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Preview C anton © barber Cops answer charges of misconduct Winging it

// G r e ek c o o k i ng f r om O l g a, 1B •® C a n t on © b a r b er Volume 16 Number 82 Monday, April 29. 1991 Canton, Michigan 44 Pages __ Fifty Cents Cops answer charges of misconduct The ] Canton By Diane Gal* we obviously disagree with what she this case, which indicates that the of- staff writer 'The public has to keep in mind that has said. ficer didn't believe the traffic stop Connection "The public has to keep in mind was worth writing a report about, Police practices are being looked anyone can make allegations or file that anyone can make allegations or Santomauro said. at nationwide following the video- file lawsuits. Just because someone taped ting by police of a motorist lawsuits. Just because someone makes an allegation it doesn't mean SEPARATE FROM legal action, in Los Angeles. the facts are correct '' the department has a system allow- Challenge Fest In Canton, police have been makes an allegation it doesn't mean ing the public to complain about po- charged with using excessive force INVESTIGATIONS of police bru- lice behavior. The complaint system the facts are correct in two lawsuits during the past five tality charges are important to help was launched in 1985, when Santo- Canton's annual festival of years, according to Wayne County — John Santomauro the department weed out bad offi- mauro was hired. The reports were the year begins May 24. records. cers and to exonerate those who are made available to the Observer. Various events are planned In one case, an Allen Park woman unfairly accused, Santomauro said Four written complaints charging until June 2. Some of the alleged that she was pregnant and Another lawsuit against Canton excessive force were filed between activities include the lost her child because excessive handcuffs placed on her during the lot of the Meijer store when she was police alleges excessive force. A 1989 and 1991, according to Canton Bittinger/Remax Realty Youth force was used by a Canton officer arrest were too tight. warned that if she didn't stop in- Belleville man said be was stopped police complaint forms. Fitness Field Day, a soccer on Dec. 3, 1989. The lawsuit was She also said she warned the offi- terfering with another police action and beaten on March 22,1986. Of the four complaints, one allega- tournament, fishing fbieleedn teoa rcloieurr tt.h is year and has not yet cweoru altd tshuee tifim shee o mf itshcea arrrireeds.t that she sphoel iwceo oulrdde brse, tahrer ersetpeodr.t Ssahied. ignored wiTthh be elaatwinsgui tthe c hmaarnge sas twheell o afsf ivceerr- ctieorns wwahso bienlvieesvteidga ttoed b eth vea cliads ebsy. offi- tournament, world champion The woman said she suffered lim- According to Canton police re- Canton Public Safety Director bally abusing him. kite flying, remote control car ited use of her wrist because the ports, the woman was in the parking John Santomauro said: "In this case. Police did not have a report on Pleeee turn to Page 2 races, a used book sale, a gospel sing-a-long and much much more. Winging it May clean-up The annual Canton May Clean-up program will be held again this year. Spirits soar in tour Canton residents will have the chance to bring material to Canton Recycling free of of Mettetal Airport charge each weekend during May as part of an overall effort to enchance the appearance of the community. It was just plain fun. the airport. The event will be held Each residence in Canton About a dozen children from the from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m will be limited to one level Willow Creek Co-op Preschool got pick-up truck load each a chance last week to get their The airport is at the center of a weekend. The hours are 10 a.m. hands on the tillers of some real controversy which has pitted resi- to 4 p.m. Fridays and 10 a.m. to planes during a tour of Mettetal dents in Plymouth and Plymouth 2 p.m. Saturdays. Airport in Canton. Township against the city of Plym- May Cleanup was started The event was sponsored by the outh and Plymouth Township. The Plymouth-Canton Airport Associa- two governmental units have several years ago to allow for a tion and is a taste of what's to formed a Joint Operating Agree- spring cleanup of homes and come on Thursday and Friday ment to purchase the privately property and the disposal of when there will be an open house at owned airport and run it. loads of material too large to place at the end of one's driveway. Canton Reycling is located on Van Born Road just east of Lilley. Prayer for graduates A The senior class president of Salem High School, Jason Loiselle, asked Canton to declare Sunday, June 9, as a special day of prayer for all 1991 graduates of Centennial Education Park. "The 1991 graduates of BILL 8RESLER/«t«ft photographer Centennial Educational Park have achieved an outstanding Cassandra Williams in the pilot seat. accomplishment in completion of their secondary education and the education they have received is intended to prepare them for future career and educational challenges,'' <c- according to the township resolution establishing the Preschoolers special day of prayer. check out a V. plane. School fair Eriksson Elementary School in Canton will hold a World Fair on Tuesday, May 9, as BILL BftCSLER/ photographer part of a learning program on cultural diversity The event Eric Matchette, 5, left, and Caleb Eplett, 4, right, in the cockpit will feature ethnic foods, of a Cessna Skyhawk. BILL BflESLER/ataft photograph* costumes and dances Minister, wife admit abuse of daughter what's inside You supply the By DarreU Clem showed no emotion as they pleaded guilty Thurs- However, attorneys have recommended in their Calendar. . . . . . . .58 Classifieds E.F chest of drawers. staff writer datatyo urnnedye,r M aar kple Kar iaggerre,e manedn tch ailrdra anbguesde bpyro stehceuir- pplreoab aagtiroene fmoren ftiv eth yatea trhse a nEdn ebrese fnosrb bided epnla tcoed ha ovne Auto E.F A West land minister and his wife, who continue tor Maria Oxholm contact with their two oldest children — the 18- Employment . F to draw strong support from their congregation Tennen plans to sentence the Enersens May 31 year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy — who have Index 2E that includes Canton and Plymouth residents, ad- The couple didn't respond directly to questions been removed from their home and placed in fos- Real estate E mitted Thursday they abused their 18-year-old posed by a reporter outside the courtroom Thurs- ter care Creative living . . . . 1E daughter by biting her hand and beating her but- day morning. "They're not going to go to prison." Oxholm Crossword 3E tocks "They feel J»e whole thing is regrettable, and I said Thursday. Entertainment . 5D Michael K Enersen. 38-year-old can asmire you that nothing similar will ever hap- She said prison terms could make the ordeal West land Foil Gospel Church, and pen in the future." their attorney said harder on the Enersen'a six children — four of Obituaries . . . . . . .5B wife. Carol, pleaded guilty to child abuse charges whom remain In their parents custody under su- Sports . . . . 1C We supply the quarter of Thursday In Detroit Recorder's Court UNDER THE plea agreement. Michael Enersen pervision by Wayne County Child Protective Ser Street scene . . . . 1D a million customers. "I bit my daughter one time on the hand and pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree child vices Taste 1B C*U today and ptaoa your thre* Line left a mark.'' Carol Enersen told Judge Harvey F abuse, but three counts of fourth-degree child Travel 6C private ad for only Tennen abuse were dropped Carol Enersen pleaded THE PLEA agreement also orders the Ener Michael Enersen admitted in court that he guilty to one count of third-degree child abuse, sens not (o use corporal punishment on the four NEWSLINE . . . 591-2300 & Iirtntn nc rnnr caused bruises on the girl's buttocks when he beat and one count of fourth-degree child abuse was children who remain at hpme WEEKENDS . .953-2104 n a i i i hh a I w 11 her with a wooden paddle Westland police have dismissed Moreover, the couple, who schooled their chil- SPOHTSUNE .953-2104 591-Q9Q0 said the girl's buttocks had been so severely Mat- The minister could be sentenced to up to four dren at home, would have to enroll them in s pub- en that they were seeping blood years in prison His wtfe could receive a two-year THE ENERSENS, who have six children. term Please turn to Page 5 . 29. 1W1 OdtE -<2S£ O&E Monday, April 29. 1991 G o l d en g l o v es P o l i cy a d d r e s s es c h a r g es of p o l i ce m i s c o n d u ct Senior ball teams get into swing of things Continued from Pago 1 tghraatv iatt iwoans. n't worth the time and ag- 'It'* just as important to us to prows or cplloasinettvs tsoc rtuhnet pinoiisnets th caitt itzheenys 'c ontrib- Tmhuesyt ahlasvoe l oao lke gfoalr ubnasuissu faol rs idtuoaintgio nsos,. Evan though the person filing the ute to the professionalism of the or- be said. complaint said be didn't want to pur- The investigation continued and disprove the complaint.9 ganization," be said. "If four people are driving in a sue the allegation, the investigation the officer was found to have used — John Santomauro He said be wasn't aware of all the commercial area at 3 a.m. they By Diane Gate continued and the officer was sus- bad judgment. information obtained through the in- would probably be asked why they staff writer pended for one day. "It is the finding of the investigat- Canton public safety director vestigation of the Los Angeles police were cruising." Santomauro said. I - In the complaint, the man said he ing officer that the (officer) should beating case. However, be did say "I'm not aware of anyone being sin- It you're over 55 and you're look was hit on the bead by an officer af- have placed the (suspect) in the rear asked to perform a field sobriety complaint was found to be invalid. that the beating of a motorist by sev- gled out because of race. There are lag for something to do this summer, RochoM and tdbeearHrn bldEyes i W nbwe AJahsuSinl yad r horhfaei sns1 tdWbecad9uc. f kffo,e rwd ,hbie lwieni gtthh edi ohsoifsfr i-- ohwsfie ist"atthhIdaefon, "i uctc teta hs wrset hraw iiosnkiut vilnhndeoogs thut tia (pg vhsoaeitstmr isbio)ike,nbieln nerbgea cp tchoaokilmr- ltdue opdstoa. " ti ah dtsh.i- se tohreifigmsfIthni cta wt enshirdhet hbo pceu atoclhsdmaesemep rdp.el aa tli hmnarnt,e goe trfh y tehimi smae nhasdn.a n s dsat iirdnu cttkhh ee hpSsharaoos"nnuvIttel'ot'ds mod bjroauenus deteroixs oa psasnarneoi ydriv.mtaehtpie "n odtIghfr.",et a nt chhteoe mto oporl faufsi itnch teet,or" eat"hrguaa"neltI,a oaadcnnfcofydenipc't etppar aobsbrlelitelci iiec.ne"u v ldeLaero pilsnyar Attihnmnisge tenh ldtiesas yw a o wrauenaladds, natnhsoa eO tIcmu ifkrtfsnaiiezloc lewwevnre,ass sy'b u tca ostsooe emd dpeip esloilcenmaro iru inpanrtrcsaaeget aeme.a" i aubndrraeuep,t paa arlmsiotop yfnr,agi r-a CymInoae uTnfn.aht 'ocsen t a,o'sn ny dlsoye uwn c ioqoamurna e bllniaiv'fsseiec t baienatail olamnn stye i a snfmoe trishge h n tbaehgoeeerd -. Hcluahnaseirtf rcyyoke r Smoamur.' tsi th ccccleeaorrrs .ts eWrtdire uhfdiceskn tt, o ht hit mephel m ai cnmae nta hn hreiem fssoais iridtnee.hd te,Tha ehdthe esw qm iouthfaafnd ia - sahtlerlSleepagnsneg tdttooh p medonealsifu cetrehnoed s aetmhitdhiesim ccinso vi nfoedf stu ohtciefgtfyaict hicenaargsvsee aasnn l'ltd etmhreoaH lrm eed osaitary eibsdo ahthhfeete efr ritelhd etohd uhe igt mhihnet. c c iaodbemonput,lta bi ientct a stuehsvee - chtheaoTrnnsdHeil nEeogsf P aapUnlolB l oitcLyfefpIiC ecbser uroc'tfsoa amldlielpteymlga teaionati tntohon sors.ys, es ft creoommn - ScoanWndtoHomnEeNa uo Arro Sa sKlaloEidwD. wpohleicthee rb rbultaaclkisty o,"r atpiteoeo"n Upbs lenweh feaao rvrheitaounvrn'te,a Satienlawl nycat,io ytiinmsz ea bmnuosrao'o nec yssotam,i "adp l.Sl laeaignnatto-s-, ittonhngeA tcpneoldaam miyfme Jrusenr riretyyc eGainvadew s uatirla ll,o jt o7 i2fn,r otihmse r iCpgaahrnt--, hhtdiairomdaMnw ,,a ibt d bhbe-ierws su maa icysiadoe nt.m hw rspoahluieadgrie nhbt eth Htewhe eaon ft ftoieinlcddve ert ots hst eitwgr uiaitn-ch-k- dCfooarFnnceOte oa Rnlna pIysNtoth lSJiiuTcnelgAy ,wNw arCioctEhnc,og u .ra sdi imnnggan teo xc chaea scrsogimvede- btsihnareciuTd iiihd,sn eeeivt ,nm e bths auaatntindgd bat boetmieldn eargner pkf o out ofhlsfioaeciddce le odttronhi,sg a bast epha cbopfeawetuea hsr riaeet d,td hbt. oe ae cveSvhoaeIainncnrt eg oot"ehmn daoea nsw uedciro toch mf oso pamurilsdpai .inlb nageiti,n nat gsa "n n ha aaobsvfrtefuyi pca tte. orpn l Beawcu aoets f, olwteihdtcheh.e i ec tqrea usms,ee isS.nt a"ioonIrn tiwotinimoegusalu d amr roheoo rspseateoid pno poftetht.eda''nt hf oei str ha anpdnood t-- mmthhaoae"vyutIei tr uv'ocssah esotaeao rdiiegtd be. yaossf ml oathow orbeeeareyre,gd ca;iani nso eimrns ga:tnh T yechh cecipaoysm' reteo-s ttpihhceGiy pCsaaiwactniauntlrolgayn. sa aSnidldu g ppgslyeacryshi,no glho ebglaipcssae lbhlyae rll bwoitthh BILL B«ESL£R/«t*rt photograph* hviemst miguastotr h taheve ohfafdic ae r"b wadho da syt"ru acnkd pstloapinpte fdo fromr. s pTeheedi mnga.n H esa sidaid h ebe w waass maTnh we ainsv e"sutnigcaotoinpger aotfifvice"er asnadid tthhee "I think our organization more When officers stop people, they plaint Is absolutely correct." teaWmHs IpLrEac TtiHceEd mlaesnt' sw eaenkd i nw othmee Sna'sl- vation Army gymnasium, Gawura and older team is gO-year-old Adam For more information about N e i g h b o r i ng c o ps say b r u te f o r ce is not t o l e r a t ed said, she joined the team after retir- Brozek However, most of the play- the men's teams call Smith, at ing from working more than 40 ers are between $8 and 72 years old. 459-8747, or Rocholl, at 455-8761. years, for a lot of reasons. according to Tim DeConnick, team And for information about any "I decided it was time to get some manager of the 65 year and older of the tearns call the Canton Sen- By Kevin Brown "It was outrageous behavior. I Berry said his main problem with chief determined used excessive cally by a suspect has a right to de- 'The color of the recreation." she said "1 was afraid team. ior Center, at 3S7-5444. staff writer think it sheds a black eye on all law the Los Angeles incident is the lack force in arresting a prisoner. The fend himself, Berry said. that after working so long that I The team plays Mondays and enforcement personnel that go out of professionalism shown by the offi- prisoner was not seriously injured. driver? Absolutely no would get bored or depressed. I got Wednesdays and the season starts Police officers who use more there and do a good Job every day." cers. "That was investigated and "You want to put enough pressure difference.' involved so I could keep away from May IS. . force than needed are unprofessional The Los Angeles officers face dis- "It's hard for me to be objective brought to a conclusion." he said. on him to stop that behavior." — Carl Berry A boredom, keep healthy and to get in- "We're struggling to get enough and not tolerated in Plymouth Town- ciplinary action, and that city's po- because I've in the business for The officer is no longer with the That sort of pressure administered volved with other people. men to play on the team," he said. ship, police Chief Carl Berry said. lice chief was recently reinstated af- 30 years. t far beyond the department, he said. by officers mainly involves physical police chief •We like doing it.' she said 'We Again, the only requirement is Berry, chief since the department ter being forced to step down by a limits of force to affect an "Training is the key," Berry said. restraining holds. Unlike Los Ange- Plymouth Township may not be the best, but we try." that the player be at least 65 years was created in 19S5, said the March police authority board, in the wake arrest," be "They are given a psychological pro- les Police, officers in Plymouth iSie Sluggers have been success- old and players from any community 3 beating of a black motorist by Los of the beating. "WE HA a lot of training file before they're hired to identify Township don't use nightsticks, Ber- would have been there. ful, too. Two years ago the team woo are welcome. Angeles police, seen on videotape na- in the necessary force needed to af- aggressive behavior ... If they're ry said. "If it was a rusted Ford in Beacon the gold medal in the U.S. National Once the players sign up, they love tionwide, disgusted him A CHECK of Wayne County Cir- fect an arrest. You don't need to do low on these areas, they're out of Hill, I would be a little bit suspicious Senior Olympics. to play, DeConmck said. off44i1c ecorsu cldo nulodt u pnodsesribstlyand r ehaocwt p tohlaict e cyueiatr Cs oshuortw rse ncoo rldasw sfuorits t hfeile pda astg afiinvset thSaht"o uld a Plymouth Township offi- hbeartieo. nT.h" ey don't even make it to pro- THE Los Angeles police incident, of iAt."S KED IF white officers he has it m"Wakee hsa yvoeu t ofe egle tk ionudr o efx yeorucnisge, saanidd andT Ih ethyi nlikk eit 'tsh ere elaxxeirncgis ew,i sthtr eat clohtin ogf way," the Plymouth Township police either the township or city police de- cer get too rough with a suspect, In Los Angeles. "The problem is in which a black suspect was beaten worked with over his career have Eleanor Hoe Isomer, captain of the good fellowship and comradery. t'T Chief said. partments alleging brutality. "The attitude here is excessive use his officers weren't being managed by white officers, raised the issue of shown racism, be said, "Maybe I'm Sluggers "Guys will come out in the rain City of Plymouth acting Chief "I think that's indicative of the de- of force would be dealt with." properly or supervised properly," possible racism among white police naive in that respect I never have "It's thrilling to see what you can just because they like it," be said. Robert Scoggins echoed Berry's partment's ability to deal with this Indeed, Berry last year suspended Scoggins said. officers. felt that race has been an issue out do." she said. "Some of us can't run AND. THEN there's always the comments. issue," Scoggins said. for several days an officer who the AN OFFICER challenged physi- Do Plymouth Township officers on here." * too fast, so we have to hit the ball bloopers that keep players smiling. patrol tend to be more suspicious of Scoggins, noting that his wife is hard so that we can get around all Like the time a few years ago, De- Canton black motorists than whites? Korean, said, "You can imagine the bases." Connick said, when an outfielder was Volunteers receive Girl Scout honors what my feelings are on the race is- This year the team will compete running for a ball and it hit him on "The color of the driver? Abso- sue." in the Olympics in June in the head ©bseroer lutely no difference," Berry said. "It's outrageous in the sense that Syracruse Harry Smith, manager of the 55 Several area residents were leadership, training for adult volun- Observer Newspapers, received the it's 1991 and we should have ad- However, because players are and older men's team, said the (USPS 683-670) among those honored at a Huron teers, council committee work and Torch Bearer Award. Officers can "get a sense" if a car vanced." scarce, they don't play league games are competitive, but the focus Published every Monday and Thura- Valley Girl Scout Council awards support of fund-raising activities and The First United Methodist and its occupants don't belong in a Local police don't bold negative games So they settle for scrimmage is on having fun. The men who sign- day by Obeerver & Eccentric® banquet. The banquet was April 16 events. Church in Northville was cited as the township apartment complex or sub- attitudes toward blacks, said Scog- games, tournaments and co-ed up will be allowed to play everytime papers. 36251 Schoolcraft. Livonia. at the Sheraton University Inn in Laura Whicbello received the Girl Best Friend of Girl Scouting. division, be said. gins, who has worked for the Plym- games intermingling with some of they show for a game Ml 46150. Second-cJaas postage Ann Arbor. Appreciation Pin. She is a senior at "Sometimes you'll see a car cruis- outh department for 16 years. the men's teams. "We're in it for the recreation and padMarei dms saa.tl Fl U(osrvumobn s3ci5ar.6ip0 Mt)io llno 4, P6 c1.Oh5a.1n .Bg Aoe*d o d2fr4 ea2ds8s- . andS hhaerron dWahuigchbteellro, Lofau rNao,rth wveilrlee NoDrtahrvleilnlee SHeigvher Ssocnhoo ol.f Plymouth tiinngg aw nitehig thhbeor lhiogohdts v eoruyt. s lIofw t,h eoyr 'sreit - Ply"Im'voeu nthe vceorm mviuenwietyd, tthhaatt i nit's th ae CANTON HAS two men's teams thePnl athyee rc Homarpoeldtiti oRno,c" S mboiltl hla suagihd.e d BILL BRESL£R/«*T photograph* 0U5v0o0n. ia, Ml 46151. Telephone 591- acbmeollnog r tehceei vheodno trheees .T hSahnakrson B Wadhgie- rdeucreinivge tdh eth eaw Aadrudlst Abapnpqreuceitat Jioenss iPcian going to somebody's house, they problem in this area," he said BILL BRESL£R/«t*« photograph* a—n ootnhee rf oforr p lpalyaeyresr s55 6 a5nd a nodld eorld aenrd qwuhierne mheen etsx p"Ylaoinued ha tvhee t opl abyei nagble r et-o Jbaanttei nHgy gnleosve s.h Sohwes s hayera wthoerrne CNaerwHriOsesrMt amEnod Dn .tEhL.lyI.V..ER pYer SE cRoVpIy C$, 3E5. 00«0 fiHnoecrr lh ucedoren sttrreoirbovupitci eloen atsode ttrohseh _Gip io,rlr gd aaSyncio zcuaattiminogpn . BTourreethey, AoSlwu bCauradrnb.tao nJnu l Lrieeifc eeBir veoedwdint ot rhoef f o PGrlry etmhene- The Smith Theatre Kay Oswald practices. ThTehye'r eo lrdeecsrtu iptlianyge,r to ion. the men's 55 wtimalke .a" nd chew gum at the same are "lots of hits in this glove." Mall yearly. $55.00 Presents Church plans Retired executive driven by AH advertising published in the Can- ton Obeerver Is subject to the condi- P L Y M O U TH J LET US tions stated in the applicable rate card, copies of which are available rummage sale F L O OR C O V E R I NG from the advertising department. HARMONIZE challenges during Ford years Canton Observer, 744 Wtng Street. The Onfy Premier Showroom in the Area <^He>€ t &49*niiei ,2($n cYOUR WORLD! Plymouth. Ml 46170. (3.13) 459-2700. A spring rummage sale will be o° Guaranteed Against The Canton Observer reeerves the held 9 a.m. to 5 p.m Wednesday and Heel Indentions right not to accept an advertiser's Thursday. May 1-2, at the First Unit- G° order. Obeerver & Eccentric® ad- ed Methodist Church of Plymouth, 33760 Ptymoam Rood* Lrvonta AO7 "7 4 OH By Kevin Brown 1947-48 That's when the company takers have no authority to bind this 45201 N. Territorial, west of Shel- One Block W. of Farmmgtori Rood / " / 1 "LET US HARMONIZE YOUR WORLD,' states the Spirit of Detroit staff writer 'In those days (the late developed the 1949 Ford, "which newapepor and orriy publication of don. was a complete change The whole an advertisement shall constitute fi- A bag sale ($2.50 a bag) will be 6-8 Chorus of the dynamic singing organization of the Sweet Adelines There can be no doubt that retired '50s) the stylists car was really revised The body tew? nal acceptance of the advertiser's p.m. Thursday, May 2. at the church. Inc. The Spirit of Detroit Chorus is the 1991 #1 Championship Ford Motor Co. executive John wanted to get the style was all new. the car was new For more information, call 453-5280. WANTED...MUSICIANS FOR MODELS CAhcocorulas dAe pTpheeairrin rgep werittohir tehe in cchluodreuss aw ivlla rbieety th oef 1m9u91sic # 1fro Qmu amratenty. eMe a—noo jguisatn cwhaesck a loouytal h Fisor Pdl yemmpoluotyh- closest they could get from the ground up." eras and styles...modern, turn of the century, swing, show tunes, Township street address. to the feeling of HIS NEXT assignment was prod- Pawlus Funeral Homes LaMoore photography Is seeking Musicians to patriotic and gospel. The Last of his many assignments aircraft. Now, I think uct research, from 1949-56 "They LIZ be photographed to help us develop our new Friday, May 3, 1991 ayte Farosr dw i—th h Fe orredtir e—d A wprails 1 g aefnteerra 5l 0 we're more whiacnlet eedx spoemrieebnocdey," t hheat s haaidd t"oPtoalw evre - ddiissppllaayy awtil Ll acuhraenl gPear pke rPiloadciec.a lTlyh,e stohe wmaetc ohf tfhoer Show Time 8 P.M. manager of the firm's Alpha organi- functionally oriented, steering was developed there. C L AI B O RN E zation, geared to innovation. So when While the '49 Ford was his favor- future ads. we try to maximize the In appreciation for your participation, we will Tickets '8 Gen. Admission; 44 Students & Seniors Manoogian moved into his second ite. "I think very highly of the Thun- Plymouth Township home three space on the inside.' derbird in '55." adding he also fa- do a complimentary photo session and give years ago, he had the new street vored the Mustang and Taurus you a lovety desk size color portrait. All —John Manoogian portraits must be taken before May 17, 1991. named Alpha Drive. The late '50s period was marked 453-3008 (Call Tuesday thru Saturday). R rtmulKMM the star MiJy accepted up to 3 P M .on the day of the star "After about 50 phone calls I got by "fins on cars "In those days the 209 Main SC 45100 W. Warren Rd., Canton what I wanted," he explained complexity' of the auto plant stylists wanted to get the closest Belleville Between Sheldon Rd. a Canton Center Rd. For more information Oakland Community College Manoogian was honored at a re- He recalled the tune Henry Ford they could get to the feeling of air- 313-697-9400 453-3008 call the 24 hour Hotline Orchard Ridge Campus tirement party addressed by Ford Sr came to the engine lab to exam- craft," Manoogian recalled. New. I 4 7 1 - 7 7 00 27055 Orchard Lk. Rd Executive Vice President Red Pol- ine a new overhead cam engine He think we re more functionally orient- 2 6 1 - 4 6 60 Farmington Hills. Ml ing, and is scheduled May 6 to asked a lot of penetrating questions ed we try to manmue the space on receive the 1991 Sargent Progress as to what we had done," Manoogian the inside " Thursday, May 2 TRIM A 33680 FIVE MILE ROAD Award from the Society of Manufac- said, adding Ford s demeanor was By 1965, he was named assistant 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Rochester LIVONIA turing Engineers Earlier recipients ' rather ambivalent." chief of engine carburetion, where include former Gov George Romm- While good performance was the the assignment was to meet the first Friday, May 3 ney main goal in building engines in that federal emissions standards, set to 11 a.m.-7 p.m., Livonia period. "We really looked at every- begin in 1968 LITTLE OFF THED o-It-Yourself&Save W MANOOGIAN STARTED at Ford thing." Manoogian said — "Fuel "In those days, we had no idea how A show to rtocQuaint you *itt> Sino 1o9n4, 0h,e wasas a he dlprianfgti ntog b aupilpdr etenstti ceen - ethcoosneo dmayy,s c othmepr teescshionnolo gryati wosas Inno t two omrkeeedt se evmenis dsiaoynss a wsteaenkd,a hreds sa Ii d, The dress Adaptable for LANDSCAPING gines available to give us the kind of fuel usually 12 to 18 hours per day. for aa»n to dusk weorabihty TOR Manoogian said the first time he economy we were able to get later " one vear All year long I had only Wert Christine Scftvveicftorf. Manoogian said the time at Ford I entered the Rouge Plant, "1 was he remembers most fondly was in Please turn to Page 5 representative for overwhelmed really, by the siie, the ^Proefssoina lLandscapni g Resutl sa tDo-Tt-Iounel fPcries!^ L>z Ooibome We'll also iho* you a sneak prevte* of La Ooibome dresses for foil $75 OFF Let our staff of landscape designers create a custom detailed land- scape design for youl From t simple tn-store sketch to a full on-site i evaluation, we offer tfiree levels of design service to meet everyone's needs. Afl of our designs are done on 4X I easy lo read scaled paper All you need Is APRIL SO | t promises to a yardstick and a shovel! With the help of our trained make your personnel we can guide you Into a wildest dreams perfectly Instilled, professional HR215SXA come true... Former Ford looking landscape! We also offer com- Honda plete installation service by our experi- only to hand you executive John Commercial Manoogian hopes Engine enced landscape crews Whether you a NIGHTMARE. to play a lot more do-it-yourself or we Install for you we golf, since 213-Speed, offer the area's largest selection of land- Il« mi If KKY JOHNSTON expose retiring April 1 H O N DA • HiSgelhf- PCraoppealcleitdy MBaowger scaping plants and materials. All at the ic«ility ol the fast in.ilinq and after SO yeers great prices and backed by a 100%. with the P o w er • Optional Mulching Kit one year warranty. deadly uovlcl ol Satanism! company. * E q u i p m e nt Available Call our Design Department today! 0 yi • No Payments, No Interest 4 8 3 - 8 8 11 Until July 199J* s * P L Y M O U TH Thursday, May 2, 7:00 pm SAXTONS N U R S E RY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of NORTHVILLE 587 W. Ann Arbor Trail • Downtown Plymouth and GARDEN CENTER 313/453-6250 217 N. Wing St. Northville 346-1020 «*r ~Hco*>e lactitnoA i Cha#*r Ma*tr.Card* wd Call for our Spring Hours 9 9 00 Ann Arbor Road N»; ^ »*• HWIJB A-"rr 'I. Just 7 mffes u»est of 1275 Also daytime appearances at Nov! High School, Shop until » or T*vrtd*, antf Until « p.m am Uo«tfa? I SHw<i> Clarencevtie High School and Farmington Harrison High School mm Monday. Apr! 2§. 1—1 Q*g (C)6A Congregation shows support for 'loving' couple points of view/letters Wf Barrel Clem Calling the chargea against Mi- Fell Gospel Church where Michael spare the rod, you spoil the child." my life through the preaching of love them, and we're •taff wrtter '• chael and Carol Enersen "a pack of Enersen remains head minister, de- Enersen, M, admitted Thursday in God's word. The whole spirit of the State arts groups must be Law steps on 'down' lies," church member Diane Berry fended the Enersana' right aa par- Detroit Recorder's Court that he "I know they are innocent." she is one of love and support and we're Mere bow* after they pleaded described tbe Enersens aa "loving eots to discipline tfceir six children. used a wooden paddle that caused added. "I have babysitted their kids. not hearing any diaaension from the guilty to abasing their children, a people who love their children very "The fact that they apanked their bruises on the buttocks of his lg- Those kids are definitely not congregation." Westland minister and Us wife woo much." children, hey, that's God's word," year-old daughter Westland police abuaed." more responsive to people to improved job, pay wprhaoi ssea ifdro tmhe c"olonrgirnegg"a tcioounp lmee wmilble nros t Berry, who beads a youth care Bofe trhrey scahiidl.d, " aRnedb ethlleio rno dla d irni vthees hite faartr slya ihde Er nbeurtstoenck bse balte dth. e girl so severe- gaTtieolne mpheomneb ecrasll sin tdoi csaetveedra slw ceoenpgirneg- guTilHtyO TUhGurHsd TaHyE to child be asked to leave the church. group at the 700-member Westland from the child- The Bible says if you Carol Enersen, S3, admitted in support for tbe Enersens. whom sup- church member Randy Dwtcaa said, court that she caused bite marks on porters said will not be asked to "I really don't think they did any- Area minister, wife plead the girl's hand. leave the church on Palmer, east of thing wrong. I've known my minister The girl and ber IS-year-old Wildwood, in Westlsnd's south end. for a lot of years." If I'm forced to read or listen to license, be or she is arrested and brother, both of whom police said Tbe church draws members from Some congregation members any more whining about Gov. John treated as a criminal for violating "WHY WOUID he want to move isn't a deliberative body that works were abused for several years, hsve Westland, Livonia, Canton, Garden blamed the entire ordeal on a dis- Engler's proposed cuts to the arts in the poaching laws. down? Isn't it a step down to go by debate. Rather, big decisions are been taken away from the Enersens City. Inkster, Wayne and Belleville, gruntled former church member Michigan, I'm afraid I'll be tempted Arts patrons on the other band go from state representative to town- brokered by the leadership, and ev guilty to abuse charges and placed in a foster home. Their among other communities. whom current members said wanted to take a shotgun to fellow members Jeff blithely along, poaching from the ship supervisor?" eryone .else is a foot soldier march parents have been ordered not to try "The congregation is behind them to cause harm to the Enersens. An ol the media. public art preserve with immunity. I heard the question two dozen ing in line. For a minority Republi to contact tbem. 100 percent," church member Dar- anonymous telephone caller to tbe artWs ceo'vme mswuanliltoyw heodok t,h elin eli naend o mf uthsee- Counts It's arrogant. stitmatees H aosu sJee rorfy R eLparwese dnetpaatirvteeds t oth eb e Tim canI dliokueb tLa twh,a Itt's t wwoor-steh.i rds of the whFoomu rp yooliucneg esraid ch tihledr Eenne —rse nosne h aodf rhealsl bMecenC abbleow onf o Cuta notfo pnro spaoidrt.io Tnh."i s Ofobrsmerevr emr eonmb Ferrid oafy s tailraroin gac tchuese cdon a- um without questioning it It makes BUT IT'S more than that It's also appointed Plymouth Township su- Richard members even speak on the House Continued from Page 1 additional requirements that he Enersen children sneaked away begun to abuse — remain in their When agked if be believed Enersen troversy me embarrassed. racist and elitist. The Detroit Sym- pervisor. floor except to introduce Ibe sixth wants to impose" at the May Si sen- from home and sought help from a parents' custody, under supervision will remain as bead minister at the Under a plea agreement the En- Our problem is that we want to to-do suburbanite to take another phony and others around the state Indeed, the House has been called grade class of Washington School sit- lie or parochial school not affiliated tencing. former church member, who report- by Wayne County Child Protective church, McCabe responded, "Without ersens are expected to be placed on look sensitive, and unfortunately finger painting class. continue to play the boring music of "the retired supervisors club." Many islature. Many lawmakers tell me ting in the south gallery. Some never with the Aaaembliea of God — tbe In reaching the plea agreement, ed the child abuse to Westland po- Services. a doubt" probation for five years and ordered these days sensitivity too often pass- And this whining from the art dead, white European composers, ig- members once were township super- their school teacher spouses make as even speak in committee. denomination to which the Westland Oxholm and Kriger agreed that lice. Church member Terry Sage of not to see their two oldest children. es for intelligence. folks comes at a time when the state noring the music of African-Ameri- visors. Becoming one of 110 mem- much as they do ($45,000). Full Gospel Church snd its adjacent other pending charges against the "THEY ARE not child abusers," Livonia also commended tbe Ener- Among other stipulations, the plea The arts people are a special in- is looking to making cuts to welfare, can jazz composers. And this in a bers of the lowo- chamber has been e Supervisor has a four-year IN THE 1989-90 term. Law was school belong. Enersens would not be brought THE OLDER girl and boy were Berry said. "They've given their love agreement also would force them to terest group just like welfare fami- and the financing of education is in a city with such a rich heritage. the high point of many a political term; state rep, two years. No sooner energeUc enough to introduce 51 The church, on Palmer east of Both of Knger'i clients are under- removed from tbe home, Moore said, to the congregation. I have nothing "I have no comment except to say place their children, who hsve been lies, boaters, fishermen and those mess. And then we hear the symphony career. is a rep elected than he or she must bills of which four passed — a bit Wildwood, draws members from going psychological counseling, he "because I felt they were the most bad to say about these people that all the congregation is totally in schooled at home, in a public or pa- who fly private planes. The only dif- folks complaining that there's no in- Certainly, I have never beard of start raising money for the next below the average of 10 percent. It Westland. Livonia, Garden City, Can- said. endangered. They've been a tremendous help in support of them," Sage said. "We rochial school. ference is we've made them sacred. THE ARTS are a nice touch, but to terest and support is waning. It's anyone leaving the House for town- campaign. wasn't due to lack of effort His at- ton, Inkster, Wayne, Dearborn "They can hardly remember a And all Engler is doing is trying to me it seems more important to time for them to wake up. This ain't ship government, and neither had e The commute to Lansing is 140 tendance and sobriety records are Heights snd Detroit, among other THE ENERSENS each have re- time when they weren't abused," take them off the altar. I agree. teach kids how to read, clean up the Prague, it's Detroit Let's play some- Jerry Law when we talked about it miles. "I've put on 250,000 miles in excellent. cities. mained free on a 91.000 personal Moore said. When the children They should fend for themselves and environment and work toward full thing for the home crowd. during his last day in Lansing. 8Vfr years," Law said. My brother What passed w.ere bills to swap bond since their two oldest children sought help, "It took more courage A Team Approach beTorced to compete with the others employment. It's called establishing But the arts people need to do BUT LAW had many good reasons sometimes drives from Great Falls state land in Wayne County, regulate THE PLEA agreement also calls were taken from home March 11 and than you or I could ever have." • ••• "She just isn't herself. to Treatment in! priorities Another finger painting more than just become more respon- for making the move: to the Montana state capital of Hele- retail sales, to certify recreational for the Enersens to attend parenting child abuse charges filed. The Enersens had warned their class sponsored by an arts council sive to people in the state, they need e State rep can be a stepping na and is awestruck by the beauty of taxes and to regulate "crane" classes and spend 350 hours esch in Westland Police Sgt. Laura Moore children not to tell about the child l i v n r r i o rl OTHER SPECIAL interest groups means little to the unemployed. to wise up politically and see them- stone, but Law said, "I've never had the Rockies every time. The trip to games. Minor stuff for an agile the county's alternative work force said tbe two oldest children suffered abuse, Moore said. Lately she seems eon- know how to play the game. They The arts folks can partly blame selves as a special interest group. any aspirations to run for (Congress- Lansing is dull, dull, dull. mind. program. That means the couple the most child abuse, though she also WUl I i cu Join groups and associations to which themselves for the situation. They've The user fee or license would be man Carl) Pursell's or even (state e The supervisor works with But Law's more ambitious bills — would work weekends in the Wayne said a pattern of child abuse had be- "They had been telling the chil- JufsucseiLd, f ofrogreiitCfultfll ul undn d they pay dues. Out of those dues lob- never seen themselves as a special their best option. The state and arts Sen. Bob) Geake's seats." hometown folks. requiring teens to stay in school to County Jail, performing duties like gun with a 10-year-old girl. There dren to pray for them and to forget about Alex Blavis. M.D. byBisutst tahree hairrtesd atore p ldeiafdfe trheenirt, c oarse s oin itthrnoetley ro hefas ttdh ,ge rt ohsuietypu.a w tTioohunel.yd hshaovuel dso hmaeve c.o nIf- gaprratossus lepissc feconorsue lcsdu l tjthouairntal ct eoovgueeldntht seb.re T auhnsadetd ws eaalsyl rai nmkeoy -Prdelinyy mr eoospupetorhnats iTiobonlew. n jso "hbSi.pu Ypiseor nuvo'irs erour trha iesl , bmuiOislsnd Livnaagncssa iitnniog o,nt .phae rLrt asiwctautl eatsor,uly ras nsde ec hianepgi wt taihll el oganbledt ab diunes vdienrlieovspserm tsa'ex nlit c,cer engdsiveitsis,ng afol lreox wrpeiosnregta rsicinnh - csaleiTdah.n oinugg ha ntbde saetrtvoirnngey sfo ohda,ve O axghroelemd wtmheorreneet nhyoso tu oinm g6me yreeda ircash,te ihlad idrne dbnie,ceant ai aogbnesuss teh d8a. t tttbhheee mmpa tisfht a,t"the s yGh eotdu sran wieddo.u tl"dhTehi rbeey pa hmraeadndt sto a iltdn . uithdruwiiiffe issntooh.mmdreeattwhhiinnn. gg I1 iiss wwwwoorrnoondnndeggei.1r MOledde rv Aead luDltir eScetrovric. es they think. Under former Gov. Apart from maintaining lobbyists the groups could raise money to sup- top guy. It's a very organized opera- finale of the restoration of the Capi- centives to small business, requiring to tbe stipulations, Oxholm stressed Moore said the case came to au- It's a shame that someone can ma- Jriadme.e Ls aBslta ynecahra r$d4,0 tmheilylio hna dwa as s fpreene t ipna yL aunsseirn gf,ee ssp feocri atlhe iinrt aecretisvtit gierso uapnsd pfiosrht etrhmeiern a acntdiv bitoiaeste rjus.s t like hunters, tiinogn r —eco crdosm pinut tehreiz beda.se Imt'sen nto tof k yeoepu-r tol Building. rfiexailn egs tthaete c aagtaesnttrso tpoh idcis ccllaoismes cl imenestss, Thursday that Tennen "may have thorities' attention after two of the nipulate religion in this way." M o m" —hlaine —hlaine M M on the arts. That's $6 per taxpayer. interest. Hunters and fishermen an- The free arts ride is over. I'm glad home." THERE IS another reason why — got nowhere. Brother-sister team among 5 "Symptoms that are thought to And where did the money go? It nually buy licenses that cost from to see It and the arts people should Plymouth Township has a high- Law may have made a smart move, If we could peer into the souls of be a 'norma!' part of aging are went to such poor institutions as the about $10 to $50. campers buy state be, too. It gives them the opportunity toned population of 25,000. a re- though he wouldn't admit it to a man state representatives, we would find Cranbrook Academy of Art in park stickers, and boaters buy li- to build a better system of financing spectable levy of about four mills with a notebook. two types, those who want to change .many times signs of depression. Bloomfield Hills. censes. their fun and games. and an industrial belt. State representative is a crummy things and those who like holding the local skaters to win honors This can be triggered by the loss Let's face it grants to the arts are Such groups accept the fees, may- e While Law says money wasn't a Job, except for a half-dozen leader- office. Law strikes me as the former nothing but welfare for the middle be not always willingly, but they do Jeff Counts is the editor of the factor, the supervisor job pays near- ship positions in the majority party. He will have more career satisfac of a spouse, a pet, or one s and upper middle classes in Michi- pay them. When a hunter or fisher- Pll/mouth and Canton Observer ly $20,000 a year more than the Leg- The House is undemocratic. It tion in Plymouth Township. physical abilities. Retirement gan. They allow another fairly well- man harvests game or fish without a Newspapers Five Garden City Figure Skating initial round and in 11th place in the High, Jennifer has been skating since that was once itemed as leisure Gub members did well in national championship round. age «. For the past two years, she time can become lonely time." competition held recently in Monsey, placed first in figures and in free- N.Y. THE FIVE were among those en- style. Two were the brother and sister tering tbe first U S. Figure Skating from our readers team of Steve and Danielle Hartsell Association national championship ORGANIZERS OF the national of Westland. for juvenile- and intermediate-level event hope that the championship They won first place honors in the skaters will become an important element in Kathy Homiak, intermediate pairs competition. More than 100 up-and-coming the development of young skating Staff Nurse. A rebirth of nam-era mentality but have retained vors and people who care. Marquette C-C $ over the outcome of the recent al as Mark Beaufait from Livonia skaters aged 7-14 competed in mens, talent Older Adult Unit its trend: patriotism. This inclination We, the true Americans of this glo- NCAA Hockey Final Four results! Stevenson High and Bill Pye from DANIELLE, 10. a fourth grader at ladies, pairs and dance events. Jen- "Early competitive experience led CNN, once known as the chicken rious nation, carried your memory in The people of Marquette would Plymouth Canton\High. Hamilton Elementary School, began nifer was among the 22 girls and IS among all of our country's top skat- patriotism noodle network, to become the most our hearts, on our T-shirts and sends thanks like to take this opportunity to thank skating at the age of S. Her brother, boys from throughout the nation who ers is valuable for the youngsters watched and informative station on through each flag that was flown. you for being the kind of community Rita Hodgins IS. is a seventh grader at Marshall competed at tbe juvenile level. who will later move into the upper "No one should suffer needless- To the editor tpblee owfa rtr iune t hpeat rGioutlfi.sm An woathser a e sxoanmg-, Tgrharmou ygohu th wero Atedo tpot- uas-S oofl dyioerur Pferoa-rs ToI t'mhe s eudrieto trh: at you are still rejoic- tdheavte nloouprmisehnets of a snudch e nac foinuera ignedsiv itdheu - Marquette Chamber of CoPmremsiedrecne t JunTihoery H airgeh cSocahcohoel.d by John Johns regTioo nqaula fliigfyu,r eJe nsknaiftienrg p lcaocmedp efitritsito nin laenvde Ol slpyomtlpiigch tc oamndpe tthietnio no,n" tsoai dwo Iralnd ly from depression. With so Patriotism produced and arranged by David of coming home, please do not wor- and Mitch Moyer, the club's pairs held earlier this year Anderson, executive director of the many types of treatment avail Foster and other various artists, ry- coaches. Sandy Dooegan is their sin- A seventh grader at Hilbert Junior USFSA. able, many people can continue It used to be that when you went called, "Voices That Care." No one will spit on you, deny you gles coach. to war, you just were gone for years, You, the American soldier, will work or call you a killer. The loyal In tbe National Juvenile and Inter- Men. if you re about to turn 18. it's to enjoy their golden years." our lives went on, and you were just find signals that you have returned people of the red. white and blue are ai mediate Championships, the Hart- time to register with Selective Service another trophy that symbolized one home to a different country than the proud of you. We are the real patri- sells won five "ones" and two "twos" more feud fought for democracy. one you left in August: dignified, per- ots of this nation and understand the to finish far head of their nearest at any U S Post Office. Center lor Mental Health However, the war In the Middle East se rvering, united and engulfed with words of life, liberty and justice for competitors. It's quick. It's easy. created a new rebirth of patronage national purpose. You will be embel- all. Danielle hopes to be a professional And it's the law. and Chemical Dependency by the residents of the United States. lished with honors, badges and rib- Stacie Shaieb skater, while her brother is planning We may have enshrined the Viet- bons, Desert Storm ice cream fla- Bloomfield Hills to skate in an upcoming Olympics. (formerly Mercywood) If you know of an older adult who (313) 572-5678 IN OTHER finishes, Rebecca Yar- Do it for someone borough, IS, placed sixth overall in may be suffering from depression, Recovery programs % the intermediate figure skating divi- you love... A l n r c li T i re Co sion after finishing fourth in the Mid- call us. We can help. that change lives west sectionals of the national ladies Stop smoking g o o d / y e ar figure skating event. WEST LAND Stephanie Senterfit IS, placed G^herine Sponsored Dy ">e Center for Mental Healtti j 11th in the national event after plac- /VfAJeyX Oefcgkxjs Sisters of Mercy and Chemical Dependency 35235 W. Warren CERTIFIED TAKE v - r i J. EVERY ionf gt hfeo ulratdhie isn f trheees Mtyildew eevsetn st.e ctionals Health System fDoyu Cnadtefdte Innn 1e8 3M1c Autey 5P3O6 1B MO*cA 1u1t2e7y Dove 721-1810 AUTO SERVICE Jennifer Matras, 12, of Redford AMERICAN i LUNG Ann Amor . Mtcrnoc"^ 48106 WICKER BASKET IN THE STORE! placed fourth in the Juvenile Ladies Trvts oonaiad ii a potx-c o» !«• • SOUTHFIELD I PLYMOUTH I FARMINGTON I CANTON Plus, many more floral, framing and Engineer 28481 Telegraph I 767 S. Main I 33014 Grand River I 5757 Sheldon Rd decorating items are on sale. 353-0450 I 455-7800 I 477-0670 I 454-0440 shifts gears Spring Flowering MON. THRU FRI. - 7:30 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. Greenery Bushes SATURDAY - 8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. Bushes 3.88 Continued from Paoe 3 FREE Off two Sundays off." TIRE R O T A T I ON "We had to boy all new flow stand 1 © ItendaH W,TH LUBE< °IL & f i l t er 14 beautiful blooms Reg 2 99-14 99 epqreuciipsmeleyn ct otontro ble th eab lfeuel -taoir vraetriyo , iisiisiisr i s i i si isi ISIISI to optimize the mixture," he said. ALL Photo ALL Sectional DEALING WITH emissions regu- J ' motonon. ' $4 7 95 REG. $31°° lations was a challenge "It was ob- Expires 6-1-91 Frames Frames viously something we had to do be- W/PS Coupon MOS1 Cars 4 bghl Trucks | f cause of the environmental prob- 33°°0ff 33%Off tems." Still, Manoogian said this f computerized'front r WHEEL BALANCE • work ras "a departure from work- ing in the traditional features — per- END ALIGNMENT 11 "n c cL DHLHI1V/E I Re* 1 29-35 99 Reg 189-17 99 formance. fuel economy, good ride, good convenience — all the things | RH«i y R»3E9G°°. R,-EpcG ALL Unfinished Long Assorted Knitted tha"tT shaet isstfayn dthaer dcsu satroem geret "ti ng tough- | « bW»/MPS Coupon Expw? 6-1-91 W/PS Coupon per wheel t*pires 6-1 J Wood SFtleomw eSrsil k &D oCilrioesc heted emr oavnedd t9o0u gtohe Mr apnedrc teonutg ohfer th We eem ries-- % sions and they're still looking for a f t er is years, the one on t hi l e ft w i ll cost ITS OWNER $94000 LESS. 33 Off that last little bit" be said Possibly an even bigger challenge ea. HiBORTA NNDEWSi l Re* !9<-59 99 SpeciRal« s e9l9e<c tion eWchrui l4e" o r cccqaaaurnmassl,ei st wyitnah ori fttlee hAde mq lbueauertesyictii na"ong7n0 i msmn,gao wk rteehhsee nJ ar Apealmanteeirsviee- Nswoi. mthmerieng i spno'to la nar eoluanbdo rbaateck f.a mNioly t rriocokm or 99..0300%% RAAPRTE* rtAhenedd ut hcbeoeduc assauonsoedns et rho,ef i ndpotreilnrlaecrsispt. as lIan vb iatnhlagisnsc cceaa snise ,b e in Silk and satin to 14 Responding to this. "We wanted to photography either. Both houses are exactly 15 Year FiwJ » Yen Fixed $98,742. in natural and the same. Except for their mortgages. R«r Mortof Rait Mnrtfagr establish a new group focus on im- - watercoion. ai 9* In shojL our 15-year fixed rate m tportoavlilyng f raollm elements of th tehe b nraetsnta oaaf You see. the one on the left is financed Total MonrWN mortgagees one of the best ways to save with a 15-year fixed rate mortgage from Pnnapai Interna » 81141 t 679 <» On sak V - the operations," First of America Bank- Plymouth So Payment substantially on the financing of your ALl SEASON 4/28 thru 5/4 7' /O A I wttvheo dfriroemct oIrt7 off-W , instead of paying off the loan amount in the mTo«tnatl oPvremrr iLpiafei Rofe pLaoya n t M) 000 00 t m ooo oo home. 1991 -Ovefa five-year ported we made a traditional 30 years at an annual percentage Total Ftaaace* « S7 4S3S0 t166 39ft 40 Even if you can't see the difference 10 percent reduction In repair rates rate (APR) of 9.86 percent, it's paid off in Chaise now. For more information talk with your MneMw McagrsM," s haaid sa tihde. next trend in half that time at a rate of just 9.30 APR oTvaeiar lU Rf»ep «ovfT LTnma«n 1146 063 SO S744 796 40 Realtor or stop by any First of America no nwx wf[*c> to im itmtA attention to Which means you build equity faster. Total Sawingi | 4ft.742 60 Bank-Plymouth location. _ "What the industry 4P* 9 .*> 9 ** with now is small cars O FIRST °f AMRICA not aa safe as largo can." Mrs are seeking to 'IAnmcleurdiec*a Bpraenpka» Pdl yfimnaonucteh. c phhaornt*e <4*59 1* 90 P0°0« "A»d vaevratiilsaebdle rare au batje Fctin l*o ocfh an*e Klrmhrr FDtC EfmmJ Ho**ng Ltmd<amr 3 of larger cars, to make them mor* feel efficient 6A* Q4.E Monday. April 29. 1W1 Budget cuts worry SC board Civil rights leader is honored Sunday ByWajfMNal percent cut In state aid for the July- "I think we're going too much in staff wrilar September quarter, losing slightly ooe direction." trustee Michael Bur- The proposed $29 less than 120.000 ley safe •y Cseey Hans gree given to individuate who have Scboolcraft College trustees got College officials expect a substan- million budget aii ||M l| » f distinguished themselves through a their first look at the proposed 1M1- tial revenue drop next year, when Trustees are expected to adopt the represents en increase stan writer life of public service. 92 college budget Wednesday and, the newly-approved state property budget at their May 29 meeting of 5.9 percent over this Ron Parts didn't have to surren- "We're thrilled somebody of this while happy initial state cuts were tax assessment freeze goes into ef- der anything Sunday. magnitude would get this degree," low, they're concerned about the fu- fect he Of the proposed 129 million year. The 78-year-old mother of tbe civ- •aid U-M spokesman Steve Wasko ture. budget, 98.9 million would be raised il rights movement — beat known He said the school made the decisioo "We haven't heard we're going to WITH THAT in mind, trustees will through tuition and student fees. for her refusal to surrender her bus about giving her the honor some be cut, but we're waiting to hear consider a number of revenue-rais- Taxes would raise $11.9 million, an 9 seat to a white male passenger in time ago. aSbcohuot oalncyra fmt oPrrees icduetsnt th Risic yheaardr ," sintugd oyp steiossnison a.t Wednesday's budget pSetartcee anitd in wcroeualdse ri soev etro 9 l7a.s9t m yilelaior.n , tSicohoo ionlccrreaafste stu pdreonptos.s ed for most Mwaosn gtgivoemne ary s,e Aatla obfa hmoano rin at 1 t9h5e5 U —ni- accPeaprtkisn gw aans ahwesairtdan ftro amt ftihrest u naibvoeurt- McDowell said. Of items already discussed, a stu- but the 2.99 percent increase is ex- College officials propose raising versity of Michigan-Dearborn winter sity because of racial concerns and The proposed 129 million budget dent parking fee appears unlikely. pected to fall well below the rste of tuition to $57 per credit hour for stu- commencement and an booorary de- incidents at U-M during the past sev- represents an increase of S.9 percent Lower, "off-rate" tuition to boost at- inflation. dents living in the Schoolcraft ser- gree for her many years of accom- eral years, especially on the Ann Ar- over this year. tendance at afternoon classes ap- vice district The district includes plishments and activism. bor campus She accepted Sunday's The college tax rate is expected to pears slightly less unlikely. Salaries and benefits are expected the Livonia, Plymouth-Canton, Gar- Her action more than 35 years ago award with a hope for the future of rise •lightly, from 1.94 to 1.96 mill. But a $1 per student computer fee den City, Clarenceville and North- launched a year long protest and is "bridging the racial gap," she said. Fluctuating payments on college may find its way into the final budg- to account for 76 percent of expendi- ville school districts, as well as a commonly credited as the spark She has received 10 other honor- bonds is the reason for the tax rate et, either this year or next. tures. portion of the Novi school district. which lit tbe civil rights movement ary doctorate degrees, of which she increase, college officials said. Some trustees see the computer Trustees will review the budget Students living outside the district across tbe U.S.. said "each is special." She is also the People living in bouses assessed at fee as a means of maintaining class- and all college fees, including tui- would see a $3 increase, raising tui- "I only felt that, as an individual, honoree of such prestigious awards >150,000 would pay $147 a year in room equipment, as well as helping tion, during their board meeting this tion to $50. my rights were being violated," as the NAACP's Spingarn Medal, the Sthcehyo wolocurladft utanxdeesr —tbe 9 1cu mrroernet tmhialn- finance new equipment. week The increase offsets inflation said mPaernkcse smaiednt S cuenrdeamyo nbye.fo "rWe h tehne Ico gmo-t UMAarWti'ns LSoucthiaelr KJuisntgi,ce Jr. A Nwoanr-dV,io tlehne t lage rate. But others see it as placing too At that time, they're also expected Adelard Raby, college vice president on the bus — it wasn't to be arrested. Peace Prize and tbe Roger Joseph Schoolcraft officials expect a 1 much of a burden on students. to vote on a $2 per credit-hour tui- for business service* " All the black people, and many Prize from tbe Hebrew Union Col white people, joined in and made it a lege Pursell pushing school counseling plan very significant protest" "We have made some progress, but we do have a long way to go.'« PARKS RECEIVED an honorary she added. "1 certainly would like to Doctor of Laws degree Sunday — see peace in the world, the end of By Thn Richard "Today kids spend 91 percent of es Foundation: spreading education- the 1800s, transformed American the campus' first such honorary de- war and the end of racism." staff wrtter their time outside the classroom and si research to the classroom teacher. farms into tbe world's most effi- 9 percent in class. Half the parents Consulting dozens of veteran cient EXTRA CAR IN DRIVEWAY U S. Rep. Carl Pursell today is are divorced, even in an affluent teachers in the 2nd District from "It worked then. It can work now," trying to sell his pet idea — elemen- place like Livonia," he said in re- Livonia to Jackson, Pursell last win- be said. CAR QETTIMO ON NERVES? TAXES TOO MIGHT tary school counselors — to Educa- sponse to an audience question about ter found the federal government Pursell said Alexander, former Help us help those In need tion Secretary Lamar Alexander. reducing dropout rates. was spending millions for education- governor of Tennessee, "cleaned Pursell, R-Plymouth, wants the "The teacher has very little belp al research that most teachers out- house" in the Education Depart- By donating your used car. boat r—i estate—and r»cetv* fair market vahM as a administration to include the idea in in an elementary classroom with 25 side Ann Arbor didn't even know ment. Christopher Cross, the assist- Jax deduction when you Itemize. the major initiative designed to to 22 students," be said. about ant secretary who accompanied Pur- make George Bush "tbe education His plan would seek a pilot pro- The concept NSF is studing, be sell on his winter trip, has been re- CALL 3 7 3 - 0 0 00 president." gram, perhaps in Michigan, to intro- said in an interview, is the one used placed. VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA "I may be a major sponsor of the duce counselors into elementary in tbe agricultural Cooperative' Ex- "I don't know if that's good or new initiative," Pursell said Thurs- schools, not just high schools. tension Service which, beginning in bad," Pursell said. day during a visit to address a 2nd District-Wayne Republican dinner at THE BUSH policy is to encourage N E W E ST S P R I NG Schoolcraft College. educational experimentation with How Can A Leather Chair tbe states as laboratories for new AS RANKING Republican on the ideas, be said. Look This Good? H A I R S T Y L ES House Appropriations subcommittee The eight-term congressman^ said And Still Recline? for education, Pursell is tbe party's textbooks aren't enough in class- C O L OR & M A K E UP most visible congressional member rooms filled with kids who have It's From Bradington-Young. on education issues. working parents and who watch a lot Finally, a collection of handsome leather But be said there would be no of television. chairs that also recline. Choose the style "quid pro quo" — he won't require "We need satellite technology to that fits your decor in 15 elegant colors. Bush to endorse his counselor plan in help teachers . . . videotapes . . . Comfort never looked so good as it does presented by return for supporting the president's floppy disks. You will see major, sig- from Bradingt on-Young initiative. nificant educational changes in the Best Of All, It's On Sale. Felicia Palazzolo-Shavv Elementary teaching is becoming next five to 10 years," Pursell said 8999 NINO SALON more difficult, and teachers need the backup support of counselors, said A SECOND PET Pursell project is Classic Interiors Pursell, a former teacher. being studied by tbe National Scienc- THURSDAY - MAY 2nd - 7:30 PM Neiman Marcus Court 0 ._ THE Join Precio Uuss "PMlooLmsJtoe. rJ.n crt As 20292 Middlebelt, Livonia • South of 8 Mile Belore & Alter of Models ENESCO mttd SSMVSEr 91 3C 474-6900 Open to the Public at No Charge Memories of Yesterday OPEN HOUSE Selected at April 18th Show Refreshments & Door Prizes No Money. Down! COLLECTION May 4th • 12:00-4:00 onwrsct No Interest! Come tn and register for FREE PRIZES C O L L E C T I ON FREE BUTTONS white supply Lasts VV. Big Beaver at Coolidge, Troy M a r i c nS Discover how the delightful charm of the Enesco No Payment Until Precious Moments Collection COLLECTIBLES can help you share the 30206 Plymouth Rd.. 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Remember tbe first loaf of bread you ever created? Maybe it was that perfect pie. Last weekend, along with a By J ante* Brunson basement of their home fellow foodie toting pork shoulder special writer Meanwhile, Loizon prepared and curing salts, we created souvlaki for family and friends, homemade sausage. A SIDE FROM providing mere spending endless hours refining the Not just any sausage, mind you. substance, food has played ever-important bread recipe into a but homemade brats and about 10 / % an unusually important role softer finished product more pounds of a spicy New Orleans in the life of Olga Loizon of befitting of the American palate. favorite dubbed Andouille. Olga's Kitchen fame. Acting on inspiration, she added a THERE CANT be very many It has been tbe means by which sauce of seasoned yogurt to the folks, out there who are into she has passed along Greek tradition pocket of bread, filling it with sausage making. to her children and their children. It sizzling slices of meat garnished When my foodie friend visited has also provided a meaningful with chopped onion and tomato the butcher's supply for some hog reason for being during a THE CREATION, a mouth casings and requested enough particularly difficult penod of life, watering original that has since casings for about 15 pounds of enriching Loizon in tbe process. become well known as a gyros or sausage, she said that the Twenty-one years ago last month, hero sandwich, was virtually counterperson almost laughed Loizon founded the first Olga's in a unknown at the time. Diners raved aloud while screaming at the top sliver of a shop in what was then tbe over the finished product, feeding of his lungs, "Tbe smallest Continental Market in Birmingham Loizon's confidence that she had package of casings sold will make It was an instant success, frequented indeed stumbled upon a gastronomic about 1,000 pounds!" by businessmen and students who wonder. "No problem," my friend quickly adopted tbe small eatery as A visit to the local doctor for a retorted "Casings keep forever their hangout. case of depression provided the final when smothered in kosher salt." Today. Olga's is a chain of 55 impetus "There's nothing wrong "You'd keep forever if covered restaurants in 11 states, employing with you. Go out and get a job." in kosher salt, too," I responded. some 4.000 people. Two years ago. Loizon said the doctor told ber. She SO WITH A powerful the chain became a franchiser, with then revealed her idea The doctor, a KitchenAid mixer sporting a new locations opening at Persian by birth, grew excited. brand-new food grinder option breathtaking pace Among the many "Souvlaki. I grew up on it. I love it," and sausage horns in hand, we locations, there are Olga's in he said trimmed pork shoulder, ground Westland. Livonia. West Bloomfield, With renewed determination, fresh spices, rinsed hog casings Bloomfield Township and Olga's Kitchen was born within tbe and stuffed sausage to our heart's Birmingham. Rochester Hills is month. Son Bill, then a student at content. slated next. Lawrence Institute of Technology, Fortunately, we had a little At openings of each new became a willing partner Five help. restaurant, I stand there in my years later the two were catering a A few weeks back, Bruce little place with tears in my eyes. party in Bloomfield Hills when two Aidells, one of the authors of "Hot Oh. Daddy, if only you could see me guests, properly impressed by the Links and Country Flavors. now," the diminutive Loizon said, tasty fare, approached her about Sausages in American Regional during a recent interview in her selling the business Two weeks Cooking." visited Zingerman's striking Mediterranean-style home later, the deal was consumated over Deli in Ann Arbor in Birmingham, designed by a meal of pancakes He so impressed us with his architect husband John. Loizon, the colorful founder of knowledge that we just had to get HER FATHER'S DEATH 26 years Olga's Kitchens, was retained as an the book. ago and continuing dreams of him ambassadress of goodwill, a position Anyone remotely afterwards inspired Loizon to spend she finds "'very nice They are very contemplating homemade a year with her children in his respectful of me and I'm very proud sausage should check out this homeland of Greece. It was there of what they are doing." Each week Oiga Loizon tome, stuffed with regional she discovered souvlaki, later to she is scheduled to visit various (above) in her delights such as Michigan Dutch become the mainstay of her restaurants Birmingham farmer's sausage. Southwestern restaurant. Last week, a 5-year-old caught kitchen makes chorizo and authentic Southern Although reared in a Greek home Loizon and other patrons in a traditional Boudin, not to mention new of immigrant parents, enjoying Detroit-area Olga's off guard when Greek dishes. American cuisine sausages like traditional cuisine prepared by her he asked to shake the hand of the pheasant and wild mushroom, (Left) some of mother and passed along to Loizon, woman who created such a tasty duck sausage and venison her specialties she had never before tasted souvlaki sandwich "That's a true story." she sausage. are Custard until the year's sojourn to Greece. said, simultaneously crossing herself THE GRINDING of the spices wPaissetr fyr o(mclo lcekf-t), "This is when I saw the sandwich in Catholic fashion mortared into a paste, the rinsing The kids loved them. I wondered if GIVEN TO LAUGHING, she of the elongated and twisted Individual this could go over in America. The delights in the story and countless casings, the grinding of the meat Stuffed Egg- kids got very excited They thought others, all evolving around her food and fat and finally, the stuffing, plant, Eggplant the idea was great." "Little things like that happen all the proved to be almost instinctive. Casserole and After much persistence. Loizon time " You knew when the spice Triangle finally purchased a spit on which to The secret bread recipe, still mixture was just right by its Spinach Pie. broil lamb and beef, carefully known to only two people in addition smell. You could tell by the feel STEPHEN CANTRELL packing and carrying the prized to Loizon, is prepared fresh daily at of the sausage if it was stuffed stafi 3-io<o9'a»f*' possession back to tbe United States corporate headquarters in Troy too loose or tight. at the end of the year's visit. Frozen bread balls are shipped daily There was a "colonial" feeling But her husband opposed the idea to each 'kitchen," along with Olga's as we sat around the table of a restaurant and so. for four famous spinach pie : trimming the pork shoulder. years, the spit sat unused in the See Recipes. Page 2B. " The gentle mixing of the meat, fat and spices so as not to "melt" Spotlight is on you, along with 4-star food, at the Bijou <he mixture reminded me of kneading bread, knowing just when to stop. AFTER THE physical labor A night at the an ounce of Beluga cavier ($65), ter- The Indonesian-style roast rack of Southfield was finished, we found ourselves Bijou is a night of rine of goose liver with truffles (125). 644-5522 Value: Food and service make it almost fighting for the chance to stardom a popular smoked salmon ($12 50), or lamb ($25) is truly worthy of the worth the expense stoke the smoker with an Guests are a simply wonderful serving of crab praise it receives. Marinated in Hoars: Lunch 11:30 a m to 2:30 assortment of alderwood, greeted and toast ($3 50). The four wedges of spices which include a slight touch of prn, Monday-Friday, Dinner 6-11 mesquite, hickory and apple wood pampered in a toast are stuffed with a delicious curry, cooked medium rare and p m Monday-Saturday Closed Sun- RATING GUIDE that was soaked to aromatic style befitting this crab-mayo mixture and served with served with a peanut sauce that tru- day Reservations accepted. • Average (lots of places with simi- perfection. Southfield restau- a sweet and sour sauce Very good ly complements the meat, this en- lar quality) • The brats, fortunately for us, rant's Hollywood tree is delicious and memorable * * Good smoked to perfection in under theme and in a ON TO THE SOUPS, where choic Prices: Lunch $6 50 $ 13. Dinner a a a Very good two hours, just waiting to be ^ m a n n er that is es include french onion, a soup of the BIJOU • • * * entrees $19-29 with salads $3 50-$8 a * a # Excellent plucked with tongs and tossed unique today to establishments run day and the restaurant's extraordi- 30855 Southfield Road jast sooth of and soups $3 75-$6 All major credit a a a a a Consistently superb — a with some freshly sauted red and by longtime restauranteurs like the nary lobster bisque The choice is 13 Mile Road cards rare honor jreen pepp^fs and Vidalia onions Bijou's Swiss born owner Walter simple — the thick, creamy and deli- and sauteed baby red skins Maeder cately seasoned lobster bisque is fan- I The Andouille summoned a Our evening there was full of tastic It is sweetened with a touch smoking that would last at least pleasant surprises, from maitre d' of coconut milk and is equally good Chateaubriand <12 hours Robert Kirnotos quiet attentiveness with or without the sherry that ac- for Two ; WHEN THE sausage had to the subdued showmanship with companies it. The soup is quite fill- Bouquet lara finally passed the 14-hour mark which entrees are prepared table- ing, but is a "must try" and is worth is a favorite at and I wouldn't stand it any side to Che parking attendant's im- every penny of its $6 charge the Bijou in longer, it was removed from the peccable timing It was like being Southfield smoker, only to fill my kitchen swept into a toned-down Hollywood On salads, the Bijou again de- with faint aromas of a production serves a rave Kimoto's excellent JwEaRttR eYfy jKKXapVrNapSrKwY smokehouse Need I say more? captain's salad features a delicious Maeder s restaurant is a bit of a If you are remotely Interested classic - and so is its menu It is combination of celery, mushrooms in the fine art of sausage making, influenced by Maeder » European and artichoke hearts all sliced diago- you must get this book roots and experiences Trendy sun- nally to soak up the delicious creamy dressing with a faint taste of mus- dried tomatoes are out Top billing tard Bibb lettuce with seafood ori- at the Bijou goes to dishes like Dover You kn*w when the ental dressing is also quite popular sole, rack of lamb and filet mignon Salads are tossed alongside your epic* mixture wee served with classic sauces, butter table in a huge metal bowl that is the with almonds, peanut and bea ma ir- Juet right by ft* envy of any home chef respectively smell. You could tell It's also a place where guests can The showmanship continues as the by the feei of th* spend a tidy sum without much ef- waiter prepares main entrees table fort Entrees are served with a vege- side as well, from slicing the Cha e*u**g* M It wee table. in our case green beans with teaubnand to arranging shrimp art- e tufted too loo** or tomatoes Soups, salads and other fully on the oversized plates With a tight. vegetables are a la carte And you deft hand, maitre d' Kimoto debooed can spend between 1150 and 1*5 on our Dover sole as gracefully and ex appetizers^lone, with selections like uertlv as we've ever seen it done Monday. Apr« 29, 1991 OAE 28* OACMootfry. Apr* 29. 1991 G r a n d m o t h er f i n ds opera Bali to serve At h o me in Olga's k i t c h en © t S e r b cr & I c c e n t ru Shopping List Winner Dinner 1Vt pound beef stew meet c o o k i ng t h e r a p e u t ic 1 can tomato sauce. 15 ounce Viennese pastries size Douglas Flick, pastry chef at the and petit fours. Musical notes and SeeE rGeGlaPtLedA sNtTor yC.A PSaSgEeR OIBL. E PBlialec—e hInalf th oef deigaghp alanndt ttoo Accaadppd: ffrreesshh pdialrls (l2e yt ablespoons dry) t1o c tIaenpa as g plroaaroagaae lva pataoadtll lcsauo \mg abri n^e milk, sug- R e c i p es 33C1 mmomreeendddsiiituuuammmrc h pco aonritroaonto tse s RaGVBdteTccfFSphloavaaSaitla ireltMlrTeueoyFOsala l mlkn,attkMhino- O irenpnoeeMCedcrai"gta-npe h en t atp bsaB sislShih cmreoeynaeFg eeaiareinl fatr - -npllst 1soo in7pilmu ecc atdr,ioroe»srrlvos maar.f u5d au t TaeoOiygDd4 nradnaonMm,eiid>ipytne cete nmci.,,M.le ,osa o gS o orb pzFran Aaaan ffblaVnllyot ajepioMrd u uriicc Ttr sreSrn 'kik isoonndthnl,c-h ,x ta nae t to ihe2"Daiiyanv aefoewT7r ,at ffernt,Rtr heii i'Mhtes b lfl eVarrwleWatas oshaV bi il OypMih eletmlct hindebaop el 4a awnnnaTetnpe ,efkesenrbrnehi ilessarsluaycera'yl- eis t-- .- faatFo8Misplyhlnnn.of Vla»u poegdiiWoh fMpxtcc iuI t sioesn1e Ekusn pphesuprtw0p' Ncl seeu rre-wtca e ieet2a rrNrVnrclhsUcae0akle dh Ae eiii.sclaatepro p h bdml Pna emRc oebdoiaonnsoos rtAeelic.rdeul l nnrco hn,asSr vrico eltoayatPe ea ryrthrc tr tBepad oepuy ehoyataeu Eur oevom desncrcReu te.eco orr hsRe talycCp los idndaY.hsleu.gota otreH e nu tsFWc cto bt eo AthoritulrahleoleenetlNabairt dt,lc ot abCeieei isto mo.n Irut wi EcenjnoplaolneaSsntikey-,xidr e l-s. 22lStt1cwttptoooooe h aatpee aocapBlccsclgoltpbltoapeauu,rug e pptbud ppoppn,eswni re w ,e ed pitg obdsda pwoUn aprwr gtp moar eeoebvtrnsentralohouaeller eidnee attood db ott ynmnotce ei,c drr p a i htamuw nbataledemacussieednttemtthaesb etdet sbe w rpo,ala iarstvnseaeldrlet, yo a i tlnfodi nmW epahleyteop n - 82P1lttoo alesotBt apccuamrnls abamirtalppolecele(nbl yaeMsgms , pe,dar o iegsoacl. Unkagto hhe npltodatzl p baatlp pcfhaaneehettepdetss pe, eofP r eseli rfaeon g pne oggga,pr ttoxlhauatankn ivtad a) riety 2wo3bsttftFiooo0npor ooal gSriCppwCratoslc ettrdoohraeouelcieag,riaa atsmo (csne (fnn;caw1tpig nl bddemtnpeaoo ai»i dpgeg t pnoi fchxr.s.g eoae) roo oas t uet ttCtc,hraglhhmnt teiAbalr deoc csaooc2geskrdshr aheeovadf i enu eseituf pelyedctse go saeia ehfs hvne cmrdp ete slegookdee yas gmiroaIps.s te s epegurip d lt seoghe esai( amushrcaeelb mnalrnao l tdiersetetynv gsaps e eaemib dfsn n ui ciy)an aof tf acnttuorhehd gldar,sd h ) ..- aUcBc>spBBg3cmuloori5ruegnorta,eonie0e uSpapwkdfxckses tssaeyde et.ts lhes re r urasyew Plsd i uBg on.lrgmhno,o iapegw tCargaeraut.l:eeskyeht ealr.d BCeyet nma rt l uis .lornoTifuy . ntaim edo Pmm atnrtkrSrlook iga eb eblqw sleuk4i lu uh arnts iebt0 ihteotetcenhet e i e um eIa1ic 2aztnb snr5 tki e i .ttmotpnct-noeiao 2iaud mM unlers10 n,pids telthveeesh itd .f,ro ieslm loef.otds tediar eruaui l Sm nttrmmnltga oeoi d 2ou balnat3giil0 ntnrgulxx a5 eaesr ddttt0 at.ss om tuuIdh jn iel—n crurd eddli raetestaner.seAt a,. .tt .-- X . cdWdlgcmdwosetiouerparrurfioei ameseEMrerBgtanennhctne nhnrlenhms, ri dediil ttelleie fnyooh clifbirerwre en othe.gensertv e r ii i Aee ehtn rtwtiil rhdh thvsdnjsdne oieogo giveucrnf v asttyrrree r obrhil kwaMsin steo ewle.nd n,i vahvt gmm iiud efahsleiomlo l enp.edsptmls eu.hkioaa jtlrTmtre.ere ' rt si aToohhecsi mprswtf nh nteeooWoe igr ieetRfruvd rrsytae itn.eeehso tkn adrl sdhw cdiffeMnen naeeifwr hltenytgrfoaa i rhtoiodh shslsrtsfmla,duii eeoe D l ot trrdaaerr o ns.ibdaf gn ntsctr cpvlshHsheedhnohhhetiot emeixli eeinhptylrlirr o---r- - 0 fBBaermetisltyyh- et ens t ed w i n n er d i n n er poYqacaoI31Vunaautr o t sTntcdric*eu mceas oph rn bkop niwofieoatze snoic ailene tOonlcuitkn hl sconeetV dpne lho.dmtaoo dEo ooI avhtseafpaNsks e o an aetebyse mosduM Bre eodtydfsheeumE ee asfdidi c sEcntyab pa iotsauFs uulyr r tnteaed m.cee w dpSdf iwcesenu, Th.i lirotn po n eE,p nm+eew1 nt Wotoert5oe hte y at-tg caaihsdooost oetebs uuo to ipidh n ettk garineecsos eer-roi,eher- s eiumhisimbttnntngomnh er»tagtirtogioaolMnis mokrwsllt ue oo.te si eaanhdtttirdatf edhhe niI l Sse«e et oad n s PEn dtpo we leiot Vsra svmsctwfiumn h Eteurearsiihoenlnosx oNnloBmtsot d i-ul u ga alttDdam trrhh otks ateyhAse,iteohy,lte keidY i s mrn Ra ,,o bs ttd S eoavttt oati todhLrymhehprtheirntoo Aeenia oe iunn trngrWbsavheggn cre obefvgha e rbaumd ,oiiut tasg d l t noteatctd eerhth4h,rkdyrHer ee5ae ad n t - SCPS1FB2OMVDV1111 auleo a beriaoiirhlslpglnykrgatleanmuke n pea ydirgim ranlorgmga es ld grlolreaa uel e r n bscpa i pacciftuaoioaa ae tbwnncr tcd bek d frraaeremgroga eiezml ke on r aonragneg jee ljluo ice Fancies. He plans to serve 20 kinds and pipe cream in between. Garnish per and let it simmer on low fire for Take 1 strip; brush clarified butter going on walks and checking out in- sized chunks chances are it will be eaten be- 1 can mandarin oranges. 11 of pastries, plus chocolates, truffles with raspberry or other fancies. 1 hour or more until paste is thick- Cut eggplants lengthwise and on it Layer another strip of strudel; STUFFED GRAPE LEAVES teresting bugs to learning how to 3 medium carrots, peeled and fore the week is up ounce size ened. In the meantime peel and cut scoop out meat from center. Fry the brush with butter, then cut in fifths. (Doimathakia or Yaprakia) sew on buttons and making a cake. cut Into pieces lengthwise eggplants in to-inch-thick onions in butter, add the pulp of the Lay 1 heaping tablespoon spinach 1 medium onion, chopped 1 head cabbage Chef Larry Janes tells slices. Sprinkle with flour and saute eggplant and then the meat Season mixture. Place finished triangle on 2 caps oacooked rice Now retired from Michigan Bell, 3 tablespoons cornstarch, 1 red onion in olive oil or butter to a golden and mix well together, cooking for cookie sheet brush with butter and 4 caps onions, chopped Miller worked as a telephone opera- mixed with 3 tablespoons y/» cup sugar brown color. Add to the already about 10 minutes. Stuff the eggplant bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. 1 cap vegetable oil tor for SO years. In addition to work- cold water 1 cup oil how to make sausage cswpoeooBlokulne tdst eocrfh ao pb pbreeadakdi ncmgreu..am.tdbi ssthhe' wan e2dll t am abnilxed - smWahnoehdldi'll esme rwtiahltikeethy o t tvaohergenee mt bhfiaeoxrkrtiun a ragebn,o da ubnted aa ttbdod auk phe ot ebiungerg .a MdinocaOuhkgp ephtsai, on5bn0r aua plns:i hdeOicn rep,gsl. a uecsaeech 5 a .w la i1tyh0e-r tcsol- aobrfyi -ff1ile5lod- 2111 tjtlaeeabmra lsgoeprsnoap,opo jaeou n silcaseel ats voufeg sa r ianandlegswoo ap bantoedrd nrf. aobisastbieniregs hpea urrn ectnhilti,ld tr hteaenky,i nsg hwee w rinea s S111 a bctlaatu bypaln elwdesaa ppft oeeorp,np o esprut gitooanr taal ste 2'%1A tc tatuaabpbbl lleveesissnpppeooogoooannnrs d ssaruyltg amr ustard Notes grated cheese. Season to taste. Re- butter. Place spinach filling in cen- to capralsias V* tablespoon black pepper BuSdCesAe. PLJaUagrNrey-S I TJBaY. nLesE'D cAolNumDnOU TILasLteE ssbremmeafoodokkyreee td ofe oAa ertnia ndtagto M.u lHiaelkloaetes ts ssm h51oo2 pukol edhudon b usderass.u . cso Caogokeled di-s shseppgarlrgfie pnoalkfda l enehgt aw gslflipti hlcoaefn sbt .g rsrelo aiAucddencsddr ui nlm a rtmbehmseb. ad i oiPnsnhlian atcghne e d mePSaelocarvhvce eeo eaungten gdop enwlrcaient. h btsr o ftihrloeemr c o huveneetnisl ean b dsra ocuwocvnee.. r tdlteeaorryu .ae gBnrhsda eokdfe g s fIeipnlsor e,a aa en3dad5c0 h c edo vbevergenurrsley hew.e diot vh Owe nv4ite h fmro lrbaoup r3 te5- rtoin Rcsaeep ma npodlvge nd gorrlaiaianp ea nw tlsee lal.ve Psla fcreom 1 jtaera,*-: bRgareonTsduEep aNJ ritm chYhaE t LgA oirfatRei Ssine svIAno Gmclv.O.oen,d e a syihne fv Lo oarelnuu dcnkate nehmeucrsei a-r sine rtMohleiex oaalvnle dtnh ec ao tion 2kg5r 0etidg idheetnlgytsre cienos va ef coraresd 5- oshnSrioelncic etthh tiehnmely c Toaorb.ssb iafg w eyioth uan vdpsre ftcheuerp, eggplant and chopped meat paste al- to 40 minutes. spoon rice mixture on each leaf and research at Children's Hospital in hours. sugar 2 tablespoons minced gviic SMOKED BRATWURST ternatively. Pour well baa ten eggs roll sealing edges well. Lay in S>-by-_ Detroit This group holds four major Mix the remaining ingredients 22121 tttttaeaaepbabbaeslsllereepp sssoopppooooonnooos nnnr cess dfa Kpry epaeosepnshprhni peegk erarr o s uafllntad k besl ack pep- 2p21V* o tti rea pkpabo oslbuepuunsnodtptdo o psaaosonn rdmpk ocVi brnokiaca cper kbdose au fglnnayad,t r lbgoiecrroe fu2 ncd hpuo cmuknu dss- owmfbonriiro ttx hwaot pbgunorr. eaau tntaednd tdo sc phb hreaeoekausedre ia enonvrd emn ublenyrdet.iialu dSm pg cro riolnudvkmeelnneb 6tt1oo s c cpcaaoappTlu lcn RiooedIlnl iAebsvr,Nuey ct ,Goth eicoLlrh pEop pSepdPe I(dNs oAmCeH o fP gIEre en) 11to pd gooazulenlnodn eCf gimUlg(oiGsS l kTa lAaRtoDb oPaAreSkToR) Y cswhh1puoo3irp-tuuihpsrrn a ,,fwk noltloo aieslwtti .aewd elreBir, t lah btt kotoyo e1 s c ahi utt3doep 5eu4a0 r0sivsnp0e .do g 2d eoWe engLtgrah aserbyeaeenleeselrts s co. f cofiAolooor rdvkad ene t1o rdd| / • fthhthhoianeansMdit drb ih -telehralefaeevnfrieos wrcer abrtraiessessa eea tnm dito.h o syneoreel a dodr fr ,ttiho vta w ianrnnoagdi $s c e1f oot ofh rmukrcnobeiludol sgoiboh kean s-s C2V3 fOclre ucdRvupeeNpsrl BfctleoRoaruEnsrA mpDoeo ani s baking pow- atbtahhntaeoedg nr be b om rLiilineixngt gw it etmh lsleie mxCtt htuoi rltrloe 5io na vm te bhrioen ti uhlrete efPsr coi gaauenbrr d-- h%k tteeaassppoooonn mdraiecde thyme tteaardsp soeoend freshly grated aatmeg INDIVIDUEAGLG SPLTAUNFTFSE D areIn i raid seksiclelentt. saute until vegetables 11 cpuopun cdr ebaumtt eorf wheat farina squeeze Juice of lemon over all. wchealsl.i nIfg tyhoeu agrreou ipn'ster emstoesdt irnec peunrt - 32V tei atgebgalsse pspooono nssal st,u gopart ional 1 large OpRacAkNaGgeE oJEraLnLg-eO J ell-O 2S1 ttpaeobaulsenpsdopsoo npo oncrsuk rs ibunuggta tsr, a flatst (aonpdt iloenaaal) sep- 111 ttteaepabaesslpeppspoopeooonaro ndgrr ioceaodna dsrsa megleya c eg round black Pastry chef gives recipe for Lemon Bars cMsoeliollksle bfroo aortk |,6 5"3 Sa2hn-da3r0i a6nl4gs.o R Teiscbie apve csaoi lIoaIk,b"bleo co aaklt l Ann Miller of Redford shows her WinneJrIM D JAinGnDeFrtL Dto/st agtlr pahnodtocghraiplh-er %1V c»m ucpiul kpo iml ilk, regular or butter- 11 csmuupnad lvli alcunatinelld af r ioczee cnr eoarman ge juice, arated, cut Into chunks Floyd's Flower Shop and de Ros Del- dren, Jamie Rachoza, 5, (left) and Scott Fryer, 5. 1 can mandarin oranges, % cap cold water 1 tabiespooa Kosher salt icacies, both on Five Mile Road in Combine the cornmeai. flour, drained. 11-ounce size WttrbtgsfmmbihhitaooeoteeeeyitMwwrtnpde aaemasea. lttldipt)t,slx eeh haH, iGaw c ecnotaaod-uehrdgilndvitieor ndhm n iec mntntcd rah grheghgKn iseuetaax iihb -wt rngst feiclua gniha ie otarltcsftchalten a,h dsct. dt (toh W hsiiwCbgnn aetbtleeoalh ha l attvatseoa,dh eeumsdre er rbko gs.erfe oip u.a aa apGaiwrigtnnn tpcMhd rdl eae . iglaisdniny n xrk rddSilt ne onaweat fethtordpnhrihag ipadeti2esdehe---r 2M*M tt'e ie eIcsgotKbldanaoyeurpliscsn .aeiupMcpt hpnSensmio odooo awditplxo u dondn helaa nnf atiavaafltshnllgtene e eg icsr sdc rnt.s cumuyub t amrAoisgteronsihqiadn ie knmiurindg neg anaegg et g tesss dblz ar afea iteeltlhuartdh t tsemwgtsirb ee oi a( eafnbuo t nsotemybgpsadgrhootu,i iu ws xo csaam antalalinulngsaod irlt ea oVne)et sn thtgn«. hdh etd-seo - , wSC5Bdtt8FBhr,c'1uloi ooaeTaholM5rildei tsoo0h e tutbsio' oemvisn (tevctr lu peeFehfstrkb ioa'nee of eetr1ptetsrxhtlerr,3o. o ap 1T ste ma cnhna rictniHhn)ench t4 c0ed afik2roa5loo4fee-elnos 71nrsne Htdlo.ms-ssl' sf0oae ep$a 7durac.ma2te m1nuQrni0e1e odtda 0u .ictnstS vra$r oued de(1P bpneCacr 2Laaedosat5riesnsnallanl iteye gn(gtGrr,fflayb tareBnasri ,c lheoMeDa t nDootof etiadorkdrynensyr ))e- ., 8M6111ttttoooo tectt oaFctoacqgaaababoag pabstplpria a esle ys e drbesnlswot spoelptl epoamoughkosotpgoesaopoe orhpanarno nvsi on y—l jnebcga maa:c i g kckrgoeeeeirn lna eafg maztli oes pnesa ot r aw ndde fr lour one fsvtssWaadRelhuanneooemvehddgrFuufyeei agoprbbrnt nrh.rli eage, wig mDgfkraa le1iiaethionlitrnmtthlxdaui g ein ontt rnb deba gnboep.r ba.taooo nl kt—vjwPwe hdueoesonosdivrp curBneteo oeorraaireougn nm aon gaahdodtvlnhtv x .edg tlp efc.oyroorro ,gllee rodSee -g lpmetsbpg hrn imaraoef eemktt n-robaeb uid rrf aexo ozsltkgtosweo oouegesmundn .srtar ,e ., scCjotetppWltgyiuehtlrvleleoar ei aeehaaersc micncaaerdaknueetm nn db.t,flgdre d eoiWiizeoa cnn stl3egrguo dse hg smge b 3 i itbeilashl,l 5n iaelomei ox a0nst dw s iu teaoi-bniwuixldrrs nfo hsgtsetsh i ueaw oatga li poasneraprlnrherevtirdvepdinai ee yra i lwkhul nden se w oan.gthde ass ic vt,tisshnPlirll etl d iepuce iynpba lt eo as olssr osa mummel emi twtkkwdntiof.o.brseieltrh,or,xii.d i l Siniag tRt, nplh euppec Wegpe slrrsrml lfieaawe teahonuricnaota iifwganedidp-enfrn,- i . - -. , RnsciiMtgtrBnnhiteoioecencgisirMo.dnwlgnlu -dluSfgt el,i mobadh ltsrralssr,ree eees f.detosyc rini a ninelwTausdpotgdeo,ee v s flpncwloeerl rootsrccoon ohaal-otmsed fsaentohuotdu gk isdstc epiltsh e en.gaatke lswghkei rJcti ce edseti soo aoceliolnnilu -whkpibdvsOceebeoe ir rosoael etvo fu kmhcd oeksr'ieserd,e,iprns feeaau sdr wbsdinpeenedi iresofenbthu o.ff-ila --f tre g stsSibDspYhoteuepogaeirorSCcine r mvnucLchtcnogriiieepife tncn af svisr egagalzcs eo e lW em rooOtlswnanheolriliitlgicia ylnuestpytah mnclerena tedosCnc apoitryjzsojiriieoooc val tcTw uuyntihat itrmshpsniestaos..adlr nnn lm Aon,g sak giw naats ashranrnne a d atyaydehm te c okMe mn soeu h' csinicmeen ol aodfll mmgnmWnepome,tdrsrbaiu,im nevi n nwsssru uonifueeit oenrn pyotdsarrhi-- f - atoshceuDaDyirofamndk iimySmy Eennnaooruea pnn4oeuu rbrted8errhho mrl r0i enfi.e 1ovW if Pn2rt e wfe w poyil e isnirOprenoteo htnkuAwu ps a'beBsrl,ehglrlr ro ieee tctrx rhyn oa eweaesentc,lu iirloi3on bpg i f 5nnw tlmeyt.u0eo so ir3c, asr yik,tsndn htiydsoo e r B n eW rt Wsice apor tiebclhumneii giibvnbnsipnlenee init csgsr-sce oeh -ounrn-l t--s r oitbM4onhva2geik5ex on pi tndiw aolageng n gtpeod rwtoe h waileteehs drtsne k aitHrithn,l leedge as teot ata ilo ldth r tdoi h fnapte .n taihdtr n Aeo i v ndsP eecdtulonoga o catt hekrtho e -e s htmjheuoroitD c Alwedi ds aaasdtn oneddlrv t be hcoA hetrhdialed lni cug aeJ neVets ilcjlir - secP0eaubot pm uin r,c o 2o liydrn act onuwgpa esa- foods gently until the mixture is absorbed and tie into 5-to-0-lnch links. If Following is a recipe provided by 18-by- 12-inch sheet. In electric Mousse topping — Measure water mousse over filling and cut into de-; and the spices well blended. Stuff tbe you chooae to cold smoke, air-dry Chef Eric Beerge of the pastry den. mixer cream butter and sugar until and gelatin. Keeping in separate sired portion. - mixture into wide casings. the links overnight in a cool loca- smooth, on low speed gradually add containers gelatin should be in small tion. Cold smoke for 12-24 hours. LEMON BARS If hot smoking, dry the sausages fsIcwTcfomo hyrooa haol2kt up e wrlhr- apecocrioru eedofrifisktde e )iori nn vb sdc e raoayrl nad c mctiohog svekohmelt rAao eelkn dotidhncnr oaebgnyutyaii orl( b nlte heci c oasiunlnd edI a.s Bdtw$masCDua1inroeidogr9dRlanoe len* tte ikC shsks5toci h ino,eifiKc1snpsgu e)a19e e"npfnl59s trltb r50y oo f1ayyAr)z .lo dm ae s(mwenon KeB :ger F n Mrbiireocluneekaapcatev ne fehk"sroHr.oee r An PsstfRoT:air ute dshli3bgmege l iltiepo losess rnoSLhkamaaaueiuent lrunpda esks~dnea,sd (d srg,w.a e -e2s €DFS5411to iceetotp locogaaloaia cgY pngaccphssnkgaia, esd :p llp bleeas sdaemmg ncoapaoosataornnea ekwa e I zjld ugtefeei-sldrcbot eebyad r-a 1tst2ue-gri narc h sheet FSOEEOvEeDr yT 'SMAo ISnNdTaE yB InL B OTUAOSDTSME - m** stdeKTHptohhneao iooeA"ltfmrdsiymuoMecP d lomhniecd ldooo—t ae esCbuwmn rl te"s,toh m h , tw oB"( aopaiykB thnstar id aeaobMtniosyrpn sigwoee a at j"sdaf diu rMfnotueme shrarectean.w e astrdat dh thmh n$hHba ,ed1 saiost iem3n.nrto a .riukD9 amlaa t5tlo ianrlhs)agwiddyhlt hdicno t aoyhB w sDue i asasflsf adTrubwf vpearyoroaiesaenrdo hynsrt&d ' - stattmsbtseahernwhaealiaedTasvneectm kihosheesche e;ts sa ti M ps; henfnrr ;ureaelg edatvudnr molcneediip thnespnras p,egsifiea loicni rpdn anoit dprgfnpecdeoe descelanrr u;rhspS dv n rab p oieetieuan ouqfagtpckghruree aee elteteyrdhe yastaa ;e bhb tt g eliae ao deo asbib orsevnetoy;dved,ao sreNrsks ;silt tn,oooeh o sa-ntcperoy Tcoemeaukonn d gapo-s--- e ,sf aahatttgoionbneuo dddT"llpinped dW u hnt 'ge'lhpreo e Elteeyaaoorren n rsdesRsed salafT Eenpa oytrhssturAres,.yel cLltb ho baaL bcoarnrbooYtduedyoo.ta kk takf whw ofe eafooahnoindnsradottet sedo d i ra t dwbih npen aiedeattrsyahrei coc "p whadnsap uaenm rpsoeecuaodte t ifgnaetroooeild-n- r twftusohaohoa pea tieoybRsd"eto h.dsed Edd ea, a, ii dc vwunae nwbilesddtfipe,ahertod rehybreh ri tny ounpmhfswg narie i aniittgd ne httg yeeihfsne lsoorohhaedun oeo tblio r durydesrf e l'e,roeesafd"ca neclrf i e ribmsepn cpt aeteecuthsehyto ts aeia .sira"lnts n iu wnM ttd p mrideaeooa aasnr ndr rpsetmt tauoyoiih lncdocr,sa"esse eut vidhe v lbsairaeet hllt.irr-yls en - atotpaarfohoiblrrled eeaeoWosn "i idduumfrnMchslt aciep a oancuf—o rvtowigegi osohsos htiftts dratheupthf veswaCrau eerst aslh.Ti i,tnti o i anheRttdl nwhddc e akaetdor nohnclieilededh noeKa sia"ro n,l m*fni"fCdd mu ld roi h slkpek,muia nieet ntydbhe,hresis selsfts' oieeobDirsn- oa fa sl a sfdae3ivcloezsva-rido edyiroe d,tn,xteri h eiacopae t—daranlxee-tl l - - oncdtteMthhefoeal eaaewsaot" teercYrkch s rthioifi fhsOeaoeco.a nrhLocyk, dd ouoi wCn,afu tt gthArbh ee coe geNrpo ei ar corotoodh krf d cdpatci ienesaorhs nsgargtisehlcu, d npetc iretrtsrlhesreea n,eifsssuy se fstn'einoihlnsclote vss sdb ohfb, e o'flao"evor fplbeoi e dsedeCtsaotvht ydeAiieinns--sr baby foods and keep growing chil- LAOn*. Pynaulh. Carton I GartMr CM dren interested in healthful eating. n a me brands •i • • • m m m iVAMJABLE COUPON Everyday G o o d n e ss From.. The 308-page book, complete with Bring in recipes and an extensive teit on chil- Another thrift store has come to this ad and dren and nutrition, is an outgrowth our attention since the April 8 arti- Mon.-Wed. of the Kimmels' own experience BOB'S OF CANTON receive cle in Taste about bargain bakeries. 10-7 . Mori .-Sat. 9-8 with their two daughters and their 3- Lynn Millar has been operating 50* off Thurs.-Fri. 4 2 1 - 0 7 10 year-old enterprise. Mommy Made Lynn's Budget Bakery in Livonia for your order 10-7 April 28-May 5. 1991 31210 West Warren • Westland and Daddy Too!, which they describe nin» years. Her old location was at Sat. 10-6 Merri-Warren Shopping-Center as the country's first freshly pre- Seven Mile and Inkster roads, and OR pared baby and toddler food busi- tbe store is now on Middlebelt Road, 10% Off Seniors. Celebrating 31 Years ness 8611 Lilley Road (at Joy Road) • Across From Mettetal Airport Hours: aMcarortsisn fPrloamxa. the Livonia Mall, in One coupon Service Your Local Fresh MEAT, DELI, Prices Effective 0111 MoSnu n-S. 1at0.- 69 -8 "AS PARENTS, we develop chil- April 29 thru May 5. 1991 Call us for your special needs... 4 54 Tbe store carries many brands in- per person per visit. SEAFOOD, FRUIT & VEGETABLE STORE COUSIN JACK PASTIES dren's palates. We train them," says cluding Schaefer, Buttermaid, Martha Kimmel, an early childhood U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Rosen's and Sunmaid. All are at 50 We don't claim to be the best LTS.D.A. Grade A development specialist and teacher pareer c5e0nt poeffrc aenndt mofof.re .T hSean sdteorrse c aalkseos We'd rather let our customert be the judge. POU.RS.TD.EA.R WHe sOt eUrn S GEra oinr F Ted-B BOeef NE "The earlier you introduce them BONELESS BONELESS Ho'V CG°r3doa;i°n caandrr aies l Paregpepe raisdsgoert mFaernmt , o fNa fbriesscho O c a ** *p€Utu S6&& STEAK $4 , 49 ttoa stthee o sfm ferellssh, tfhoeo dto,u tchher tshoeon feerel t haenyd FRYER BREASTS STEAK SALE a"d parties' Sanders cakes, toppings and candies make the appreciation and the asso- DELUXE PARTY TRAYS at discount prices. ciation that this is the way they want s Sliced Free • Whole Beef $ to eat." 2.39 5.99 lb. The Kimmels bagan preparing Limit b TENDERLOINS lb 5b rmeeada tgs.a r2n icshheeess easn d OQ U.S.DA Western Grain Fed Beef U.S.0JL Western Grain Fed Beef Bob's Deli Special fthreesirh fbiarsbty d faouogdht weri.th T etdhedi, b iinrth Ju olyf 10 lbs. N.Y. STRIP Of RIB EYE salad per person B O N E L E SS B O N E L E SS H o n ey C u r ed 1»8« David recalled in a recent in- Lesser Amounts. $2.69 lb. <4.29 M9.99 FAMILY STEAK LONDON BROIL HAM terview that when they fed Teddi a U.S.D.A. Choice Beef (Deimonico) STEAKS Ib. VEGGIE TRAYS trom jar of blueberry-pear puree at a Pal Grocery Line • Frafa Mats • Product • DrU • Be*r a Wtoe • Locto $ 2 . 69 $3 . 49 $3 . 39 wLaemrea szoe ailmupmrneiss pedar ttyh,ey th epierrs guuaedsetds RIB C L UB £ Lesser Amounts '4.59 Ib. ShFriinmgpe rT Sraaynsdw i•ch Fr uTirta Tysra ys Orts SITN.-TW*. 9 A.M.-10 ML. F*J ft SAT. 9 AJL-11 P.M. Martha to put together and teach a TENDERLOIN . . lb. lb. S T E A KS O . Z 5* fl 4S HOUR NOTICE. PLEASE! LOCATED AT 8177 SHELDON HD..JUST S. OP JOY • CANTON • 499-7751 course on babies and food. Lesser Amounts . $3.59 lb FILLETS 7 . 49 ib U.S.DA Western Grain Fed Beef U.S.DA Western Grain Fed Beef Bob's Own Storemade /if?* on First taught out of the Kimmels' Hamburger Made From Fresh " T.A.V ' Old Fashion ft COKE New York Strip BONELESS • Rotissiere Style BONELESS F r e sh Italian bWroeswt nSsi dteo nien o tnhe M suamnhmaettra nof's 1 HU7p,p tehre G R O U ND 1.59 Lesser Amounts *7.79 Ib. VIRGINA RUMP ROAST FLANK STEAK TURKEY SAUSAGE class is currently offered at The Western Style . 1.99 f i l t er 8 patk bottles New School for Social Research in R O U ND I ib n HAM lb. M . 8 9 c a, 3 . 99 2 . 39 fg}s3.99. $1 . 49 Manhattan Tbe Kimmels, who now 5-10 lb. Family Pac - Limit 10 lbs CHUCK STEAKS 1 . 19 ib j i + D e p. lb. cliovuer isne o Butrloionekl yton, h eulsped sf^ tahcetu rbeas tihce U.S.D.A Grade A Country Style Lesser Amounts '1.99 lb. Lipari Winters Honey Cured imperial TRABSeHst B Buy AGS CHG$Ir CadKe AE FNre sBh R• EWAhoSle T B A BAYmi sSh SWtyleI SS RBegobu lsa rB, Eesxttr Ba eGvoelrdag oer BLuigyn t btthcoeao• ckbWh o/ie on kwg.e "br esya yr teshael lDy apV epWaeAe.kee de xw pteola iwwneinnrtege SRPI BAS RE $ <| G Y ^^ Ib. ToSpIRL OLoINin S TEAKS lb. '3.39 MoCrHO MEZEUZSAEENR SETLELAR $ 1.88l b Lesser Amounts.. $1.77 Ib. Lesser Amounts '3.69 Ib. 1 . 29 that new parents craw* Information Homestyle" Creamy or Italian • 2 . 79 lb. 10 ct. lb. 2 . 59 on bow to prepare foods and what U.S.D.A. Grade A "Bob s Favorite Bacon- Sugar Cured Sow As LWimho«* 1*0 B lbtms s* Only lb. 5 . 99 dfoifofdesr aernet sbteasgte sf or theto«Wbies at the HOMEMADE POLISH LAYER $ COLE _ Monterey Jack C H I C K EN CATP9 OLivOesD ' Grade A Fresh • Western Style Sugar Sweet pa"rWenets w caonutledd utose cr feoarte t hae b oroekst th oaft or ITALIAN SAUSAGE $ 1.66 BACON.... , , A 5"BM 7 0 LH SLAW... * lb Whole... 6 5* Pork California their live*." Lesser Amounts $1 99 lb Lesser Amounts '1.79 lb. lb. lb. Cut... T O* lb. 5 /M . OO SPARE RIBS STRAWBERRIES a gDraAdVuIaDte D oRfE tWhe o Cnu hliinsa eryxp Ienrstitsiteu taes \ HighWeset aQpueacliltyal Bi-ereef •In P oOulvtreyr • t Lhaam-bC •o Voenatla •r A Smaiarhv Clchei cken WFoeo Adc Scteapmt ps & of America, developer of recipes for $ 9 9* Time-Life books and president of -We Pride Oureetvea to Special Cu* and no WatUng' GALLO WIN! 1 . 39 Caraway Associates, a Manhattan- Bod Miller. LaBlatts. Coors I 3 liter lb. based food consulting firm. M 24 Pack LOOS* Cam • 1 3 . 99 Full Quart Jo fill the information gap. the I Khnmets have devoted the first W It • 1 1 . 79 * 6 . 99 100S. ..$14.29 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMIT QUANTITIES pages of the book to basic informs •• + TAX • DfP I UMTT 1 ALL SALES ITEMS AVAILABLE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST uea, including introducing babies to WITH COUPON food; Information on nutrition and T m r T TT i r i~ m i T food allergies and their detection. WE M A KE KEYS • WE FAX • M O N EY O R D E RS r" f .. • Brunch dish pairs Mood*, Apr* 29, 1—1 Q4tE a. 48* 29. 1»1 A visit to California wine country tuna, asparagus community calendar Learning about at the source Trying to get the gang together or brocco- MONDAY TOUGH LOVE: A parent support High School. For more information, is 10 a.m. today at Canton Township will be at 7:30 pjn. at the new facul- -Y" VOLUNTEERS: The Plym- makes an impression that is hard to WINE SELECTIONS focus on wine but having trouble juggling ached- • li.) Drain, set aside. group meets Mondays at 7 p.m. call Kristin Blackwell, 551-4110. Administration Building. League is ty building, (old Friandly's Restau- outh YMCA seeks volunteers. 453- forget. With the prohibitive cost of OF THE WEEK ules? Invite everyone for a weekend In a large skillet cook turkey, Faith Community Church, 45001 set to begin May 7 at Fellows Creek rant) Plymouth Township Hall The 2904 European travel, a California wine- brunch, since mornings often aren't onion and pepper until vegetables BLOODMOBILE: Blood may be Warren Road, Canton. 081-5957. HEALTH-O-RAMA: Free health Golf Course. 397-5110. meeting is open to the public. Appli- country trip may be a sensible travel 1989 VUla Mt. Eden Cbenin Eleanor and so planned. You won't have to wake are just tender and turkey is no long- given at St Michael Lutheran screening Is available today for any- cations for Festival are due by May FOOD DISTRIBUTION: alternative. Blue, Napa Valley (|8.50) is one up at dawn because you assemble er pink. Remove from heat; drain. Cbuixh. 7000 N. Sheldon Road In KARATE; Classes meet 7:30 p.m. one 15 years of age or older, 10 ajn. MEETING: The Toast masters 31 397-3173 or 450-2577. Focus: HOPE provides food to eligi- Flying to either San Francisco or of the best made in California. It j| Ray Heald this dish the evening before and chill Setaaide. Canton, 2-8 p.m. Call Shirley Smith Mondays and Thursdays. Call Canton to 5 p.m. at Starkweather Communi- Club meets 5: 30 p.m Tuesdays at ble Canton senior dtiaens at the Can- Oakland will put you within an is meant to be enjoyed when it is It overnight. In the morning, white • 4 at 459-U33 - Parks and Recreation at 397-SUO. ty Education Center, 550 N. Hoi- Denny's Restaurant, 39550 E Ann ATTENTION DEFICIT Plymouth too Recreation Center. Call 397 hour's drive of Napa Valley. Napa is young, fresh and fruity. This wine breakfast is baking, heat up some In a large mixing bowl beat eggs. brook in Plymouth. Senior citizens in Arbor Road in Plymouth. 451-1341 psychologist and Canton pediatri- 1000, Ext. 278 beautiful almost any time of the is an excellent sapper built in a purchased rolls, cut up some fruit Add milk, flour, Parmesan cheese, STORYTIME Preschool and tod- the city and township of Plymouth or 455-1910 cians are anr«g area professionals year, but it is becoming a busier style to accompany food. It and put ot> the coffee. lemon pepper, salt and tarragon; dler program* wjll begin in May at TUESDAY may arrange, 24 hours in advance, that will discuss this disorder. 7-9 SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS: — place to visit. Traveling in off-sea- boasts wonderful aromas of breath of fresh air and enjoy lunch sions — for harvesting grapes that beat until smooth with a rotary beat- the Plymouth District Library. Reg- for transportation with Senior Van p.m.. Advance registration required. Morning School in Plymouth Town- son is best, but not everyone can peach, fig and honeydew melon, with a chilled bottle of VUla Mt have reached the peak of perfection TURKE^XSPARACtJS er. (Or, combine eggs, milk, flour, istration ii the last week of April. Service at 450-5588 WEDNESDAY 349-3145. ship is seeking retirees, college stu- plan his or her time that well. with smooth, round fruit flavors Eden Cbenin Blanc ($8.50) at the pic- — are based on taste. "I never loae J BRUNCH BAKE Parmesan cheese, lemon pepper, For registration times, call 453- SUPPORT: A teen support group dent! and parents 420-3331. In addition to more tourists each and a touch of vanilla. nic tables right next to the vine- sight of the gustatory pleasures of salt and tarragon in a blender con- 0750. meets at 3 p.m at Plymouth Salem SENIORS GOLF: League meeting FALL FESTIVAL: Board meeting year, Napa Valley features bed and 1985 Conn Creek Ziafandel, yards. Other Villa Mt. Eden wines Booth confesses "I taste for a 1 pound fresh asparagus, or one It- tainer; cover and blend for 20 sec- SMOKE DETECTORS Free de- breakfasts, hot air balloons, gourmet Napa Valley (f 12) highlights cher- available locally include the 1985 and make it a part of every ounce package frosen cut asparagus, onds.) THURSDAY tectors, with installation, are offered restaurants, a wine train and nearly ry, spice and anise aromas with a Cabernet Sauvignon ($15), 1989 , of my winemaking '' or one 10-ounce package frosen cut from Colonial Kiwanis of Plymouth. 200 wineries. All this is packed into a supple, approachable mouthfeel, Chardonnay (f 14) and 1988 (red) Zin- broccoli Spray bottom and sides of a 13-by- Call Plymouth Fire Department, valley that is only 30 miles long and in a style that is ready to enjoy. fandel ($11.75). / Coon Creek's wines are made to 1 pound ground raw turkey 9-by-2-inch baking dish with non- PLUS PRESCHOOL Registration Chief A1 Matthews, 453-1234, or five miles wide. 1985 Conn Creek Barrel Select enjoy with food, and Booth's taste 1 cup chopped onion stick spray coating. Arrange meat obituaries continues for 4-year-olds living in Plymouth Fire Department, Chief If you would like to take a trip Cabernet Saavignon, Napa Valley After lunch, take a drive north on for the piquant and spicy is obvious Vi cup chopped red or green sweet mixture in dish; top with cooked cut tthnee aarreeaass oofi Etnriuksssoonn,, rFsanrr«ainud,, - ,,, back in time and get a peek at what ($18) is blended with small the Silverado Trail to Conn Creek in his wines. At six years of age the pepper asparagus and cover and chill. Cover Field, Gallimore and Hoben Elemen ^^ Groth- 453 38 life used to be like in this old farm- amounts of merlot and cabernet Winery. Tbe Silverado Trail runs die was cast for Booth when he 8eggs and chill egg mixture separately. FLOSSIE M. GOWAN Wayne. She is formerly of Westland. Parish Council, member of the Men's ADELAIDE G. JOHNSON tary Schools. Orientation session will ADULT CARE; Foster care is ing community, we suggest a visit to franc. It features broad flavors, along tbe foothills of the Atlas Moun- joined his father on a 30,000-mile cu- 2 cups milk To bake, stir egg mixture well and Mrs. Rousse is survived by her Club and an usher for SO years at St be in June at Central Middle School needed for adults with mental retar- Villa Mt Eden winery. Established good fruit and balanced oak. tains on the east side of Napa Valley, linary adventure through Mexico. 1 cup all-purpose floor pour over turkey mixture. Bake, un- Services for Flossie M. Go wan, 78, husband, Richard G. Rousse of Can- Vincent dePaul. He retired in 1M7 Services for Adelaide G. Johnson, 451-4656 dation Call 332-4410 in Oakland in 1881, Villa Mt Eden is Napa Val- Winemaker Jeff Booth says it has parallel to Highway 29, Napa's The elder Booth, with a passion for •A cup grated Parmesan cheese covered, in a 425-degree oven about of Sarasota. Fla., were Thursday. ton Township; one daughter. Gail after working 40 years as supervisor 78, of Canton were April 22 at R.G St County or 455-M80 in Wayne County. ley's 11th bonded winery and still the aromas of tobacco-leaf, mint crowded main artery. The traffic is food, wine and ideas, was creating 1 teaspoon lemon pepper 30 minutes or until a knife inserted April 25, at Lambert-Verroeulen Stuck of Farwell; one son, Greg in the service department of Daisy G.R Harris Funeral Home in Gar- MENS SOFTBALL Canton Parks panroInTdu uaISclleys O. oFnFly t1h6e,0 0h0ig hcawsaeys, o afl mwoinset canryhne-dotsc ct asoashrls,oaiwtse ec. nihAndaltilrena ngCcsote enw,rn ie ti hxnCtr r aeaae csk ttnye oCdlteea bbthe eorarf--t lacirrgeoCh wsto mdnbnsea. c lClaru easenekd m Wdooins tnero yotf ci sath taeetr t wthoein lejaurringecse- ctafhoauerrt hehfoeeisrun nItsniodcna tM thJieeeofxn pfi.cl efaoanrsu c rAoeomsk eobrfoi tcohkae's ap nafdilras tate NI1t o ctnuteep-aasstspi pscoohkoo rnseapd sdrdaareylitde dco tSsawtririnasgsg o nc,h eceruseshe (d4 nwwloeiinttahhgr ecrtrehh esoeere cr suveenen;dtt ibelra m skceteoel maftoemerdse. 3d oIf ut ot da ces5lspe iamrareniadn g,Tuu ttosoep sp Tiianr CWuMsaretds s1.it 0lGll0aaonc Fwd .Mua nneemr waolar siHalo bm Goera.nr dB eMunrasi.yal W w2e8as,s t RdFvrilolealunte s;,R s tFeohl corakef.,e Ca Dbnardonontot hR nPe,ierc csth.hhai rnrBedei lol fPg Pe rJeacacnhchdiknicnsho i onolf--f MGKeaaMyrna rKul.df iKa nKcginitngu ogrf iins RJg rs o.Cug oroevfmris vp,Rea idAnvy erb.r ty,si dhoeins,e wN sioJf^ne ,, dm1e9on1Mr 2Cir aisinlt JyG o.Sah pBrnrdusienroinngaswl iewwnll aaWsss, e a Msbttoi lCcranhan.dd iJSlulhaleyc d M2ie1ed,- aonpdeS nREienLcgFrs e HianEt iiLotsnP :le Sa egFruavemi,c icelsaiell sh Sasf A7 -an5o1 fn1ey0w-. auMnsdaeC.i oOnD,n MuePnl PIynBUminMTogEu- aHtRrheoS-u: aC gFvhaoallu iLl r4ai5bb A3rlea-p0r pf7yol,5er0 2.p 2Iu3lebl Si ca. hidden from view, at the end of a can be enjoyed when first re- tion of the Silverado Trail and Conn ——i) spears. Serve immediately. Makes 1914 In Island, Ky. She died April 21 Venice, Fla.;*two sisters, Shirley two daughters, Mary Dale of Moun- April 19 in Hope Convalescent Cen- mous meets Thursdays, 8 p.m. St curving gravel drive that takes you leased or aged for 10 years or Creek Road (Highway 128). Conn Creek wines available in 10 servings. lo Sarasota, Fla. She lived in Garden McGill of Manhattan, Kan. and tain View, Calif, and Anne King of ter. She was a homemaker and for- John Neumann Church, 44600 War- WALKING: Group walks are at 10 back 20 years. Tbe cluster of small, more. • Winemaker Jeff Booth has a fascina- Michigan include 1987 Sauvignon To cook fresh asparagus, wash and City from 1942-1989 and -z*s a Deanna Henry of Junction City, 'New York, N.Y.; one brother, Melvin merly lived in Dearborn and Alma. ren, Canton 453-2811. a.m. Monday through Friday at SL white, frame buildings, complete tion for scientific study and the tech- Blanc ($12), 1987 Chardonnay scrape off scales. Break off woody Nutrition information per serving: homemaker. Kan., parents, William C. Pechin and King of Plymouth; three sisters, Mrs. Johnson is survived by five John Neumann Church parking lot, owinf ight hie sxotilodsrty ewd aan thdeer rae t or lewomengrisn, db eoerff fotehrrea ta i nfsaderonmoser- tohneene rG ieno rNgaep aYo Vuanlt.le ay 'svi teicaurllytu yraela rpsi,- nhCiirmceae lik ma wdpvirnaoenvsec. em theent sq uthalaitt yha voef h Ceolpnned (Sf$aa1nu4dv.e5ilg0 n()$,o 11n29 ()8$.5 1W 8B)ea raarrneedl p S1ae9rl8te5icctu (Clraeardbly eZ riinmne--t bssiearrsevedes. awC uhfetew rree s msppaeeianarsirsn fg osr na asgppaar enraaissgihul,ys .if iR ndteeo-- 2f1a66t3 )g ,c 1ca1al.r gb ( .f3,a8 1t p2ge8 d8rice emtnagtry ccb afoilblo.e,rri 2,e3s 4 g0 f3 rpo rmmog. , ssoixnM .g Srrsat.an Gndlocewhyial Cnd.re iGnso wasnuadrnv ioovfne edPl bybrmyoot huoetnhre., HanadTz beslee vPReeercvahl iNn nei eoilcfe JDsu .an nCcdtoi wonnelip nChgei,tw yo,sf. KKairnk. EeGnlo aOtitnesesc thMearallkell oi ofon fP loCyfma Wnotiuolntlhis. , a nMdic Nh.o,r Hmeal - sAAordntashm,u Sr Ja Bomhounreeslo n1 J1oa oohffn s DMoneoarr ebonfocri n,C,h M ePlisecethae.,r. FRIDAY 46 43800 0p .Wm.a Trrheunr sRdoaayd. C inal lC 4a5n5t-o9n0.4 A2. lso plumbing. after California gained statehood. pressed with the big, rich, spicy red 1 Vi-inch pieces. Cook reserved sodium. U.S. RDA: 25 percent calci- Jay C. Hines of Alta, Calif. of Our Savior, officiated the service. The Rev. Richard S. Oswald and Bore 11a of Taylor and Eddie Bore 11a VISION SCREENING: The Michi- VOLUNTEERS: Teen and adult SMeTxhiicsta lnau nGden oefrriagflin iMaln.lGy. bVgealollneg joedg a ntod otoeuYroisuts wcrioll w dnisont h hearv ee.' Ttdoak ebao tatle d eutehpe bteclDheEnoSlPoIg-TyE Bp MooOthDo'sER vNicne wyaiknrdem edaekcini-gt ' wl eicncteios nfshr oomf t hoCeo nWnep Cekr)e. esk (se e Wine Se- sst(oOmp e9ra,a lf lrmos al ialmnonwuodtuen spptai oeocrcfke a bsug,oneitl icil ndogi vcreer wircsetapidto-,etnres i nnfdo freo arr . 7 uAmcem.i n2n.t 4e 1n, 4 pi2ae 5pcriec npre ecnretcn evtni tit.r o rCinb.,o 1f 1l4a6v pi npe,ercr ce1en5ntt t phveiiart-.- GotHrfeiefTbnaihuceretitv ai AaRot ensUedssvno .tmicht ieaKeayd etsi neobPrnenrvee itgocshfibev .My eF tMn.iec r ethGoimair gnAouaer mnCib.a ehelrul ,icrcoc oanhnf-, eMn etom oArmiaelG rciEocRnantAr iLLbDuunt Ligo. n AKssI sNmoGacyi a tbieon .g iv- ttmdMhheeeaePy mRsa ebeuorevlvr .iSi a gccEleih vHd.oew oonMlsa perE dtimotna odOl rSo 'iotGwa.rlrm taM hcedeoayn nrtSy toLFrfiu RfbVniuocditn igiaceoternesnsd t otPAtoefan nrHrns ak, aA n.Sr dNrphb ea.JoYrroro.,a. nWn EPn oHueaogti dMrtescin;chciiGie aanin glB dLslioso r fu eooonffu s1 r I bOLoe nar drociraafhyu. Cagr ahodn-f - gdaPpnau.rmndco t.gEg aarlytaae m uNfc r CBefooeDemrna t BCedr aeopnt mrieknocm,bt CNliueona.nmAnits.t y.oo. fn3 10O cw06au ittS laarl er.M amacccoa-hiot2ns - vHM57oec2laAu-l4ntuh1tl e5eB9yeu r Hsi laedarienltgh .ne eB dPuelidyldm ianotgu, tthh e,Ca A nartnbodno r Arrangements were made by Cal- The Rev. Gary Damon, of the St. in Plymouth Call Dick Seaman at Senior citizens Services for Gerald L. King. 85, of LOIS A. ROUSSE Rogers, Ark., were Tfcursday at St lisoo-Lough Funeral Service in Rog- First United Methodist Church of 455-9741. HOSPICE SPEAKERS: Hospice ers, Ark. Garden City, officiated tbe service. Vincent dePaul Catholic Church Services of Western Wayne County AP — The following stuffing re- 1 medium red pepper, seeded and Saute nuts, garlic and red pepper Pinch allspice S & S SUPERETTE Services for Lois A. Rousse. of Burial was at St Vincent Cemetery. SUNDAY has volunteers available to speak to cipes can be used with the "double- finely chopped in butter until nuts are golden. Re- Salt to taste Canton Township, were April 20 at Mr. King was born May 23,1925 in church groups and civic organiza- pocket" technique for baked, broiled 1 teaspoon butter move from heat stir in remaining QUALITY MEATS Vermeulen Memorial Trust 100 Fu- Ypsilanti. He died April 22 in Rog- THERAPY: Adult Children of Al- tions. 522-4244. PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE or grilled pork chops. li -teaspoon grated lemon peel ingredients. Stuff in pork chop and Quickly saute apple in butter until Homemade. Fresh & Smoked Kielbasa neral Home. ers, Ark. He moved to Arkansas in coholic and Dysfunctional Families MEDITERRANEAN STUFFING 11V M it taabblleessppoooonnss gpraeresnle oy,n imoni,n cmedin ced cinogo,k w ahsic dhe sfiilrlesd .4 pMoarkk ecsb o1p sc. up stuff- ampipnluet ebse.g Rinesm toov ebro fwronm, ab hoeuatt 2 a tnod 3 6248 M(i3d Bdlolcekbs eNl.t ,of FGoardr Rdde.n) City 19M32r isn. RJuonucssteion w Casity ,b oKrnan. D Sehce. d 1i1e,d m19e5m8 fbreorm of SPtly Vmioncuethn.t d HeePa uwla Csa tah - CITY OF PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN mWeoerktss ,7 P-9lym po.mu.th. S 4u5nVda4y9s0,2 Growth lonHgE-tAeLrmT Hhe CalAthR Ec:are S apnedak Meresdic oanr e to teaspoon oregano combine with remaining ingredients. Full Line Meat & Dell Counter • Freezer Meat April 19 at Annapolis Hospital in olic Church, former secretary of the 7'30 P.M. are available. Call Patty Jamison at •4 cup pine nati to teaspoon salt BLUE CHEESE STUFFING Stuff in pork chop and cook as de- WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, l»f 1 Editor's Note: The calendar is 455-0510 1 clove garlic, minced to teaspoon pepper to cup crumbled blue cheese sired. Makes 1 cup stuffing, which Food Stamps Accepted • Beer and Wine ANY prepared one week in advance to cup walnats, coarsely chopped fills 4 pork chops. A regular of the Planning Commission will be held on Wednesday. May and will include events running TRIPS: For senior citizen or adult to teaspoon black pepper rBONELESS~SKTNLESST" ckt^h o T t h f w ^k ~~1 S. 1991 at 7 JO p.m. in the Commission Chambers of tbe City Hall to consider the through the next serpen days To trip information, call Plymouth Recipes from National Pork CANADIAN TIME following. • . . include pour event in the calen- Parks and Recreation, 455-6620; or Stir together all ingredients. Stuff Producers Council I CHICKEN | NR-68-27 — 193 N. Main Si - Modification to Site Plan - Conversion of dar. contact Nancy Pennington. Canton Township Parks and Recre- in pork chop and cook as desired. WHITE PERCH FILLET Storage Space to Office 459-2700 ation. 397-5444 new products Makes 1 cup stuffing, which fills 4 I BREAST | ANY Zooed B-3 General Business pork chops. Don't Miss i $2.99 2.99 A Public HearingA wpiplll ibcea nhte Nldo ormn atbne W preoapsot sed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance CITY OF PLYMOUTH MICHIGAN STREET SCENE'S of the Plymouth City Code APPLE-RAISIN-PECAN LB. " A • 99 LB. DAY. All interested persons are invited to attend • BAKED GOODS Chocolate Cup Cakes with Chocolate STUFFING STREET SEEN REGULAR S3 OB LB REGULAR 13 99 LB NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Tastykake, a large, independent Icing, Butterscotch Krimpets, and 1 medium tart apple, cored and Every Monday C-Mouuspto Pnr eGteoroitd C«o 5uo-Sona-i •| O-HxuyHor P lGWoHodt CMou Sp-o5n-9- 1. j PBbioft April » I»1 WEEDS AND GRASSES bakery based in Philadelphia, is now Jelly Krimpets. diced' Closed Monday • Phone Orders: 422-6Q66 It's as easy as 591-0500 TO BE CUT ON LOTS IN offering its products in Detroit Individually packaged varieties, 2 teaspoons butter through Kroger grocery stores. retailing for 59 cents, include Powd- to cup raisins THE CTTY OF PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN fFriolFlmeadm $ C1il.oy9f9 Pfe ateock $C2 av.2ka5er,sie, itn iCcelrsu,edm eree t-CaFirliielnlagem d - esCcroeodftfc Seheu K gKraarikme psMe aitnnsdi, C JDheoollncyuotlsa ,Kter iBJmuupnteitoetrsr-,s . tPtooi cnteucaphs n ppuoetocmnane cgsi ,n cnoaamrsoenl y chopped Save Money WDsuehbleisvctehrrie-ipr n.t mgyi ooYunO, wU Rne'ev e Oe•db ms ke atlro—dveer fst tNa ereta,wsi s^e prsat f op^op e1rra Y oiOsrU i^. m c Wmhp eoan rn rvt4geaen itrn» r s t>yot 9ao Il uulres d. IO ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Opanendr so doreo bs hterafovoyirne ng oM cxhiaoyaur sg2e 0w. oe 1fe Wdasn1y ,a n liadtn sgdhr aawlslist ehbsien u ttphhoeen dC suiattiyyd oolfaf nP edlv,ye moryro us ohthwa.lnl M ecra,icu hosiecgc atubnpe,a tnsota mc ouert a 24 HOUR TELEPHONE UNE to take your call after City of Plymouth, Michigan to be dooe. Failure to comply with this notice and Article «, Revised Section 942. 9 65. and 9 M of Chapter 10« of the Plymouth City Code means that the regular business hours. Notice is hereby given that the City of Plymouth will accept sealed bids until City will enter upon said Lands and mow tbe weeds and grasses and bat Che Every Month! All you need is a touch-tone telephone and our circulation 2 00 pm on Friday. May 10. 1991 for property uuneii for (he service. SPECIAL SPRING department telephone number: The City will begin mowing all unmowed lots or plots of land on May 28. 1991 591-0500 Repair A Reffaatah at Synthetic Ice Rink Floor without further notice to the property owner i Plymouth Cultural Center SAVINGS LINDA J LANGMESSER Our new automated system will quickfy and easily guide Specification, bid documents, and proposal forms may be obtained from the City Clerk you and enable you to call us when it s most convenient Office of the Purchasing Agent during regular office hours PuMixk \pnl » and Ma; » 1M1 e1 for you. We know that in order to serve our customers The City Commission reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids in better, we need to be there for them .24 hours a day whole or in part and to waive any irregularities MANS With WALLSIDE'S Energy-Efficient THE Address bids to. TREATED Linda Langmesser PLYMOUTH CHARTER TOWNSHIP (^teerUer & Eccentric Deputy City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 83.58 City of Plymouth <2> WOLMANIZED LUMBER VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS NEWSPAPERS Plym2o0u1t Sh.. MMaIi 4n8 170 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE in a sealed envelope bearing the inscription "BID FOR REP AIR AND REFIN- OF THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH BY ISH OF SYNTHETIC ICE RINK FLOOR" 4MF.VDING THE ZONING MAP. Beat The High Cost Of Home CAROL A STONE. Heating Bills By Replacing Those, CITY OF PLYMOUTH Purchasing Agent THE TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH ORDAINS r MICHIGAN Part I The Zoning Ordinance No 83 of the Plymouth Charter Township, is f* I Drafty Old Windows With... NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING April M Iff) hareereabs yin admiceantdeded o bny tahmee Andminegnd tehde ZZoonniinngg M Maapp. bNyo c h8a1n.g iantgta cthhoesde OFFi R- thereto, and made part of this Ordinance: u NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN Hut • public bearta* on tbe proposed 1»»^W ^Millside^lA^ndow Mactory Budfet for the City of Plymouth Michigan will be held on ^ooday. May «. IM1 You supply the GRCAT PO« DECKS, fCMCES. •t 7 30 p m ia the Comnuwoo Chambers at Ctty Hall, id S Main Street. DOCKS OR AflY OTHER OUTDOOR PROJECTS Double-Hung Vinyl Windows are wvlted and to .tteod this baby bed. WC5TOCK TOP QUAUTY POMOWOSA Pine will be pre* the opportunity to fire written and oral comment S«JorOtiM». E PLATO AMO ESTIMATES • DeUVWY AVAILABLE are eocoorafed to attend and comment Handicapped person* needing assist with ance should contact City Hall before the meeting. ^ „ „ FREE DECK CLINIC H«*gm Coplm of the proposed budf et will be aTailabje forpobbc (Up to sen in the City dart's office, or at the Dunning Houfh Lttruy. M3 S Main Street, FEATURES: during regular business hours, beginning Monday April 28 1WI Width (Up lo 44") • AJ *ry Irarr-ft • DoKJO» OCB LINDA LANGMESSER • WJh • '/? removaOn City Clerk Learn How The construcDori 5ctwi • DouOte weanTettunpwa Thursday, Pabia*. Afril H ISSI Pros Do It! rtwtxii • rnjOf l • Planning May 9th • A»_r-r\/T cocchq ty ?"'•*» * Monn "•*' LAST DAY OF • Site Preparation No Payments PCR WINDOW INSTALLED REGISTRATION • Materials at 7:00 p.m. Until August 1991 b ««<*>» ffrtriun CtOpt Wood iwowl SCHOOL ELECTION • Construciton ortv (Previous order* eickjdeo nol void ofherdKtxrA) NOTICE OF LAST DAY OF REGISTRATION OF ™ FXECIX)R-S OF FREE WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! PLYMOUTH-CANTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS CUSTOM Location: 272-4400 WAYNE AND WASHTENAW COUNTIES, MICHIGAN DESIGN Plymouth Elks Lodge LET US PROVE IT! 41700 Ann Arbor Rd. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SCHOOL DBTTUCT SERVICE Plymouth, Ml CALL AVAILABLE konct Pr«tM)»f>l FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Please Take Notice that the annual school election of the school district will THE WALLS DE •' Vinyl Sliding *699? We'll supply the quarter of a FREE R E F R E S H M E N TS ADVANTAGES Patio DoorwaH PHOP1UATE CITY OH TOWNSHIP million customers. TOVOT* AT THE ANNUAL • i comoaaa* MONDAY JUNE 18.19W. B MANS | Orovu«« c «a"r> MIM Teo1n aodf I»M-r< wJo*w* <Va«vd> pro dnupct*v •w i . j> Of» •'VS k«f ILOmW F «OC» t IANRCB A NFOTTE REL $IG OIB-CLUEO TCO* V INOT TEH AET f TYHWE AWNONU OANL MSC^HOAO^LM BLAfcY-TIMJ.N ». ei. Call today and place your three-line private party CONFLICTING •FACTORY 0KCCT Persons planning to with ths • S^i ittm Jlfrar classified ad for only *2-99 a line! •evt e! *y•ou m o»n•*€eoyry We !• mr^ y Q must ascertain the days and hours SB w%4o For just nine bucks we can help you get rid of just Part III EpaFrTtsO aTt TOVrdEto DanAcTeE ta Tcohaef lj miI*<m •< MANS DO-IT-CENTER \ iO^iu «3rn 8 —o > YC ullMAtWyJf '1c •aW m35A. WIlWoWokAMinJfdgTY mW •fi'kiJ oIMwU* -M you i This Notice is giveu by or^sr M the heart S«*etary. Board at Educate about anything' Pari IV doAfe cDClOharaPerTdteI rtOo N Tt aT kihe eu enf fOlculrprd ti anotan nP Mcleaj yww tataft 1a d»h1oy pt aeudt hboyr itthye at Act 1M M the •LOWBT WtfCfS wrnmm ROLAND J THOMAS JR Puhtic Acts ol Michigan. 1 Mt at a meeting duly called and haM am Motto* MM WaSMda tVWKfcm factory ON* "CANTON" (©teenier & £cttntrit the 23rd day of AprtL 1WL and ordered u> be gtvuu ptfiRialtaa la a cad at 272 MOO Mwm pro— «' ADOBNDUM 41900 Ford Road <2> e, 15830 Sctvoefef TOIL PLEASE TABB FURTHER NOTICE ti-t ta.Rug.lar Election at C L A S S I F I ED A D V E R T I S I NG Adopted by the Township Board of Trustees on April » 1801. PHONE 981-5800 Detroit Ml 48227 ^ A ^ l l s i de ^ f t ^ n d ow l "a actory 18005217soo Schoolcraft Community CoUsfa. Michigan, will he held is with the 444-1070 OAKLANO COUNTY Ml -0000 WAVNC COOTTY Effective date May 21. 1M1 (Ml 842-1222 QOCMBTE&-«OCHf ST*P Ht±S Foctory & Showroom FREE No Obligation In Home Estimotes atreWaaSMarllWI - - - — — rr = Tofu is a food with versatility -2*£ If you ha vest tried tofu yet, Lois Thleleke you're missing out on a nutritious Lite success food that is high In protein, low ia fat home economist. Cooperative Extension Service and cholesterol free. Tofu, made from soybeans, has been a staple of Oriental cooking for Childhood foods about 2,000 years. It provides tbe Florlne Mark major source of complete protein for tbe Oriental diet, which Is largely pared ce- vegetarian. Tofu has one of tbe high- at (• are comforting est ratios of protein to calories of all stick pieces) carrots Top each shell with Vh of the tofu with cilantro (or parsley). plant foods. It Uso is low in calories S cap each JaUeaae-cat (matcfcsttcfc mixture; sprinkle each with to ounce Each serving provides: 1 Protein, compared to beef. A four-ounce pieces) red beO pepper, sliced nasfc- cheese and broil just until cheese 1 Bread, Vegetable, to Fat, 10 Op- serving of tofu is just 12 calories. An rooms, sliced scallkms (greea oal—) melts, about 1 minute. tional Calories. equal amount of beef contains about To serve, transfer toatadas to four times that many calories serving platter and serve with sour Source. Weight Watchers Quick Hot homemade soup, old-fash- made with solid fat such as shorten- Part of tbe attraction of this In blender container combine to- cream on the side. Garnish platter Success Program Cookbook ioned pudding, fresh-from-tbe-oven ing or butter. Biscuits should be cut "meat substitute" is Its ability to mato, vinegar, peanut oil, soy sauce, bread or biscuits, or anything choco- close together, leaving as little take on tbe flavors of whatever It is hooey and Chinese sesame oil and late are all comfort foods. dough as possible to reroll. Do not cooked with — from cheesecake to process until smooth. In large mix- Do it for someone ; These seem to evoke fond memo- knead tbe scraps. Simply press to- stir-fry dishes to tasty dips. Once you ing bowl combine remaining ingred- ries of foods you loved as a child. We gether, reroll and cut Too fattening cook with tofu, you will find its fla- ients; sdd tomato mixture and toss you love... never seem to outgrow the taste for for your diet? Try to serve steaming vor, nutritional benefits and versatil- to coat Cover and refrigerate until these delightful comfort foods as we hot. There is no need for additional ity will win you over. chilled, at least 30 minutes, or over- think of the simple pleasures in life. butter and jam. Tofu is usually found water- night. Toss again before serving. Stop smoking Take care making your comfort packed in a sealed plastic container foods memorable. A SIMMERING pot of soup is a and is available in most major Each serving provides: 1 Fat, 1, forInt, aus heu trbrey mfoircr yoowuarv pe.u diCdiiincgro cwoamve- Sweerlvceo msoeu,p co inm fmorutgisng to si sgphatr kan yap dpaeyt-. sItu cpoemrmesar rkeeatdsy in t otb eea ptr owdiuthce n ose cctoiookn-. CPraoloteriiness , 5 Vegetables, 10 Optional TIm» »p»c« oonatad :AN LUNG cooking of pudding occurs from all ites and offer comfort. Tbe secret to ing necessary. Make sure to read tbe M a puOMC MTMca oy rtw puMiaiw sides rather than only tbe bottom. flavorful soup is tbe broth or stock. expiration date. Tofu, like milk, is Source: Weight Watchers Healthy This eliminated tbe possibility of A tasty broth can be prepared with perishable and turns sour after time. Life-Style Cookbook, 1991. scorching. For added convenience, little effort. To make a great broth UGLY KITCHEN CABINETS? measure, mix and cook pudding in a let the mixture simmer slowly. If tbe STORING TOFU properly takes a TOFU TOSTADAS four-cup glass measure. liquid boils the broth will be cloudy. little effort, but it is well worth It Makes 2 Servings You may have given up on pud- When you get tbe tofu home, drain, DONT 'REFACE' ding thinking it is too fattening. Add vegetables and herbs for ex- rinse and submerge it in a container 3 ounces firm-style tofa, diced REPLACE.. Make some changes. Use skim milk, tra flavor. Carrots and onion deepen filled with fresh cold water, cover 2 tablespoons each diced seallion egg substitutes, cut down on sugar the color of tbe broth and add sweet- and refrigerate. Tbe cold water (greea onion), red bell pepper, green MODERN & EUROPEAN STYLES try adding more vanilla and use re- ness. Remember to strain several should be changed daily. Tofu will bell pepper and tomato FORMICA SOLID WOOOS duced-calorie margarine. Tbe pod- times and remove fat to make a remain fresh up to a week. If you 2 pimieato-staffed g -olives, Soild Colors OaK, Cherry ding will still be good and smell as lighter and healthier broth. Chilling have extra tofu that you don't want sliced .S ano Woodgrain and Birch wonderful as you remember. helps to degrease broth and stock. to use right away, drain and freeze. 1 Hi teaspoons each chopped hot or Tbe solidified fat can be easily re- When ready for use, place tbe bag In mild chili pepper, chopped cilaatro SERVING WAYNE. OAKLAND S MACOMB THE "QUEEN" of old-fashion moved before reheating. Soups make warm water to thaw, then press out (Chinese parsley) or parsley, and • FACTORY SHOWROOM pudding is bread pudding, blending large batches, so tbe enjoyment can any water from the tofu. lime Juice (no sagar added) • FREE ESTIMATES lemon and vanilla flavors. Old favor- continue, especially since many There are many ways to cook and 1 teaspoon olive or vegetable oil ites also include rice, tapioca, vanil- taste better the second day. experiment with tofu: Try cutting it 1 garlic clove, chopped 1M2 E. 11 Mils Rd., Madison Hgta. la or chocolate puddings. into bite-size cubes and stir-fry with lk teaspoon salt 1 Block W of Dequmdre DaMy 9-5. Sun 10-4 (Homemade, of course.) Basically, Tbe above comfort foods are vegetables, or add cubed tofu to cre- Dash pepper pudding comes in two versions, top healthier than tbe following one but ate Tofu and Vegetable Salad. As 2 tostada shells Cabinet Clad...54 1 5252 of tbe stove or baked. certainly not tastier. Small amounts tofu lakes on tbe flavor of tbe food 1 ounce Monterey Jack cheese, For a top-of-the-stove pudding, once in awhile. What can it hurt? around it olive oil, garlic and fresh shredded use a double boiler, being careful Just like kids, many of us will eat spices combined with fresh vegeta- 1 tablespoon sour cream that tbe heat is not too high or the anything as long as it has chocolate bles make Tofu Tostadas a tasty Garnish: cilantro (Chinese parsley) Arthritis Today egg will toughen. Baked versions are on it A real chocolate fantasy would Mexican entree. or parsley sprigs Joseph J. Weiss. M.D Rheumatology set in hot water in the oven. Bake be not only a bar but a chocolate des- until they are "set" The water al- sert filled with chocolate and frosted Get creative! Tbe possibilities for 18829 Farmington Road adding variety to your recipes with lows for a gentle heat to avoid the with chocolate. That's comfort! In medium mixing bowl combine Livonia. Michigan 48152 tofu are endless. break or curdling of the pudding. all ingredients except tostada shells, Phone: 478-7860 icnogmW-beho!e"tn bT frhreeeasdh a roforrom mbais tcahuleiot nsoev sea ngy,e, ts s"teW athemel-- fsoeonEdtvisne tgrh yaaot fn oemn sdeea enmme scmo tomor yfho aorvtfe cb ahyi fl rdoehopdoro eod-r TOFU ANMDa kVesE 2G SEeTrAviBngLsE SALAD capshaierdseelse.e yO, )ns;o s untrior ncs rttoeiackm c, ob maaknbdiinn geci ls aahnnedterto s ae(rot- r "IF IT CATNHTE H FEALLPL,A ICTY W OOFN: T HURT memories going Yeast breads are On a stress-filled day, try one of 1 medium tomato, blanched, peeled range tostada shells and broil until easy to make and now you can use your favorite comfort foods. and seeded they begin to brown, about 1 minute. SoxImfn yeeooounn eeh awvaen tainrtgh ryitoisu, tyoo utr ya rae caJ uttaxroguest r(eomr uednys,o loicftiteend w aid veicned. tbe microwave to cut the rising time with the words: "Try it. If it car t help, it wont hurt" in half. f Jour eventrations of Service The recent epidemic of eosinphilia-myalgia syndrome from L-tryptogfea^beties such Place the yeast dough in a well- AVOID MAJOR talk. As you may know, L-tryptophan is an essentia* ammo acid, what we requre is greased microwave bowl, grease tbe abundant in foods raacBy available to us However among ndmduats wrth odd ideas of top and cover loosely with wax pa- ASPHALT nutrition, I-tryptophan takes or special importance, as a result a market exists tor per. Set tbe bowl in a baking dish (ffiucA l-tryptophan supplements and pour hot water to tbe depth of REPLACEMENT! The largest source of the tablets comes from a single firm in 1988 it changed from a about one inch in tbe bottom dish. chemical bass for producing L-tryptophan to a bacterial method In 1969 cases of a ft ifrr /S9J crippling-to-Wfcng musde disease called eosrophiia-mytlgu syndrome, appeared m the Microwave at medium-low (SO per- IT IVITH„. U.S. Eventually investigators traced the cause to the company making L-tiyptophan The cent power) two minutes, let stand in /fdfZ bacterial method of producing the amino acid resulted in contamination of the product microwave for five minutes. Repeat ** STAR SEflLCQflTING with disaster ous conseouences to consigners this procedure three times or until 873-8300 642 3000 The point is that anything that carl help, wel may hurl Don! take arthritis dough is doubled in bulk. Give tbe TING & ASPHALT BEPAlR supplements unless dearty needed. Al remedies carry not only a cost but a nsk dish a quarter turn after each mi- DRIVEWAY SPECIALISTS" crowaving period. If the top looks MAI MttCT WITH 2 5% DISCOUNT dry, carefully turn tbe dough over in THE OWNER AMD SAVE WITH THIS AD the bowl. COMMERCIAL SPARTAN TIRE 397-5864 Fiber-rich whole grains give ALL WORK GUARANTEED • FREE ESTIMATES • breads and biscuits a robust flavor. For a light and flaky biscuit, handle * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** the dough as little as possible. Too much mixing makes them heavy and TIRE AND SERVICE CENTER tough. The most tender biscuits are m CHERRY GROVE SUMMIT TIRE A/T WE'RE NOW ON SALE TRUCK & R.V. CONCERNED 4 DAYS ONLY ABOUT RADIALS YESTERDAY'S NEWS. P235-75 R15/C News con appear one day ond be gone rhe next Bur rhe paper 30x9.50R15/B $7499 news is prtftred on con 3U1050R15/B $85.99 ' See tha most complete and should) live on 215-85R16/D . $72 99 collection of Cherry Grove Last year more rhan 225-75R16/D $7999 on Display at Sale Prices one third of all U S 235 85R16/E $88 99 newsprint was recycled Sot includes: 245-75R16/E $91 99 Dresser Reg. And that number is 1,999 | 875-R 16.5/D .... $8199 Mirror *2495 9.50-R 16 5/D $9199 growing every day. Chest MEGA METRIC s i l l! 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SSfhc own with spplunrev 313-525-7283 313-595-6800 313-482-1182 936 N Main St plumbing fixtures |De Giulio Kitchens A Baths 313-994-4242 Corian counters. 33250 W Si* MHe (at Farming*on Rd ) Livonia. MI 48153 Store Hows: Moa Pri I sjb. - « pm • Sat S lb. - 2 pm. 1—1 Ops® 9-6 d.»l 9-4 SaTt . FREE ESTIMATES © t jt © b s e r u er ^Newspapers Sports INSIDE: Travel, back page DanO'MMri editor/953-2139 nlflht line: 953-2104 (P.C)IC Monday. April 29. 1991 O&E Chiefs, Rocks easy winners in dual meets Plymouth Canton and Plymouth Salem blitzed the opposition for a second straight week in girls track and field Thursday. girls track The defending Western Division champion Chiefs smashed host Farmington Hills Harrison 10J-25, and tbe Rocks ripped visiting North Farmington 105-23 in tbe Lakes Di- The Salem girl* had vision. four double winner9 in ronton and Salem are 2-0 in their Nikki Santilli, Tonya respective division races and the same overall. Wheeler, Sarah Makins Tbe Chiefs woo every event but and Andrea Kinnelly, the 100 and 200 dashes in which Har- rison's Heather Conley had the win- who also was on two ning times at IS.4 and 28.4. winning relay teams. Karma Kilpelainen was a double winner for Canton in individual events and also was a member of two winning relay teams. Wheeler was first in the high jump Six of her teammates — Aleah (4-4) and the 400 run (1:03.1), and she Collier, Ifoetna Okwumabua, Kim followed Stacey Witthoff, Livermore Gudeth, Christie Saffron. Amy Smith and Jessica Moyer in tbe 1,600 relay. and Lana Boroditsch — had one indi- The Rocks won the race in 4:26. vidual victory each and participated Kinnelly and Livermore opened - ME in at least one relay victory. tbe 400 and 800 relays, being the Collier won the shot put (37-1) and first and second to carry the baton. BILL BRESLERy«ta» photogrg>hf Okwumabua the discus (104-2). The Dana Driscoll and Alysia Sofios Chiefs swept first place in the field helped Salem close the 400 in 54 sec- Jason Riggs slides into second base ahead of the teg by Northville infielder Kevin Smoot. The Chiefs didn't have one of the events with Stephanie Gray winning onds and the 800 in 1:53.4. better hitting games but still won the WLAA contest 3-2. the high jump (5-3) and Heather Pas- Salem's remaining victory came tor the long jump (15-"4). in the 3,200 run in which Emily Far- Pitching saves Gudeth. Saffron, Smith and Boro- rell completed tbe eight laps in ditsch were successful in running 12:47.3. events with respective times of Jenny Weh of North Farmington 1:04.4, 2:34.8,' 5:40.3 and 12:38.4 in won the 800 run with a 2:33.8 time tbe 400 through tbe 3,200 races. and ran tbe first leg of the successful day in baseball Kilpelainen and Ndu Okwumabua 3.200 relay (10:42.7). Emily Shively anchored the second half of the 400 finished the 1,600 in 5:38.3 to win and 800 relays, which finished in 54.1 that race for the Raiders, 0-2 in the and 1:53.5. They were joined by Col- division and overall. lier and Ifoema Okwumabua on the 400 team, Michelle Dean and Gudeth Good pitching served as a counterweight to sub-par hitting Thursday, en- on the 800 unit. SHELL1 GAUL and Kay Rodgers abling tbe Centennial Educational Park varsity baseball teams to win a pair of Farmington combined for six first of games. Saffron. Gudeth and Boroditsch places, but tbe Falcons failed to win Plymouth-Salem stayed unbeaten with an 8-2 victory over visiting Walled ran tbe first, third and fourth legs of a relay and overcome defending Lake Central, and host Plymouth-Canton trimmed Northville 3-2. the 1,600 and 3.200 relays, which Western Lakes Activities Associa- Tbe Rocks are 3-0 in the Lakes Division of the Western Lakes Activities turned in times of 4:26.1 and 10:24.6. tion champion Livonia Stevenson. Association and 6-0 overall. Canton is 3-0 in the Western Division of the The No. 2 runner on those teams was Jennifer Hartke and Smith, respec- The 77-51 loss dropped Farming- WLAA and 4-2 overall. tively. ton to 0-2 in the Lakes Division and Chris Tomas pitched a two-hitter for Salem, but his teammates had only Harrison is 1-1 in tbe division and overall. six hits — the same as the Chiefs — and made five errors. Tomas struck out overall. Gaul won the high hurdles in 16.7, three and walked two in six innings. the intermediate hurdles in 51.4 and "It wasn't a well-played game," Salem coach John Gravlin said. "Tomas THE SALEM girls had four double tbe high jump at 4-1. Rodgers was almost had a no-hitter. We didn't swing the bats well." winners in Nikki Santilli, Tonya first in the long jump at 14-101*, and Jeff Be lisle and Tom Davey had one double each, and Belisle, drove in a Wheeler, Sarah Makins and Andrea she outraced the Stevenson sprinters pair of runs. Kinnelly, who also was on two win- in the 100 and 200 dashes with times Junior right-hander Frank Learned pitched 5 V» innings /or Canton and ning relay teams. of 13.3 and 29.1. gave up all three Northville hits. He struck out three and wetted one. Tracey Livermore won the long Scott Kennedy entered with the bases loaded and one out in the top of the Stevenson's Teresa Sarno won the jump (15-3) and participated in each sixth inning, and he retired the side with two strikeouts/Kennedy struck out shot put (34-11) and the discus (121- of Salem's three relay victories. 1). Tbe Spartans did well in the dis- four, walked none, allowed no hits and earned a save. J Wheeler also had a third first place tance runs with Carrie Creehan win- Tbe Chiefs took a 2-0 lead in the first inning and IgB 3-1 after both teams as the anchor on tbe 1,600 relay. ning the 3,200 (12:2€), Jennifer scored once in the fourth Santilli threw the shot put 29-10 Pfander the 800 (2:36) and Gail "We had the ballgame but then we relaxed," Canton coach Fred Crissey and the discus 89-6 for her wins, Grewethe 1.600 (6:02 4). said, "and when you do that, crazy things are going to happen. Makins ran the high hurdles in 18.4 "Kennedy pitched very well in relief, and Frank did a good job. We just got BILL BRESLER/Waft photograph* and the intermediates in 52.7 and Stevenson's relay times were a little complacent.'" Kinnelly posted times of 13.7 and 10:45 for the 3,200, 1:56 (800), 54.2 Brian Tiell had two hits and one RBI, and Jason Riggs. Mike Wougamon, Frank Learned pitched a strong game over 5V» innings to esrn 28.2 in the 100 and 200 dashes. (400) and 4:31 2 <1,600). Todd Pniewski and Michael Stafford had single hits for Canton. the victory for Canton. r -i—r—»—r Smith's work ethic rates No. 1 By Stave Kowalaki time and it's more demanding, more staff writer competitive (than high school) It's Canton hard to do your work when you're Missy Smith, a 1989 Plymouth Sa- tennis traveling — and when it ends I'm lem graduate, plays No 6 singles pretty excited achieves and No. 3 doubles for the Eastern "My goal is to just do well, both in Michigan University women's tennis school and tennis and to graduate." team 'It's nice to have The fall season is full of tourna- But if EMU coach Claudia Wasik ments. while the spring season is 4th win made a list of her hardest workers. athletes who recognize made up of the MACs six-team Smith might rank No. 1 the value of weight schedule Eastern, which last year .d "It's nice to have athletes who rec- training, conditioning finished third in the MAC tourna- Plymouth Canton won its fifth ognize the value of weight training, ment. closed its league schedule Sat- straight dual meet in boys tennis conditioning and running." said and running. (Missy urday with a home match against Wednesday, trouncing Walled Wasik, in her 12th year "She comes Smith) comes from an Bowling Green State University Lake Western 6-1 from an athletic family Not all ten- • tnhies pcloauyret,r sb ultik seh ew owrokriknsg h aasrd h aartd c oonff- atethnlneitsic p flaamyeilrys. l iNkeo t all es SpMrioIrT Hto W SAatSu r2d-a2y i'ns asicntigolnes a mnda tacsh -a deBferaiatend S acth mNoid t1 a slsinog lsetsa,y beeds tuinng- dinittieonnt ionng iamsp wroevllin ags i nst rteonkninisg and is working aa hard off the preasritdneenrt w Ciathnd reoeo Nmemlmatse, sahned lFikloewriidsae Cmaartlc Bh ustrom 6-3, 6-0 in his latest "We're really never out of tbe sea- court, but she works is 2-2 in doubles play The Chiefs swept the singles sfoenre Tnhcee) cMonAsCist s(M oifd o-Anlmye trhicea nsp Crionng-, hard at conditioning as Wasik said she has been working contests with No 2 Rod Jesena but really we play year-round We well as stroking and is more with Smith as a doubles player defeating Brent Mackowiak 6-0. have a very long season " intent on improving in since she was only allowed to play 6-0. No 3 Scott Jones defeating Yes, indeed tennis.' steinngnliess p ilnay heirgsh m scuhstoo pll a(yH iognhe socrh othoel SNhaatwe nS tHovaartll d 6e-f1e.at 6in-2g; Dansdn MNoili n4- COLLEGE TENNIS teams play in — Claudia Wasik other) ko 6-1, 6-0 both the fall and spring seasons and EMU tennis coach Smith describes herself as a play- Canton's No 1 doubles team of in between there is weight lifting, er who stays back and rallies, and Eric Mitchell and Jeff Fuerst running and indoor tennis Not to Wasik has seen improvement in her downed John Bull and Scott Ward mention all the homework college ning has helped the younger Smith game 6-2. 6-2. and the No 3 duo of Tom students face condition herself for her demanding "She's playing the same position Fazio and Steve Dale was a 6-2, 6- & Smith played soccer at Salem, of- vhedul* (No 6) but her ground strokes are 1 winner over Olge Kotlyar and ten opposing her father — Canton stronger and she feels more com Rormen Gotenbek I coach Don Smith — and his team in "It (Mi to be too much, especially fortabie." Wasik said. "Her record in the big games She probably appreci- in the spring.' admits Smith, who the MAC. she and 1 would both like Western took its only victory at ates that sport more now than she plans to go into teaching after she to see get stronger, but she is strong No 2 doubles where J R Matsoo did two years ago All that extra run- graduates "You're playing all the er overall (than last year)." and Jayson SchoederUne defeated Scott Boersma and Alex Warden 7-5. 6-4 SKA S*SLEn/«wl» photograph* The Chiefs are 3-0 in the West- ern Lakes Activities Association Smith, former Salem athlete, has continued her tennis and 4-1 overall at Eastern Michigan University. _ . Moocny. Apm 29. 1W1 Q4tE (P.CJ9C u :—; Dome touted as Cup site w c >_ Q4E Monday. April2». 1981 PREP BASEBALL Lutheran Weal al La. Oarancevaa. 4 pm Red 4 ML the week r«t«u•s, a4o np mm . T. ayur Tnaaan • pa Wayna al Bade- R o c ks He l* Owona m « t * t> Fl«»<lfck Lto SMi—ci" m N. Farm- ahead I their stadium to be co—Iderwt as s «T tFaamrman H«i «f*»», Q H•ta—int.nW mO| ——W.mL «oCd« .<r**• r0»aMt I MM Uym MCa Hwnatvodn LFioawrrm ^aa'ttJg rMlMloWMrpt WwSaews oftam n'wdn meGsaaterumrnf . aa t LtP Ww* f.S LSWa MCisampna amorar,t a CAl mM- TSw AillN hYaBppOeDnY a'St WCAedLnLe,s dwahya'st pRliapy ainpga rstit eth e- wSiilllver dporomtee.st, in lvoeusdtly s <nm at L* CIWWBI * 30 p.*. Thurslon al >lal wMi. Garden C«y at Don tAS press conference unveiling the traTcIkM t erlawym —Isni d ieSu»miaallee rE mmgde etudrecotasu tanis owcneid atehlas hFy Poaasrt rmwkii Nnn nbgoeotrroyt*hns Rod8n0iasT0dmt shaa.se nn*a dcR ye o twrhcuoeknoss 3 t,swh3hei0ot0hw 3 eJ0wdo0ih-t hnmth eTettiihermro em ssrtaar coseefn wg 2iitnhn 0n 44 ii4nn 5g s a tethnhced-e boys AtwCloaloiyolDt r,h.bp ow ua nath nGt iYdicrmhae ePce kIna nou cfwoll f4ue 3dCWre.e9adin s oant nMontned waw rwtiseqnkdounin eions tfagfh nNe d rte hel leolbsawor y1on ,h k,0teue0 M0rad mti lhrkeesees.- rbwa4yn o4e dBot4hr vee3. 6cn e,d2 or sGo0u ntu0ondhbbte sls 9er. :vu5 ainw8sns.idi3tn.i wn n JMgeiotre hisFl.t aMe lrrGcei olosetnpbxeaserc,ce owtlwilfevoh denFo a I anrttrhime metih en0e s1g- ,1ht0 ou0o on0rfn - OD4Uat a KLlWHyi aa *ppadi t..nMIfm Tnv .ha.Qyalut"donm«aMtorCir t M(ab 2MHt*m) D:aWOB ar »iHntlo» :. aHIL mn EdFCOw»kd MC vMMFdfCn t Ma1 F>aCnkaMoC« < inv « alaa«D t )TnM M MaJ.yva mW4 QaB».uraA r*pCKMo aoa.* mntuFn nC o rCt»rnayoapt r,. WKnAWYTghpapFt ua oaolraHr tinnaafdWati t, aonaa ayTle ntnais a.MFatl dye T latOr4o arr"Femory an3m Lrt A 0omH*Vimpan ad «LmcaHat aoSlw narMWd n U(Oa ea2Uroly>caannnyr.a a. oa F.e G lnTS an Paraatcm lOytOyo lOo n daO»grmae* s naC£poaar*eitmrBoa n Hrmapt dealna r. l m.N aA aHHlaLla a aa UFnHdnd a«nASa rS*ldmtr b i. o r FW4Walu omSaFar dayvL.ntn. u WN4oaCr d aa*aepad,aln yt noOtmMra mabnM alBndy ar UFW marSona Lr 4 od RP-M:an le Foyw manA snCnn .aR hal4nSaer. le mlapMaatrimytlel A nsnaR..Q li laMmO d SHfeJUe iOMaacHr^yatro a mUmlrs>d .n C t toRCo0*awhM ua6arry cmysph .aD. a S a y WwidnoicoIlulnrrb elb dtode atuCgh nmlroediaprte yndt w dtaio swnopd drDliadatheisnn,t s ir mnaoci ittxtooyem pMdip yc braaer mlgihlnyeeogenu Assneim tot sihnese ,ro iif-t Risak cafa enofdaTuSat rpthfuiolr lergrlei, ero nywef gooah rumftaoe imtrfr?loel uinuiosgrutnnm ues ibnorasecdr cRreee riorfsdtuti acrgpnbueadilomsop hutelhisesn.,e g rw ea hil lito s, FwMrmsippaenaanulhValdLamrsdICtiainhi,mppn«i ye voC-ev 5p t MiW i>au 0oohledne|icnV-ednYvfiufgh3^fd ife fatv a 3 ocGefrlLo i- it. aSfrenes0 oeeaeltlidt;v serdlt9ae,y g,ie L3vt n i en fsneh-eeegdrdwt3ivno so gt9 Bn .eseF mhhi,F nonpaeTa naHtjlt rhdacR usr Lmite,nuom mshowda anite bRitpklneionh , are og rmePC,g sei0tl dteao l- w kyotRaD0eenshnmma.ylrto ei ssessvMgco. r i6 ,ak uasi1 7srlj in t,eeli-huodsMn4s n mh05p OwH a - etpCad1h-oa c,nt.aemn oir dn afr3e iitlsn r 0tsorltsheyi-ehontnro1- -en et; 4a1o2tDTRafh l00ann3hlyer:0IcdNsS-9e5nvoa ste . da1nw oTe1Rrdtt.alnaa rho9 KaesItit te.nRnnehmihe aSydd ' i lb s'i tsetcs unt hCahepT rhhzoeis svera2saonkveit 4yr ddn eecf da.dr ai3tthrBts essb.awrhi o,lcoe anlalnPiluduleg nylfsad s tnsiwr wi wrrp. uciateosnllthne ntaoagaHeln -uy1lwb y iit4 4ein stehs irl70hgwtneaki-0ee rtiJ7o yr p t,,nasr 1ho utubk he0 arlnTpye ea0atn edho (sdc Bwvre5 dpkdi 4adati romat ne.uik1hr6snna laiee,h)Ft6ttni.mrsy no0a ( g0mrtd b 1 awbs ee 18anute misi.-hdttrns8te0he- -, ) . ccTtrasnhoCeehchnoiuthrlhdnehoC.nWraig oo erydeTtAye reohi fllshH dt lNeseev.ahe ,s arain t T T wep3tchlid hnhORec,tei2eoy eon o oN 0Dy1rsrnf cy06dae 'eiSe k .ncw n6r9sxi dongieM-.iecnn5kn ref9tJ,UdDe hiput n 2CL ehettash hi0pieaE nutasode.nirddlh6 nniefh .ise B c i nfDdchRogie ieeeuofheid lns f tcdiJte hn e ahhjsdae dutleHa rseti m rnb1 och1av1dyt4eep,r,es6 60tr w ntoh 0 iB-0fwnst5a0o0osrd.on i itr int aianihm e ntnnftdh bodet e a sherr3B e 3 : R w e5o h,a 1t2la3noiinha1s0nsylde0 ty- -0 - 8 catwwlttln1via oihoe91iamihepnnGm Mt:.uai3eh g0eescnrl p 0 .ihhaatDjp dal .run o7ftoniIae dttmsnJigmer ne oc ,tprpe2d tilosrCsu 3mu h3n (tt.wdh 1:h7ef 5er C8.W.oor(0diern-4 so T.7eaC 78 lP%al el- a tah6hi qah Nne)sCiauem.l rtkdet, oaao Tal Gm nn)r1sKeyht t0orlaaee oaa 0entcntn rorpeHesdolo nssa m ak fWe osJn aowTdfhbadn ur. tiosik dtfhekn ohsne2eltineyi0 denta0 ,s g 4 Wl3S D siM0,a noh3df0arnoai0 se adrtcr i0byshceeh e hpeeo cbaarnreoene skpK4siwtl ovtteao7o he oeisy.lndle1entd,- dtvMR(uNWrPh4lua.ayeeo0inTeuSOrsku a-rh stlht 9elnwdttwteiie hi RltgRfnivA noiaeFtrghtoei)hokrhdos an c (eb1 mwa l 8stks fat1cmwini:oewinrm.4o nd0ssnBads7on,t;n,se'-J.s so spe2i d G dn l1D t)r iRaa o.so8tsao c nsefii-pclenbnd7c rssu2famho os3 ,Gt t tariht. ehin 0Doriehmed bd.(t aai a1thb sehd athvn2e3osohiteed1,gnene 2 f -h,S s sCi0»02o r.1p 0sf)01Ujw 0,t1 a0usJ10 n1or.rm0 na-tsed .0a Irpn0ld and;tndaa s h sy (alhaes5o n nth -Rin dt hda,8snegeo hn)c4 a , MddColJm2 utpDnuh.a 1d oe4mrpar eyl0io ivuesidp o0fn et . K«aotpab1WolWF((jMat nao22om 2 paFH<Snm)matar|.|ana y0 . afda o.oHPd1 otnt tWn'adkfuFKa0n .1ea WP marrT. «adwk (dHMratt. io2 .a,MUad(a tf u |L c2iyMTa ;FmAmm n(1pS th 2eirMaHa1i .amu;M .oaJ» ICt my% ar 1aHE.n awCdw t dLa1>ya ma*aAo a1*n>u2 «: dnna*PaS1pr 4t dQt a nlmt o .FT Syaaca 8 taanB (tM «tatO.AmtrW C 2:ao»TO ton «A »|Ba r.aa.a aOeF g a»rayO n«g WVraaManrM.taam yrfotaa>ta Cmtan aeWrh o toRtaFnm . ipaItCmnIaW an yad N anC .a«Adm g SLo.mwOintho lm anao on tnknMiP OaC rnralaannLd"^ari grWtdtaaanmlm a t ,W Mn.tautoCaCo .atUrnnSVar anrn cW aaa( ovydFu4 ou n2MalWlana> ar nt tt ) Qta3ca rarLlT Ua m t0nmFt a WaW ah WlLAaXa taLp au tm OMTHca D merii»TC maM. wawswJaH f rton aS« owmnaltraWn*oa.ani arnta nmXo-au---»dc r tLa-m ak > v d RaTASflRSHCa*tB>onac gSh cSHvMTS»AsOdanaa(tauwnut* am t vsho.nO ud e4nSetaLanadas lorihpaeoedT.ddiannw rrraPamPmaMaoy mdd tyalyuya Lsy Me a> t r rA (Ta ncA M*sr2CHTdoaav.optp)y.mmao yaihuar.tSmwiuyd arrrle nnbarltptBSoon o na t24oiaarC3manat Ond» :Lmmdlan0 LCa B < Y l3HeU m H »Wa.B1nv Sra ah3n0 tlsad aod( o0IF hlaTd oWp n oarlS yrpRa CmcdB nwLat.CAmrk au o r BoACe«mllSrCaio.gnohno ugCrauKdrud aa gaW oBt«t asG alhWl aa. s W aeaaAlHssha . rl LLt«Bdaaaasl aeryRsdaa l-n no onfatCBooSldonnnayr oaa Ct da muam a(F l2a*tlUhDtrW d 1yahOWAB aaelI doa r aaMaaLf olsn«tAct. a « nGtFnpC4pHPpcLoas tyaam prMWaomW.ymT F rr rmn 4dam4r. rCho aa Ce i.tR dNunL dpo apn»5WhPardenmnn Wsm«uy dmaCa td 3orFo t,aayoae aI. c0ndaM lnFh yrywA rSaC.dpl r.ma.waaa5 aayp emMr y7m ityJra UnnGa MOsJ0C g3tte.rpWrm Iapt ye h»aLoa oMRmGa'mau y 2nwnar FrtaL at 7 c l 1BnaraaWnF LGhFSdpmFm tatar e Raa m aaWsnAhLSrWnir.rrme o d maoa Od47 eCpea a«Lot l Hae noCniM *pC wigLiF pXgroa.j Wel otoClrwC n4ma/n oSaml«Uen tan eihELMrL e3ynn va ya,R.G n f a0eM( lcleAaSa( L d m rr J7mLlp.:cea r 3wt .FF ya aWO lm07aa psao a«aSMtt rre. o umSpgtWmlWmpP a dot.HHctamaa.n ay;oMa MvMvat ) h4M. o.SnaW.. a LBB dn4aa A F aMphyoa 4 ss a"lpeoaR C *mn:r HnM•3anm"N m aa—a7v0a.a.n»an r l7 -rT-.- * cwwttSmh(flooatoioUhh hn geIbTctuWeea thvumarrbst' reseiDetr eeernmi eb rsodt oMegsd prpent ontouaohrro org saco emiont.wt s ,c ppoisp et eAhro ret otrooS,o esmrECn feo tw be dxiieimmtsoesipryntse ior hs iact esei och oate sta oeepnfonsle nlaefs) lm tl, rcaihbs fs eayy eSa eysro rm sicoeti noutmheluteeocs veln—ydpcu emp,cer rr P rroos—n ad otoutbvyah ohbtoiaeemetmaa trb aa aritbeebelnbaem'esl dnidc-yld . te thpdmtbHEcaoayorokxiegopAT llnRepellepshtsv atr ottte, raaheeb srgn fntaerPspeo,e'tyssrt el r ber tc a—Dc wmh uruyii etatepFhfies tiytniare ectrahgllu,o a yfwtaScli ths dokitiba e a'oloussny evd niln .ecf ptedsebr' oeot .Irav istrmdd riee tosopx m -ewf— mrotpdohiiew etlebBlt c niaae lttAboee ' shirF olmnpy a mpIhtl veooF aueewfrfnAtaiitoe cdit lntn aheatdoton'gd oet "fwiuUtc—bsmtihm opynomnaeT udeAu lmit-neil tcR,ldinket adtatbt de dUaofhnnnu ocrt yoS'Eii treldnl s t e,bd§ shtai t tT 9houfio tInp f eotHstea i atat lssbnosct.Edl rthesyautti YteiBuan l n rftt ogn reuleewhfeyatwe daos apw sttt,lr r oh agtecb ehl aternrduynrhatdeypg.atee ',tiab' nta ovu itgherldfseemosla -f si u m—sctn etsr-hdoeveoe e esweenemss spnodvs. t c ooie s cd u arnttw ipttearjhtihuegrdeine eseuyiiig d-tfss- ptt1hel1rer0S oat ahhwsleuaeidnrnm dgb hl'y seai ssrD opCo uaroantes dvJt oi1e o4h0r8u'.ns7s s,f o betn heeat srnct o daawnpd. ttue wHraeaemdsm fh3iara sdtftee ei ntb J ebi emtenht e- (Rat4hna6edJm. a58M)0sm,0a iaiyk enae adtM n 1R dAi:li3nl c5Medh.r yaart tRdasn oPdj eheras rdAkoinn ,tdh y Jewoeo foHa Nse ttulhelnemset ze4 ,r0tsi 0Bm areaakn cei-ner GC(Wt4hare:a4an s84ntb0o.g7e0ne)n drak 'osn(o2d m dw:0oi oD9nun.aba9tvl )ete,ehde C vYt bih4ace0rcti0 oksrru (i tnN5ehsn3ee.il9 nis )n3go,,n2 eCt0vh0r eteahni e(g t1ssp0 . Mr:1 3Di,in66la0t.l4sve0,e)r . LanaSdTk Teh1seE- 1 DVC ihoEvivNieesfSirsoaO nlaNl r,ae HnR d1aA- r14Nr-i 0 siino to sntvh re0eer- c2Waol liern dws bt iteootrhtn h2 i -Dte0ssi vsvineiisc sti.tho oen- Ja3then:3edn 6 v81.01e,0y.0 0.B i0not h trh ereleal y8ays00 twe raiutmnhs ( t2wi:m0e5ree.s5 )d o issfnqd u4a0 tl.h8iefi e a4dn0d 0i n L((22aSk))u..a n I1(^dts2ioaat yuapnTnrmvMtwi nnagGay niItSRmt RWLaaaSada f4OSo raOpdn mF dCT OCuB ntaAmii« LBunL*nm r * aBottr aoOdtha)e rr OAacr -«C rty GWOfWS tre eWaTedm vsLeuhteanc .un WdanW4rstanaioopdaasennyaam.s an.dyt4 elP ea rPp MtynH yema. ra ala'SM y*d BtaL aLtTe2ewyBa rw TaFrTA« ah F «'raCuM rmtaart sr aWmat4 ornHepSngenaamsner tnart aai NvstnRoa dTena lF aaG ayaaylrilteo sm OrLramta ntw Ttg.C rLtWCvoewunhnint uh eaLaranrctrvn naCL iana6ew.l n aFc1t a1 mSrF3maa 0rtWiun margadmr taHaenr.yat Co.m L MriOadw 3oa Lr y0lMavL dp4 oyE5 twmRt3G aoo0 Et.co hWF pdBaa maar AtmLte PSrL aCti Egywae rtBCro WFnaAa naarLtmlot L 7nP .Hlp y1« m ap M me rcy btwhoeeFd rySIe Fi fmloAvra,e dr tshdeoe.oc mS cinueetrbe,s ru tnwnaaolnteuitsolisdanla f laarl logttweoerrvnaaett riiunoopinnnossgc . SbabouToiclcvHdeeiIn rStdgh Po eamL cAe pu Nlrarte rfneotprm oSritle vsdeelrvydeor camlaell s rfoi ewflosdr . tembhseei aAlt lsmolio sootonon, su ret irwhygiesiiy ldtilst w f s wlwitolriwiltlehl aa im rng giteo tuisnne el.too rr caFe atDsIletF .ebrAtiu rcUso tiwniinott oeonnslsds' t- CEP teams top L•aMMa Foornann dMkatyXn.. A aClpa rMn*tor a»nftw WattiLB W NaWaat lFaaantardrmw Gntga lanOin" .L F «aat r CmLrfv «M cSaN'r»ra^ wEFdoaaFriad ra<isdot FaFnyo a4r.r dmMp amianl ygG t3Noa noPrdr.t tyeRhn weC diOha Trtyat sta.a jtn4 nPwp lamyn i C B aWaat nmMatoy aCnnha.on 5undn a3atrt0a ,D DpDe eaame.y . <2TT» uh2euer sdPdea ymy. ,A Mparsy 320 MMaeddoonnnnaa aalt G Sraagnidn aVwaS aVya SSatayt e tsot aMbnecA ecI.hN TaLbneYg e,r deT,qH ubEiorte hfdi e ianldr esa iwz enoue aeldndde hd sa uvfboe-r TinhgAa sts u wfroofrau cltdeh e m saukrefa fcoer, a s olaurrgceers phlaavye- Swinootcouc ltdehr el pik eUeo.p Snl.oe tmh iaanrrgoku emnt,do rpee t rhthheaanp sw to oerv lUdep n bhcDtHiaoooiPlsKvmNnltil . eog psNyliralmlooteymhnrtoo eHv etouh igfo tlvwh laltei mhimCl,te llehaeea s on W kfu tmseooteycrns aa t t ctewh tshreenoear otC leLbld heeaiatin csksekgief xefss r,To s Ahu h3tioru-ct0tstrh ids viad en sinaft ttdeiyrhesna, espid g 7iiAWthn-c3stgehst s soeodtodcviefivare atani-r-- Cwsetrhinhnee'NCt1irghieerai ls wf wce nbs2 ota bhi-aolgsyfee no3gn vS r- el S 0-eeets4debtrq yleq iu e at7u i anhiMn-imddnn1r,.eu p ah aesiratn tnejdau stan esn tnt grehiwdisdeonor C ghsb toacyR htduohi Bttr rehIfdheia da bela afotlip "dnt titwtne ehAooricem,nreig nnr.ar ou on hA lfdngdis ta ts Htvhs ,wbteeao poeil d fo-smt.oreos huevreesend- nfSiwoiatonuan iglt"Jnltilh teheI.op et misn Cwi ytwetn aticcv yhnahvrhoese griCneati e rac Vztw,t hha hf Ciaegocek ilRhaoui k bsnbiro snpsacg-eb.g irilssntlut . cWstn8 h hkW-w eii7estUdee. i wdx 'e Jvhtitoteeohshotreetn.p ka npe enlsylda acat soeiGy trdt e h. abwidernu "ivni tyWlfiheidniyner gnso t townd wa i saontsdishdtxn ri y. t'sigt hek.So" eaeb atro ll lsoteuoh,wm"stes - atessletq aaETuPtmadhellyesu- t rm copltaaaron stetuktihsaoteeshdn uw t aCroaleeapsek np wktPto, oiaannsnre eka ' sngontnads m.gc toi hebr-neslots teCmhrset asnt ow ctwceahenciirtennehrgi - ted foes a•OBTaAWUWSlPCm(ooohoag2antenneoTnyWumrT)tlaimg n so o.urUaCaLt haat tandBfaerGtlt»iueaitaad a sao BaTa«anrCanl n dnm,salyaaa tbd ahad.aoWlQytr atr WyFarOlaLCMHoaa, ed.y*Hntu rraoncasaaA a. otWfantn oaKhyrwnlMpl arltadyr,We voa< r nBWanhL4M* an3 tfdaya*OaW»a .ea aS v h <a 3 afeyGt2ead FO.ottl0P alyeanl l1lr p Fa e lr LDaapyFHt nn ram xnH aa yoMmGdnrSyM lrrmaF mr ao a C wiLain 4'aanih iath H J am1riHaH m»uot2gP 3ahlLwerea1h0ls eciyG^*a »i rn agpnOa lra MSa il iaa nMv SorDamFalda r tweaa eE» etr a.rWrcCr mwntva calryP l sery FaatoL «F atC(ryar ~oynt »2F(Na»nHr ra?f)oOt mnaaleoyLalr)ocr< .rard mH ratH Haa dvhH aa» Blayt ^t FTdaaaHndaw alroha riH»ntAneapnuoro yaadeSroror » oard o a-aptd-Laa-- r>l >t ' C4Cl4Cso.uopeh hStpMnmTnumfr(atm iriurm t tscoe uAaLthLn! a earJd.pe*dndWT ea.sW aa,mi1t yiytysaa 3 i.ACtnWs MB ARpdtpiWiaaaersp e rsmar*rydreettoiGl:tsnla o ptRa2nc4wf3IrlteSadRd 0e vrOm B3 «ULaRLab o eH3misSaewMr a0vgA la roa »eeTl L fftpsA«n Sl tRAf *nUt sDiSsmae hA a adr 6AleG<1eOy tCau 0ywg drrFs3nbe3aKc aoote0lHR0hrreonr mp eaaRsndhalmi s aea emaaMryyslisa t s. s InL .yaH. 4 rosa sSwa1p. tto Wse04MmLSu,dptW t.heea) m« rDHv mcoWeeynee »n g.ta 3- i4 n L a Sp•rd1•Tva» taBt amFSSa TFsPSt t|rntAua(2reua'i2 <tdetn 'td)eu 1u(-atdt.se2r rydap«pdt yd1ai aMyla aMn a.0yMp y2yyMaym".Ca.o ao ApM yMat lyOitHt Sypca ma aJ rL )I'iyo y *5 .ML M a 4 33 UaEa a0a UtndnMdG onsSaosncaEdnetnduor y oCnaanS ncFl rnaOea« aaK»acl Fi a3 C aCTStAI ai o GplBSouvrrpmiuAnnarrn gny.aC Ld g sCo AL RCAasC saborgp bo«aeoiredt rg (( sNM2( eMf) AaIi A2adI2AoIJc Ar - v atapcFltpIh lhaalrnlIsaareeenIdFoSnsygs'sae,m Ao ee isuteWwnrd b,e lgdrs e. ahty, otoauh toh nirmriTsfaeleoi dthgezn f rws earltiiata hg eg Cswoyseuhofs uihr ttr cndpethe ecghpoireen ln ea raoswk' vtrScou eiepeentci rslicg catav oe ccwwe r hma fifresnieedel w lwim dosi lnamb uueU mcugptAesyort n Sumerf swr l a wde oeob tioprofceeetifluht rr-l- l,t icawmscaolnoonegefodaudTwfvrAruiitlt eehcwdecteale rdraes itidoab ahnt rsrlae releilwe ekssdrry 'aqe sgoi w patt taurw snhhaoohi os op rie wbt censnUree neotod ,mi nost jno otf haieCgpwunv ce iool b nethy rtotnrtorhe htoiats semern hfireo egeyta froytpfp vh vSuAml piat aesigsohlmtiltedfraeli vfdm.lvaeuo eieMsr odrra esitdnmegoxcidcsonap. , hefmanie i istwlsanegeutlnliosai 'dd-s—detwn eh fmtidiwmcrdhsnoeale iaiivuorsIylsPcylmtli defl' ar ssfowinsi odt oianutaeecibenmgnldtrvilssaw oga ,tee sb hobtlruewnohllfeoytimy ceogg s o cwMr ehteneafretn 'on u rtip tatwc rnh earbth o.eohfhwde iebou ug i wdtelenl raheleB taicnh etatnm sueaegrygg tdr iohvi tu.mleaa el o twis xTehcop s phsnbehonelteaeeten,nesn syr v li aWeban e iadtsegnr hnetfTsncedad ,ibet sntnh fe wtbteigaihylnio sytnde s-- sion champion Canton, is 5-2 overall. Holmes shut the door. Missy Holmes and Kristin Stackpoole had two Northville had added significance ous day. The Rocks are 2-0 in the enough facilities. FIFA may just bJgodwWapNMMtCbTwitiSMifaosinhrsmle hphdroethw"ita AaateeTEWMasut iordecnWryta sdidht iatyArthrsn t hes'sotn ioetahntenh lae e 'ttte2eh rngcsfkdsine osgaayed ymnfrwe0o wts osnltia rr ASeo r dtb du edvFotntihadlepi rilo eeiaerwnvlarkaosdneih'roddrspbdrgyleeee dain aihwu lt ogt rnla r Ia mdo shift dlheUb t regtncidaehhara.wnwene l cyo esm i nrTesba ieboHioed eotstyam d npiwMey-ehoibhud.lvreeetp tedubie wgtcu eniu Wl sne Pbhecarjg i1mlort swgnneenymtesioiln s1heaotcnsreycedoie. nayltd oi aocettskaH smaW ernnc2wyif c.hdenylef pvaeg2or'oiice ei cshenne stTi(vro-nldadou iedn0e1dnemmt h on amtg rs- 2oh n—r'entwentdsh0len oednhaehtlp .)s ehyos nfeoeh st eF L ldst iavoe dda i wTnm dbelrgan asftre uaad aioaaahenraoihd. r yydnrti tteuetcldtybN aeehhsnl. "h,aeh ob "oetldw taA ey nrll w 3.tbuC ,Ayot m e.ip egeIte t-Ch c fi-Aroe1oa7qaa nteHe ua khapmsu-tmk usnm g3snsba teae ibtDdfaeaten a, n y eai Tocoi,hdmidhdan mh gn atsuabshn eheo abei otsn rtpru6riuu nsr,r,ushcst'tr-t ditrm,sg t e(oe4focgrs; 7 a edwa ,taroe dbd vos -tdutwonca u1h bi aeoeie2inambhmdrnleye)dersnd3t-- y . - g cbCruopeemuwbttttpeveabbnrehenPTaaeonoaeesNntsTaeh«t"rLhmieti rdm diaofsWnlhrelienrYny ieeealee t rig rwdl*d.R7ctnlhnu M, s , Chh -I o tgdn eto oo4tnt0bheannirrO enhrc -- ytneusuadd2 rfekhtt tcUii.eeswiheh s eloo bfanh , eaTeesohtfrnodd ayddbnH esia e0dteise nvirt tnn- xe3r ge So3a cr sogJavc-t tnmu nAhh0aoiwoo nt lsocitmWnlni,L nat aos aid soer Etwg n fJLulBcbutf)eetM nehp oAog uceVu iien flkttunrraAinerh oeinnl cm tg k terd Lyft 'oa; h s fciohtaaeafn om hrshretMh. s krgae eopaegea es etMlta mlv vr wssa htNet rowee wiihypaaeroqneu one iaroDdsi eubn tngrtotlrfo hheetii ltrfdinuspvhnn iisveetoo nnee it wbgneaatWdsnusev osa nedkmioae'te sor. nia eio bsnwnntdtatr l droh r ubst lnivB i duah .ettien(ta 'ebn tdh,iniuh nwnldle rgt,eeN dite " .Iic Ldln a"dnfes o godf to ati 1sthr 0hxm- uao4k a-tbteoe-t5rhe-nleio3yty fhd0d -d - , bhwTptebtcMm—RwshiseiswalfhniaeeteauiliBcCtiesogxoasMnv inh fyMrcI hap nMer Izrta etRn , roh.hhe,a-galqsE eanpea aaui,a otaihm r c ut tnGar iNhtlttt hdolahshceselfqeheneesd niooAkli eoo c. dtou hratepegdras enwstnlr eN. tneielori inC ttnhdeesndv iit h d psa.afolnftrniAz -ge se w i oanxeo orggt avTtss e t dRruwnl thMufc otw eJth hclfntiheCreagoMoo or eowonoaautrtrhm tw eda bnd.u iidchaoS lw s ennndr'prowkeoM son r-hTanDuntdalu dersn ahr gealiRRRnauw obe onadfklnDita snrfnkllwKoaonOotegsise dordn cewx) .st tiet bwNy.i i boo,khhtb ianilt aha eGs ieeetolssanws yttw.Ai wyshhmd s tt nH 6 iac oeahTd c rit g-eH dG yo ewhtomwatu4t arhl hdrhheryolt a me asi sueoorlc.lr lnal sstetebenMen m oufkomrr weafceeD n slbeuoi bdeoyal,imndi il nn neoswa.etnn pew h s ghctnos,dtMdei iy t ei abo(nehrmytrt it eoe li sushesag-nthn ok atchodhya t gasr fA hynoied a dwe emilat te e nretrrotoibi h twi ntdspmeapaeto m noet go, ridlionla. gntst ul oaa titgctots yn hunm h l rhh attw6tthse4troarihhwi im-edaef-raieten3e nn.4dskootdetud e g tg- . - n,- FgtTsAimaojKMIssewcsEsb0inoetfnmiracceooh y lgooacbmaaidwTCdschmoa"TnurPFadn oso dn. sNeeTtnlbr"Aadactmne H lneaondoapheaoedfs knyoaih datyS lsdEs erin otousuezee ttl manC,tsm iaNma dinttho,ohds lt oocxo C b 'dtheetn odsDawT haan nigc TptdeWei g Hl tue.sr hsgih5goesahi oifC frhoaaD.rtten.nafo-oun oIeooeh ns.tJts3ogN g Edvaoyniriasd e u la SoSleWsnaepdloas Fn t nhnwtlsnkdsKh 2ia ilrS e oaeldid .e1evSaee -aletosb so 7ava.r0y4eeshytemcn dre om- tm etafv Wp oMt1 hcae" i aWri or gsri eymr-gti Ttryaeaweeleotieh1ernre ,oudllxa ahCkoi.sfyelh hl a2 nslt.relte1f uJBkahEel enbLa el-yui so-epaosan1kas uaurs0PdatC rnre t ohedt . ki hc1d ta ha le sfip "retyL teou-o niwne n,Sip hd t1d aWseepnnndaD hteae iist o gtgokes tn rasst l iehahDn AaeeohevnhtL el to tR remc ctdi ceJc gousfaAosWu r h ne troudwhta7ifu puoi ttmonoaioiicipv-a miergslbssabmevnn2nvukayieilseseshee l -eis.yeftysr- t 6 d- . - - - LWgtgCttfESfasvLM0ainhwagiiroroaontta-iimdmLisreoooa HoaTa1kcrndavrfFosoSxmSAm. ylal eteo erm hbfoiaaw sstJAool,eleyassroAje .zn rp e kitdprnEe tnG-g Rrvn taDDwiyh nietResid ihhattworehnsuednwo acMenetio ritoioo,cyed,Ldnvr snaonyp au.o emcvw e . oiIb kr afrt melnsnmo,k SsedwNeeon O rhdeohirBtnwsdda se oomrayohur,RGGAel. raeewnt T eawt ra Coeetg i gmoTllkem wt aahbnelo ncoog eauohsaOEyendrbodo hexoietitad sai .TihgdeNaoud lz ata sns 2fakhloi fKl.lhi h da id-o srLi.e H slrDr 0, ulMnero Tsfi aet seaaacfdshar Ilitea udcRbnarnds saLja thn5e tada dtdeceog Lv asL- G b anr 7wa 0is cohesfSewd neoy -co bMta oors 0Cad —lcaLoifsel ol kmngoef,twtaac rmelhie a enu e glcraoe hiMae g S-eert s,tskog rmnahr h,a ihcteatoe Ce ed al aiGa aehlkdohtsn rrnndarch lsi s rurcaaozeDv bj ks rseeiayfo ntulhtiaety3siiebe dmzf e n dlvntalstd -7- d esi t-e0- - - bsgbwgcIcfadenoaoaaoreeaEnscormtTGuSddnDacPrdsrel ueneilahaahCouarreoo bss nedC LsytiLua1•cnods1•iuoae c sdte ,ok4i,rwah5Tgi eTslnee , vadvsl-nbd t-lo a bli8 frh .hMpo1otdfsowutlm lnin eeoeir9lT nsoespatn nlto rsioait Miyllyah eihlenwiiambiar l m , ,innfac trngbM et s —t ieiCihrMoCcigachoccl r n lt e a7 souaCeehshyshTas,a t t er1gmus7 tviuyt ce hpts r1ahgmhg2r iaraon i upu.Ol sscHnawce8t2maimterigo nrhhli.-rbs t ulis arna.aaog7Ae iaelipesldrl nl cflb.5l elotnml ieol p5a,koe(ti0ll sirhna-redenUy it o 2 5iv iceshla g,cs9tlrll. nsoe atphetoi t MohlMissor apiirpa ifnv setlhtacs1s. crei aah i fmeh tatt6b nsh odyfianteilaur,vtmilrghnir.-ydsek.a r resssA2Kga isnept trF tMttsitgt smee yRnr.h owh tidlu refeo' gnrteae1laeseHopidayblny rd2srld- so- uerl-ie.i t - -t-. r rlflieLurglCtfw6ytwnobttostBeuahtiiaaeei e-ianlweeu1aierkinOotnsmaemnAtdntirl1end eLsheseshdwmgnH nt t. n eedi p af i w h bKgolanEaiddtlWsuo-- setsnnesaih4a hhwre Rssor n S,rd 9 rt w)arooa vtinHBugst wAtitegein ei o nien e tSentshhr;aGdhni 1sehvtnwtot,ta ,sm8ia hee srear wiRhtv l Ha ek seniiivh-oeo essn go ya 4g eeblWneRatv 3hkangaH se er dRe Bi t sanh)e3aatasese rt, osdhaadBr4itIBmigx i,tt estl d BbIwnehctbere2,s i1e .itgaig oe,li uu-a senmwtk d8sta3slatlintge tk leeeen of ldomidk h 4e ydswetaornhowoud-wa rd,o geu.a4 t oiusn 3amssh nosf h,t(ndab3 a sloai fe3f n k- ni 3lsrshvB oHrswrn 3leadsaeParoeio 0 a-ni nivC^n svlm ss ndwsnld MihdyetchlCnit isueEn e inomn oaarA at t S gi e thPlMyenntgmn5 t oCeho twcddde3lr3an U ur ye aoofa ao2at* t ehtofl r dmmh8u ren4tsh ie-aseod-ra se6- ' -sr e onstp8tZHeuteIfWrwFvfffaeett0ieloonaae oahriirlneMiaa dacueoctuFlfio 2onrHrdmmhrM(lnh temlsnrs3mesoktdshCi vdoo edttict a r2eeiicehs (,Fcmeehi tri tkh;. tNsRartnyoe sa auri he,hZi R ta,rn r n SsvegoreU i ea toadeoStatfecie shdpraeefrChcies-tdvnhottee n fr rMn kewhtWejDWBodeilio aog'u f lasnf sret llrg eeonFn asotgoMh ladrob eprctiei Tneiela lg2ogrmaxHoklv Cv gs ro(anso4ais prCy-eeeSIkmRCnieilvc7e t enrfap rtl)gliec s eb rreoi..iia-Hefsvta odoa nnneaMdtrrsita cim unaenrleelmoagsaafted leo sdyne8soaimaftts ca s ium1rideotbrw sp ndUf icdi sCn,wn eaUnZlotf saoy hd Ana nt F orit,no U :-t twm.tHtd syo ioMiihpanUhiano ev tnmoteineiSeArrl dfrrdnatn.eaiguri mnh)oeoeta lslr,i f b. ritkrnfK vtscii htn l oeahcnLaei an7a2sehe egoEtretHsnotie8esrt0gya bs ra ncs7c n- S-dM 9t sUh3 iaw7nei12ht53oiy) e3 cte5i ndo4o7a.n1i.n5y eainv6d22de f-r- .r -t i --.i h-- s •wSAFbpffo3tt•N1YgT1udd Si wieB1inr4alUo6ainsMoenchoooaiT TlstTn neCsaa ieflwMnAatuuNutdDh sh oe henehr guhnaicttnirhienenSenhhcdaDieanep alrasdc atei i tiMm i v 1CwlEvhTtSnEaadheiPt1ft lno0teinygeoeotlso 5iaegeBaRhios iiuggl i Brcu nc xroeg Eaerranfo ann br-AhkecwtrNnoancir ann1ap oidia mnbeisodbooa'lLcni gansso 6mrs lramtwi neghLt e mehna Srec Vuma(d W oe antn bSaPh1oA ahn n»e BbanPm 1aeCc-uuiadre odn tsln30 igllnh aSestmnTpnarolCsathe)latb e ,tt d,onin d aosRy4r paeadihRot acstnt sv- Seprtir hdaondinaYyie1pyeUoon y rlaeolanate.at ss.l6 alonROhotel.tstm y tNhfvi^YiyFshetesni uens uo iLMa Uo .Bee4cgNpoa ao at tn nss btnsarb2rhTw.robtua,eEc ssieoya2e w yyaet, fc oeldy ahf-5R sifi of ie r1it s aLnT-tnroCc( tene nk U48h3hse2 aaSfehrdea2M adre.-d5kec-OoPglaloa5uat1,5 eaee rug tai ,mc lh cam)pdJcUnymhy urc ea f4 .uhsb ,1bpta reme.me a tls-t alySltiee3dn fi1rie,tyyo---- -e. e-. ..d r act(((KL((avs•vttpifMdemfmmdgohrnn iaioaoeTaiareeaaMc ncaCpiiTmirSnsrc fliceydIld dptMt w(ntpaehhuisetGha psfffdo41snen suedmtiaiie iiht08ea eieEresztdcnderf o oe frobClkllds seeenM Redsdendnabs eee)rwearprnp.yee e,e )Sri(Pe esl , orrsokdrSa(sdiir os )l))as a ednBtfleipk,o te eltsarloag he ars iflfab,lrt $Tk)nnoer iof oe vcRo (7 sobdndefatrnR esoegt f.Tlh niuni ah5 dDdemaL naeIoddCnwd 0 e PVgJ n eiidafeTd oNssravoid ti irpofM)lenyhanerosnho,) ien as,eoM , ltn RncerlrPidtf loiiBctye i at)e lhAi n m iaha,hopnb kymnrc H . nn T dizeueieCmc(rTg dtioisr1anTerlellaiasomu- oulyad d ogSnnos1Wdb dust-mSae t)aneuiTk eotn .orP od ,Rtc shpdtossrrnru onoi.oB qia oo wcwrStew e trui adrthp KrtusnB atSha aeitkasl lklntabaipesnrdaesleyeic ikliieyrr e,iasr ,d--h -- r t- •1t5TG17walAmbRCmt hwCa8ml1e1 1GgiuyoetTe e opeeai1arPT5ie aT4e leaG 9eTlnbnemOnrfgc0P0• rt5mlebsgh5 ike e i i otrh uClAeapdosf eSaa0uLsoke.l eaeelo y3tlra peo..trinS fal .F ual mrrG0ky ffm rulme eRg teisCarae,eso e ws.aiorrtim nred.tn resaoagsn isglei od di n tef nfe an FhoowifLc oueli uomt,tsns n oCtioraernrbOtCi reEtromd otnsn i hrunsbeear$iBebnd ofme vigAnlatln eii1ek f dnGlauubsftregRr tg2 'ialCeseeCGgyreiier ycoiadr etdo ss , egmMenoep Clat3imeenUc1lsf .oinp nne9 igT a: r aMsga aonn tr11teitEL7eTinoy itht r eno05nrgfs 1-eanatepSerhengne.5 t yr1o t dFaeae eee r ip1 3in5t a enrRngenreoaT o .910.3isrdgtsm ul n nmd0loi,i ol es enP . 8. oawo. nssgSwa a a nfpf wwO,g f p o.Ctpgn$waTieyro e laols teuir1sf.afk eFrlurimbCtmtefeh0rs slls s ceeegllil sCg i aoi ch eebslpooM p ni n nerl. pp3edsaeTns alolf et9sullfAgaatanoob eua we7royma ayduy nekrdyasrat-tr ts-, es o - - - tCehnr,e-u Wtmsha,eI"dTi resHar sti Ud hheSa Md b aledoaosttnin nbgao Nt hpcool garaytachohmwfe foDsso at d"ov,we ttohh Ruealta dN ce oelhriramt vhIifewna odttmheeed-- RktbiaeeTc. nheSeert.x ar t"ca Tletlywhyeo G ys bti saracartotrtdeerder sdr ew wfaiocethuhrree a d "r ew btaiarlskeed . t ooo H aung ehrarnoar, W biult- stthihneeNg tdlohiirinsrtgtdhr wii nrcuot nothd we fie ftlhilr s atto b t a7ws-oe22 ha inwtd. ith W tihlkeie lo ksnseosc,k i3n-g7 iinn tsstlihaccmetooe rre5ree,3 ddHKr diwarnri isvmthe it yG nhaeun octf oefa ,snse sv aaciennsodrtdnt edf drtEhor mrahienae plHfa .Hmassrai vnG rfevuroyetof eyfmi sn oMsbrae iest"drtiT.xec hy"r .Ige c o 3oea-ax0lscph seifcc ott ehDrdeien ie gsopsu aa rhk ba tdite Sa gmmhoiinvse lrtoea ramigd pahilnnta. "gy , iT1ms0h ea:Au3tvrr0lalis icptdlia.aammlybl.eysl,se,. a t bmM e4uto2wsn0te-d3ea 0nbye5s 97. c otphn.rmvoe.ur gathend d ogpicmulloeatnpshyf r.,ae ohinrvndaecesndl iuca stedo i11n 491g--851 -209 -r2e ooc ivvoneer drrtaah lleallt, M iN1nA-o3 C.si i5n nBg SstlihUense - sGsaghenalvodeme nrsetnnes) tc,Hth ooa Sipnnn)dd .f rR M ioisnBmi Ik1 te0 r(ti 2h HpW4le ,eienas s0rt .d b7(l,at5a hnatr dtp eijenuerg,n (i Jg0o(ora h3m 0on39ue 0 )ta) - . New name for champs but same team MlowaSneaddlye a mD 1'rs2u v-m0icm tdooernfyeda tfoo vorfe rh Wer LT 1Ar2oAtyh og fpoopalo-l.- htwooa kwse eiemvpep rpr.e rLesasssedidynw gw,oi ottohd d odiuisrdr ug epovtae ltrkhyeitenhpgisinng gI itnia tSnhc,e hCo aloinsltsto iennlgi agsnidb Pl eSlya mtloeom up,tah Frtai rcCmihpiranistge-- qpueoPapretlteee r fMboaragczkeit ohne iw wh caaotsn t afinonru e oAsudt tsroitaan nmd Cainkogel - fmaineodlr dfiiaeflrt hHfrS oi)nm, d ios Wu 1be0lstethsla (innndi nR e(B.W I0a. 2(y28n3)e.. 0M.7e2-) WHY PAY MORE nent Walled Lake Central the previ- and defenders ton, North Farmington, Harrison lege with his superb play on the dia- Art George, a junior at Evansville The defending champion of. t..he . Livonia . .Me n.'s . Mo.di.fdied F rans.t--vPitch «t»n< son and Ron Wandzel return firmomm llaa«stt yne>airr, t tnono. WWhhiittee aanndd KKeessssoonn bbe€ gin and Mercy. Livonia Clarenceville. mond A senior from Livonia (Ste- from Redford (Thurston HS), ranks Softball League returns to defend its title this year but under a new their third season in tbe sport, Kirkpatrick, Tiller, Robinson and Wandzel Ladywood, Churchill, Franklin venson HS). Mazzoni — in his first seventh in both hitting ( 339) and their second. and Stevenson, Redford Union, season playing baseball for Adrian doubles (nine. 0.26), he's first in MAil-American Sports Center will attempt to win its first title for the Ail-American Sports also welcomes former Total Foods players John Thurston, Catholic Central and St. — is hitting 317 with team highs in triples (four, Oil) and fourth in AT new sponsor after achieving previous success as Pat Boyle Chevrolet and Longridge, Jim Dillon and Bob DeBenedet. Ail-American Sports also has Agatha; Walled Lake Central and doubles (six) and RBI (19). Adrian is stolen bases (18. in 22 attempts. 0 51 FGS Radiator before that former area baseball standout Chris Sisler on its roster this year. Western; Garden City; Lutheran 8-12-1 overall. 3-5 in the Michigan a game). All-American Sports was second in Division A during the regular sea- theTrbee w Ail lan bde B a d 1iv3i-sgioamnse w silela bsoen c owmitbhin neod ipnltaoy oofnfes,. 1 G4-atmeaems alereag upel,ay aendd WMeemstloarnidal, John Glenn and Wayne Intercollegiate Athletic Association son last year but won tbe post-season tournament the fourth time in YOU CAN DEPEND ON eight years It claimed the overall crown. Monday nights at Ford Field in Livonia. Dean Kobaue, a junior from Livo- Tbe still includes veteran players Jim Foster, Dave Brubaker, The other teams in the league are AJs, ALT, Bedson Electric, Malar- MEAKIN & Rick Dreher, Dan Pierce and nationally-renowned pitcher A1 White. Fos- key's Pub, Marauders, Mid-Joy Inc., O'Connell Industries. Papa Mobil ter is one of the best longball hitters in the league, according to Bru bak- Romano's, Primo's Pizza, Pulice Construction, Suburban Door. Crest- PRE-SEASON AIR CONDITIONING ASSOCIATES Amoco er the player-coach who begins his 18th season in the game. wood Lounge and Total Foods. - i for Curt White, Mike Kesson, Doug Kirk pa trick. Brian Tiller, Tim Robin- SSSB Ends May 31stJ 'nAsst aL//oe*< jA Fs0 r YACHT Be $ e! INSURANCE THINK SPRING LEAGUE BOWLING Wo 15* M 101 95 BOLENS* One-Step Leagues Begin In May * Call Today COMPREHENSIVE Mnkhfaf Mowersfl u COVERAGE WOMEN'S DAYTIME I Will 1 I Wt >\»l ^ Make dippings disappear' FINANCING THE VERY BEST WWeedd. - (3 Gals) 9:3 012:30 pa..mm.. Sun — MIXED — 77::3300 pp mm N5HevPe rle rtafk-per oopr ebfalegd again. 4 or 'cAReiVbuaAtAeI*Lu OArfeiB-uaLflrE: Bw y THRealUth » wenPyR IwCEoS'* r»e °fo" WOMEN'S EVENINGS MWoedn 7777..::33330000 pppp..mm nnrr.. .. 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