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ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО РЫБОЛОВСТВУ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ "МУРМАНСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ" М. С. Тучевская Business Matters Вопросы бизнеса Допущено Ученым советом университета в качестве учебного пособия по дисциплине "Профессиональный иностранный язык (английский)" для студентов старших курсов экономических специальностей и направлений подготовки Мурманск Издательство МГТУ 2014 УДК 811.111 (075.8) ББК 81.2 Англ я73 Т 92 Рецензенты: Т. Н. Лисицына, канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков Мурманского государственного гуманитарного университета; кафедра германских языков Международного института бизнес-образования (М. А. Пастушкова, канд. пед. наук, зав. кафедрой) Т 92 Тучевская, М. С. Business Matters (Вопросы бизнеса) : учеб. пособие по дис- циплине "Иностранный язык (английский)" для студентов старших курсов эко- номических специальностей и направлений подготовки / М. С. Тучевская. – Мурманск : Изд-во МГТУ, 2014. – 106 с. ISBN 978-5-86185-814-4 Предназначено для студентов старших курсов экономических специальностей и направлений подготовки, изучающих деловой английский язык. Пособие может быть использовано в качестве дополнительного материала как на практических заня-тиях в рамках работы по учебно-методическому комплексу "Market Leader. Intermediate Business English" (David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent. – Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2002), так и для самостоятельного изучения. The textbook is aimed at senior students of economic specialities and degree programmes, studying business English. It can be used as a supplementary file to the teaching and learning materials "Market Leader. Intermediate Business English" (David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent. – Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2002) both at the English classes and for self-study. Список лит. − 5 названий. УДК 811.111 (075.8) ББК 81.2 Англ я73 © Мурманский государственный технический университет, 2014 © М. С. Тучевская, 2014 ISB" 978-5-86185-814-4 ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ ВВЕДЕНИЕ .......................................................................................................... 4 Unit 1. Career Management. Text 1 ...................................................................... 5 Unit 2. Enterprise. Text 2 .................................................................................... 12 Unit 3. E-business. Text 3 ................................................................................... 18 Unit 4. Brand Management. Text 4 ..................................................................... 25 Unit 5. Prices and Commodities. Text 5.............................................................. 32 Unit 6. Corporate Entertaining. Text 6 ................................................................ 38 Unit 7. Innovation. Text 7 ................................................................................... 44 Text 8 ................................................................................................................ 48 Unit 8. Public Relations. Text 9 .......................................................................... 54 Unit 9. Cultural Awareness. Text 10 ................................................................... 61 Unit 10. Global Advertising. Text 11 .................................................................. 67 Unit 11. Management Styles. Text 12 ................................................................. 73 Additional reading ............................................................................................... 79 Key ....................................................................................................................... 87 СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ ....................................... 106 ВВЕДЕНИЕ Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов экономических специальностей и направлений подготовки, изучающих деловой английский язык. Оно представляет собой сборник текстов и раз- работанных к ним упражнений, которые могут использоваться в качестве дополнительного материала к учебно-методическому комплексу "Market Leader. Intermediate Business English" (David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent. – Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, 2002). Целью пособия является формирование и совершенствование навыков и умений чтения и говорения, перевода специальной аутентичной литера- туры и газетно-журнальных текстов, расширение лексического запаса сту- дентов в сфере деловых коммуникаций. Все упражнения сборника направ- лены на реализацию этой цели. Пособие состоит из 11 уроков, основу которых составляют 12 текстов. Кроме того, в учебное пособие вошли 4 текста для дополнительного чте- ния. После основного текста следует ряд упражнений и практических зада- ний. Изучение лексики включает работу со словосочетаниями, подстано- вочные упражнения, подбор синонимов и антонимов, перевод с английского языка на русский и с русского на английский. Ко всем текстам дается спи- сок незнакомых лексических единиц и выражений. С целью проверки по- нимания включены вопросы по содержанию текстов. Пособие снабжено ключами к основным заданиям. При написании данного учебного пособия использовались электронные словари ABBYY Lingvo и Мультитран. 5 Unit 1. Career Management Text 1 Me PLC Hired guns What do Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computers, Karl von der Heyden, former CFO of PepsiCo., and twenty other top executives at Fortune 500 companies have in common? The answer is they have all been "interim managers", hired on a temporary basis to come in and revitalize a firm with their own special brand of magic. And then leave. In fact, such short-term employment contracts are now becoming the norm at all management levels. And if they're good enough for the likes of Jobs, they're good enough for the rest of us. Employability Provided you can stand the insecurity, there has never been a better time to get a job. The old "smokestack industries" of mining, shipbuilding and steel may be gone, but with the arrival of the New Economy, what we're now increasingly seeing is a highly paid project teams created for particular assignments for a specific period of time. Once the project is completed, the team is simply disbanded. No hard feelings – just thanks and goodbye. There's no promise of more work, but if you've enhanced your career prospects with another firm on a similar short-term basis. The Corporate Ladder In the past it was different. You worked hard, pleased an insufferable boss – you had a job for life. True, you were little more than a wage slave, but if you stuck to the dress code, played by the rules and made a few powerful friends along the way, you could climb to the top of the corporate ladder by the age of fifty, take early retirement at fifty-five and drop dead at fifty-six. Re-engineering Then along came the "re-engineered" 90s and changed all that. According to Jerry Yoram Wind and Jeremy Main at the world-leading Wharton School of Management, big companies like AT&T "finally woke up in 1995 and said «Oh my goodness, we have 40,000 people too many»". Mass redundancies followed. In April 1997 Newsweek ran a cover story entitled "Corporate Killers, the Public is scared as Hell". The killers were giants like General Electric and IBM. Now managers were kicked out at forty-five and on the scrap heap at forty-six. 6 Empowerment The tables have turned. The forty-three million jobs in the United States alone since 1997 are more than compensated for by the 70.2 million jobs created in the same period. Now it's our employers who are afraid we'll take our expertise elsewhere. With so many job opportunities, severe skills shortages in many industries, fewer barriers to entrepreneurship and easier access to start-up capital, we've never been so empowered. Never mind the corporation. What about me? Telecommuters In a study carried out for Management Today by RHI Management Resources, sixty-seven per cent of managers put a job for life at the bottom of their list of priorities. Amongst the under-35s the figure was seventy-seven per cent. Ninety-one per cent of those younger managers said career development was the responsibility of the individual. Fifty-five per cent of them wanted to retire at fifty-five or younger. All of them wanted the flexibility to work from home or even telecommute. All of them said they would dump their present company in an instant if they were offered something "sexier" by another employer. The Rat Race Mark Albion, founding partner of You & Co., and co-founder of Students for Responsible Business, approves of this new opportunism. "You learn where you fit in by not fitting in", he says. "You learn what you want to do by doing what you don't want to do. If you are offered a "big" job, take it. You might love it. But you might not find it as satisfying as you'd hoped, and it will be a jumping-off point for what is you really want to do". And remember to get a life along the way. For, as comedian, Lily Tomlin once put it: "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat". Vocabulary notes a hired gun – наемный специалист CFO (Chief Financial Officer) – (амер.) главный финансовый директор; вице-президент корпорации по финансам an interim manager – временный руководитель to revitalize – восстанавливать, оживлять a brand of magic – магический бренд the like of job – подобная работа 7 employability – возможность устроиться на работу smokestack industry – отрасль тяжелой промышленности to disband – расформировывать, распускать insufferable – невыносимый, нестерпимый a wage slave – человек, полностью зависимый от зарплаты; тот, кто полностью зависит от зарплаты along the way – на пути to drop dead – внезапно умереть to re-engineer – перестраивать, реструктурировать re-engineering – перестройка, реструктуризация to run a cover story – опубликовать статью, иллюстрация к которой дана на обложке журнала scared as hell – сильно напуганный to kick out – увольнять, выгонять с работы to be on the scrap heap – оказаться не у дел to empower – уполномочивать, наделять полномочиями, давать возмож- ность / право empowerment – предоставление полномочий; расширение полномочий работника to take expertise – применять опыт a severe skills shortage – огромная нехватка навыков, острый дефицит знаний start-up capital – начальный капитал to telecommute – работать дистанционно a telecommuter / a teleworker – дистанционный работник, удаленный сотрудник to fit in – приспосабливаться to dump – оставлять, бросать in an instant – мигом rat race – ожесточенная конкуренция, бешеная погоня за богатством; мышиная возня a rat – зд. участник гонки за успехом a jumping-off point – исходная точка, отправная точка a message – идея; сообщение to get a life – наслаждаться жизнью 8 Assignments I. Suggest the Russian equivalents: to have in common; to hire on a temporary basis; a short-term employment contract; to stand the insecurity; the arrival of the New Economy; a project team; to enhance your career prospects; to stick to the dress code; to take early retirement; to take expertise; a job opportunity; a barrier to entrepreneurship; flexibility; founding partner; opportunism. II. Match the words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents: 1. opportunism a) основная команда, работающая над 2. the arrival of the New проектом Economy b) гибкость 3. to enhance career prospects c) приспособленчество 4. to take expertise d) появление экономики нового типа 5. project team e) улучшать перспективы карьерного роста 6. flexibility f) использовать опыт 7. to revitalize a firm g) работа на всю жизнь 8. to run a cover story h) увольнение по сокращению штатов 9. redundancy i) человек, полностью зависимый 10. a wage slave от зарплаты 11. a job for life j) восстанавливать фирму k) публиковать статью, иллюстрация к которой дана на обложке журнала III. Without looking at the article, try to complete all the expressions below in under five minutes. Use the clues in brackets to help you. 1. Hired on a te... basis. (opposite of permanent) (paragraph 1) 2. Short-term employment co… . (what you sign when you join a company) (paragraph 1) 3. Once the project is completed, the term is simply dis… . (broken up) (paragraph 2) 4. You've enhanced your career pr… with another firm. (chances of being successful) (paragraph 2) 5. You worked hard; you had a job for li… . (until retirement) (paragraph 3) 9 6. True you were little more than a w… slave. (the money your employer pays you) (paragraph 3) 7. Managers were k… o… at forty-five and on the scrap heap at forty-six. (fired) (paragraph 4) 8. So many jobs op… . (openings) (paragraph 5) 9. Severe skills sh… . (opposite of surplus) (paragraph 5) 10. Sixty-seven per cent of managers put a job for life at the bottom of their list of pr… . (essential requirements) (paragraph 6) IV. Replace the parts in italics by the synonyms from the text. 1. Once the project is completed, the team is simply broken up. 2. Now managers were dismissed at forty-five and on the scrap heap at forty-six. 3. All of them wanted the flexibility to work from home or even telework. 4. All of them said they would leave their present company at once if they were offered something "sexier" by another employer. V. Find in the text the antonyms for the following words: permanent; long-term; security; surplus; to fire. VI. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the text. 1. The answer is they have all been "interim managers", hired ___ ___ ___ ___ to come in and ___ a firm with their own special brand of magic. 2. In fact, such ___ ___ ___ are now becoming the norm at all management levels. 3. Provided you can ___ ___ ___ there has never been a better time to get a job. 4. You've ___ ___ ___ ___ with another firm on a similar short-term basis. 5. You worked hard, pleased an insufferable boss – you had ___ ___ __ ___. 6. True, you were little more than ___ ___ ___ . 7. New managers were ___ ___ ___ at forty-five and ___ ___ ___ ___ at forty-six. 8. And remember ___ ___ ___ ___ along the way. VII. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following: бывший вице-президент компании по финансам; краткосрочный контракт найма на работу; преодолеть неуверенность; придерживаться дресс-кода; играть по правилам; преждевременно уйти на пенсию; массовые увольнения 10 по сокращению штатов; острая нехватка квалифицированных специалистов во многих отраслях промышленности; возможность получения работы. VIII. Translate the fourth and the fifth paragraphs in writing. IX. Give explanations in English: hired gun; interim manager; employability; smokestack industry; to drop dead; rat race; opportunism; jumping-off point. X. Answer the questions. 1. What is now becoming the norm at all management levels? 2. For what purpose are highly paid project teams created with the arrival of the New Economy? 3. How can you enhance your career prospects? 4. What kind of job did you have in the past? 5. In what way did the situation change when the "re-engineered" 90s came? 6. Who is afraid that we'll take our expertise elsewhere? 7. What are the results of the study carried out for the Management today by RHI Management Resources? 8. Why does Mark Albion approve of this new opportunism? XI. Translate into English using all the active vocabulary. 1. Краткосрочные контракты о найме на работу заключаются в том случае, когда сотрудников нанимают на временной основе. 2. После завершения проекта команду просто расформировывают. Вас благодарят за хорошую работу, но не обещают ничего взамен. А вы продолжаете улучшать перспективы карьерного роста в другой фирме на аналогичной краткосрочной основе. 3. В прошлом вы могли подняться на вершину карьерной лестницы, если соблюдали дресс-код, играли по правилам и обзаводились влиятельными друзьями. 4. В 90х годах такие гиганты, как AT&T, General Electric и IBM начали реструктуризацию. В результате последовали массовые увольнения по сокращению штатов.

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