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Index to Volume 45 (2003) P52 BUSINESS HISTORY 1. Articles Author BAKKER Gerben Building Knowledge About the Consumer: The Emergence of Market Research in the Motion Picture Industry BERGHOFF Hartmut ‘Times Change and We Change with Them’: The German Advertising Industry in the Third Reich — Between Professional Self-Interest and Political Repression BIAO Huang, COX Howard and METCALFE Stuart Compradors, Firm Architecture and the ‘Reinvention’ of British Trading Companies: John Swire & Sons’ Operations in Early Twentieth-Century China BOYCE Gordon Network Knowledge and Network Routines: Negotiating Activities between Shipowners and Shipbuilders BOYNS Trevor, EDWARDS John Richard and MATTHEWS Mark Scale, Scope and Accountability: Towards a New Paradigm of British Business History in the Chemical Industry: The Case of Albright & Wilson, c.1892 to c.1923 CHURCH Roy and CLARK Christine Purposive Strategy or Serendipity? Development and Diversification in Three Consumer Product Companies, 1918-39: J. & J. Colman, Reckitt & Sons, and Lever Bros./Unilever CHURCH Roy and GODLEY Andrew The Emergence of Modern Marketing: International Dimensions CLARK Christine and CHURCH Roy Purposive Strategy or Serendipity? Development and Diversification in Three Consumer Product Companies, 1918-39: J. & J. Colman, Reckitt & Sons, and Lever Bros./Unilevet CLARKE Clarke Closing the Deal: GM’s Marketing Dilemma and its Franchised Dealers, 1921-41 COX Howard, BIAO Huang and METCALFE Stuart Compradors, Firm Architecture and the ‘Reinvention’ of British Trading Companies: John Swire & Sons’ Operations in Early Twentieth-Century China EDWARDS John Richard, BOYNS Trevor, and MATTHEWS Mark Scale, Scope and Accountability: Towards a New Paradigm of British Business History in the Chemical Industry: The Case of Albright & Wilson, c.1892 to c.1923 FELLMAN Susanna The Role of Internal Labour Markets and Social Networks in the Recruitment of Top Managers in Finnish Manufacturing Firms, 1900-75 FRIEDMAN Walter A and TEDLOW Richard A Statistical Portraits of American Business Elites: A Review Essay GODLEY Andrew Foreign Multinationals and Innovation in British Retailing, 1850-1962 GODLEY Andrew and CHURCH Roy The Emergence of Modern Marketing: International Dimensions HIGGINS David British Manufacturing Performance, 1950-79: Implications for the Productivity Debate and the Post-War Consensus HORNIBROOK Jeff Riding the Tiger: Merchant-State Alliance in a Coalmine Modernisation Scheme INDEX TO VOLUME 45 (2003) JONES SRH Brand Building and Structural Change in the Scotch Whisky Industry since 1975 MATTHEWS Mark, BOYNS Trevor and EDWARDS John Richard Scale, Scope and Accountability: Towards a New Paradigm of British Business History in the Chemical Industry: The Case of Albright & Wilson, c.1892 to c.1923 METC,ALFE Stuart, BIAO Huang and COX Howard Compradors, Firm Architecture and the ‘Reinvention’ of British Trading Companies: John Swire & Sons’ Operations in Early Twentieth-Century China PILBEAM Pamela Madame Tussaud and the Business of Wax: Marketing to the Middle Classes PUIG Nuria The Search for Identity: Spanish Perfume in the International Market RECKENDREES Alfred From Cartel Regulation to Monopolistic Control? The Founding of the German ‘Steel Trust’ in 1926 and its Effect on Market Regulation SAN ROMAN Elena and SUDRIA Carles Synthetic Fuels in Spain, 1942-66: The Failure of Franco’s Autarkic Dream SUDRIA Carles and SAN ROMAN Elena Synthetic Fuels in Spain, 1942-66: The Failure of Franco’s Autarkic Dream TEDLOW Richard A and FRIEDMAN Walter A Statistical Portraits of American Business Elites: A Review Essay TIRATSOO Nick Materials Handling in British Industry, 1945-c.1975: The Anatomy of a Manufacturing Fundamental TOMS Steven and WILSON JF Scale, Scope and Accountability: Towards a New Paradigm of British Business History van DRIEL Hugo The Role of Middlemen in the International Coffee Trade since 1870: The Dutch Case WILSON JF and TOMS Steven Scale, Scope and Accountability: Towards a New Paradigm of British Business History Survey Articles Author Title BLACKFORD Mansel G British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 2001 Review Articles Author Title HUNTER Janet The Economic Development of Modern Japan, 1945-1995 JONES Eric The East Asian Miracle WILKINS Mira Theories and Paradigms of International Business: The Selected Essays of John H. Dunning 154 BUSINESS HISTORY 4. Reviews Author Title Reviewer ACKRILL Margaret and HANNAH Leslie Barclays: The Business of Banking, 1690-1996 SCOTT Peter AMDAM Rolv Petter, GRAN Haakon, HANSEN Svein Olav and SOGNER Knut Markedsokonomiens Utvikling ELORANTA Jari ARMITAGE David and BRADDICK Michael J (eds) The British Atlantic World, 1500-1800 MORGAN Kenneth ARMSTRONG John and KUNZ Andreas (eds) Coastal Shipping and the European Economy, 1750-1980 REID Chris ARNOLDUS Doreen Family, Family Firm and Strategy: Six Dutch Family Firms in the Food Industry, 1880-1970 BAKKER Gerben \USTIN Barbara (ed) Capitalizing Knowledge: Essays on the History of Business Education in Canada McCALLA Douglas BAI Youngsoo Labour in Retreat: Class and Community among Men’s Clothing Workers of Chicago, 1871-1929 HONEYMAN Katrina BAGWELL Philip and LYTH Peter Transport in Britain: From Canal Lock to Gridlock ALDCROFT Derek H BATTILOSSI Stefano and CASSIS Youssef (eds) European Banks and the American Challenge Competition and Cooperation in International Banking under Bretton Woods WALKER Paul M BEALEY Frank Power in Business and the State: An Historica Analysis of its Concentration HODGSON Geoffrey M BECKERT Sven The Monied Metropolis: New York City and the Consolidation of the American Bourgeoisie, 1850-1896 GREENLEES Janet BLANCHARD Ian Mining, Metallurgy and Minting in the Middle Ages MAYHEW Nicholas BOCH Rudolf (ed) Geschichte und Zukunft der Deutschen Automobilindustrie: Tagung im Rahmen der ‘Chemnitzer Begegnungen 2000’ BALDERSTON Theo BONIN Hubert and CAHEN Michel (eds) Négoce Blanc en Afrique Noire. L’évolution du Commerce a4 Longue Distance en Afrique Noire du 18é au 20 Siécles CHASSAGNE Serge BOYCE Gordon and VILLE Simon The Development of Modern Business TOMS Steven BRENNER Robert The Boom and the Bubble: The US in the World Economy SHEARER Ronald A BRUMFIELD William Craft, ANAN’ICH Boris \ and PETROV YURI A( eds) Commerce in Russian Urban Culture, 1861-1914 GATRELL Peter INDEX TO VOLUME 45 (2003) BUCHANAN R Angus Brunel: The Life and Times of Isambard Kingdom Brunel ARNOLD AJ CARTER Lionel Chronicles of British business in Asia, 1850-1960: A Bibliography of Printed Company Histories with Short Accounts of the Concerns JONES Eric COHEN Lizabeth A Consumers’ Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in Postwar America HODACS Hanna COLLINS Theresa M Otto Kahn: Art, Money, & Modern Time ROBERTS Priscilla CRONIN Bernard Technology, Industrial Conflict and the Development of Technical Education in 19th-Century England PHILLIPS Jim CYHN Jin W Technology Transfer and International Production: The Development of the Electronics Industry in Korea TSANG Denise DAS GUPTA Ashin The World of the Indian Ocean Merchant, 1500-1800: Collected Essays GIRALDEZ Arturo DAWIDOFF Nicholas The Fly Swatter - How my Grandfather Made his Way in the World DE ROUVRAY Cristel DENISE TSANG Business Strategy and National Culture: US and Asia Pacific Microcomputer Multinationals in Europe LUNDAN Sarianna DRACHMAN Virginia G Enterprising Women 250 Years of American Business WALSH Margaret DUNNING John H Theories and Paradigms of International Business: The Selected Essays of John H. Dunning, Volumes I & II WILKINS Mira ENDLICH Lisa Goldman Sachs: The Culture of Success BRYANE Michael FARRELL-BECK Jane and GAU Colleen Uplift The Bra in America GARDNER Kirsten E FEDERSPIEL S¢ren Dynamikken Bag Energien: Det @stdanske Produktions Og Trasmissionssamarbejde 1960-2000 HEIDE Lars FEINSTEIN Charles H and THOMAS Mark Making History Count: A Primer in Quantitative Methods for Historians HOWLETT Peter FONER Moe Not for Bread Alone: A Memoir WHAPLES Robert FOSS Nicole J and KLEIN Peter G (eds) Entrepreneurship and the Firm: Austrian Perspectives on Economic Organization LEVICKI Cyril GALAMBOS L and ABRAHAMSON EJ Anytime, Anywhere: Entrepreneurship and the Creation of a Wireless World KING Zella GARRABOU i SEGURA Ramon, PLANAS i MARESMA Jordi and SAGUER i HOM Enric Un Capitalisme Impossible?: la Gestié de la Gran Propietat Agraria a la Catalunya Contemporania MIRAS ARAUJO Jestis GEISST Charles R Wheels of Fortune: The History of Speculation from Scandal to Respectability WALKER Paul M GIBSON Thomas Road Haulage by Motor in Britain: The First Forty Years FRENCH Michael 156 BUSINESS HISTORY GODLEY Andrew Jewish Immigrant Entrepreneurship in New York and London 1880-1914: Enterprise and Culture EDELSTEIN Michael GOURVISH Terry British Rail: From Integration to Privatisation CASSON Mark GREENFIELD Liah The Spirit of Capitalism Nationalism and Economic Growth BAINES Dudley GRIFFITHS Trevor The Lancashire Working Classes, c. 1880-1930 FOWLER Alan GUILLEN Mauro F, COLLINS Randall, ENGLAND Paula and MEYER Marshall (eds) The New Economic Sociology: Developments in an Emerging Field DELLA-GIUSTA Marina GUSTAFSSON Karl Erik and RYDEN Per (eds) Den svenska pressens historia II]. Det moderna Sveriges spegel (1897—1945) ELORANTA Jari HARRIS Douglas C Fish, Law and Colonialism rhe Legal Capture of Salmon in British Columbia REID Chris HENDRIX Paul Sir Henri Deterding and Royal Dutch-Shell: Changing Control of World Oil, 1900-1940 CORLEY TAB HENREKSON Magnus, LARSSON Mats and SJOGREN Hans (eds) Entrepreneurship in Business and Research Essays in Honour of Hakan Lindgren TELL Fredrik HILL Jeffrey Sport, Leisure and Culture in Twentieth Century Britain MISKELL Peter HODGSON Geoffrey M How Economics Forgot History - The Problem of Historical Specificity in Social Science DE ROUVRAY Cristel HODGSON Geoffrey M, ITOH Makoto and YOKOKAWA Nobuharu (eds) Capitalism in Evolution: Global Contentions East and West TRINER Gail D HORSTMAN Kilasien Public Bodies, Private Lives The Historical Construction of Life Insurance, Health Risks, and Citizenship in the Netherlands, 1880-1920 PEARSON Robin HUNTER Phyllis Vhitman Purchasing Identity in the Atlantic World Massachusetts, 1670-1780 CHU Jonathan M JACOBSON Timothy Curtis and SMITH George David Cotton’s Renaissance: A Study in Market Innovation TOMS Steven JAMES Harold The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi Economic War Against the Jews. The Expropriation of Jewish-Owned Property COLE Tim JONES Geoffrey and GALVEZ-MUNOZ Lina (eds) Foreign Multinationals in the United States Management and Performance SHENK Catherine R KELLY Scott The Myth of Mr Butskell The Politics of British Economic Policy, 1950-55 MIDDLETON Roger LIPARTITO Kenneth and PETERS Carol Heher Investing for Middle America John Elliot Tappan and the Origins of American Express Financial Advisors MICHIE Ranald C INDEX TO VOLUME 45 (2003) LYNSKEY Michael J and YONEKURA Seiichiro (eds) Entrepreneurship and Organization: The Role of the Entrepreneur in Organizational Innovation JEREMY DavidJ MacLACHLAN Ian Kill and Chill: Restructuring Canada’s Beef Commodity Chain WALSH Margaret MACLACHLAN Patricia L Consumer Politics in Postwar Japan: The Institutional Boundaries of Citizen Activism LYNSKEY Michael J MACLEAN Mairi Economic Management and French Business: From De Gaulle to Chirac REDMOUNT Esther MATTHEWS Derek and PIRIE Jim The Auditors Talk: An Oral History of a Profession from the 1920s to the Present Day WALE Judith MCGRATH Patrick J Scientists, Business, and the State, 1890-1960 HORROCKS Sally M McKENZIE Francine Redefining the Bonds of Commonwealth, 1939-1948: The Politics of Preference ROOTH Tim MEGONE Chris and ROBINSON Simon J (eds) Case Histories in Business Ethics NEWTON Lucy MELTZER Allan A History of the Federal Reserve: Volume I, 1913-1951 WORMELL Jeremy MEUNIER Jacob On the Fast Track: French Railway Modernization and the Origins of the TGV, 1944-1983 GOURVISH Terry MICHAEL FERGUSON The Rise of Management Consulting in Britain HANNAH Leslie MORT Maggie Building the Trident Network A Study of the Enrollment of People, Knowledge and Machines BALL Simon MURPHY Kevin C The American Merchant Experience in 19th Century Japan LYNSKEY Michael J MUSTAFA Sam \ Merchants and Migrations: Germans and Americans in Connection, 1776-1835 TURNER Michael OLIVER Michael J (ed) Studies in Economic and Social History: Essays in Honour of Derek H. Aldcroft ROOTH Tim PEARCY Jeff Recording an Empire: An Accounting History of Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd, 1926-1976 WALE Judith PEREZ Carlota Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages EDGERTON David PETERI Gyorgy Global Monetary Regime and National Banking: The Case of Hungary, 1921-1929 KOBRAK Chris PETRI Rolf Storia Economica d’I talia. Dalla Grande Guerra al Miracolo Economico (1918-1963) RANIERI Ruggero PONS BRIAS MA Regulating Spanish Banking, 1939-1975 CUEVAS Joaquim POPP Andrew Business Structure, Business Culture and the Industrial District: The Potteries, c. 1850-1914 CARNEVALI Francesca 158 BUSINESS HISTORY RIVAS Darlene Missionary Capitalist: Nelson Rockefeller in Venezuela DE OLIVEIRA BIRCHAL Sérgio ROBERTS Richard and KYNASTON David City State: How the Markets Came to Rule Our World WALKER Paul M ROSEN Paul Framing Production: Technology, Culture and Change in the British Bicycle Industry POPP Andrew ROSENBLOOM Joshua I Looking for Work, Searching for Workers: American Labor Markets During Industrialization COCLANIS Peter A ROWLEY Chris, SOHN Tae-Won and BAE Jongseok (eds) Managing Korean Business: Organization Culture, Human Resources and Change VAN DER ENG Pierre RUBENSTEIN James M Making and Selling Cars: Innovation and Change in the US Automotive Industry BEAVEN Brad SARGENT Thomas J and VELDE Francois R The Big Problem of Small Change WISKIN Christine SHEAIL John An Environmental History of Twentieth-Century Britain BROWN Jonathan SISKIND Janet Rum and Axes: The Rise of a Connecticut Merchant Family, 1795-1850 TWEEDALE Geoffrey SMAIL John (ed) Woollen Manufacturing in Yorkshire:The Memorandum Books of John Brearley Cloth Frizzer at Wakefield, 1758-1762 JENKINS DT SMITH Heather (ed) The Economic Development of Northeast Asia JONES Eric SMITH Robert J The Bouchayers of Grenoble and French Industrial Enterprise, 1850-1970 ARNOLDUS Doreen SPAR Debora I Ruling the Waves: Cycles of Discovery, Chaos and Wealth, From the Compass to the Internet FARSHCHI Mahtab A STEIL Ben, VICTOR David G and NELSON Richard R (eds) Technological Innovation and Economic Performance EDGERTON David STUDER-NOGUEZ Isabel Ford and the Global Strategies of Multinationals The North American Auto Industry TOLLIDAY Steven SYMEONIDIS George The Effects of Competition: Cartel I the Evolution of Strategy and Structure in British Industry FERRAZ Sheilla P TAMAKI Norio Yukichi Fukuzawa, 1835-1901: The Spirit of Enterprise in Modern Japan METZLER Mark TAYLOR Avram Working Class Credit and Community since 1918 HILTON Matthew TOLLIDAY Steven (ed) rhe Economic Development of Modern Japan, 1945-1995 HUNTER Janet INDEX TO VOLUME 45 (2003) TORAL Pablo The Reconquest of the New World: Multinational Enterprises and Spain’s Direct Investment in Latin America COX Howard TRUXES Thomas M (ed) Letterbook of Greg & Cunningham, 1756-1757 ROSE Mary B ULFF-M@LLER Jens Hollywood's Film Wars with France: Film-Trade Diplomacy and the Emergence of the French Film Quota Policy BAKKER Gerben USSELMAN Steven W Regulating Railroad Innovation: Business, Technology, and Politics in America, 1840-1920 CARLOS Ann M UTTLEY Matthew Westland and the British Helicopter Industry, 1945-1960 ASTERIS Michael VARDALAS John N The Computer Revolution in Canada: Building National Technological Competence CAMPBELL-KELLY Martin VEENENDAAL Augustus J, Jr Railways in the Netherlands: A Brief History, 1834-1994 CHANNON Geoffrey WARDLEY Peter (ed) Bristol Historical Resource: CD-ROM DAUNTON Martin WELLS Wyatt Antitrust and the Formation of the Postwar World ROLLINGS Neil WIESEN S Jonathan West German Industry and the Challenge of the Nazi Past, 1945-1955 STOKES Raymond G WILT Alan F Food for War: Agriculture and Rearmament in Britain before the Second World War BROWN Jonathan WINCH Donald and O’ BRIEN PATRICK K (eds) The Political Economy of British Historical Experience, 1688-1914 MIDDLETON Roger

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