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» . Warmth abounds Chiefs beat EPA warns residents along the Gulf, 1D Salem, 1C of lead in water, 3A C a n t on ( E x t o r t er Volume 13 Number 50 Monday. January 11, 1988 Canton, Michigan 48 Pages Twenty-five cents suourton ComroonK-»uoca Corporation All (Ugtti 1 Insurance rise ends balloon race The Canton By Diane Gale left fewer and fewer landing spots for the bal- Joy and Canton Center roads in Canton. Previ- GAS BALLOONS are easier to land than are staff writer loons ously it was held in Plymouth Township. hot air balloons and congestion doesn't pose as Connection Proceeds from parking went to the schools' big a problem. Skyrocketing liability insurance costs have WHEN LIABILITY Tor landing increased, athletic booster and the music booster clubs Lorenz also plans to sponsor events'with permanently grounded the annual Mayflower insurance rates followed suit. Supervisor James Poole said Canton "will tethered hot air balloons Shooting fireworks Hotel Hot Air Balloon Festival. "The insurance last year was several thou- miss the event. as a backdrop to the stately balloons and lining '"'It's history," said balloon festival co-chair- sands of dollars, and it went up twice to three "I'm very disappointed," Poole said. "It was Plymouth's Main Street with the multicolored man Scott Lorenz, general manager of the times that this year. There are cases where a tremendous PR factor for Canton Township spectacles are some of the ideas. EXTRA MILER: The Mayflower Hotels, and who worked eight passengers are suing event organizers because It attracted a lot of people out here I think it's "Plymouth has been associated with bal- Plymouth-Canton Community years to develop the festival. they called the race, and there's no landing a terrible shame." loons. and we'll continue to bring people to the Schools presented £he Extra sites down wind," Lorenz said. community." Mretiilerer da wseacrrde ttoar yD ofrriosm R iEtcahsti e, a stoeol"vkTe ohsue,"t M h aeay sfsaleoipdw,ae r"rabt euBta ptlhlooeloic ncyo Fs ettosst hi pvaravolet e sgcpotonn eosuo err-fs- famThiley f-eoswtinveadl P sleyrmveodut ahs hao tperl,om aosti ownel lfo ras th ae balBlouot nL oevreennzts .i sn't ready to slam the door on balLlooorenn fze astninvoalu nTcheudr stdheay demise of the hot air Middle School. Ritchie is a fectively through the roof" summertime tourist attraction for Canton, "I'm disappointed but the bright spot is that "It's one of those things. It's circumstances "friend and helper to staff and Plymouth and Plymouth Township. we're going to do a gas balloon race," Lorenz beyond our control It's too bad, and we're not students," said education board The growing number of development proj- For the past couple of years, the launchings said. "But it's up in the air where the gas bal- happy but we have to be realistic. Nothing trustee Marilyn D. Schwinn at a ects in Canton and Plymouth townships have have been at the Centennial Educational Park, loons will launch." stays the same." recent board meeting. She explained bow Ritchie had Omnicom rate started working in the district 13 years ago as a library aide and later moved to the position of secretary in the principal's office. Ritchie is a "dedicated, increases riles conscientious, well-organized" person with a "pleasanj personality," Schwinn said. In accepting the award, Ritchie said she felt "honored" and thanked some viewers the staff at East for its recommendation and the board for concurring. By Diane Gale Subscribers with basic, six pay staff writer services and remote in all three WRITING FICTION: communities saw a 2-percent in- Award-winning author Loren Some cable subscribers were out- crease, from $72.45 to $73.95. Estleman will speak in the raged by a rate increase that was as Plymouth Township rates are low- Canton Public Library beginning high as 26 percent. er than Plymouth and Canton rates at 7 p.m. tomorrow. Estleman George W. Lucas, a Plymouth sub- because Omnicom was denied a rate will discuss writing fiction with scriber, said he'd consider dropping increase in that community three the Detroit area used as a setting, his service as "a matter of principle years ago. The other communities and how to work with a publisher I'm fed up with it." granted the rate increase, said Fred- to get writing into print. You may "Where else did costs go up 20 per- erick Collman, Omnicom general register to attend by calling the cent this year?" asked Dick Arlen of manager. library at 597-0999. Plymouth. "And I'm getting the The average Omnicom subscriber same old service. " in western Wayne County has basic, 1.5 pay programs and spend^ $33 DOUBLE WINNER: CABLE RATES went up Jan. 1. monthly, Collman said. *-- V* • Christopher Bargowski, a The rate for basic only in Plym- Michigan State University senior, outh rose 21 percent, from 111.99 to AS OF JAN. 1, 1987, municipali- had two reasons to celebrate $14.50. In Plymouth Township, the ties were stripped of control of cable while in California to see the rate rose 26 percent, from $10.75 to television rates by the U.S. Copgress. Rose Bowl game. The Spartans $13.50. In Canton Township, the rate Some subscribers complained that came out on top over Southern rose 21 percent, from $11.99 to some nearby communities with Cal and he made his debut on $14.50 cable charge far less than Omnicom national television. The basic and one pay-service rate Cablevision. which ser/es Plymouth, Bargowski, a 1983 graduate of in Plymouth rose 11 percent, from Plymouth Township, Canton Town- Plymouth Canton High, became a $23.20 to $25.70. In Plymouth Town- ship, Northville, Hamtramck and contestant on The Price Is Right ship, that rate rose 12 percent, from Belleville. game show. He walked away with $22.20 to $24.94. In Canton Town- MetroVision of Livonia charges a bronze sculpture and one of the' ship, that rate rose 6 percent, from most exciting experiences of his $24 20 to $25.70. Please turn to Page 2 life, said his mother, Donna Bargowski of Canton. 14 file in Canton CHEER DRIVE: During the Christmas holidays the West Middle School Student Council for trustee post put together a Christmas Cheer Drive. Each homeroom collected food and money for presentation to the By Diane Gale ing feuds between trustees, some ob- Salvation Army. The drive has staff writer servers predict the board will dead- been a tradition at West since lock in a 3-3 vote. 1961. Last year the students Fourteen residents have submit- If the board fails to garner a ma- collected $2,220 and 41 boxes of ted resumes to Canton Township in jority vote for a candidate, the gov- food, and this year collected hopes of filling the vacant trustee ernor will call a special election paid 12,700 and 45 cheer boxes. spot. from Canton's budget The deadline to apply was 5 p.m. The person, who is appointed or Thursday. voted into office will serve the re- BEAUTY BOOSTERS: However, some trustees seemed mainder of Larson's term, which ex- willing to accept late submissions pires November 1988. The Canton Beautificatioo -Committee the many In a letter to the board of trustees, * BILL BRESLER/Mafl phoiograohw Canton residents who helped CANDIDATES ARE expected to Supervisor James Poole suggested For Jim Ryder, the Ice Sculpture Spectecular is markets, the Big Three auto companies, and make the community a holiday be discussed at Tuesday's board appointing Canton resident Carol Bo- a welcome relief from hie dnlly routine, which most of metropolitan Detroit's hotels end res- show place. "It was a delight to mmieneitsitnrga tbieogni nbnuiinldgin 7g po.nm C. ainnt othne C aedn-- denmiller, a former trustee. involves supplying begged tee for 1,500 super- taurants. drive through all of Canton and ter south of Proctor "This is obviously not cronyism view the beautiful decorations,"' because Carol worked for my oppo- said Tillie Schists, beautificatioo Trustees also may nominate can- nent in 1980," Poole said. "Carol Cool job committee chairwoman. didates. could step into the position with a The board must make an appoint- "We wish to congratulate minimum amount of briefing, train- ment within 45 days after the vacan- winners of the first Holiday ing and indoctrination. She was a cy was created — Dec. 16 — when Home Decorating Contest and to trustee for six years." thank the Judges. Their task was trustee Steve Larson submitted his Firm owner keeps business 'on ice' resignation. Considering longstand- very difficult with so many * Pteaae turn to Page 2 beautiful entries. We feel all the contestants are winners." what's inside By M.B. Dillon "Ice carvings, if dooe properly, Prises and plaques were staff writer are a beautiful piece of art created awarded to the winning entries in by a person who's able to share a the Holiday Home Decorating Contest The winners were: Brevities. . . . 4A Th« PlyBmefoourteh t thoe omgaless etshe d eosncgeonidnged I ocen people tho"uItg'sh ts ionm tehtehirin mg itnhda,t" c aadnd'te dbe R dyudpelri.- * place, Bocmie and Albert Classified . Sections C,E,F CLASSIFIEDS Sculpture Spectacular, Jim Ryder cated, and depending on the tem- Wyattof 3775 Cantos Center Auto BO spent days in the bone-chilling cold perature, will sit there for many, Road; second place. Real estate . . 1F of Kellogg Park, overseeing the un- nles, and most of metropolitan De- many people to enjoy." Chili Walls. 7Ml Wheaton; third Employment . flF loeding of Ice, assisting the chains** troit's hotels and restaurants. place, Shirley and John Homing, Index 8F sculptors, and running his Detroit "This is a big kick for me." said RYDER'S FAMILY - wife •171 Beck Among the honorable Creative living 1F plant by pbooe. Ryder, who helped the Mayflower Leslie, and sons Jamie, 15. and Matt, aCJW4an0t.cde2;k l 5LJls0eajo rrQm,nn M,dya a4dsl4e a E;2Qn 4Cadu8dae Ha neVanda.iysnl twls maa agnN yede; D wCaorlouMtrttki r l• CEOSStpnrbrootieetsreursttsta w asricoineersmdn .ee ..nt . . . . 5f1?miDFCA vnipcaarelitRM ,mer ydwekedn thI wdseciprrece ohl sarjnt inr nssdu goounsr wpss peoon tfrlfehi vtre rWihdoc iouesa fsg9l yt,h1 M e 0a DJas,ia0rid swn0'swn.0e e ie1lycsl 7eit n .ac fs hI ed catsoehrt-,-ie - tItHIhhccoeeea' IttcyS ecuaolcep'rusu cv nl Satpegocrtreovus r1tri ten0w pg SLee yor pobeeperaanlceser'mttsi.ac cp aaT ulapglhlsolyaeasrni nww IIgcn aateas h IIe M t Sad n coySfunii. n arl psgtrott-. 7bhttrre u—ua "swiciJlkn aeahsesrm.ass s sN i4i,e n ,eob nhw emsja to yssahya ce yiewk'dsdai.or n ddrtghkr.i"ie vs idoi nse igfd oa ersnledi mmg hielto t a rosdafinic nhctgioes r Laura O'Neill • Taste 1B and other figures that ture Spectacular helped promote It Ryder's "yard" is two acres of line XfcSv Arbor Trail, Main Street, through community colleges," said land on Linwood between Oakmaa NEWSLINE . . 2700 5 9 1 - 0 9 00 Forrest i Ryder - A * and Fenkell in Detroit. Formerly SPOFTTSUNE . .501-2312 "Now it's a pert of their culinary Borin Ice Co , a business founded In WANTS ADS . .581 rrs A WELCOME break from arts program Students coming out 1017, the plant encompaaaea 00,000 DELIVERY. . . .501 Use Your Mseii CerdorVI— Ryder's daily routine, which an tails of school are going to work for the square feet and three buildings In • minldes -* • — |M • mtkJk Weatin, Plymouth Hilton and other supplying naggec H* for wiper- major I turn to Page ? markka, the Big Three auto compa- J- • m e s i ii Monday, January 11. 1968 O&E (P.CJ3A 2A,Ci >•&£. Monday January 11, 1988 U.S. warns: lead in water Lawsuit planned by secretary over delayed check By Tom Handaraon from gas fumes or things like kids tral and peripheral nervous systems scBhSltii>Wi^wt ahtcnhiahk ayaoweeegaelTiiaF rfAFn lpids D c-kfVT /shr - s is k.nbst:CaVewinuW. ieh» jaove n itialcnu•;arrthnet k:' niCderhtn :ateeti ." ehaceieGngkiyic osteerrtr G iahralue tn c. sal ioe'd rniuadcasn s cydwiArlleiwletksroeteedet n es rs'Pp p k ssckw u CCrargwohi,tieohnyoatecio ispogifrn intuf emehap terhnsot te ra ia"esJnwtdoaryoiioi l inn oaofo has rgsanb dricnn uosidceadi lflsa p oleeid i u Mns ilu rdt eteSniaihgnonn n nipe ft swctaigoEdiehee hlrfntnleildy iorinaO scgso t wgi ohfehsaamf norafiufnenc e pr f a e - - ttpbfTsbgcbtmihacrhourroueoekoeouSeniTTdwsTdT ase mctsantpghHrg h heethatdaneeee eeecdeEhbcenl snt t t do c etpe hyci dacttifAhs rlkoesiotieesp i o rrtnr R s mtur tafsse rlkdpBherrGo eukcus peeeeomog neetbsorUactpm oalarntaaetyfiaf,arelrrMa elpfidw ar eilu l anfpWmatascE rhs tmorcetts oaeiNadfeo e tmpchmsWied iiiipThnTeoansnre rscsienet trt rnoib,ftiiauc ga sh fugyifi n tsssiteTnehhnaocet'e ndioahe rs ct l ocpcfeveawfthe euyhuvlsa etydehesehyennei sa rve adrndi fC skatt nefm u g comr 'ar drnswltoy,o n e aodsh n"tm htpr uknoaeetokae ge hek fy'bnttlr'yf-neoes -le -- - criwWnwstwrDibitTososyoeaoae honoeneo lerrllLmTftce u us'ar'e wdtolaShcA ko vll rsre3icodero hayosetwosadSe0tx nuredd linno Tfdfn p'ovl'F aw tosrcrd a a snee cty roMoeanhaceph di chm'm lnntds iaedbpaotOpehpd kerautc nbecu eesNd s.ye t hykgat"im o,hathme T e. re nrettW aeGsm icr otheHh'ptWgnoskeat upeeld h,pcwi.h goiirace-lWtl a ds eeeooayCneyanuyso amlynrsehelnnt hsrIlk hi ieieea syloftuptsdz s'eiehavlts.sphl ei heseCie doatdfrs de o hyiaiu r a le r nween wfs"eettdacfmyoohep i hrmui pttel socg opalo ihaap aei tluolgdi neiinuocd d tme ir Cidmsbim rystsh ch iupe opee ti msaauutrdsnvuuae hshlcnasuygei'tt 're ehs --es-st -- etaTcctpmcftwhfhrritonallueh laaaeeoedurreCTWbDAennr nr n.d sct l"khikht gusesitr te pl e cahu'tffa rdreisuo t sesaeih u ns rohwbusber rckarn ase a bnlkvuaheafi'nfistsein ocadseaemdn'aosn sn tgrnton'tytp, rc er dhefsewale a tf xbagaCo.xhnni ispefrdyc aa thsstiewelheceev rfeufantbduetpeeaye vhileassrrnsayrare fer t rearwntntewe e tdnheewacdemoder mens p.rhth e sWkhta W paaahrwnDeiit sleduentaeoee uq tgirg siyr shsregusfrh esaaemosfrieude iceoeoiresdk nprivm odt,a tli wayu i sson h bdtnt "ak giyh1atent t ciehtheso2eh-do' ed te eeaf , wfttWbmCmftpsiihhoincieuaohoeneeegeuenTOtySLunr an rmitcpCl.tkwpns" Ah tnahmluasoe ehoreetfcTo Tnbda newouo erfthclo nrE okrch niimehd unt c eR'ortsvshreirr ho a a enWr Soss etcnIsniieehadriNpksd edcoee fisas ,eay sv teieufy dmnnsos cdfote tsadu cyr Tilhdfiewy ceee db r HaC methdrrboFoy oet akEahuomuoda s' Cwd fulds i'ldidfttla eh gu hhh idebuDottmsr ediuaehirewrfacrtA retegehes fdanieo inu Ypern ccl crta tcbaldh kctae nitplsijiheinok ense tanCftc eaesrgcowoigkcu n rkhdtrmdyk,ie 'u os St a d ffophah p bptrr tnlao rohaaooeasosay tuyefkoommnachun-f t - 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Plymouth CLEANERS dohlueveosaepetEd drowx n tsfaphiiogttearsehn-r rttt"sh c a-cacorola?lsodrork imi aenwnsagdayr phn shiuhg artohvphueeoalrtdse b lswneuevai verlotmelrsr u toboopref cDcDieitrnTynitn gh okaeefiml nnd Dgoeey nteWi tdcrmeaostieet rna e trAsevc et tort yho etfh me1 r9o ef8nse6utd hlet,ra oalfd Sd reaedf-e -d wsOiovaFnMet'Fe.ti rIacc CtcohocniIg oAsbarieLddn Sei'csnra gw uc S sauteoTtre rRf rCeoE nrlieSts alnS all'tEaenar dDvmd.e w rtlyhehav itcceo hltsrh rre oeiyn-- ab$n1ad4OsL i 5Ccam0 rasng.ne iePrtcrovlo yncimcma eib's osl eu$Pt1lh 4yc moT50roop wuotnrhashtiio prna sitse $o1f3 ties n5 0 ssrgbemtuiacolatkenel iarlvmlea ermted ecn saton mH atehgpaaetnr,i eslsaa icrd ofdeindrf hi rni cmsoottoemdr gipceata ntl hiltyeeh s e cnsmfutaauelutldin-soi etaons n. c codoaf mlfpleam rfrioutnr-ngt iisetmyx etTe f hnsritsasainfvcfe nh a eilssoce ecwasl seail gltoar rateiesges-i -a rvaotleu cmuet.s based on 3W0e Ac%cept A4ll5 C5 o-m9O0p4et0it orsF CoupFons l mdJthirmaainnkT keC th ihlteneee glacya ow non dorat,rrt icei bgdoruiefnt fpiiaQseuleOtl yym oc othrhfeioe f ulse guoahfbdts .t"th afen rs otwaimiaadl - bnhhsheeoaowTevmnueh ehl ecdtsoo h, sbm bateanu eb tstgmeee Pa d rc dier poeetpoen pawssl itabir rtsacahunnec ddt t iwlin ejo hoa insneidonn ltc dss oeeo dnxrwle eidsieeltld rihn ena gdison t dswwhuuooaSrcmuetetel asedwr to teibhhnw eaaentn ir edrniresds k tg lih wovaecriiidldarllui nah gla orvfe hfetsihopc etmoioane ltspsseiabsy Ltwiil intiekotgriee eltn syeo 'rstf t ter supply division of the State De- 14 file for Canton trustee post partment of Health LEAD POISONING can result in their own water for lead if they (Canton "It used to be that everyone colic, anemia, constipation, cramps aren't satisfied with merely flushing the lines thought lead (levels in humans; was and paralysis by attacking the cen- (Pbscrurr With any incoming Dry Cleaning Order Con; nued from Page 1 Metropolitan Airport supervisor I • James Blanchard. Canton resi- ( State Bar head to speak here 663-670 • Charlie Weaver. Eastern Michi- dent who is retired Excludes suede, leathers, furs, laundry and alterations I dPau>b lbiysh Oedb esveervryer M &on Edacyce Tr -ni,r sN-ews- mePnhtiilo Lnead bJoyy h tarsus tpereesvio aussly a b etoepn gMaont Uorn Civoerrps.i tEyn gliencetuerrienrg a anndd FEolerdc- yea•r Ms waroirlkyned L aivtin gFsitrostn, Iwnhtoer fsotra tsei x Good Only Until 1-14-88 The new president of the State Bar gan State Bar Journal Chapter 5 1prd0MLAttrtoi5ariCa\NMovnein p0 in Lao4si eaa0eO srsni8w"nHd rvn i1ssb iFoa»Osyest 5s son3raeurMMe0t "irat6mbaramer vlE2nTs3dl oeyhdMc 5 V nr .4i n "'3mprt EiSpti5d,ei sR "t lSr-rp4y i- c> setvc:-.8iuh'r jan*toeb s~c5enj s he-e1asc lacnpP ce Snt eppL-a Egdt0oClf 'oiecR scdSi otrV t aaorltpjh b e$vnIgnyt~eC rles4$eoo.^e sEc02 r*e 225o. p '0504Ca9naa 0c0d2a1 idtaa d e -8-.in - - • cdLIgaOnhneaicnoTdnt••• od ita H CcRsSVrade E oasfoivC orfmu nbwiFgohrsbseuirOuotlmrr e thrtLMulyhi rcKLte aitS nt cOB nesiijchroda'ooWsihinlblnge ua o oIrsae,TmNfen frssJaGi ayruWck dSrsmeee ta t;.rCe aey. Cmstfan eiBnoeseh utrlt odoBein tnnC ctuiogi naioCln li vrudnlee nieeLsnstrseiyegkt-ri e - ntnmtglroaeeecornieern n••••d rrc f i i J TPJoofscoaooreimstmhmrrt DDanep eMrtties orvM otroPi ircL sl oofcDhilooilCoeitardrlnrg uec IwaM rzns pnflibyde orci akBcouyrkj.ch.ds.e thitul hg r.l comcb.eial taui n aslnc ddre iiBbgCktnecyeeesailtoiillt nlogri nfin mdc gWe iearn neneagcgasdi--it---- esBgaiMnengeageiTrgen•e•e. c an iahk rTFRPnntteo .orde hh afGcafeioli ll nrpldrMmem kheae rLtakaasvts d aeUVI M siJnlLsa oonocWcoaicpi.ydMnktk .mieael. udssCn semo hrd pni TnretDauta yeN nriy.J fcvcf a,riohIoihe.gros.rn lariSew dooess rteUnialefadnol ntongge i ffeioir vei rm aFgtse rn.hsaar aactnsrilhm inatetoi--ys - r(: PJ TT e*RL sUer v<ic Te$hiPs x ScEoxux AaR pto $VMn4 5imsE ° S°go hPo$adiE r fcoiurCt , 5inn2Ic0A0lu Lpdiee r dm. £ oPitnHltimsdhfarneil eiienyMwijnEMlal nugtmSlilyuoti ior oa ucaonegeoortsnhrbnd efuIsm di u annntd gp6htnrene eohaeabd mrnWe Drlpa,3ls n pba05 oae SrMe e7pn dwpBtr l,spjnaloi ua aeloet ms lerrohtflssyefld a n a.iS Bs Aaneb awttayereahs w,giorse n ei.t roas tnhvkvscph r eawlopedie eawaolensiwc v tnlaP5iiil e onHka 3ildbs ngylirfaeein dim d sharmgbt mdaoipe us trluHgrf rel ieititt n ishonsahioss -- f-l ef tmnfsctMtJtiiahiuaeooooiueMgtrohAntnnia ltslnToat.a einosl glnltrienFics. hnsfue sLseesee ns mnr.a luduK c aenil Nteasremertdheanea ,ga hne lanepc it iarnaLs mcinirasmonevlegoinab ddin,bdeslty e areimw u l roapllLracorinvrb w aytt TcoL,esoheyaydcrfr i lmjAube eu i loosd rrssaldtitsafnsasauhniur obwe crft y'lsvecheioiiylsa,aieari a elbtNr . L yt Airs iIHioAsq.lnueos—iuuiacstAtn sysceoahg,tnCorlco u ionn imtiPrfaean-haaiis,.--c---e- - card cop.es of -A^icn are available 10 calls from residents inquiring This ofter expires on 2-29-88, Mossner. Majoros & Alexander in Preservation, the Michigan Histori- from tne advertising department about the opening and cannot be used with any BILL BRESLER/slaM photographer Saginaw cal Society. People For th£ Ameri- Canton Observer. 489 S Mam other coupon. Nevw clients only. Ice fans line streets ( can Way and Germania of Saginaw TPlhyem Coaunthto Mnl O 4b8s e1 r7v0e r(3 1r3e,s1e r4v5e9s-2 t7h0e0 Continued from Page 1 Prix racing cars for parties hosted voAtepr,p altic laenatsst m 1u8s tye baers aold r.e ga iCstaenrteodr , Hcadlipcrs A 1952 graduate of the University His worldwide travels include right not to accept an advertiser's side isjs^ate-of-the-art ice manufac- by Detroit Mayor Coleman Young. resident and a U.S. citizen _ • Spectator^lined Main Stre«t Friday to view throughout downtown Plymouth. Major piec- of Michigan. Mossner earned his law stops in China. Japan. East and West ootnnararekddiw eeeasrrrc s pOc ahebpapsevterae rnav nnceoder a oou nf&thl ytohr Eeiptcyu cab tedloimvc eta>ntr<citnoisdn ae dt rho-'sif s stt$iua1orlWA0nei,n s 0etag 0epnt 0aeeeg mroqai npbu m eloiielpefol,rsm n msot, ehafon ftprit e crMoe tdi hsduatwcantefi fs4ote0nr s a rw reaefnordr iak gdbeerorirusva,t -- odiIntna pylP"(yCr.Te oiYhrcdreeDuy bc EsbuebRlslouk, cr W4kg o4, Hf0p., OlO atth nohgetinro seil,cew eof tof ubp ipbnuelsr ooMaicnntkiee cass hs ifci gatehhraame nas ceaOaanccldTclh ehfa doems uiTbeoroernthuatairslnd ltTyge .uems sepeseedc tairsayelc t eoh ifmev e eefeairtc 1ishn1t,g0 ms0seoc nafootrnehrd . 11118800 AANNNN AARRBBOORR RROOAADD«• PPHLLYYAMMIROOU USTTTHHU•-'44DD5Ij5"O*i+4 /7 /7U0 M* tmpunhalieulom niiycniaeetndyei s pAvc aioivdenldeculeean slgpuere aiocl fesseot ussa sdltniiaednotnenuta esAls, Fn cno pMhrr Aeeiedfrpsstwba.oer rTesdt hATe r Ibva ciyieenl,nd c iuPeovemei mdn---- ebofpseeua s trcs skKaei. reoevnlnleaod lug cng body mPer apcrue kTtl.iihn teSiaoa rnGytua r atwdhrtiaelylr si tnm bugeodr ea nhnniedtnslgd tc hta hirnneou n ptgohrhwoe- - dciAnle er1gMms9r iy5eones5 su sTfn narrteoniirlmad hl1 na t9mWhs5e7a anwgy -arn sizeteiKt rneSventea d atven aidH nrUi ion ntuihv seMe raiUscriShtti iy-- GBEllaageennlyrddgmp ,ia tuLna, mdniGey .crA .Eeh Cuentseczgtneelr.sacatnhle idoLia.ns.e ,lbo IaIvstnaraoaklnyeia,,l.. N S AJewwouirstd ztZraeienraa-,, - Eugene D.Mossner ers have collaborated on off-beat died off. It died when the horse and Don't Miss jobs aside from the ice show ice wagon died," said Ryder, a board During the 1980 Republican con- member of the Packaged Ice Associ- STREET SCENE'S vention, Midwest delivered 6-feet- ation. o STREET SEEN tall carved elephants When the six While Ryder doesn't find the ice Every Monday animals melted. Midwest replaced business as satisfying as his former neighbors on cable them occupation of teaching, he's thrilled The company, which records sales about reviving the art of ice carving What other opfr o$v1.i5de dm firlolizoenn a mnnoudaelllsy, o fals Gora hnads vSipae tchteacu Plalyr.m outh Ice Sculpture CHANNEL 8 kins 9:30 p.m an..<* . a .c tSoirz zNleorrsm. an Kapson w—h Aich s tsopreyc ioafl iWzehsit ein P roesstt,o ara sthioonp of old cars. f,TAVTJhe°Si"L - Women WEDNESDAY (Jan. 13) 4:30 p.m. . . . History of Aviation charity PREVENTIVE HEALTH CARE — Information and demonstra- ages 62-80 daz2le you with their 3 P m- • • Bus^"1 B^rrlers , tion of restoration of airplanes FOR YOUR ADULT DOG jazz and tap dance routines 3:30 p.m. . ^ The Oasis - Special in the Plymouth-Canton area. would zfA oio e^lge vweintnf vreeo cuoiasr exercis eo roarger ccnn-e TcN*japTss. weannyn "gw rre> ei Srigchietn tcoec xDs> ies to' Cn amnionoer oni x" 3:30A p d.man.c .e . s h. oTwhe h Gosratendde b yBe Gatr e-g ^ J1 tR°? ^p. M Oarthtienreze gu^ stisng ms - 5 p.Bma.nd E Caostncert. Middle School Mam:®ronce Lea at the Grande Ballroom elude Flashback and Dr Z. 6 p.m. Yugoslavian Variety- CANINE MAiNTONANCI' 4:30 p.m. - Community Upbeat 4 p.m. . Dar ene Myers Show Hour — Song and dance in the • Scientifically tornxnoted 'or achjii oogs *ror maturrty no OK) age - School teacher' Sharon 4:30 p.m. ... Northville Bluegrass native language. •at • "GiOi 'O rrom'am neo"»i ana cooer McDonald and Denise Swope 5 P-m- • • • Contemporama. 7 p.m. . . . Tax Changes in 87: control produce this talk show about 6 P m- • * Grande!Bea1- What You Need to Know • f*ope«y r©5''iCts sott orct»r pnoio'^cr'JS topics such as sports, schools. ^ p.m.. . . Milt %llcox Show. 8 p.m. Christeens Cable Talk a«Kna3" ceavt cOw's&mo sfeo o-en-ac B woeavcSeen'' pnreoat-yt eomn<j3 $ dance, law, community proj- ":30 P-m- - • ~P°rts- — The latest Christian music vi- fong over 9:30 p.m. . . Videotunes. deos and a chacne to call in and 5 p.m. . . . Contemporama — A speak with kdis from local §hort. SAXTONS Regular Price cable magazine program CHANNEL 15 churches. - *28.82 s featuring topics including edu- MONDAY (Jan. 11) 9 p.m. . . Off the Wall. Full over NEP^°Ew 22.99 ctiaotnio. pn,o hliotwics t oa.n dh etaraltvhe,l .co Dnasenrcvian-g 3 p m Veselk aand mus Picol wkaith B aan gdro —up 9:30p epr.smp.e.c .ti v.e Y onou Cthhvriieswtia —n a Act itevei-n slim. SCIENCE 6 p.m. . . Open Lines — Public from Czechoslovakia. ties. This week a visit with Fresh SHOP OUR EVERYDAY LOW PET PRICES affairs program featuring local, 4 p m ^ ^ ijfe _ i>a. Petra, the best known Christian DIET state, and national government matic real life situations using a rock band. proportions officials. biblical approach to solutions. 6:30 p.m. Coffee House Cafe — Provided by the Lutheran infused with rollover, 9» reS*B7 W ANN AR 8S0«R" •T«R«A •I L • PLYMOUTH sFtorleke tm Tursiioc an fdea dtuureitn gJoe B Racoks-o- 4C:h30urch. p m Comic and Fantasy 3 p.pmu.bW lMicEi acDhffiNgaEairnsS DprAoYg Jr'ao(mJuar nfnra.o l1m 3—) th Ae texture. chacki and Joe Borkowski of Revue — IfcJsts Gary Reed aqnd Michigan Republicans hostred By Rial to. Hamtramck sh jaques discuss science fic- et by state chairman Spencer 7 p.m. . . Milt Wilco* Show — tjon, comic books, films and fan- P-S-M-L. Abraham with news and infor- Former Tiger pitcher Milt Wil- Usy mation about issues in Michi- AEROS*C CLASSES £ cox and Harry Katapodis co- 5 p m Open Your Heart. gan. Navv /white, FREE WEIGHTS host Interviews" with sports and • County Impact — WMAHCIRHLIPNOESO L - SAUNA (180(5M« WWI A Mrmain A &rb SorH «RkoJ*odn ) I media celebrities. Wayne 5;30 p m County Commissioner 3:30 p.m Omnicom Sports linen/viscose CMHAISLSDA CGAER E 451-1165 RIDAL 7:30k e9tb fanl l. f e.a .tu Srpesor tPsl y—mo Buothys C baans-- Sjusan issu eHsei nczon cheorsntsin ga dthisecu 1ss0itohn SPclyenmeo Wutrhe Sstallienmg vs a Pctliyomno wutihth jacket. SI 12: 0 Canton. PLYMOUTH FITNESS SEMINAR •thoing hvlsig hPtlsy fmroomutthhe Sa wlermest lAinlsgo District, Gues wth iicsh B irnuccleud Seswe Petl,y mdi-- 5 p.m. , . Human Images 23" skirt. outh S:30 p.m Madonna Magazine meet as Plymouth Canton hosts rector of business and industry $60. White STUDIO Thursday, January 14, N. Farroington. " at Schoolcraft College 6 p.m. Canton Update, 9:30 p.m. . Videotunes Live! - Presbyterian 6:30 p.m. . . People St Places. short sleeved and beg FOR LADIES 7 p.m.. Lounge. Livonia The band Last Sunday visits 6 Chur pch m Flrst of Northville Presents: 7 p.m. . . . East Middle School Band Concert top. linen/ During our Bridal Seminar hosts Dr Z and Eugene the Par- A celebration. 8 p.m. Divine Plan — A pres- for your LOOK GREAT FOR "88" you will be invited to tMy eA."n iSmcaullp Atuurdeio sings Shave ? p m 1087 Spect Paclyumlaor uth Ice eGnotsaptieolsn boyn Fthoert H waorrmtho Bnyib loef stthue- cotton, (not $88°° meet our Bridal Consultant. 8 p.m. . . . Human Images — A dents. shown) $56. discussion show by students 8:30 p.m. . . Study In Scriptures money? Select fashions for you TUESDAY (Jan. 12) • from the CEP Psychology — A non-denominational ap- 3 p.m.. . . Beyond the Moon - As- ciub.8:S© p.m. . . . The Lupe & Be- DOWN and your wedding party. proach to Bible studies tronomer Mike Best enlightens trice Variety Show — A program .Jacobsc >i is $ a 9 p.m. ... 1st Presbyterian 19 List your gift preferences. us on our world beyond the focusing on Hispanic American The animals at the Michigan 88 moon issues, culture, and entertain- Church of Northville Presents Humane Society'will do any- Make jewelry and stationery 3:30 p.m. . . Keep on Moving. ment. "A Celebration." thing for your support because, PIR MONTH1 selections. And, review " 4 p.m. . • • About Face With Jef- for many of them, it's the only frey Bruce — InformaUon on niir^nAV MM 18^ CHANNEL 10 chance they have. (Bts*d on ona yMr membership) our special hair. skin, Mke-Up ,„d fiairJtyUnf «c>- } ^ _ A CANTON TOTOiSHIP *Doea Not include Finance Charge Animals give so unselfishly, and makeup services. * Pendleton Fashion public affair* program from the tthhee ys'arem bee. gging you to do EINX PEVRRC Iy8Er WWQEA R- NNOAWME AV 9ARILAANBPLEE -> 591B-y7 r6e9s6e.r evxatteionnsi oonnl y2. 33. « p.S™™h oc'wJ™J _w"J aNwiol rwptrheystelnl*ta Bti oll-nopa. gmbyrtea .t gh -ae n" Democrat iHcouse o sfta Rffe porfe atheenU Mtiivche.i 3B opa.mrd. Wo fCE TDarnNutotEneSeDs TA moYweSe ntsinhgip. Qm to to Ndrim Hant Safety. Use Our Easy Payment Plan 7401 Chrysler Dr.. Detroit Ml 48211 FRIDAYS Additional Specials < p.m. Canton Townsfetp 872-3^00" Available Jacobson's rS, P«« Sto. Board of Trutees meeting. We jaconson s E'D'ess C*<a Limited Offer - Cell Todayl 721-7300 HOURS: M-F *00 AJH.-M0 P.M.. SAT. fctt A.M.-Ifc00 NOOK 8 30P m .'^wUn Barriers velopmenl of Canton, and gov S p.m, S CAaTnUtoRnDA TYoSw nship Until 6 p.mSh oonp u Mntoilnd 9ay p. mT.u eosnd aTyh.ur Wsdeadyn aensdda yFr iadnady Saturday MhmHts. SHOP UNTIL 9 P.M. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY # Darlene Mver* Show — ernmant news. Board meeting. 8S2-7420 Until 6 p.m. on Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Saturday Darlene welcomes Robert Haa- 4 p.m. .. White Post Rattorstion. • 4 A< P.C) O&E Monday, January 11. 1988 Monday. January 11, 1988 O<fc£ *5A S t a t e 's n ew A I DS a ds i s s ue s t e rn w a r n i n gs F a m i ly D r ug m e d i c al b r i e f s / h e l p l i ne • MICHIGAN CUE CLUB will speak at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Jan certified through the American Col- EVERYDAY DEEP DISCOUNTS AND CONVENIENCE By Tom Henderson e A voice on a TV ad says: "Don't musicians and suppliers working at this state," said Dr James Harrison The Michigan Cue Club will offer 12. in the Plymouth Cultural Center. lege of Sports Medicine and are spe- staff writer share a bed with rates, according to Brogan deputy director of thf-stau? Depart The Michigan cued speech practice beginning J 30 525 Farmer Spalding will speak on cially trained to deal with the needs PRESCRIPTIONS • OPTICAL • PACKAGE LIQUOR • COSMETICS • BEER & WINE shares a needle.'' There is a close-up Television stations around the state ment of Public Health I'uni-Ai'i If p.m Jan 12 in St John Neumann the selection and purchase of hear- of pregnant women and new moth- HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS • POP-DAIRY • ICE CREAM • HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES • PET FOOD AIDS doesn't have a subtle touch of two head stones, side by side The have agreed to run the ads without "Our success over time will re- Department of Public Catholic Church on Warren west of ing aids, and about hearing loss and ers Classes are held twice a week Those who get it die ugly, painful camera pans back The headstones charge, which allowed Brogan Kabot quire that we develop a capacity to Health 9 tapped up ita Scohneltdaocnt Linor Craainnteon Z FaokYsek i natfo 4r5m9a-7ti0o3n0, assistive listening devices fmoor r7e5 in mfoinrmutaetsio nTo ca lrle 5g7is2t-e3r09 o4r for deaesaet.h sth Teo st afitegh Dt etphear tcmonetnatg oiofu Psu bdilsic- fboedrm si ttjtiieng h einad tbhoea rmdi dodfl ea ofufl aly -cmemadee- tloy use the $1 million more effective- iMnficohrmig aann'ds 9 e mduilcliaoten c iatsize mnsa nays p oofs - effort* against AIDS by Health has launched a graphic ad tery The campaign is aimed at blacks, sible about the way AIDS is con- authorizing a new, or Dorian Marks at 455-8417 • GROWING FIT An exercise program for pregnant • HEARING COPING campaign that is nearly as hard hit- e A smiling baby is lying on a who suffer disproportionately from tracted and how to prevent the multimedia advertising •smwMlPe tSlyoio-yFl pTClrsm re boAOse eoumiePRntu hoihfEtnokhe tHlri rdTSonmoefgoM daa8l ut AOt i pchr3onertK0no ong C,pIrgiy Nsecr tAnmaaG emmtlrr l ebJ,e r4ao e on 5rSatr9itmn- 1R0tgo9o18s3ko29 ae o0o 8dl1b ne4 ts L atsi hi,nii nlen - -TdCacwBrfoenlauluoardfayei sme .swlsas drsJedeoreiansa namsnf .ly geb w eGs.ete no 1iAgarl2o li n nwint.w dsnhbh eeG o A pTi F rnfp arohwirbyrtwo u.toioamshrrg bhsew Frl dT 5eaiti aolrAmt l3ya a0rsiei stblb xit e sooPa aegtrth rh ip6r cneyH e:rHi4sqosa 5i Teeugtcra iuvi iprmirlaenea.tenmhsmeyd - a. •n(GSW SDihesHaPAenmAylHl edyndsYvHoe miawns )CS c oPijmeluAuulrlsfeste Rhsbt esHieE tboFnse nyoahl prtmea et Fltoh drifOfl io 3y oawRrn fc h HpFS oSe. paeomCnErrirhdndv Nt ugJih coraIeinecfnO h m WHC R.i se2eaSe c4an5s htrt8taeioa3 nkri-n5nng-. 2 LITER SPNARALEBTMIISNICUOEM S jtklaspsieitailnalteaiT"lgeld s,'.wW hn tabJbe,thsue'eiu iop ot attth nnuh ioytt neroh popCt iedeuon hsni'sk lsaaideltebv ,s yaaue wos ltotwe ouo fl.oi'n av fv gycee rstotsha ug bbeg roeAes ntstte ehtc, seao ott tnhei ompseton rueho' b tevf vlpaaeie rerlctyr.too'"h-s- - "bhfitstshuSrhel eoavrrrhenm onieml ssuiAk ihf domebhea ttleas aehwri nnno e d hoffa r tremo'ro sortognhma ur emAedninpa IaTdb sD dinp;eVndS a h hThyr i eaa"enh'tsrd yed i ,Tt ss Ai cmVlgg aaohrisu a ltctvaellb odydoms -ri. cp ah dbe"sneeaeB, rsn e a wicataniyhennnhsse dgdoa tcttaaanahienoviceoeemdotenn nod id demdAarildoss geidp m essaeasaa ctnr atsuosdrn e;asond :yeianc m,sn oeii tdzenuperildtnet ni raigtemgao vhtasvneiottnse e iT vna dbrghsetol aierearuonenncsn cgekaa e aasrctdat druore ldsuluf miass gnp reh ppgmo atr up beyrAsu leatte adldthhcraocs sehs- k : tsgsorraoafaa iuTdncTdn,taiT hsh ohbsemhe eeu saraasitpetdss o 'tassswat i rprs wiowee,lanl,hri" l tee obl fsi rf eoogreauuf hi td nr tttathh h r Ctitee gsheph elrsr aetohit ebvdnauudutiitggsset eh ie to ooaa nwsmudets aa,a rMdjdo sahi.rc netih d ht1yi e2 cbspwdaeroaaogmpnramugpndleea acsnripatgstiess onot cn.o f ia Pffaid Acrbsi IontDh utwetS ia l altnhnd e-d c• oOnTNjhuen P cHltyiEomnAo wRuiItthNh G CPol AyumnIDcoiSul toh ln CAoguinrgt, iafi jsWmouiepunshe ot rednvroci oseceft odt hpr se'rseyet g atbinpneapggnri condyvu tarh lia,enn igdwr pos mremecageoynnnad pmn atcarryyi--. ia6Inn 0dg- aah rnyoed mfo efoer lprrdelaeaslrnsp n ilfiteoevdrin scaguca ptriienevr i vWatiilseasesoyd nf e oicsr ac rpoaeevu oanapitnlyld-e. m + DEP. dTlFoehrnipugdar assrytdt maatyee,nw wti ahdtiec h caa um pnprveaesiisglend c to htnhaftee rbyeeengacaren- dvtieol aiIect heAs a"onwIfo ty idhtoie udor,nn" ' t Tms Vakyyn sob a watdhbe yI a' ashnna ddndeo a AuatnnIhDco ecSthre. re utrni -- sCspahgr'"aeeTbasudh tte h.or af"et T ta hhhreeaev sd eenio s ateor aee gsu etep hthe oe umkti.in sdmss o,"f msaeisd- pbtheoiugrssiheta esls .rca sPhl stoohoosaltt sew.r siwlli al lbned g oseud puopnclai etwidoan ltloasl a marneada- purregcea tuhteiomn st.o take health care facility, will present ticipate until the day of delivery In- able; day or overnight care. For 98 There will be radio and TV ads. ficate The line is real, a verbatim "This makes another critical mile- There is an AIDS hotline telephone Jody- Spalding, program director for structors are exercise specialists more information, call 453-0890. posters and billboards. To judge transcription of an AIDS patient who stone in "the effort to control AIDS in number, 1-800-872-AIDS McAulev Audiology Services, who from the reaction of those at the was videotaped last year The cam- press conference at the new Radis- paign's-directors. Brogan Kabot Ad- M i c h i g an A I DS c a s es g r o w i n g, n ew f i g u r es s h ow CORONET son Hotel in Southfield, • the cam- vertising of Southfield, wanted to use K L E E N EX paign is startling and effective. him on the ad. but by the time they A N G EL S O FT For example filmed it, he was too weak to partici- AIDS continued its spread through The disease spread to eight more reported at Detroit hospitals 43 Of Michigan s 50 . reported W S D P / 8 8 .1 WHITE OR ASSORTED e A poster shows a skull and pate the state in 1987. bringing fear and counties last year AIDS cases have perc ent of the state total patients. 300 have died health crossbones atop a hypodermic nee- This has given us the chance to cials said T I S S UE dle. The caption reads: "Don't share use our craft to affect a true life^\ death with it now been reported in 38 of the Fifty additional cases have been Nearly two-ih:ras of ali f W'SDP broadcasts from 7 30 TUESDAY (Jan. 12) FRIDAY (Jan. 15) needles. Don t get stuck with AIDS and-death cause,'' said Marcie Bro- There were 208 cases diagnosed in state's 83 counties Among individu- reported in Wayne County and 6; m have beer, reported ir the tr.-< a "i to JO p m Monday-Thursday8- 10 p.m. 88 Escape — Host 5:05 p.m. . . . Top of the Line — e A voice Qn a radio ad says: "If gan, president of Brogan Kabot the state in 1987, 62 more than the al communities, 217 cases have been' Oakland. area and 7 30 a m ro 11 p m Friday > Jennifer Ziegler Host Mark Schang. 15* OFF LABEL you're shooting up with a borrowed year before. There have been 501 T? -r 6:10 p.m. . . . CEP Sports Weekly needle, you're living on borrowed THE CAMPAIGN cost $1 million, cases diagnosed since 1981, when the Wt«i • -1-fi --.4 DAILY HIGHLIGHTS WEDNESDAY (Jan. 13) — Host Jeff Umbauigh time." with area ad people, consultants. state's first two cases were reported GOOD NEWS FOR WH EN YOUR •'•vi (Monday-Friday) 5 p.m. News File at Five — 7:30 p.m. Boys Basketball SENIOR CITIZENS 7:30 a.m. to 6 p m Studio 88 with Tanya Szyszko. Game of the Week — Plymouth Past and Present Hit Music 6:10 p.m. . Community Focus — Salem Rocks vs. North Farm- 4. 3. 6 p.m News File at Four. Host Dan Johnston discusses im- ington Raiders U S H A D ES A RE i Five and Six v portant community issues. (WSDP ndW is offering a disc 175 CT. >>-» Urrvr 6:10 to 10 p.m. *8 Escape jockey sennce for parties. l X n X E . S H A I ) Y„ Modern music THURSDAY (Jan. 14) 4 PACK For more information call 6:10 p.m. Chamber Chatter — 100^ Mrd ihe WSDP office at 451-6266 MONDAY (Jan. 11) Host Eric Varton with news between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m 4-6 p.m News File at Five — from Canton and Plymouth Monday through Friday.) HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE wjth Choi lev Kuhaneck. chambers of commerce. WINTERALLS i.itr'ime brrirt YOU'VE HAD A NEW PAIR OF GLASSES? bC - ^ ' ± .. • : So Cn>yp» to To.n No D Quick CU b r e v i t i es 2 PAIR * • • mm fO.IBTL IGTHATE IOF NR f E f IS TOUVr OF GLASSES ' 8 9 . 00 hnsi mm. i • DEADLINES Family YMCA office at 248 Union and a cup of coffee from 10 to 11:30 • CHOOSE FROM OVER 600 • .4nnouTfcements for Brei-ities north of Penniman. Class involves a m in the parish annex of Our Lady FRAMES m m w t mm Call should be submitted by noon Mobont-h classroom and behind-the-wheel of Good Counsel, 1062 Church in • BRING IN YOUR PRESCRIPTION KATHY MELONE - Agent •: Bring in day for the Thursday issue and btpra ining for ages 15-18 For informa- Plymouth For information call at OR WE CAN COPY YOUR 1 0% Telephone 277-5030 snMmuoeaeon mnBts .rT Pithnolugy tri hnisnedo aou Oryth bmf so4aer8il r1tvh 7aee0nr ,M n o4ou8nn9dcae Sy- •ti iCsoT-nH ucOeasIldlR a4y5,3 AJ-2aUn90D 41I 2TIO —NS S choolcraft 4• 5IC5-E523 5F EST REFRESHMENTS SNOugWg $. 3$4.3.570 $*35..7050 • GGDRLOAEESYSS E LNESONS TE NISCL UDE PHOTO- CSietinzieonr % r s n BANK1-E9R8H5So5 m LWeI F 4OE2u2 &t-e6r 8C 7DA3r SivUeA LTY your L a m p. TCOF TPHt College Community Choir will hold Saturdays, Sundays, 16-17 — Re- • BIFOCALSMO EXTRA PER PAIR ^ Discount Suite 200E LAMP • PLYMOUTH LIBRARY auditions for all voice parts iy. Cal- freshments will be served in Plym- SAVE M.13 $1.25 • NO CHARGE FOR OVERSZI E LENS Dearborn. MI 48124 vary Baptist Church. 43065 Joy just outh Masonic Temple, 730 Penniman TOP of the LAMP BOARD n Monday. Jan 11 — The Plymouth east of Mam (Morton Taylor) in Can- across from Kellogg Park, during s*.v-.qs .-E A*<: i. 6461 WAYNE ROAD • WEST LAND *(313i 525-057C T District Library Board will hold its ton For an appointment, call 591- the Plymouth Ice Sculpture Spectac- BENYLIN DM _ Hoflday Pi.az3__Gemer • (Betweer_jo> & wa-er ^oac t 6400. Ext 217 The choir will be per- ular from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday LISTERINE COLGATE HOURS MON -THURS 9:30-5 30; FRi 9 30-6 00. SA' 9 53-5 monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. in forming John Flutter's Requiem as and 11.a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. The DECONGESTANT Dunning-Hough Library It is 6pen to the public its major work this season. Concerts refreshments are sponsored by 48 OZ. P U MP are scheduled for March 5 and 6 Plymouth Rock Lodge No. 47. Fel- lowcraft Club Tyrian Lodge 50Q. and 4 OZ. PLASTIC BOTTLE • YMCA CLASSES Plymouth Chapter 115 of the Order Monday, Jan. 11 — The Plymouth • MOTHERS GET-TOGETHER of the Eastern Star. About one- 6.4 OZ. Community Family YMCA is offer- Wednesday, Jan. 13 — Mothers of fourth of the proceeds from the sale ing classes for all ages beginning the babies and pre-schoolers may join a of refreshments will go toward the w29e0e4k foofr J iannf.o 1rm1 aCtiaolln t hoer "toY" r eagti 4st5e3r- ginrfoaunpt so fto o tshhearr em octohnecresr nofs, b eaxbpieesrt aisned Make A Wish Foundation $ 4 . 48 s1 . 99 Get a custom makeup kit wrtfi your makeover for a class Preschool classes include parent -f: tot exercise, parent tot tumbling, Allstate announces Adrian Arpel' Makeover. S24 ballet, fitness. Kreatives, tumbling, LENS PLUS ALLERGAN LUBRIDERM piano and swimming Youth Teen classes include a baby-sitting work- lower auto rates! SALINE ENZYMATIC L O T I ON shop, golf. Saturday arts and crafts, Spanish, driver's education, karate, Find out how much you could SOLUTION swimming, and afterschool basket- save with new, lower Allstate 8 OZ. ball, floor hockey or soccer. Auto rates. 12 OZ. ' 8 . 28 Reg. or Unscented Adult classes include hatha yoga. Developing Inner Self, stress man- agement, aerobic fitness, healthy- back. karate, dog obedience, ballet, John W. Friess $ 10.48 photography and water exercise Paul H. Weiman 36 H 48 s3 . 39 • DRIVER S EDUCATION Tuesday, Jan 12 — Driver's edu- VASELINE CLOSE UP VASELINE cation is being offered 6-8 p.m. Tues- /instate days and Thursdays beginning Jan 33200 Qchoolcraft INTENSIVE CARE TOOTHPASTE LIP BALIV 12 at the Plymouth Community Allstate Insurance Company Livonia 425-2525 LOTION 4.5 OZ. PUMP IC • EXTRA STRENGTH Reg. & Fluoride • ALOE & LANOLIN LIP THERAPY L e v i 's c l a r i f i c a t i on uvom HARDWARE s 2 . 88 s Chefs from Japan will not be com- 1 . 57 peting in the 1988 Plymouth Ice Sculpture Spectacular, neither will YOUR ELECTRICAL CONNECTION 15 OZ. the top professional competition RAVE ALLERGAN PEPSODENT winners be given a trip to Japan. Winners will be given a trip to Eng- EL£C7%iP*K. EL£CT*irWC. HAIRSPRAY PRO FREE TOOTHPASTE land The prime sponsor this year is Midwest Ice Plans for the laser 7 OZ. a light show did not develop PUMP = H > . 88 OR 7 0Z. EASY 4.6 OZ "Don't Procrastinate.. FASHION JEANS (188. AEROSOL PIQUE KNIT SHIRTS CLEAN ... Insulate! con FpflcujoQfm lcoanut mWortatftop PS*tuf» « Oo vntj* jrIa5M>la cI.vtrOo9ru9al clM aq Cutiprcmuaitm B rla-«ao«arra a cnodr Saw flC* » KM* lor OPovetyr/scizoe«do ns hbolertn dsl eSeizv-s »s m 4 gre o^t colors Awshsitoerwteads shtyelde sA I&M co 0lo0r%s i2nc5lu^d^i ng 98 '4.28 S-XL After Ad 15 99 | | cotton ICE s1 . 08 For Greater Energy CORRECTOL BUTLER CORRECTOL DENIM JACKETS PREWASHED STRAIGHT LEGS Savings Year Round 39 LAXATIVE ULTRA SOFT 100% cotton stonewosf ed, piewoshed, basics 100% cotton. Available m indiggoo,, oblioact*k,, ggirveyy uo^i _ UPrto kkWrfati'i Vbur skm f hn*eed sym a g koeoedn ctylea pnsripnMg in. f•o -cneo.k oenudp r bnaosgen e•'xalfy fill y oeuy'e esKmopd'vow k>s t * ^ Blanket and OupMa Racaptaela • I TOOTHBRUSHES FIBER o3r9 f 9a9sh-5io9n 9 s9t yles Reg 25 % Uk ssitzoe nse 2w9o-s3h8 ed den • m Wo is* " 1 9 . 99 S• obtrvutisohHe:s C •ome in •or a pr ovfoecsusuimosn focol »^iot •• obillu sthhe • brushes you need* pliopws^d'Cerk s MOM «• V 75 CT. •APPLE • mossoges • masks your skm B l o wn S^oractoT •ORANGE STUDENTS'STRAIGHT LEGS , _ _ _ including your bonds Coll for your appointment s4 . 18 • NATURAL Northlond 559-0490 fas"and 527-3033 Available 1 0 . 99 $1 . 08 Tsthoen qeuwaalsithye nde^Jv.e rm ogroee1s W ouatis otf s siztyelse 2C5h-o3o0s eReg bla 2c5k, 9 a9re-2y6, | 99 I J# •%J m W makeup co*lhojr sn ever gef efl the ngh? WBreiostrlwoonodd 4 92954-8-3248663 QFooikrlkajnned 257815--60729301 3 . 99 J O N ES / $5 . 77 $5 . 18 Sagebrush - WfSTlANO MAU. Sorottiwstl twe*il:l A adpnpelyn tAherp eple'srf pecrotf ceossloforsn oflo rm yookueru p TSuwmelmveit OPolakcse 3 64881--45458140 Lokeside 24 7-3127 90 CT. Prices good Sunday • ON TMC COMCOUm*C M MCUEH Offer good through Jonuory 17, in Cosmetics INSULATION A SUPPLIES. INC. «•••» a— a—q y - January 10 thru Saturday • FONON AIXOTA TD OA MT ECUACNRTO ONN C CNTCB hudson's 1 4 00 S H E L D ON R O AD January 16.1988 • PA.ROEE AT tUNCKA IN TAYLC* C a ll 3 4 8 - 9 8 80 $ CORNER OF ANN ARBOR ROAD - PLYMOUTH TOWNSHIP Visa* & Master Cart? Blanket Insulation C® 33533 FIVE MILE AT FARIIINOTON RO. DISCOUNT PRESCRIPTIONS • DISCOUNT OPTICAL welcome f h ,c Av;aj ilable 422-1155 M&TMMT.HMIM 937-1611 MOtm OPBEENE MRO-NWOAIYN-SEAT-UCflDHAAYM 9P a.Am.G-10N pE.m .•: SPUNAOCAYK A9 Git nEr. -L6 IpQm UPHOORNE D 4rE>3A-';*LflE7R or A' 1 0«0I« I* W«0«if Wi I'M l NO 711 7000 ,|8 <• SHC j,»r, v <v*' iwu* » D<«o»r *Cr« 8*01 «3 L L Civitans conducting 6A<P C) O&F. Monday. January 11 1988 Monday January 11. 19S8 '(P.C. R.W.G-7A)*9A New ruling won't quell Republican in-fighting essay competition obituaries cCmPweleaanyFMmsntm ul.Drey n 7oGt aei7eunvro,Jrteahoy O olS ,d TwfH scPm ehhiPNltraoryhlv anymOmid,mc bao eeG soruuws uOr tFhhit aOhofulonD rdw eaOMitree MafdAr fleRriN JciH ahvi nGaoeetlmrodi s2onei dgdr - e eiin- n bdabnoyifd MrFafn etu r hirssnner ieGesn rCettoae haulrAn .nolsedNaes p,LpdrNhiv aiwlAetaia wcSh lE eoshsD.s e adWS vfi hoeiwOesdr,aO sDM Dits wearScso sn u2W un9rrviose ieowvidee assads..t -PawaSFtlcri aRcriFhssto rictutvna hhBndeteeraere tisDprRrtbi .taFdeOu i8lvestuY 6tis no,W e LCenC wrrsih evaIle ul'mlmiRirraec ceaIHmheyTt hseo C perm bSyflHede tPa E fOm hlrwoTylefraTmi cfMdti ehoecneiu taMmbttlothyuior rn rti gihia-n el stndbowKneofirrir eaeneeSoC rtwWcsotudco.ehf r hlsiGWoe vonW ufraiarnmisvnanrai. dyedo LsnBoorh iif snBee,voi .ennfoi Fronpgej nlFnachnot ieobmllaedruoo,niw eiddrgt,nrhise^r d s a,To ia nos wfi,oMfmdt fBei c MfoaFrheesrt l.liiy,hBollcyedher vN,BBila dali eiaaeslnalelevrrd.embb vi.Wl aaeE alAPerrrindann,aean - -,--l toscsP"hauttheyluthy a"Mh edeCTmi-s erashCosmnorceanaytu oy atPn itpeBnnhtl estoi,at tog Cne axphor antCitfeecnt siri tttvo ,choffi ieoni tpnEra ta np nhH tttrgeheh ioCselgiibs his Hlat hceiino szmoan smetnnuuned esecasaillho c debc inhsePpoestercln"iary natEbmeuu silaseses--tt es fssCpnf4oipuo5axareEru1rn cjftt-nvtuihmt6orciade6nvseelgr0t uden ,Ee0il atsnyb n.tss y figE.efoo lcrWx nriootstmh m.nhiwe nda3 i na4tlP ileena4olnrnd y nsbdd mes ocoot wchbafuiiylital rlhMdll a BsSa p t raapbulcxleaadhetncim.eeeer s la F an r dona-eoertd-f - BsglpcPSetaaonryacnAenKor ftWftsdwi' see oriwi ndearnGdostrcey av .piOeCn nttewrentePo«or rtshGtu c uPipd neeclrreo«tsoonyeswarues gldsrCni etdu pidep rl cecnarBphluuytouiialiegartsindhnlth geJg t' isueredtsssdde ol' gl' eo neoeifcngff a RaMel tVopcoe ittascim hcur hseetpaieyr -n-- iadTpaLann noroeKcded"wgwl sMe u1gInsnm'5,dmYep stGipslhhn .aROi g ypMss E Pduue tshAidipr acese2 pCihttndhroa Tditceer hcI"htl tOeDeTrayur Nihi O'lrLsleimltOnerregg iaP bcig;nse t 1 co cs1ofo hhu f bmNoace lictmo drhaermeipfstfspat i fet2nvehue,naiellsd l .li,s" se tdRhnssiWhnhyiiaoed a is"TetI b,pah Irss bh.etPutets eeerlhldluae ti ya2we1sennnsmnoas5gdh dlntob,oish lvehcGuee Deeo aaft Danhrwfuvi rtomsil eude dastranrraatte n nrih'nkjstcdie ootec— tdrbr t,nt CebP,.ei " neibeiln t wndygnlmygAocmth wnh aolR aiuaoufjecsodno nuzhtcdbri oiteonsh e hxi g n rmnt Cipsth tscTsr alueaLlooo oinsucd nisvwPctvda i oelnavoenenrt se-- - p"tcLcCnhImhheio'ev"OvaAaou rToeiTiuennnrrn hse hhtmommiyle uaeytc rahai rapo eHgnanseron'thdd r loLrvol talct feetbi iyab hdonger.leeo tnugltierh , ,moaa nd e JPnnw eoa w,lc onriy oils tdcllbmh rlia1 yiebs vol4trbetloe ,uree" n idthPhc t ehiti toLblhe'e sdTnyerledc gos eaWgd wi ectmaifncts a sfut7shya erhlt.iniihtc,d ice a3eip t - 0 aowgccwasfeotoiriahvfmTllnnLseleee vhs e c rcgaotiee gttehdif i nngt Kteoecth nrttialee oh oau MrBnfe ntbg 2trivu ,iuono cosCpndim hhtnna oe fiogdrguo t tfoinatrya snhn tt, tachyes rstae i iotIcr tfaotadurtu tnttdili lehsminl enatey grrpaoig-ei s a2frcdoa eulrntatetnd p y g dttaclp hh eeDpt ieeauvilspiaoneps essergnul tet,aarai eaoinnr st tctsnegya oe t pspBoslmaeefrlu iaeiaeaSTdstcmsdlRuht hleibeec d o e sdutrphieouaunst rtnlm gpe o Alttghpys haen i,oe hsntd uwtere eezha1teeui ne5lebisovrtntr rhsihneeg oasagr lk aovi h eh nirapecideg sr ra1w ere hn 7renmtieetd .tth-"hyp aiWr dn rI e Dwoea a m Ttsttsnioehesnheaolostel'noitmrr n tmi "a a ctsmi Knanptt dskicaase voenot mweenmsnsd p e - . Chelsea. Mich was born in 87. of Plymouth were held recently Mr Pritchetl. who died Dec 31 in to broaden and its effects clearly cut THE CONTEST, in its 10th year, rules enacted last month by a con- "As soon as they (moderates) Township, or the 17th, which, in- Hall plan believed to favor the conserva- for president , PGuPalcolo ywtuosmg odihnromkk u1aeetn9rhe7 p rf2Hesri teoaeimsr, e Awad nDrak s feer tx aor.pom ameintr de Eiimmnv meba 1none9rstv5ae0 loPd f mrMo tetdhrot -e- iacHnlo oaSnMsttcpr rhRisicbr iWeauv doteoiefroor sSdn iFssod, ueumnt haCewyerehaamol sbt eeH edtreoin emrmdy Mea d"Ji Mwceahnie itthgmo a1 obn rut ih arieiln CcLwPllhiuayvusdom reanc ohdi mau ao!tu ehfwgm. ahPSbstlyeey lbrrvmsoi .aoornfu BJt e thrihanieng S hA MtFubrrikicvrlAsalitvn lools Bifars ssaPtepl rytH iim nseot- - f zowFusknie. Mr9a4lA. s RoefrY vF iZacEremsLiA nfZgoOrtoWn MS wrKseIr eZe hlae-ld - aogyfcie nsrIaoe.nr"x ss as, dt htrdheaietc imeo c,neo ,drneiv alsiehg nheitoain vosena aai ndlgd,e bn eioenturhann lrdilecyacr e oianercsti- - aopwgftle htosreaobcmtcae clipp eittttisiyvz tee ol noa sdnchdaeilvp,e c l moostpmeaa tpinenl,se y t neaoatut tiavholiln eaaw l lme va oeonrfldes siaRwnenogerde bv skfeauo rttprtihspvmeoeoen rcar thJne utatreidsn-lggBe eoveusfissh iRvSo ienncopool ewaa vtlJeiaat drnicougk Mnleel di iicKnshtc elil magPusadaptnt - asTiasurbh efiioatdnsmii'.ltn"i pgc n1sog 5bontyn htt ro sto ahD lire,die srp t Butrohilurceetttsy i'casr ehwll at hahi aflraotimtl nit anhwgnge,e imDt lw'saaewev dtrihi-deae ceslcrushId neae dntshud eRlee da2d nrsfedeoapr dda ir csTaottorneiwsc cent.orsvn hBaviputei snvhtei sosnusp hpaovret - vweoAnut liFdoL nd.Oe JtOaenRrm 2 fi9ing-e3h0t w aihnti ctGhhera d nsedtla eRtgeaap tciioodnns- , tdpievoPleret icegeorarsact leae srci tgcbiuoheniel id aenv defodr o tt ohceo rfuanv tBoyru-ss thehlee cs vuteipcd-e dTre,ei rpWlroeurge tRa i tdcehisda hr etdhi sc so atnoidt rmibaxuitmedize tKoe mthpis s Plymouth Church of Christ, of Plym- Garden City was born in Charleston outh. son. Jim of St Clair; sister,. recently in Schrader Funeral Home celerated their efforts to stimulate By researching various topics that election law Bush people who wanted changes." outh Elks Lodge 1780. and of the SC. and had lived in Plymouth for Erua Patterson of Arkansas. 10 with burial at Forest Lawn Ceme- public awareness of the seriousness are citizenship oriented, students "We're delighted," said Bush sup- Thompson is a Saline-based Robert- Moose Lodge He was a volunteer for more than 30 years She was a home- grandchildren and seven great- tery Officiating was the Rev Joseph of this problem have the opportunity to become porter Daniel Piercecchi of Livonia son supporter Jufl Flf? FISSHu rivni Pvloyrms ionucthlu fdoer s edvaeurgalh yteera. rs mMaokrgear nS oufrv Sivedoorsna ,in Aclruidze, sdoanu,g hCtleyrds e grandchildren Tmofoafmye rcbizenygk ms .M adeemo inria tlhe cfoornmtri bouft iMonass s THE CONTEST is ope*n-• - t •o . all stu- mproorbel eamwsa rtehr ooufg thhoeut c othmem woonraldlty a nodf "n'eNsosw o,f wthee cpaanrt gye."t back to the busi- AnBuuzti s1, 7ath K Deimstprict s cuhpapiorrmtearn Awnhdoy SLIUES EE JsdWgeiyrsaiastnn neTsrdelsaotc.ytwOheli ozolPradfo rpHuef nneP B dalteyuhrmrst 'ooofnu o. tPfh Ml, yCimca habono u.dtt ,bhr. Aot wGtrhkole a r- eFbbtHoierrgenola hn.Ctn thdS cogeeCeprrrs: sleH goBa snastrt -reooogrvnfwyre annP no lGfdy ogocmf rohCaodi hnTulwdadtoihrrcnlle,ehend i s oslotdfio.sr ntCee .Mnhr,a uS r arMlCineeads.l -- 5iBn3e .DFl oluaefvnv iBReidlrIelaC elCll H Oes v BefAirfrlviRolceiDwica enwJtsi Be n FfrgRoeurnE hw eNMeralDarsdl.E tBHRrheer oceme nRnedetelv yir n, iScCfrolh auFueMndr awte rrogs madnr sZe,ai a etunawtlgg-a ohhtgzootroenamw r,ng.sedr kwmac inSh.aadsoikl pdw edbharrhoiuee orSgnn u h dG rtiivenreorids vdP ozJorka lsaniann d iod1n f - deoDmdueei ntTwdahthndsi-et iClehgi pnnaihnrenrtio tzfM olotelnhrseae drC sac uohribnebmo m1 u$ma51ni ,ush2d sn1i5aig9ior ht8finy-oe8s sr oc fhf So ioerfcosnh lttPo rlploioylelcassmac. -tei-s. opdakfceleatvhAeeyeinnm elae ovdnrope inasd igawcn fc ogoartv oitrsevhemoreenlure ttas ihspno abdan toresf t.np ittceohhifseepiiy ttars,ietvis eotp onto oorn,o sla ie crbbeaei nil ni - BKempa and nRoberktson ' susppor teres. bxacke-d thce Bushh grouip'es effofrts , said I LI CY E. BRADLEY Robert Millar Memorial contribu- $75 for second place and $50 for ties of citizenship. Improved ability gets prison term DAVID L REA tions may be made to the University third place. . to develop the topic theme or MARY M ARMBRl STER Funeral services for Mrs Bradley. of Michigan Engineering Scholarship As an incentive for increased stu-. premise; skill in devising opening SM, of Plymouth were held recently Funeral services for Mr Rea, 16. Fund Funeral services for Mrs Arm- dent participation, for each addi- and closing statements, increased Keep your imHbsvDnoei oeevB cMmmntoieratraoreastssd ii t MmtotiBe,nyn awre cv taodmloiadufelsoll d Mteer eh b.yibeia,oycl r hKAsn iwo ygSmc nihaocnseo nhn,.r rtK iwdrac ieiidaTbetnnheduhtr uto H iaJ cmoFareknrnuaaysasnrn t e4Smg ru Aeoaar -lfsy-i n- otwOTmdofoh ifdaCtMnfwyhaiaoy crebbnr iaRe'iutasnotr ttec nii maMnah .Slg oaaec id rw amchweeteirohl a l sotrRd ocibeai hedvr letie hdet rehduFse liu c edcJ nodReahennaer t vfraCr ioi4lt ebrHym.u 3e H tioeaniofodt p emnlA ertrshnyney e n Btcfiyilai,leev tMwIayhinlreea rcser rs B nh M a efbgrsoeoei rnnharmnade pdo ee miarrrn 'i.rfaato nlAwn rwy emnhHrhno eoo y i dswnAe pdao riBBirbtresakrrod.leeer n nd iD InHddn ee eweYcrr .irp t e 2wEhsHc8inalea sahgnm niii ts-na -- bheHSmAterooesaulrdsyrmseoy trneb.cee se iOrwcea, en tfim8intf oh9Miatn.cld ye i boe,am uft rioitWinnoragile a ts S hlwtaept aBh sRAr l coaitmovhdoeneeemrrtr rRsfiiici ebFedavlueundt n G i CLoewereunenamsnrle ge - tmtltiiehoouvennm epaal rl lSo if$zfoi2ev5s e 1i 0fww e1ii lln5pllt a br berieeten is atc$rdi1 ipbde5ease0ydn, aot $asrn,e1td0 e 0ar anea cachn e ma dipdvi rdn$eiii7dz--5,e okaagnppnrdappo mlwouirsclmteeaudtanigr oi oetnfy a o bt focoo urrte rpse teechartesruc hsacpdh eeot;leslceihnn gnad itqdo uapenedidcs ,, BsTdatnaayadUry fdT fl.f Soiiwtmno.r r eD si dRtteihensir rcttt erheheienac ctry dfeeo d Jarurm sSdeg tiraenn Mff oAeirdncdenhrai agCla. Dnp Sri gitNsogodasn- - tcMobgoetae hi(rGtstdaeictoaretihn inrpbeogd olaan lnsSnn "iaedtk trstoooe k adrcressdsod)k amse readdm tb"sou tua vnhcnbeeiotsuy th jlaedui nsxsdtea gio rmahewvlepi nlfcpl oeie grn,ac ptsifanhuorreo-rg --." clean. iroocc^uDo 7,--J DCOOOQOOQEl Farmington Hills. Albert of Plym- Arbor, was a lifelong resident of neering Inc in Belleville. He was CITY OF PLYMOUTH tional Bank chairman $5,000 for de- Michigan Minority Business Devel- outh. daughter. Ethel Mladenoff. Canton An 11th grader at Plymouth past president, vice president, direc- Mrs Armbruster, who died Dec NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING frauding the bank's Jackson subsidi- opment Council But the attorney several nieces and nephews, seven Canton High, he was involved in the tor and secretary of the Consulting 27 in Bloomfield Hills, was born in ary. said he was not surprised at the pris- grandchildren and eight great- Plymouth Fife & Drum Corps and Engineers Council of Michigan and Injia. Yugoslavia A longume resi- She released him on a $15,000 per- on sentence was a member of the American Soci- dent of Plymouth, she retired from grandchildren. was auditorium manager at the Cen- ety of Civil Engineers. American Burroughs Manufacturing in 1963 af- A Special Study Session of the City Commission will be held in the Commis- sonal bond Friday — over the objec- "He's a proud professional person tennial Educational Park. Consulting Engineers Council. Na- ter working for the company for 20 sion Chambers o'f City Hall on Tuesday. January 12. 1988. at 7 00 p.m. to discuss tions of the U.S. attorney — while who has had his life torn apart - BEATRICE P GOULD Survivors include mother. Wanda, tional Society of Professional Engi- years Survivors include daughter. the Open Meeting Policy " Stoddard appeals his jury conviction that's sufficient deterrence." sister, Penny Parrish of Canton neers. American Water Works Asso- Josephine Levett of West Bloom- All interested persons are invited to attend this meeting and will be given the "We will file an appeal today." Gardner said -Juneral services for Mrs Gould. brothers, Danny and Ted, both of ciation and University of Michigan field: son, Stephen of Plymouth, and opportunity to participate in the discussion said Stoddard's attorney. Samuel As far as he is concerned, he has >iHnC otThmoeef P iRnly GLmivo &ounthi aG wRe rHea rhreisld Freucneenrtally Cseavnetroanl; afuonutrs, n uenpchleesw sa,nd t wcoou sniniesc es, Alumni Association. three grandchildren Publish January!! 1»M WILLIAMS GCRiAtyH CAleMrk, GaypeapAarerd —fanoles rr mc Aoeutrtlod Dr neteatrykoseit s jiexusdt imgmeo.ant tGehdasr d ttonhee ar mgsbaaoaicvddke e" rt Sonfutm otllhdee dnr taeb rsiadntnivtku ed,st eitioetisgnd aev t—daiol utn hpe.er iiG sop rar$ rot4odp1ne, 5aern0rty y0 . WIN A said one ground for appeal will be He also sent a $25,000 check back CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH that a federal court had no jurisdic- with it." REQUEST FOR BID ON PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE tion because the Jackson bank THE SEVENTH-FLOOR court- LAS VEGAS TRIP (UPS) wasn't a member of the Federal Re- room in the old Federal Building in serve System. A second will be that downtown Detroit was packed with Just as valuable as aver PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The Charter Township of Plymouth is accepting bids Stoddard's defense refuted the feder- family members, newsmen arid the FROM for a full-service agreement for the Communications Department's Uninterrup- al charge that Stoddard overcharged curious lor the 15-minute appear- IT vou are not covered by a company pension plan tible Power Supply (UPS). This agreement shall include Michigan Bank-Midwest for rent on ance. Gilbert Optical iIRheA "ppavsym tae»nt sla vC.o sntsillid aelrlionwgs tvhoaut -topl utsan t-hdeed <uacctt athlla yio ouurr. 231 TAGwluloa pr aapnrrtetsev eaednndt 2i vl4ae-bh moorua ri(n eextmecnleuardngiceneng cc yma lralesjso ppreo mrn syaege natriem t~ice~s () ao wbunieldr.i ng of which he was part to Smtaokdeda ard ,s ttiagthetm-leipnpte dpr eiolrec tteod s enno-t See January 21st Section of IRA pays such high interest and guarantees a lifetime Bids shall cover a twelve-month period with renewal provisions on the anniver- Stoddard could have received a tencing. leaving that to Gardner retirement irrcome-an annuity from FB Annuity sary date of the initial contract five-year term The 56-year-old Bir- Judge Taylor had a lengthy pre- Suburban Life for Details Company is still you' best choice for an IRA The preventive maintenance portion of the agreement shall be accomplished in mingham banker was unavailable liminary report, including a long Making vou/ future FARM BUREAU accordance with the preventive maintenance guidelines and checklist for comment after sentencing while statement from Gardner on Stod- , Utile more INSURANCE An UPS instruction manual is available for review at the Plymouth Township he was photographed in the U S dard's civic career but made no pre- Men. if you're about to turn T8. it's predictable. Communication Department- -i marshal's office and signed bond pa- liminary comments as she an- time to register witfi Selective Service Bids will be accepted through 3:00 p.m, February 1. 1988, at the Township pers. nounced a three-year sentence The at any U.S. Pobt Office CNloe.r 4k5 s3 -O38ff4i0c e, 42350 Ann Arbor Road. Plymouth Michigan 48170. Telephone "THE GOVERNMENT is satis- place where it wilt be served has not fied." said U.S. attorney James C Been determined. It's quick. It's easy. And it's the law. # Twice a week is belter & Twice a week is better • ESTHER HULSING. Clerk MiHtceh teollld af ttheer t hjued sgeent Sentocdindga rd was moSnetnhtse anfctienrg aca fmedee rmalo rjeury th raentu fronuedr Publish January 11. t>88 "guided and motivated by greed its verdict after a six-day trial and Since and "failed to put his fiduciary duty five days of deliberation CITY OF PLYMOUTH NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the City of Plymouth. Michigan will accept sealed bids up until 2 00 p.m. on Tuesday. February 2, 1988 for the sale of the following when BECK ROAD WELL FIELD PROPERTY Minimum Bid: $380,000 Specifications, proposal fqrms, and other bid documents are available at teh office of the purchasing agent during the hours of 9 00 a m to 4 00 p.m on Monday through Friday All bids must be made on forms provided by the City of Plymouth All bids will remain firm for a period of 30 days and all bidders will be notified bit a as to the date the City Commission will accept the best qualified offer A certified check in the amount of 5% of the offered purchase price must accompany each bid This amount will be refunded on offers not accepted : S g S a- The City Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, and to waive any irregularities Address bids in a sealed envelope to Linda Langmesser Deputy City Clerk crime City of Plymouth 201 S. Main Plymouth. MI 48170 The envelope should be plainly marked "OPTION TO PURCHASE BECK ROAD PROPERTY •• CAROL A STONE. s & s s- to „ * Purchasing Agent PubUih .luxury 11. l»i» OPEN FOR BUSINESS turn Soft Cloth 18? Unfortunately, what too many of them are getting o,o°° instead is drugs With your help, it doesn't have to be this way sVj .CA ' There is a program called Schools Without Drugs The Challenge that can help you deal with Sagebrush the drug problem in yoGr community or school. Rd., E. of Levan, Livonia 36001 Find out about it. The smarter you are about what Of course turning 18 isn't a crime at all. However, turningjfi America s future security depends upon today's young men works against drugs, the better chance our kids without registering with Selective Service is. _ registering with Selective Service on time. Having a complete That's why we need your help. We need parents to tell their registration list saves our country six vital weeks in mobilizing its will understand how dumb it is to take them (ACROSS FROM FORD TRANSMISSION PLANT) sons to register with Selective Service within a month of turning manpower should Congress ever declare a national emergency. 0 . HOURS OF OPERATION 18. And we need teachers, friends, employers and others who can All of today's 18-year-olds and all of tomorrow's 18-year-olds HBP SUM THE DOOR # MON THRU SAT. 7:30 A.M.-7:00 P.M.; SUN. 8:00 A.M.-5 00 P M influence these young men to reinforce the message. must be informed about the registration requirement. Why? Because, for one.reason. it's the law. But in addition to You cdh help. Ask a young man you know if he is registered. ON DRUGS risking prosecution by not rejpster»ng, your son or young friend Selective Service Registration. •Intermediate markdowns ii. disqualifying himself from eligibility for federal student loans, It's Quick. It's Easy. And it's the Law. may have been taken. NEXT TO MEIJER ON federal employment and job training programs, * 1-800-54HH87 • WESTLAND MALL • FORD ROAD AT CANTON CENTER TRUCKS and VANS WELCOME A public service mrsMgc of this publication and Seltctwe Seih tcr System ON THE CONCOURSE IN MEIJER • PARDEE AT EUREKA IN TAYLOR E U S 0»p*rtrT»«nt of Education T "3 4B(Wb.FXP.C-9A OAK Monday. January 11.1988 3A<P Cl Local Indians no problem for early settlers SOUP-ER this reason that I selected the site (Part 5) Indians clear their lands, make their for a cemetery when laying out the 4Although there were buildings and their fences, plant and past and present town of Plymouth, believing it Several earlv residents of Plym- till their corn, without pay- should be kept for the future, as it bad tribes and bad i-uth have left their impressions of Abraham Markham was 80 years had been in the past, sacred to the Indians, yet the he Indians who traversed the area old in 1877 when he wrote his recol- Sam memory of those past. .vhen the first settlers arrived lections Some of his comments, "I have never been able to get the average Indian was a In December 1827, Abraham however, give one the impression Hudson full data concerning what went^on. good friend and good IDEA! M.trkham encountered" numerous In- that he had kept a journal in which The Indians usually said they would neighbor.' dians when he spent three weeks he recorded his impressions over the not talk because of the black robes.' diking from Plymouth to Chicago preceding 52 years during which he meaning the priests, aijd said their •iinv:ie bnaicgkht sDu arsing a tghuee sttrip o,f h eIn sdpiaenn t had lived in Plymouth Township RouTghee. Rpraeisseinnt or h Higuhrowna yRsiv aerres out- whehaidchs, wflearte s t1o5n0es y reeasresm oblldin.g A srrloawte-, otawlkn prophets had forbidden them to •mt;ct•Hpan:rhr•honi.l•eieeai aaeuuMAshc H nanttnac nlea ttt dyehtsaoad oosiloh ee tnl rufsswt eniedkglalphv dede wfii eteew adgiahI aaa a nsr weil khm shtAntopidhtea uce oim aus m f maaasFnawda>oktneoseshiairasd rom ense osi wsoapn cs en wmotnft, beaeenhd maeelnit o la Mksh irIsa evtnesIn e rttb neiaged crh o hredEre.niodey"niknaiaon swn a nacehttEg vnriaefe al nniisidlpvim nte tlItgsfaesiaech aln tabyrlieomy lsgs dl ffihae so gowi In wwl uhe unldiai annindieteonmhlndtsdil fdd -Il - rmIoovoacThmtenhflubfeah a ocdeeAtAdnMtonehohsrims uNyeNa mt e.r iwet h T ncodoH etOa otesohh perihs Ino yrodiTtMewtnee gghl P aHb odh a aepa ctItlfrinbisrsohEynleaoseao ewn dmR ot l eHHtnhihiikt n amoa,vfeEeoee rinve udlnr dprAw dab siettsrI rlh.hnPr,aRtyn e l oeytsals ds hLak yasgesB ie pYebrmteaivthoophto ne htoeDueHyonsrl a urnsehisaeod en tfelard ttlh iostdrht b'G ret1tfowme srh dl iio8iotnteni nitihestvo3 rl bh e xj e0ke1 lPRuyitsii 8.r nowslvsl ni3 yNo ttvS i f oh7etisnmtcaetohcdor haegarrree- ye-l- , ' gbtwkwotAtttoabhhahrrrnulnenhehadoorwrotdHln ioiih oowIilI wtc aelunk eou Anhaelttnv gdlgdadhloms rb ehlohiysiaabmarada an s iypnowtonn ndgihtruofseo , heu nkr t a IV pT t hoo " htfttcshphelaroriaadawl rt einrwiivhlema- dsdae et slGaIghc es. e n o s"taeeHebhtronf .d nanaetadu i dneotOtwaDl ar hunsdsRtnoynh ouehjr nboteToie- e e eeYTsucRsro es ieaagwropn tni nwlee ivsfs qbeladnu eieeusP iellaocrndtslaif lhlf ms,V oypn- 'wth u khrPemtaaT .ies aHn esllwer sol ysow oa ieatePu mwa nylbhsdaa-lotd "yen- hns - bspwtthsaTstteStliohohhooailetophelse etmedmim"lbnie ar n naOrsehe by reeeSits ii , pe tn d eTlwco .dtv lwrfee xhtlmhTioeooh aprrdea irchuoreoeemsonraseeeluefceseddyyes gt es s,t dhes hfdh t wa dfk Iee oo erwoo n eelarwne tnulbsdtso lo ecshseoyqn iu i tti aht drrutclholt oesnleidohaa ergnhcsmney lr ihistiolree nhpe ,vaas ,nw ad mpe wwipe otrianhrirra pfe aeoebnyeBi i sey scrgtkdlnteeahi aaheh it bmI crensatte fek-fiaihogl ybrnOdoawpelg.lu e p- bcipa so nmQn G eprortrynpdguooeaiunnsro pdnpmrate e ls oae hyeeohshai-nn,d e- n-t. toItitwttrsmbmthhhnhhfai l ecawerduaeeect'" hkolismmAlieWsdkareael ut,s aay b nrrrghnbcwnr oeiis Ihakooeudgcasu nen n,htut,hoettrd d ah ltae s mrbPtdis1demlvhael ll8m i aaney f ua5n w itttsriamtosl0amteieneolieeno. l-e-olhr kdaalnpwmruai gk sf to iksdstBe, .ehiotheExo nporerny ,embne er tw s d seygtc Ic etmrste.anil oa oohttnimisdabnohsmun aTineh etaime bfarany.thn ilen tgsaresew im st srcdiywmShte nh hFoo oehm jetafs evocsmo,wb ewoe hew t let t omvdrew pthioc ulettaeoeh ehu ldhootsIiddsir -o ertsfflet , - atagsmttodltahhoohntnofnaa iiduenioHstsngns(rh.r cgd N jg hvgoe"ahyeoi te.lf einpymeew bnrxbhrgdtprit go.uea ssoe lw t u,trvuitOnITh eehsenen dpehkts eeodw hre kb rciee st aaw oaa oaomowsdnn n vhnmawed et eliv—wtiyet r hrrne"oee ta ighi urrtibt goe imaeetmemneoh sgd sJaedeea,e os an Id eas w n tlIrnsnsh d nuowi"tndeec iodnAmKoiayeklik grnblaeele lhtmnnlanh l bd—h Ioawoi n o sigsagnsu dragoI fhe.gInsi 'rm tsnavahbda nnde Aeebiiad -rdi--e - oAWYnCRnisivPffn&a oo eeaeeweygmPuuagme oeri''pr nveseelufFllp,yye ettd fe aupb y i fissngDerebterouhaodonelluo eironussttec s$re dp ,a Sk<to • rsMlaskuvt otiw e rersdcsS isrcpioeoe.noi wsnuoT u td mypu chhj pC urocyssGeeaeoshurmkruo rtur sa i~ss Pn cmisfsc ^ k>ge es$ftes>-nUp.no seon?yrdpu 't oleou&;Uee; > o Su-ftscfenphss sortttSsdteaeitoroo 'g tpr an pn<feeo rc ,epse tw ^fa aficsoKuey ksroh^r>ml ini:sfSanen o ppatrsgotgermhn' rumt edhs o t m jhs pe.uet Dceestoir icoo ooPnsfypmi^f g tenyG:Pp c oeIiMndrnh ons die>sigaqtgsceeanrk ukr ela eieieenc esso0 onosu u,sontt hs . • e gHuea sgaei.d o rt hteo lmeaisrnsi othnear Yieasn kmeead teri cthkes oanr df aorntlhyer p wasessetd ne uaprer a nOdrc dhoawrdn L tahkee sit"eI onf 18 3th5e. t hPelrvem wouerthe t rCeeesm oente rtyh e HOLBROOK WROTE: It was for dren of nature were living in bliss impressions of the Indians) fresn ciarr.-s and oCs'er for did-'dshioned chowders dnylhing your hear des.'es We disc fedture our own fres"~ , prepared nc soups dt our de three afferent so^cs fo choose from, -everyday one mcre 'emp'mg than *he other clubs in action Come ir and stock up c a you -eed *c serve your family the tastes'. -earest most satisfying • BIRTH SERIES will riteet at 7 30 p.m Tuesday, Jan" and Amy Schmidt, ticket distribu- SMhiedlddloen S icnhoo Pl.ly Afnnonu Athrbo Tro Twrnaislh iapn d hot cider will be sold Finesbt.r 2u0c.to rA w rilelgi bsteer eodn- w daetecrk astaf eatlyl soups cf *he seoson The Plymouth Childbirth Educa- 12. at the Matthaei Botanical Gar- tion Ticket prices are $2 general ad- Classes will start Wednesday. Jan. • STUDENT SHOW times. Lesson times are 9-9 45 a.m., tion Association will offer a seven- dens. 1800 N. Dixboro. Ann Arbor. mission, $3 for reserved seats. All 13 For more information, call 459- The Plymouth Park Players will 9 45-10:30 a.m. and 10 30-11 15 a.m. 7-. v3«0o kp c hmi lMdboinrtdhay .ser Jiaens 1s1t.art aintg Ho alty Flyo mr meeotrieng in ofror monat itohne oonrg tahnei zmaotinotnh,- bmainsdsi sotnu tdiecnktests w iFllo rha vrees egrevneedra ls eaadt- 5696 or 427-7237 sphroeswe,n att " 7M pim.me. F TrVid."ay a an pda nStaotmuridmaey , • FGorre imfeonrebe rign.f o4r5m9-a3t4io85n., acaftller H 3ea pth.mer. Items & Ibices tffec-ve Su^oov «? *98E &jCT—»g-5ieie-.eG Trnity Church. 39020 Five Mile call Bob Romaker. 971-2088 tickets, call Judy Lore. 453-5181 Jan 15-16 Performances will be in (Those attending walk-in registra- • ANTIQUE MART Road. Livonia Early registration is the auditorium at Plymouth Salem tion should enter through the The Plymouth Symphony League's „d-ised To register or for more in- • VARIETY PLANS • BUSY BOOSTERS second annual winter "Antique High School, Joy and Canton Center school's rear door, near the parking {jcmation, call 459-7477 On Friday-Saturday. Jan 29-30, On Wednesday, Jan 13, members Mart" will be held Friday through roads in Canton Ticket price is $1. lot.) • BBEeTtaA Sig SmIaGM PAhi. P HXIi Beta Zeta PPVlayrakmr iBoeutaytnh Id sCs"e wn tsielhlno nwpirael sPeen Ertfd otuhrcemat aainoncnneausla l otpifao trnheaenl t PsP alwyrkimll oM huaethrlpch Cwineigntht eB tnahnneida i lan nvEdedn utthcoeariy-r SCHuuonlutdruasr yaw.l i JClalen bn.et 1e 5r1.-117 a5,.2m 5at. tt ohFea 9r Pm pl.yemrm.o FSurtt.ih - T• SicWkeItMs wi lPl RbeO sGolRd AatM t he door. • D"ADNanCceE. RASm erican Style" will be NCAaLIFOvRNeIA l CCaREAmVME GOEFpT AMBUbLSE HOeRRO lOlM 's BRICKF PAoCK.l FgLAKeEDr CsOF FEE ;j cath tahpete rh,o wmilel mofee Pte Tgugeysd Payir,s cJhaenl. 1in2 . wPliyllm beou atth 8S apl.emm in H itghhe aSucdhiotoolr.i uAmud ait- atht et heev e1n2in Oga kwsi Hllu bdeso np'asi dW omrikneirmsu fmo r dSauyn daanyd. TShaetur sdhaoyw. 1 w1i lal.m i.n ctolu d6e p .2m1 proWgarlakm-i nw riellg ibset rhaetlidon fr ofmor 9 a 3 0s wtoim 1 1 p16e,r afto rthmee dW aatl l1ac ep. mF S Smatiuthrd Paye.rf oJramn - Oranges Chicken Noodle Special Roast Tuna NMoarrtyh'sv iHlloe sApital s pweilalk edrisc ufrsosm the Shot.s - twioilnl sb feor W acetdsn easpipiae^a^rianngd i nT hthuers sdhaoyw. - owuatghe-;C paanytomne Mntu sisic se Bnto otost ethrse PTlhyims - dcreyasletarsl,. fAunrtniqituuerse, wi llli ninenclsu,de t ocohlisn, a, aM.mid.d Slea tSucrhdoaoyl, in J aPnl.ym 16o,ut aht. TCheen tSreanl - iRnigd Ager tCsa mThpeusat oref, O aoknla tnhde C Oomrcmhaurndi - 10 o 98 2/791 4 98 i ac pital's expanded facilities Beta Sig- Jan 13-14. in the Sal«n.auditorium will be the sixth time the boosters jewelry and other items Donation is ior Girl Scout swim program is for ty College in Farmington Hills. The ma Phi is an international cultural, Students working on the show are and students have worked on the in- $2 per* adult, $1 50 for students and girls and boys ages 4 to 14 Price is program, presented as part of the SI 115-0; service and social organization for Amy Schmidt. Lesley Carmichael. ventory at Hudson's To volunteer or senior citizens. All proceeds will sup- $15 for registered Girl Scouts, $18 children's series, will feature the cog Ba women For more information, call artists for posters, fliers and tickets; for more information, call Judy port the Plymouth Symphony Or- for others There is a group rate For Harbinger Dance Company The pro- 9J4a841c79-k2,i e3o 7r^8T Dimonten.a vi Tcehe epcrke.sid pernets.id 4e5n3t.- JTMeifimkf esS ,oS st tbuaetgzlelm, Jdaeinrr,rey cft lBoierersr;l op Gnriagnrityeinn gG.; oE lLmdieisnlay, •L DorAe,N bCooEste rEsN prSeEsiMdeBnLt.E 4 53-5181 c"oFfh Oeirsledtrsaid. VeT ihDlelea lgsihe",o wc aP twleyirlmeld oa ulbstyoh iCn Scoalnunnddie-e 'sa stphaarmreteeic foiarpma nmiltyso.,r Ce thla ecs hspeirlsidc remen eiset f$r 4So5amt fuor rdth aaeyl l degter parmgrai icrstae jdnse ts h$irg3onu eFgdoh rf osr itxi ccthhkie lgtdsrrae doner i nTm ikocikrne-- BoBYn THeE PlIEeCE ss Da20 VnARInETIEoS n AJET lFRaESsH. DkREaSSnFD MiFRnOZuEN tCOeNC EMNTRAaTEi d EPmIECEpS &r STeEMsS s ADlacpohcnke. BJenrgrygs, Be srclhoonoglier ia.nn oWuSnDceP-, DaRneceg iEstnrsaetmiobnl efor w tihlle bMea lhael dW i6s-la8 dwoiuchgehsn.u cths,i pcso,ff ecoe,le ssloafwt, d rbirnokwsn iaensd, mThoerrnei nwgisll, J baen n o23 cla tsoses M Faerbc.h 1 326 o. r i7n7f0o0r.m ation, call the box office. 471- New York Strips Yogurt Coho Salmon Orange Juice Mushroo0m0s • RTOheS EHur oSnO CVIaEllTevY Rose Society ments,. Aimee Whitt. Sarah Naasko D.m Wednesdav. Jan 13. at West 2 2/99* 0 99 2/99t 3/1 78 lb. 59 Cci'OG."<7 Marcai Paper Towels Tomato Sauce Pre Priced -49 - Ou\ . au J O Q O GUARANTEED Daf* Reo Apm & Hammer Detergent ao: O.OO Brook's Kidney Beans g a r h t b t M / ne - amrfy. S;ze Wilderness Apple Sauce Jam of LOWEST PRICE! Green Lakes 12 9 Smucker's Quarters.— Snedd s 3/1 Boneless Grape Jelly ^ Country Whole Ham ONE WEEK ONL Y COMPLETE BED lb- Genuine Dra*" "'eguc of l *e -- Dec Crock ALL 9 PCS. R £w a rd Hot 01 Mi<3 — Bol » 99c Miller Beer T4 •2 oj cam Green Beans >D 1-ID „ 2.49 Hygrade Pork Sausage 'pguto' &&Q ©' Sou' C -ear- A C -••ve >V 3tfc ngtc r Seaitest ce Cream iced 1.68 Lay's Potato Chips Granny Sm<*h .Apples ; 79 West Virginia Bacon "Jegu*j' C unso«ec - 'ootea - on-e Downyflake Wafies jtc*e WoOe 1.89 Sunshine Krispy Crackers 1^0; Red Seedless Grapes 2.88 Fresh Italian Sausage fvewtx-rg c V • JO- Tysc Chicken E°*rees New v'ork 3.78 Knorr Bearnaise Sauce Boneless Strip Steaks AA.F Sliced CX Hcvr-< White Potatoes New Vorx Gat c Breaa . 99° Yellow Cling Peaches Imported Nectarines 1.48 Land O Lakes Singles Corn Muffin Mix _ Chicken or Tarttey — Frozen 4/1 M I Kraft Dinner Ozark Valley Velveeta Shells Pot Pies INCLUDES: FINISHED FRAME AND HEADBOARD • MATTRESS • LINER • & Cheese HEATER • FILL-KIT CHEMICALS. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR 1.66 f Kraft New York C^eaaa? PURCHASE OR USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN (DRAWER PEDESTAL EXTRA) Tjfle Frijffie ck v'ferna VV-' 'e SHEEfrTom S SEHTSEE CTOMFOR PTAECR L 2n tPMC I RLAA|LLoS M AT pAD 6 MO. SUPPLY MC2GSoCrld aeteo zWacnetmh Od Hfy eD MCmooonrmlue tss MS alvaawnn ose 12/,2b .9289° WDaHiin evudaisnnrMiczeeW asS nWEt« arcHsaef>ciien'n< Me*eesaor BBraobwyn Fie ~o7 oMdix 4 5a-.0 . ~7 C CDyarr edtefsnissiehed a F Willehtsit efish ,32..9499 PEGrenr Pgerilceiesndh v GM-v> uafnfitn sV egetables - 27/91° s-j goo $ 7 5 00 $ 1 9 00 $goo $^00 Ful-Vue Solvent go 60% I i Select Oak or Laminate OFF • • FutureStore m (FutureStore FutureStore Display Cabinets i(• wm m FutureStore• 1 16 STYLES TO CHOOSE Bonus Coupon No. 623 Bonus Coupon No 630 Bonus Coupon No. 629 I OUR BEST SELLERS Bonus Coupon No. 624 I aBnrdin gyo yuo uinrs dtaelsli gannys in 50% l Mt Dew. P Sliece,p Psepis-i Free or II A&PC Graodetta Ag eFre sh SEeighat Filatveorss t MFironzeun Cteon cMentraatei d II I Yorktowne Cabinet OFF I Cola I Cheese Ice Cream Orange Juicce I 60% Quantities Limited to Stock 00 Hand 2/69 I Values to *550.00 I 6 >128 I 69 >199 Call for Free Estimate King/Queen Light or Derk Finish I I l ainnsdta llle otu ur Yso drketoswignne Canabdi nets 40% OFF OFF OUMRB BOEOSTK CSEALSLEERM 3 PAYMENT PLANS -+I U(>n«i•t> O 1C2nu-*Mop fzoco Pnccwokac nv*sa v» Osa Iu n«»cve\j *P DC*leu•o«srp*» o »lism Jital »m jOarn** C17o u«p•o* n +I Ku rCvtu WOnoem 2*4 VOOuWK *S Ojxnx JOon2ve4- OXjZn uC oroyu w1 ? «»»« <i•- mCuow O4o Irrn»® 1" vV<ci«e*ao *Vnv ?CuU -sgV1 OaAnl »«| Jano oOrxy* >1a?n W M f• Nwd 6v-Oa^»tace " vCua nss.* vv**rw)vt O«*6r**- *oC»zo u"o o^ +I " Pay as little as MED\ KITCHEN & BATH REMODELING WP t v it • OPEN 24 HOURS Joy Road at Mortor\-Taylor EVERY DAY CANTON ESTABLISHED BANK Build SINCE 1964 14 Mile Road at Farmington FutureStore • DOUBLE COUPON FINANCING WEST BLOOMFIELD See Store For Details TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET TOTAi. PBOPEBTY SERVICES" IMOUR8I 7220 MIDDLEBELT Ch»rg» nt Mic<im asters The supermarket of tomorrow.. with yesterday's prices! ^porner of Warren^ 1M 8AT| 30635 Plymouth Rd. • Livonia. Ml 48150 * 427-0350 12-6 SDN. Next to Bunk 'n' Trundlel PH. 422-5553 12A*(P.C.R.W.Q-10A) O&E Monday, January 11. 1988 Veteran campaigner lends skills to S'craft By Wayn* Pwi more or less ruled out another mayo- having served in various capacities He endorsed Schoolcraft's curricu- staff writer ral try. since its beginnings a quarter-centu- lum and its president. McDowell is "I'n) very supportive of (new Livo- ry ago. doing an "excellent" job in the post, A four-term state legislator and a nia Mayor) Bob Bennett, I think he'll Most recently, he has headed up according to Kirksey, who has recent Livonia mayoral candidate, do an excellent job," Kirksey said. the Schoolcraft College Foundation, worked with all three Schoolcraft Jack Kirksey has waged as many "Plus, in four years he'd have the ad- a non-profit fund-raising group that presidents campaigns as Caesar vantage of incumbency. So, I proba- finances Schoolcraft programs and Kirksey represented the Livonia 'My committment is But there's one more campaign in bly won't try again for mayor." scholarships. and Northville areas in the state which he's interested: the 1989 Kirksey endorsed Bennett after His campaign expertise was put to Legislature from 1977-84. A former here.' Schoolcraft College trustee race. narrowly trailing him in the Septem- use during Schoolcraft's 1986 tax in- Livonia elementary school principal, — Jack Kirksey "Right now, I'd definitely have to ber primary. The narrow primary crease campaign. he is currently Livonia Scho61s' di- new trustee say I'm running," Kirksey said. "My loss was a frustrating and rare de- "I had met with (Schoolcraft Pres- rector of community education. commitment is here." feat for the veteran campaigner. ident) Dick McDowell to offer my HE SAID he would abstain from Kirksey, 59, was appointed "I think the adjusted total was 90 advice," Kirksey said. "And 1 must voting on issues that appeared to Wednesday to a provisional term on votes and my wife and I have since say, I've never seen a group that put pose a conflict of interest between the community college governing come up with at least 100 ways we a package together as well as those the Livonia Schools and Schoolcraft, board He would stand election in could have gotten those votes," Kirk- people did." particularly with regard to commu- June 1989, when the term expires, sey said. "Still, that's behind us." The 0.5-mill tax increase was ap- nity education. -. proved 60-40 by college district vot- "I'm familiar with their program IT'S THE Schoolcraft campaign WHAT'S AHEAD of Kirksey is in-, ers. and I can see where there's some that now interests him most. Whj,le creased responsibilities at School- things they do better and some he didn't close the door on any politi- craft. He's hardly a stranger to the SAYING THE need for "balanced things we do better," he said. cal options. Kirksey said he has Livonia-based community college. financing" between tuition, taxes Kirksey was selected from a field and state aid is a top priority, Kirk- of 17 applicants He received a 4-2 S'craft sets music test sey said he would be willing to tug at majority on the first ballot. Other clarification the coatsleeves of his former Lans- votes were cast for Garden City resi- ing colleagues — if asked. dent Nancy Kitzman. It will be show time Thursday, will sing. All are Schoolcraft alumni. "If the board wants me to go to Despite concerns over the lack of Results of the Schoolcraft College den City resident Nancy Kitzman Jan. 21, for the music club at School- The recital is open to the public Lansing on its behalf. I'm more than Garden City representation on the trustee election were incorrectly re- Trustees Mary Breen, Michael Bur- craft College. The club will present and free. For information, call 591- willing to do so," Kirksey said. "I'm board, Kirksey said he would repre- ported in the Jan. 7 issue. The cor- ley. Harry Greenleaf and Wendell its Alumni Day recital 1:30-2:30 p.m. 6400, Ext. 380. here to serve them." sent all six school districts making rect vote: Trustees Rosina Raymond Smith voted for new board member in Room 301 of the Forum Building up the Schoolcraft district. and Jeanne Stempien voted for Gar- Jack Kirksey in Livonia. Dave Perample will perform a jazz piano and combo selection. Brad Start The New Year Off Right! Buszard will do a classical piano TRANSMISSION CLUTCH EXTERNAL work, and soprano Therese Fedea TUNE-UP ADJUSTMENT RESEAL JOIN NOW! $ £ 95 s oo S O Q 95 plus 1 6 plus fluid « fluid 2 for 1 T.R.I. T.R.I. T.R.I. LIVONIA FARMINGTON WEST BLOOMFIELD 255-0955 474-1400 669-2900 Nautilus Expires January 16, 1988 • Tanning Universal • Aerobic Aquatics Body Master • Swimming Pool COME IN AND SEE Aerobicycle • Whirl Pool Michigan's Most Outstanding Computer Row Fiin&u Empire • Steam Sauna € ct Display of Olympic Free Weight • Arizona Sauna THOMASVILLE & y/tt-f/t// trt//* PENNSYLVANIA ffn//t/If HOUSE Furniture Men and Women Monday through Friday — 7:00 a.m. - 10 00 p.m Classic Interiors An Educational Store For Saturday 9:00 a m - 3:00 p.m. Teachers, Parents quality aa*a yarn 427-7300 and Children 20292 Middle belt Rd. (S. of Eight Mile) 17235 Middlebelt (1 block north of Middlebelt) CLASSES AVAILABLE LIVONIA 4 7 4 - 6 9 00 Private 6 Semi-Private Tutoring All Subject Areas: • General Education K-8 • Special Education K-12 YOU DONT Special Tutoring: • Semi-Private and Private KNOW Get high interest and Computer Programming . HOW GOOD • French Classes Enrichment Classes: YOU HAVE IT • Gifted Enrichment K-12 UNTIL • Build A Dinosaur Class K-3 short term flexibility. • Pre-School Prime Time YOU HAVE IT. Art Classes • Jewelry Design Grades 4-7 33305 Grand Rw Fjrmmgton K5F Hours Mot J Th(*s . to 8 p.m TUBS WaC ttrt Mm to6pjn £ Saturdays 10 am lo5pm j© THE GREAT AMERICAN INVESTMENT Phone 473-5925 W Enroll Now' US SAVINGS BONDS Tutoring It Enrichment Classes 25% OFF 1-8QO-US-BONDS WW Coupon • Ejcptrw 2-15-ftg Minimum Let There be Light! deposit Style function and 9 $2,500 value in solid brass. This seven month certificate from Standard Federal offers you a very attractive rate of interest and a (Ihoose from short term that allows you the flex- traditionally styled ibility you want for managing your floor lamps in a funds. Plus, this account is insured brass finish or solid brass from to $100,000 by the Federal Savings Edward Alden. and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC). Available at every office of From Standard Federal Bank. •79.95 to '99.95 Substantial merest penalty tor early i*thdra*ai from certificate accounts Standard Federal Bank W a y s i de G i f ts Savings/Financial Services Main Office: Standard 820 W. Ann Arbor Trail 2401 W. Big Beaver Road Federal Plymouth, Ml 48170 Troy. MtchKjan 48084 - M-Sat. 106 1-800-482-3930 453-8310 ' Frl. 10-9 XsTaste © I jc ( f i b s c r u rr & i E c c e n t r ic X e i u s p a p e rs Monday. January 11. 1988 O&E taste buds chef Larry Janes Partners give out a secret Here are more comments on Szechuan cooking from Chef Larry Janes, whose column did not appear in its entirety last week due to limited space. The $ze-Chuan Restaurant in Canton is one of metropolitan Detroit's premier west-side eateries, specializing in hot. spicy Szechuan cooking. As with most restaurants of this type, a complete carry-out menu is also available Rumor has it that there are a few upscale west-side domains that have purchased the Sze-Chuan's food and presented it to dinner guests at home. Personally speaking, I think it's camp to sit around the coffee table with those cute cardboard containers and chopsticks, passing the different taste treats and watching the tiny beads of sweat begin to form on my friends' foreheads Although a little hesitant to share their culinary secrets. Pallas and Sonny Wang, who own and operate the Sze-Chuan Restaurant, have provided a recipe for Kung Pao Chicken. This dish bears the moniker of a high-ranking Chinese officer who died during the Ching STEPHEN CANTRELL/start photographer dynasty. Moon Ja Yoon, a Birmingham resident, ia author of a new cookbook, 'Korean Cooking for You," designed for American cooks. She is a registered dietician KUNG PAO CHICKEN at William Beaumont Hospital. 2 whole chicken breasts, skinned and boned v» up. salt Korean cuisine offers variety ] egg white 1 tbsp. corn starch 2 cups of oil for frying V» cup skinless roasted peanuts 10 whole dried red chili peppers 2 green onions, chopped By Else Frohman nutrient analysis of each recipe, showing the several vegetables, a soup, and fresh fruit for 2 cloves garlic, minced staff writer calories per serving and proportion of faf, dessert^Yoon said. (Yoon has included sever- SAUCE 'We use a lot of meat and protein and carbohydrates. al sweet dishes in the cookbook to satisfy 1 tsp. chili paste with garlic (can be Think of bits of fish, meat and vegetables vegetables mixed. It's not YOON EMPHASIZES the healthy aspect American tastes for a sweet dessert. Howev- p2 utbrcshp.a sseody asta uCchei nese grocery store) ssuhrereotsu nofde dse bayw veeinde.g aTrhedat 'rsic eJa apnadn wesreap psuesdh ii.n oily at all. There isn't as —of" KWoere uasne c oaok liontg of meat and -vegetables eanr.. )f ruit would be more authentically Kore- 1 tbsp. sherry —much gravy (as in Chinese mixed," she said. "It's not oily at all. There No Korean meal would be complete with- 1 tsp. wine vinegar food) and it's a little spicier.' isn't as much gravy (as in Chinese food), and out a serving of Kim Chee. a hot. spicy pic- 1 tsp. sugar Think of a mixture of meats and vegeta- it's a little spicier." kled vegetable dish. 'A cup chicken stock bles, finely chopped and wrapped in a noodle — Moon Ja Yoon "Korean Cooking for You" was a family "The taste is very hard to describe. But 1 tsp. corn starch , skin for deep frying That's Chinese wonton, effort. Yoon's husband, Hak. photographed once you get used to it, you have to have it. It 1 tsp. sesame seed oil right? Wrong. each dish after she prepared it. There were is a fantastic food." Think of beef short ribs marinated in a months of cooking and photographing and 1. Cut chicken into ^*-inch cubes. spice, pungent barbecue sauce and grilled See recipes, Page 2 typing and proofreading. To create attractive PREPARATION OF Korean foods is a Combine chicken with salt, egg white over a charcoal fire. That's good old Texas settings for each recipe, Yoon borrowed chi- matter of lots of cutting and chopping and and corn starch. Mil well. Set aside. cooking, right? Wrong. na serving pieces from many of her friends. short cooking times, she said. 2. In a small bowl, blend the sauce What looks a bit like sushi is Kim Bob, the INGREDIENT LISTS are made up of ' For four months this room (the living "The traditional Korean kitchen usually ingredients. fish is cooked, by the way. What looks like items that can be obtained easily in the De- room of her Birmingham house) was full of burned wood. Most foods were boiled or stir 3. Heat oil in wok to 400 degrees wonton is Man Doo. And what could possibly troit area Most are available at the super- dishes I was so glad to finish and cleanjjp." fried We don't use the oven." Deep-fry chicken until cooked be a Texas barbecue is Gal Bee market. A few may require a trip to an Ori- Occasionally, it took several tries to gfet a Because, like the Chinese and Japanese, throughout. Remove and drain. ental grocery. good picture of a recipe Koreans use chopsticks, foods must be cut 4. Lower heat in wok to 350 degrees. The country of origin for all three dishes is "When kids grow up. they may want to into bite-sized pieces. That means a lot of Deep-fry peanuts in a strainer till golden not China, not Japan and not the United cook Korean food," Yoon said. "But they "SOME FINE CHINA doesn't take a good cutting and chopping. , brown. Drain. States. These are examples of Korean cook- didn't have a cookbook. But the book isn't just picture, so we would have to, start over and In addition to working as a dietician, Yoon 5. Remove all but 2 tablespoons of oil ing, as presented by Moon Ja Yoon in her for Korean Americans. Many families are change dishes." she said. teaches Korean culture at the Korean Pres- in the wok. Heat to 400 degrees and stir- newly published cookbook, "Korean Cooking adopting Korean children and want to team When the book was ready for publication. byterian Church at Nine Mile and Beech Daly fry red chili peppers until they are dark for You." more of their culture, and many people have Yoon decided to combine business with plea- roads. She and her husband have two sons, red. Lower the heat to 275 degrees, add Yoon. a Birmingham resident, has vCntten Korean friends." sure and took the entire project to Seoul, Ko- Paul and David. green onions and garlic. Stir-fry 1 a book explaining the ins and outs of the Ko- Yoon, who has lived in the United States rea. for printing. She was able to visit rela- "Korean Cooking for You" is available by minute. rean kitchen for the American cook. The in- for 25 years, is a registered dietician at Wil- tives while checking galleys. writing to Moon Ja Yoon, P.O. Box 160, 6. Pour in chicken, stir-fry 1 minute. structions are designed to be simple and liam Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. Along A traditional Korean meal would include Franklin 49025. Send check or money order 7. Add the sauce, stir-fry till heated clear, even if the cook has never attempted with ingredients and instructions, she offers a appetizers, several different meat dishes. for $17.50 plus $1.95 for shipping and han- and glazed. Add peanuts, toss and serve Oriental cooking. nrrnamT'irinrw - t i hi i w in • n if ~ dling. with rice or noodles Vinegars add dash to gourmet recipes Here is a list of the area's best Chinese restaurants that specialize in serving Szechuan foods: THE SZE-CHUAN RESTAURANT 45138 Ford Road Canton ularity of vinegar. Kevin Gawronski, owner of the Cucina di 458-3960 By Rob McCabe Pasta restaurant in West Bloomfield, sai4H4^ think there has AH-WOK special writer been an increased interest from the health standpoint be- 41563 10 Mile Road cause obviously there are no calories in vinegars. Novi "For centuries, people have searched for ways to make "Now that there's so much more diversified use for fla- 349-9260 bland-tasting foods more palatable by incorporating condi- vored vinegars — say for instance a peach-flavored vinegar WING HONG ments — with surprising and pleasant results. — you can make a dressing out of it and use it for a fruit 18203 10 Mile Road The onslaught of cuisine magazines and cookbooks fea- dip." Southfield tures certain dish«B calling for specific ingredients. Gourmet Gawronski's restaurant sells fresh sauces and pastas 569-5527 stores in the Detroit area carry a wide assortment of both made on the premises and also has a nice selection of NEW PEKING domestic and European-made vinegars. homemade vinegars with fresh fruit and herbs inserted by 29501 Ford Road Marc Jonna of Birmingham's Merchant of Vino, a discount hand rather than by machinery. Garden City wine and gourmet food emporium, said anyone can make Recipes abound in numerous cookbooks and fine food 569-5527 vinegar, yet what distinguishes a good vinegar from an ex- OAN OEAN/ataff photograph* magazines, so the next time a recipe calls for a certain type DIN HOW cellent one is the time it takes to ferment. Vinegars, shown here with olive oils, are from of vinegar, experiment a little. It could make for a very 29195 Plymouth Road "Vinegars are aged like wine." Jonna said. "They become an elaborate display of vinegar and oil at the pleas ant surprise Livonia richer the longer they age in their barrels." Almost any un- Cucina di Pasta restaurant in Weat Bloom- Also, you might like to try this recipe for: pasteurized juice can be turned into vinegar, depending on 425-9888 SPAGHETTI WITH SPECIAL SAUCE the type of bacteria introduced into it Aside from the usual CHINA STAR selections of cider and wine vinegars, there are now a wide taste, which can be used in spaghetti sauces, salads and M* onion carrots 270 S. Wayne Road variety of herbal and fruit-flavored viengars sometimes even drunk straight Various countries develop a •4 shallot parsley Westland NUTRITIONAL consultant June Godin of the Rocky difference in flavors to the vinegars due to the soil 1 sage leaf tomato puree 326-1310 Peanut Co., in downtown Detroit's Eastern Market, says, "VINEGARS HAVE different levels of acidity also." Jon- butter spaghetti "Many gourmets do a lot of testing with vinegars to see na said has he showed numerous bottles with numbers on olive oil A/though e little hesitant which ones they like to incorporate into their recipes. their labels. "The higher the number, the niore acidity you'll Cut onion and shallot into slices. Brown in hot oil together to share their culinary "People have been using them for centuries. They're also find." The numbers are there to warn fhe consumer of its with a sage leaf. In a separate pan ud using equal parts of secrete, Pallas end Sonny used in preserving foods." strength. ' butter and olive oil, prepare a sauce With carrots, a pinch of One of the most popular vinegar brands on the market Many people wonder about the difference between vine- parsley and fresh tomato puree, which should be cooked over Wang, who own end appears to be the Balsamic Monari Federxoni from Modena. gars and vinaigrettes Vinegars are fermented juices and a small flams. operate the Sze-Chuan . , . .. v grain. Vinaigrettes are wine vinegar, olive oil, salt and pep- When the sauce Is cooked, add the already browned onion Restaurant, here Different people produce Balsamic vinegars using their per and lemon juice. and shallot then cook again for a further 3-4 mlnutea Pour own fermentation procesies, making each one unique, said Many types of vinaigrettes may be found in your local this sauce over spaghetti cooked "al dent*" and immediately provided e recipe for John Jonna. owner of the Merchant of Vino In Southfield grocery «tore or gourmet shop add a teaspoonful of Balsamic coodiment for each person Kung Pao Chicken. Balsalmic vinegars have a sweet, mellow aroma and CONCERN FOR health also contributes to the rise in pop- Quickly mix before serving 2B« U&E Monday. January 11. 1988 Monday January 11 1986 O&f. r 33 R e c i p es f r om ' K o r e an C o o k i ng f or Y o u' Sausage, soup, salad combine MAN DOO your thumb and forefinger Press to- (It looks like commercial biscuits in well with red pepper powder and (Mixed-; Meat and Vegetables gether to seal,. Heat oil in a deep a tube.) Repeat with the rest of the sugar Set aside Wrapped in Mao Doo Skin) fryer or wok to 340 degrees and fry a W h e re to find ingredients rice, seaweed and fillings Add the rest of the ingredients to Fill those winter months with OLD WORLD SAUSAGE N BEAN blend Add to chowder, stirring con- salt and pepper to taste Add basil 2 pkgs. man doo skins (2 pounds) few at a time for two to three min- Cut the rice sandwish roll into 1- the radishes and mix well. meals that are both soothing and sat- CHOWDER stantly until thickenedd Donot boil and sausage chunks Cover and 222223141l1114* ttgtttmtpmtt pbbbtbbsbbrptvoospssesssseesspouiuppp.ppppddpen.unn .. ...n isi.ep dan d ususarsc grsepdoomiameliooapct r DDcynlsyl lsrreitpe ee ia hcn iio cosa easpp mowrsnwaannranppitt ibuesumiaiiio n,g nbnngcc rpno epeeggerraccsr i, o o h ghl,eSS uu coescaann,hpehuudd orpcoccv peheebppedpoep os NNepe erdkfdpoo ..e d12 suwssesooeaewhtmpohtlpfntdlrdaiii eeamueana rtalgggFtshfa trgekthoeh eo eoe) msea oe sD.srtStrs os d rhhl , ttfoat yais w eceapeia tfnu t trrluaorepaordh c.omtatdnfraimeahft nn a tahomltPpue igyes Nnrmlclni repoag na oetptsdS anencic.h gnk ltaer ed hW oroic1tm e uneett ll na hchhe sords(ae eetetiswe tnes .n tdheopnFne e i deN aysl amotdaSosme hklo sslo e.vbaaidi ap osnir ntertt e2uov,sooo r gT,cel ho gvw tm odg eiotn(ahcsee honn)ssweolr t. eowgwo ohi i fb ses s ftaeeshSb uhritt enrkefnieeo elcett mili ngatre tDnl oaahatvlm o omtintitn aeo lndpohhim,dny dfn eg--ree s322',SJ*e- acshtlla iH tt apotirnbbutoplabtosstoigwcssootTyrcpsoil whppkdutriek p.hng ..n anbe .aela e ibg srenssrdosvnrs oiad i wuogeogttei nlcosgsvgeaktr eg s epo,,r a we asiarreufi res tfaein iuhret v fiepudronaicn s e iotamociceydce rebeoh fre,oy n t nt rutic yta tiawhashsa'oiodlrueinirneu ninci ra srslngehye ,ibhwa s i wlKtt nseiaoi liganisolln yyigitrnnh e sg eoaTKoe tYbn fahhsotto woelea sricoepgi eo gnn aeDhefooneocdtek dli l y- a---,s ,DbsscsaMfwDiaootnoaneirairdankig"t•dqi ll•h•p e ifpTy r usTno CiS elst thivieghrve.dienhneo e re aeoPristodra oreosuaefu srdpmn arle ,ut Am, sayotd acis.r .rs o snet eoOe i hnNsudaSa ear itiiedm cnuenuMts hgecsm m aa.aerans eur r oyi MMd dkhsdpfhie eeai ieaslxtran e,nrao ttLoot l o1 gats uta a.m6nchr nknaodo e seBddnMuond, rnl"aa i. iBd sdl nn peaidYedg men meaopd csnmtfo ephoeidnae sea thrr-a 225223it32231Vnen ttVctcmqmatc* Cosbcb l ahucjpo seeu usp t6ua.ppvpdpdtss pr .gp.ieiitg t cu shus.rsisssr ewenmemBa a seugwsdgllaeeAgta t en l caPwne epartESr t atdlaireoh eie c brp Crpcnribrkoib pt,pcviHealoo aaeeeecbt Ongdr, rr ycfesua O cCl,ap wdsos rbo hiasihuiuKnsblwtberrsihhIadbci hdM ehm gesae esaedsagdpr ,lo uCef us (cH htpeooIr r e toda qrdsut eheado)r t- cstwldi222522n1hetaa u i eaptttttbtttyPbbbbb hfbvhobislfssssseen su aaetpppppWp sh ncdig...r...ineed e de hsrssscr sf eietaiuoeulacrch ,ne sobyggbBieeceaageusa abos r -vmeiarwrewteooawt e efuralsig eirs Giarlcs ntisse epanuetooheA sd o pl effr inola l rrLfepeSii r coinnaa ithneBmngdv gor agy Eefisrbo st E atgt ts.r bhhou R,a eeetc l ithtPleebh ow o ralscineanu teae.ct eb js esnsatbi'ltordiaoc e gtr faetheoehnd etsu ed o i r t i•eoSmaecscgCabs"fnriroaaOif pi"eosmhv FynWurmTilp aueordtoenisrplohenno f dmrhao faWletwogcte mgonei a es isrtz Neitrlos,i -htkl h e amntlrcsaVcae irehplaugo beetd arbeipo ig ro lrllmnlori reeeesgkSatie n, drt 'nacs efesaayigaat igiirdzsiusnrelr orti jo ess snfantwuf f tatoiueHontoo gstrsdgspnfdet ro,so eems tkt t daiarr ioaz ncfpsisv e" fne cnu DofS Neifdss odlonra .batolo nu yrgm i ol gBftsmcorahw asieefaced elaelnd&alpo iy,a,l^e"n tu mpdighzrS tt omoseSCyuerbm ,r ailoracyheiet r dcuonSiscooaanaohneskklusowdunuaieaec mr nodcsgat s dhtaoi er-sn--e , eC2224tSuv1111114os- n e1 a httt lccl 6ctgtbsbIbguaso ua ainpcl.sapsrtlenpnp ee .ugpp.rDtbbp mane.p.((bsbrr eu 11 bslcim rfaarodo3itso ollattccnl hsnoeahcbwwwa-theY s.i*urwha.s rdon uu grlislai 1 nf e ouiv rreocar2sc,l zssreleevardue yt .tsscinlo):e,s gtn et h d zn .4 cigeaceros.o,-hyr)rnu r6 ph o ioo tdp sg c pamu rgn soeoiklen eirnfrrebldoe de.krdtlnu novet e Aat nipnb tnn iedemarn dg rodponbc san pdtrh bhrpioeeo gowr anc1ar nnekr stlpi oenaairpeennyc sdd ,- Ss8c3t11421111^lo h e io tclscclccetucrbSazasmuauusuvens.prArn,pppep pg kag.acUs .es elnissfu(k l n lcdlSr1m bt iioigozh4ecA ca nuaauczibelYse ciGprbrhcedoiodWolligk ncoawEi ien ec.ahsccpil) , lnndakrAieap s nc,ic:tl ereN nbeeilor6r d,oretrr onDa-opc yov 8sS ertcupe otsle sl ohhtVie prS,e cu icl e elEvmeebpo ydriddeGur nv i Psncnt t i Ew whotoncetToegih rtdp sAh o* pl•Bee* ldLe t mEoinSmoc nha - sid214222o•dsi- i h nmatlttiatt obb bbybi(cgwtomT.s ss ssuo5fn pppipphspoMetns .....hmimr"r a sssmvd u lo5SeaafPs iis slaknldljacMat taoalrlemha eiYirdvanugdcrOgomdiidom aeape mnoKs sr errlpVii su a dislpsuEe nut :iaotsdeD enosn4btstaa a ae o cbS sigrcStsrgheldAotheee r ri, ebenUrvvses veudeecti Sstentrsu eAet,wvgte, es GreS i doa ilnaEflrnt .l dotd)ah edg eg1 sria e rnireenenndxc- ht 1 tsp. v inegar " For a man doo soup, follow the di- 8 sheets kim (seaweed) Beat the eggs. Put a very small ters lengthwise. Sprinkle salt be- 1 clove garlic, crushed as well as being nutritiously hearty- beans, chicken broth, pepper and Salt and pepper, to taste In a medium-sized skillet saute 1 tbsp. rice wine rections for fried man doo and seal amount of oil in a frying pan over tween leaves and put them in a large 1 tsp. ginger, crushed fare brown sugar Stir to blend. Over me- Parmesan cheese, grated sausage pieces until evenly browned the ends of the packages together to Combine vinegar, sugar, wine and medium heat Pour in the beaten egg container Dissolve the remaining 2 medium green onions, chopped dium heat, bring mixture to a gentle Drain on absorbent toweling Re- Bring two quarts of water to a boil make crown-shaped pieces. Boil the salt in a sauce pan and bring to a and make a pancake. Cut egg into 8 salt in 2 quarts of warm water and 2 tsp. sesame seed, toasted and light- Add hot crusty French bread or boil Turn heat to low, cover tightly In a Dutch oven, melt 2 table- serve Peel the potatoes, cut into and add tsp. salt, onions and cab- man doo in beef broth for five to sev- boil for 30 seconds Set aside to cool strips. pour over the cabbage. Set aside for ly pounded rolls and a beverage such as warm and simmer for 40 minutes. Combine spoons margarine. Saute onions, cel- quarters, cook in boiling salted wa- bage Cook for three to four minutes en minutes Add sliced green onions to room-temperature. Wash spinach and cook in boiling two or three hours, or until cabbage '« tsp. pepper spiced cider to complement these flour and half and half in a small jar. ery and garlic until just tender Add ter until just tender Drain. Cool sau- Wrap the vegetables in a cheese and beaten egg or diamond-shaped Rinse the rice in water and drain. water for 30-60 seconds. Rinse with becomes soft. Make sure all of the 1 tbsp. plus 1 4 tsp. water economical, nutrient-packed dishes Cover tightly and shake well to carrots. Cook, stirring frequently, sage and potatoes in refrigerator cloth and squeeze tightly so that the egg garnishes: Place in a heavy pot with four cups cold water and drain well. cabbage is covered with salted wa- for 3 minutes Add tomatoes, and Meanwhile, combine salt and vine- liquids are extracted KIM BOB of water. Bring to a boil and allow to Slice the pickled radish into V«- ter. Turn the cabbage two or three Wash the meat and remove visible Let microwave chicken stock Bring to a boil, then gar Let rest a few minutes for salt Place the meats, shrimp and vege- (Rice Sandwich) boil for one minute, stirring once. inch strips the same length as the times. fat. Pound the meat lighty on both reduce heat to. simmer Cover and to dissolve Gradually add oil. stir- tables in a large bowl and add sesa- 3 cups uncooked short-grain rice Cover and simmer for 10-15 min- fish cake strips. Bring two cups of water to a boil sides with blunt edge of a knife cook 10-15 minutes, or until carrots ring constantly until blended well me oil, soy sauce, rice wine, cup w hite vinegar utes. Turn off heat and allow to Put a sheet of seaweed on a bam- and add 4 tablespoons of sweet rice Place in a bowl, add sugar and wine are tender Stir in mustard until well blended csaolrtn. starch. gree« onions, pepper and 2x* t bcsupp. ssuwgeaert "r ice wine. sAtdadn dth, eco vvienreegda,r f morix t1u5r-e20 to m tihneu treisc.e bpoaore md artic ean dmi xsptureread o v*e*r ohfa ltfh eof p trhee- oorf cwohldea wta ftleoru.r S dtiirs scoolnvteidnu ionu solnye u cnutpil uMteixs .w ell and let stand for 10-15 min- help with parties maMrgeaarniwneh iilne, maneoltth errem sakiinlldeetr a nodf Cwoitaht vchinilaliegdre sttaeu ssaaguece aSnpdri npkolteat woeisth For frfed man doo, moisten the '•j tsp. salt and stir thoroughly with a wooden seaweed sheet Place the fish cake water comes to a boil again and Combine the seasoning sauce brown sausage Drain on paper chopped chives edges of the circles or squares of Fillings spoon Set aside to cool strips on top of the rice, then put side thickens. Set aside to cool ingredients and mix well Marinate toweling, and reserve. Add zucchini Refrigerate over night for" flavors Smoked sau&age mustard vinaigrette aalad tastes best when man doo skin with egg whites or wa- 4 ounces ground beef Soak the mushrooms in warm wa- by side a row of mushrooms, radish, Wash the softened cabbage thor- meat in sauce for at least 15 minutes and kernel corn to soup Season with to blend well it's served the day after it's made, allowing flavors to mingle. ttpheiren cachne dntht eperl ac coeefn teaear tce hoafs F ptoholeodn a rioncf fhbiaellltfiwn gaene dnin 621- ep7g kdggrs.i efdis hm cuashkero (oremds) , frozen aftiensrdh f soclraick 1ee0 -i 1ni5ntot om Jir n2^u4-it-neincshc R hs,termi fpousvl leC-lue stntge ttmhhe s eLgegRt .io tsl pls iittnh aefco hrk i aamn dm b imnobuetae tu ,p ih ienn tuhnero mlla it.t . otcieumsgseh swly aa nitnedr .cd orladin .w Satqeuree tzhere oeut o trhe fo euxr- (inthgGe. rliolnl goenr a th ceh abrectotearl) f bireef,o roer coovoekn- byuoAsuyrP ba —sesstis N twaenixnttst,e t roat im maiec kr ioptcwahraetyvne hfouevlllepne or i fs Bbua—rkne e Usrq"sue ta oysohu cfroo omrk giclar vozeiwngagev taeb aless a fainftdh Turkey breast-half suits small dinner Peel and wash the radishes Slice broil at 450 degrees for about two Check your owner's manual for spe- make sauces and gravy when the top the radishes into thin strips, mix minutes on each side or until brown cific directions, then put your mi- of your cooking range is full. crowave to work at these tasks — Hard-cook eggs for appetizers, salads, casseroles or garnishes This Week's Specials APPETIZERS Break the uncooked egg into a cus- choAoPs e— a Ftuorrk ae ysm barlel,a sstp ehcailafl rdainthneerr , dhiisghh C25ov teor 3 5w imthin wutaexs poarp uenrt.i lC aoo tkhe orn- BRIDIES Expires Jan. 16, 1988 -for— sp Sroeaftdesn c (rceoaomki ecshe easned a dndes bseurtttse,r twairtdh cau ptoo atnhdpi cpkri cDko ynooltk c oaonkd a wnh eigteg than a whole bird and cook it in your You won't have to pass up stuffing, mometer registers 165 degrees, ro- too). in the shell. microwave oven Cooking time is either. An herbed bread-and- tating dish three times. If necessary, Ground Beef and Onion Turnover — Warm shredded cheese before — Keep a casserole hot for late- less than 40 minutes. You won't have shield with foil. Let stand, covered. beating when making cheese balls. comers at lowest power setting to pass up-staffing, either An herbed mushroom mixture goes under the 10 minutes or until thermometer re- — Rewarm appetizers and fondue bread-and-mushroom mixture goes gisters 170 degrees during parties Heat made-ahead ap- DESSERTS under the skin. skin. In the four-cup measure cook 6 f o r$319 petizers. — Warm dessert sauces and ice- MUSHROOM-CAPPED TURKEY cup mushrooms, one tablespoon reg. 65* ea. — Partially cook bacon for cream toppings BREAST green onion and margarine, uncov- wrapped appetizers. Cook bacon to — Thaw frozen cookies and frozen 1 cup chopped fresh mushrooms ered, on high 14 to 2 minutes Stir in crumble in salads or casseroles whipped dessert topping '* cup sliced green onion cornstarch. Add broth and milk. TUES. & WED. SPECIAL — Soften solidly frozen ice cream, 14 cup dry sherry 1 tablespoon cornstarch To remove tufkey bone, use a Cook, uncovered, on high 2 to 3 min- IPastiasT BAKING AND CANDIES allowing about 15 seconds on high 38741 Ann Arbor Road • Livonia • 464-0410 " 4 teaspoon salt 4 cup chicken broth sharp knife to cut along bone Rinse utes or until bubbly. Pass with tur- — Blanch almonds Bring water to power for one pint. 31«4 cteuaps psoooftn b drreiaedd cbrausmil,b sc r(u1s hsleidc e) 4 cup skim milk itnugrk itey, a ptatatc dhreyd Pu alllo nsgkin oanweay ,e dlgeaev. - key. Makes 6 servings 3 for $249 (reg. 99* ea.) banodil icnogo kin 1 mWi cmroinwuatvese oAnd hdig ha.l monds a d—ay S atheaemad, p uwdadrimng w choonleve onrti obyna tlhlye One 2 4-to-3-pound turkey breast In a microwave-safe four-cup Nutrition information per send- — Raise yeast dough six times piece m the microwave at dessert Spread mushroom mixture over h2 atlefa wsp oitohn bso cnoe oking oil ml4 ecauspur ge rceoeonk o onnioen ,c usphe rmryu,s hsraolto mansd, meat Replace skint secure with ign gfa: t2. 5100 3ca lm., g39 c gh oplr o: .2, 686 g m cgar bsoo.d, i5- cfflckroyd's fpaoswteerr (sife yHoiuitrg )o ven has a 10 percent time G e o r g e 's B ig D e li wooden toothpicks. Combine oil and '* teaspoon paprika basil, uncovered, on 100 percent um. U.S. RDA: 17 percent ribofla- — Melt chocolate and caramels QUICK TRICKS 4 cup sliced fresh mushrooms 1 power (high) eight minutes or until paprika, brush over skin. Place tur- inn. 52 percent niacin, 14 percent irm for candies; confectioners' sugar — Pop popcorn for snacks or t1a tbalbelsepsopoono nsl imceadr ggarerienne o onri obnu tter lcirquumidb hsa: sse et vaasipdoer, ated Stir in bread k7 e-ym. cshki-nby s-i2d-ein cuhp. omni crraocwka ivne -1s2a-lbey - iron, 33 percent phosphorus. SCOTTISH BAKEHOUSE V'lYi ccoraactiknegr sf or dipping pretzels and car—am Setol rceor mn ulled beverages in a e — Rehydrate the dried fruit that covered container in the refrigera- 25566 Bve Mita Road 300H«mi1on Row goes into your favorite fruitcake. tor. Heat a cup at a time. C A N T ON F O O DS WINTER CLEARANCE SALE 538-11*1 — Juice lemons: HalVe or quarter MEALTIME a lemon Heat on high for 30 to 45 GOURMET Save bundles on sewing machines and — Cook chicken breasts or thighs seconds; then squeeze out juice. DAIRY FRESH Choice H A RD Boneless Sirloin *2" LB knitting machines, lots of models to The only thing to use in salads, casseroles and ap- You'll get more juice with less work REGULAR OR GARLIC choose from. petizers. — Toast nuts and coconut for can- S A L A MI Choice — Melt butter and toast crumbs dies and cookies; bread cubes for B O L O G NA T-Bone & Porterhouse #349 LB a kid should be getting in school for casserole and vegetable toppers. salad croutons and turkey stuffings, $ 2.39 New Home #106 — Melt jam or jelly for an easy cereal snack mixes C Choice New York Strip *449 LB BROTHER KH 710 Sewing Machine is smarter. Unfortunately, what too many of them are getting glaze for ham — Warm finger towels: Soak four Knitting Machine Heavy-duty, all metal instead is drugs With your help, it doesn't have to — Warm breads, rolls, coffee washcloths in water Squeeze out ex- DTeuli rkey Breast *319 LB aKnndit sm lualctei-,c sollioprsetidtc pha, tttuecrkn s f6r estei-tacrhmes co annsdtru acutitoon- Tbeh etrhei si sw aa pyr ogram called Schools Without Drugs cak—es B aankde m puoftfaitnose.s for twice-baked cfoers st wwoa toerr t ahnrdee r omllin uupte sH eoart u notnil h hiogth. fast and automatically. matic buttonhole. The Challenge that can help you deal with the drug potatoes or potato-skin appetizers Use tongs to serve Reg 1399 8 Pack - Vi Litre Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Free. Diet SALE PRICE $25000 SALE PRICE '199" problem in your community or school ctottlAs Pepsi Free. Slice, Diet Slice, Orang® Find out about it The smarter you are about what Slice, Mountain Dew. Vemors. A & W ACT NOW • QUANTITIE 'ED FREE LAY-A-WAY works against drugs, the better ctiance our kids will S H1| Q-O99 DRoeoptosit Hoot BBeeeefr , DieEt Vxpemireorss .1 D/i2e5t A/8 &8 W T he j ie N e e d le SMA-FT 1100--56 understand how dumb it is to take them 35125 Grand River at Drake Rd. Farmington Everyday Low Prices (DfHMNrt PUul Evenings by HBFSIAM THE DOOR ON DRUGS M 8177 Sheldon Road »459-7751 471-1077 white SuppfyA imppuo intment LAND O'LAKES LAND O'LAKES SMOKED NATURAL ALL WHITE 1-800-541-8787 ™ ( Q b g r r b tf & l a c e n t r ic MEAT T U R K EY U S Department of Education 644-1070 Oakland County CLQ6610ED 591-0900 Wayne County B R E A ST • Train for a career in this exciting profession •852-3222 Rochester/Avon • All courses taught by attorneys $ ADVERTISING cciflia cmlaimi m i n m u ni • Two term evening program 2 . 99 • Financial aid available if qualified $ 2 . 59 MON.-8AT.*-7 Mon FOR BROCHURE CALL 961-3744 AY 1M Classes held at: c a n t on Sun. FRANKLIN H.S., Livonia AJ. S. Savings CONCORDIA COLLEGE, Ann Arbor 421-0710 M M/ fAmerican Institute PORE Voortman Bonds make 31210 WE8T WARREN BULK COOKIE \¥OT Paralegal Studies, Inc. APPLE CIDER SPECIALIZING IN MAKING FRESH THE BEST good business 459-7845 market FRESH CUT MEATS • FRESH FRUITS • NEW FRESH BAKERY JarE.f 1fe1c.t i1v9e8 8 820 Befcl BMg., Detroit, Mi 48226 SALE ALL sense! FRESH SEAFOOD & VEGETABLES • FRESH ROASTED thru A Great Beverage! 6111 N. CANTON CENTER RD. J 17, 1988 Here at George's VARIETIES FRESH DELI • FRESH DAIRY COFFEE (Vi Mite North of Ford Rd.) for only Call today to find 99° S**»~FRESH HOMEMADE SOUPS & SAL PRODUCE MARKET out just how much a DELI Great For Smith's SI A N LB. Bonds can do Swiss Steak Smoked, Sliced 7Q DISCOUNT for you Coming Soon OUR OWN BAKERY Full Cut Platter ROUND STEAK BACON O BEVERAGE WASHINGTON \ Jumbd 20 LB. BAG APPLES PINEAPPLE Sold as Steak Onty • 1 . 58 • 1 . 39 MELODY FARMS W I LD BIRD MELODY LITE peeled | Lean & Meaty STRICTLY FRESH - cored STEWING t NEVER FROZEN HHoAtfmRiD 11 thru Janumry 17 Bananas BEEF Fresh Nova Scotia SALAMI $ From Bob's MEW COD 2 . 99 IN-STORE BAKERY Liparl - Creamy Smooth BUDWEISER. BUD LIGHT '9.35 I-8OO-US-BONDS • TAX • 0€P FreWi Baked FILLETS MUENSTER „ BAG Low Calorie LITE OR Mitten, tfFE '9-25 • pg> CHEESE * 1.391 11 thru Ja DRAYRE K SLICED FREEL OAF Chunk Ontyl COORS Reg. 4 Light «9.25 • TAX • D6P Low aPndr iced! Imported Krakusj •9.25 POLISH HAM BORDEN'S %% A TTEMTtOM SHOPPERS: U.S. »1 Washington STROH 30 PAK Reg. 4 Light • TAX • D£P VANILLA Vsry poor wwattwr condition. In certain Extra Fancy BUSCH, NATURAL LIGHT •7.35 • TAX • D€P NEOPOLITAN 10 LB. BAG LOWFAT growing v(m h*v. ctuMd . shortage $2 . 2 9 ib and haa raaultad in higher coat of fraah RED, GOLDEN •6.65 CHOCOLATE SUNFLOWER MILK produce. OR GRANNY • OLD MILWAUKEE Reg. 4 Light •» TAX * 0€P Bproobvi'sd ew yiollu d boo tahv aqruytftthtyln gan pdo v.tsflubal.a W to. SMITH * * * ** PABST REG. 4 EXTRA LIGHT '7.80 *• TAX • DCP COOKIES A CREAM apo4ogiza for any Inoonvantanoa tNa may 44*l» HEAVENLY HASH Stop h u r t i ng 10 NLBA. BVAGEGLE|C GALLON cauaayou. THANK VBOoUb, MOLSON 24 Botttos $9 . 90 + TAX • DCP $1 . 39 s3 . 49 t he trees •ORANGES ALL SALE ITEMS AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST LABATTS 24 Pottt—— ' 9 , 90 + TAX * DCP y ou love. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMT QUANTITIES TUP H GALLON y» Liters 8 PACK.. * 1 . 99 • TAX +l • • • • • • •C L I P A8 A V E h m B BI 2 Liters _ $1 . 29 • TAX+I Monday, January 11 1&86 O&k *5B (P.C-4B.R ,W,G-9A)*7A B r u t al w e a t h er f r e e z es s o m e, C o ld c an be d e a d ly w a r ms o t h e r s' c a sh r e g i s t e rs The North Pole express that bar- ed. but until help arrives, those suf- reled into southeastern Michigan fering from hypothermia should be last week killed at least two people. wrapped in blankets, quilts, towels With another blast of frigid weather or whatever is available, with spe- By Tom Henderson denly the cold hits, that's when it's store manager Ernie Lixey, who has His' phone - rang off the hook expected this week. Wayne County cial attention to the head and neck staff writer bad worked there 18 years •"Normally, Wednesday and all seven trucks had health officials were warning resi- Don't try to rewarm someone with 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q Q 3 3 0, Through rain and sleet and snow everybody has spenr their money been out on the road since Tuesday dents to be prepared for hypother- heaters, rewarming is a complex Winter hit with a fury last week Meals on Wheels makes its appoint- over the holidays, then you get a cou- morning "And we're 20 calls be- mia and to know how to deal with It. process and requires experts Don t and the effects-in western Wayne ed rounds But the food-delivery ser- ple of flat weeks in January Not this hind." he said In 24 hours, three of Hypothermia is a condition of ab- administer food or fluids, and be G i ve Y o ur H o me County were as varied as vice depends heavily on volunteer year Seems like Santa Claus brought his trucks had made a total of 135 normally low body temperature and gentle in touching the person's skin snow flakes drivers to reach its 1.350 clients, de- people a lot of extra money this runs, he didn't have the totals for the can result in death. A body tempera- While public works crews worked spite sub-zero cold, not a single meal year other four "It's a shot in the arm ture below 95 degrees Farenheit is Health officials advise eating nu- A H EM l o ok overtime to repair broken water was missed by residents in Westland, I think this is going to be one of over the last two winters. When you hypothermic tritiously to provide fuel for the mains, some school kids got the day Garden City, Livonia. Plymouth. our better Januaries If the cold got a lot of equipment, you need this Symptoms include uncontrolable body's furnace, avoiding alcohol off Some shopkeepers stared at Redtord or Canton holds, we'll have a complete sell- weather " shivering at first and possibly no (which lowers body temperature), empty stores and empty registers, Our clients called in wondering if through this season." Things were perfect for Joe Phil- shivering later, slurred speech, shal- dressing in layered- clothing that F or T he N EW Y e a r! but ski shops were packing folks in they d be get'ing their meals - Things were going good at Sports- lips. owner of Phillips Plumbing and low and slow breathing, muscle stiff- traps air in pockets to serve as insu- and eaiptying their racks. Drivers- there was a lot of anxiety," said man s Village in Canton Moussies Heating of Livoma — it was cold ness, puffy face, low blood pressure, lation. avoiding too much clothing With cursed when they couldn't start their Maxine Baugham, program coordi- were selling like batteries at Sears, enough to freeze pipes and get him weak pulse, and most dangerously, a (which can result in sweating "and. 3 O 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 3 0 3 3 3^ cthaarns,k wedh Giloed it t owwas-ntr'tu cgkoing o twon beer sa n- nPaetoopr laet i nth eIn Nskotretrhv wilelere hne'ta dsqou alurctekrys agneda rt hneow a ntghaletr sth wereere is s teoigckhit-n1g0 u ipnc ohn- sboromkee w anodrk, h ebut h nadot tsoo ccorladw tlha utn tdheery csoonmfeutsiemde, sd cisaoursieesnt vedicti mstsate to athvaoti d ucoltviemraintegl eyx, pao lsoewder ainrgea of a bnodd.y whheaentj . In Stock Wallpaper other winter like last year The cold knocked out a van on Tues- es of like on most inland lakes "Ice houses soldering in the mud and ice. getting out of the cold temperatures plunge below zero, F R EE L I F E T I ME M E M B E R S H IP It was great weather, for ice day and 46 clients went without their fishermen are hearty souls It's been "It's nothing like it usually is when Medical aftentiory is recommend- staying indoors.. eftwhiaseet h ailnetihtrtmel erte hfen ow,r ah wni tbdeian tht tgeoerrrruryib dIst s f atolh rwea*ta 'ms bo pl uguesroesegpiaeiltels l . pzdeeur*rioh aT t ihnUuorEt eRS wmeDdaeAsfaoYl rodn N IWtIsGin wHdaTy, c ht otihl le2s b wteeelmor we TgKoIrOToudNHz etE hwl eAas UlaT sbtOu wsMye,Oek Ba.s"IL sEwaeidr eA oSw iStnsOeCr tI oKAw-e-n iwprtii'eesp n hetchsae diBs. uy tcaoou ol 'dwlnlc hT enowe lyevoo.eur w 'tv leheeert kehe atdh oye ftmeha abrt srf ore ekaxeegpznoee ,- BE ASSURED •• STCITNHOO OSORUTRESODA CIISNNK DAC TSOEL DOO FR ROLLS .• RDSOEECOROMVRIC ADETt SINPGL AYS •3.00M foOrV 2IE NSi ghts 4p'TuiJ ROE TN1U IRTGONUHRT CO N TDVAERPNEOIESMP A CT£ TOOCC AOFORNARTCN 3OED OMR INTGSSH TS CH8,O00OO0S VTEEA RFP REOSM who were-busy, and for cops, who nearly d0 below Outside the St Rob- truck drivers According to Caren again." He said you can keep them vou cari gua'an-we any lu'ic irusiffi weren't " ert Bejlarmine Church on West Chi- Collins, broadcast supervisor AAA frruomm ffrreeeezziinngg bbyy lleettttiinngg aa trickle of C\ ALL IN STOUK cbliremoTsToteoH kos Ebsf I ot g Ptro irOwtmoLw aecsIosC, l adaE Di t f piwe chweekrtaraees snoes vo t neho Ireft h aco w owwllioddaersaes kyft e,t eh oatef s cfmHoauirgIltdn oet s.oRt h4bo e0eeaaf d ttwo orruae 5nr0 mngeo tmhrisneg mo rfobavn etehrrs eu p t ooPfi tZttohhzeea s P e RHivzeuezdnta-: chtt3rea.air9ln- 8lWcsd5o l teebuhddenan nft3yeo.s8 ratde3hra4eey ae, ,cab asu wtilshnlhisegeics thTt obu tadwaecalskayds ca lly4tioam4s8 tib n3 e mw.d 0toi3h ntr3eo-e twfhoearS dtneC iBrgH rihsuOthn.O oLp t hWr oABuSogrhg ce atsnhsece llWeidneeds ant eds uRdraeiynd g- James Will aPvDabroseoou-ukaAt'b^ r0>1rue aF 'nm- C•get.eog^ LrAmi.ei-aar'''"ra poC-rj toVT rsrlru ^Tsrnt -m'S M 1 a0o» 0-aPyf "rF.d i r. NOFOB LCRIOGSAETTI OOERN 20°/Wo AJ°L L50P APER F i r e s i de TWowhnats hcripim Peo1l1i'ce a Cskheiedf C Palrylm Boeurtrhy oMniec rhuinganne rfr owmho B roeccaen tRlyat omno,ve Fdla to ThDurosnd'ta by lame the weather, though, wLohwene lal Mboidildelre b rSockheo,o lan din s tWudeesntltasn dat HARRY J. MONUFESAYEC-FSTUASL'V , ING 'Criminals he low as much as possi- stood up to suggest that if it was just said Collins " Eighty percent of the were sent home early Wednesday ble. Crime is way down as cold next Tuesda\, perhaps they car1- don t start because of vehicle when the heat went out V i / W l LL S p o r ts eraEgvee onf in 80 D aertrmoeitd, wrohbibcher iheass aannd a 1v2- sohuothu lVd"ic a lTl arunnny i nBdeofoorrse asth eth ceou Pldly mfin snaeigdl eCcot,l lninotj. mwehcoha snuigcaglest fedail usurec"h ingA fti Snet., A bgutat ahsas,i sthtaen the partin wcaipsa lw oBrokb- Fl'XERAL HOMES. IXC\ F a b r ic 2 0% O ff sex crimes every 48 hours, there ish the suggestion, the other runners common-sense things as keeping the Fowden was worried nonetheless. "I 937-3670 wfoeurre c jruismte nsine ar Mmoednd raoyb baenrdie sTu aensd- h• oBoetned Thaersi cdho.wn o wner of Racquets fpueerli otadnicka lfliyl liefd th reeyp lraec isneglf- cboantttaeirnieesd chaanve't afin fdro wzehner epi ipte's aftro hzoenm.e It a'sn din Ia ALL3 N LEOARCA FTRIEOENWSA-YS . * O n ly day Unlimited in Livonia, hasn t seen or keeping fluids filled if they aren't; wall and I'll be darned if I'm going Redfo'a — 25450 P.ymou'i Ra BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF WINDOW TREATMENTS as Olutchkeyr masu nthicei ppaollic weo Irtk'sers h iwtteinregn u'ts . ethnoouugghh, riun mneigrsht faosr w ehlils c ltoassete st he afonrd cfoolldlo wweiangthe rm satnauratling i nstructions to tIen aDr etthreo iwt,h tohlee wplaigllh tou otf." the home- LD evio'Oni.ia — - 3 4740'020 L Svie*r nMoiilse A Rv3e Movies About Sports heavy this week," said Redford doors and go home." he moaned Fri- TerTv Landin. for one, was thank- less drew much attention. In Plym- ( B i a g m or N OW • All Exercise Township public service director day He said he has sold fewer than a ful for those negligent drivers. He's outh, Major Robert Geddis of the 25% -40% Leo Snage By Friday, his crews had dozen pairs of shoes all week, and the manager of Westside Towing in Salvation Army was prepared to IN S T O CK • Hunting & Fishing fixed up to nine mains and still had normally he sells eight-10 pairs a Canton, an AAA affiliate. help the homeless there X-Coun+ry Skis JOANNA 40% OFF OFF six to go "They've been working till day It's time to close the doors and CUSTOM ROLLER All Sports and mterid 3n,3ig0h at amn"d they're on overtime af- gnoe eddo swonm eto p thhoet oFgloraripdhas Kofe yasn. eIfm ypotyu Joseph J.A Wrethisrsi, tMis.D T. oRdhaeyu matology are on Qale... SHADES MeaSseulreec &te dI nSsttyallelsa tion Sports Instruction FOPth 2ru N 2I-G2H-8T8S .i nS nthaege lin essai dth aitt cisanu'ste sw aptreorb lfermeesz,i intg's stoIrt ew, acsom heo ponpi ndgow nat " Bavarian \ il- 1L88iv2o9n iFaa, Mrmicihniggtaonn 4R81o5a2d -Now! Service ...And Even a t"hWe heeanr tthhe sh iwfteiangth ears i th irtsapi sdelyve creoloyl,s lfaagcee imna Rskesd,f ogrldov Wese 'avned s scoalrdv eas ,lo tan odf Phone: 478-7860 • DISPLAYS Little Romance! when it's been warm and then sud- we've sold a lot to non-skiers." said INCLUDING: FISCHER In Stod • GREAT SELECTIONS SPENDING WINTER WITH ARTHRITIS ELAN • NEW PATTERNS OPENING SOON! COUPON FROM EPOKE_ - ARRIVING DAILY NEW FARMINGTON Arthritis always becomes worse in winter $39.95 BLIZZARD LOCATION The effort of putting on boots and slipping SALOMON ON GRAND RIVER WiHTERlZE overcoats over the bulk of sweaters and jackets. M-F 12-9 ALPINA •Visit Ourl NEAR m pfausttse jnoiinngts bu uttnodnesr a sndtra tiung.g iAngrt hornit itche ftionpg eorfs z ibppeecorsm. e fatigued from SSUANT.. 1102--55 ROSSIGNOL New Store At MID-5 SHOPPING CEKTER J l^ DRAKE \oInstall The hcpoirponWsls,oa ikndlnkgeieernaedgsb tol reava neffofdricr cif ceseyen tu as prCtlrosaen nae edtsssdlis ca k antor deg jr o uohipuenntld sds l.ttiipi fgHpfhnaetevrlyysins ags ant endtodp sm fsa uipttsi lgtianu cb eeae.s c ptaelarnc tsehidoron uw goithnh XBerchnerk3F(32A 17R31M)54 IG7N7RG-A8TN1O1DN6 R. MIVlE 4R8 0A2V4E. . SHELDON RD. 2M49 Fh4r2e7 M-5i6le0-0L i^V OHIA * £| 3 N48O-V21M741O1 810 W. M10IL ME MCE-NNTOE VRI .37621 5 MILE ROAD ' A1N. Y0 0TA OPEF FR ENTAL MR Zaro " The hazards of movement discourage the ambition to go out. The in | (5 Mile at Newbujgh Road) LIVONIA "Perfect Mate" arthritic person, being housebound, develops boredom and depres- Bernutma Selection & Country OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Limit 1 Coupon Per Customer. sion which in turn magnify the aches that are always part Of artnrltls. In winter, the individual with arthritis must plan the day carefully. He FOREIGN LANGUAGES OPEN7DAY8 365 DAYS A YEAR (Only dppitas to Regular Priced Mo wes.) Doorwall Storm System. or she needs to balance the benefit of rest against the risk associated MON.-FRI. 10-9, SATURDAY 9-6, SUNDAY 11-4 464-7733 . Good thru 2-2-88 ^ with activity, doing so with the precision of an alchemist measuring T HE " D A R T M O l ' TH M E T H O D" grams of lead against grains of gold. CLASSES B E G 1\ J WI AKV 12 > SELF STORING ram The only thing WITH SCREEN i ii it I I i m \ i l ow • TEMPERED GLASS I «>!' II Ylaiii ( ;uii|iiis ARABIC •FACTORY a kid should he getting in school <»ros*4> CHINESE 1 4 98 S. S h e l d on R d. INSTALLATION liirniinphiim FRENCH at Ann Arbor Rd. - Across AVAILABLE |(ft Unfortunately, what too many of them are getting GERMAN f4rom5 G3r-ea6t S9co3tt0's •COLORS - ALUMINUM lu w l l l dl l u ll instead IS drugs With your he p. It doesn't have to ITALAIAN WHITE AND BRONZE be this way FOR FURTHER INFORMATION JAPANESE Monday - Friday 10-7:30 CONT ACT THE DIVISION OF Sat. 10-6 There is a program calied Schools Without Drugs PORTUGUESE The Challenge that car. help you deal with the drug CONTINUING P ET SU P P L I ES problem in your community o' school PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION RUSSIAN ALUMINUM FINISH SPANISH 5 and 6 Foot Units SENIORS DISCOUNT Find out about it The smarter you are about what (313) 927-1025 CHERRY FURNITURE works against drugs, the better chance our k.ds will Winter Sale on Bird Feeders and Seed S O / 1 Q OO CONDO ASSOCIATION understand how dumb it is to take them fcHrO PLUS INSTALLATION DISCOUNT HE1P SLAM THE DOOR ON DRUGS JT Fruit 'n' Suet MOVING OUT -"€) 7 p Feeder CALL MANUFACTURER FOR ESTIMATE From $4.25 1-800-541-8787 ~ P A T IO I II S A L E S, i\c. ALL FLOOR SAMPLES "J S Oeoartment of Education ^ iit 25461 WEST SEVEN MILE ROAD .REDFORD ,M l48240 Suet Cakes 5 3 8 - 6 2 88 • 5 3 8 - 6 2 12 PUBLIC Reg. '1.69 LIQUIDATING STORAGE Sale *1.29 RENTAL SPACES CHERRY-OAK FURNITURE NELSON BIRD BATH HEATER • Fits 4 to 8 qt '36.90 G R A ND O P E N I NG • 200 S A VE •15% OFF any Feeder in stock Watts {Olio, Droll Yankees, Hyde, and more • Keeps Water JWtth Coupon • Expiree 1-21-88 40" - 50° F i i i i Ji Michigan Audubon Society Bird Feed Reg. $4.98%3.98 with purchase of feeder 30% to 70% Reg. $8.95 Only $7.95 with purchase of feeder (ofter expires 1-21-88) • Sunflower Seeds Only $7.95 WEDNESDAY SUNDAY • JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 7 anuary Coat Sale Dog Sleeping Cots • BRIGHTEN UP THE NEW YEAR Cobo Arena Pet Beds Any Dog Coat Reg. SALE • EVERYTHING MUST GO! • WITH NEW MINI-BLINDS Wed Jen 17 7 JOpm Thu Ian 28 Fn ?•» Sat JO *2.00 OFF or Sweater 2106""xx3224"" ''3327..9955 ''2372..9259 M OR 5 DAY D3E LDIAVYE RPYIC KTO U PY OUR HOME , V A L U A B LE $ C O U P ON 1 Su^n , A1H1 CMoom Topk Fcleikmbee t1tn tSs3 o f0 0TTuV Oe F52F0 ). Wed i 17 1 J0OT0phamum -4* 7 JOFpnm S' IIJ 0 000Saapmtm 6- With Coupon 25% OFF 2340""xx4406"" ''4539..9955 ''3489..5905 Offer Good Days of Sale Only • | SPECIAL 1 •• 1W"o oAdlu mmiinnui-mbl imndinsi -ablslion dasv aaillla cbules tom made 00 PayMsont hfisrs rte nt 41 1000ppmm* SHNOO W 171 1000pamm"' 117 0100pamm-- 7 JOpm* 171 J0O0pamm-' 117i 00O00Opapmmm '- Co(Wupitoh n) In Stock Merchandise. No Lay-Aways ' q&E Offer expires 1-17-88 Sun 7 (* ids under 12 SAVE $1 00 at select performances SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION COUPON - - - 1 00pm Tickets ONLY $9.00'R«~~«)'& $7.00 10% OFF WE HAVE HUNDREDS 4 JOpm —r our already factory Available at |OE LOUIS ARENA BOX OFFICE. low prices ii OF IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ALL TICKETMASTER OUTLETS 32104 PLYMOUTH ROAD CouponM euxstp pirreess eJnatn ucoauryp o1n8 . 1988 i AT OUR NEWEST LOCATION. INCLUDING HUDSON'S AND AAA LOCATIONS , Expires 1-21-S8 ^ w Expiree 1-21-88 t LIVONIA* 421-6070 xr• -in—stal l.Fa NtioRon OS hAtMvpepr«tan bgTl eAH WBMEahUrewn JYM.K No oeDAe CdINhReadUr E•g CFeCso A•mT FmC reeeTr ciUalR QuEotRes AvwIaMe= r Lrr." Agrn«hfeomo»wrr *eGPoIsr fg u*itrycehba oal lnacuio *cdoe«c mlSelOah agtpptsrooeager tnp earsyai*goan e amscg nHe en< fto5lh-ouli r *n>s•gteo ® rtoe» ; 1 WRmR»EhNNa Tw SAP!ToLU*O SBRPLAAICGCOErS Ef ar otheKmmr lfocalcmcntCafathtoutglorriyeer n ttr rooaA af cacajtlt er oa fh I»dirlha o eeaemt freafe itboslu*uri ldde eaannb(« ti« si lMumACICpLe ROdH teOtDnAvCUeJRPFltoSOp DGSeRe I«nInSNdEthFC « O tHrOBRtfH aMUd YrAdN«mq TTuPIaeOeS*dNH t to2 15OS No6r7E m-0:o 0(r01c0 H133l)3| 4 52637--7646746 6 ir COAF"RBHOBESAOSORRH0RC-F BOAR6SIARE LAD EF LM LLLROIA TO WEFORISBLO T BIRNEO0S RX Xv" "" HoFraoT vLrr aaeSphaassale ert Havah^t / r . HFFUCRRHR NEIRTRUYR E HOURSSun: .D 1a2i-lyB 10-9 & SAVE d private (paces n many cornerasr* MM Sew* street Uv*1 600 CMc Cerxe* Or ONLY FRESH AIR FLOW8 OUT THROUGH THE DctvcM Ml 46?)6 icnctoar S3 00 Kendtim chaage) BOOOABOX CHARCOAL 32537 Schoolcraft | Livonia, Ml PUBLIC STORAGE ONLY AREA - • 19.95 (313) 431-8844 12500 NFWRUftGH ROAD- LIVONIA Wftfi Couoon • Expiree 1-21-M '£1 ° ' 313-591-6606 6B* O&E Monday, January 11, 1988 Electric muscle stimulators don't work ROBERT M. Hutchins, the for- and swelling, to enhance strength among numerous manufacturers urge to exercise has not been sub- mer chancellor of the Uni- among people with abnormally weak who fail to substantiate their ad- stantiated by the use of electrical versity of Chicago once muscles, to increase healing, and to fitness vertisements. muscle stimulators Although the ad- ' said " Whenever I feel like relax spasms In addition to the deceptive claims vertisements may offer you a new exercise. 1 lie down until the feeling that are often made by the manufac- shape almost overnight, such devices goes away." These purposes are .a far cry from Barry turers. the devices can also be dan- inevitably fail to deliver what they Promoters of some electrical the sensational promises found in gerous if improperly used. There promise, or deliver results that you muscle stimulators would have us some advertisements for EMS units Franklin have been numerous reports of elec- would rather do without, believe that such behavior can actu- For example, claims that "mi- trical shocks and burns. ally result in a workout. croelectroimpulses" from these de- Moreover, electrical muscle Barry A Franklin is director of Recent advertisments in several vices provide the same figure-toning from EMS devices occurs in the sub- such devices, considers muscle stimulators can be especially haz- Cardiac Rehabilitation and Ex- supermarket tabloids have touted results as "3,000 sit-ups without scribers billfold stimulators promoted or used for ardous to pregnant women, cardiac ercise Laboratories, IViIZtam variations of electrical muscle moving an inch" or "10 miles of jog- "body shaping and contouring" to be patients, particularly those with pa- Beaumont Hospital, and associ- stimulators as revolutionary new ef- ging while lying flat on your back" THE FOOD and Drug Administra- misbranded and fraudulent. cemakers, and people who have epi- ate professor of physiology, fortless exercise devices for weight are without any scientific basis. tion, the federal agency which over- Accordingly. FDA has banned the lepsy. Wayne Slate University, School loss, body shaping and toning, spot The only reduction emanating sees the safety and effectiveness of sate and distribution of These devices Robert Hutchins' remedy For the" ~of Medicine reducing, and the removal of cellu- lite idimp'.ed fat that nfjpn appears on the hips and buttocks). Such units appeal to many "armchair exercisers" and are wide- ly available for home use through mail-order catalogs LIKE MANY quack gimmicks, electrical muscle stimulators (EMS) have a legitimate legacy because they are often used by physical ther- apists in the treatment of certain medical conditions Indeed. EMS de- vices may be used to decrease pain S'craft sets health days Schoolcraft College will present a free, three-day health program Jan 26-28 Each day the Wayne County Health Department will provide health screening and counseling from 10 a m to 4 p.m. in the Physi- cal Education Building. Room 105 On Tuesday, there will be a con- trolled-drinkmg demonstration in the Waterman Campus Center Four students will demonstrate how alco- hol affects their thought processes ft and physical activities Wednesday, there will be a health fair in the west end of the Campus Center from 10 a m to 4 p.m Eleven companies will distribute education- LAST 3 DAYS! M O N, TUES. & WED. al material and personnel will do cholesterol, sickle-cell and body-fat OPEN DAILY 10-9 testing. Thursday. Jan Faxthom will pres- ent "AIDS Fact, Fiction and Fear" from 12-1 p.m in the lower level of the Campus Center, followed by a question-and-answer session. sunrav rappan. The college is at 18600 Haggerty in Livonia For information, call 591-6400, Ext 388 UsL Softball HOTPOIKT Ff»EE SIS VALUE UICIOWAVE coo«?o c ».» «ITH PUBCMASE OF A MLcnOWAVE AT HIGHLAND^, scheduled $289 Whirlpool $ Sunrav $199 Toppen 31 S-Lb. Capotil* Gas Or 700-WoM #urowB*e ~Mo-»rost R.*Ti,erotor Upright freexer ll»c1n< te»«« W Brewnins Element The March of Dimes is sponsoring v ss a "Sno-baH" softball tournament lf runriing to the Don' let and Feb 6-7 at bicentennial Park, Seven down, run into 9 ,Qntrol P'enty of Mile, between Farmington and New- Adjustable £ and so-e Save burgh roads, Livonia. Men's, women's and mixed teams will compete. Each team must have at least 10 players 18 or older. The team registration fee is $115. Money raised will support March of Dimes research and medical ser- vices One year ago. the tournament raised $10,000 as 90 teams compet- HftiQiCw»e f f o t p o i n t: ed To register, call 423-3200 week- HOTPOIKT days between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Motpoint sic Westieghev" $ * Fnfito" * lureko 1 fc-Lb .Cepe«** Elect rk Dryer Witt* S Upright Wo«MU"« Automatic Wesher Cress Vane Tumbling A^o-Disbweske* w Wrth >»1 ^i-st—t Amnesty office . •h. hassle out of keeping Be truthful Is °^j£?^ndroma1 where Fngida>re takes^ ^ rhis powerwosher you 0 d,„y ,ob. shuts down cyoould a wlweaoytshe rru tno aou c o,ld iner lound o^o? qt im« at oil tAh iNs uappr -rguhgt h veOiCg""ht dad s dtflTSipen0stab P!eowerful b 4ag 0 was•h -er^ t.h.a^t lw^illn pvaey fqaur a',*veelTry£ wiW3000 dumbfe CO™' m1 j„ _ 'gAow-Ouf ph'c&> On Appliances DETROIT (AP) — A special office opened to handle applicants for an alien amnesty program was closed Monday because of lack of business. I ;< • - Mil HI VALUE 01 U.S. Immigration and Naturalization MCIFTOWAVT COO«ING CLAM Service officials said- MICWRIOTWH PAUVRCC MAATU 0# A Applications now will be handled at the Detroit INS office. The special office opened in May 1987 in suburban Oak Park as part of a nationwide program that grants temporary residency to some illegal aliens who can prove they have lived $299* $399* $395* $147* $19 $249 In the Uqited States since Jan 1, $95 1982 After an 18-month residency pmearnioedn,t trheesi adleinencys c aannd a pUp.Sly. fcoirtiz peenr-- Csmpect tCemh.if eHie.t er —wk Oq-r N- tyMI VTO W»<1 |5t"k/ pM pWO -e N'neTtoh "Ho et *o« ' tOetNiwtIYtfe *IeI S MO.'MvkerOre-NTvTeVHV*e s : Jet-He (HeeeeeMkiutyr dNt e1a-MMHMie r WMi Wit) Sh.i-Off 6Seese Ien (*he Tmhpre 2w0e r ship Thermostot diol control A washer that won't dram Mounting system fits over So quiet you can almost A cool vopor/oir mois A great way to lose your Once you meet the Snow The Detroit-area office was set up Full-width crisper. Door your budget! 3-tempero 30" stove Two-speed fan heor a dustball drop! Big turiier Directionol vapot_ cool! 7300 9800 BTU/hr Chomp, you'll never shovel to handle as many as 21,750 appli- storage Meat keeper. ture selections Reg/perm v®nt keeps kitchen fresh 5.0 amp motor. Triple fil- -control. 24 hour opera- heater Auto-shut-off if aooin! 3 H P engine cleon- cants, but only 1.889 people applied, Efficient BERB1150 press. SA104 U8275 ters WMC5131 tion. U3944A knocked over Ul approved 20" path. Push-button stort Immigration Service district office Deputy Director Lonnie McDamel THE HIGHLAND ADVANTAGE SIC Of TAILS YOU GIT SERVICE said Director James Montgomery IN STOHf I FROM HIGHLAND'S said an estimated J 1.000 illegal * ITBE SAT F RYEOEU RIF B WEEST D Of NR'ITC E • HI•G ' OHULAMN Dsro Sei N MEALNPALGINEE® • 30 0AYN0 QUESTIONS OWN SERVICE DEPT. aliens are in Michigan. • LEMON PLE06E POLICY CHAIGNH LTA SNADTI SSF MV fVLPOLUIN CfA Cl RETURN POLICY McDaniel said that beginning Jan MICHIGAN 1 I* I'M}* • HIGHLAND S OWN j 1, the INS office in Detroit will han- i OHIO t IOO *? 44V SERVICE 0EPARTRIENT dle applicants In the amnesty pro- SOUTHFIELD NOVI gram, approved m part of the IMG • 23361 Telegraph Nr 9 Mile 262 8800 Southeast Corner of Novi R4J A 1-96 347 0200 Immigration Reform and Control WESTLAND N WOODWARD Act 35615 Warren (across fr Wstlnd Mailt 722 8600 3633 Woodward Nr 13 Mile 549 9700 PONTIAC UTICA Nationally, INS Washington office 1 N E Corner Telegraph & E Lake Rd 452 8050 13821 Hell Rd (ecfoss fr Lakesi<Je Mall) 247 4560 spokesman Duke Austin said 107 TROY DEARBORN corrthGHf Itt7 H«MLANO suftesroen »*c special offices were opened He said 300 John R (across from Oahl- Mall) 583 7300 22641 Michigan Ave 565 6660 O•WAIT'I Ho »A *R«UOEVCFHA 0 U« VCOOLV**«vN?CiO ca WeoITrrH « NtO» n«0< AFC>C DIUOCWSN HJTOAMTI about 1.2 million aliens so far have OREST DAILY 1 0 to 9. SUNDAY 12,0 6 ANQ1Q<Ai.A,»AOO.TO„t.a^^l„WtCTeONIH|y>AYm|NT applied for amnesty

January 11, 1988. Canton, Michigan Adult classes include hatha yoga. Developing Inner Self . Department of Public. Health 9 tapped up ita.
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