Burapha University, TThhaaiillaanndd UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TTrreennttoo,, IIttaallyy EEEFFFFFFEEECCCTTTSSS OOOFFF UUUSSSIIINNNGGG PPPIIICCCTTTUUURRREEESSS FFFOOORRR LLL222 LLLEEEAAARRRNNNIIINNNGGG WWWIIITTTHHH PPHHYYSSIICCAALL AACCTTIIVVIITTYY IINN BBIILLIINNGGUUAALLSS FENGQIN LIU AAAdddvvviiisssooorrrsss::: AAAssssssttt... PPPrrrooofff... SSSuuuccchhhaaadddaaa KKKooorrrnnnpppeeetttpppaaannneeeeee &&& PPPrrrooofff... RRReeemmmooo JJJooobbb ((CCOO-TUTELLE-DE-THÈSE) AAA TTTHHHEEESSSIIISSS SSSUUUBBBMMMIIITTTTTTEEEDDD IIINNN PPPAAARRRTTTIIIAAALLL FFFUUULLLFFFIIILLLLLLMMMEEENNNTTT OOOFFF TTTHHHEEE RRREEEQQQUUUIIIRRREEEMMMEEENNNTTTSSS FFFOOORRR TTTHHHEEE DDDOOOCCCTTTOOORRR OOOFFF PPPHHHIIILLLOOOSSSOOOPPPHHHYYY IIINNN RRREEESSSEEEAAARRRCCCHHH AAANNNDDD SSSTTTAAATTTIIISSSTTTIIICCCSSS IIINNN CCCOOOGGGNNNIIITTTIIIVVVEEE SSSCCCIIIEEENNNCCCEEE CCOOLLLLEEGGEE OOFF RREESSEEAARRCCHH MMEETTHHOODDOOLLOOGGYY AANNDD CCOOGGNNIITTIIVVEE SSCCIIEENNCCEE BBUURRAAPPHHAA UUNNIIVVEERRSSIITTYY,, TTHHAAIILLAANNDD & PPPSSSYYYCCCHHHOOOLLLOOOGGGIIICCCAAALLL SSSCCCIIIEEENNNCCCEEE AAANNNDDD EEEDDDUUUCCCAAATTTIIIOOONNN IIINNN CCOOGGNNIITTIIVVEE SSCCIIEENNCCEE DDDEEEPPPAAARRRTTTMMMEEENNNTTT OOOFFF PPPSSSYYYCCCHHHOOOLLLOOOGGGYYY AAANNNDDD CCCOOOGGGNNNIIITTTIIIVVVEEE SSSCCCIIIEEENNNCCCEEE UUNNIIVVEERRSSIITTYY OOFF TTRREENNTTOO,, IITTAALLYY JANUARY 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My study have been provided the supporting under the "Co-tutelle de Thèse" program at University of Trento, Italy. Also, I was provided a great opportunity at Burapha University to receive the “One More Step” project under Erasmus Mundus programs for 6 months exchange study at Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science, University of Trento. Furthermore, I received a 2012 Chinese Government Award Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad by the China Scholarship Council. My sincere gratitude is expressed to all officers and people who work in the above organizations. I would like to extend my heartful thanks to my advisors, Assist Prof. Suchada Kornpetpanee Ph. D. and Prof. Remo Job, for their continuing support and encouragement, and all the patient guidance throughout the process. Without their support, this thesis could not have been accomplished. Especially, the advice, guidance, direction, ongoing evaluation, correction of writing during my study from my advisors should be acknowledged with my deepest appreciation. Also, I wish to extend my sincerest appreciation to the people who offer their help. A special thanks is to the office staff in both universities for their extreme patience and help during my study. In addition, my sincere thanks to all participants of the study for their support and cooperation during the data collection period. Finally, I am extremely grateful to my family members, who support and love me always. My heartful thanks also give my wife, Ms. Li jia for her understanding, encouragement; without her everlasting love I surely would not have been successful for my study. Fengqin Liu ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the effects on English vocabulary learning by late Chinese-English bilingual using the picture-association method while performing physical activity. Participants were 40 undergraduate students (18-24 years old) enrolled at Dali University in the 2013 academic year. Both the English proficiency level and the fitness level were determined in order to obtain two comparable groups of participants, the experimental group being requested to perform a physical activity during learning while the control group was in a stationary condition during learning. There were 8 sessions of L2 lexical learning and testing in total, once per week. In addition, there was a delayed test on both experimental tasks one month after the 8th session, without intervening learning trials. Response times (RTs) and accuracy rates were recorded for each task. A two-way repeated measure ANOVA and a t-test were performed for data analysis. The results showed that the Chinese-English bilingual learner using picture for L2 learning with physical activity performed better not only in the experienced not only in the Word-Picture Verification Task, that tapped the lexical level, but also in the Grammaticality Judgment Task, that tapped the untrained sentence level. This indicates that the physical activity promoted generalization even to the untrained task. The better performance regarded both the Rts and the accuracy, and emerged from the first session in the Word-Picture Verification Task but only from the fourth session in the Grammaticality Judgment Task. This indicates that the effects of the physical activity are modulated by the mode of training and/or complexity of the task. Finally, the better performance of the experimental group emerged also in the delayed condition. This indicates that the effects of the physical activity on vocabulary learning are long-lasting. The patter of results obtained are accounted for by a model that predicts a better L2 vocabulary memory consolidation under physical activity as a consequence of increase cerebral blood flow and/or a more pronounced action of neurotransmitter involved in verbal learning. iii CONTENTS Page ABSRACT..……………………………………………………………………… ii CONTENTS………………………………………………………………….….. iii LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………………… vi LIST OF FIGURES……………………..……………………….…………...…. viii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION………..………………………………………….…... 1 Statement and significance of the problem.….….……………………. 1 Objectives of the study...……………………………….………….…. 4 Research questions...…………………………………………………. 5 Hypotheses of the study.…….………………………………………. 5 Scope of the Study…….…………………………………….……….. 6 Definition of terms.….…………………………….……...….............. 7 2 LITERATURE REVIEW….. …………………………………………..... 8 2.1 Bilingualism and second language (L2) learning…………….... 8 2.1.1 Overview.………………………......….……………… 8 2.1.2 L2 lexical development and conceptual representation in bilingual methods…………….................................. 11 2.2 Second language (L2) vocabulary learning.…….……...…....... 16 2.2.1 Overview..……….………………………………......... 16 2.2.2 L2 vocabulary learning methods…..……..…………… 17 2.2.3 L2 word-type effects and learning........…………………. 24 2.3 Effects of Physical Activity (or Exercise) on Cognition........... 25 2.3.1 Overview..…………………………………….............. 25 2.3.2 Effects of physical activity on memory….….………..… 33 2.3.3 Effects of physical activity on academic performance.… 35 3 METHODOLOGY..…………………………………………………….. 40 Research design………………………………………........................ 40 Participants....……………………………………............................... 42 iv CONTENTS (Continued) Page CHAPTER Instruments….…….……………………………………………... 42 Procedure .…………….………………………………................ 48 Data collection.….……………………………………................. 52 Data analysis….……………………………………..................... 52 4 RESULTS.……………………………………………………………….. 53 The results of each of the 8 Word - Picture Verification Task sessions ………………………...………………………………... 53 1. The results of the ANOVA on Reaction times………………… 54 2. The results of the ANOVA on accuracy rates…………………. 57 The results of each of the 8 Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task sessions………………………….………............. 62 1. The results of the ANOVA on Reaction times………………… 62 2. The results of the ANOVA on accuracy rates.….……………. 67 The results of the Delayed test……………………..................... 70 1. The results of the ANOVA on RTs in the Word – Picture Verification Task………..……………….......……………….. 71 2. The results of the ANOVA on accuracy rates in the Word – Picture Verification tasks……….......………………… 74 3. The results of the ANOVA on Reaction Times in the Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task ……….......……….. 77 4. The results of ANOVA on accuracy rates in the Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task………....…………... 81 5 CONCLUSIONS.....………………………………………………........... 85 Summary of the study..…………………………………………... 85 Discussion……………………………...……………………....... 88 Recommendations….……………..………………………........... 92 v CONTENTS (Continued) CHAPTER Page REFERENCES …...……………………………………………………..... 94 APPENDICES …...……………………………………………………….. 111 Appendix A The data of the stimuli………………………………... 112 Appendix B The data of the participants…………………………... 126 Appendix C Descriptive data of the Word – picture Verification tasks and Sentence Grammaticality tasks…………... 132 Appendix D Raw data of each participants in the Word – Picture Verification tasks and Grammaticality tasks.…….……………………………………………. 151 Appendix E Images during running experiment.………………….. 190 vi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2-1 Summary of the effects of a single exercise bout on cognition (Hapala, 2012)……………………………………………………………………….. 31 2-2 Summary of the effects of physical training interventions on academic performance…………………………………………………………….….. 32 3-1 Comparison of the means of the CET – 4 sub test score (n = 40)…………. 43 3-2 Means for the Physical Characteristics of the participants……………….... 45 3-3 Comparison of the means of the results of the step test (VO2max values) between experimental group and control group (n=40) ……………….….. 45 3-4 The characteristics of the stimuli………………………………………....... 47 4-1 Results of the repeated measures ANOVA performed on RTs (8 sessions of the Word – Picture Verification Task) …………………………….……….. 54 4-2 Mean values (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) for RTs (Milliseconds) in the 8 sessions of the Word – Picture Verification Task ……………….... 56 4-3 Results of repeated measures ANOVA performed on mean of accuracy rates (8 sessions Word – Picture Verification Task)…………………….…. 57 4-4 Mean values (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) for accuracy rates (Percentage) in the 8 sessions of the Word – Picture Verification Task .….. 59 4-5 Comparison of accuracy rates (correct responses) in the 8 sessions of Word – Picture Verification Task between the Experimental group and Control group …………………..………………………………………….. 60 4-6 Results of repeated measures ANOVA performed on the mean of RTs (8 Sessions Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task) ..……………….…. 63 4-7 Mean of values (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) for RTs (Milliseconds) in the 8 sessions of the Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task………..…………………………………………………………….…. 65 4-8 Comparison of the mean of the RTs in the 8 sessions Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task between the Experimental group and the Control group…………………………………………………………….… 66 vii LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table Page 4-9 Results of repeated measures ANOVA performed on accuracy (8 sessions Sentence Grammaticality Judgment tasks) …………………. 67 4-10 Mean values (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) for accuracy rates (Percentage) in the 8 sessions of the Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task………………………………………………………….... 69 4-11 Results of repeated measures ANOVA performed on RTs (Word – Picture Verification Tasks in Session 8 and Delayed test)……………….. 71 4-12 Mean of RTs (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) in the Word – Picture Verification Task (test Session 8 and Delayed test) …………………….. 73 4-13 Results of repeated measures ANOVA performed on accuracy rates (Word – Picture Verification Task in Session 8 and Delayed test)………. 74 4-14 Mean of accuracy rates (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) in the Word – Picture Verification Task (Test session 8 and Delayed test)……………... 76 4-15 Results of repeated measures ANOVA performed on RTs (Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Tasks in Session 8 and Delayed test) ……….. 78 4-16 Mean of Reaction time (RTs) and Standard Deviation (SD) in Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task (Test session 8 and Delayed test)…….... 80 4-17 Comparison of the mean of the RTs in the Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task between the Experimental group and Control group (Test session 8 and Delayed test) ……………………………………...... 81 4-18 Results of repeated measures ANOVA performed on accuracy rates in the Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task (Test session 8 and Delayed test) …………………………………………………………...... 82 4-19 Mean accuracy rates (Percentages) and Standard Deviation (SD) in the Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task (Test session 8 and Delayed test) …………………………………………………………………….... 83 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2-1 Word association model and concept mediation model (Potter et al. 1984).…………..…………………………………..……………………… 12 2-1 The Revised Hierarchical Model of lexical and conceptual representation in bilingual memory (Kroll & Stewart, 1994)…………………………….. 14 3-1 The experiment design and procedures……………………………………. 41 3-2 Examples of four Black and white drawing used in this study (each shown with L2 words) …………………………………………………..... 46 3-2 The equipment of Polar Edge heart rate monitor and the bicycle ergometer………………………………………………………………….. 49 3-3 Example of the paradigm for Word – Picture Verification task…………… 51 3-4 Example of the paradigm for Sentence Grammaticality Judgment task………………………………………………………………………… 51 4-1 The main effect of group on mean of RTs (8 sessions Word – Picture Verification Task)…………………………………………………………. 55 4-2 The main effect of test sessions on mean of RTs (8 sessions Word – Picture Verification Task)………………………………………………… 55 4-3 Mean of the RTs (Millisecond) as a function of group (PA vs. NPA) in the 8 sessions Word – Picture Verification Task……………………………… 56 4-4 The main effect of groups on mean accuracy rates (8 sessions Word – Picture Verification Task………………………………………………….. 58 4-5 The main effect of test sessions on mean accuracy rates (8 sessions Word- Picture Verification Task………………………………………………….. 58 4-6 The interaction between groups and test sessions on accuracy rates (8 sessions Word – Picture Verification Task) ……………………………. 59 4-7 Mean of accuracy rates (Percentage) as a function of group (PA vs. NPA) in the 8 sessions Word – Picture Verification Task ……………………….. 60 ix LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 4-8 The main effect of groups on mean of RTs (across the 8 sessions of Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task) ……………………………... 63 4-9 The main effect of test sessions on mean of RTs (across 8 sessions of Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task) ……………………………... 64 4-10 The interaction between groups and test sessions on RTs (8 sessions Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task) ……………………………... 64 4-11 Mean of the RTs (Millisecond) as a function of group (PA vs. NPA) In the 8 sessions Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task…………….. 65 4-12 The main effect of groups on mean accuracy rates (8 sessions Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task) ………………………………………... 68 4-13 The main effect of test sessions on mean accuracy rates (8 sessions Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task) ……………………………... 68 4-14 Mean of the accuracy rates (Percentage) as a function of group (PA vs. NPA) in the 8 Sentence Grammaticality Judgment Task sessions………. 69 4-15 The main effect of groups on mean of RTs (Word – Picture Verification Tasks session 8 and Delayed test) ……………………………………… 72 4-16 The main effect of test sessions on mean of RTs (Word – Picture Verification Tasks session 8 and Delayed test) …………………………. 72 4-17 Mean of the RTs (Millisecond) as a function of group (PA vs. NPA) in the Word – Picture Verification Task (Test session 8 and Delayed test)……. 73 4-18 The main effect of groups in accuracy rates (Word – Picture Verification Task in Session 8 and Delayed test) …………………………………….. 75 4-19 The main effect of test sessions in accuracy rates (Word – Picture Verification Task in Session 8 and Delayed test) ……………………….. 75 4-20 Mean accuracy rates (Percentage) as a function of group (PA vs. NPA) In the Word – Picture Verification Task ( Test session 8 and Delayed test) 76