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Preview Иностранный язык (английский). Business activities

1 МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» КАФЕДРА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА О. В. СУСЛОВА, О. А. КАРАБЕЦКАЯ, О. В. АБРАМОВА ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ) BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Учебное пособие Допущено Учебно-методическим объединением по образованию в области производственного менеджмента в качестве учебного пособия для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 080200 – Менеджмент, профиль – Производственный менеджмент ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА 2015 2 ББК 81.2Англ С89 Суслова О. В. С89 Иностранный язык (английский). Business activities : учеб. пособие / О. В. Суслова, О. А. Карабецкая, О. В. Абрамова. – СПб. : Изд-во СПбГЭУ, 2015. – 77 с. ISBN 978-5-7310-3275-9 Тематика пособия специализированная – основы производственной деятельности. Пособие содержит: тексты, заимствованные из оригинальной научной литературы, упражнения для тренировки лексико- грамматического материала, англо-русский поурочный словарь. Тексты при большой насыщенности их экономическими терминами являются хорошей основой для усвоения специальной лексики. Предназначено для студентов направления 080200 Менеджмент, изучающих английский язык. The specialized subject of the book is fundamentals of productive activities. The book contains texts from the original scientific literature, exercises to train lexis and grammar skills, English-Russian vocabulary. High saturation with economic terms gives a good basis for learning specialized vocabulary. The book is intended for students of management (080200), studying English language. ББК 81.2Англ Рецензенты: канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков И. И. Громовая (СПбГУАП) канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков О. Н. Костерина (СПбГПУ) д-р филол. наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой английского языка А. И. Клишин (СПбГЭУ) ISBN 978-5-7310-3275-9  СПбГЭУ, 2015 3 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Пособие предназначено для студентов направления 080200 Ме- неджмент, изучающих английский язык в экономическом вузе на этапе обучения, когда учащиеся уже владеют основами грамматики английского языка, имеют достаточно широкий запас общеупотребительной лексики и могут высказываться по прочитанному материалу. Цель пособия – научить понимать специальную литературу на базе чтения оригинальных текстов, расширить словарный запас и систематизи- ровать его, а также совершенствовать навыки устной речи. Пособие состоит из 4 разделов. Каждый раздел пособия содержит: – основной текст (неадаптированный), который дает общее пред- ставление по теме и насыщен тематической терминологией; – список обязательных слов; – упражнения для тренировки лексико-терминологического матери- ала; – вопросы к тексту (в зависимости от степени языковой подготовки студентов могут быть использованы сразу для проверки понимания зало- женной в тексте информации или после выполнения упражнений); – дополнительный текст, расширяющий информацию основного текста, повторяющий и активизирующий терминологию основного текста. Организация материала внутри каждого раздела предусматривает последовательное закрепление новой лексики. Работа над новым лексиче- ским материалом осуществляется в пределах объема текста путем выпол- нения закрепляющих упражнений (выделение терминологии, выбор экви- валентов русским и английским терминам, проверка понимания содержа- щейся в тексте информации, воспроизведение смысловых частей текста, и т. д.). Пособие допускает выборочное изучение разделов, представляющих конкретный интерес для конкретной аудитории. С этой целью в каждом разделе помещен англо-русский словарь. В результате обучения будет со- здана необходимая база для дальнейшего совершенствования навыка чте- ния и понимания литературы по специальности, непрерывного пополне- ния индивидуального словарного запаса терминологией в процессе чтения научной специальной литературы и совершенствования навыка устной ре- чи, который должен постоянно поддерживаться разговорной практикой. 4 UNIT 1. PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Starting up I. Read the definition of the following notion. Render it into Russian. Production management is also called operations management, plan- ning and control of industrial processes to ensure that they move smoothly at the required level. Techniques of production management are employed in service as well as in manufacturing industries. It is a responsibility similar in level and scope to other specialties such as marketing or human resource and financial management. In manufacturing operations production management includes responsibility for product and process design, planning and control issues involving capacity and quality, and organization and supervision of the workforce. (from the Encyclopædia Britannica) II. Choose the words that can be related to the topic of the unit. Explain your choice. 1. planning 8. business training 14. changes 2. consult 9. cultural pitfalls 15. assembly line 3. quality 10. commerce 16. subordination 4. finance 11. control 17. plant 5. price 12. trade 18. organization structure 6. stage 13. management style 19. raising money 7. leadership 20. balance sheet Reading Text 1 I. Skim the text and choose the best summary for it. 1. The following text gives us a general idea of production management as a notion. 2. The text below describes some specific features of production manage- ment. 3. The text under consideration deals with the main principles of production management. a) Production management, alternatively referred to as manufacturing management, is required for transforming raw materials and partly, fabricated materials into finished products. Production management does not imply man- agement of productive process alone, but it covers all activities which go into the making of production. To make production a concrete reality, one must pay heed to the factors of production like land, labour, capital and organization, or 5 to speak the language of business, materials, men, money, machines and meth- ods. Production management thus calls for the work of planning and control pertaining to each of these factors of production. b) Production management does not involve a mechanical assemblage of relevant factors. In contrast to mere transformation of raw materials into fin- ished products, it aims at transmuting and permuting resources of higher productivity so that the greatest outputs are obtained from the least inputs. With its end in views, production management embraces the productive process too and involves planning, directing and controlling operations till their successful completion. Quality, quantity, cost and time of production have an important bearing on productivity of the manufacturing enterprise. Accordingly, it is the task of production management to see that effective utilization of resources is made, time is shortened, wastes and scrapings are avoided, and harmonious working is made to prevail in the plant. c) For effective managerial performance, the work of production depart- ment is required to be organized on sound lines. All the principles and practices of organizing are to be applied in building a sound structure for improving the result of production management. Successful production management is not practicable without the existence of an appropriate organization structure. Con- sequently, managerial efforts are to be directed in designing an organization structure that conforms to the needs of the product, size of the enterprise and availability of production facilities. Organizing for production may be con- ceived in broader sense to include some aspects of works engineering or works organization like plant layout and factory building. In production management effective planning and control are essential. In the absence of effective planning and regulation of any production activity the goals cannot be achieved, the cus- tomers may not be satisfied and ultimately certain activities may be closed which may lead to social evils. Vocabulary apply – применять conform – соответствовать consequently – следовательно cover – покрывать, охватывать embrace – охватывать, включать enterprise – предприятие essential – существенный existence – существование facility – средство imply – подразумевать, предполагать, значить input – ввод, вход 6 layout – расположение, раскладка, схема, размещение obtain – получать output – вывод, выход permute – переставлять pertain – относиться prevail – преобладать raw – сырье refer – ссылаться, относиться, обращаться transmute – превращать II. Look through the active vocabulary. Distribute the units according to the stress patterns. Practice their pronunciation. Stress pattern №1 – o_O Stress pattern №2 – O_o 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. Stress pattern №3 – O_o_o 5. 6. 1. 7. 2. 8. Stress pattern №4 – o_O_o 9. 10. 1. 11. 2. III. Stem the derivatives. NOUNS VERBS facility exist application conform cover embrace implication IV. Fill in the active vocabulary units and their derivatives. 1. Health care is of utmost importance for the top management of the compa- ny, so they provide their staff with sport f__________ . 2. Luckily they have c__________ some tricky questions at the meeting. 3. It came out of the “blue”, and nobody waited for such c__________ . 4. The production process at their e__________ c__________ to all given standards. 7 5. According to the agreement r__________ material is to be dispatched within 24 hours. 6. The a__________ of new technologies can reduce production time and improve the quality of goods. 7. Over the past years their company has o__________ unbelievable results. 8. We can’t accept their business proposal as its i__________ is quite dubi- ous. V. Fill in the right preposition. More than one variant is possible. 1. to aim _____ smb./smth. 2. to refer _____ smth. 3. to be organized _____ sound lines 4. to lead _____ smth. 5. to transform _____ smth. 6. to obtain _____ smth. 7. to conform _____ the needs 8. to apply _____ the plant VI. Change the words in italics by their synonyms. 1. The goods of their company are dominating the market. 2. They managed to turn their disadvantages into strong features. 3. I know that they are using modern means to be ahead of competition. 4. The location of the plant is very important. 5. The new CEO has changed some priorities of the company policy. VII. Interpret the following phrases into Russian. Give the sentences of your own using these phrases. 1. to make production a concrete reality a. … 2. to pay heed to the factors of produc- b. … tion 3. to speak the language of business c. … 4. mere transformation of raw materials d. … into finished products 5. with its end in views e. … 6. to have an important bearing on f. … productivity 7. wastes and scrapings g. … 8. to be organized on sound lines h. … 9. to conceive in broader sense i. … 10. to lead to social evils j. … 8 Text 2 I. Skim the text below and entitle it. ***** a) The problems of production management differ from case to case and are mainly related to the system of production. There are several systems of production which determine the magnitude of production work and the prob- lems to be tackled in manufacturing operations. Hence, a familiarity with the different systems of production is required for understanding the intricacies of production management. Of course, the system of production is dictated in a particular case by the volume of sales and the nature of product. The quantity to be produced is nothing but an answer to the question of “what can be sold”. In the ultimate analysis, therefore, sales are the regulator of a system of produc- tion. b) The management of transformation process of inputs into output is the essence of production management. In present competitive world the produc- tion process in every enterprise needs some effective and scientific planning as well as proper control. Thus production management can be defined as “Man- agement which by scientific planning and regulation sets into motion the part of an enterprise to which it has been entrusted the task of actual transformation of inputs into output”. In the words of Mr. E.L. Brech, “Production Management then becomes the process of effectively planning and regulating the operations of that part of an enterprise which is responsible for the actual transformation of materials into finished products”. This definition appears to be incomplete as it does not include the human factors involved in a production process. It lays stress only on the materialistic features. c) In broader sense, production management actually deals with decision making related to production processes, so that the resulting goods and services are produced in accordance with the quantitative specifications and demand schedule with minimum cost. To attain these objectives the two main activities of Production Management are the Design and Control of production systems. II. Decide whether these statements are true or false. 1. Production management has common-base problems in every field. 2. A certain production system determines the ways of problem-solving. 3. The system of production always depends on the sales figures and the product itself. 4. The main mission of production management is to transmute initial materi- als into finished ones. 5. Nowadays production process is a relatively independent area. 6. Production management is closely connected with planning and control. 9 7. The definition of production management presented by E.L. Brech is con- sidered to be the most successful. 8. The phenomenon of production management implies human factors as well. III. Match the words to form collocations. 1. finished a. planning 2. effective b. world 3. proper c. specifications 4. ultimate d. factors 5. competitive e. cost 6. human f. products 7. quantitative g. analysis 8. minimum h. control IV. Guess the word by its meaning. From abstract a) 1. knowledge of smth. 2. connected with smth. 3. various systems 4. final 5. response to smth. From abstract b) 1. efficient 2. the meaning of smth. 3. to move 4. ready-made goods 5. to emphasize From abstract c) 1. to reach 2. requirements/needs Text 3 I. Read the text and draw the stages of production management development. Stage I Stage II … … … etc. Production management is responsible for the following tasks: 1. Specifying and accumulating the input resources. Inputs are management, labour, information, land, material and capital. 2. Designing and installing the assembly or conversion process that will be employed to transform input resources into output goods and services. 3. Co-ordinating and operating the production process so that the desired goods and services are made efficiently. 10 Scope of Production Management Production management is often asso- ciated with factory management rather than with the broader definition given above and logically so, because the significant problems of production first oc- curred in the factory. Before factory system, the large number of one-man shops that produced goods presented insignificant problem of production management. With the fac- tory system, however, the situation changed and the problem to organize, layout facilities, control quality and meet schedules had to be tackled with. Thus the field of production management began to develop. In early stage, steps concen- trated to control labour cost, since at that time the labour costs constituted most of the production cost. With the continuing development of factory system, the trend towards mechanization and automation developed. In the factory, indirect labour costs increased tremendously in relation to direct labour costs. Thus, the factory had to be developed in the fields of designing and packing products, in- direct labour cost control, production and inventory control and quality control. Since nearly thirty years the business has rapidly developed into large scale units. Here, the facility design, location, layout, quality control and inventory control take on new significance. Thus, to-day the production management has to cover a wide range of different types of activities to be performed in factories and industries. II. Complete the sentences according to the text. 1. Production management is in charge of __________ . 2. Input resources include __________ . 3. __________ is applied to get output goods and services. 4. Questions of production management are related mostly to __________ . 5. One-man shops are ___________ . 6. The factory system introduced __________ . 7. The early stage of production management was focused on __________ . 8. The main trend after the development of factory system was __________ . 9. Labour cost can be __________ and __________ . 10. Indirect labour costs stimulated ___________ . 11. The business took nearly 30 years to __________ . 12. Production management covers __________ . Text 4 BMW and TOYOTA have joined forces to develop ec0-friendly technologies BMW Group and Toyota Motor Corporation have signed an agreement on a mid-to-long-term collaboration on next-generation environment-friendly technologies. The automakers will research and develop a battery for next- generation green cars and BMW will supply diesel engines to Toyota.

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