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BURNS The Journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries 2003 Volume 29 (ISSN 0305-4179) Publishers: Elsevier Ltd. Bampfylde St, Exeter, Devon EX1 2AH, UK Editor: Dr. P. Shakespeare, Laing Laboratory for Burn Injury, Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury, Wilts SP2 8BJ UK doi: 10.1016/S0305-4179(03)00307-3 Volume 29 Number 1 February 2003 Review ; . 61 Shabbes burn, a burn that occurs solely among Jewish orthodox children; due to acci- 1 Macrophages and _ post-burn immune dental shower from overhead water heaters dysfunction A. Shoufani and J. Golan M.G. Schwacha Burn Care in Practice Scientific & Clinical Papers 65 Experience of 14 years of emergency recon- 15 What’s new in burn microbiology? James struction of electrical injuries Laing Memorial Prize Essay 2000 Z.-X. Zhu, X.-G. Xu, W.-P. Li, D.-X. Wang, V. Edwards-Jones and J.E. Greenwood L.-Y. Zhang, L.-Y. Chen and T.-y. Liu Social competence and behaviour problems nN an 73 Radiological manifestation of pulmonary in burned children complications in deceased intensive care G. Andersson, S. Sandberg, A.-M. Rydell and B. burn patients f Gerdin A. George, R. Gupta, R.L. Bangand M.K. Ebrahim 31 Burnt wives—a study of suicides ie Effect of diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis V. Kumar in critically ill burn victims 37 Therapeutic effects of IL-12 combined with J.T. McCormick, M.S. O’Mara, W. Wakefield, benzoylmesaconine, a non-toxic aconitine- I.W. Goldfarb, H. Slater and P.F. Caushaj hydrolysate, against herpes simplex virus type Case Reports 1 infection in mice following thermal injury M. Kobayashi, H. Takahashi, D.N. Herndon, 83 Unusual inflicted hot oil burns in a 7-year-old R.B. Pollard and F. Suzuki S. Mukadam and E.E. Gilles 43 Effects of dietary arginine supplementation 87 Bilateral free myocutaneous latissimus dorsi on antibody production and antioxidant flap repair of the upper limb amputation enzyme activity in burned mice stumps due to electrical injury H.-F. Shang, H.-J. Tsai, W.-C. Chiu and S.-L. Yeh H. Duman, ErginER, M. Turegtinand M. Sengezer 49 Treatment of patients with severe burn inju- Finger ischemia secondary to the synergistic ries: the impact of schizophrenia agonist effect of norepinephrine and ergono- L.-P. Kamolz, H. Andel, A. Schmidtke, D. vine and in a burn patient Valentini, G. Meissl and M. Frey S.-S. Chuang wa a The prevalence of HIV infection among burn Letters to the editor patients in a burns unit in Malawi and its 98 Recent references influence on outcome J. James, H.W. Chr. Hofland, E.S. Borgstein, D. 103 Erratum Kumiponjera, O.O. Komolafe and E.E. Zijlstra Al ISBI News 2001/2002 Volume 29 Number 2 Newel 2003 Editorial dismutase in a rat model of lethal burns 105 Prognostic indicators and burns Y. Gotoh, D. Saitoh, T. Ookawara, S. Oh-ishi, P.G. Shakespeare T. Kizaki, H. Ohno, A. Takasu, T. Sakamoto and Y. Okada Scientific & Clinical Papers Ry) 123 Peripheral blood lymphocytes immunophe- 107 The effect of burn plasma on skeletal muscle notype and serum concentration of soluble proteolysis in rats HLA class I in burn patients Y.-W. Tang M.Ju. Lebedev, M.A. Krizhanova, S.A. Vilkov, 115 Dissociation between gene _ expression M.N. Sholkina, E.S. Vyasmina, and protein contents of tissue superoxide A.Ju. Baryshnikov and V.V. Novikov 129 Changing trends in bacteriology of burns in 167 A collagen based dermal substitute and the the burns unit, Delhi, India modified Meek technique in extensive N.P. Singh, R. Goyal, V. Manchanda, S. Das, burns. Report of three cases I. Kaur and V. Talwar A. Papp and M. Harma 133. Escherichia coli endotoxin enhances acute E73 Accidental burns caused by domestic infra- renal failure in rats after thermal injury red muscle massaging device H. Yamaguchi, T. Kita, H. Sato and N. Tanaka O.J.H. Harley and P. Dziewulski 139 Phantom limb pain in pediatric burn survi- 175 An interesting case of chemical burn injury vors of the genital perianal region caused by C.R. Thomas, B.A. Brazeal, L. Rosenberg, R.S. hydrochloric acid exposure Robert, P.E. Blakeney and W.J. Meyer Z. Demir, A. Eroglu and S. Celebioglu 143. Psychosocial adjustments 5 years after burn 179 Major burn injury caused by helium vapour injury C.R. Kuyven, D.R. Gomes, M.C.F. Serra, N. Pallua, H.W. Kiinsebeck and E.M. Noah L. Macieira and I. Pitanguy Burn Care in Practice 183 Debridement of a mixed partial and full 153. An evaluation of functional improvement thickness burn with an erbium:YAG laser following surgical corrections of severe N. Reynolds, N. Cawrse, T. Burge and burn scar contracture in the axilla J. Kenealy A. Tanaka, M. Hatoko, H. Tada and M. 189 Facial contact burn caused by air bag Kuwahara deployment — wa\ o Incidence of vomiting in burns and implica- Y. Tsuneyuki, N. Gozo, F. Masaki and M. tions for mass burn casualty management Osamu T.L.H. Brown, C. Hernon and B. Owens 191 An unusual self inflicted burn in an asth- matic patient Case Reports S. Akhtar and S. Majumder 163 Potent inhibition of burn pain without use of 193 Letters to the editor opiates J. Cassuto and P. Tarnow Volume 29 Number 3 May 2003 Editorial nN N ht The effects of carnitine on distally-burned dorsal skin flap: an experimental study in 197 Parsimony, simplicity and survival in burn rats care E. Arslan, A. Milcan, S. Unal, F. Demirkan, T.L.H. Brown and M.J. Muller A. Polat, O. Bagdatoglu, A. Aksoy and G. Polat Scientific & Clinical Papers Colonization of burn wounds in Ain Shams University Burn Unit 199 Laser Doppler imaging of burn scars: a S. Nasser, A. Mabrouk and A. Maher comparison of wavelength and scanning methods N We a Bacteriology of burns at the Queen Elizabeth R. Bray, K. Forrester, C. Leonard, R. McArthur, Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi J. Tulip and R. Lindsay O.O. Komolafe, J. James, L. Kalongolera and M. Makoka 207 Pulsed dye laser treatment of burn scars. Alleviation or irritation? Mortality rates among 5321 patients with K.P. Allison, M.N. Kiernan, R.A. Waters and burns admitted to a burn unit in China: R.M. Clement 1980-1998 X. Jie and C. Baoren 215 Skin toxicity induced by wet heat M. Spies, D.N. Herndon, B.G. Sparkes and M. Comparable results between standardi- Allgower zation methods and regression analysis in predicting mortality rate among samples 280 Using a plastic sheet to prevent the risk of with burns contamination of the burn wound during the X. Jie, M. Qingyan and W.Y. Zheng shower S. Akin and M. Ozcan 257 Correlation between standardized death rate for area and LAs, Case Reports X. Jie, W. Haijun, W. Zhiqiang, F. Guoyou and H. Guanghui 284 A new approach to deal with post burn knee contracture 265 Burn patients in Portugal: analysis of 14 797 Y. Ullmann, A. Lerner, Y. Ramon, I.J. Peled and cases during 1993-1999 M. Sudri P. Natividade da Silva, J. Amarante, A. Costa- Ferreira, A. Silva and J. Reis 287 Deep burn due to an unusual cause—boiling blood! 270 Burn mortality: recent trends and sociocul- E. Igras, D. Gahankari, C. Yuen, M. Fish and tural determinants in rural India S. Pegg A.K. Batra 291 Recent references Burn Care in Practice 276 A multi-purpose, self-adjustable aeroplane splint for the splinting of axillary burns C. Manigandan, A.K. Gupta, K. Venugopal, S. Ninan and R.E. Cherian Volume 29 Number 4 June 2003 Editorial A. Boban-Blagaic, L. Batelja, R. Rucman and T. Anic 297 Scoring in burned patients: our opinion H. Andel and L.P. Kamolz 335 Influence of local anaesthetics on inflamma- tory activity postburn Scientific & Clinical Papers L. Yregard, J. Cassuto, P. Tarnow and U. Nilsson 299 What is the prevalence of hypertrophic scar- 343 Delayed dilated cardiomyopathy for major ring following burns? burn injuries K.M. Bombaro, L.H. Engrav, G.J. Carrougher, T.-J. Chen, B.-H. Shen, F.-L. Yeh, J.-T. Lin, S.A. Wiechman, L. Faucher, B.A. Costa, D.M. H. Ma, C.-H. Huang and R.-H. Fang Heimbach, F.P. Rivara and S. Honari 303 Implications for Burns Unit design following 349 Flammable liquid burns in children outbreak of multi-resistant Acinetobacter P. Henderson, H. Mc Conville, N. H6hlriegel, infection in ICU and Burns Unit J.F. Fraser and R.M. Kimble A. Bayat, H. Shaaban, A. Dodgson and K.W. Dunn 353 Epidemiology of burns admitted to Ain 307 Effects of rolling inhibition on smoke inhala- Shams University Burns Unit, Cairo, Egypt tion injury M. Hemeda, A. Maher and A. Mabrouk C. Cetin, M. Ozyilmaz, C. Baycu, A. Aydan Kése and Y. Karabagli Qe Vr\ o Analysis of wax burn cases presenting to an Emergency Department in Hong Kong dur- 315 Soluble IL-4 receptor improves the skin- ing the Chinese Mid-Autumn festival graft-associated cytomegalovirus infection M.M.-k. Tam and W.-l. Cheung in thermally injured mice , H. Kobayashi, M. Kobayashi, H. Takahashi, Burn Care in Practice D.N. Herndon, R.B. Pollard and F. Suzuki 323 Corticosteroid-impairment of healing and 363 A retrospective study to determine the inci- gastric pentadecapeptide BPC-157 creams dence of pressure ulcers in burn patients using in burned mice a low air loss pressure relieving mattress P. Sikiric, S. Seiwerth, S. Mise, M. Staresinic, J.M. Still, J. Wilson, C. Rinker, E. Law and V.Bedekovic, N. Zarkovic, S. Borovic, M. Gjurasin, B. Craft-Coffman 367 Incidence of cardiac events in burned 385 Combined *™Tc MDP bone SPECT and patients *”°™Te c sestamibi muscle SPECT for assess- D.G. Meyers, S.M. Hoestje and R.A. Korentager ment of bone regrowth and free muscle flap viability in an electrical burn of scalp 369 ‘**Amnion Bank’’—the use of long term gly- A. Sarikaya and A. Cemal Aygit cerol preserved amniotic membranes in the management of superficial and superficial 389 Survival of severe ARDS with five-organ partial thickness burns system failure following burns and inhalation R. Ravishanker, A.S. Bath and R. Roy injury in a 15-year-old patient C. Cedidi, R. Hierner, M. Pichlmaier, W.-G. Case Reports Forssmann and M. Meyer 375 Skin replacement with a collagen based der- 395 Delayed obturator artery rupture: a compli- mal substitute, autologous keratinocytes and cation of high-voltage electrical injury fibroblasts in burn trauma S.-S. Chuang and C.-C. Yu D. Wisser and J. Steffes 399 A case of extensive second degree burn caused by ultraviolet ray irradiation 381 Proliferative ‘‘crescentic’”’ glomerulonephri- Y. Yamada, S. Endo, Y. Minakawa, H. Makabe, tis in a burned patient H. Abe and S. Imai M. Deveci, M. Bozkurt, O. Ongiirii and M. Sengezer 401 Letter to the editor Volume 29 Number 5 August 2003 403 Obituary 455 Incidence of urinary tract and bloodstream infections in Ghotbeddin Burn Center, Scientific & Clinical Papers Shiraz 2000-2001 M. Askarian, R.S. Hosseini, P. Kheirandish and 405 The discotheque fire in Gothenburg 1998. A Z.A. Memish tragedy among teenagers 461 Heterotopic calcification in burn scars and J. Cassuto and P. Tarnow non-healing ulcers 417 Fire disaster in Gothenburg 1998—surgical M.K. Ebrahim, J.R. Kanjoor and R.L. Bang treatment of burns 469 Work-related burn injuries in Ontario, Canada: P. Tarnow, F. Gewalli and J. Cassuto has anything changed in the last 10 years? 423 Collagen morphology in human skin and scar E. Mandelcorn, M. Gomez and R.C. Cartotto tissue: no adaptations in response to Review mechanical loading at joints P.P.M. van Zuilen, J.J.B. Ruurda, 473 Ancient traditional Chinese medicine in H.A. van Veen, J. van Marle, A.J.M. van Trier, burn treatment: a historical review F. Groenevelt, R.W. Kreis and J. Kopp, G.Y. Wang, R.E. Horch, N. Pallua and E. Middelkoop S.D. Ge 433 What influences the functional outcome of Burn Care in Practice children at 6 months post-burn? 479 Y-V advancement with Z-plasty: an effective Z.F. Tyack and J. Ziviani combined model for the release of post-burn Assessment of a silver-coated barrier dres- flexion contractures of the fingers sing for potential use with skin grafts on F. Peker and O. Celebiler excised burns 483 Banana leaf dressing for skin graft donor I.A. Holder, P. Durkee, A.P. Supp and S.T. Boyce areas M.A. Gore and D. Akolekar 449 Plasma leptin levels in patients with burn injury: a preliminary report 487 Evaluation of banana leaf dressing for partial Y. Kino, M. Kato, Y. Ikehara, Y. Asanuma, thickness burn wounds K. Akashi and S. Kawai M.A. Gore and D. Akolekar Case Reports Short Communication 493 Mobile phones—a potential fire hazard? 497 The wrist in axillary burns—a forgotten focus T. Potokar, A.D. MacKenzie’Ross, G. Clewer and of concern W.A. Dickson C. Manigandan, A.K. Gupta, K. Venugopal, S. Ninan and R.E. Cherian 495 Askin burn from culinary mustard M.J. Potter, N. Bulstrode and P. Cussons Letters to the Editor Erratum Recent references Volume 29 Number 6 September 2003 Scientific & Clinical Papers Adult burn injuries in an Emergency Depart- ment in Central Anatolia, Turkey: a 5-year 515 Assessment of the biological properties of analysis human split skin allografts disinfected with L. Avsarogullari, E. Séziier, I. Ikizceli, Z. Kekec, peracetic acid and preserved in glycerol Y. Yiiriimez and S. Ozkan R.J. Lomas, J.E. Cruse-Sawyer, C. Simpson, E. Ingham, R. Bojar and J.N. Kearney S/o Epidemiology of burns presenting to an emergency department in Shiraz, South Iran Matrix metalloproteinase expression in cyto- wat e — M. Ansari-Lari and M. Askarian kine stimulated human dermal fibroblasts M.R.K. Dasu, R.E. Barrow, M. Spies and D.N. Epidemiology of hospitalized burns patients Herndon in Taiwan W.-C. Chien, L. Pai, C.-C. Lin and H.-C. Chen 533 Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in Kupffer cell secretion of the proinflamma- Electric water heaters: a new hazard for tory cytokines after burn trauma pediatric burns X.-L. Chen, Z.-F. Xia, D. Wei, S. Han, D.-F. Ben S.-S. Chuang, J.-Y. Yang and F.-C. Tsai and G.-Q. Wang Burn Care in Practice 541 Effects of Panax notoginseng saponins on myocardial Gsx mRNA expression and S92 Nutrition and anabolic agents in burned ATPase activity after severe scald in rats patients H.-G. Zhang, X.-H. Li and Z.-C. Yang H. Andel, L.-P. Kamolz, K. Horauf and M. Zimpfer Wro o I Serovar determination, drug resistance pat- terns and plasmid profiles of Pseudomonas Paediatric burn prevention aeruginosa isolated from burn patients at A. Burd two hospitals of Tehran (IRAN) F. Shahcheraghi, M.M. Feizabadi, V. Yamin, 599 Use of surface scanning for creation of trans- R. Abiri and Z. Abedian parent facial orthoses. A report of two cases J.T. Lin and W. Nagler wna n oe) Inducibility of HBD-2 in acute burns and chronic conditions of the lung 603 High frequency percussive ventilation in burn S.M. Milner, A. Cole, M.R. Ortega, M.H. Bakir, patients: hemodynamics and gas exchange S. Gulati, S. Bhat and T. Ganz P. Reper, R. Van Bos, K. Van Loey, P. Van Laeke and A. Vanderkelen an wa —I Effects ofa thermal injury on brain and blood nitric oxide (NO) content in the rat 609 Specifically designed external fixators in P. Lestaevel, D. Agay, A. Peinnequin, C. Cruz, treatment of complex postburn hand con- R. Cespuglio, D. Clarengon, E. Multon and tractures Y. Chancerelle K. Ilhami, O. Safak and G. Orhan 563 Validation of a Norwegian version of the Burn Specific Health Scale A technique in positioning the neck during A.L. Moi, T. Wentzel-Larsen, L. Salemark and B. mentosternal contracture release Hanestad S. Ninan, A.K. Gupta and G. Ramkumar Case Reports ' Double free flaps for reconstruction of post- burn anterior cervical contractures—use of 615 Antithrombin (human) concentrate infusion perforator flaps from the lateral circumflex in pediatric patients with >50% TBSA burns femoral system A. Kowal-Vern and B.A. Latenser J=¥: Lan, F.C. Tsai, J.-y. Yang and S-.-S. 619 Acute pancreatitis complicating 50% full- Chuang thickness burns in a 5-year-old child M.D. Wilson, P. Sugden, A. Durrani and 626 Letters to the Editor P. Dziewulski Volume 29 Number 7 November 2003 Review 691 Characteristics of self-immolation attempts in Akita Prefecture, Japan 631 Nitric oxide, inflammation and acute burn H. Nakae, Y.J. Zheng, H. Wada, K. Tajimi and injury S. Endo A. Rawlingson Scientific & Clinical Papers 697 Comparison of self-reported and monitored compliance of daily injection of human 641 Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) growth hormone in burned children and macrophage infiltration into the skin J.P. Wilkins, O.E. Suman, D.A. Benjamin and after burn injury in aged mice D.N. Herndon H. Shallo, T.P. Plackett, S.A. Heinrich and E.J. Kovacs A randomised clinical trial comparing a hydrocolloid-derived dressing and glycerol 649 The female, red Duroc pig as an animal preserved allograft skin in the management model of hypertrophic scarring and the of partial thickness burns potential role of the cones of skin A.F.P.M. Vloemans, A.M. Soesman, M. Suijker, K.Q. Zhu, L.H. Engrav, N.S. Gibran, J.K. Cole, R.W. Kreis and E. Middelkoop H. Matsumura, M. Piepkorn, F. Frank Isik, G.J. Carrougher, P.M. Muangman, M.Y. Yunu- sov and T.-M. Yang 711 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia: a serious and rare complication in patients suffering 665 Laser Doppler imaging determines need from burns for excision and grafting in advance of M. Dalamaga, K. Karmaniolas, C. Chavelas, clinical judgment: a prospective blinded S. Liatis, H. Matekovits and I. Migdalis trial J.C. Jeng, A. Bridgeman, L. Shivnan, P.M. 714 Paediatric friction hand injuries caused by Thornton, H. Alam, T.J. Clarke, K.A. Jablonski domestic vacuum cleaners—a review from and M.H. Jordan one unit M. Grob, I.C. Josty, M.G. Soldin and 671 Impairment after burns: a two-center, pro- W.A. Dickson spective report B.A. Costa, L.H. Engrav, R. Holavanahalli, D.C. Lezotte, D.R. Patterson, K.J. Kowalske and P.C. Burn Care in Practice Esselman TH Hydrocortisone improved haemodynamics and fluid requirement in surviving but not 677 A comparison of keratinocyte cell sprays with non-surviving of severely burned patients and without fibrin glue W. Winter, L. Kamolz, A. Donner, K. Hoerauf, L.J. Currie, R. Martin, J.R. Sharpe and A. Blaicher and H. Andel S. Elizabeth James 687 An epidemiologic study of elderly burn Double reverse V-Y-plasty in postburn scar patients in Ain Shams University Burn Unit, contractures: a new modification of V-Y- Cairo, Egypt plasty A. Mabrouk, A. Maher and S. Nasser I. Askar 726 Repair and_ reconstruction of massively Case Reports damaged burn wounds 139 Frostbite of the gluteal region J. Chai, H. Song, Z. Sheng, B, Chen, H. Yang and S.M. Azad, K. Allison, N. Khwaja and as N. Moiemen 733 Bacterial toxicosis/toxic shock syndrome as a The use of an island posterior calf fasciocuta- contributor to morbidity in children with neous flap for sensate cover of the burnt knee burn injuries S.J. Ghosh, S.E. James, C.D. Adams and A.P. Brown, K. Khan and S. Sinclair P. Dziewulski 748 Letters to the Editor 750 Recent References Volume 29 Number 8 December 2003 Editorial 810 Serum cholesterol and triglycerides: poten- tial role in mortality prediction a129 7 If it can’t be measured it can’t be managed. L.-P. Kamolz, H. Andel, M. Mittlbéck, The paucity of outcome measures in burn care W. Winter, W. Haslik, G. Meissl and M. Frey T. Brown, S. Mills and M. Muller 816 Burn injuries associated with the water tank Scientific & Clinical Papers of motorfarming tricycles in China 139 Evaluation of donor skin viability: fresh and X.-l. Chen, Y.-p. Li, D.-p. Zhang, M.-x. Yu, cryopreserved skin using tetrazolioum salt P. Zhang and W. Zhang assay 820 Role of Rho kinase and actin filament in the C. Castagnoli, D. Alotto, I. Cambieri, R. Casi- increased vascular permeability of skin miri, M. Aluffi, M. Stella, S.T. Alasia and venules in rats after scalding G. Magliacani H.-z. Zheng, K.-s. Zhao, B.-y. Zhou and 769 Role of histamine receptors in the regulation Q.-b. Huang of edema and circulation postburn J. Rantfors and J. Cassuto Roles of ischemia and hypoxia and the mole- cular pathogenesis of post-burn cardiac 779 Validation of an objective scar pigmentation shock measurement by using a spectrocolorimeter Y. Huang, Z. Li and Z. Yang C.W.P. Li-Tsang, J.C.M. Lau and S.K.Y. Liu Indocyanine green video angiographies help Burn Care in Practice to identify burns requiring operation L.-P. Kamolz, H. Andel, W. Haslik, A. Donner, 834 Retardation of wound healing by silver W. Winter, G. Meissl and M. Frey sulfadiazine is reversed by Aloe vera and 793 Oxandrolone induced lean mass gain during nystatin recovery from severe burns is maintained M.J. Muller, M.A. Hollyoak, Z. Moaveni, after discontinuation of the anabolic steroid T.L.H. Brown, D.N. Herndon and J.P. Heggers R.H. Demling and L. DeSanti 837 The use of a collagen sponge/living cell com- 799 Examination of soluble Fas (sFas) and solu- posite material to treat donor sites in burn ble Fas ligand (sFasL) in patients with burns patients Y. Yamada, S. Endo, H. Nakae, H. Makabe, J. Still, P. Glat, P. Silverstein, J. Griswold and N. Sato, G. Wakabayashi, M. Kitamura, K. Inada D. Mozingo and S. Sato 803 The effects of thermal injury on transcellular Expanded occipito-cervico-pectoral flap for permeability and intestinal P-glycoprotein reconstruction of burned cervical contrac- in rats ture B.L. Neudeck, D.R. Foster, L.Y. Li, J.P. Gon- S. Motamed, A.J. Kalantar Hormozi and zales and L.S. Welage S. Marzban 845 A new method: perforator-based tissue Case Reports expansion for a preexpanded free cutaneous 863 MEBO and hot bitumen burns perforator flap G. Alexander, N. Rajacic, M.K. Ebrahim and F.-C. Tsai I. Ghoneim 849 The seven flap Z-plasty revisited 866 Temporary henna tattooing—a risky proce- S. Yilmaz, O. Yenidiinya, A.R. Ercécen, M. dure. Case report and literature review Saydam, E. Seven, H. Sezer and P. McTurk M. Jindal and B. Davis 868 Mediterranean jellyfish (Rhopilema noma- Subeschar clysis in deep burns dica) sting R. Sinha, N. Sharma and R.K. Agarwal R. Silfen, A. Vilan, I. Wohl and A. Leviav Split thickness skin grafting for recreation Qe 1 — Letter to the Editor of the scrotum following Fournier’s Erratum gangrene P. Maguina, T.L. Palmieri and D.G. Greenhalgh Volume Contents; Author Index Abe H., 399 \bedian Z., 547 Bozkurt M., 38] A\biri R., 547 Bray R., 199 DeSanti L., 793 AAAggdaaayrm wsa Dl. ,C R.5 D5.7,K. . , 74855 4 BBBrrraoizwdenga elm aA.Bn . P.AA,. .., 736316 359 DDDoiecdvkegscsioo nn M.WA,.. , 3A83.].0 3 493, 714 \grawal A., 626 Brown T., 757 Donner A., 717. 785 Ahmet T., 87] I3 rown T. L. H., 159. 197, 834 D’Souza J., 628 Bulent C., 87] Duman H., 87 \Kashi K., 449 \kkhint arS ., S.,2 801 9] BBuulrsdt rAo.d,e 5N9.6. 495 DDuurnkne e K.P .,W .,4 453 03 \Kolekar D., 483. 487 I3 urge T., 183 DDzuirerawnuil skiA. , P.6.1 9 173, 619, 745 AAAAAAAl\l\ll\lollllKlletiaiasagtsxssmogooiGao ya nhnwn eedHDrheS..K.K ,r.bA. . . a,.M. nT 6.P7G.d.6...527, a, 59 23 n ]792 2 5 4019975 R9 .., 966237 (CC((C( ¢ (e “i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘“a ataaiaawsusrsrmrtsstirbsahuomoiegttaiuet nojrogor i hliNJieP ..R. .rR. . . I ,CF. ,..CG1 ,1,. 68. 7,33 7 5,757J 999.45 ,69 3 9325 9. 9.4 056,4 9 417, 769 EEEEEEEErrnRnldboggi dwgrdrzolaacaaE u.rhevb. d.ie nS tsm .A,h- 8L. 7.,JA oM3.J 9.nHa9. 1eRm,.7.s e ,5K . s.62 998V19.4S.,,79. 3 . . 67146599 9795.7 , 647611 , 499, 863 A\luffi M., 759 ‘edidi i : 389 Amarante J., 265 C -elebiler O., 479 Esselman P. C.. 671 AAAAnnnnidddceee lrr ssTso.H,on .n , 3W24G3.9. ,. D.22.9 57 ,4 0]5 99. 717, 785, 810 (¢(( c s‘fteeeilsmneap'bluC ig.ol,gi Aloyu g 3iR0t.S 7,. , A.5,51 753 85 FFFaaaundcgah aekrR . -HHL...,,, 92639 493 AAr\snlsaarni -LEa.r, i 22M]. . 579 (( ‘‘hhaain JE... S7.2 6Y ., 194 FFiesihz abMa.d,i 2M8.7 M.. 547 A\sskaanru mIa., 7Y2.,] 449 (¢ ‘‘hhaavneclearse llCe. , Y.,7 1] 557 FFoorrrsessmtearn n K.,W .-1G9.9. 389 \\vsskaarroigaunl laMr.:, L4.5,5 . 575]7 9 (¢¢ ‘‘‘hhheeennn LHB...-,-Y C..,,7 266 558 2 FFFrroaassnteker r IJDs.i. k F.R,. . F.,3 486904 39 A\zyadda n S. KéMs.e. 7A.3.9 307 C then T.-J., 343 Frey M., 49, 785, 810 C nen X.-1., 533 Bagdatoglu O., 22] ( Aen X.-I,. 816 Gahankari D., 287 Bakir M. H., 553 ¢ ‘herian R. E., 276, 497 Ganz T., 553 Bang R. L., 73, 46] C ‘heung W.-1., 3: Ge'S. BD: 473 Baoren C., 239 ( ‘hien W.-C., 582 George A, 73, 95 BBBBBaaaaatrrtrhyuer scolhhwjAni a.in kRSo..L,. v, A .E 3.32,M63 A.9 .. 5 2Ju76. .3 0 123 CC((( ‘‘‘‘‘lllhhaeiaurmurak eeennn gWtc. oT-.nCS .R...J-.. 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T,. , 32434 5 II J Jeemmiirr kaZn., F.1,7 5 22] GGrrooebn evMe.l,t 71F.4, 423 I Jemling R. H., 793 Guanghui H., 257 Gulati S., 553

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