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Bunching of Bell states H.S. Eisenberg,1,2 J.F. Hodelin,1 G. Khoury,1 and D. Bouwmeester1 1Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA 2Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel The bunching of two single photons on a beam-splitter is a fundamental quantum effect, first observedbyHong,OuandMandel. Itisauniqueinterferenceeffectthatreliesonlyonthephotons’ indistinguishability and not on theirrelative phase. We generalize this effect bydemonstrating the bunching of two Bell states, created in two passes of a nonlinear crystal, each composed of two photons. When the two Bell states are indistinguishable, phase insensitive destructive interference prevents the outcome of four-fold coincidence between the four spatial-polarization modes. For certain combinations of the two Bell states, we demonstrate the opposite effect of anti-bunching. Werelate this result to thenumberof distinguishable modes in parametric down-conversion. 6 0 PACSnumbers: 03.65.Ud,42.50.Ar,42.50.St 0 2 The bunching of photons is a manifestation of their Itsmaindifferencethoughisthatinsteadofthebunching n bosonic nature. Although resulting from quantum inter- oftwosinglephotonsinFockstates,thebunchingoccurs a J ference, it is insensitive to the photons’ relative phase. between two composite states – the Bell states. As op- 3 Bunching of two photons on a beam-splitter was first posed to previous double-pass experiments, the result is demonstratedinthefamousexperimentbyHong,Ouand unaffected by the amplitudes oftwo-pairemissionin one 1 Mandel (HOM)[1]. Later, bunched photon states were ofthe twopasses. We alsoshowhow,unlikeinthe HOM v shown to be useful for quantum limited interferometric case of single photon states, for certain combinations of 4 measurements[2] and for beating the classical diffraction Bell states the bunching transforms into anti-bunching. 1 0 limit[3]. The bunching of three photons was also experi- Non-collineartype-II parametric down-conversioncre- 1 mentally achieved[4]. Photon bunching became a funda- ates the following bi-partite state in a single pass of the 0 mental tool in quantum optics. It is used in Bell state nonlinear crystal[13] 6 analysis[5], teleportation[6] and more. Recently, the ba- 0 ∞ sic principles of bunching have also been found to be 1 h/ useful for quantum information processing with linear |ψi = cosh2τ X√n+1tanhnτ|ψn−i, (1a) p n=0 optics[7]. An example is the nonlinear phase-shift on a - 1 n nt beam-splitter for the quantum controlled-NOT gate[8]. |ψn−i = √n+1 X(–1)m|n–m,mia|m,n–mib,(1b) a Photons can bunch also in circumstances where there m=0 u arenobeam-splitters. Usingtheequivalencebetweenthe q operationofbeam-splittersontwospatialmodesandthe where m,n i represents m horizontally and n vertically | i : polarizedphotonsinmodei. Themagnitudeoftheinter- v operation of waveplates on two polarization modes[9], a action parameter τ depends on the nonlinear coefficient i horizontally polarized and a vertically polarized photon X of the crystal, its length and the intensity of the pump can bunch when their polarization basis is rotated. Po- r pulse. The one-pair term (n=1) is the familiar ψ− Bell a larization interference experiments are simpler as they state[14]. We concentrateonthe casewhen twoindistin- involve a smaller number of spatial modes. guishable photon pairs are produced (n=2). This term The most common source for photon bunching exper- contains three elements and it is written in the above iments, as well as for photon entanglement, is paramet- formalism as ric down-conversion (PDC). As an intense pump beam is passing through a crystal possessing χ(2) nonlinearity, 1 ψ− = (2,0 0,2 1,1 1,1 + 0,2 2,0 ). some of its photons can split into two. For type-II non- | 2 i √3 | ia| ib−| ia| ib | ia| ib collinear PDC, these two photons are emitted into two (2) spatialmodes(referredtoasmodesa andb),andcanex- Previously, it has been shown how a four-fold coinci- hibit polarization entanglement[10]. It is helpful to use dence betweenthe fourmodes a ,a ,b andb is forbid- h v h v pulsed pump sources due to their well defined timing. den for the state of Eq. 2, when the photons of mode a Recently, many experiments have used configurations arerotatedtoanorthogonalpolarizationbasiscompared whereapumppulsepassesthroughthe nonlinearcrystal to the photons of mode b [15, 16, 17]. For example, if twice[6, 11]. In this Letter we show how four photons mode a is observed at the linear horizontal-vertical(hv) that originate from such two passes avoid being equally basisandmodebatthelinearplus-minus(pm)45◦ basis distributedbetweenthefourpossiblespatial-polarization (or the right-left circular basis rl), an a a coincidence h v modes by phase-insensitive destructive interference[12]. collapses the state to the middle term of Eq. 2, and the This result has many similarities to the HOM bunching. polarization rotation bunches the b mode photons such 2 a 0.21 v =1 a 0.18 h APD 0.15 z] H =0.8 ∆t e [0.12 c PBS BBO λ/2 den =0.644 Crytal nci0.09 b BBO Mirror Coi =0.6 0.08 h 0.06 b Pump 0.04 v 0.03 0.00 0 1 2 0.00 FIG.1: Theexperimentalsetup. Thepumppulsespasstwice -1000 -500 0 500 1000 through the nonlinear BBO crystal, with a controlled delay Delay [fs] between the passes. Down-converted photons from the first FIG. 2: Measured four-fold coincidence rate (squares) as a pass are re-injected into the crystal together with the pump function of the delay ∆t between two ψ− states. Mode a is second pass. Two BBO crystals are used to compensate for detectedat thehv basisand modeb is at pm. Everypointis temporalwalk-off. Photonsarecoupledthroughnarrowband- integratedover25minutes. Thecurveforthebestfitvalueof pass filters into single-mode fibersand detected byAPDs. α=0.8issolidwhilepredictionsforotherαvaluesareshown as dashed lines. inset: a fine scan around zero delay reveals oscillations. λ/2 that bhbv−−→b2p−b2m. Thus,a four-foldcoincidence ofthe ence of ω∆t between them is [11] forma a b b cannever occur. The same result applies h v p m to any two orthogonal polarization bases due to the ro- 1 tational symmetry of Eq. 2. Nevertheless, when more |ψ2i = 4(L†I +eiω∆tL†II)2|vaci (3) thanonemode arecollectedforeachspatial-polarization mode (as in a double-pass configuration),these four-fold = 1(L†2+2eiω∆tL†L† +e2iω∆tL†2)vac . 4 I I II II | i coincidences can be observed. The roman digits designate a distinguishing quantum In the experiment, we used a PDC source in a double- number. The distinction can be one of many options, pass configuration[11]. The nonlinear crystal is pumped such as the photon wavelength, spatial mode or timing, by 200fs pulses of 390nm wavelength from a doubled as in this double-pass case. The terms that result from Ti:Sapphire laser at a repetition rate of 80MHz. Down- the firstand lastoperatorsin Eq. 3 do notcontribute to convertedphotons from the first pass are redirected into the a a b b four-fold coincidence as they each create a h v p m thecrystal,tomeetagainwiththesamepumppulse. The ψ− state. Keeping the pass number labels and discard- use of a double-pass configuration can introduce distin- 2 ing normalization, the resulting evenly populated state guishability in a controlled way. As the pump back re- terms,thatwouldyieldafour-foldeventwhenobserving flection mirror (See Fig. 1) is translated, the timing ∆t modes a and b at orthogonalpolarization bases are between down-converted photons from the two passes is changed. Thistimingisanextradistinguishingquantum ψ =(a† a† b† b† + a† a† b† b† (4) number that can be varied continuously between turned | 4–foldi h,I v,II p,II m,I h,II v,I p,I m,II a† a† b† b† a† a† b† b† )vac . on (by a delay longer than the coherence length tc) and − h,I v,II p,I m,II − h,II v,I p,II m,I | i off (at zero delay). Becausethesetermsoriginateonlyfromthemiddleterm For a pure ψ− state, no four-fold events can be de- L†L† of Eq. 3, their amplitudes are neither sensitive to 2 I II tected at orthogonal polarization bases and zero delay. the phase ω∆t, nor to the amplitude balance between Nevertheless,when∆t t ,thetemporaldelayaddsdis- the two passes. Like in the HOM bunching experiment, c ≫ tinguishability betweenthe Bellstates fromthe firstand whenthe twoinputstatesareindistinguishable,the pass thesecondpasses,doublesthenumberofcollectedmodes indices are omitted and the amplitude for ψ disap- 4–fold and gives rise to four-fold coincidences. To demonstrate pears. However, the absence of interference in the dis- this, wedefine aladderoperatorL† =(a†b† a†b†)/√2, tinguishablecaserevivesthe four-foldamplitude. As the h v− v h composed of creation operators of the four PDC modes. delay ∆t is scanned the distinguishability is varied, re- The operator L† creates a ψ− state when applied once sulting in a dip for the four-foldcounts, centered at zero 1 to the vacuum and a ψ− state when applied twice. The delay. 2 four-photon state resulting from two passes of a pump Figure 2 shows the four-fold coincidence rate for or- pulse in the down-conversioncrystalwith a phase differ- thogonal polarization bases as a function of the delay 3 between two ψ− states. As predicted, the coincidence 1 1.0 rate has a dip, centered at the zero delay point. The dip width corresponds to the coherence time of the two ψ− 1 z]0.8 states[18]. H s [ Previously, the quality of the two-pairs state was de- ce0.6 n fined by α, the probability for having the ψ− state, as de opposed to two distinguishable ψ1− states[16,219]: Coinci0.4 |ψi=√α|ψ2−i+√1−α|ψ1−,Ii⊗|ψ1−,IIi. (5) 0.2 Thismodelisproblematicifweassumethatitoriginated 0.0 from two modes as in Eq. 3. First, such a state has at -90 -45 0 45 90 least 60% content of ψ−, i.e. α has a non-zero minimal /2 Angle [deg] 2 value. Second, the ψ− content is the sum of two terms, 2 FIG. 3: Four-fold (squares) visibility and its fit (solid lines). ψ2−,Iandψ2−,IIfromthetwomodes(passes). Furthermore, Mode a is detected in the hv basis and mode b is rotated two or more distinguishable modes are possible even for between hv and pm. a single pass. We would like to have a model with arbi- trarynumber ofmodesthat willsupportresultswhereα has lower values and explain the experimental imperfect At large delays ∆t t the two corresponding modes c ≫ interference at the center of the dip. The multi-mode aredistinguishableandEq. 6stillholdswithn replaced d Hamiltonianandthefour-photoncomponentofthestate by 2nd. This case is equivalent to doubling tc (see Ref. produced are [19]). When the delay is not large enough for distin- guishability, the two passes of Eq. 9 interfere and create iκ nd H = nd XcjeiθjL†j +h.c., (6) oEsqc.illa8t.ioTnshebreetfworeee,niznertoheansdinagnle-umpopderebcoausen,dadescfiannedwbilyl j=1 changethemodenumberbetween2and1,thusthefour- 1 1 nd |φ2(nd)i = √C(nd XcjeiθjL†j)2|vaci, (7) fWolhdeenvmenotrceomunotdewsoaurledcporlelesecntetda,tphheasrea-tiendweopuelnddoesnctildlaipte. j=1 between zero and a peak envelope. The insert in Fig. 2 where κ is a coupling constantthat depends on the non- is a fine scan that reveals the expected oscillations. linearity of the crystal and the intensity of the pump Equation 5 is a parameterizationof Eq. 7 for the case pulse, and C is the proper four-photon component nor- of n =2 and different weights, where α= 3 (c4+c4). malization. The distribution of c (real numbers) de- d 16C 1 2 j Thus, the four-fold rate result of Fig. 2 is composed of a termine the number of modes involvedand their relative dipcontributionfromasinglemodeperpasselementand weightsuchthattheiraverageis c =1. Astheoperator h i anoscillatingcontributionfromatwomodesperpassel- L† has two terms, the state of Eq. 7 has 2n2+n non- d d ement. Because the dip result of Fig. 2 was integrated interfering terms (3n originate from (L†)2 terms and d j overalongtime,phasefluctuationsfromexperimentalin- 2nd(nd−1) from L†jL†k), of which only n2d−nd can give stability averaged the oscillating term. Considering this rise to the relevant four-fold events (half of the L†L† model with the averaging effect, the best fit for the dip j k terms). For the simple case of equally weighted modes, data corresponds to α=0.80 0.05. The dashed curves ± the intensity of φ is (2n +1)/(n3), which is higher in Fig. 2 demonstrate the predictions for different α val- | 2i d d forsmallern valuesdue tobetterstimulation. After ro- ues. The dip is sensitive to changes in α and transforms d tation to orthogonal polarization bases, four-fold events into a peak for α.0.64. result only half the time and for the equally weighted Great care has to be taken to ensure that the col- modes case their probability per pump pulse scales as lectedphotonsoriginatedfromasinglemode. Suchmea- sures include wavelength and spatial filtering and com- n 1 d P4(nd)∝ 2n−3 . (8) pensation for temporal and spatial birefringence walk- d offs. Chirped pump pulses are also a source for distin- When only one PDC mode is collectedthere are no such guishability as their duration is longer than their coher- events, and when the mode count increases, the rate encelength[19]. Originally,itwassuggestedtomeasureα peaks for nd = 2 and decays for larger numbers. When throughthe four-fold visibility, i.e. the contrastbetween the time delay ∆t is introduced in the experiment, the four-fold coincidence count rates at similar and orthogo- modenumbernd isdoubledsuchthateachtermfromthe nalpolarizationbases[16]. Previouslypublishedvaluesof first pass correspondsto a delayedterm from the second α are 37% and 83%, in Refs. [16] and [17], respectively. pass. Theresultsofthefour-foldvisibilityofoursetuparepre- 1 sented in Fig. 3. From the data we calculated α=86%. H = (HI+eiω∆tHII) (9) The agreement with the fit value of α = 80 5% from 2 ± 4 (hv,pm) ψ− ψ+ φ− φ+ (pm,rl) ψ− ψ+ φ− φ+ 0.18 ψ− B B B A ψ− B A B B 0.15 ψ+ B B A B ψ+ A B B B φ− B A B B φ− B B B A Hz]0.12 φ+ A B B B φ+ B B A B s [ e c en0.09 TABLE I: Bunching and anti-bunchingof Bell states for two n nci polarization optionsofthemodes(a,b). ThelettersBand A Coi0.06 markbunchingandanti-bunchingcombinations,respectively. 0.03 Eq. 3), unlike any previous experiment. 0.00 In conclusion, we presented the bunching and anti- -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 bunching of two pairs of photons, each in a Bell state. Delay [fs] Onlytheamplitudesofasinglepairfromeachofthetwo FIG.4: Four-fold coincidencerateasafunction ofthedelay crystal passes of a pump pulse contribute to this effect. ∆tbetween aψ− andaφ+ states. Polarization basesandall It was shown how the bunching arises from varying the other parameters are the same as in Fig. 2. Solid line is a number of distinguishable modes by adding a time delay Gaussian fit. Anti-bunchingby a factor of 2.6 is observed. between the two pairs. The bunching contrast was re- lated to the ψ− content of the four photon state. Just 2 the dip data (Fig. 2) and the high α value, suggests the liketheHOMeffectplaysacrucialroleinprojectivemea- validityofourtwomodesperpassanalysisandthe prac- surements and operations between single photons, the tical absence of PDC states with three or more modes. bunchingofBellstatesmightprovetobe ausefultoolin The pure ψ− content α is also bounded from below manipulating and projecting multi-photon states. 2 for finite mode counts higher than two. The minimal value is α =3/(2n +1). Thus, for example, a value min d of 37% indicates the necessary presence of at least four modes. As visibility measurements are usually affected [1] C.K.Hong,Z.Y.OuandL.Mandel,Phys.Rev.Lett.59, bymanyfactors,derivingαfromthe outcomeis notsuf- 2044 (1987). ficient forobtaining the number ofPDC modes collected [2] M.J. Holland and K.Burnett,Phys.Rev.Lett. 71, 1355 in a specific setup. The sensitive bunching measurement (1993). can help to remove this ambiguity. [3] A.N. Boto et al.,Phys. 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