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Preview C anton €>bstert)tr Administrative strife prompts change in agenda preparation

Plymouth's 1F al 1 Festival kicks off tod ay — 1B C a n t on € > b s t e r t ) tr Volume 11 Number 13 Thursday, September 5, 1985 Canton. Michigan 72 Pages Twenty-Five Cent? • Cor»or*aaa *J1 Rlfftu Rmrotf Plan to install Canton manager squeaks by By Diane Oal« Committee will study pros, cons of cityhood adopt or reject the proposal staff writer Salaries for part-time supervisor, clerk and treasurer positions would be Two proposals that would set the adjusted in conjunction with the 1988 stage for changes in Canton's form of also approved naming a committee to favor. The holders of the three offices of Canton is the driving force behind perintendent form of government that election Salaries of the positions can- government were approved by the study becoming a city. that would be cut to part time — Su- changing to a superintendent form of "would be consistent with laws and not be changed mid-term, according to board of trustees Tuesday. The proposal to study hiring a pro- pervisor James Poole, Clerk Linda government, Bennett, Larson. Padget statutes of the state of Michigan." state law. fessional superintendent passed with Chuhran and Treasurer Gerald Brown and Preniczky agreed. Five people, serving as an "imple- Poole said the superintendent can as- theT gruos-ateheesa dga tvoe o uatl irneev itehwe t rcaonmsimtiiotnte eto an expected 4-3 vote. — were opposed. The proposal, unveiled at a press mentation committee," will be respon- svuismoer ""eaxllc erepstp foonrs ab iclietriteasi"n "of f tehwe dsuutpieers- a superintendent form of government Trustees Bob Padget, Loren Bennett, conference last week, was altered sible for designing and directing the This will change Canton's form of that would cut to part time the supervi- Stephen Larson and John Preniczky — THE NEED FOR a professional slightly Tuesday, qualifying the plan as changes. This committee will present sor, clerk and treasurer positions; they the authors of the proposal — voted in manager to direct the daily operation an "intention" to adopt a township su- its findings to the board, which can Please turn to Page 5 Administrative strife prompts change in agenda preparation By Diane Gate inter-office memo written by Chuhran fore it starts," Padget said. transfer the duty of preparing the staff writer to Canton department heads mandating If the clerk's actions continue, agenda from the clerk to the supervi the use of a special form before an Padget said, Chuhran's "next step" will sor. However, preparation of the pack- Another round in the continuing fight agenda item will be placed on the agen- be deciding the validity of agenda et will remain in the clerk's office. The between Clerk Linda Chuhran and the da. This is the major reason. Larson items and backup information. resolution will be voted on by the trus- Canton Board of Trustees was staged said, he supports giving the supervisor Padget is to prepare wording to tees at a future board meeting at the bpard's meeting Tuesday. the duty. Board members directed Trustee The memo by Chuhran, dated Aug Poole denies Robert Padget, board parliamentarian, 27, 1985, said: "If the agenda form for to write a resolution giving to the su- the clerk's office is not completed and pervisor the clerk's responsibility of submitted as policy has been establish- preparing board agendas. ed, the agenda item will not be typed Trustees John J>reniczky, Loren Ben- on the agenda, and we will stop trying nett and Stephen Larson, Supervisor to guess who is supplying the back up suit's charges James Poole, Treasurer Gerald Brown paperwork." and Padget voted in favor of the Poole told department heads to ig- change, which was proposed by Ben- nore the memo, Chuhran said. nett. THE MEMO is "a natural" request, It looks as though the Chuhran-Poole "The points are really such that we Chuhran — who cast the lone oppos- Chuhran said, for which their is pre- lawsuit is going to cost taxpayers sev- intend to argue that it's . . something ing vote — quoted state law citing the cedent in other departments requesting eral thousand dollars after all. that should be decided by the township clerk as secretary of the board. She ar- gued this makes her responsible for completion of special forms. Authorized to spend $5,000 for legal board. It's a very awkward kind of a preparing the agenda "I don't want road blocks put up for defense by the township board, Super- lawsuit. In effect, the judge would be items to be on the agenda, and frankly visor James Poole hired Dearborn at- telling the township what to do." CHUHRAN RECENTLY filed a law- the road blocks have been put up with- torney Robert Edick — who Aug. 29 Chuhran's complaint was answered suit claiming her duties are being und- out talking to the board," Larson said. filed an answer to Clerk Linda because sued parties are legally bound ermined by Poole, who denies the accu- "I don't think you (Chuhran) have a Chuhran's complaint in Wayne County to respond within a designated period. sations. (See related story.) Remov- right to set policy." Circuit Court. Edick said ing preparation of the agenda from the Chuhran argues the forms will help Chuhran wrote and filed the com- clerk's office is another example of organize the clerk's office and ensure plaint several months ago, charging THE OFFICIALS' attempts to settle board members diminishing her role, board members have necessary backup Poole with interfering with her ability the matter by discussing it have failed Chuhran said. This action will strength- material for agenda items. to perform her duties as clerk. Chuhran has claimed it's difficult to en her case, she added. "Part of the reason I made this pro- The freshman official accuses the su- schedule meetings with Poole. Poole "State law says the clerk is secretary posal was that about one month ago it pervisor of removing documents from has said there's nothing to discuss — of the board, and by taking the agenda was the decision of the clerk's office to her office, meddling with staffing and that the clerk's charges are false. out of the clerk's office you are again deny access of the agenda to the failing to supply backup information i. . v—- taking authority from the clerk's off- finance department," Bennett said. for township board meeting agenda Township trustees directed Chuhran BILL BRES LEW staff photographer ice," Chuhran said. "I want to caution "Again, I see that as an area beyond items. Chuhran later hired a lawyer to seek opinions on the issue from the Trait blazers the board that you can do what you the clerk's boundaries, and I don't know and threatened to seek reimbursement Michigan Townships Association (MTA) like, but this will be supplied as an ad- who in the future will be denied." for legal expenses from the township. or Michigan Municipal League (MML) before her complaint was filed, but to dition to the lawsuit." Mandating a form "is bureaucratic "Our answer essentially denies the Etelnizt adbuertihn gD atrhnee lSli oxfth C aAnntnouna lta Mkeusz zinle t Lheo asdceernse rRye natd ethzevo duoso.r C oafm hpe-r proBpooasradl mise mnebceersss,a rhyo wtoev ceur,rta sialid pr tohbe- rveodt etsa pate ,t"he P ooonlseet s oafid t.h eS imnceeet tihneg btooa arpd- fWace tmuaali natlaleinga ttihoenys s iinmp tlhye a croemn'tpl atriunet.. dthaeter, has presented responses from nei- ers proved their mastery of living in the woods as they staged lems among administrators concerning prove agenda items, questions on what Also, we have a couple arguments say- Seeking those findings could be the shooting matches and other rugged skills during s Labor Day the agenda. They say Chuhran has gone is appropriate should be discussed at ing the judge shouldn't decide it (the directive of the judge, should he or she weekened outing. For photos and an axptanation of the event see beyond her rights as clerk and must be that time, Padget said. case) at all — that it's a political ques- support another of Edick's arguments. Page 3A. stopped. . "The clerk does not have a right to tion not within the jurisdiction of the An example, Larson said, was an approve what will be on the agenda be- courts," said Edick. Please turn to Page 5 . . . and the band played on what's inside Brevities . . .. 6A Business. . . . 6C Canton Kitchen Band hits State Fair Cable tv . . . . 2A Canton chatter. 2B Church 6-7B As the sounds of fusion jazz dazzled Detrotters during the seniors coordinator Dianne Neihengen said. "I could tell the Class reunions . 11C Montreaux Jazz Festival, Michigan State Fair-goers tapped audience really enjoyed the performance They played their Clubs In action. 4B their feet to the rhythm of an earlier era. Twenty-four Canton theme song, Old Man Time, and did a special show of their Creative Living. 1E Seniors Kitchen Band members brought smiles to the faces of favorites. The men's trio sang very well and put a lot into it." Crossword. . . 6E some of the 551,000 persons who visited the fairgrounds Labor A highlight was the interlude of the dancing dolls" - a Entertainment . . 7-9C Day weekend performance in which puppet-like Appalachian dolls do a little Excursions. . . 7 A Directed by pianist Doris Begg, the unique band features soft shoe on boards propped or the laps of band members FYl 8A washboard and spoons players, bedpan guitarists, a one-rope Medical briefs 2A "bass" player and "trumpeters" who get lots of volume out of Off-duty musicians who weren't too tired squeezed in a tour funnel-mouthed kazoos All are regulars at area nursing homes of the grounds. Tuckered-out entertainers didn't seem to mind Opinion 16A and in neighboring senior citizen clubs sticking around the band shell "They were quite pleased with Sports 1-5C "A lot of people beard them play — they really gathered," themselves," Neihengen said Stroller 15A Suburban Life . . 1-5B Classified . . . .Sec. C-D-E BILL BRESLER.'«t«ff photograph* 'Santa' Qene Reeves applauds the entertaining seniors' band. (Below) Marie Turri, Mary Arcuragi and Beeaie Pollzzi get a bang out of the Kitchen FOOTBALL Band'a renditions of okf-time tunes. ' ftil, R RES i FR *ar SPECIAL SECTION to draw a crowd at Kitchen Mm TOD A rs ISSUE Day weekand. Canton's ular attraction. wmm mm '<fcf irtuf»aay Swptomoef b. 1986 lursoay Sepiernoef 5, '986 Jitk. (P.CJSA Campers meet, medical briefs/helpline eat and shoot • BEDWETTING INFORMATION Health Building in Plymouth and other • WOMEN FOR SOBRIETY • DIABETIC SUPPORT ed in helping hospital personnel and pa Mental Health Services at 459-6580 be- Bedwetting information will be pT? McAuley facilities To sign up to attend Women For Sobriety, sponsored by A Diabetic Support Group will begin tieqts. For information, call the Red fore 5 p.m. and ask for Sandy Prochaz- sented by the Enuresis Family Center an informatioa meeting or for more in- Eastwood Community Clinic, meets at meeting 7-8 p m. the third Monday of Cross at 422-2787. ka oSSfeu Gpitier 5 eF.a.t ae Ptr rt oDhfeeet sFrsoaiiomtn iaalylt 7PE anpru kmr,e. s 2Tis3h0 uC2r3esnd Otaeyrr-.. ofoffrimcea taito 5n7, 2c-a4l1l5 t9h e volunteer services 7c1o 5ph0.m oNli. ce M awcaohimn W eTnhee dsnt oeppsudr apdyoris naetk iitsnhg eto Fc hloiernlpic i an al-t- ettoeanrc rhCo meandotsne rtihn a tCat aW nOtaoarnkr ewno oadnd H Cosapnittoanl CCaenn-- •l eCmIRf. yIaoSrueIS lwooa nkCtinO ghUe flNporS iaEn Lr seIofNlevGrir nagl, aor p nroebed- •n oPSnRu-pObruBorfbLitaE ncM oWmSemstu ICnNioty mUmV muIenNniGttya l C ehnetaelrt,h a THiEoY a nCdA cMoEm mfruonmit iOeshi oin, O wne tsat-r acltutrdaecdt itorands,i nbgu,t ath ese rweinndgez evvoeunst, a flsroyi inng- chard Lake Road. Farmmgton For res- • FOOT PROBLEMS formation. call 420-0927 information about drugs or alcohol, agency, has announced that its Prob- ern Wayne County — includ- pan throw, log sawing, tomahawk and ervations. call 474-0240 A free program on "You and Your • BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS counselors at Turning Point Counseling lems in Living Clinic has limited funds ing Livnoia, Plymouth, Can- knife throw, flapjack throw, and egg Feet will be presented at 10 15 a m • HEART SUPPORT GROUP Free blood-pressure checks are of- and Crisis Intervention Center can available to pay counseling costs for ton, Garden City, Westland and Red- toss. • HOME HEALTH RESOURCES Wednesday. Sept 11, by Catherine A support group for men and women fered by members of the Volunteer help Counselors are available 6:30- clients based on their ability to pay- ford — to take part in the sixth annual The shooting contests included a no- Catherine McAuley Health Center McAuley Health Center at Tonquish who have suffered a heart attack will Guild of Oakwood Hospital Canton Cen- 10 30 p.m Monday through Friday Profits generated by client fees or in- MuzzleLoaders Rendezvous held over velty shoot, blanket shoot, trade gun will offer a free program on How to Creek Manor. 1160 Sheridan, Plym be held once a month at Oakwood Hos- ter 6-8 p m. each Tuesday in the main Other hours are available by appoint- surance reimbursement are put into Labor Day weekend at the Western match and pistol match Use Urgent Care' and 'How Amicare outh Dr Donald E Wild, from the de- pital's Canton Center, 7300 Canton Cen- lobby of the hospital at Warren and ment Phone 455-4900 this fund to pay for those who cannot Wayne County Conservation Associa- There was a sandpile for children, a Home Health Resources Car Help partment of orthopedics at St Joseph ter Road The group will meet 7-9 p.m Canton Center roads in Cahton Turning Point is a non-profit com- afford the full fee. tion grounds in Plymouth Township tug-o-war and tests of "skill and luck." You" 2-3 p.m. Tuesday Sepi 10. at the Mercy Hospital, will discuss norma! the third Thursday of each month munity service of Growth Works Inc The Problems in Living Clinic pro- Primitive sites were used along with The rendezvous also included Sunday Plymouth Cultural Center 525 aging changes of feet and common foot There will be a 12 fee per session • CPR CLASS which offers crisis intervention and vides outpatient counseling to adults thematically accurate" camping gear breakfast and evening campfires Farmer. Plymouth Sandi Miller, a reg- problems, their treatment and preven- Group members will have the oppor- CPR Heart Saver classes are taught counseling. and families for a wide variety of prob- for the 1600 to 1840 period at the club istered nurse, of McAuley Urgent Care tion A film will be shown Before the tunity to meet with others who have the second Monday of each month at 7 • COUNSELING & lems including anxiety and depression, campgrounds on Napier between North Campers arrived at 6 p.m. Thursday and Martha Sage of Amicare Home program free hypertension screening had an experience similar to their own. p.m. in Oakwood Hospital Canton Cen- SELF-ESTEEM marriage conflicts, fertility and adop- Territorial and Five Mile. The rendezvous concluded at 6 p.m Health Resources, will discuss thier will be offered beginning at 9 a m For and who are facing the lifestyle ter. Warren at Canton Center Road Individual counseling and support tion. parenting concerns, headaches Shooting matches were the featured Monday. programs and answer questions For nformation. call 572-3675 changes necessary after a heart attack This-course covers one-person CPR on groups are available on an ongoing ba- and pain reduction, sexual functioning, information, call 455-5869 For further information, call 459-7030 an adult, and what to do for a person sis to deal with lifestyle changes, de- communication, stress management, • ROMP TO START with an obstructed airway pression, low self-confidence, asser- spouse and child abuse The clinic also • HEALTH SERVICES The Recovery of Male Potency group • OAKWOOD VOLUNTEER tiveness, divorce, job changes and gen- provides services to adults who have Catherine McAuley Health Center ROMP: will begin meeting at 7 30 p m GUILD • RED CROSS VOLUNTEERS eral anxiety Persons can work with been hospitalized or who are in crisis, will sponsor a free program on How on Sept 19 ROMP will continue to The Volunteer Guild at Oakwood NEEDED these issues individually or in groups based on ability to pay. The center has Can the Arbor Health Building be of meet at the same time the third Thurs Hospital Canton Center continues to of- Adult Red Cross volunteers are need- Major insurance coverages are accept- two locations, the main office at 11677 Service to You from 1.30 to 2 15 p.m day of each month at Annapolis Hospi fer free blood pressure checks 6-8 p.m. ed at St Mary Hospital, Levan and ed Counseling and groups are run by Beech Daly in Redford (phone 937- BILL BRESLER/stafT photographer Tuesday Sept ip, at Roya. Holida> tal For information and registration Tuesdays at the hospital, 7300 Canton Five Mile. Livonia Day and evening an experienced and state-licensed so- 9500) or the satellite building in Plym- Tony Mazaitis of Livonia fires his muzzleloader during target practice on the rifle range during the Western Wayne County Conservation Mobile Home Park, 39500 W Warren call 467-4570 Confidentiality is as- Center Road at Warren hours are available for anyone interest- cial worker Call Plvmouth-CantoR outh at 875 S Main (phone 981-2665). Association's MuzzleLoaders Rendezvous. Canton. Janet Zielasko, health promo- sured . tion coordinator, will talk about the range of physician services offered at • ANOREXIA OR BULIMIA the center at 990 W Ann Arbor Trail at A support group for persons with Harvey. Plymouth She also will dis- anorexia or bulimia is being organized neighbors on cable cuss the facility's urgent care unit at the Plymouth-Canton Mental Health which provides emergency treatment Service, a unit of the Catherine McAu for minor injuries and illnesses ley Health Center and Mercywood Hos pi tal at the Arbor Health Building, 990 Because of the Plymouth Fall Festival. Om- erage of this major erent in Plymouth/or 1985 its 1985 coi:erage • FREE WEIGHT LOSS W Ann Arbor Trail at Harvey in Plym ni com local origination programming has been We plan to cover as much of the Fall Festival A free introductory "Be Trim ses- outh Call Bob Hall at 459-6580 Eve- cancelled for Channels 8 and 15 except for lire activities as possible." CHANNEL 8 sion will be sponsored by Catherine ning sessions, limited space for about coverage of the festival The Omnicom van uill be located in the same (Thursday, Friday and Saturday Om- McAuley Health Center at 7 p.m. Mon- 6-8 members, minimum fee and con Maria Holmes, executive producer for Omni- trea as iast year, near the bandsheU to cover nfcom Channel H will telecast live from day, Sept 9, and Wednesday, Sept. 11 vement parking om, announces Omnicom will be going live for he stage performances. In addition, Omnicom the Plymouth Fall Festival Thursday. in St Joseph Mercy Hospital Education 27 hours over the four-day event That is an production people will be circulating around Friday and Saturday. Center For information, call 572-3675 • 'TELE-CARE' increase of 10 hours over last year's coverage '.he Festival to videotape aetitnties Senior citizens in Plymouth-Cantor i/ the Plymouth Fall Festival The format will be much the same as last CHANNEL 15 • HEALTH VOLUNTEERS may participate in a "Tele-Care" pn> Last year we had planned to cover 21^ year with the hosts introducing the mam Informational meetings for prospec- gram in which telephone contact is hours but due to the weather on Sunday we events on stage and then during the stage (Omnicom Channel 15 will telecast live tive adult volunteers will be held from made daily with senior citizens to were only able to cablecast 17 hours of the fes- breaks intenneunng performers, Fall Festival the Plymouth Fall Festival Thursday 10:30-11 30 a m Sept 10. 7-8 p.m Sept. check on their well-being For more in tivities," she said The schedule this year will be staff persons and residents. Suzanne Skubick Friday and Saturday) 11, and 7-8 p.m. Sept. 19 in the educa- formation, Canton residents may call from 4:30 to 5 p.m Thursday. Sept 5, from 4 30 of Omnicom will co-host along with J P tion center auditorium at Gathering 397-1000. Ext 278. and Plymouth ress to 10 p.m. Friday, from noon to 10 p.m Satur- McCarthy, Sandy Preblich and Patrick CHANNEL 10 McAuley Helalh Center in Ann Arbor. dents may call 453-3840, Ext 37, or day. and from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday McLaughlin Skubick and her co-hosts will be CANTON TOWNSHIP Volunteers will work in the Arbor 453-2671 at Plymouth Township Hall We are pleased to be able to expand our ccrv joined by residents such as Mary Childs, Sarah Del more Al Matthews. Sue McEroy. Doug Kerr and Mike Gross to name a few. FRIDAYS 6 to 10:30 p.m.Canton Township Board meet- Holmes added that the Fall Festival Board has beer , >operative in helping Omnicom plan ing Decorating Centre . • MBilHHUI.il * Dick Merrill of Plymouth tends the fire George Crooker of Redford prepares Don Ashley of Garden City watches the Canton resident Leonard Darnell cleans and loads his muzzle- and cooks dinner at MuzzleLoaders Ren- dinner for his family at the MuzzleLoad- Friday afternoon novelty shoot In which loader. Most participants built their own rifles. Many are works of dezvous campsite. ers Rendezvous campgrounds. the shooters aimed at a variety of tar- art, with fine inlaid scrollwork on the stock. DON BOYLE gets, from clay pigeons to clay pipes. SAMPl-ES SHOWN IN YOUR T\ NEK S HOMC BY AP1>CMHTMEtrrH 29th Annual Dark Passages Collection Staff photos by Bill Bresler & BY 2nd Building North of 7 Mil* PACKAGE DEALS HOURS TO NEW HOME GEOFFREY MON.-FRI. 9-9 BUILDERS SAT. 9-6 • SUN. 12-5 19162 FARMINGTON RD«LIV0NIA 478-5040 BEENE DAYS R emetjnber when "he pink shin first hit •he corporate scene7 too % were the first to accept it while everyone else waited a sate ten years to try it Pink smrts are yesterdav s news io you and a change o1 pace Freydls Long s Fancy Bath Boutique SAVE 20 to 40% on EVERYTHING £ would De welcome right about now So here to the Northville Watch 6r Clock Shop Crawford s rescue is Geotfrev Seene's aeep tone dress shirts Can't Grin Jewelers Puppy Love Pet Salon EVERY SOFA and LOVESEAT EVERY DINING ROOM you iust imagine how great EVERY CHAIR and RECLINER EVERY SLEEPER-SOFA /our new patterned ties w»H Green's Home Center Getzies Pub EVERY BEDROOM EVERY MATTRESS/BOX SPRINGS look on these shirrs' We Judy's Country Curtains Lapham s EVERY OCCASIONAL TABLE EVERY LAMP and DESK snow the deep tone stripe shin featuring flap pockei One Ten West Salon IV Seasons Flowers St Gifts with hidden buttons, spread collar and hidden button Yankee Clipper Genitti's Hole In The-Wall We heard from so many of you who couldn't make it last week-end because of placket in the front tor a completed pohshed look. Of Labor Day Holiday plans and because we couldn't properly accommodate the Northville Charlie s Del s Shoes & Clothing polyester (cotton Wend in blue, last-minute crowds, we've extended the wrap-up of our great SUMMER SALE burgundy or grey Same The Little People Sboppe Anne's Fabrics thru this Saturday But then, the exceptional savings are over' So. hurryi You've sryhng and colors variable m one last chance to make it! the deep tone soW shm with Northville Cloverdale The Gitfiddler 7 front ftoo pockets SUB Williamsburg Inspirations Novi Northville Montessori Men's Dress Shirts in torrNand. Eastland. Oakland. Connie's Corner Stitchery TYNER'S Summit Place and taato Oaks Hudson's stores only DOWNTOWN NORTHVILLE FURNITURE '966 Hudson SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 7 « •PPE£ 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. • t i.! i'.v'jiSiiiiii hudson's 1050 E Michigan Ave., xh mile East of Ypsilanti • Open Monday and Friday nites 'til 9 p.m 90 Days Same As Cash • Tyner's Extended Terms. VISA or MASTERCARD us Huosors won** oun hmM* • a Our Free Delivery Saves You Even More • Phone 483 4505 D.M.WCM I Free Professional Decorating Assistance Steve Crooker tends the ooofclng fire during MuzzleLoaders In while hie dad Oeorge prepares dinner Plymouth Townehlp. 'SOa.i i>«p!»m£xjr 5 ItfSb Thursday, S«pl>mt)«r 6. 1965 O&L (C)6A Chuhran-Poole lawsuit Supreme Court decision sought in commissioner fray What is the Charles W. Warren Difference? out of holding pattern THE $4,000 Ballenger, Cahalan at odds ONE CARAT SOLITAIRE By D«nni« Coftman Ballenger said the latest acUon fileo Continued from Page 1 possibility of it being settled in some other way staff writer Tuesday by Kelley in the Michigan This doesn't mean the parties will refuse to sit down Court of Appeals, could either slow We're atUcking her right to bring the lawsuit." and try and work something out. But at this point, VLchigan Racing Commissioner Wil- down the high court's final decision or said Edick. explaining that he'll ask the court to no meetings are set up to speak with her .iam Ballenger and Michigan Racing speed it up rule whether the person bringing suit is the proper (Chuhran)," said Edick While it could extend fur- Commissioner William Catalan Tues KELLEY HAS sought to speed it up individual to do so ther, Edick expects the suit could be decided by the da> defied the Saws of physics, J not because if Ballenger remains in office "II the judge decides thai the clerk has the stand- end of the year politics, by proving that two objects the racing dates drawn up by Ballenger ing to bring the lawsuit, we will get down to argu- "I have every intention to streamline as much as .an occupy lhe same space would stick ing what the general township laws mean — be- possible I think it's silly to have to waste township Ballenger has been occupying the Ballenger submitted a list of dates cause they were drafted many years ago, undoubt- money on something like this I think it's a shame \virsouth office of lhe commissioner tilted in favor of Northville Downs and edly with smaller townships in mind. that they (taxpayers) Save to spend money to deal sujce being appointed in the fall of 1982 against Hazel Park Raceway, both vy The clerk at one point indicated she was going with something that probably should have been re- o replace Frederick Van Tiem. whc ing for harness revenues, even before to seek the opinion of the MTA and MML There solved short of going to court," said Edick lied before his four-year term of office the closing date for applications had have been some different statements made as to Edick estimates that Poole's legal fees "could expiree Ballenger believed, apparent been reached whether she requested them or not," he added come in pretty close to" the allotted $5,000 " il we that his appointment by then-Gov Ballenger, in a Friday Aug 30? tele That we will try to find out by way of diacovery " could keep depositions down to a reasonable William Milliken. a Republican, meant cast of Off the Record again spokt Edick isn't dismissing the possibility of an out-of- amount." Depositions (sworn statements of the serving a full four-year term of his out against James Karoub a race track court settlement principals) are expected to be taken by both Ekiick lobbyist We felt it was Important to make a response to and Chuhran's attorney, Alan C. Helmkamp of :WBE ut Gov James Bianchard a Demo- In an earlier interview with The Ob- the complaint, which certainly doesn't rule out the Livonia, within the coming weeks rat '.bought otherwise when, last Mon server Ballenger claimed that Karoub day he appointed Cahalan a former represented the owners of Hazel Park Canton studies structure Wayne County prosecutor and a Demo- Herbert Tvner and Bernard Han rat, to the $44,900-a-year job man Ballenger promptly filed a lawsuit in Hartman and Tyner are the former the Michigan Court of Appeals to keep owners of the Detroit Race Course his job through 1986, the amount of Livonia, until they were forced by Bai time that would remain if he were ap- lenger, acting under a state legislative pointed to a four-year term mandate, to sell DRC to Ladbroke Rac- But Michigan Attorney General ing Corp a British firm Frank Kelley ruled in November 1984 Ballenger said Hartmar. and Tyner Choosing the right diamond isn't an easy task, unless that Ballenger s term was to expire would rather have Cahalan in the rac Dei: 31 E984 Tuesday Kelley. a Demo- mg commissioner s post instead of Bai you choose the right place to buy it. And that's crat filed motions asking the Michigan lenger where C. W, Warren can make a very big difference: Supreme Court to exercise its discre- But Scott, speaking for Bianchard tion and come out with an immediate said, 'The governor's decision was IN QUALITY IN CONFIDENCE decision on who ls the real racing com based on the fact that Cahalan is an missioner absolutely outstanding man for the job Every C. W. Warren diamond is expertly- Our Diamond Protection Plan protects you Kelley wants a court order ousting Scott claimed there was no pre-ar- graded by a graduate gemologist. In fact, against loss or damage for one year. Our Ballenger from his Plymouth office rangement between Karoub and we'll give you complete analytical appraisal experts will inspect your mounting and clean But as of Wednesday, Ballenger was in Bianchard to appoint Cahalan howev of the diamond you choose. your diamonds at no extra charge, too. Plymouth er •mm, ^ CAHALAN who took the oath of off- I crossed them up. in that I've given BILL BRESLER/staff photographer IN FINANCING IN TRADE-INS ice last week, was in Lansing, also in Northville Downs its dates said Bal- William Ballenger and William Cahalan agree on little more than their first name« these days. Both claim right* to the post of Michi- his office at the Department of Agr: lenger I think the decision to appoint gan Racing Commissioner. With our Diamonu Club Plan We always accept diamonds in trade, regardless culture Cahalan was made before I announced you receive interest free financing of where they were purchased. They are subject The racing commissioner, whomever the racing dates I think Cahalan s ap- (Canton for ten months with 207c down to our appraisal, and then credited to the he may be, is part of the Michigan De pointment was announced more quick on every purchase over $500 purchase of a new diamond of greater value. partment of Agriculture and has sever ly because of my innouncement of O^bscrurr al offices at Lansing, Plymouth and dates I think there ls-a-very good rea even one at the Detroit Race Course son to believe there is an improper mo- See the differe*nce for ydurself.. Cahalan apparently tried to avoid a tive to the decision face-to-face encounter with Ballenger However, it's not inconceivable that 663-670 barpets Tuesday by going to Lansing, where he both Ballenger and Cahalan are gear °:Ut3!'Sh9d ever. also would be able to follow the prog mg up for runs at elected statewide of a'C 'hjrsoav Ocse'.-e- 0 ress of the various pending lawsuits fices 4 Ecce^r-c Ne^acasers 1 36251 Schosricra** l vonia Tom Scott, deputy press secretary Cahalan was Wayne County prosecu Vi ifi'SO -2-ciass pes- CIHARIES W. WARREN for Bianchard. said Tuesday that he ex tor until he resigned in 1982 in the iaje DB'3 a- _ .cr a V pected a decision by the Supreme Court middle of a four-year term to enter Access a -a 'SoCSiripliO' Change cf ad- in a few days " private practice dress "orr- 35651 TO PO Ballenger could simply be taken off Ballenger had been a state repre- So» 2426 Livonia Ml BILL BRESLER/»t«ff photographer the payroll. Ballenger was to receive a sentative for two years, a state senator 4815" Telephone 59'- paycheck Thursday but, according to for two years and director of Licensing 0500 The proposal of Canton Trust*** Robert Tuesday's board of trustees meeting. The Scott and Ballenger the check would and Regulation for four years, served cwoavBse arrle lapeln apgcaeeyrd w paesrio udnr buefffloerde aBsa lhleen gseart omrenit stahsrieyo nMf oairncdh ciog wnanagsr Oe dsrsegipaounntiayzle dalis aCsiisrsoitmnane it nC s otemhce - CN-Oae'Mw-iesEsrt aDTnEdL Ip„V;eEr,'iRs-,aYc S,ER V$,22IC5 cE0 0 DEALER Pnsheaitdpt g tgoeot ,vi nSestrteniptmuheteennt • L m anraasrnoranogwe alrynd fo prLmaosr ssonefd t Bow eantn -- plalsatn w weaesk. put forth at a press conference Tuesday in his office on Main Street in U S Department of Health. Education Va yearly 4 S40 00 • • S"" I the Mayflower Meeting House in Plym- and Welfare in the Gerald Ford Admin Break out the wood! outh istration * • v Continued from Page 1 Members of the implementation committee in- I'm here, Cahalan isn't, said Bal- No matter who eventually occupies •" !-e «Cw clude: Robin Koebel, Canton Michigan National lenger ' I'm not leaving until I bear the racing commissioner's office in government, Poole said, and should be voted on by Bank manager, Phil LaJoy, Canton merit commis- from the Supreme Court Cahalan is in Plymouth, it appears both are off and the residents sioner, Ed Portschell, township planning commis- a mild panic at this point He had to go running for media exposure to be used "How dare any four people tell 60,000 people siober; Ira Bargon, a personnel supervisor at Great on the offensive " at a later date what form of government they will have?" asked Lakes Steel; and Dan Durack, Canton personnel di- Out nfrhejA nod comes the perfect Break out the wood by opening a Poole. He cancelled a press conference, scheduled rector for yesterday, to discuss the matter smoomness of the world's first barrel- bottle of Canadian Club Classic sale THE board also passed a resolution to form a blended 12 vear-old Canadian whisky, tonight. DE^RA PRASAD, a resident who often speaks at committee to review changing Canton's charter board meetings, encouraged the board to pass a township form of government to city status. resolution calling for Canton voters to decide the "I have a strong feeling we would be remiss Dot issue The board declined to take this action Tues- to vote for the cityhood question now," Padget said. day. A major concern evolving around the cityhood "Canton can be likened to a $15 million corpora- issue is protecting Canton's prime industrial areas, tion and could be likened to a business," Bennett which provide a hefty tax base As a township. Can- said. "A $15-million-a-year business needs experts ton could be annexed by other communities. to handle it." Poole said he is looking for volunteers "who don't FINAL WEEKEND! Squabbles between administrators at board have an axe to grind or any foregone opinions" on meetings are unlikely to be eliminated with the cityhood to work on the review committee. Persons change in government, Bennett said, but profes- interested in serving on the committee are asked to sional management is sure to be added contact the supervisor's office. MULTI-COLOR CUT b LOOP SAVE Reg 19 95 MoOeVy pneed and long wearing, srurdy ^eei up to nyicxi ccrper becunfully solves your roughes.' 19 5 decora ring problems Use t every«*/t>ere living 40% rooms dens bedrooms ond fom ty rooms V LUXURIOUS PLUSH R®g 27 95 $ Saw you con en/oy tie uxury ofp> ush corperng 18 95 w+uch will enhance the look of your home and more! % MULTI-COLORED FRIEZE FINAL 10 DJ1 Rag 1695 Lees curs rhe pnees or hundreds of roils of AckJ q coiorful spo^le ro any room wirti , . . „, _ quo'ity broodioom corpe* We pass ft>e versatile rwtsr ccwpe' makes >f a grea? cboce for 11 95 f A • sovirvgs on ro you during rtiis incredible savings ocrve lifestyles W" -f n:"/J*•7 beefvoree^ t* H uornry b eoensd qyuoauli fcyo nca sropveers mrhoorre l aishto lno negveerr1 LROegN 2G4 W95E ARING TWIST * il • ? * 44 /MI ntrsdst rt ' J " 4 -ook berrer1 And wear v^ell every hour, every day A corper classic rhes handsome rwisr carper for years ond years! Plus every Lees carper comes Weods perfecrf-/with rrodinonal or car,temporary mo rich array of colors rasrefulty created ro comple- room seting Plus if ooiy reau-'res a minimum of 1695 V 0 . f A- rrvenr arid coordinare with your own decorating sryfe care ro keep <r looking greor for years' U i ^l 1 t - See for yourself Ask ro see our col lection mognificenr / Lees corper Out hurTy rhis sale moKeosT LTeroecsrK c^a rihpoern mevoerre1 • U. Plymouth's Largest and * I: Most Complete Floor feoruring fibers of V' • ' . Covering Store 0 'T DUPONTANTRON: NOW Reg $1QQC •6291 T 9 9W COMPLETE 9-PIBCE WRAP AROUND UNIT 'Z&S Odtvut OF FINE Rrg Retiil SALE Rejt Remi 8ALE HITE SHOULDERS' BONUS Comer I'nit fTPtt DM. H90 00 379.00 Gkii Dxx Una "WM. DIM, 1020.00 815.00 Cologne spray plus bath gel $9 Now for a limited time, you @evtfre£i*tq> Open Unit with lower doors Enrertunmer* Center fW56, D22. H80 1^20.00 1055.00 can buy White Shoulders 1 Vi oz spray cologne and receive a TTM.DmHaoi -moo 624.00 I trial size bath gel at no extra cost The rich emollients of this Sal© Ends September 15th gentle body shampoo smooth and soften akin as thev clean, Exciting new designs work interchangeably to create storage and display space FINANCING leaving you with the delicate scent of White Shoulders In for virtually any room in your home or office. Come In today and see wal< Fragrances all stores except Grand River 1200 units AVAILABLE systems crafted in Oak, Cherry, Pine or Maple. 637 MAIN STREET M, Th, F 9-9 Classic Interiors PLUS ®s» \ (1 BLOCK S. of MAYFLOWER HOTEL) PLYMOUTH T, W 9-6 v 459-7200 Sat. 10-5 5tlN^ ^ Fine furniture ... where quality costs you less Now available wherever fine spirits are sold. rrH-Btmdmi >• the fin4l proem of M«>d«ni» n <f»r\ arc poured imo oakt»rr*b to nwry txw 1"^^-— Phone 474-6900 • 20292 Middlebelt Road • Livonia to botUtf*. Imported m ixmle Hiram Walker lmporwn Inc . DntoM Ml » W«J (2 Blk» S of 8 Mile) Thursday, Saptomtm 5. II luraday. S«pt«mo®f 5, 1885 'J&t (P.CJ7A 6A4P.C, J&L Thu'»<3«y, September 5, iadS Cousin of common perch becoming most popular fish brevities By L»m Mmm Last fall DNR planted several met- breed prizes. Prizes range up to 1200 Price is |1 50. Register in advance by staff writer ropolitan area waters with walleyes, calling the Metroparks toll-free num- dsnhaooyoA unBflo ndTRr nhbEueo trVhusedIn asTcuy IbTeEihmn Sufiotre irsDe ndcEahtsybA v\fD oi srnLsouI oBeNnrMeEioSi tna iedns adM y otn sb--y aCwHlHa ieClrollep ews napY Atneoedamurk.i cA 5Moa2nr5aer t b HPHhroaaieewrafm lSt bheau rgtos eRi Sne eawUssnoissdluelir cm pUe Mersreegis tlCeielnnenagtrnt Tgmalalehlret e p mtt oocabhr eekaSnrnrcsgotoshewui t pw oian fiGngt hd$u3 i p0utdhren ieodni grpecrrlr causohmtdgaiesrlnsdad rmab eeu sn$ta2 c a2P hriaen f rcoa esltmiuhnmdietsleriy - ocbdeh aTforhgleleo w peudbl bicy ias qwueelsctoimone- aTnhsewreer piser ni-o •baF DirmciMsYd aeoaNnxyndsAed rafM coy1ir,0Is SCe s3ee0 pcv-t l.1Aea1n s1E s63 Rw0 w— Oeaei lBkml DsI CMby ieSnno an m9tdhiae c3y0 slA-o1ew 0ar:one3rd-0 maFBmti eea7vrneett HFpMfo.rymireple.e ncm ooiinnsaci knsL B,ti avCoi doblesnibnr iytaeae'tcsr Pt,6o rC r wopoig. mulolrfna tmaa rtnnyhdse w sI pn deFnerirnae kn toeheen-err ithnhe eoTa frgh re ate nhwaegtalel ecslrteosym feti,amgl htkoht,nea rti ty 'n seoo lntlcho tetwuh remn p aoleilsnrt ecb ,hpig, ob p uciutosnlu at'sotr- iDLK1n1aaec,mnk0lute0. d0 L 51i;an1 1Wk,g.00e:h00 ,Ci00t;l.e i1n 2S LtOo,a0anal0ktk0el ;,RRa ni1i dvvM2ee,0ra rL0.c0a e n;k4de,e a5aa,y0nr0d ;1 LY4H ,Laa5ekot0reeo0os.n;n outdoors akDIlnnlidiJgan u nEHodeli egseP,iea grPsnoh aowpttrssir,tl ilR cJ a koobnytedm cH e JaCina gChmg aaoirepnflsso eNsc H eio awBfa mro JaKfed eLorsnsfahtena uySsw citkne yrog f, phbraeorSv• ge 1t"o r-sMna8emy0iv 0rC eaa-rr5ncaed5llee2 kf -wr6' soe2afe7l k t2nph.a reootn ugMr reboaunmt actsre:e crnhftl,ei"res • ws—liildl e7 sCmM•asfbwCau ai.ytIeoleeameel CSalnn.aei,r .ns EaBkgt ai is.etptts rnoefsnurordos. r o tn u 1r25oSdayfp52 raeKape5 ys d .ectAms.m hvil FiifSgeaT.aoinoahsne nnarItsnpu tcaNOet ntl eostbGe b dre7h cse ss rewotgt La n —iiCisPlnfnsklElflen,aa y ScReblst mueereesSesnuaterog,iOs scgtavuilhti sneNtihe htna na,lwcrSotdrta l e u4eCi a wtdtfn8rih surtoc9meosaolecnete-um ekuts dghfsSer ioe h sa-a9 r-tl w•smtc•ihP th coSTyulieehTlyTm mMl TOnom muuefotooIeoA eaelorTas lsrdyoulSydsHdiouetta aaThwPsmayy r F Ms,sc.a OtpPSeeSsaAevneFtere epetOtpSwcetirnt shrnTi tlg11sl E 00Coc fAomRal utn lS-Ttelbth e5eThe t :sepwh4t aeC5asi rtlciLlne h p7On U o s.SDmtoprB sm3aloe 0l ain Fn tt rpoMhnsoe.orym arpE'wsj.l loiiea enatilrnsn---t- ggGT•rwmgF2 ioF9rrorudhoo oT0aWrIcieit u4uiEdchaislhp ehnp,ee mLM e d sf rsmaDIr,o opnnfar -eBrleieodtslmneresleiogtdas ar anfiP, nzanaa t sewTyiagtg korh.OMnesis anteds,SG, ht,areiu-i n p 5b dsctiBtg-dhoo ea9m,erennlw 1la ,ieso r1 lva,tt it gnhec nfhc .deasrga he,—otn i hYrud9 l- eedpMPd vrsFr ra-TaeCeiidnnnnuerA da,ialtcgdnusie h,aaclgoset tltPlhs utt edh4eeTttrdeaee5 snOery.s3rd , - •MHmpugyPm4 Hi.m5eeimceoET5ast ,Ieraet -rhEeSa1tosn8rtui 5 dT rT9inRi5rinn4gI Osc tfs0 N dahMSo oe R2leaGf.ra 0Siy Imr M lt.tCPoclh haeSchlaAetryiei ii,enCLnmpo t1g tey nwoG9n, 81uhl ut So25wou techo-Orsia8 ky lwt l—6lCHl i b AlI si lha tssEpThm ocetteeTkholaadeaeYsrk r kiooes icP envotca rhlaecaly er ain wmt et. Mjht ioyfo li 7ualisFurts os at abe8h3trlt-e 1 - 0 ltbS•cet1PfWe rhdoyrV0elave u uTyp0ebCt eOr0itWdimyul tao 1wnLmeonno a6Gefset UuyesBd oerttnndanNhkohu teaFyes.wi Ty- a ,loTP W dsnt rSCEh6 radifen:aaeEro 3p g iWnsktRri0nttrsnt. -laoiovC9fanni r oo1nlgan kaTr7 ld nispTumsndR .snow gma —IeAYwt ntis.Re liwMcInleoeN . si,MrVaCncls hIlrb ,rAo2oeiN ee pfl7bnauGo 1escd t rn A phais a c tSoelotTydeloan.lnsemdun rsr Mtr3di o ina na9 ufanrrnin7ioeeigcnsdd-nrd- t-g -, qcCm•fmWBtP holuBluuroreeeaeWabb Rneisrvdir tklttmleno Aihis lfcdaoele.preI ut ns nLoFLveand :em4iotro Ltass"be5relyEdHr9ue aat btr-ynr hyir49eeptem,y 4egsB Tn,S1ee eiorf Rne0.r3Traossv.pn0 iaAuiFtails frtnl.o tNto etwg2irh o5SaWo ntni SrCM1rndshk ae1—,faRo pno1t tnspt0ar cdPtma hIA2s ra.oMT5amiy n hbftIIie.aio t elOoaoe?lmrltf N"n s Ser e , c eouNa Tlw ascacao hachdiiasvnnh elsslli l hmmfM—fft"irriawsIeoreei vWThmacclusafenheihtiht ir n deg.b twiom wwhgg aefwh lawegaerm1 inanseNrtr2taei leeepe0wzlatr aaosee,e t0aftfhtryu r liie0ptit'oeeserss er0lfhwrsaar ih li1rssfniso 3hnr Fft Relb otge rbaiihxmudeelnisa cegsqtsucttetguo ph, 'eytpsieeuhendet r nse ri,.htan c chtrie en heys s am1st,toa lhm9 antbua 8etThe yoety4 wythhsbsht teaa Deeah al t,swonlea' ssppfdepvtae yee etata chre8rberninces5et -ryh a - s- LkoWwTwvfLtaaalneaoha enaheiTGeLkerkrrl ipiB ee lhooeutDtte,ee oreo iea pSsyr 3e nal rs rtet,tawwgd..cpe0w srkohO 0ot oaeC oaeotB0ileaty srdltsal.ka kea eo n s s'i ldy scduRreawm eseta n iitsse t tan vifCdhocprlli,eele lfh asit rtthh teh e DKSchs eii esn iheieets xtgaaelhen tpfysetrirr re,nyeee i rga cihLad a eeMrctega rple ooeaiedkd aonfItmie c 'r nAr v,Mt eoia gmentifd otrbe geara tAuNadey nr pt pooyuyau pou fggttialeehit oroulfnowletel oasddsondiyt-d; - f- sitabAamnrulelytlgcle Bs E t- ohtmnghbl Nv bo'uairsisesoaeenT rDdiegn Rttn dio,Ooi le Icg mlowiaEa afa berskTS trye cler b oadCohwarun ifeihLiehdn sd icnOeyitg a cCnrteoSneeiegafonEs r. g fu Ctt,cihrn nr lSi iteaducanyerbprlpe ' is'pd ectoo.i me kfifiesen e s D1tpl th1asae eeInr tn c dra fuSwoor reiplrKataro.te ek trtennehhtrsetstes,,-. SAFMiwOplnilaa impruiTTFSltitlelssureihr hon t bg.raoeBer eodDAyr taufs oaeG ehi a u ylp5latpotrl,dnr6rsnw ra oSied6dedn ise4dsumt g ue,r p3oBs unatWi,g,7 ntu tost e2 smo2.hfa 88o —na T2f, Ntddtlr.hhi w oo s aeeUi mtvanNl,rltier iodc M c tl8 ervhiaa etisie lryaclgc oece.h uau MmlCAialt g h.aAoasiar rslmta ansoon o mafc wd J nl9 SiuEiam dlBt tnshpibaags i.eB tmnteh— eryas,ytt sMedVwpboaae.oenmo sMyShe y"ts,H.Tk Te as aoSS lOe/hgifdelBaiee N gpe tR ouGauhtYn.rwtortrt sCdc ,r Ce87 ih aFaa4Re tyen oMs8p,sElo 0.Cte eemE7Seyea 1rKte.,tn o pf :owPTot a. OerhiMt' l 7ulS e,trntB uhh tspaaoredprlntoxaeaeudy epybr r9 aei,o 9nh9 rad k9So tt aaet9se.ry ntmlp is napdM tt.o.uoe ra n Sntw5td hcutht;.iiihhn- l-s e.l-7 pSwwa5oBtm.uomrh*oneinol•e>ioRs a•l cdFu Lts d-cfeh" afinr1rlehgP oryiadl1oa.endiie, n.m fsv et dadSchte ya neeehBt .rl tpur oai hSr aitnmn lrne.iStia'gn ol b8ek segap r.peean i aN rtdatedy. .ort—sva ko 6 T,u t;t"aul.hu shern ee6m reaac e orre pepnle ,wn"eae. mnaatbiraskyvt b.a u aebo a tgsr Wicue akvb ta E—teeeil e wkdlaha.i e nsinoan c1trelgiwklm s e tprdoo a t e.aoauohmlnynrdsdet . ,- minimum age being 4 Fees for $20 for formation or reservations, call Phyllis will meet beginning 7:30 p.m. m the • WHEELS FOR LIFE Point Counselng and Crisis Interven- Eleanore Arnison of Plymouth at 420- in the St Clair River Plymouth-Canton School District resi- at 455-1635 school at 1000 S. Haggerty in Canton. Sunday, Sept 15 — Bicyclists are tion of Growth Works. Training is open 0626 or 464-7378 A PREDATOR, the walleye forages dents. $22 for Northville residents, and needed for a bikeathon for St. Jude to any interested person and will cover at the bottom in cold water, preferably OTHER SPECIES are providing ac- J24 for others For additional informa- • INDIAN GUIDE ORIENTATION • PCAAT MEETING Children's Research Hospital from 9:30 issues such as communication, em- at dawn, dusk and night. If there's a tion. too. excursions tion. contact the recreation department Tuesday. Thursday, Sept 10, 12 Wednesday, Sept 11 - The Plym a m to 3 30 p.m. at Hines Drive and pathy listening, building and bonding current, so much the better Perch are hitting still in the St. Clair at 455-6620 "Skajuna" orientation night for parents outh-Canton Association for the Aca- Haggerty Road. The ride will honor relationships, brokerage skills, crisis • BENEFIT AUCTION They'll hit both artifical lures and Flats area •Smnir saaGtit acSlrCReemaao tTtEfpliuulohAenerneddgT efare e ue.yaevn. L .e S Ci en swe5tvHp i.a $tl0Iwnl5 L07 itI 0 laoal -t r—k Smbe S$eTe 7c"tp AheThl retaoMhhl ceodreeuPl G cno dEarnrat aDaey ftMnatEh dtoe 'a R f Cd oM eothnghniea-el---i aoGT8vtEon3iuulunld7teleih e 5admcs . nCe dhSed aihponly emrd7t loaard mtegproyn.run m Gaan tmtR aioWt lsoy3l eal4i wedmdF7ania o rlseNmlnrose uid b Clataye hbEye on hloYuet efaetMmlt rdJ CetoA hainyAentmt ai n7NePIrnyrl o Cdmyprim at aaamhntnn- -- "dtitDaMtthhhnesreeedi mSR c cMtmheieiaccipiafagachtectalhehathlnmieyregd-r rbaeTDiande a eprDul aore cCa refmnahbp ottPloeeiuakoidernreonntac,ni ta(in le iPpnagoetdC rnroo fAa tfM t hc ecAteo shhi7Tdsema: )odU3irm 0lr Tenwm iio ei ptvafSlatl.ne cmecmr ehhhsoa oe ioi ottlonryfhdlsf JtTSrgTPaeapi-ollcfms.yowt ehRsmniini esaviros,otder h ureaea aitnfrph sloda etHCr vuowm iaakttthelhisyelolo,ma sb b ar eiaaHalarngeeiad swple l aat ahot ntov$hdi 2eaea t5 innr hlT dta Oeawi- basbs ieltt hlsePol iept l rrh$ryt eaev7m tc r5eO ieroh ditbou hvewoosterehpftisrh lfi .l-a- l•iafto neubZsetruserOts rhacevNne,oe draoTn dnrt AdgdeiotriCan inrei,aoLl ftds,bo,Uel r pBec,amar laecltlso ssSh4io5ouoll5snv-a i4nan 9mng 0dDa2 an s svkauiigslb,elss m.vtaoe nFlnucoten,r - esSRfSdpotoccyoroShhn a wntooaadhsootti,euoli lllbo, rr H reNned egdosba.s ei uyobtn s,Tfoyn e Ohres.i atenarc htTrlgltedi.iehot a 1eno5S ba1ra tl si—eol aoaef l mtc.g hmAit oeReh . Hotebo yd tieSao ss Sdnait saeoorl'eal frraaemiii ttcmwcs ceaa ieC llu S lSpf cufSu ttttorooinaitnnoncidkegsinese- dosnpunrlaeicet fh usot priafnaisnlg t nt bhwheeaeriit-t hshcEoo raoim Aek nm ,Di ega efrh aac'tcvriciroaeral rawiw twejf,eaerrl lm h eoyaenetrhn aoe ld sussir mei oss- r RcaeTtLccrarhoekeuaesttv ioLioflan lbek Al eaarncedk ian bKa teishsnset T lyBrayiakele ldbdsiign Mag lrueoru egynsoit eaoliddn - •TRibt nhuCoeegTsuc. H,C u rrTeseEehhn asweeSrdtsoii aaAloculynnhtN ,ieb aniSenIr gNseg nps eGc patH.oc oo oek1nfrp 7sHi eao$t —rEan2radgi8Rtne igC I obiTnin etaHAcyv lo weoGuournfdiEsate eehPg-s, edlTy aB tO symrshiaeUa ootnrnrRuvpsictippp ohcioe n t rP,ogTt aalr Cu rtaaiknvthosceenh l sta ahb nane&ydt -- v•Tn$F e1iGarlg,Oaml7Rhevc2tiretEs9sl y l1. aE al 2FeYctC-or c2M4srEo6 5w C mi3nAi -m—l2flo9 oa r0b tdTm4e a4 ha t5etito3oi b-o n2Gings9,,r0e t 4c2er a5icplel. mPo Tfleyh atmehlseo ,tuo ytuthoerua rCrins o.fcmol ruCmdo teushstnei 1 tiYsy4 ty•a&th hneD iedaTWs Er doRy, eeEueedePracpnsrre ew saSa dniSotldailuOoy tsn ,hwU pOoi TiblcnnlHtes. g obc ir3eTon0 oR naep i i—InnPeggirh na tC hteOii-o tcdoyntra. yow n3f/iei0 tni.Phgtlh h TyBtm h-gienaorniau gccdthohhetar s rTtPgor aeunarrev k xoeostfl f donna campus and T-shirts will be pro- The Indian Guide programs offer of Mathematics, will speak on "A Visi- ice, 489 S Main, Plymouth, across the Monday, Sept. 23 — The Zonta Club items to sell on consignment in large or Chesaning Olde Home Shoppes, tour of Curwood $699 per person (based on double occupancy) in- vided There will be trophies for men parents and children opportunities to tor's Impression of Education m the So- street from the Mayflower Hotel. For of Northwest Wayne County, an inter- small lots which can be done by calling Castle and a trip to Montrose Orchards. For infor- • TO WASHINGTON, D.C. cludes bus transportation, eight nights accommoda- and women in age categories Event do fun things together on a one-to-one viet Union with a Special Look at Math more information, call Frances Rudd national service organization of busi- Whalen Auction Service at 459-5144 or mation or reservation, call the recreation office at Monday. Oct. 28 — The City of Plymouth Parks tions. six dinners, three lunches, one breakfast, tour will begin at 9 a.m. and also will fea- basis, to share new experiences, and to Education." A slide presentation will at 455-7526 ness and professional women, will Doris Raymond at 437-9657. 455-6620. and Recreation Department, in cooperation with stops in Memphis, Tenn.; Vicksburg, Miss.; Natchez, ture the^Great Lakes Last Chance Chili Lakeland Tours, will sponsor a three-day/two-night Miss.; New Orleans. La.; Biloxi, Miss.; Mobile, Ala.; Cookoff The events will set the pace • NASHVILLE trip to Washington. D.G., on Oct. 28. This trip is Chattanooga. Tenn.; Berea, Ky.; and Lexington, Ky for Madonna s Homecoming weekend Try the best... Sept. 19-22 — A four-day, three-night trip to available to all students of Plymouth-Canton Com- Any interested adult may contact the recreation de- For information, call 591-5126 'P&lfrl&ct Nashville, Tenn.. for 9225. For details, call Y Tra- munity Schools who are seventh or eighth graders partment at 455-6620 for further information. WSDP / 88.1 • PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD ...Plymouth's New Professional Dry Cleaners Monday, Sept. 9 — The Plymouth (WSDP-FM 88.1 is the student-operated radio sta- i The pulse of your community t The pulse of your community > The pulse of your community f Public Library Board will hold a gener- tion at Plymouth Centennial Educational Park Over 40 years of the finest in Dry Cleaning & Tailoring al meeting at 7 p.m. in Dunnmg-Hough (CEP).) Librar>r The meeting is open to the • The pulse of your community # The pulse of your community % The pulse of your community • public ifree Cleaning PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS V THURSDAY (Sept. 5) • FALL DYNAMIC AEROBICS • The pulse of your community • The pulse of your community • The pulse of your community % "5:05 p.m Family Health - A series about the Monday, Sept 9 — The Women's As human body, drugs, and food Today's program is on srioacni aCtihounr cohf tohfe P Flyirmsto uUthnit iesd s Pproenssboyrtien-g the cause and treatment of bunions May not be used with any other coupons. ALL COUPONS EXPIRE SEPT. 21, 1985 "TPtewUecC — % 'Tfax r a 10-week dynamic aerobics session 5:08 p.m. Chamber Chatter — Tam Secunda hosts starting Sept 9 and continuing through weekly news about the Canton Chamber of Com- f Classic (Huetmn phone "fD&n&uUt OrcCci 267 N. Main mNoeve t1 64 3at0-7 th 3e0 pc.hmurc hMo Cndlaasysses a wndil l merce FRIDAY (Sept 6) (£leanerB In the New Charlestown Square 453-5111 SxtuKfUe. 37(6 s4 ftivwuvuf = 27 % Thursdays Babysitting available. Class 2-4 p.m. Studio 50 - WSDP's top 50 hit format with l art a tull Ymiict cltzntrj (1 Blk. W. of Mill) FREE MINOR REPAIRS - "P K/ettdi"Date - size is limited to 30 For more informa- Noelle Torrace Across from Old Kroger (New Danny's) EXPERT ALTERATIONS tion or to register phone 459-9485 5:05 p.m. Family Health — Is cafeine a health haz- SHIRTS DELUXE LAUNDERED 79* With Drypeamng CUSTOM TAILORING ard"1 ?K<yttA ,4 • KREATIVES ENROLLMENT C5-PIECE SUIT^I Monday. Sept. 9 — Registrations MONDAY (Sept. 9) now are being taken for "Kreatives," a 5:05 p.m. Family Health — How much sugar is too t CUSTOM CLEANED I preschool program conducted by the much? 3fr ee 525-3930 Plymouth Community Family YMCA 6 p.m. . . News File at Six — Sue Schnurstein bringing l from 9:30-1 l:3ft>#rm. Monday through you news, sports, and weather as a special feature ® with each dry cleaning ® Friday at United Methodist Church on TUESDAY (Sept. 18) Ii o•urdrertrode roefd ' 1w1i.t0h0 i nCcooumpoinng m goasrtm been |t * i with tr^roming garment* j j with incoming garments Ired f a I wofi t•h12.00 Co uinpcooom minugst gbaer msuernretsn.d ered t xJinr Ptafogvif^ lpepGNPeaerla roTrryarlivmneyehiri nadeonrcmeilugetset ,o ghm iawnra niTehmanh ol aaeettrsa mhRtrsay oo,Ss tasp e de paacadh c rcwumeaehcefraeaetsrs sttiti,s eof oor n iflrm's.si mS u g Tdhis rthBeeioecelgdoudrp no ce annael neained xsdii ns-n 65::1005fFt rappromi..lemm ipnl..idyl .. lls iFF?f eaamm aiinllWdyy pErDob NHRleeeEmapSlostD.hrt AT ——Yod H (aASyoe wpsp r ptso.rag of1reg1a) rma arm efo bAciudrsothipntg -cAo on-n- |•yf CYESxoUKpuSIi"rRTCeshOToMi cSoe erCp tS.L L2oEf1A,A ^OC9hN8Ke5"E~S J^D V '| i V^C_S UEKYxSpoITiuRrreO TsCM<hS ooer riCpcet eiSL>2e LoE1fiA A O1CN9n8KeE £.S eDE" "1i "£Ni r /!e" "sS"JWVe CEEgYSUAtoT^SuT^ TroEirO RC fMS,hP o COitc LBeReET LoAeOf S N1U< H£5ES8nIDE£Re , T_ ~' »_" •yN \ ,YJ [III o E CVSusUWrEgSlSrETTeAaOTM oE3r CR SP ,hSPo eCOirc^ LeBRetEJTL oLeAOf S 1N OU9HE8nSI5eDER ,_T /1 (>J CX.(S11^t0U•o 08O2o7l8k Ocsv wWRfarenrudsrt;fland ^ w dcms Mf.nneegrr p i(Jmhtcoa ant co.yg raphy preference is given to YMCA members 5:05 p.m. Family Health — Cause and treatment of i f v ee i if I To enroll for the fall session, call the acne with each Incoming dry cFeaning | with each incoming dry order I with each incoming dry cieajung ord | with each incoming dry ci YMCA at 453-2904 6:10 p.m.. . . Community Focus — Noelle Torrace, pro- order of "9.0Caj uCwouppounj imxiuusht buec | | | oofr -O>C w o Couopuopnon [ miEowst u bce wTTrnocnx _ aof 00 Coupoc roust be surrendered • 01of *-8> V0A0 JC coouuppoonn moeust be - sui rtruur; tx. gram director, interviews important people from the *urr«ajdered witthh Incoming garments • with incoming garments j . with Incoming garments. i | with incoming garments • GED TESTING Plymouth-Canton community. ^ExpL Sept. 21, 1985 J ^ Expires Sept. 21, 1985 ^ y ^ Expires Sept. 21, 1985 J Expires Sept. 21. 1985 _ J Monday-Thursday, Sept 9-12 — GED testing will be 6-10 p.m Monday. THURSDAY (Sept. 12) Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in 5:05 p.m. Family Health. - The effects of air trav- Luxurious leather handbags Room 130 of Plymouth Canton High el. Have a Picnic with these 1 School on Canton Center Road just 6:10 p.m. Chamber-Chatter south of Joy. There is a fee of $15 and FoodkVklue-ssl ir ^ FINAL WEEK persons must register the Friday prior FRIDAY (Sept. 13) to testing with the Plymouth-Canton 5 p.m.. News File at Five with Chuck Weidenbach — magnificent designs from Italy Community Education Department. 5:05 p.m. Family Health — What is scabies" For information, call 451-6555 plus superb designer styles MONDAY (Sept. 16) CANTON • COUNCIL ON AGING 5:05 p.m. Family Health — How to care for a hear- Tuesday, Sept. 10 — The Plymouth ing aid 1/3 off Community Council on Aging Inc will 8-10 p.m. 88 Escape — New music with Noelle "Sj5S FOODS • meet at 2 p.m. in the Plymouth Cultur- Torrace 8177 Sheldon Road - Canton VALUABLE COUPON • BEER • WINE • LIQUOR 29 Available • FRESH MEATS • PRODUCE - GROCERIES SAVE * 6 I i at these PEPSI 8-PACK Vz liter bottles convenient I i *1 . 6 8 mM£m H .2 D taMM D«w. P aNpapl* F rUaag, MD.M Papa lI I L A R GE location si Mortdella I i 35F10A3 ROrM«rvIN3 RGivTerO/DNra ke $2.38 Lb. 51 476-7Q25 I Dell Fresh FARMINGTON I HILLS Hot Ham..$2,38 Lb. "with everything' 11 Mlto/MMdtobett I lO toppings for oniy 477-7500 Capacola s3.38 Lb. Get the Classic Look 33220 12 MM* at Farmmgtor Rd Hoffman and Free Slacks! I 553-2424 Hard Salami *2.99 Lb. Northwestern /14 MUe I 851-2212 Roast Beef #2.99 Lb. Enjoy the distinctive versatility of Harris Tweeds rod 'IOPOI tapestry is bacK1 Trust the Willow Tree to place I WESTLAND Hot Pepper Cheese... *2.28 Lb. and all-wool herringbone sportcoats. From • on 'He leod og edge of <ash«on 8202 Meniman at casual to sophisticated these sportcoats c ora1 ' ch coo's ond bottonless, th s elegant tapestry I A4nn2 A5-rb1o4r 5T0re l Onion Cheese s2.28 Lb. interpret your lifestyle with impeccable taste b'ozer v»ill open doors for you ir> business and af'er-hours Cherry H*/Hlx Pickle & Pimento $125-S175 Alterations Free A w- te jace |abot b ouse adds its own excitement, and a I plus tax 1171 W72ay2n-e0 R2d9 a0t Gian Cheese '2.28 Lb. With any Harris Tweed or a!l wool herringbone sBplaozrekr' n$g50 g e^ stone pm styes you to perfection I Reg. 'J 628 33033 W72ar8ra-n3 A7v0e0. a t Venoy Co-Jack Cheese *2.48 Lb. sslpaocrktsc o-a Ft RpEuErc. h(Aas $e3,7 s,5e0le vcatl uae p; aoirr aofp pwlyoo tlh-eb lend Wsteo raerse a rpele oaspeedn 'aMo ancc e-Sptat o 1l0 -^6a.so' Th ucrrsedda^y caanrdds F rM.doasyt I 4L2IV1-O4N1I0A0 S37 50 value to any pair of slacks in stock) 1,11 9 PM j>rig. 56.00 to 262.00 36.99 to 172.99 18774 MkMebeft A.re'at ons are free at the tree I Toppings include pepperoni, ham, bacon, ground Between e*7Mae B O R D E N 'S M I LK Choose from Thompson. Champion, Jaymar Come choose from our very special collection 0/ mogn/fjeenf Itolion imports, plus a 471-3737 Sans-a-Belt or Kingsridge the wonderfvl selection of bo'fer-soff leathers ond snolresicms from famous Americon designers beef, Italian sausage, mushrooms, green peppers, 33008 W. 7 MNe HOMOGENIZED '1.68 gi Select from the styles you love for day and evening—oversized totes, hobos, shoulder pouches, clutchbogs, I onions Hot peppefs and anchovies upon request W 4a7t 8F-w4m4i3ng3l on 2% * '1-58 Gal Sale ends Sat wiMll1ow satchels, camera bogs, envelopes ond more — in foil's exciting r»ew shapes, sixes and colors. I (NO SUBSTITUTIONS ' NO DELETIONS) S Mie/tewen Vi% '1.39 G«I Home of the No moil or phone orders, pleose Hurry in for your new fall handbag while I Va- lCida wrriyth o cuotu opnolyn Oatn epa crtoiucippoanti pnger L Citutlset oCmaeers ars M1444 68A44n-n-8 3A04r0b3o04r BHoerrsdheenys' sS our Cream ieoz.... 88* Athlete Suit tree 'Percentages off regular and origoiunra slel epcrtiicoens; is int eartm eitdsiat ebest re Sduecleticotnesd co mlleacytions ,hav enot been ev eprryior jfyle in to ev etrhyu s stoorlee . I Expires I I Chocolate Milk HG«i '1.58 Daily 9-6. Thurs A Frl. 'til 9 p.m Sole ends September 10th lord A Taylor, fatrione — 336-3100 Lokeside — 247-4.500 Twelve Oak I 170E Main Northville Bnarwood Moll — call 665-4500 All open daily 10 9 «. j I BO 349-3677 Birmingham • Grosse Po.nte • De"o.' • Seors Lincoln Pork COFFEE 25- A CUP - DONATED Shopping Cenrer • Meadowbrook Village Ma Rochester TO CANTON SENIOR CITIZENS SHOP Most M»|Of Credit Cards Accepted Plymouth • Wyandotte Vme your Lard 4k ImjAor Account or the American Express l +r4~b*HM *rt aJ*av< #r VALUAWi COUPON And our newest Willow Tree now open at Livomo MoJ> PrtoM Good Through S«pt 10. 1965 "• - -- 3A(P.Cf "fturioa*. 3 i»tt£ rhurxlay. S*pt«mo«< 6, l»66 L/dfc iP.CJBAT the stroller w.w. for your information Edgar • YMCA LEADERS CLUB funded through Senior Alliance Inc for call the recreation department at 397 at 42290 Five Mile at Bradner in Plym dan, Plymouth 48170 • COMPUTERS IN LIBRARY The Plymouth Community Family fiscal year 1985 The program assists 1000, Ext 212, between 8 30 a m and 5 outh provides child care, preschool ex • HELPING ADULTS READ Four Apple II computers are avail Commenting on YMCA is sponsoring a YMCA Leaders homeowners 60 and older with minor p.m. periences. drop-in and after-school pro- Plymouth-Canton Community Edu- able for public use in the Dunning Club to help youth function as leaders home repair tasks For information • SPECIAL EDUCATION grams Experiences are varied accord- cation can help adults read For more Hough Library, 223 S Main, Plymouth ar assistants Many activities will be call 525-8690 SERVICES ing to age and ability For information information, about Adult Basic Educa- Children younger than age 14 will be s.-cohmedmuulendit yth pisro yjeecatrs ,s ufcuhnd a-sra cisaimng p poruotjs- • TLUaEdiSesD DAaYy O uAt. Mae.r oAbEicRsO wBillIC bSe at 10 es Pforre pchriimldarerny s6p eacnida ly oeudnugcearti aorne s aevrvaiicl-- csoanll aMt a4r2k0i-t0a49 G5o atntsdc h42al0k-0 4o8r9 Janet Ma teinorno, lclamllen 4t 5S1t-u6d5e5n5ts or c a4n5 1b-e6g6i6n0 c lOapsseens orer qpuaisrsed a to u saetrtsen tdes at. t Crahiinlidnrgen w yooruknshgoepr Hiroshima bomb ects. trips Needed are youth wbo want a m every Tuesday beginning Sept 10 able through Plymouth-Canton Com- • SUBURBAN CHILDREN'S at any time. than age 8 must be accompanied by a to eipand their knowledge of the at the Salvation Army Community Cen- munity Schools If you have a child who CO-OP • NEW HORIZONS parent while using the computer. All YMCA and have fun doing it Meetings ter, 9451 S Main one-half block south may be mentally or emotionally lm Suburban Children's Co-op Nursery New Horizons, a sharing exchange patrons must have a library card and jre held bimonthly at the YMCA 248 of Ann Arbor Road in Plymouth- Bring paired, have a physical or visual dis- now is accepting applications for the for mothers, will meet the second and must sign a responsibility card also mon. Plymouth For information call a friend or neighbor and get acquainted ability, or a hearing or speech impair- 1985-86 school year Classes meet on fourth Fridays of each month 9 30- signed by a parent or guardian. Once By W.W. €dgar brought much of his knowledge in food 453-2904 ' with your Plymouth-Canton neighbors ment or learning disability, call the In- Monday and Thursday mornings for 3- 11 30 am at Faith Moravian Commu* the responsibility card is on file at the staff writer to help with Lawrence's gamble. tn a game of volleyball from 11a m to fant and Preschool Special Education y ear-olds, on Tuesday and Friday nity Church, 46001 Warren west of Can- library, patrons may reserve computer One of his specialties, and one of the • PERFUME BOTTLE EXHIBIT 12 30 p m each Tuesday Babysitting Program at Farrand Elementary mornings for 4-year-olds. For informa ton Center Road For information, call time and software. Rules and instruc- For someone who doesn't visit any of favorite dishes of ihe customers, is Plymouth Historical Museum is ei will be provided for children 2 years School 451-6610. for information tion, call Diane Klemmer at 453-1054 Mary at 455-8221 tions for using the computers, the re- the gambling establishments, or play stuffed cabbage sruo bmieti ning ath ceo lslheactpieon o fof 1 p9ethrf-cuemnetu bryot tfliegs- and older at $1 per child per hour For • PLUS PRESCHOOL or Ann Gignac at 464-0344 • WANTED: CIVIC RADIO HELP sapreo nasviabifllaibtyle ca artd ,t haend l iab rlaisrty o Ff osrof tmwoarree rtheen cMei hcahsig atnake Lno tate rbyig, gHaomwbalred a Lndaw i-s —" sOtef ackosu,r sceh owpes, h aroveas tasll lainndes s opfe cfoiaold ures with flowing skirts in many colors more information, call 453-5464 REGISTRATION • CREATIVE DAY NURSERY Plymouth Area REACT Team information, call 453-0750 winning. soups But the cabbage tops them all," Many other perfume bottles — from • DANCE SLIMNASTICS Registration is being taken for par- Creative Day Nursery School at 501 (PART) is looking for members for Lawrence, a resident of the City of says Lawrence. the 1920s are slender and made of Dance Slimnastics Ltd will offer a ents and children for the PLUS pro- W Main, Northville. is accepting regis- emergency radio communication (no • VETERANS PROGRAM Wayne, spends his days as a truck driv- When he thinks of it, he likes the colored glass hand-painted or with new eight-week aerobic dance session, gram for fall 1984-85 Children must be trations for the fal CT eyperience necessary* and other com- EXTENDED er. But several years ago he decided on thought that the Grain Mill Crossing is gold overlay titled Dance Attack." will begin the age 4 on or before Dec 1 and live in the 1 sessions Creative Day is a licensed munity programs All residents from a big gamble to help his wife raise their a success, even though it is in the midst In connection with the perfume bot- week of Sept 9. Dance routines are de- attendance areas of Field, Eriksson preschool center which offers drama Plymouth. Canton, Northville and sur- Area Vietnam era and disabled vet- two children. of a number of other restaurants. cc•tTSdsMtte ilchea- OoherM4honyiT,nes l Pe nt.p h 5dAas Poddt.2eirE mhflnfdu ea5yfeoNm nlyafem r asa Tlm aiFl.ta ios aghrt 1 asuuSygCeu irsattoe rhhKmhetn5 snsoeluud-dA ae1 rmH 1a2mrcP0T ,1yiihw.l ssp -,IL4y, 1tsNiw5 moSn7i s> GSri. t poleia1e alm couxnratapdthnu hlbfe di raoeonb d nMrmC pi a2dt teauoyo 5iuansnlds dt g t7eeauc hu fl-u nserealo8akdmnt l s lsaptlc ,soph tuoCSi m wi b5nl1ufpel0l5sgo nnsei 5 rc -t- eoCTWmgplsttiiohmvriaeuml goeneearrDepn r iddnsiwwsnnetresiniedognn idnaefedna,vgi igee sf sgsylke a eodeotcc smn,scrasl l dalaa s ay eChacntcsssnsi ods los 4poatsBaeven 5st efsossTea,c5ss,f rb :he-ue 7a c 1y Fsnuntnt a9wc-hotrdw ls6raesrplo aia3ld m .ttltJmn t aheho aietiyid nenenfnegs godateMi fhsrco- rsapt heo rataio o mnnlv tf taaoudDocaatncr arh itta d1aylo 4iensa0to sn2smie cbn,oli0seunl un-sea gn2ia asm Uo gr8cnn f eons 9lodndo-ef s3f - r Cc•GfCtabaNgo oanebPreaUa r dlaJlPnndl leLF pmu llttte PiyoeTYaarnt,mLatns ermeSiMlet nUr o C iEtoMnmRnhrOSuR oetgeiesiit tmUnYd gahs a sdenias mtTeCsd dlcn1eHs tuhdh40 rs fno 5SaiitoS hlo1iotctdlctin a-hllyCorh s6 oryieno6klwH endoo5Swa'ilrIr 6scnbrLee h ,fgnla aDroaNG pto ono haRpuiamlfknnerlsrEsr is se DocPSeN r aarsrTile iyrs'ndySephet atmnrcets y iehlatoca amav m tusptwsaibts raiohaie eolylatn--slr- asa3•oPIocwMi ncn9rhrcSRe d tc7eOo ooiaeE. n-pvOsl lknu3pdduNc id st9rGtsefei-uoiI5e orrW ieOeR,5,varnnsy riRc ca,ooAtda , ealyrrseuM t n as h3 cdtofesoc So4heuruN ttt8Cyi n ig otcs-Uv thog3knui i eFuTme9soetci neso1nhosReetntr0,np sey,iIi ,odt o T vfem ui rHlnIl mesodOe efegucosoaoaNe imrrlno rttani mf aaa szgfi tnbaneiaa irvlogn tmeop einsSsoae e,ge snra sdrtoas,,g av ofmf be yimrnc ecsue$a eue6s1i6l tsf-,0la 0 , •(rtrmem7•Hm Phi oa6RWdeaAoeouc4Pe lIerhrn1tlCDEl ee,etw dy sm T EMaAiiim imnna)ntoT hitgfofilns looH u8taa hrrWlot rE m mohapfPetRo .I aaaAAmakT stt vtCrAiiiH.noo oe aTtnagSnl nh rPnuU,,e ePmfln Soycc O t seriAaamCe'ne lml Terlilcmvobtr Tobi44suioetzn5e5Eetrmhedr55d Rnw- -. b a9T7'RSs oen 60TTho drr05usohka94 e rswd sT Ts .eo ndegea rsFa akr Fhy4mohoeoi5our p ro3wp af- ejgapdcgpiu35nunr04halrrrrgesaoso3a,atIa d etn nmm)1vgnoBm.. s9 i ftagrI oed 8 aehVdtsetni6mhnhsda n Ree,i stoeigsa f xAtwusAti if phes boltfindspprilnee olriovpeec setIuc neot bm gai tibtieSeo naehn eexpflger tx,e perpam pt oedx etn neataxevecths onswe3nt.rteesndeen0a tmaaO-sdenl .dVcgrdd ereeohe ietdni1 imghnt(tt r9hVoei gai bp8nrAofrntR4oeeaaf gc t,yAut nlthtti lho gshpyte)t enirheh(rv e dPoeVsRec LcgpVSp eeehtp rrreRahtn hoaeor9epditao-Amd-8r rt-t--- -- Sfariatsonheo unftg garsdprtHNDo enhtm epogeaoeeI soed Stwaeupt xsrymaRar u e pgLtbaeMErdbeaanlac llGictrmctywhesh tLiAdh aeebnirassmdelR ere,o nCteoedD.hncn Snne ee IB cettvmN hsOm ueg.oieG assnfri kidat fncTtri irshiaenenotHnescgr nostE k t MasfAa s ili ssanoiu elsio w gln aucntluhtde ce bisoPracsotintte ltn my e s ow ibsqmoMtofehuf nooewa tiittfcptuaihhaenh -tteassr-h aNtMWHftothohrnuaeee adieFr"b.lta sAi mWBhleoohnBr,sir b wi, ,ntiogeg f "ydhai in dr nadesen soaeh sdo a Afwc'rfts inre eaaudpM io'w anntns p amHFdcgtclr oeeoe bTaN Sct,emrlrh aahoaabr d eacretieccmuephtogr hlksseeslahs hpe ' wstrS P, yePtaaaot e cl'nalr"asaaoeieydWtcr az kbCm r kla MM.eo rt "hwmohfos iioaheiusetclunorlhatak c yhdt velteha hi',ehbsrnsn es Lete td bM hrb ta aswu sey nMbtwaei rde aolineCetaineinuotmen inithdutrntteg s y p,- Ford helps the Fund Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30 to 10 40 • AEROBIC FITNESS few openings for girls for its classes be- and desserts Plymouth Township's Office of gram, PL 98-543 ratsed the entry grade ment from the grain mill, he has re- rior. which once" served as J.D am 1 to 2:50 pm and 3 50 to 5 20 Dance and exercise to music at St ginning in September. The nursery Home-delivered meals also are pro- Emergency Preparedness is looking level maximum from GS/WG-7 to GS tained the beams and pillars and has McLaren's office, is now divided into Plymouth Community" Fund — United Way got a big boost in its employes. Presenting the check were: (from left) John Peterson, p.m Wednesdays. 1 to 2:50 p m Fri- John Episcopal Church or. Sheldon school, on the comer of Warren and vided for seniors who are homebound for volunteers to be trained in skills WG-9 and also provided limited appeal the old scales around the three sections four sections and each has its own fine 1985 fund-raising campaign recently when It received the annual repressing salaried Ford employees; Pst Bartlett, vice president days. 8 30 to 10 40 a m and 1 to 2 45 Road near Ann Arbor Trail in Plym- Haggerty roads in Canton, is a coopera- Volunteers deliver the meals directly that will be used during a township rights during the first year of appoint- of dining rooms. points. contribution from the Ford-Sheldon Plant. Chris Rautio (left), of Low 845 UAW; and Earl Taylor, chairman Local 845 UAW. p.m and Sundays. 2 to 3:20 p.m and outh Classes available a.m. and p m tive preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds to the client Reservations for meals emergency or disaster Training in- ment. A Vietnam era or disabled veter- Then he employed Stanley Forbush "It was a gamble for Mr. Lawrence campaign chair, accepts a check for $5,000 from Ford Motor Co. 3 30 to 4 50 pm Fees are $1.25 for Monday-Saturday for beginner, inter- For further information, call the mem- must be made 24 hours in advance For cludes damage assessment, shelter an who has completed no more than 14 as manager and chef. Forbush had to take," said the chef, "but it has prov- adults, $1 for children and skate rental mediate and advanced levels Morning bership chairman Amy Ciarracchi at further information, or if you are inter- management, first aid and severe years of education may qualify for a spent six years with the Denny's string en a success in spite of the large ring of is 50 cents For further information child care available The fait session 459-3235 ested in volunteering to deliver home weather spotting Training meetings VRA (This restriction may be waived of restaurants around the country and competition." contact the recreation department at begins Monday, Sept 9 For schedule • RAINBOW CHILD CARE meals, call 422-2602 The Senior Nutri- are held on the fourth Saturday of each for disabled veterans). For further in- 455-6620 and additional information call 348- The Friendly Rainbow Child Care & tion Program sites in this area are month from 9 a.m. to noon at the Plym- formation, interested veterans may • VOLUNTEERS SOUGHT 1280 Learning Carter is accepting registra- Canton Township Recreation Center outh Township Hall at the corner of call the local American Legion hotline l o in theC Aanntno nA Crbaorre-b Caoseudnc Cilo,m anm uanffitiyli aCteou no f • CCAanNtoTnO TNOP ST O(TPaSke Off Pounds Sen ftioorn c fhaillld rseenss aiogness C2lljazs stoes 1 2a rTeh aev acielnatbelre 442T3o7n qMuiicshhi Cgarnee Akv eM..a Cnoarnt o1n1 64081 8S8h, eri sMhiilpl rSetsriedeefnacnyd n Aotn nre Aqurbiroerd Road Town- agta 4rd5i3n-g94 i9n4fo ramndat iloenav dees aire md.e ssage re- COMMIT BECKWITH EVANS ANNUAL SALE OF FINE YOURSELF. eils Association, is seeking volunteers sibly) No 1236 meets each Thursday at interested in enchancing the quality of Faith Community Church on Warren Community classes starting at S'craft life for nursing home residents Volun- Road just west of Canton Center Road Be a volunteer CABIN CRAFTS CARPETS teers serve on the council, which meets Weigh-in is at 6 30 p.m with the meet- once a month to plan social, service or ing 7-8 p.m. The group is open to teens, educational activities for residents at men and women Open enrollment is Community services courses begin how to buy. sell, inspect property, mar- ity, balance, alignment, flexibility and Sept 19, 6-9 p.m A five-day class at + CmFTooaernnn tdmto ainos a rCt et ha4 rri5ene3ef -Co2 5rteom3n4t ase tirixo Tn hho ecuor tnsitm apceetr c oFmmloomnssthiite ^•t aeIkSnIisniSsnghHg ipnsIlN.ra ycRue YK CUaarlal tKe 4A5 c5Rl-a2As6sT5e6Es o arr e45 98--5921 320 wMl1e8igo6seen0 Cd0in alHayds,ai scSgeagedtpeetr dat yr1e,6. Lhei valdton oSinac, ht houeonl lccerasasmf tpout Chseo arl--t ki8n_ e3g•t0 ya Anopde.umrr co. orb enEicatilrga heEctstx-tswae:tre e$ce,3iks 0qe uc aoSl-eiefpdyt.i ncog,u rf 1sie6n,a fn o7cr-- snoiivonen•g r P wa—rlilel lh -S Receaoeplvttt.ihe r1;re9 $m.s4o e80cn- i1ta0l .psJ.enmcv.us rOtimtnyee,n- dtpa ePynl sasineos-n- Ccs$ao1ov9vmi5en rpgiun atgen rdb Ha rsoeictrrizi seopvnrisenag dT fsrihaleeinseit nfrg foumn Cc atei nodtniessrk, , ARemde Crircoasns 3ur Low Price Includes •S COACNIETTOYN HISTORICAL pC.amn tWone dRneecsrdeaaytison a nCde nTtheurr sodna Mysic ahti gthane froEmn rtohellm coelnlte ignefo artm 5a9ti1o-n64 0is0 a evxati l4a0b9l e tahned bceognitninnuinigng w eexiegrhcti sceo:n $t4r0o l, nutrition dcaisptirtiablu atciocnusm aunldati 1o0n-y eiadreas a,ve irnacgoimnge, 21, •1 I0n-1v2es ntionogn. iSnix R-weaelek E sctoautrese — on Sbeopwt IllOUIAl Pad and Labor... It's as Canton Historical Society at 7 30 Avenue at Sheldon for people ages 9-50 Here are courses which begin that • Passive Solar Design — Sept 17, producing investmets and a review of to find and choose attractive and se- A p m meets the second Thursday of Fee is $35 per person for 10 weeks week 7-10 p.m. Four-week course on survey tax-avoiding techniques; $5 cure real estate investments, reduce TOWN 'N COUNTRY each month in the Canton Historical So- Canton Parks and RecreatiOD is spon • Small Business Mangement semi- of solar buildings and additions, heat your income taxes, evaluate property ciety Museum on Canton Center Road soring karate lessons for all levels nars — Sept 16. 7-10 p.m. Four-week loss calculations, solar access, passive • Incorporate Yourself — Sept 19, and find financing; $45. at Proctor Sam Santilli, 5th-degree black belt, will seminars for small business operators. calculations, return on investment and 8-10 p.m. Four-week course will cover HARDWARE instruct all ages Register at the recre- All four may be taken for $100 or sepa- energy efficient landscaping; $45. incorporating without a lawyer, S cor- • A Leader Is a Winner — Sept. 21. • MINOR HOME REPAIRS ation center in person before classes on rately for $30 each • Dance Exercise — Sept 18, 7-9 porations, Section 1244 stock, taxes and 9-4 p.m. One-day course on positive S A VE 2 5% TO 4 3% The Conference of Western Wayne Wednesday or Thursday Registration • Buying and Selling Your Home — p.m Eight-week course to strengthen wealth building tips; $25 self-image, winning behavior, how to Minor Home Repair Program has been is continuous- For more information, Sept. 16, 8-10 p m Four-week course on the entire body, improve oxygen capac- • Introduction to Lotus 1-2-3 — manage people; $45 FaN P J!«L Savings ANNOUNCING It's Going On Now! Beckwith Evans Annual Sale of beautiful Cabin Crafi carpets. Your choice of over 350 stunning colors, including STORE CLOSING •ALE ENDS MPT. 1, IMS solids, tone-on-tones an»rnultitones. Featuring dependable, long-lasting carpets of easy care Anso IV nylon, Antron nylon and Ultron nylon in a ceat selection of exciting styles. During this Factory Authorized Sale . you'll get carpet, 3/8" pad and labor all includecfor less than you'd normally pay for the carpet alone — it's like eatherAlj getting the pad and labor for FREE! Hurry in. Cabin Crfts sale prices end Tuesday. September 10th S E LI £ T ^ / ,nter** c«W vlnvi-acrvlt Latex Stain Latex • F«*rpa«i a® nmT Flat V- House 'an t? .it* i 9.98 9.98 10.98; 8.98 , i 1 Cabin Crafts Ultra Luxurious JRU TEST ? CARVED PLUSH * * * ** 1, Clear . .... LOST OU Rat Latex tesT touse Pairf ^ Flat Er^ ~ • "I got it! I got it!" Am A fantastic bliy on one o j ^ o s. popu-r pile o« DuPont nylo choose from a jarge P ^ YOU get Plymouth r 4.99 8.98— 12.98c 6.98 carpel pad and .aoor For immediate treatment of urgent but not life-threatening illness w - r i *. Store Only! Claw Wood Saaftw a P*»- E Z ~ iL Fa\ st £ iwwl Whrta Ul«i Houi* P»wvi and injuries—McAuley Urgent Care (formerly Minor Emer- e s —»«• 'Mr* *13!£ gency Services) Open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., 365 days a year, x Completely including pad and labor no appointment necessary Open 7 Days TOWN 'N COUNTRY'S McAuley Urgent Care is located in the Arbor Health Building at Mon.-Fri. 10-7 Sale prices include carpet 3/8" 'DuraPiush' »oam pad and coren- the corner of Ann Arbor Trail and Harvey Street in Downtown ** * lional installation tabor 16 sq yd minimum Rtp-up and sometair Plymouth We are staffed by the St Joseph Mercy Hospital Sat. & Sun PRE-SEASON FIREPLACE SALE tabor, extra • Department of Emergency Medicine ON... ^ . .. . FROSTED NYLON RICH. DENSE THICK. ELEGANT DURABLE ULTRON SOFT. ELEGANT McAuley Urgent Care 455-1900 Fireplace > 4 - fej CUT N LOOP NYLON PLUSH SAXONYPLUSH NYLON SAXONY NYLON PLUSH Minor Emergency Services Tool Sets -4-1' « g'Mf Tjflgei S10^ - '00 " $11S? cAjMuoaeoaMorsran yrQw tJrMac n'CS $12^ AV-yHn fD<'yN C-«t eEyWg tc ljrwWrjo ef atOtal f« v $ 13!~ JU a*>ne c»W tsS'? 99 t'< 99 , SAVE20-23% $" 99 s Si 'T&y on * ^ IMPRESSIVE ULTRON LUSTROUS ULTRON ANTRON NYLON ANSO IV NYLON DEEP LUXURY 9 Sj FiTrOepRlOac TeR GAlDasEs5-0I N0D no oSwo AirnsL s tEoc k u'r1te*«^»g1'jO »Ws nfWcK Ni«Jso Y,lt l'" L. O%N SAXONY c«i't»e*! gUCu D« riIo-"i"scvJ3*1N MS-Y• 9 rL ?iOt N$ P1LU5SHf Va^-*j sto(jln"*uOrv(tc Um-"St*scSe HkfS y0'A"i *> 9D **9O $W1 PL6US~H r Ar-«oByo >mjM r5p«Eana*uleM i -t y$ona S"Bi*t « i O ork9ruy6S,« S sEDi 6PLU?SH y CnscoJa tor%mwi vCcS «*o A oSmnX?w CO 9N5$Y 1PLU8SH« f . $50°° Minimum Trade-In BECKWm EVANS NAMED OUTSTANDING CARPET RETAILER OF THE YEAR Models from ; BECKWITH EVANS ALL SALES FINAL lOQQM "«sctu» 4.89 - OAS CAN NoWTs tttt tin* to buy your Toro FINE FLOORCOVERINGS \X<- hdirvc in nuking DAeftpearr thmouenr?t oanr dS i«n M %acrwyr rs cHmoesrfgnuatl cEmm 5er<ge inrcaye pDtie pMaretr cmye Hmo *p<uu Emerync> PLYMOUTH LUMBER 1P0ty5m0o AutmK,i AMrbicokr .R d. 27c7hi4n0as FbOeuRcrD.W Rr ObeMlie)v e you do. loo. M• TE»O«»»UO* TYi£ oH » *M ViAM«C fH Oif P• AC•WISt lM«TNO TMOO"»N»«l ««TXCO WmN SHIP W• OMMf€SA4HTA.JI 00 oO Fl» oTNrtMJ (HgVfCtIIo G^H 2T7S4 79BC ••O T3AUAXcTT7roHL1MO E Hfurro *m*< Sou»M»n«3 mm HOAi oflUxjQtejaT wieitrht ne •• Ann Arbor Voti HA fftWAKf (313)455-7500 P?S*Vo?u*tA}f lSW oA'b N1o0To w AMIa>O 0 7 '100 • EMWAS«UT<6 Eo8 i MEI*L*Et« "*O» d J" •• LIANIVMyOmMI oOIwAf t rnto 422«Ot cm- / WHeUaKqh kCBe nter P31ly3m/4Sou&t1h9. 0M0 ichigan 48170 J*P MChJKoUn*Ke «X: oK4t 2 ar2n,f- M2M7olOa5ieK0r MM /". H)I fl f ——>i SA£L SLA CMOPLLLEESC T» N( 3Y1O*U 5R* 7H0O0M0 E • W3«O €SWOT4l V M* IB LOMEf N«V0*M OTAP* VW-3WC hj immt - MaryKnpUrt Ivomo r . ... 9 v 'ft • 9 tr f pn fj'vr-r.', • Cotffl SuRdi'S ST0RF HURS MONDAY FRIDAY 10 am to Q pm - SATURDAY 10 am to 6 pm SUNDAY Noon lo 5 pm - Thursday. S«pt*mD«r 6, 1M6 o4£ (P.C)11A *S- 'fie »cs> >«(jit>mow 5, 'WAS County special ed tax to help local schools Inactive voter lists p l a g ue local c l e r ks Bstya tTt »wriri tBe*a nas plaWusyen odfen »oerf nriegchet;v wedhen th hee otonlldy Saepn- allo•w H tohuese se Bleicllti o4n65 4of T jhuirsy b millem wboeurlsd ry "thOeusre so pceieotpyle is fjiuvset t osoix m yoebailres t o" csahre hcea uospep oofs etdhe mhiagihl- ipnrin rteigngist arantdio mnai lbien-g hoOmf e1s1 i.0n0 A0ri zreognais taenrded Fl ovroitdear s in the Bstya fTf iwmri Rteirc hard spOurNre TdH bEy COST side. Keane said special ed needs are tho•s Re idgihatgsno —sed S atast en elaewdi nmga intd uantetsil stpheec aiagle e odfu c2a6ti Iofn tfhoer faonro stpheerc ihaall ef-dm Villo tiner 1s96 a5p (pAro 1v9e8d1 are hqaulefs-tm wilals i nde 1f9e5a4te da.n)d Jack Welbcn, R-Kalamazoo. who was from lists of licensed drivers Present- said costs associated with sending out appli- last election held there, 2.200 voted by • Modern medicine — Many impaired children used special education fund is short, then general education Special ed services are delivered two ways: Dearborn s longume city clerk LHi sitting m foicommittee chair Sen Har- ly only voter lists are used in Mtchigan Plymouth Township counts some cations absentee ballot — and "we're climb- Oakland County ls almost a victim of its own success in to die at birth or early childhood Modern medicine is funds must be diverted. ' Many poorer districts have tak- • Some 2,000 attend so-called Center Programs dne Wydeodorf got a lot of laughs in an mon Cropse, R-Decatur, "1 don't think Sponsored by Rep Perry Bullard, D 3.000 inactive voters compared to "The costs are very high," he said ing," she said. "I'm looking at alterna serving young people with physical, mental and emotion- saving them They require special educaUon, which has en money out of general education for special ed." funded by the intermediate district and operated under itherwise dry evening when be told a our problem i registration It's getting Ann Arbor, it is intended to make avail 14.394 active ones While the amount is "That's why I'm opposed to it We're tive ways to handle that " al impairments grown from 10 percent of the total education budget in • Oakland — Many parents with impaired youngsters contract by local districts saaCDtnioanedWlmt' tert oy obmSidwrteioe,tnn nkttsaeedehets,oeit rpodiffno iwpcne alLid ntethore fckl ibasx l ea i fifn tGr od o"r oomL ezvieve mntrohnne eomitatrheo Se np"retIofn locainitt taeiy tn a pultehepsaocEstpo XtaimherPae ioEn nugC t f TloteoEug rDois \ hm.,oe>v u"ges eet saaentsdtsei noStneionn aatre me b intlholes aodwbbfoe hmSlineon'u tmigf npr o sopearegror liejiretustnicetre'teytrsers df soat eoaruflngon edrvudceo t jit ouoey ntrno hy buva e ltotdcahtuars emtg,uryes alre inmTs y tthnasheu ne amyy dmb uf eeeoltarafss r "3Rwr.i0oelR0uae0yllEdl ymDs e anoFlioidrOmte s R iawhnDee al ot T"ehtwO.a" tivWhs esehhN ete odfSi" Hsvtha elIiuhP-deym,e bCL"at rlethehg aririkntso'aslu acJ gttoshiutavirn lee"l tmeprlayielRpiclneiitoglireonw ty,no o ssa r olpks a omays ob sbneoaemccyikoa iat sFenndo'etdr dt htw haMietto hf htroiegr erh u C" nc ono is$nt1g 0o f cojtuafa srlmPtoa E.les atD Rtsot- HwR awAeoneseP keeiSsvk'ss etuh i beledly ei nms, ocRo tuae ssppts lm ia hoNneenniamcet kIedbnde tt rr Coroei dobasufepraco pmetnhdasie r-et sabtrupeippcKfotSer eorrpaeivenn iactetlie, a wOnjlo daceiestdnn ue7mtdc oaa fbotnyif dot ha namet peai ndrnOoy apOb kloyaolsak calnlaaladlw nt o e,dId n sbustaoteciadorarmstttoe e rWdtdsh, ieii alnil stise a ptsmh eeSece ci Gk'ha5ilon 0Ko gsel.e dv a ulDonoctienase.g--r setp1rcm9rehi7•avoo6 tAtao ititloouseinn t1Ii gavsa4l myut iphtm ieeLs rrp—meecaaei gni r sTImutth e' sce-eun mrc$t rosa2oe,ll0nssl,eto0 tmgl 0yde 0ot ihfr feAe ipcs e muar lnmot dss kottu irmn deedeox niropsetfe, nti aemscsiahvpm iemaldeiurdr kmecinh naedb n aaots ruo et tfoa qmtthhueoaOa nvplN eitot hEytpoe u sO plgOaFeetacni okiKeanlrlaEan lAoed fdsN tbtu Ehped'orcSesoane gustres naepllemoi eOnpsdgu.ainlk apPgltaoeini oosndnppt sleec hiis aac lsoth m eaadet r ggehpreeonurwetear.s"tai lof Ta nKsh t-fue1osr2r tai—nhsges • iit trshAht ehaanyonno mc atahetent,e ey radn spid s 1rnt o8rre,giee0crgd0tau0sem.dla aI rin"tntO ce ftlnaahakdceslt as ,cseno psmdue nacs nutidarypoylpe . a"selerd emmKu ceoemaanrtnaetieeio ndm nssa atb ircidynel aas sstmprseeeesadcmi' a in l cMaplwg.cionoissiisdlTtts clshts teheeh,u c cdelraicaetig rlhcirncliaodlgovtnne,i we o'or esaorknni sl'fsnssi ymgep bdsl lrir eitiiovnecslecclocaemgsteuntitiieodsss nodrntseugefee r r rd dservieiasen oggy aingnnt i eesvearwtdca r vtrraa ieiotltveosgiteot,eiy ns rras t eonvr affadool ttotbi roeroynmrepn g -- vvbptsGboooaoeoo rlrrttrv••leeseen o droSrSt Jt u ne,afeib sr rnmntynlahiaa v uueei tSeiinsedntneang bioiJBB nt Plnw eiiB lal lhylwilt ltit has o o44 anMl r0Ifhdtcep3anrCht m urtr ovTedperilonqllwlnvatou elic duicaar ergmenes ehbdt Ieve. taytme' shbtDteaoobasla-tl eeerDso d,rn cpwie tfuo teaboehrn erybarde- sfmabfctfroouilseavuarkr rmte•eeedksi -eH oetoahty hsnhnvaeoe e samleufa itdiSesrm al ce ltee anehlfisnecycner aatBota iitarmctveio enilpl enlndodr gs 3o f e4Ot0epi h5il so eotne5dthsfaa2a e a acbvHyrlntloss oidiT,tvs uetpheh osrp riiebso r n vru2ovg eot0avig tsnmi eidi addcsoreiahtnn a rsyiirsgsaseiesntufg ilbgbfirioynoeeslen e- -r vcyttniihnloeyveoaatAei"resntrIk eirfv sgnd t ,wor 1e goaosr1th nnhe ltc olh'eyrytshse o,e hetl naheaia ceenrssiaksvna r itwkhencnhraetgee indylv ldrco e iwaltugeh mrihd aotrthetel l tts h o"g } oihoo.n s"enviern lo sy tgthroe o ee t tllw (olvsebsoacoy bitft dieeieoo.nlr ni da ims1enc 1- -- psietonhhlfo geeec"Hs c ToptastaAanohi gotieNcsoden teawD a) ar"m gnLnblWoeose Itnhe NcuoreianaGp sut twwee s AopseveoforB e uwe tlrmlShida eclaEloneu t nbNtcc l ewalkuToeynypwarEds k iiE" sn n fy rvi i obrAogeualhprvlt lrme oi mdbltis eli (wlnf dawoduigtr,arhe"e-s iwibpHbvnneoio atolai"irsltnnIu eo psgtnswrd tae o wlarua coeE tshckreogeele asa eidsrogestcep,fnet "totr ie shtason dhhtatansooietiesodc r a nm k eebC n'Fl seedVpiolcem rampoato niitrlumcnneoansegraoceeisttst r set wireye ecen. vheaege, eeln"di nlrsaityysit ntrr o dthneaaonaolt eytittthohh twwnr eihtenhraae eegiess s- etwwWnhiqauooohsuTTneur ysa ahtHlp hldaei irEsn rz$opiee en 8Btpaad 0cyeIso ,rGvrpcf 0e$t aoe0yaa3 lcuq0ns0u intuesaaa temwoltxy sian eoot me0ikr nrdotsneoh. nu.7o e u ca5F wnKa omymnttesrieoiaa al fnnertlrooske xr .cea C m7tomit5su suaptr ssn clrttdeeea r,nxnai ts ntat si hbssrnswe aagpsstee eee orrfs was i gsts1enodrt 1oeeo .rtrn0 whfe0 oeott 0rhmfh pa0 iaoun$l flbK4 h l0rseioe,tca0vuan0 setiee0es- Snbab1nuue *dirm-•n di o gDbcen nelreptare oio nsco fssclf ratto oirystueaosuoniimtunftiyinsoien- gndalgcsao tylca eitesazhrlaas ea ritms uippotlea inaiscsctiie a csAdlh sK eilifndetue a dicnna e sotethtuii oetptnu lo ats fbictdo auetnshtdeseg ,te h srmte etsa ud gtcuetrhco eb weosuftdh tgthh eaeetrt mescllyapdo gmeCauecc u miisaDaretorlirin senoevtnndliryct i lw ewcykti onsoatlluhogwle edbwn nOe hncn liyaaoceks hf lofl io"aot nOnrd gdbia velyk oreIglc an rhhanttialedg vr ghdeme eSiyn rstecteodh rrs oiidapacooltetls ecs sf,io u"-aS.n l c tldh heesoovdoui uetlgocs hDa tsii itosuot nbinrsesi ci rmdmtei aizi—llle-l- esfit$suhtd1nane 5TCIn'tiTd terhmoe s'c exmSba.oi t ilnubvTdl eidyei)Hown,regn eEiaes .ndtprt asg sew x ae ct—iocni tlao dhecl nvao de yynvodi,d teea h r liiwrdfn ee rh a aO$ep 1 rrapo1eekfrv lo lmaecovnnociedulsadlte liswo Odn oowicusf tholt.dn ri $c7i 9 hch,tto a sw Opmv ohe aiou alk$fllvlid5 aoet5 hnn b tedmoe ( icScdmluolciiporhlolrs oneietnocln yittlntso- mattooiluvl etAvyTe mo o"hCsf tbueveCerp o sOeirpnto,'esRo mc r5rDslst-eoe1 I r—eN0k mlrGs iuym u p reaTcaieachOnlrrrsaso o t mcsainsonos gmc Mvwom efimhmcioulhmene ishngiitatta itovnee fesie ng" f i esat nnathiaalneaefcdrtfd- mwvfrdeoeroioetcrgt u atGeidilssrodee tufn praeriasuklel etiteT iymho h aIRniet snr -ae Na ac cgtblhoeriseoisroee tsttfnhrsh awves ngi poil otfonluseivnlte ers -josarynemdd etiusa e arscn lStel taieodannnwlad j Rcaau tornfriodbvdisrs-e - cEtatihrmo"soePnt oshi Lssone-sfgYrdu tHMeimhseutaO rl niisinUycnintaT grSwcHe,Bthig voTcie srO4 tse 0rvWuda3opitttNip eeotordoSnr Hft ifG IltoePher ea k be exCl.iilnme gwriiknan asg afymugeulrSWa seprotesuY udj rautN phntshofdtDies e leEwel idt NanI flCyaDkocl Ouey tiiron RvkvuteFoo t hP felaairas o vItptmtsero'isn lc sl'Dkt ieanr e vgvsa oFeh rptbla e"almodannrconn ei"ne , usr s way1ei e0d- oTFocsfpforo BaCeamwnbnilmnendsksreiglukhninhnn gitSap,i em pht,es iaawae rri sbhtoFd ainaa closrrhleh fomTet iists' snshg, cc eeas hlBstieurtlei eedmn irvtengiese gmorm l fet ygohb rSel eo idHnorw esvuir ilist lnlohselg ffcaa i o agnehunndelesddds re ltmBheeaefroWv itrrn"iee ngy ggl daii ebsntnhter dareaotalte lrir;foce tncifetol'desm cp ooptrefpolfdaeciinec nbisienaasdgcl.k i it Itsoh cnua apbt mne tt'cetoho e a"fmf r f"aiovnuorgdd- carmtaeamexvnOMneee'tntsnno g fdtutrohinemeneo atdge vornernee ocfetrvii w,dtnne osutgenhocd um ta aeh tdtoueei osot thiwcnshdoit enetaari,t nitero etdtsaiwhet ceetanshor)r eeoea ntfor s ci setsi oien"at uttcsfuthlnati aeiTntptyo gihtH noua neurt el api d mm 'Tl eiaeItelFsal n c nApsaersp w to(.htp eape xA rrgo tirypno ce1 wtrr9aett7xyh-8 andHTPA OMteuhrtHeIei sI— it ns—icu tma— rpab ghie nlyaroasn soibscf leaa ecmrl ymloaorest o isnoofrttonah soalepllmyre s chhiia maainnnlpd de aieiaiccdrcaaeuhppdc ;p,pae tr 68dio4o0.g n 2r pa7 jme ar rcgeonnt SSVHPXMrII e I——I- —v—o vhc ises s—eaeuvrvaie enlvrlrgyeoe lcliiyymma mtmppiouaaenliintrratieelpa ddpll,,ylry o24 i 9g im.mr appmaaisir.ree d2d,2. 1 247 itgsnrpr ioTTCeCccuthhoeispeena-'cs ltcnc heaeoaerandswmi dt Prpsp it,rnnr aaoaoegixgtwgg -i rnrtwlsaeap oaamimsausrspt el adr e ubu rB lnunnsoet to wirbt lwn-y 1opao 9ntrruh9lodlye3df.i LplT ehaare ymaolp vnfpneo bu.rik ena ra"diermpe, rrDe owwdigsrh rtaioarttemi c e dtl doig irucrneaco claMwt tsdtiaohi dsan'-- inactive voter files are larger than ac The state cut educaUonal spending four times during also are retarded, 11. Altogether, the 15 Center Programs have 200 ison Heights, and Anna-Marie Christenson, Troy Board of live files the recession years of 1980 and 81. SEI — severe emotional impairment, 2 special education classsrooms Education member Besides last Thursday's meeting in Livonia, the committee traveled to Portage. Grand Rapids, Traverse City and Saginaw Accounting seminar Sept. 10 tamily Discount Family An Oakland University job-opportunity seminar on the Accounting Assistant program will be Tues- PEAK 10W40 day, Sept 10. A story in last week's editions con- CANDY BARS tained a typographical error on the date. • PFTFB DA 1.1 . C1TGO a n t i - f r j e e ze The seminar will run from 7 30 to 8 30 p.m on BABY RUTH • WIS PA .MAM MOTOR OIL PLASTIC GALLON the OU campus, east of 1-75 at exit 79 To make a B L - \VstJ reservation, call OU's Division of Continuing Edu- QUART CAN cation at 370-3120 weekdays between 8 a m and 8 F'n^r payday c Faclia Fashions p m NESTLE "CLAKK vMlLKyiVAY FORM Accounting assistants help certified public ac DISPLAY countants by preparing financial statements and Shorts & Tops other reports CASE OF 12 (Boys & Girls) 9.39 / * £) 2 for 1 Sale "Shear-Delight" Buy one item at *6.99, get Beautv Salon second item FREE WELLA $20 HEAT 3 SPEED 8232 Merriman 427-2100 WAVE A%nr» EMERSON HAIR CUT CEILING FAN $ oo 5 » Call for a quote 525-6333 JS W ARREN AT VENOY Behind Amantea s Rests..-am Expires 9-12-85 on your Auto or Homeowners insurance. •ANTIQUE WHITE Compare Allstate for value. A RT Discount • CHE3TERFIELD Absolutely no obligation. •CREAMA 'CRUNCHN S T O RE . Call now for an estimate. K R AT JIF PEANUT o r uf ''Of/ GRAPE «ELLY BUTTER HEALTH & BEAUTY 425-0800 /instate Art Lessons • Custom Framing 18-CZ JAR r Co NcnfcttrcoW 2-LB JAR V Art Supplies • Drafting Supplies 50: OFF 33615 PLYMOUTH ROAD I LISTERINE 32 oz 0 79 LIVONIA, MICHIGAN 48150 265 N Main St. Charlestown Square • Plymouth MOUTHWASH &TL-. £ 455-1222 t / // /r / / ft f, I ( J, 1, 1777 HOURS Open MondaySaturd-v» 9» J£L' *"mlaV 11 20' OFF -REG *GEL BEER-WINE ORHCHAMPAGNE PACKAGE LIQUOR DEALER COLGATE PUMP 1 39 hufOA volley TOOTHPASTE I tenni/ c l ub ECONOMY HERE'S PROOF OF HOW YOU CAH SAVE MONEY EVERYDAY AT FAMILY DISCOUNT DRUG EFFERDENT 96 CT Q 59 OFFICE VISIT uElfTURE TABLETS 3235 Cherry Hill Rd. Near Plymouth Rd. In Dtaboro FOR SENSATIVE SKIN (NO DOCTOR'S FEE) DISPOSABLE 5 CT A Qc * Call for Appointment * • 12 Indoor Courts 728-2130 BACK TO SCHOOL BIC SHAVERS " fw • 10 Outdoor Courts FAMILY DISCOUNT DRUG G E N E R I CS FOR *REG -OILY • Expert Instruction Daytime, Evening and Saturday Hours PAtmG SAVES YOU MORE SHE YOU MKT! COMPARE t SHE WITH FAMILY DISCOUNT DRUG PERT 18 75-02 0 59 • Complete Pro Shop ARE D IM SHAMPOO SEk £ • Ball Hitting Machine WESTLAND CLINIC FOR • Restaurant TOO HUGH •ORIENTAL -BEEF SOOTHING J QQ GENERIC • PORK 'CHICKEN • Child Care 6900 N. Wayne Road pREStRMTIOHS 1 HILILNS BTARNT OS. CAT LITTER SMAK RAMEN NS0KXINZE CMRAE A1M0 d&... oz I I " NOODLES MEMBERSHIPS One Visit Per Patient COFFEE ANTI PERSPIRANT AVAILABLE Bring This Ad BAN SOLID 2 oz 1 77 FOR information Call 662-5514 Offer expires September 13, 1965 DE000RANT I NO ASPRIN PKG ADVIL 50-CT Q 69 GENERIC LIQUID PAIN TABLETS..... JEL......O BLEACH 1 CC SYRUGES or ? WIDE RULE 2 pu*SE CHILDREN S Vi CC SYRNGES **£... 50 OFF 32 OZ STL LOOSE LEAF 200CT Q QC TYLENOL 30 CT 1 99 PALM0UVE FILLER PAPER .^.9. TABLETS - £& • LESS MANUFACTURERS MAIL-IN REB-TE EMPIRE 5 GRAIN NEW NO 2 W000 10CT O QC DR. LANE 250CT Q Qc OWNERSHIP YOUR 88 ••SMWILIKS CSH COHCOOCLOATLEA.T E GENERIC CANNED LEAD PENCILS J25& v9 ASPIRIN SB* 5151 PLUMBING FAMILY DINING FINAL COST •SBAITTNEDRSEWRESE T CHOCOLATE DOG FOOD REGULAR 100 CT or O l $1 SAFE AS COFFEE 50-CT. LEGAL SIZE ENV £/ I VIVARIN 40 CT 0 99 • ALL FOOD- SPIRITS* DAILY SPECIALS TOPPINGS... WE WELCOME PRIVATE PARTIES FAMILY DISCOUNT DRUG SCHOOL GLUE or GLUEALL TABLETS .. 8& Mm PLUMBING • SEWER AND \ REPAIRS DRAIN GET ACQUAINTED •REGULAR ELMER'S 4 oz A ( kc ISOPROPYL •HOT N SPICY GLUE &T.L. "f w SWAN 16OZ Q Qc • FAUCETS CLEANING OFFER CO-PAYMENT BROOKS + GARBAGE S1 - OO OFF H• FILBLEKD• YMOUBRI OR 3.00 FI OROFSRFT CNIU BEAN BAG\HEN TEIRSSICU E RPRELOGAA NUSTNTEESARDL' SNT UEDDTR SY 2S43U&L 2s O £8 8 MASLTECDROIUCHAKOTXLE 7D•5 V CT 0 19 V • GWHAEASATT EHEROR TS • NDEIWSP OSERS ANY DINNER TRANSFERRED PRESCRIPTION. COUNTRY OVEN 12 CT PKG ACNE PADS....... • LICENSED PLUMBING WEiNthT TRhiEs EA d OSURNA LS ECPOTNT R24AC 1E9P8T5ION LSIM EIXTC 1L UCDOEUDP OEXNP IPREERS JV HAMBURGER or t FSICDRDELEA MFAINDGDL sE; oz R Qc BEAUTY FLUID AND® FIXTURES Thruft-14-e5. FAMILY HOT DOG BUNS 4 PRKOGL. L YELLOW Z0NKERS JBS* ll%V OIL OF OUT 402 A *9 INSURED LOTION ••••••••••••••••••••eeee ^11 COMPLETE PHOTO PROCESSING WE SELL POSTAGE STAMPS. LOTTERY TICKETS & MONEY ORDERS. • PACKAGE LIQJOR DEALER AND FILM CENTER AVAILABLE 885 31 r Plymouth f -i L V Mi 1 V 1 1 W '2A<P i'luiaoay September 6 1 Thursday, September 6, 19S6 Q&E Vocational rehab program gets accreditation Westland's senior citizens -J protest 'shared-housing' plan By D«bbt« Sherman CLIENTS ARE referred by mental cies that have the facilities to accom- have to be low risk," he said. staff writer health agencies, schools, insurance modate clients' needs. Stokes said agencies, Michigan Rehabiltation Ser- Some of these training centers include The overall goal of the work adjust Project Advance, Wayne-Westlaod vices, the Department of Social Ser- Wayne- League Goodwill, Jewish Vocational ment program is to help clients devel- Community School's vocational reha- vices and by the Veterans Administra- Service and Community Workshop in op job-seeking and jot*-retention abili- bilitation program, has been awarded a tion West land Detroit. ties. Typical problems are interview By D«btoi« Sherman Federal Register by the end of this month, she added three-year accreditation by the Nation- "Some of the clients do well on all of ing. telephone skills, resume writing staff writer Roy Grogetsky, president of the senior citizen association of al Commission on Accreditation.of Re- Many of the clients were formerly School District the tests and may even be college and job sources. Upon completion of Westland senior citizens are protesting a Reagan administration Gthree nenewwsoloedt tVerill ah"e, s wairdi tbees r efoard athbeou btu tihledi npgro proessiadle anntds i Hncelu dseadid i th ien c i v i l i z a t i on habTihleit abtoiaornd F oafc ieldituiecsa tion accepted the imnostsitt uwteiorena clioxmedp.e Ltiytiovnesly sa iedm. pHlooyweedve art, The district serves southeast bdoo uwnidth. M thaeyibre li tvheesy i nd otner'tm ksn oowf a w chaartee tro tvhiee wcoedu rasned, tahe re cploiertnt 'iss psruobgmreitstsed is to re a- "shared housing" proposal The plan has prompted some senior wanted to get them to do something about it. accreditation at the Aug 25 meeting one time They are mentally, emotion- Canton Some of them end up at a community referral agency cleitgiizselnast,o wrsh ion plirvoete sint publicly assisted housing, to write to their wi"thT shoemy'ereo naell eslhsoeo Wk eup w Threoyt edo lne'ttt werasn tto t oLe svhianr.e R tiheegilre aapnadr tFmoerdn,t but proTvhied ipnrgo gemrapmlo wymasen itni ttiraatiendin ign 1 a9n7d9 . asalliyd or developmental^' disabled, she csaoildle ge in career exploration," Stokes deWveolorkp aincdtiivviitdyua sle rovbijceecsti vheeslp fo crli eednuts- One section of the proposal by the federal Department of Hous- we haven't heard from them yet," Grogetsky said other services to eligible residents of Project Advance helps clients devel- cational, pre-vocational, and daily-liv- ing and Urban Development (HUD) permits those people living in western Wayne County op positive work skills, self-help skills, The vocational evaluation lab pro- puts them on a schedule simulating a The evaluation process helps docu- ing and leisure-time activities. sounbes-ibdeidzerod6 hmo uaspiangrt mtoe nshtsa rteo fmacoivleit iiensto a annd ereffqiuciireenscy p eople living in str'aITng WerO,"U sLaiDd oBnEe ares didiseanstt ewrh too asshkaerde naont atopa bretm ideenntt iwfiietdh 1a to fteael l Pericles Mozart Herodotus pe"oTplhee toov einratellgr gaoteal w hitehre th ies c foomrm thuensie- ibnildietyp esknidlelsn. t-living skills and employa- vid"eWs ea spsuesshsm theenmt o nto a gweete koulyt b Ianstois the wtioonrka ls ccohuendsuelelo,"r s"aTidha Jto'shn h oSwto kyeosu, vmoecaa-- mbeefnotr eth mea wkionrgk r pefaettrerranlss. of the clients the"mW es taarye h aonm ea,l"te rsnaiadti vteeac thoe rh'sav ainidg The elderly residents of Greenwood Villa who live in subsidized we've paid our dues to society, we shouldn't even be asked to con- ty For some of them, competitive em- community and be productive, whether sure success for the disabled popula- "I look for all the things an employer Eileen Reside. "Just getting them ujto housing, are angry and worried sider it. We should be able to enjoy our privacy in what years we Acropolis Caliph Al M a ' m um ployment is not a realistic goal, but we The project currently provides ser- that means making money or not. It tion." would look for, how they interact with the class and getting them to show up, "Our residents are upset because of the lack of information have left." work around the barriers and work vices in three areas: vocational evalua- doesn't matter that much whether it's co-workers, tardiness, punctuality and follow directions and realise there are said Judith Tosoian. apartment manager "It really scared them That reaction was typical, according to Jim Chmelik, director of H a y dn W a r h ol with their strengths," said director Kay tion, work adjustment and activity ser- volunteer work, part-time or whatever, AFTER CLIENTS are evaluated, task completion. If I'm going to recom- rules and regulations is making prog- but they're getting actively involved by writing to our represents Housing for the National Council of Senior Citizens Lyons. vices. as long as they're doing something that they often are referred to outside agen- mend anyone for a work program, they ress." tives I want to keep them informed, but not scare them "There is sufficient ambiguity in the provisions to cause a num- "The issue was misrepresented," said Margaret Milner, HUD ber of problems." Chmelik said of the proposal "HUD got so much policy analyst of the Department of Housing. "It was thought to be of a negative reaction from it, they don't know what to do with it." OCC beginning State economic index still rising more stringent than it actually is We thought there was enough Chmelik said that even after the proposal is revised, he ls con- A rare opportunity Survey trig concern about it to eliminate it. But it is based on mutual consent " cerned that those who agree to share housing will be given priority ;,weefs of ideas, art music arid Sept 26-N-v in housing philosophy that makes our •-.vor'.d 7-9 30 p m MILNER SAID the proposal will be revised, and she anticipates .•••hat :t is •-"•day Eight outstanding Weekend College the elimination of the provision requiring a person to move from The elderly population is increasing faster than any other group, educators in a'S'J S Department of Course rr.av be raken for r.oncredil an apartment to an efficiency he said. Humanities will bring their expertise The Michigan economy, as measured by the Michigan fell sharply in June but rebounded in economics department of Manufacturers Bank. It is "JTiere was a lot of interest in shared housing, but regulation "One possible result of the regulation is that we spend less mon- to history s high points from golden Michigan Business Activity Index (MBAI). picked July The lack of special dealer Incentives in June seasonally adjusted, corrected for inflation and ex- didn't permit it, which is the purpose of this proposal." she said ey for elderly housing and house more people. How do we do it? We Athens to contemporary New York For a descriptive brochure contact For the first time this fall, Oakland bine class with their responsibilities up nine points in July, after a drop of five points in and July may have hurt sales for that period, but pressed on an index basis with a 1967 equal 106 Final revision of the proposal is expected to be published in the shove more people into a cardboard box." Chmelik said With art slides occasional music MSU Southeast Regions'. Center Community College will sponsor a during the week^" said Ruth Grass, June, according to Manufacturers Bank. increased use of cut-rate financing and settlement base " 20500 West 13 Mile Roao Wuneaebkleen tdo C aotltleengde p crloagsrsaems fdourri sntgud ethnets coForadlli ncaotuorrs oefs t hwei lwl e ceokveenrd "CPorilnlecgiep.l es poBrtus ta trhee gbaainnkin'sg s ata flfa regceorn osmhairset wofar tnheed d tohmate sitmic- oAru tghues ta uantod hSaeupltienmgb setrr.i ke should stimulate sales in In July, auto and truck production, auto sales and week classes are planned t. both Birmingham 48010 week • - of Business," English, psychology. auto market — a "worrisome" trend. Manufacturers Bank»staff economist Patrick L. energy consumption increased Steel production de- Hazel Park gets educate and entertain "~- Phone 645-5410 It will be offered at the Highland "Keyboarding," "Office Management," The unusually large swings were due primarily Anderson said he is concerned about the domestic creased, and labor-market indicators changed lit- Lakes Campus, 7350 Cooley Lake first aid and "Introduction to Film." to changes in auto and truck production and car- manufacturers' recent loss of market share. tle Michigan State University Lifelong Education Programs Road, Union Lake Classes will begin at buying behavior. The index stands at 138, 6 percent "Imports gained 29.5 percent of the auto market 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, and offer Prospective students may register at ahead of the July 1984 level. in July, far ahead of last year's 26.9-percent share 168 racing dates three or four credits any OCC campus through Friday. Stan- Through July 1985, Imports earned 24.2 percent of Club presents show "The program is ideal for people dard OCC admission requirements and AFTER AN.unseasonably slow June, auto and U.S. market vs. 22.6 percent in the same months of RNRNM DOLLAR ALLCANADIAN who just find it is impossible to com- tuitions apply. truck production increased in July. Sales within 1984. As the Michigan economy remains dependent on the auto industry, this trend Is quite worrisome "For the auto companies to prosper, they must The Livonia Garden Club will present a Standard State Racing Commissioner William • Mt Pleasant Meadows — 67 compete successfully against the Imports and the Home Flower Show, depicting "Livonia's Heri- S. Ballenger has allocated dates for dates of Quarter Horse. Appalossa and FUR SALE AUGUST open market. The new cut-rate financing offers tage." 1-7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, and noon to-5 pan-mutuel horse racing in 1986 to Arabian racing between May 17 and should help them win back some of the market p.m. Sunday, Sept. 22, at Greenmead Historical Hazel Park and several out-state race Oct 26 ATlOriAl share they've lost over the past several months." Farm tracks 51st A n n u al N 1N CWSP4PtR Anderson said. Greenmead is at 38125 Eight Mile, just east ef I- Ballenger is in a legal battle with Ballenger also said he reaffirmed his Gov James Bianchard and Attorney earlier allocation of dates to Northville THE MBAI is compiled monthly from 11 differ- 275 and west of Newburgh. J General Frank J Kelley over the Downs, a harness track, and to Lad SAVINGS FROM ent measures of Michigan economic activity by the Admission is free length of his term But the racing chief broke DRC and Mt Pleasant Meadows said he acted on Saturday. Aug 31, a for thoroughbred racing 10%-50% OFF date on which everyone agreed he was still commissioner THE RACING commissioner said his Herman's most recent action did not necessarily HIS RACING allocations include complete the date allocation process HUNDREDS OF • Hazel Park — 168 harness racing dates, April 14 to Oct 25 Still on file are applications for stan- COATS & JACKETS e Jackson Trotting Association s dardbred racing from the Genesee WORLD OF SPORTING GOODS spring meet — 49 dates between April County Racing Association, the possi- One of Canada's Largest Collections of Mink Coats. HUNTING 17 and June 22 and 52 dates for the fall bfe builder of a harness track near meet between Aug. 27 and Oct 25 Swartz Creek; the Allegan. Kalamazoo Plus Sable. Fisher. Lynx, Chinchilla, Stone Martin e Saginaw Valley Downs — 73 and Ionia county fairs; Mottville ...only quality furs at Gervais! dates between June 1 and Aug 24 Downs, another potential harness facil- e Jackson-at-Northville Downs ity. and an as-yet-unnamed and unli- CANADA —— — — 4 D A YS O N L Y! meet — 52 dates between Oct 27 and censed potential harness track near BLACKGLAMA* Dec 31 Niles — • MINK ' """ "" " - DUTY & SALES TAX REFUNDED MOSSBERG 500AKG Pump Shotgun Zoo renovation FT ^Rn TE7tE I 1 L A1Y A WSA Y1& 1 . IDUTVI 4 i0%n o /1 F U LL 12 ga.; 28" barrel; lightweight; C'Lect choke 3443.i " REMINGTON 1100 12/28/MVR Auto. Shotgun PREMIUM PAID ON U.S. FUNDS Low recoii sensation; walnut stock. job to Greenfield STORAGE Interest REMINGTON Sportsman 12 Shotgun • • 359 9' THE FIRST YEAR Layaways 'til Christmas 12 ga pump shotgun with 1 Q Q 99 FOR A V A I L A B LE j S- FUNDS hardwood stock Great Duy l%7%7 719 99 - Greenfield Construction Co. of Livo- Work is scheduled to begin in Octo- 782 O U E L E T TE (519) 253-2111 RUGER 10/22/RB .22 cal. Rifle nmZioailo lw iionan sR ilnooyw arlee snOtoa ovkfa. tfiiovnes b aidtd ethrse f oDre $tr1o1i.t9 bTehree a wAndor nkbee wi nc cotlhmurdepeelse-:lt eevde lin p saprrkiinngg o gfa 1ra ^g8e7 WWEIN'RDES BOARC &K DETROIT. r<x i oat1- Iran- SRiaWcocrx i,n s pJipiKejc f- tf TO (2 BWlocIkNs fDroSm OTuRHn npel) E-. stablished 1M9O3N5D FARYI-DSAAYrT UmRsD AY 9-6 dSeetmaci-haaubtolem raottiacr;y 1 0m-sahgoat zine !29 99 The renovations were made neces- for 600 cars AND WE RE BIGGER MARLIN 60 .22 cal. Rifle with scope sary by the construction of the adjoin- e A relocated entrance along Wood- THAN EVER! Semi-automatic rifle with ing 1-696 (Reuther) freeway, state ward Avenue. Regency Fur is batk w ith two mil a-, o 's jturaJ C<n<nc SUcKcruie Rivc iA cross-bolt safety. Transportation Director James Pitz e A 12-foot-high noise wall along dollars worth of the most wanted fur4, ]»jcrts r'mrs Mink C. uls 1ri>m Complete 4 Pc. said The federal government will pay the freeway at 10 Mile Road. in the world At prices that must be 9p0e rpceerncte. nt of the cost and the state 10 tione bAui lndeiwng .s ecurity and administra- sBereinn gto y boeu rb heulisebvaend.d ,D yoonu'tr wmiifses, iyt our BEDROOM SET staGter eTernafniespldo'srt baitdio wnas C aopmpmroivsseido nby r teh-e staTnhdesr, er easlstrooo wmilsl, btieck neetw bo coothnsc,es psiloant- fyiaroviuearnw fdausyr ap fniadann lte aitss Ri eaesvg abeielnaccboylme Faeun ard rmeaalk:!e' - A CNV ialtus rfaro. (m 8 PC. D12u cgka/P. 6h-esahsoatn t C49 D12o vgea/Q. 8u-asihl 0ot 9229 REMINGTO cNal- Amm 1o5 0^0 *)99 cently. Final approval is up to the state form for the zoo train, pedestrian payments can be made at ynur Fashoi n Show Sample RUSTIC after mailed rebate* after mailed rebate" reg. 3.99 Administrative Board bridge, storm and sanitary sewers convenience. Top that with our 1 i d KjnJ guaranteed 40% exchange rale on Black Spn,igbr:x.k Mink U S funds and duty refundable by The Worst's Kines! L0VESEAT $249 LIVING ROOM Ryoeug ecnacny't Fauffro ardnd to m itshsi sB irsi nogne ysoaluer Sii\*r Tipped a Nai-ra. TriCmhminecdh williath S * OR SOFA CHAIR NO W GROUP Visa. Mastercard, American Express Rac.oon < -iats trorr- 1 Ont» In Durable Antron Nylon BROWNING Nomad Deluxe Bow r r n: d r a p e ry b o u t i q u e^ otIhrn etc ehRreneqgauteienoscn yaa nlF dHu rcoo tTemlw eion t oMW tihilnleid oHsnio lDrt oofnol lra r $11,400. &C oOmTpTarOe aMt •A59N9 I N^Yl 6 M/ • v' N\. Fhaibredrwgolaosds h alimndbles;; weighs C I Q "" Fur Clearance' . = n s* only 2 lbs 12 oz w w ^ i» » :* 4 5 ° £« • STEMMLER -Game BUCHEIMER Vinyl KOLPIN Compound BEAR FMICHWIGAN S BEDST Getter" Aluminum Bow Case Bow Quiver * Sure-Hit Sight Bea,:.-. Arrows^ 19.99 15.99 ong 12 .99 r«9 IH 7.99 5 «br*YCo^lZcecAherwrse discount & 3 99 ! • tSOaf sate pnce, o* , WHOLESALE Includes sofa, f ^ e r t i i o i a U n d i' s CDoIzSyTR QIBuUTaOrRteSr s c(ohra airo, foat t&om an cc o / .. 349 Including Chest olottvoemaeaant), 2p aerntyd 1% So"d 2 i 6 ccKislructioo features two tables 2 como'e'e Dc<3s oius a ia»Qe t draper decorator UP TO » c. V.*.. .fttuwinums Dtour rloabngle wMeearrc ulon crehteaislle rR aect et2m4i9y advertised By a majo Claommp®p are OFF Entire Stock of S e . e c t ^ ^ ^ ^ Q t t X ^ S: In den or at »59® or SAF-T-BAK Canvas and Uninsulated .C. living room NO V more REGENCY FUR, TORONTO'S Camouflage Clothing plus U1767|4J8* J9W' INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN FURRIERS. BUY DIRECT all Hunting Hats and Socks au VCMICRI-S 72«84 AMD SAVE ««€ HOI R4.84 I* S E P T. 5, 6 ,7 & 8 09>84_Vw^ —-- 33? -— 2 w , n ^TTl TITT ^ "|T^ HILTON INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 2 Position 3 Position Super Occasional MATTRESS SETS 277 RIVERSIDE DRIVE WEST, WINDSOR - S19-973-5W Recliner Msn-Sized THURS NOON 9 PM FRI 10 AM - 9 PM Chair 2 PC. (Inneraprtng) £S ' 67 6 2 VV*2 %% OO ffff $CC2rovani l8f Froom*5 0. $220Mfroi«n0kn C.om SAT. 10 AM 5 P.M - SUN 10 AM 6 PM $MIirw2ainn ki - 7t» * 95. $561tI-9 y0 na«»5nhCa od «ia n • OMraCr W* R-meTircm *•l i 'Wiranrmy'i ej— r ietc otSorbwnovecwordcotemvrMf oal co lot oorrm tonop caarekvarie fareiM n cited befieoalr ut ihM ine ng Twin S«t TAAll SBCUOS HSNcoEpLeLs & EBnUtSirNe HSEtoLcLk1 B otifmn o culars BKUniCfeK w Fiothld sinhge eHthu nter SVwICiTssO ARrImNyOX K Cnrhtae mpion Buy D4nct 29* And («** Buy DtrwdM OW Full S«t 2 O of S ET -»«°/»off 2 0o tf MOW And Bmrm MOW *89 *129 .. _ ...• r • Subject to mfr » stipulation* Hunting equipment nt* avr R E G E N CY F UR LAYAWAY AND DELIVERY AVAILABLE • CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE AVAILABLE ONLY IN THE FOLLOWING STORES: 0»CMA*0 ft 14 MUE CEWTIH • STERLING HEIGHTS: LAKESIOE MALL jrwi (.•«—i»» n• -< *o»i1»iCi oIe ' M ' Ml W MM SII 0>cftv« Ik •« •«r 0(.T tjk i«ri 1 o cJ O I W Visa, MasterCard, Csrte Blanche, Diner's Club and American Express Accepted. • DEARBORN: FAIRLANE TOWf^CENTER ill 114/111JI CtuW.JX.* lllKtK 411) I? 00 MB t <> M |- V N \ Ol > \ N \ l» \ I I |l REOFORD/O*ETTRROOIITT | TT'T¥V".a BTrT*"ii" TTTff • HARPER WOODS: EASTLAND CENTER *0 16706 TotoQjik s. IV«M Wv* PANK • TROY: 268 JOHN R. ROAD •rr<£ d r o o e rv 900 DIXON RQ\D TORONTO, CANADA 416-674-1270 2 Block* SouTh Comm ol Oafcman • ANN ARBOR: BRIARWOOD MALL /• 532-408800 * C74~mi I Monday-Saturday 10-t Sunday 12-6 *A»P.C. "Txirsoay sapremog- ? Know your local lawmakers St. Mary tells OU instructors' strike takes students by surprise Want to express your views about pending l,eg phone 349 2319 Phone in Lansing is 1-517-373- FLYMOl TH TOWNSHIP about expansion tslation, or about legislation you think should b* 1707 pending'1 Send a letter or postcard to your local Meetings on firat, second and fourth Tuesday By T*ri Banas wouldn t be teaching class that day land University this semester, saw Varinder Vlrdi, a junior electrical "They had ail summer to negotiate a a big screen television set legislator, who may be responsive to suggestions MICHIGAN HOl'SE of each month except during July and August at staff writer He went home to wash his car classes on the Rochester Hills campus engineering student from Sterling contract I don't understand why they One of those catching up on ABC- from citizens Following is a listing of lawmak 7 30 pm in Township Hall, 42350 Ann Arbor "She sounded like she didn't want to interrupted this week by the first facul- Heights, said he first learned of the dis- had to spring this at the last minute " TV's "One Life to Live" was Lauren spra7eqn7lanSdu,T2no tahL7 svMre0 eefa v poa-stfirr rqaooyoun noaj ae tror oc a|efH2tad 0odt dfh- ssiecme pteoiiit ontflanlas ilwi,cosi Dittl sthihhteya ie ns oxr foe pt nnaha ao nneFvsni iav7poote8rnuieo,n 0snM 3acen9en iold tef •vrtfimomaoedrernmy•mdii o Aeiteaclhnodtitenigi ornoaeyane tu,pew tscy -uyap pcsrhadotdeteiimammoetnpivontu adwgtsi eialclo rlluoioyfzlp sape irdprsoa a vt tnaipoienddandet ti r ei nean nuislctnmpclfuli ooeridnarase tr eT1r3os42w rnNendps DMhreiiapssiietn rnUIi ctSSitn t S rg{R eiR neEtehctP.pel uRP dP ClEeylsySam rmEPloNlouy uPTtmhtuAh,or- sTuMCetIlhaiVlcn, haEt oniRSgnd -aP nPalrl y4eym8am 1oo7uu0t thh oa4sRei8udev133tp heL767 lJ0tatathha nwBP mdDD,hu ei oii4Psssln5dttlerr2yi iinK0mcc g9itton.o s W((uLLtiietnnaahovccnnoall ssdu,uTiilddnn oeDeeggiwsgs-, Cnhi Msps ap Wha1niaicr-tpatrho5t)y1n o.4 ,7oS f8P- fRt 39lCa 70yCota93emoan -mn3ot otR8uo n15ten,6h4p) . 6P MGS lRyteiaomcrto he-- RHinou cMalisdtiey nSeg tuhi.p naTegllrrs,ev f ai2iCssr0ousI1rTtrYe aS rM n OM dMaF uata hrrPmyiiLcr edBY Cr MMBoitoyrOoeknUes dnMT a.4Hya5 Cn3 a-al3teg8r ek74r0 E 3 H0se tphne rmyr ddltnloeaaeog nynEhued tenHr wfaUiccerreano Gnsmi avhthosteeiltsrd eO sbnti o waetdaykr enabgld saea,T tn h uaoadi ems " jsocu y dCfnhnaioiriy rospmo tr srmpm o tctrrfroluiaeaakrncssnneitss"sitooyn frarget r s aC O oo nasomnadntlkul --ey-- taswlnaec oSlhfhGtkto ee t Houoaidelbotue dhotr lobffeuia ede tarsr lt otg ditoatr,i rftltt u fioerk" doexi enesp i m ed1twch1eutea.nce9st dh0b .I0o" o"t oSksohat heaiahdnetotrd pGe etnstooh tdcllueddl dnaObese asnsurkhs gti s e s tfcifyniolv garsWe ,stt ssrhcHieteakusImme Ldw eEspionen uuPl tsnsvlIdi Ceen s bnbeKeet E gyrj ahaTuenneasltcrd s Lea s irwnr ehiTsviuci enhwsgde nao tytfo u m tlpheoear iarnrnt - p3bssbcei3uelhtA0ftlteosol-r oemrabrelmine ev sdatemitwn nanpdbegrtit ee cw wTnrk aaup ssue rtn psoh"'dtfeq beau yos riusoteeo nkaar sicfusv,thp ee heusrrednesn iitoao"t ybson kaen beft ahodo nteruo dewt n hip i ttyig ahthsye at VssspctteiruhrrLAid,dek i VeidkeF nse uRiwatr lmsdeEiod iiSuo n lHrwtdeeMars v tAah icefaNofwnenecc dt aefrr n o bdtemyhodez etohn vsWinee rrmae tn teheeusorwrftwnoesirrp ndt'sahg -e jPmnnoeearaSee"s,r dTd hfkm eerhted ohaiwtsm niit saon,i ssa g F agm csagwreylragaamnd rsiliautasioiv,nsarntagtg ec twtsio o eothtnmhominci ,msHhe "a siutt lte tslneseshrhir.nmec ,eda . a st nsiaaoadi din 3dI.s d "pmsMo.hmaney-' .t facility and construction of a 60.000 mation ,5th District {includes Canton) U.S. Rep Wil- Graper, Treasurer-Assessor Ken Way, Clerk Township, Jodi Prahler, spent her first theory is that if they (instructors) square-foot medical services building • The new 60,000-square-foot medi liam D Ford, D-Taylor, 2238 Rayburn House COUNTY COMMISSIONER Gordon Limburg Mayor David Pugh 453-1234 High drama off the football field day as a college student Tuesday in dis- weren't well paid, they wouldn't be cal office building will provide offices Office Building, Washington, D C 20525 District appointment. Prahler had looked for- teaching It's not fair that my educa- c«iiatTnhh S1e8 ihs5ote sbrpesi,dt saol p,Set no eMpdear iranyte D dale sbcoye mo tpbheeerra Ft1ee9sl5i 9-a ccoofm•f eSmeou csnhiaioltpy esedruvciacteison a ncdlas saelsco haonldism a Office 3716 NewbUe.rSry. S SEtNreAetT.E W ayne 48184 oCuitt1yh0 -TtCho oDwuinnssttyhri iBpcstu:^i l(di Mnincaglur,yde Ws D ouPomldyawmsa,orud Rth-, L2 i.avno dDni eaPt.rlyo 7mi0t,-2 PLYMOUTH CANSTCOHNO OLS COMMUNITY owlef aatrwrdno etod s hi tae twt heoanuddli dsnncg'ht eabde ut hlheeedaldt e thra tcl adsasy,, obnuet ttihoe"nyI,t ' mrteoy od kofui nmtgue.r e t hisre jeea pseamrdeizsteedrs by to w gheatt nf1li9eirC8xmm7toe moTn afshott en rDSutihacxv t a iaeMornrcndimhl eiisa bt naee ncs dctAcuh oMsremsadoelpu,rcllrieeiadm tteeenda stngo bi Inryn oebce ae.Jrdgui sionln yfg ftgtohar ceoa•irul lalTniopthdwiye ef s wlr o eifinollilorftot c bhoae frt efitmohlnoneooo vvrmoeaf datw eti hnidflelr b o smbumpeieal dn ctrieetenamngl oo phnvoear attahlertedhy SWeaCDnsaaohrtnilena'pgLldtfeo fWvnici Dne , R BDCiue -2iDgl0dle5eit1nr0g oJ .ir tW, . a3 Ds5h3-iFn lRgitmuos.ns eD2l5l 3C B 2uR0iu5ld1sis0ne gil CMMiiit1ccv1hh-t C4h4 8o8D22u2i2ns66ttv r iBctui lMdiinlgto,n W Mooadcwk,ar dD-W 2.ay nDee,tr o7i0t2, pthe omnMtdl iieennnee-tt 4i Jnb5ogo3hsa-n 0rsd2e M 7co1of nf Hdicoe ban eandt 4 f45o54u3r -St0h.2 0H M0a.rovn Sedycahy oSo ualpt en r7einw 3s0 S| Oote MhnresE t hda OsereF tsAh stemihyneeg g rg iercrtoea oranemt eassdstt yao gfd te orca o Tmslthleeaepsgye 'owl lufoto n boo'ettnb bfatoehllue fnp ofdliuae nyilndd- wth.ew s.tro ller wvUtho-aaADiytc ss est .ttes ho"taoeoOmydpnp luwwyendee tTrni elhtth e t heh2 meGe2a a sdg mcaeahdnemod ofeF lossi rsaa hw ibtdha iS,tenhw d iopnioumln taaey Uad ivn ptleghosresty frs i,eg eda alamrdma, rme e"h cea Tot arihcdle- smddaioedi"edmnTs P'nhtb 'erwtea ritahne onlasfetctrrh .ut otch sate iosbxre s u c hcsnreoaeiino ddwnsiitads hi etbe rebeeducd twa t uoaa tsshen sauctsa eht bh ea .e a" iaf"wnonIattrdo' ts t ct hththhihiseisen tg foi is fsr i shortthasa teppmp sa deoerancpky,oe"enrt daPoisnfa gos ncI cemla.l aams Ossn secfa oaIannn lnltd i ienttei 'usImde'mede da s" , Grand Rapids is designing the project units and a new psychiatric day care CANTON TOWNSHIP to defend the rating of their alrria maters. Down in South Bend, Ind., Notre Dame coach telephone to call her father from the real good start." The final decision on a contractor for program Three related programs will MICHIGAN SENATE 35TH DISTRICT COURT During the recent negotiations to avert a base- Knute Rockne used one closing sentence to send the Oakland Center, the main campus' stu- lhe project hadn't been made as of be located nearby to allow sharing of Meetings first, second and fourth Tuesdays at ball strike in the major leagues, it was ruled that Edgar team out on the field. He would raise his hand and dent union IN RESPONSE to the early-morning Tuesday staff aDd activity space 6th District (includes Canton, Plymouth and pm, in Township Administration Building Serves Plymouth. Northville. Canton, Plym- the television showing of a game and its every play say, "If you keep the other team from scoring, you Although she lives only 10 minutes strike, the administration set up a tele- A groundbreaking service is sched- The expansion renovation project Plymouth Township} Robert Geake. R-North 1150 S Canton Center Road Supervisor James outh and Northville townships Judge James were real entertainment and should be classified as can't lose. And if every man does his job, we can by car from the campus; Prahler said phone line inside the Oakland Center to uled at 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept 12 in the will add 10 beds to the hospital bring- ville. Michigan State Senate, Box 30036. State Poole, Clerk Linda Chuhran. Treasurer Gerald Garber and Judge John MacDonald Courthouse such. be good If it isn't, you stay out here, and I'll see score on every offensive play." she sympathized with those students at- advise students to attend class. south parking lot at Five Mile and ing it to a total of 304 beds Capitol Building, Lansing. Mich. 48909 Home Brown 397-1000 at Plymouth and Haggerty roads True But the drama of the dressing rooms never that you get a decent burial." Rockne's pre-game strategy produced great tending the mostly commuter college Jack Wilson, assistant vice president Lev an The Rev Moses G Anderson, "St Mary Hospital prides itself on is pictured, and the TV organizations would do well NEVER I IAD The Stroller heard anything like teams. who drove long distances that day, only for student affairs, said it was unlikely acgDseoaueeecwrrHrxh•t•ydv ri ipA Riioleagcaiaqineahcettud,l rlis n oypiewi gewpct anbwirhamttliaiislttts esiuhes h o pntponmooonrtetfuspea cttu s Thi ioslaaoaedeehfnclfeae dc pa cdvtihr ad ie vooenurepajetgnn eahrAi tcrietuaettrrn m ctwsciiy htpnameid ceslwonlaelicfutojsii s ot sdfccheiree lctir sohn vesaiiiu grc caroehael af-l cofncppvtaiifohaarr ,eolytrt snopheiv,tWot g,ar is u netydmahen s ni e paibniagddtrngneoso edlo aanqjni dlueeewt urre cvsdiatx el anlelap iice indtt as wyahdn taast isceni oSotasuo atnitrrthtsehete te ee-oo rorx ifpnfp Mae-t aothtn nhaiuaaheserrta niy-con ta opcn crM hsrtce tiiro m-ltoteoeimedncesfceafooenhsils--t- - LAST DAYS I tosdoacwotfgnara foaaoeOTm drt rmnhHlwvierdyaeaea Eo wr nooupo Fffthglflhde a Ie teanRty, hhf ie iSyelinhnfuTeg ed l mdaat whrrftonpsieiendaemsy s, ltmsadhe ijm c.ansu otTghtasua ithnh sglr eyedfoe i,t o n Shsw mdfttrorreioorno rwalegl tlltaeeh shdtarehit s ee aep valwv roteeei annfrm-ygog geosia nsturtmhbef etwaafehe ltheal erdet re shnrgd palta ehom tmttharhianteeces eGtaggshrutrrashaoilWTL mdttltus,heeoi i.neehratt dh oi nirFcpg nditg ilshd.hsa ae h hTiaydi,retnh ie eSade er cnndswsntepd 'o pitvw emra reeh reewrwceo r-U hiehuig ntrpna ah eosfds mcBf it tfnifreh ut Jioeteetsiora dmh dgr me b iorttdcha ah.tR,h"tetme ete r lvnae" aeooB dli idhwtyoc.a 'e saspd,e-so ynae "ssp'mtekr coR ea tdd"neiOuo ittnc hneiee nlrodyc, fph Tltrtah hehoye-eef- oofowFroefnpi hos edTTAeteplthnranHndbeeaild iaknctmEn hlgTt tlgaRiaeh Vv gbsEeH etoaWir an . semuWtdceo t YieerwalI ud.evLaommi erecLlAsalhnrst ni'm si bn n dadbd eeanier rns.ytd eesh o s sIudeey utssRcrnoi i hlcannotcuaaemgg carnmnrnk da th'rrnota .ooobe i miboNnomenetm me oweN n tb.ns.Miht.oe le sTAletia crrho ntibeehnefede ni iwgD ec tt athva iahwnleemlmeri r lybeegSelerh t caa fao iposopdnslrlpti elsw u eetntmh ghaitoelyree lf tAcfcstRhoiiro rxoio rSIsmls uewNedt ow gtmaodmduShrerasrnuIlemey nDytj kmeu i iE9ot,n;tsh 0fi o gtsonTe rtcn giHui wlrp-e ladsEecsees ted acrsrun, mec ldOtaen es psna'mtntsuktoteso lpsta vhop ns eoefiwdtnmbu g es stdCehrea eenetremontvn t eecw st tsdear tar noaulsincdd v eteeseeh alltne aorhi tdltnwiisy n s- tohcppCimhnofoh.eemgfamHw"oyne kWan.e rtep ewteed viess-r alol est a eo7ii"uuhrindl.p:d,dyAli0 e defwl e5nti n n ts( dhpheh3tt idshasae7l e.oy v0 w mousne-feen 2e. apvc, t0" dmildlce0laamnei0u n sdbna)cis nnetntph eeef'hits rdrl s osoei t bahnniamr nieeaaftsdoiot vt nt o7relh giTm fre nss r ahott eao.Oaaunsmtm fubieraf o.gssukn dt hss tltatoaiatthh l rotyneye otp7,d - of the building The concept provides Hospital officials said donations are It was the day of the big game back home when YEARS LATER, when The Stroller covered the show every play of the game — even some you'll formation about the strike, while oth- ringing until 9:15 a.m. Of course, there one-stop" convenience for patients re- being solicited to help pay for equip- Lehigh University was playing Lafayette, and he University of Detroit games, he well remembers miss while sitting in the stands But they won't ers passed the time, playing video are heavier spurts starting 25 minutes quiring laboratory examination, X-ray ment purchases for the new addition was permitted in the Lehigh dressing room before how old Dad" Butler used to give the players the show the dramatic moments in the dressing rooms games and watching afternoon soap before the class starts " and• oAtdhderit idoinaaglno dstiiacg nsoersvtiicce asn d surgery Cano satdsd airteio enxalp e$c1t4e4d,3 t0o0 b feo r$3 s3p9e,0ci0a0l. cwairteh theL geahmigeh was coached by Tom Keady, a New Eng- last word. as the players are given their final instructions operas in a sitting room equipped with 30 services will be organized along a con- equipment land Irishman, and his brother Jim was in the Lehigh backfield When the players dressed, they P were told to sit in a large ring on the floor Jim looked at the few spectators and winked, asj^to State economic say that he wouldn't get any of the barbs throw? at him. UVONIA Instead, coach Tom kept his brother for the last. Then he ordered him up. When Jim got to his feet, N, index still rising brother Tom placed his hand on Jim s shoulder and P said, "Your name is Keady, I believe Well, I am your brother Tom And up home this afternoon, your mother is waiting to hear what her boys are scho; olcra£132- doing in the big game "Is it going to be good news' Or is it going to be The Michigan economy, as measured THE MBAJ is compiled monthly bad-1' c & 0 R iy the Michigan Business Activity In from 11 different measures of Michi- Staring Jim in the eye, the coach said, "It better iex (MBAI), picked up nine points m gan economic activity by the econom July, after a drop of five points in June ics department of Manufacturers Bank according to Manufacturers Bank It is seasonally adjusted, corrected for D.H. SHULTS CARPET CLEANING But the bank's staff economist inflation and expressed on an index ba- warned that imports are gaining a sis with a 1967 equal 100 base CARPET & UPHOLSTERY • CLEANING & DYEING kS£A*S arger share of the domestic auto mar- In July, auto and truck production, Service ket — a "worrisome" trend auto sales and energy consumption in- 2 ROOMS 8AVE '5.00 | Cent*' The unusually large swings were due creased Steel production decreased, ®40 on —eft room of . MO*f pprroimduacrtiiloyn t oan cdha ncagre-sb uiny ianugto baenhda vtriuocr k atintdtl el abor-market indicators changed iVC»A0rtJV+r CT0o*Tu 1pPo fKTnJIT RTCOT*O jA j SEWAA*O *E5 HOUSE OUTLET „elino appiia«» The index stands at 138, 6 percent M5j _ rr ahead of the July 1984 level CLEAN CARPETS -xtrz m OF SUtFlUS Sound Off YOU CAN LOVE AGAIN 50,000 iO n autAoF aTndE Rtr uAcNk upnrsoedauscotnioanbl yin sclroewas eJdun ien TRUCWKIT MHO PURNOTFEEDSS EIOQUNI PAMtE NT 477-4497 plymouI!! RD S A V I NS July. Sales within Michigan fell sharply to learn about m June but rebounded in July The lack r of special dealer incentives in June and Gem Carpet 532-8080 July may have hurt sales for that peri- civil rights & Furniture Cleaners PHONE TO od. but increased use of cut-rate financ TRIPLE METHOD mg and settlement of the auto hauling 8HAMPOO STEAM strike should stimulate sales in August Attorney Sidney Kraizman will RINSE A EXTRACTION 4 2 2 - 5 7 00 and September speak on civil rights for the hearing im- SUMMER SPECIAL Manufacturers Bank staff economist paired at the next meeting of Sound Patrick L. Anderson said he is con- Off, a non-profit organization in Oak- 2 WEEKS ONL Y c\^s cerned about the domestic manufactur- land County The meeting starts at 7 2 ROOMS & HALL... '36" ers' recent loss of market share: p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17, at 108 Fifth (with this ad) 16 years In your area r autoI mmpaorkrtest g ianin eJduly 2,9 .f5ar p aehrceeandt ooff ltahset (eaKstr aoifz Mmaainn,) w inh oRseoy daalu Ogahkt er is hearing • >n won • Coor • ALLF WAOtMKLK Gr UOAWRAMNTBE)E D & ll . year's 26.9-percent share Through July impaired, will answer questions from FURNITURE CL£AWNG LjCfM8£D « INSimtV a*9 1985, imports earned 24.2 percent of the audience. 99 U.S. market vs. 22.6 percent in the Sound Off Director Gail Kinsel said •\o IS* same months of 1984 As the Michigan the group plans to meet monthly, usu- 153*1 .\1° economy remains dependent on the ally the third Tuesday Membership is 0*1 -c c°c cV.i*x s8 auto industry, this trend is quite worri- $15 a year 29 some "A hearing impaired person often EVER YTHING YOU SEE IS ON SALE... JI^SGKI SHOPSE AC c*°" "For the auto companies to prosper. feels very alone and tends to remove S0O> :hey must compete successfully himself from society." said Kinsel. "We ^ v t t o s e^ against the imports and the open mar- hope to reach out to the hearing im- ket. The new cut-rate financing offers paired person, the family and friends . EVERY BEDROOM should help them win back some of the Future events will include a visit to a E market share they've lost over the past cider mill, a talk by a physician and a Hfc* & • ' .. can SW,S several months." Anderson said December holiday dinner . EVERY DINING ROOM lS q9 EartV WJf" &8 KTTCVrtN . EVERY COCKTAIL, OCCASIONAL AND Loveseav \A9 SA79 99 Req END TABLE COMPLETE WATER BED 0* ^ ^ Including 6 DRAWER BASE 3^% s . EVERY CHAIR AND SOFA 288 00 Plus: J . EVERY SECTIONAL AND MODULAR • MtTTKM • FWAMi * M*A0*OAM> • ENEMY »AV*» um • ui mba td« • wu «rr 4 • ATT* COHOmOm* • 18 . EVERY LAMP, PICTURE AND ACCESSORY - DELIVERY AVMLAOLI 18th ANNIVERSARY SALE! Hoors: Mon.-Frl. 1O-0 S«». 10-7 Sun. 12-3 CUSTOM REUPHOLSTERY . EVERY WALL UNIT "UiatecbeA A0°" 7 0% ( — 7220 MkJdtabalt at War ran 422 uu m (MO CALL AMERICAN AND SAVE! . EVERY SLEEPER I Next to Bunk 'n Trundle 5* kcc^1 » Because you are buying direct from . EVERYTHING! /—SSS ^ the manufacturer. Choto* <* stylaa 4 rrmrr/ ti—uUM cotor tetofKa jflht ' Top matmriata i N T O IS su•p eMriworc oonMructlon throughout NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Looking for a Sure- Win Fundraiser? FACTORY TO YOU PRICES! SOUTHFIELD FVY \ Why not Sponsor a Sparkling Musical Reviaw? . DRAPERIES • MINI BLINDS • CARPETING • CLOTH COVERS • c: UUJJ 'tfsSSo*** 11 FURNITURE CLEANING & CARPETING • PLASTIC COVERS a NOV. 3rd & 4th Fom nomammtimat*# call tooayi Q Detroit Premiere IMT IUBMM "ORRWVUT MUW oemon & DOWMWER 260 Town Center Drive • Across from Fairlane Mall dC< O 'jc mall J 5500 A show for the whole family, So"' —-r:.- 7 7 & - 6 0 40 4 7 8 - 6 « «« 533-8010 Dearborn • Phone 336-0340 C3 D XX any audience — No major work w- °°°" AMERICAN VINYL COVERS Open Daily 10 to 6. Monday. Thursday & Friday "til 9, X or risk involved — All arrangements, expert assistance Included REUPHOLSTERY, INC. Sunday 12:00 to 5 30 eVEKGWAN KU Call BKM-OCS, Inc. at 557-5069 We-N Won ••.jvi'v. Ox."' * ' ' ttMtoftd Ask for Betty . • 19» GORMAN S S«pi«mD«f b. 1986 04tL \R.W.O-1SA>*17A alip Canton O^bsrrurr H i gh d r a ma f o u nd o ff t he football field Opinion Philip Power chairman of tne boarc S Richard Aginian pres dem OME OF the greatest dramas won't be YEARS LATER, when The Stroller covered even some you'll miss while sitting in the 489 S Main/Plymouth, Ml 48 170 Dick laham general manager found on the American stage They'll be the stroller the University of Detroit games, he well re- stands But they won't show the dramatic found in the dressing rooms of college members how old "Dad" Butler used to give moments in the dressing rooms as the players Dan Chovanec advertising d-rectc football players as they get ready to the players the last word are given their final instructions W.W. Marybeth Dillon Ward editor 459-2 "Ji Fred Wright ci'Culalion director step out on the field to defend the rating of their alma maters. As they were headed for the playing field, Edgar During the recent negotiations to avert a he always stopped tljem and said, in a very O&E Thursday September 5. 1985 baseball strike in the major leagues, it was dramatic voice. "Only The Game Fish Swim MHMMfVLLETM ruled that the television showing of a game Upstream." The U-D team went 22 games 2 proposals beg and its every play were real entertainment the barbs thrown afchim without a loss, a record that "Stood until the and should be classified as such. Instead, coach Tom kept his brother for the school abandoned the game last Then he ordered him up When Jim got to True But the drama of the dressing rooms never is pictured, and the TV organizations his feet, brother Tom placed his hand on Jim's Down in South Bend. Ind , Notre Dame residents' input 0^ wproeu-lgda dmoe w derlalm toa aorffra tnhgee ,p liafy tihnegy f cieoludl d, for the sliheovuel Wdeerl al,nd I s aamid, y "oYuoru rb rnoatmheer i sT oKme.ad Ay,nd I buep- ctoo saecnhd K nthuete t eRaomck noeut u soend tohnee fcileolsdi.ng H see nwtoeunlcde IT'S NOT home this afternoon, your mother is waiting to raise his hand and say, "If you keep the other Over the years that he strolled along the hear what her boys are doing in the big game team from scoring, you can't lose And if eve- GOOD TO athletic stadia of the land, many were the "Is it going to be good news9 Or is it going ry man does his job. we can score on every limes when the drama of the dressing room anion Township could be embarking doesn't over ride the other If Canton was even greater than one would find on a to be bad?" offensive play." BLOW OFF | g| m a new and exciting era if two proposals hires a superintendent the cityhood issue stage. Staring Jim in the eye. the coach said. It Rockne's pre-game strategy produced great effecting local government are handled must not be forgotten Forming two com- better be good If it isn't, you stay out here teams THE FIRST time The Stroller ever suffered vitb caution by elected officials and not mittees simultaneously indicates that and I'll see that you get a decent burial." STEAM Lhe agony of a lump in his throat at a football .Slowed to fall by the wayside trustees don't intend for this to happen game came when he was just finding his way THERE WILL be drama in Michigan Stadi- dToprutisntge eas rheasvoelu ttaioknen c tahlelin igni tfioarl tshteep e bs-y Adopting a superintendent form of in the sports world. likNe tEhVatE,R an HdA hDe n Tehveer S htarsol floerrg hoetaternd i ta. nything rDma mweh feonr tthhee o pWenoilnvger ignaemse eAnntdert yaoinu c Nanot bree t ablishment of a committee to study the management is a decision with a lot of It was the day of the big game back home With that speech finished. "Bosey" Reiter, thDere w ill be plenty of drama in each dressing Ziebart RADIATOR REPAIR ^ood and bad about becoming a city. An- ramifications, but it boils down to two when Lehigh University was playing Lafay- the athletic director with the rich voice, asked room. And the ghosts of Fielding H Yost and other move in the right direction is nam- simple questions: Should Canton's govern- ette, and he was permitted in the Lehigh the players to rise, and he recited the old Rockne will be there in the respective teams ng a group to outline steps in hiring a su- ment be run by a supervisor, who is elect- m dressing room before the game. poem "Only The Game Fish Swim Upstream." dressing rooms. taponoerduTEr! il htfdnwrfe tebihseceaeinils eedau narere mncceyt rugp ti tuorpntotmos vtsymgheied taii dnto hw enadeasgarsyae tsso t uCti hppcaeeaanrrlttv lo^y intasidom mbroe,yp ine c irbslaeottrrtekhas- etbbrderu ibShsgyiothrem etteldheyse ' ea dbl sreyier cpset iotcedhdlteeiit onoi nctbfssifo'"ai' acn rOsidar l—s sto h— ola u cwclakdhro r tay hm em ao yakutnn soa hwtghienle-re dEttwhhrnieeeLng sLfkelslaeehoehndiodgd,i,r gh .a tIhs h wrJe iiiasymf shb tw moa lcocea osokrnaaekf,ycie h edt atolenhd dladda.tt b htt yo hhiWsee sT h i bwftoeren moiownut lh K asdtephn erlee'aat Jcdr itggym aepe,ttl o ra awairysnn aNegys ares n ow oidnnf oodffu gtTLchreheeodehu girpngerldhsiad udy igliertdasor isnnn't e wTd wehe riaenr o po'Bufrfenu d-ttog atJ bhmimaeetrte ldKe r.we aaamdsayn'' stha adsne cp itrniooc-nh cwTohillTeAll aencalgdapke mpt ahfebeoeaororreautsb to a nwwdlliri ltl allshmte sabahde .ToiV uw Ismtu escc chvianrene r m'ttyeh noeb psem ll a aeibnynned taoys.tfo eN untihnr oen hee gov aomefmre yie t rlI ZRieepbaairrt a wniyl l ONLY* measures Hopefully, they won't be killed edge and expertise needed to function ef- I Domestic fectively in their governmental posts Al- Economic index up Laurel by politically inspired motives as similar l Radiator with lowing the board of trustees to hire a pro- :deas have in the past fpersosbiloenma l administrator would solve this In July, the Detroit Area Business Activity rvMirnt COMPUTER CLASSES ll this coupon »Kp»r»s 9 21 85 ALTHOUGH ASPECTS of both issues Index once again moved forward three points Pvnnv.Ivania Solid Cherry PC for Each Student If the Canton Township Board of Trus- to a level of 135 from 132 in June, according An->e Sfy e OCCOVQOQI l 'Aluminum' plastic radiators excluded nter-relate. it is important that one tees approves a proposal to become a city, to Manufacturers Bank 7 L Beginner & Experienced l ••RRee-mcoorveasli 'nneowtw i nccolmudpelde tes available from $99 the plan must be decided by Canton vot- At 135, business activity in the local econo- L J ers, according to state law my. after discounting inflation, is 35 percent Earn E.M.U. Graduate Credit e greater than in the base year 1967. Air-conditioning 12-point tune-up discover Michigan On the other hand, the board has the Au- For the first seven months of 1985. business Only $63 per Semester Hour Be car smart. Go Ziebart. s* thority to hire a superintendent without a is 10 percent ahead of 1984, said staff econo- Save over 35% YOUR CHOICE public vote This could be an unwise use of mist Patrick Anderson. s Honse power Trustees ought to include Canton Between June and July, auto and truck pro- Regularly *23Q Days (8 A.M.-4 P.M.) 487-0407 Westland Troy Farmington THE MICHIGAN Historical Museum in residents u. the decision-making process duction increased and auto sales remained DOvroap: C-leoac*' :E«~i cC D COovnaml Eo-d.ce Er.c Evenings (4-10 P.M.) 661-1446 27530 W Warren 1292 E Maple 32418 W. 8 Mile ansing this fall will open an exhibit dedi- at least to the extent of holding public strong. As partial offsets, electric power sales 584 W ANN ARBOR TRAIL, PLYMOUTH • 453-4700 425-5170 588-6620 478-1552 ated to the Depression-era Civilian Con- Ocw" Sa/'y 9 30-6 00 Tiursaa, S W 9 p ry Satit'day fo 5 30 hearings and steel output declined. July's activity level servation Corps The museum is at 208 N exceeds the average of the prior quarter and apitol and is open weekdays 9 30-4 30 These two proposals will alter the way suggests continuing strength in the metro area and Saturday noon-4 30. in which local government operates and economy. U should be seriously and meticuously stud- During the Depression, 90,000 CCC ied. The people footing the bill — Canton TV comets for president? The Detroit Area Business Activity Index is K a t h y 's family workers built more than 500 bridges. 33 residents and voters — must be given a a monthly index of private business activity. It airplane landing strips, 5,600 miles of say about both issues is comprised of eight different economic roads and planted 134,000 acres of trees statistics and calculated on a seasonally ad- CCC operated between May 1933 and Oc- Before the trustees get carried away justed. inflation-corrected basis by the eco- tober 1942 with two exciting proposals, they should WHO KEEPS coming up with the idea has ever seen? nomics department of Manufacturers Bank needed hope!' pull in the reins and let the people they of pushing some famous person or other In fact. Lee's strongest political points For northern travelers, there is a CCC represent speak about the changes for national office9 have been his TV commercials and his museum at North Higgins Lake State I suspect a plot. bestseller book The book would never Women In Information Park near 1-75 — Diane Gale Someone in West Bloomfield, or Dear- have sold as many copies as it has, howev- born. or Detroit, or someplace around Bob er. if it hadn't been for his fame as point Processing C o m p e t i t i on here keeps coming up with the idea that * Wisler man for the New Chrysler Corp Lee Iacocca should run for president. Iacocca, no doubt, would be great in A young mother with j serious Someone in Georgia is trying to convince selling the public the idea of reducing the '85-'86 Kickoff Meeting illness. Her family in crisis. Georgia football coach Vince Dooley that Those who want to comet out from their deficit. I can see him now, strutting They came to Harper Hospi- hhea ss hjuosutld a rbuonut fo rco tnhevi Unc.Se.d S eTnVat ee.v Sanogmeeloisnt e sptrreastean at rpela tuesauuasll yof eenxccoeullreangceed i nbtyo aw enlelw- taor othuend c oanm ear ba,ig " mIfa pyo uof ctahne Ufi.nSd.A a. sbaeyttienrg Dagnija D. LucasS, pVe.aPk.e rB urroughs Corp. tal and found new hope. They For metro union chiefs, Pat Robertson that he should be president meaning friends and peers and often by country, go live there." Wed., Sept. 18 Contact learned that Harper is a uni- Who is trying to convince political and fawning toadies who can think of no better 6:00 p.m. Julia Wilcox versitv-hased research and Southfield 626-7119 governmental neophytes that they should way to flatter the big man's ego. MAYBE THOSE people running around teaching hospital. A place be leading the country? But those who want to encourage Iacoc- trying to convince the Iacoccas and Doo- where scientists work alongside physicians, it's key to economic life Perhaps it is the public figures them- ca for President bumper stickers seem to leys and Robertsons that they should run transforming discovery into treatment. They found selves Maybe they have caught the fever, be in earnest. Even U.S. Sen. Don Riegle for office know something. Ever since TV that Harper concentrates on the tough adult cases becoming so impressed with what they proclaims that Lee is his man. became a factor in political races, there in cancer, heart.disease and serious vision disorders have done in the present jobs that they I can see where people might get the has been a tendency to elect the best TV must take on new messianic duties that idea that Iacocca would be a great presi- performer. Patterns like Kath\ come to UNION LEADERS did a fair using part-timers during peak business will enable them to share their talents dent despite the fact that he has no gov- Kennedy beat Nixon because of the TV Harper Hospital at the Medical Center with confi- amount of breast beating in hours, but they save on health insurance, with the nation, maybe even the world ernmental experience whatsoever — debates. Johnson's TV ads were better dence. They come because Harper is a major Monday's Labor Day parade over pensions and other fringe costs. other than berating Washingtonians for than Goldwater's. Nixon edged Humphrey participant, together with the Sloan-Kettering Insti- Actually, tthhee ypli gfahtil otfo tchoemirpr emhoevnedm ehnowt. towAanrdd t hauento mweat ihoanve atnhde c roonbtiontiucesd. t rMena-ds tenIBTsue MrlynU -toiSeuTdt o tbocec tu htrhesei r wo jphopebnoss piateneod po hfle abv uaerren s- ooso ulti .it ntl-e nnsaoetvg eko ettiheaepti ionnglgd w aCi hltihrdy soClneor nJ gaCproearspns e sfeor im ap olortasn a ntod baanhedec aajdou ysoeff ut lMhe conG H onuvemewprsn wpbreaocsgaur tasoemo se .lvo eNnrgiyx-owonnien d wweadas s lumor Intsuttiet uinte N inew H oYuosrkto na,n din t hAem Mer.iDca.'s A nnedtewrsoornk much trouble they're in and how to get chines are expensive, but when the cost of of only twenty Comprehensive Cancer Centers. opportunity for meaningful expression better on TV than McGovern, even Mrs out. hiring a worker gets too high per unit of and acceptance, that they must give up LEE IS, after all, a good TV pitchman McGovern. Reagan beat Carter because % Patients know that if the diagnosis is cancer, there is Unions in the 1950s represented 33 per- production, the machine gets the job Those whose careers are burning so and America loves a good TV pitchman. he was a beiter TV peformer and he didn't no better place to be than Harper Hospital. cent of the work force; today, only 19 per- brightly that they must give up their pres- How else do you explain Johnny Carson's have Day 1 through Day 386 of the hostage \nd they come w ith confidence because the Kresge cent, according to Harvard economist GOVERNMENT LEADERS, too, are ent pursuits to find infinitely more chal- 20-plus-year reign as nighttime emcee crisis to deal with. Eve Institute is at Harper Hospital. This impor- James Medoff finding ways to bypass militant unions. lenging and rewarding pursuits suffer and Ronald Reagan's six years as the In the last election, Fritz didn't find his tant Medical Center resource is devoted exclusively Unions in the 50s used to win 75 per- Wayne County Executive William Lucas from a different malady. Call it comet-out. greatest teleprompter reader this country- TV personality until it was too late. to the problems of vision. And through its cent of the representation elections; to- won a major victory over AFSCME. the day, less than 50 percent. Unions used to public employees union, when he leased research and clinical work, the Kresge Eye Institute obtain first contracts in 85 percent of the the county-run, union-dominated hospital Lawyers lose by default gives new hope to millions with impaired vision places where they were certified; now, 65 in Westland to a private firm in 1984 throughout the world. percent. Oakland County Executive Daniel T Harper is hope for heart Murphy is actively exploring ways to con- patients, too. Its large scale, nationally recognized THE LABOR DAY oratory was tradi- tract with private industry to build and \ program brings together research, teaching, tional and unimaginative: Replace the evil operate a jail. The deputies' union may GEORGE GOOG ASIAN and James TUCK RESPONDED with an off-the- surgery and medicine. More open'heart surgeries Reagan with militant political activity: object — but it will lose Tuck knew they were in for a bad time wall attack on insurance company get a friendlier NLRB, and so on. before the state Senate Judiciary Com- reserves It was as if, living in a legal coc- are performed each year at Harper than are Two things have changed in the last 30 The Michigan Legislature is rewriting mittee hearing in Pontiac last week coon, he had never heard the insurance in- performed at any other hospital in Michigan. But of years. One is that capital is in short sup- the regional public transit law to allow The audience was packed with several dustry- has been losing billions the last few more significance is the growing number of ply The other is that there is a surplus of governmental authorities to contract with hundred medical practitioners and hospi- Tim years heart patients Harper is able to treat successfully private bus operators. Westchester Coun- labor tal officials. They were sore about rising Richard In fact, Tuck played right into the hands each year without surgery. ty, N.Y., hires 16 bus companies Norfolk, Entrepreneurs, the people who allocate Phoenix and London all hire private oper- malpractice claims, the battering they of an insurance executive who said that in For Kathy and her family. acbapuistea fl,r odmon't m hialivtean tto slaitb oarro ulendad earnsd taankde ators and save nice bundled on subsidies wtye "rien staukrainngce f prormem liauwmyser asn,d so tahrein tgh rleiaabti ltio- gue that those clients were 2V» times as Mpriecmhiiguamns i tp'said inc inorr eocnte t oye acrom wpiathre tthhee For sou and your family. Harper Hospital is Science. pstoaltietsic —ian se avneyn m oothreer T nhaeytio ncsan —go atond ot hbee r GoTvheer nSmouetnhtesa hstas Mdoincehi gmaunch C roeusenacrilch o ofn theGiro loigvaelsiihaono odfs Bloomfield Hills is presi- faugmo9b le-fingered last year as six years cMlaicihmisg apna,i dme tdhiactal y emaar.lp rTahcetic reeas colna:im Isn education Research. Hope and Healing. welcomed and honored how small school districts can provide dent of the Oakland County Bar Associa- No They ignored the question can be filed as long as 20 years after an specialized services through private con- tion Tuck is president of the Michigan A LAWYER who defends hospitals said alleged incident It s me quality of the interaction gSaanOtu wnrena s mpla aojnuottr a orsfea tsshooeonn r s uaosnunt tihhneegas rftaoecrren t hsMetaic rGhteMi-d ttbiruoatnc w tAobsrossoe. clLeieacattideodenr st hm eoamfy 4t*h dee pMloicrehi gtahne Eiddeuac a— Trleerdpi awrle iLsthean wtthiyneegirr st jhue gA ulselsgaoracsl ia itniodnust Tryh,ey and w tehreey otizhnealdyt witnhhr esenuec hh lea m wbaeylgeparrsna c pitnriac ecMt iicccaehsi eg3s1an Ty oesdaparesyc iaa ghlo-is tcilvaTei hmsets a itnustuer aonfc elim exiteacti aorngsu eodn fmora lapnr aecftfiecce- thata mn aokuet-sof a-t RPhoere-e opsrcedrhion eoadlryu t clhearatoiruonngihng f oh reigx htphee sr cigehinoftcoeeld wgeans ethraiste wreogrikoenr'ss cmoiclnipta inntju pryro cpleanismitsy O tuor WORKERS IN other states are com- othTehr agtu'sy a k dnaonwgse hroouws t toh iunsge tao s dcoal pwehl en the foif rtmhe airlo ntiem eha osn 7 m0e ldaiwcayle rmsa slppernadctinicge, m aonsdt Googasian and Tuck had no reply metro area generates four times the num- peting for this region's jobs there are 150 such specialists in the state To discover the extras' that are not Harper Hospital ber of claims per 1,000 workers that Kal- EVEN JUDICIARY Committee Chair- exlraordinary al Roeper. amazoo County, one of the finalists, does Workers in private companies are com- IN THE tri-county area, there were 200 Were Googasian and Tuck about to say man Alan Cropsey. himself a lawyer, was caN 31S/M2-1SOO peting for this region's industrial jobs and medical malpractice claims in 1670 By the need for such lawyers has multiplied appalled at Tuck s failure to offer any 'A few openings are available for BUSINESSES HAVE found other ways governmental jobs 1980 that number had risen to 1,200. Last 50 times since 1954? constructive solution, let alone any com- 1985-86 school year for ages 9-17 to elude the grip of militant labor leaden Part-timers, with a low inclination to year there were 2,200 such claims. No. They never bothered with the ques- ments on the complaints of the medical, AT T HE M E D I C AL C E N T ER join a militant union, are competing for Were Googasian and Tuck going to de- tion. hospital and insurance people. # They buy component parts from work performed by full-timers with a fend the proposition that medical doctors Googasian repeatedly called the medi- stimonas lrlaetrh seurpp tlhieanrs m ina koeth tehre msta itnes th aenidr onwa-n strIonn ag in nculitnshaetilol,n to o rvgoatnei sfoedr a ulanbioonr. in athreey 1 1we triem iens 1 a9s7 0i?n competent last year as csaalid p Oeoapkllean dse ljfuirsihe"s a r{ea rfeanir't. wHee s ahlol?w)e dan ndo maSdeen tGheilb merotst D seiNnseello wh oefn E haest su Dggeetrsoteitd RoepeR S C I E N CE RESEARCH HOPE A'N D HEALING a*di raOin militant plants 'Out-eourcing' It's called. southeastern Michigan should think leas No They never addressed the question. grasp whatsoever of the explosion of mal- that a couple of law schools ought to be One in every five American workers to- about the word "militant" and more about One insurance company specializing in practice claims and lawsuits shut down because Michigan has too many lawyers filing too many unmeritorious Affiliated with the School of Medicine, Wayne State University. . day Is employed part-time, according to the word "competition." medical malpractice said the number of Googasian and Tack said not a word THE SCHOOL FOR GIFTED STUDENTS lawsuits Uie University of MicUgaa's Institute of Capital is scarce. Labor is abundant. In claims it handled jumped from 10 per 100 about the number of practitioners quit- 2190 N. Woodward Ave. • Bloomfield Hills For more information about Harper Hospital, telephone 494-8000. • Physicians, please call 494-8130 for information regarding patten* referrals. -#"1985 Labor and T i ll rial Relations Not only such an economy, competition is the key doctors in 1979 to 25 per 100 last year. ting. retiring young or refusing to deliver Judgment for the medical people, by In- • oft Jot* ——— MIQiHl do empioyam fat better proanctWUy by to labor survival Were Googasian and Tuck going to ar- babies. tellectual default am '•tSAjP.C i <>&£. Thu'tOay SepiefnD«i 5, 1906 There'll be plenty to eat at Plymouth Fall Festival M OpRrEo fTiHt gAri\ou 4p0s hloavceal bneoenn- lAoncna tAedrb aolron gTra Mila itno SCtirtyeet Ha fllrom in Ply•m Foriudthay Li ownisll Cl uhbig whliitghh tits tFhies h bdoreuagkhnfauts ta fnadr ecof fmeeay for o$1r.d er a chiBpas,r abnedcu me iclkhi corke cnof fdeien ners also ArObonr a Rllo afodsu r days the Plymouth entered into the 1985 downtown Plymouth Fry from 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m This The second meal Saturday will may be purchased at the take-out Grange will be serving meals in the Plymouth Fall Festival All of the main meals are served annual fish fry by the Lions club be the Plymouth Jaycees Spaghetti center in operation at the south- Grange Hall on Union Street north The Fall Festival will open in the Plymouth Gathering open air members and wives will feature Dinner This dinner will give visi- west corner of Sheldon and Ann of Penniman Avenue ThAurcstdiavyi taineds wruinll thr obeugh sSpurnedaady bAuvieldniuneg s liodcea toefd K oenllo tghge P Paerknn inmexants ochraanrggee orofu $g4h y25 fish and chips for a troorlls aand h ebauptitnegr, apnldat ea s oafla sdp. aghetti, Prince Street auditions open throughout the downtown area, at to the Penn Theatre. • Saturday plays host to two • Sunday is the biggest day for Central Middle School, the Cultural • Thursday, Sept 5, will feature main meals First will be the the Fail Festival as the members Auditions by appointment only will chio" will be for full-time employment Center and Historical Museum But the ham dinner put on 4-8 p.m. by Plymouth Kiwanis Club Pancake of the Rotary Club of Plymouth be held Friday-Saturday for the Detroit beginning Monday and continuing when the appetite calls, the place the Plymouth Theatre Guild. The Breakfast with pancakes, sausage along with several other volunteers Institute of Arts Prince Street Players through Feb 1 Auditions for "A Pock- to go is Kellogg Park dinner' will feature ham, potato and coffee for only $3.50. Children serve more than 12,000 chicken national touring company productions etful of Rhymes" will-be for full-time Each day will feature a "main salad, pickle, bread and butter and are charged 50 cents per foot in dinners. These dinners will offer For an appointment, call 832-2731 employment beginning in February meal" as well as many food booths coffee for $4 height Anyone wanting a lighter half a chicken, an ear of corn. roll. Replacement aodtions for "Pinoe- and continuing through next June Fall Festival schedule of Sgavrtoyaiu'l*pa* b a«lneeda «r ourcr e"cd'vaes <riaoy*en s artleolyprer es pseecnitf*i!c ' is!t yoi*l str ime aavd vneor:t isbeed aoT»bnondtrean qripouna«aa'nlbiisplteyoa nirn aog bruthieied ep ealrisrinecsaeec sns a. p-uhl i-»yc nsh .csmow.mlairrp loi qa»unac 'emir vmw i?at hgrn rlFad 'T e CO ver 200 stores to serve you nationwide entertainment Convenient 30 day layaway FOR THE M A R S H A L LS N E A R E ST YOU, CALL TOLL FREE 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 5 4 - 6 5 43 Anniversary and moneyhack refund 1956 1986 1 WU i j ou .4 wide variety of entertainment is pro- vided free of charge'all four days of the Mi *}»5'&£*#*>• Plymouth Fall Festival Entertainers will be on stage of the bandshell m Kellogg Park and on the streets. The Thursday, Friday and Satur- day entertainment is sponsored and ar- ranged by the Fall Festival Board while the Rotary Club of Plymouth sponsors the entertainment on Sunday. The Saturday night "Dancing in the ' T lTn l^jaflniTTlTiTi * Streets" Big Band Sounds are co-spon- sored by the Plymouth Community Cham- ber of Commerce. Dick Scott Dodge, and r.»• if ;" the Detroit Federation of Musicians Trust Fund Thursday, Sept. 5 Jayne Carter, guitar vocals4:30-5:30p m Opening ceremonies & awards 6-7 p.m. Sherman Arnold's "Tribute to Elvis Show" 7:30-10 p.m Friday, Sept. 6 Plvmouth Community Chorus 7:15-8:15 p.m quality maker Square Dance. Ron Seim caller —r LEATHER SLINGS 8:30-10 p.m. comparable Saturday, Sept. 7 in quality at $30 Pet Show, Plymouth Optimists 9-noon Magic of Bob Schinker noon-1 r *l a r s h a l ls Plymouth Centennial Polish Dancers 1:15-2 p.m Midwest Harmony Chapter of Sweet Adelines 3-4 p.m. Plymouth Community Band. A Plym- A sensational Fall collection r * outh Spectacular 5-6:30 p.m. of slings Three updated styles in Street Dance A1 Townsend & Ambassa- several classic colors. All with dors 7-9:30 p.m. leather uppers Sizes 6 to 9. m * t t&M wMM W 14 3BS?- 10 medium First quality Sunday, Sept. 8 famous maker Community Church Service9-10 a.m. Plvmouth Fife & Drum 1 p.m. LEATHER PUMPS comparable Hi iIH ~ ~ • in quality at $42 Need help? y v i a r s h s l ls Call us. Want to help? A quality collection, mid-heel dress shoes in fine kidskin and suedes Assorted fashion treatments, all Call us. leather uppers. Sizes 5V2 to 9, 10 medium First quality Red Cross is counting on you In a world where the best thing? in life often come with an equally impressive price tag there's Marshalls. Brand names for less. THE CLaSSiFiCDS 644-1070 Oakland County 591 -0900 Wayne County 852-3222 Rochester / Avon

Pre-voc — vocational programs. 22. VI — visually voc every doy of "~ie yeor. So —• owe sv. RESIDENT CONCERT PIANIST s. students In tbe
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