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1997 Cumulative Index and Author Index Volume 40, Numbers 1-6 ARTICLES Business Ethics Grover Starling, “Business Ethics and Nietzsche,’ Accounting May-June: 2-12 Julie H. Hertenstein and Sharon M. McKinnon, Solving the Puzzle of the Cash Flow Statement” The Editor’s Chair (A Business Horizons Tutorial), Jan-Feb: 69-76 Dennis W. Organ and Thomas W. De Berry, “Ac- Business and Society countant and Economist? Confessions of a Profes- sional Hybrid,” Sep-Oct: 1-6 William Beaver, “What to Do About Alcohol Ad- Environmental Management vertising,” Jul-Aug: 87-91 Dennis A. Rondinelli, Michael A. Berry, and Thomas A. Hemphill, “Confronting Corporate Welfare,” Nov-Dec: 2-8 Gyula Vastag, “Strategic Programming for Envi- ronmental Management: Sonoco’s Take-Back Policy,” May-June: 23-32 Thomas A. Hemphill, “Legislating Corporate So- cial Responsibility,” Mar-Apr: 53-58 Mark Sharfman, Rex T. Ellington, and Mark Meo, “The Next Step in Becoming ‘Green’: Life-Cycle Kenneth A. Kovach, Judith A. Sullivan, Thomas M. Alston, and Nancy Greer Hamilton, “New Oriented Environmental Management,” May-June 13-22 Prescriptions for a Healthier OSHA,” Mar-Apr: 45- 52 Murray Weidenbaum, Christopher Douglass, and Michael Orlando, “How to Achieve a Healthier Paul Hooper and Karen A. Smith, “A Value-Added Environment and a Stronger Economy,” Jan-Feb Tax in the U.S.: An Argument in Favor,” May-June 78-83 9-16 Alan N. Miller, Thomas E. Backer, and Everett M Finance Rogers, “Business Education and the AIDS Epi- John Byrd, Kent Hickman, and Hugh Hunter, demic: Responding in the Workplace,” Jul-Aug: “Diversification: A Broader Perspective,” Mar-Apr 78-86 0-44. Business Education Glen T. Ryen, Geraldo M. Vasconcellos, and Rich- ard J. Kish, “Capital Structure Decisions: What Philip D. Arben, “The Integrating Course in the Business School Curriculum, or, Whatever Hap- Have We Learned?” Sep-Oct: 41-50 pened to Business Policy?” Mar-Apr: 65-70 Edward J. Stendardi and Thomas Tyson, “Maver- ick Thinking in Open-Book Firms: The Challenge for Financial Executives,” Sep-Oct: 35-40 Focus: Airline Frequent Flier Programs International Business Robert L. Thornton and M.K. Thornton, “Who C. Christopher Baughn, Michael Bixby, and L Ambushed Airline Deregulation?” Jan-Feb: 41-46. Shelton Woods, “Patent Laws and the Public Good: IPR Protection in Japan and the United David W. Arnesen, C. Patrick Fleenor, and Rex S. States,” Jul-Aug: 59-65. Toh, “The Ethical Dimensions of Airline Frequent Flier Programs,” Jan-Feb: 47-56. Henry P. Conn and George S. Yip, “Global Trans- fer of Critical Capabilities,” Jan-Feb: 22-31. Human Resources Management Paul Ellis, “Uncertainty in the Hong Kong Special Michael W. Blum and James A. Wall, jr., “HRM: Administrative Region,” Mar-Apr: 59-064. Managing Conflicts in the Firm,” May-June: 84-87. Suk-ching Ho, “The Emergence of Consumer Lisa A. Burke, “Developing High-Potential Em- Power in China,” Sep-Oct: 15-21. ployees in the New Business Reality,” Mar-Apr: 18-24. David Strutton and Lou Pelton, “Scaling the Great Wall: The Yin and Yang of Resolving Business Thomas K. Fitzgerald, “Understanding Diversity in Conflicts in China,” Sep-Oct: 22-34. the Workplace: Cultural Metaphors Or Metaphors of Identity?” Jul-Aug: 66-70. Yim Yu Wong and Thomas E. Maher, “New Key Success Factors for China’s Growing Market,” Philip C. Grant, “Essential or MarginalJ?o b Func- May-June: 43-52. tions and the Americans With Disabilities Act,” Mar-Apr: 71-74. Marketing Woodruff Imberman, “Unsuccessful Executives in William H. Borghesani, Peter L. de la Cruz, and Automotive Manufacturing,” Mar-Apr: 2-6. David B. Berry, “Controlling the Chain: Buyer Power, Distributive Control, and New Dynamics William Q. Judge and Jeffrey Cowell, “The Brave in Retailing,” Jul-Aug: 17-24. New World of Executive Coaching,” Jul-Aug: 71- — S. Tamer Cavusgil, “Measuring the Potential of Emerging Markets: An Indexing Approach,” Jan- Renee D. Robbins and J.A. DeFatta, “Independent Feb: 87-91. Contractor Versus Employee: The Risks of Re- classification,” Nov-Dec: 70-76 Thomas W. Gruen, “Relationship Marketing: The Route to Marketing Efficiency and Effectiveness,” Robert H. Schappe, “The Marriage of Union and Nov-Dec: 32-38. Management: Understanding and Preventing Fail- ure,” Mar-Apr: 25-32. Steven E. Harbour, “Five Rules of Distribution Management,” May-June: 53-58. Susan M. Schor, “Separate and Unequal: The Nature of Women’s and Men’s Career-Building W. Wossen Kassaye, “Global Advertising and the Relationships,” Sep-Oct: 51-58. World Wide Web,” May-June: 33-42. Sherry E. Sullivan and Edward A. Duplaga, “Re- Marc Logman, “Marketing Mix Customization and cruiting and Retaining Older Workers for the New Customizability,” Nov-Dec: 39-44. Millennium,” Nov-Dec: 65-69. James R. Lowry, “The Life Cycle of Shopping Information Technology Centers,” Jan-Feb: 77-86. Saul W. Gellerman, “How Document Imaging Is John V. Petrof, “Relationship Marketing: The Breaking Paperwork Logjams,” Nov-Dec: 77-82. Wheel Reinvented?” Nov-Dec: 26-31. Robert L. Laud and Peter K. Thies, “Great Expec- Tasaddug Shervani and Philip C. Zerrillo, “The tations: Structuring IT Organizations That Really Albatross of Product Innovation,” Jan-Feb: 57-62. Deliver,” Jul-Aug: 25-36. Stanley F. Slater, Eric M. Olson, and Venkateshwar K. Reddy, “Strategy-Based Performance Measure- ment,” Jul-Aug: 37-44. Business Horizons / November-December 1997 Operations Management Paul J. Gordon, “Ten Strategic Audit Questions,’ Sep-Oct: 7-14 Thomas Y. Choi, Manus Rungtusanatham, and Ji-Sung Kim, “Continuous Improvement on the John W. HebelerJ r. and Doris C. Van Doren, Shop Floor: Lessons from Small to Midsize Firms,” “Unfettered Leverage: The Ascendancy of KnowIl- Nov-Dec: 45-50. edge-Rich Products and Processes,” Jul-Aug: 2-10 Hershey H. Friedman and Linda W. Friedman, Brahim Herbane, Dominic Elliott, and Ethné ‘Reducing the ‘Wait’ in Waiting-Line Systems Swartz, “Contingency and Continua: Achieving Waiting Line Segmentation,” Jul-Aug: 54-58. Exceilence Through Business Continuity Plan ning,” Nov-Dec: 19-25 Kee Young Kim, Jeffrey G. Miller, and Janelle Heineke, “Mastering the Quality Staircase, Step by Jennifer R. Hickman and William “Rick” Crandall Step,” Jan-Feb: 17-21. “Before Disaster Hits: A Multifaceted Approach to Crisis Management,” Mar-Apr: 75-79 Clinton O. Longenecker, Timothy C. Stansfield, and Deborah J. Dwyer, “The Human Side of Jeffrey P. Katz, Astrid Simanek, and James B Manufacturing Improvement,” Mar-Apr: 7-17. Townsend, “Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions One More Wave to Consider,” Jan-Feb: 32-40 Vincent A. Mabert and Roger W. Schmenner “Assessing the Roller Coaster of Downsizing,” Jul- Lance Leuthesser and Chiranjeev Kohli, “Corpo- Aug: 45-53. rate Identity: The Role of Mission Statements,’ May-June: 59-66 Anthony Lee Patti and James Patrick Gilbert, “Collocating New Product Development Teams: Stewart Shapiro and Mark T. Spence, “Managerial Why, When, Where, and How?” Nov-Dec: 59-64 Intuition: A Conceptual and Operational Frame- work,” Jan-Feb: 63-68 Louis Raho and Peter Mears, “Quality System Chaining: The Next Link in the Evolution of Andrew L. Solomon, “Do Consultants Really Add Quality,” Sep-Oct: 65-72. Value to Client Firms?” May-June: 67-72 M.R. Yilmaz and Sangit Chatterjee, “Deming and Matthew C. Sonfield and Robert N. Lussier, “The the Quality of Software Development,” Nov-Dec: Entrepreneurial Strategy Matrix: A Model for New 51-58 and Ongoing Ventures,” May-June: 73-77 Profiles in Executive Education FOCUS ON BOOKS Harper W. Moulton, “Tom Glynn Jones,” May- June: 88-91. Changing Focus, by Alecia Swasy. Reviewed by Robert D. Gulbro, Nov-Dec: 84 Strategic Management Conservative Environmentalism: Reassessing the Christopher K. Bart, “Sex, Lies, and Mission State- Means, Redefining the Ends, by James R. Dunn ments,” Nov-Dec: 9-18. and John E. Kinney. Reviewed by Gordon K Durnil, Mar-Apr: 80-81. Joseph Coleman, William Slonaker, and Ann Wendt, “True Teams or Tag Teams?” Sep-Oct: 59- Employee Participation in Europe, by Herman 04. Knudsen. Reviewed by Alfred Diamant, Sep-Oct 74-75 Diana L. Deadrick, R. Bruce McAfee, and Myron Glassman, “‘Customers for Life’: Does It Fit Your From State to Market? The Transformation of Culture?” Jul-Aug: 11-16. French Business and Government, by Vivien A Schmidt. Reviewed by Alfred Diamant, Nov-Dec Tom Duening, “Our Turbulent Times? The Case 83-84. for Evolutionary Organizational Change,” Jan-Feb: 2-8 Japanese Civilization: A Comparative View, by S.N. Eisenstadt. Reviewed by George M. Wilson, Betsy D. Gelb and Linda Hayes, “When Your Nov-Dec: 80. Competitor Turns Obstructionist...,” Mar-Apr: 33- 39. Index Mean Business: How I Save Bad Companies and Berry, David B., William H. Borghesani, and Pe- Make Good Companies Great, by Albert J. Dunlap. ter L. de la Cruz, “Controlling the Chain: Buyer Reviewed by Robert D. Gulbro, Sep-Oct: 75-76. Power, Distributive Control, and New Dynamics in Retailing,” Jul-Aug: 17-24. The Modern Corporation and American Political Thought, by Scott R. Bowman. Reviewed by Berry, Michael A., Dennis A. Rondinelli, and Alfred Diamant, Nov-Dec: 83-84. Gyula Vastag, “Strategic Programming for Envi- ronmental Management: Sonoco’s Take-Back The Paradox of Progress: Can Americans Regain Policy,” May-June: 23-32. Their Confidence in a Prosperous Future? by Richard B. McKenzie. Reviewed by Thomas A. Bixby, Michael, C. Christopher Baughn, and L. Hemphill, Nov-Dec: 85-86. Shelton Woods, “Patent Laws and the Public Good: IPR Protection in Japan and the United What Employers Want: Job Prospectfso r Less Edu- States,” Jul-Aug: 59-65. cated Workers, by Harry J. Holzer. Reviewed by Alfred Diamant, Sep-Oct: 74-75. Blum, Michael W., and James A. Wall, Jr., “HRM: Managing Conflicts in the Firm,” May-June: 84-87. The Witch Doctors: Making Sense of the Manage- ment Gurus, by John Micklethwait and Adrian Borghesani, William H., Peter L. de la Cruz, and Wooldridge. Reviewed by Robert D. Gulbro, Sep- David B. Berry, “Controlling the Chain: Buyer Oct: 73-74. Power, Distributive Control, and New Dynamics in Retailing,” Jul-Aug: 17-24. BOOK NOTES Burke, Lisa A., “Developing High-Potential Em- ployees in the New Business Reality,” Mar-Apr: Mar-Apr: 82-92. 18-24. Sep-Oct: 77-87. Byrd, John, Kent Hickman, and Hugh Hunter, “Diversification: A Broader Perspective,” Mar-Apr: 40-44. AUTHOR INDEX Cavusgil, S. Tamer, “Measuring the Potential of Emerging Markets: An Indexing Approach,” Jan- Alston, Thomas M., Kenneth A. Kovach, Judith A. Sullivan, and Nancy Greer Hamilton, “New Pre- Feb: 87-91. scriptions for a Healthier OSHA,” Mar-Apr: 45-52. Chatterjee, Sangit, and M.R. Yilmaz, “Deming and the Quality of Software Development,” Nov-Dec: Arben, Philip D., “The Integrating Course in the Business School Curriculum, or, Whatever Hap- 51-58. pened to Business Policy?” Mar-Apr: 65-70. Choi, Thomas Y., Manus Rungtusanatham, and Ji- Sung Kim, “Continuous Improvement on the Arnesen, David W., C Patrick Fleenor, and Rex S. Shop Floor: Lessons from Small to Midsize Firms,” Toh, “The Ethical Dimensions of Airline Frequent Nov-Dec: 45-50. Flier Programs,” Jan-Feb: 47-56. Coleman, Joseph, William Slonaker, and Ann Backer, Thomas E., Alan N. Miller, and Everett M. Wendt, “True Teams or Tag Teams?” Sep-Oct: 59- Rogers, “Business Education and the AIDS Epi- demic: Responding in the Workplace,” Jul-Aug: 04. 78-80. Conn, Henry P., and George S. Yip, “Global Transfer of Critical Capabilities,” Jan-Feb: 22-31. Bart, Christopher K., “Sex, Lies, and Mission Statements,” Nov-Dec: 9-18. Cowell, Jeffrey, and William Q. Judge, “The Brave New World of Executive Coaching,” Jul-Aug: 71- Baughn, C. Christopher, Michael Bixby, and L. — Shelton Woods, “Patent Laws and the Public Good: IPR Protection in Japan and the United Crandall, William “Rick,” and Jennifer R. Hickman, States,” Jul-Aug: 59-65. “Before Disaster Hits: A Multifaceted Approach to Crisis Management,” Mar-Apr: 75-79. Beaver, William, “What to Do About Alcohol Advertising,” Jul-Aug: 87-91. Business Horizons / November-December 1997 de la Cruz, Peter L., William H. Borghesani, and Friedman, Linda W., and Hershey H. Friedman, David B. Berry, “Controlling the Chain: Buyer “Reducing the ‘Wait’ in Waiting-Line Systems: Power, Distributive Control, and New Dynamics Waiting Line Segmentation,” Jul-Aug: 54-58. in Retailing,” Jul-Aug: 17-24. Gelb, Betsy D., and Linda Hayes, “When Your De Berry, Thomas W. (with Dennis W. Organ), Competitor Turns Obstructionist...,” Mar-Apr: 33- “Accountant and Economist? Confessions of a 39. Professional Hybrid,” Sep-Oct: 1-6. Gellerman, Saul W., “How Document Imaging Is Deadrick, Diana L., R. Bruce McAfee, and Myron Breaking Paperwork Logjams,” Nov-Dec: 77-82 Glassman, “Customers for Life’: Does It Fit Your Culture?” Jul-Aug: 11-16 Gilbert, James Patrick, and Anthony Lee Patti, “Collocating New Product Development Teams DeFatta, J.A., and Renee D. Robbins, “Indepen- Why, When, Where, and How?” Nov-Dec: 59-64 dent Contractor Versus Employee: The Risks of Reclassification,” Nov-Dec: 70-76. Glassman, Myron, Diana L. Deadrick, and R Bruce McAfee, “‘Customers for Life’: Does It Fit Douglass, Christopher, Murray Weidenbaum, and Your Culture?” Jul-Aug: 11-16 Michael Orlando, “How to Achieve a Healthier Environment and a Stronger Economy,” Jan-Feb: Gordon, Paul J., “Ten Strategic Audit Questions,” 9-16 Sep-Oct: 7-14. Duening, Tom, “Our Turbulent Times? The Case Grant, Philip C., “Essential or MarginalJ?o b Func for Evolutionary Organizational Change,” Jan-Feb: tions and the Americans With Disabilities Act, 2-8 Mar-Apr: 71-74 Duplaga, Edward A., and Sherry E. Sullivan, “Re Gruen, Thomas W., “Relationship Marketing: The cruiting and Retaining Older Workers for the New Route to Marketing Efficiency and Effectiveness,” Millennium,” Nov-Dec: 65-69. Nov-Dec: 32-38 Dwyer, Deborah J., Clinton O. Longenecker, and Hamilton, Nancy Greer, Kenneth A. Kovach, Timothy C. Stansfield, “The Human Side of Manu- Judith A. Sullivan, and Thomas M. Alston, “New facturing Improvement,” Mar-Apr: 7-17. Prescriptions for a Healthier OSHA,” Mar-Apr: 45- 52 Ellington, Rex T., Mark Sharfman, and Mark Meo, “The Next Step in Becoming ‘Green’: Life-Cycie Harbour, Steven E., “Five Rules of Distribution Oriented Environmental Management,” May-June: Management,” May-June: 53-58 13-22 Hayes, Linda, and Betsy D. Gelb, “When You Elliott, Dominic, Brahim Herbane, and Ethné Competitor Turns Obstructionist...,” Mar-Apr: 33- Swartz, “Contingency and Continua: Achieving 39 Excellence Through Business Continuity Plan- ning,” Nov-Dec: 19-25 Hebeler, John W., Jr. and Doris C. Van Doren, “Unfettered Leverage: The Ascendancy of Knowl- Ellis, Paul, “Uncertainty in the Hong Kong Special edge-Rich Products and Processes,” Jul-Aug: 2-10 Administrative Region,” Mar-Apr: 59-64. Heineke, Janelle, Kee Young Kim, and Jeffrey G Fitzgerald, Thomas K., “Understanding Diversity Miller, “Mastering the Quality Staircase, Step by in the Workplace: Cultural Metaphors Or Meta- Step,” Jan-Feb: 17-21 phors of Identity?” Jul-Aug: 66-70. Hemphill, Thomas A., “Confronting Corporate Fleenor, C. Patrick, David W. Arnesen, and Rex $ Welfare,” Nov-Dec: 2-8 Toh, “The Ethical Dimensions of Airline Frequent Flier Programs,” Jan-Feb: 47-56 Hemphill, Thomas A., “Legislating Corporate Social Responsibility,” Mar-Apr: 53-58 Friedman, Hershey H., and Linda W. Friedman, “Reducing the ‘Wait’ in Waiting-Line Systems: Herbane, Brahim, Dominic Elliott, and Ethné Waiting Line Segmentation,” Jul-Aug: 54-58. Swartz, “Contingency and Continua: Achieving Excellence Through Business Continuity Plan- ning,” Nov-Dec: 19-25 Index Hertenstein, Julie H., and Sharon M. McKinnon, Laud, Robert L., and Peter K. Thies, “Great Ex- “Solving the Puzzle of the Cash Flow Statement” pectations: Structuring IT Organizations That (A Business Horizons Tutorial), Jan-Feb: 69-76. Really Deliver,” Jul-Aug: 25-36. Hickman, Kent, John Byrd, and Hugh Hunter, Leuthesser, Lance, and Chiranjeev Kohli, “Corpo- “Diversification: A Broader Perspective,” Mar-Apr: rate Identity: The Role of Mission Statements,” 10-44 May-June: 59-66 Hickman, Jennifer R., and William “Rick” Crandall Logman, Marc, “Marketing Mix Customization and “Before Disaster Hits: A Multifaceted Approach to Customizability,” Nov-Dec: 39-44 Crisis Management,” Mar-Apr: 75-79. Longenecker, Clinton O., Timothy C. Stansfield, Ho, Suk-ching, “The Emergence of Consumer and Deborah J. Dwyer, “The Human Side of Power in China,” Sep-Oct: 15-21. Manufacturing Improvement,” Mar-Apr: 7-17. Hooper, Paul, and Karen A. Smith, “A Value- Lowry, James R., “The Life Cycle of Shopping Added Tax in the U.S.: An Argument in Favor,” Centers,” Jan-Feb: 77-86 May-June: 78-83. Lussier, Robert N., and Matthew C. Sonfield, “The Hunter, Hugh, John Byrd, and Kent Hickman, Entrepreneurial Strategy Matrix: A Model for New “Diversification: A Broader Perspective,” Mar-Apr and Ongoing Ventures,” May-June: 73-77 40-44. Mabert, Vincent A., and Roger W. Schmenner, Imberman, Woodruff, “Unsuccessful Executives in “Assessing the Roller Coaster of Downsizing,” Jul- Automotive Manufacturing,” Mar-Apr: 2-6 Aug: 45-53. Judge, William Q., and Jeffrey Cowell, “The Brave Maher, Thomas E., and Yim Yu Wong, “New Key New World of Executive Coaching,” Jul-Aug: 71- Success Factors for China’s Growing Market,” May-June: 43-52 Kassaye, W. Wossen, “Global Advertising and the McAfee, R. Bruce, Diana L. Deadrick, and Myron World Wide Web,” May-June: 33-42 Glassman, “Customers for Life’: Does It Fit Your Culture?” Jul-Aug: 11-16 Katz, Jeffrey P., Astrid Simanek, and James B. Townsend, “Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions: McKinnon, Sharon M., and Julie H. Hertenstein, One More Wave to Consider,” Jan-Feb: 32-40. “Solving the Puzzle of the Cash Flow Statement” (A Business Horizons Tutorial), Jan-Feb: 69-706. Kim, Ji-Sung, Thomas Y. Choi, and Manus Rungtusanatham, “Continuous Improvement on Mears, Peter, and Louis Raho, “Quality System the Shop Floor: Lessons from Small to Midsize Chaining: The Next Link in the Evolution of Firms,” Nov-Dec: 45-50. Quality,” Sep-Oct: 65-72. Kim, Kee Young, Jeffrey G. Miller, and Janelle Meo, Mark, Mark Sharfman, and Rex T. Ellington, Heineke, “Mastering the Quality Staircase, Step by “The Next Step in Becoming ‘Green’: Life-Cycle Step,” Jan-Feb: 17-21 Oriented Environmental Management,” May-June: 13-22. Kish, Richard J., Glen T. Ryen, and Geraldo M. Vasconcellos, “Capital Structure Decisions: What Miller, Alan N., Thomas E. Backer, and Everett M. Have We Learned?” Sep-Oct: 41-50. Rogers, “Business Education and the AIDS Epi- demic: Responding in the Workplace,” Jul-Aug: Kohli, Chiranjeev, and Lance Leuthesser, “Corpo- 78-80. rate Identity: The Role of Mission Statements,” May-June: 59-66. Miller, Jeffrey G., Kee Young Kim, and Janelle Heineke, “Mastering the Quality Staircase, Step by Kovach, Kenneth A., Judith A. Sullivan, Thomas Step,” Jan-Feb: 17-21. M. Alston, and Nancy Greer Hamilton, “New Pre- scriptions for a Healthier OSHA,” Mar-Apr: 45-52. Moulton, Harper W., “Tom Glynn Jones (Profiles in Executive Education),” May-June: 88-91. Business Horizons / November-December 1997 Olson, Eric M., Stanley F. Slater, and Venkateshwar Schor, Susan M., “Separate and Unequal: The K. Reddy, “Strategy-Based Performance Measure- Nature of Women’s and Men’s Career-Building ment,” Jul-Aug: 37-44. Relationships,” Sep-Oct: 51-58 Orlando, Michael, Murray Weidenbaum, and Shapiro, Stewart, and Mark T. Spence, “Manage- Christopher Douglass, “How to Achieve a rial Intuition: A Conceptual and Operational Healthier Environment and a Stronger Economy,” Framework,” Jan-Feb: 63-68 Jan-Feb: 9-106. Sharfman, Mark, Rex T. Ellington, and Mark Meo, Patti, Anthony Lee, and James Patrick Gilbert, “The Next Step in Becoming ‘Green’: Life-Cycle “Collocating New Product Development Teams: Oriented Environmental Management,” May-June: Why, When, Where, and How?” Nov-Dec: 59-64 13-22. Pelton, Lou, and David Strutton, “Scaling the Shervani, Tasaddugq, and Philip C. Zerrillo, “The Great Wall: The Yin and Yang of Resolving Busi- Albatross of Product Innovation,” Jan-Feb: 57-62 ness Conflicts in China,” Sep-Oct: 22-34. Simanek, Astrid, Jeffrey P. Katz, and James B Petrof, John V., “Relationship Marketing: The Townsend, “Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions Wheel Reinvented?” Nov-Dec: 26-31. One More Wave to Consider,” Jan-Feb: 32-40 Raho, Louis, and Peter Mears, “Quality System Slater, Stanley F., Eric M. Olson, and Venkateshwar Chaining: The Next Link in the Evolution of K. Reddy, “Strategy-Based Performance Measure- Quality,” Sep-Oct: 65-72. ment,” Jul-Aug: 37-44 Reddy, Venkateshwar K., Stanley F. Slater, and Slonaker, William, Joseph Coleman, and Ann Eric M. Olson, “Strategy-Based Performance Mea- Wendt, “True Teams or Tag Teams?” Sep-Oct: 59- surement,” Jul-Aug: 37-44 64. Robbins, Renee D., and J.A. DeFatta, “Indepen- Smith, Karen A., and Paul Hooper, “A Value- dent Contractor Versus Employee: The Risks of Added Tax in the U.S.: An Argument in Favor, Reclassification,” Nov-Dec: 70-76. May-June: 78-83. Rogers, Everett M., Alan N. Miller, and Thomas E Solomon, Andrew L., “Do Consultants Really Add Backer, “Business Education and the AIDS Epi- Value to Client Firms?” May-June: 67-72 demic: Responding in the Workplace,” Jul-Aug: 78-80. Sonfield, Matthew C., and Robert N. Lussier, “The Entrepreneurial Strategy Matrix: A Model for New Rondinelli, Dennis A., Michael A. Berry, and and Ongoing Ventures,” May-June: 73-77 Gyula Vastag, “Strategic Programming for Envi- ronmental Management: Sonoco’s Take-Back Spence, Mark T., and Stewart Shapiro, “Manage- Policy,” May-June: 23-32 rial Intuition: A Conceptual and Operational Framework,” Jan-Feb: 63-68 Rungtusanatham, Manus, Thomas Y. Choi, and Ji-Sung Kim, “Continuous Improvement on the Stansfield, Timothy C., Clinton O. Longenecker Shop Floor: Lessons from Small to Midsize Firms,” and Deborah J. Dwyer, “The Human Side of Nov-Dec: 45-50. Manufacturing Improvement,” Mar-Apr: 7-17 Ryen, Glen T., Geraldo M. Vasconcellos, and Starling, Grover, “Business Ethics and Nietzsche,” Richard J. Kish, “Capital Structure Decisions: What May-June: 2-12 Have We Learned?” Sep-Oct: 41-50. Stendardi, Edward J., and Thomas Tyson, “Maver- Schappe, Robert H., “The Marriage of Union and ick Thinking in Open-Book Firms: The Challenge Management: Understanding and Preventing Fail- for Financial Executives,” Sep-Oct: 35-40 ure,” Mar-Apr: 25-32. Strutton, David, and Lou Pelton, “Scaling the Schmenner, Roger W., and Vincent A. Mabert, Great Wali: The Yin and Yang of Resolving Busi- “Assessing the Roller Coaster of Downsizing,” Jul- ness Conflicts in China,” Sep-Oct: 22-34. Aug: 45-53. Index Sullivan, Sherry E., and Edward A. Duplaga, “Re- Vasconcellos, Geraldo M., Glen T. Ryen, and cruiting and Retaining Older Workers for the New Richard J. Kish, “Capital Structure Decisions: Millennium,” Nov-Dec: 65-69. What Have We Learned?” Sep-Oct: 41-50. Sullivan, Judith A., Kenneth A. Kovach, Thomas Vastag, Gyula, Dennis A. Rondinelli, and Michael M. Alston, and Nancy Greer Hamilton, “New Pre- A. Berry, “Strategic Programming for Environmen- scriptions for a Healthier OSHA,” Mar-Apr: 45-52. tal Management: Sonoco’s Take-Back Policy,” May-June: 23-32 Swartz, Ethné, Brahim Herbane, and Dominic Elliott, “Contingency and Continua: Achieving Wall, James A., Jr., and Michael W. Blum, “HRM: Excellence Through Business Continuity Plan- Managing Conflicts in the Firm,” May-June: 84-87. ning,” Nov-Dec: 19-25. Weidenbaum, Murray, Christopher Douglass, and Thies, Peter K., and Robert L. Laud, “Great Ex- Michael Orlando, “How to Achieve a Healthier pectations: Structuring IT Organizations That Environment and a Stronger Economy,” Jan-Feb: Really Deliver,” Jul-Aug: 25-36. 9-10. Thornton, M.K., and Robert L. Thornton, “Who Wendt, Ann, Joseph Coleman, and William Ambushed Airline Deregulation?” Jan-Feb: 41-46. Slonaker, “True Teams or Tag Teams?” Sep-Oct: 59-64 Thornton, Robert L., and M.K. Thornton, “Who Ambushed Airline Deregulation?” Jan-Feb: 41-46. Wong, Yim Yu, and Thomas E. Maher, “New Key Success Factors for China’s Growing Market,” Toh, Rex S., David W. Arnesen, and C. Patrick May-June: 43-52 Fleenor, “The Ethical Dimensions of Airline Fre- quent Flier Programs,” Jan-Feb: 47-56 Woods, L. Shelton, C. Christopher Baughn, and Michael Bixby, “Patent Laws and the Public Townsend, James B., Jeffrey P. Katz, and Astrid Good: IPR Protection in Japan and the United Simanek, “Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions: States,” Jul-Aug: 59-65. One More Wave to Consider,” Jan-Feb: 32-40. Yilmaz, M.R., and Sangit Chatterjee, “Deming and Tyson, Thomas, and Edward J. Stendardi, “Maver- the Quality of Software Development,” Nov-Dec: ick Thinking in Open-Book Firms: The Challenge 51-58 for Financial Executives,” Sep-Oct: 35-40. Yip, George S., and Henry P. Conn, “Global Van Doren, Doris C., and John W. Hebeler, Jr., Transfer of Critical Capabilities,” Jan-Feb: 22-31 “Unfettered Leverage: The Ascendancy of Know!- edge-Rich Products and Processes,” Jul-Aug: 2-10 Zerrillo, Philip C., and Tasaddug Shervani, “The Albatross of Product Innovation,” Jan-Feb: 57-62. Business Horizons / November-December 1997

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