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C# in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference PDF

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ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abcchm.html only for RuBoard - do not distribute or recompile Copyright Table of Contents Index Full Description Reviews Reader reviews Errata C# in a Nutshell Peter Drayton Ben Albahari Ted Neward Publisher: O'Reilly First Edition March 2002 ISBN: 0-596-00181-9, 856 pages C# in a Nutshell aims to become the de-facto standard for this young programming language. A reference to be used daily, this book also includes essential background information to become productive quickly. Not a "how-to" book or a rehash of Microsoft's documentation, this book goes to the source of the language and APIs to present content in a way that professional programmers will value above all other books. only for RuBoard - do not distribute or recompile Page 1 ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abcchm.html only for RuBoard - do not distribute or recompile C# in a Nutshell Preface Audience Contents of This Book Assumptions This Book Makes Conventions Used in This Book Related Books C# Resources Online How to Contact Us How the Quick Reference Is Generated Acknowledgments I: Programming with C# 1. Introducing C# and the .NET Framework 1.1 The C# Language 1.2 The .NET Framework 1.3 ECMA Standardization 2. C# Language Basics 2.1 A First C# Program 2.2 Identifiers and Keywords 2.3 Type Basics 2.4 Value Types and Reference Types 2.5 Predefined Types 2.6 Arrays 2.7 Variables and Parameters 2.8 Expressions and Operators 2.9 Statements 2.10 Namespaces 3. Creating Types in C# 3.1 Classes 3.2 Inheritance 3.3 Access Modifiers 3.4 Structs 3.5 Interfaces 3.6 Enums 4. Advanced C# Features 4.1 Delegates 4.2 Delegates Versus Function Pointers 4.3 Delegates Versus Interfaces 4.4 Events 4.5 Operator Overloading Page 2 ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abcchm.html 4.6 Try Statements and Exceptions 4.7 Attributes 4.8 Unsafe Code and Pointers 4.9 Preprocessor Directives 4.10 XML Documentation II: Programming with the .NET Framework 5. Framework Class Library Overview 5.1 Core Types 5.2 Text 5.3 Collections 5.4 Streams and I/O 5.5 Networking 5.6 Threading 5.7 Security 5.8 Reflection and Metadata 5.9 Assemblies 5.10 Serialization 5.11 Remoting 5.12 Web Services 5.13 Data Access 5.14 XML 5.15 Graphics 5.16 Rich Client Applications 5.17 Web-Based Applications 5.18 Globalization 5.19 Configuration 5.20 Advanced Component Services 5.21 Diagnostics and Debugging 5.22 Interoperating with Unmanaged Code 5.23 Compiler and Tool Support 5.24 Runtime Facilities 5.25 Native OS Facilities 5.26 Undocumented Types 6. String Handling 6.1 String Class 6.2 StringBuilder Class 6.3 Regular Expression Support 6.4 Regular Expression Basics 6.5 Procedural- and Expression-Based Patterns 6.6 Cookbook Regular Expressions 7. Collections 7.1 Iterating Over Collections 7.2 Standard Collection Interfaces 7.3 Predefined Collection Classes 7.4 Ordering Instances 7.5 Generating Hash Code 8. XML I/O 8.1 Accessing XML Documents 8.2 Parsing an XML Stream 8.3 Selecting Nodes Using XPath 8.4 Transforming a Document Using XSLT 9. Networking 9.1 Network Programming Models Page 3 ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abcchm.html 9.2 Generic Request/Response Architecture 9.3 HTTP-Specific Support 9.4 WebClient 9.5 Adding New Protocol Handlers 9.6 Using TCP, UDP, and Sockets 9.7 Using DNS 10. Streams and I/O 10.1 Streams and Backing Stores 10.2 Encapsulating Raw Streams 10.3 Directories and Files 10.4 Isolated Storage 11. Serialization 11.1 What Is Serialization? 11.2 Serialization Support in the Framework 11.3 Explicit Serialization 11.4 Implicit Serialization 11.5 [Serializable] 11.6 [NonSerialized] 11.7 IDeserializationCallback 11.8 ISerializable 11.9 [Serializable] and ISerializable 12. Assemblies 12.1 Elements of an Assembly 12.2 Assemblies and Modules 12.3 Scoping Types and Type References 12.4 Naming and Signing Assemblies 12.5 Resolving and Loading Assemblies 12.6 Deployment 12.7 Security Permissions 13. Reflection 13.1 Type Hierarchy 13.2 Types, Members, and Nested Types 13.3 Retrieving the Type for an Instance 13.4 Retrieving a Type Directly 13.5 Reflecting Over a Type Hierarchy 13.6 Late Binding 13.7 Advanced Uses of Reflection 13.8 Creating New Types at Runtime 14. Custom Attributes 14.1 Language Support 14.2 Compiler Support 14.3 Runtime Support 14.4 Predefined Attributes 14.5 Defining a New Custom Attribute 14.6 Retrieving a Custom Attribute at Runtime 15. Memory Management 15.1 The Garbage Collector 15.2 Optimization Techniques 15.3 Finalizers 15.4 Dispose and Close Methods 16. Threading 16.1 Thread Synchronization Page 4 ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abcchm.html 16.2 Common Thread Types 16.3 Asynchronous Delegates 17. Integrating with Native DLLs 17.1 Calling Into DLLs 17.2 Marshaling Common Types 17.3 Marshaling Classes and Structs 17.4 In and Out Marshaling 17.5 Callbacks from Unmanaged Code 17.6 Simulating a C Union 17.7 Mapping a Struct to a Binary Format 17.8 Predefined Interop Support Attributes 18. Integrating with COM Components 18.1 Binding COM and C# Objects 18.2 Exposing COM Objects to C# 18.3 Exposing C# Objects to COM 18.4 COM Mapping in C# 18.5 Common COM Interop Support Attributes 18.6 COM+ Support 19. Diagnostics 19.1 Logging and Assertion Facilities 19.2 Conditional Compilation 19.3 Debugger Integration 19.4 Processes, Threads, and Stacks 19.5 Event Logs 19.6 Performance Counters III: Language and Tools Reference 20. C# Language Reference 21. XML Documentation Tag Reference 22. C# Naming and Coding Conventions 22.1 Case 22.2 Mechanics 22.3 Word Choice 22.4 Namespaces 23. C# Development Tools ADepends.exe Al.exe Cordbg.exe Csc.exe DbgCLR.exe GacUtil.exe ILasm.exe ILDasm.exe InstallUtil.exe Ngen.exe Nmake.exe PEVerify.exe RegAsm.exe RegSvcs.exe Sn.exe SoapSuds.exe TlbExp.exe Page 5 ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abcchm.html TlbImp.exe Wsdl.exe WinCV.exe Xsd.exe IV: API Quick Reference 24. How to Use This Quick Reference 24.1 Finding a Quick-Reference Entry 24.2 Reading a Quick-Reference Entry 25. Microsoft.Win32 PowerModeChangedEventArgs PowerModeChangedEventHandler PowerModes Registry RegistryHive RegistryKey SessionEndedEventArgs SessionEndedEventHandler SessionEndingEventArgs SessionEndingEventHandler SessionEndReasons SystemEvents TimerElapsedEventArgs TimerElapsedEventHandler UserPreferenceCategory UserPreferenceChangedEventArgs UserPreferenceChangedEventHandler UserPreferenceChangingEventArgs UserPreferenceChangingEventHandler 26. System Activator AppDomain AppDomainSetup AppDomainUnloadedException ApplicationException ArgIterator ArgumentException class ArgumentNullException ArgumentOutOfRangeException ArithmeticException Array ArrayTypeMismatchException AssemblyLoadEventArgs AssemblyLoadEventHandler AsyncCallback Attribute AttributeTargets AttributeUsageAttribute BadImageFormatException BitConverter Boolean Buffer Byte CannotUnloadAppDomainException Char CharEnumerator Page 6 ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abcchm.html CLSCompliantAttribute Console ContextBoundObject ContextMarshalException ContextStaticAttribute Convert CrossAppDomainDelegate DateTime DayOfWeek DBNull Decimal Delegate DivideByZeroException DllNotFoundException Double DuplicateWaitObjectException EntryPointNotFoundException Enum Environment Environment.SpecialFolder EventArgs EventHandler Exception ExecutionEngineException FieldAccessException FlagsAttribute FormatException GC Guid IAsyncResult ICloneable IComparable IConvertible ICustomFormatter IDisposable IFormatProvider IFormattable IndexOutOfRangeException Int16 Int32 Int64 IntPtr InvalidCastException InvalidOperationException InvalidProgramException IServiceProvider LoaderOptimization LoaderOptimizationAttribute LocalDataStoreSlot MarshalByRefObject Math MemberAccessException MethodAccessException MissingFieldException MissingMemberException MissingMethodException MTAThreadAttribute MulticastDelegate MulticastNotSupportedException Page 7 ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abcchm.html NonSerializedAttribute NotFiniteNumberException NotImplementedException NotSupportedException NullReferenceException Object ObjectDisposedException ObsoleteAttribute OperatingSystem OutOfMemoryException OverflowException ParamArrayAttribute PlatformID PlatformNotSupportedException Random RankException ResolveEventArgs ResolveEventHandler RuntimeTypeHandle SByte SerializableAttribute Single StackOverflowException STAThreadAttribute String SystemException ThreadStaticAttribute TimeSpan TimeZone Type TypeCode TypeInitializationException TypeLoadException TypeUnloadedException UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 UIntPtr UnauthorizedAccessException UnhandledExceptionEventArgs UnhandledExceptionEventHandler Uri UriBuilder UriFormatException UriHostNameType UriPartial ValueType Version Void WeakReference 27. System.Collections ArrayList BitArray CaseInsensitiveComparer CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider CollectionBase Comparer DictionaryBase Page 8 ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abcchm.html DictionaryEntry Hashtable ICollection IComparer IDictionary IDictionaryEnumerator IEnumerable IEnumerator IHashCodeProvider IList Queue ReadOnlyCollectionBase SortedList Stack 28. System.Collections.Specialized BitVector32 BitVector32.Section CollectionsUtil HybridDictionary ListDictionary NameObjectCollectionBase NameObjectCollectionBase.KeysCollection NameValueCollection StringCollection StringDictionary StringEnumerator 29. System.Diagnostics BooleanSwitch ConditionalAttribute CounterCreationData CounterCreationDataCollection CounterSample CounterSampleCalculator Debug DebuggableAttribute Debugger DebuggerHiddenAttribute DebuggerStepThroughAttribute DefaultTraceListener EntryWrittenEventArgs EntryWrittenEventHandler EventLog EventLogEntry EventLogEntryCollection EventLogEntryType EventLogInstaller EventLogPermission EventLogPermissionAccess EventLogPermissionAttribute EventLogPermissionEntry EventLogPermissionEntryCollection EventLogTraceListener FileVersionInfo InstanceData InstanceDataCollection InstanceDataCollectionCollection MonitoringDescriptionAttribute Page 9 ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abcchm.html PerformanceCounter PerformanceCounterCategory PerformanceCounterInstaller PerformanceCounterPermission PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess PerformanceCounterPermissionAttribute PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection PerformanceCounterType Process ProcessModule ProcessModuleCollection ProcessPriorityClass ProcessStartInfo ProcessThread ProcessThreadCollection ProcessWindowStyle StackFrame StackTrace Switch TextWriterTraceListener ThreadPriorityLevel ThreadState ThreadWaitReason Trace TraceLevel TraceListener TraceListenerCollection TraceSwitch 30. System.Globalization Calendar CalendarWeekRule CompareInfo CompareOptions CultureInfo CultureTypes DateTimeFormatInfo DateTimeStyles DaylightTime GregorianCalendar GregorianCalendarTypes HebrewCalendar HijriCalendar JapaneseCalendar JulianCalendar KoreanCalendar NumberFormatInfo NumberStyles RegionInfo SortKey StringInfo TaiwanCalendar TextElementEnumerator TextInfo ThaiBuddhistCalendar UnicodeCategory 31. System.IO Page 10

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