co r-'------o- JULY/AUGUST 1999 VOLUME 102NUMBER 1 34 26 34 LOCKED IN FAMILYTREE BRAD HERZOG BETH SAULNIER Thesummerafterhersophomoreyear,judy I usinessonthewanein1935,HerbertF.johnsonJr. sufferedadevastatingstrokethatleftherunabletospeakor '22madean expeditiontoBrazilinsearchofhiscompany's move. But in the intervening decade, she has not only mostimportantrawmaterial:theworld's hardestnatural survived butthrived, learningto communicatethrough wax. Fortwogenerations,thetriplivedon inlegendatthe eye-blinks,movingintoherownapartment,andwritingan familyfirm,S.C.johnsonWax.Lastfall,hisson(Sam'50)and autobiography. Hergoalissimplytoliveherownlife-and grandsons (Curt'77and Fisk'79) did itall overagain, in a warnyoungwomenaboutthepotentialdangersofthe Pill. custom-builtreplicaoftheirancestor'sSikorskyS-38. 42 LEGAL ALIEN KENNETH AARON BracketteWilliams'73 isagenius.Sosaysthe MacArthur Foundation,whichawarded heroneofitscovetedgrants. She'salsoaconundrum.Theanthropologistdoesresearch onAmericanculturebyretreatingtoaself-described"dark closet,"eschewsmostpublicity,andbarelyfeelsathomeon PlanetEarth.Whatmakes Brackette run? Goodquestion. 22 FROMTHEHILL Butterfliesbeware.Plus:MartianCentralTime,astudentpowwow, Steinemspeaks,infashion,anewlawdean,andrememberingJohnny +-? 112 nel-. CORNELLIANA Howdoyouspell"yearbook"? 112 Contentscontinuedonpage5 2 CORNELL MAGAZINE With Fast Track, you'll never be held up at Heathrow or Gatwick Immigration. (As long as your card is filled in correctly, ofcourse.) 1-800-AIRWAYS TOURISTS SEE THE WORLD NE \V z E AL AND & AU s T RA L I A TRAVELERS EXPERIENCE IT sotne travel Down Under with a map and binoculars) while othersJollow the sun with enchantment. On the six-star rated m/ sSong ojFlowef; your cOlnpanions v-.Jill be asgentle and 1nagical as the lands are wild and diverse. Take Australia) where the sun)s rays nourish the gardens oj the Great Barrier Reif. Or New Zealand) where ancientglaciers melt beneath the sun intoJlowingfjords. Where dolphinsfrolic in the bays and yellow-eyed penguins wander on an island 1nisplaced by time. As nzght approaches and the sun hides itsfac~, Jeel the sublime spirit oj the Maoris rise and calm the 'reclusive kiwis. Carrying no more than 180pampered guests) Song oj Flower brings you thisJascinating world in comfort and grace. Milth illsighiful lectures and cornplitnentary shore excursions. And attractivefares that include p're- and post-cruise land programs) fine "vines and liquors and a no-tipping policy, So join us...and converse with nat'ure in all its wondrousforms. ~ ------------------ 9-12 NIGHT CRUISES BEGIN JANUARY 2000. EARLY BOOKING FARES FROM $5,995 PER PERSON.* FREE AIRFARE FROM THE WEST COAST. FOR DETAILS CONTACTYOURTRAVEL PROFESSIONAL OR CALL 1-800-424-3964.VISIT US ATWWW.RSSC.COM. \'.~Restrictions apply. Ship)s registry: Bahamas. Low air add-onfaresfrom the Midwest and East Coast. Port and handling charges are additional. 4 RADISSON SEVE.N SEAS CRUISES CONTENTS 6 LETTERS X-rayspecs,anotherBeebelegend, minorityopinion,andmore 10 CURRENTS Dissection,underthemicroscope.Plus:roommatesonline, boningup,radiodoc,ceramicseacreatures,smartmoney, andthelettersweatergetstattered 1-- 47 I AUTHORS I Herzogontheroad,Cabbagetown Forthe first time ever, RadissonSevenSeas delicacies,andthemysteriousKelman Cruises offers the pristine islands of New Zealand for a thrilling cruise experience 48 amongtheSouthernHemisphere'smostbeau.. SPORTS tiful scenery. We offer nine cruises between Scoresandbriefs JanuaryandMarchintheyear2000.Winner of the tcBest Cruise Value" award for seven 49 straight years, the Song of Flm.ver takesyouthereinluxuryandstyle. MARKETPLACE Classifieds&CornelliansinBusiness JANUARY - MARCH 2000 WELLINGTONto CHRISTCHURCH January 7, January 25, 52 orFebruary 12 CLASSNOTES 9NIGHTSPLUS 2HOTELNIGHTS Withprofilesof: CHRISTCHURCHtoWELLINGTON CalLandau'48 January 16, February 3, ClarkPhillips'55& orFebruary21 SueStreeterPhillips'55 9NIGHTSPLUS 2HOTELNIGHTS KatieBrown'85 WELLINGTONtoAUCKLAND JeffConuel'92& March 1 DanMitchell'96 11 NIGHTSPLUS 2HOTELNIGHTS AUCKLANDto CAIRNS March 12 12NIGHTSPLUS4HOTELNIGHTS 85 CAIRNS toBALI ALMAMATTERS March24 Newsletterofthe 12NIGHTSPLUS4HOTELNIGHTS CornellAlumniFederation Fares from only$5,995 per personwith Early 105 BookingSavings. 995 Business Class offermust LEGACIES be bookedbyOctober 1, 1999. Port/handling chargesadditional. Restrictionsapply. CornelliansandCornelliankin For reservations and more 109 information contact your travel ALUMNI DEATHS professional or 800..285..1835 or visit us at 11 CoverillustrationbyDeborahLanino CornellMagazine(ISSN1070-2733)ispublishedsixtimesayear,inJanuary,March,May, RADISSON SEVEN SEAS July,September,and November,bytheCornellAlumni Federation,55 BrownRoad, Ithaca, NY14850-1247.Subscriptionscost$29ayear.Second-classpostage paidat CRUISES Ithaca, NY, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to hip'Registry:Bahamas I CornellMagazine,c/oPublicAffairsRecords,55BrownRd.,Ithaca,NY14850-1247. l_._.. .__.. ..__~.._,,_ _ _ _._.._ _ ._.._.. .._ JULY/AUGUST 1999 5 LETTERS BACK TO the IvyLeague andhalf that ofHarvard andYale.The gap between Cornell and THE FUTURE its peer institutions is not insignificant. It's huge. Until reading these figures, I ASAPHYSICIAN,IWAS OVERJOYED BYTHEAPPEAR had naively assumed Cornell continued ance ofa cervical spinex-rayon the May/June 1999 to be aleaderamong top universities in cover.Imean,howoften does a plain,old,low-tech, the recruitment of minorities. As I two-dimensional,lateral C-spine makesuch a prom wrote to President Rawlings last Sep inent appearance in this high-tech era of CT, MRI, tember, I would be interested in hear and PET scans?What a nice tribute to the radiolo ing more about what Cornell is doing gists ofmy generation who were trulythe doctor's about its responsibility to helpAmerica keep itspromise ofequalityand,inpar doctor and had to integrate history,physical exam, ticular, what guidance the trustees are and x-raysto makethe properdiagnosis.Havingsaid providing to the administration on this that, Imust now alert you that the lateral C-spine,canonized above, demonstrates matter. onlythefirstsixand a portion ofthe seventh cervical vertebrae,a radiological no-no Ralph Deeds )57 as the seventh is often affected in disease ortrauma.Therefore,just an appreciative Birmingham) Michigan reminderto include a lateral swimmer's viewwith your C-spine the nexttime. MichaelArnoldGlueck '60 WHAT FRATSWERE Newport Beach,California "FRATERNITIES FOREVER"EXPENDSA great deal of time and space on the trappings of fraternities and student behavior without addressing the basic FREE SPEECH DRUDGERY with elk antlers is more appropriate question: would behavior improve if YOUR MORETHAN GENEROUS PIECE than he realizes.Recent work indicates the Greek "system" were done away about me (Currents, MarchiApril that Irish elk,with massive three-meter with? (MayIJune 1999). It seems that 1999) refers, correctly, to a statement I antlers, went extinct precisely because the problem is not that the fraternities once made about Matt Drudge to the their antlers became too big for their have funny names or are affiliatedwith effect that if the First Amendment own good.To pursue his analogy,if ex national societies (though what good were rewritten, he should be on the cessive consumption is indeed detri this has ever done is questionable), but unprotectedside ofit.Since wisecracks mental, natural selection will remove rather that they don't fulfill anypartic aren't a substitute for thinking, let me the most excessive practitioners. We ular need besides supplying bedrooms revise my comment as follows: Drudge won't need political policy to do that. and recreational space. has a lot to answer for journalistically, Robert Ferrell )84 In earlier times the houses provided but he is and should be entitled to the Brookline) Massachusetts not only a sense of belonging and the full protection ofthe FirstAmendment. opportunity to develop leadership and Anyone who fancies himself a First PRESIDENTS, PRECEDENTS management skills,but ameans to help Amendment defender who doesn't I READWITH INTERESTTHEARTICLE bridge the gap from adolescence to know that ought to review his notes of about president emeritus Dale Corson, maturity. Members wore jackets and Professor Robert E. Cushman's great whom I admire, and the companion ties to dinner; exhibited proper man lectures at Cornell in the 1950s. piece"The Crisis and its ners, which presumably FloydAbrams )56 Aftermath"by Don they acquired at NewYork) NewYork ald Downs ("The home; and put on ManWhoWould their best face for THE HAPPY RICH Be President after-the-game ROBERT FRANK (CURRENTS,MARCHI Really," MayI smooth cocktail April 1999) wishes for aworldwhichis June 1999).I also parties, which neither the one we live in nor nearly as admireJames Per- were usually at fun.The claim that"there is also adark kins,however,and tended by num side to our current spending patterns" the articles struck bers of alumni and is refuted by cursory examination. For me as one-sided and parents, and some instance,neither myself nor myfriends unduly critical of him and his times faculty.This was,I think,a are caught up in an "arms race" to pioneering effort to integrate the significant benefit to the members. spend more.We represent a group that university. The objective of today's efforts ought Frank would probably call "rich," and I was shocked to discover last year to be to restore something of this cul we are leading happy,satisfyinglives,so from The Insiders Guide to Colleges) 1998 ture on the part of students, whether the statement"the things we're spend Edition that the percentage ofAfrican Greek or non-Greek,by selective rush ing money on aren't making people American students at Cornell is only 4 ing orbylot,and on- oroff-campus.As happy" is not accurate. Frank's analogy percent,by alarge margin the lowest of to rules: set a few and enforce them 6 COR ELL MAGAZINE LETTERS MAG A Z IN E on individuals.Those who do ums Iknow (Letters,JanuaryIFebruary not choose to live the rules are free but he was nlore charitable than to go elsewhere. rnost, who view the nanle change as a David '53 "sale." Ezra Cornellfounded Cor Cornell isownedandpublishedby t"\lorrn'anlVClon. Massachusetts John Harvard was the benefactor Alumni Federation under the of ~,...r",Vllrrt·and"Buck"Duke offered a Magazine It editorially independent of CornellUniversity.CornellMagazine Alan HOT & COLD of money if the trustees would Flaherty Chairman;LarryEisen IN ALL ()F THE DISCUSSIONS ABOUT the name.What happens when Baptiste'88; Press'71;CharlesRodin Deborah USIng Lake for carnpus air con sonIeone else that kind of mon- Skolnik'89.FortheAlumniFederation:SharonWilliams '65,President;MaryBerens'74,Secretary/Treasurer.Forthe ~..L~ has consideration been Will the name change again? •..L'-.)'Jl..L..L..L..L;;;", AssociationofClassOfficers:MarthaShennan'73, heat punlps the Nesmith Tillotson '52, MD'56 5'-.""..../"'A..L"".L.A..L.LL<..L 1998)?This Fargo, North Dakota EDITORANDPUBLISHER systenl DavidJ.Gibson buried five feet below Since A LIKELY CULPRIT ASSOCIATEEDITORS the soil below the frost line is at acon DUR..INGMY UNDERGRADUATEYEARS ElsieMcMillan'55 stant to the I remeInber Beebe Lake being drained BethSaulnier systern can be usedfor air aperson orpersons unknown ("The r",."\rI1T1,,rI1Y\rr in sunlmer and as aheat punlp in win Best Place by a Danl Site," JanuaryI ARTDIRECTOR StefanieGreen ter.We used it on our farm in Canada 1999). It seenlS the dastardly and were satisfied with the deed was accomplishedby opening the DESIGNASSOCIATE DoloresTeeter the winter. The air gates on the abandoned"locks" which worked well too on the few were located on the south shore of the BUSINESSMANAGER the tenlperature soared to lake above the hydraulics lab.We always AdeleDurhanlR..obinette Knack thought these locks were one-half-scale ACCOUNTINGMANAGER nl0dels built by the university to aid in BarbaraKenlp the and construction ofthe Erie ADVERTISINGSALES 'THIS NAMETHING' Barge Canal.I rushed through the arti AlannaDowney A FRC)NT PAGEARTICLE INA RECENT cle to find out the truth about Los Times nlY attention. the locks only to discover that they had STUDENTINTERNS It was entitled "In Vitro beenleft out.Iwould love to know the JosieAaronson-Gelb SharonEllis'01, NavneetGill'01, '98 Averts Sickle Cell Risk" and end of the story. refers to the"Weill Medical of Stanley Convin '52 Cornell Later on, there are Basking Ridge, EDITORIALANDBUSINESSOFFICES 55BrownRoad,Ithaca,NY14850 two further references: a chart (607) FAX(607) with "Source:Weill Medical Gould Colman PhD e-mail:corneU_lnaga,~lne,(aJ,cornlelLledu website: and later on,"theWeill tearn." The "locks" were actually a canal that I am well aware of the trenlendous was originally 350 feet long, sixteen NATIONALADVERTISINGOFFICE contribution ofMr.Weill.At that feet and ten feet deep.According 7WareStreet,Cambridge,MA02138;(617) I was also aware of the Medical Col to in the UniversityArchives dat- EXECUTIVEDIRECTOR Chute the Hill,Jan- ed with revisions to 1945,Beebe NATIONALSALESMANAGER but didn't it Lake could have been drained eitherby EdAntos too rnuch thought-that is, not until a five-foot by five-foot gate in NEWYORKMANAGER this article.All I know aboutMr.Weill the danl's orby opening asix-foot TomSchreckinger: Inc.\LIL/OJ,':'-JUL:J is what I read of hini in Cornell pub dianletervalve that connected the canal NEWENGLANDMANAGER ......u".v....''''aV'la'U'.11 496-7207 lications.Thatisn't petty cashhe to a sizable vertical standpipe that nIa donated, and Cornell should reC:OQ:nIL~e ture alumni may remenlber descending DETROITMANAGER WynkoopAssociates hinl I don't be to Fall Creek at the lab's northwest cor FLORIDATERRITORYREPRESENTATIVE lieve the Cornell name should be sold ner. Since the gate would have been at any under pressure frolTI accumulated silt WESTCOAST Weill If Mr.Weill and and therefore difficult to JaneAbram:BarbaraBella&Associates h,......."f"'\P11(' to read I trust he will reconsider the standpipe valve is the likely NATIONALTRAVELREPRESENTATIVE RobertRosenbaum: (914) this"nanle thing." I don't want vehicle for niischief. nle,"Did you go BPA Issuedbimonthly. Wi subscriptions COHtell welconles letters [raIn V $44, PrintedbyThe readers. should be not Burlington,VT.Copyright Cornell Palm Rightsforrepublicationofallmatterarereserved.Printedin than 200 words, and be edited U.S.A. c/oPublic space or Send to: Cornell AffairsRecords,55BrownRd., ALEXANDER STEVENS EXPRESSEDTHE 55 Brown Road, Ithaca, NY sentirnents ofthe Medical al- 14850.e-nlail:COI·ne_U_Ina~~aZ]lnei~~(:on:lelJl.edLU 8 CORNELL MAGAZINE