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Preview C anton €>bserUer Supporters to lobby for airport purchase

When advertising Rocks go Appetizers means looking up, 6D to state, 1C for holidays, 1B C a n t on € > b s e r U er Volume 16 Number 38 Monday. November 26. 1990 Canton, Michigan 48 Pages Fifty Cents Supporters to lobby for airport purchase Bstya fDf wiarniete Gr al* Ctoa bnutoyn t.h «e. airport at Joy and Lilley roads in bPuhyili nLga Jthoey aanirdp Borotb. SThreufsfteerelsy vEoltaeidn eag aKiinrs-t atirognu tmhreonutgs.h K wosittheovuat c foirusntt elirsetden tihnagt tboe t hweaisr sweoeuklidn gp rneepwacreom setrusd.e Tntosm f oKre nane fdieyl,d a t hTaWt'As faEloocdcrcLu aojaclor uagdbntoisicno vihgnnei .rtn oangvm aitaeh tnesictos hnC ot oooisml b tmtuhoyeit tpMperreeeimpt tfaeeortr earl e A saAtsvuoiirdanptei onforotntsr, oTtiiennuhvgctTeh la Nuha,, deioaD ribvcnp-.ooCgo um2 arst0tntm a tttiohtoisenet t i, f enrb oeeaferp onnc rdrsaeemal fsGlli eeetaesdnr rb t eaoaayalft d ri esvtoah leuLevesncai ntd woJegtwda,a m b MnRoleeef-ersfP stimt ,lcKey iettamohaelselt-s-.- , osMicnafh gyegMg tjaattoheettihatetneanyeirlrwn . iaw gnThn.gai hdln ee mt,J Co Poihnilrtyney mf iPoonorfrfmue oPntrhl imyaz nmTcakot oaiywouu ntntvhh.so oh tiriespidt yc tiorn tnuo sfsia tdbevueeorysr- sce5rteol apesAmncpetdtrom ecT.n deiudt noteitenfsefgd i f awcteoyieia'l .stllhs abeS soa tkmana trdtaedh jweo mar onbieutdoyeladt rivfdn eorg edtteco eto rh oawnefls a Ciaid vvgaeeirnraa ttt noihhontiasns' ts cscefnaimhaeviwpadepnt la,ioion ciranys i t e 1rwhale0neihsnd oyfieni seoe ltalatihdhrvreseee ,scrse ahl not iefeno icm eks hPliaadnnliksgyidce ,mw i f abtooinhleurlest t.w sha u dveIr neeiTgmane ott.ia hwo$ nePn3nde 0sn oh, m0fepio0xpelre0t,- The group, composed of Canton residents Klochko family, who own Desert Sands Inc. A second blow to Mettetal supporters would cover the remaining 95 percent of the and $60,000 annually, he said. afpi .Cgmha.t nittonog na sto kB sfooaarvr edth t ehm ebe oeaatiirrnpdgo'sr tsT,u uppelpsaodnrasty. to a tat 7te:3n0d cAoulMdg uErseTtc vTeopEttTeiodAn L5 - fS2roU tmoP Ps mhOooRostTt EdtorRuwSsnte aees xp,pu ewrcchthoa asien csbaayym Kineog bs ttyehv awata Cayna don (tlo asntte awrte op ualelsdgs iehsdlaa vbteiyo ntboo pwthrae hisvoeeun staee ds5, cpoosVstesed.r gao dneaa sdaliidne t ohne t hKel oacihrpkoosrt' sh asvaelen.'t If i mth-e tloiowKn aaelnn odnpe mdpyoi rdstdauilndeit ayin cpo utmbhlaeitc s st ucthhdeoeyonlts w paornoub ledadb uglyciva e- "What happens to Mettetal not only af- proposal. Trustees rejected a study commit- percent contribution cost that would be land isn't used as an airport it likely would wouldn't be able to afford at a private avia- fects Canton, but the surrounding communi- tee recommendation to buy the airport. owed by any authority. be developed for light industrial businesses tion school Also, a survey of Plymouth- ties," said John Vergona, committee mem- Supervisor Tom Yack, Clerk Loren Ben- Committee members questioned Kosteva Mettetal supporters say the airport could ber and main figure in the-yearlong effort nett. Treasurer Gerald Brown and trustees last week about why he pushed the legisla- be used for a public aviation school that Please turn to Page 2 Amoco Busy counselors landscape help kids cope project By M.B. Dillon school in the year 2000 staff writer • two class members will have takes root given birth before graduation; The teacher couldn't figure out • eight will have dropped out of why. but one of her fourth-graders school. was constantly angry. Outbursts • 11 will be unemployed after By M.B. Dillon were daily occurrences. graduation; staff writer A counselor took ber aside, and "I • 15 will be living in poverty; just pried it out of her." said Judy • by graduaUon. 36 will have Weyant, who counsels at Field .and used alcohol. 17 will have experi- the Amoco Corp., says the compa- Allen elementaries. mented with marijuana and eight ny's abandoned service station at "She had never told anyone this, with cocaine. Ann Arbor Trail and Main will be but her mother was in a shelter be- • six will have run away from landscaped before Christmas with cause of problems with a boyfriend home. pines, locust and flowering crab involving alcohol and abuse The ' Elementary school counseling is trees; berms; wood mulches and teacher had no idea what emotional growing in-terms of need." said For- ground plantings. strain the child has been under." dell. "What prevention in the early The company's district office gave grades can do for young people is to the go-ahead for the $30,000 project. WEYANT IS ONE of five elemen- address crises before they become The property has been on a Michigan tary school counselors who briefed crises in middle school and high Department of Natural Resources school board members last week on school.'' list of contaminated sites since 1979. a new program providing counseling To meet those goals, "we should for K-5 students. have 14 counselors, and we have FOR YEARS, PETROLEUM- While the counselors agree the five We definitely need one at each BASED contaminants seeped from three-month-old program is effec- building, so 12 would be an absolute underground storage tanks into the Uve, they say they're overwhelmed. minimum." Fordell said. ground water and soil in an area ex- BILL BRESLER.'staff photograph* Five counselors aren't enough to The board budgeted about tending south of the Mayflower serve the district's 7,000 elementary $125,000 and in June hired five coun- Meeting House, across Main Street, school students. selors. all of w^om have master s de- underneath Ann Arbor Trail, and With social problems on the upsw- grees in guidance and counseling. east of the Bo* Bar. A large portion ing, teachers notice that more and The fledgUrs staff has received of the contamination is fuel oil. Fuel more of their students are at risk. more than 650 counseling referrals, oil components include benzene and Jeffrey Fordell, administrative in- Weyant said ethylbenzene, which are carcino- tern who's overseeing th^ effort, "We're beingimmdated With this gens. says that if trends continue, in a 40- Amoco is pumping and treating member class graduating from high polluted ground water and is propos- Santa Ploase turn to Page 2 ing to clean the soil with an air-strip- ping process. Cleanup is expected to arrives Plymouth Road paving take up to five years at a cost of a half million dollars or more the first year. More than 500 folks showed on county project list The landscaping will take just up Friday for Santa's arrival three days, but work can't begin un- in Canton at the Cinema 6 til trenches are dug by Groundwater movie house. The arrival Technology. Inc. of Farmington was minus a helicopter this Fixing bumpy Plymouth Road be- BL'T COUNTY Commissioner Su- Hills, the firm doing the remediation for Amoco. year, but that didn't dampen tween Mill and Haggerty is on a list san Hemtz, R-Northville, said if she tre"nWchee isn tdeungd ptoen dhianvge (stohmee D oNfR th'se) tAhbeo evxec, iHteemaretnato o tfh ethe cl koiwdns . o1f9 9c1o unty road projects planned for ginegt.s her way, the city will pay noth- approval of the final assessment entertains Mike Stoeckle "A resurfacing project has been "We believe the county should proposed as part of a road projects take care of all of the cost of that, plan," said Miller. "We anticipate and daughter, Ashley, 7 list in the 1991 county budget." ac- it's a county road." she said. ewthrhyee rserye w satilelolmn bgse M ptrraoeibnnac bhSletyrse rfeuotnr jn utihsnteg or fesfco otmhvee- 4m, otenltlshs S. aSntetaph wahnaiet's L oannd hine,r cpourbdliicn gs etorv iac elset toefrf ifcreom to tPhely mcoouuntthy NoJva e1g9e rt htoaltd th eci tpyro jceocmtm "iisss siounbejersc t sidewalk buried in one of the berms. gift list. City Manager Gordon Jaeger to elimination if they run into some financial difficulties themselves." "We'll probably do the trenching The county office said the budget, in anticipation of the plan being ap- which provides for the road im- City Commissioner James Jabara proved and make modifications as provement, has been submitted for said a county resurfacing of the road need be. We're hopeful that within county commission approval in recent years "was totally unsatis- factory," and added the city should the month, this will be complete." "The city of Plymouth share be credited for money contributed to Groundwater Technology has said would be approximately $40,000," that ear ber project they can complete the trenching in according to the letter, with the Heintz said it's too early to tell if the next two to three weeks, be said. county paying $80,000 "We will be the repaving is certain for 1991. "The landscapers are ready, will- contacting you with more definitive "We're still waiting on all the projec- ing and able to proceed post haste. information after the Dec I. 1990 tions on gas and weight taxes." They have the materials, which are adoption of the 1991 budget." ac- which help fund county road repairs, cording to the letter to Jaeger. she said Please turn to Page 2 what's inside Visitors get taste Building scene . . . . 1F Look for the of first Thanksgiving Calendar . .7C Classifieds . C.E.F Plymouth Auto E.F Employment . . .. E.F Canton By Kevin Brown ed the legendary first Thanksgiving Index. . . . , . . 8E staff writer Real estate E Suburban SOME ONLOOKERS stood on Creative living . . .. IE Cable Weekly "A Plymouth Thanksgiving" was a benches and others on tip-toes as Crossword. , . . . . 3E success, say organizers, some bust theater students and local residents 50 ness owners and those who viewed dressed like pilgrims passed wooden Obituaries . 58 the festivities bow is of breaa, walnuts, xucchlhl, Sports . 1C The Big Guy must have liked it cucumbers - and turkey too. considering the striking rainbow 'The turnout is marvelous," said Street scene. . . . . .. 1D that spanned the horizon as folks organizer Fred Hill, dressed in a Taste 18 filed out of Kellogg Park on the first black and white pilgrim outfit "Peo- NEWSLINE . . . 591-2300 day of the event ple in the community are saying it's SPORTSLINE . .591-2312 On Friday, more than 200 specta- marvelous " CIRCULATION .591-0500 tors circled the scene in Kellogg Earlier Friday, an icy rain mixed CLASSIFIED . .591-0900 NOW in every Monday TPhaarknk wsghiveirneg" p "aArticip Panlytsm reo-uetnha ct- turn to Page 3 Vrei-seitnoarsc tgmatehnetr o la rtoheun fdir stth eTh taanbklesg aivti Kngef Dtoagyg f ePaasrtk to watch the Q&£ Monday. November 26. 1990 Monday. November 26. 1990 0&£ Amoco Corp. approves landscaping project I Continued from Paoe 1 with snow at about 11:S0 a.m. sug- Continued from Papa 1 "We also want to do some addi- gesting weather wouldn't cooperate all coming out of the Detroit area." tional testing of the nature of the on the event's first day. said Miller, ' gases beneath there to ensure Still, by noon, Michelle Clemens of " The onjy work to be done on the they're not volatile, that is exploeiVe. the Plymouth Park Players, wearing station itself includes "minor touch- materials." a maroon cloak to ward off the chill, ups with paint and installation of a The pollutant is in a "hard, thick was calling out to passersby, "Happy stainless steel stack, or Chimney if state in the drain tile beneath the Thanksgiving to thee." you wilL foundation of the Meeting House." "They seem to be really enjoying "We intend to raise the vent up so Souther land added. "As far - as I EXISTING BUILDING it, even though the weather s so that anything released into the envi- know, the plan doesn't provide for chilly out," she said. Speaking in an ronment is released at a level that is removal of that. The plan still con- English, or colonists' aocent. she to be some distance off the templates leaving pollutant in the added. 'The people who are here ground." The station will house the clay." want to be entertained." remediation equipment Amoco has said it will "begin to r: Marci Hannewald, a saleswoman RALPH LORENZ-S Mayflower prove to Plymouth that Amoco is a at Wayside Gifts just across from Sleeting House, adjacent to the sta- company with a strong sense of cor- the park, said, "It's been so busy — tion, is the property most severely porate responsibility. We recognize , everybody want's to know when aflected by the contamination With the role we play and our responsibil- CLOSED AMOCO BUILDING they're (event participants) going to tie exception of one. the offices in ity to do what's right" do things." tbe Meeting House have been vacat- U.S. District Judge Patrick Dug- ed because of the problem. gan is hearing the case. "WE'VE NOTICED there's a lot of triLcto Creonuzr ti,s sculainigm Ainmgo dcaom ina gUe.sS. aDnids - We"dWnee smdaeyt a nwdit hhe Jtoulddg eus Dwueg'lgla bne e; pweoomplaen o Bnun tnhye H starlelweta.y" fsraoimd bsaelheisn-d demanding that the site be cleaned the number one trial scheduled in the counter at the Nawrot Pendleton uR- May or June. He's not going to let it Shop on Forest. Mike Souther Land, Lorenz's attor- drag on," said Southerland. "He said "It's a-'Very festive atmosphere; ney. said Amoco supplied him Tues- it's too important " p. o.i ting it's a very good mood." do: with the technical plans to re- Southerland says he doesn't want Esther McKendry, another sales- mediate the site. to "put a band aid on this thing. I woman. said business was better on . Two earlier proposals were reject- want to do it right. the Friday after Thanksgiving than eCby the DNR and affected property "With all due respect, it doesn't it was last year — probably because take a rocket scientist to figure out "A Plymouth Thanksgiving" drew ; Southerland is reviewing the pro- what was going on. Amoco has people to town. posals and submitting them to a con- known for a long time what they've But Lloyd Combe, owner of "The sultant for comment. done here. It's only now that they've Put-Upon Shoppe" in the Forest ! "But I've already seen a few prob- had to that they've faced up to it" 5 Place Mall reported "about the same lems. One in particular is that the Southerland expects the case to flow" of shoppers on Friday as on plan does not provide for enough ex- draw national attention. the Friday after Thanksgiving last traction units beneath the (Meeting "The question that hasn't been ex- year. dHaotiuToshneea) lbb caaossleeummmeennnstt, " hr aussani nddi inSfgfoeur tiehnnetotr fl oathunedn - qpmuleiiceriett mlwye henaxttpse lvtoherreerde g aiosrv,ee faronsrsmu cemlneitanangl u pyre,o- uis bwye Atrhene otht heheu rIn nedvdrieeandnts h d iwgahnhoclieg hw dta e—tmcho ejnudsdtg r—ian- g tRhaey f Sirtsetll aTh darneksssgeidvi nasg wai pthil gJarismon h eBlrpasv erheecarreta toef LSaokuothta O traikboet.a who is a BmILeL mBRbEeSrLE Rof st athff eph oOtoggriaa»tar* r Fanredd S Hhiallr,on ev Penutgh or lgisatneinze rt,o "Gov. BBrILaLd BfRoErSdL'EsR"/s stapffe pehocthog. raphef btgthraraeosc uectnmioodnne ttn ahstmya Ttsitnh eweamynot'ul lflodr uhot ami vmfer pop temuodll e ipunun gttdh eieanrll eta hxode-f- ddoitrfa eptmhsoseasesg dciebl dMele aaonb sf otuovpr oe? f a aTtnh hldeaa tn bt dihemoaywsoen,nn 'dtiet r 'btshe teeaon cb aoabdste-t- MA/N STREET oRttaifoe wMndasfi.toc oDrhmdiag wiaa nanndnd D iss teOu Madn meeainrdestamh , wbt raehirob U eos nfl,i ivtv hjeeoesri snP ieitondy- tifrnlautdeteri.t- itorinbaall sdoanngce orsn a — wo opdlay Ienddi aan tthhei"n Wkki diet s jw u"s itll gboet a hneeraet. -e'x hpeer iseanicde. f"oI r ditional points. tle of bow clean is clean." seven other native dancers on a plat- The re-enactment of the first "1 think* it's a good idea." added Amoco says it wants to plant pine trees at the site. form in the Kellogg Park fountain Thanksgiving, at 1:30 p.m., opened Mary Ann Foss of Plymouth, tending They wore costumes featuring color- with Fred Hill calling out over a mi- to her daughter Courtney "It's nice Grade school counselors overwhelmed ful medallions of bright yellows, crophone. "I give you the governor. to have more emphasis on Groups lobby for airport reds and blues, and buckskin yokes Governor Bradford " Thanksgiving." and decorative feathers. Gov -Bradford, alias A1 LaCroix of Also surveying the scene from Plymouth, read a 10-minute descrip- Main Street was Earl Smith of qctmCoouoaoue nnsnsytthtsi eonr.r"erup ftsee-aadsrrirt tdfaasrl,f os fWm,med aet ykhPtoaeean sgh trea, eon 1auwd ltlihsetioy da e llilisk tre hewef ehe r'rere-re- titsaenihrmn eeae etsdsh a n etitoodh nf. eai -s"rntesFhdt ro k aearifadd ftssuieorl nmjt siumn eslgatdins .nty" eew necadihyni .gtlod trSo ebo netm,h leewim-se- poMriansiJrlklyeAl e ncoNrhtn,s iE.Bel dTsi rr 'ed*Dn Ea nRkdnS oEIwsYbi, stht ceeory,u' rnwesoe rlnikonstg w t haitteh mcwaa phonorr iebloe re ripniftfrgyoecc etf iposvsarer ,et "hbn eestshc feou msttoauegirsdee..t hs Woerh, men uth cweh e CCshoaonnwttoienndu stehtdua dtfer on3mt2s, pP eaKrgceeen n1nt e dwyou lsdai db,e aPtchcoaetmni vpcmuiatkbuieelnis ciB t.ly irk,e esahk tefha essa tai dnt,hn uartae'lsfe M rorpeienttnget attool ThAunSd TeHrhEaw kd a-nc oense colfo stheed. gr Louopui eo f Gttiwoeono rbogofey Tsth hleooom kfiaerndsn ton oT. fh Wanikxsogmiv ianngd, haiss sW"oWnil elam'nredi n uhgpitso fnwr,o i1rf1fei1 h I"elIlati'nrsdo giasrb evoaiustt,i"t ti hnbiges. . s"Ma iyd rals. Carol Dolan counsels children in Parents have a very difficult job Cathy Campbell, who services interested in an aviation school. Representatives from the state The counselors say youngsters are small groups at Farrand and Fiegel today They face a multitude of Hoben and Eriksson, says preventive Carol Herrick, Canton resident bureau of aeronautics and the Fed- grappling with difficulties ranging elementaries. problems. We come to parenthood counseling in the classroom is "on and pilot, compared Mettetal to a eral Aviation Administration have from anxiety, phobias and low self- It's preventative intervention for with very little preparation. It's an the cutting edge." With her students, jewel in the Nile and something argued that Mettetal needs to be esteem to family problems involving students dealing with similar prob- unspoken expectation that instinct Campbell deals with issues ranging that other communities don't have. preserved substance abuse, sexual abuse, ill- lems, such as coping with divorce or will be enough. Sometimes it isn't. from self-image to friendship, deci- You don't have to be a pilot to en- "Airports are becoming an en- ness and death. substance abuse in the family, low Parents need support and help as sion-making and drugs. "The kids joy the airport, she said, because dangered species and we need to "The highest incidence of sexual self-esteem or being new to a school. they rear their children. " see us as one more helping person," it's a place where anyone can go protect the airports that we have." abuse involving children occurs One of four children are affected by Parents at Miller requested a said Campbell. and watch the planes. Mettetal has said Dean Nitz, FAA state supervi- when they're in the third, fourth and substance abuse, Dolan said. "We class, and got it It's been so popular worked hard to be a part of the sor fifth grades," said Weyant "With the want to teach them coping skills, that there's a waiting list for a sec- holidays approaching, there's an give them support, help them iden- ond, Dolan said. even greater incidence of substance tify their feelings and let the high BILL BRESLER/staff pno«ograp,» "We have great hopes this will be «tase and physical abuse." event1"'"6' ***** S,okes sho* their mus,cal talents as part of the Thanksgiving While counseling is stressful, "we aJ! have success stories that have ONE HOUR matfe all the stressful days worth it," CARRIAGE CLEANERS 541 ANN ARBOR RD. Acrylic 455-9040 r Nails We Want to be Your Dry Cleaner ] 2 5% OFF! s 95 i 28 i \ti on your next dry cleaning order i Good only on incoming orders Excludes suedes leathers, alterations and sixrt laundry Good Only Until 11-29-90 12S7 S Stun it - Plymouth • 4SS-MW) Tftaafc Van Par I What makes sixth grade at Greenhills special? communication • challenge • {Catherine • support • week's work • Joshua responsibility • choice • Sarah • field trips • cooperation • Andrew • Mary Azzariti spins wool pil- transition • activities • Valerie • attention • flexibility • Mark • nurturing • grim style. stimulation • Anne • motivation • growth • Nicholas • satisfaction • learning HOSTESS • Lee Arm • homeroom • study • David • recess • independence • Janet • COLLECTION BILL BhESLER/SIWI photographer Come find out more for yourself: SHOW v • v « Sixth Grade Open House V •• J»> - r V /? > *> * ' ' - • • Wednesday, November 28,1990 at 7:30 p.m. November 28-Dec ember / & Lingerie Shop fa L i von i.i •5 Review our (ollet iu>n of hohda\ hostess u-ear < i \.jv\ I lounge pjiam.i\ lumpswts. 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November 26. 1990 _Stehool Chief: -Jury out- on Ens,ler_ No-fault fi nances rehab for head injLrypatien.s*5 A A r ea S c o u ts e x h i b it at C o bo Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Ex- Troop 875, chartered to St. Paul plorers from Can too, Plymouth, Presbyterian Church of Livonia, By Leonard Poger Livonia, Redford. Westland and presented an extensive model train staff writer Out-of-formula districts don't •I ooSpSt3lbDieft4ohaccrhi 2oeoorBUs eGt, wttu orDihnrctcey i dsh#efccio eop0pt aforSr rr"araogm co tt trfethaeomitmh ten tmrueBh eguCt ee dlsa smnerond h eDiabtbweeot*cdoyiteeweeer en tornsHo rr'tesp otsphCa lheoie voyltaurfliil .pmbasAiR ttit i hoateSerononeeddnfcar g focs a o D".GuuC rSt2gbedeo 0caPtmmuo,r ma0Pnouaic0coneitskt0 is-i- l siIstsaStplnynahtahnrcgr ideyOadeilah,pi io pr batnlrta eiuahnooaogsoate efrpy,s lnse prTesoias s fserht vs etmhoecfxeuiar.oefoahc a,n r t uhSiktthsibr topcia mo miansonsetosgcso,uca p ,botirsp, aeeui ctc islneueootok nrcmnteonmihlxdkle ua walpheeRisdsnnriurote obig aetrd tnbia,enrkhtg erd.ef i ,dsnyirC , treaglcehsemcaa ta aatrwNm oirdanvlni iidepettldi-o hlr-s-, - _.Oi mwsWncbc'u oihNahnDtGa'oinT oeciysleosoohh tinin tvlecl tnlressnh. a at.-ej-iiel esutWesrir lvrosOev yeescn cis'sst h Netiuaat sowslJntepao ooedisenl luh'toslrd i ntvnipl h nlsow r s ectwhooEueiahopusnnps owhetttgdpoo,er "leCol tse Eyn rbaOrttne n h 'tg dNt wtai oolmhioxeenfsaefier tnl 'sr ls"lKti usetcs -hadcaat1e n,kduit 2 dod.-- shtifhae TeESi T"Wd hn'hh.se gecoc lhdpseoauierhsops ttl-erysrotiri cheiontnadfo t tsc etee honlEro d nv-riDecegan esilts'eW e ir sca's sootlasnuo txescterueh ssppsei.atpca i Odoitsstr'lt N tt oa hC enoaialftnly ln tdon scSm. aocoiuhdnlo,de o yla twbteehhniicdnhd W heeaasscth tB wsltoiucodemen fatis,el dO m' NHuecigihlh l sHs.egWttqt thhaOhgiouaxfoieeoIo'tpaty Nssnerebld et i a-idlhEa"mc ffiad syaodaIscnoeivlL .rtodsf numefLotn iduqrbr ecuaienue seclg n hdaaFptre tis l*etwE dnniaslfdi Eoeanyto sfirudtLft loai lrelf vSdlr oiao r certserc e tlrhttthdsy cehraseisae artts heualsnit tiivptltrs kg uteeaitrpehbhdio odiemuse gn rpt ntWrt beari"at anoemft.Ratmeigcpiyno bo aBesncabe nu.roaen uir,tsnf-t -t-ye- fbctnhsicwiihnzntooeoerhegeannan-IiD ef knnnitsdfTaegrueee *c louthnisscrech nlle ei aesht aeefjdso p nouansate vthn r,riouitermyeuvhrt-r ,eoatw bre. lo adel Dsbyu r fata,eocnio insna oddrm la dnigmiro nblwedeo yapsldntikiut frtneda ueh erffsgea fidulahcafnrtlnn ertiaii nicnccnIlp tgets DM iit iil oomivaitoetninseritcnv lltih alsei tt ict®i hs aohwgtlt anheneaao ot damotnrm r- ctj's sooi t n,tsf - to H/ ENAJUDRV OtiMHchibwnonayaae orij"r "brkalnuhuLeeTlidlearelp laodyho yrivIrnnt er neibiaidWg snssetjot ghuicet n aoaecoe rn lynnynlyorrutsonmoa,imno" ne p Att m gphsy i bsMvleaio ol eensihiiunncdir.gae lnveeenlay dei fcBd wcriip eaten i orswirvsg enrim,nahs sjf eoiituipo ldhnWrra a eeysgtbrhnpa htol tyaeietvaocrncn mi -aoucfiegfg aoltboai lre aemiitar dnnsharltysyeegdd-e. s- aeacnsnaibinhntnf eoaeb gfe ntTfn-eoloe oftnoacwhurralrw ifyedituuaa tm -c slnlLefro t ato,r eaa iofi crvbrhbsn- eoc lososla jtoevetuihnbtsahsdeeri i ttatcer ne aoahtaadgon r gea,r wewc ea eudawe -do.opti o mhsrS iacankc iyhoaac o ey icuthnsnnhce,r igctedtinaid aorn ci sonenseeu twuanvs ean gito tstt ,on-oecul oov .wo ff ftle wfuo-Ioa deponrnshnrofs ge i tfcefirnhreneikleeg-re-r - - Ford Center students honored cscahtiooonl gdoisvtreircntos.r " will affect public ap rsombolekmessc."r een to cover financial hweo "auTdldhmnait'tt tw beeodu. lpdol bitriicnaglly eq euxitpyed biuetnt ,i"t cl"abi adulti esatqtru iaict tyhsi,g" a hm pornicge fsocrh oooult-o sfy-fsotermmsu - oinft eonv elrocnogmi nrgeh barbailiintatio innj uersiseesn tial injTuhreed i rionn yan i sa,u tiof Bacacbiidaekn th,a cdha bneceens cmthueisn thgoe diasida al bicnsaojruleur etaednlyd a eanscdstie vtnhitetiy.al p,s rafonogritr yba omotfh- cdyecnInltes M, asirnceoh wnigo atmn c,oo bivineljerue radin.e ds bfricoymcl em oatcocri-- t etJsfapidpPo odhorsaaruusTonacTyp beahcrtgwh ehelplbaorei-ro ehystaToas ihi c .mlesroAO ©ee 3ct5n ,dn ublhr6 s7Cal se(tsdnh2ee5lUebpgeiven5o rcrofiSen1 pavoao rnsrPi tleneuasy ss SSrCgannno e McI&i drid6rea.onehe6nat o tnrod d E3tt Ttnao wieih-ctdolvouelr 6hecbecannir 7eesbyrylr . 0neda iWyr o r )ftiaoi F r tnnnanan.i ogHcd y zI W^Lrenn ad T ieelaaNve lhn-taw o,seVuWitnwtworar liowsynaaesra-c.-ndsai r ailtdlsdnl-- . ewartttclC|bDstlh erirhphoa-eosnuioeceTiepnclhTsuAai onns f td lhelGnthe"C t gtoildeh sA ee gcel Suneuoft Ieer afiariacnivM.cr nnaoectztnhtt odeise'lhteuesg oco tdolemWa1 s n aLonsrasC c9 dopnlu. npbiee3h oanfaetdpdalro6 fenhdt tDo -enxtiti retibh Horm .hts"oniab iieanse ngooryaos ts eW.nrltrc<u te ihlFeietopdn' c shie aaowmie cltyestsc, lu rlJheeitphuv na eea lnLeswdidimddrmtespti eneiarhsniivonssytoe tcic Pieigniscna iogo otmseehdnhnlnn o ntnedoFaee.e,tr csfnis.dn e ees c Ede mdet FsrsLr al itaaiaove bsai dbntnnInicretobe-nyddd-d-s- -s cessaisB6tepmhnhthipac.reeal m hor"aparTnMOa rTtlavIoprnreeonycwt'thioiaoNt , rce lseLi"w—oee1vcyl-nhen wesr e9eohe osdst.ac ial8 gfsdem ulutr reaflr3ta.idepl sct hb osdndtE.eate e eml po arosdarnc rt netiaetseas g eonaudt'nst nfedPhlsmktarnde en eetesretc'araiteon.a au st t twOdtft kheteesaiaoided nnaosalx pr snteocakm sruatbs w oloa r ynp ea s cwmnaipGdtapnn h thheeEeidoeo a doiraC"rv nrnntwtetht .yoa gghtg c o hxtuole iroht nteka ferJ haleurr otea ciaiexpankn g r amws Nueta etewleg asibblth,oeeom1eha llsivs ia2vdeisel n ce. e 0 - ocrjohssstodiwouforennpci teldanUwo nOghlhalBOsbOyeni u coceahnanotu a s'leerNtoihtiNiderdttnph dcp l e se Eae t ae.ohpeatacdp rrn in inroelhwa uSldr tlddbtlyxosfnhopaC oyia sstowsitans u Heail lislpft ttlesblonpie erhduOd iwsl nicounrgeecbtc O. oril aiuheia altttioirntinlhdbLhtl ncrietli ceoeingShs occnea nrgcewaphts pth litybolcitiatsootsogh feho , r cncc solh neoeoct aiiataloddiovrnhluollr n,cs l lesotcdc e o ds-ucsde i aaneoiw"ricihcmilflnm"nedrfheseo e o.- gtapsst omot dpsclrctttahrolliahuae o oer ecltasa inodsodnnvlttrgte.ciee lcti n d coveedanetaeeushu sesenrntpi ,ssy,rel ts -y t - - , afmettao"mosaiafhnnsibafuokldrda aTot"lfmtupnn"iT lhcnhraf*nht Tpi oethco ueceueegeIiohdeauy,nsri lin asarrsn am mig t gstfub sht gh th tdurb atopup'eaeaus oriputfE ielava s eisamn a"aedbrictKieng.R rigr agu nmnng nii- nsoeontcec1' oltttptiaubeet2artb in ssujecrtnittlg .o-notenehs doprgc de eif Hrgah oante -nborhboorfr"notoemdeooiaotoovc ulrlti d sa,se mhist s"f"tsoln eaeut uf doiuO pnd ttl eK ahaph dr'5daN eleosr - t0nsuds1ohegoy hr i 2epig srtisslooeantlrt tsrlam asnrgras ettimcttieaft ascnea etewaosi th-t't nd sesfle el t, tGEwtdticOsbtimeoenhetlodheoaga 'aaeoTsNleu"tiOlc" ctse ?ctnfiWshcmeHhesheana"honeea-rier t erro oyh'wll Otorh ntrslrwouiir es os,uhotil'e u ns"Np ec dr amnieapwiw rge nhrenrewgvt e -eeseeA oh oe ieecsrrtt",esflufamh "aidftsloe wen nilaett ns iednnborie snttoigc sre ettltcesa5 scelisuitr bLnthws0lbntr iaatelga ad kny0aegtmcesitte tine o.ede tai dinn"t ns on .sloedit l fug ecooditnis no.enachkgt ,'e ,r sdT tageo cy wtalhp .th o,oaht i "eiu ee dbttl noe"as(heba tusrtn dn eactaleeMrtciaihuc ahkavcsshlhamticiette ec t unruteiarsir)sbhi gnsssyrdcpc sie,si hme tugf o urT d soanosnoan eo, Vanoihtrnoon sn o ydl a . f - cjsobmmcpsthfBuphaoftiile yoooalroueart BDie w"dfhuutytestJfhBd aeas seece «Dabw.e b t ahedsci nn oirWennief .roo taewi oci ax wnh scBkbitorterlttet» ehe,eeainerahsmr rn ess3a .nbeteB aeg hb6trcisa p e,pear elieb nayekvuara s l l,afetbhre nlste kse eewahatt viyiaa hotrnedsnoaey.ntend e egsinndh n v aoifat g nedolffilrseo,megrrfro steroof us etemrlhim rebynoecdi nylsf ace ys 1t n obietima 9vdhs a rvmu8roeeal ieeW 0nndniiu r tnclre yini uwaeo nmrnhe ct henohbioeamakdnasneedrrly ------e -n soopahnacriuacphwynepfraaaashnirrefosshtmteiiltCoHadeir ruliltra podyneo eeoorshkraobdrniur gemneepn.dfponi . ldc,eMs hl af,rg pb dit in sRoi iitiad oec winconvav mncees ta-tc eciohdhpirbMifdatl,neoueoiua uaenegdgblvni ub esddpcm ae e n t mlluisthmnettrinroonetcoir a'ogesiabgdasrlhapsgdrntivesaa name Nh e nsiyru pp cliaei ,ioi nc slrwveanbtad a-od eelsrslccuoFewd. egeeu eeocu ga rrrs Ar vmrelvecuime iedttedasoglfeslodaalnltteo svrniaak t dainmr r Leiatumcv emafigilarcaoeytaicoretebkoocswnear td l otaeimoslmea .n ofbn wsr a aryca otitf ntb ihlstnhaatohrsydyi ootndeterat-es - Siafwnbtnihneoie otdeaeAultmi dde ttr ph. hrS a wf aTfenofairiihu e ImTSfnaaWSeleteacVadrh'i/leu ehln /eff mi saiiccunWe terntpietasesl adeyBnda,tdl'i ' l fA ntjwh aos bawu.afuo ea tumfr o1hism LdlatVipe ls uiadfys/vn.riS red, feLoeDT r ieolaanid hd.us oewiWe.ar um h4wa s .e1 s yb rolobEso"eyerotHumnoad s iB io rasinols,nfnle jfoeud T aotshtrhghs meaie-oedns - snfotiiioftxmsttr.e "aepIn T nMlT yht'Shi iabt levlVleereeceEra Rtt uo shiYsase eitm du PDn .rt lonIhe Stteaoh HaisriewnE n gtaaAouyc -Rrtcfno iaTid nut EeobjlutNne rtP Iy bdNa deo gGnvoneeie.ec- s, 7- I Ml 46150. Second-class postage Hockey cold war' to resume in area in sprina an IQ of 135 In his last 1Q test, he OPTIONAL COVERAGE spells palal imd aaitl L(siuvbosnciari.p Mtioln 4, 8c1h5a1n.g Ae dodfr aedss- measured borderline mentally hand- disaster, say opponents of the re- Reg. ^ 4 . 95 dress. Form 3569) to P.O. Box 2428, icapped." said Babiak's mother, Gini form, because young drivers, those 0L5iv0o0n. ia. Ml 48151. Telephone 591- sBBtyya fTTf eewderddit eSSrcc hhnneeiiddeerr we cwoeu wwnceeirrleem atthhnee Krreee,.n"" Mssaaeiihddl. WW Meeessthtlllaan naHdnd c. .hi.tiys Easter vac .a.t.i on. That's so kids on egation's arrival and a gala banquet Until recently, the U.S. govern aNcetuivvei lilne w thheo, W sianycnee -1O9a8k4l,a nhdas C bheaepn- rionosustr panrocnee ra ttoes a cacreid ehnitgsh easntd, wwohuolsde SALE £ NewHsOstManEd D .EL .IV .E RrY p eSrE cRoVpIyC. E5 0« chTalhlee ncgoeld on w iacre riesm haiisntso.r y, but the wreipfere, sSeonntyaat,iv wese rdeu rtihneg cthitey '1s9 8o9ff tirciipa.l athree ae xyhoiubthiti otnesa mwsill tshtailtl bwei liln ptolawyn. in otine st,h eM efhiln aslai dw. eekend are possibili- lmanedn ti non lNye wall oYwoerdk Soorv iWeta sphlainngetson t o taenrc oef the Michigan Head Injury Alli- ceveretnati nofly a ch doiosasebl ilnogw earc criadteens.t, I nth ethree Classic Interiors ,* C' Maarir1ie yrea .rly... .. monthly. $ 5S53. 0000 ageW heosctlkaenyd wteiallm pl afyro mhos tth teo aS otveeient- pre"tPtye resxocniatleldy,," m hye s waiidf.e and I are couMlde hnlu smaibder th e30- S3o4.vie itnc dluedleinggati o17n be Mnoeh cl ossatid fo hro ptheefu lcliyty t htoer eho wsto uthlde tBwuet eMn ethhle s atwido t rcaovuenlt rreiesstr iacrteio nbsei nbge - Atolnl aOdbvseertrivseinrg is p suubblijsehcetd to in th teh ec oCnadni-- cUitnyio'sn y neeaxrt-l osnpgrin g25 tahs apnanrtiv eorfsa trhye sarMy eshulb icso hmemadiitntgee th rees 2p5otnhs iabnleni vfeorr- hbeo cckoemypprliasyeedrs. oTfhe a rdeumltas,ind meros wtlyil l deTleRgAatNioSnP. ORTATION will be paid edaesleegda atniodn itto m falyy dbiere pcotslysi btole D foertr othite ^ LOSE WEIGHT WITH MEDICINE V T2Lh0I 2VF9O 29N M3IA0i-d 94d •7l eT4m W-e6n 9. S0 aR0 9 o a3d0- 5(J 3u0s •t O SP EofN S8U MNDtiAeYl S 1-5 tions stated in the applicable rate celebration, city officials announced planning the Soviet visit. school and government officials. for by the Soviets and donations by Metropolitan Airport. fCcraaornmdt,o tcnho eOpib eassdevr ovefert rwi.s hi7ni4cgh4 daWreepin agarvt Smaitleraenbetl.te lasTt hwee Meka. rch excursion is a return miCttIeTeY m OeFmFbIeCrsIA hLaSve a bneden s uwbocrokmin-g halHf ocousminpgle atrer,a hneg esamide.n ts are about ctoi vdiec fgrraoyu epxsp aenndse os,t hheer ssa widi.l l be used ligMhteehnli nthgi nekxsp etrhiee nvciseit fworill ablel a cno enn-- Ydoo uwu wa ta»llhrllerhe a lalododsysiyinn gkkgnn wowowewetig g whWwh!h te aiID a tDalIrE I yejETo B u oR asEfrtdSo UuOMLrTt lSefta eMld EK iDrnvI oWCwAwlnTggIhOtN wRh ePadRtuO ctotGio RenaA tMM eh adcs.»cn .on oeht efCwiep^l^olo uutos Plymouth. Ml 46170. (313) 459-2700 engagement of sorts. for the last six to eight months to Activities for the delegation are "The biggest drawback (in putting cerned rTighhe tC naontt otno Oacbcseeprtve arn r easdevrevretsis etrh'es bacTkh ee nedxh oifb iati honom toeu-arn rde-phroemseen stser tihees a"Wrrae nfginea tlhlye vgiosti tt,h Me echoln sfairidm Tatuieosnd abyy. also in the planning stages. tlohew terdi pto t olagnedth ienr )D iest riof itth. eIyf tahreeyn 'hta avle- twe'Eenv ethne w tiwtho w choautn'str iheasp)p Ie niemda g(ibnee- SHARON LoMlEUX/*t«fl photograph*, M>E« 3C1M1C MA iDdOdNle P RbeOnG •R AUMvo roa 422-8040 THE CITY OF WAYNE order. Observer A Eccentricad- that began in 1989 when the a West- FAX this week." A reception at the Melvin Bailey to land in New York it's going to cost it's going to be a real eye-opener for "I'm head injured and that's just the way it is. I believe we can DEPARTMENT OF PARKS & RECREATION takers have no authority to bind this land-based youth hockey team, the He said the thaw in U.S.-Soviet re- Recreation Center following the del- another <7,000 to bring them here." them," he said. all get back to where we want to be. It's one small step at a EXTENDED HOURS EVENINGS & SATURDAY presents newspaper and only publication of Stingers, traveled to Helsinki, Fin- lations during the past few years time," said Nancy Bauser, at a recent gathering of "survivors" THE WAYNE WINTER WHISTLESTOP an advertisement shall constitute fi- land and Leningrad, Russia for 10 lial acceptance of the advertiser's days of competition. may have made things a little easier. 'Please, The New Pied Piper and family members coping with head injury. Bauser, an ac- Dates for the visit haven't been fi- credited social worker who married last year, was injured in pro"bTahbel yw ghootle s itdaerate d(of t hae S olavsitet n viigshitt ) gneatl iizse* M^ aalrtchhou g1h5- 2M6eh olr s a2i7d, t hbeef toarre- my little of Plymouth h19e7ad3. iSnhjeur eisd. now a Farmington Hills peer counselor for the FACTORY NOFVREIDMABYE R DSAETCUEMRDBAEYR girl needs Christmas Sale SALE DATES: 11-30-90 to 12-22-90 30 1 20% OFF blood'.' HOURS: FRIDAY • 11 a.m.-4 p.m. GACCTINGS PiUS SATURDAY - 10 a.m.-3 p.m. from 11:00 A.M.-6:00 P M CARDS & GIFTS A ll Child re ns in Plvmouth SAVE ON at i Imogine if you hod to <wk for Wood Apparel and Shoes ARTWORK • MIRRORS • FRAMED A&TW0RK THE WAYNE jr workroom toN seaxvte t itmhee ltihtee oAf msoemriceaonn eR eydou C lroovses. (Sale items excluded) Christmas Prices Below Wholesale COMMUNITY CENTER N M • 1 1 Our Work Is osks, give blood, please. Girls preemie-14 4635 Howe Road J f 20% OFF ANY( LGIMIFITT 1IT) EM BETTER THAN NEW!' Boys preemie-7 WArts & Crafts iHopite 'Picture, Inc. Wayne WITH COUPON OiVi BLOOD, PLEASE 350 S. Main St. 721-7400 20% OFF CHRISTMAS 1 0% DISCOUNT Plymouth (across from the park) 459-341 0 Show 34150 Autry Avenue ROLL WRAP Livonia • 427-8570 * FREE ADMISSION • drawing ON ALL Open: Mon-Thurs 10-5:30; Fri 10-8; Sat 10-5:30; Sun 12-5 30% OFF BOXED (Corner of Starfc Rd & Autrey Ave) One Block Soulb of Schoolcraft CHRISTMAS CARDS FABRICS Plymouth Cultural Center Come «i and gel a punch cart with your card purchase • Grsasng carts tor at yov reads Christmas i 525 Farmer • Specialized Mum & lam balloons Serving the Metro • fjVw 101. Santa! Area for over 10 Years Ine of paper & party goods i 28235 Five Mile Road ; | 43387 JOY ROAD • CANTON (in Coventry Commons) | (next to Zimms) • LIVONIA Fri., Sat., Sun. | Hours: M-F 10-7; Sat 10-6: Sun. 10-4 Sale End,1 2-31-90 453-807fr i 525-5625 Nov. 30, Dec. 1, 2 h r i s t m as I lours: \ Fri. H Suft. 1 l-fi Sumiav l2-o FREE ADMISSION RETIREMENT COMMUNITY OPTIONS CONFERENCE /•'or More Infomiation, cull 6(i20 Plenty of Frv»- Parking S|a>ri-u>r« il t>\ ihr ( K\ nl IVimwih' ' I N.'|HiriiiK n< ot I'lirlu- K KtcrraiMMi SAVE Never before held in the state of Michigan, the nationally popular preretirement/ retirement living conference will be presented by the author of RETIREMENT LIVING ALTERNATIVES USA: THE INSIDE STORY. H. Wilson Worley. Mr. Worley s hook (a $9.95 value) will be presented without charge to each household IT'S THE ANNUAL 1/3 OFF ALL along with other copyrighted material. Thousands have highly acclaimed this conference for its dissemination of informa- HOLIDAY tion not available from any other source. During the two-hour session, participants CHRISTMAS TREES L will review full-service preretirement and retirement Ifting concepts through a color slide series of communities from the east to the west coast. CRAFT INCLUDING In addition, a new and different concept in active retirement/preretirement HUDSON VALLEY SHOW living being considered for Farmington Hills will be discussed to determine its potential for active adults desiring a full menu of services from home and yard maintenance to security and health/fitness programs. The concept offers options The Medical Fitness Cen- track. Relax in our thera- AT not found in lifecare, entrance fee, expensive rental packages, or resort communities. ter is a complete Health Spa Deluxe Douglas Fir Each participant will be asked to complete a simple written survey to provide peutic Whirlpool or Sauna. L A D B R O KE direction for the development and the public s acceptance of this community. facility. We have the latest in fitness equipment, including Your Fitness Program is D RC The conference is free of charge. However, seating is limited and will be by the new Keiser Weight Cir- directed by Exercise Physi- reservation only. - — cuit. ologists, Dieticians, R.N.'s with over Please call Nancy Fees (313) 442-9860, Monday through Friday from.SJO a.m and Doctors. Call now for «oS:00 p.m. or write for reservations for you and your friends to RETIREMENT 1 lO C r a f t e rs F e a t u r e d! Run or walk on our 1/10 CONFERENCE, 30405 Folsom Road, Farmington Hills. MI 48336 for one of the an appointment for FREE times and locations below. % of a mile banked indoor Fitness Evaluation. 3 BIG DAYS _ EVERGREEN TREES So natural looking, you must fed •Hilton Inn — Novi • Botsford General • Botsford General them to know they aren't living, 21111 Haggerty Road Hospital Hospital FRIDAY, MOV. 30 - 1 I AM - 9 PM 8 Mile Rd. Exit off 1-275 Shenandoah Pine * Novi. MI Administration & Administration & | | COUPON "1 SATURDAY, DEC. I - IO AM - 6 PM ' At Tuesday, Dec. II Education Building Education Building O NE F R E E ZE SUNDAY, DEC. 2 - 10 AM - 4 PM Over 50 different styles an^ HhOO A.M. or - 28050 Grand River Ave. 28050 Grand River Ave. sizes of Fir, Spruce and Pine trees. 2:00 P.M. Farmington Hills. Ml Farmington Hills. MI FREE PARKING • CHILDREN FREE S WREATHES & GARLAND^ WMheOdOn eAs.dMa. y, Dec. 12 T2h4u0r sPd.May,. D ec. 13 fATIONl Located on First Floor Grandstand Fir, Spruce and Pine -* for indoor or out; 1-96 AT MIDDELBELT Each session will end promptly two hours from the above starting times. HOURS Have one of our exercise physiologists give you a , LIVONIA Monday - Friday, 10:00 am to 8:30 pm Sponsored by Botsford General Hospital and ABSOLUcTvEalLuYat FloRn EinEc!l u-din g—^ he —alth ri s—k f_acto . rs. ' Saturday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm National Retirement Corporation. 17940 Farmington »o*<f 425-5544' Ladbroke® S3.00 ADMISSION Sunday, Noon to 5:00 pm Vermont Sprue* 4 « 7 Mil* ffoatftj PHONE 525-7300 Closed Wednesday , V Uvonla LI von'- '' "PPVinn FOR INFORMATION L *** **** g o od for tahprupo 1i1n. tm•3e0n-9t 01 _j 874 Ann Arbor Road, Plmouth, Michigan • (313) 459-7410 «**c> OdcE Monday. November 26. 1990 r Monday. Novemtxw 26. 1990 OitE • f K. f r om our r e a d e rs L o n g - t e rm r e h ab P h o ne call p u ts b r e ad on n e e d y 's t a b le Chamber is MR. POWER argues that the sug- clear from your comments that you Cable TV gives something back By Jan ics Branson Kruchkow 4aid By "walking wound gested outcomes in writing are "be- haven't really progressed past the e s s e n t i a l, c o s t ly staff writer . Donors may dial a Hunger Information ed," be means the working poor, peo- thankful wildering" because they focus on prewriting stage. ple who are employed but unable tQ such areas as "prewriting. drafting, We all look foward to the revision Creative fund-raising by the na- Line, 1-900-468-GIVE, and presto, make ends meet. revising, proofreading, publishing" that really is worth publishing. By Lisa BoJsnd crew for ooe of our locally produced tion's largest food program is apt to Assisting Kruchkow in his distri*. for support sinhsotueladd l oefam " tthoe w irdietea c ltehaartly c, hliolgdirceanl - English depJaorhtmn Kenlte mhemade special writer sthhaotw ws.i lVla pluaaybl edi vleisdseonndss a froer le maranneyd Continued from Pape 1 IN CONCLUSION, the report igse anlesora tcee sritganinif itcoan ct rceoantetri gbouotidon ws iIltl Second Harvest receives a $5 cash fbruotmto nt heeff oWrtesstl aanred tJwoob Bvoanlukn.t eDeorn, SpnLCrmofpKnTatMw1Qeoi efiut9eoav a etoureneEA sT9lMV n a e rrlnSete:uJy0ndeehnklhr aroitlalJp oyndygdaeeietais yohypnwnu d nzl staB P hnree oggraswk oehfeon dshapu/kr ous go aCeonAtyifa ,etprrretBloifn r r.oc oeiutt m, Dh iu t.tafhlhiHmcrtl,cye aa oh:olereiJP t ll..ce artmoceuoirpSo ak lor1 ou ghJewtb aai wno mogwtndot nuto ZPt ovhLyhue1 deno mLruemeelrc9 eidrdmlymltrea 9di. ktreaw oPt n 0 lra a momtonkSCeuoe.lkehkfweey.. rfcifoeeFe e r nm ToeaC p,Tnmsclglo.nmp retorio hoyoiuadtktbadtprluh.uinr..ui ee rn caBtsa z a ek mrhAMAgkneTMlalsoc.ll k. nnou Lli at Ca os aonMc hDwrwo hrs vtoytiu atgweioilethhiehmoaopoynhnawnnooeeuln-nn--ed- -. , c((awmwttwltwpeptlibahpohpunnlydraoerhakaarrgordg.aeWsiu P oiteeretkiuh l tatfht ictlcnewlo eeeiegnaoofEtye2taa f rhyrdvhcwrrgat0 lrth.ecMeWhie l etl oeipotqy esaeomdecyiarp u r upnaRa ns(tdw et p rr csidilr godtkPaiIhomlcl oahonr) yTetiyrokamp;aiwnehmgsev En vlw fnr,wdesw)aoyeestiem ;u ssitn eaaetr. th wcnhe "ewroradnitbe lv eget oe eiee nttw ye m )nf eleeabet ;sy oogwgi ndrrwrde iteamugimlwinrci srytvden isat eieaiswe cs(ejtg mttt a ureuuae oe ao he wya swvldsucgnut vlaesr cotaylymrdirpoet imelei ltsi erhet eu a nh s i bedww leoteanixrgaEeo hfesnp ltr ghtotc g yinhhw le ltfe)newrytlesigaoa; okrencik wast olrlraaa a iind wo uo nsnhwlarttnntsdeloolhuhrldgcaoeodyd yres re -t - t ashYt"wMTabcSekrsebeoohrumaaaEgIoR rrasrtlvlr kiusilhtt ietbeatseioo t segtBhwa l asse anCeo dieaenon srrdrvidruscpdodhu f hrioraftoi ltg iiedenmrsolips m eastorg'knr" ho.gt t:ise Ao ineJys tg ohopagWuo nippcg jossio o'kpinetw f foinbleoGsgnfl hgp d G,,f trettoVe oo i n lst f cocsaatvah h uh hrnrdutjehauiuhpeesodsgtenos.lerpi e hglrHh c .oinga ihsicurn'na gsb- tbl gbvishe ee oneatrax a lafgSbgtra t thGscytiNiec eienht,toceh sigoltrvwl'ye o o e I: l nawstoiahtscbirotwtpinrenlihvhenvaeoaeeulaht l ogti vtlaylen Tb vCrco.enyhdaau. eir slke enfgl edltloealoe .nossnaid ao sbei rrvao o wcinbt . mwesly rgtn efweaegvl Ssiceauelhderlilre o eooysatTeaet oa nhbttvw ulmr sarveuibeots.idu sinr talteecrchesenu e.ltyeg lW oiyhgo l,s gkvo da e am int Art w ri tnonteev cohttasoihop.evmn chehfeib cr l.a rolnteaio aaofoee sTunrn lolohwtn uutcraaofgnerkyi gg a tcer hpinsiitin en khblso ttfsa a ttsiotano lth n e h o ytef saorrtcorhesfo yr heen w uoieiveoot pcsnaa r dea mau fmoaoptid rwl seitner frsteiriprunwivde xndat ovbsc wo saeleoygpeat nioletttrrl use,ghlrso ebvoem o iwwy roitbaspooi ci rwo, sWm aaeotmsnnehtaiiuenhnu dli o nc uaeayetdd rkail d-nghis--sd , o st- ' CwqTsewpaaecsr1heurubrorcoh2ohhgseseobao nErimo apr dustltsuspeamtoai o.lcumotietos cdunsn yTr mviOhs , atiisd hohi eb t oretemtiyetaureeleihnfeser nvevrrrn iae eos aetensCltis usa.nracswp e s a atOeroNrturnio r ghe trmsovttOemitr vegmehf noukiii aim acansne rortc pcerto ntitevn od ytcaortv ,iei fiooeer gocibnhrft mlsueepo,noegeea iwrt3,mre dvipv hd ne4aarpethee ,eugcdh.nstorno0rteeu.ed iet n0 t n nr s tno 1c er0tvo.ttltoe0othe e iIc . c nv e o0rc ytseoetueec0o un shnfiiClsce0nvs.rest er v ase ooutaTn iii hebedmmnuvrdoshyefel.dr e-fe -e-- cgcmdpfatoaWnamiykbhemoegafetrorele eawiioeeestenoOatnIslapi t tvdnveaittu oare rmiosanbhosi.s eisrlsnlr s sd, eres fyqI h neoi wdtotlenaI o uaafioua sto1 sei nc4reviisnnurcwt2wsurfo0 here ta pw0eiminwmr an rtlstdtpa,i vn noo0h lt nii h rocieht tiit0fnrenegs ohhncor ske te0ianitt oeesgmm emipoig ho nrgta llo n toea stmroug ttio eel plisohvcvhmvci if n urciaaveoai anaioanot snyncnndbtle upehriu cvgaci,tlrree aa ote rh iouyne prr7aO ydte aenOfsstcsr0 .en mmm t ootO Oi mbmcdr Wtths gnh oahyonihumsman ilertccimoa aee letr aricaaentnhtnnur.ac e muo prm.a aviioscohsd c cmappleiauttmim ulaoolcerpdOs n vn Tmoemriipreo s netneiexpeChtpnbat chsxg ci etyeoltrtaaii-eioe-siir,o tss.--s- - - aCip"ppyWrrpmtPafwlnhoidteoarernaoooegoeeawe"iufaraLdiImus sst hirMmornrCrl dts .nasptm,trtel h mr h rssnoaateirtimPdnauia tuhuocesdhemoiv lisomitohDmtnmpsrds anfietsl mositvfob iAeseu retsg mweitnehoeir ggsi ce apamfte o,bfau aercuiin otrapgngcwecosmrmuoi rnr'rlfsiloenle ne lvio.idzbaa utb-t nget mnaoevioauclhtsefdenoto irdn io,l iereansougdauts-t,yel nnltss cfng"ccelny ofa ,tadifeptsehs ol sutie buih teeMnar ifomdsaela oi r iudEtlrgtaTtnctr mnyiih enpih chaittRe anese i oemucrah"rifa uecogede Sfntblininihrntspietieg netoli seodntendrmi o -anhjincra noooy u nanu.ei tPge"d -lcennrs ' hosfd aaD ayu oadsts aae g ii hsu.ucmri eN irtun actyemascl ieerno rlass-o- 'l-kd- t- --t- l- jcmbglijspifatlstcimfuycnuyhoeinueroaatoora a esneorTrncmaitTgr"ysnytnmuhd tucre tneherwh s tseeer.eAipefdspedl ea,srahidiWy t ps r paslst nooaiscpe . "oslousut"lrfcirione arotsoonaree c peoes s Aautwnrpg faro t c piyieoaej cn non.nnntesvmuo"fv de e idsnusur ds wioss.tocueeR.uu oragnhuat niddorcta"hictrvngelesluefe Wsna. hei idts tecid ajm tnnors MausMuou hldyaeuagc tb rcisa dtiesse smiaw itshlitbNn,cbd$xleennic elehigye21fe dcao eugcs siylbire5ad4omrrthesiags ysn0e,8ss pv a sid,v p.eacttiw le 0nnew1asbht ipdeor rr0es 2iais ee ei irsend Htta 0tlsi ptenmhi oldhw,ns hran pefmp eonue ue ugensoiciahro funaumscilain r odo iegteeletcluimt euup iten n"ovs s mrtkhnIoiralr6rht,gesnienndee -i epifl. 0-e -r----- ---,r- bbtncepHmpSuPetftaiirdrhoaahnranmaeoeea"T estoaoDseiSisrmaiaWthqstnodynhnn.tiedd ot uon C-npeeegtidc obe ntstaent g sero oo .haPbo9oal ooh r nen- enrSL0idrrslvBa gledf asd ki0feol i vinlfdiA e actncsd ynHmveoiriekde aoeocengoie rd iul,ann aaknsletn arublorpyr dgnseeig tm rvi nntTrd1lh rfne .oHego -o'dseg-bhgsap o st9 fgTo isaede r nct a arh0odNHrn,rhar, oorlatv0u im eeit chaom una mssi-iefnxa hes nvec4etof sptgr.p aig6e itr Hi rtrp rtsrrem mmb8ee4oy mrpigaa1urr-lu0evd,oob.etoeG6c"n ,ctiua ann0pehn4ei ng eItiscs0retdhsVegseih.ta y 0oov n rla itEl sorrondeaay l u eeiia,cscsfgeItn drfoo fi anRhet Co pl aleafi aeno nlldnooblona recucbeJaonryinfd dnyts-5--l-a --- obGDvsiSfemnnontereeelog"o tasCcenft er OtdnooHratet aoo,aanonU s enlitgddheg itr RobBd ste Jr-a Hcsshdbns aanioTo. oa-ilamCktesln nApshrnna.ipoteve een aGr oacmdsregStiir i bsastsoW o mto tfLiuGhupnoal utIaalttedoscieNhonnbyorDion falnilfErnny. ieitrtpe'ey staaiosyTl uot. mide s.ens rCF hatd c opo ronrhtSe cecreouuta ekeehsdnfrscs,i aontexudio yt.oi dBsena nt dse e ncdagCrcudntcn1e r t oHh o klaspw nimu ,nrbaaelotdhrud ys0rifa--ro--s o g ne th cytcGaaWwpsfiroloeasdgeliyaluoiireT"abdeedlvdsWdsrnkiuah e ,tti G icfnt eliansneceotaori eng oe geNh nosenpr5n ns ouddstalerw0u foye mrili wl.diani cm ao0escntpielh.b 0uhsolWt acyuo 0onhe t uwrmtrrntd wianioRgafe hleebyeptyrho odein munopdosevs meltuu seeB bu.edm, icn ssn eiJi a h Odiosn Sre plfstts rl areothrr tigir khoeci reesaoyboelcn txnaf tu infhKpnpi o t dCpzesfedeioroauoe huc Hdhtoanub tuciutndtnaou horttnd,crdn orokTvghbs o f terha1dsrhwi ysc,e8iivioe"sstn,-- 0ef " - ccB9esplTacippmfuizeoo2slrhaarntao eoepe3tTninMV"susntolnmmnme-Testtteorkr3sirrr.cioce l ha i iyd5badliFrthritweberaoano3nee, io ois"ft u lforc5rdldM.u rl o syt Lyehr sylaoel,oko a ioleai n cS vdt.vv idlutr mhaaadphei ieot irInnterapirlsenn io e me,egnbSorrt irp" hcoaeianie bate t tsthsdreh ,gsr lfe dtaiodeh yreoe rma lainugoar ra al n imtWedsormbprnro fioenLo rio note9 ee eoed urGOgr 0srsa ravsmcf te0 dil,l proetidfmceh il aarrrdbb lleaeyytAo,ye orniris .mvoooe nnhete wh rholeandna or"a pseksde,itGiEli tiyeois ld B hoFdtvpf eorch nooaonf vepa acetoout yonoerlhh-liifeydlsdoldrltref', --- , , r teJsstgCmbNwh.cavueh oeaerLroeray rn nanA iPtmg ydlehttr u:eods plbet cn aycirsde tmntoogiirol odd- meeMiefcne ntmusChing o nstaaeotvhed.nni nierww ndt r H agWahot j omiowiraan skabLtraheeey oe docrr vddnlTosedeoe.n r r wn g c asDBbeohonh ewaeo laosahinrdpiadnigrisno deaeqhcdrldti uhsetCns,,iae s h iio octtwnrtahfheeua mh eosdeRruo - f --. o(emglesvtoperuunua eaugaecArnfncb i adetuctshtla ieh saainlfeg.ssa ln odirhleitn dysrentis on rw wfcwawtsg ouiodhtr)hrdrari.je-ime ternutntinenidhn,snn tt giasg Witn eftt oguy" nieu qdnti r aneue asv onmritnnactrfy talauekts ulhip cslyone yestaa.zuia,r coe"rogt tni dr ueoMcE es sauuw nvurrl rltl.geeiabo y lalvPlrjlo iu epe o sdpaadcahewed-rtilr - -- --- if t1Oh ewp doieunaldiro sbnaiyssh to hapa rtc eCaisn h nproiustrt edin oce e hWnisCso ojafornfsbotho.r indp sgmitqatnvnehorreui rieecmatiWaneh ge mlngdteeshihee t mbti wetye anhhgo d iortoaapunroesuttfsrg,i l od wp daw wdae1drreenel0oeou i dsaru ncpp ikd tdrerry r ehoseaoo e fwsevcafva ltr coie erioedaefd scuOne set drd.sa e .ma to dW oc g F wnc tooaoo eio ima.ncrtn n nwhdo p mwtWe tmot rrstheuoarhh ekcn geo eoert ixrfw fert apa yesa eoimrtcealt nhou—tlhrs-- ey-rT - - cpstMwBtfihuaooeuhlaipTrrs tcotttp,p h :sr Imt riooe hLnooa wr ewciflgltvissl a rvhoucoe vameoud,o em flri ama eeinTnmn ne g6madoyl 0io r d3nuTteu ah0ognaehryaf, im e h,ottl y o ofopiwC tW c uulca hioarriotplessayhmp d melsaarno eme se brecswrhcee,usavoceird lnimaweo aciRt kgyetaaseyenc ns ipa it ynlR ptioraiiv rkeoe nrlooiotea-nd- -f- . evvFCcpsuraeioseracaelreWmsn.egv c totsWeipeeio,fva r l nwoleat etiNh felktCi eewl cetetlah howaic beletcvnolhslo dee mpC ecnwra oaa mtt 2piCinongln6eilttteoituirao,nt nmlenhe gu ao e tm nseCont.uu oedih rpstts aot spptpel hr ooler moeeoofrnmtf va lghf iikotWuevdahetslee eelFe d eF c soeOt seoahacutrbvpeilir--l--- - eeptpaApliixrrenoonomoprcinessuinfeed ,e ei"s "tr trMns MsDibsin ecyc ycioeineisacon cs-dPcth, nfphe"t ioialthmn iigoatustgeghaewitl a n hnetinans e u maa h'h rdbsmptvaeaioerevo psu ninoarinno sgebnacu.r f goaga ttijobenr tt btest lt hhayipe:i nn eneg ritsun deihmunom e rstluo hoe. uissbuer wnltOesym des g t neatsesheat rr.xnei -e-n--r tusvrftrttyhoeihaeeia osriahseMDld i ltar btde .liaoabe yosne'pa riass t eldenM s biciuewtni ^aelrct iiht ieodltmaciiiqyfionl ce.auenfea un .i nH i rpdlBdHaeelridcas oe cacdeb cno acs eitesdgaoorscsteknan ias Sl.r idcd,lfyt"o ioeai atrvcc mietie o ihaavcmlpnleg ieisltce oie yeScvtda,t,roieeerimv n cctsnpii autotcc ai lhnrowneil,iede of-s- ecccsthclarrarchmaSIosaenftsuptrdu e pdguCudse hsle oorae, ns rTldralotee hssn fg Vuoc e arwrairss vneweadgal apMilii nylsDa a,ttaoy rebasJnaryl adbet niatayoe.ty aan r3.c tnmS.h d f c etoD hhccr eeekola vc.oSs.e lcmsMcnheri aosa1naios0fgn ttli - -s aCCLbLwveiiolevvSatallw ooirlcll enneheaaniigesobaacnelo eeBA -lSav Rcbedtiirxanydlald ti ef Plctact ei alhnloiyyilsidnflmg i fCaha n, loSteGgue n s1avt 4tchi8ree6nhd6nr2fo e0o -onS0 4rMl4ams 3lHiCela 0eamati ntig yodrg,no ea at rndha tidsyess , . .0,s — o To you all we extend our sincere velop proficiency in the elements of to be shared words of the contract and limit ser- gramming is one that we take great sions like service availability to new s "Loss ratios for auto insur- rehab therapy, according to his appreciation. . the writing process described above, vices provided, we have chosen to pride in. Although our contract with neighborhoods in a businesslike man- ance (the percent of premium dol- mother the ease of writing is a natural con- liberally interpret the contract and the local community does not re- ner in order to make sure that the lars going back in the form of "It's hard," she said, not to both Bishop Borgess High School The Plymouth Community sequence. Opinions and ideas are besl offer more services than are re- quire a special number of local cost of service is not driven up prohi- claims payments) have been con- envy and resent those lucky enough Chamber of Commerce when shared with others. quired. shows, or hours per week, we have bitively. sistently and significantly higher in to qualify for the generous and life- H O L I D AY B A Z A AR Board of Directors ny PtoE RthHe AnePeSd TfoHrE h uellptiimnga tsetu tdeestnitms oto- andT hCaatn'st ownh yOb (sheerve Prsly emnocuotuh r- It is with this in mind that I re- shtoruivrse da to w eaettka.in H aunnd arvedesrag oef oyfo u3r0 Should any of the residents of our tMioinc.h igan than in the rest of the na- gciivrcinugm bsetannecfeit sfo orfc endo- fuapuolnt, tah ecr uine-l Plymouth Sunday, Dec. 2 Writing think and analyze an approach to age their readers to share iheir spond to the recent editorial saluting neighbors have received training in community have questions, con- "This means that Michigan is jured by something as insignificant 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $1.00 Donation subject matter is Mr. Power's curso- views with olhers in the From the creation of a Canton Cable Com- the use of a camera, editing and pro- cerns, or ideas about Jocal program- returning among the highest per- as the circumstances of their acci- Plymouth Rd. at Telegraph is rewriting ecrinysia . w dlT iarhstimtai tbni sgekss iaintn,lds ota rofnuf dac nat ipno reanonlyb tisainribe stlwy mios od ssveeusenptmtreeurencfnci-t-- OitourSr fuRobrem apdiutetbirlnsigc c aaot ilJouentmi ^insr etoas tyh.e L eedt-- pstmiervicoettvt ieooidefne sat hnsoeedfr CveCinacocnemot outmonr.ai t tgWtheienee gr aau Ornredam la n ipwtipscero sewmtceiil ratlno-- sdsntcuiuchcdaotteioionlon twns ws if teorhodr kmau. ch aMtehtaieaodn n Hys.t i Tghahraotvd Seiancy hg ,aoo woncloee m C ohmlnao vsutoee- amt iL4n5ig9s.- ap7l3 e0Ba0so el adon fdee lis fr egee tno ecarlal lm me ana- cttohe eni ntnajaugtreieo odnf. "v p ircetimmisum of daonlyla rssta tbeac ikn ' Adthenrndeta te nnoewd., even that may be HOMOvEerM 1A50D EE xAhRibTiSts A • NPDic CtuRrAesF TwSit h Sauls ih • To the editor: tive of real efforts to improve our ters should be typewritten or ingness to channel citizen views Up program working as a production ger of Omnicom. Christmas wishes I am writing in response to Philip schools. printed legibly and kept to 300 come true Natural Norwegian Power's recent column on education- One thing we can all agree on is words. Letters must be signed fyt&ud ty-lomeA, Glofl, LOW COST at. . . Blue Fox al reform and Public Act 25. Mr. that schools won't get better until we and include the address of the Jackets Power's comments on a variety of abandon the rhetorical flourish in fa- sender. ONE WAY issues suggest an unfamiliarity with vor of reasoned analysis and empiri- Names will be withheld only vlon Color Studio $397 widely accepted principles in public cal research. By those standards, the for the best of reasons, and TRAVEL jCma, /S&t education, but particularly an igno- assessment of student writing de- the decision to do so will be Through Saturday rance of research in effective writ- mands that we fpcus on narrowly de- made by the editor. SOUTH AND WEST ing instruction. fined and archQc principles that do As the representative of a group of little to he^Jr students think about ' Letters should be mailed to At Crowley's Livonia Mall For Information Don't be misled into thinking you get value in a English teachers at Birmingham what they are doing when they write. the editor. Plymouth (or Can- Call low priced fur . .. Fur is a long time investment. Gtor soevte tsh eH irgehc oSrcdh ostorla, iIg hamt. compelled waWy irnittiong a i ssu ab jwecaty, Mofr .th Pinokwinegr. oItu'sr tPolny)m •'o uOthb s4e8r1v7e0r.. 744 Wing, Nov. 28, 29, 30 & Dec. 1 CfmSfifUig 532-3800 •Can you afford to buy yours anywhere but 'Dittridis? IMPRESSIVE SAVINGS dttkoit • rytxo-rrn two D«ll2/61E254 Wl« -4MV* UNIQ2U0*E D PowAnY aMndE vNouT d oTnE t RMS BLOOISMISF IENL DA K*I LLS • 6*2 WOO receive a bill until Februan Mo» Sjl t pre cvt« ao owces BKuxnltafi TS« 4 Fn anna I IOpi. TOSEW.f Oj '0 -Fur Animated Christmas Characters Sweatshirts FREE TIRE ROTATION COMPUTER WHEEL ^COOLING SYSTEM Save Money 6 . 99 LUBE, OIL & FILTER ALIGNMENT ^ ^ CCHHEECCKK Si 795 $ 2 5s2°°500 '• ! • • FC hT.eck Stre n•gt hC £1; Clan t"v• d 1st qualiRtye tt 9.99 AntiFree;- 50% cottun/50H polyester Rear Alignment At Entra Cost •• CChheecckk BCoelotlsin &g FHaons eOsp eratioi Reg. 49.99-99.99 15 solid colors Readv to Every Month S With Couoon paint or embellish EnDires 12'31'JO E f piles 12 31 -0 Sizes from 23" to 28 Viuh sizes M-L-XL M a r ch T i re C c. 7 30 a.m •? 00 p m All Christmas All Boxed SlL 800 *_m -JOO pm BEFORE Candles Christmas n^nouNi Southftott Cards With WALLSIDE'S Energy-Efficient 7671 Mam 33014 Grand Mvw 2&441 T«tograph 455-7800 477-0670 353-0450 "If only I could see what it would look like first..." Now you can! Off Lifelike Pine Sprays Revlon invites you to become Unforgettably Beautiful with the Reg. 25*-5 99 Off VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS Canton unique Beauty Imaging System. Receive an Unforgettable Makeover vPoiltliavress, itanp reerds. and y| O% Rffe g2 49 5 9< Suggested 3475574 -S0h4a4kto0n M 721-W10 W10af T^n New aYnodr kco smtypluistte.r iRzoedbe rotn -Vscinreceennt .h aTirhsety $li2n0g r seessesrivoanti ownit hf ee is green and white C.reat accent for holiday protects Manufactuers retail Beat The High Cost Of Home redeemable in Revlon merchandise. To make your appointment, Framed Heating Bills By Replacing Those please call (313) 476-6300. Join us at Crowley's Livonia Art Prints Revlon Color Studio, the fun place to shop for color. Drafty Old Windows With... 15000 Men. if you're about to turn 18. it s 35 Mini Light Set 100 Mini Light Set A* mot on TV time to register with Selective Service Up to 100 U.L DELUXE uMil at any U.S. Post Office. CROWLEY'S 1 . 99 5 . 99 (United FURNACE It's quick. It s easy. ^VallsideV^ndow Mactory SALE And it's the law. I lear or mufti color bulbs lea/ or multi color bulbs Double-Hung Vinyl Windows * H»gh Efficiency CO*! IB DUAIItl ( i l l) 4 SIIIICI Valued from 19 99 & 24 Straight line r End to end Super bright 2 Low Sound Leve4 3 20 yr H«at Exchange with Glass * Warranty * Compact Size •5K ETaAsLyLE MOa Uinit0e' nR1aUn1NceN9 IN5G thhoevW heh eeiavldee rf we bwiteh ep nae ot hrpyitlien o gv er hinocwflou rtdo ai n hfger elbper er beaosdtou kcclaeen ty cooenur r GROEANTEE OSFT T TOHOE L5 HISOLALNIDADY 140 Light Chaser Set gWrarepaetvhisnBe Plaid & Satin Christmas ((UUppw totwo t S4hT4 )- ) •F AEJ-Avr-Tv*U •R ES: »*OC«l MSSO5«0 pina tnh,e m haenayrt h Tahvee pbreoesnt ahtiet riinsgk .t charollu 1gh 8 0l0o-wEA-fTa-tL EeaAtN- FOR SAVING TREASURES 1 4 . 99 l " i o 3" Ribbon Spools •• a•r « T R U^ T E MP 0ar<J. Ana the colon After all. the purpose THE ENVIRONMENT. 9 9* Because fried foods, of food is to sustain life, Deck out your home Clear or multi color bulbs Sizes 12" to J t ****** * \ Caa**. Inc as part of a high-fat dtef. not take >• away with spectacular Canton Twp may ocfeo.se trie rtsk <y AH ••t-l heart disease as w&ti as 1-800-EAT-LttN tCraimptmurien gthse a nbdea suatvyi nogf s. Christmas 24 No Payments PER WINDOW INSTALLED certain cancers Marvin wfhdowG rsaatvtaen 2 f0ur tnoit u4r0e% an Vd «s r Ribbo1n 3 9 Ft. x 10 PLiinleelBra Until April 1991 r*. ;vew—uirswTx orrr>a watso mJws *tW canaojO"o*Bd* O 1«- omocfw ci our stores as they Lifelike Pine Garland Wreath WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! AN ENERGY SAVINGS magically transform Off k*i MASTERPIECE FROM MARVIN into a dazzling 4 . 99 4 . 99 Marvin Singl-GM* is an energy Tone o long piece of wring Christmas display a LET US PROVE IT! 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Sun 11 I LihmrA.. mNM SIw Im\N .Cniu M.il 2?»lE r tM.AtvNr MN?l IN'M<. D1e5t8ro3i0t MSclt l4O6—22l7 ^^AW^llall si siiddee ^in^do^wI n d ow l J'ka a c t o ry vsoowTtboo STORK HOI RS Mon Sat 9:90-9:*Sua. lOfi Ml H7K Foctofy * Showroom FREE Mo 0Wigat»on In Home Estimates 10A»»(F-12AM»BA> O&E Monday. November 26. 1990 NOW'S THE TIME TO GET I MONTH MONTHS PLUS *600 Cash Down Payment $1,209.36 Refundable Security Deposit $200.00 Option Package 573B Savings $650.00 Total Cash Due at Lease Inception Includes First CASH BACK Month's Lease Payment' $1,608.36 Total Amount of Payments $4,776.00 Cash Down Payment $2,192.00 24 Monthly Lease Payments at2 $199.00 Refundable Security Deposit $200.00 1991 Option Package 363A Savfngs $1,000.00 Total Cash Due at Lease MERCURY Inception Includes First 1991 MERCURY Month's Lease Payment1 $2,691.00 TOPAZ TRACER Total Amount of Payments $4,776.00 24 Monthly Lease Payments at2 ' $199.00 YOUR 24 MONTHS ™ $299 CHOICE A MONTH FOR A LL W , TH no ncr AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AND AIR CONDITIONING n us s Wo „ 500 CASH BACK CASH BACK Cash Down Payment $5,005.70 MARQUIS LS Refundable Security Deposit $300.00 Option Package 172A Savings $650.00 WHEN Total Cash Due at Lease Inception Includes First YOU BUY Month's Lease Payment' $5,604.70 Total Amount of Payments $7,176.00 24 Monthly Lease Payments at2 $299.00 1 7 50 CASH BACK "1 PLUS $ COUGAR LS Cash Down Payment $3,039.26 1991 SABLE Cash Down Refundable Payment $3.163 26 Security Deposit $300.00 Refundable Option Package Security Deposit $300 00 451A Savings $700.00 Option Package Total Cash Due — 262A Savings $850 00 at Lease Inception Total Cash Due Includes First Month's at Lease Inception Leo*e Eayment' $3,638.26 Includes First Month's Total Amount Lease Payment' $3,762 26 of Payments $7,176.00 Total Amount 24 Monthly Lease of Payments $7,176 00 Payments atJ $299.00 24 Monthly Lease Payments at' $299 00 TOWN Cash Down 24 MONTHS Payment $5,984 21 Refundable Security Deposit $400 00 JI>SI Total Cash Due at Lease Inception Includes First Months Lease Payment' $6,783 21 Total Amount of Payments $9,576 00 3 99 A MONTH 24 Monthly Lease Payments at' $399 00 I ADOrtlONAt PVOGOAM INFORMATION Customer Cash Sack (*ecty fcom Lincoln Mercury on Wl models wit* a 24 month 'ordC-ecW Bed Carpe' lease $600 on lotxw GS $J50on SaDleGS $500on Grand Marquis IS $1300on town Ca iCustomer Cash Bock can oe applied tow»d payment retundoDle security deposit ond Ntsi monms payment a you may '*• cash for cash Dock and speciot lease wmiyou mustlake new vehicle delivery Horn aeo*» stock Bv <2/H90 • for CustomerCamlock Kmimcoln-Mercury make a ie>oit purchase ol o new <?1 Grand Marquis horn deafen stock Dy VJV91 *1o«o( cash due at lease inception includes a reiundacxe security deposit cash down payment and fm mown lease payment »leos« Daymen) is basea on Manutoctureo s Sugg«ted »e'oil Price $12 525 on topa/ GS S11.5J7 on lroce> $17 629 or 5at>»e GS SH637 on Cougar IS $21 825 on Grand Marqun IS and $10031 on town Ca tincluding oonon pockage 1 1 savings pe< model os shown oDove ease payment includes destination chages Dut e*c lodes w»e tares end license lee and a Dosed on o 24 mo Lw closed end &ed Carpe' Lease horn ford CredW lessee rr»ay have me opkonio purchase the car oi lease end oi a price lo be negotiated wm> me dealer at lease inception However lessee has no obkga»On to purchase the car ai lease end lessee Is lesponsiOle *» excess wear ond lea 30 000 MERCURY mMM Is me loialmHeageoitowed with an $ ii oe< mile charge ove> JO 000 tease suDiectio credit approval and .. — •• -• IT1HV -VJI VFT' JU UUU fcOMW > • V U'WUI' ms**aOH*Y as dele»m«ne<J Dy ford C»e<W See imcoln Mef .yy deoie* "hi poce and «e<mi See vow C Jw SEE YOUR METRO DETROIT LINCtftft-MERCURY « f £» LINCOLN D E A L ER W H E RE GREAT DEALS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER. ANN ARBOR DEARBORN DETROIT DETROIT FABMtMCTOM GAROEN CITY PLYMOUTH WAT t RF ORD Apollo Krug Bob Maxey Park Motor Bob Dusseau Stu Evans Hines Park Mei Farr 21QQ w SttihfT! BVd 21531 Michigan Ave 16901 Mack AvenoeTt Carttanr 18100 mtiwHiJi* 31625 Grand River Ave 32000 Ford Rd 40601 Ann AiDor Rd (at 1-275) 4178 Highland Road 668-6100 27» 4-6800 885-4000 Oppouw Palmer Part 474-3170 425-4300 425-244 4 683-9500 869-5000 ROCHESTER R0SEVILLE ROYAL OAK SOUTHFIELD SOUTHGATE STERLING HEIGHTS TROY YPSILANTI Crissman Arnold Diamond Star Stu Evans Crest Bob Borst Sesi 1185 South Rochester Rd 29000 Gratiot at 12 (Me Rd 221 N Main St. at 11 Mile 24350 W 12 Mile Rd 16800 Fort St at Pennsylvania 36200 Van Dyke at 15 ft Mile 1950 West Maple - 950 East Mtchqan 652*4200 , 445-6000 ^ 541-8830 354-4900 285-8800 939-6000 643-6600 565-0112 c_~- aije CAbseruer & Eccentric® Xruispaprrs •% p Ethel Simmon* editor) 591 2300 * * IB wm taste buds chef Larry Janes Stuffed? Help the hungry With Thanksgiipng warmly tucked behind our belt buckles and buttons, the last of that turkey carcass picked clean and hopefully thrown into a stock pot for soup, did you ever stop to think what it would be like to in line, hoping and praying that the agency providing your only warm meal of the day wouldn't run out of turkey, gravy, stuffing and potatoes? -3 As you search through the cupboards looking for that can of cranberry sauce hidden behind the bulging shelves of soup, taco shells, canned vegetables and cereal boxes, were ybu aware that there are thousands of . people, many in our own neatly landscaped backyards, who open their cupboards only to find a bag of USDA-packaged corn meal and an occasional can of evaporated milk? The facts are astounding. With many community agencies feeling budgets cuts, the rolls continually expand with families requesting assistance. Maybe it was a temporary layoff, a sudden turn of bad luck or even an unexpected medical emergency that tapped a family's food budget. Whatever the reasons, there are people going to bed . Hors d'oeuvres prepared by Larry Janes include Dip in tomato. Artichoke Heart and 3-Cheese Puff and Nut Terrine. Platters courtesy o f m ' l i ^ ^ ' ^ o- hungry Roasted Garlic Decadence on crackers, Cold BLT Pastries, all on platter at left, and Baked Sausage ma. Laurel Park Place. Livonia Fortunately, there are agencies like the folks from Gleaners Appetite- whetters . Community Food Bank who assist folks with bare cupboards. It might be the mom (or dad) with two kids struggling on ADC who need their help. Mayb$>it's the senior citizen who lives down your street who purchases only Combine dunks, tops, forms and wraps day-old bread and past-prime produce from your local supermarket. It could even be that shelter for battered women aarnodu cnhdi ltdhreeinr Twhhaon gkasgthiverinedg table Bspye Lciaarlr yw rJiatenre s wori tpha tshtea. addition of a simple sauce and rice aforell oaw feewd, rreugleasr dthleasts s ohfo uwlhda atl wouary ms obme s ha -e Here are recipes wondering if they will ever get a preached for decades. First, try to remember chance to return to a normal W lifestyle. ITH THE INFLUX of holiday IN ORDER TO plan a great hors d'oeuvres that throwing a party should be fun. Mommas for one of each parties, open houses and office party, you need to remember a few minor through the centuries have instilled in our get-togethers, today's busy cook categories. The best appetizer table is simply minds that hosts and hostesses must SOME FOLKS need help, and is always in search of new ideas, just that, an appetizer, something to enjoy constantly be running around like the COLD BLT DIP as a nation with bulging suggestions and tips to make his or her before dining. Too many pre-dinner palate proverbial chicken with its head cut off, A great dank cupboards, it's up to us to lend a holiday entertaining easy and enjoyable. please rs spell catastrophe to a dinner party making sure that everything is just right and 1 pound bacon, cooked until crisp hand The scenarios of people Unfortunately fcr most party-throwers, If you are planning on serving dinner, keep that the old adage What's the matter Don't 3 tomatoes, peeled and seeded needing help are as long and this will be another season filled with the all- the "apps" light and varied If, on the other you like my food?" coupled with the "Eat. It 1 cap mayonaisse or salad dressing varied as our income tax forms. too-typical marinated meatballs, spinach dip hand, you want to put out a spread Henry will mane me feel better." is the only way to 1 tablespoon Dijon-styled mustard in hollowed-out bread and the ever-present VIII would relish, remember there will be throw a party. '•* cup green onions, chopped It becomes increasingly easy to cheese balls little need for exotic salads, heavy pasta '<« cap parsley, minced sit back and say that it's not our Isn't it about time someone came up with dishes and exorbitantly priced meats and CONTRARY TO what you and I have been Dash hot pepper saoce problem. But it is. We write some nouveau holiday appetizers that will seafoods. taught, it's okay to enjoy your own party. The Drain bacon and cool. Combine remaining checks every week to our church. have your guests calling out for more? If you The best appetizer table has a mixture of best host or hostess makes the best guest list, ingredients in a food processor and process Heck, there's even a payroll have ever found yourself still slaving over dunks, tops, forms and wraps. The dunks incorporating a melange of interesting folks until chunky This can be prepared up Jo 2 deduction now for contributions the entree while your spouse passes the onion should consist of a mixture of relish who. by themselves, will keep the party days in advance and refrigerated. Serve with to the United Fund. But these dip and crackers to your guests in the other selections with appropriate dips The tops going. corn chips, tortillas, crackers or melbas. If funds can only go so far. room, you might want to rip out this story can be an assortment of spreads, some hot, Suggestion number two has been practiced there are any leftovers, hollow out a baked haAll.t Ia nroetciecnedt vai sriatt htoe rm lya rcgiety and utilize it for an upcoming holiday party. ssopmreea dc oolndt,o t hpaatr tcya nb rbeea dpsip aendd o tnhteon crackers, bPyla tnh eth eex hpoerrsie dn'coeedu pvarersty sgoi vtheart f aosr mdeuccahd ceas n dpiostha.t o and heat throughout for a great side display of brochures from the Hors d'oeuvres are a versatile food strategically placed on the tabletop be done in advance as possible No one likes Gleaners Community Food Bank category, representing pure luxury and The forms can be molds of pate, temnes it when their host or hostess is secluded in a - ROASTED GARLIC DECADENCE requesting that I buy a case of indulgence as well as the opportunity for a concocted in simple breadpans and mousses hot kitchen for hours on end Remember, it's A superb top food to help feed the hungry. The tremendous variety of stimulating tastes adorning the most delicate molds The wraps your party and you can enjoy "it too. 6 large balbs garlic brochure sat on my desk for a few Almost any dish can be made into an can be a mixture of stuffed vegetables, If your culinary talents equal those of your 4 tablespoons cream sherry *" days, and when it became time to appetizer simply by miniaturizing it. On the stuffed wrappers, croustades. phyllo and puff car maintenance abilities, try to understand 8 ounces chevre (goat cheese do the weekly sorting. I found it other hand, you also will find that many pastry that your guests are not coming with rating and took a few minutes to see just appetizer recipes can be turned into entrees And with everything we do in life, there cards tucked under their armpits. Please tum to Page 2 what my donation would buy. If you read this column and enjoyed a bountiful Thanksgiving You'll be over the moon table with your friends and family, why not Uke a few extra minutes right now to do something for those not so fortunate',, with La Luna Grancaffe Please share your bounty this season with a gift of food for those in need Send your tax- deductible check, payable to ,'4 /*^G Most of the cur- La Luna's pizza comes in two sizes and crushed red pepper) Gleaners Community Food Bank, / 0? e O reot croP ot Iu|- — the eight-inch "mezza luna" and Wisecracks are a decor theme, and help provide the more than 2- IY C. ian restaurants the 14-inch "fulla moona " Starting like the legend. "She shot for the 155,000 meals that go to the K | |H 1 are stiffer than with a thin, cnspy crust, the restau moon, but ended up with him" On the needy every week in our area ™ ' uncooked spaghet rant then adds genuine ingredients espresso list (sorry, no liquor li- Here's an idea of what your ti. Overdressed (real ricotta and mozzarella. not the cense), the statement "When the donation can provide: waitpeople serve reduced calorie, rubber versions). moon hit their eye like a big pizxa overdressed pasta The moon pie pizza is great, topped pie. it wasn't a more, but It was $8 76 for a case of Welch's fruit — often not as as it is with cheeses, a good mari- good" on the menu, and the immor- jgurie9ce1en0 .b8e2a _bnuPsy Us« a c case ToJff Freshlike —atP oavsetrad rises ssuedpp porsiecgmdeo saio nkde ba aset fy uhonou,m cweo u u—l«d dbnarai sPer"iadl' .»s taou «mc«ea,to etrse,n pdiy piKea b nu rutatasl ta iashnt.ydng fsruensh- tttaahlueI r ltcoa mongotfa—f.ye eTw t oabitkahe roL u adt—a Mriaon—ogn lt.ioq Au ooliprc—eina.U "a orvese-r STEPHEN CANTRCLL/alafi ptoxoor Campbell's chicken noodle soup always thought Attacking a dish of What a difference pure olive oil and these days, but La Luna undaunting- La Luna offers Salsiccie e Polenta (sausage and polenta with 914.89 stocks a cupboard with tangeLhaiL should be an unrefined fresh ingredients make The Capelli- ly has substituted an internaUonal roasted red pepper sauce) and Penne from Heaven (chicken, Castleberry's beef stew sort of quest, slurpy and sloppy, em- m Rosellini featuring shrimp and list of mineral waters, sparkling shrimp, broccoli, garlic, sun-dried tomatoes and penne noo- pea9n17u t8 b9u otpteern s a case of Velvet obnaerk cehdo uwpso dno winn tohne b saarmbeec supeidr irtib tsh at sUc.a gllaorplsic t,o sbsuedtf fwf iitMh a nwgheilte h awirin pea sU jwuiinceess Panredm inuom-alc coohfoflee b aebeorsund asn da s dlea). $20.44 spreads a case of Ragu We have some soul mates at La outstanding well Try the espresso with biscuits Lunch hours are planned Car- RATING GLIDE spaghetti sauce Luna Grancaffe. a big-hearted place dipped in Gayle's chocolate ryout available So reservations * Average (VMS of places with «iml that is loud in atmosphere, emphatic ON THE MENU, the specialties "fnofs $4 75 for smaii pizza to lar qnaltty Send your donation to: in food and yet sentimental in style, include Tortelhni di Jackolantini Details La Luna Grancaffe. 183 $13 50 for full meal AD major ** Good Gleaners Community Food Bank. a light opera sort of restaurant right (pumpkin pasta) and another pasta N. WooduHirtl, Birmingham. 642- credit cards * * * Very good 2y1o1u1 c aBne apuhfoaniet. 9D2e1t-r3o5i3t 54 8207. or cwinoa udylo daw tfnttaonwdn a l Bittilrem Finegllhlnaim-i,zln wgh aicnhy - dshisrhim, Ppe ahnnde fbrroomcco Hliea svaeunte e(cdhi cwkietnh, 707H0o ur* Monday-Thursday 5-9 appVraolpurei aTtree pmreicnedou sran gfoeo. d in an ** •* + • *•* E xCcoenllseisntte ntly taper* - a olive oil. garlic, sun-dried tomatoes pm., Fnday-5aturdap 5-11 pm Rating. • * * • 20* O&E MofKtey. Hovmbf 26. 1990 s Recipes for appetizers " 9" can be good tor you Forget a b o ut t u r k e y; Sweet-tasting treats have been a source of pleasure for people for • • source of pleasure for DMnio tnr ' 1 Continued from 1 onion, chopped fine ARTICHOKE HEART thousands of years. t ry m i c r o w a ve l a s a g na ©bsetfjer & J t c e n t nc Cut the tops off the garlic bulbs, 2 teaspoon garlic, chopped fine AND 3-CHEESE PUFF PASTRIES Egyptian hieroglyphics described Winner Dinner Shopping List leaving the root intact (all cloves 2 tablespoons hatter A dynamite wrap candy making more than 4,000 years should be exposed). Place the bulbs H cap parsley, chopped Two 6-ooace jars marinated arti- ago. The Greeks combined flour with Lois Thieleke ipnr eav beankti bnugr ndiinshg. an Pdi lblru hsahf cwinigth oHil.« tho 1V ie cgugp seasoned bread crumbs cVh coakpe hfeeaur tcs,h edersaei ned hwohoieley tahned afnruciitesn tto C mhainkees eth ebiori lceadnd ay home economist. Cooperative Extension Service This week. I thought 1 might spare 1 bcoaxlls _ f or • mmAc*) hgbaroelufe rfs. u (ulClnh twielif tschl oswuvagetsgee ras rtBeioa nks:eo fT ta,hte a 2 bw5o0au rtdm e1 - 11 bpoayun ldea bf acon 114 dccauoppv eM r giocanortlteitarce, yc mh Jeianeccskee -dc heese, grated sthuwarreede tctoeann meddya b.k earl tehye-a neadr-lwya tveerrsi omnix -of sfouugra rc,a alondri etshe p evra rgioraums f aonrdm sh aavree anlol oafm souugnatr. oCru tsw beaectken selrosw olry r eodnu cseug tahre eyasgo uae iafncr!ho''m syyen atdhrer ao fm"tOeerh h, Tit DhtiaOnng.k nsmgoativn tyiun rghk,oe ubysy f a m i l y - t e s t ed w i n n er dinner M e nu 32-•tohaaurenc etao j2a 8rb-a osyupaa teghehi sejatt rui xa ssea ia trc areteha (elbrley bulbs can now be placed on small Preheat oven to 3S0 degrees. H cup parsley, minced Sugar is not just for candy and nutritional benefit one over the with high-rising cakes and yeast presenting a Winner Dinner that makes a difference) dishes with sliced frencfa bread and Saute the onions and garlic in 2 Olive oil to taste sweet treats but is used for a variety other, with the possible exception of breads, they need sugar for texture does not make use of any left-over' Betsy RAY'S EASY, M I C R O W A VE L A S A G NA '4 pound ground bee/ or grand served as a garlic spread, if desired.) tablespoons butter to soften. Press Salt, pepper and dillweed to taste of products. Sugar continues to be at- molasses. and height. In cookies, sugar contrib- turkey. C A R R OT A ND C E L E RY S T I C KS tarkey To make the decadance. squeeze the all the excess moisture out of the 1 package puff pastry doagh. de- tacked from all sides and blamed for Breads, canned and dried soup, utes sweetness, makes the dough With that goal in mind. I selected Brethen 16-oiu»cf container low-fat cot- garlic cloves out of their wrappers spinach. Combine with onion-garlic frosted a multitude of health problems. But, spaghetti sauce and TV dinners are easier to spread and adds crispness Ray Schneider's recipe for easy mi- FRUIT S A L AD tage cheese into a food processor or blender mixture and puree in 'blender or pro- just like everything else, moderation just a few of the foods to which sug- Replace some of the sweetness with crowave lasagna. which sounded like 1 «« Caapnsoosdimno btrbsltei.e nndFed o cwrr uai atnchntki le riern ssmt,mearo iebnosrittehniang dgS ie n vrogvarrerei dat otiwieaoinstntht s, Scsleaetyiusr.ss ieoangrg get wi. l al2anld ntsa umbbtroslae.ods tpLh co.irnoue nCms oba mb® ubb.tri tMneeeari,dx p ww paiearthsnll- . eCwxhecPolelpr pwe tthh ipteehua ft af atrlh tlpiec arhs eotomrvkyeae.ni nC htiuonetga 4ro 0tios0neg a drsneehddgeir eemetne» otsgsf. caitshan nitdnh bghee ec a kaelenntyhj ..obey OSa uvhbgelaearrr iman ndcfdouu lnlbgse etunonmec fyeeidoc iuoa rwfl. biasonedylyy- staisiuro ugnhsa aedrsd um r biinaenekg nfeo sc oaa ddfndo npeoirddne.g s tTe athrosvet eia nrt eicgoaronseooa dbns.ye iS sfau idtrghdmaair--t fgplieanSpvgupoegerrar,i rnmc ghliosan vsst.eu msc,ha naaysll s copitnihcneear.m uaoslnme,f ouvnlad nr~oilolleras , yai-t so Aw ue- oawliutfihlendolgo b anteruger j k ruteiesryste.i d dthe eonft t iotcafkl kFeitanr gfmo rians ag lwtloe noll.f R e c i p es GO8 rrtooemug noa1dnz2 ozp- aoeropeaplcleaer c bbaegesc o f shredded try stirring in ^ cup chopped pecans with bacon strip6. Fill the pan with the puff pastry into 2-inch squares. During digestion, sugar is eventu- ness. discourage browning and add such as in leather tanning, textile Schneider is a single parent and full- Carrots or almonds. If you have leftovers, the mixture and top with bay leaf Fill with a heaping tablespoon of the ally broken down into simple sugars flavor. Large amounts of sugar pre- sizing, charcoal briquettes, tire' time dad of two grown children — a Celery 2'•«asgo'•*i4 ad4rtl iudacppplb culoooseepluuuode nfnnmsw ofdddpAierAa osfhBIlNhonrt n acAac.o Dn umorlhzsKite aie,aN sctbaE n,nsmkmUu D c eLsstiThn tpna aSaeo ,nicuTrAnnpde s dEpasdiUanhceR g gSdhime Rs A,m h aEtG-ohkNkleEadeEw b aead bg sre oart cmrboprb3aeueef5ranu fa cenfdT0prsouca -irotimdhidmgnaepl eeeprpo bsigwdaraarfe arsne hnrinre tteoaas hoeed b,tlna d h faodplnf .wiecv4o dad Sropeiar l n eniuytpdps yra maal svf naanuyotep dvcrpsbr ieeoa rp war1ifite snnlh i ai. lanhei thi dhbcodao skalt.dsu, e li t vo.rwedhp. araPei r aTsn nses3ltq-cshhae s ueooirclelsfaareia tct ary tc etheenteehdahadsddern .te s -cUteaegawfmrhnid rrislliia.eeiYlveitc ixghsbeS nakol tsh mgneeaouue t rfnfcn llraecvotiydee novaaaer.. dte ns v g CW 1hsc er 0a eohrapoaer-r tonsai ls1a.vfl apsisp5ied cep elba ele dmemep inw dn d dabisc,g iinsael ots cet hudbahtoroomdtya. k eo te kmihsm ke deds eee,oo aisdsa rd uekaiht e ftgeu,se hh1n ed db4ftrt o iie0iaidgl swm0sBrha oi gnyprpru ou dea onlscidoesdrnhdm-- r - assccmcStelbuhniioaneulkmSaedglomlegeli lU aorpmnsyP abggr Gdl. roswiego yl ssn iulA r ssshtusytaoctrthRiesgt reonua iaaru araosgpeHtc emrnenslssca A.egi. y hoidm a St oafats in GoprulMru dye iigrlt glsdemwoue a e dbanitc oar,scuhiov-o.onvaseda ss ye Dirsreyaci ddb.milc aimeao ac ruda nbhcrfephsnaliocynla eeyemierhsdrtndeai ret f d rroCaesss osieti,untodhrems gemtee, hr a ptsm aagthr,rls hneyesaoei e-d,e a .f ohSiaitlbvmttyhnue u aepw edSaatSkgn,r t nu ipeaoueettlysgdhrlrdvtg o ha ub aepap artensrbnarre nr ot oocsthidpustnodt darbre r suou nta aribboclncsid ksoaartutd esesn fga dsa,altg hno se d fi a deutngundrsosnc rdoog,ahh mo e ri ota stkdrcdh hnlai uasedadzes krs bcli gi fnfebe rtjnm rrsaogsrglgoo,omiwg ofmwt wo ee ni cp ws.ifna o natfcdni huogeswnhdrirktcgyatrhetei iin ,nej in e e ognnogsssglfe noo. - chcssbgdsnplyouohely reauo,tealIm re t rusnwsialfc dunit tumlshsneri-bokegoyosgdeub,waane.s.m nio pgSrt eSniatireeous igrtona ynswcoad a lg a rsfdsikte o s u roodbcswrisegsen ho epa o algaounhisror eesoec o ldt iivli rlnoisn .eptoeepmntgv sndtloC eee bbgalt nl tihe dus esh str oeudrahht uemtnron eg.eghi dsn ai ceaSy. crr ter o oue a p mlwmu mtri rfopfsrrheeoeeeeur vern.dhfinmc ntsreiatreci nono insai tt dvnsisghalsese -- -- ' ' " * pasHbtsyaCudPeucntrolearoor ehodpAaoa usm.ao grpr jtgbnbnd oeerpoanehud llactaroi tttmpant ne f A eingE rtry sshrhddo r, n we e tboi gvw wghrafhoree aiioaiaUr nrctt ts.lhmyth etonwh t oSenh i.ie a saavrrhce scSyewyih tss b raAcnifoh suvhooe fom i cesernfts iytyhd fneeehi eisei nijre Fln rdoriwoi dic oo ey f nHrloitarrrsoesh rdneM nhckei saiaic sani l oMYA sc slo W aohcjscon uooikhhihuhlgn t iie iabtoetgnenaidhhpiernohgngge- -l-r 6cpaadttishhu-nuin n8eiettosYd n aii tOs Molnedhksp ureene uiI elp CyerlIppwif elca mtRi pdin is o Oniternv Rt huedtiiaWeconesA palrt r yhazw AYedwiTnzerriV' hehsl Sdaie imihdtrsEi ps cve€Ay pfi oLfoaad iarSron iAunhuenygYr ryeaodSctet ahfaliu Ar apl efnadesrm eGtet cfe ott oNeaair slrn vfyznbeoA ioe uttnrv wie vtpm ngeete iuotsrIt eis,thtr,l .tcstoScmtelmshhahohhfgipydee oorvaetgeere hrrererpi eeer pneewrs ol at skuueuwihnk tstlcnnh nnae i otttoociccit hocnfatfotooehp t. l owooa,oltep h no kkgknrl meaacfeeeee stpo ddadntxhsht tketi cea t cennenaxhu oP otogewcs oo luoeeeaimPrdtdtdsa ut llclololeaepceeeh nczesoss e ez Um vn t eS Masoeossipi rpxn inidetxtenrhtthe uesg lar altratrea oen hbnei edpendaeyd 8Y-oousiutaren l ccayhedo o cgiocuenrtt ,ao ifn ferru oitf fyooru trh efa fvrmori-t there are more than 100 sweet sub- baked foods. When fat and sugar are Sugar is very versatile. However,' - joys tennis, biking and photography. before you assemble this, make Bake in the microwave oven stances called sugar. Commonly creamed together, air is incorporat- we mainly think of it as something With his daughter involved in sen- sure the baking dish you use fits for 8 minutes on high Bane for found names are fructose, glucose, ed into the .mixture for a lighter sweet to eat. When sugary foods ior year activities, as well as in into your microwave oven 30 minutes on medium low Let clarification lactose, maltose and sucrose. Learn product. Sugar also serves as food make up a large portion of your dai- youth programs at their church, and set lor a minute and serve If us- Notes to read food labels to identify sugar for the yeast breads to make the ly calories intake, they may be re- * a son who comes home often for 9 Lasagna noodles (uncooked) ing a conventional oven, cook and other sweeteners. product rise. placing other foods which have more food, car parts and advice, theirs is 32-ounce jar spaghetti sauce until fRe~noodles are cooked tcqhioauolvTneue:uh m reisnn M cb olyonund Cde mhadey aft.hk eiNLn aogforvr.ly l ho1ow 9Jm.ai nnTegema ssiant desfeho Bor muulild-das- csfataobrrllil• ecie n Ptdiin u oo" rnMnEesev.i coe Nghfrre -itagCahiarenlnee s ra btaerelc, "ccsiopaohueu aossr,evcl ,eai os:i fal n aspPobrrt loco eaoadvflu l airecniedtl - - occ1unu9 pp.c ssirs. a dsnuaberke sr hrbioreouswld inn h stahuvegea M rs,po enncoditafiy te.wd oN IoV ^v* . stmlrawoabTespeehell.sete n c snseeooy rrtosrn u toah pnnse,ldyryr siubanwpsrvo, esewe urhtntcoe rnsnou eessygrues,ag rb aa.murp ,tSop luae asgcas oarsdrree no sxi n,s- cscwpaipaokWneoestn H a tstonEh odNaf ta Ytls rhtuOeeegrqUau rayi pTor pepuHerr rIosN mx rpKeiaimceli lcopaeeftere. c ya h oU1mou5scoe om utl enraaaettys-e- csyfnrawouonutem rsehit teatiehlnvlneet esa .dbif nB fafocoeslrioudcdd seecfdox aiotnr rade amdf ugecolqradolueoua rrpCtaiesetoi s nsao. esnnurd vma iyfneto geurs* * ompanbradevk pinoeaosurt sea lstnyo f oeao frc flaoi hvlroietsrl ity ocf. a khmeoeimlpye t h lSoewc mhn eienailds fe ahrt e G%Orr poeagouglrsonauodunn wo ndpd oe— rpt kugp strroeko ru eut sya—nisnd tg (etto hn bitosae ser prtfeee ca iotp rea t tC1h ArhooRuugRrh O1, 5Ta p mApiNrnouDxtiemsa tCelEyL 1E hRoYu r to Chicago liquor marts. Chefs sug- HE PARTICULARLY likes this all) STICKS • Glycerin, for smoothness, is gested alternative for recipe: Vodka recipe for lasagna as it is quickly 16-ounce container low-fat cot- readily available at all Kitchen or any unflavored clear alcohol. and easily prepared Once it has tage cheese Make up a relish tray with cut- cGalkaem doeucro srtaotriensg a sntdore ms.os tAv meraajgoer The recipe for Spicy Cranberry c^Ackroyd's bcuete nit b uapke idn taon din dcoivoildeuda,l h see rovfitnegn wsiizl-l 81- e1g2g o unces shredded moz- uqpu iccka,r reoats ay nadnd c evelerryy n suttircitkiosu Ist 's price: $2.50. Sauce, with Geri Rinschler's article for at!your bakery needs... EVERYDAY: es, put it in plastic wrap and freere zarella cheese Gift Baskets/Special Orders • Scotch Meat Pies • Crumpets for another meal, or for his son to FRUIT SALAD SCOTTISH BAKEHOUSE take back to school. Brown the meat and dram it Imported Specialty Foods • Scottish Pastries • Scones REDFORD BIRMINGHAM Thank you, Ray Schneider, for wed Mix the spaghetti sauce, This is so easy that the kwJs IRveMBo Rond 300 Hamilton Shepherds Pies • Cinnamon Rolls • Bread your wonderful recipe, and congra- oregano and pepper together can help make it Cut up any cooking calendar Shortbread & Cookies • Brownies • Steak Pies tulations on being this week's Winner and heat thoroughly Put just kind of your favorite fruit and mix Dinner Winner I also would like to SHARON LE MIEUX/atafl photograprw enough sauce in a 9-by-l3-tr>ch it with an 8-ounce container of thank Peggy Stickney. a close friend pan to cover the bottom Place your favorite yogurt • N"ECWooki nCgL WAiSthS Style: A Step Be- cthorookuinggh 'm heatnhdosd-son iannsdtru cteticohnn.iq uTehse BROCCOLI PASTIES S c o t t i sh soef nSdcihnnge aid eler'tst^er f sourg gsoest tihngou tghhattfu hlleyr Ray Schneider of Farmington has a fast recipe for lasagna. yond" is being offered from 8 a.m. to workshop will conclude with a din- & CHEESE friend's menu be considered for use season is also a time of traditions If jot down your recipes and send them 6 p.m. Saturday. Dec. 1, at School- ner for each participant and an invit- SHORTBREAD in this column. you have a favorite meal that you my way. After all, it is most appreci- craft College in Livonia. The course, ed guest. Fee is $150, and partici- TURNOVERS On a final note, as well as being a always serve to your family and ated to give the gift of love . and stiagungehdt fboyr iCnhdeifvi Mduaarlys t oB rlaedayrn, aisct udea-l pthaenrt sin nfeoerdm atoti obnri ncgal lk 4n6iv2e-4s.44 F8o. r fur- 6 4 J4 •R Bege eSfi 50 $4 festive time of the year, the holiday friends, please take a few minutes to Winner Dinners' 375 $ • Chicken • Pizza — STANDARD FOOD MKT. Tues. & Wed. Only per do2. ' 31226 Ford Rd. • Garden City • 427-3100 f or Same location for 20 Y+ars B S Ef 2 Until Sat., Nov. 24,-1990 -DEER PROCESSING- Chocolate cookies taste of summer strawberries Extrm Fancy Cut • W, Uak, 0—r Ssussge mSm * V We Carry Western Beef U.S.DJV. Grade A tec** Fm4 SU*»« • Fricn fiMd Ttoa Dec. 2. 1M0 90NELESS Whole Bone-Vi USOAOoc* Stoufler SIRLOIN Sfccec 1D8wPBH.y8OO5UgO*rG8RTa TdsTSK es *BCG92CR"MNrE9.UasC6A.d%TYSeK9 rS.TA N t S 1msRS1.BOTm1.BAe8EUe18ee8A Nffk K Db Cl-tS1BeSR«MrFIV mECI.aeEaD.r3» E5tmKeEACE9tF s y - M l 1CROB3.CHOND45te§UIARsn9O8ItCtSYeF*vNsr KT S• nCMi1L HFCA1FFEorCHI.2rCaoe GE0Arz0KsmER2ef9SEoSiO-n NEN I MWot'423IrSAOmS TTRT..uTi9pB-EG66kaEBeAK*ArArO9 9miR KWaKM eIaNSl E S E 11BCPSA..HCOm49CeCOr9R9uiaOtr*Ph K Nb= S Sbwoeomanne'st kerioedrt s K cfsbCfoiwoalFrlloekAileIonekaLePwgidmteL n. s—s aEeyT) ns wDhSy sBei ttCtoryhaiafmHkw eahseOb ua aCoesvmf rteO brrmtyahaL ewettA hcFr bTeh,yieEle la oria snrCnfrtyg d.rOc -afh Ol wcao(raKbcvenooeIcElrri aperbStyedee -223s2^1S*1 * t ectc ictcteccegueuuukauagpapppsspssssssp)p p ,maosco osouololoio-cgnln knpfboast uebua r vsr na tpataekeonlidtrns i lg eloa rsf leoo dmxuatrar argcat rine (24 PretsbsbgaiunpauiunrnrgaelgIdteten.ter;a ee fr isafrsalrel ,ud o. mf ewfldruafgiiyegrrxg ,.galetsl e u lCrcIbt an reoamrleteercne ,nnisoad.xdae a mbeHe tp,vereydea a abl abyr nSDtaatoiinktt rlweowrlogiaanvlpi wgte b h bunu bobe nn sew aytomottr tiildsrll, 3iyball 5 ikmcugl 0 iFoagth i tmitxndhetlol-ledtyr-- ,- ampcpwwhgmbolrueiiaeieottoanfhhitafupknuee stiiaaitled nenye2nb gd gss4aooS hntctuocp aheddotorrbee oeoo1l t rzaeksjk uetdsticoioeeanspofsbtt oo- wbslfse okh ioaiuelisrneletnetentpfeod udto tRmRir.ll osa efceBni co pl omclako oeiffonk;nkoi aoole givlttceknoi. eon si1ewe og. 1M aslic; tnf aohtccr ok oaooou e mrkrmvn1eesiee-3 -- r cO2sD1'<ho «antte faasetteebebh s8alln eeSes-sesos aTpwdppuloRt ooni otoAochnnenW svs tasBCc rbtnaoERraiwanlRElttwabtaReA ebierYnMrexer orYiFtrerrry Ias Ls c msoLt pfaItNrre gGcaar deraianbmele, scabcR1uhunl eepegpdIndnoeas d s us)rfsepo enSmdro deat daiG narp lcddlro oaa iwmbnlbdoudliuerx teiaftenorelerg loryfd dr (bA uo bos idpcetuwd,toagilotlao nbsirbrnaea ei(n allaap)tgt ,tbo ow vc iufuadrtenn ed ati3reliemll*a -dt vs GaUoo MO" -S« 9-6 fruit sired Makes about 2 cups filling Son 9-6 4 2 1 - 0 7 10 Christmas. Prices Effectrw CRACKER BARREL PARTY SHOPPE Nov 26-Pec 2 31210 West Warren • Westland Merri-Warren Shopping Center In separate bowl, Finest selection oi imported & domestic beers & wines combine flour, cocoa, HOLIDAY PARTY baking soda and salt- SPECIALS 41741 Ford Rd. • Canton SEAFOOD, FRUIT & VEGETABLE STORE add alternately with 981 -0899 milk to butter mixture, Hour* H-TH.9MM1 cm «. tS«li»-l2p«.Sun. 'Ovo-lSpa beating until mixture is C A R LO R O S SI BORDEN MILK U.S.D.A. Western Grain Fed Beef Grade A Fresh U S D.A. Western Grain Fed Beef well blended. 4 Liter • AM Types Homo *2.09 ROUND BONE B O N E L E SS WHOLE • BONELESS Prices effective 8611 Lilley Road • Cantorv BUTTERFLY SHOPPING HOURS $5 . 79 2% *1.99 '1.89 . In this season of Joy ENGLISHor ROAST PORK CHOPS SSIRlicLedO FIRNE ET OIntPo SBteUakTsT HOME GROCERY Nov 26 Cthrau" D ueca 2J.1o99V0 Across from airport in tRheo Gaodld e&n LGailtlee ySh opping Center MSuonn.d-aSya 1t.0 9-6-8 MICHELOB ffij P E P SI and good cheer, it's hard $ $1 SHOPPERS WU.HS.OD.LAE. 4 5 4 - 0 1 11 SUPER 5 LB. SALE We Accept BUO.NSE.DLE.SAS. G• rSaKdINeL EAS S 12 Pack Bottles Vt Liters to believe that there are "Let Us Shop For You' NEW YORK special needs Food Stamps & <Sfe 21 I AH Flavors children who will go CHICKEN ' 6 , 99 o*c> $ 1 ^ 99 _ " 35 hFuorn tghrey Sthailsv aCtihornis Atmrmasy. . Limit 1 with SDpeelivceiarly SsTRIP LOINS Hamburger Made From Fresh U.S.D.A. Grade A Pork • Country Style BREAST It Is not at all unimagin- additional Rate 2.69 GROUND CHUCK Or aOmLs ERS POTBAetTtOer mCnHdIeP •S F $a1mily S i.ze5 9 aabbllee.. WBuet w ita Inst uenvearcyc ept- Wp-'ukrrahj:pc paesde in FSoern iors Limit 1 lb. 5-10 lb. ®1.49 5•m lbrsv oerl 4 Pack COKE child-and evety adult-to " P*g only For a FREE Shopping Guide Family Pack Only lb 5 lbs or more 10 lb Limit * 3 . 29 Of 2 Liters. 9 90 0*P hmaavse m ae sapl.e cTiahla tC'shr wisht-y Grade A Fresh • Lean Grade A Fresh • Lean Made Fresh Daily With Pork & Veal Coar nIn 8fo3rm5a-7ti4on 20 U.S.D.A. Corn Fed U.S.D.A. Grade A Pork • Center Cut our staff and volunteers B O N E L E SS PORK CITY Fax 937-2490 N.Y. STRIP STEAKS PORK CHOPS CANTON CENTER fOOO dspisetnrdib cuotiunngt laensds phroeupras r- PORK STEW CUTLETS CHICKEN SFEORRVI NOGV TEHRIS 3 Y AEHAtAR S SB Do.An.e C-hIno ice CUh.oS»c.De .BAe. ef ing food for the needy $i $ SIRLOIN 5 lbs: or more s3 . 99 SO OQ during the holidays. 2 . 19 lb s2 . 39 3 . 99 vumsumo lb 5 lbs. or more ^7 lb PORTERHOUSE or 4 • fiM GGrroocceerryy ILminee •• FFrmeet* M Meeaatsts •• PPrroodduuccee •• OOeebb •• -uCaj ot • Bern & Wine • Lotto And we will continue to STEAK U.S.D A. Choice Beef •T BONE S T E A KH Hamburger Made From Fresh LOCATOEDP WAT H SOI N77.- SSHAETL D8O ANM R -O1 1, PJUMS T• SS.U ONFD AJOYY 9 • A C AMM T-1O0N P -. M46 9-7751 provide food, shelter and Winter's Lean & Tender Boneless CHUCK ROAST W 2 . 99 Horn* of $5W0 0i0n0 tFeamrse ** F ortune Winner & $1,000 mGstarnot Tbicb-Tleec 'Cs asf- Looery- cmdlooontnahttihinsog nt iosn m ctohameke ec. rI utY eol ur CORCNOEODK EBD EEF C O L BY L O N G H O RN BakSedU FrBesh B InU-StNoreS D aily PORMTEEARTHSO USE Smtoosr eo r $ 2.68 lb. $1 77 5C-7 Hlb OpkPg. PE*D1 S.8IR8LO IN 10 lb. Limit Taking Orders 5 lbs. or more CORNED BEEF ROAST BEEF possible for us to help. 5/* 1.00 5 lbs. or more • • m m For The Making a donation $3 . 39 lb. $3 . 99 lb. during the Christmas $3 . 69 lb C H R K 5 T M AS PKOraLkIuSsH MGIaFdTe B TAoS OKrEdTeSr CAHmeErEicSanE hsBeauapt spiomenna m gIfia nyyeo nuwo dhti adbten w' te.o auslyd. BoMb sHA BeAHstW IS-eAaMIfoIAoAdN HC aIt ch CounOtry JRFrUeAshINC • 1EG0 0E% Pure MASAwPCeePItN-NLT- JEOuiSScy H CuPt AFRrgoeImdM WTEoeps Rt CerhInBo ic e_ POCBftOoOsbcVO aOsrKlO BMEHeaDsCyt |eH CrH ACMCS .C.. .1'2..9299- lb BGUrBaUTodTSneEeD AlRe AsPFs oL rYk CShUuT.iSuE.?D B.WAee f GraUd.eS'.sD". AP ork GSrWeaOt oRnD thFeT SGrHill or Baked HAM Hanging Bob's Best Homemade PORK CHOPS MEAT CHOPS Very MMd • From New Zealand ' 2 . 49 lb. 1 . 29 Beef CHEESE 52.99 5* or!2.29 $ HOKI $3 . 39 1058 S. Main BALLS Sts or 1,49 FILLETS * 1 . 8 8 r> WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Plymouth Provoloo* CHEESE $2 . 49 Sharing is Caring ^•ALl SALES ITEMS AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 455-6770 lb. 1 1 , 11 48* OAK' Monday. Novwnbr 26. 1990 Tasting Muer choices H O U RS Tell us about Monday. November 26, 1900 (P.CJ68 Mon.-Sat. 9 A-M. - 9 P.M. for his private label Sunday 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. your event i i r l et PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV. 27 obituaries J H tj THRU DEC. 3, 1990 Faced with the prospect of writing your first press release in the near edsDiycrrcChfmnryyyeiaaei Chn sl sACoTnnTaoDWvu et. sf rr frtahabcswto aosaitutnk ie.nnoyhedb si irwnneTcd xMeia ai se aeeisp,iha nc n fnnrCu o Feenituin edetsinrfdShls osnrif o AdastiefG et . nr ieurrAnH frmnialdrCo osidceM-naenmt eohealy nnnragtrdiyi'ed o s isischiA t wrcpan thh ,a r aCRonrihw iise cndbgsddp1aars ioia 6haabrp t tnqisrhnmbaye eni uWee ,du.nCea aroatr nsOonrsthahfern,ahdmos tueh sy cneemhto ctieathrtoai kdhs nanwn- e.uAiect og s ofc rPMeslmnGt oaohrRaoen lrnuaevti mnndtifhn nrteveun 2osie-gr-r ---- 5rs NfbyWeearcr1IrdNa9 esu8dE s9V te SoMi ogE fniaLc osiEhtl seiCMgs Traii cnI(c$Ohh's1iN g 0Lpa) i.Onn hM£eF aca ashpT wa pHRbrblfEedeEyeo,o naW Vnlpn iecerEynaeaeEy-rau- K HnsnPrvoiaho aeaMto'oidsone rsamnee)n t6doC lGa4esod t4aas-dwntr2 ylf 1ia$ n5Ddm1ei55an.o n Supksaeeotr,u pyro deonrauesyn oo.gnf .CD cRaehcleei.sffoe s1.rr .-- BYUOUYAn- nR *U O GI rI . Fr 1 mNuiRi 1 A 1> u .E E, M,A AI5' G WLMLTeIILVYEEO NRPOIA TA StoD2 3R 7U5O SO UYIRLm APCCRVi tMeHANs IANQeDE rRDuECvaDLeEEnE NR ttBLihtTEieA eIE.KsTRP.. ME R .i gRrhD.Lt.A F( U R ;®RSKE E —IEI—T ! :- f•suongpfacotneegihuvl ncAe••••••yleri e oWAWneWWWWoodynsw?gruuonsthhhhhh rialu y ynyeeoaeo trr wwoyngtDrdyo'seu p ' uahfi'oqai s yeeriant inur s hsslswtieft l'eep set htoot ioslr toh ti rwfihidttst tne mitatipe eoeas m oeswres a ronkvkcpcopvetsriil.eciav tanie uaonhn uriingbYn ndtrtgr.ti d.ir?ot p c naiDami iuitlnsg k?paa'o elg itpanlcunnhm'an sse'getp wtb' b s wepe e?e dreirl rtisav hs wc aep t efnnhetaoh?dlterl re - asnShdSCSo21oteohah91feehnT pMyese0dM.pPSu. hp h.5a uwlle rrtJeieir.Nytcshlr tvsa woicha.vm Reo ne mSrhDlD isvdi.ke o ctr nsBenvareeAeu esii 1nd stuCntJrtNC s8h dsGvPfof aa, Nafe oaihP ntse ascmswDrwnA lotleiyoo nee orr. A ianm,Mgi rtw s MtNee ne Sn sNoBak.r niat e syeusie.DWua suutm YCtc crhRm Mr ei Mheh.voboa sI deaSaorialTff vninn orrh rCaS DynneenrwelA daslan eadndc1 H SitCy sJadot7isb ouoe yeanay i ndslon.tystyp h;rf, a eNHi Sfioottbat i uwnl8oaoc2ru ineal5vlsic.o-.y - -., oAfPAbeyimNtiaPonninleredlurayogua es MreaRrwMdnrvm r idarosDk ra orasdone1ar fo nimas Mi nany9dnHMuSn,iu,d, ret Mt Ga eay 1hgwaA . pt MV9,T,pihlg aae ndo8 w eCtfaopLsswarra7e srweaRiihrrer daa h sskka sfnrinonwees n.ri' asas m.snWor A.oa whsle tme sLf seiu.iLarnoep rihMvb uReen v TWMHeieHotdidoa ohnrvHeai ee mpnwwceCghebiehr dau e nlab oJdsawi"lgn ursersgniCb edkhe tarlaToy e dyadseeiCnMf prold no ', hh iM2zwaOPfane i ou 8Hsfsm fnr on nmr,ioNof escs nsweoar1hdheh tod rr9oe iium .oevramipf2 3fdecarfeiy ,49-.- --l -, , . oCwltNifC8NH1arnol09oonaioh oorc1PMSos.di vulv 3t0 y ll-eC .r aoi*yi1 1 crdiscMS Sfh14m5nvmhsgo hu,e . Wi AeyRomeicrpe nD ceuegmRui aem hnaastwer bslGhtW brcat tuifbsaWlrnhe dAoaniSsaoe rre trnSitReWtetsi t dth ostayM sEtlC t efche a wRl TwS ihaseanetSn aeithn orcmde tlMcsgaeMd.oaar. h ec1eanlmR. a 9tah r SdBb Reirieed7hyen.hocdru t7Aier fey rhte'r lDlsonM idoB da aa f ewrh Btlt r T dt ChAaSoRer I 'hedwmoCsaurTuau t i ng TaaWbChtHlr.dsli sboDvvaaoetdli tnei ytsei1tihnaeddc,tnt-,- y-.l . CGgLCJaVpbFMNwWonrriaoolleovaeodhiaMaHrallrnvrulooxse tarneegh tebdr.ndmnt1o g. rheA y ihA9atwiPeDaaersac et,m o,snn .raenala W ,efdasadD v o oW ADsnsipNine nafbddb neatgnSe Foy hownar AtiarH trereeshnate anatrnltnheiteusrnhns atrtv inoAree Mksnsa adirfo.n,Anllny af iioa sd oa emnnB yufrC Nesf ;gaM c,Fr iduSh A shsova oosb, urHmrniNnfisre r vt cddi .nS1ohcavoLgoi6fchrv avlhirFA,ci h ,vni.snHLF lk roor ,SLi.1ari.b oemo cat2a9inMao;tsvhlr 4n5lakcprN e ooe,t4i,c1rin h ton ..ata9 eaoa nDhalrinaf7s nn na ielit itd;2dn,s d..n e _H_CaDsTLRbAbCfmdOH_onriayheeea mehdonounSaxoaytdlu slrtordohdnarty fh .orwyl,Len s so c eIoRiS.. ,Agaotrhw rtD aMSied d.t,an tc ne apP;hyshJnPth i,sdhuieoefldc las yN iolh yhobtrvAc mnnefadmso eh ywCnreBu ror GoslntALr eauha. uvJo s erotLJgM.tiho bn hnuvG.rC do a,yGlaa ow ayiesrG rnru aiCs meJgs uwdifi1r ouuf fGcee6 ih urefafothtD,erohifner rf eiuSr1ieomsrl te f9yeadK eho ,bf 1leS.trbe fre uu 2mKer oereCnC.r r ntr,fSeidtyaia ,no ueaSoJtkat oh hcblhruyoGe rkl.uro tuor, oaeh eys i lftooa nee-i-rh, ctff . ple about 10 wines by the glass or and tropical fruit accents. Clean Sample Gary's creative ways with MRS. BUTTERWORTH'S • Where can people buy Uckets' tions may be given in the form of and Terrie Bajdyga of Traverse City, Miss Rabbitt is survived by one The Rev Arthur J Hunt officiated order from the extensive wine list. and slightly steely flavors are per- food and wine Wedneday, Nov. 28, • How much is admission? mass cards. 11 grandchildren; four brothers. sister, Clara £ Rabbitt of Westland at the services Arranagments were The Rev James Wysodti officiat- in tThoe c reelsetbaruartaen hti sb u2s5inthes asn.n Mivueerrs aorry- fheaclft sfhoerl lo. ysters or clams on the Corh oFpri Hdaoyu,s eN oivn. D30e,tr aotit .the O pLtoionndaoln VARIETY SYRUP the•r Winhfoorm caanti othne? public call for fur- LaAmrbrearntg-Vemeremnetsu lwener Teru smta 1d6e0 bFyu - eMr oMrdaopne sM oafp Heso lolaf nGdo,s Wheinll,i aImnd M, Rapoegs- theF sre. rWviicllei.a mM eNm. oSrmiailth c oonfftircibiautteidon ast hSaonnds lFedu nbeyra tlh Heo Rmoes.s N Bor Nthovritlhier.o p St ebdu tatto nthse ca fnune breal M meamdeoria tlo co tnhteri ganized a tasting panel to select a menus of three, four and five Please provide the Observer with neral Home. of Atlanta, Ga. and Robert Mapes of may be given to the charity of choice Amyothrophic Lateral Sclerois or chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon WINE BULLETIN BOARD courses are available for $48, $56 CEREAL the name and telephone number of a Manitou Beach. Mich., two sisters. or in the form of Mass offerings MARY L. Gil FFRE Muscular Dystrophy Association Ar- for private labeling under the Muer and $64 respectively. Wines from Regular or Lite person with whom we can verify the WALTER H MAPES Norma Campbell of Concord and Local arrangements were made rangements were handled by the Cellars brand. GiBfte Svheorwag aen Wd Wareinheo uTsaesti nHgo, l7id pay.m . BMeariisnogne Dr,e Cuthza tweailul b Seo suevrevreadin fo arn adn 2.49 infIof rymouat iaorne. submitting a photo for Myrtle Maples of Manitou Beach. by Schrader Funeral Home 78.S oefr vPiclyems foourt hM,r sw hMoa rdyie dL WGeiudfnferse-, aLla Hmobmeret,- VPleyrmmoeuutlhe n Trust 11 Funer- The 25th anniversary Chardonnay Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the Troy Elks additional $4 per glass. For reser- our consideration, please keep in Services for Walter H. Ma pes. 56, The Rev L. E. Etzel officiated the TERENCE J. ANAS is the 1988 Jefferson Ranch Char- Club (Big Beaver and Rochester vations, phone 962-0277. mind that black and white pictures of. Rome Township were Wednesday. service Arrangements were made dMoonnntaiyce pllroo dVuicneedya brdys. N Tahpea 2V5athlle Ayn's- 12 rlaerpgreo dgurocue ptshe d obne'stt. re Sprnoadpushceots w eolfl CNhouvr. c2h1 ,at aCtam Sbt.ri dMgear Jku'snc tLiounth. eBraunri - Abyd rBiaranu n Bros Funeral Home in 36S, oefrv Diceetsr ofoitr, M wrh Toe rdeinedce M Jo Andnaays., niversary Cabernet Sauvignon is the PACK and aren't considered suitable for v1i9g8n6o Jne, faflesroso fnro Cmuv Meeo Cntaicbeelrlnoe.t B Soatuh- lriesst,t"a usaraynst sB hilalv eYo uthneg, sdainmineg wroionme fainsyh .o f the usually available white- PLUS BUY ONE, GET FREE 24 OZ. plisuhb lpichaottioognr Aapshs a dreupleic twineg d tohne't p pruebs-- tmaWw$wrp2yeaiipB0 nt icha.nree7h ros sce5aa xoaa crp imugrrpmeesoilerenesa g7 saptr$5es er5 te0ltish.yhdc2mte era5t eLuwtw eoir siibba nc tyonsaeeiatmtl tsy wlltiee h sia sw.entt yh, hs r atp eogh trat,lliiaensac issie lnasic,sslo s e ttu au.hho nreeere-, elaotgm"iixmnCsoepat nnhcpsne eu.lltn"aireoce sag.kn il eA vm tasree llaaal lsleaoktaen wec sdCdes e mwh m a taRipahonrineplegeea esrwy galap'iriespnunrh greoC cisan chdrtsa ai a.oebrs rneaAee lccsiysnht om a b sTrnlaooo r sameocrenexayded --. hdfpdvraiieaisnnlneAhgidde g -il1r hnses 9am ctm8pfulu7auaecltedel ctH1li hal n9awapeg8n dpiw8 nttehhia tZtewi h Dzi Cinf etsirhdhrjpioas-eiH.rncd d ny-Iu omect msnaa ucarnlbousalarytusmeyalacdr ag hdear etvein . dve daSirenipy nlda-- POP TARTS PLUS BUY ONE, GET ONE fnegbrnaaroacmItImadfpk etyeh ioslno.oe f utanp fitnt lfh oedyw efta o a p scspnee huirtoceir p gnticunulhkasedrtsme i ti acooennasr d trtpe hea lebtsa uytq hrpwun ihtseeho slae l tooi rpngah srf oait hrptbosehyt- REACH FTOERA TCHHE. POWER ASRPPRREHACCQN^SjGnlLf'-DEcl1iMfA NSE*iGNl kT i *Si cCayph pulcaku Mse uoenr trheesitra uwrainnets-p rreiccienigve p oolui-r cawnhhdaAi rt1bde0o owun ptin n9eaer0ysc ,.pe 3 neO0rtcf ae ptrnehetra co to,eftn hw6te0i rni sep ae vGsraacelieerlnamstb aa lirnese pvlaeemrrWfsbeah craiytln e rd CeM dasutbe eewarrkn ipnse,aet iwr eSweda ifut ohtvhuieng fdn i2so 5hintt ht o — wa bniten ha i a- (WITH IN-STOORNE- CCOOUPRON ) H(WIUTHNfFTG-STRORYE C OJUAPOCN) K . otshueertSh vet oen4rwd8 N 1nt7hse0e wi.n si pwnafhopirecmhrs a.tht i7eo4yn4 l i Wtvoein tgh.e P lOymb-- yoNunOg o mthienrd psr oTfheess pioonw hera sto th wisa pkoew uper T"hhee- wpoowrlder T teoa cwhaekrse UhDav e GSIFETLQSE UCCAOTLPIOIT rYtNO M0E* ODoRn Dt BEeR D iEsaAppRoLinYte d comTpHleEm CeHntA toRD oOurN mNAanYy i sfr ae spher ffiescht lweahdit.e s, with sauvignon blanc in the mlieavtecdh. tIhta tco hmaspl teom beent terdie dsw toor bdefi sbhe,- Deluxe MASHED that power ^each for rt. reach for informatior call AWNR0E "AR*7M-SS 477-8616 and seafood offerings," Muer says. "Chuck Muer restaurant staff is bluefish andjjerfced upthe spicy ele- COMMERCIAL w"Tithhe o cuarb Nerenwet Z emalaatncdh ersack s uopfe lrabmlyb , ecduurrceantetldy oonnc eth ee alcisht manodn wthin oens wunindeesr cmraebnctsa kines .t he perennial favorite, LASAGNA POTATOES 1-800-45-TEACH. AWCECLOCUONMTES filet mignon or London Broil." consideration," Young says. "Wine During the coming holiday season, 3JOI8 V "MILE visTito t toe sCth Maruleeyr''ss rCermaba rikns T, rwoey pfoarid a na manadt efolyo d20 h warimneosn iaerse fdoirsc uaspsperdox ai-t eMnujoeyr rtehset aluasrtan mtso'n 2th5th o fa nthneiv-Cerhsuacrky 2.47 OTHefioB I I VON | A extensive wine and food pairing each training session." celebration, with the specially se- from the regular dinner menu and lected wines displayed near the raw 9 9* current wine list. THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY Char- bar. For a unique holiday gift, both "With the exception of the Ger- donnay is a delicate wine that may wines are attractively packaged in a 13.3 OZ. man Rieslings, not all Chuck Muer be paired with lake trout, perch or basket for takeout Recipes for 'Little Cooks PLUS BUY ONE, GET ONE PLUS BUY ONE, GET ONE Beginning November 28, UNICEF again is offering "The Union Lake; and year-round at the yolks; beat yolks with the butter. Little Cooks," an illustrated step-by- International Institute in Detroit. Add superfine sugar and beat again. FROM step 80-page cookbook for children. Here's one of the international re- Pour in flour as well as baking pow- (WITH IN-STORE COUPON) (WITH IN-STORE COUPON) $12995 The book includes 36 international cipes from "The Little Cooks." der and stir. Beat the egg whites un- recipes using everyday foods, as well ORANGE CAKE til stiff. Fold them carefully into the as hints for healthy eating and kitch- From Portugal cake mixture. Add the grated peel of en safety. It has a built-in easel For 6 people two oranges to the cake mixture. GOLDEN I SBS Betty Crocker you must dial "1-313" or stand and laminated pages for easy, 4 eggs Pour the mixture into a buttered INSTALLED wiTpeh-ec bleoaonk c caores.t s $11 and is avail- 11 cstaipck s usopfetrefnineed sbuagtater r cuamk eo vpeann. ( 3B5a0ke d ethgere ecsa)ke fo irn 4a5 m medini-- Grahams GRAHAMS tefjSQUEEZE-IT 15' X 30" able during daytime hours through 1 Vi cups flour utes. As soon as it is baked, remove Thursday, Dec. 20, at the Communi- 1 teaspoon baking powder it from the pan and. cool on a cake ty House at Bates and Townsend 2 large oranges rack. Boil the water and sugar for 5 streets in Birmingham; from 10 a.m. minutes; meanwhile squeeze juice 6ttoh p r8o.mu pg.. hmS Da. tMeucro.d n2ad3ya aaytn- tdFhr e1id -U5ayN p,I .1mC0E. SaF.u mHnd.o altioy- F%lAo rcc uuthppe sw Suaagtuaercr e foPrfoof umtrh etthh heee matwti oaxnt uodrr eaadn odgv eteshr.e tT hoearka lenug ktehe ewju apiracmre.. ' 1 . 9 7 ,„ ' 1 . 69 your long distance call day Store, 3171 Union Lake Road, in Separate the egg whites from the cake. Window s20 Tinting OFF 6 PACK Paint 40°°. cooking calendar Protection OFF PLUS BUY ONE, GET ONE PLUS BUY ONE, GET ONE will not go through. Ziebart • HOLIDAY RECIPES d'oeuvres and entrees including Lob- Dearborn. The chefs instruct TIDY CAR Creative seafood recipes for holi- ster Melts, Shrimp Log, Crab Quiche, shoppers on the preparation of an ar- oduaty cehnatregreta ifnroinmg Raered aLvoabisltaebrl ere wstiatuh-- oLtahnegr ohsotilnidoa Pyi tnreeaaptsp.l e Spread and erarsy. odfe sesleergtsan atlnyd pernetpreaeres,d c aopmppelteizte- (WITH IN-STORE COUPON) (WITH IN-STORE COUPON) Deta4ili2ng6 3P3ro tJeocytio nRd A.c c_e ssories rants The brochure also may be ob- • DEMONSTRATIONS with recipes. Canton tained by sending a self-addressed, sintacmhepse) dto N "oE.n 1te0r teaninvienlgop Ied e(4a-sb,"y- P9*.O4 . boCrnh aerfes fcroonmd uthceti nRgi tczu-Clianralrtyon d,e Dmeoanr-- • SAA VneIwNO "80 I0C"E line is printed on VAN DE KAMPS HILLS BROTHERS 454-9333 Box 593330, Orlando, Fla. 32859- strations from 2-5 p.m. each Satur- each package of Savino Italian sor- 3330. Included are quick and easy re- day through Dec. 29 at Saks Fifth bet flavors for customers to call and COFFEE cipes for seafood appetizers, bors Avenue s second floor cookbook sec- get recipes using the sorbet The BATTERED FISH tion at Fairlane shopping mall in number is I-8OO-CHEF-LOU. 21.2 OZ. OR C M W i K sB VALUE PACK .As of November 28. if the first three digits of your phone dialers, you should do so immediately. FISH STICKS number are listed below, vou must dial " 1-313" when And remember, local and zone calls are still seven dialing long distance within the 313 area. Otherwise, 26 4 OZ. your call won't be connected. Because that's when final digits Not sure what's long distance and what's not? lust check the front of your Ameritech PagesPlus* conversion of your neighborhood to "1-313" long dis- 26 OZ. CAN White Pages directory. tance dialing will be complete. So if you haven't already Thanks for dialing "1-313" Because by doing it you!ie reprogrammed your speed calling, call forwarding, 6111 Canton Center Rd. Mon.-Sat. 9:00-8.00 ORIGINAL OR ELECTRIC PERK helping to create 1.5 million new phone numbers for modem communications software and automatic v« Mile North of Ford Rd. Sun. 10:00-6:00 LIMIT ONE our area. And a completed call for yourself. "Look For The Bam - NPortvc e2s fEyf'f eDceticve 2 (YOUR COST WITH IN-STORE COUPON) (YOUR COST WITH IN-STORE COUPON) - FISH - DELI - PRODUCE - Hamburger Made From COUNTRY CROCK Beginning November 28 If the• HrM three digit, of your phone number are listed here, vou must f INSTANT QUAKER dial 1-313 for long distance call* in the 313 area. GROUND Quarters or Tub 451,453,454, 455, 459 •I A RID CROSS CHUCK VOLUNTEER Cut and Wrapped Free • WHOLE NEW YORK 43 '2.69, T6 or. @ Michigan Bell 12.5 OZ. to 16.25 OZ. an AmtmmcH ccmmn/y (YOUR COST WITH IN-STORE COUPON) BONELESS (YOUR COST WITH IN-STORE COUPON) CHICKEN American Red Cross DOUBLE COUPONS! BREASTS * 1. 99 Details in store! i 19W Mk tiiflan Rrtl *ll Rtghtt RrarrvM lb. 6B* \ O&E Monday. November 26. 1990 Off ering 'A Taste of Michigan' r $1.00 brscduNT"COUPON $1.00 n cRoeo"sAktba Touoaraksn tpetu A boslfisso hMceidaict ibhoying ,ath nies," Ma a iccoh nlilegewacn- S1 atleta asnpdo opne plepmero tno j tuaisctee ReNadOyT tEo: sUesreve o. f Pinconning cheese 11 ctaibnlneasmpooonn s tbiacktt er stmitoaentme o.b fe mr roerseta tuhraann t2s0 0th rroeucigpheosu tfr tohme BpurrWepaoakss shet sem)m. uIsnsh oarfo fso k(muilsslee ts(,dt emome nslto f ttoh rse oo abtkhu)et.-r pmoalCidthaea nir nlDe Mye'tsri coRhitei.sg taanu.r ants, metro- licR Suabu tpeo rckh ocphso pins swkiitlhle ct rwusithhe dbu gtater-r Showcasing qruque. Iwunous ana recreational Hams lor the OEiaXcnPmnOat -ng consumer The- cookbook also include infor- ter. add caps and saute till they turn CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS umnutislt agrodld oenn bbrootwhn s.i Bdersus hA dchdop csi dweirt h E• XHOOTMICE A FUITTONSE S• SFIN EEQ FUUIPRMSE •N JTE W•E ALUROYK .3 E ALE VCIDTREOON •* ;T WRAIZINASRD •R YT T• WWEOLOD • W ROEMRKOITNEG mation on each contributing restau- gray. Strain off juice and let mush- _ WITH MUSTARD CIDER SAUCE Cover with lid or aluminum foil. CONTROL HOBBIES • SPAS • HOME IMPROVEMENT • RESORTS • SALONS • AJV S rant and a section on wines. The rooms cool (save juice for soup or APPLE COMPOTE WITH SHERRY Cook in oven, turning occasionally • LIMOUSINES • DATING SERVICES • THEATRE • STEREOS. • SCUBA • bigoaonk pwraosd udcetssi gannedd a tloso h itghhel migahnt yM fiicnhe- sauCcheo)p. crabmeat if necessary. Mix 4 lean center cYaitel dp o4r k cbopa (8-9 cuhnotipl sw oenll dhoenaete.d To p lsaetrevse, Rpuetd upcoer k PLIHVOE TSOTAGGREA PSHHYO •W SSP. OFRETAITNUGR IENQGU FIPUMRESN TFA •S HMIUOSNI.C DALAN ECQEU MIPAMGEICNT A • CCOOMNETDINYU OUS restaurants and chefs in the state. with rest of ingredients by hand. Fill ounces each) sauce. Season to taste and spoon COBO CENTER Gift stores, and book stores (in- into mushroom caps. Arrange caps 1 clove of garlic crashed over chops Serve and garnish with Friday. November 30 - 8:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. cluding Walden's and B. Dalton's) on a baking sheet. Bake approxi- 4 tablespoons Dijon-style mustard apple wedges. Salurday. Dec am ber I . Noon to 11:00 P.M. brthaonrootksu,. g aThsho weute Mlslp iiacrsah lia-gb anonuu mncdab,rerr ys o otffh ter-ec csootvaoeukr-- omthvaeetinre. l tye m20p-e3r0a tmurien)ute isn (d 3ep7e5n-ddeinggre eo n 11 ctaubpl easpppoloen c bidaetrte orr apple juice andC olemmpoonte :j uSiaceu.te A dadpp sluegsa rin a nbdu tctienr- SENIOR CITIZEN 4 CSHuILnDdRayE,N D UeNceOmCRbe TrH E2 A -C NEo OoFn 1to2 A0D:0M0IT PT.EMD. FREE (313) 737-I900 "A Taste of Michigan" also is avail- namon sticks. Add dry sherry and ca$h1b.el5ec0 kf frooorrm m s hothinpeepyi M nogrRd Aaenrd bfo yhra $sne1dn2ld.i5ni0ng gp tl oua:s fielTdh e Golden Mushroom, South- C3p eoleamlregpdeo, tce Mo riec haingda ncat r eInd w aepdpgleess , not ccooooSkku .gf ogres ate ds hWoritn ep:e rLieoedl.a nDaoun 'Ct eolvlaerrs- SMqRuAar eC, oSoukibteo o1k0., L20a0ns Nin.g W 48a9s3h3in. gton PINCOYNieNldIN: 4G-6 C sHerEvEinSgEs SOUP J1M cti aacpbal pessh bperororowyn n l esmagoanr juice CTohMwarnadscohhnipun sa yR. ed Fox, Bloomfield The MRA has been in existence 4 slices bacon chopped medium since 1921 and promotes excellence 1 cup onion chopped fine Mommys in hospitality. 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Michigan C1GA RETT IS Admission 53.00 Senior Citizens S2.0C 12 and under FREE $1.00 off single * * Full rich flavor, not full price. admission with this ad -J Available in Kings & Kings Lights NOV 26 7:30 PM BIRMINGHAM THEATRE V NOV277 30PM FISHER SURGEON GENERAL'S'WARNING: Smoking THEATRE Sponsor s of • Mfc. the Ann Arth-r T * By Pregnant Women May Result in Eetal Summer An Fair Mfr's suggested retail price • •toOU-KM-M |313) 445-66M Iniury. Premaiure Birth. And Low Birth Weight. For more information Kings lights 11 mg tar 0 7 mg mcoliM Km«i 14 mg c»I\ (313) 662-3382 ir. lfl mg meotme av p«r cigarette 6y FTC method mmu - A. ©fye ©bseruer N e w s p a p e rs Sports INCLUDES CLASSIFIED Dan O'Meara editor /591 -2312 Monday, Novwbw 26, 1990 O&E (P.C)1C 'A' quarterfinals next stop for Salem By Dan O'Meara "The fact they were answering staft writer our shots with three-pointers was the problem." Ruete said. "We had to Plymouth Salem's greatest asset make sure we knew where she was." as it prepares for the next stage of Following that stoppage of play, the girls basketball tournament is its Salem ran off 12 consecutive points solid team play. to create a 25-point gap. McAllister The Rocks gave another fine all- had six points in that period, 10 in round performance Wednesday the second half. while crushing Monroe 70-48 and a winning its first regional champion- BELLESTRI*S 15 points, which in- ship in three years. cluded three triples, was tops for "I thought our balance, depth and Monroe. Center Stephanie Stewart ability to go to a lot of different had 10 and Tiffany Sweet eight spots on the floor to score was the The Rocks led 54-32 entering the difference in the game," Salem fourth quarter and found themselves coach Fred Thomann said. "The fact, in the fortunate situation of being as- we mesh together so well has really sured a regional title well before the contributed to our success." final buzzer. Salem (21-3) will need that kind of "I think our court sense was bet- effort again Wednesday when it ter, passing the ball, working to get plays Niles (25-0) in the Class A the shot," Ruete said. "They're a quarterfinals at 7:30 p.m. at Jackson physical team and good rebounders. Lumen Christi High School. The Vik- But as far as seeing the court we ings defeated Howell 53-48 to win were better. the Kalamazoo Central regional last "I came in and played hard, be- week. cause I knew it could have been the "I know they've won a lot of close last game I'd play in high school. games and play very well together," That's how I'm looking at all of these Thomann said. "They have a good games." left-handed shooter and great bal- •. Salem's dominance at the offen- ance. All of their players score six to sive end is reflected in the shooting eight points a game." stats. The Rocks overwhelmed Mon- roe, shooting 17-of-34 in the first half THE ROCKS took control of their and 17-of-39 in the second for 47 per- game late in the first quarter and cent overall. The Trojans were 9-of- combined sound defense, good ball 30 and 10-of-27 for 33 'percent. movement and superior shooting to dominate Monroe. JOHN DISCHER/staff photographer But it was Salem's team play that caused that and was most encourag- Senior guard Betsy McAllister had Sarah Ruete was one of four players who scored in double ing in anticipation of a much tougher her best scoring game since getting figures for Salem, which won the championship of the Trenton game Wednesday. Even with a solid 19 points in the season opener, toss- regional. lead, the Rocks kept reversing the ing in 16 to lead the Rocks. ball for the open shot from the wing Junior center Darcie Miller fol- first quarter and racing to a 16-6 "We wanted to push them outside or pushing the ball up and dumping lowed with 14 points, and senior lead. The fact Salem was 8-of-17 and and concentrate on their three-point inside to the low post for an easy wing Sarah Ruete and sophomore the Trojans 3-of-12 in the opening shooters,'" Thomann said. "We didn't layup. post Yolanda Jackson scored 12 period was a foreshadowing of go to our pressure defense because "We have worked real hard on apiece. things to come. we didn't want to give up easy that — our passing, catching and hit- "We don't have a superstar on this THAT TREND continued in the scores." ting the open player — and the hard team," McAllister said. "In every second quarter when the Rocks That was Thomann's concern, work we've done over the course of game, someone comes out and to- made six of their first nine attempts however, early in the third quarter the season is really paying off now," night it was me. and built a 30-11 lead. when he called a pivotal timeout. Thomann said. "I never thought I'd be on a team Monroe, having trouble with Sa- Monroe's Stacy Bellestri had "I thought we really played well sthtaatte w, baust o infe w oef okneleyp e piglahyti nlegft w inith th ae llye mpe'sr izmoneete dre fsehnostes, saentdtle md ifsosre dm oitsst - canlods eteda tmhem faitrest Chaalrfri weit hM oan ttcraiplmle , twoagse tshuepre ar,s a and te oaumr. i nOsuidre g guaamrde p wlaays JOHN CWSCHER/itaft photographer team effort we can do it" first five. The Trojans were 2-of-13 sank another that got the Trojans super. If we continue at that level, Tight interior defense, like that played by Darcie Miller against The Rocks set the tone early, mak- before hitting four of five to end'the within 38-25 at 6:03 in the third quar- we have a chance to be successful in Carrie Montcalm, frustrated Monroe and was a key to SaJem ing five of their last six shots in the quarter, trailing 36-20 at halftime. ter. our next game." winning the regional. AA state champions! Yoakam's punt return Defense proves point keys Shamrocks' title as CC gains revenge victory over King ByJ>an O'Mnri to take it" stfff writer Senior defensive,back Mike Thom- as was playing in only his second fuD By Steve Kowalski Football coaches like to say "Of- game, having missed a chunk of the staff writer fense wins games, but defense wins season with an ankle injury, but he championships " was another big contribute with The television cameras were roll- football That was never more true than eig^t tackles and an interception at ing Saturday afternoon, so why not Saturday when Redford Catholic the CC 12-yard line, slopping a King ask the question? Central shut down Detroit King 21-0 drive on the opening series of the Hey, Jon Barbara, where are you Crusaders took the opening second to win the Class A A championship in second half headed, now that you and your Red- half kickoff and marched to CCs 15- the Silverdome. ford Catholic Central football team- yard line before self-destructing. The Shamrocks stuffed King's po- "ANY TIME you come back from mates have captured the Class AA King lost 15 yards for clipping on the tent offense, holding the Crusaders an injury and contribute to a state state title? next play and on first-down and 22 to 111 yards — all of it rushing — championship ball club, it's a feeling "We're going to Disney World," from CC s 27, a pass thrown by quar- and all-state tailback Ed Davis to 96 that just can't be compared," Thom- said Barbara, standing inside the terback quarterback Dwight Brown net yards. as said. Pontiac Silverdome press lounge af- was intercepted by CC safety Mike ""Their coach said they had the Earlier in the week, we set our ter the Shamrocks 21-0 win over De- Thomas best defense in the state." said CC goals for today We planned on shut- troit Martin Luther King. defensive end Brian Chaney as be -Wng them out so we accomplished Brown, who did not complete a Barbara, along with teammates pass in four attempts, was intercept- carried the championship trophy up what we set out to do." Frank Yoakam and Arshon Stewart, ed later in the half by CC defensive the tunnel "We wanted to prove him Senior linebacker Jeff Rees was broke out in laughter, and it's no back Brett Walter CC sacked Brown wrong, because we have the best de- the leading tackier with 16. but fel- wonder since the Shamrocks finally six times and limited the Crusaders fense low backs Matt Rooey. Brett Walter had a chance to relax. Capping a to eight first downs and 111 yards in and John Brand all made big tackles marvelous playoff run. CC won its total offense "WE JUST focused on their whole either in the open field or in support first state title since 1979 and in the offense (Davis) was just in it so we of the line CC Defensive ends Dave Dominick process avenged an earlier. 20-7 loss got him. too " and Brian Chaney led the charge, "It's a team thing, and that's how -to King. recording two and 1 * sacks, respec- JOHN DtSCHEA/ataff photograph* Chaney had one sack, helped on we played," Thomas said sSchoCarmCelsreo sdcsek fqseu noasfrefteen rrssaen to s ic teosirge hdsttr oeannakd t w tohofe trtayivc ieknllye t ThGehae rfyi Sr sGhtau mhrgarolofl,cdk bwsu iltto h6st -a fdo leoefgte. n i2sn1ijvu0e-- fBerniasne .C khiasnseesy, t hoene C olfas Rse AdAfo rpdl aCqauteho inlic f rCoentn torfa lt'hse h CeCro ecsh eoenr idneg- qtahnueoa ptrhtoeecrrkb, eadtc,ek fwl Dehcwitceihgd h laetd p B atosros aw a nKndi n ocguht aps eoenfd- denTcHeEd iTnE ACMCs adpepprtohac whh ewnas se neivoi-r drives and Yoakam's 58-yard punt pound junior Steve Paciorka filled in section. CC blanked Detroit King, 21-0, Saturday at the Silver- alty when Brown passed beyond the two-way tackle Gary Gurgold in- return. CC has gone to the state fi- admirably. dome. line of scrimmage. jured an ankle while making a first- nbuatls f othrr eoenc oef t thhee S lhaastm frooucrks y feoaurnsd — a "Our kids played tremendous de- seen CC all season and they were turn for a TD this season and it is the lastT tihmise is p lmayyi nsgen ifoorr Cyeaathro alincd C tehne- half sack happy ending. fense." said CC coach Tom Mach. good when we played them but second-longest in state final game tral." Chaney said. "There's no bet- Dan Kelly went in at nose guard btoe l"poTlsaheyi.r"inte gsea nai dnwd eB ewakresb adisrida a,n ' ltwo nchgoom tgiema ihenee rtdoe jwp"rWreaoaseur t dshw teoreef s owtsnheeeedrme ipn l ltaAoecotneks ii tntdhygee fs efsonot sarwir vteeen' roldeyfs r tw ehItaee l ttohhpeeTeiynhr' eer1de 6S 3tehhvae emtno s rtbcoaoelcrtk tiysnea,rg r wnd wohswoi t bh g.y"a ia nhe a1dl4f -1tpi0ml3aye o,. f tahhhgaiesed td Cot hrtryoeu sKlbaaridsneteag rkc'ssh f a1r n4eGc,eee bro utafo tlhd Ygise oM tga YrkcaBaopmaupkr ramomwa nsa- t chteherla pwm wapyiino tniost"h giop, oauntd tIh adnid walilt hI cao usltda tteo aStleany cdolkv nDlee sao tnSefef rGen mniuososreov, fetf dwa rn oefd-rpwo lSmaactye eg vdluei naGer Pduma rtagconoi olt draRkc oaakb t- 56 yards on 13 carries and scored didn't know about Dominick and 66-yard drive that ended with 9:57 Fellow senior Dave Dominick was took his place two touchdowns "They talked a lot Chaney really responded .** left in the first half Barbara capped the end on the other side of the CC In the paper and we kept our mouths Linebacker Jeff Rees led CC with the drive with a 2-yard run "I SAW THE safety (McBurrows) defense, and he was just as instru "We play intensely on every play, jdscluohaiasnluaslite op,td orpc ovua Tpiamnrretsa etivw dtoye outr)hts ee yfhoe e Crasre riettsnhy iae )oan gradssotn awd wt(e ofsern arof.weim nI a hW wltoh eaw(e as elsa1ieinn6gvd ethe abctnc ao ekacraplknceieehserr, c bL Kewai acnhrkeillme K a JDonowoh mnaDliyan nkBic rGwka,une dsTroehf foihn maa dnoa dns jSipfnolhadrCa y emCfsno relcuoiarnrcore klaadiscte u hart,pmh fe eibfr nou1strt8t -,a d o K wonfiiwehn lingfdcoh wuagtroa tg shatal-h vcd etaeohl w rl1teeh3ndee nosaloeniuocedteki" n ki bngYilcg oKok cuaeokpkrw a bacamytol y UmCk psihna asagintnda eda.yrtt "t m(ohIMfea tat rb htehtuem)et ler pIRume nohdbo a aemednry dea alminned"enW potarfEle sviKnceNrni ctEmioWnmngta a awginneeyi n bghiags daK ei dintno dDg r 'oswucni nnsslp n etihcekde . hasUaa nangidrdogd o w "dadWeos wh epwnal c eahgkyao ,dvo oaedbs u abot naar cew ektphevsueae tn-mar yta .iy"n oeddnn oS; wf y Dopnlvrla.a ev sytsihhts ueaa rtIst- s i m us • having ihj u»e left uj bluet and im- who had eight tackles, whirh irvliul nretty murh »Miim a iw going t^ Keeping the drive alive earlier was a 16K-1I3N. iGn, WlasHtI CyHea rl'osst C tloas Ms uAsk efignoanl,, ctiooa"nJc mhT HaJadImeNKe as O bRNiegy t nhdoiislfdf sdera esyan ifcdiee ,l""dW Kphoeinsnig - J2bar2os-ouyngarh Cdt atphrares sb atol lf rtoo Ym Koian kgqa'usma 4r4te wrbhaicchk obmnigee.gd"el "ar taenlyd m Iy s eaiydes 1 s tcaarnte dta kgeet ttihnigs iaTnghgee ty"h Whreaeed ds(tokwlm oteh a sbtai cg—k gs) uay nfsod,r bi tluo wts twa sey a ojrvudes-tr . getT tHooE mSHanAyM yRaOrdCsK' S were S-2 after finished at 12-1 overall CC kicker you're backed up all day. U't tough outplayed them." v losing to Detroit DePorrea, but CC Kerry Zavagnin pinned King deep in CC did what it had to do We had to Yoakam came up with an even The Shamrocks finished the scor- The Shamrocks had a tradition for finished with eight straight wina and its own territory with several long go 80 yards to do anything. bigger play midway through the ing with a six-play. 38-yard drive strong defense to uphold, but they avenged both of its defeats quarter Only a junior, Yoakam that ended with 11 S3 remaining kickoffs and the Crusaders didn't "Penalties don't help We've been fielded a King punt at his own 42 and Barbara s 1-yard run over right also were driven by determination, Winning today shows we are the help themselves with nine penalties able to play over them all year, but returned It for a touchdown and 14-0 tackle and Zavagnir'i third extra having lost to the Crusaders 20-7 in best team in the state because we've and two interceptions as tough as today's game was, we lead with 7:14 left in the first half. point gave the Shamrocks their final the third week of the season beaten teams that are either state Trailing 14-0 at halftime, the were not able to play over them. Tve It was Yoakam's second punt re- lead That was It right there," Domin- champs (Brother Rice) or in the state ick said. "We jiwt had the will to win. finals (DePorres)," Sylvester said

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