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Business Administration PDF

614 Pages·2007·1.7 MB·English
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A P M DMINISTRATIVE ROCEDURES ANUAL Living Waters Catholic Regional Division No. 42 September 2006 This Administrative Procedures Manual is designed to be the primary written source of administrative direction for the Division. It is designed to be entirely consistent with the Board Policy Handbook, and is an extension of policy in the form of procedures. This Manual may make further reference to other detailed administrative documents that have been developed to provide specific guidelines on selected matters. There are 5 categories in which administrative procedures are placed in the Manual. The categories are: 100 General Administration 200 Instructional Programs and Materials 300 Students 400 Personnel and Employee Relations 500 Business Administration Procedures placed in the 100 section are those of a general administrative nature or those which have applicability to at least 2 other categories in the Manual. The procedures in 200, 300, and 400 are specific to each of the titles. The Business Administration procedures include finance, facilities, and student transportation matters. A logical flow of procedures is attempted in the categories. For example, criteria for student admission is followed by attendance area requirements, by various safety considerations, by the maintenance of records, by daily attendance, by supervision and discipline, and lastly, by evaluation procedures. Gaps in the numbering sequence facilitate the insertion of additional administrative procedures that may be developed at a future time. T C ABLE OF ONTENTS 100 – General Administration Page AP 100 – Three-Year Education Plan 100-1 AP 101 – Annual Education Results Report 100-3 AP 102 – School Annual Education Plans and Results Reports 100-4 AP 103 – School Evaluations 100-5 AP 105 – Collaborative Site-Based Decision-Making 100-8 AP 110 – School Councils 100-10 AP 111 – School Councils – Catholicity 100-14 AP 120 – Policy and Procedures Dissemination 100-15 AP 121 – Development and Review of Administrative Procedures 100-16 AP 130 – School Year 100-17 AP 131 – Emergency School Closure 100-21 AP 140 – Acceptable Use of Technology 100-23 AP 150 – Media Relations 100-27 AP 151 – Public Information Program 100-28 AP 152 – Channels of Communication 100-30 AP 153 – Advertising, Distribution, and Merchandising In and Through Schools 100-32 AP 154 – Political Electioneering 100-34 AP 155 – Event Protocol 100-36 AP 156 – Flag Displays 100-38 AP 156 Appendix – Flag Protocol 100-39 AP 157 – Visitors to the Schools 100-44 AP 160 – Safe and Caring Schools 100-45 AP 160 Appendix – Critical Incident Handbook 100-48 AP 161 –Safety Program 100-132 AP 162 – Communicable Diseases (HIV, AIDS) 100-134 AP 163 – Exclusion for Communicable Diseases 100-138 AP 164 – Smoke-Free Environment 100-140 AP 165 – Crisis Management 100-141 AP 166 – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Response Plan 100-144 AP 170 – Non-Discrimination 100-146 AP 171 – Discrimination and Harassment Complaints 100-147 AP 172 – Workplace Violence 100-155 AP 180 – Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy 100-161 AP 181 – Video Surveillance 100-163 AP 185 – Records Management 100-166 AP 185 Appendix A – Records Management/Desk Procedure 100-168 Appendix B – Classification and Retention Schedule 100-242 AP 186 – Administrative Reports 100-301 AP 190 – Copyright 100-302 200 – Instructional Programs & Materials Page AP 200 – Organization for Instruction 200-1 AP 201 – Basic Instructional Program 200-2 AP 202 – Fostering Positive Student Development 200-4 AP 203 – Program Continuity 200-5 AP 204 – Religious Education 200-7 AP 205 – FNMI Education 200-8 AP 206 – Teaching About Controversial Issues 200-9 AP 207 – Human Sexuality Education 200-10 AP 208 – Patriotic Exercises 200-12 AP 210 – Early Childhood Services 200-14 AP 210 Appendix – Early Childhood Services Principles 200-15 AP 211 – English as a Second Language 200-16 AP 212 – Second Language Program 200-17 AP 213 – Special Instructional Programs and Accommodations 200-18 AP 214 – Knowledge and Employability Courses 200-20 AP 215 – Off-Campus Education – Work Experience – RAP 200-21 AP 216 – Special Projects 200-23 AP 217 – Outreach Program 200-24 AP 218 – Locally Developed / Acquired Programs and Courses 200-26 AP 220 – Alternative Programs 200-28 AP 230 – Home Schooling 200-30 AP 240 – Correspondence Courses or Distance Education 200-31 AP 250 – Guidance Program 200-32 AP 260 – Field Trips and Excursions 200-35 AP 260 Appendix A – Prohibited Activities 200-39 AP 260 Appendix B – Public Inquiry 200-41 AP 261 – Extra-Curricular Programs 200-46 AP 262 – Interscholastic Athletics 200-47 AP 270 – School Libraries 200-48 AP 271 – Textbook Selection and Adoption 200-50 AP 280 – Evaluation of Instructional Programs 200-51 AP 290 – Research Studies 200-53 AP 291 – Use of Independent Evaluators 200-55 300 – Students Page AP 300 – Admission of Students 300-1 AP 300 Appendix – Early Childhood Education Eligibility 300-2 AP 301 – Foreign and Non-Resident Students 300-3 AP 302 – Assignment of Students to Classes 300-5 AP 310 – Supervision of Students 300-6 AP 311 – Evacuation 300-8 AP 312 – Bomb Threats 300-9 AP 313 – School Patrols 300-10 AP 314 – Illness or Injury of Students 300-11 AP 314 Appendix – Emergency Medical Aid Act Chapter E-9 300-13 AP 315 – Administering Medical Treatment to Students 300-14 AP 315 Appendix A – Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Administration 300-18 AP 315 Appendix B – Emergency Response Protocol 300-19 AP 315 Appendix C – Avoidance 300-21 AP 316 – Pediculosis (Head Lice) 300-25 AP 316 Appendix – Health Information: Pediculosis (Head Lice) 300-26 AP 320 – Student Records 300-28 AP 321 – Young Offenders Information Sharing Protocol 300-31 AP 322 – Student Custody Disputes 300-35 AP 325 – Student Welfare – Child Abuse 300-37 AP 330 – Truancy 300-38 AP 331 – Students Withdrawal from School 300-40 AP 340 – Services for Students and Children 300-41 AP 350 – Student Code of Conduct 300-42 AP 350 Appendix A – Classroom/School Sample Plan – Interventions for Disruptive Behaviour 300-46 AP 350 Appendix B – School Behaviour Plans – Pro-Active Practices for Positive Schools (Sample) 300-48 AP 351 – Student Conduct on School Buses 300-50 AP 351 Appendix – Student Conduct on School Buses 300-52 AP 352 – Student Dress Code 300-54 AP 353 – Use of Cell Phones and Electronic Devices in Schools 300-55 AP 354 – Student Automobile Use 300-56 AP 355 – Interrogation, Searches, or Interviews by Outside Agencies 300-57 AP 356 – Alcohol Use by Students 300-61 AP 357 – Smoking by Students 300-62 AP 358 – Suspension and Expulsion 300-64 AP 359 – Vandalism 300-66 AP 360 – Academic Achievement 300-67 AP 361 – Final Examinations 300-68 AP 362 – Standardized Testing 300-69 AP 363 – Promotion and Retention of Students 300-70 AP 364 – Student Progress Reports to Parents 300-71 AP 365 – Graduation Requirements 300-73 AP 370 – Student Awards and Scholarships 300-75 AP 380 – Graduation Exercises 300-76 AP 390 – Student Appeals 300-77 400 – Personnel & Employee Relations Page AP 400 – Staffing Philosophy 400-2 AP 401 – Posting of Staff Vacancies 400-4 AP 402 – Nepotism 400-5 AP 403 – Personnel Records 400-6 AP 404 – Staff Conduct and Ethics 400-7 AP 405 – Staff Conflict of Interest 400-8 AP 405 Appendix – Conflict of Interest 400-10 AP 406 – Professional Staff Consulting Activities 400-11 AP 407 – Staff Meetings 400-12 AP 408 – Working Alone 400-13 AP 409 – Vacations 400-15 AP 410 – Staff Development Opportunities 400-17 AP 411 – Staff Recognition – Service Awards 400-19 AP 412 – Staff Assignments and Transfers 400-20 AP 413 – Certificate of Good Health 400-21 AP 414 – Suspension and Dismissal of Staff Members 400-22 AP 415 – Employee Resignations 400-23 AP 420 – Teachers – Roles and Responsibilities 400-24 AP 421 – Protection of Valuables in Schools 400-25 AP 422 – Teacher Growth, Supervision and Evaluation 400-26 AP 422 Appendix A – Teaching Quality Standard Application School Act 400-34 AP 422 Appendix B – Flow Chart for Teacher Growth 400-38 AP 422 Appendix C – Recommended Goals for Annual Plan for Learning 400-39 AP 422 Appendix D – Teacher Annual Growth Plan Verification Report 400-44 AP 423 – Exchange Teaching 400-46 AP 424 – Professional Staff Extended Leaves 400-47 AP 425 – Deferred Salary Leave Plan 400-48 AP 426 – Professional Staff Reduction 400-53 AP 427 – Tutoring for Pay 400-55 AP 428 – Professional Research and Publishing 400-56 AP 429 – Strike/Lockout Contingency Plan 400-58 AP 430 – Organizational Structure 400-59 AP 430 Appendix – Organizational Chart 400-60 AP 431 – Central Office Administrators 400-61 AP 432 – Principals and Other School Administrators 400-62 AP 433 – Site-Based Administration Growth, Supervision and Evaluation 400-63 AP 433 Appendix A – Administrative Quality Practice Standards for In-School Administrators 400-71 AP 433 Appendix B – Flow Chart for Administrator Growth 400-75 AP 433 Appendix C – Recommended Goals for Annual Professional Growth Plan 400-76 AP 433 Appendix D – Flow Chart for Supervision and Evaluation for Administrators 400-77 AP 434 – Absence of School Administrators 400-79 AP 441 – Staff Deployment – Support 400-80 AP 442 – Support Staff Growth, Supervision and Evaluation 400-81 - AP 442 Appendix A 400-89 - AP 442 Appendix B 400-92 - AP 442 Appendix C 400-93 - AP 442 Appendix D 400-94 AP 460 – Substitute Teachers 400-95 AP 470 – Deputy Superintendent 400-97 AP 470 Appendix – Deputy Superintendent Job Description 400-98 AP 471 – Associate Superintendent of Business Operations 400-101 AP 471 Appendix – Associate Superintendent of Business Operations Job Description 400-102 AP 480 – Maintenance Personnel and Custodial Services 400-103 AP 490 – School Volunteer 400-104 500 – Business Administration Page AP 500 – Budgeting System 500-1 AP 501 – Budget Implementation 500-3 AP 502 – Line Item Transfer Authority 500-4 AP 504 – Funds from Private Sources 500-5 AP 505 – Instructional Materials Fees 500-7 AP 506 – Student Activities Fees 500-9 AP 507 – Cash in School Buildings 500-10 AP 510 – Financial Reports 500-12 AP 511 – School Accounting System 500-13 AP 512 – Surplus/Deficit Account 500-15 AP 513 – Audits 500-16 AP 514 – Expense Reimbursements 500-17 AP 515 – Purchasing 500-21 AP 516 – Purchasing Authority – Schools 500-24 AP 517 – Authorized Signatures 500-26 AP 518 – Petty Cash Accounts 500-27 AP 519 – Disposal of Property 500-28 AP 520 – School Generated Funds 500-29 AP 521 – Student Fund-Raising Activities 500-31 AP 522 – Vending Machines 500-32 AP 525 – Partnerships in Education 500-33 AP 530 – Insurance Management 500-34 AP 531 – Student Insurance Program 500-36 AP 540 – Facilities Planning 500-37 AP 541 – Selection of an Architect 500-39 AP 542 – Buildings and Grounds Maintenance 500-40 AP 543 – Access to Buildings 500-41 AP 544 – Handling of Hazardous Material 500-42 AP 545 – Food Services Management 500-43 AP 546 – Community Use of School Facilities 500-44 AP 547 – Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials and Equipment 500-47 AP 548 – Division-Owned Vehicles 500-48 AP 549 – Use of Facilities by Staff 500-50 AP 550 – Student Transportation Services 500-51 AP 551 – Student Transportation in Private Vehicles 500-53

AP 433 – Site-Based Administration Growth, Supervision and Evaluation .. In order to protect the integrity of Catholic education over the long term, the to the stated mission statement and subject to Section 22 of the current.
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