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Bull Rider PDF

39 Pages·2010·0.164 MB·English
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BULL RIDER Jade Buchanan Dedication To my sister and her friends for a rousing night of partying at our local watering hole, and to the tattooed man I saw that night for inspiring this story. Trademarks Acknowledgement The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction: Ford Super Duty Lariat: Ford Motor Company BULL RIDER Jade Buchanan 236 Chapter One “You’re kidding, right?” Wes Scott angled forward, eating up his co-workers words. He could barely hear Becca over the mayhem around them. Leaning his elbows on the table they were lucky enough to have grabbed, Wes shook his head at the noise. The table overlooked the dance floor, and had the strategic advantage of being right beside one of the five bars inside the place. Wes and Becca were the only ones manning the table while Jayne was out two- stepping, but he expected more people to show up later to keep them company. At least, that’s what they’d told him. This was supposed to be a welcome to Canada party, a little cultural outing for all of them to find out more about the country they’d be living in for a while and the people they’d be working with. It was the only reason he was here tonight having his ears assaulted by the twangy sounds emanating from the band on stage. He wouldn’t have come voluntarily otherwise. Not that he had anything against country music, it just wouldn’t be his first choice. Becca had been in the province for a few months now, but she’d already claimed the Alberta culture as her own. She was originally from Glasgow and she’d already tried to tell him the same story three times now about how Calgary and Glasgow were supposed to be linked. It didn’t make any more sense the last time than it did the first but he’d nodded and smiled anyway. The rest of the blokes he was going to be working with were from all over Britain, all of them coming together here as complete strangers to work at the BFBS Radio Station on BATUS, the British Army Training Unit Suffield located practically in the middle of nowhere. Working at the station was his first posting out of the country—it was practically his first time travelling out of England—but Jayne had assured him they’d be the best of friends by the time they went home. This was her second posting in a foreign country and she’d declared herself the unofficial expert. All the DJ’s were living in Ralston Village, right on the edge of BATUS, but he’d never been more thankful to find out it was only a few hours outside Calgary. Wes was a London boy, himself, and couldn’t imagine living in a small village for any length of time without at BULL RIDER Jade Buchanan 237 least trying to go into town to a nightclub or something. Although, he hadn’t quite imagined this when he’d told Becca and Jayne he wanted to go out somewhere for the night. His first time in a country bar and he would’ve assumed he’d stick out like a sore thumb. He’d worn a grey golf shirt over pressed jeans tonight because it was the only thing remotely country-ish that he owned. Okay, so it wasn’t exactly country-ish, but hell, not like he was going to wear chaps and a cowboy hat. Although, he sure would like to see a few of these guys in arseless chaps. There was something about a cowboy that got his blood stirring. Among other things. Surprisingly, he had to admit he was enjoying himself. He wasn’t much for going to bars, but this was actually fun. It might be more fun if he was drinking but he was trying to make a good impression on his new co-workers. He’d be living with them for the next three years, and while he knew he’d make a fool of himself eventually, he wanted them to at least get a good first impression if he could help it. No point in hitting on a cowboy and getting his arse kicked because he was too drunk to stop himself. He was on his fourth glass of water and it tasted just as bad as the first. Luckily, he was totally getting off on people watching. He’d seen everyone from eighteen year olds to eighty year olds. Most of them were milling around, but a few adventurous souls were out on the dance floor, giving him great pleasure by watching them. Man, some of those people really couldn’t dance. “No, I’m completely serious!” Becca grinned, leaning forward on the opposite side of the table. “She couldn’t sit down for a week without groaning afterward.” “What are we talking about here?” Jayne bounced up from the dance floor, leaning on his shoulder and putting her arm around him. She’d had more than a few drinks already and she was definitely a friendly drunk. Wes frowned, feeling strange for a moment. It felt like someone was watching him, a sensation that was distinctly uncomfortable. He shrugged it off, tuning back in to Becca and her bull riding story. “Marcy rode the bull the last time she was here and she ended up with huge black bruises all up and down the insides of her thighs from clenching it so hard! Can you believe it?” Wes grinned, imagining their straight-laced boss riding the mechanical bull set up across the dance floor from where they were sitting. He’d been watching the people get up BULL RIDER Jade Buchanan 238 on it all night. Something he’d sure as hell never do, but he had to admire the people who tried it. The machine was supposed to simulate the way a bull would move but it didn’t look like it was too comfortable. The thing bucked and turned nonstop, and nearly everyone that had gotten up on it had ended up flying off arse over tit within seconds. Snorting, Jayne leaned further over onto Wes. “That’s nothing. Tony went on it down in Montana and actually held his beer through the whole ride. Said he was bucked off and damned if he didn’t spill a single drop from the bottle.” “Bollocks. No way would anyone let you bring a beer up on one of those.” Becca frowned. “I swear, it’s true! This was in Montana, remember. They do things different down there.” “Right, and you’re going to tell me Tony wasn’t completely arseholed? I bet he was too drunk to even remember the night.” Wes rolled his eyes at the banter between the two women. The strange sensation came to him again, he felt like he was being watched. He finally looked over to his left, across the dance floor to where the mechanical bull was bucking off it’s latest victim. A man was staring at him, just about boring holes through him in fact. He was big, towering over the people around him. A green T-shirt stretched over his mammoth chest, and his burly arms were crossed. Scrolling thick black tattoos were visible on his forearms and what there was to see of his biceps. Wes swallowed. Hard. The man was wearing a pair of jeans, and his thighs practically strained the material. Wes wondered if he found it hard to buy jeans that big. Christ, this guy was something else. So why was he glaring at Wes? Wes turned around, trying to discover if there was something else the guy might be looking at. Jayne took that moment to burst out laughing, and the man’s frown deepened. Ah, that explained it. The guy probably wanted to get with Jayne and was pissed because Wes was sitting with her. Wasn’t that just his luck? Why were all the good looking guys married or straight? BULL RIDER Jade Buchanan 239 At least, the good looking guys that were Wes’ type were all straight. Call him crazy, but there was just something about a big, burly, motorcycle-riding, muscle-bound, dominant top that plain did it for Wes. Unfortunately, on the off chance there were any gay big, burly motorcycle-riding, muscle-bound, dominant tops in the area, they probably didn’t go for the scholarly, former swim captain type of guy that Wes was. Especially considering he wasn’t from around here. It was a crying shame. Really. It wasn’t that he was ugly or anything. He was just pretty average in both height and looks. In his opinion, of course. Although, he hadn’t really had anyone express differently. He just wasn’t the type of guy that got mooned over. It was probably the dishwater dark blond hair and plain brown eyes that did it. Or the fact that while he may be in good shape, he wasn’t the tallest of blokes. Sighing, Wes stood up, shaking off Jayne’s arm. “I’m off to find the little boy’s room.” Becca waved him off, turning to talk to Jayne. The other woman giggled, leaping up to hug Wes and place a sloppy kiss on his cheek. Wes chuckled, finally getting out of her hold. Manoeuvring through the packed crowd, he did his best to avoid any collisions. Within a few minutes he was beside the mechanical bull, and the men’s washroom set up behind it. He stopped to let a couple walk in front of him. Shaking his head at the man stumbling around and hanging onto his date, Wes had to hold back his laughter. Why did people insist on getting fall-down drunk in public? Heat seared his back. He was pulled in tight to the body behind him by a rough grip on his hip. Wes gasped, trying to get out of the way. “Wanna ride the Bull?” A man whispered in his ear, his breath ghosting over Wes’ neck. Wes went still, shuddering when the grip at his hip tightened. He glanced over his shoulder, only to find the man from before standing behind him. This close to the other man it was very apparent how handsome he was. Not Hollywood standards handsome, but just the type to entice Wes. Lowered lids over brown eyes so dark they appeared black, firm lips, strong cheekbones. Wes was held so tightly to the bigger man there was barely a breath between them. He hastily looked around but it was so packed around the mechanical bull that no one would BULL RIDER Jade Buchanan 240 notice how close they were. Cowboys weren’t really known for being accepting of two men together. He’d watched Brokeback Mountain just like every other happy gay boy. But damn, he could feel every muscle in the man’s chest when he inhaled, the hard ridge of his cock pressing against Wes’ lower back. The man’s breath wafted over Wes’ hair, sweet smelling. He didn’t smell like he’d been drinking. No, he smelled like…Wes sniffed, leaning back slightly and letting the man take his weight. He smelled like almonds. The man growled, sliding his hand around until his hot palm was pressed against Wes’ belly. Butterflies took up residence behind his hand, dancing along Wes’ stomach. “Well?” The raspy voice sounded again, vibrating through Wes’ body. Wes started, realising he hadn’t answered the man’s first question. “The bull?” “You’ve been looking over here, so I’m guessing you need a long hard ride to satisfy you. I can give you that, and more.” “Uh, oh, I don’t…I mean, I wouldn’t. That’s not really my thing. Riding bulls…” “It’ll be your thing before the night is out, sweet. Don’t you worry about that.” Wes panted, not sure what they were talking about anymore. He was asking about the mechanical bull, wasn’t he? “I, uh, I wouldn’t want to do it with all these people watching.” “That right? If you want privacy, I can take you somewhere, sweet. Just say the words.” The man rumbled, thrusting his hips against Wes’ back. He inhaled again, his brawny chest moving against Wes and just about throwing him off balance. “I don’t even know you. Your name.” Wes tried to think. He wanted nothing more than to get down on his knees and forget himself, but he didn’t think the patrons around them would appreciate it. “Bull.” “What?” “My name.” Wes stiffened. “Wanna ride the Bull?” Good grief, the guy had been talking about himself. “Is that a joke?” Bull chuckled, tightening his hold on Wes. He hadn’t thought that was possible, but the strength in Bull’s arm definitely drew them closer together. They swayed in the crowd, Wes only barely aware of the people walking around them. “Isaac Fintan, at your service. Or, better yet, you’re at my service. Would you like that?” “Isaac?” BULL RIDER Jade Buchanan 241 “My friends call me Bull. Believe me, before tonight’s over, you’ll be screaming it out.” Wes shuddered. What was wrong with him? If anyone else uttered those words he’d be rolling his eyes at the utter ridiculousness of the statement. Ego much? But there was something about Bull that had him holding his tongue. Some sense that Bull wasn’t bluffing, that he really would take Wes places he’d never been before. This man was everything physically he’d ever been attracted to. Enormous, tough, dominant. Sexual. Fuck, was he ever sexual. Arching his back, Wes pressed back against that hard ridge that held so much promise. He was betting that was all Bull, no stuffing required for this guy. “And what’s your name, sweet?” “Wes. Wesley Scott. Uh, don’t…it’s just Wes. Nobody calls me Wesley. Well, except for my Ma.” “Yeah? Well, Wesley? You ready to go somewhere and get to know each other?” “I-I can’t. I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m here with someone.” Bull purred, smoothing his palm down until he cupped Wes’ erection in his big palm. “This because of me?” “Fuck, please.” Wes whimpered, wishing he could give in but knowing it wasn’t like him at all. He thanked the stars he’d been drinking water. If he was this bowled over, he couldn’t imagine what would’ve happened if he’d been drinking something harder. His mind was clouded enough with just the scent of Bull. “Who is she?” “Who?” “The girl you’re with. The one who can’t keep her hands to herself.” Despite his painful arousal, Wes chuckled. “Look who’s talking.” “Don’t tease me. I’m probably taking this too fast, but I’ve been sitting over here watching her touch you, and it’s been driving me fucking crazy. Who is she?” “A friend. Co-worker, to be exact. I’m not exactly interested in the equipment she’s got.” “That right?” Satisfaction rang in Bull’s voice. The big man shuddered, releasing Wes from his hold. “Damn, just the thought of you and her. I shouldn’t have, I didn’t mean to come on that strong.” BULL RIDER Jade Buchanan 242 Wes turned around, facing Bull directly. “Hey, find me in an hour and we’ll talk again. I’m new here and it probably isn’t a good idea to just skip out on my friends when we’re supposed to be bonding.” “Hmm, I can do that. I’d prefer for us to be doing a bit of bonding, but I’ll wait.” “Yeah?” Wes grinned happily. Bull leaned down, capturing Wes’ lips with his own. They clung to each other, Bull thrusting his tongue in to lick along Wes’ teeth. Parting, Wes quickly looked around. They were in a cowboy bar, for God’s sake. The few men that’d been staring quickly looked away when Bull snarled. “Find me later?” “Count on it.” Wes stepped away, making his way back to his table, trying not to look back. When he reached Becca and Jayne, he couldn’t resist. Turning, he spied Bull staring at him, watching him closely. Blushing, Wes sat down. “Sooo, thought you were going to the little boy’s room. Sure didn’t look like you got there.” Humour rang out in Becca’s voice. “Yeah, well...” “Oh my God, that was hot! Do it again!” Jayne giggled. Grinning, Becca licked her lips. “Bet Wes wants to get his oats with that one.” “Hey, if you don’t make it with Burly over there, I have the perfect guy for you. My cousin Dave’s quite the looker.” Wes dropped his head to the table with a thunk, ignoring the peal of giggles that set off. He just needed to find a way to survive the next few hours. BULL RIDER Jade Buchanan 243 Chapter Two He couldn’t help himself. Every few minutes his gaze was drawn again and again to the hard figure standing across the dance floor. Even when the rest of his new co-workers arrived, he still kept his eye on Bull. He couldn’t believe he was even contemplating going over and letting Bull do exactly what his gaze had been promising for the last hour. Yet, here he was, holding onto yet another glass of horrid water and wondering where he could find condoms in this place. They must have them, because he definitely didn’t. Wes couldn’t exactly remember the last time he’d had a one night stand with someone and while he’d always been careful with his boyfriends in the past he hadn’t expected to hook up his first week overseas. Maybe Bull would know. He certainly still looked like he was interested, Wes hadn’t caught him even glancing at anyone else. Even when the horny redhead tried to flirt with him, Bull had just sat there calmly, ignoring the girl. Of course, that could have been because he didn’t swing that way himself, but the way the girl was packed into her jeans even Wes had looked at her twice. Despite Jayne and Becca teasing him mercilessly, he wasn’t sure it was a good idea to take Bull up on his proposition. They’d have to go somewhere else, since this wasn’t the type of place they could find a dark corner in. “Hey, handsome, you aren’t actually going to let tall, dark and studly walk away, are you?” Wes frowned at Jayne, confused. When she pointed across the dance floor, he whipped his head around, realising Bull was gone. It wasn’t as if he knew the guy. If he wasn’t actually interested in Wes, who cared? Sighing, Wes tried to ignore the fact that he did care and it did hurt. “Come on, up with you. We’re going dancing. That’ll cheer you up.” Letting Jayne guide him onto the dance floor, Wes lost himself in the music for a few minutes. He didn’t know the steps at all, and kept tripping over Jayne’s feet, but she didn’t seem to care too much. Losing his grip when he tried to twirl her, bouncing off a man and his partner behind him, Wes stumbled.

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