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BY ORDER OF THE AIR FORCE MANUAL 65-604 SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE 1 OCTOBER 2012 Financial Management APPROPRIATION SYMBOLS AND BUDGET CODES (FISCAL YEAR 2013) COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PUBLICATION IS MANDATORY ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available for downloading or ordering on the e- Publishing website at www.e-publishing.af.mil. RELEASABILITY: There are no releasibility restrictions on this publication. OPR: SAF/FMBMM Certified by: SAF/FMBM (Ms. Judith B. Oliva) Supersedes: AFMAN65-604, Pages: 176 1 October 2011 This manual implements AFPD 65-6, Budget. AFMAN 65-604 provides guidance on using current (FY 2013 Appropriations Acts) symbols and budget codes and their descriptions. It serves as a source reference for personnel, both within and outside the financial management community, who are responsible for executing the Air Force Budget, including the Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard. The current listing of Financial Management codes (including future and historical) which are continually updated and maintained are found in the Air Force Financial Management Data Dictionary (FMDD), accessible via the FM Data Quality Service at https://dqs.afbudsys.disa.mil/DataDictionary/ElementChoice. Also see Attachment 1 for a glossary of references, abbreviations, acronyms, and terms. Ensure that all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with AFMAN 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) located at https://www.my.af.mil/afrims/afrims/afrims/rims.cfm. Addresses: SAF/FMBM, 1130 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1130 SUMMARY OF CHANGES This Fiscal Year 2013 edition continues as AFMAN 65-604. This document has been substantially revised and must be completely reviewed. As an annual publication, it updates all special working symbols the Air Force uses within the Department of Defense (DoD) for each fiscal year. It includes changes to existing codes, new projects within appropriations, and new appropriations. Refer recommended changes and questions to the Office of Primary 2 AFMAN65-604 1 OCTOBER 2012 Responsibility (OPR) using the AF IMT 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route AF IMT 847s from the field through the appropriate chain of command. Chapter 1—SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 3 1.1. How To Use This Manual: .................................................................................. 3 1.2. How To Read Chapters 2 and 3: ......................................................................... 3 Chapter 2—SYMBOLS AND CODES 5 2.1. Summary of Appropriation Numbers, Fund Codes, and Titles: ............................ 5 Table 2.1. Summary of Appropriation Numbers, Fund Codes, and Titles. ............................ 5 2.2. Air Force Appropriations: ................................................................................... 13 2.3. DoD Appropriations: .......................................................................................... 144 Chapter 3—CENTRALLY MANAGED OPERATING BUDGET AUTHORITIES (CM OBA) AND ALLOTMENTS (CMA) 166 3.1. Air Force CM OBAs and CMAs: ........................................................................ 166 3.2. Centrally Managed Operating Budget Authorities and Allotments: ..................... 166 Attachment 1—GLOSSARY OF REFERENCES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION 168 AFMAN65-604 1 OCTOBER 2012 3 Chapter 1 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS 1.1. How To Use This Manual: 1.1.1. Don't reprint or stock annual codes beyond the year in which they are current. However, if you belong to a comptroller activity, you may refer to previous codes as long as you need to. For pre-FY99 appropriation act symbols and codes, see previous editions of AFMAN 65-604, AFI 65-601V4, and AFR 172-1V IV. 1.1.2. Time Limits for Appropriations: A single-year appropriation (573XXXX and 973XXXX) begins 1 Oct 2012, expires on 30 Sep 2013, and cancels 30 Sep 2018. A two-year appropriation (573/4XXXX and 973/4XXXX), such as RDT&E, begins 1 Oct 2012, expires on 30 Sep 2014, and cancels on 30 Sep 2019. A three-year appropriation (573/5XXXX and 973/5XXXX), such as those for procurement, begins 1 Oct 2012, expires on 30 Sep 2015, and cancels on 30 Sep 2020. Five-year appropriations (573/7XXXX and 973/7XXXX) begin on 1 Oct 2012, expire on 30 Sep 2017, and cancel 30 Sep 2022. A no-year appropriation is designated by an “X” after the Agency two digit prefix, i.e., 57X or 97X, which means there are no time limits on the availability of funds in the appropriation. Funds do not expire, which means they are available until completely expended. However, OMB or the Agency Head may cancel no-year authority provided that the purpose for which the authority was provided has been carried out and there have been no disbursements against the authority for at least two fiscal years. 1.2. How To Read Chapters 2 and 3: 1.2.1. In Chapter 2, Air Force and DoD appropriations appear grouped by appropriation type and in numerical order. Supplemental appropriations that have a unique appropriation symbol follow the primary appropriation. 1.2.2. Each appropriation classification in paragraph 2.1 consists of an agency code, a fiscal year designation, and an appropriation symbol. The first two digits identify the agency code. The Air Force agency code is 57. The DoD agency code is 97. The Navy (including Marine Corps) agency code is 17. The Army agency code is 21. For one-year accounts, the third digit identifies the fiscal year; for example, 5733400 designates the FY 2013 Operation and Maintenance, Air Force, appropriation. For multiyear accounts, the third and fourth digits identify the multiple fiscal years of the appropriation; for example, 573/53010 designates the FY 2013/2015 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force appropriation. No year funding may or may not have a fiscal year after the agency code. For example, BRAC has no fiscal years after the agency codes. BRAC’s fiscal years are determined by the limit. The limit is the 4 digit alpha- nurmeric after the treasury symbol. 4 AFMAN65-604 1 OCTOBER 2012 The remaining digits (usually four) indicate the appropriation or account. 1.2.3. Each appropriation also has a two-digit fund code, which is identified both in the appropriation summary at paragraph 2.1 and in the detailed listing of codes that follows in Chapter 2. 1.2.4. The individual appropriation listing in paragraph 2.2 includes a brief description of the appropriation or account content. Where applicable, each section also contains the individual program, project and sub-project codes for budget execution. 1.2.5. Chapter 3 identifies the Air Force's centrally managed OBAs and allotments. Look under the funding appropriation in Chapter 2 for the account and subaccount codes used to execute these centrally managed accounts. 1.2.6. Submit recommendations for changes to this manual through command channels to SAF/FMBM, 1130 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1130. AFMAN65-604 1 OCTOBER 2012 5 Chapter 2 SYMBOLS AND CODES 2.1. Summary of Appropriation Numbers, Fund Codes, and Titles: Table 2.1. Summary of Appropriation Numbers, Fund Codes, and Titles. Department 57 Air Force O&M Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Code 5733400 30 Operation and Maintenance, Air 13 Force 5733740 54 Operation and Maintenance, Air 16 Force Reserve 5733840 58 Operation and Maintenance, Air 18 National Guard Procurement Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Code 573/53010 11 Aircraft Procurement, Air Force 19 573/53011 H8 Procurement of Ammunition, Air 27 Force 57X3024 3T Tanker Replacement Transfer Fund 28 573/53020 15 Missile Procurement, Air Force 28 57X3020 F3 Missile Procurement, Air Force, 35 Spectrum Relocation Fund 573/53080 17 Other Procurement, Air Force 35 Military Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Construction Code 573/73300 25 Military Construction, Air Force 42 57X3300 XC Military Construction, Air Force (No 45 Year) 579/33307 RC Military Construction, Air Force, 45 American Recov. and Reinv. Act 579/33834 RD Military Construction, Air National 45 Guard, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 573/73730 57 Military Construction, Air Force 45 6 AFMAN65-604 1 OCTOBER 2012 Reserve 573/73830 53 Military Construction, Air National 46 Guard Family Housing Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Code 573/70740 3X Family Housing Construction, Air 48 Force 579/30743 RE Family Housing Construction, Air 50 Force, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 5730745 3Y Family Housing Operation and 50 Maintenance, Air Force Military Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Personnel Code 5733500 32 Military Personnel, Air Force 58 57X3500 DK Military Personnel, Retroactive Stop 101 Loss Special Pay, Air Force 5733504 F2 Military Personnel, Air Force. 102 Restricted to DFAS-LI interfund processing. 5733700 50 Military Personnel, Air Force 102 Reserve 5733850 56 Military Personnel, Air National 115 Guard RDT&E Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Code 573/43600 29 Research, Development, Test and 126 Evaluation, Air Force Miscellaneous Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Code 5731007 7Q Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Note 3 Fund Contribution, Air Force 5731008 5M Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Note 3 Fund Contribution, Air Force Reserve 5731009 5S Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Note 3 Fund Contribution, Air National Guard AFMAN65-604 1 OCTOBER 2012 7 57X5095 74 Conservation Programs on Military 134 Reservations, Air Force 57X8928 75 Air Force General Gift Fund 134 57-11 1 45 Foreign Military Financing 135 1082.0003 Executive Appropriation (Transfers to Air Force) (ADMINISTRATIVE) 57-11X1086 41 International Military Education and 141 Tng (Transfers to Air Force) (No Yr) 57-11 1 1081 49 International Military Education and 142 Training (Transfers to Air Force) 57-12X1105 2N State and Private Forestry, Forest 144 Service Department 97 Defense O&M Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Code 9730100.1102 2M Defense Agencies Operations and Note 1 Maintenance, Legacy Resource Program 9730100.1202 Z4 Defense Agencies Operations and Note 1 Maintenance, Office of Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) 9730100.56SF SC Operation and Maintenance, U.S. 145 Special Operations Command 9730100.6082 2S Operation and Maintenance, Defense Note 1 Transition Assistance 9730100.6092 2T Operation and Maintenance, Defense Note 1 Relocation Assistance 9730100.6802 BD Defense Agencies, Operation and Note 1 Maintenance, Counter-Terrorism 97X0100.6812 AJ Defense Agencies, Operation and Note 1 Maintenance, Counter-Terrorism Fellowship Program (No Year) Defense Health Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Program Code 973/50130.1873 2F Defense Health Program, 145 Procurement, Air Force 9730130.1883 2X Defense Health Program, Operations 146 8 AFMAN65-604 1 OCTOBER 2012 and Maintenance, Air Force 973/40130.1833 AC Defense Health Program, Research, 146 Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force 97X0130.1823 AD Defense Health Program, No Year 146 Operations and Maintenance, Air Force 97X/09 DM Defense Health Program, Air Force 146 0130.1893 973/40130.18N3 DS Defense Health Program, RDT&E, 146 Guidance for Development of the Force (GDF) 97-36 X AT DoD/VA Joint Health Care Incentive 147 0165.18F3 Fund Program RDT&E Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Code 973/40400.26FF YK Chemical/Biological Defense Note 1 Program (RDT&E) 973/40400.1102 5K RDT&E Defense Agencies Note 1 973/4400.25FF YL Strategic Defense Initiatives Note 1 (RDT&E) Procurement Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Code 973/50300.26FF YJ Chem/Biological Defense Prog Note 1 Program 973/50300.1202 YU Procurement, Defense Agencies – Note 1 JCS 973/50350.0201 YR Air Force Reserve, Equipment Proc. 147 973/50350.0202 YG Air National Guard, Equipment 147 Procurement 97X0360.1102 D5 Defense Production Act Purchases Note 1 Military Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Construction Code 973/70500.0200 84 Military Construction, DOD 148 973/70500.1202 YW Military Construction, JCS (Sub- 148 AFMAN65-604 1 OCTOBER 2012 9 Allocation to the Air Force 973/70500.1402 YS Military Construction, Defense 148 Medical Support Activity (Suballocation to the Air Force) 979/30501 DF Military Construction, Defense- 149 Wide, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act BRAC Appropriation Fund Appropriation Title Page Code 97X0510.1102 2R Base Realignment & Closure 151 Account, Defense, Part II (BRAC 91) FY92 – FY94 97X0510.11A2 HY Base Realignment & Closure 151 Account, Defense, Part II (BRAC 91) FY95 Only 97X0510.11B2 H7 Base Realignment & Closure 151 Account, Defense, Part II (BRAC 91) FY96 Only 97X0510.11C2 X1 Base Realignment & Closure 152 Account, Defense, Part II (BRAC 91) FY97 Only 97X0510.1632 5F Base Realignment & Closure 153 Account, Defense, Part III (BRAC 93) FY94 Only 97X0510.16A2 HZ Base Realignment & Closure 153 Account, Defense, Part III (BRAC 93) FY95 Only 97X0510.16B2 HD Base Realignment & Closure 153 Account, Defense, Part III (BRAC 93) FY96 Only 97X0510.16C2 X2 Base Realignment & Closure 153 Account, Defense, Part III (BRAC 93) FY97 Only 97X0510.16D2 X8 Base Realignment & Closure 153 Account, Defense, Part III (BRAC 93) FY98 Only 97X0510.16E2 XD Base Realignment & Closure 153 Account, Defense, Part III (BRAC 93) FY99 Only 97X0510.40B2 HP Base Realignment & Closure 154 10 AFMAN65-604 1 OCTOBER 2012 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY96 Only 97X0510.40C2 X3 Base Realignment & Closure 154 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY97 Only 97X0510.40D2 XK Base Realignment & Closure 154 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY98 Only 97X0510.40E2 XE Base Realignment & Closure 155 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY99 Only 97X0510.40F2 BP Base Realignment & Closure 155 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY00 Only 97X0510.40G2 XG Base Realignment & Closure 155 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY01 Only 97X0510.40H2 XH Base Realignment & Closure 155 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY02 Only 97X0510.40I2 XJ Base Realignment & Closure 155 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY03 Only 97X0510.40J2 XL Base Realignment & Closure 155 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY04 Only 97X0510.40K2 XP Base Realignment & Closure 155 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY05 Only 97X0510.40L2 XS Base Realignment & Closure 155 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY06 Only 97X0510.40M2 XU Base Realignment & Closure 155 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY07 Only 97X0510.40N2 X W Base Realignment & Closure 156 Account, Defense, Part IV (BRAC 95) FY08 Only

Oct 1, 2012 other budget accounts (see DFAS-DE 7077.2-M). 099300. APPROPRIATION REFUNDS ON TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONS. AND THINGS.
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