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Preview Byte Magazine Volume 16 Number 01: AI Metamorphosis or Death

ElimaitneD iskB ottlecnkes Isnidteh eI tneil8 60 TheG ilbeHryta tCto nrtoversy Etheertn-1Y0e arsA fter TheF lexOOSp eartinSgy stem "GenteicA"l ogrhimts PLU:S Turb�a�C';t6 .0 Word for OS/2 5.&5 '''Gr� CompaqSLT Remote-CoLnAtNrS oolf tware Applen'esw A /IJ,( MacRenderMan FolVioie ws2 .0 Agend2a. 0 & THEN EW DELLS YSTE4M3 3TE THEN EW DELLS YSTE4M2 5TE 33M Hz EISiA4 86.'" 25M Hz EISiA4 8.6 •i 48m6icroprurcucnsnsion3rg3Mm H z •i 48m6i cropromcremsisnaogrr wir1h2 K8B e xremca<lJ che. 25M Hz. **CmnmercLieaalsP el anL.e asfeo ars CommercLieaals Pel anLe.a sef oCrL 'i lowa s$ 377/month. low as$ 27 8/month. 33M0B SupeVrG AC oloSry stem 19M0B SupeVrG AC oloSry stem (SOQX 600) $10,499 (800x600) $7,499 Prilcies itnecdl u4dMeBs o fR AM.* Prilcies itnecdl u4dM eBso fRAM.* SO1.0 01,9 a0n d6 5M0B harddr ive 801,0 03,3 0a nd6 50MBh arddr ive configuraaltsaiovo anisl nble. configuraatlisaoovn asi lable. THED ELLS YSTE4M3 3E THED ELLS YSTE4M2 5E'" 33M Hz EISiA4 86. 25M Hz EISAi 486. •i 48m6i croprorcuensnsi<onJrgt •i 48m6i croprorcuensnsiaontrg 33MHz. 25MH:. CommercLcicatls Pcl anL.e usfco ars CommercLieaals Pel wtL.e asfeo ars low a.•$ 307/month. lmu£L '$ 235/nwnth. 10M0B SupeVrG AC oloSry stem 10M0B SupeVrG AC oloSry stem (80X0 6 00) $8,499 (800x600) $6,499 Prilcies itnecdl u4dM eBso fRAM.* Prilcies itnecdl eus4Md BofRAM.* 801,9 03,30a nd6 5M0B harddr ive 801,9 03,3 0a nd6 5M0B harddr ive configuraaltsaiovo anisl able. configuraaltsaiovo anisl able. THEN EW DELLS YSTEM3 25D THED ELLS YSTE3M1 6SX 25M Hz386.'" 16M Hz 386SX. •lme8l038m6icroprorcuensnsi<oUn rg •I m el8 0386mSiXc ropromcnensisnogr 25M Hz wit3h2K Be xrenmcla che. at1 6M Hz. CommercLiaela sPel anL.e as{eo ars CommercLieaasle P lanLe.a sef oCL'ir lowa s $112/month. lowa s$ 79/month. 40MBV GAC oloPrl uSsysre$m2 ,999 40MB VGAC oloPrl uSsy ste$m2 ,099 Prilcies itnecdl uIMd Be so fRAM.* Prilcies itnecdl uIMd Beosf RAM* 801,0 01,9 03,3 0a nd6 5M0B harddr ive 208,0 ,1 0a0n d1 9M0 Bh arddr ive configuraaltsaiovo anisl able. configuraaltsaiovo anisl able. THED ELLS YSTE3M2 L0X THED ELLS YSTE2M1 0 20MH z 386SX. 12.M5H z 286. •I nt8e0l3 86mSiXc roprorcuensnsionrg •8 028m6i croproncmensisnaogtr at2 0M Hz. 12.5MHz. CommercLieaal� Pel anL.e asfeo ars Commercli.a.le PCLl'iaCnL .e asfeo ars low a.• $104/month. lowas $59/month. 40MBV GAColoPrl uSsysre$m2 .799 20MBV GAM onochrome Prilcies itnecdl uIMd eBso fRA M. * System $1,549 801,00 ,1 903,3 0a nd6 50MBh ard Prilcies itnecdl uIMd Beosf RAM.* dricvoen figuraatlisaoovn asi lable. 208,0 a nd1 00MB harddr ive configuraaltsaiovo anisl able. THEN EW DELLS YSTE3M2 L0T THED ELLS YSTE3M! 6LT 20M Hz3 86SX. 16M Hz 386SX. •lnrei803m8i6cSrXo prorcuensnsionrg •l mei8038m6iScXr oprorcuensnsionrg at2 0MHz. at1 6M Hz. CommercLieaals Pel anL.e asfeo ars CommercLieaCLl'i Pel anL.e asfeo ars low as$ 131/nwnth. lotu as$ 112/month. 20MB,IM BRAM.* $3,599 20MB.IM BRAM.* $2,999 40MB harddr icvoen figuraatlisoon s 40MB harddr icvoen figuraaltsioo ns available. available. ThDee Slyls t433eTmEa n4d2 5ToEr cel aAsd se viscoelfsdou rs iecn o mmercial eonnvl"iPeyrr.ioo rnmomEnnecheno ntcsem cntst:hWeiltirnhrei1gnto byotlememor1y2,8K B(3 16SX,320LoTn,d3211690L6)KT B ( l33Dond32o5r3840 ) KB(3 20LX,425E,433E,425TE oro4d33 TE)o fm emoriysr esef\leuds ebl yot rh sey stemt oe nhanpceer olrmocne.C onb eo ptionolldyi sabloen3d 3 303,2 503,1 6SoXn d2 10A.ls ly stemsorep hotograwpohetopdhT!c nolterxmA.lplr rcocnsds pccokohoornsesu bjeCTt ochongewllnohtoc1eu Drc Uc onnbeot r t.'SpollSiblef or C�tDrllrl r-,-oog,opohrpy h o:ogmphty5o.u •cef.r oCmo mpaqO ctobe1r5 1,990 pte5r1e leotsteS.o• cuech omC ompaqJ ul2y3 1.990 ptesrse leo"�Paymen t bo!oedoJ6n. month.openl-eeans(>deL .e os.0n1gr ongbeyld e osoGnrgou p.I ncl.nC or"IOdo.con'-3uro:and10 nptiCsCS mO'f •·ory DDEcUl SlYoSnTdE oMr er egtsrTerroedde mo4r2�5sEo. n dS mor!oVru!e rodemmokfDs e lClo mputerC orporoholnn.t·d�o r eg•�Tterroeddc moonrdk3 86,on4d,8 .J6o8r,6et rodemoorfl� nsrC eo!rporotOrtohnet.rr odemoornkdts r odnea meosr eus erdo o denttohieeyn ��c loomong rhe marl<!.o rdn omeso r, ,..,,,.p,H xlucQr..,sC lorln puC:oerrp crodil•sOf1.c loainmyps r opr>eotnotreyr• neJ srto demoornkdIrs o dneo rncos1 hJehro rorw in·t O sn -sse•rvtm•oecyen obte ov o!,olcb m cert'oe•mno fleo ::ot•Sohnisp.p Ohnongd.>l nogn do ppkobles olreesxn oitn culdedi nT hper ice. For onlormoorno.o nnd o c opyol De!30!-d'osyl o:�oO1'• 'so::on-oG ua•omce.1m.,•veod, ono:ndyXef , o•"SeMcs e Contrapc!tea.5w Cn •1e0 D ea USAor pCooo•oon.9 505A rbo.e!um Bov'evAourstdno.,T e�7o8s7. 5r9mAI ,T N:W orron.Qry 1 990De llC omputCeorr poraiAoroUn. g htsl esef\'t'd TOP OFT HEMARK . Sow hadto y ou bgye t payitnhgee x tmraar k�up foarC ompaq? Notab ettceorm puter. Delnle'3ws8 6s'y"s taermes asf asetx,p andaanbdl e compataisCb olmep a'qs. Not betterI ns ervice. 8 straPiCg ht pololfs Week corpocruastteo mDeerlsl,' s servriactee d much higher Thene w De3l3lM Hz and2 5M Hz3 86c omputers. Systeimn cludes: ColPolrMus o nitor1,0 M0B hardd ri4teM,B VGA RAM. thaenv reyoenles e's. Notb ettpeerr soantatle ntFirootmnh .e systbeoma radn da 3K B2c achdee siginnetado momenyto fiur scta ll compafcoto tprint. lD ORDERCA,L L usa,n df oarsl onags Then ewD ell33i3asDs g ooadsa 3 86 PC 800--283--1170 HOURS,6 A M-P9M Cf M·F8 A M·P4M Cf SAT. yoouw ny our cagne Nto. to nliyis 3t 3 %f asttheartn h Dee ll (IIJn)C0 a.n6a0d8.a006 l-8n3.G800e7.r-m5I;7n�5t n1h�.e· 0 06U8I1.n000SK4 3w1./o:47: 50d31Ie5-nnF.0 0r .7a S6n0Oc-e.7 1c3 omputweelr'wl,o rk 3250i,ht a as6 4K Bc achfeoa rn e xtkriac ikn wityho uc ustcoomn figuyroiuncrgo mpuatnedr performance. answerainnqygu estinoonm sa-ttheorws mall We design machineo urs pectsh,e n every to -whethiebtre t echanlis,ca loerss e rvice builidt yoursW.e d esioguncr o mputweer s; to related. knotwh eimn sioduetS .ow heyno uc aulslw, e Inf actth,oe n ltyh ienxgt yroaug e ftr om cant altkoy oaub ouwth ayto nue eadc omputer Compaiqsw ,e lmla,r k�up. THEN EWD ELSLY STE3M3 33D3 M Hz3 8A6N DT HE NEWD ELSLY STE3M2 52D5 M Hz3 86. Ourn ew3 86'psu lalf asotn eo np ricier STANDARDF EATURES, • 6i nJustrys tandeaxrpda nssiloo(ntf siJ v6,bei t, •I nte8l0®3 8m6i croprorcuensnsioanrtg one8 -bit). 33M Hz( 333oDr)2 5M Hz( 325D). • High-perfoInDnE(a 4n0cMeB 8,0 MB1,00 computeBrso.t thh 3e3 M HzD elSly stem® • Pagmeo dien terlmeeamvoeryda rchitecruMhrBac,r1d. di9s k0d rMviBaes).n dE SDI( 330MB6,5 0MB) 333aDn 2d5 M HzD elSly st3e2m5 Da rfea ster •Six>4taMarBond df.RAIa MM r Bdoe (xRApMa,n*dor apo1br 6lMieBo noManBs\ oy2rs te•m m1 po aurlsaplelopre or,ra t,li lsm2 eeg rrtpaiedoa.nl s P,S /c2om patlieb •l mebrtr.elVdGA comrolelrw it1h0 2x4 7 68 •1 77w an poswueprp ly. andm oreex pandtahbalmneo shti ghperri ced support. • IZ�monXteh roOxn-.:.S iSteer vCoincrer act. •l me'f'b,uedh arddr iavnedd iskednrci ve imcrface. systems. 40M BV GA ColoPrl us • 64K B( 333o0r)3 2K B( 325SDRA)M cache. System $3,59$92 ,999 • SmaVrut-AdvancedOSiayb'sltslteiOmcD i slap.y Priclisetesd i nclIuM dBeo fR.AM.*8 0,100, Then ewD ell®3i2as5f Da st, reliable 1903,3 a0n d6 50MB harddr icvoen figurations •Soc ketf olrn t8e0l38o7rW EITEK3 16m7a th alsao\rJ ilablc. coprocessor. machine upt o1 6M B of ont he • 5.215."2 MBo r3 .15."4 M4B diskedtrtiev e. ADC OD1EE1 1A with RAM TOP OFT HEMARK · UPS. Butf,ot rh sea koef argumelnestst ,u' ppose somethdioneggso w rong wityho uDre lclo mputer. Botthh Dee ll33a3nDd 3250c omwei tohu r SmartVtuhb;eu· i lt-in diagnodsitsiptclh aayt ingeniously identifies probleevmesin tf h e Compaq3's3 M Hz 25M Hz3 86c omputers. monitgoore s down. and Systeimn cludes: ColMoorn itor,1 20MB 4MB VGA hardd riw, RAM. Iyfo sut ill need help, foarn, dt hepnu tto getthhemero setffi cient, ouDre ltlo ll-tfreeceh nsiucpaplho orttl sionlev es econompiaccaklaf goyero uW.e t akyeo u ofa lplr obloevmetsrh peh onoef,t weint hin 90% throuaglthlh ceh oiycoehusa vem eimno rsyi zes, omri nutOer,si .yf o uus oeu nre wD ell 4 5 monitsotrosr,da egvei cheisgp,he orrfmance TechFalxi ante we'flablxa ck 1-800-2995,0 -13 controalnldae crcse ssOonrciyee osau.g raebeo ut techniincfaolr maitmimoendt ie.al y exacwthlayyt o nue ewde,i mmediabteegiiyn Iwfe s thialvle sn'otl vtehdpe r oblweem',l l custcoomn figuyroiuncrgo mputpeerr,f oar m send trtaeicnhendifr coimat nhsXe e rox complestyesdtt eemst th,es ne nidot f f. Corporattoyi ooundr"e stkh nee xbtu sindeasys Theny ogue t daytsou siet I.yf oaur en't witthh seo lutiinho ann d. 30 satfiiesds,e nidbt a cWke.' rlelt uyrno umro ney, For salfeo,lr e asfeo�lr e sCsa.l ulsT .a ltko noq uestaisoknesd . ac ompuetxepre wrhto soen ljyo ibts og ivyeo u Even ifs omethignogew sro ng,i two n't exacwthlayyt o wu anitnc omputseerrsv,i ce, wrecyoku rd ay.A ctulal,oy neo ft hnei cteh ingss oftwparrien,at nedrfi sn ancing. aboouuts re rviistc heay to ur'alrlne eleyid t . Youg'elstlo lid inftohracmtoa utsliadov ne Another polcla tegwoedr oym iniast e yout imaen dm oneoyn c omputweirthshi gh PCWe ek the coanlel" erde liabdiuleii nnt oys 'm!._a ll marknso,ht i gmha rk-up--s---. DELL measutroe oeuxrt enbsuimv-eti ens toinne ga ch ----- C-----OMPUTER CORPORATION compubteefro irgteo eosu tth deo or. Circl8e5 ReadeSre rvicCea rd on HEREO'USR N EW STORE, SOY OU'NLELV EHRA VTOE GO TO THEISRTO REA GAIN. Wheny oub uya c omputfreorma typiccoamlp utsetro rhee,r ew'hsa t youg et: A beefy retail mark-up. Presstuobr ueyt hinygosud on'wta n.t Thactr ummy feoefnl oitkn ngo wing whayto u'greet tibnegc,a utshese a lesman isn'stu rweh ahte 'sse lling. And,w hent heraep 'rso blseomm,e guyw itahs crewdtraikvieynrog u r computaepra rt. Wheny ouc alDle loln,t hoet her handh,e rew'hsay to ug et: A frantka lwki tcho mputeexrp erts abouwth ayto un eeda,n dar ecommenda- THEN EW DELLS YSTEM3®3 303 3M Hz3 86. tioanb outth bee sotv erpaalclk afgoyero u. STANDAFREDA TURES: •Inte8l0�3 8m6i cropronc1e1smsiaont3rg 3M H z.•P. tgmco dei ntcrlmceam\o'r<lcyrd c tchrcirue.• S tandIaM rBd u (R AM*, Custocmo nfigurawtiitoohnp ,t ionso prioln M�B1olr4M Bo(R A1vctx pandntbo16h l :vi Bons ystem board•I.n tegrVaGtAec do nrrowliht1:h0r 2 x4/ 68su 'roPr.t •6 4K Bh igh-spl..'dS cRAM.•S ocket flonrt8 c0l38o7r WEITE)K1 6m7a tcho proces5s.o2r15.." M2 •B or3 .51.4"4 MB Jiskcm·•d6 r nidinu:�.ns )m"n dacrxdp ;mssilno(ntf si1 v6e- hOilr8l.-l b'i• tH )i.g h-perfoIrDmE( a4nM0cBe,8 0MB.1 00� .fB. includmionngi tomresm,o ry sizes,1 90MBa)n EdS D(I 330M6RS,OMBh)a rJdisk•dIpr airvaeplsol.ne 2,ls erpioarlPS/t s2, c ompatible mou:slleilpn otretg,rated. •S martV-uAd',�. ,nScycsdtO eimr JgnDuissrpi•lc1 a2y-.m oOnnt-hS i5tcef 'C·oincter parcotv ibdyXe edr ox::. 40MBV GAC oloPrl uSsy steSmJ .S99 sowfatre, Prilcies itnedc luIMd Be os fR AM.8 01, 001,90 3,3 0a,n d6 50h arddr icvoen figuraatlisaoovn asi lable. TO ORDECRA,L L accessaonrdi es ADCODEllEAl 800--283--1170 peripherals. systetmessa tn,ds hibpyt wo-daayis rt andard. HOURS,6AM-P9MCf M-F 8AM-4PMCfSAc InC ana8d001- 387-5I7n5d 1w. U.0K8.00 4 1453I5nF. r ance Serivce- A 30-yd,na oq uestiaosnkesmd o,n ebya ck (I3)0 .60.6ISn.GOOc.rmanr06103/Siw0c1J-c0n.0l7n6 ;0-o7.1 3 consistveonttetldhyb e e sitnt hien dustry­ guarantee. byc omputeexrp ewrhtosk nowo ucro mputers A one-yleiamri wtaerdr anty. insiadnedo ut. Anda g reparti ce. A varioeffit nya ncianngdl easionpgt0i ons. Calulsn o.wW hyw asatt er iwph een verything A firmp romitsoe peraff ourlmcl oyn figureydo un eeidsr igihntfr onotf y ou? 33-MHz 386DX1M, EISA. $1995 .. TheALR BusinessVEISA It'Whsa t YouN eed toT hrivienT odasy ' HostiBlues ineWsosr ld It'as s inko rs wimw orldo ut Designetdo s urvivteh ec hang­ therea,n dif youd on'tta ke ingt ideosf y ourb usinesesn vi­ Hunfto tr hRee a3l2 -Sbyistt em advantagoeft hel atesitnt oday'sr onmentt,h eB usinessVEISA BusAiLneRs sVEAS1'IS A PremiumTu technoloygy.o urc ompetition cwainlt la.k ea dvantagoefb oth Architect3uV8rE6e/I 3S3A· 31C8 U60PS1I·3X D2/?�16·5V To surviviena seao fr educed standar8d- and 16-biatd d-on CPUS peed 33·vM Hz1-6MHz budgetasn d accelerattiemde boardasn da dvanced 32-bit CPU 3860Xv 386SX DatPaa th 32-vB II1·6Bit scheduleyso,u n eeda computer EISAe nhancemenptr oducts. Memory 1M-B t·MB that'bso thi nexpensiavned f ast.T hisp owerfusly stemc anf east LBuiPssr tic e 32$1-E995BIS iAvt 1$·62B4Ii9St5A You needa systemt hatw ill on thel atesintt oday'asn d Priocf2e 5 -MHz i48U6p grade $1995 $4895 explotihte b esto ft oday'asn d tomorrowh'isg h-speIe/d0 a nd tomorrowt'esc hnolowgyi thout multimastertiencgh nology. exploityionugr b udgetY.o u TM Just Upgradteh eC PU! needt heAL R BusinessVEISA. As youc onquenre w territories, ALR VEJS<\ 25-MiH48z6 CMPodUule yourB usinessVEIcSaAn One oft hee asiewsaty sf ory our expandi tjsa wst oa ccommo­ companyt or emainc ompetitived atei 486p ower. JustU pgrade ist or educiet ss pendintgh;a t's theC PU!TM Simplpyl ugi na n why we've pritcheed VEISA2 5 or3 3-MHzi 486 ALR BusinessVEIMSoAd el1 01a t CPU modulet ob oosyto urp er­ just$ 1995W.i thi ts3 3-MHz formancuep to2 70%.T hen 386-procesasnodr i tsa dvanced watchy ourc ompetitisocna tter. 32-biEtI SAp us,t he -W' R' 940J1e roniImrov,iC nAe9 ,2 718 BusinessVEISgiAv eyso ua llt he Don'itg noryeo urk illienrs tinctA._H :.�.-( 71)54 81-67F7AX0: (71548)1 -9240 powery ou'lnlee dt od evour Call today. Availabaltte h essee lectreeds ellers: ALR today'mso sta dvancebdu siness ContJePocitn:=:nitn'-g f5i iW7t � COMPUTERC ENTERS applications. 1-800-444-4ALR Pracinocdne sfsuti cbogghejw ua eirnnctaotPhtt robiiiuaooccUtsnnee. es .sSd S . ys shdwtoooiewpltmmntlh o ia norianstda.aoa3l nrpf. d/tl5 geo"rrp a ppyh.i cs and atrrea dermeatgrrikoasAsfdtd eeLvamroaRnaegnedrdics k AceeAo l daLtbl rRhra c peanihrrndns,Vo d EaI aSd Ama,Ir ue necsc t . tBusirnesaosVrEdIrSeAJ,eu sgUtpm griaadteosh eCrt PftU!rkh eesers ieprSde h pctahRtrrooiaktnvTd o eSoe:T tmmA aoa asywcrslnkbkoAoe yscdrr .Lv/s oRa .gen isccee adr ch. & ©1990 AST,w e sawy oumr aileWro.u lydo ul ikseo meo fo urp rodulcitt erastouy roeuc ang ety ouirn formartiigohnnet x tti me? Circ1l9e ReadSeerrv iCcaerd ( REESLL ERS:2 0) on IJ'JTE CONTENTS 1991 January Volume1 6N,umb er 1 223 Photo-aRleisfmo rT hoswei tThi me (anRd AM) toS pare COVER STORY PixarM'asc RenderbMrainn pghso to­ realirsetnidce rtiotn hgMe a c. TheB YTEA wards 227 A NewA ngloen O S/2a ndW indows PAGE1 47 WideA nglmea ketsh ve irtual desktaop ph ysirceaall ity. editors 228 TwoB umblinDge tectives BYTE DariaTneac hngoylGo roupW'isn Sleuth choose 67 andM acSleumtihsts h mea rk. oft hem ost 230 RevieweNro'tse book signifpircoadnutc ts Newv ersioofnLs o tuAsg enda andF oliVoi ewmsa kem uch-needed frotmh pea syte ar. improvemtehnatatsd dress usecro ncerns. NEW S REVIEW S STATE OF THE ART 19 MICROBYTES 168 PRODUCTF OCUS 236 AI: METAMORPHOSIOSR DEATH? AMD showist 3s8 6c lonaen,d CachinCagr dSs peeDda taA ccess Introduction Bellcroersee arcmhaekreas TheB YTEL abe valuaetiegsh t breakthrionhu oglho graphic cachicnogn troclalredtrsh ahte lp 239 Al'Isd entCirtiys is memortye chnology. reliheavredd i sdkr ivbeo ttlenecks. CanA Ip rovitdheke i nodf i ntelligent systetmhsaw ti lmla kea ltlh weo rk, 44 WHAT'SN EW 186 LANR emote-nCtoroSlo ftware: anda ltlh ien trocstpieowno,r thwhile? EISAa ndS PARCs ystems, along BettTehra nB einTgh ere witaht rioofm ousseu bstitutes, TheB YTEL abe xamines eight 249 OverturntihneCg a tegoBruyc ket takteh hea rdwasrpeo tliOgnh t. communicatpiroongsr atmhsal tey to u Categorikznionwgl eidsgo en e thseo ftwsairdede B,A SEt akes usew orkstatonia oL nAsN via oft hper imawrayy tsh aatnA Is ystem tot hSeu na,n dE ZCosmowsa tches remoctoen trol. cana cqui"ruen derstanding." thset ars. 201 "UltraV"G A Debuotnts h eM icroPaq2 59 TheR ealT-imeE xpert MonolithMiicc'rso P4a5q2U ltra Expesryts tems detsowi ogrnke d FIRST usetsh nee wE dsucnh ip inr eal-teinmvei ronmceannmt ask e IMPRESSIONS tom akeV GAs creesnhsi ne. complseyxs teemass iteohr a ndle. 126 SHOIIT TAKES 204 TARGA+ LowerCso st 267 AIi nP ractice TurbPoa scal6.0, ofH igh-EnGdr aphics A reaclo mpanry'esa l-wuosrel d Borlaanldm oasdtd Wsi ndows Truevi'ssni eown3 2-bTiAtR GA+ board ofA It echniqaunedms e thods. makersa stgerra phmiocrsae f fordable. VolanAtTe100 0,i nexpensive 281 PuttitnhgeE xperttosW ork high-egnrda phfircosNm a tioDneasli gn 210 TheC ompaqS LT: The1 990sw ilsle teh wea llbse tween A LaptoFpi fto rt heD esktop intellaipgpelnitc aatnido ns ToshiTb1a00 0LE,a slimmTIeOOrO TheB YTEL abt eshtosw w ell conventiaopnpalli cactriuomnbsl e. the ComSpLaTlq a ptop performs Word5 .5a ndW ordf orO S/2, witiht nse w3 86SeXn gine 289 ReaAlr tifiLciifael updatveedr sifornosMm i crosoft ando theern hancements. 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BYTE( IS0S3N6 0-5280i/ps9u 1b) limsohnetwdhi latynha dditiisosnuael iOnc tobbeyMr c GrawI-ncHU.i. lSsl.u, b scrriabe$tr2e9 .9p5e yre ar. In CanaadnaMd e xi$c3o4.,9pe 5r y eaSri.n cgolpei$ 3e.s5i 0nt hUe. .S. $4.5i0n C anadEax.e cuEtdiivteCo.ir ricaulla,a ntAdid ovne,rO tfi­sing ficOenseP: h oeMniiLlxal n Pee,t erborNoH0u 3g4h5,8S. e cond-dass postpaagiaedtP eterl:>oi"oNuHga,hn .da dditmiaoinloaifilnfc geP so.s t­ agpea iaWdti nngiM,pa enitRoebgai.s tnruamtbe9ir32o .1Pn r inittnhe ed UnitSetdaot fAe mse riPocatam.a atSeern:ad d drcehsasn gUeSsP,S For3m5 79a.n df ulfiqlulemsettnioBto YT nEsS ubscriPp.tOi.o nBso.x 551,H ightsNtJ0o 8w52n0.. JANUARY1 991• BYTE 5 Circ3l9oe n R eadSeerrv iCcaerd s p 0 T L G H T UNLEASH TURBO SPEED The fastewsaty to creaptoew erfulp rograms '-....____.// withT urbPoa scal 5.5, TurbCo 2 .a0n dT urbCo+ +! 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Casien poJiefnBfte :r toilsua c tchia dftief reinattheusm ans from other memboeftr h e BYTE news csrteaeaftsfIu.',trn s o latol cwaaetyaessTd ya .k feo,r Unleaysohup ro teinatl! inS aFnr ancLiassActuou g.s Jte,wf afs e xamphloel,do inntagof inwei nleo ng We ofr.rfoegrr amtmoiontlghs aa rte attenasd oifntgdw eavreeel 'rocspo nfeern­oufgoihrtt or eaictphse aRki.cS he i­ fasftl,e xainbdla ef faobrldeC.a ll nowt oo rdeorrt, o a sk af or encteh,ke i nodfe vetnhtta 'gso ofdo rf retk nows mhuocswhe lf-ctohnattr ol brochounor uefr u llilon fep rofrdee uctsg athebraicnkgng drb ouugte rnealnloytt ak.Oe nsS eptemb1e89r0R3,i0 c,ph u r­ foCra nPda scal. wheyroeeu x pefctih notdnot e ws. chasame adg noufm Cabernet Sauvignon Ato npeo ianp tu,b rleilcas pt eirosnofnr oHme iCtezl lTahrast. wdaashy e t he PutB laitsoeot lots h tee st! tooJkea fsfi adnesd a hiedw antteotd e laln d odtehveerl ocpoemrpsl eted and Idfu rgit nhfei 3r0sd ta yyso aur neo t hitmh meo sitn cresdtiotbrolhy ei t th es igonfeofdn stpheefc iicaftoiarno enw satid,sw fiee'rlelf uynodum ro ney. compuitnedru isntt hrpeya s1t0y ea.r nsetwionrsgkt ancdaalrEldte hde rnet. 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