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Index to Volume 49 (October 1994 through April 1995) Business Education Forum Subfect Headings Career life planning—a high school tran¬ BURDICK, Susan, Beth N. Pond, Accounting sition plan for future success. Susan and Joanne K. Yamamoto Administration and supervision E. Burdick, Beth N. Pond, and Joanne Career life plarming—a high school tran¬ Administrative support systems K. Yamamoto. 49:15 Oct-94 sition plan for future success 49:15 Business ownership and management This we believe about business programs Oct-94 Career education in community colleges. 49:19 Oct-94 Communication BUSINESS ownership & management Cooperative learning ADMINISTRATIVE support systems Entrepreneurial education in the inter¬ Critical thinking Applying cooperative learning in office national arena. Nancy J. Buddy and Economics procedures. Dee Ludwig. 49:26 Feb-95 Harry E. Nowka 49:9 Feb-95 Entrepreneurship Become a consultant—identify needed Pizza business management across the Ethics business skills. Frances L. Jackson. campus. Kenneth J. Kaser. 49:11 Feb- Information processing 49:34 Oct-94 95 International business Measuring productivity on ten-key nu¬ Total quality management. John A. Issues and trends merical keypads. William R. Pasewark Knappenberger. 49:5 Feb-95 Keyboarding 49: 30 Apr-95 Managing human resources. Vanessa Marketing Dean Arnold and Terry D. Roach. Methods ARNOLD, Vanessa, and Terry D. 49:3 Feb-95 NABTE bulletin Roach NBEA Managing human resources. 49:3 Feb-95 CAREER education Policies commission Professionalism Career life planning—a high school tran¬ Research BAKER, Howard sition plan for future success. Susan Student organizations Promoting interaction and teamwork E. Burdick, Beth N. Pond, and Joanne Tech prep with electronic mail. 49:30 Oct-94 K. Yamamoto. 49:15 Oct-94 Technology BASIC business & economics CARRINGTON, Max R., and What every high school graduate needs Donald W. Caudill Author and Subfect Entries to know about insurance. Andrew T. Marketing educators as mentors: benefits ACCOUNTING Nappi and Kenneth J. Crepas 49:33 for students. 49:27 Apr-95 Case applications in accounting. Joe Dec-94 Thomas and Phyllis Thomas. 49:39 A team-taught business course. Morris CAUDILL, Donald W., and Max R. Dec'94 James Nead. 49:34 Feb-95 Carrington Toys in the accounting classroom. Marketing educators as mentors: benefits Susan B. Hughes and Marianne B. BLAND, Zinna, and E. Rebecca for students. 49:27 Apr-95 Fox. 49:32 C)ct'94 Limback Sexual harassment education. 49:5 CHALUPA, Marilyn R., and Carolee ADAMS, Mary Ellen, and Douglas K. Apr-95 Sormunen Smith Strategies for developing critical think¬ Groupware: concepts and implications BOLDT, David j., Leland V. ing. 49:41 Feb-95 for secondary school. 49:37 Dec-94 Gustafson, and Jack E. Johnson The Internet—a resource in the teach¬ CHIODO, Beverly ADMINISTRATION & supervision ing of economics and beyond. 49:23 I’ll always remember your class. 49:19 Florida tech-prep in action. Gary Greene. Oct-94 Dec-94 49:15. Apr-95 Making the most of student-teaching. BUDDY, Nancy J., and Harry E. COMMUNICATION James Calvert Scott. 49:9 Apr-95 Nowka Communication for a global economy. Use of focus groups in business admin¬ Entrepreneurial education in the inter¬ Marsha O. Smith and James F. Steward. istration. Lila Waldman. 49:11 Apr-95 national arena 49:9 Feb-95 49:41 Apr-95 Business Education Forum ■ April 1995 57 Emotional listening. C. Glenn Pearce. GARRELD, Lyla Internationalize yourself and your classes, 49:31 Feb-95 The key to increasing enrollment in key¬ school, and community. Sondra Ost- Enliven your oral presentation assign¬ boarding. 49:38 Apr-95 heimer. 49:44 Feb-95 ment. Mary Ellen Nourse and Irene Tire NAFTA reality. David W. Leapard Hardy. 49:27 Dec-94 GREENE, Gary 49:32 Apr-95 Metaphorical imagery—whipped cream Florida tech-prep in action. 49:15 Apr-95 ISSUES and trends on the pie. Patricia Karathanos and Carolyn Rainey. 49:27 Oct-94 National curriculum standards. 49:64 GUSTAFSON, Leland V., David J. Dec-94 Boldt, and Jack E. Johnson COOPERATIVE learning Where in the world is business edu¬ The Internet—a resource in the teach¬ Applying cooperative learning in office ing of economics and beyond. 49:23 cation headed? Jane M. Thompson. procedures. Dee Ludwig. 49:26 Feb-95 49:58 Oct-94 Oct-94 CREPAS, Kenneth J., and Andrew T. JACKSON, Frances L. HARDY, Irene, and Mary Ellen Nappi Become a consultant—identify needed Nourse What every high school graduate needs to business skills. 49:34 Oct-94 Enliven your oral presentation assign¬ know about insurance. 49:33 Dec-94 ment. 49:27 Dec-94 JOHNSON, Jack E., David J. Boldt, and Leland V. Gustafson CRITICAL thinking HERBERT, Mellanie The Internet—a resource in the teaching Thinking skills—a necessity for ’90s Student evaluation of teachers: variables of economics and beyond. 49:23 Oct-94 marketing students. Robert C. Magee and value. 49:15 Feb-95 and B. June Schmidt 49:36 Oct-94 KARATHANOS, Patricia, and This we believe about the role of busi¬ HUGHES, Susan B., and Marianne Carolyn Rainey ness education in developing higher B. Fox Metaphorical imagery—whipped cream order thinking skills. 49:21 Oct-94 Toys in the accounting classroom. 49:32 on the pie. 49:27 Oct-94 DOUGLAS, Ann M. Oct-94 KASER, Kenneth J. Taming the electronic paper tiger 49:23 HULL, Joni, Nancy Zeliff, and Pizza business management across the Dec-94 Shawna Heldenbrand Koger campus. 49:11 Feb-95 ECONOMICS Your connection to the world: the Inter¬ KEYBOARDING net. 49:19 Apr-95 The Internet—a resource in the teaching Evidence on the need for keyboarding of economics. David j. Boldt, Leland as general education. Darrel R. Lewis. V. Gustafson, and jack E. Johnson. INFORMATION processing 49:29 Dec-94 49:23 Oct-94 Developing a desktop publishing curri¬ The key to increasing enrollment in key¬ culum. Mary Wittrock. 49:36 Feh-95 boarding. Lyla Garfield. 49:38 Apr-95 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Groupware: concepts and implications The myth of touch keyboarding. Gary Entrepreneurial education in the inter¬ for secondary school. Mary Ellen McLean and Thomas Pulak. 49:28 national arena. Nancy J. Buddy and Adams and Douglas K. Smith. 49:37 Feb-95 Harry E. Nowka 49:9 Feb-95 Dec-94 Promoting interaction and teamwork. KNAPPENBERGER, John ERTHAL, Margaret, and John Schrage Howard Baker. 49:30 Oct-94 Total quality management. 49:5 Feb-95 Business teacher education certification The RITE way. John Steffee. 49:25 requirements 49:22 Apr-95 Apr-95 KOGER, Shawna Heldenbrand, Nancy Zeliff, and Joni Hull ETHICS INTERNATIONAL business Your connection to the world: the Inter¬ Methods for teaching ethics across the Communication for a global economy. net 49:19 Apr-95 curriculum. Roberta J. Mohagen. 49:39 Marsha O. Smith and James F. Steward. Oct-94 49: 41 Apr-95 LEAPARD, David W. Creative teaching ideas for international TTie NAFTA reality. 49:32 Apr-95 FOX, Marianne B., and Susan B. business. 49:63 Dec-94 Hughes LEWIS, Darrell R. The globalization of business education. Toys in the accounting classroom. Evidence on the need for keyboarding Annette O’Hem. 49:41 Dec-94 49:32 Oct-94 as general education. 49:29 Dec-94 58 April 1995 ■ Business Education Forum LIMBACK, E. Rebecca, and Zinna MOHAGEN, Roberta J. NELLERMOE, Donald A. Bland Methods for teaching ethics across the Business teacher honor societies. 49:11 Sexual harassment education. 49:5 business curriculum. 49:39 Oct-94 Oct-94 Apr-95 NABTE review NOURSE, Mary Ellen, and Irene Hardy LUDWIG, Dee Radiation emissions from VDTs in stu¬ Enliven your oral presentation assign¬ Applying cooperative learning in office dent computer laboratories. Robert ment. 49:27 Dec-94 procedures. 49:26 Feb'95 Schramm and Vay Rodman. 49:3 Apr-95 NOWKA, Harry E., and Nancy J. Buddy MAGEE, Robert C., and B. June Sexual harassment education. E. Rebecca Schmidt Limback and Zinna Bland. 49:5 Apr-95 Entrepreneurial education in the inter¬ national arena. 49:9 Feb-95 Thinking skills—a necessity for ’90s marketing students. 49:36 Oct-94 NAPPI, Andrew T., and Kenneth J. O’HERN, Annette Crepas The globalization of business education. MARKETING What every high school graduate needs 49:41 Dec-94 Coordination: building relationships for to know about insurance. 49:33 Dec-94 a lifetime. Allen D. Truell. 49:39 OSTHEIMER, Sondra Feb-95 NBEA Internationalize yourself and your classes, Marketing educators as mentors: 1995 San Francisco convention pro¬ school, and community. 49:44 Feb-95 benefits to students. Donald W. gram. 49:9 Dec-94 Caudill and Max R. Carrington. 49: Award of merit winners. 49:59 Dec-94 PASEWARK, William R. 27 Apr-95 Business education professional leader¬ Measuring productivity on ten-key nu¬ Thinking skills—a necessity for ’90s ship roster. 49:45 Dec-94 merical keypads. 49:30 Apr-95 marketing students. Robert C. Magee Convention seminars and workshops. and B. June Schmidt. 49:36 Oct-94 49:16 Dec-94 PEARCE, C. Glenn Distinguished service awards. 49:8 Oct-94 Emotional listening. 49:31 Feb-95 MCCANNON, Melinda, and Kay Scott Executive board decisions. 49:45 Oct-94 Politics in the workplace. 49:19 Feb-95 Executive board officers. 46:47 Oct-94 POLICIES commission General session speakers announced. Tliis we believe about business programs MCLEAN, Gary N. and Thomas Pulak 49:7 Dec-94 in community colleges. 49:19 Oct-94 The myth of touch keyboarding. 49:28 Herbert Tonne scholarship available. This we believe about the role of business Feb-95 49:51 Oct-94 education in developing higher order thinking skills. 49:21 Oct-94 Kansas City convention ’94 photos. MERINO, Pamela Donald A. Nellermoe. 49:4 Oct-94 Making the power connection. 49:21 POND, Beth N., Susan Burdick, and Kansas City was center for renewal. 49:3 Feb-95 Joanne K. Yamamoto Oct-94 Career life planning—a high school tran¬ Katharine Christie Guy obituary. 49:59 METHODS sition plan for future success. 49:15 Dec-94 Creative teaching ideas for international Oct-94 NBEA 1995 in San Francisco. 49:3 business. 49:63 Dec-94 Dec-94 PROFESSIONALISM I’ll always remember your class. Beverly Patricia Moody is winner of 1993 Gregg AVA to recognize outstanding business Chiodo. 49:19 Dec-94 Award. 49:51 Oct-94 education students. 49:52 Apr-95 Making the power connection. Pamela Statement of ownership and NBEA Nominate your middle/secondary school Merino. •'^9:21 Feb-95 balance sheet. 49:58 Dec-94 for program of excellence award. 49:48 Methods fot teaching ethics across the Support committee heads appointed. Apr-95 curriculum. Roberta j. Mohagen. 49:39 49:49 Feb-95 Wisconsin-Whitewater wins AVA award. Oct-94 Committees plan San Francisco conven¬ 49:47 Apr-95 The RITE way. John Steffee. 49:28 tion in ’95.49:49 Oct-94 Apr-95 PULAK, Thomas, and Gary N. Strategies for developing critical think¬ NEAD, Morris James McLean ing. Marilyn R. Chalupa and Carolee A team-taught business course. 49:34 The myth of touch keyboarding. 49:28 Sormunen. 49:41 Feb-95 Feb-95 Feb-95 59 Business Education Forum ■ April 1995 RAINEY, Carolyn, and Patricia SMITH, Marsha O., and James F. THOMAS, Joe and Phyllis Thomas Karathanos Steward Case applications in accounting. 49:39 Metaphorical imagery—whipped cream Communication for a global economy. Dec-94 on the pie. 49:27 Oct-94 49:25 Apr-95 THOMAS, Phyllis, and Joe Thomas RESEARCH SORMUNEN, Carolee, and Marilyn Case applications in accounting. 49:39 Mary Litsheim receives DPE master’s R. Chalupa Dec-94 award. 49:52 Apr-95 Strategies for developing critical think¬ Politics in the workplace. Kay Scott and ing. 49:41 Feb-95 THOMPSON, Jane Melinda McCannon. 49:19 Feb-95 Where in the world is business educa¬ Student evaluations of teachers: vari¬ STEFFEE, John tion going? 49:58 Oct-94 ables and values. Mellanie Herbert. The RITE way. 49:28 Apr-95 Change leads to opportunties for business 49:15 Feb-95 education. 49:56 Feb-95 Susan E. Maxam receives DPE award. STEWARD, James F., and Marsha O. 49:55 Oct-94 Smith TREICHEL, Janet National curriculum standards. 49:64 Communication for; a global economy. ROACH, Terry D., and Vanessa Dec-94 49:25 Apr-95 Dean Arnold NBEA launches national marketing pro¬ Managing human resources. 49:3 Feb- gram. 49:56 Apr-95 STUDENT organizations 95 Business teacher honor societies. Donald TRUELL, Allen D. A. Nellermoe. 49:11 Oct-94 RODMAN, Vay, and Robert Schramm Coordination: building relationships for Radiation emissions from VDTs in a lifetime. 49:39 Feb-95 STUDENT organizations student computer laboratories. 49:3 Pi Omega Pi to hold convention with Apr-95 WALDMAN, Lila NBEA in San Francisco. 49:18 Dec- The use of focus groups in business 94 SCHMIDT, B. June, and Robert C. administration. 49:11 Apr-95 Magee TECH prep Thinking skills—a necessity for ’90s WITTROCK, Mary marketing students. 49:36 Oct-94 Florida tech-prep in action. Gary Greene. Developing a desktop publishing curri¬ 49:15 Apr-95 culum. 49:36 Feb-95 SCHRAGE, John, and Margaret Erthal TECHNOLOGY Business teacher education certification YAMAMOTO, Joanne K., Susan requirements. 49:22 Apr-95 The Internet—a resource in the teaching Burdick, and Beth Pond of economics. David J. Boldt, Leland Career life planning—a high school tran¬ SCHRAMM, Robert, and Vay Rodman V. Gustafson, and Jack E. Johnson. sition plan for future success. 49:15 49:23 Oct-94 Radiation emissions from VDTs in stu¬ Oct-94 dent computer laboratories. 49:3 Making the power connection. Pamela Apr-95 Merino. 49:21 Feb-95 ZELIFF, Nancy, Joni Hull, and Radiation emissions from VDTs in stu¬ Shawna Heldenbrand Koger SCOTT, James Calvert dent computer laboratories. Robert Your connection to the world: the Inter¬ Making the most of student-teaching Schramm and Vay Rodman. 49:3 net. 49:19 Apr-95 observations. 49:9 Apr-95 Apr-95 The RITE way. John Steffee. 49:25 SCOTT, Kay, and Melinda McCannon Apr-95 Politics in the workplace. 49:19 Feb-95 Taming the electronic paper tiger. Ann M. Douglas. 49:23 Dec-94 SMITH, Douglas K., and Mary Ellen Your connection to the world: the Adams Internet. Nancy Zeliff, Joni Hull, and Groupware: concepts and implications Shawna Heldenbrand Koger. 49:19 for secondary school. 49:37 Dec-94 Apr-95 60 April 1995 ■ Business Education Forum

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