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Butterflies through Binoculars: The West - A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Western North America (Butterflies and Others Through Binoculars Field Guide Series) PDF

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Preview Butterflies through Binoculars: The West - A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Western North America (Butterflies and Others Through Binoculars Field Guide Series)

The est .\ 1'11·. 1. 1) (;L · II >I-. TO Till·. IlL"TTI·.RFUES OF VI"'er!ern No r//.! .dmeri cCl OXfORD 0"1",,,1 p;ew "'"rk ,u htn, "urkl.lnrl lIang"ok R"gUI~ Rill-nus Alre:. c..k-uua ca."" T"wn Ch~""~l 1). .. <."S s..IAa m Ddhl Fklrcn« H\rI)~ " Ollt-: b lS"bul ",,, .. rhi Ku;Jld Lum pur Mad ri<l Mdool llnt :..IulN) CI IY /'t1\1Il1b.1i Nairobi Pam ~~u PJuiu Shl~~I)<,Il"1: TJll'I"i Tnky" TUm n,,, W~"'l ", ~nd .,,,.,,:i.oll-J '~''''I''lIlit'~ In Ilrrlln 1 \I;I\'~n Copyright () 100 I by Jclfr t'! y GlasstX'rg Puhlhl><"<l 1,,-0"(,,,,1 Un;>'" ",; , Y P'~-;'I.. Inc. 10)& Madl!'J t1 Avenue. Ne w "{mk, :-:.,. . '1"",1: I 00 I I.> O~ flJrd b a fc:]tI~1 rn:d I ,.ok "'" r1<. III Odurd Unl",'!">;I}' I'n'>i>' AU rit:h .. ''''''''''''.-d. N.-. 1"''' of (h i~ 1" ,t 'lk~' k>n flU}' h.; f<'llrOO uCt'1l. Wlrr:d In • f"<' lricvJI synl.'m. ur Lnn5min.-.J. In "'f I. ... m or h)' • "V' mea II •. dc," ",,,Ic. 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Prit>ced In Chou " n »<.1d . r.~'I.' ,lll)("r BUTTERFLIES THROUGH BINOCULARS THE WEST A FIELD GUIDE TO THE BUTTERFLIES OF WESTERN NORTH AMERICA Jeffrey Glassberg RD U NIVEIt S ITV PRESS 2001 Contents Acknowledgments VII INTRODUCTION 1 BINOCULARS 2 NETTING 3 HOW TO IDENTIFY BUTTERFLIES 4 HOW TO FIND BUTTERFLIES 6 WHAT IS A BUTTERFLY 9 BUTTERFLY BIOLOGY 10 BUTTERFLY GARDENING 17 BUTTERFLY PHOTOGRAPHY FOR NON PHOTOGRAPHERS 18 CONSERVATION 28 COMMERCIALLY RAISED BUTTERFLIES 3 1 ABOUT THE SPECIES ACCOUNTS 32 ABOUT THE MAPS 36 ABOUT THE PHOTOGRAPHS 37 ABBREVIATIONS 39 BUTTERFL Y WING AREAS AND BODY PARTS 40 RANGE MAP COLORS AND INFORMATION 41 SPECIES ACCOUNTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS 42 SWALLOWTAILS 42 Parnassians 42 True Swallowtails 44 WHITES AND YELLOWS 52 Whites 52 Yellows 60 GOSSAMER-WINGS 74 Coppers 74 Hairstreaks 84 Blues 106 METALMARKS 128 vi • CON TENTS BRUSH FOOTS 134 Snout and Heliconians 134 Greater and Lesser Fritillaries 136 Patches, Checkers pots and Crescents 156 True Brushfoots 182 Ad mirals and Relatives 190 Emperors 200 Satyrs 202 Monarchs 2 14 SKIPPERS 216 Firetips and Spread-wing Skippers 2 16 Skipperlings 248 Grass-Skippers 250 Giant-Skippers 290 RARE STRAYS AND EASTERN SPECIES MARGINALLY ENTERING THE WEST 296 SPECIES DUBIOUSLY REPORTED TO HAVE OCCURRED NATURALLY 301 Supplementary Text 303 Photo Dates, Locations and Credits 314 Faodplant Scientific Names 343 Organizations Concerned with Butterflies 347 Glossary 349 Butterfly Silhouettes 351 Bibliography 355 Index 361 Acknowledgments THIS BOOK COMPLETES TH E MASSIVE PROJECT I BEGAN TEN YEARS AGO, to devel - op a series of field guides that would, for the first time, allow people to identify most individual butterflies they see in the field . Obtaining the photographs needed for these guides required a tremendous amount of time in the field. The effort and dedication needed to undertake and follow through with this prujea wo uld not have been possible wi thou t the sup- port and belief in me, and in Ihe value of this work, of my wife, Jane Vicroy Scott. J can only hope that Jane's love, support , and persona l sacri- fice are repaid by this buok's leading to an increase in bUllerfly appreciation and conservation that makes our future world just a little beller, and more colorful. than it would have been otherwise. Without the help of my son, Mall Scott, this book would probably have never been completed . In addilion to setting up computer hardware and installing snftware, he patiently ta ught me how to use the software requi red to do the plate layouts and create the maps. Although many other people have contributed directly to the creation of this guide, two individuals have made especially extensive and critica l contribulions. Jim Brock and Andy Warren provided help in almost all a reas needed to produce Ihis book . Jim's special interest is caterpillars and their foodplanlS. (For Quite a few southeastern Arizona species, their caterpillar foodplant is published here for the first lime, based upon as yel unpublished informa tion discovered by Jim Brock. He will expand upon this in a forthcoming caterpillar field guide.) Andy's focus is the systemal - ics of neotropical skippers. In addition to their specialties, both Jim and Andy are exceptionally knowledgeable abou t almost a ll aspects of western butterflies. A deep bow of res pea and my continuing gratitude to you both . The following individuals ki ndly provided informa tion aboUi bUller- flies and loca lities so tha t I could obtai n photographs for I his book: Norbert viii • ACK NOWLEDGMENTS Kondla for Alberta; Richard Bailowitz. Jim Brock. and Harry Zirlin for Ari- zona; Ray Coyle. Wanda Damero n. Greg de Nevers. John Emmel. Ken Hansen. Fred Heath. Bob Langston . Jack Levy. Rud y Mattoni. J im MarL Dave Powell. Ralph Wells. and Harry Zirlin for California; Paul Opler and Andy Warren for Colorado; Steve Kohler for Montana; Steve Cary for New Mexico; George Austin for Nevada; H .A. freeman and Ro Wauer for Texas; Todd Stout for Utah; Bob Pyle for Wa shington; Ernest Williams and Andy Warren for Wyomi ng. John Acorn accompanied me 10 windswept Plateau M oun tain in Alber- ta, where we chased green- tinted Labrador Sulphurs over eerily beautiful high tundra. but. alas. Alberta or Astarte Fritillaries we did not see; a film crew from an Oklahoma TV station trailed Jim Brock and me down Cali - fornia Gulch in Arizona on a successful quest for Cestus Skipper, nabbing excellent video footage ofthis rare species; Aaron Ellingson and I watched hundreds of Purplish Fritillaries glisten in the sun as they spread thei r dew-covered wings to dry and awaken, high above treeline on Muullt Uncompahgre in the San Juan MOUllt.3ins of southern Colorado; Eric Finkelstein and David Larson of the Amistad National Recreation area in Del Rio, Texas joined us for an exciting hunt among the Iccheguilla for Mary's Gianl-Skipper- Coahuila Giant-Skipper still beckons; Fred Heath proved an excellent shepherd. as he herded Jane and me through Sentenac Canyon. showing us our firsl 'Da mmers' DOlled Blue and California Giant-Skippers on our first visit to Allza-Borrego State Park in California; docent Jim Mori a t Big Trees Slate Park in California wowed us with the attractive pull of pussypaws; I was led on a brisk five -mile walk up 10 13,000 feet on Red Cloud Mountain-no mean feat lor a fifty-year-uld lIat- lander from New Jersey- by the irrepressible Amy Seidl. whu has been studyi ng the federally endangered 'Uncompahgre ' Dingy Fritillaries that live there; meeting at Rabbit Ears Pass in nort hwestern Colorado. Andy Warren and I had a fritillary fest . photographing mosl of the ten species found there. Thank you all for your willingness to help. I hope Ihat all of you had as much fun as I did on Ihose fiel d trips and thai you approve of the resu lts. Others whose help is greatly apprecia ted include: Bruce Blanthorn, who provided horses and experllrail knowledge in the Wind River Moull - tains of Wyoming and whose indefatigable border collie. Misty. was one of the most amazing dogs I've ever seen; my exploration of Mesa Verde ACKNOWLEDGMENTS • ;x National Park was greatly facilitated by Marilyn Colyer of the U. S. Parks Service who was instrumental in my obtaining a permit un very, very short notice; our visit to Plateau Mountain was made possible by Dave Heatherington and the Alberta Land and Forest Service, who provided LIS with permits and keys; special thanks to Officer Dave Lankford of the Wyoming State Police for stopping my wife and me for speeding just out- side of Pinedale, Wyoming. The spot where he pulled us over was alive with Rudd y Coppers and Sonoran Skippers, and photos 3 and 4 on page 81, and photo 5 and the inset to photo 4 on page 265 resulted. Officer Lankford did seem sligh tly mystified by my apparent grealer interest in the grassy area across the road (! kept wandering over there ) than in the speeding issue at hand; a very large and warm thank-you to Pilar and Andres Sada of Monterrey, Mexico, [or their graciolls hospitality and friendship, on multiple occasions allowing me to stay at Rancho Picachos, where a numher of the photographs that appear in this guide were taken. Thanks also to Kirk Jensen and Helen Mules of Oxford University Press for their careful help in producing the previous books in this series. In preparing this work, there were many occasions when I examined museum specimens for identification features and for geographical and temporal distributions. ! thank Jim Miller, Eric Quinter, and Cal Snyder at the America n Museum of Natu ral History, New York, and John Bums and Bob Robbins at the Uni ted States National Mu seum, SInithsonian Institu - tion, Washington, D.C., for all owing me 10 examine specimens under their care. Paul Hammond of Oregon State Universi ty and Don Harvey and Bob Robbins at the Smithsonian Institution helped me pursue the systematic position of the White Mountains populations of Atlantis Fritillary by dis- secti ng specimens-and detemlining that they did indeed belong to the Atlan tis group despite having dirrerenl eye color. A critical fea ture of this book is the photographs. Although I have trav - eled extensively in the West for years, searching for and photographing butterflies, still , in the end, there were some 54 of tbe L 136 photographs needed for this book that I did not have. The following individuals gener- ously provided their own photographs to fill the gaps (see Photo Dates, Localities and Credits section for credits for specific photugraphs): Dave Abrenbolz, Ahmet Baytas, Rob Boender, Jim Brock, Priscilla Brodkin, Steve Cary, Rick Cech, John Emmel, Chri s Guppy, John Hafemik, Steve Kohler, Ja ck Levy, Bill Mull, S. Mark Nelson, Phil Nordin, Dave Nun- x • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS nallee, Paul Opler, Steve Prchal. Ed Ross, Jane Ruffin, Jeff Siotten, Bob Stewart, and Ann Swengel. An important feature of this guide are the range maps. Arter conStruct- ing a prelim inary set of maps, using all published and much unpublished information, I sent these maps to active field workers through out the West for review. The following reviewers, arranged by slalC or province of resi- dence, great ly increased the accuracy of the maps. Many of the reviewers were knowledgeable abou t whole regions. I am indebted to them lOT tak- ing the considerable time required to closely inspect the almust 500 maps and suggest detailed changes, based upon their firsthand knowledge (i ndi - viduals in the states of North Dakota, Sou th Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas are included because of their review of the range maps during the prepa- ration of BTB: The East): Alberta, Norbert Kondla; Arizona, Richard Bailowitz, Jim Brock; British Columbia, Jon Shepard; California. John Emmel. Ken Hansen, Jack Levy, Jim Mori. Art Shapiro: Colorado, Ra y Stanfurd, Andy Warren ; Idaho, George Stephens; Kansas, Marvin Schwill- ing; Nebraska, Neil Dankert. Jim Reiser, Steve Spumer: New Mexico, Steve Cary, Richard Holla nd; Nevada, George Austin; North Dakota, Ronald Royer; Oklahoma, Pat Bergey, John Nelson; Oregon, Susan Anderson, Paul Hammond; South Dakota, Gary Marrone; Texas, Charles Bordelon, Chuck Sexton, Ru Wa uer; Utah, John Richards, Steve Sommerfeld, Todd Stout. In addition, mOSt of these correspondcnts providc..=d information abollt nectar sourceS in their areas that wa s used to compile the list of important nectar sources that appears un page 8. George Austin and Andy Warren kindly provided supplemen tary infor- mation about the identification of greater fritillaries that should increase your chance of successfu l identiricatioll. A draft of this manuscript was reviewed by Jim Brock, Jim Mori, Jane V. Scott, and Andy Warren, each of whom made many corrections and pro- vided many suggestions tha t grea tly improved the fina l product. The rime, effort, and knowledge that they brought to this project arc greatl y appre- ciated. Lastl y, [ would like to thank you, the reader, for lIsi ng this book. a step that links you to the growing butterflying community. Join with us on an exciting lifetime adventure that is earth-friend ly and good for YOll- butterflying is fat-free and yet still full of flavor! INTRODUCTION WARNING: THIS BOOK IS AN EXPRESS VEHICLE TO BUTTER FLYING HEAVEN. If this destination is not in your plans for this lifetime, you may want to turn back now, before it is too late! Why take up butterfl ying? Well. perhaps because of the benefits to your health and beauty-and that of the p lanet's. BUllerflying will increase the ti me you spend in beaut iful mountain meadows fi lled with flowers and encourage you to hike in brea thtaki ng desert canyons in the springtime, following floa ting patches of turq uoise-blue confections as they drift across the f1owernl landscape. You'll look do wn to see a metalmark , glint - ing in the sun, only to find an iridescent tiger beetle at your feet. You' ll look up as the neeLari ng black and white Pine White you sta rtled springs heav- enward, just in time to see the m ulticolored dragonfly tha t is chasing the same butterfly as you! As you look for b utterflies you will learn the plants whose flowers are important neCtar sources and you will learn some of the major caterpilla r food plants, as an a id to locating the adu lt butterflies. In short, you'll be well on your way to being a compleat naturalist. Besides beingjust plain fu n, butterflying is rewa rding and important in many ways. Since so much remains to be learned about these wonderful animals, your knowledge of the butterflies of your area may make a con- tribution to science- it's possible that you could even find a new species. For example, the stun ning Sandia Hairstreak was discovered onl y in 1960, despite be ing fa irly common in Big Bend Na tional Pa rk and in the hills just outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico . Also, bUllerflying allows one to monitor the lucal t:nvirUlllllt:n l. Knowledge of the stability. or decline or increase, of local butterfly populations is an important tuol in environ - mental protectiun. On a more personal level. butterflying serves as a stim- ulus to go o utdoors and engage in healthy physical activity. Pa radoxicall y, bUllerflying has the power to intensely excite and relax you a t the same

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