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by Alison Tiemeyer www.lifeofscoop.com PDF

28 Pages·2016·0.64 MB·English
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the 7-Day Identity Project by Alison Tiemeyer www.lifeofscoop.com © 2016 Alison Tiemeyer. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law. This workbook is licensed for your personal enjoyment and use only, and may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this workbook with another individual, please direct them to www.lifeofscoop.com where they may obtain a copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author. Welcome! Have you ever felt forgotten and abandoned? There is a whole society of people that stands with you, bearing the weight of loneli- ness and shame, fear and isolation. It’s AD 60 and Paul is sitting in the corner of a Roman prison, writing the book of Ephe- sians to the new community of Christians in Ephesus. The book of Ephesians is about our identity in Christ - our adoption, redemption and hope. And the new church in Ephesus desperately needed this message of identity. Don’t you? Don’t I? You see, the people of Ephesus were composed of high-ups and important business- men, but there was also a large population of forgotten people. When a baby was born, it was not uncommon for the baby to be laid at the father’s feet and evaluated. Maybe the parents were hoping for a boy, and this baby is a girl. May- be the father was longing for a strong and mighty warrior, and this son was delivered a premature babe. The father was allowed to rid of the baby – to leave the infant in the cold or the brutal heat - maybe to be found but maybe not.1 Passerbys would search through these forgotten infants left on the street. If a baby seemed promising, they would raise the child and then sell him or her into slavery or prostitution. As Paul was penning the book of Ephesians, hundreds of slaves and prostitutes were wandering the streets of Ephesus. Many were scanning crowds with their eyes. “Are you my mother? Are you the father that abandoned me?” Talk about a forgotten people. Talk about aching hearts and a desperate longing for identity. 12013. Manion, Jeff. Satisfied. In comes Paul with the message of the gospel - the message of identity and love and grace and freedom and redemption. The message of an Abba Father who will never leave you or forsake you. And these slaves and prostitutes – the babes who years before were left by trash piles and forgotten – have been given new names, new identities, and new purposes. They are now children of God. What does this true story have to do with you – a modern-day Christian? It offers the only hope you need. It tells you that no matter how hurt you’ve been, no matter how lonely you feel, no matter how misunderstand and unappreciated you’ve been, no matter how poorly you’ve been treated – There. Is. Hope. The hope of adoption. You are a son or daughter of the Most High King. And He is a Father who will never leave you and forsake you. There is power in the identity of Christ! If you’ve been betrayed by a spouse… If you’ve been fired from a comfortable job… If you’ve been abused and used… If you’ve been left for garbage, forgotten and shamed… If you’ve been scammed and cheated… If you’ve suffered from depression or addiction… If you’ve never felt safe… If you’ve been deserted by those who are supposed to love you… There. Is. Hope. The hope lies in your identity. “In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will – to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.” [Ephesians 1:4-6, NIV] Dear child of the Most High Abba Father, your identity is secure. The book of Ephe- sians has been penned for you. I’ve created this one-week reading plan for those struggling with their true identity. It walks you through the first three chapters of Ephesians, asking questions and re- minding you of important truths from your Father. I encourage you to be diligent about working through the study. It’s not long – each day shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes. But when you take the time to dig deep and find your true identity, wild things hap- pen. You find security in God rather than finances. You find hope in the gospel, rather than that substance you can’t stop using. You stand firm on the rock of your salvation, rather than the opinions of those around you. Begin today. Dive deep into who Christ says you are. And just like those long-ago forgotten babes, you too will be armed with the truth of your adoption as a child of the Most High King. Thanks for downloading. I can’t wait for you to get started! In Christ, Alison www.lifeofscoop.com Day 1 Reading: Ephesians 1:1-10 Whew! This is a meaty chunk of the Bible - full of meaning and truth for our hearts. Paul starts the book of Ephesians with the important reminder that we are chosen and adopted by the Great God who created the uni- verse. Verse four tells us that “He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world... (NKJV)” and verse six reminds us that we are accepted into the Lord’s family because of grace. You, dear child of God, are in God’s family! Paul also mentions redemption in verse seven. Basically, redemption means that you’ve been saved from your sins. No matter what you’ve done, how many times you did it, or when the sin occured, you have been forgiven. Washed. What a Savior! Diving Deeper: My Notes about the Passage: Optional Passages to Read: - Galatians 3:26-29 - Romans 6:6 - Colossians 2:9-10 Questions to Consider: 1) What in my past has kept me from fully accepting my new identity in Christ? 2) What sins do I need to repent of and have washed in the redemptive blood of Christ? Repent of them now, then praise God that He has purified you completely! Day 2 Reading: Ephesians 1:11-23 There is so much truth in this small section of the Word. You have been guaranteed an inheritance, which has been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. Your future is secure because Christ was raised from the dead. And that same risen Savior is seated next to God Almighty. I’m telling you, friend. THIS is the hope of our faith! We are not left on the earth without a future. We are secured a future by the creator of the whole world. He is preparing it for us now! That is our in- heritance. That is our hope. That is a gospel of salvation worth believing in. Diving Deeper: My Notes about the Passage: Optional Passages to Read: - 1 John 2:24-25 - Galatians 6:9-10 - Psalm 86: 12-13

Talk about aching hearts and a desperate longing for identity. Welcome! guaranteed an inheritance, which has been sealed with the Holy Spirit of.
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