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'BYSTANDERS' TO THE HOLOCAUST Books of Related Interest In Searcho f Refuge Jewsa nd US Consulsi n Nazi Germany1 933-1941 Bat-Ami Zucker Doing Businessw ith the Nazis Britain's Economica nd Financial Relationsw ith Germany, 1931-1939 Neil Forbes Switzerlanda nd the SecondW orld War Georg Kreis, with a Foreword by David Cesarani EscapeT hroughA ustria JewishR efugeesa nd the Austrian Routet o Palestine editedb y ThomasA lbrich and Ronald Belseni n History and Memory editedb y Jo Reilly, David Cesarani, Tony Kushner, and Colin Richmond HolocaustL iterature Schulz, Levi, Spiegelmana nd the Memory of the Offence Gillian Banner, with a Foreword by Colin Richmond 'BYSTANDERS' to the HOLOCAUST: A Re-evaluation Editors DAV ID CESARANI PAUL A. LEVINE Routledge Taylor & Francis Group LONDON AND NEW YORK First published2 002 by FRANK CASS PUBLISHERS Published2 013 by Routledge 2 Park Square,M ilton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OXl4 4RN 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017,U SA Rout/edgeis an imprint o{the Taylor & Frands Group, an informa business Copyright © 2002 Frank Cass& Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. No part if this publication may be reproduced,s tored in or introducedi nto a retrieval system,o r transmitted, in any form or by any means,e lectronic, mechanical,p hotocopying,r ecording or otherwise, without the prior written permissiono f the publisheri f this book. British Library Cataloguingi n PublicationD ata 'Bystanderst' o the Holocaust:a re-evaluation 1. Holocaust,J ewish( 1939-1945)- Foreign public opinion, American 2. Holocaust,J ewish( 1939-1945)- Foreign public opinion, British 3. Holocaust,J ewish( 1939-1945)- Foreign public opinion, Swiss 4. Holocaust,J ewish( 1939-1945)- Foreign public opinion, Swedish 5. Holocaust,J ewish (1939-1945)- Governmentp olicy - United States 6. Holocaust,J ewish (1939-1945)- GovernmentP olicy - Great Britain 7. Holocaust,J ewish (1939-1945)- Governmentp olicy - Switzerland 8. Holocaust,J ewish (1939-1945)- GovernmentP olicy - Sweden I.Cesarani,D avid II.Levine, Paul A. 940.5'318 Library of CongressC ataloging-in-PublicationD ata: Bystanderst o the Holocaust:a re-evaluation/ edited by David Cesarani, Paul A. Levine. p.cm. Includesi ndex. ISBN 978-0-714-68243-3(p bk) 1. Holocaust,J ewish (1939-1945)-Morala nd ethical aspects.2 . Holocaust,J ewish( 1939-1945)-Sociaal spects.3 . Holocaust,J ewish (1939-1945)- Historiography.4 . World War, 1939-1945- Collaborationists.5 . World War, 1939-1945- Jews- Rescue. I. Cesarani,D avid. n. Levine, Paul A. 0804.3 .B95 2001 940.53'18-dc21 2001006178 This group of studiesf irst appearedin "'Bystanders"t o the Holocaust:A Re-evaluation' a speciali ssueo f TheJ ournal ifH olocaust Education,V o1.9, Nos.2 and 3 (AutumnlWinter 2000) publishedb y Frank Cassa nd Co. Ltd. Contents Introduction David Cesarani and Paul A. Levine 1 Mad Dogs and Englishmen: Towardsa Taxonomyo f Rescuers in a 'Bystander'C ountry- Britain 1933-45 David Cesarani 28 'Pissingi n the Wind'? The Searchf or Nuance in the Study of Holocaust' Bystanders' Tony Kushner 57 ConstructingA llied HumanitarianP olicy Meredith Hindley 77 Switzerland,N ational Socialist Policy, and the Legacy of History JacquesP icard 103 The Lost Honour of the Bystanders? The Caseo f JewishE missaries inS witzerland Raya Cohen 146 'The War is Over - Now You Can Go Home!' JewishR efugeesa nd the SwedishL abour Market in the Shadowo f the Holocaust SvenN ordlund 171 A Study of Antisemitic Attitudes within Sweden'sW artime Utlanningsbyran Karin K vist 199 Attitudes and Action: Comparingt he Responses of Mid-level Bureaucratsto the Holocaust Paul A. Levine 212 Folke Bernadottea nd the White Buses SuneP ersson 237 Conclusion David Cesarani and Paul A. Levine 269 Abstracts 273 Noteso n Contributors 279 Index 281 List of Illustrations Betweenp ages1 48 and 149 1. Eleanor Rathbone, champion of refugees (The Illustrated London News PictureL ibrary). 2. GostaE ngzell headedt he Legal Division of the SwedishF oreign Office throughoutt he war. He was primarily responsiblef or the dramatic and positive switch in the Swedish government's responseto the genocideo f Europe'sJ ews( Hans GostaE ngzell). 3. Count Folke Bernadottea rriving at Brommaa irport, Stockholm, after successfully negotiating an agreement with Heinrich Himmler for the release of thousands of inmates from concentrationc ampsi n northernG ermany( PressensB ild). 4. A ferry with several' White Buses'a nd recently rescuedw omen arrivesi n southernS wedenin May 1945. Thesew omenp robably come from Ravensbruckc oncentrationc amp (Nordiska museet and K.W Gullers). This page intentionally left blank Acknowledgements The editors would like to thank Mia L6wengart, Programme Coordinatora t the Programmefo r Holocausta nd GenocideS tudies at the University of Uppsala, for her essentialc ontribution to the colloquium on 'bystandersa' nd this publication, and Dr Jo Reilly, Parkes Centre for the Study of Jewish/non-JewishR elations, University of Southamptona, nd co-editoro f theJ ournal ofH olocaust Education. The Institute for Contemporary History, London, supportedt he colloquium at an early stage.T he following took part in the colloquium and the editors wish to acknowledge their stimulating input: ProfessorK ristian Gerner, ProfessorD alia Ofe r, Dr Gulie Ne'emanA rad, StephaneB ruchfeld, and Kjell Grede,w ho presented his extraordinary film Good Evening, Mr Wallenberg. ProfessorH arald Runblom, Director of the Centref or Multiethnic Researcha nd the UppsalaP rogrammef or Holocausta nd Genocide Studies,p articipatedi n the colloquium and his continuing support for the 'bystandersp' roject and wise counselh ave beeni nvaluable. GrahamH art, our editor at Frank CassP ublishers,s hepherdedth e volume into productiona ndo ffered muchh elpful advice. Frank Cass himself takes a personali nterest in the publicationsw hich bear his name, many of which would never see the light of day without his commitmentt o educationa bout the Holocaust.

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