Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Bofu lletin Volume G5 @® 2000 Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Editor-in-Chief: Herbert N. Nigg, Ph.D., University of Florida, 700 Experiment Station Road, Lake Alfred FL 33850, USA: E-mail: [email protected] Founding Editor: John Hylin, Ph.D. Associate Editors: Analytical Methodology: G. A. S. Ansari, Ph.D., Department of Human Biological Chemistry and Genetics, Department of Pathology, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Route F-05, 301 University Blvd., Galveston, TX 77555-0605, USA Aquatic Toxicology—Metals: Judith S. Weis, Ph.D., Department of Biological Sciences, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ 07102, USA; E-mail: [email protected] Aquatic Toxicology—Organics: T. Wayne Schultz, Ph.D., Department of Animal Science, The University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, 2407 River Drive, Knoxville, TN 37996-9500, USA; E-mail: tschultz@ utkux.utcc.utk.edu Environmental Distribution and Human Exposure: John Hylin, Ph.D., Norkons Consultants, P.O. Box 6323, Incline Village, NV 89450, USA. E-mail: JWHYLIN @aol.com General Toxicology: Herbert N. Nigg, Ph.D., University of Florida, 700 Experiment Station Road, Lake Alfred, FL 33850, USA; E-mail: [email protected] Metabolism and Biochemistry: G. A. S. Ansari, Ph.D., Department of Human Biological Chemistry and Genetics, Department of Pathology, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Route F-05, 301 University Blvd., Galveston, TX 77555-0605, USA; E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Wildlife Toxicology: Barry W. Wilson, Ph.D., Department of Environmental Toxicology, Room 4209, Meyer Hall, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA; E-mail: [email protected] Coordinating Board of Editors: George W. Ware, Editor—Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Daniel R. Doerge, Editor—Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Herbert N. Nigg, Editor—Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology S pringer The exclusive copyright for all languages and countries, includ ing the right for photomechanical and any other reproductions also in microform, is transferred to the publisher The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use Printed in U.S.A © 2000 Springer-Verlag New York Inc Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. (2000) 65:821—828 : Environmental 2000 Springer-Verlag New York Inc —————— DOI: 10.1007/s001280000196 éand Toxicology SUBJECT INDEX - VOLUME 65 air pollution and sex ratio VOCs at industrial sites, Taiwan Alachor removal from water Algal toxins in shellfish, Morocco Alphamethrin persistence on mustard Aluminum Ca** distribution in wheat cells Amitraz residues in tea Ammonia shrimp mortality and feeding Apoptosis cypermethrin - induced Arsenic in marine turtles, Italy in Whitewood Creek, South Dakota, USA Azinphosmethyl effect on American robins Benzene Halobacterium response Benzopyrene in sea water and mussels, Japan Bioassay aquatic microcosm for ecotoxicity aquifer contaminant detection automated B-galactosidase for Daphnia correlation of toxicity and AOX, TOC, TN early signs of toxicity Daphnia magna efficiency of Fe complexes enchytraeid as oil test organism estrogen evaluation with a fish cell line glutathione-S-transferase for OPs lead source by isotope ratios lesions in benthic fish mass spectroscopy of pesticides mercury detoxification time micronucleus test for petrochemical waste waters modeling narcotic toxicity to aquatic animals oligochaete contaminant uptake prediction of benzaldehyde partitioning coefficients QSAR of phospholines QSAR of phosphoramidate fungicides Sn in human urine soxhlet, shaking & microwave PCB extraction 821 urine for chlorpyrifos Cadmium effect on plant growth from ceramics to food in lobster, Canada pH and temperature effects on uptake removal in a wetland Captan utilization by bacteria Carbendazim utilization by bacteria Cartap effect on medaka Chloramines toxicity to Daphnia magna Chlorine effect on sludge organisms Chlordane change in glutathione redox Chlorpyrifos in catfish toxicity and bioconcentration in aquatic organisms urine assay Chromium induced tolerance in Pseudomonas in soils Copper in lobster, Canada in soil lethal concentration in fish removal from wastewater Copper Oxychloride toxicity to prawn Cypermethrin apoptosis induction in pulse DDE in bird eggs, California in European kestrel eggs Deltamethrin in pulse Dieldrin dose and tissue levels in magpies in bird eggs, California Dimethylphenyl formamidine metabolism in rat Effluent inhibition of ATPase activity in catfish toxicological assessment, Chile Emerita analoga toxicity responses Endosulfan bioconcentration in fish Estrogen endocrine disruption by hexachlorobenzene evaluation with fish cell line Exposure amitraz residues in tea Cd and Pb from ceramics to food dermatitis and clothing human exposure to organophosphorous insecticides human exposure to soil insecticide drift methylparathion residues in milk & yogurt nickel levels in strawberry, cherry, morello, mulberry organochliorines in umbilical blood Pb & Zn-protoporphyrin sex ratio and air pollution toxins in shellfish, Morocco urine for chlorpyrifos Fluoride removal from water Fluorine defluoridation of groundwater Fly Ash remediation with Cassia surattensis Gadolinium effect on fish antioxidant enzymes Gout tea, coffee and serum uric acid Guthion effect on American robins HCH effect on N,O production Heavy Metal Ag, Cd, Cu, Zn in lobster, Canada Al & Ca** distribution in wheat cells as in Marine turtles As, Se, Hg, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn in Whitewood Creek, South Dakota, USA Cd & Pb from ceramics to food Cd & Pb removal in a wetland Cd, Cu, Hg, Zn in molluscs, Mauritania Cd effect on plant growth Cd uptake & pH & temperature Co, Cu, Pb, Zn in sediments, Baja, California, Mexico Cr induced tolerance in Pseudomonas Cu lethal concentration in fish HgCl, & Ch,HgCl block of sodium transport Hg oxidative stress in Potamogeton crispus in bats in bird eggs, California in Chinese patent medicines in mussels, Morocco in Sand Martin feathers in soils and plants in water, Indonesia in Zn hyperaccumulator lead in Eucalyptus spp mercury detoxification time Mn microcosm effects Ni in fruit Pb effect on corn growth Pb source by isotope ratios Heptachlor change in glutathione redox Herbicide Mutagenic activity Hexachlorobenzene endocrine disruption Hexachlorocyclohexane effect on N,O production Human dermatitis and clothing exposure to organophosphorous pesticides exposure to soil insecticide drift Ni in fruit organochlorines in umbilical blood Pb exposure & Zn-protoporphyrin pesticides and heavy metals in Chinese patent medicines Sn in urine of poisoning case tea, coffee, and serum uric acid Hydrogen Peroxide physiological responses of rice Iron inhibition of ligand complexes Lanthanum effect on fish antioxidant enzymes Lead concentration in Eucalyptus spp effect on growth of corn in bats in Whitewood Creek, South Dakota, USA removal in a wetland transfer from ceramics to food Zn-protoporphyrin as screening test Manganese microcosm effects Mercury in Whitewood Creek, South Dakota, USA oxidative stress in Potamogeton cripus sodium transport block in toad skin time for detoxification Methyl Parathion residues in milk and yogurt Metolachlor mobility in soil Metribuzin in water Monocrotophos bioconcentration in fish Mutagen plant hormones by Ames SOS chromotest N,0 hexachlorocyclohexane effect on production Nickel soil speciation & fruit levels Oligochaete contaminant uptake Organochlorine DDE in European kestrel eggs dieldrin dose & tissue levels in magpies glutathione redox balance & heptachlor, chlordane & toxaphene HCH effect on N.0 production in fish oil & fish liver mass spectroscopy of pesticides residues in water Organophosphate glutathione transferase as biomarker mass spectroscopy of pesticides PAH distribution in landfill Halobacterium response in Arabian Gulf sharks in barnacles, Arabian Gulf in sediments, Italy in sediments, Texas, USA PCB in fish oil and fish liver soxhlet, shaking and microwave extraction Paraquat physiological responses of rice Petroleum Halobacterium response Phosphamidon in zebrafish Phosphine toxicity to golden apple snail Phytotoxicity QSAR of phytotoxic aromatics Profenofos in zebrafish Propanil in water PSP toxin in shellfish, Morocco Pyridaphenthion human exposure QSAR benzanilides to Daphnia magna phospholines phosphoramidate fungicides phytotoxicity to Cucumis sativus Remediation ash dumping area for sheep breeding aromatic utilization by bacteria chlorine effect on sludge organisms Cu removal from water by hydrophytes elemental composition of Zn hyperaccumulator fly ash with Cassia surattensis TNT microbial degradation Sediments P-450 induction in fish PAHs & oxygen compounds, Japan Selenium in Sand Martin feathers in Whitewood Creek, South Dakota, USA Shellfish toxin in Moroccan cockles Silver in lobster, Canada TCE metabolism by fungus Tin in human poisoning case urine TNT microbial degradation Toxaphene change in glutathione redox Trichloroethylene metabolism by white rot fungus Trinitrotoluene microbial degradation Triphenylphosphine Oxide toxicity & bioconcentration in snail Uric acid tea, coffee & serum uric acid Vanadium in hydroil VOC at industrial sites, Taiwan Water alachlor removal ammonia & shrimp mortality & feeding aquifer contaminant detection network as in marine turtles automated B-galactosidase for Daphnia benzopyrene in sea water & mussels, Japan cartap effect on madaka bioassay for early signs of toxicity, D. magna Cd, Cu, Hg, Zn in molluscs, Mauritania Cd, Cu, Zn in mussels, Morocco chloramine toxicity to Daphnia magna chlorpyrifos in aquatic organisms chlorpyrifos in catfish Co, Cu, Pb, Zn in sediments, Baja, California, Mexico Cu lethal concentration in fish Cu removal by hydrophytes defluoridation of groundwater Emerita analoga toxicity responses effluent inhibition of ATPase in catfish effluent toxicity & AOX, TOC, TN effluent toxicological assessment, Chile Enchytraeid as oil test organism fluoride removal genotoxicity of petrochemical waste waters Halobacterium response to petroleum oil hydrocarbons in sediments, Texas, USA lead source by isotope ratios lesions in benthic fish metals in water, Indonesia metolachlor mobility in soil organochlorine residues PAH distribution in landfill PAH in Arabian Gulf sharks PAH in sediments, Italy PAHs and oxygen compounds in sediments, Japan PAHs in Arabian Gulf barnacles prediction of benzaldehyde partitioning coefficients QSAR of benzanilides to Daphnia magna river pollutant evaluation, Niger Delta sediment P-450 induction in fish toxicity of copper oxychloride to prawn vanadium in hydroid Yttrium effect on fish antioxidant enzymes Zinc in lobster, Canada protoporphyrin as lead exposure screen