Buttress's WORLD GUIDE TO ABBREVIATIONS OF ORGANIZATIONS 11 th edition Revised by L. M. Pitman Senior Assistant Librarian, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London BLACKIE ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL An Imprint of Chapman & Hall London· Weinheim . New York· Tokyo· Melbourne· Madras Published by Blackie Academic and Professional, an imprint of Chapman & Hall, 2--6 Boundary Row, London SEI 8HN, UK Chapman & Hall, 2--6 Boundary Row, London SEI 8HN, UK Chapman & Hall GmbH, Pappelallee 3, 69469 Weinheim, Germany Chapman & Hall USA, 115 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003, USA Chapman & Hall Japan, ITP-Japan, Kyowa Building, 3F, 2-2-1 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102, Japan DA Book CAust.) Pty Ltd, 648 Whitehorse Road, Mitcham 3132, Victoria, Australia Chapman & Hall India, R. Seshadri, 32 Second Main Road, CIT East, Madras 600 035, India Distributed in the United States, its possessions, Canada, Central and South America exclusively by Gale Research Inc., Penobscot Building. Detroit, Michigan 48226 First edition 1954 Second edition 1956 Third edition 1966 Fourth edition 1971 Fifth edition 1974 Sixth edition 1981 Seventh edition 1984 Eighth edition 1988 Ninth edition 1991 Tenth edition 1993 Eleventh edition 1997 © 1997 Chapman & Hall Softcover reprint of the hardcover 11th edition 1997 Typeset in Times I 0/12pt by Columns Design Ltd, Reading ISBN-13: 978-94-010-6529-0 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-0093-6 DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-0093-6 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the UK Copyright Designs and Patents Act, 1988. this publication may not be reproduced, stored, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of repro graphic reproduction only in accordance with the terms of the licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency in the UK, or in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the appropriate Reproduction Rights Organization outside the UK. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the terms stated here should be sent to the publishers at the London address printed on this page. The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 96-86429 8 Printed on permanent acid-free text paper, manufactured in accordance with ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper) Buttress's WORLD GUIDE TO ABBREVIATIONS OF ORGANIZATIONS JOIN US ON THE INTERNET VIA WWW, GOPHER, FTP OR EMAIL: WWW: http://www.thomson.com GOPHER: gopher.thomson.com A service of lOOP FTP: ftp.thomson.com EMAIL: [email protected] Introduction The previous edition of this directory extended its coverage of the Far East, Australasia and Latin America, areas previously under-represented. For this new edition emphasis has been given to increasing the number of entries for organizations from Britain, the United States and Australia, and particular attention has been paid to new political organizations in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The number of entries included has gone up to over 68,000 of which over 9,000 are new or amended. Cross-references from defunct organizations in the previous edition have been deleted, and references (indicated by ex and now) added for organizations which have changed their name since the previous edition. As before, the range of organizations included is broad and only purely local organizations have been excluded. This directory therefore lists official and unofficial organizations, national and international, on all SUbjects: political, economic and social. Acronyms of parent bodies of subsidiary organizations are given where appropriate and equivalencies are used to link acronyms in different languages for the same organization. Further information about the organizations listed can be found in the sources listed in the bibliography. I would like to thank Henry Heaney and Graeme Mackintosh for their advice, and David Grinyer for his technical support. L. M. Pitman Bibliography Adams, R. (ed.) (1993) Centres & Bureaux: A Directory of UK Concentrations of Effort. Information and Expertise, 2nd edn, CBD Research, Beckenham. Barrett, lK. (1993) Encyclopedia of Women's Associations Worldwide, Gale, London. Cichonski, T.1. (ed.) (1995) International Research Centres Directory 1994-95, 7th edn, Gale, London. Europa World Yearbook 1995 (1995), Europa, London. Greenslade, S. (1995) Directory of European Professional and Learned Societies, 5th edn, CBD Research, Beckenham. Henderson, S.P.A. and Henderson, A.1.W. (eds) (1994) Directory of British Associations and Associations in Ireland, 12th edn, CBD Research, Beckenham. HMSO (1996) Britain 1996: An Official Handbook, HMSO, London. HMSO (1995) Civil Service Yearbook 1995, HMSO, London. Mercer, P. (1994) Directory of British Political Organizations, Longman, Harlow. Milner, lE. (1994) The Green Index: A Directory of Environmental Organizations In Britain and Ireland, Cassell, London. Research Centers Directory (1994), 18th edn, Gale, London. Union of International Associations (1995) Yearbook of International Organizations, 32nd edn, K.G. Saur, Miinchen. Shershukov, A. (1993) Russian Trade Unions and Workers Organizations, Panorama, Moscow. Szajkowski, B. (ed.) (1994) Political Parties of Eastern Europe. Russia and the Successor States, Longman, Harlow. Voluntary Agencies Directory (1995), 14th edn, NeVO, London. Yearbook of the European Communities and of the Other European Organizations 94-95 (1995), 14th edn, Editions Delta SA, Brussels. A&A-AAA AAA Alianza por Acci6n Anticomunista A (Honduras) AAA Allied Artists of America A&A Art and Architecture AAA Amateur Athletic Association A&AFA Asthma and Allergy Foundation of AAA American Abstract Artists America AAA American Academy of Achievement A&ECA Anglican and Eastern Churches AAA American Academy of Actuaries Association AAA American Academy of Advertising A&P Atlantic and Pacific (U.S.A.) AAA American Academy of Allergy A&R Arbeitgemeinschaft der Restauratoren- AAA American Academy of Art Museen Denkmalpftege, Grabungs AAA American Accordionists Association Technik AAA American Accounting Association A2 Societe Nationale de Television en Couleur AAA American Aid for Afghans A2LA American Association for Laboratory AAA American Airship Association Accreditation AAA American Allergy Association AA Addicts Anonymous (U.S.A.) AAA American Ambulance Association AA Advertising Association AAA American Angus Association AA Aerolineas Argentinas AAA American Antarctic Association AA Agrarian Alliance (Hungary) AAA American Anthropological AA Airship Association (U.S.A.) Association AA Akademisk Arkitektforening AAA American Arbitration Association AA Alcoholics Anonymous AAA American Arts Association AA Aluminum Association (U.S.A.) AAA American Association of Anatomists AA Aluminum Company of America AAA American Astronomers Association AA American Airlines AAA American Australian Association AA Analogue Addicts AAA American Automobile Association AA Arboricultural Association AAA Americans Against Abortion AA Architectural Association AAA Anarchist Association of America AA Arthrogryposis Association AAA Anglo-Albanian Association AA Association of Agriculture AAA Anglo-American Associates (U.S.A.) AA Astrological Association AAA Antique Airplane Association (U.S.A.) AA Atheists Association (U.S.A.) AAA Appraisers Association of America AA Automobile Association AAA Architectural Aluminium Association AA Avisenes Arbeidsgiverforening AAA Archives of American Art AA Congregatio Augustinianorum ab AAA Army Audit Agency (U.S.A.) Assumptione AAA ASEAN International Airports AA Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia Association (Spain) AAA Associated Agents of America AAA Action Against Abuse of Women and AAA Association for Applied Artists Girls AAA Association of Accounting AAA Action Against Allergy Administrators (U.S.A.) AAA Action on Alcohol Abuse AAA Association of Attenders and Alumni of AAA Actors and Artistes of America the Hague Academy of International (AFL-CIO) Law AAA Agricultural Adjustment Administration AAA Association of Authors Agents (U.S.A.) AAA Association of Average Adjusters AAA Air Affairs Afrique (Cameroon) AAA Australian Automobile Association AAA Alianza Anticomunista Argentina AAA Federation for American Afghan Aid AAA-AAALAC AAA 1956 Anti-Fascist and Anti-Bolshevik AAACPA American Association of Attorney = Association (Hungary) AAS Certified Public Accountants AAAA Amateur Artists Association of America AAACU Asian Association of Agricultural AAAA American Mrican Affairs Association Colleges and Universities AAAA American Association for Affirmative AAAD American Athletic Association for the Action Deaf AAAA American Association for the AAAE American Association for Adult Advancement of Atheism Education AAAA American Association of Advertising AAAE American Association of Academic Agencies Editors AAAA Army Aviation Association of AAAE American Association of Airport America Executives AAAA Asian Amateur Athletic Association AAAE Australian Association of Adult Education AAAA Asociaci6n Argentina 'Amigos de la Astronomia' AAAEA Association Africaine pour I' Alphabetisation et I 'Education des AAAA Associated Actors and Artistes of = Adultes AALAE America AAAEENAA Association Amicale des Anciens AAAA Association for the Abolition of the Eleves de I'Ecoie Nationale Aberrant Apostrophe Agronomique d' Alger AAAA Association of Accredited Advertising AAAEINA Association Amicale des Anciens Agencies (New Zealand, Singapore) Eleves de l'Institut National AAAA Australian Advertising Advisory Agronomique Agency AAAF Association Aeronautique et AAAA Australian Association of Advertising Astronautique de France Agencies AAAH American Association for the AAAAI American Academy of Allergy, Asthma Advancement of the Humanities & Immunology AAAI Advertising Agencies Association of AAAAM American Academy of Anti-Aging India Medicine AAAI Affiliated Advertising Agencies AAAB American Association of Architectural International (U.S.A.) Bibliographers AAAI American Association for Artificial AAABA All-American Amateur Baseball Intelligence Association AAAIA All-India Automobile and Ancillary AAAC African Amateur Athletic Confederation Industries Association (India) = (Senegal) CAAA AAAID Arab Authority for Agricultural AAAC Alliance Atlantique des Anciens Investment and Development Combattants AAAIMH American Association for the AAAC American Arab Affairs Council Abolition of Involuntary Mental AAAC American Association for the Hospitalization Advancement of Criminology AAAIWA Automobile, Aerospace and AAAC Australian Aboriginal Affairs Council Agricultural Implementation Workers of AAAC Australian Army Aviation Corps America AAACC Association of Asian-American AAAJ Association Afro-Asiatique des Chambers of Commerce lournalistes AAACE Alianza Apostolica y Anti-Comunista AAAL American Academy of Arts and de Espana Letters AAACE American Association of Agricultural AAAL American Association for Applied College Educators Linguistics AAACI American-Arab Association for AAALAC American Association for Accreditation Commerce and Industry of Laboratory Animal Care 2 AAAM-AABP AAAM American Association for Automotive AAB Alliance Agricole Beige Medicine AAB American Association of Bioanalysts AAAM American Association of Aircraft AAB Association of Applied Biologists Manufacturers AAB Attendance Allowance Board AAAN American Academy of Applied AABA Associa~ao Atletica Brasil A~ucareiro Nutrition AABB American Association of Blood Banks AAAotE Amateur Athletic Association of AABB Association des Archivistes et England Bibliothecaires de Belgique = VABB AAAOM American Association for Acupuncture AABB Association for the Advancement of and Oriental Medicine British Biotechnology AAAP American Association of Avian AABB Australian Association of Bush Pathologists Regenerators AAAP Asian-Australian Association of Animal AABC Afro-Asian Book Council (India) Production Societies AABC American Amateur Baseball Congress AAAR American Association for Aerosol Research AABC American Association of Bible Colleges AAAR Association for the Advancement of AABC American Association of Biofeedback Aging Research (U.S.A.) Clinicians AAARG American Atheist Addiction Recovery AABC Association for the Advancement of Group Blind Children (U.S.A.) AAAS American Academy of Arts and AABD Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled Sciences (U.S.A.) AAAS American Academy of Asian Studies AABDF Allied Association of Bleachers, Printers, Dyers and Finishers AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science AABDFC Association des Archivistes, Bibliothecaires et Documentalistes AAAS Australian Association for the Francophones de la Caraibe Advancement of Science AABE Asian Association for Biology AAASA Association for the Advancement of Education Agricultural Sciences in Africa AABEvK Arbeitsgemeinschaft flir das Archiv- AAASA Australian and Allied All Services und Bibliothekswesen in der Association Evangelischen Kirche AAASS American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies AABEVM Association of American Boards of Examiners in Veterinary Medicine AAAST African Association for the Advancement of Science and AABGA American Association of Botanical Technology Gardens and Arboretums AAASUSS Association of Administrative AABH Australian Association for Better Assistants and Secretaries to United Hearing States Senators AABI American Association of Bicycle AAATC Association of American Air Travel Importers Clubs AABI Antilles Air Boats Inc. AAATDC Association for the Advancement of AABL Associated Australasian Banks in Appropriate Technologies in London Developing Countries AABM Association of American Battery AAATP Asian Alliance of Appropriate Man ufacturers Technology Practitioners AABM Australian Association of British AAAUS Association of Average Adjustors of the Manufacturers United States AABNF African Association for Biological AAAVYT Associaci6n Argentina de Agencias de Nitrogen Fixation Viajes y Turismo AABP American Association of Bovine AAB Aircraft Accident Board (U.S.A.) Practitioners 3 AABP-AACC AABP Australian Association of Business AAC Automotive Advertisers Council Publications (U.S.A.) AABPA American Association for Budget and AACA American Association of Creative Program Analysis Artists AABR Association for the Advancement of the AACA Antique Automobile Club of Blind and Retarded America AABS Association for the Advancement of AACA Asian and Australasian Congress of Baltic Studies Anaesthesiology AABT Association for the Advancement of AACA Association of Certified and Corporate Behavior Therapy (U.S.A.) Accountants (Southern Africa) AABTL Amalgamated Association of Beamers, AACA Automotive Air Conditioning Twisters and Drawers (Hand and Association (U.S.A.) Machine) AACAHPO American Association of Certified AABTM American Association of Baggage Allied Health Personnel in Traffic Managers Opthalmology AABTT Association for Analytic & Bodymind AACAP American Academy of Child and Therapy & Training Adolescent Psychiatry AABWA Association of Accountancy Bodies in AACB Aeronautics and Astronautics West Africa Coordinating Board (U.S.A.) AAC Academia Argentina de Cirugia AACB Association of African Central Banks = AAC Aeronautical Advisory Council (U.S.A.) ABCA AAC Affarsarbetsgivarnas CentralfOrbund AACB Australian Association of Clinical AAC African Accounting Council Biochemists AAC African Advisory Council (Botswana) AACBC American Association of College Baseball Coaches AAC African Association of Cartography (Algeria) AACBP American Academy of Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics AAC Agrarische Adviescommissie (NIB EM) AACC Airport Associations Coordinating AAC Agricultural Advisory Council for England and Wales Council = CCAA AAC All-American Canal AACC All Africa Conference of Churches = CETA AAC American Academy of Criminalistics AACC American Association for AAC American Adoption Congress Contamination Control AAC American Alpine Club AACC American Association for Credit AAC American Archery Council Counselors AAC American Association of Criminology AACC American Association for the AAC Anglo American Corporation Continuity of Care AAC Anhui Agricultural College AACC American Association of Cereal AAC Armor and Arms Club (U.S.A.) Chemists AAC Army Air Corps AACC American Association of Clinical AAC Association des Amidonneries de Chemistry Cereales de la CEE AACC American Association of Commercial AAC Association of American Choruses Colleges AAC Association of American Colleges AACC American Automatic Control Council AAC Association of Analytical Chemists AACC Arab Air Carriers Organization (U.S.A.) AACC Asociacion Argentina de Criadores de AAC Australian Agricultural Council (now Caprinos ARMCANZ) AACC Asociacion Argentina de Criadores de AAC Australian Air Corps CebU AAC Australian Association of Chiropractors AACC Asociacion Argentina de Criadores de AAC Austrian Alpine Club Cerdos 4