS TELEVISION NOT BAD POULINS JUBREY,GENEVA GERMAN STUDENTS KONE,AL CORALLOS, DANTA & MARIA THANKSGIVING DOMINICK, FRANK YALE-HARVARD GAME AFRICANO, FRANK RATCLIFFE, JANE HUSSEY, TOM JUNEAUS, PHIL & AL MILLER, PAUL ELLA GRASSO RETIREMENT DESHAIES, NANCY (Tall ships) D'AGOSTINO, BENNY PEARCE FAMILY CHRISTMAS AND/OR NEW YEARS tion he is caUed upon to-make Bruce Pierre DuPont since." The congenial couple several trips all over the mixes his civic duties, Jaycee were married in 1957 and country as far as California involvement, softball umpir- have four DuPonts from and Arizona. ' ing. bowling. skiing and the twenty-one to fifteen. In the civic duties of this Air National Guard into a life Linda, the oldest at 21, is 'multi-talented man ... Bruce packed full of style, shared married to David Preli, the is the president of the Board with his equally extended young couple live in South of Directors of the Windsor' wife. Lorraine. ington. She is a graduate of , locks Public Health Nursing The Hartford natives, resi- the local high school. Her Association and on the Com dents of Windsor Locks since sister Wendy, is 20, and an mittee on Needs of the 1964, cover the world of alumnus of Suffield High Aging. In the Public Health defense. sports, town affairs 'School and studied horticul field Bruce has served four and driving a school bus with ture at the University of years and eight seasons on agreeable dispositions. They Connecticut. She is currently the mmmittee fur the needs sum it all up with ... "we're employed at the Bay State of the older citizens. He finds just carrying our share of the Florial Distributors in East both positions "very reward load." Windsor. Bruce, 19, Windsor ing." He sited the new Bruce is of the Connecticut Locks High School, class 9f Ettore F. Camiglia Senior DuPonts and said, "not rela- 1978, is a former little leag Citizen Center and new mini tion to the wealthy DuPonts uer and midget football play bus as examples of the work of Delaware," when asked er. He is employed at the of the committee. by his interviewer. However, Alton Iron Works in Wind In the Nursing Association his talents make him wealthy sor. Michael. the youngest at he listed the many services by comparison. '-< 15, is a sophomore at the available in nursing, physical The Master Sergeant, with Raider school and his daily and speech thereapy and 24 years service in the workout after classes is div other social and referral ser Guard, grew uP-in the "Park- ing in the pool as a member vices. The Board of Directors ville" section of the Capital of the swim team. is dedicated to •' providing city. He graduated from And more about the quiet- comlIl.1nity health services, Hartfbrd High School in' spoken father of this active through whatever programs Bruce DuPont's 1956. He attended the Ward' family and what he has pertinent to today's needs, School of Electronics, a divi- accomplished in their adop assessing their availability to sion of the University of ted town of Windsor Locks. all Windsor Locks residents, Talents Make Hartford. Bruce tried his Bruce, a past president of the regardless of ability to pay." hand working at Pratt and local Jaycees, and "Key Man Whitney in East Hartford 'Award" winner, had been' EPILOG Him Wealthy and some time at a gas active for seven years in the Bruce Pierre DuPont loves statim, but turned to the project related group of con- to do his share, as does his Guard for his full time em- cemed citizens. wife Lorraine, and they both ployment, and it was serving The past four years, he has feel being so active "keeps his muntry and earning a been an associate member-, us going and surrounded by living at the Bradley Field and another "Exhausted parents. family and friends. It complex. , Rooster", as his friend Char- For recreation Bruce and His better half. .. Lorraine lie Stoppa. The Jaycees, Lorraine bowl the big pins in 'Dubois, has been driving a according to Bruce has the Mr.lMrs. Bowling town school bus for ten "changed my life." He is a League. They ski in Connec years. The most exciteme~t, firm believer that the Jay ticut, Vermont and, New 'I she recalls, was the Qctober ~ :cees are for t'men only." He Hampshire when time per storm. She and six kinder- has received the coveted JCI mits. Lorraine recently garten students were at Senatorship and as many of joined the Women Rec. Grove and Center at the' ~ the former Jaycees, feel the League in the softball world' height' of the rain and wind. organizatkn is for the young- of the Jaycee Wives. This Lorraine had six frightened er men with new ideas for a happy 'couple arrived in children orl the bus, but she . fp'owing community. " Windsor Locks and after just map aged to keep calm her.- In the softball world of \ two weeks, • 'felt at home." self and assured the children Bruce DuPont, he is an Thi., fits the DuPonts ... of their safety. They were all 'Ull1pire and member of the "Some people treat life like a delivered to their homes safe 'Nortb Central Connecticut B slot machine, trying to put in and ~und. "'Boardpf Approved American as little as possible and Bruce, on. the other hand," Softball Association Um hoping to hit a jackpot. Wiser was at Bradley, and because - 'pireS. From April to Labor people think oftife as a solid of the destruction on Route ~ Day, Bruce caIls the balls investment from which they 7S had to walk most of the -, and strikes in the slow-pitch receive in terms of what they way home. to Woodland and i'softball leagtles in this area. put in." found his house aU in one He has umpired in state and piece. Lorraine, a former New England tourneys. "CABBAGES Jaycee wife, is studying When pinned down for a accounting at the Enfield decision Bruce stills prefers Asnuntuck Community Col- fast-pitch softball to the more AND KINGS'" lege. popular version called slow- How did she meet Bruce? pitch. "With my name DuBois, and At the Bradley Air Nation- With Jack Redmond his DuPont ... we sat next to al Guard Bruce lS a fun time each other in Junior English; worker in the Aircraft Ordi- we have been together ever nance Systems. In his posi- Belanger Is Proud To Live In Windsor Locks Leo Durocher couldn't have ~ been more wrong •.. "CABBAGES good guys don't alway~ finish last. Peter Brice Belanger is AND KlNGS" one nice guy, who has given over twenty years of faithful service to Windsor Locks on with Jack Redmond the Boards of Tax Review and Assessors, chairing both important phases of com- makeup of Windsor Locks around the house and even munity involvement. back in 1959, when John a few rounds of golf. When I With Pete. 'Vindsor Locks Fitzpatrick asked him to the family vacations, its is a "great town, unique ~nd serve. He's been serving the usually Cape Cod for the I'm quite proud to hve town since, and admits to Belangers, Sticking with his here." Windsor Locks al enjoying the hard work and Boston heritage, he follows ways comes first with Pete time spent. He has no the Red Sox, but frankly Belanger. political ambitions for him misses the old Boston Braves The Boston born, actually self. beyond the assessor and even remembers the.' Jamaica Plain, is a Hamilton chairmanship. famous line ... ','Spahn, Sain, A former Junior Achieve Standard purchasing agen~. Pete was a charter mem- ment advisor, he feels the . and pray for rain." and resident since 1951, 15 , ber of the Junior Chamber of town of Windsor Locks married to Mary Mokrycki, a Commerce and served as an should "keep the town native daughter. external vice president. Fif meeting concept. " In his Pete is a grad of Boston teen years ago he received opinion the "tax rate Tech High School, class of his third degree in the couldn't be better, the school 1946. where "I played a little Knights of Columbus and system is great, the, proof hockey. •• The month after was on the Board of Directors being the great number of graduation Pete was dr~fted of the Building Association. students going on to col into the army and recalls, lege." On the downtown with a smile, "I was the last Peggy. 18. a Windsor situation, he said, "it was a Locks High School 1978 guy in the U.S.A. to be good move, however, I!m graduate. is at UConn drafted." He spent a year disappointed it hasn't been and an half in the uniform of studying her mother's p~o­ developed further." fession ... physiotherapy. A Uncle Sam at Ft. Lee, This man with the crew few years back the family Virginia and at Los Alamos, cut ... is not all work. He likes had their own horse on North New Mexico, where the to putter in the family Street and Peggy was the atomic research center was garden, some woodworking equestrian of her block. The Peter Belanger located. Pete spent his time as a photographer in the youngest in the Be1~nger clan is Peter, 17, a semor at provost marshal office. the high school. When Peter With his Boston accent EPILOG was in the little league still noticeable, Pete remem Peter Brice Belanger is a bers returning to civilian life program his ~ad .was coach civic minded individual. He's ing on the stdehnes. Peter and not doing a great deal, also a family man who "does was an all-star for the having a good time, trying everything he can for the division and today is a his hand at the baking kids, it all helps," and member of the high school business. but not sure if he admits in this sometimes swim team. wanted to attend college. chauvinistic Society, "lowe For 28 years Pete Belanger He did manage to meet his any success to my wife, has worked at Hamilton, first bride-to-be at Sargent Col Mary." Spend a hour with in the Production Control lege, 'a part', of Boston Peter Belanger and you know Department and now is a University. Mary graduated he doesn't agree with the old buyer for the aircraft divi as a physiotherapist. They saying. .. "Here's to good old sion. As much as the were married in 1951 and Boston. Land of the bean and Windsor Locks based com relocated to her hometown the cod. Where the Lowe lis pany is an intricate part ~f and Pete joined the Hamil talk only to the Cabots, and the local scene, Pete IS ton-Standard Company. the Cabots talk only to God." likewise. in the workings of Today. their home on Pete came from the land of his adopted town, for t~e North Street, stands on the the bean and the cod, but interpretation of the law. In grounds of the old Windsor settled for the Jand of the assessing town property. He Locks Brick Company. Mary locks in the east and the served six years on the Board and Pete have three children airfield in the west and talks of Tax Review and now is in Denise, 25. lives in North to everyone. his third six year term as boro. Massachusetts with Chairman of the Board of her husband. Joseph Nadler. A~sesc;or'i. He has attended Denise. a nurse. is a the Asc,essors Schl)ol at graduate of Russell Sage Thursday, January 10, 1980 - The WindsOr LOCks JoWriai . UConn for further education College in Troy. New York. in this important phase \)f civic responsibility. He be came interested in the tax Thunday, January 17; 1980 .; The Windsor lOckS JoUmal • Irene and Joseph Molinari have demonstrated their will ingness to labor for their Irene. on the- other hand. community and still live the would rather talk about her full Iife ... raising a family, 18 years with the Windsor chiidren .•• Arman, Jr., camping out, bowling, golf Locks Women's Club. She is Suzanne, Jonathan and and fond memories of heroes a past president of the "ser Christopher. and heroines of yesteryear's vice organization. providing political and baseball awards to high school and Joan, a graduate of the legends. middle school students, and University of Hartford, is Born on the corner of West welfare baskets to worthy married to SyJ Posocco and and Whiton Streets, Irene families on all the major they have a son Mike, six Field attended local schools holidays." Irene, always in months old. Joseph, Jr. is and married her Joseph two step with civic assistance, employed in Windsor as a days before Christmas, 1948. has been on the Committee mechanic. Susan, is married The happy and compatible on Needs of the Aging for the to Stephen Ossolinski and past ten years and is current couple, living on Miller T.er they reside in Windsor race, actually named for the ly the vice-chairperson. She Locks. The youngest of the admits to •' be very active in building Molinari family, family is a freshman at the helping the senior citizens in (Miller translated, is Molina high school, lS year old their needs, especially in ri in Italian) have five chil Stephen. . securing low-income housing dren and five grandchildren. Irene and Joe met after his in town. Joe, a fixture at Dexter for discharge from the army. He In addition she said, "we thirty years, was born in New served three years ...f rom pursue his love of golf. He's hope to be successful in any York City. His parents, 1942 to 1945, being overseas the Ben Hogan in the family future program of daily Modesto and Mary Molinari, for well over a year with a and \\bile he wouldn't tell me meals for our senior citi of South Center Street, combat infantry of the 84th his handicap, Irene intimated zens." Besides the Women's moved to Windsor Locks DiVision. Joe remembers one Joe/is close to a four or five Club and the Committee on when Joe was only a year and of his fellow soldiers, who handicap ... and to me that Aging ... lrene was formerly _ a half. la.t.e..r .b.:e=ca=m=e f:a.m::o=u=s. =as= ju=st= sounds like Ben Hogan. associated with the Windsor Irene and Joe are both Locks Public Health Nursing Any heroes or heroines? graduates of the local high . Joe mentioned Franklin Association, Inc., the Brown school. Joe excelled in base Roosevelt and Harry Tru ies, Cubs and Girl Scouts ball at the Raider school and I "one of the guys" •.. PFC man, former presidents. He programs when her children at Trinity College in Hart Henry Kissinger. The former also recalls, with genuine needed her help and under ford, where he received a statesman, Secretary of pleasurable moments, the standing. degree in chemistry. His State, and Nobel Peace Prize old baseball New York Giants We can't forget Joe's in further education came at the winner, was in Joe's weapon of Coogan's Bluff and the volvement in civic responsi University of Hartford where platoon. The army realized names of Mel Ott, CArl bilities ... with Irene at his he earned his masters. How , Kissinger's ability, and see HubbelJ, Harry Danning, Jo side, they were members of ever. Joe probably would 'ing that he was born in Jo Moore ••• and more, that the Community Development rather talk about baseball Germany, had him lecturing any truly great baseball fan Action Program. They were than his schooling. During , on local and national history would remember. Irene instrumental in setting up his high school diamond days , and geography. stayed with Roosevelt, but the fish hatchery and other Joe recalls the great teaching Beanor, and included among recreational endeavors. They Joe, at Dexter's for three coach Bob Jackson, Windsor her heroes ... Harry Truman. both agreed ... they are non decades, is a group leader in Locks resident Louie Nai, However, when questioned political, and just interested the Research Department of with an unbelievable .500 further •.. both admitted, in helping the community. the local company. When he batting average. (Joe's with when it comes to admiration As mentioned, the Molina and the family fmd the time, a flashy .477) and a team Joe's mother, Mary Molinari ris were increased by five during the summer months, hitting at a .333 pace. It was topS the list. children ... the oldest is lor . they usuany pack everything the year of glory for the only EPILOG raine. She is married to up and go camping in the undefeated team in the Irene Field Molinari and Armand Rouillard. They live southern New Hampshire school's history. Joe played in Enfield with their four area. Irene is the duckpin ~os~~h Molinari are two busy shortstop, tried his hand at mdlvlduals, be it their civic bowler in the family and on pitching, but said, Fred duty, camping, sports or just these cold winter nights Klaus was the star hurler for enjoying their family. They usuaUy is found sewing or the Jackson forces. seem to set the tone for the crocheting. Joe has to wait new year by not deserting for the warmer weather to their ideals. General Douglas jMacArthur once wrote, it seems to fit, on the subject of "CABBAGES Irene and Joe ... "To give up interest wrinkles the soul. You are as young as your AND KINGS" faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self conti- dence, as old as your fear; as I with ,Jack Redmond young as your hope, as old as ~our despair." The Molinaris Live The Full Life Tbanday, Jan..,. 24,1988 • Tbe WlDdIor Loeb J.ruI Corallos Are A Part Of The American Scene Take a young Norwegian married Paul and Dante's known as the Koral Tool and bro"ght three of the Corallo "CABBAGES nurse and an eager Italian mother. Today, at 87 years Die Industry, Inc., originally children into the world. lad •.. put them in Hartford, old, she resides in her native in Wind~or Locks, now loca Their part in the American Connecticut ... and the result countIY of Italy. Paul, not ted in East Windsor. Looking Scene has been in the nurs is a happy twosome with a affluent in English on his AND KINGS" back, Paul said, "it was all ing field. the religious and beautiful home, four children ~rrival in the United States, pure work, but honest ...a s in industrial part m the com as American as apple pie, attended night school for the American Dream, with munity. Their part -in the little league baseball and the -eight years in order to master With Jack Redmond opportunities galore." marriage of a Norwegian girl latest sounds from any teen the language of his new Ingrid admits she misses and Italian boy brings up the age stereo. country. the ocean of her homeland, following ..• Rudyard Kipling The nurse .. .Ingrid lohn His better half, Ingrid, as a native country6" Paul became program and young Paul is however, the family has tra has been proven wrong many sen Corallo was bom in second grader in Fredrik a tool maker. his brother no exception. These winter veled home to her Norway times~ in his belief of the Fredrikstad, Norway. stad, also was aware of the Dante a mechanic. Their months finds him as a goalie and Paul's Italy. In addition futility of a fundamental The Italian lad ...P aul Cor domination of German occu father's sage advise proved in the local hockey program. Florida, Pennsylvania, New clash of cultures, when he allo was born in Tonona, pation. But life went on fruitful, in later years. .. In the summer he is active hi York and the island of Jamai wrote: "Oh, East is East and Italy, a small town south cf during those history-making • 'build a nest (home) before baseball and to oomplete the ca have been on the family West is West. and never the Milan. - years as did her schooling, you have a family, like the seasons ... in the fall. he plays holiday itinerary. twain shall meet." Certainly In their early twenties, which included English. birds in the trees." Mr. soccer. as his dad did in the When asked who they in Ingrid and Paul's case, he they came to the United Ingrid had an advantage over Corallo had property off Cen old country. - most admired ... lngrid and was again proven wrong., In States for different reasons. Paul when she came to ter Street and could visualize Ingrid and Paul are both Paul's selections covered the paraphrase ••. Norway is Ingrid was an exchange stu Hanford, years later, for future homes for his boys. devout individuals who, singing of Bing Crosby to the north, and Italy is south, and dent nurse at the St. Francis additional nursing training. Today, the brothers and their "live their religion at work, wonhy deeds of recent Nobel ll)e twain did meet. Hospital in Hartford. Paul It was not probably "love families are located on the home, any place we go." Peace Prize winner Mother came with his parents and at first sight" for the young street called Columbo They agree, the changes in Teresa and the 1952 winner brother Dante to start a new couple at the Hanford "'\" Terrace. the Catholic Church are Dr. Alben Schweitzer. Ingrid life in this country. that night as she soon left for Ingrid. the new bride, "marvelous" and "a little recalls, with a great deal of Paul, now a successful Norway and a year's absense papers and all, came to more personal. " The past pride, seeing the famous businessman in the area, from her Italian friend. Windsor Locks in 1957 to a tWO years Ingrid and Paul doctor on his trip to her spent his first twenty-five However, love was there. new lown, --new country and have taken their turns as countty to be honored for his years growing up in Italy, Paul journeyed to NOlWay in home. The union of the lectors at St. Mary's Church years of work. attending school, serving two 1957. Ingrid became a bride Norwegian girl and her Ital in tOwn. They are interested EPILOG years (1946-48) in his coun in the town's small Catholic ian suitor has produced four in the charismatic move Ingrid and Paul Corallo are try's navy and forced work church. They both laughingly children. Roger. 21, is a ment. attending meetings in a part of the American scene -detail building bridges dur remember the thfee month St udem at UConn. Mark, 20, New Britain faithfully. as much as their native ing World War Two, by the honeymoon touring Europe, is employed as a mechanic. In the mainstream of children. They have not lost German occupation forces. It getting to know each other, Lisa, 17, is a senior at the everyday life Ingrid was - their bve or thotJghfs of their was an endless task. .. the while waiting for the all local high school. Her and employed as a nurse at the Norway and Italy. In looking bridges were being constant imponan t papers for entry in Roger are piano devotees. Bickford Convalescent Home back to the first years in ly bombed by the AJlies. her new country of America. The youngest at the Corallo on Main Street, Windsor Windsor Locks ... one name - His farher, now deceased, The years in America were home is Paul John, 12, a Locks, for over 13 years. Paul appears ... for his friendship was born in the United busy for the Corallo family ... student at the Middle School. on the other hand has owned and help in a new country ... Slales. 'In the period of learning the customs and the Roger and Mark participated and operated his own busi the late and respected Dr. World War One he met and language of Mr. CoraUo's • in the lown's little league ness I h e past' ten years E(1ore Carniglia, who Lynskey Is Everything YouExpect Mortimer John Lynskey is Depression and the stock everything you'd expect of a market crash were just ov.er "CABBAGES man with over thirty years the horizon. Mort, being the experience in the court man he was, managed to system of his hometown. weather the stormy years. AND KINGSP Mort is a snappy dresser He wasn't too good at with white hair that adds to remembering dates ... but his distinguished aire. An positions, no problems. Dur With Jac"k Redmond Irish wit, friend of governors, ing those years Mort handled a gentleman who remembers the town tax collection and the good and bad periods of ran for first selectman. His and overall appearance could his eighty years. He had kind Democrat opponent was Tim well grace a typical politi words for- the "judge!; of Dodd. (Mort has been a cian's portrait, spoke of his today, they are good a1min life-long Republican.) membership in the Knights istrators." Governor Ella Mort said, "I didn't really of Columbus, "Sons of Irish Grasso, an old friend, and want it. " And that was Freedom," and the local the Alcorn family of Suffield before he lost the election. Senior Citizens Club. He also are some. , He felt he received the recalls the vacations to It doesn't seem appropri nomination because "he Florida, Jamaica and the ate to call Mr. Lynskey .•• knew everyone in town." unforgetable journey to the "Mort," but that's what he In 1935 the world of Mort land of his parent's birth, Rreferred ... "Judge," would Lynskey an changed. He was citizens. His heart doesn't with further looks at Scotland be more proper, he earned appointed prosecutor for the rule his decisions. His and England. Oh yes, his the title many times over. So Municipal Court of Windsor understanding, and his companion on the trip to in keeping with the classy Locks. The court was then clutched fist, make people Ireland and the sister coun gent's orders ... Mort was located on the site of the think twice before' doing; tries was another well-known born on Grove Street, No- present Senior Citizen Cen . anything that would bring Republican in town .. Sy Preli. . vember 20, 1899. (almost ter. For the next thirty years them before him again." EPILOG made the new century., Mort served his town faith The testimonial was writ With Judge Mortimer Mort's eighty years have fully and established a ten in reference to a change John Lynskey ...t hey threw been filled with a variety of reputation unmatched in this in the state administration ... away the mold. He recalled positions from the insurance area. In 1937 he was Governor-elect Abe Ribicoff the eighty years ... always business, a concessionaire at appointed to the role of did not heed the words of a with a firm Irish way of Ri~erside Park, selling "the Judge of the Court oy the man from Suffield. Mort did viewing only the bright side. , best hot dogs in the world, then Governor Raymond E. continue in the court system Andre Gide once wrote .. ~ H.L. Handy's," clerk of the Baldwin. as the Assistant Clerk of the "If I did not keep telling Draft Board during Worla Circuit Court in Enfield and myself my age over and over War Two, tax collector, State Mort added ... "the confir served until his retirement in again. I am sure 1 should Tax Marshal, Judge and mations came from both the 1972. scarcely be aware of it. Clerk of the ~unicipal Court senate and houses in Hart During the interview ... Although every hour of the and concerned citizen of ford." In subsequent years Mort would lean back in his day I tell myself, "My poor Windsor Locks. he was reappointed by chair for a moment before old fellow, you are eighty and His schooling was at St. Governors Lodge and Mc continuing his unusual story, more," I cannot realJy Mary's, the local high school Conaughy. In his apartment dates. at his age, he admits, persuade myself of it.'" and the Huntsinger's Secre on Spring Street.~.the three lose their importance. The That's Windsor Locks' gen tarial School. The son of certificates signed by the quick-speaking former court tleman judge of thirty years .. Galway, Ireland-born Ellen Governors are in a special official. however, whose face just plain Mort Lynskey. Brett . Lynskey and John place of honor along with his Lynskey, Mort left high collections of paintings and school after two years to join picture of his hometown the Traveler's Insurance friend ... Governor Ella T. Thursday, January 31, 1980· The WIndsor Loeb J01ll'll8l· Compan} . His try in the Grasso. insurance business lasted As an example of Morfs only three years. At the time impact on the citizenry in this Mort probably knew he area, the following appeared couldn't envision himself in the HARTFORD COUR making insurance his life's ANT: "Windsor Locks., in work. So he entered the Judge Mortimer J. Lynskey, different world of carnival has without a doubt one of and amusement employment Connecticut's most under at the Riverside Park in standing, fair, and, when Agawam. Mass. His special necessary. firmest judges on ty became ice-cream, cigars the bench. He 110t only and those hot dogs, at his handles all cases fairly, but own concession stand. He people who have appeared tired of Riverside and tra before him have received veled east to Revere Beach at justified treatment. His phi another stand and ocean losophy of justice has saved view for a year or so. some from serving behind Mort returned to Windsor prison walls and turned them Locks in the late twenties. into useful and productive Eunice Granger McGinn is In 1960, at an age when ·soon to be her town. Ginn were active in commun the number one grandmother most people think of retiring, With Eunice the family ity life with memberships in in the eyes of seven children, Eunice received her Bachelor would come first in Windsor the American LegionlA uxi! of various ages, in Milwau of Science degree from Locks ...t he teaching would iary and the Lions Club. kee, Simsbury and other Central Connecticut State have to wait. Eunice and Eunice wanted the Lions to parts of the country. College. When she looked Charles had two children ... be praised for their "person She's also number one in back at all the schooling, she William D. McGinn and al concern for me. They the minds and hearts of her . admitted one thing gave her Eunice McGinn Kelly. deserve a lot of credit," she William D. McGinn lives said. Charles was a past in Milwaukee, Wisconsin "CABBAGES president of the Lions and with his wife Nancy, a past commander of the teacher at Marquette Uni:, 'Legion. He was a veteran of versity. The midwestern World War One and a AND KINGS" McGinns have four children •. veteran of 26 years with the Maureen, Melanie, William, State of Connecticut as Jr., and Scott. THeir dad is manager of their employ With Jack Redmond the president of Northwest ment office. He was well ern National Insurance Com known in the area as ~ a pany. Master of Ceremonies. Eu former students• .. this friend the biggest kick. The comple Eunice is married to nice on the other hand was ly and sincere teacher, now tion of the Dale Carnegie Francis J. Kelly. The Kellys well known in the National, retired, has her own memor course with her husband live in nearby Simsbury. State and County teacher's ies of those students and her Charles. She was voted the They have three sons ... Fran association. At the local years in the educational "best speaker" in the class. cis, Jr., Timothy and Chris Senior Citizen Club she plays field. She seemed to be always topher. Their dad is Vice the piano for the popular Eunice lives on Olive furthering her own schooling President of Marketing at the choral group. Years ago she Street ... a street known for its and passing it on to her Security Insurance of Hart helped in the Cub Scout outstanding citizenry. How students. ford. program and for 15 years was ever, her life began in In looking back Eunice an active member of the Franklin, Massachusetts, a Eunice, after graduation McGinn recalled the days of Catholic Women's Council. town near Boston. It took a from Bridgewater, began her basketball when William was EPILOG native' son, the late and teaching ,career in Franklin one of the stars of the Eunice Granger McGinn greatly admired Charles Mc and that lasted ten years. Raiders under Coach Al always tried "to help each Ginn, to show her the She seemed to be settled in friendliness of the town of her hometown, teaching fifth Shapiro and when daughter child in what he or she could Windsor Locks, th~ result and sixth graders but a big Eunice won a speaking I do ...b e it in their level of being two active and talented change was in store for the contest. Mrs. Kelly is now in reading .•.i nstead of putting children plus twenty-one small and pretty Eunice. the writing field with a them together," the personal years of teaching in the During the summer months weekly column for the teaching concept was her public school system. Charles McGinn, a student at Farmington Valley Herald way. "Years ago," she Her own schooling began Holy Cross, worked at the called "View From My added, "time was spent at the grammar and high Franklin Mill. One of his Window." more in the basics," when school of Franklin. The classmates was a local boy .. In 1947 the view from comparing today's teaching Bridgewater Teachers Col and he introduced the young Eunice McGinn's window methods to her days. lege provided the teaching Connecticut student to the showed the beginning of This polite and kind lady of credentials. Eunice Granger young teacher. Once Charles teaching in Windsor Locks Olive Street has led three did not stop there ... a further received his diploma he also for a period of twenty-one lives ... as mother, teacher education was earned at the secured a marriage license happy and full years at the and now grandmother. One , Boston Conservatory of Mus with a 1928 date. The newly old Union School. She still of ber granddaughters ic where the piano was weds lived in Taunton, reads the kind and loving summed it all up for her , mastered. Just to round out . Massachusetts for ,a' few words by students of years brothers, sister and cousins •• her musical career she years, but their life was to be passed; she has kept them as in a birthday card. .. "dedica attended the Christopher all Connecticut. In 1934 the a remembrance of their time ted to Grandma, because School of Music in the Back McGinns moved to Olive' when learning was the best she's a very special person Bay section of Boston, Street, Windsor Locks ... and times of their lives. Eunice and I love her." adding the saxophone to her they had an impact on the McGinn' believes in. the With all her talents, be It repertoire. Jives of many in his town and words from the popular teaching or music, she has' musical "The King and I," ... another skill, still untried, Thanday, Febnuy 7, 1980 • The WJM.or r-. J. .... • "by our pupils we'll be but from the heart. .. song taught." She retired in 1968, writing. The closing words however, kept her mind and from her song •.• " Kindly life busy with a few years of Spirit," .. ."Banish all your teaching at St. Mary's in the hate. Satisfied what ever "Project Concern" reading your fate. Start to spread a program, until the school lot of good cheer, have a was closed. kindly spirit all through the Eunice and Charles Me- year. " Eunice Granger McGinn IsA VerySpecialPersQn St. Valentine's Day, the right chemistry. Well. 1980. Did you send the card, "CABBAGES' I'm just the chemist. If I told . flowers or candy to your love you any more, you might not one? You better hurry. rca\lv believe me," He (lbat's if you are reading AND KINGS" was now leaving and this late Thursday night, begged me not to follow. before helping your wife or I assured him, I wouldn't girl-with the dishes). With Jack Redmond follow. But could II tell his Thm all brings to mind the story to the folks in Windsor fellow who is "$ymbolic of wcks? love." And the dictionary - "Let's see. Maybe I can He sat down on bis love "Sure. That's a great says its "CUPID ••. the condense this into a few seat. (sorry about that) I town. But, sorry to say, is ancient Roman god of love, choice words. I wouldn't decided to stand, I'm already like a lot of towns, lacking usuaDy represented as a want to bore you. But, before in love. sometimes in love. You see, I winged, naked, infant boy I get into the love details, let The little fenow went to not only sprinkle love on men with a bow and arrows. ,. me tell you the latest cupid say: how he goes about and women, but towns, Seeing that it's his sea pte.''-) didn't have a chance searching for people of all states and countries. I know I son •• .let's see what he has to to say no, and this guy ages, not just the young, haven't done a creditable job say for himself. uSo you're may be the "love person", sprinkling his own special lately, but I'm trying. See the felJow called Cau pid," but he was feisty one love powder aU over them. \'Ou un thc love boat. tt which I felt was good moment, and agreeable the He said the powder is invis And that's the story for opening for an interview. next. ible, and accoridng to this this Thursday evening of Mr. "Yes, he said, rather ,. Are you ready? Here sage and tired little boy, he Cupid. surprisingly. "what did you goes., .Cupid, one who, when has brought together Forget the dishes. Go-out expect?" he hits the mark, usually thousands of folks from_ and buy that card. flowers or "Well, to teU the truth, I Mrs. Get it?" I dld and gave wndon to New Zealand all in ~ndy. Be your own cupid. pictured you as a little boy out with a polite laugh and the name of love. with bow and arrows," J figured I had another Henny Keeping with my report saId. rather coyly. Youngman on my hands. er's instinct. I told him it "Listen. I"ve been at this "Now that we have the seems an oversimplification. job a long time, in fact since ;lke OUI of the way ... here "No, not really. You have the Roman days. Little boy, goC'i." heard of two people making that's funny. Where did you bJCt that idea?" - • 'I still have the little boy body, but my feet hurt. But enough of that, I realize how much y~)Ung people look for me to shoot one of my arrows into their heart and start the sparks. I'll let you in on a The WIndsor Locks Joumal • Thursda~, February 14, 1980 little secret ...I don't really shoot an arrow. People shoot Be Your Own Cupid arrows, not me. It's just my way of getting two people together so they can fall in klVl' ... hc said with a magic twinkle in his eyes. This Year I then said, "I think I understand, but you'll have to forgive me, I haven't been around as long. .. spoken with a sharp tongue. "'Don't get uptight, Jack old boy, I've had a long day. But it is my day, and I've probably gotten thousands of folks together with my way of showing love. To tell the 'ruth, I nced a rest." Seeing that Mr. Cupid had a tough day, and not to be too antagonistic, 1 said, "Maybe I could come back- to m, 1T1l\\ '!" "No. I'll be gone to mUffllw." he replied with a faint smile, knowing he could rest for a few days. "O.K. In your best cupid fashion ... how do you go about shooting arrows, or you know what I mean, into two young people or anyone wtlll nceds luve?" The Popcorn Yankee Reminisces YsfhS"oatroaPerntoaybTR r moncesacwhopkee c obeh ectcanF,e eooe spea r. r'nc.stNriffn .r'tri et tiveeih mnheYwliAawdgnealia lwfsd toubn- YmlrI moekymkroSrofe iitrssa nnte Ckhr,kgtg. eh o"e ePealC nseoyntna n,nin t rdthel myjiew cionW,hmmt esyhialuc aaleoeefurlnnneda--lt fvmobjrCwumionenilnoeallaiorcietnsm rstivehd yele eg ped B1dmwoo a w9a oocntit2onbcodayth7nh udn e Mfr tp w to ehiteanroachtGsdt hbes ieB eosaiemWnvonawnc boeeccstied hdrnhro.r Paoeed ueTlh lwa rs s lchieraoeoosFmesrrat rmspJ .tdlk e.ssewo i p.lucpLn ebaatmHlHseriynuofii .es ey- cet. -to-4Ab-a c'-co-C -NfieldAs Dand Bad wmKitiBttedh I ANJattaencdGGikng RStEhee d"tSwmo o monvide' scJfm-tb~'te;rhhaaooeieiieenenrderd 'n cgensLh,dokd e iorflScgn sdoi"ctu hloi hkoIlaap nesdet nls .ds . ca gdw"fo hyHgou wfiYonsrofe ii moeces estia od lhssg7e,Gnfe , h8rf MmdeeB eI bpp yreeoorart e.mmbihirlf annds rLeoorPc oi shesnWrima tpimaee rhean im, saah nladh hvndaedooeieye s s frf horse racing, the prize managed to secure another thinking, at the time, "quite houses in Windsor Locks. laughed and cried with. fights, movies and recalled position ..• this time with the, a difference from Wall As for a personal talent .. Windsor Locks as ~'a great "Peerless Plush" making Street. " He laughingly re Bob plays the piano. His place to grow up." - -covers for pullman chair calls ... "I'd throw my hat into mother purchased a baby Bob was born on Septem: seats. the house" to see if he was grand piano and Bob was ber 23" 1901. During the He happily changed those welcomed .. .it was hard on hooked. His dad also taught interview (in their cozy liv- seats for a close look at the everyone. him the finer points of the ing room) ... Bob. his second seat of the financial world on Things began to look up .. drums. Bob played in the wife Geraldine Carpenter Wall Street, New York City. Bob finally hit on his perm orchestra ... way back when .. Parmelee and yours truly I;le didn't go alone to the big anent vocation with the Me a three-story building on were reminiscing of 'the -old ,city. His companion was' tropolitan Life Insurance Windsor Locks Main Street days in his- town.~.1 asked _" John Shaughnessy, now a Company as an agent collec was used for basketball and him where was he born? Bob resident of Warehouse Point. ting premiums from all the the dances after the big high looked over my shoulder and The two new "runners" folks in Windsor Locks, school games. Today Bob said. "right in that room." lived with John's relatives on' Warehouse Point and fills in for Lester Russell at Thursday, February 21, 1980 • The Windsor Locks JolUlUd The "Popcorn Yankee" the west side of Manhattan Thompsonville. He recalls the Senior Citizen Center was the son of the late Julia and the daily subway rides the many friends he made in with the "Tony C" band. In Donahue Parmelee, -who were an event for the boys the nineteen active years addition to being a member lived on Oak Street and from the small towns of with Metropolitan. Bob re of the Senior Citizens, Bob Alben Henry Parmelee, a Connnecticut. tired in 1966. He had suf has been a Knight of Colum native of the North Main Bob returned to Windsor fered a heart attack a few bus since 1960. Street section. As the facts Locks after a year or so, and years before and had to slow tell us Bob's roots go deep in the experience paid off with a down, ending with 2S years EPILOG Windsor Locks. His school- new job at Putnam and in the insurance field. His ing began at St. Mary's and Company in Hartford. Bob wife of forty years passed John Steinbeck once said continued at the high school, remembers the troubled away after his retirement. that writing "makes horse class of 1920. In looking back rimes of the "1929 Crash" When Bob wasn't working facmg seem like a solid, to those days he said, "I and that hectic day and the Ius "debit, an insurance stable business." With Rob didn't play any organized da)S following, effecting the term of collecting," he would ert Albert Parmelee horse sports, except for some sand- market and everyone's life. try hIS hand at "playing the racmg was not a business but lot baseball and ice hockey in Bob Parmelee's life pomes" at the various race a ~p{)n he really loved. (He'l1 Ihe area called "upper changed ... with his marriage tracks in New York state and leave the writing to the likes basin." in June, 1930 to Theresa New England. "I never made of me.) Dunng World War One Rooney. The newlyweds suf- any money," he candidly Bub is a "Popcorn Yank wBhssinceeoaghv br woe torhahealsa enl ddtfao Ieinhongddi th gey thrho jeei uons hnut ocigrEnopn. guneeW rstyoi aneohpdunefee n.dj do i'b nt idhnuti1noe-t: ofB1fHeaf9oe rc3be e0 tddhhw. toaaBhTdsseoe h i lberta o ifdnd "ieren gsopaootfrr - felsw yesibn ostaeb irctovkahknec" e rk yt fow yas dliehlgata ehnoyrness.f gst:ythahaooteeiuood dtr.crb Saaov"PncxabO kcicunsraat.gtSt"l i l o hwTmnmewesa o etovcnta irhojleaowestvyh saeea e.y h.d ras ns s nwpgpdho ee arcrttidoe ,f eacwstlhtlewdhoa"oesat e 'ybrs eos ou fatfsm hth hhoomieawss try i idInsanre tdgielsom.frh .nvW i.ie.rhe le.hwee"dert , .'in s.At. oa a "tvgs oseeketur ehe itdase , Barry Wesley Gray Has Many Sides Barry Wesley Gray resem tic in church affairs at the Brown, Barry joined the bles Joe Garagiola to some Windsor Locks Congrega Hartford National Bank in 1957 and has reaped many folks. To this writer, Don tional Church and in the the Trust Accounting Depart benefits ...f our being Susan, Rickles. He enjoys baseball "Meals On Wheels" pro ment. Today, after nearly 24 Judith, David and Alyson. as does Joe, and although gram for the elderly. years service, Barry is the Susan, 21, a grad of the not processing the biting Growing up in the Provi Vice-President of the Em Windsor Locks High School, humor of Mr. Rickles, he is a dence area, Barry attended ployee Benefits Department. has an Associate Degree great kidder. Barry also has a the local schools and when it As a new bank employee, from the Hartford College for serious side. These personal came to college graduated away from the hometown, Women and -currently at ity traits surface when you from Brown University in watching all the pretty girls tends the University of first meet the native of 1956. His colle~e career was Hartford. The former Dean's Cabbages and Kings Pawtucket, Rhode Island and resident of Windsor Locks for twenty years. Variety being the spice of With Jack RedID.nd Iife ..• Barry with Joan, his wife, a congenial, concerned 'parent and citizen, and their interrupted for a two year in the insurance world of List student at the Women's four children make for an hitch in the infantry, U.S. Hartford, one of the girls at College is studying for an ideal family at the Sadler Army style, serving 15- Travelers caught his eye. Engineering degree at Hart months in Germany. Barry, Street home. Introduced by a mutual ford. Her sister Judith, 18, Barry is an active member as many of the GIs before friend Joan Tillbrook and also a grad of the local high him, toured the countries of in town politics, his church Barry Gray combined his school, is a freshman at the and formerly in little league France, England, Holland banking knowledge and her Hartford College for Women baseball. Joan, formerly of and Austria before returning insurance know-how to sign a in West Hartford. Judith, to civilian life. the Middletown, Connecticut wedding policy in love. The member of the National Tillbrooks, is equally energe- After graduation from ceremony was performed in Honor Society, was a softball standout during her high school days. Her goal is to become a lawyer. David, 16, is a junior at the Raider School. It was while 'l1ae WIlmer "Loeb Joarul .. Thanday, February 28, 1980 David was performing on the diamond in the little league program his dad was coach ing along Ray Masera. Alyson, the youngest mem her fourth year. An equally ber of the Gray family at How about your choice for important part of the nine, is a student at the "Church's Mission" is president? "John Connolly North Street School. Accord Joan's role as chairperson of could do the job, my second ing to her mother• .. "loves the "Meals on Wheels" choice would be George school and is the acrobat in Bush." Any personal politi- providing adequate meals for the family." cal ambitions? "None, only the elderly of the town, who To explore further ... the I to see one day ... a Republican may be unable to afford or to three sides of Barry Gray ... control of the Board of cook a hot meal due to their EPILOG one point was not mentioned, Selectmen. " age or capabilities. Barry Wesley Gray has he was Committee Chairman Joan said, "I love doing ... of Cub Pack 257, when David In a change of subjects ... many sides ... humorous, wasn't playing little league what are your functions as it gives us all a lot of baseball activist, handyman but wearing the uniform of Chairman of the Board of satisfaction, at times it can around the house, civic and be very heartwarming, its Trustees of your church? religious person and when it Cub Scouts. Staying with Barry's abilities, he was "The primary function is to ~eat helping these wonder· is time for relaxing ... "we all chosen to be on the impor maintain upkeeping of the ful people." It was not time go to New Hampshire." He's tant-Charter Study Commis church, the repairs, the for Joan to speak about her an admirer of Douglas sion. As a member of the budgets, even making sure husband ... "he's a very tal MacArthur and Republican Republican town committee the snow is plowed from the ented man. In his spare time, ism. With Batry, the follow for the past two years, he driveways, etc." Barry has added a porch, ing could be his way of life ... Joan, on the other hand, as garage and new kitchen to "Personality can open doors feels "the town meeting. active in their church as our home. How did he do it? but only character can keep concept is for me." He Barry, is a teacher in the He just picked up a book on them open." elaborated by saying, "gov "what to do" and did it." ernment should be as re nu! .. t!ty school of the church, Seems to prove ... he's that sponsible to the people as it kind of a guy ... the real many can be." In discussing town sides of Barry Gray. affairs a little further ... Barry Speaking of good sports ... said, "the downtown area is how goes the Boston Red a shame. Taxes, relative, Sy Sox ... goes Barry. He is a Preli has done an excellent die-hard Red Sox fan and his job." favorite was Bobby Doerr of yesteryear. When they lose .. there's no joy on Sadler Street.

each other in Junior English; worker in the Aircraft Ordi- we have as a physiotherapist. They .. Paul, not affluent in English on his .. little secret . pte.''-) didn't have a chance to say no, and this guy may be the "love person",.
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